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11.Why did the Allies adopt the principle of "unconditional surrender" of Germany and Japan?

1. To further encourage mutual trust.

8.What was the "Europe First" policy?

8. An agreement made by the Grand Alliance stating that only after Hitler was defeated would the Allies mount an all-out attack on Japan, the lesser threat.

What was the policy of détente that Social Democrats in Europe pursued?

A progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions

How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with those in the Russian Empire in 1913?

After 1932 real wages rose slowly, but by 1937 workers could still buy only about 60% of what they had bought in 1928 and less than in 1913.

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?

After the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948

Describe Stalin's theory of socialism in one country.

Argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own.

The founder of the National Organization for Women was

Betty Friedan.

What characteristics did communist and facist dictatorships share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people"

Which countries in August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact that led directly to war?

Germany and the Soviet Union

What was the consequence for European national governments in meeting the fiscal standards to join the monetary union?

Governments had to reduce health and social benefits for their citizens.

Serbian president Slobodan Milo evic's actions in 1990 hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia. His ultimate goal was to establish

Greater Serbia.

Slobodan Milosevic's plan, which hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia, was known as

Greater Serbia.

During the recession that began in 2008, which country struggled to implement an austerity plan in order to receive financial aid from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Union?


How did the West German chancellor Helmut Khol build support for German reunification in East Germany?

He offered the East Germans an economically advantageous swap of East German currency for West German currency

Which of the following characterizes the presidency of Vladimir Putin in Russia?

He reasserted anti-Western Russian nationalism and centralized political authority in the Kremlin.

Why did Europeans find postcolonial migration troublesome?

Intellectuals worried immigrant workers would never adapt

During their struggle against the Soviet Union, bin Laden and like-minded "holy warriors" developed a hatred of all of the following except

Islamic puritanism.

What are lebensraum and Anschluss?

Lebensraum: Hitler's theory to gain "living space" for German people.

The Solidarity movement of the 1980s was led by

Lech Walesa.

n 1931, with Guomindang armies closing in on him, ___________ led his followers on a 5,000 mile march.

Mao Zedong

What was a major reason for the decline of Western European birthrates?

Married women entering careers and the related drive for gender equality

What was the "Europe first" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during WWII?

Military strategy adopted by the United States that required concentrating on the defeat of Germany while maintaining a holding action against Japan in the Pacific.

Which of the following events occurred first?

NATO is formed.

Where did the Nazis initially gain experience in mass murder?

The Holocaust: the effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews and others groups deemed racially inferior during WWII.

Delegates to the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2012 voted to extend which protocol on climate change?

The Kyoto Protocol

Lenin's New Economic Policy was a compromise consisting of...

The NEP was a necessary compromise with the Soviet Union's overwhelming peasant majority (80%).

What was the effect of the 1935 Nuremberg Law?

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 classified as Jewish anyone having three or more Jewish grandparents, outlawed marriage and sexual relations between Jews and Germans, and deprived Jews of all rights of citizenship.

What is the consequence of globalization for national economies?

They are much more vulnerable to worldwide economic panics.

How did the Nazis manage the Northern European states they conquered?

They established puppet governments with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs.

What event triggered the start of World War II in 1939 & which ended the War in 1945?

Treaty of Versailles because Germany broke it.

What did the new, pro-Western Serbian government do to Slobodan Milošević in July 2001?

Turned him over to a war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands to stand trial

In addition to the emergence of married career women, why else have European birthrates declined substantially?

Uninspiring economic conditions

Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress

cut taxes and ballooned the government deficit.

In the early 1930s German chancellor Bruning tried to cope with the Great Depression by

cutting government spending and squeezing down wages and prices.

What was life like in the Soviet Union after WWII?

reestablished a harsh dictatorship

The Brezhnev era in the Soviet Union appeared stable for all of the following reasons except

the high rate of growth in the consumer sector of the economy.

Which of the following events occurred last?

