KINES 2600 Final Quiz

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According to Dr. Cantu (he's Dr. McKee's research partner at Boston University), children should not play tackle football until they're at least

14 years old

According to Frontline, what did the NFL eventually acknowledge following the $756 million concussion settlement?

Although the NFL agreed to pay the settlement, they never admitted any guilt or knowledge of the causality of CTE and football.

Understanding deviance in sports requires an understanding of "the sport ethic." Which of the following beliefs is NOT one of the core norms of the sport ethic?

An athlete avoids pain and health risks.

Tiger Woods, the popular and successful professional golfer, has identified himself as


According to NFL personnel, what two important questions did Dr. McKee's research fail to answer?

Causation (does football cause CTE) and prevalence (how many players had CTE)

Which of the following was not a limitation of Mez et al. (2017)?

Clinical bias

According to Rasquinha and Cardinal (2017) what maladaptive outcomes are associated with the athlete identity?

Disordered exercise and eating patterns

According to Mez et al. (2017) mild cases of CTE were not associated with cognitive symptoms


According to the 2019 TIDES report, Major League Baseball earned a higher gender grade than the National Basketball Association.


Research shows that athletes from high school through the professional level have higher rates of crime, academic cheating, and binge drinking than their peers who do not play sports.


Research shows that drug testing has become so efficient and widely accepted in recent years that drug and substance use among athletes has declined significantly.


Research shows that women have natural impulses that prevent them from engaging in violent sports.


According to Nate Jackson, what ideology is used by the media to influence an NFL player's decision to play through pain and injury?

Gender ideology

Which of the following is NOT among the key gender inequities that remain in U.S. sports and worldwide?

Lack of safety regulations.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attack, which of the following best describes how large security companies promoted their services to major sporting events?

Large security companies promoted a narrative of fear and the need for comprehensive security no matter the cost.

According to the Frontline special, what player "exemplified" what it was like to play in the "Steel City" during the 1970's?

Mike Webster

Becoming involved and staying involved in sports is grounded in a series of processes. Which of the following is NOT one of those processes?

Personality revision.

When Oscar Pistorius, a South African sprinter with two below-the-knee prostheses, wanted to participate in the Olympic Games, the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that the International Olympic Committee and the international track and field federation must allow

Pistorius to participate because his prostheses did not give him an unfair advantage.

Social inclusion for people with a disability is a complex process. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to successfully achieve inclusion?

Recognizing that all participants have the same needs.

When President Donald Trump said," maybe he should find a country that works better for him," he was referring to

San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick.

Politics are part of sports and sports organizations. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of sports that involves political processes?

Setting goals and motivating athletes and coaches

The sports teams with the highest number of social media followers are located in


According to Mez et al. (2017) what was the leading cause of death for patients with mild CTE pathology?


Bennet Omalu related an off the record conversation he had with an NFL team doctor about his research. The team doctor repeatedly asked Omalu if he knew what the implications of his findings would be. What did the team doctor predict would happen if Omalu's research went public?

That If only 10% of mothers perceived football as a dangerous sport, it would be the end of football.

According to Kyle Turley, why is the National Football League (NFL) "a league of hypocrisy"?

The NFL punishes players for using performance enhancing drugs while at the same time turning a blind eye to the abuse of prescription pain killers.

According to Frontline, which of the following was a major problem with the NFL's committee to study concussions?

The committee was chaired by the New York Jets team doctor, Elliot Pellman, and staffed with other underqualified team doctors.

According to Gramsci's theory of power dynamics in society, Coca-Cola and McDonalds are long-time sponsors of the Olympic Games and other high profile media sports for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?

They can publicize to millions of people the need for social responsibility in society.

Why were Owen Thomas and Eric Pelly significant to Dr. McKee's research?

Thomas was a college football player and Pelly was a high school senior; both players were diagnosed with CTE posthumously.

When a democratic society is characterized by widespread social and economic inequality, people with wealth and power tend to promote competitive power and performance sports.


What major event changed, Marcellus Wiley's, "course"?

