Juvenile Justice (CrJu2070)

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Learning techniques of interviewing for jobs is part of institutional ________ programs.

The central guiding vision that unites screening, assessment, case planning, treatment, transition, and aftercare

What does an integrated treatment model provide?

Outward Bound

What is the best-known survival program?

To learn responsible and pro-social behavior

What is the expected offender response to the errors in thinking approach?

The welfare of victims in the aftermath of crime

What is the focus of restorative justice?

Victim-offender conferencing and community restitution

What is the most popular of the restorative strategies?

It should be decided on a case-by-case basis

What is the opinion of the Supreme Court in Gagnon v. Scarpelli regarding the right to counsel in parole revocation cases?

Institutional security

What is the primary emphasis in medium- and maximum-security training schools?


What is the prime goal of incarcerated youth?

Whether the order of the district court can withstand the assault against it

What may affect future considerations of confined juveniles' right to treatment?

Guided Group Interaction (GGI)

What popular treatment method expects group members to support, confront, and be honest with one another so that they may be helped in dealing with their own problems?

Lifeskills '95

What program begins with a thirteen-week reintegration treatment program that attempts to improve offenders' basic socialization skills, to stop their use or abuse of drugs, and to provide them with employment and/or an educational opportunity?

The number of successful reported attempts contradicted the "nothing works" hypothesis.

What was the finding of Gendreau and Ross about the offender rehabilitation literature and the attempts to reduce delinquent behavior?

It equated probation with parole in terms of a revocation hearing

What was the significance of the Gagnon v. Scarpelli decision?

Transactional analysis

Which from the following types of treatments is most likely to result in offenders learning a new approach to interpersonal relationships?

They need to visit their probation officers at least once a month.

Which of the following applies to offenders on medium supervision status?

Case Management Inventory

Which of the following assessment tools is linked to the risk and need principles, and to responsivity?

Midwestern Prevention Project (MPP)

Which of the following community-based programs' central component is school-based intervention?

Great, intelligent, independent

Which of the following descriptors are linked to positive behaviors in positive peer culture?

Juvenile drug court

Which of the following has a goal of promoting accountability of both juvenile offenders and those who provide services to them?

They target specific dynamic and criminogenic characteristics

Which of the following is a common characteristic of successful intervention strategies?

A large proportion of offenders now incarcerated could be placed on probation without any change in the recidivism rates.

Which of the following is a conclusion of Douglas Lipton and colleagues' work review on the study of adult and juvenile probation?

Agencies are too far removed from the institutions to know what is happening on the inside

Which of the following is a disadvantage of setting up independent agencies for releasing youths from training centers?

Probation subsidy

________ refers to the state's encouragement of less commitment of offenders who then return the saved funds to the counties.

Male and older

Juvenile offenders returned to the community every year are mostly ________.

Match the severity of the punishment to the severity of the crime.

What do intermediate sanctions allow a judge to do?

Because aftercare involves much more than "after an offender is released"

Why is the term aftercare a misnomer?

A method of waiver

A statute that simply states that anyone who commits a specific crime may be tried in adult court is ____________________.


A New Mexico judge got the idea for electronic monitoring from which comic strip superhero?

Youthful offender program

A ________ is a system that provides a mechanism that allows states to impose strict, adult sanctions on juveniles convicted of violent offenses, while maintaining a rehabilitation focus.

Weak controls

A basic assumption of the Intensive Aftercare Program is that serious and chronic delinquency is related to ________.

In reducing rates of recidivism

A meta-analysis of sixty-nine studies covering both behavior and cognitive-behavioral problems determined that the cognitive-behavior programs are more effective ________.

Team probation

A popular means of probation for some departments has been ______________, in which members are usually specialists in "needs subsystems."


A preliminary investigation is conducted by probation officers at or during ________.

Social control

A probation officer is expected to be a treatment agent as well as an agent of ________________.


About how many juveniles were locked up each year during the 1970s?

Middle-class juveniles of above average intelligence and adults

According to Scott and Grisso, cognitive reasoning is most similar between ________.

More programs based on better program design that ensure higher program integrity

According to the authors, which of the following would likely improve the quality of institutional treatment?


According to the text, the state imprisoning the most juveniles is ________.

