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Collin, an executive of a telecom company, has an inclination to acquire more power to further his own interests. He spends lavishly on sports cars and branded watches to exhibit his power and stature. Which of the following best describes Collin's leadership style?

Personalized charismatic

Ryan's team has performed beyond the performance standard set for the team in the previous financial year. This makes the team eligible for additional incentives. The improved performance will make the team members eligible for a promotion in a few months. In the context of the expectancy theory, which of the following statements is true in this case?​

The team being considered eligible for promotion is the second-level outcome.

The managing director of an organization addresses two sales teams, A and B, who are in charge of different products. While communicating a critical strategic decision of the company, members of team A had a pre-existing idea, while members of team B appeared clueless. In this context, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

The team leader of A practices open-book management, while the team leader of B does not.

Jonathan, the human resource manager of an organization, requests the help of the managing director to communicate on incentive cuts which will be allocated to employees who perform below the organisational standard. In the context of influence tactics, this is most likely an example of _____.​

Upward appeal

A key barrier to cross-cultural communication is to confuse the identity of people because they:

are members of the same race or ethnic group

As observed by Robert E. Kelley, _____ is an essential quality of effective followers.


A major characteristic of a team is

common commitment

Two components of empowerment revealed by research are

competence and self-determination.

In the context of outcomes of influence tactics, _____ means that the influence agent has changed the person's behavior but not his attitude.​


An overview of research on managerial succession over a recent twenty year period shows that:

consistent relationship is found between who is in charge and how well an organization performed.

The virtuous cycle in relation to social responsibility suggests that

corporate social performance and corporate financial performance feed and reinforce each other

A major leadership initiative for enhancing a learning organization is to:

create a strategic intent to learn.

Kevin announces that starting next financial year, 25% of his team members' salaries will depend on their performance. His team members had no say in this process. In the context of the Normative Decision Model, Kevin demonstrates _____.


The leader of a particular group decides to conduct personal meetings with his team members, to understand how they feel about their positions in team. The leader in this case wants to know if the group members are satisfied with the appreciation they get. In the given example, the leader is engaged in _____.

developing group emotional intelligence

In cross-cultural relations, an attitude of highest respect is to communicate the belief that another person's culture is:

different from but not inferior to yours.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to _____.​

disclose whether they have adopted a code of ethics for senior financial officers

The consideration dimension of leadership behavior includes how well the leader creates an environment of _____.

emotional support, friendliness, and trust

A transactional leader in contrast to a transformational one is more likely to:

emphasize rewards for good performance.

Martha, the chief designer of StyleSmartz, is considered a role model by her design team members for her role as an effective leader. Martha is considered an effective leader by the team due to her tendency to _____.

engage in management openness by encouraging members to voice their opinion

According to the law of reciprocity (as it relates to organizational politics)

everybody expects to be paid back.

Tina offers an expensive gift to her subordinate, provided the subordinate help her with the content of a power point presentation; the work being officially assigned to Tina. In this context, which of the following influence tactics is practised by Tina?

exchanging favors

In outdoor training, an important purpose of debriefing is to:

explain how the training can be applied to the workplace.

We know that charismatic leadership has taken place when

extraordinary levels of devotion, identification, and emulation are aroused in group members.

Substitutes for leadership refers to

factors in the work setting that make leadership superfluous.

A company president attends a groundbreaking ceremony for a new children's hospital located near company headquarters. The president's role is best classified as that of


A study showed that workers who perceive themselves to have a technical orientation tend to prefer being praised in a manner that:

focuses on how their work made a contribution.

An active listener attempts to

grasp both facts and feelings.

Lorenzo Inc., a pharmaceutical company, has decided to purchase two major biotechnology research firms in order expand its operations and enhance its market presence. This is an example of:​

growth through acquisition.

Jonathan, the head of a technology firm, is known for his authentic leadership practices. He created a unique identity for himself in the world of successful business leaders. In this scenario, Jonathan:

has developed a personal brand.​

An example of a formal mechanism for dealing with ethical problems is:

having an ethics committee for reviewing complaints about ethical problems.

An important part of open-book management is to:

help all employees understand the company's business goals.

Team members use technologies like groupware which:

help groups collaborate better.

Kent is an enthusiastic leader, so his enthusiasm is likely to:

help him build relationships with the group.

A major role of an executive coach is to:

help uncover strengths of the person being coached.

