Lab Practical 2 Review

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1. a. Spinal cord b. Vertebral artery & vein

1. What passes through, the spaces identified by: a. yellow star b. white star

1. Anterior arch of the atlas 2. Rotation

1. What specific bone and structures does the bone articulate superiorly with? 2. What type of movement occurs at the articulation?

1. condyles of the occipital bone 2. Flexion and extension

1. What specific bone and structures does the bone articulate superiorly with? 2. What type of movement occurs at the articulation?

H: Deltoid M: Clavodeltoid, Acromiodeltoid, Spinodeltoid

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Abducts upper arm, flexion, and extension of upper arm

H: Pectoralis Major M: Pectoralis Major & Minor

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Adducts arm, flexes upper arm

H: hamstrings biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Extends and rotates thigh, flexes leg at knee

H: Triceps Brachii M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Extends lower arm

H: Latissimus Dorsi M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Extends upper arm, adducts upper arm

H: Teres Major M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Extends, adducts and rotates the humerus medially

H: Sternocleidomastoid M: Sternomastoid

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Flexes Head, Raises Sternum

H: Biceps Brachii M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Flexes Supinated arm , rotates laterally

H: Brachialis M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Flexion of arm

H: Brachioradialis M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Flexion of forearm

H: Rectus abdominis M: same (Linea alba)

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Flexion rotation of the spine

H: Pronator Teres M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Pronates the arm, rotates the arm medially

H: Serratus Anterior M: Serratus Ventralis

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Pulls scapula anteriorly and downward

H: Trapezius M: Clavotrapezius, Acromiotrapezius, Spinotrapezius

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Raises and Lowers Shoulder

H: Subscapuleris M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Rotates the arm medially

H: Internal Oblique M: Same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Tenses abdominal and compresses abdominal contents

H: Transversus Abdominis M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: Tenses abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents

h: gluteus medius M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: abducts and rotates thigh medially

H: tensor fasciae latae M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: abducts thigh

H: adductor longus M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: adducts the thigh

H: adductor magnus M: adductor femoria

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: adducts the thigh

H: gracilis m: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: adducts thigh, flexes and adducts leg

H: pectinius M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: adducts, flexes and laterally rotates thigh

H: achilles tendon M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: attachment tendon for gastrocnemius and soleus

H: tibialis anterior M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: dorsal flexion of foot, inverts foot

H: soleus M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: extends foot (Plantar flexion)

H: gluteus maximus M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: extension and outward rotation of the femur

H: iliopsoas M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: major flexor of hip

H: gastrocnemius M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: plantar flexion of foot, flexes leg at knee

H: External Oblique M: same

Differentiate the muscles that perform the following associated with a human and a mink: tenses abdomonial wall and compresses abdominal contents

1. a. manubrium b. body

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone and region of the vertebral column indicated by the: a. red star b. blue star

1. Patella, articulates with Femur

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone and what bone it articulates with?

1. Hyoid bone 2. Zero

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone in the photo 2. With how many other bones of the axial skeleton does it articulate?

1. a. distal phalanx b. metatarsal c. proximal phalanx d. middle phalanx e. talus f. calcaneus

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone indicated by the: a. yellow star b. red star c. pink star d. green star e. brown star f. blue star

a. Foramen magnum b. Occipital bone c. Frontal bone d. Sella turcica (sphenoid) e. Frontal sinus d. Pituitary gland

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, cavity or structure indicated by the: a. pink star b. black star c. red star d. blue star e. green star 2. What resides on the structure indicated by the: d. blue star

Bone = C2, Axis 1. a. Vertebral foramen b. Spinous process c. Superior articular facet d. Transverse process e. Dens

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, space or structure indicated by the: a. white star b. red star c. blue star d. yellow star e. green star

Bone = Lumbar vertebra 1. a. vertebral foramen b. transverse process c. spinous process d. vertebral body e. pedicle f. lamina g. superior articular process 2. Site of muscle attachment

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, space or structure indicated by the: a. white star b. red star c. orange star d. green star e. blue star f. black star g. yellow star 2. What is the general function of the orange star?

Bone = Thoracic vertebra 1. a. vertebral foramen b. superior articular facet c. transverse process d. pedicle e. vertebral body f. lamina g. spinous process

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, space or structure indicated by the: a. yellow star b. red star c. orange star d. green star e. blue star f. black star g. white star

Bone = C1, Atlas 1. a. Vertebral foramen b. Transverse foramen c. anterior tubercle d. transvers process e. posterior tubercle f. superior articular facet

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, space or structure indicated by the: a. yellow star b. white star c. red star d. blue star e. black star f. green star

Bone = Cervical 1. a. transverse foramen b. vertebral foramen c. Superior articular process d. transverse process e. vertebral body f. lamina g. spinous process 2. Bifid

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone, opening, space or structure indicated by the: a. yellow star b. white star c. red star d. orange star e. green star f. blue star g. black star 2. What adjective would describe the shape of this structure?

a. Ramus of mandible b. Body of mandible c. Maxillary bone d. Temporal process of zygomatic bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone/region indicated by the: a. red star b. pink star c. blue star d. yellow star

a. Parietal bone b. Frontal bone c. Occipital bone d. Temporal bone e. Zygomatic process of temporal bone f. Greater wing of sphenoid

