Kines Ch 10

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The femoral nerve innervates all of the following muscles except?

Biceps femoris

Which of the following muscles externally rotates the knee?

Biceps femoris

Which of the following is not true regarding the bursae of the knee?

Bursae are composed mainly of fatty tissue

Which of the following is correct regarding the patellofemoral joint?

Classified as an arthrodial type joint

Which of the following is not true regarding the quadriceps muscle group?

Covered by the vastus fascia

Which of the following is not correct regarding menisci in the knee joint?

Decreases stability

The rectus femoris is more powerful in extending the knee when the hip is in ___.


The lateral collateral ligament is more frequently injured than other knee joint ligaments.


The patella is classified as an "irregular" bone because it is imbedded in the patellar tendon.


The popliteus originates on the medial aspect of lateral femoral condlye.


The quadriceps muscles perform eccentric contractions during accelerating actions.


The semitendinosus is located laterally and internally rotates the knee.


The lateral collateral ligament originates on the lateral femoral condyle distally to popliteus origin and inserts on the fibular head.


Which of the following is true regarding the medial collateral ligament?

Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being abducted

The only uniarticular knee flexor is the ____.


Which of the following is not true regarding the hamstring muscle group?

Provides static stability to the knee joint.

Which of the following is not true with respect to the synovial cavity?

Provides the knee with stability.

The tibial division of the sciatic nerve innervates all of the following muscles except?


Which of the following muscles internally rotates the knee?


Which of the following is not correct regarding the knee joint proper?

Sometimes referred to as trochoginglymus joint due to internal and external rotation occurring when in full extenison

Which of the following is not true regarding strength and endurance being essential for maintenance of patellofemoral stability?

Strength and flexibility are not often a problem with the muscles of the knee joint

Muscles that flex the knee include all of the following except?

Tensor fascia latae

All three of the vasti muscles of the quadriceps originate on proximal femur and insert on patellar superior pole.


Articular cartilage is located on the surfaces of both the femur and tibia.


As the knee joint approaches full extension the tibia must extremely rotate approximately 10 degrees to achieve proper alignment of the tibial and femoral condyles.


Tears in menisci can occur due both compression and shear forces during rotation while flexing or extending during quick directional changes in running.


The biceps femoris inserts primarily on the head of the fibula.


The fibula is not part of the ginglymus articulation of the knee joint.


The iliotibial tract of the tensor fasciac latae inser.ts on Gerdy's condoyle


The knee joint can extend to 180 degrees normally although some individuals can extend slightly further.


The knee joint is the largest joint in the body.


The lateral fibula serves as the attachment for knee joint structures but does not articular with the femur or patella.


The medial collateral ligament originates on the medial aspect of upper medial femoral condyle and inserts on medial tibial surface.


The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result being a greater mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension.


The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all insert just below the medial condyle on upper anteromedial tibial surface.


The tibia bears the majority of the weight as compared to the fibula.


The vastus medialias provides a ____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically.


Which of the following is not true regarding the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis?

All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis

In basketball and soccer injury to the ____ occurs much more commonly to females than to males.

Anterior cruciate ligament

The most common serious knee ligament involves the ____.

Anterior cruciate ligament

Which of the following is not considered to be one of the quadriceps muscle group?

Vastus medius

All of the following are key bony landmarks of the knee joint except?

Gerdy's Condlye

The pes anserinus tendinous expansion is comprised from the ____.

Gracilis, sartorius, semitendinosus

The semimembranosus is located posteromedially and internally rotates the knee.


The Q angle is usually ___ or less for males and ___ or less for females.

15, 20`

The vastus lateralis providees a ____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically.


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are located on the outermost anterior and posterior surface of the knee joint.


The femoral condyles articulate with the fibular condyles during flexion of the knee.


The hamstring muscles function as a decelerator of the knee when decreasing speed to change direction and especially when landing from a jump.


The semimembranosus inserts anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle.


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