L. 7 Second Empires of Persia and India (East Asia)

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Vardahamana Mahavira's pupils who he taught Jainism to. Name means "conquerors the cycle of reincarnation"

Shapur I

- Led the Persian Revolt from the Parthinians. I. First King of Sasanids Empire.

Eight Fold Path (how to achieve enlightenment):

1. Must have the belief (believe it will work) 2. Have resolve (stick to it) 3. Have right speech (watch what you say) 4. Have right behavior (walk the talk) 5. Have the Right occupation (Have a moral job) 6. Have the right effort (Put effort, dont expect it) 7. Have good though (Think before you act) 8. Must Meditate (Learn to quite and control the mind.) * Key to Enlightenment.

Zarathustra (660 B.C)

650 B.C, Led Persia religious reform. a. Of the Priestly Caste. b. Had visions that he wrote in the Avesta. 1. Had Good God and Evil God, in constant war.

Silk Road:

A network of trading routes that stretched 4,000 miles from China to the Mediterranean Sea. - The Sasanids Empire formed a link from China to the West. Sasanids Imports from China: Rice, Sugarcane, Citrus Fruit, Peaches, Cotton.


A new religion, easier to follow than the strictness of Jainism. I. Founding: A. Siddhartha Gautama (563-484 B.C) "Buddha"

Magadhi (Aryan Kingdom)

A small Indian (Aryan) Kingdom near Ganges River. - India was not unified. - King Chandrasupta Maurya (321-297 B.C) attempts to create the first Indian Empire.

The Macedonian Empire (338-324 B.C)

A vengeance of Persia's raid during Persian Wars. - 100 years later. I. Phillip II, conquers the Greeks and unites the states in 338 B.C. a. Plans to attack Persia, but dies in 336 B.C; assassinated. II. Alexander in 336 B.C becomes King. a. 334 B.C invades the Persian Empire. - W/ 40,000 men. b. Starts campaign in Troy. c. Alexander leads his soldiers along the coast - defeats every Persian Army. III. Egypt Invasion: a. Egypt pronounces him Pharaoh without fight, a liberator. IV. In 332 B.C, Alexander meets Persian, Darius II, King. a. 332 Persians outnumber Alexander (120k V 40k) b. Tells General Athestion to hold the line. c. Alexander and cavalry, flank and charge the King- Darius II flees. - Marries daughter to Darius II's son. (Next-in-Kin) d. 330 B.C Chases him to Capital Persepolis, burns it down. V. Alexander meets Satrap, the Satrap surrenders, and gives head of Darius II up. - Executes him. VI. By 330 B.C; Alexander is King of Persia. VII. Alexander continues "To find the ocean that circles the world" into Asia. - Fights along in India to Indus River. - Troops want to go home. VIII. Returns to Capital Babylon.

Alexander III The Great (356 - [336 King] -324 BCE)

Alexander in 336 B.C becomes King after Death of Phillip II, whom united Greece. I. Conquest a. 334 B.C invades the Persian Empire. - W/ 40,000 men. b. Starts campaign in Troy. c. Alexander leads his soldiers along the coast - defeats every Persian Army. II. Egypt Invasion: a. Egypt pronounces him Pharaoh without fight, a liberator. III. In 332 B.C, Alexander meets Persian, Darius II, King. a. 332 Persians outnumber Alexander (120k V 40k) b. Tells General Athestion to hold the line. c. Alexander and cavalry, flank and charge the King- Darius II flees. - Marries daughter to Darius II's son. (Next-in-Kin) d. 330 B.C Chases him to Capital Persepolis, burns it down. IV. Alexander meets Satrap, the Satrap surrenders, and gives head of Darius II up. - Executes him. V. By 330 B.C; Alexander is King of Persia. VI. Alexander continues "To find the ocean that circles the world" into Asia. - Fights along in India to Indus River. - Troops want to go home. VII. Returns to Capital Babylon. ALEXANDER'S IMPORTANCE: I. Camp followers whom followed his armies, Alexander notices all of their children. a. Puts boys into military school. b. Gives girls dowries for marriage. c. Encouraged to marry to other Greeks. - Creates a lasting Empire. II. Governing: a. Persian governing stays the same. b. Governors are allowed to stay. c. Keeps religious & ethnic toleration. d. Keeps Peace. III. Death: a. Decides to expand empire. b. 324 B.C plans to expand West, Persian Navy lines up. c. Plans to conquer N. Africa and Italy. D. Dies in 324 B.C- Never expands. IV. The Macedonian Empire Collapses. a. The generals carve up the Empire for themselves. b. The largest is the Seleucid.