The most effective type of humor for an organizational leader to use is directed at:

himself or herself

Estelle plans to present the science project assigned to her in a creative manner.​ She concentrates on finding ways to present her project. She comes up with possible solutions without evaluating them. Which step of the creative process is illustrated in the given scenario


Emotional intelligence tends to:

improve with experience.

Self-confidence is an important leadership characteristic found:

in almost every leadership setting.

Age Inc., a company producing scientific instruments, has a dedicated team working on product innovations. This team is not involved in the company's regular activities. The team is provided with ample resources and has direct access to the company's​ senior management team. From the given scenario, it can be inferred that _____.

innaovation is continuously pursued

Jodie has high self-efficacy, meaning that she:

is highly confident that she can perform a particular task

Team play can be an influence tactic when a person:

is more concerned about collaboration than tough-mindedness.

Intrinsically satisfying work can be a leadership substitute because such work

is so self-motivating that the worker requires very little leadership

Tenacity is considered to be an important leadership characteristic because:

it often takes a long time to implement a new program

A hands on and deeply engaged leader is most likely to be strong on which one of the following traits or characteristics?

knowledge of the business

Empowerment is most likely to create disharmony and dysfunction when workers

lack a clear perception of the boundaries of empowerment

With respect to safety, positive leader-member exchanges:

lead to greater commitment and fewer accidents.

Which of the following is true of a delegating decision making style?

leader works behind the screen.

Tyson is a supervisor at an agro processing industry. He commands respect, confidence, and loyalty of group members by virtue of his honest and transparent policies. Tyson is:​

likely to score high on emotional intelligence.

Marketing vice president Derek is engaged in the strategic planner role when he

looks for ideas in the outside world that could help the company.

Which one of the following is the least typical characteristic of a transformational leader?

low standing on moral reasoning

The teamwork tactic "emphasize pride in being outstanding" is based on the premise that:

most groups are especially good at some tasks.

Corporate social responsibility centers on a firm's:

positive contribution to society.

A leader must acquire _____ in order to influence others.


A good example of ingratiation when dealing with a person you are trying to influence would be for you to:

praise that person lavishly.

Amanda, a business analyst, presents false research findings to her manager to prove that the desired results have been achieved and to get appreciation for her work. ​Which level of moral development is illustrated in the given scenario?

preconventional level

A major purpose of strategic leadership is to

provide direction and inspiration in an organization.

When workers are aligned, they tend to _____

pull together for a higher purpose

A key part of a leader having humility is to:

put group members in the limelight, rather than oneself.

A recommended way of giving advice to an employee is to:

put your advice in the form of a question

A key part of 360-degree feedback is for leaders to __

receive feedback from those who work with and for them

______ power is a type of personal power


A key point about charisma is that it is a(n):

relationship between the leader and the group members.

The best example of personal power would be power stemming from the

relevant expertise a person brings to the job.

Which of the following is a key leadership role in a team-based organization?

Building trust and inspiring teamwork

An important way of inspiring people is to _____

satisfy their higher-level needs

The purpose of collaboration is to:

search for win-win solutions to conflicts.

When senior management provides strategic leadership for ethics,

senior managers become ethics leaders.

Chandler is the head of a pulp and fibre manufacturing company. Despite his keen interest in closing a deal with a distributor in a developing country, he was convinced of the emerging surveys that show a lack of demand for the company's products. Hence, he decides to drop the project in spite of his personal interest. This shows that Chandler is:

sensibly persistent.

Alan used to follow a libertarian leadership style. He recently decided to become stricter toward productivity targets as a result of the fluctuations in the market. He does this in order to make his team more task oriented. This is an example of _____.

situations shaping how leaders behave

Department head Matt wants the department members to be convinced of the merits of a new procedure. He gets a well-liked worker to speak in favor of the new procedure. Matt is using the persuasion principle known as:

social proof

Rita is a leader of high integrity. According to the technical meaning of integrity, Rita will

stick to the principles she thinks are right.

Katie, the marketing head of MeDiASure, a digital marketing agency, entrusts her team with the task of conceptualizing innovative marketing strategies for a client. Katie collects the group's opinion and lets the team take the final call on the most suitable strategies. In this scenario, Katie is assuming the role of a(n) _____.

Democratic leader

Which of the following examples illustrates an effort toward building a ​socially responsible and ethical organization?

