KEEP ch 6 Mckinley" and 1 other

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Sweat glands contain ----cells, which are specialized epithelial cells that can contract to squeeze the gland, causing it to discharge accumulated secretions.

papillary layer

The -- -- of the dermis is the superficial layer of the dermis, internal to the epidermis and is composed of areolar connective tissue

20 to 30

The stratum corneum consists of --- to --- layers of dead, anucleate keratinized cells and is the most superficial epidermal layer


The stratum granulosum consists of --- to __ layers of keratinocytes and is superficial to the stratum spinosum

2 to 3

The stratum lucidum consists of -- to --- cell layers and is superficial to the stratum granulosum

epidermal dendritic cells

The stratum spinosum contains --- --- ---, also called Langerhans cells

areolar and adipose

The subcutaneous layer consists of --- and ---connective tissue, which is deeply interwoven with the reticular layer of the dermis.

benign basal cell carcinoma, the squamous cell carcinoma, and the malignant melanoma

The three main types of skin cancer are


acts as a lubricant to keep the skin and hair from becoming dry, brittle, and cracked, as well as possessing bactericidal properties

the subcutaneous layer or hypodermis is made up of two types of connective tissue: ______ and ______

areolar, adipose

since there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, where does its supply of nutrients come from?

blood vessels in dermis

immune cells found in the epidermis are called _______

epidermal dendritic

in addition to keratinocytes, the stratum spinosum also contains another epidermal cell type called ______ ______ cells. these cells are ______ cells that help fight the invasion of microbes

epidermal dendritic; immune

third-degree burns involve the ______, dermis, and ______ layer, which often are destroyed.

epidermis, subcutaneous

fingerprints are useful as a forensic tool because each individual has a unique patter of ______

friction ridges


glands are holocrine glands that produce an oily, waxy secretion called sebum that is usually discharged onto a hair follicle.


glands are modified sweat glands located only in the ear canal, where their secretion forms a waterproof earwax called cerumen


glands are stimulated by hormones and become most active during puberty.

the vascular connective tissue that initially forms in a healing wound is called ______

granulation tissue


is a bright red protein in red blood cells, which gives the blood vessels of the dermis a reddish tint.


is a yellow-orange pigment that accumulates inside keratinocytes of the stratum corneum and subcutaneous fat.


is found in a variety of colors, including black, brown, tan, and yellow-brown.


is the process by which keratinocytes fill up with keratin, causing the cell's nucleus and organelles to disintegrate, resulting in the death of the cell.

within the stratum granulosum begins a process called ________ by which the keratinocytes fill up with the protein ______

keratinization, keratin

the whitish semilunar area of the proximal end of the nail is called the


scattered among the cells of the stratum basale are cells that are sensitive to touch. these sensory cells are called ______ cells.

merkel or tactile



the skin houses two type of general exocrine glands: ______ glands and ______ glands

sebaceous, sweat

the secretions of sebaceous glands, called ______ is usually deposited into a ______

sebum, hair follicle

apocrine sweat glands are classified as ______ glands

simple, coiled, tubular

after a stem cell divides in the stratum basale, the resulting daughter cell enters the stratum ______ and it begins to lose it ability to ______

spinosum, divide


sweat glands become active beginning around puberty.

differences in hair density are due primarily to differences in its ______ and ______

texture, pigmentation

the major functions of merocrine sweat glands are ______

thermoregulation, protection, secretion

friction ridges assume the shapes of complex arches and whorls in ______ skin


Arrector pili

--- --- are thin ribbons of muscle that elevate the hair when stimulated


--- are scattered among the keratinocytes of the stratum basale. produce and store the pigment melanin in response to ultraviolet light.

Tactile cells

--- are sensitive to touch and release chemicals that stimulate sensory nerve endings

Sweat glands

--- glands consist of a coiled, tubular secretory portion located in the reticular layer of the dermis called the sweat gland duct.


---- are named for the protein keratin, which strengthens the epidermis. stem cells, which divide to generate new cells that replace dead cells shed from the surface


---- hair, which is longer and coarser than vellus hair


---- hair, which is the primary human hair

healing of second degree burns takes approximately ______ weeks, and slight scarring may occur


keratinocytes of the epidermis are usually present for about ______ weeks



Acute treatment for --- involves managing fluid loss, relieving swelling, pain management, debridement, controlling infection, and increasing caloric intake.

keratinized cells

Hair is a slender filament composed of --- cells.


Hair--- include protection against sunburn and injury, heat retention, sensory reception, visual identification, and chemical signal dispersal.

the hair bulb, root, and shaft

Three zones comprise the length of a hair:


accumulates around the nucleus of the keratinocytes and shields the nuclear DNA from ultraviolet radiation

First-degree 3 to 5

burns involve only the epidermis; healing time is about -- to --- days, and typically there is no scarring

Second-degree burns, 2-4

burns involve the epidermis and part of the dermis, and blisters are present; healing time is about -- to --- weeks, and slight scarring may occur

lines of cleavage (or tension line) in the skin identify the predominant orientation of ______ fiber bundles in the ______

collagen, dermis

merocrine sweat glands are classified as ______ glands that release their secretion onto the surface of the skin

simple, coiled, tubular

melanosomes, keratinocytes

Melanocytes cytoplasmic processes transfer pigment granules, called ----, into ----


The -- is deep to the epidermis and is composed of two layers of connective tissue.

hair bulb

The --- --- consists of living epithelial cells and includes both the hair papilla, which contains blood vessels and nerves, and the hair matrix, which generates the keratinized cells of the hair.