Berlin Wall built.

In 1958, General de Gaulle established the ____________ Republic in France.


What was women's roles in Stalin's society?

could enter the ranks of specialists in industry in science

Charter 77 was a manifesto signed by a small group of Czech citizens that called on Communist leaders to...

respect civil and political liberties

The Helsinki Accords of 1975 called for

respect for human rights and the recognition of existing political boundaries.

The German Red Army Faction is an example of the

second wave of terrorism.

The Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

stated that if either side became involved in war, the other would remain neutral, and included a secret clause dividing up eastern Europe.

According to the text, economic "shock therapy" in Russia worked poorly for all of the following reasons except the

strength of the ruble on international currency exchanges.

The wave of social unrest that almost toppled de Gaulle's Fifth Republic was begun by


Hitler acquired absolute dictatorial powers, through the Enabling Act, as a result of

the Reichstag fire and dirty politicking.

Opposition to the Maastricht treaty was based on all of the following considerations except

the belief that the new currency would be easily manipulated and controlled by the United States.

Gorbachev's reforms included all of the following except

the breakup of collective farms.

How was the Tet Offensive, launched by the Vietcong in January 1968, perceived in the United States?

As a sign that the war was not close to ending

How did the Soviet Union and Eastern European Communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because of their exposure to Western European society

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Spain faced terrorist actions by an insurgent movement of...

Basque separatists

What was the outcome of the decolonization of the Belgian Congo?

Belgium quickly withdrew from the Congo, granting it independence with irresponsible haste.

What characteristics did Communist and fascist dictatorships share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people."

Britain adopted a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler for which reasons?

British appeasement was motivated by the pacifism of a population still horrified by the memory of the First World War.

In the early 1930s, how did German chancellor Bruning try to cope with the Great Depression?

By cutting back government spending and ruthlessly forcing down prices and wages.

How did German chancellor Heinrich Brüning try to cope with the Great Depression in the early 1930s?

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices

Gabriel Marcel found the answer to the postwar broken world in

Calvinist theology.

In 1991, which autonomous republic in the Russian Federation declared independence, prompting an invasion by the Russian Army and a bloody civil war?


Who wrote "Divided Heaven", a classic example of a novel that provided a critical view of life in East Germany but did not directly oppose communism?

Christa Wolf

How did the role of Christian churches change in postwar Europe?

Church membership and attendance declined significantly

What did Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign call for?

Communist Party to retain its monopoly on political power

What agreement did the United States develop to resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe in 1924?

Dawes Plan

How did the Great Depression set the stage for the rise of dictators?

Due to the economic downfall of numerous countries during the great depression, many parties revolted which provided the opportunity for dictators to rise.

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all Western European governments?

Economic growth

Which was the decisive turning point in North Africa & in the Pacific?

El Alamein where the British stopped Rommel in the summer of 1942.

What was the Paris Accord, signed in 1990 by twenty-two European countries, the United States, and the Soviet Union?

Essentially a general peace treaty that brought an end to both World War II and the Cold War.

How did Soviet treatment of Czechoslovakia in 1948 demonstrate its intention to consolidate

Even though Czech party had support, Stalin overthrew gov.

How did the Soviet Union's treatment of Czechoslovakia in 1948 demonstrate its intention to consolidate its hold on Eastern Europe?

Even though the Czech Communist Party had won significant electoral support, Stalin still orchestrated the overthrow of the government and establish a one-party.

For what goal did the Soviet government under Stalin aggressively intervene in all aspects of life?

For an idealized communist utopia, class differences would supposedly disappear, resulting in a society free of capitalist inequality; pursuit of social leveling.

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


Which six Western European countries formed the European Economic Community?

France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and Germany

How did many Soviet citizens receive lessons in open political discussion, critical thinking, and representative government?

From watching the Congress of People's Deputies, whose deputies had been chosen in free elections in 1989.

Why was West Germany allowed to build army after 1955?