Drive Inc., a tire manufacturing company, uses solar panels to generate electricity for running the equipment in its inspection and packaging division.

According to the normative decision model, group support refers to:

the degree to which the team supports the organization's objectives at stake in the problem.

A consultative or collaborative decision-making style is likely to bring about the best results when​

the leader needs information from the teammembers to solve a problem in hand

A model of the relationship between corporate social performance and profits emphasizes​ _____.

the role of supply and demand

The general point of Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership is that the best style of leadership is determined by:

the situation in which a leader works.

A study found that coaching and sense making by external leaders was more welcome when:

the teams faced disruptive conditions.

A key part of evidence-based leadership or management is to

translate principles into practice.

A systems thinker would be especially good at:

understanding how the external environment influences the organization.

When attempting to resolve conflict between two group members, leaders are advised to:

use confrontation and problem solving.

When group members are trusted, the leader is more likely to use:

weaker influence tactics.

In path-goal theory, the participative leader is best suited for improving the morale of:

well-motivated employees who perform nonrepetitive tasks.

An example of Machiavellianism would be for a manager to tell a group member that he must:

work every Saturday to be evaluated as a good team player.

A worker receiving a floor clock for having saved the company thousands of dollars in shipping costs is an example of:

workers experiencing pride in relation to recognition symbols.

An opportunity for an organization to practice social responsibility involves:

working with its supplier to improve working conditions.

Ramos, a CEO, was recently made President and CEO of the company. Which of the following is a consequence of Ramos occupyingthis dual role?​

​His legitimate power is strengthened

Middle manager Sara is engaged in the team builder role when she

Holds a meeting to talk about team accomplishments

Felix Inc., a real estate company, wants to increase efficiency at work and improve customer experience. In pursuit of this goal, it creates an online portal that could store relevant information on various aspects in a systematic manner. Users can easily access required information. Which of the following captures the above mentioned scenario?​

Knowledge dissemination

Which one of the following is the most recommended approach to leadership during a crisis?

Lead with compassion

According to the generic model of power influence, the effectiveness of influence tactics is affected by _____.

Leader traits, leader behaviors, and the situation

A consequence of the resource dependence perspective is that 1 L start losing their ability to control resources they

Lose power

The leader-member exchange model provides a partial explanation of teamwork development because:

members of an in-group work smoothly together with the leader.

An important characteristic of a strategy developed through revolutionary and contrarian thinking is that it:

seriously challenges the status quo.

An important implication of expectancy theory for leaders is that:

the link between rewards and performance should be made explicit

A dominant characteristic of creative workers is a passion for:

their work

Maddox Corp., a smartphone manufacturer, in the initial years of its entry into the market, adopted a deliberate strategy of quickly capturing a sizeable portion of the market share by lowering the selling price of its smartphones. Which business strategy has the company adopted in the given example?

cost leadership strategy

A suggestion to the leader based on path-goal theory is for the leader to:

reduce frustrating barriers to reaching goals.

In the context of innovation, Procter and Gamble is noted for:

training managers in thinking about product design.

Ethics can be considered the

vehicle for putting values into action.

A synthesis of studies about transformational leadership and performance found that this type of leadership

was positively associated with a group of criteria.

An example of a second-level outcome in expectancy theory would be a:

A promotion stemming from a good performance appraisal

Donald Trump is seen as a leader with a:

Personalized power motive

Which of the following is true of leadership during a crisis?

It is important to prevent potential crisis through disaster planning.

Which one of the following is a recommended approach to leadership during a crisis?

Lead with compassion

At which of the following levels in an organization, is hands-on leadership usually expected?

Levels below the executive category

The _____ is a leadership network aimed at doing one's assigned task more effectively.

Operational network

Which of the following factors is least likely to contribute to the political behavior in the work place

Rejecting unwarranted compliments from subordinates

Which one of the following is the least essential characteristic of an effective follower?

Reliance on being managed or led by another person

A barrier buster is a manager who

Removes obstacles that hinder work accomplishment

Who among the following is a coaching leader?​

Ryan, who gives clear task directions to his teammates and encourages and listens to them

Multiunit organizations sometimes enhance creativity by:

Sharing ideas across divisions

Which of the following is least characteristic of strategic leadership?

The leader as the primary source of input for strategy formulation

Which of the following is true of a consensus leadership style?

The style enhances the level of commitment by team members toward an idea.