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone/region indicated by the: a. white star b. red star c. pink star d. green star e. yellow star f. blue star

a. Vomer b. Horizontal plate of palatine bone c. Palatine process of maxillary bone a. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid b. Hard palate c. Hard palate a+b = plays a role in mastication/sound formation

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone/structure indicated by the: a. pink star b. yellow star c. red star 2. What passes through/articulates or is the function of the bone/structure indicated by the: a. pink star b. yellow star c. red star

a. Mental foramen of mandible b. Angle of mandible c. Nasal bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the feature indicated by the: a. pink arrow b. green arrow c. red arrow

a. Coronal suture b. Squamous suture c. Lambdoid suture

From the picture: 1. Identify the joint indicated by the: a. yellow arrow b. green arrow c. red arrow

a. epicranius (raises eyebrows) b. temporalis (elevates mandible, temporal bone, coronoid process of mandible) c. orbicularis oculi (closes eye) d. orbicularis oris (closes/purses lips) e. trapezius (extends head/adducts scapulae) f. sternocleidomastoid (flexes/rotates head, clavicle/manubrium of sternum, mastoid process of temporal bone)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle indicated by the: a. dark green arrow (action?) b. light blue arrow (action/origin/insertion?) c. white arrow (action?) d. pink arrow (action?) e. black arrow (action?) f. yellow arrow (action/origin/insertion?)

a. temporalis (elevates mandible/temporal bone/coronoid process of mandible) b. frontalis (raises eyebrows) c. orbicularis oris (closes eyes) d. masseter (elevates mandible/zygomatic arch, maxilla/angle, ramus of mandible) e. sternocleidomastoid (flexes, rotates neck/clavicle, manubrium/mastoid process of temporal bone) f. splenius capitis (extends, rotates head) g. trapezius (extends head, adducts scapulae)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle indicated by the: a. yellow arrow (action/origin/insertion) b. black arrow (action) c. dark blue arrow (action?) d. light blue arrow (action/origin/insertion) e. white arrow (action/origin/insertion) f. dark green arrow (action) g. pink arrow

1. a. superior rectus (elevates eyes) b. lateral rectus (moves eyes laterally) c. inferior rectus (depresses eyes) d. medial rectus (moves eye medially)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle indicated by the: a. yellow star (action?) b. green star (action?) c. blue arrow (action?) d. yellow arrow (action?)

1. a. superior rectus (elevates eyes) b. lateral rectus (moves eye laterally) c. inferior rectus (depresses eye)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle indicated by the: a. yellow star (action?) b. green star (action?) c. white arrow (action?)

1. sternocleidomastoid 2. trapezius 3. deltoid 4. triceps brachii 6. lattisimus dorsi

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle labeled as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6.

1. sternocleidomastoid 2. trapezius 3. deltoid 4. biceps brachii (flexion/supination of forearm) 5. brachioradialis (flexion of forearm) 6. pronator teres (pronates forearm) 7. flexor carpi radialis (flexion/adduction of wrist) 9. pectoralis major 10. external oblique 11. rectus abdominus 12. tensor fasciae latae (flexes, abducts, medially rotates thigh) 13. sartorius (flexes knee/hip) 14. triceps brachii 15. brachialis (flexion of forearm)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle labeled as: 1. 2. 3. 4. (primary action?) 5. (primary action?) 6. (primary action?) 7. (primary action?) 9. 10. 11. 12. (primary action?) 13. (primary action?) 14. 15. (primary action?)

1. sternocleidomastoid 5. deltoid (abduction of the arm) 6. trapezius (elevate, depress, retract, rotate scapulae) 7. triceps brachii (extension of forearm) 8. triceps brachii (extension of forearm) 9. latissimus dorsi (extension/adduction of arm) 10. external oblique 12. gluteus medius (adducts/medially rotates thigh) 13. gluteus maximus (extends/laterally rotates thigh)

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle labeled as: 1. 5. (primary action) 6. (primary action) 7. (primary action) 8. (primary action) 9. (primary action) 10. 12. (primary action) 13. (primary action)

2. pectoralis major (flexion/abduction of arm) 6. rectus abdominus (flexion of the trunk) 8. external oblique (lateral trunk flexion) 11. linea alba

From the picture: 1. Identify the muscle labeled as: 2. (primary action) 6. (primary action) 8. (primary action) 11.

1. Mental foramen of the mandible 2. Inferior alveolar nerve

From the picture: 1. Identify the opening indicated by the blue arrow. 2. What passes through the opening indicated by the blue arrow?

a. Foramen magnum b. Occipital condyle c. Mastoid process of temporal bone d. Zygomatic process of temporal bone e. Temporal process of zygomatic a. Spinal cord b. Superior articular surface of the atlas or C1 (rotates head) c. Attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle d. Temporal process of zygomatic e. Zygomatic process of temporal

From the picture: 1. Identify the opening/structure indicated by the: a. yellow star b. red star c. pink star d. green star e. blue star 2. What passes through/articulates or is the function of the opening/structure indicated by the: a. yellow star b. red star c. pink star d. green star e. blue star

1. Sacral foramina 2. Spinal nerves

From the picture: 1. Identify the openings indicated by the black arrow. 2. What passes through these openings?