German army would allow Germany to help in defense of Europe

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov to his own advantage?

He blamed the murder on "fascist agents" within the Communist Party and launched a purge of the party itself that solidified his own control

In the late 1920s, how did Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasized the anti-capitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism

In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasized the anticapitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism.

What did the West German minister of the economy do in 1957 to foster economic growth?

He emphasized free-market capitalism.

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself and never purged it members.

Why was Mussolini expelled from the Italian Socialist party?

He urged that Italy join the Allies, having been powerfully influenced by anti democratic cults of violent action in 1914.

Why did Charles de Gaulle withdraw France from NATO?

He viewed the US as the main threat to French independence

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA Storm Troopers killed in 1934?

He wanted to purge the Nazi Party of its more extremist members.

What characterizes the "new fascist man" that Mussolini promoted?

He was supposed to be a virile, patriotic warrior; at the same time his wife was the guardian of the home who raised children to support the values of the fascist state.

What is the composer Arnold Schönberg known for?

His creation of twelve-tone music that abandoned traditional harmony and tonality

Which of the following events occurred last?

Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany.

The growth of the middle class is the postwar era has been attributed primarily to

Increased demand for technologists and managers.

What was the result of Margaret Thatcher's effort to encourage low- and moderate-income renters to buy their apartments?

It created a new class of property owners.

How did the Soviet Union initially organize the Eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes?

It created coalition governments of leftist political parties but reserved key government posts for Moscow-trained Communists.

What were the effects of Lenin's New Economic Plan?

It encouraged peasants to sell surpluses in free market.

What was the result of the Maastricht Treaty?

It provided the basis for the formation of the European Union (EU) and defined criteria for membership in the monetary union.

How did the Solidarity trade union in Poland understand its goals in the early 1980s?

It sought a self-limiting revolution to defend freedoms won in previous agreements with the Communist government

Who was the only Communist leader able to successfully Soviet domination?

Josip Broz Tito

In Vienna, Hitler learned important political lessons from the city's mayor,

Karl Lueger.

When ___________ broke away from the Soviet Union, Alma-Ata became its capital.


Conservative party figures ousted Khruschev from the Soviet leadership because of all of the following except

Khrushchev's readiness to let Soviet satellites leave the Warsaw Pact.

What was the British political party that emerged during the 1920s as the main opposition to the Conservative party?

Labour Party

What happened in 1989 when the Hungarians tore down the barbed-wire curtain separating it from Austria?

Large numbers of dissatisfied East German "vacationers" crossed from Hungary into Austria and from there on to West Gemrany

Which of the following events occurred first?

Mussolini seizes power in Italy.

What type of policies do the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization pursue?

Neoliberal economic policies promoting free markets and trade

Western nations joined forces with the Afghani _____________ in the 2001 attack on the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Northern Alliance

The parliamentary government In Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist march on Rome in 10/1922, largely because...

Of the chaos created by Mussolini's Black Shirt militias.

What were the consequences FDR's agreement with Stalin at Tehran re British-American armies?

Only Soviet troops would launch a full frontal attack.

What was the consequence of Franklin D. Roosevelt's agreement with Joseph Stalin at the Teheran Conference that the British-American armies would launch a frontal assault on France?

Only Soviet troops would liberate Eastern Europe.

In the former Soviet bloc, who were the winners and losers in economic reconstruction?

Ordinary citizens and the elderly were losers; the young and ex-Communists were winners.

In 1997, which three countries were accepted to membership in NATO?

Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

In the revolutions of 1989, the first state to elect a noncommunist leader was


At which conference did U.S. President Harry Truman insist that Stalin immediately allow free elections in the eastern European states under Red Army occupation?

Potsdam Conference

The neoliberal policies of the 1980s promoted which of the following?

Privatization of state-owned businesses

The only Eastern bloc country that responded to the prodemocracy movement of 1989 with bloody repression was


The European Common Market was created by the Treaty of


Why did the rapid economic liberalization of Russia work poorly?