The approach that focuses on social responsibility by finding out better ways for leaders to make a positive contribution to society is the _____ approach .

Thou Shalt

An entrepreneurial leader is least likely to __

Thrive on hierarchy and routine

In the context of Situational Leadership​ II, who among the following is identified as an enthusiastic beginner?

Tina, who needs help with her technical skills but is a motivated learner

A cognitive characteristic of creative people is that they _____.

are able to think divergently.

A rationale for empowerment is that the most successful organizations

effectively use the talents of all players on the team.

Feeling competent to complete group tasks is known as group _____.


A leader who scored high on initiating structure would ___

emphasize work scheduling and assigning tasks

Edwin, an engineer in a construction material manufacturing company, always strives to give his best because he is aware that he is contributing to something larger and would be recognized for it. It can be inferred from the given scenario that _____.

employees who work in an ethical environment tend to be better motivated

A leader engages in management openness when he _____.

encourages subordinates to voice their opinion

A recommended starting point in establishing a climate for creative thinking in an organization is to:

establish a vision and mission that includes creativity.

A common thread to creativity-enhancing exercises is that they require

flexible thinking

Donna wants to lead as an effective coach. So, with respect to people she coaches, Donna should minimize:

giving a lot of gentle advice and guidance.

A major challenge facing leaders in the pursuit of conflicting goals is:

granting people the authority to act independently yet getting them aligned.

An entrepreneurial leader is most likely to ____

have a high level of enthusiasm and creativity

Providing group members with too little hands-on guidance about how to accomplish important work can be a symptom of _____.


Ashley is the leader of a virtual team. To increase the effectiveness of her team, Ashley should:

monitor progress through the use of information technology

A stereotype of difference in negotiation style noted between Americans and negotiators in other countries is that Americans are more likely to:

move quickly toward a resolution of the problem.

A finding about the insight step of creative thinking is that the flash of insight:

often arrives after hours of thought and study.

A basic principle of persuasion is:

people like those who like them

Morris, a team manager, needs to write an email to his te​am members about the targets to be achieved for the year. He decides to write a front-loaded message to convey the necessary information. Hence Morris is most likely to:

place key ideas at the beginning of the email.

When ingratiation takes the form of well-deserved flattery or compliments, it is a _____ influence tactic.


Mark, the manager of the marketing team of a company, often contacts the members of the finance team for budget-related details. Mark needs this information to design marketing strategies that fall within the allocated budget. Which leadership is Mark using for performing his tasks efficiently?​

Operational network

Which one of the following is the farthest removed from the six basic principles of persuasion?

People want what they can have most of.

Which of the following is a contributing factor to team learning?

Personal mastery of the job

Chief operations officer Joan has an ethical mind, so she has a point of view that helps workers:

aspire to do good work that matters to many people.

A leader who is personally charismatic is likely to:

attract people to him or her.

Anne, the Creative Head of a publishing house which is into teens' fiction ,decides to form an alliance with the Creative Heads of other publishing houses in the city, in order to plan for a literary meet. In the context of influence tactics, an alliance of this kind, if formed, becomes an example of a(n) _____.


Knowledge of the business" as a leadership characteristic is closely related to the leadership trait of:

cognitive ability

A retailer targeting low income groups is an example of the _____ strategy.


When the floor manager empowers this member his power


Oscar engages in debasement when he tells the person he is trying to influence :

"I may not be well informed, but here is my opinion."

Who among the following is considered a transparent leader?​

A human resource manager who explains to his team the personnel crisis the company is going through

Who among the following is likely to give the best performance in the context of the goal-setting theory?

An employee who is given instructions so that the net sales revenue becomes $30 million and his individual contribution is worth $1 million

Which of the following is regarded as a fallacy about coaching?

Coaching that deals with personal issues should be regarded as psychotherapy.

The modern organization is characterized by

Collaboration between leaders and followers

______ is a political strategy that places subordinates an intense competition for resources, and eventually leads them into a fight

Divide and eule

The lawyer's role in "Be an explorer, artist, judge, and lawyer" is to:

Find ways to implement ideas

The first-mover strategy deals with:

Getting to the market first

A recommended technique for exchanging favors is to:

Give the other person as much time as is feasible to comply

Wanda, a team leader is managing the critical role of selling company access to Reece cash and has therefore gained prominence. Which of the following is the explanation for the source of power Wanda is exercising.

