lab exam 2

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The change of one base to another in a DNA sequence

Transfer RNA

RNA that will read the messenger, go out into the cytoplasm to read a ribosome

Why is it necessary to use a meristem and a blastodisc to study cell division

They both have actively dividing cells

Define blastodisc.

A blast still having the form of a dish of cells on top of the yolk in the eggs of reptiles and birds

a man with type B blood starts a family with a woman having type A blood. The woman's parents both have type AB blood. What is the probability that the couple's first child will be a boy having type O blood?


Suppose that a woman having normal vision and a man having normal vision have a son who is color blind. what is the probability a colorblind giel?


Tay sachs disease is characterized by the inability to produce an enzyme needed to metabilize lipids in brain cells.If this enzyme is not present, lipids accumulate in the brain and gradually destroy its ability to function (homozygous recessive children ususally die by the age of 4 or 5). Suppose that you are a carrier for Tay Sachs and that your partner is not. What is the probability that you and your partner will have a child with it?


Darrel and matilda each have type O blood. If they start a family, the probability that they will have a child having type A blood is


suppose that a trait is inherited by simple dominance. If 2 heterozygotes are mated, what is the probability of having a homozygous recessive offspring?


what is the probability that their first daughter will get Huntington's disease?


Suppose that flower color is inherited by simple dominance and the purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. If a homozygous recessive individual is crossed with a homozygous dominant individual, what is the probability of obtaining a purple flowered offspring?


in the onion, how many chromosomes are there in a single set?


in the white fish?


what is the ploidy of the daughter cells after telophase?


Albinism results from an autosomal recessive gene. 2 parents with normal pigmentation have an albino child what is the probability that their next child will be albino? what is the probability that their next 2 children will both be albino?

25% 6.25%

Do you know since this is always occurs in the blank direction, so one use trying to synthesize continuously towards the replication fork, producing the blank strand. The other strand, known as the blank strand, forms away from the replication fork in small fragments

5"3, leading, 3"5

Bob is heterozygous for phenylketonuria, and Loretta is homozygous recessive for phenylketonuria. What is the probability that their first child will have phenylketonuria?


Suppose that someone having AB blood has a child with someone having type O blood. What is the probability that their child will have type A blood?


in the above question, what is the probability that their first daughter will get Huntington's disease?


suppose that (1) Randy is heterozygous for the allele that causes Huntington's disease and (2) Susan is homozygous recessive for the allele that causes Hungtington's disease and (3) Randy and Susan decide to have a child. What is the probability that their child will get it?


suppose the Randy is heterozygous for the allele that causes Huntington's disease, Susan is homozygous recessive for the allele that causes Huntington's disease, and Randy and Susan decide to have a child. What is the possibility that their child will get it?


Suppose that a trait is inherited by simple dominance. If 2 heterozygotes are mated, what is the probability of having an offspring that has the same phenotype of the parents?


start codon

A genetic code on an mRNA that simulates the finding of a transfer RNA which starts protein synthesis


A heritable change in genetic information

frameshift mutation

A kind of mutation that can change Every amino acid that fall is the point of mutation

how does a microscope become pollen?

A pollen mother cells undergoes meiosis to form a tetrad of microspores. The microspores increase their size and undergo a programmed pattern of division to produce a 3 celled gametophyte that compromises the pollen grain.

randy who is a normally pigmented man who cannot taste PTC, and Randy's father is an albino who can taste PTC. Matilda is a homozygous, normally pigmented woman who can taste PTC, but her mother cant. If Randy and Matilda have a family, what are the possible genotypes of their children? What percentage of their children will be albino? What percentage of their children will be able to taste PTC?

AAPP,AAPp, Aapp, AaPp )% 50%

A normally pigmented man married a normally pigmented woman. Their second child is an albino. a) What is the genotype of the man? b) What is the genotype of the woman? c) What is the genotype of the albino child? d) What is the probability that their next child will be an albino?

Aa Aa aa 25%

How does telomerase Prevent linear chromosomes from shortening during replication

Add to the repeat bases back on

Which bases are purines? Pyrimidines

Adenine and guanine are purines. Thymine, cytosine, and uracil are pyrimadines

What are the nitrogen bases of RNA?

Adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine


After the chromosome seperates, the cell seals off, Final Phase of Mitosis.

DNA strands run in opposite directions. What is this called and why is this an issue in DNA replication

Anti-parallel. Because it only replicate in One Direction


At three base codon of the genetic code

Darrell has type B blood. What blood types can he safely donated to?

B and AB

Why does DNA need to replicate

Because existing cells divide to produce new ones

Why does the lagging strand require a primer

Because the polymerase can't just start where it wants


Cell is growing and preparing for division


Cell wall begins to form, 2 cells are beginning to divide, 2 nuclear membranes are forming

what is the role of the root tip?

Cells differentiate, divide, and increase in length, depending on in which zone the cells are located


Chromatin winds up and becomes chromosomes, nuclear membrane breaks down


Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

Hershey and chase

Concluded that DNA was the genetic material and not protein

Erwin chargoff

Created chargoffs rules. Concluded the DNA varies from species to species

Where is the Molecule located in RNA



DNA replication

Watson and crick

Determine the double helix structure of DNA

Rosalind Franklin

Discover the density of DNA and establish that the molecule existed in a helical confirmation. Photo 51

Elizabeth Blackburn

Discovered telomerase

Frederick Griffith

Discovered that DNA (and not proteins) are the genetic material


Division of a cells nucleus


Division of the cytoplasm

What is the shape of DNA?

Double helix

Why are the two strands of DNA said to be complementary

Each DNA strand can be used to make the other strand

Suppose that 2 people having free earlobes start a family. Their first child has free earlobes and their second has attached. What are the genotypes of the parents? What is the genotype of their first child? What is the genotype of the second?

Ee EE or Ee ee

What is the anti-codon for Luciene



Growth and normal cell function


Growth preparation for division

when Howard Hughes died in 1976, a variety of people claimed that they were entitled to Hughes' estate because they were his children. He had type AB blood. One man claimed that Hughes was his father had type O blood, and the man's mother had type A blood. If you were the judge in the case, what would you rule? explain

Hughes had AB blood. The man couldnt be his son. A child of Hughes could not have type O blood, bc he doesnt have the type O allele to give offspring

Explain, in depth, the process of DNA replication, include all parts of initiation, elongation, and termination, and the enzymes involved in each

Initiation-helicase unwinds DNA at origins of replication breaks hydrogen bonds and creates replication bubbles. Helicase unzips the helix by breaking hydrogen bonds between bases. SSBP holds the helix open Elongation-leading strand 5"3 direction copied by DNA polymerase all at once. There's a lagging strand which puts down a primer, do you know polymerase comes in and add spaces to these fragments. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides Termination-enzymes fell off, need DNA ligase and telomerase, telomeres are composed of thousands of TTAGGG repeats

Cancer is a failure of the cell cycle. Explain what that means

It's a disease of uncontrolled cell division. Its development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue

Explain the difference between the leading and lagging strand replication

Leading- strand which is synthesized in the 5'3direction, it's continuous Lagging -synthesized 3"5 direction, it's in Okazaki fragments

RNA polymerase

Main transcription enzyme, RNA polymerase binds to a promoter sequence near the beginning of a gene. Uses one of the DNA strands as a template to make a new RNA molecule

What is the amino acids in the order they would appear in the protein code For by this Mrna

Methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, Leucine

Messenger RNA

RNA molecule that carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell

Suppose that Donna is a carrier for Hemophilia and that Darrel does not have it. If they have a family, what percentage of the girls will have it? What percentage of the boys will have it?

None of the girls, 50% of the boys

Which type of mutation can cause new variations of a protein?


Which type of mutation stops the translation of mRNA?


Exxon and intron

Nucleotide sequences within a gene

Where is the molecule located in DNA



Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell

Explain why telomerase is important

Prevent aging and cancer

State the difference between prophase and prometaphase

Prophase- nucleus disappears and chromosomes condense and become visible prometaphase-kinetichores appear at Centromeres and mitotic spindle microtubules attached to kinetechores

When in the cell cycle does DNA replication occur

S phase of interphase

template strand

The DNA strand that provides the template for ordering the sequence of nucleotides in an mRNA transcript.

