Leadership and Change Final Exam Dis. 3

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What is role conflict? Describe at least three types of role conflict.

- develops when a person must assume opposing roles with incompatible expectations; - conflict may be interpersonal [e.g., when parents expect adolescents to participate in sports and perform household tasks]; or - inter-role [e.g., when a mother wants to stay at home with her infant, but family finances require her to work] Role conflict happens when there are contradictions between different roles that a person takes on or plays in their everyday life.

GLOBE researchers identified six dimensions that were determined to be applicable across all global cultures for assessing culturally endorsed implicit theories of leadership (CLTs). Identify and discuss five of these dimensions and how they are used to categorize societies.

1. Charismatic/value-based Leadership: this is about ones ability to inspire and motivate those around them using their core values. These can categorize categories simply by their varying core beliefs, and how strongly they follow said beliefs. While one group might believe that profit is their defining feature, another might emphasize good deeds. 2. Team-oriented leadership: this is the ability to establish a common goal that is supported by all team members. Some teams might be half-hazardly attempting to accomplish varying goals while another, more successful one, is working cohesively to attain a commonly accepted goal. 3. Participative Leadership: this shows how members of the team are able to participate in the decision making process. Some teams are very vertically structured, this only leaving the decisions to top management. Other teams are more horizontally structured, allowing decisions to made by many different members. 4. Human-oriented Leadership: this shows a leaders capability to be compassionate and generous with his subordinates. While some leaders lead with an uncaring "iron-fist" others realize that what's best team is taking care of each and every member. 5. Self-protective Leadership: this is how a leader focuses on self preservation/team preservation. Some leaders take this to the extreme by ensuring that they are the only protected meme era, while some go another direction by ensuring all members are safe and secure

What is a group? How does a group different from the organization as a whole?

A group is defined as two or more persons who are interacting with each other in such a great deal that each person influences one another. Size matter in organizations and groups. People feel more at ease and comfortable in a group versus than an organization. Groups are far more personal than organizations. It is also more pervasive in society. People who need more social contact are better pleased in groups.

What is achievement orientation? How do people with high achievement orientation scores most likely differ from those with low scores?

An individual's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his or her motivation to achieve success.Individuals with a strong achievement orientation strive to accomplish socially acceptable endeavors and activities. They set high personal goals and put in the time and effort necessary to accomplish those goals. They also prefer tasks that provide immediate feedback and prefer tasks that require a considerable amount of effort, but are accomplishable. Individuals with a low score prefer easier tasks and do not feel as satisfied when they solve a problem or reach a goal. These individuals tend to take the easy way out and do the bare minimum, whereas those with higher scores will expand the effort needed to complete a task or reach a goal.

What are organizational citizenship behaviors? Provide examples to illustrate your response.

Behaviors not directly related to one's job but helpful to others at work is organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). People are more likely to engage in this type of behavior when they are satisfied with their job. OCB creates a more supportive workplace where happier workers tend to be more helpful workers. In this behavior the worker goes above and beyond the requirements of the job yet is not necessarily compensated by the traditional organizational reward system. Organizational citizenship behavior is a person's voluntary commitment within an organization or company that is not part of his or her contractual tasks. Organizational citizenship behavior deals with the actions and behaviors that are not required by workers. They are not critical to the job, but benefit the team and encourage even greater organizational functioning and efficiency.

Define the term delegation.

Delegation is "relatively simple way for leaders to free themselves of time-consuming chores; gives followers developmental opportunities; and increased the number of tasks accomplished by the work group, team, or committee" There are many times where delegation can be abused or overused. Delegation does not mean to give out tasks while the manager or the one giving out the tasks sits back and does nothing. Employees will lose their motivation, and will not respect the person giving them tasks by delegating. Another issue that will come out of this would be the delegator taking all the credit for what everyone else has done. This is not how teamwork works and will cause more issues than none.

Using the Team Leadership Model (TLM), a leader can implement three functions to foster team leadership. Describe the three functions.