The secretion of --- sweat glands is viscous and cloudy, and it contains proteins and lipids.

keratinocytes, melanocytes, and tactile cells

Three types of cells occupy the stratum basale:

in the third step of wound healing, ______ within the wound begin to remove the clotted blood



---- sweat glands discharge secretions directly onto the surface of the skin through a sweat pore.


---- sweat glands release their secretion into hair follicles in the axillae, around the nipples, in the pubic region, and in the anal region.


----are caused by heat, radiation, harmful chemicals, sunlight, or electrical shock.


----degree burns involve the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer; hospitalization is normally necessary, and patients must be aggressively treated for dehydration, are typically given antibiotics, and may need a skin graft


A nevus, or --, is a harmless localized overgrowth of melanin-forming cells.

sebaceous, sebaceous

Acne is the term used to describe plugged ---- ducts. Acne typically becomes abundant beginning at puberty, because increases in hormone levels stimulate ---- gland secretion.

immune cells

Epidermal dendritic cells are phagocytic ------ cells that fight infection and epidermal cancer cells.

stratum spinosum

Keratinocytes in the --- --- begin to differentiate into non-dividing, highly specialized keratinocytes.

lines of cleavage (or tension lines) in the skin relate to the predominant orientation of ______ fiber bundles


nails are derived from the same type of cells that produce the stratum ______ layer of the epidermis. the cells that form the nails are densely packed and filled with parallel fibers of hard ______ protein

corneum, keartin

in thin and thick skin, the layers that contain living cells are the stratum ______, Stratum ______, and stratum ______

granulosum, spinosum, basale

some integumentary system components are not repaired following damage; these include ______ follicles, ______ glands, ______ cells, and muscle fibers

hair exocrine nerve

the accessory organs of the epidermis are: hair ______, ______ glands and ______ glands

nails, sebaceous, sweat

normal skin color results from a combination of factors mainly ______, ______, and ______

hemoglobin, melanin, carotene

the secretion from merocrine sweat glands are carried to the surface of the epidermis via ______. The secretions of apocrine sweat glands are carried into _____

sweat ducts, hair follicles


The ----, or cuticle, is located at the proximal margin of the nail


The ----- layer is deep to the integument and is not considered part of the integument itself.

root and shaft

The ---and --- consist of dead epithelial cells that originate from the hair bulb.

nail matrix

The actively growing part of the nail is the --- ---, from which the nail root, nail body, and free edge (collectively known as the nail plate) grow

stratum spinosum

The keratinocytes of the. are daughter cells of the underlying keratinocyte stem cells of the stratum basale.

stratum granulosum.

The process of keratinization begins in the stratum ----.


---sweat glands are the most abundant sweat glands and aid in thermoregulation.

tactile cells are described best by which of the following?

-can be stimulated by light touch -can be stimulated by light pressure -large epithelial cells -also called merkel cells

Stages of Wound Healing of the Skin

1.Cut blood vessels bleed into the wound, bringing clotting proteins, leukocytes, and antibodies. 2.A blood clot forms, patching the edges of the wound together and acting as a barrier; leukocytes clean the wound. 3.Blood vessels regenerate and grow in the wound, and a vascular connective tissue called granulation tissue forms deep in the wound; macrophages remove the clotted blood, and fibroblasts produce new collagen fibers in the region. 4.Epithelial cells at the edge of the wound divide and migrate over the wound; the connective tissue is replaced by fibrosis


A nevus can, on rare occasions, become ---- from UV light exposure.

Merkel cells

Tactile cells, also called ----, are few in number and scattered throughout the stratum basale.


are scalelike modifications of the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis that form on the dorsal edges of the fingers and toes.

stratum spinosum

The --- --- is composed of several layers of polygonal keratinocytes and is superficial to the stratum basale

reticular layer

The --- --- of the dermis is deep to the papillary layer and consists of dense irregular connective tissue, which is primarily composed of collagen fiber bundles

epidermal dendritic cells

The --- ---- --- initiate an immune response against pathogens that have penetrated the skin, as well as against epidermal cancer cells

hair follicle

The --- ---consists of two layers: an outer connective tissue root sheath, and an inner epithelial tissue root sheath


The --- glands of the breasts are modified apocrine sweat glands that produce milk in lactating females


The --- is a hard coating around the developing hair, and the cuticle is a single layer of cells around the cortex, which coats the hair.


The --- is a region of thickened stratum corneum over which the nail projects


The ---- has extensive innervation, including sensory nerve fibers, motor nerve fibers, and tactile corpuscles


The ---- layer pads and protects the body, is an energy reservoir, and provides thermal insulation.

stratum corneum

The keratinized cells of the stratum ----- are essentially keratin protein enclosed in a thickened plasma membrane

Vitamin D3, D

The keratinocytes of the epidermis synthesize Vitamin --, which the body then converts to the hormone Vitamin --, which increases absorption of calcium and phosphate.


The keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum are attached to one another by----

the nail plate is composed of the nail ______, the nail ______, and the free edge

body, root

recall that all epithelia, including the epidermis, are avascular. therefore, blood vessels within the ______ must supply nutrients to the epidermis


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