1. Rib 2. Tubercle of rib 3. Transverse costal facet of the inferior vertebra

From the picture: 1. Identify the pictured bone? 2. Identify the specific structure indicated by the purple arrow. 3. With what specific structure does that structure articulate?

1. Body of the mandible

From the picture: 1. Identify the region indicated by the green bracket.

1. Angle of the mandible

From the picture: 1. Identify the region indicated by the red arrow.

1. Ramus of the mandible

From the picture: 1. Identify the region indicated by the red bracket.

1. Coccyx 2. 3 to 5 bones

From the picture: 1. Identify the region of the vertebral column indicated by the yellow arrow. 2. How many bones typically fuse to form this region?

a. Petrous portion (temporal) b. Greater wing (sphenoid) c. Lesser wing (sphenoid) d. Cribriform plate (ethmoid)

From the picture: 1. Identify the region or structure indicated by the: a. dashed red line b. dashed green line c. dashed blue line d. dashed black line

Region = Thoracic 1. a. superior costal facet (head superior rib) b. inferior costal facet (head inferior rib) c. transverse costal facet (tubercle superior rib) d. transverse process e. superior articular process f. vertebral body g. spinous process h. inferior articular process i. intervertebral foramen (spinal nerves) j. intervertebral disc (fibrocartilage)

From the picture: 1. Identify the region or structure indicated by the: a. yellow arrow (articulates with what?) b. red arrow (articulates with what?) c. pink arrow (articulates with what?) d. red star e. green star f. blue star g. black star h. yellow star i. white star (what passes through) j. white arrow (what tissue composed of?)

a. Alveolar process of the maxillary bone b. Alveolar process of the mandible bone a. Teeth b. Teeth

From the picture: 1. Identify the ridge indicated by the red (a.) and yellow (b.) brackets. 2. What articulates with the structure indicated by the red (a.) and yellow (b.) brackets?

1. Alveolar process of mandible 2. Teeth

From the picture: 1. Identify the ridge indicated by the yellow bracket. 2. What articulates with the structure indicated by the yellow bracket?

1. Right hip bone 2. a. dark green star b. auricular surface (of sacrum) c. pubis d. ilium e. iliac crest f. ischium g. obturator foramen h. fibrocartilage of pubic symphysis i. anterior inferior iliac spine j. greater sciatic notch

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone and is it a right or left? 2. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. dark green star b. red star (articulates with?) c. purple star d. dark blue star e. light blue star f. light green star g. yellow star h. pink star i. dark green star j. black star

1. Right hip bone 2. a. iliac crest b. ilium c. acetabulum (articulates with head of femur) d. pubis e. pubis f. ischium g. ischium h. ischial tuberosity

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone and is it a right or left? 2. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow star b. green star c. orange star (articulates with?) d. light green star e. light blue star f. red star g. black star h. dark blue star

1. Right tibia 2. a. lateral condyle (of femur) b. medial condyle c. tibial tuberosity (site attachment of patellar ligament) d. fibula e. medial malleolus (talus) f. talus

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone and is it a right or left? 2. Identify the specific features, indicated by the: a. yellow star (articulates with?) b. light green star c. red star (function of?) d. orange star e. black star (articulates with?) f. light blue star (bone inferior to?)

1. Trapezium 2. Carpals 3. 16

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone indicated by the blue arrow. 2. What group of bones does it belong to? 3. How many total bones does that group contain?

1. Fibula, no weight 2. a. lateral malleolus (articulates with talus) b. head (articulates with tibia)

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone, how much weight does this bone bear? 2. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow arrow (articulates with?) b. pink arrow (articulates with?)

a. distal phalanx (long) b. middle phalanx c. proximal phalanx d. metacarpal e. metacarpal

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone, indicated by the: a. red arrow (what type of bone? b. purple arrow c. black arrow d. blue arrow e. orange arrow

1. Right scapula 2. a. medial border b. lateral border c. glenoid fossa (head of humerus) d. acromion (clavicle) e. coracoid process

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone, is it right or left? 2.Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. pink arrow b. black arrow c. yellow arrow (articulates with?) d. green arrow (articulates with?) e. purple arrow

1. Right humerus 2. a. capitulum (head of radius) b. head of humerus (glenoid fossa of scapula) c. lesser tuberosity d. greater tuberosity e. deltoid tuberosity f. lateral epicondyle g. medial epicondyle h.. trochlea (trochlear notch of ulna)

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone, is it right or left? 2.Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. red arrow (articulates with?) b. yellow arrow (articulates with?) c. pink arrow d. black arrow e. purple arrow f. blue arrow g. green arrow h.. orange arrow (articulates with?)

1. Left femur 2. a. lesser trochanter b. head (acetabulum of hip bone) c. greater trochanter d. linea aspera (site of muscle attachment) e. medial epicondyle f. lateral epicondyle g. medial condyle h. lateral condyle (of the tibia)

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone. 2. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow arrow b. white arrow (articulates with?) c. green arrow d. pink arrow (function of?) e. grey arrow f. red arrow g. blue arrow h. orange arrow (articulates with?)

1. Radius 2. a. head of radius (capitulum of humerus) b. radial tuberosity c. styloid process d. carpals e. Ulna

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone. 2.Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. green arrow (articulates with?) b. red arrow c. pink arrow d. white arrow (articulates with?) e. yellow arrow (articulates with?)