Dream: The team needs to have a clear vision. If the team has a challenging and demanding goal, team work may be necessary to accomplish the task. In highly effective work teams, the leader ensures that the team has a clear vision of where they are going. Design: Designing the team is critical. It is also often the most frequently omitted step. Senior-level leaders may resist changing the organizational systems for a number of reasons including having a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. While individual team leaders may have little control over the organizational context and systems, they always have the opportunity for making an impact in their own team's design. Development: If the leader finds that the team has a clear sense of direction and vision and the input variables at the individual, organizational and team levels are contributing positively to team effectiveness, then she can turn her attention to the development level. Development is the ongoing work done with the team at the process level to continue to find ways to improve an already well-designed team.

Why is it important to provide timely feedback? Why should a leader give both positive and negative feedback?

Feedback is a key component of on-going development and performance improvement. If it is not provided in a timely manner it deprives team members of the knowledge that their performance must change or improve. Delaying feedback can lead poor decisions and performance into becoming habits. Once those habits are formed they can be harder for the leader to address the need for change. It can also make breaking those habits harder for the follower. Followers need to be recognized in the areas they are succeeding and presented with helpful ideas and techniques on ways to improve where they are lacking. Positive feedback encourages performance improvement. Even if the subordinate is already a top performer, they need recognition for their work. It builds confidence and the pathway to promotion. However, no one is perfect all of the time. We all make mistakes and the worst part of making mistakes is being unaware. Knowing there is a need for improvement allows your team to take it to the next level. Although negative feedback is not always taken as intended, the purpose is to be helpful and specific. It is the leader's responsibility to develop their team to their max potential by recognizing their achievements and providing trustworthy support to grow from mistakes.

Describe the five steps of coaching.

First one is forge a partnership. Partnership is also a cooperative relationship. Only by establishing good relationships and generating trust between each other, coach can achieve the best results, and we can work hard for future common development. Partners are a very important link. Second is inspire commitment. This part usually includes employee performance evaluation, what kind of rewards employees can get from work, and some personal evaluations and work status of employees at work, all of which need to be considered. Third is grow skills. This part includes a development plan that is developed together. A sound development plan can establish clear goals and directions, provide better strategic preparation for future development of the company, and also plan the future development of employees. Fourth is promote persistence. This part includes feedback on some situations. Lasting development is the foundation of employee development. What kind of feedback is needed depends on the current state of the employees. After that, training should be added to make employees develop better. Fifth is shape the environment. A good environment is an indispensable factor. A good environment can affect employees' emotions, thus affecting employees' willingness to stay in work.

Define formalization and discuss its advantages and disadvantages for leaders and followers.

Formalization is a process in which managers write job descriptions for individual employees, groups of employees, and the organization as a whole. Anyone who has held a job has been apart of some formalization. This is because every job has some form of formalization. However, some jobs require looser types of formalization, while others need to be tight. For example, a manufacturing plant may have stringent roles for employees, whereas research and development teams need a much looser form of formalization. Formalization comes with many disadvantages for leaders and followers. The difficulties for leaders can be very frustrating. Formalization puts a constraint on a leader's ability to communicate a request, order supplies, or reward or discipline subordinates. Followers also share disadvantages when it comes to formalization. The textbook mentions that if an employee belongs to a union, then the rules of the union may dictate work hours, the amount of work accomplished in one day, or who will be the first to be laid off. After discussing the disadvantages of formalization, I would like to discuss the advantages of this topic. One advantage for leaders is that they can punish the employees without feeling guilt. In a compact form of formalization, a personal relationship does not thrive, which allows leaders to carry out any duties they must without feeling as if they are letting down an employee "friend." A significant advantage for the followers is that the leader must take full responsibility for any mishaps that happen within the organization. Since the leader has all of the power, he will not be able to dish out any negativity on his employees from outside sources.

What are the characteristics of effective goals? How can leaders and organizations improve the chances that followers will accomplish their goals?

