KAAP Exam 5

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Which is correct regarding neurotransmitter release in the sympathetic division? A) Norepinephrine and epinephrine interact with adrenergic receptors in the plasma membrane. B) It never involves activation of G proteins. C) Neurotransmitter release always involves muscarinic receptors. D) Their receptors are located on the surfaces of all postganglionic cells and at neuromuscular junctions of the SNS.

A) Norepinephrine and epinephrine interact with adrenergic receptors in the plasma membrane.

Chemoreceptors of the carotid bodies function via which cranial nerve to trigger reflexive adjustments in respiratory and cardiovascular activity? A) CN IX B) CN III C) CN X D) CN VII


Which cranial nerve provides roughly 75 percent of all parasympathetic outflow? A) CN VII B) CN X C) CN III D) CN IX


What is the target organ for Otic ganglia?

Parotid salivary glands

What is the target organ for intramural ganglia?

visceral organs of the neck, thoracic cavity, most of abdominal cavity, and visceral organs in inferior portion of abdominopelvic cavity.

Beta receptors

greater response to epinephrine than norepinephrine, activate cAMP

Alpha receptors

greater response to norepinephrine than epinephrine, can inhibit cell activity

For distant vision, which event is true? A) The ciliary muscle relaxes. B) The lens is rounded. C) The refractive power of the lens increases. D) The ciliary body moves toward the lens.

A) The ciliary muscle relaxes.

A sudden decline in blood pressure in the carotid artery is a stimulus for which visceral reflex? A) cardioacceleratory reflex B) pupillary reflex C) vasomotor reflex D) baroreceptor reflex

A) cardioacceleratory reflex

Which of the following might result from activation of a beta receptor? A) increased heart rate B) increased fat storage C) contraction of smooth muscle D) initiation of an action potential

A) increased heart rate

The tensor tympani muscle: A) inserts on the "handle" of the malleus. B) permits the equalization of pressures on either side of the tympanic membrane. C) originates from the posterior wall of the middle ear and inserts on the stapes. D) attaches at three points to the interior surface of the tympanic membrane.

A) inserts on the "handle" of the malleus.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS: A) may work together, each controlling a stage of a complex process. B) always have opposing effects. C) never innervate the same organ. D) cannot work independently.

A) may work together, each controlling a stage of a complex process.

Regarding the dual autonomic innervation of the heart, __________. A) parasympathetic effects predominate at rest B) decreased parasympathetic stimulation lowers the heart rate C) sympathetic stimulation decreases the heart rate D) increased sympathetic stimulation combined with parasympathetic inhibition results in a decrease in heart rate

A) parasympathetic effects predominate at rest

Which structure contain receptors sensitive to linear acceleration? A) utricle B) semicircular ducts C) tympanic membrane D) cochlear duct

A) utricle

Which of the following is a characteristic of the dilator pupillae muscles? A) Increased light intensity activates the dilator pupillae muscles. B) Contraction of these muscles increases the diameter of the pupil. C) These muscles form a series of concentric circles around the pupil. D) Contraction of these muscles decreases the diameter of the pupil.

B) Contraction of these muscles increases the diameter of the pupil.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the olfactory organ that allows us to detect odorants we come in contact with? A) The olfactory organ primarily consists of thousands of neurons whose dendrites are very long and project from the roof of the nasal cavity into the air moving into the respiratory system. B) The olfactory epithelium contains millions of modified neurons with multiple cilia-like dendrites that project into the surface mucus layer. C) The sense of smell deteriorates throughout life because the olfactory organ has no way of regenerating itself once the neurons have been damaged or die. D) Olfactory organs are found throughout the mucus membrane of the entire nasal cavity.

B) The olfactory epithelium contains millions of modified neurons with multiple cilia-like dendrites that project into the surface mucus layer.

Choose the correct statement regarding photoreception. A) The inner segment of a photoreceptor contains flattened membranous plates that contain the visual pigments. B) The pigment epithelium absorbs photons that are not absorbed by visual pigments. C) Each photoreceptor synapses with an amacrine cell. D) The outer segment contains the photoreceptor's major organelles.

B) The pigment epithelium absorbs photons that are not absorbed by visual pigments.