1. Ulna 2. a. styloid process b. coronoid process c. trochlear notch (trochlea of humerus) d. olecranon process

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone. 2.Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. pink arrow b. yellow arrow c. white arrow (articulates with?) d. green arrow

1. Left femur 2. a. head (acetabulum of hip bone) b. greater trochanter c. lesser trochanter d. medial epicondyle e. lateral epicondyle f. medial condyle g. lateral condyle

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific bone. 2.Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow arrow (articulates with?) b. blue arrow c. red arrow d. pink arrow e. white arrow f. green arrow g. dark blue arrow

1. a. nucleus b. sarcolemma c. axon terminal d. telodendrion e. endomysium f. Schwann cell

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. blue arrow b. white arrow c. black arrow d. green arrow e. yellow arrow f. pink arrow

1. a. myofibril b. nucleus c. sarcolemma d. endomysium

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. green arrow b. yellow arrow c. black arrow d. pink arrow

1. a. sarcolemma b. myofibril c. sarcoplasm d. nucleus

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific feature, indicated by the: a. pink arrow b. blue arrow c. black arrow d. yellow arrow

1. Neck of rib

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific structure indicated by the red arrow?

1. Head of rib 2. Superior costal facet of inferior vertebra or inferior costal facet of inferior vertebra

From the picture: 1. Identify the specific structure indicated by the yellow arrow. 2. With what specific structures might it articulate with?

a. Coronoid process of the mandible b. Attachment site for the temporalis muscle a. Condylar process of the mandible b. Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the green (a.) and yellow (b.) circle. 2. What is the function of the structure indicated by the green (a.) and yellow (b.) circle?

1. Mastoid process of temporal bone 2. Attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the red circle. 2. What is the function of the structure indicated by the red circle?

1. External acoustic meatus 2. Allows sound waves to pass into the temporal bone and excite internal hearing structures

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the yellow circle. 2. What is the function of the structure indicated by the yellow circle?

1. Pterygoid process of sphenoid bone 2. Attachment of chewing muscles

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the yellow oval. 2. What is the function of the structure indicated by the the yellow oval.

1. Sacrum 2. 5 bones 3. Hip bones 4. Sacroiliac joints

From the picture: 1. Identify the the region of the vertebral column indicated by the red arrow. 2. How many bones typically fuse to form this region? 3. What 2 appendicular bones articulate with this structure? 4. What are those joints known as?

1. Tissue = smooth muscle urinary bladder, uterus, stomach, esophagus, intestines, trachea, arteries, veins, etc.

From the picture: 1. Identify the tissue and give 5 locations for this tissue

Tissue = skeletal muscle 1. a. striations b. nucleus 2. actin and myosin

From the picture: 1. Identify the tissue and then specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow arrow b. green arrow 2. The overlap of ____________ creates the structure from the previous question.

Tissue = cardiac muscle Located in the heart 1. a. intercalated discs 2. a. gap junction b. desmosomes

From the picture: 1. Identify the tissue, where it is located in the body and then specific feature, indicated by the: a. yellow arrow 2. Identify the structure that electrically (a.) and mechanically (b.) couples cardiac muscle cells.

1. Incus, malleus, stapes

From the picture: 1. Name 3 bones inside the region indicated by the dashed red line.

1. costal cartilage from ribs

From the picture: 1. What bone would articulate at the point indicated by the white arrow?

1. left clavicle

From the picture: 1. What bone would articulate at the point indicated by the white arrow?

1. True ribs 2. False ribs 3. False & floating ribs

From the picture: 1. What designation is given to ribs 1-7? 2. What designation is given to ribs 8-10? 3. What designations are given to ribs 11-12?

1. Xiphoid process

From the picture: 1. What structure is normally found just inferior to the yellow star?

1. Extensor digitorium Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: by four tendons into distal phalanges of fingers 2-5 Action: prime mover of finger extension; extends wrist; can flare fingers

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Gastrocnemius Origin: two heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur Insertion: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Action: plantar flexes foot when knee is extended

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Gluteus maximus Origin: dorsal ilium, sacrum, coccyx Insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract Action: powerful thigh extensor, antagonist of iliopsoas

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Latissimus dorsi Origin: indirect attachment to spinous process of six thoracic vertebrae, L vertebrae, last 3 to 4 ribs and iliac crest Insertion: floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus Action: prime mover of arm extension; adducts and medially rotates arm

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Palmaris longus Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: palmar aponeurosis; skin/fascia of palm Action: flexes wrist; tenses skin/fascia of palm

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Sartorius Origin: anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: aponeurosis into medial aspect of proximal tibia Action: flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. Triceps brachii, lateral head Origin: posterior humerus Insertion: olecranon of ulna Action: powerful forearm extensor; antagonist of forearm flexors

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. orbicularis oculi Origin: frontal and maxillary bones Insertion: in tissue of eyelid Action: closes eyes, blinking, squinting, draws eyebrows inferiorly

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. pectoralis major Origin: clavicle, sternum cartilage of ribs 1-6, aponeurosis of external oblique Insertion: fiber converge to insert by short tendon into sulcus of humerus Action: prime mover of arm flexion; adducts, medially rotates arm

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

1. transversus abdominis Origin: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, cartilages of last 5-6 ribs Insertion: lina alba and pubic crest Action: compresses abdominal contents

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 1.

