leadership test 1

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Types of leadership

authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire, bureaucratic

Rights of Delegation: right person

does delegatee have knowledge and experieec to perform the specific task

Rights of Delegation: right communication

does delegatee understand assigment, direciton , limitation and expected resulst

public health nursing

examins community as a whole, designs collaborative and interdisciplinary strategies to keep population healthy by preventing or controlling disease and threats to human health

community-based nursing

focuses on interventions necessary to help individuals prevent illness, maintain or regain their health or die with dignity while living in a communty

What is a mission statement?

formal expression of the purpose or reason for existence of the organization

Stages of Team Development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Clinical Decision Support System

interactive computer programs designed to assist w/ decision-making tasks by mimicking the inductive or deductive reasoning of human expert

What is strategic planning?

- a written plan of action that anticipates the future so that an organization can adapt and survive in a chaging and competitive environment - the sum total or outcome of the processes by which organizations engages in 1)environmental analysis; goal formulation; strategy development

Traits of a Manager

- ability to identify recurring problem and design evidence-based routines to create structureand improve work efficiency - persistent and vigilant behavior in self and others - communication that maintains espireit de corps in the face of repetitive taks

what is shared governance

- allows nurses to have autonomy, ownership and input into their practice within an organization - a nurse manager is accountable for patient care delivery in his or her area of responsibility. The manager does not do all of the tasks but does provide the resources that staff nurses need and ensures that patient care delivery is effective. - positive job satisfaction and retention

Traits of Leadership

- articulating a vision for the desired future state - seeing possiblilities in the midst of challenging, comples, uncharted or even dire circumstances - communicating effectively and powerfully - adapting to newsituations and enviroments - using experiences and knowledge to judge reasonable risk

What is empowerment?

- authority or power given to someone to do soemthign

authoritarian leadership

- centralized decision making - assumes employees are motivated by external forces (need of approval) and need to avoid punishment - may cause feelings of hostility

What is time management?

- common sense skills that help use your time in the most effective/productive way - the appropriate use of tools, techniques, and principles to control time spent on low priority needs and to ensure that time is invested in activities leading towards achieving desired high priority goals

skills of effective managers

- communication and relationship building - knowledge of health care environment - leadership - professionalism - business skills

what are matrix structures?

- complex forms of differentiation which uses both structure and fucntion. - reports to functional leader and product leader - needs cooperation between groups - may have improved communication

team nursing

- created to improve pt satisfaction - rns coordinates group of rn, LPN and UAP to care for small group of patient

what can be delegated to UAP

- data collection/observation - bathing/ feeding/ dressing - vitals, ROM maintenance - no O2 application

informed consent in research studies

- description of risk to subjects - description of benefits to subjects - disclosre of alternative treatments - statement of confidentiallity of records - explanation of any compensation and availability of medical treatment - statement on who to call for questions - statement of voluntary participation - statement for reason for the study

Elements of Malpractice

- duty owened: failure to monitor response to tx - breach of duty owed: failure to communicate change to pcp - foreseeability: failure to ensure minimum standards are met - causation: failure to provide education - injury: - damages

What is the focus of strategic planning process?

- encompass the organization's emphasis on the mission, vision, and values - environmental factors affecting the organization development and execution of new strategies, goals, and tactical plans which are continuously being evaluated

factors influencing organizational structures

- enviromental changes (new services, change in leadership) - technology - size (larger organization have complex structure needs) - organizational culture

information requried for informed consent

- explanation of procedure and expected results - descriptions of the risk involved - benefits - alternatives - name of person performing procedure - statement allowing withdrawal at any time by pt

Stages of Team Development: Forming

- explores purpose of team, what can be contributed - proceeds to establish team goals an expectaitons - no trust, high learning

what are flat structures?

- fewer layers in hierarchical reporting structure; delegation of authority to thos doing the work - has higher staff and patient satisfaction - potential of inconsistent decicion making, loss of growth opportunities

what can be delegated to a LPN?

