Leadership and Personal Development Final Exam

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check the ego (EO)

confident, not cocky, willing to learn from every possible source; acknowledge ego as an emotion, or chemical, not a valid center

principle 2 - we can see others as objects or people

inward mindset: 1. obstacles- they are in the way, stop us from getting what we want 2. vehicles- they are necessary, they help us get what we want 3. irrelevancies- their presence does not matter to us outward mindset: 1. needs 2. objectives 3. challenges

servant leadership

is servant first. . . . It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead Empowering and developing people


not only gets his/her peoples best performance, but even grows that performance, such that person finds themselves giving more than they thought they could


notifies the brain which habit to use

cover and move (EO)

remove us vs. them mentality; break down silos, unify the purpose

Active management by exception

in which managers anticipate problems, monitor progress, and issue corrective measures

authentic leadership

"there may be much more to authentic leadership than just being true to oneself"


(Assembly lines Set hours Exact work) leadership based on overseership


(Manual labor Long hours Seasonal fluctuations) leadership based on experience with the work

three feedback triggers

1. truth- this is regarding facts and stories, and it triggered when the feedback seems incorrect 2. relationships- this is regarding the relationship you have with the feedback, can be triggered either when the person giving feedback is not in a position to give you feedback 3. identity- regarding the relationship with yourself (especially triggered when you dont have a growth mindset)

hedgehog concent

1. what can you be the best in the world at? 2. what drives you economic engine? 3. what are you passionate about?

difficult conversations are 3 conversations:

1. "what happened"- facts and stories 2. "feelings"- best way to diffuse an emotion is to validate 3. "identity"- what does this say about you/them

4 disciplines of execution

1. Wildly important goals 2. act on lead measures 3. keep a compelling scoreboard 4. create a cadence of accountability

types of feedback

1. appreciation- thank you. this means a lot to us. 2. evaluation- you did a good job. this is A work. 3. coaching- swing a little higher

3 pillars of intrinsic motivation

1. autonomy- ability to choose your own direction 2. purpose- knowledge that the work is larger than just yourself 3. mastery- belief that there is an opportunity to grow

i dont have to make everything all better- 6 principles

1. be an effective communicator 2. leave the responsibility where it belongs 3. acknowledge emotions 4. develop the art of listening 5. find the right time to teach 6. learn the effective validating phrases and questions

Leadership Levels (good to great)

1. highly capable individual 2. contributing team member 3. competent manager 4. effective leader 5. level 5 executive

outward mindset principles

1. mindset drives behavior, which then drives behavior 2. we can see others as objects or people

outward mindset patterns keeps you in the outward mindset

1. see others- have respect, put yourself in their shoes, try to understand their wants and needs 2. adjust effort- naturally adjust efforts in response to what you have seen 3. measure impact- because you care about the person, you'll want to know how your behaviors are helping or hurting

always start a difficult conversation from the ...

3rd story

principle 3 - acknowledge emotions

4 basic emotions (mad, glad, sad, afraid) listen to their feelings and needs

principle 6 - learn the effective validating phrases and questions

Be a little creative in your validation as you follow the persons lead -> they need to know you are really with them. Help others with their problems instead of solving them yourself. stop starting sentences with why.

scrum master functions

Coach. Facilitate meetings, conversations, and improvements Protector. Runs interference so the team can remain focused Servant leader. Leads without authority and puts the team first Agile advocate. Reinforces agile principles throughout the organization

learning worker age

How fast can you find and use new information? leadership based on ability to explore and integrate

fixed mindset (mindset)

a belief that your qualities are carved in stone, you only have a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, a certain moral character

knowledge worker age

Knowledge is prime Mentor work. leadership based on ability to coordinate

principle 4 - develop the art of listening

No matter how nice the comment is preceding the word "but" the comment following it is what will be remembered. Get rid of the but in your conversations, they nearly always invalidate whatever validation you previously gave. The eye including clues concerning what is going on emotionally within that person. One of the greatest compliments you can give another person is your complete attention

principle 2 - leave the responsibility where it belongs

No one has the power to change past events, people will look to take advantage of people that over-willing to help

principle 5 - find the right time to teach

Time to teach when you are in control of your emotions, not in the heat of the moment. Some questions are not looking for an answer

principle 1 - be an effective validator

Validation is the act, process, or instance of confirming or corroborating the meaningfulness and relevance of what another person (or self) is feeling

growth mindset

a belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies, and help from others


a process wherein a leader influences followers by arousing strong emotions and identification with the leader

intellectual stimulation

a process wherein leaders increase follower awareness of problems and influence followers to view problems from a new perspective

Individualized consideration

a subset of behaviors from the broader category of consideration, and it includes providing support, encouragement, and developmental experiences to followers

technology is an ...