Wiley experienced renal failure due to the long-term use of Toradol.

Which of the following sport organizations had the highest grade for gender equity?

Women's National Basketball Association

Which of the following best describes the data collection methods used in Rasquinha and Cardinal's study?

Written questionnaires

The social model of disability emphasizes that disability refers to

a lack of accommodations that enable participation by people with an impairment.

The author (Jay Coakley) points out that the most effective way to control cheating, corruption, harassment, and abuse in sports is to

abandon self-enforcement and create an independent enforcement agency.

According to the definition in this chapter, physical literacy is based on a combination of three personal characteristics. They are

ability, confidence, and a desire to be active for life.

Transhumanism is a perspective based on the idea that

all human bodies need improvements

Prevailing ableist ideology is based on

an assumption that all physical and intellectual impairments are abnormalities.

Pleasure and participation sports generally emphasize

an ethic of good health

The U.S. government law, Title IX, prohibits gender discrimination in

any educational institution receiving federal money.

As they become older, people in the baby boom generation in the United States

are more physically active than previous generations of older people.

Research indicates that "clustering" occurs when athletes in certain sports

are over-represented in specific courses and majors.

When ESPN created the X Games, alternative sports gained widespread exposure. As this occurred, alternative sports

began to lose their alternative character.

Preventing or minimizing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) through the use of helmets and other head protection equipment has not been successful because helmets

cannot stop the brain from moving inside the skull.

The popularity of power and performance sports is connected with gender relations because these sports

celebrate physical superiority and dominating others.

Celebratory riots have been among the most dangerous and destructive forms of sport spectator violence in North America. In the past, they occurred most often at

college football games

Team owners in the major sport leagues in the U.S. have formed cartels that

coordinate the actions of owners

Because there are few objections to the branding of sports, the author (Jay Coakley) suggests that

corporate branding has been normalized in the minds of younger people.

Boys and men have a stake in gender equity because progress toward gender equity will

create social and cultural space for inclusive forms of masculinity.

Racial ideology became important to support Jim Crow Laws. These laws

enforced racial segregation in public settings

When using a constructionist approach, deviance is defined as ideas, traits, and actions that

fall outside of socially determined normative boundaries.

Despite the influence of Title IX, it has been difficult to achieve gender equity in schools where

football is the cultural centerpiece of school and community life.

The NCAA allowed Florida State University to keep their mascot Chief Osceola and his horse Seminole, because the university

has permission from a few tribal representatives to use their name and image.

Most countries, including those in Europe, do not have intercollegiate sports as they exist in the United States. College athletes in the U.S. are often referred to as student-athletes, but when an athlete in Europe also attends college, it is said that they

have "dual careers"

Golf has become a major commercial sport in certain countries because those who are interested in golf

have more economic resources and influence than others in society.

Learning to use violence as a strategy in sports tends to be highest in

heavy contact sports

When people use continuous traits as a basis for identifying races,

here is no limit on the number of races that can be identified

Research shows that when high school athletes as a group are compared to other high school students, they tend to have

higher grades and more positive attitudes toward school.

Sports are described in this chapter as "sites" where

ideas about skin color and ethnicity are formed, reaffirmed, and activated.

If the body of a female athlete naturally produces testosterone, she can complete as a woman

if her testosterone level is below the normal range for males.

When governments sponsor sports and political officials associate themselves with sports, their primary purpose is often to

increase their legitimacy in the eyes of citizens.

As globalization has occurred, professional sports teams are

increasingly owned by investors who are not citizens in the team's country.

The person who plays the role of "enforcer" on a contact sport team is expected to

intimidate and use violence against opponents

According to the definition used in Chapter 3, socialization refers to a process that

involves social development and learning about social worlds.

According to Rasquinha and Cardinal (2017) high levels of athletic identity

is most likely observed in elite athletes competing in popular sports.

According to the Americans with Disability Act, all youth sports open to the public must allow children with disabilities to play unless

it would threaten the safety of able-bodied participants.

The statement that "white men can't jump" is not defined as a racial slur by most whites, because

jumping ability has nothing to do with success, power, or wealth in society.

