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In a content placeholder with multiple text entries, the bullet points are animated ?


If you want to insert a graphic just once, but still have it appear on every slide in your presentation, usea ?

Slide master

The ? View displays the timings assigned to each slide to add it to the formula

Slide sorter

The best way to recognize the slides in your presentation is to use ? View

Slide sorter

Once you have selected a transition effect for a slide, a transition icon resembling ? Appears below the slide numbers in the slides/ outline pane

Sliding Star

Microsoft excel is a ?

Spreadsheet program

Imagine you have already applied an animation to a slide title. You want to apply an animation to the subtitle as well, and you wsnt it to start at the same time as the title animation. You should select?

Start with previous

To organize information in rows or columns in word, click the ? Button on the Insert tab.


In word, you can create a new, blank document or you can create one based on a predestined document called a ?


Excels spell check feature reviews ?


All of the following are print layout options in PowerPoint except ?

Text Only

Pressing the right arrow key will cause ?

The next slide in a presentation to display

Clicking a theme on the DESIGN tab causes ?

The theme to be applied to all slides in the presentation

If the text you enter is too long to fit on line in a placeholder ?

The words will automatically wrap to the next line

The colors used for text, slide backgrounds, and graphical elements are preset by the ? You apply


A variety of slide transition sounds can be found in the ?

Timing group on the transitions

? To select the entire document for editing

Triple-click in the selection area to the left of the document

If you want your organizations logo to appear on every slide in the presentation, place it on the ? In the slide masters set

Uppermost slide

If you do not type the year when entering a date, excel ?

Uses the current year

You should add a sis titles to an excel chart to describe ?

What the labels or numbers along each axis represent

To move a slide in slide sorter view , ?

You can click and drag it to the spot in which you want to place it

Rather than typing a cell reference into a formula

You can click the cell on the worksheet

To print a worksheet with the formulas displayed, ?

You may need to adjust the orientation or margins first

When you increase the font size of the text in a cell, ?

You may need to manually adjust the size of the column and/or row

If a large number in a cell displays as a series of pound signs (#), means ?

You must increase the column width for the contents to display properly

Data labels in a pie chart typically display as?


Is used to calculate payments on loans


Is used to determine the number of occurrences in a row or column of a number or text


Is used to add up numbers in a row or column. Example =sum(B4:B8)


Will display the current date in a cell


Chart should be used if you want to compare two data series to see a trend

A column

Has two dollar signs.

Absolute cell reference

If you want a second Animation to appear on a slide, click the ? Button in the advanced animation group on the animations tab

Add animation

Changing the theme of a worksheet changes ?

All the cell styles, fonts, and theme colors

If you want a title to fly in on a slide , click the fly in option in the ?

Animation group on the animations tab

To use your own audio in a presentation, begin by clicking the ?

Audio button in the Media group on the Insert tab

Header and footer formatting that is done on the Slide tab of the Header and Footer dialog box is ?

Automatically applied to the slide master

The ? Key erases the character to the left of the cursor


The placement of more than one image on a slide : you can place one in front of the other, you can place one behind the other, and you ?

Can place them side by side

To rotate a picture in word

Click and drag the rotation handle

To choose the direction from which text enters a slide, ?

Click the effect options button in the Animation group on the Animations tab

Are labeled with capital letters


The keyboard shortcut for copying a selected object is ? The shortcut for pasting the object is ?

Ctrl + C; Ctrl + V

If you want to create a specialized show using only a selection of slides from a presentation, use the ? Feature

Custom slide show

When you type 6/12 into a cell, excel automatically applies the ? Format


The ? Key erases the character to the right of the cursor


During a slide show, pressing the right arrow key will? In a presentation

Display the next slide

To select an entire paragraph, ?

Double-click the selection area to the left of the text

You can use the ? In the timings group on the Animations tab to change the timing of animations

Duration and delay measurement boxes

To end a presentation , right-click any slide and click end show or press?


Is the keyboard shortcut for running a slide show


To save your newly created Word document, begin by clicking the ? Tab


If you want a specific date to appear on your slides, select the ? Option on the slide tab in the header footer dialog box.


The picture border and picture effects buttons be ?

Found on the picture tools format. Tab

You can toggle the display of formatting marks by clicking the show/hide button ?

In the paragraph group on the Home tab

One advantage that documents saved in PDF format have over Word format ?

Is that the files are smaller in size and can be emailed

The color that displays on the full color button ?

Is the last color you applied

Text alignment will give your document the look of a published book


A good rule of thumb is to include only ? On your slides and place ? In the notes pane

Key points ; supporting points and spear notes

Is words default text alignment


Are the tab settings found in word

Left, right, and decimal

A _ chart compares differences in values over time


The process of combining rows and columns in a table is called ?


The online pictures buttons allows you to search ? For copyright free photos and illustrations

To insert a photo from your computer into a presentation, click the ? Button in the images group on the insert tab, navigate to the desired file, and click the insert button

Online pictures

You should include sounds with your slide transitions, ?

Only when they will add to or emphasize the content

In slide sorter view, a selected slide appears with an ? Border


If you want to distribute a formatted Microsoft word document to people who don t have word, save it as a ? File


Each part of a ? Chart represents a percentage of the total quantity amount


Font size is measured in ?


A _ of cells contains a row or column.


A wavy _ line under the text indicates a potentially misspelled word


It is important to include text in a power point presentation because it ?

Reinforces the speakers ideas, helps viewers focus on the key points and keeps the speaker on track

You can change the order in which the animations play by selecting an animation and clicking the ?

Reorder button in the Animation pane

By default, the legend is placed at the ? Of a chart

Right side

To format an image in your slide, ? The image and then click format picture in the shortcut menu


To insert a column, ? And then click insert

Right-click the column heading

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