Strategic contingency theiry

Which of the following refers to a group's shared perception of its ability to successfully perform challenges and tasks

Team potency

Davis is the CEO of a group of luxury hotels. As a committed and authentic leader, he brought major changes in the company to attract new customers and ensure quality services. In addition, he also executed major changes in employee relations and satisfaction causing an increase in employee productivity. Which of the following best describes Davis' leadership style?​


The major thrust of the servant leader is to _____.

Work on the behalf of group members to help them achieve their goals

Sprinkling business talk with jargon is useful in:

adding to a person's popularity.

A useful variation of the collaborative style of conflict management is to:

agree with the person criticizing you.

A major aspect of direction setting by the leader is to:

anticipate and create a future for the firm.

Sending thank you notes to large numbers of people is regarded as a

basic, but effective, political technique.

Rohan, the production manager of a firm, is asked to provide a one-to-one developmental program to Milan who is an assistant production manager. The program covers aspects like total sales revenue to be achieved for the month, and the individual numbers which Milan will have to contribute.The program is an example of a(n) ____

executive training program

The achievement motive refers to:

finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake

Peter and his teammates engage in action learning when they:

learn while attacking a significant organizational problem.

_____ authorizes people at the highest levels in an organization to make a decision and expect compliance

legitimate power

A recommended approach for understanding the impact of leadership on performance is to ask

"Under what conditions do leaders make a difference?"

Which of the following examples illustrates a method for creating a socially responsible and ethical organization?​

ABC Inc., a large industrial group, encourages its senior managers to set examples for other employees by being fair and just in their actions.

Which of the following leaders reflect the key aspects of servant leadership?

Angelina focuses on what is feasible to accomplish despite being very idealistic in nature.

Which of the following examples illustrates selective listening?​

As the director of a company, Adolf is extremely busy and listens only to information on the company's position in the stock market.

Charismatic leaders are characterized as:

Being willing to use unconventional strategies

Which of the following statements is true of coaching skills and techniques?

Build personal relationships with team members.

At a meeting, a(n) _____ is more likely to focus on the refreshments and taking peeks at his or her personal text messages.​


When Carlos, the manager of a coffee shop, speaks to customers in order to find out trends in their preferences and their changing requirements, he is performing the leadership role of a(n) _____.​


Which of the following examples illustrates practices that enhance creativity?​

Eric, a team manager, encourages his team members to choose the best possible method for reaching a particular target.

Nancy a middle manager, wants to use the influence tactic of legitimating to improve quality within her unit. Nancy, therefore

Explains that top management wants quality improvements

Which of the following practices is least likely to be helpful in managing creative people?

Giving creative people considerable structure

Grace, the CEO of an oil and gas exploration company, decides to buy an oil block, even though experts have warned her of security risks and uncertainty with regard to oil presence. Grace completes the oil deal, and exploration in the block confirms oil presence. Which of the following traits best describes Grace's actions?


Research suggests workers are more likely to have a breakthrough idea when they are:

Happy the day before

According to Nick Petrie, which of the following is a feature of the old paradigm of leadership?

Leadership resides in a single person or role.

Which of the following is a key practice that leaders in virtual teams should practice?

Maintaining frequent communication with the team

Roxanne a Manager applies the dependence perspective towards a Power when she

Makes her staff members dependent on her to pursue their ideas

Which of the following examples shows the cognitive abilities of a creative person?​

Martin is able to think of several alternatives for a problem.

If hands-on guidance is carried to the extreme, it can result in _____


Which one of the following is considered an important coaching technique?

Model desired performance and behavior

Clarke, the CEO of Abbott Corp., owns several businesses. He enjoys dominating others and prefers subordinates who are submissive and passive. Which of the following power motives explains Clarke's behavior?


Who among the following is a delegating leader?

Ryan, who neither sets clear goals for his teammates, nor encourages them

Lewis is a team leader at a multinational corporation. Before assigning tasks to his team members, he asks for their preferences and suggestions, to not only enhance project delivery efficiency, but also increase team members' satisfaction. Which of the following traits best describes Lewis' approach?

Socially aware

Marsha is the owner of a popular apparel store. She plans to increase the choices available to customers. She thinks about what additions should be made to the current collection of clothes available in the store. During her evening walk, Marsha suddenly realizes that she should conduct a survey to find out what customers desire. Which of the following is most likely to be Marsha's next step in the context of the creative process?​


Which one of the following questions in an ethical screen deals with the principle of reversibility?

