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-manager: organizes, plans,budgets. manager is appointed, formal role. they need to have leadership -leader: not appointed. they help people go in a certain direction. don't need to be a manager to be a leader.



Leadership behaviors


Leadership by Bartering


Leadership by banking


Leadership by bonding


Leadership by building


Leadership styles


Organizational change


Principal National Standards


School climate


School culture


Substitutes for leadership


Three dimensional styles


Leadership Style Grid

A model of behavioral leadership developed in the 1950s by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. Previously known as the Managerial Grid, it is based on two behavioral dimensions - concern for production, plotted on the X-axis on a scale from one to nine points; and concern for people, plotted on a similar scale along the Y-axis./The Leadership Grid demonstrates that placing undue emphasis on one area, while overlooking the other, stifles productivity. The model proposes that the team leadership style, which displays a high degree of concern for both production and people, may boost employee productivity.

tangible attributes

A product's tangible attributes can be assessed in physical terms such as weight, dimensions, or materials used. Intangible product attributes, including status associated with product ownership, a manufacturer's service commitment, and a brand's overall reputation. THIS YIELDS FUTURE--> FUNCTION--> and BENEFITS (customer's reasons for using)

Laissez-Faire Leadership

A style of leadership where people are left to make decisions and carry out their tasks much more independently than under other leadership styles.

Leadership Grid

A two-dimensional leadership theory that measures the leader's concern for people and for production.

Moral Leader

Character, Actions, Goals, Honest, Power, and Values of a leader., distinguishing right from wrong and choosing to do right in the practice of leadership

Personality traits

General ways of behaving that characterize an individual., enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behavior

Leader Information Rule

If the quality of the decision is important, and if the leader doesn't have enough information to make the decision on his or her own, then don't use an autocratic decision style.

Leadership Traits

Justice, Judgement, Dependability, Integrity, Decisiveness, Tact, Initiative, Endurance, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty, Enthusiasm

Leadership traits

Justice, Judgement, Dependability, Integrity, Decisiveness, Tact, Initiative, Endurance, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty, Enthusiasm, qualities such as intelligence, charm, decisiveness, enthusiasm, strength, bravery, integrity, and self-confidence

communication tips

Leadership Grid , -completeness in message -build in face time -don't assume immediate response -regularly disconnect self from technology -maintain courtesy

Leadership behavior

The behavioral dimension is concerned with how leaders act toward others in various situations. Behaviors are observable. Leaders engage primarily in two kinds of general behaviors: task behaviors and process behaviors.

Leadership Style Continuum

a simple model which shows the relationship between the level of freedom that a manager chooses to give to a team, and the level of authority used by the manager. As the team's freedom is increased, so the manager's authority decreases.


concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles

Leadership Learning

continuous process of learning and reflection that is supported by colleagues and emphasizes getting things done

Leadership strategies

interactive reasoning -understanding transference and counter-transference -harnessing destructive group forces -selecting and planning group activities


the activity of leading; the ability to direct and influence others

Position power

the amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power that a leader has by virtue of his or her position in an organization; a determinant of how favorable a situation is for leading

Leader Member Relations

the extent to which followers like, trust, and are loyal to their leader; a determinant of how favorable a situation is for leading


the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal, a character's incentive or reason for behaving in a certain manner; that which impels a character to act

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