Alexander's general who claimed the largest portion of the Macedonian Empire in 323 B.C- Seleucid Empire. I Governing: a. Keeps system of Persian Government. b. No longer ethnic toleration. - Greeks and Macedonians are only allowed to govern. c. No religious toleration. - Only worship Greek Gods. d. Install Greek colonies, kick-out the Persians. -- Disliked by people. II. Revolts: a. Parthians, relatives of Persians, ind-european, horse nomad group. b. 247 B.C, Take over the Seleucid Empire from within. c. Use Alfalfa to feed horses, grow stronger. - Horses could carry armored man. "forerunners of medieval knights." d. Create Parthian Empire under Mithridates I.

The Persians Summary

Dynasties: I. Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BC), "First Persian Empire" A. Fell to Macedonian Empire*(334-324) B. When Macedonia Collapsed- i. The Seleucid Empire (323-83 B.C) reigned. II. Parthian Empire (247 B.C - 651 C.E) - A. Revolted state within in the Seleucid Empire. III. Sasanids Empire (224 CE - 651 CE), "Second Persian Empire" A. Revolted from Parthian Empire and formed new Empire B. The last Persian Empire. 1. The Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BC) 2. Macedonian Empire*(334-324) -334 B.C - Alexander the Great invades Persia/330 B.C- Became the Great King, Owned the Great Persian Empire.) 3. Seleucid Empire (323-83 B.C) - Main Division of Macedonia's past empire. 4. Parthians Empire (247-651 C.E) 5. Sasanids Empire (224 CE - 651 CE) PERSIAN INFLUENCE: I. Trade: A. Moved Goods West-East From China via Silk Road. i. Introduced to the West through the Sasandids from China: Rice; Sugar Cane ; Citrus Fruit ; Peaches ; Cotton B. Unified Coinage C. Trade-Networks (China silk road, Highway, Mail, canals connecting red sea to Mediterranean) II. Religion: A. Zoroastrianism; A major influence of monotheism i. (Good VS Evil *Devil). -"Freewill" ii. Religious toleration, Ethnic Toleration III. Government: i. Idea of satraps, local leaders under the King (Darius I) ii. Persian Wars, Draft Army, Persian Army

Sasanids Empire (224 C.E -651 C.E) ( A "Branch" of Parthian Empire)

Empire that formed from a revolt from Parthinians, lasts until Islam armies in 651 C.E. I. Importance: A. Economics: 1. TRADE: - Had direct link to China from the silk road.

Seleucid Empire (323-83 BCE)

Following Alexanders' Death, Macedonian empire collapses in 324 B.C when he dies. - By 300 BC, the Macedonian Empire is carved up between the dynasties Main division of Alexanders empire becomes Seleucid Empire. - Founded by Seleucus - A General of Alexander. CHANGES IN THE SELEUCID POLICIES: 1. Greeks and Macedonians were the only government officials. - No ethnic toleration. 2. Abandoned the religious toleration. 3. Brought in Greek colonies to take over the native peoples home. COLLAPSE: Parthinian revolter's took over the central Asia part of Macedonian/Persian Empire - Eventually took over the whole empire, other than far west coast. - Formed the Parthians Empire (247-651 C.E) ** Important: The Seleucid Empire wasn't destroyed by the Parthinians; Seleucid Empire lasts until the Romans conquer them in 83 B.C

Emperor Ashoka (268-232 B.C) "The bloody"; "the conquerer"

Grandson of First Mauryan Emperor (Chandrasupta Maurya). "The Bloody" , "The Butcher" I. Conquest: A. Military force to push toward the South (Dravidians) 1. 100,000 + Died. II. Governing: A. Central Treasury: Maintained the Empires money and collected Money. III. Laws: A. Posted all laws publicly throughout empire. IV. Economics: A. Built irrigation systems 1. Make arid places better farms. B. 1,000 + miles of Highway. 1. Inns, safe, = Trade. V. After Conquering South, he converted to Buddhism 1. Spread the religion. VI. Collapse: A. The high cost of good government officials. B. Paying soldiers to hold down Dravidian's. C. Ran out of money: debased the coin, (added led), = inflation. D. Government officials walk off the job. E. Splits up into provinces.

