Landforms Exam 1 (Ch1,Ch2,Chp3) University of Memphis

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The density of material below the Moho is __________ that above it.

greater than

What type of rock is derived from the bits and pieces of former rocks?


ocean floor is continuously destroyed in rift zones.


If you were driving down the highway and saw mountains composed of layered strata, you could be confident that you were looking at

sedimentary rocks.

Explosive volcanic eruptions

Are most often associated with composite volcanoes (high concentration lava)

The Western Coast of North and South America are dominated by

Mountain Ranges

Which of the following is matched correctly?

*c. 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter - asthenosphere *d. 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter - oceanic crust

Which of the following is true of the aesthenosphere?

All of these are true. (a. It contains pockets of increased heat. b. It flows. c. It carries the lithospheric plates.)

Which of the following is not a felsic mineral?


Which of the following supports the continental drift concept?

All of these support the theory. (a. magnetic field patterns preserved in the rocks b. plant and animal fossil records c. radiometric dating of rocks on either side of a spreading center)

According to currently accepted scientific theories, Earth is never affected by catastrophes.


Which of the following is not true of geothermal energy?

It could be used everywhere.

The San Andreas fault in Southern California is an example of

Strike-slip fault (Right lateral)

Rock layers slope downward toward the axis of a fold in a


Mafic minerals are __________ minerals.

dark colored, high density

Which of the following is matched correctly?

marble - metamorphic

The heat that drives the tectonic cycle is derived from

radioactive decay

A guiding principle of modern science is the principle of uniformitarianism-as opposed to catastrophism.


Ocean floor is created along midocean ridges.


Which of the following is not true regarding Earth's magnetic field?

A given field orientation can last billions of years.

When continental crust collides with continental crust

A large mountain range forms

Earth's magnetic field has reversed nine times in the last four million years


Endogenic processes cause warping, folding, faulting, and uplift of Earth's surface.


The oldest rocks on Earth are between 3.96 and 4.3 billion years old.


Which of the following hazards is NOT associated with explosive volcanic eruptions.

all of the above. (Naee ardentes, Earthquakes, Ash, Landslides)

Which of the following plays a role in the shaping of Earth's surface?

all of the above. (gravity; the action of wind, water; the radioactive decay of atoms; the action of wind, water, and ice and the radioactive decay; atoms only)

Which of the following is not a member of the silicate family of minerals?


Which of the following is NOT a common location for volcanism

continental crust- continental boundaries

The deepest places in the ocean are those in which rifting occurs.


The principles of buoyancy and balance, when applied to Earth's crust, helps us to explain fluctuations in Earth's outer crust, a property known as


at a strike-slip fault

lateral shearing occurs

The ancient roots of mountains are usually composed of __________ rocks.


The three most abundant elements in Earth's crust are

oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.

During the past ice age, landmasses were generally

pressed down into the asthenosphere by the load of ice.

When geologists or archaeologists dig downward into a unit of rock or sediment, they are digging "back in time." This fact is based on the principle of __________.


The thickness of Earth's crust ranges from

5 km to 60 km (3 mi. to 37 mi.).

The average length of a period during which a given magnetic field polarity exists is about

500,000 years

A Basin formed is a volcano following an eruption is a


A sudden release of energy along a fault is a (n)


An orogeny is

Episode of mountain building

Earth's magnetic field is generated from within the entire planet, rather than in a specific region of Earth's interior


Uniformitarianism holds that all geologic change affecting Earth's surface requires immense amounts of time to occur.


Which of the following lists is in the correct sequence from youngest to older

Holocene, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Miocene

Which of the following is incorrect regarding Earth's inner core?

It is the source of Earth's magnetic feild.

Who first proposed the theory of uniformitarianism?

James Hutton

Which of the following is true?

The age of the sea floor increases with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge.

The layer within Earth that lies directly below the lithosphere, but above the upper mantle, is best described as

a plastic-like layer that flows in response to heat and pressure.

The presence of 180-million-year-old salt domes in the Gulf Coast region of the United States indicates that

a sea used to cover the area but subsequently evaporated.

A fracture in rock along which movement can occur is a


Coal is a fossil fuel formed from

plant remains

Which of the following is the fuel for continental drift and plate tectonics?

radioactive decay

The magma, which fuels and produces the volcanic activity around the Pacific Ring of Fire, is derived from the

rise of material that was melted in subduction zones along the Pacific margins.

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