What would you tell your child to do?

According to the dependence perspective, Alex has power over ziggy when

Ziggy is dependent on Alex.

The balance of opinion suggests that the contributors to leadership effectiveness are:

a combination of nature and nurture

A recent development in corporate philanthropy is for corporate leaders to demand:

a good return on investment, in terms of social impact.

When coming up with a creative idea,

a person needs to try a large number of ideas

The approaches to negotiation that emphasize collaboration focus on

beginning with a plausible offer.

Middle manager Bob establishes idea quotas for his organizational unit, meaning that workers will be asked to:

bring one fresh idea to each meeting

Division manager Cassandra wants to get the most out of her direct reports. A good strategy would be for her to _____.

concentrate on the strengths of her direct reports

In the context of teamwork, _____ directly states that collaboration is better than competition

cooperation theory

Anthony works in the design team of a publishing company. He is not particular about obtaining approval from his team members for his creative design ideas. Hence, it can be observed from the given scenario that _____.

creative people are generally nonconformists

A major moderating variable in the use of rational persuasion is the:

credibility of the influence agent

Attempts at persuasion, including inspirational speaking and writing, begin with the:

credibility of the message sender.

I won't pressurize you to meet the sales target, but think of your familial settings, and to what degree they would be affected provided you fail to meet the target." This dialogue is made by Gregory, a line manager , to one of his subordinates. In the context of influence tactics, Gregory attempts _____.

gentle manipulation of his subordinate

Derek is a hands-on leader, so he is likely to:

get involved directly in solving customer problems

Nathan is the CEO of a large business firm whose sales are declining rapidly. A superior act of strategic leadership would be for him to:

give the company a new strategic direction.

A method of managing creative workers is to _____.

give them flexibility

The feeling of being proud is essentially a(n):

internal motivator

An ethical screen is used primarily when facing a situation that:

involves deciding if an act is ethical or unethical.

Team leader Steve wants to personally observe the problems and developments within his team. Which of the following techniques is most likely to suit his purpose?

making the rounds

Margaret has Machiavellian tendencies, so she is likely to

manipulate other people for her personal gain.

Recognition is an effective motivator is because:

most employees feel they do not receive enough recognition.

The internal weaknesses in a SWOT analysis include factors such as:

risks of pursuing a particular course of action.

The true object of negotiation is to:

satisfy the underlying interests of both sides.

An example of a physical structure to facilitate communication among team members is a:

shared physical facility such as a beverage lounge

The _____ style of conflict management is halfway between domination and appeasement.


A key part of knowledge management in organizations is:

sharing information systematically.

Amber Corp. and Kyler Corp., two major technology firms, have decided to operate together in specific areas such as distribution and marketing for better utilization of the expertise available in both the the firms. This can be referred to as:

strategic alliance

Kiev, the manager of an accounting department, helps his CFO in framing the financial policies of his company. In this scenario, Kiev is carrying out the leadership role of a(n) _____.​

strategic planner

The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to assess:

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

Max wants to develop a personal brand, so he

studies his basket of personal strengths.

Brainstorming is often condemned as being _____.


A company with a strategy of high quality typically:

supplements quality with other points of differentiation.

According to the leadership studies of Jim Collins, the most important factor in organizational performance is the

the personality of the organization

______ Refers to the idea that all organizational members are capable of leading themselves, at least to some extent


The employees of an organization are told that if they don't work for a minimum of three extra hours every week, they would not be considered for promotions.This is most likely an example of _____.

​deliberate machiavellianism

Courtney is the finance head of a tourism company. Recognizing that the company is hard-pressed financially, she decides to cancel the projects that are riskier in nature, and concentrated more on developing its reliable projects. Which of the following strategies has been adopted by Courtney?

Concentrating resources on areas that need the most change

Mike is the head of a research team at a technology firm. In spite of constant rejection of Mike's ideas by the senior officials, he consistently pursued his ideas without losing confidence. This shows that Mike is a(n) _____ leader.


The team leader of the media team explains the impact of the latest business channels on the advertising returns of the firm to the team. This is an example of _____.

Sense making

Which of the following communication approaches is the most likely to be helpful in overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?

Speaking slowly and clearly to people

A major political blunder is to

be tactless toward influential people.