Sandra Gupta, picked by the local Kings.

Gupta Empire (320- 5th century C.E) -Third Indian Empire: Natives of India. I. Formed from an alliance of Aryan Kingdoms. A. Choose Sandra Gupta to be Emperor.

Siddhartha Gautama (563-484 B.C) "Buddha"

I. Came from rich warrior caste in N. India. A. Never left the gardens of his Palace (Schooled, Married) i. Very sheltered. B. In 534 B.C, he left his shelter. i. Saw the death and destruction of world. ii Has Mid-Life Crisis. C. Gives everything up to quest for enlightenment. i. Travels India- nothing. D. Sat beneath a tree for 49 days and achieved enlightenment. Became "the Buddha". E. 528 B.C - He began to teach his ideology, continues for 40 years. i. Followers wore yellow robes and begging bowls. (Poverty, give-up everything except essentials) II. Teachings: A. Four Noble Truths: B. To Achieve Four Noble Truths (Ultimately eliminating suffering cause by desire) ; must live according to "Eight Fold Path"

The Mauryan Empire (321-185 B.C)

I. First Emperor Chandrasupta Maurya (321-297 B.C) A. Maurya's Governing: i. Divides Empire into provinces with Governor Control, chosen by him. a. Collect taxes, Enforce Laws, Military Defense. ii. No "eyes and ears"; Spy Network. a. Enlist prostitutes to spy on officials. II. Third Emperor Ashoka (268-232 B.C) A. Ashoka's Reforms: i. Governing: Central Treasury: Maintained the Empires money and collected Money. ii. Laws: Posted all laws publicly throughout empire. iii. Economics: a. Built irrigation systems 1. Make arid places better farms. b. 1,000 + miles of Highway. 1. Inns, safe, = Trade. III. Collapse: A. The high cost of good government officials. B. Paying soldiers to hold down Dravidian's. C. Ran out of money: debased the coin, (added led), = inflation. D. Government officials walk off the job. E. Splits up into provinces.

Mithradates I of Parthia (247 B.C)

I. Led the Parthian revolt from the Seleucid Empire in 247 B.C. II. The Parthians' greatest conqueror and transformed his state into an empire. a. He extend Parthian rule to Mesopotamia by 155 BCE. Upon his death, a large empire was bequeathed to his son. b. Because of his many conquests and religious tolerance, he has been compared to Cyrus the Great ( 530 BC), founder of the Achaemenid Empire.


I. Who? a. Parthians, relatives of Persians, Indoeuropean, horse nomad group. b. 247 B.C, Take over the Seleucid Empire from within. c. Use Alfalfa to feed horses, grow stronger. - Horses could carry armored man. "forerunners of medieval knights." d. Create Parthian Empire under Mithridates I. e. Called themselves "Local people, who overthrew foreigners.

Jainism (7th Century B.C)

India's First Religion, apart from Aryan normal: I. Extreme form of Aryan Religion, around 7th Century C.E A. Spread by Vardahamana Mahavira (540-468 B.C) II. Ideology: A. Everything in the universe posses a soul. i. Human bodies cause suffering, resist the universal soul. B. Purify mind, body, and soul: We can purify the soul and reach the Universal Soul. i. Do this by Ahimsa- Complete Non-volence. a. Vegetarian. b. Only Water c. Cant even kill tiny bugs. d. No Clothes. (Mask over mouth) e. Celibacy f. Walk slow, sweep ground. g. No job. h. Can beg, but cant work. III. People liked Jainism, but too difficult. A. Supported the followers, but was too hard to follow. B. Protested the Caste System.

Kingdom of Magadhi (321-297)

Led by Chandrasupta Maurya, this small Kingdom in India, conquered most the area and formed the The Mauryan Empire (321-185 B.C).