2. Bicep femoris, long and short heads Origin: long head - ischial tuberosity; short head - linea aspera and distal femur Insertion: tendon passes laterally to insert into head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia Action: extends thigh, flexes knee

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. Rectus femoris Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine and superior margin of acetabulum Insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella Action: extends knee and flexes thigh at hip

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. Soleus Origin: proximal portion of tibia and fibula; interosseous membrane Insertion: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Action: plantar flexion; locomotion

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. Triceps brachii, long head Origin: inferior margin of glenoid cavity Insertion: olecranon of ulna Action: powerful forearm extensor; antagonist of forearm flexors

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. deltoid Origin: lateral 1/3 of clavicle; acromion and spine of sacpula Insertion: vertebral border of anterior scapula Action: prime mover to protract and hold scapula against chest wall; rotates scapula

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. internal oblique Origin: lumbar fascia, iliace crest, inguinal ligament Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest, costal cartilage of ribs Action: as for external oblique

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

2. zygomaticus minor and major Origin: zygomatic bone Insertion: skin and muscle at corner of mouth Action: smiling muscle

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 2.

3. External oblique Origin: anterior surface of last 8 ribs Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest, iliac crest Action: compresses abdominal wall, aids muscles of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. Semitendinosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: medial aspect of upper tibial shaft Action: extends thigh; flexes knee

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. Tibialis anterior Origin: lateral condyle and upper 2/3 of tibia; IOM Insertion: by tendon into inferior surface of first cuneiform and metatarsal 1 Action: prime mover of dorsiflexion

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. Triceps brachii, medial head Origin: distal radial groove on posterior humerus Insertion: olecranon of ulna Action: powerful forearm extensor; antagonist of forearm flexors

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. Vastus lateralis Origin: greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, linea aspera Insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella Action: extends and stabilizes knee

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. orbicularis oris Origin: indirectly from maxilla and mandible Insertion: encircles mouth, in msucle and skin at angles of mouth Action: closes lips, purses and protrudes lips

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

3. pectoralis minor Origin: anterior surface of ribs 3-5 Insertion: coracoid process of scapula Action: draws scapula forward and inferiorly

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 3.

4. Extensor digitorum longus Origin: lateral condyle of 3/4 of fibula; IOM Insertion: tendon divides into four parts; inserts into middle/distal phalanges of toes 2-5 Action: prime mover of toe extension

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

4. Rectus abdominus Origin: pubic crest and symphysis Insertion: xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 Action: flexes, rotates vertebral column, abdominal pressure, fixes depresses ribs

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

4. Semimembranosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: medial condyle of tibia Action: extends thigh; flexes knee

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

4. Vastus medialis Origin: linea aspera and intertrochanteric line Insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella Action: extends knee, stabilizes patella

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

4. biceps brachii Origin: short head - coracoid prcess; long head - supraglenoid tubercle and lip of glenoid cavity Insertion: radial tuberosity Action: flexion of elbow and supination of forearm

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

4. epicranius (frontal + occipital) Origin: epicranial aponeurosis / occipital, temporal bone Insertion: skin of eyebrowns, root of nose / epicranial aponeurosis Action: raises eyebrows / pulls scalp posteriorly

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 4.

5. Gracilis Origin: inferior ramus and body of pubis Insertion: medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle Action: adducts thigh; flexes and medially rotates leg

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 5.

5. temporalis Origin: temporal fossa Insertion: coronoid process of mandible Action: closes jaw

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 5.

6. Adductor longus Origin: pubis near pubic symphysis Insertion: linea aspera Action: adduct and medially rotate and flex thigh

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 6.

6. masseter Origin: zygomatic arch and maxilla Insertion: angle of ramus and mandible Action: prime mover of jaw closure

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 6.

7. sternocleidomastoid Origin: manubrium and medial of clavicle Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone Action: flexion of neck forward, rotate head toward shoulder on opposite side

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 7.

8. trapezius Origin: occipital bone Insertion: acromion and spinous process of scapula Action: extends head; raises, rotates, retracts scapula and stabilizes it

From the picture: Identify the muscle along with its origin, insertion, and action labeled as: 8.

1. Lateral meniscus 2. Anterior cruciate ligament 3. Medial meniscus 4. Posterior cruciate ligament 5. Patellar tendon 6. Quadraceps tendon

From the picture: Identify the numbered features

1. Synovial membrane 2. Articular cartilages 3. Meniscus 4. Patellar ligament 5. Quadriceps tendon 6. Bursa 7. Joint cavity

From the picture: Identify the numbered features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Flexion 2. Extension 3. Hyperextension 4. Abduction 5. Adduction 6. Circumduction

From the picture: Identify the numbered movements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Plane joint (nonaxial) - hands, patella, feet, vertebral joints 2. Hinge joint (uniaxial) - elbow, knee joints, phalanx to phalanx 3. Pivot joint (uniaxial) - radioulnar joint, C1 + C2 4. Condylar joint (biaxial) - wrist, knuckles, occipital atlas 5. Saddle joint (biaxial) - thumbs 6. Ball-and-socket (multiaxial) - shoulder, hip joints

From the picture: Identify the types of synovial joints and where they may be located in the body: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Inferior nasal concha 2. Increases surface area and air turbulence in the nasal cavity

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone indicated by the green arrow. 2. What articulates with the green arrow structure inferiorly?

1. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone 2. Vomer

From the picture: 1. Identify the bone indicated by the red arrow. 2. What articulates with the red arrow structure inferiorly?

1. Infraorbital foramen 2. Infraorbital artery, vein and nerve

From the picture: 1. Identify the opening indicated by the blue arrow. 2. What passes through the opening indicated by the blue arrow?

1. Mental foramen of the mandible 2. Inferior alveolar nerve

From the picture: 1. Identify the opening indicated by the pink arrow. 2. What passes through the opening indicated by the pink arrow?

1. Alveolar process of maxillary bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the ridge indicated by the red bracket.

1. Alveolar process of mandible bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the ridge indicated by the yellow bracket.

1. Condylar process of the mandible 2. Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the green circle. 2. What articulates with the structure indicated by the green circle?

1. Coronoid process of the mandible 2. Attachment site for the temporalis muscle

From the picture: 1. Identify the structure indicated by the yellow circle. 2. What is the function of the structure indicated by the yellow circle?

1. Teeth

From the picture: 1. What articulates with the red and yellow bracket structures?

Sphenoid bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the blue star.

Mandible bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the pink star.

Maxilla bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the red star.

Frontal bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the white star.

Nasal bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the yellow arrow.

1. Cribriform foramina 2. Olfactory nerves 3. Crista galli 4. Meningeal attachment point

From the picture: 1. Identify the holes visible in the structure indicated by the dashed black line. 2. What passes through the holes in the above question? 3. Identify the upward projection visible in the structure indicated by the dashed black line. 4. What is the function of the projection in the previous question?

Zygomatic bone

From the picture: Identify the bone indicated by the green star.

1. Superior oblique 2. Superior rectus 3. Lateral rectus 4. Medial rectus 5. Inferior oblique 6. Inferior rectus 7. Optic nerve 8. Frontal bone

Identify the 8 important eye features from the lateral and medial surfaces of the right eye.

Posterior view of rib from right side

Identify the bone, view, and what side it is located on

1. Frontal bone 2. Sphenoid bone 3. Superior orbital fissure 4. Inferior orbital fissure 5. Zygomatic bone 6. Infraorbital groove 7. Infraorbital foramen 8. Maxilla 9. Supraorbital notch 10. Optic canal 11. Ethmoid 12. Lacrimal bone 13. Lacrimal sulcus 14. Palatine bone

Identify the bones/openings of the orbital complex

1. Superior temporal line 2. Temporalis 3. Masseter 4. Lateral pterygoid 5. Medial pterygoid

Identify the features of mastication

1. Palatoglossus 2. Styloglossus 3. Genioglossus 4. Hyoglossus

Identify the four important muscles of the tongue

1. Tensor veli palatini 2. Levator veli palatini 3. Superior 4. Middle 5. Inferior 6. Esophagus

Identify the four important muscles of the tongue

1. Ethmoid 2. Ethmoid air cells 3. Sphenoidal sinus 4. Maxillary sinus

Identify the four important sinuses located in the skull

1. Sagittal suture 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal suture 4. Nasal bone 5. Ethmoid 6. Temporal bone 7. Palatine bone 8. Lacrimal bone 9. Zygomatic bone 10. Mastoid process of temporal bone 11. Middle nasal concha (ethmoid) 12. Inferior nasal concha 13. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid 14. Vomer 15. Mental protuberance 16. Supraorbital foramen (frontal) 17. Optical canal (sphenoid) 18. Superior orbital fissure (sphenoid) 19. Inferior orbital fissure (sphenoid) 20. Infraorbital foramen (maxilla) 21. Mental foramen (mandible)

Identify the important bones and accessories of the anterior view of the skull

Major Sutures of the Skull 1. Coronal Suture 2. Squamous 3. Lambdoid 4. External acoustic meatus 5. Mastoid process 6. Parietal bone 7. Frontal bone 8. Temporal bone 9. Styloid Process 10. Zygomatic process of temporal bone 11. Temporal process of zygomatic bone 12. Zygomatic arch 13. Sphenoid 14. Supraorbital foramen 15. Nasal bon 16. Lacrimal bone 17. Ethmoid 18. Infraorbital foramen 19. Maxilla 20. Zygomatic bone 21. Mental foramen 22. Mental protuberance 23. Mandible 24. Squamous part of temporal bone 25. Occipital bone

Identify the important bones of the skull from the lateral view

1. Coronal suture 2. Greater wing of sphenoid bone 3. Nasal bone 4. Maxilla 5. Mandible 6. Temporal bone 7. Squamous suture 8. Occipital bone 9. Lambdoid suture 10. Sphenoidal fontanelle 11. Mastoid fontanelle

Identify the important features from an lateral view of an infant skul

1. Coronal suture 2. Frontal bone 3. Parietal bone 4. Frontal suture 5. Sagittal suture 6. Occipital bone 7. Lambdoid suture 8. Anterior fontanelle 9. Posterior fontanell