Provides a comprehensive strategy for dealing with troubled youths

An advantage of guided group interaction is that it ________.

A youthful offender system

An intermediate system between the juvenile and adult systems may be called which of the following?


Basic goals of training schools as identified by Street, Vinter, and Perrow include ________.

Designed for offenders who have failed with lesser sanctions

Boot camps generally are ________.

Small caseloads

By the end of the 1980s, juvenile judges across the nation were commonly placing high-risk offenders on ________________.

High-risk juveniles who commit violent acts

Consensus emerged in the 1990s that the major emphasis of prevention and diversion ought to be placed on ________.

Juvenile lifers generally experienced significant social and economic disadvantage in their homes and communities.

Findings from a national survey on juvenile lifers suggest which of the following?

An offender whose probation was revoked without a hearing

Gagnon v. Scarpelli involved _____________________________.

Non-authoritarian atmosphere

Guided group interaction is characterized by ________.

Mental retardation

In Atkins v. Virginia, the Supreme Court stated that ________ is a mitigating factor.

A hearing before an uninvolved hearing officer

In Chief Justice Warren Burger's opinion, the first requirement of due process for parole revocation is ________.

Everything said should be under oath

In a probable-cause hearing, _____________________.


In the 1700s, the founding fathers replaced punishment of juveniles with a ________ orientation.

The age of a minor is a relevant mitigating factor in considering the death penalty

In the Eddings v. Oklahoma case, the Supreme Court held that ________.

Male sexual

In training schools for girls, aggressive girls tended to adopt ________ roles.

Jackson v. Hobbs

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court decide that juveniles under the age of eighteen could not be sentenced to life without parole when they committed a homicide?

Mempa v. Rhay

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that state probationers had the right to a hearing and counsel when accused of probation violations?

Morgan v. Sproat

In which of the following cases did the court find that youths were confined in padded cells with no windows or furnishings and only flush holes for toilets?

The Inmates of the Boys' Training School v. Affleck

In which of the following cases did the court grant a right to rehabilitative treatment?

The "nothing works" stage

In which stage did Robert Martinson pronounce that "with few and isolated exceptions, the rehabilitative efforts that have been reported so far have had no appreciable effect on recidivism"?


In which state, can a court sentence a juvenile to serve time in a juvenile facility followed by additional time in an adult facility once the juvenile becomes an adult?

Changing the offender's behavior

Intervention strategies seek to prevent delinquency by _________.


It is recommended that juvenile facility managers make the institutional environment ________ for youths and staff.

They want to go (their vision)

It is recommended that juvenile facility managers should determine where ______________________ and how they want to get there.


More states waive juveniles to the adult court at the age of ________ than any other age.

First-time offenders

Most teen courts are used as a sentencing option for ________.

Due process

Murray v. Page set the rationale for the ________ model.

May not be sentenced to life in prison without parole for any crime short of homicide

On May 18, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that juveniles _______________________.


Probation accounts for approximately what percent of juvenile dispositions?

Early termination of a youth's aftercare program and return to the institution

Revocation of aftercare because of a felony likely results in ________.

Statutory exclusion

Some states have a __________________________ of certain offenses from juvenile court, thereby automatically transferring perpetrators of those offenses to adult court.


States that use ________ sentencing for juveniles usually have determined the time of institutional release when the youth is committed to training school.

Provide different services and programs to offenders on probation

The "reasonable efforts" doctrine calls for probation officers to ________.

Over age twenty-five

The Cognitive Thinking Skill Program seems to be most effective with offenders ________.

Cruel and unusual punishment

The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution deals with________.

Reintegrative process

The Intensive Aftercare Program model focuses on ________.

Community, victim, and offender

The balanced approach in probation focuses on ________.

Prevention of recidivism

The evaluation of adult ISPs in adult probation has received encouraging results in ____________________.


The first step toward treatment in juvenile corrections in the twentieth century was ________.

Shaw; McKay

The founders of the Chicago Area Projects were ________ and ________.

Pessimism and discouragement

The general mood regarding offender rehabilitation in the late 1970s and early 1980s was one of ________.

Care for one another

The main philosophy of positive peer culture is to "turn around" the negative peer culture and to mobilize the power of the peer group in a positive way by teaching group members to ________.