Which of the following is a key characteristic of servant leadership?

caring for people

A recommended strategy for a transformational leader attempting to help a troubled organization is to concentrate resources where

change is needed the most and the potential payoff is big.

The situational leadership model II emphasizes contingency factors relating to:

characteristics of group members.

A leader would be engaging in micromanagement if he or she:

closely monitors a group member's activities.

A refinement of the individual approach to executive coaching is for a coach to:

collaborate with the leader's group members.

The purpose of forming a coalition is to:

combine your power with that of others.

To achieve best results, advanced technology for knowledge management should be:

combined with an organizational culture that values knowledge management.

Suggestions for making better use of 360-degree surveys include _____.

customizing the assessment dimensions based on the leadership competencies that are associated with success

Studies have shown that employees working in an ethical environment tend to:

deliver superior peformance.

An example of an executive leader helping sustain the environment would be to:

use as much renewable energy as possible at the company.

Plant manager Kristina practices evidence-based leadership when she:

uses leadership practices proven to be effective

The employees of a team are offered a direct incentive hike of 5 percent of their existing incentive amount set, if they improve their performance by two-folds. In the context of the expectancy theory, the additional amount the team members receive as incentives is known as _____.


As a leader, department manager Anna is highly concerned about results, and has little concern for people. Her Managerial Grid style is labeled _____.

9,1 Controlling

Walker is a supervisor at an exporting unit. He has a cheerful disposition, and encourages and appreciates his team members who suggest ideas or accomplish tasks. Which of the following traits best describes Walker's behavior?


The leadership irrelevance theory suggests that factors outside the leader's control

Have a larger impact on business outcomes than hows the leader

Peter, the team leader of IntraCall Inc, is not satisfied with the performance of his team due to the negative feedback and innumerous complaints received by dissatisfied callers. Which of the following measures can Peter adopt to build the reputation of his team and be considered an effective leader?

He should concentrate on honing the strengths of his employees and putting them to best practice.

Which of the following is a justification for leader irrelevance argument?

High-level leaders have unilateral control over only a few resources.

Sawyer, a manager at an IT security firm, firmly believed in using his professional power for the welfare of the organization. His group members were empowered to suggest ideas and were made accountable and responsible for their actions. This shows that Sawyer is:

Socialized charismatic

An effective way for a leader to collaborate with group members is to

Solicit input from the right group members

Which one of the following is not particularly recommended as a method of formulating a vision?

Studying historical precedents

Alfred intends to follow a directive style of leadership among his team members. In the context of the path-goal theory of leadership effectiveness, which of the following situations would have made Alfred stick to a directive leadership style?

The exact sales revenue that his team should bring in is unclear, however the team is given orders to improve its performance.

Stephen, the CEO of an automotive company, addressed his employees in his company's annual meeting. He remarked that the company should acquire 60 per cent of the global market share in the next 10 years, and continue to provide quality products and services to all its consumers. Stephen is a:

Visionary leader

Edwards is the head of the procurement department at FreshDelights, a frozen yoghurt chain. Anticipating a reduction in the demand for frozen yoghurt in the upcoming winter season, Edwards decides to reduce the dairy procurement. Edwards is:

a conceptual thinker

Leadership effectiveness tends to be higher when the leader's intelligence is:

a little higher than that of the average group member.

Stephen, chief financial officer of Pluto Inc., is considered to be a very organized and disciplined master by his employees thus scoring high on the dimension of initiating structure. This impression of Stephen could stem from the fact that he ___

arranges to set up a gymnasium for the members of his team

Brain research about visions suggests that visionaries in contrast to non-visionaries:

have different levels of brain activity.

According to the situational leadership model II, the directing style is the most effective when team members are:

having some competence but are low in commitment.

The generally accepted leadership style in the modern organization is the _____.

participative style in general

A challenge to the validity of charismatic leadership is that leaders might be

perceived as charismatic because of their accomplishments

The general purpose of disaster planning is to:

prevent a crisis.

Clark is an enthusiastic leader who has the ability to clearly communicate his team plans and goals. He is also known for his ability to resolve disputes quickly, taking into consideration the interests of all the parties involved. Clark is likely to score high on:

relationship management.

When the workers in a workshop encounter operating difficulties or breakdowns while handling their machinery, they seek the help of Drew, their floor manager, to fix or repair the machinery. In this scenario, Drew is carrying out the leadership role of a(n) _____.​

technical problem solver

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