What are OK sake fragments and why are they needed

Short sequences of DNA nucleotides which are synthesized discontinuously and later linked by DNA ligase. There is no 3"5 strand for the polymerase to use as a continuous template

Avery, Macleod, mccarty

Showed that DNA (not proteins) can transform the properties of cells

Which type of mutation results in abnormal amino acid sequence?


What is the shape of RNA?

Single strand


Sister chromatids line up along the equator


Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of the cell


The addition of a base to the DNA sequence

Polly a cap

The addition of poly tail to a RNA transcript, typically a mRNA

Meselson and stahl discovered that DNA replication is semi conservative. Explain what that means

The replicated Double helix consists of one old strand, derived from the old molecule and the newly made strand


The second stage of mitosis, in which the nuclear envelope fragments and the spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochores of the chromosomes.

EPA sites

Three sides within the ribosomes that read your bases

RNA primase

Used in elongation. Function is that it synthesizes short or in a sequence is open parentheses primers). Starting point for DNA synthesis

DNA polymerase

Used in elongation. Function is that it's synthesizes DNA, adds nucleotides one by one to growing DNA chain

DNA Gyrase

Used in initiation function is that it alleviate strain on the molecule


Used in initiation, function is that it breaks hydrogen bonds opens it up

Single strand binding proteins

Used in initiation, function is that it holds openings of the helix open

DNA ligase

Used in termination. Connect pieces/fragments that fall off


Used in termination. Function is that it fixes bases during replication and adds it on when it's missing

What is the codon for leucine


Wanda, who has type O blood, gives birth to a baby having type O blood. The woman then claims that the child's father is Randy, who has type A blood. a) Could Randy be the father? b) Can this information alone prove that Randy is the father? Explain.

Yes, if he has AO genotype No, information about blood type cannot prove that anyone is the parent of a child, it can only eliminate people who are not parents of the child

Does DNA replication occurs in mitosis and meiosis? How does it differ in each?

Yes. It occurs before every my ptotic division, but it occurs before only the first meiotic division


a fine powdery substance, typically consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.

what is the purpose of the plant roots

absorbtion of water and minerals and transporting them to stems

What are the nitrogen bases of DNA?

adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine

In cattle, hair color is controlled by incomplete dominance. Red results from homozygous dominant alleles (RR), roan from heterozygous (Rr), and white results from homozygous recessive alleles (rr) what are the predicted phenotypes and their frequencies of the following crosses a white cow and a red bull a roan cow and a red bull a roan cow and a roan bull

all roan 1 red: 1 roan 1red: 2 roan: 1 white

a heterozygous black dog mates with a yellow dog and half of their puppies and black and half are yellow which allele is dominant black dog yellow dog

black Bb bb

a true breeding brown bodided male fly mates with a true breeding white female fly. all of their hundreds of offspring are brown bodied which allele is dominant brown bodied male white bodied female

brown BB bb

why would you be looking for mitotic cells in this region

cells are undergoing mitosis at any given time

stop codon

codon that signals to ribosomes to stop translation

What is the sugar in DNA called?


what is the inheritance pattern for the huntington's disease allele? what is your reasoning for this conclusion?

dominant. It means one copy of the altered gene is enough to cause the disorder. Therefore, everyone who inherits the faulty gene will eventually get the disease

Suppose that you cross a red flowered carnation with a white flowered carnation. All of the offspring have pink flowers. What can you conclude?

flower color in carnations is inherited by incomplete dominance and the red flowered carnation is homozygous dominant for the trait

what is the function of the foliage leaves and scale leaves in the onion?

foliage leaves are photosynthesis and gas exchange , scale leaves are protection


group of three bases on a tRNA molecule that are complementary to an mRNA codon

what features would characterize pedigrees of dominant traits?

if the trait does not skip a generation, seen more often, at least one parent has the trait, appears equally in boys and girls


in eukaryotic cells, a process of cell division that forms two new nuclei, each of which has the same number of chromosomes

What is the correct sequence of events in cell division?

interphase, prophase, prometaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokenisis

explain the differences between the cell cycle , mitosis, and cytokenisis

mitosis- the process in which the nucelus of a eukaryotic cell divides cytokenisis- final stage of cell division, which cytoplasm splits into 2 and 2 daughter cells form cell cycle- a series of events that takes place in a cell as it grows and divides

what features would characterize pedigrees of recessive traits?

