Lab 6 Annelida - EVERYTHING

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Select one from the options the correct order in which food passes in the earthworm: intestine, esophagus, gizzard, anus, pharynx, mouth, crop. a) (1) Mouth, (2) esophagus, (3) crop, (4) pharynx, (5) gizzard, (6) intestine, (7) anus b) (1) Mouth, (2) pharynx, (3) esophagus, (4) crop, (5) gizzard, (6) intestine, (7) anus c) (1) Mouth, (2) esophagus, (3) pharynx, (4) crop, (5) gizzard, (6) intestine, (7) anus

(1) Mouth, (2) pharynx, (3) esophagus, (4) crop, (5) gizzard, (6) intestine, (7) anus

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Features

(earthworms) Some aquatic and marine Few setae (on ventral/belly surface) Complete septa Specialized gastrointestinal system: esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine Clitellum secretes mucus sheath for egg

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Features

(leeches) Ectoparasites No setae No internal septa, but do annuli Inch-worm movement Two suckers - Small anterior sucker - with mouth for attachment and feeding - Large posterior sucker- mainly locomotion, but also attachment

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Features

(sandworms, marine worms) Mostly marine Incomplete septa Parapodia (feet-like) with lots of setae (bristles) - Aid in locomotion and increase surface area for gas exchange - With Acicula that provide support to parapodia and setae

Movement/locomotion via Inner longitudinal and outer circular

- Setae - Polychaeta: long setae and parapodia - Oligochaeta: short and few setae - Hirudinea: no seta, use suckers to "inch worm

SKELETON/SUPPORT:List the structures or ways this group of animals support themselves (e.g. hydrostatic skeleton, exoskeleton, etc.). A)Hydrostatic skeleton B)Endoskeleton C)Exoskeleton like a shell

A)Hydrostatic skeleton

Do Hirudinea possess setae? (yes or no)


ectoparasites with suckers for feeding; lack setae and parapodia

Subclass Hirudinea


Subclass Hirudinea

common earthworm

Subclass Oligochaeta

free-living freshwater or terrestrial worms with setae

Subclass Oligochaeta


Thin layers of tissue. Organs pass through these internally separate metameres

Why must terrestrial annelids such as earthworms maintain a moist skin surface?

To allow gas exchange to occur across the epidermis

circulatory system (aortic arches)

To what system does the structure indicated by line C belong ?

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Locomotion

inch-worm movement large posterior sucker

Major distinguishing features of Annelida are:

1. Eucoelomates 2. Metamerism 3. closed circulatory system 4. complete digestive tract

CIRCULATION:Describe the circulatory system (e.g. diffusion, open system, etc.). A)Aortic arches B)Open circulatory system C)Closed circulatory system D)3-chamber heart E)4-Chamber heart F)No circulation at all

A)Aortic arches C)Closed circulatory system

RESPIRATION:Describe how the group respires (e.g. diffusion, book lungs, gills, etc.). A)Diffusion B)Book lungs C) Lungs D)Gills inside mantle E)Gils outside the mantle F)Vascularized tissue lining the mantle cavity


CLASSIFICATION: Only answer the phyla, classes, subclasses and other classification that you are responsible for knowing this week for Lab 6 A)Phylum Annelida B)Phylum Mollusca C)Phylum Nematoda D)Platyhelminthes E)Class Hirudinea

A)Phylum Annelida

MOVEMENT/LOCOMOTION:What structures are used to help them move around their environment?(e.g. types of muscles, jointed legs, cilia, etc.). A)Setae B)Cilia C)Longitudinal muscles only D)Circular muscles only E)Both longitudinal and circular muscles F)Flagella G)Hydrostatic skeleton

A)Setae E)Both longitudinal and circular muscles G)Hydrostatic skeleton Movement/locomotion via Inner longitudinal and outer circular - Setae - Polychaeta: long setae and parapodia - Oligochaeta: short and few setae - Hirudinea: no seta, use suckers to "inch worm

REPRODUCTION:Describe the types of reproduction that occur in the group (e.g. sexual vs. asexual) and any other characteristics or specializations they may have for reproducing (e.g. monoecious vs. dioecious, fission, budding, etc.). A)Sexual B)Monoecious only C)Dioecious only D) Both monoecious and dioecious E) Some alternation of sexual and asexual stage F) Clitellum

A)Sexual D) Both monoecious and dioecious F) Clitellum

Compare Annelida segmentation to Cestoda segmentation

Annelida segments are different segments within the same individual whereas Cestoda's segments (proglottids) are essentially their own entity