Goal setting is process which start with careful consideration of what a leader or manager want to achieve and end with lot of hard work when it actually do it.

What is the goal-setting approach of motivation? How can leaders apply this method successfully?

Goal-setting approach of motivation is defined from the leader's perspective as setting clear performance targets and then helping followers create systematic plans to achieve them. According to Locke and Latham, a goal must be specific, moderately difficult, have goal commitment, and feedback to transfer from just a goal to a goal-setting approach of motivation. Leaders can work with followers to set specific and moderately difficult goals, express confidence in goal achievement, and provide regular feedback. Each employee might be working on different purposes, but it is the leader's responsibility to make sure that these goals do not conflict with each other. Leaders should also consider downsides to goal setting. Followers, who get so focused on their goals, can become unwilling to spend time or effort on activities not aligned with goal accomplishment. The lack of interest in outside goals could diminish qualities such as customer satisfaction or teamwork. Goals should be specific and observable, attainable but challenging, and require commitment and feedback. When setting goals, it is best to be helpful, direct, specific, descriptive, timely, and flexible. Also, remember not to take setting goals too seriously that your morals become diminished.

What are group norms? What are the functions of group norms? According to Hackman, what are two core norms that can enhance performance?

Group norms are informal rules that a group adopts to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors. Group norms are not always written down and may not always be discussed. Group norms are more likely to be seen as important and easier to enforce if they follow certain functions. The first function is if the group norms facilitate group survival. This is important to keep the group together and functioning well. Another group norm function is simplifying the norms and making them more predictable. This makes the norms easier to pick up on within the group. Next, is helping the group avoid embarrassing inter-personal problems. Lastly is to express the central values of the group and clarify what is distinctive about the group's identity. These functions listed will ultimately help the group take care of itself and help to avoid embarrassing situations that are caused by members abusing the group norms. Hackman suggests two core norms to help enhance the group's overall performance. The first being, group members actively scan the environment for opportunities that would require a change in operating strategy to capitalize upon them. Secondly, the team should identify the few behaviors that team members must always do and those they should never do to conform to the organization's objectives. By applying these two norms, the group is forced to inspect a much larger environment in which the group operates.

What factors lead to groupthink? Describe at least three symptoms of groupthink.

Groupthink is likely to occur when the group members strive for consensus and limiting conflict, rather than objectively focus on solving the task at hand to deliver courses of action. Three symptoms of groupthink: Illusion of invulnerability When the group members ignore or overlook signals of danger to the survivability of the group. This indifference could be raised by over-confidence, human error, or attempt to avoid conflict Example: Group members that put so much belief in a business idea that deny changing or considering any alternative plan of actions. Mindguards Team members that prevent others from accessing negative information. Example: In a business team, a team leader that cook the book and hide losses and deficit from its members. Direct pressure on dissenters Viewing conflict and disagreement as disloyalty. Group members that fall on this criteria assert their pressure on any group's freethinkers who argues against the group norms, or agreed-upon decision.

Briefly explain the fundamental premises of Hunt and Osborn's multiple-influence model.

Hunt and Osborn's multiple-influence model was another effort to try and incorporate situational variables into an already made leadership theory. The multiple-influence model is distinguished between microvariables and macrovariables. Microvariables is task characteristics in the situation, and macrovariables corresponds with the environment surrounding a situatuion. Hunt and Osborn were interested in how macrovariables effected different ways that leaders went about leading. They believed that the environment would greatly impact how a leader does lead in the workplace. The fundeamental premises of the theory is built on how we react at different levels which are: the task level, the organizational level, and the environmental level. The task level revoles around what type of action are you trying to take to get your required task done. How much of a action are you willing to do in order to achieve your task. The organizational level is how you act in and around your organization. Organization's have norms and cultures and it is important for a leader to be able to use these norms to their advantage when trying to effectively lead. Lastly, the environmental level is your surrounding in a given situation when leading. An example of this could be the situation you are put in between two co-workers who are fighting. The idea was the multiple-influence model could be analyzed and constructed to pinpoint when and where a certain type of leadership style could be used most effectively. Hunt and Osborn's model can be used to effectively determine which situations are appropriate for a certain factor that is involved in the current situation that a leader or manager can be placed in on a given day in the work place. This model tries to locate and identify which level the individual is in and then apply a action that is best suited. However all three levels certainly will not always be involved in a situation and the trick for leaders is to be able to identify what levels are present.