Identify the important features from an superior view of an infant skull

1. Sartorius 2. Rectus femoris 3. Gracilis 4. Vastus lateralis 5. Vastus medialis 6. Biceps femoris, long head 7. Biceps femoris, short head 8. Semitendinosis 9. Semimembranosus

Identify the important muscles from the posterior and anterior views that move the leg

1. Deltoid 2. Pectoralis major 3. Latissimus dorsi 4. Serratus anterior 5. Trapezius 6. Deltoid 7. Pectoralis minor 8. Biceps brachii 9. Teres major

Identify the important muscles of the appendicular muscles of the trunk from the anterior view

1. Trapezius 2. Deltoid 3. Teres minor 4. Teres major 5. Triceps brachii 6. Latissimus dorsi 7. Rhomboid minor 8. Rhomboid major

Identify the important muscles of the appendicular muscles of the trunk from the posterior view

1. Platysma 2. External oblique 3. Rectus sheath 4. Sternocleidomastoid 5. External intercostal 6. Internal intercostal 7. Internal oblique (cut) 8. Rectus abdominis 9. Transverse abdominis

Identify the important muscles of the axial muscles of the trunk from the anterior view

1. Sternocleidomastoid 2. Splenius capitis 3. Erector spinae 4. Iliac crest 5. External oblique 6. Internal oblique

Identify the important muscles of the axial muscles of the trunk from the posterior view

1. External oblique 2. Internal intercostal 3. External intercostal 4. Internal oblique 5. Rectus abdominus 6. Xiphoid process 7. Diaphragm 8. Transverse abdominus

Identify the important muscles of the oblique, rectus and diaphragm

1. Deltoid 2. Pectoralis minor 3. Latissimus dorsi 4. Supraspinatus 5. Infraspinatus 6. Teres minor 7. Teres major 8. Triceps brachii, long and lateral heads

Identify the important muscles that move the arm

Muscles that move the Forearm 1. Triceps brachii, long head 2. Triceps brachii, lateral head 3. Brachoradialis 4. Anconeus 5. Biceps brachii, short head 6. Biceps brachii, long head Muscles that move the Hand 7. Extensor carpi radials longusi 8. Flexor carpi ulnaris 9. Extensor carpi ulnaris 10. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 11. Flexor carpi radialis 12. Palmaris longus

Identify the important muscles that move the forearm and hand

1. Gastrocnemius, medial head 2. Gastrocnemius 3. Soleus 4. Tibialis posterior 5. Tibialis anterior 6. Extensor digitorum longus

Identify the important muscles that move the leg from the posterior and anterior views

1. Sartorius 2. Vasus lateralis 3. Rectus femoris 4. Gluteus medius 5. Gluteus maximus 6. Gluteus minimus 7. Biceps femoris, long head 8. Biceps femoris, short head 9. Semimembranosus

Identify the important muscles that move the thigh from a posterior and lateral views

1. Trapezius 2. Pectoralis minor 3. Pectoralis major 4. Internal intercostal 5. External intercostal 6. Biceps brachii, short head 7. Biceps brachii, long head 8. Rhomboid major 9. Rhomboid minor 10. Triceps brachii

Identify the important muscles that position the pectoral girdle

1. Humerus 2. Head of radius 3. Medial epicondyle 4. Trochlea 5. Capitulum Right side

Identify the important parts of the anterior view of the elbow joint, which side is it from?

1. Acromial end 2. Sternum end 3. Lateral 4. Medial 5. Superior view of right clavicle Right side

Identify the important parts of the clavicle, which side is it from?

1. Greater tubercle 2. Lesser tubercle 3. Head 4. Anatomical neck 5. Surgical neck 6. Shaft 7. Lateral epicondyle 8. Medial epicondyle 9. Condyle Right side

Identify the important parts of the humerus, which side is it from?

1. Humerus 2. Medial epicondyle 3. Olecranon 4. Head of radius 5. Ulna Right side

Identify the important parts of the posterior view of the elbow joint, which side is it from?

1. Olecranon 2. Radius 3. Ulna Right side

Identify the important parts of the posterior view of the radius and ulna, which side is it from?

1. Acromion 2. Coracoid process 3. Superior angle 4. Lateral angle 5. Inferior angle 6. Body Right side

Identify the important parts of the scapula, which side is it from?

1. Jugular notch 2. Clavicular articulation 3. Sternum 4. Manubrium 5. Body 6. Xiphoid process 7. Costal cartilages 8. Vertebrochondral ribs (8-10) 9. Floating ribs (11-12) 10. T1 11. True ribs (1-7) 12. Falls ribs (8-12)

Identify the important parts of the thoracic cage from the anterior view

1. Spongy bone 2. Epiphysis 3. Compact bone 4. Diaphysis 5. Medullary cavity 6 Metaphysis femur of leg

Identify the parts a long bone and an example of the bone in the photo

1. Central canal 2. Concentric lamellae 3. Endosteum

Identify the parts in the organization of osteons and lamellae in compact bone

1. Circumferential lamellae 2. Osteons 3. Perforating fibers 4. Venule 5. Capillary 6 Periosteum 7. Interstitial lamellae 8. Concentric lamellae 9. Trabeculae of spongy bone 10. Vein 11. Artery 12. Arteriole 13. Central Canal 14. Perforating canal

