Kinesiology - Grip & Pinch

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What is dynamometer single testing?

a single trial or the average of 3 trials

How is pinch defined?

compression between the thumb and the digits

What tool is commonly used to measure grip?


What is power (hammer) grasp?

forcible motion of fingers and thumb acting against the palm

What tool is used to measure pinch?

pinch gauage

If bell curve is not produced as a result of 5-position testing, what does that suggest?

that the client is not giving their full effort

What is dynamic lateral tripod grasp?

-object held against radial side of middle finger near DIP joint -pad of index finger on shaft of tool -MCP + PIP flexed

What is disc grasp?

-only pads of fingers make contact -CMC joints of thumb and MCP joints of fingers move to accommodate size of object

What should the clients position be during dynamometer assessment?

-seated -shoulder adducted and neutrally rotated -elbow flexed at 90 + forearm neutral -wrist btwn 0-30 extension and 0-15 ulnar dev.

What is lateral (key) pinch?

-thumb pad in contact with lateral surface of index finger @ middle/distal phalanx -requires normal strength of thenar and 1st dorsal interossei

What is a cylindrical grasp?

-transverse arch is partially flat -longitudinal arch allows cupping -fingers may be slightly abducted and have graded flexion at the MCP and IP joints -thumb acts as an opposing force

What is 5-position dynamometer testing?

-use of single trial in each position (1-5) of the dynamometer -should produce *bell curve*

What are 2 types of precision grasp?

1. disc 2. dynamic lateral tripod

What are 3 types of miscellaneous grasps?

1. hook 2. interdigital 3. lumbrical

What is spherical grasp?

-MCP and IP joints flexed -power depends on stability of wrist/finger joints -4th and 5th digits more flexed than cylindrical (allows cupping of palm)

What is lumbrical grasp?

-MCP flexion and IP extension -thumb is opposed across palmar surface of fingers -aka plate grip or five jawed cradle

What is 3 jaw chuck pinch?

-aka 3 point pinch + forefinger grasp -pad of thumb in opposition to pads of both the index and middle fingers

What is tip pinch?

-aka fingertip pinch -thumb tip to index or other fingertip -used to p/u small objects, fasten buttons, etc

What is pad-to-pad pinch?

-aka pincer or standard palmar pinch -pad of thumb in opposition to pad of index of middle finger -ulnar fingers may be extended for balance or flexed in palm for support

What are the 3 types of power grasp?

-cylindrical -spherical -power (hammer)

What is hook grasp?

-digits 2-5 are active -thumb is passive -extrinsic muscles (esp FDP and FDS) -requires good IP strength

What is interdigital (adduction) grasp?

-digits are straight -primary movers are lumbricals and palmar/dorsal interossei -strong adductors are also important

What type of pinches does the pinch gauge measure?

-lateral (key) -3 point (3 jaw chuck) -2 point (tip to tip)

What are 4 types of pinch?

-lateral (key) -pad to pad (pincer/ two point) -tip -three jaw chuck (3 point)

What is the standard position (1-5) that the dynamometer should be set to?


How many dynamometer trials should be conducted?

3 - and mean calculated

How many trials should be taken when using a pinch gauge?

3 - mean calculated and recorded

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