Kinetic Energy Examples

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Potential Radiant energy example

A cell phone that is turned off

Potential chemical energy example

A charged battery

Potential sound Energy example

A flute before someone plays it

Potential Elastic energy example

A stretched rubber band

Potential thermal energy example

A swimming pool water before it is heated

Sound energy examples

Anyone's voice Any musical instrument A buzzing bee Clapping Snapping your fingers

Thermal Energy examples

Geothermal energy comes from the decay of natural minerals and the volcanic action of the earth A cup of hot tea A heated swimming pool Hot springs Geyers are driven by geothermal energy

Electrical energy examples

Lighting Static electricity Batteries in use Electric eels generate electrical energy Audio speakers Your brain makes electrical current as direct current

Mechanical Energy

Mechanical or motion energy is the stored energy is objects. As objects move quicker, more energy is store.

Potenial Gravitational energy example

River water at the top of a waterfall

Potential Kinetic energy example

Soccer balls before players kick them

Radiant Energy examples

Visible light X-ray Sunshine or solar energy Radio Waves An electric toaster as heat travels from the heating element to bread

Mechanical Energy examples

Wind An airplane in flight Planets orbiting the sun Roller skate wheels while someone is skating A car moving along the road A child on a jumping Gas molecules moving around in a room

Radiant Energy

electromagnetic energy

Electrical energy

is made up of negatively and positively charged electrons that commonly move through a wire.

Thermal energy

is made when the motion of atoms and molecules move quicker an collide with each other.

Sound energy

is the movement of energy through some substance, such as air or water, and is caused by vibrations.

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