What are leadership cultures? Describe the characteristics of dependent, independent, and interdependent leadership cultures.

Leadership culture is defined as the values, beliefs, and often taken-for-granted assumptions about how people work together in an organization, reflecting its collective approach to achieving direction, alignment, and commitment. (pg 499). There are 3 types of leadership cultures that have been identified that most companies use or strive to use: Dependent, Independent, and Interdependent. The first culture I want to discuss is the Dependent leadership culture. Dependent leadership cultures are characterized as organizations that have "top-down" leadership. That means that people that are in positions of authority are looked to for leadership. There is a big emphasis on keeping things running smoothly and respecting the chain of command. I think personally that most companies are ran with this type of culture. The next culture I want to discuss is the Independent leadership culture. Independent leadership cultures are described as being decentralized and "achievement-oriented". This culture believes that leadership comes from individuals that aren't necessarily in a position of power and is based on knowledge and expertise. A lot of respect is given and emphasis is placed on what leaders achieve, and bold action is praised. I believe more companies are switching more to this style, especially in the technology world. The last culture I want to discuss is the Interdependent leadership culture. Interdependent leadership cultures are described as having horizontal networks and focusing on learning. A leader is expected to wear many hats at once and trust across departments is crucial for the success of the company. The one word that describes this type of culture is "collaboration". I think that a lot of start up companies and small business have this type of leadership culture.

Explain how level of authority affects leaders' and followers' behavior.

Level of authority is defined as the hierarchal levels within an organization's structure. Chain of command and authority are the key components to the level of authority within an organization. The chain of command is composed of a mapped hierarchy from top to bottom. Responsibilities are delegated down the chain of command, with each manager assigning tasks to the subordinates. Accountability is held up the chain, with each manger being held responsible for the subordinate's actions. Level of authority for leaders involves the type of activities they are responsible for within the organization. Organizations are usually made up of high, middle, and low-level managers. Top level managers are responsible for developing strategic plans and company policies. Middle level managers are responsible for executing organizational plans, communicating policies and guiding lower level managers. Lower level managers supervise employees, assigning tasks, ensuring quality, and training. Each leader holds legitimate power over the subordinate. This power enables the leader to give orders and expect compliance. The behavior of followers is often shaped by the structure of the hierarchy and the culture of the organization. The follower is likely to follow guidance provided by the leader whom has direct legitimate power as long as the company's structure is well defined. An organization's culture plays a role in behaviors of followers. If the follower doesn't share the beliefs of an organization, they are likely to have a negative perception of the policies or leaders and thus affects their behaviors. If an organization is somewhat decentralized, employees are more empowered at all levels of the organization to provide input and make decisions. Empowered employees that have shared values of the company are often more engaged in decision making and take ownership of decision-making outcomes.

Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology using a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. The needs begin at the bottom of the pyramid and must be satisfied by the individual before the higher needs can be met. 1. Physical needs: food, shelter, water 2. Safety needs: job security, health at work 3. Social needs: trust, friendship 4. Esteem needs: respect from others, recognition of achievement 5. Self-actualization: reaching one's full potential

Differentiate between motivation, performance, and effectiveness. Discuss the relationship between the three concepts.