Russia lost access to many raw materials as its empire collapsed.

Who was the Lenin's New Economic Policy a compromise with?

Russian peasants

Heinrich Himmler was the leader of the


Why did the Soviet army stop its advances on Warsaw in August 1944?

So that supplies and troops could be shift to the Asian theater of operations to counter recent Japanese gains.

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov?

Stalin used the incident to launch a reign of terror that purged the party of supposed traitors and solidified his own control.

Which was the decisive turning point battle between the Soviets and the Nazis?


Who was Poland's first non-communist prime minister?

Tadeusz Mazowiecki

In November 1943 the Big Three met in _____________ to discuss the shape of the postwar world.


What did Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign call for?

The Communist Party to retain its monopoly on political power.

6.What were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen?

The Einsatzgruppen was three military death squads known as Specials Task Forces; along with other military units, followed the advancing German armies. They moved from town to town shooting and Jews and other target populations.Victims often forced to dig their own grave before they were shot. In this way the German armed forces killed some 2 million civilians.

What race was considered subhuman by Hitler's New Order, like the Jews?

The Slavic Race

Who was included in the new elite in the Stalinist state?

The Soviet Union paid the mass of unskilled workers and collective farmers very low wages, but offered high salaries and special privileges to its growing technical and managerial elite. This group joined with the political and artistic elites in a new upperclass, whose members grew rich and powerful.

At the time of the Yalta Conference in 1945, why was the position of the Soviet Union much stronger in negotiations with the United States and Great Britain?

The Soviet army already occupied much of Eastern europe

Why did OPEC declare an oil embargo on the United Stated in 1973?

The United States had aided Israel in its war with Egypt and Syria in 1973

In the Lateran Agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that received heavy support from the Italian state.

What is the main subject of the music of Algerian-born Cheb Khaled, the "King of Rai"?

The burdens of the Algerian diaspora in France

Why did Stalin call for the liquidation of the Kulaks?

The communists reasoned that the peasants would embrace conservative capitalism and pose a threat to the regime; could be 'squeezed' to provide the enormous sums needed for all out industrialization.

What did the New Left advocate?

The establishment of socialism with a human face that would avoid the worst excesses of capitalism or Soviet-style communism

How did the fascist vision differ from the communist vision of society?

The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in the bonds of nationalism, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in its classlessness.

What role did women play in Stalin's Soviet Union?

The government revoked many laws supporting women's emancipation in order to strengthen the traditional family and build up state's population; they worked on farms, toiled in factories, heavy construction, building dams, roads, steel mills, opened higher education to women, medicine practically became women's profession, and most had to work outside the home.

To receive Marshall Plan aid, European states were required to cooperate with one another

The organization of European Economic Cooperation

How did the Nazi party seek to promote the idea of the volksgemeinschaft?

The party set up mass organizations to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers for the Nazi cause. Mass rallies, such as annual May Day celebrations and Nazi Party convention in Nuremberg, brought together thousands of participants. The Nazi-controlled press had glowing reports of such events that brought the message home to millions more.

How did Helmut Kohl's neoliberal policies in Germany in the 1980s affect the German economy?

The policies increased unemployment in heavy industry but led to solid economic growth

What event finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian Serbs?

The slaughter of thousands of citizens in Srebrenica

What was a characteristic of the multi-tiered society established by deindustrialization in the twenty-first century?

The top tier of society was a small, affluent group of highly paid experts, executives, and professionals.

What did the era of stagflation in the 1970s demonstrate about the social welfare states in Western Europe?

The welfare state was capable of preventing mass suffering and sustaining political stability and democracy

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches?

Their efforts were directed primarily at preserving religious life, not at overthrowing Hitler.

Why did nationalists oppose the proposed European Union Constitution?

They feared losing political sovereignty and cultural identity.

