lab 13: reproductive system

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What part of the breast produces milk?


The coverings that surround the testis in the scrotum are derived from which anatomical area?

anterior abdominal wall

Which male reproductive structure is ligated during vasectomy?

ductus deferens

Where are sperm stored until ejaculated?


What is found in the cortex of the ovary?

follicles with oocytes

a meshwork of interconnected channels in the mediastinum testis that receive sperm from the seminiferous tubules

rete testis

What is the name of the ligament that extends from the uterus toward the anterior body wall, travels through the inguinal canal to attach to the tissue of the labia majora, and maintains the uterus in an anteverted position (tilted anteriorly)?

round ligament

Which uterine layer is shed during menses (menstruation)?

stratum basalis

Which organ in the male reproductive system produces the male gamete?


Which of the following is/are contained within the spermatic cord? rete testis; testicular arteries and veins; seminiferous tubules; epididymis

testicular arteries and veins

carries oxygenated blood from the abdominal aorta into spermatic cord

testicular artery

Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces how many haploid cells?


Which cells produce the male sex hormone testosterone?

Leydig cells

ocated in the epithelium of the seminiferous tubule; they provide nutrients for the developing sperm cells, they produce androgen binding protein, which binds to testosterone and helps to concentrate levels of testosterone within the tubule, they secrete the hormone inhibin, and they form the blood-testis barrier

Sertoli cells

Which of the following cells remains at the basal lamina to continue the pool of dividing germ cells? type A daughter cells; type B daughter cells; primary spermatocytes; secondary spermatocytes

type A daughter cells

Which male accessory duct transports both sperm cells and urine?


In the female, there are three openings from the inside of the body to the outside, which are listed below. Which of these orifices is most anterior? anal, vaginal, urethral


At ovulation, a secondary oocyte is drawn into the _________ by ciliated fimbriae

uterine tube

Where does fertilization occur (usually)?

uterine tube

Which organ serves as the implantation site of the developing embryo?


this organ serves as the site of implantation for the embryo, supports the developing embryo, and contracts during birth to expel the fetus.


Which structure in the female reproductive system has smooth muscle and elastic fibers in its wall, serves as the birth canal and receives the male penis during intercourse?


surrounding primary oocyte, a translucent structure that contains glycoproteins

zona pellucida

What is the name of the most inferior part of the uterus?


Which structure in the female reproductive system is analogous to the male penis and contains erectile tissue?


For optimum sperm production, the testes must be maintained at at temperature _______ than core body temperature


the innermost layer of cumulus oophorus cells

corona radiata

If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum becomes a

corpus albicans

the regressed form of the corpus luteum

corpus albicans

After ovulation, the ruptured follicle becomes the

corpus luteum

What ovarian structure forms at the beginning of the secretory phase, encouraging its progress, and then degenerates just before menses?

corpus luteum

a hormone-secreting structure that develops in an ovary after an ovum has been discharged but degenerates after a few days unless pregnancy has begun

corpus luteum

Which body of erectile tissue surrounds the urethra?

corpus spongiosum

contracts to draw the testes closer to the body for warmth

cremaster muscle

smooth muscle fibers of the scrotum wall, contract to wrinkle scrotum and move the testes closer to the body

dartos muscle

Which of these cells would contain 23 unpaired chromosomes? spermatogonia; secondary spermatocytes; primary spermatocytes; early spermatids

early spermatids

What are the three layers of the uterus?

endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium

All of the following are anatomical features that help maintain the optimum temperature for sperm production EXCEPT: pampiniform plexus of veins; cremaster muscle; epididymis; scrotum


Where are sperm are stored until they become motile?


Which hormone is produced by the granulosa and thecal cells of the developing follicle?


Which portion of the penis is removed during circumcision?


All of the following are accessory glands that contribute fluids to the semen EXCEPT? glans penis; bulbourethral glands; prostate gland; seminal vesicles

glans penis

What is the name of the cells that form layers surrounding the oocyte in the developing follicles?

granulosa cells

All of the following structures are contained within the spermatic cord EXCEPT: testicular artery; pampiniform plexus of veins; ductus (vas) deferens; nerves and lymphatics; inguinal canal

inguinal canal

the passageway that the structures located within the spermatic cord pass through on their way to and from the testis or scrotum

inguinal canal

A cell preparing to undergo meiosis duplicates its chromosomes during which phase?


Which uterine layer is most important during labor and childbirth?


Where are the testes located?

outside body in scrotum

Which organ is considered the female gonad, which means that the gametes are produced there?


Rupture of a vesicular or Graafian follicle to release a secondary oocyte is called


plexus of veins that surrounds testicular artery and provides thermoregulation by pre-cooling arterial blood prior to its reaching the testes through a counter-current exchange mechanism

pampiniform plexus

An immature ovarian follicle in which the developing oocyte is surrounded by a layer or layers of cuboidal or columnar follicular cells

primary follicle

an oocyte that is arrested in the first meiotic prophase

primary oocyte

he most primitive type of ovarian follicle and consists of a primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of flattened follicle cells

primordial follicle

During meiosis, segments of nonsister chromatids trade places (recombination of maternal and paternal genetic material. During what phase of meiosis does recombination occur?

prophase I

contains a primary oocyte, many layers of granulosa cells, and a fluid-filled space called an antrum

secondary follicle

Which of the following cells is released during ovulation? ovum; secondary oocyte; oogonium; primary oocyte

secondary oocyte

Sperm are produced in which tube-like structure located within the testis?

seminiferous tubules

tightly coiled tubules within the testes that produce sperm

seminiferous tubules

Erectile tissue is made up primarily of

specialized blood vessels

What stimulates the secondary oocyte to complete meiosis II?

sperm penetrates

multilayered ( two connective tissue layers called the internal and external spermatic fascia, and in between, the cremaster muscle) structure in which the blood vessels and nerves supplying each testis travel from within the abdomen to the scrotum

spermatic cord

the production or development of mature spermatozoa.


What is the final product of spermiogenesis?


the final stage of spermatogenesis, which sees the maturation of spermatids into mature, motile spermatozoa


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