kines 330 - exam 1 quizzes

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Which of the following represent(s) a primary source? A peer reviewed journal article A textbook A literature review both a and b a, b, and c

A peer reviewed journal article

Common descriptive research techniques can include: Questionnaires Interviews Observational research All of the above

All of the above

The inclusion criteria in a meta-analysis are very much like


In a meta-analysis, the results of various studies on a topic are quantified using a standard measure (ES) that is called

effect size

The only type of research that can manipulate treatments and establish a cause and effect is

experimental research

The generalizability of the results pertains to what kind of validity?


It is common when looking at a distribution to encounter extreme or unusual scores that could have a misleading effect on the results. These extreme scores are termed


True or False: A mixed methods approach uses a quantitative or qualitative approach to research but never both.


Which of the following is not a section typically seen in peer-reviewed research? Introduction Methods Intuition Results Discussion


When we say that research is empirical, we mean that the researcher

collects data on which to base decisions

A major difference in the purpose of a meta-analysis and a review of literature for a research paper is that the meta-analysis uses the literature

for empirical and theoretical conclusions

Which of the following should be included in the discussion section of a research report? tables but not graphs graphs but not tables implications of the results raw data

implications of the results

Which of the following should not be included in the results section of a research report? figures tables statistics raw data

raw data

Compared to applied research, basic research

usually offers more control, such as that done in a laboratory

True or False: The dependent variable is the part of the experiment the researcher is manipulating.


True or False: Epidemiological research pertains to the frequencies and distributions of health and disease conditions among populations


True or False: In many cases a research proposal is required for a thesis or dissertation prior to completing the research and final document.


True or False: Secondary sources can be used to better understand what is known about a topic.


True or False: The hypothesis is the anticipated outcome of a study or experiment.


True or False: The introduction should adequately address why the research question is important and worth investigating.


In the results section of a research report, the author should include

information contained in tables & information concerning statistical significance and meaningfulness

The extent to which the results of a study can be attributed to the treatments used in the study is the definition of what kind of validity?


The fact that a meta-analysis quantifies findings from many studies is a frequently mentioned advantage. Another strong advantage of the meta-analysis over the normal review paper is

the description of the coding of study characteristics and the criteria for excluding studies

The most frequent and severe criticism of meta-analysis is that

the studies represent wide differences in methodologies, designs, and measurements

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