Why were Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary the most successful Eastern European nations at economic modernization?

They were flexible in the adoption of economic policies and had an enthusiastic entrepreneurial class.

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals.

What were the duties of the Einsatzgruppen?

Three military death squads moved from town to town shooting any Jews and other target populations.Victims often forced to dig their own grave before they were shot.

How did the Nazis seek to give legitimacy to their racial policies?

Through science and law.

What was the Nazi Party policy of coordination?

To force German society to conform to National Socialist ideology.

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in antipation of an invasion of Great Brittain.

In the 1960s and 1970s, what was the purpose of Eastern European economic policies such as Hungary's New Economic Mechanism and East Germany's New Economic System?

To introduce some economic liberalization and encourage the production of consumer products.

Why did Russia invade Georgia in 2008?

To punish Georgia for its support of Chechnya

What did the leaders of the Prague Spring hope to accomplish in Czechoslovakia?

To reconcile socialism with internal party democracy, in which local decision by trade unions, managers, and consumers would replace rigid bureaucratic planning

After the war, why did national governments quickly establish authority over questions of guilt and punishment for those who had collaborated with the Nazi regime?

Unofficial groups were seizing and executing alleged collaborators on their own.

Christian Democrats in which country promoted a "social-market economy"

West Germany

As practiced in the 1930s, appeasement was

a British policy that aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war.

Khrushchev's "secret speech" at the 20th Party Congress was

a surprising attack on Stalin and his crimes

Under Stalin, Soviet workers had all of the following except

abundant housing

The newer comparative studies of fascism identify all of the following as shared characteristics except

alliance with working-class movements.

The first German act of aggression that could not be justified by selfdetermination was the

annexation of Austria.

The earliest part of Gorbachev's reform campaign in the U.S.S.R. featured

antialcoholism and anticorruption drives.

How did Soviet Union and Eastern European communist regimes treat displaced people returning?

as additional burdens on struggling economies

Early writers on totalitarianism such as Elie Halévy

asserted that all totalitarian states were closely related.

The Manhattan Project was responsible for the development of

atomic bomb

Stalin ordered the liquidation of the kulaks, the _____________, in 1929.

better-off peasants

The ultimate goal for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production was

bind the 6 members of the organization so close

The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe in the 1950s was to

bind the six members of the European Coal and Steel Community so closely that war would be impossible.

The misery index is a measurement that

combines inflation and unemployment rates.

The successful reform movements in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic resulted from all of the following factors except

considerable experience with limited market reforms before 1989.

Simone de Beauvoir argued that women could become freer through

courageous action and self-assertive creativity.

One of the most important consequences of the Great Purges was the

creation of a new generation of communists loyal to Stalin.

The workers at the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk demanded all of the following except

dissolution of the Communist party.

Changes in the structure of European society after WWII were the result of

economic and technological transformation

Common goals of the women's movement included all of the following except

elimination of male-dominated governments.

Boris Yeltsin's role in the disintegration of the Soviet Union included...

emerging as a radical reform Communist who embraced the democratic movement and led Russia to declare independence from the Soviet Union

In order to foster economic growth, the German Minister of the Economy Ludwig Erhard

emphasized free market capitalism.

French decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa

enhanced economic and cultural ties with former colonies.

After World War II, the Soviet Union

eturned to the totalitarianism of the 1930s.

Mussolini was expelled from the Italian Socialist Party

for urging Italian entry into World War I

The Allies adopted the principle of the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in order to...

further encourage the home from in each Allied country

One example of the successful resistance of Russian peasants to collectivization was

grudgingly tolerated family plots.

Marshal Henri-Philippe Pétain

headed the Vichy French government that made peace with the Nazis.

Hitler's popularity was based on all of the following except

his establishment of equality for women.

What does neocolonialism refer to?

idea of a system designed to perpetuate economic domination

The growth of the middle class in the postwar era has been attributed primarily to

increased demand for technologists and managers.