In the United States, the sports participation patterns of undocumented workers from Latin America are

largely unknown because reliable data are difficult to obtain.

When athletes collectively overconform to the norms of the sport ethic, they may develop hubris, which leads them to see themselves as separate from and superior to the rest of the community. Coakley explains that this hubris

leads to a sense of entitlement and lack of concern for people outside their sport.

The most effective way for people to defuse the influence of racial ideology is to

learn each other's history and heritage and work together to achieve goals.

The relationships between team owners in the major professional men's team sports in North America are most accurately described as forms of

legal monopolies

Sports spectators at North American stadiums and arenas are

loud and expressive but not generally violent.

Commercial sports are most likely to grow and prosper in societies with

market economies, large urban centers, and available capital.

Research shows that the Latinas who are most apt to play sports in the U.S. are

members of second- and third-generation families.

When sport worlds are male-centered it means that

men and men's lives are the expected focus of attention and stories.

Studies show that in comparison with sports today, the tournaments and sport activities in medieval and early modern Europe were

more violent

The primary goal of the suggestions for controlling spectator violence is to create

new antiviolence norms among spectators.

Research shows that if maintaining health and fitness is the goal, a nation should sponsor sports that are

noncompetitive and have aerobic benefits.

Professional athletes in individual sports generally make less money than people think because they

often pay their own expenses for travel and training

The Gay Games are an example of

people seeking an alternative to dominant sport forms.

The author's (Jay Coakley) recommendations for controlling substance use in sports call for a policy that involves

preventing athletes from competing unless they are certified as healthy.

As defined in the chapter, violence is

primarily about control.

Research on the impact of a nation's sporting success on national identity and pride has

produced mixed results rather than a definitive conclusion.

The history of sports, especially the Olympic Games, shows that the main purpose underlying participation in international sports by most nations has been to

promote national political interests.

Corporate sponsorships of sports are primarily motivated by corporate interest in

promoting a way of life based on consumption and consumerism.

At any point in time in a culture, dominant sport forms

represent the interests of people who have power in that culture.

According to the Intercollegiate Athletics Department Agreed-Upon Procedures Report for 2018, what was the highest expense for the University of Utah Athletics Department?

salaries and benefits

The gender ideology used in U.S. culture assumes a binary or two-sex classification system. When such a system is used, people

see bodies as either female or male

A minority as used in the chapter refers to a socially identified population that

shares a sense of unity and suffers disadvantages due to discrimination.

The author (Jay Coakley) notes that the new sport stadiums built for professional teams resemble

shopping malls with a playing field in the middle.

Financial information on big-time intercollegiate sport programs shows that they

show a profit only when student fees and university subsidies count as revenues.

The author (aka Jay Coakley) explains that there has been little research on school sports as learning experiences primarily because

so many people accept without question the great sport myth.

As sports betting has been approved by more U.S. states,

the NBA and NHL have made profitable deals with gambling organizations.

The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) in the U.S. sponsors over 40 national youth sports tournaments each year. Their success as a tournament sponsor is due primarily to their long-term cooperative deal with

the Walt Disney Company

Images in popular culture seldom represent people with a disability or they represent impaired bodies as different and needy. This creates for people with disabilities

the need to have an acceptable story for why their bodies are different.

Data on sports and obesity indicate that

the popularity of sports does not automatically lead to reduced obesity rates.

In the box, Olympism and the Olympic Games, Bruce Kidd, a former Olympian and physical educator, suggests that the Olympics be changed so that

the public service of athletes is considered in selecting Olympic teams.

During most of the 20th century, older people were

told to take it easy and preserve their energy and strength.

To be eligible to participate in the Paralympics, all athletes must be classified according to their physical impairment. This classification must be done by

trained experts who examine and evaluate the athlete.

Most female athletes today manage gender issues by

using a "reformed apologetic" to appear both tough and feminine.

Many governments pay cash rewards to athletes who win Olympic medals because

wins by athletes brings prestige and other benefits to the whole country.

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