ages of workers

agriculture, industrial, knowledge-worker, learning-worker

talent magnet

attracts talented people and uses them at their highest point of contribution

modern leadership types

authentic, ethical, servant, servant (scrum), humble

no bad teams, only bad leaders (EO)

be tolerant, enforce high standards, avoid distraction

ethical leadership

being an ethical example, treating people fairly, actively managing morality

flywheel and the doom loop

building momentum... not because of any invention or big push, but because of the daily, regular, consistent, disciplined choices

other-ish giving

care deeply about giving to others (this is core focus) and also have ambitious goals for yourself

transformational leadership

charisma, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration


chemical of stress and anxiety- defense

transactional leadership

contingent reward, management by exception (passive and active)


creates an intense environment that requires peoples best thinking at work


creates an intense environment that suppresses peoples thinking and creativity

the power of habit... habit loop

cue -> routine -> reward


defines an opportunity that causes people to stretch

habit change

don't try to eliminate the entire loop, substitute new routine that has the same cue and reward (must believe you can change, in order to change)


drives results through their personal development

debate maker

drives sound decisions through rigorous debate


extrinsic < intrinsic motivation

prioritize and execute (EO)

focus on a singular problem rather than tackling multiple


focus on competition and succeeding over others, like to get more than they give

Management by exception

focusing on mistakes, delaying decisions, or avoiding intervening until something has gone wrong

believe (EO)

genuine, worthy objective, not faked, understand why, communicate vision

First "who" then "what" (good to great)

get the right people on the bus, then figure out where you're going

chunking instead of sprinkling

give concertedly, in focused chunks, rather than here and there; work on your own things in the same manner

know it all

gives directives that showcase how much they know


gives other people the ownership for results and invests in their success

empire builder

hoards resources and underutilizes talent

plan (EO)

humility to lean on others expertise; maximize chance of success; minimize risk

trust, but verify

if they're sincere and you're well meaning, an audit should not terrify them

principle 1 - mindset drives behavior, which drives performance

if you only change performance, not mindset then performance is not sustainable. sounds a lot like a paradigm shift

ways to change to a growth mindset

just learning about growth mindset, watch your language ("i am" ... to "i will"), focus less on the outcome (lag) and more on input (lead), find someone who has a growth mindset

leading up and down the chain of command (EO)

lead w/ why; empower all; know roles


leadership and accountability- when others think you did well, approve of your efforts, or are working with you


love and trust- feelings of similarity, closeness, unity, group, touch


lucky if they get 50% of a persons capability

don't have to agree with the feedback

make sure you understand what is being said, see a new perspective

decision maker

makes centralized, abrupt decisions that confuse the organization

pooling leadership

means a "top management team" pools

spreading leadership across levels

means different organizations tackle a problem together, some leading at some times, others taking the baton at others, using strengths as appropriate

sharing leadership

means everyone leads

lead measures

measures of the most high-impact things your team must do to achieve WIG

cadence of accountability

meet at least weekly, 20-30 minutes

keep it simple (EO)

minimize complexities; understand how roles relate; simplify for clearer game time adjustments/decisions

level 5 leaders characterized by

modesty and fearlessness (consideration and courage)

charismatic leadership

more likely to emerge when there is a crisis requiring major change or followers are otherwise dissatisfied with the status quo

multiplier is not a feel good approach

multiplier requires but also facilitates his/her peoples best work

generous tit for tat

never forget a good turn, but occasionally forgive a bad one

decisiveness in chaos (EO)

outcome is unknown, confidence amid chaos, logic, not emotion


pain masking- the thrill you feel as you push past the difficult

intrinsic motivation =

passion aspect of the hedgehog concept

why keep a scoreboard?

people play differently when they are keeping score, determines if your on pace to achieve WIG, simple and visible

thanks for the feedback

people with a growth mindset will receive it the best- it is a skill not a trait- you can get better at it

going to the balcony is for

perspective, emotional release, organizing and preparing thoughts


physical, mental, emotional response to the cue

four areas of sharpening the saw

physical, social/emotional, mental, spiritual


prefer to give more than they get; pay more attention to what other people need from them than what they can get from other people


progress and accomplishment- validation for checking checkpoints

carrot and stick

refers to offering a reward to motivate people, and if they don't respond, following up with a threat


satisfying (or not) thing that helps you determine whether the loop is worth remembering/doing again

shared leadership types

sharing leadership, pooling leadership, spreading leadership, producing leadership

decentralized command (EO)

small, empowered teams; clarity on decision making authority

power of a positive no: steps

step 1: uncover your yes (what do you really want). empower your no (devise plan b). prepare the other person to say yes to your no. step 2: deliver (express your yes). assert your no. propose a yes. step 3: follow through. stay true to your yes. underscore your no. negotiate to yes.

producing leadership

the idea of deciding together where the bus is going. We work together to discover our direction and make progress to accomplish it

main theory (EO)

the leader is responsible for everything


the power of habit recommends willpower as a habit that serves a keystone habit

extrinsic motivation

the problem is accompanied with an external reward

intrinsic motivation

the problem is interesting, the activity is fun, or you want to do the task because you get personal satisfaction out of it

lag measure

the tracking measurements of WIG; by the time you receive them, the performance that drove them is already in the past

keystone habits

these habits facilitate other habits or can start a chain reaction (similar to mindset change)

discipline = freedom (EO)

they seem opposite; one discipline, leads to freedom

what is leadership?

trait, behavior, interaction pattern, role relationship, follower perception, influence over followers, influence over task goals, influence on culture

humble leadership

unconditional love/respect, consistently model, invite


want to give and take equally; pay attention to fairness, balance, justice, "tit for tat"


when the brain converts a sequence of actions into an automatic response-- is psychologically efficient

Passive management by exception

where a manager does not interfere with workflow unless an issue arises

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