Aqueous humor forms through active secretion by epithelial cells of which of the following? A) canal of Schlemm B) ciliary body C) ora serrata D) choroid

B) ciliary body

Which of the following develop(s) into photoreceptors? A) the neural tissue of the outer wall of the optic cup B) ependymal cells on the outer wall of the optic cup C) mesoderm aggregating around the optic cup D) ependymal cells on the inner wall of the optic cup

B) ependymal cells on the outer wall of the optic cup

Nuclei in which structure(s) control basic visceral reflex patterns? A) cerebral cortex B) spinal cord and brain stem C) limbic system D) hypothalamus

B) spinal cord and brain stem

Which statement correctly describes the process that occurs when light strikes a visual pigment? A) Opsin activation changes the permeability of the outer segment to potassium. B) On absorbing light, retinal changes to a more circular shape. C) Bleaching occurs when the rhodopsin molecule breaks down into retinal and opsin. D) The location of the stimulated horizontal cells indicates the specific portion of the retina stimulated by the arriving photons.

C) Bleaching occurs when the rhodopsin molecule breaks down into retinal and opsin.

What would happen to a cell exposed to the toxins in tobacco smoke if it had the right receptors to respond? A) It would decrease its activity. B) Levels of cAMP would increase. C) Ion channels would open. D) It would activate or inactivate an enzyme.

C) Ion channels would open.

Which of the following receptor types would respond most strongly to norepinephrine? A) beta receptors B) muscarinic receptors C) alpha receptors D) nicotinic receptors

C) alpha receptors

Myopia __________. A) is the term for the normal healthy eye B) occurs if the eyeball is too shallow or the lens is too flat C) can be treated by placing a diverging lens in front of the eye D) can be corrected by placing a converging lens in front of the eye

C) can be treated by placing a diverging lens in front of the eye

Which gustatory receptors are sodium ion leak channels? A) sweet receptors B) umami receptors C) salt receptors D) bitter receptors

C) salt receptors

Which of the following choices best describes the correct sequence of the nervous pathway structures for the sense of smell? A) Olfactory receptors, olfactory bulb, thalamus, olfactory tract, olfactory cortex B) Olfactory receptors, olfactory tract, olfactory bulb, olfactory cortex C) Olfactory tract, olfactory bulb, olfactory receptors, hypothalamus, olfactory cortex D) Olfactory receptors, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory cortex

D) Olfactory receptors, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory cortex

In order to perceive a "smell," certain components must be present to transmit an olfactory message to the brain. Which of the following components is NOT required? A) Cyclic AMP opening sodium channels in the receptor membrane B) Receptor proteins in the receptor cell membrane C) The enzyme adenylate cyclase D) Potassium channels in the olfactory receptor cell membrane

D) Potassium channels in the olfactory receptor cell membrane

Which statement is true regarding the ANS? A) There is a single lower motor neuron in the autonomic centers of the ANS. B) The cell bodies of the upper motor neurons lie within the nuclei of the brain or at the primary motor cortex. C) Ganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia control skeletal muscles. D) The integrative centers for autonomic activity are located in the hypothalamus.

D) The integrative centers for autonomic activity are located in the hypothalamus.

Which is a characteristic of the parasympathetic division of the ANS? A) Postganglionic fibers are generally long. B) PNS ganglia are located near the vertebral column. C) Preganglionic fibers are generally short. D) The location of PNS ganglia is typically intramural.

D) The location of PNS ganglia is typically intramural.

What occurs when the head is in the normal, upright position? A) The otoliths are shifted to the side. B) Otoliths distort the hair cell processes. C) Receptor output increases. D) The otoliths push the hair cell processes down.

D) The otoliths push the hair cell processes down.

Which structure supports the lens and controls its shape? A) choroid B) neural tunic C) ora serrata D) ciliary body

D) ciliary body

Which of the following monitors body position and motion? A) projection fibers B) hair cells along the basilar membrane C) sensory neurons whose cell bodies are in the adjacent spiral ganglion D) hair cells of the vestibule and semicircular ducts

D) hair cells of the vestibule and semicircular ducts

Activation of the parasympathetic division of the ANS results in __________. A) activation of sweat glands B) increased metabolic rate C) reduced digestive and urinary functions D) increased motility and blood flow in the digestive tract

D) increased motility and blood flow in the digestive tract

Which structure is continuous with the very delicate corneal epithelium that covers the surface of the cornea? A) medial angle of the eye B) palpebral conjunctiva C) fornix D) ocular conjunctiva

D) ocular conjunctiva

What is the target organ for ciliary ganglia?

Intrinsic eye muscles (pupil and lens shape).

Nicotinic receptors

Ion channels, found in sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways

What is the target organ for Pterygopalatine / Submandibular Ganglia?

Nasal glands, tear glands, and salivary glands

muscarinic receptors

affect enzyme activity, found at target organ in parasympathetic pathways.

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