Parthians secret weapon. I. Horse feed. a. Allowed them to grow bigger and stronger. b. Horses could carry a man in chain armor. c. Allowed them to conquer much of the Seleucid Empire, under Mithradates I. d. Parthians Empire (247 B.C-651 C.E)

Capital Ctesiphon

Parthinians new capital after revolting from the Seleucid Empire in 247 C.E


Persian religion was originally very Aryan-like, polytheistic, drink homa, party with gods. I. Religious reform in Persia with the prophet Zarathustra (660 B.C). A. Wrote Visions (Avesta Book) II. Ideology: A. Two Gods in Constant Conflict. 1 . God of Good: Ahura Mazda 2 . God of Evil: Angra Mainyu B. Mankind chooses what god we want to follow (Freewill) 1. Good will prevail. 2. Good is hard; Evil is easy. C. Major influence on monotheistic religions (Early Christianity) (Devil, Magi)

God of Good: Ahura Mazda (Sacred Flame)

Prophesied that Ahura Mazda will win in The Gathas. - The pathway is hard to follow, have to give up things.

Parthians Empire (247 B.C-651 C.E) (A "Branch" of Seleucid Empire)

Revolt people who took over much of the Seleucid Empire, but not completely, Seleucid Empire lasts until Romans conquer in 83 B.C. I. "Reclaimed the true Persian Rule" under Mithradates I. II. Governing: a. Restored "Persian Rule" b. Reinstate ethnic and Religious toleration. c. Move Capital to Capital Ctesiphon III. Fall: a. A revolt within a revolt. b. Persians said they weren't really Persians. - The revolvers, led by Shapur I, descendents of Darius II. c. Succeed in revolt: Sasanids Empire (224 C.E -651 C.E)

Kushan Empire (1-300 C.E)

Second Indian Empire: European Horse Nomad Group. I. Rule from 1-300 C.E II. Lack influence because their foreigners.

Vardahamana Mahavira (540-468 B.C)

Started Jainism: A man from North India, born to a wealthy priestly caste. I. At 30, he traveled around India for twelve years. A. Wanted to find a way to break the cycle of incarnation, attain enlightenment quicker, and reach universal soul. II After 12 years, he figures it out. A. Spreads his teachings to people, called Jina.

Four (4) Noble Truths:

Summary: Suffering is eliminated by ridding desire; to rid desire you must follow 8 noble truths. 1. All Life has Suffering 2. Desire causes suffering 3. IF you eliminate desire; You eliminate suffering. 4. To stop desiring: Live disciplined life according to "Eight Fold Path"

Horse Nomads, The White Huns.

The White Huns, Horse Nomads from the Northern India threatened to attack the Gupta Empire. i. Gupta broke apart at danger.

God of Evil: Angra Mainyu

The easier path to follow, no rules. - formed later Christian ideas of Devil.

Chandrasupta Maurya (321-297 B.C)

The first Empire builder of India, from Kingdom of Magadhi (321-297). -Claims he met Alexander when he was younger, inspired by him, he conquered most of India. - Expanded his Kingdom into the The Mauryan Empire (321-185 B.C) Death: Forced to retire by his own son: dies a starving monk in 297 B.C


The first written book of Zoroastrianism. - Zarathustra's actual visions. -Written by religious reformer from the priestly caste, Zarathustra in 660 B.C

The Gathas:

The second written book of Zoroastrianism. - Zarathustra's Interpretation of his visions. - Tells prophesy that the Ahura Mazda will win in the end. (Good)

Gupta Empire (320- 5th century C.E)

Third Indian Empire: Natives of India. I. Formed from an alliance of Aryan Kingdoms. A. Choose Sandra Gupta to be Emperor. II. Governing: A. Everyone ruled independently. B. Gupta was about trade+Defense. III. Expansion: A. States voluntarily joined to receive protection. B. Peaceful Empire. IV. Advances: A. Mathematics: i. Concept of Zero ii. Arabic Numbers (1,2,3..) iii. Algebra, Calculus B. Astronomy. C. Metal Working - Iron (Stainless) D. Medicine: i. Plastic surgery. ii. Access to poppey seed. V. Collapse: A. The White Huns, Horse Nomads from the North threatened to attack. i. Gupta broke apart at danger in 5th Century C.E.

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