Lean Six-sigma Certification

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Spaghetti Chart

Graphical tool used to track the movement of people and distances travelled in a work process. This tool tracks movement in office spaces as well as manufacturing shop floors.

Future State Map

Guide to the goal state of the process. This is generally projected out at 4 to 8 months from the Current State Map and provides a visual of how the process will flow when all identified forms of waste are removed and the process is streamlined.

common internal customers

HR and IT

Process Management

Ongoing, high-level monitoring of processes. Uses important key measures that provide feedback about the overall "state" of a process.

deliverables in measure phase

Key measures identified, data collection planned and executed, process variation displayed and communicated, performance baselined, sigma level variance calculated.

Null Hypothesis

Known as H₀, is the hypothesis statement that maintains there is no difference between two or more data samples.

What does Lagging Metrics report?

Lagging Metrics report historical data

What does Leading Metrics report?

Leading Metrics gives us predictability "such as predictability models"


Matrix that outlines different levels of accountability and responsibility as related to an action item list.

Mean equals X-bar

Mean equals X-bar

Process Time

Measure of the time a product is actually being worked on in a machine or by an employee in a work area.

Elements of the Control Plan

Measurements and Specifications, Input-Output Process,


Measures the amount of resources used in maximizing the output of a process.

Work Cell Design

Method of organizing physical operations in the most efficient combination to maximize value added steps and to minimize waste.

Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

Metric that indicates the number of defects in a process per one million opportunities. Is calculated by the number of defects divided by (the number of units times the number of opportunities), multiplied by one million.

Input Measures

Metrics that assess the units coming into a process.

Process Capability Indicators

Metrics that indicate how closely process outputs align within customer specifications when using continuous data (time, weight, volume, etc).

Output Measures

Metrics that that assess the units coming out of a process.

What is Non-Value Add - Required?

Non-Value Add - Required: A task that is required to support the business but for which the customer is not willing to pay Example: Depot planning and scheduling activities

What is Non-Value Add?

Non-Value Add: A task that is not required and should be eliminated because it is wasteful Example: Depot maintenance employee having to look for tools to perform work.


On a literal level, refers to a ledger size piece of paper, but in the Lean world it is a one page project report. This one-pager contains the problem, the analysis of the process, the identified root causes, potential solutions and action plan all on a large sheet of paper.

Affinity Chart (aka Affinity Diagram)

Organizes a large amount of data according to their natural relationships.

control chart

A graphic display of process data over time and against established control limits, which has a centerline that assists in detecting a trend of plotted values toward either control limit


5 step process used to create a visual workplace that results in leaner and more efficient workplaces

1 standard Deviation


What Is a Process Map?

A graphical representation of a process flow identifying the steps of the process, displaying the X's (inputs) and Y's (outputs) of the process and of each individual step

Box Plot (aka Box & Whisker Plot)

A graphical view of a data set which involves a center box containing 50% of the data and "whiskers" which each represent 25% of the data.

Control Plan

A guide to continued monitoring of the process, and the response plan for each of the measures being monitored.

Cockpit Chart (aka Dashboard)

A high level, at-a-glance display of key performance indicators that are regularly monitored.

Dashboard (aka Cockpit Chart)

A high level, at-a-glance display of key performance indicators that are regularly monitored.

Chi-Square Test

A hypothesis test that determines whether a statistically significant difference (aka variance) exists between two independent groups of discrete data, ruling out chance.


A limited test of a Lean Six Sigma solution to a process. Performed during the Improve Phase, it is an opportunity to test Root Cause Hypotheses while minimizing risks and cost.

Wait Time

A measure of the time a unit or service is idle within a process.


A measurement concept where a single individual measures the same results each time. Closely linked with Reproducibility.


A measurement concept where different individuals measure the same results each time. Closely linked with Repeatability.

Process Capability

A measurement of how well a Process' Outputs meet Customer Requirements.


A measurement technique where smaller amounts of representative data can be used to understand the larger population.


A measurement that refers to how well a process output meets customer requirements.


A method of collecting data from Customers by asking questions.

Value Stream Map

A method of mapping that includes data as well as process steps with the goal of identifying waste in the system.


A methodology for designing new, non-existing processes. Stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify.


A methodology for improving existing processes. Stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.

Defects per Opportunity (DPO)

A metric that indicates the number of defects in a process per opportunity. Calculated by the number of defects divided by the number of units times the number of opportunities.

Subject Matter Expert

A person who is an expert on a given topic or skill.

What is a pilot program?

A pilot program is a test of a proposed solution which is performed on a small scale used to evaluate both the solution and the implementation of the solution, purpose is to make the full scale implementation more effective and gives data about expected results and exposes issues in the implementation plan

Preliminary Plan

A plan that lists goals and milestones for a process improvement project.