Motivation is defined as, "anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behavior." Performance describes our actions and effectiveness measures the outcome of work. It is defined as a concept that is, "concerned with behaviors toward the organization's mission or goals or the products and services resulting from those behaviors." Effectiveness is the last concept and it involves, " making judgements about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria such as work group or organizational goals." This is more focused towards the leader's role. While these three concepts have individual purpose, they are each needed to analyze the influence between leadership and followers. Followers need motivation and while they can be self- motivated a good leader should be a part of that. Performance comes from that motivation and willingness to choose to participate. While leaders cannot make the choices for their followers, they can help make them want to engage. Effectiveness will show the leader's ability to manage and lead their followers toward the goal.

Differentiate between organizational culture and organizational climate.

Organization culture is defined as a system of shared backgrounds, norms, values, or beliefs among members of a group. In simpler terms, your organizational culture is the identity of your company. A few examples of values are competitiveness, quality, innovation, outcome orientation, and stability. For example, a bank will most likely withhold a structured environment, while a gaming industry may be more collaborative and unstructured. Another important note is that there are a number of different cultures within an organization. For example, think about the U.S. military branches. The U.S. Air Force has a different climate than the U.S. Navy. On the other hand, organizational climate concerns members' subjective reactions to the organization. This means, how people are dealing with work experiences as the given moment. This could refer to the mood and moral of the work environment. Are people in a good mood and willing to work hard, or are they upset and feel underpaid. In addition, it is vital to note that organizational climate is a reaction to organizational culture. The reaction and attitude of workers is effected by what their beliefs, values, and morals are. Both organization culture and climate occur in the work place; however, it must be clear their differences. Organizational culture is how people work. The way in which they go about their normal duties. Organizational climate is the attitude that is present. Organization climate is more focused on job satisfaction, and not on task-orientated jobs.

How does the size of a group affect leaders and followers? What are the potential costs of increasing group size?

Small groups are less likely to establish a leader than large groups. You first need to determine how large the group should be as some tasks will be slowed down by having more people involved. As a group becomes larger it also effects the leaders span of control. It's recommended to keep a group size "just big enough to get the job done." One reason is that as the group becomes larger, you will run into "cliques." These cliques share similar values and may have more influence over group members. This can derail a groups ability to accomplish tasks efficiently. It is important for the leader to identify cliques and use their influence to smooth out conflicts. cliques can be avoided my keeping your groups small. A major potential cost of larger groups are diminishing returns. Certain projects can benefit by adding additional help. It is important to identity which tasks need that additional help versus which ones will be bogged down by extra hands. This will not only increase costs on your project, but create social loafing. Social loafing is a reduced effort due to a lack of accountability and should be avoided at all costs.

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

States that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors causes dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of each other. It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg.[1] proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors - work satisfaction from so-called motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from so-called hygiene factors. Given limited resources on the leader's part, the key to increasing followers' satisfaction levels according to this two-factor theory is to just adequately satisfy the hygiene factors while maximizing the motivators for a particular job. Working conditions must be sufficient, but more importantly (providing motivation and satisfaction) to provide full recognition, responsibility and promotion possibilities, while giving followers meaningful work, then recognizing that their achievements seem simple. Get the full use of the leader. In other words, Herzberg believes that it is best for leaders not to reorganize their work to make it more meaningful and important, rather than giving a shirt with a company logo or reduced medical costs.

Define task structure. Describe the leadership style(s) needed to train and supervise a new worker on a job with high task structure.

Task Structure is the breaking down of a large task into clearly descried and understandable smaller tasks. To allow people better understanding of what their work lord is. This helps both new employees learn what their jobs are faster while helping old employees set goals for the day. It is the job of the leader to break down the tasks into these smaller better understandable task. Task Structure is widely use in almost all businesses as well as daily life. Task structure has its place within all leadership styles due to how simple yet important it is. However, if only one style of leadership must be pick to go with task structure then it would be Path-Goal Leadership. By its very nature path-goal relies heavily on task structure because it breaks down all tasks into smaller tasks. Indeed it would be impossible to do path-goal leadership style without using task structure. In conclusion task structure is a very simple method use by all leader styles to some extent. Due to it simply being the breaking down of larger tasks into smaller tasks. Yet path-goal leadership style has task structure has it build into its very nature. Make sure to use it wisely.