The leveling of European society was a product of all of the following except

increased immigration resulting from decolonization.

The strategic decision that most epitomized Hitler's violent and unlimited ambitions was the

invasion of the Soviet Union.

What did the Marshall plan accomplish?

it prevented economic collapse in Western Europe

Hitler's Mein Kampf included all of the following basic themes except

land reform

The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944

linked western European currencies to the U.S. dollar

The leaders of the Czechoslovak reform movement of 1968 attempted to

make communism more humane.

The attempted coup by the communist old guard in the Soviet Union in August 1991 failed because of

massive popular resistance, rallied around Boris Yeltsin.

French reaction to the austerity reforms introduced to meet Maastricht criteria featured

massive protest marches and a national strike.

Poland differed from the other Eastern Bloc states in the 1970s and 1980s because

of its independent agriculture and vigorous church.

The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist march on Rome in October 1922 largely because

of the violence perpetrated by Mussolini's own black-shirted militants.

The Brezhnev era witnessed all of the following changes except

participation of leading Soviet scientists and professionals in international communities of their disciplines.

How did the East German government respond to the nationwide demonstrations?

permitted Soviet troops to put down revolt & started reforms

What image of Mussolini did "the cult of Duce" promote?

powerful strongman embodying the best qualities of Italians

In response to the growing power of Solidarity in Poland, Wojciech Jaruzelski, a general and head of the Polish government, suddenly...

proclaimed martial law and arrested Solidarity's leaders

The regimes of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and the Stalinist Soviet Union all shared a

profound hatred of Western liberalism

many European intellectuals see Europe's mission in the twenty-first century as

promoting human rights, democracy, and prosperity outside Europe

Samizdat literature referred to books, periodicals, pamphlets, and newspapers that were...

published secretly and passed from hand to hand

European societies in the early twenty-first century face all of the following problems except

rapidly declining living standards.

In 2002, the Bush administration ____________ new Security Council resolutions requiring Iraq to accept the return of weapons inspectors.

reluctantly agreed to

What was the result of the breaking the Berlin blockade in 1948-49?

the creation of two separate German states

The Grand Alliance was cemented by all of the following policies except

the decision to exclude France from the Alliance.

At the end of the twentieth century, international trade was deeply affected by the development of the Internet and

the deregulation of financial systems.

The Persian Gulf War in 1991 clearly demonstrated

the effort of the United States and Western Europe to promote international consensus under U.S. guidance.

The youth counterculture of the late 1950s and 1960s was characterized by all of the following except

the embrace of materialism

Hitler's promise to create "national socialism," a path between capitalism and communism was directed primarily at

the middle and lower-middle classes.

What did Rachel Carson seek to expose in her book Silent Spring?

the rampant overuse of pesticides

All of the following were factors in the success of Stalin's industrialization drive except

the skill of Soviet economists.

How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of Volksgemainshaft?

they created mass organizations such as Hitler Youth

Why did Stalin and his supporters sponsor the first five-year plan?

they feared a gradual restoration of capitalism

What were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen (special task force)?

they followed the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering ?undesirables" as they moved from town to town

How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare to 1913?

they were lower.

Among the objectives of Stalin's first Five-Year Plan were all of the following except

to Russify the ethnic minority groups in the U.S.S.R.

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in Protestant and Catholic churches?

to preserve religious life in Germany

The essence of Willy Brandt's policies toward the Eastern Bloc was

to seek peace and reconciliation.

In the days after the collapse of Saddam's dictatorship, British and American troops __________ looting of government buildings and hospitals.

turned a blind eye to

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he

used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland.

Privatized companies in post-Soviet Russia

usually ended up in the hands of former Soviet managers and bureaucrats.

Following the failure of his program of nationalization and public investment in the early 1980s, French president François Mitterrand

was forced to introduce austerity measures.

According to historian Daniel Goldhagen, most Germans

were Hitler's willing accomplices in the Final Solution.

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