Identify the parts in the organization of osteons and lamellae in compact bone

1. Cortex (compact bone) 2. Diploe (spongy bone) parietal bone of skull

Identify the parts of a flat bone and an example of the bone in the photo

1. Central canal 2. Canaliculi 3. concentric lamellae 4. Osteon 5. Lacunae

Identify the parts of an osteon

Sutures - joints of skull Syndesmoses - tibia and fibula Gomphosis - teeth joint

Identify the types of fibrous joints and where they may be located in the body:

- broader, smoother, less robust - less vertical ilium - broad short triangle sacrum - shallower iliac fossa - open circular shaped pelvic inlet - wide pelvic outlet - coccyx points inferiorly - acetabulum directed anteriorly - obturator foramen is triangular - pubic angle is more than 100 degrees

List the differences in the female pelvis from a male

- narrower, rougher, more robust - more vertical ilium - long narrow triangle sacrum - deeper iliac fossa - narrower heart shaped pelvic inlet - narrow pelvic outlet - coccyx points anteriorly - acetabulum directed laterally - obturator foramen is oval - pubic angle is less than 90 degrees

List the differences in the male pelvis from a female

1. Process 2. Ramus 3. Sinus 4. Foramen 5. Fissure 6 Meatus 7. Canal

List the numbered bone markings

1. Sulcus 2. Fossa 3. Trochanter 4. Crest 5. Spine 6 Line 7. Tubercle 8. Tuberosity 9. Head 10. Neck 11. Facet 12. Condyle 13. Trochlea

List the numbered bone markings

- synarthroses - amphiarthroses - diarthroses

List the three classifications of functional joints

- Fibrous - Cartilaginous - Synovial

List the three classifications of structural joints

1. Temporalis 2. Orbicularis oculi 3. Zygomaticus minor 4. Zygomaticus major 5. Orbicularis orbis 6. platysma 7. mentalis (cut) 8. Epicranial aponeurosis 9. Masseter 10. Sternocleidomastoid 11. Clavicle

Name the 9 important facial muscles from the anterior view

1. Epicranial aponeurosis 2. Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis 3. Orbicularis oculi 4. Zygomaticus minor 5. Zygomaticus major 6. Sternocleidomastoid 7. Masseter 8. Temporalis 9. Trapezius

Name the 9 important facial muscles from the lateral view

Cervical 1. Vertebral arch 2. Spinous process 3. Vertebral body

Name the bone in the photo and the associated parts

1. Cervical 2. Thoracic 3. Lumbar

Name the bones listed

1. cardiac fiber 2. skeletal fiber 3. Z-disc 4. I band 5. A band 6. H band; M Line 7. sarcomere 8. sarcoplasmic reticulum 9. transverse tubule 10. terminal cisternae

Name the numbered parts of the cardiac and skeletal muscle fiber.

1. purkinje cell 2. nucleus of purkinje cell 3. sarcoplasm 4. myofibrils 5. nucleus of heart muscle cell 6. intercalated discs 7. sarcolemma 8. sarcolemma removed to sho myofibrils 9. sympathetic nerve fiber 10. nerve vending 11. CT 12. Nucleus of CT cell 13. capillary network 14. capillary loop

Name the numbered parts of the cardiac muscle fiber.

1. myofibrils 2. mitochondria 3. postsynaptic membrane 4. synaptic gap with basal lamina 5. presynaptic membrane 6. presynaptic vesicle 7. shwann cell 8. nucleus 9. actin filament 10. sarcomere 11. myosin filament 12. myelin sheath 13. neurofibers 14. cell membrane (sarcolemma) 15. transverse membrane tube 16. Triad 17. sarcoplasmic reticulum 18. basal lamina

Name the numbered parts of the skeleton muscle fiber.

1. notched ending arising from periosteum 2. rounded end usually with a tendon 3. tapered ending, terminations within body of muscle 4. cross section of fiber, showing peripheral nuclei 6. cross section showing myofibrils throughout sarcoplasm 7. sarcolemma 8. central nucleus 9. sarcolemma removed to show myofibrils 10. peripheral nucleus 11. perifpheral nucleus underlying sarcolemma 12. endomysium 13. nucleus of a CT cell 14. myelinated nerve fiber 15. non-myelinated nerve fiber 16. motor end plate 17. sarcolemma/sarcoplasm removed exposed motor end 18. capillary net

Name the numbered parts of the skeleton muscle fiber.

1. capillary 2. Connective tissue 3. Connective tissue 4. Nucleus of CT cell 5. Moto end plate 6. Smooth muscle cell 7. nucleus of smooth muscle cell

Name the numbered parts of the smooth muscle fiber.

1. Sacrum 2. Coccyx

Name the two bones

Sacral curve

The _______________ _______________, a primary curve, accommodates the abdominopelvic organs.

Thoracic curve

The _______________ _______________, a primary curve, accommodates the thoracic organs.

Lumbar curve

The _______________ _______________, a secondary curve, balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs; it develops with the ability to stand.

Cervical curve

The _______________ _______________, a secondary curve, develops as the infant learns to balance the weight of the head on the vertebrae of the neck

Primary Secondary

_______________ develop before birth, and _______________ curves after birth.

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