DIGESTION/FEEDING:Describe the digestive process (e.g. incomplete and extracellular) and any specializations for feeding (e.g. cnidocytes, tentacles, etc.). A) Incomplete gut / gastrovascular cavity B) Mouth & Anus C) Crop & gizzard D)Filter feeder E)Predators F)Endoparasites G)Ectoparasites H)Suspension feeders I)Free living J)Deposit feeding K)All of the above except A

B) Mouth & Anus C) Crop & gizzard D)Filter feeder E)Predators F)Endoparasites G)Ectoparasites H)Suspension feeders I)Free living J)Deposit feeding Some Polychaeta, are filter feeders and suspension feeders and feed on suspended particles. Hirudinea are ectoparasites

ORGANIZATION:At what level is the basic body plan organized? (e.g. cell, tissue, organ, etc.) A)Tissue level B) Organ level C)none of the above

B) Organ level

EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT:List the characteristics found during the formation of the blastula (e.g. triploblastic, deuterostome, etc.). A) Diploblast B)Triploblast C)Protostome D)Deuterostome E)Acoelomate F)Pseudocoelomate G)Eucoelomate (or coelomate) H)No embryonic development

B)Triploblast C)Protostome G)Eucoelomate (or coelomate)

SENSORY/NERVOUS:Describe the nervous system (i.e. ganglia, CNS, ventral nerve cord, etc.) and any sensory specializations found in the group (e.g. auricles, eyes, antennae, etc.). A)Nerve net only B)Complex compound eyes C)Cerebral ganglia D)Ventral nerve cord only E)Dorsal nerve cord only F)Cephalization

C)Cerebral ganglia D)Ventral nerve cord only F)Cephalization

What type of nervous system do annelids have?

Cerebral ganglion - "brain" like Ventral nerve cord

marine worms with parapodia

Class Polychaeta


Class Polychaeta

Phylum Annelida Class and Subclasses to Know

Class Polychaeta Class Clitellata - Subclass Oligochaeta - Subclass Hirudinea

Do annelids have a complete or incomplete gut?

Complete gut -> mouth and anus

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Incomplete or Complete Septa?

Complete septa

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Setae

Completely lack setae (bristles) No internal septa (internal seperation), but do have annuli (external rings)

SYMMETRY:What type of symmetry is found in the basic body plan? (e.g. asymmetrical, radial. etc.) A)Asymmetry B)Radial symmetry C)Pentaradial symmetry D)Bilateral symmetry

D)Bilateral symmetry

EXCRETORY/OSMOREGULATION:List how the group eliminates waste from their systems (e.g. diffusion, nephridia, Renette cells, Malpighian tubules etc.). A)Diffusion B)Protonephridia = Flame cell ONLY C)Metanephridia ONLY D)Nephridia: both Protonephridia & Metanephridia E)Malpighian tubules F)Kidneys

D)Nephridia: both Protonephridia & Metanephridia

Online Lab Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligchaeta Preserved Specimens

Earthworms are found in the soil everywhere except in deserts. They construct burrows by swallowing soil. Earthworms have beneficial effects on the soil by increasing drainage, aeration and mixing layers.

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Ecto- or Endoparasites?


Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Setae

Few (not that many setae)

Phylum Annelida Subclass Oligochaeta

Identify the phylum and subclass of the specimen depicted.


Identify the structure by line B.


Identify the structure indicated by E.

longitudinal muscles

Identify the structure indicated by line A.

ventral nerve cord

Identify the structure indicated by line B.

circular muscles

Identify the structure indicated by line C.


Identify the structure indicated by lines D.

Reproduction Direct vs. Indirect development

Indirect = larval stage Direct = adult like babies Larvae in polychaete are trochophore (free-swimming) since most are marine and it makes sense evolutionarily that they have a swimming larvae

Locomotion in Free-Moving Polychaetes

Locomotion in free-moving polychaetes is accomplished by circular, longitudinal, and parapodial muscles and by coelomic fluid. Body undulations, which help the worm to move rapidly, are produced by the contraction of longitudinal muscles stimulated by the backward stroke of parapodium of a particular segment.

Phylum Annelida Reproduction Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta

Monoecious Direct development Clitellum

Phylum Annelida Reproduction Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea

Monoecious Direct development Clitellum when reproductive

Phylum Annelida Reproduction Class Polychaeta

Most monoecious (some dioecious) Indirect development (trochophore larva) No clitellum

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Name Meaning

Oligo = "few" Chaeta = "hairs"

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Location of Setae

On ventral (belly) surface

What type of organization do organisms in Phylum Annelids have?