- follow plan of care - reinforce education prev given by RN - documentation 0 no iv push meds

stages of team development: norming

- group cohesion develops - conflict resoluion mastered - respect of difference of opinion and work together - appreciation and trust build - team is creative - team confidence is high

stages of team development: performing

- group cohesion, collaboration and solidarity are evident - very efficient/ little waste - individuals take pleasure in team success - trust

steps of problem solving

- identify problem - gather and analyze data - generate alternatives and select action - implement action - evaluate action

Qualities of a leader

- integrity - dedication - magnanimity :giving credit where credit is due - humilty - openness - creativity

stages of team development: storming

- interpersonal issues/opposing opinions may arise to cause conflict between the members - roles and responsibilities are articulated - splinter groups form, cliques drive the team - boundaries are set

Rights of Delegation: right circumstance

- is process appropriate for delegation ?- - are equipment/resources available for task

limitations to effective decision making

- jumping to conclusions - not gathering all information - choosing too broad decision - failing to choose rational solution - failing to intervene or evaluate

types of nursing licensure

- licensure by examination : first time RN or LPN; candidates for nclex (rn or lpn) - licensure by endorecement: licensed nurse (w/o complications) in one states applying for license in another state - nursing licensure compact: license that allows nurces to work in 34 different states.

disadvantages of teamwork

- may take longer - team members may have disagreemnts on bes course of action - some team members lack interest, motivaiton or skilsl to participate in the team process

clinical nurse leader info

- needs to complete CNL cert program - masters - oversees the lateral inegration of care for a distinct group of patients and may provide direct patient care in complex situations

qualities of effective team leaders

- organized, facilitates and manages the entire team - must understand how various learning styles, cultural diversity and personality differences play into the dynamic of teamwork - have good communication skills, conflict resolution and leadership skills

nurse navigators responsibilities

- overcoming healht system barriers, - providing health educations about disease(prevention to treatment) - addressing patient barriers to care - provide psychsocial support

democratic leadership style

- participatory - authority is delegated to others - leaders uses expert power/power base created by close personal relationships w/ others - possitive feelings from group

Advantages of teamwork

- promotes safe and efficient patient care delivery - creates effective interprofessional communicaiton - equilizes power thru shared governance - promotes free exchange of ideas, team cohesion, trust , mutual respect

Bureaucratic Leadership

- relies onp policies and procedures to direct goals and work process

practice partnership model (hybrid)

- rn paired w/ assistant.

characteristics of authentic leadership

- self aware and genuine - mission driven and focused on results - lead with their hears and their minds ( notaffraid to show emotion/vulnerability) communicates problems in direct manner) - focus on the long term

qualities of managers

- self belief - self awareness self management personal integrity - drive for improvement

how to develop a powerful image ?

- self confidence - body langauge - self image, including grooming,k dress and speech - career commitment and continuing professional educaiton - attitudes believes and values

stages of team development: adjourning

- termination /consolidation occur - review activites and evaluates progress - team leader

What is a SWOT analysis?

- tool for conducting environmental assessment - identifies strengths and weaknesses in internal environment and opportunities and threats in the external environment s strenghts w weaknessess o opportunities t threats

characteristics that differentiate institutional proviers

- types of service provided - length of direct care services provided - ownership - teaching status - accreditation status

barriers to delegation

- under delation: occurs when full authority is not trasfered, responsibility is taken back or there is failure to equip and direct the delegate - overdelegation: delegators looses control over situation by giving too much authority or responsibility to delegate - improper delegation : did not follow the 5 rights

Ethical Decision Making framework

involves reflection on many factors such as intended outcome, resources available, professional organizational directives, likely and unintended consequences

What is the Joint Commission?

non for provfit org that accredits healthacre organizations. - issueslist of do not use " term , sympbols, abbreviation; sentinel events; annual paeint safety goals setting specific

functional nursing

provides patient care by which each licensed and UAP performs specific task. charge nurse coordinates care/assigments and ultimately the only person familiar w/ all needs of individual pt - good for training for specific tasks