What is task feedback? What factors about task feedback are important for leaders to consider?

Task feedback tells whether work is correct or incorrect, sufficient or deficient. It focuses the knowledge and skills associated with a task, and on remediating errors. For example, task feedback tells the learner to write more information for a report or to recalculate a math problem for accuracy.

Define task interdependence and describe the leadership style for jobs with high interdependence.

Task interdependence within a team is the extent to which team members have to interact with each other in order to complete their tasks

Why do leaders use the Rocket Model? What information can the model provide?

The Rocket Model is a framework and set of tools for boosting team performance. It can be used to diagnose team dynamics, and to provide leaders with specific tools and activities to improve team performance. Mission, Talent, Norms, Buy-ins, Power, Morale, Results. It was created in response to questions and requests from actual managers working in organizations all over the world - managers struggling to transform their people into effective teams. The information that the model provides: Context-Implicit nature of team members' assumptions. Leaders need to identify the constituencies affecting the team and ask team members to share their assumptions about customers, competitors. Mission- Concerned with setting a common direction for the team. Talent- Clarifying the reporting structure, defining roles and responsibilities, selecting the right kind of people, and continuously developing those skills needed to achieve the team goal. Norms.- the rules that govern how teams make decisions, conduct meetings, get work done, hold team members accountable But In-Teams with high levels of buy-in has team members who believe in what the team is trying to accomplish and will put forth the effort to complete tasks. Power- The decision making resources the team had to accomplish the goals. Morale- Report high levels of morale to deal effectively with interpersonal conflict and high levels of cohesion. Results- The what of team building and what the team actually accomplished.

Briefly describe the components of the Rocket Model of Team Effectiveness.

The Rocket Model of Team Effectiveness is prescriptive in that it tells leaders what steps to take and when to take them when building new teams. The model can also be used as a diagnostic tool for understanding where existing teams are falling short and what leaders need to do to get them back on track. The Rocket Model of Team Effectiveness is made up of eight components which are context, mission, talent, norms, buy-in, power, moral, and results.

How can leaders benefit from studying the different motivational theories and approaches? What should leaders keep in mind when applying these theories?

The first approach is motives or needs. This approach focuses on satisfying needs to change behaviors. The second approach is Achievement Orientation. This involves possessing certain personality traits that assist the given situation. Third we have goal setting. Goal setting is the process of setting goals to change or diffuse behaviors. The fourth approach is known as the operant approach. This is more of a strict hands on approach that changes behaviors by changing rewards or punishments. Last we have Empowerment. Empowerment gives autonomy and latitude to increase their motivation to work. The best way for leaders to get employees or fellow friends to get what needs to be done how they want it is by correctly communicating to them what needs to be done. Before instructing leadership all of these 5 approaches and theories must be considered. When doing the advising it is crucial to pick which approach is best suites, and the job must be communicated properly.

What are three reasons that delegation is important?

The first reason delegation is important is it frees time for other activities. A leader must have the mindset of the group not just themself. Being a leader comes with a number of responsibilities and duties. A leader should effectively delegate work to the group because it is unlikely to be successful when trying to accomplish everything on their own. When delegating work, the leader should remember the quantity and quality of work. The leader will decide which duties will be delegated and will be most beneficial to the group. The second reason delegation is important is it develops followers. As a leader, it is highly important to support your subordinates. A great way to do so is to delegate tasks to followers that will enhance their growth. This will provide opportunities for the subordinate to make mistakes, ask questions, problem-sole, learn, experiences, and the list goes on. By delegating subordinates, they will become more knowledgable through their actions. The third reason why delegation is important is it strengthens the organization. Delegation has a positive impact that starts with the leaders, then the followers, followed by the organization. Leaders who delegate have a sense of trust in their followers. This trust will motivate the followers to do their best within the workplace. This can cause morale to boost and successful growth within the organization.