Organ level

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Parapodia and Setae

Parapodia (feet-like) with lots of setae (bristles) - Aid in locomotion and increase surface area for gas exchange - With Acicula provide support to parapodia and setae

What phylum does this organism belong to?

Phylum Annelida

Online Lab Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Parapodia

Polychaetes have distinctive parapodia, which have multiple functions in different polychaetes. Most importantly, they are used for locomotion and increase the surface area available for gas exchange. They have hair-like setae that are used for gripping the substrate. Larger internal acicula form a skeletal support for the attachment of muscles.

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Gatrointestinal System

Specialized gastrointestinal system: esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine

True or False? All adult annelids are vermiform


Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Suckers

Two suckers - Small anterior sucker - with mouth for attachment and feeding - Large posterior sucker- mainly locomotion, but also attachment

Reproduction (store sperm until needed to fertilize eggs)

What is the function of the structure indicated by line A?

Are Annelids metameric?


Which of these are major distinguishing features of Annelida? a) Eucoelom b) Metamerism c) Open circulatory system d) Incomplete digestive tract

a) Eucoelom b) Metamerism

Which of the following is a trait that Platyhelminthes and Annelida share that is not found in Cnidaria? a) Triploblastic development b) Complete digestive tract c) Coelom

a) Triploblastic development

What anatomical similarities do you see among leeches, earthworms, and sandworms? a) complete digestive system, repeated internal structures (nephridia, reproductive structures, hearts, etc.) b) presence of setae c) presence of a clitellum

a) complete digestive system, repeated internal structures (nephridia, reproductive structures, hearts, etc.)

What features of Polychaeta would lead you to believe that they are free-living predators? a) sensory structures on the head b) parapodia used in locomotion c) no structures for attaching to host d) fangs for capturing and subduing prey

a) sensory structures on the head b) parapodia used in locomotion c) no structures for attaching to host d) fangs for capturing and subduing prey

How do Hirudinea move? a) they move using the anterior and posterior suckers to attach to the substrate and loop their bodies along like inchworms b) they swim when in water c) they use their setae

a) they move using the anterior and posterior suckers to attach to the substrate and loop their bodies along like inchworms b) they swim when in water

Phylum Annelida segmentation

annellus = "little ring" Segmented Metamerism - body segments with repeating organs - Homonymous - segments more less the same - Heteronomous - metameres different

Body undulations, which help the Polychaeta worms move rapidly, are produced by what muscles (if any ) ? a) muscles involved are only longitudinal like all other worm-like organism b) produced by the contraction of longitudinal muscles stimulated by the backward stroke of parapodium of a particular segment. c) accomplished by circular, longitudinal, and parapodial muscles and by coelomic fluid

b) produced by the contraction of longitudinal muscles stimulated by the backward stroke of parapodium of a particular segment. c) accomplished by circular, longitudinal, and parapodial muscles and by coelomic fluid

What type of symmetry do annelids have?


What is metamerism and which phylum is characterized by it?

body segments with repeating organs Phylum Annelida

Circulatory System in Annelids

closed circulatory system - contractile vessels (heart)

Are Annelids coelomate, acoelomate, or pseudocoelomate?


Respiration in Annelids


Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Common Name




Digestive System Class Polychaeta

eversible pharynx, esophagus, esophageal caeca, jaws


filter feeders and suspension feeders and feed on suspended particles.

What type of skeleton do annelids have?

hydrostatic skeleton - cuticle Polychaeta have acicula

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Incomplete or complete septa?

incomplete septa

Movement/locomotion in Annelids

inner longitudinal and outer circular muscles - setae

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea Common Name


Movement/locomotion Class Polychaeta

long setae and parapodia

Metamerism Heteronomous

metameres (segments) different

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Habitat

mostly marine

Digestive System Subclass Oligochaeta

muscular pharynx, esophagus, gizzard, typhlosole

Excretion/osmoregulation in Annelids


Movement/locomotion Subclass Hirudinea

no seta, use suckers to "inch worm"


outer rings that separate metameres **external evidence of septa**

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Name Meaning

poly- = "many" chaeta = "bristle"

Are Annelids protostomes or deuterostomes?


Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Common Names

sandworms and marine worms

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Clitellum

secretes mucus sheath for egg thick band on body

Metamerism Homonymous

segments more or less the same

Movement/locomotion Subclass Oligochaeta

short and few setae


soft-bodied, circular in cross-section, and longer than they are wide

Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta Habitat

some aquatic and marine

What's the function of the acicula in Polychaetes?

structural support for the setae and parapodia

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Acicula

thick black lines provide support to parapodia and setae

Are Annelids diploblastic or triploblastic?


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