not many people would have it, skips a generation, dont have to have an affected parent to have it

what is the main difference between animal and plant cell division?

plant cells form a cell plate, animal cells form a cleavage farrow

a heterozygous woman with pollydactyl mates with a man with normal digits which allele is dominant polydactyl woman normal digit male

ploydactyl Bb bb

what is the role of the root cap?

protecting the delicate stem cells within the root tip snf of receiving and transmitting environmental signals to the growing root

a white flowered pea plant is crossed to a heterozygous purple flowered pea plant which allele is dominant

purple rr Rr

what is the inheritance pattern for the cystic fibrosis allele? what is your reasoning for this conculsion?

recessive. a person must have a mutation in both copies of the CFTR gene in each cell to have cystic fibrosis. It appears in the 3rd generation, those preceding it are just carriers.

a true breeding red eyed male fly mates with a brown eyed female fly. Red eyes are dominant over brown eyes which allele is dominant red eyed male: brown eyed female:

red RR rr

in certain species of flies, eye color is controlled by simple dominance,by a single pair of alleles. A red eyed fly was crossed with a white eyed fly, both of whose parents had white eyes. All of their offspring (both m and f) had red eyes. Which is dominant, the allele for red eyes or white eyes? what is the genotype of the white eyed parents? if the white eyed parent was mated with one of the red eyed offspring, what phenotypic ratio would you expect regarding eye color?

red homozygous recessive 50% white 50% red

explain what a meristem region is

region of growth of new cells in young seedings at the tips of roots and shoots

What is the Sugar in RNA


a heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a short pea plant which allele is dominant Tall plant short plant

tall pea plant Tt tt

can you determine the genotypes of any individuals in the pedigree? if so, which ones?explain your reasoning

the affected people are homozygous recessive. The others are heterozygous dominant and homozygous dominant

what is the inheritance pattern for the phenylketonuria allele? what is your reasoning>

the allele is more common among females since the figure displays the differences in the number of genders affected


the gamete-producing and usually haploid phase, producing the zygote from which the sporophyte arises. It is the dominant form in bryophytes.


the parent cell chromosomes which were duplicated during S phase- condense and become thousands of times more compact than they were during interphase

what is the need for a phragmoplast and cell plate during cytokensis in plant cells?

the phragmoplast acts as a scaffold for the cell plate assembly and the subsequent information of the new cell wall which is separating the 2 new daughter cells

what is the function of the spindle? what are the structural components of the spindle?

the separation of sister chromatids during mitosis. Microtubules, microtubules associated proteins, microtubule organizing center

coding strand

the strand of DNA that is not used for transcription and is identical in sequence to mRNA, except it contains uracil instead of thymine

Ribosomal RNA

type of RNA that makes up the major part of ribosomes

a heterozygous man with wet earwax mates with a woman with dry earwax which allele is dominant wet ear wax male dry earwax female

wet Bb bb

a man with a widows peak mates with a homozygous woman with no widows peak. Half of their children have a widows peak and half don't which allele is dominant widows peak man no widows peak woman

widows peak Bb bb

two plants with yellow seeds are crossed together. About three quarters (3/4) of the offspring have yellow seeds, and one quarter (1/4) of the offspring have green seeds which allele is dominant yellow seed parent other yellow seed parent

yellow Bb Bb

Is it possible for someone having Type B blood and someone having type A blood to have a child with O?

yes, but only if the person having type B blood has a BO genotype and if the person having type A blood has an AO genotype (both are heterozygous)

can you determine the genotypes of any individuals in the pedigree. If so, which ones? explain

yes, you can determine the first parents both carried the recessive gene in heterozygous genotype which resulted in one male affected. One male not affected marries an affected female resulting in one affected female meaning the male carried the recessive gene in a heterozygous genotype.

can you determine the genotypes of any individuals in the pedigree? if so, which ones? explain your reasoning

you can determine the genotype of the individuals carrying the recessive gene bc there is only one possibility. you cannot determine if the individuals not affected by the disease are homozygous dominant or heterozygous

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