What are the components of the operant approach of motivation? According to research, what are the effects of this approach?

The operant approach is a popular way to change the direction, strength, or continuance of behavior through the use of rewards and punishments. The main components are rewards and punishments. A reward is any consequence that increases the likelihood that a particular behavior will happen again. A punishment is the administration of an unpleasant stimulant or the withdrawal of something desirable, both of which decrease the chances that a particular behavior will be repeated. Both rewards and punishments can be given in either a contingent or noncontingent way. This creates the second layer of components in the operant approach. Contingent rewards and punishments are given as consequences of a particular behavior; bonuses for work performance is an example of a contingent reward. Noncontingent rewards and punishments are not associated with particular behaviors. Base pay salaries are a good example of noncontingent rewards, they are given no matter the actual effort or output. There is ample evidence that proves that when the operant approach is properly implemented it can be very effective in improving follower motivation. There is also research that shows that rewards and positive reinforcement works better than punishment, particularly if given in contingent circumstances. According to Stajkovic and Luthans, incentive pay was the most effective, followed by social recognition and performance feedback, for improving performance in credit card processing centers. Research clearly shows that leaders who determine and implement contingent reward programs, such as incentive systems, do indeed increase follower productivity and performance. The operant approach to motivation has a reciprocal relationship between behavior and consequences and how rewards and/or punishments influence future behaviors.

Describe the three types of satisfaction components that researchers typically assess on job satisfaction surveys?

The three most important aspects to employers are general satisfaction, internal work motivation, and growth satisfaction. More in depth, they are asked about job security, compensation, supervision, co-workers, and other topics. They may be asked about changes in work, ratings of their pay, or their attitudes towards work procedures. There are many topics that must be considered to get an accurate representation of the overall engagement of the company. Typically, these questions will gall under some aspects of the three important topics stated earlier.

Describe the three components of organizational justice.

The three types of justice are distributive, procedural, and interactional. Distributive justice is conceptualized as the fairness associated with decision outcomes and distribution of resources. The outcomes or resources distributed may be tangible (e.g., pay) or intangible (e.g., praise). Perceptions of distributive justice can be fostered when outcomes are perceived to be equally applied Procedural justice is defined as the fairness of the processes that lead to outcomes. When individuals feel that they have a voice in the process or that the process involves characteristics such as consistency, accuracy, ethicality, and lack of bias then procedural justice is enhanced Interactional justice refers to the treatment that an individual receives as decisions are made and can be promoted by providing explanations for decisions and delivering the news with sensitivity and respect

Describe organizational complexity and the three dimensions on which it can be measured.

The way an organization's activities are coordinated and controlled, and represents another level of the situation in which leaders and followers must operate....Horizontal Complexity: the number of "boxes" at any particular level in an organizational chart. Vertical Complexity: the number of hierarchical levels appearing on an organizational chart. Spatial Complexity: the geographical dispersion of an organization's members.

What guidelines are recommended for effectively leading virtual teams?

Virtual team leaders should understand the likely challenges and take proactive measures to increase team confidence. Leaders should focus on relationships before tasks, and invest up-front time in clarifying the team's purpose and roles. Leaders should create a sense of order and predictability, be objective problem solvers, and develop shared operating agreements. They should give team members personal attention, respect the challenges of the virtual environment, recognize the limitations of technology, and stay focused on the notion that virtual team members are people.

What is involved with providing constructive feedback? Why is constructive feedback important for subordinates?

Without receiving feedback, subordinates are unable to tell if they are genuinely meeting the leader's or organization's expectations or if they are performing poorly. One must know when, where, and how to give negative feedback to an individual. Whether you are a leader, subordinate, or a peer, you must make sure that you are providing feedback to the individual promptly. Feedback should be given soon after the behavior occurs, not days or weeks later. You want to be direct and clear about the feedback, but in a helpful way. Ask the individual if there is anything you can do to assist them in the area needing improvement. Constructive feedback to subordinates is essential because it can motivate them to perform at a higher level if they receive the correct feedback and guidance. As a leader, one must make sure they are giving positive and negative feedback. Make sure while you are giving constructive feedback to remind the employee of task completed well. Overall the purpose of giving one another feedback is to help them develop. If one does not know what they are doing right or wrong, how do they succeed?

