Kelas 7: Langkah 2: Reading Revision

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Siapa namamu?

What's your name?

Kamu di mana?

Where are you?

Di mana dia?

Where is he/she?

Kamu di sekolah.

You are at school.

Kamu tidak tahu.

You don't know

Kami mau ke rumahmu

We want to go to your house.

Kami naik kereta api ke bioskop.

We went by train to the movies.

Mau ikut?

Do you want to come?

Dia di warung.

He/She is at the café.

Apa kabar?

How are you?

Naik apa ke mal?

How do you get to the mall?

Kamu naik apa ke taman?

How do you get to the park?

Saya sepeda motor.

I am a motorbike.

Saya tidak tahu.

I don't know.

Saya naik bis.

I go by bus.

Saya naik mobil ke sekolah.

I go by car to school.

Saya naik mobil.

I go by car.

Saya mau ke rumah saya.

I want to go my house.

Saya naik bis, mobil dan pesawat terbang.

I went by bus, car and plane.

Saya naik bis, mobil dan kereta api.

I went by bus, car and train.

Jono berjalan kaki ke lapangan bola basket.

Jono walked to the basketball court.

Jono berjalan kaki ke lapangan sepak bola.

Jono walked to the soccer oval.

Ketut mau ke sekolah naik pesawat terbang.

Ketut wants to go to school by plane.

Bu Sobott bodoh sekali!

Ms Sobott is very silly!

Sepeda motor saya.

My motorbike.

Sayang, saya harus ke rumah saya.

Oh what a pity, I have to go home.

Maaf, saya tidak mau ke toko.

Sorry, I don't want to go to the shop.

Hari ini saya mau ke rumah Nitra.

Today I want to go to Nitra's house.

Kami di sekolah. Kamu di mana?

We are at school. Where are you?

Kami di pantai. Kamu di mana?

We are at the beach. Where are you?

Kami mau ke rumah saya.

We want to go to my house.

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