Last Exam (General Psychology)

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Chapter7: Unrehearsed information stored in short-term memory lasts no more than _____.

30 seconds -3 minutes -30 minutes -3 hours

Chapter 2: In the context of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, the corpus callosum is _______.

A bundle of axons that connects the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere -a region of the cerebral cortex that integrates sensory and mater information -a part of the limbic system -a part of the hind brain

Chapter 5: Identify the accurate statement in the context of operant conditioning.

A form of associative learning based on relationship between behavior and consequences. -operant conditioning is unaffected by the contingency factor -

Chapter 5:Learning is defined as:

A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience -the organized and understanding of sensory information -an individual's awareness of his or her own thoughts -the growth of humans through the lifespan, from conception to death

Chapter 14: Individuals who are so anxious about being in a public place that they never leave home are suffering from

Agoraphobia -claustrophobia - generalized anxiety -acrophobia

Chapter 5: who proposed observational learning?

Albert Bandura -ivan pavlov -john d. watson -b.f. skinner

Chapter 1: Which of the following was mentioned as a skill to which psychology students would be exposed?

All of he above -critical thinking -use of the scientific method -critical evaluation of sources of information

Chapter 2: In the context on the neural impulse, the potential in a neuron abides by the __________ principle.

All-or-nothing -neural -permeability -nature-nurture

Chapter 6: A specific formula (or set of instructions) for solving a problem is called________

An algorithm -a heuristic -a mental set -trails and error

Chapter 8: According to development psychologists, nurture refers to:

An individual's environmental and social experiences -the development caused by hormones secreted in the body -the formation of the nervous system -an individual's biological inheritance

Chapter 14: Psychopath is a term sometimes used to describe a person with

Antisocial personality disorder -paranoid personality disorder -narcissistic personality disorder -borderline personality disorder

Chapter 11: The process by which individuals come to understand the causes of others' behavior and forman impression of them as individuals is called _____.

Attribution -altruism -egoism -ethnocentrism

Chapter 6: Fluid intelligence is characterized by _______

Being able to see complex relationships and solve problems. -being able to recall information -being able to create new products

Chapter 2: In the context of specialized cell structure, the nucleus of a neuron is located in the ____________.

Cell body -axon hillock -dendrites -synapse

Chapter 2: In the context of the divisions of the nervous system, the brain is categorized within the __________ nervous system.

Central -peripheral -parasympathetic -sympathetic

Chapter 5: In which type of learning do organisms learn the association between two stimuli?

Classical conditioning -operant conditioning -observational learning -Implicit learning

Chapter 11: An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts is known as:

Cognitive dissonance -mere exposure -egoism -prejudice

Chapter 1: Aaron wants to study the association between sleep deprivation and the number of hours spent no a computer every day. He is not keen to established causation, but would like to determine whether and how the increase of decrease in one variable is related to the increase of decrease in the other variable. Which of the following research methods likely to be most effective to Aaron's study?

Correlational research -survey -experimental research -case study

Chapter 14:A person with narcissistic personality is best described as

Craving constant attention and admiration -suspicious and sensitive -hostile and defensive - reckless and ruthless

Chapter 7: Recalling the names of the members of a famous football team is an example of

Declarative memory -iconic memory -implicit memory -procedural memory

Chapter 15:The process of closing large asylums and providing for people to stay in the community to be treated locally is known as ____.

Deinstitutionalization -exorcism -deactivation -decentralization

Chapter 8: Dr. Mason's main research interest is the way a person grows and changes from its beginning to its inevitable end. It is most likely that Dr. Mason is a _____ psychologist.

Developmental -cognitive -biological -psychodynamic

Chapter 14: The letters in the abbreviation DSM-5 stand for _____.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -Diseases and Statistics Manual of Medicine -Diagnosable Standards Manual of Mental Disorders -Diseases and Symptoms Manual of Mental Disorders

Chapter 7: The first step in memory is _______.

Encoding -retrieval -storage -priming

Chapter 5: Jennifer was stung by a bee several days ago and was in pain for many days. As a result of the painful experience, she cries out whenever a flying insect gets too close to her. Jennifer's reaction to flying insects best illustrates the concept of ________ in classical conditioning.

Generalization -preparedness -renewal -discrimination

Chapter 15: A treatment modality in which 5-10 people with the same issue or concern meet together with a trained clinician is known as ______.

Group therapy -family therapy -couples therapy -self-help group

Chapter 6: Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on the study of __________.

Human Thinking -human development -human behavior -human society

Chapter 1: In the context of psychology's scientific method a(n) __________ is an guess that derives logically from a theory.

Hypothesis -theory -operational definition -fact -logical conclusion

Chapter 10: According to Freud's psychosexual stages of development, the latency period occurs _____andis characterized by a psychic "time out".

Immediately after the phallic stage -during infancy -during a time when most children are experiencing toilet training -in adolescence and adulthood

Chapter 8: Which of the following best defines teratogen?

It is any agent that causes a birth defect -it is a drug that enhances the growth of a fetus -it is any chemical that contains an alcohol group -it is a term used to describe all microorganisms that cause fatal diseases

Chapter 5: The ___________ in psychology states that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened and that behaviors followed by negative outcomes are weakened.