Many leaders avoid delegation and coaching because of the assumption that such activities are time consuming. Are these concerns valid? Why or why not?

delegation takes too much time, delegation is risky, the job will not be done well, the task is a desirable one, & others are already too busy.

Describe four of the six factors which distinguish successful teams.

effective teams had a clear mission and high performance standards. Everyone on the team knew what the team was trying to achieve and how well he or she had to perform in order to achieve the team's mission. Second, leaders of successful teams often took stock of their equipment, training facilities and opportunities, and outside resources available to help the team. Leaders of effective teams spent a considerable amount of time assessing the technical skills of the team members. After taking stock of available resources and skills, good leaders would work to secure those resources and equipment necessary for team effectiveness. Moreover, leaders of effective teams would spend a considerable amount of time planning and organizing in order tomake optimal use of available resources, to select new members with needed technical skills or to improve needed technical skills of existing members. The last twocharacteristics of effective teams were concerned with the group maintenance or interpersonal aspects of teams. High levels of communication were often associated with effective teams. High levels of communication also helped to minimize interpersonal conflicts on the team, which often drained energy needed for team success and effectiveness.

Describe the four stages of group development as identified by Tuckman.

forming, storming, norming, and performing Forming, the first stage is the introductory stage in which each team member tries and gets to know other members. This normally results in politeness in conversations, the gathering of information from other members, and the overall trust at this stage is usually low. Aside from gathering information form others and trying to form relationships, this stage also creates a discussion of the job goals, the timeline, and individual roles. Storming, the 2nd stage, team members need clarity about their activities and goals, as well as explicit guidance about how they will work independently and collectively. This leads to a period known as storming—because it can involve brainstorming ideas and also because it usually causes disruption. During the storming, stage members begin to share ideas about what to do and how to do it that compete for consideration. Team members start to open up to each other and confront one another's ideas and perspectives. Norming now transitions to a period focused on developing shared values about how team members will work together. These norms of collaboration can address issues ranging from when to use certain modes of communication, such as e-mail versus telephone, to how team meetings will be run and what to do when conflicts arise. Norms become a way of simplifying choices and facilitating collaboration since members have shared expectations about how work will get done. Performing, now team members work together easily on interdependent tasks and are able to communicate and coordinate effectively. There are fewer time-consuming distractions based on interpersonal and group dynamics. For this reason, motivation is usually high and team members have confidence in their ability to attain goals.

Describe two benefits and two drawbacks of greater group cohesion.

greater group cohesion is "the glue that keeps a group together" by the group members influencing one another for the common goal of the group. One advantage is lower absenteeism; this helps greater cohesion groups expand into bigger groups. Lower absenteeism means group members are excited about the group's function and the group wants to stay involved with low motivation from its leaders. Another advantage is lower turnover. Lower turnover within a group means stability and consistency. For example, a low turnover small church group will allow the members to grow in content and character. This gives group members the freedom to express the most vulnerable part of oneself in the group. Therefore, over time, the small group will be able to last for years. Two drawbacks to greater cohesion are over bonding and ollieism. Over bonding could be a set back because it could block outside resources that could make the group more effective. For example, for a team of dancers that over bond probably would not be able to have fresh performance or the latest cartographic dances. Another set back is ollieism. Ollieism "occurs when illegal actions are taken by overzealous and loyal" followers who desire to please their leaders. For example, our text uses the Watergate scandal; when governmental employees destroy legal documents to cover up for their leaders, without his or her knowledge. Thus, greater group cohesion has some benefits and drawbacks to its methods within groups.

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