Process of care

specifies the desired sequence of steps to achieve clinical standardization, safery and outcome

moral distress

the anguish experienced when a person feels unable to act according to closely held core values

what are the primary characteristics for the nurse to focus on when setting priorities?

urgency and importance

what is a philosophy?

value statement of the principles and beliefs that direct the organization's behavior

difference between biomedical, information, knowledge technology

- Biomedical: use of equipment in clinical setting for dx, motioning, testing or admin of therapy - information: recording processing and using data and information for the purpose of delivering and documenting patient care - knowledge: use of expert system to assist clinical to make decisions about patient care

laissez-faire leadership

- Passive and permissive style in which the leader defers decision making - low productivity - proivdes little/no direction to followers, followers develop their own goals and make their own decisions

What is paternalism?

- When a health care professional must decide what is best for the patient and act without consent. - nurse managers use it in positive manner to assist employees deciding major career moves

which action can help the nurse stay focused on goals?

Assemble a prioritized to-do list

ethical principles

Autonomy Beneficence Nonmaleficence veracity Justice paternalism Fidelity respect for others

LPN delegation

PRACTICE p: provide wound care r: reinforce teaching a: administer medicaiton (no iv or narcs) c: blank t: take vitals i: identify alterations in condition c : check mobility and urine output e: enter into document

Which step should the nurse leader take first when implementing time management strategies?

Goal setting

What does ISBAR stand for?

Introduction Situation Background Assessment Recommendation

Which actions provide examples of the nurse practicing good time management?

Limiting distractions Delegating appropriate assignment Rewarding self after task completion Using the alarm feature of a smart phone

negligence vs malpractice

Negligence: carelessness, deviation from teh care that a reasonable person would deliver.

What does SBAR stand for?

Situation Background Assessment Recommendation

role of nurse navigators

aka patient navigators role of navigators is operationalized by providign any service that assists patients in overcoming obstacles from screening to treatment as well as coping with treatment f/u. - focused on single health condition

what is functional structure?

arranges departments and services according to specialty - common in health care organization - department w/ similar function report to a common manager or executive

Rights of Delegation: supervision

is the delegator able to monitor and evaluate the patient appropriately

Rights of Delegation: right task

is the right appropriate to delegate based on individual's job description

What is a Gannt Chart?

it is a project management tool assisting in the planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes, although they are particularly useful for simplifying complex projects.

what are tall structures

many layers in the chair of command and reporting structure - slow decision making due to increased time to send messages - distorted information when passed person to person - reduced quality decision making

Types of Organizational Structures

matrix flat vs tall decentralized versus sentralied

what arevalues

may be formally states and explicit or may be implicit and part of the organizational culture

Magnet Recognition Program

national designation built on research - designed to acknowledge nursing excellence - organizations must demonstrate how ehy provide excellence 5 elements: - transformational leadership - structural empowerment - examplary professional practice - new knowledge, innovation and imnprovment - empirical quality results

case method: hystorical methods of organizing nursing care

one nurse provides total care for one patient during the entire work period - useful for complex patients, used in nightingale times

what are the techniques of time management?

organization keep focus on goals tool usage (smart phones, etc) time management plan

Which strategy is a powerful time-management tool that can increase efficiency and save many minutes per day?

organize work area

nursing case management

process of coordinating health care by planning, facilitating and evaluating interventions across levels of care to achieve measurable cost and quality outcomes - oriented towards care for a variety of conditions

What is PERT?

program and review technique - flowchart that provides visual picture depicting sequence of events that mus ttake place to complete project

What is organizational culture?

reflection of the norms or tradition of the organization

Rights of Delegation

right task: right circumstances, right person, right direction/communication, right supervision

primary nursing

rn is assigned as pt's primary nurse throughout hospital states. RN functions autonomously - relies heavily on rn education and background. - not good in times of rn shortages


routine care, activities and procedures that are within the authorized scope of practice of the rn or lpn

Which basic principle does the nurse manager understand helps the staff with time management to improve workflow?

set goals to reduce time stealer

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