Law of effect -law of contiguity -principle of preparedness -theory of classical conditioning

Chapter 5: In __________, the organism learns through experience with negative stimuli that it has no control over negative outcomes.

Learned helplessness -observational learning -insight learning -learned optimism

Chapter 7: Which of the following is rule of long-term memory?

Long-term memory has a storage capacity that is virtually unlimited. -long-term memory is a temporary type of memory -long-term memory stores small amounts of information for long periods of time -long-term memory is relatively simple

Chapter 6: Concepts refer to:

Mental categories that are used to group objects, life experiences, and ideas. -specific reasons behind linguistic differences between ethnic groups -appropriate ways to attain a goal when he goal is not readily available -unique strategies that guarantee

Chapter 6: _______ are the smallest unit of language that carry meaning.

Morphemes -lexicon -phonemes -syntax

Chapter 1:In the context of research setting, researchers who use ________ attempt to view behavior without disturbing the environment.

Naturalistic observation -controlled observation -experimental research -double-blind experiment

Chapter 5: In pavlov's studies on classical conditioning, the bell a(n) ____________ before it was paired with food.

Neutral stimulus -conditioned response -unconditioned stimulus -unconditioned response

Chapter 14:person who spends half the day checking and rechecking the doors and windows and still doubts that they are locked is suffering from

OCD -phobic disorder - generalized anxiety -depression

Chapter 2: In the context of the cerebral context, the area critical for processing visual information is the __________ lobe.

Occipital -porietal -frontal -temporal

Chapter 10: ________ is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world.

Personality -perception -intelligence -sensation

Chapter 5: _________ in operant conditioning occurs when the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed b a desirable stimulus (i.e, stickers, candy, etc)

Positive reinforcement -negative reinforcement -positive punishment -negative punishment

Chapter 15: Free association and dream analysis are elements of the form of therapy:

Psychoanalysis -behavior therapy - humanistic therapy - gestalt therapy

Chapter 10: _________ perspectives of personality emphasize that personality is primarily unconscious

Psychodynamic -humanistic -social cognitive -trait

Chapter 8: Developmental psychologists study human growth and development across three domains. Which of the following is Not one of these domains?

Psychological -cognitive -physical -psychosocial

Chapter 10: According to Fred's psychoanalytic theory, the ego abides by the ___________ principle.

Reality -pleasure -self-actualization -all-or-none

Chapter 10: When the ego seeks the security of an earlier developmental period in the face of stress, thedefense mechanism of _____ is being used.

Regression -sublimation -repression -displacement

Chapter 6: An event schema is also known as a cognitive ______.

Script -stereotype -concept -prototype

Chapter 7: ________ is the system of memory that holds information for time frames of a fraction of a second to 1-2 seconds.

Sensory Memory -short-term memory -working memory -long-term memory

Chapter 6: Ruth is an eight-month-old infant. According to milestones of language development, which of the following language milestones is attained by Ruth at this age?

She produces babbling sounds of spoken language. -she understands more than fifty words. -she understands two-eod combinations -She demonstrates an increased awareness of pragmatics

Chapter 6: Maria is extremely active in politics. She has strong conservative beliefs about what is correct and what is not. Each day when she reads the newspaper, she pays close attention to the editorial section in particular. According to the confirmation bias, what will she do when she reads them?

She will only read the editorials that she agrees with. -she will read all of the editorials to get a balanced view of issues. -she will read the editorials that she disagrees with to get another perspective on issues. -she will only read the editorials that are devoid of political issues

Chapter 11: As a field, social psychology focuses on ______ in predicting human behavior.

Situational factors -personality traits -genetic predispositions -biological forces

Chapter 11: In Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. This is an example of ______influencing behavior.

Social Roles -cognitive dissonance -social comparison -person perception

Chapter 6: According to Gardner's multiple intelligences, which of the following frames of mind describes the ability to think three-dimensionally?

Spatial -existentialist -naturalist -intraprsonal

Chapter 5: In classical conditioning, the process by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay, without further conditioning is Known as:

Spontaneous recovery -reinforcement -generalizing -acquision

Chapter 6: Which theorist put fourth the triarchic theory of intelligence?

Sternberg -goleman -gardner -steiz

Chapter 15:A potential side effect of chronic exposure to the typical (traditional) antipsychoticmedications used to treat schizophrenia is the development of _____, a motordisorder characterized by lip smacking, tongue protusions and other motordisturbances such as involuntary movements of arms and legs

Tardive dyskinesia -parkinson's disease -agranulocytosis -catatonia

Chapter 8: During the embryonic period of prenatal development:

The intestinal tract appears -the zygote is formed -the fetus starts to move around -the zygote attaches to the uterine wall

Chapter 1: Psychology is formally defined as?

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes -The study of human mind -the subjective study of human behavior -the exclusive study of abnormal behavior

Chapter 11: If Cathy blames her history teacher for her poor performance on a history test she is engaging in:

The self-serving bias -altruism -self-objectification. -the false consensus effect

Chapter 15: Which of the following is NOT a technique commonly used by behavior therapists?

Transference -reinforcement -observational learning -systematic desensitization

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