Medium- and maximum-security training schools

The most adequate and varied programs for juveniles may be found in ________.

A dramatic improvement of communication and coordination between institutional and aftercare staff

The results of the first five years of implementation of IAP (1995-2000) reveal ________.

Serious Youthful Offender

The term "extended jurisdiction juvenile" was a relabeling of what category set forth by the Minnesota Juvenile Justice Task Force?

Decide who will be placed in community facilities.

To break down community resistance, what should a well-developed plan for community-based programs accomplish?

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS)

What comprehensive program for promoting social and emotional competencies focuses on the understanding, expression, and regulation of emotions?

Twelve percent of youth in state facilities and large non-state facilities reported one or more incidents of sexual victimization

Which of the following is a finding of the 2010 survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics on sexual victimization in juvenile facilities?

Negative youth culture described in the 1976 study still thrived

Which of the following is a finding of the fifteen-year follow-up evaluation by Miller, Bartollas, and Dinitz?

Residents are reluctant to share their inner thoughts with their therapists.

Which of the following is a fundamental limitation of insight-based therapy?

Written notice of the claimed violation of parole

Which of the following is a minimum requirement of parole-related due process?

An appetite for drugs and alcohol

Which of the following is a personal factor for the failure of aftercare?

Assessing the offender's ability to pay

Which of the following is a responsibility of a juvenile probation officer when it comes to making restitution and community service work?

Right to refuse treatment

Which of the following is a right received by confined juveniles?


Which of the following is an example of temporary-care facilities?

Project New Pride was one of the most unpromising programs

Which of the following is an incorrect statement concerning day treatment programs?

Urinalysis testing

Which of the following is considered more of a law enforcement role of probation officers?

Evaluate adult ISPs in adult probation.

Which of the following is not a duty of a juvenile probation officer?

They provide a forum for local residents to become acquainted with new scientific perspectives on childbearing and child welfare.

Which of the following is one of the three basic goals of the Chicago Area Projects?

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America

Which of the following is the best-known and largest mentoring program in the nation?

To shock youthful offenders to prevent them from committing further crimes

Which of the following is the intent of boot camps?

Improving program effectiveness requires that program designs be based on theoretical premises.

Which of the following is true about the strategies to improve effectiveness of correctional programs?

Programs generally lack integrity.

Which of the following is true about treatment effectiveness?

Some states allow judges to impose both an adult and a juvenile sentence concurrently.

Which of the following is true of the juvenile blended sentence?

Reception and diagnostic centers

Which of the following long-term confinement options is aimed at determining the treatment plan that suits adjudicated juveniles?

To get all involved parties to resolve differences without court involvement

Which of the following most accurately states the purpose of juvenile mediation programs?


Which of the following motivated reformers to establish houses of refuge?

Small facilities that serve between 13 to 35 youths, divided into two or more groups

Which of the following options best describes the term "group residence"?

Community corrections acts

Which of the following provides for a state subsidy to any county or group of counties that chooses to develop its own community corrections system?

Volunteers are usually negative about the service they provide.

Which of the following statements about volunteers is incorrect?

A successful probation practice makes penalties harsh in order to reduce recidivism.

Which of the following statements is inaccurate?

Juveniles released from training schools are even less prepared for community living than they were in the past.

Which of the following statements is the most true?

A juvenile could be sentenced to up to five years of probation in Illinois.

Which of the following statements is true?

Once a site for a community-based program has been chosen, some of the parties involved feel it is dishonest to keep it a secret from the community

Which of the following statements is true?

It allowed probationers to escape punishment.

Which of the following was a criticism of probation in the 1990s?

They are substantially different from adults in moral, cognitive, and social development.

Which of the following would be a legitimate argument in favor of juveniles' diminished responsibility?

Juveniles are immature.

Which of the following would support the argument for diminished responsibility?

Programs should relax the rules and provide opportunities for decision making without consequences.

Which one of the following would be an inaccurate statement about a youthful offender program?

Anthony M. Kennedy

Who said that states must provide juveniles who receive lengthy sentences a "meaningful" chance at some point to show that they should be released?

So that residents can see themselves and their problems more realistically

Why do Insight-based therapists utilize insight, persuasion, suggestion, reinsurance, and instruction?

Budget problems

Why have privately run correctional services been emerging recently?

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