Swimlane Map (aka Deployment Map or Cross-Functional Chart)

A process map that separates process steps by function, department or individual. Each lane represents a different department or individual.

Cross Functional Flowchart (aka Deployment or Swimlane Map)

A process map that separates process steps by function, department or individual. This provides a visual that displays not just the steps in a process but also which individuals, group or department performs those steps.

cost benefit analysis

a comparative assessment of all the benefits you anticipate from your project and all the costs to introduce the project, perform it, and support the changes resulting from it.

business case

a document that uses the problem and the goal statements and converts it into a statement of business value


a manual system that signals the need for materials; card or other device that communicates demand for work or materials from the preceding station

process capability index

adjustment of Cp for the effect of non-centered distribution

process performance index (Ppk)

adjustment of process performance for the effect of non-centered distribution

Measurement system analysis (MSA) purpose

create a measurement system to use by quantifying its accuracy, precision, and stability

soft mistake proofing (poka yoke)

create alarms to warn for defects about to occur

standardize step in 5s

create definitions, set guidelines documenting procedures, assign ownership

modules included in improve stage

create flow, mistake proofing, visual management and 5s

control phase main objective

create systems and processes to maintain and sustain the improvement

purpose of lean

create value for customer by minimizing waste

what is CTQ?

critical to Quality factor is the quality of a product or service that is derived from the voice of the customer. A good CTQ should be measurable and include operational definitions and specific performance standards.

how to tell if data is normal distribution?

critical value test or normality plot

types of measures encountered in lean six sigma

cycles time, days, size, dollars, attribute counts, defect counts

what is SIPOC?

high level map that defines the scope for process improvement activities by identifying potential gaps between suppliers and input specifications and between output specifications and customers expectations

product of lean

faster, more efficient and economical, satisfactory quality

importance of the Pareto analysis

find the process that should be prioritized for improvement by ranking sources of problems by frequency of occurrence

pareto 80:20 rule

focusing on 20 percent of causes that result in 80 percent of the failures, instead of trying to attack all the problem causing factors, will have the best return on the effort and will be the most cost effective

deliverables in define phase

fully prepared team is formed and committed to work, customers identified and critical to quality characteristics CTQs defined, team charter developed, business process mapped.


groups or individuals that might be impacted by process changes but they don't receive products or services

are inspections the solution to prevent defects?

no inspections are non-value added work and adds to the cost of the system

modules included in control stage

process monitoring and response plan, documentation and story board

importance of documentation

helps capture the project methods, successes and lessons learned, serves as communication tool to share the project with others

importance of baseline data

helps the team view the data from the customer's perspective and determines if the process is capable of meeting customer expectations

rectangle symbol on the process map means

process point

serial processing

process that is linear and sequential

parallel processing

process with steps designed to happen at the same time

modules included in define stage

project charter, voice of customer, SIPOC

black belt responsibilities

project team leader, allowing them to be directly responsible for projects within their organization. They are held accountable for the results.

importance of operational definition

provides a clear and concise description of what is to be observed or measured, so that people taking or interpreting data will do it consistently

importance in the voice of the business

provides clarity in identifying revenue growth areas, economic value added and market value.

steps of 5s

sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain

Cp and Cpk levels that correspond to Four Sigma



A voting/brainstorming technique that prioritizes ideas.

control plan consists of what two plans?

monitoring plan and response plan

In Measuring Business Processes "x" variables are and "y" are?

"x" variables are leading and independent variables were as "y" are lagging or dependent variable

Cpk equation (process capability index)

(Zmin)/3 where Zmin = (upperlimit - mean)/ (3*SD) or (mean - lowerlimit)/ (3*SD) ,which ever is smaller

net present value (NPV)

(future amount to be received)*(1+ annual interest rate)^(number of years)

Cp equation (process capability)

(upperlimit - lowerlimit) / (6*standard deviations)

two key factors influence the results of a cost-benefit analysis

-How far into the future you look to identify benefits -On which assumptions you base your analysis

What is the 5 steps in process of streamlining?

0. Value-add analysis is always first 1. Process is not meeting customer demand Use process constraint identification 2. Process is meeting customer demand, but the tasks/workloads are not balanced Use process balancing 3. Tasks are balanced, but there is too much movement of information/material Use process flow improvement 4. Process has limited movement, but has too much non-value add time Use value-add improvement

What are the Four-Step Value Add Improvement Method

1. Document Process Steps and Separate Activities into Essential (CVA) & Auxiliary (NVA-R/NVA) 2. Eliminate or Streamline Auxiliary Activities 3. Streamline Essential Activities 4. Improve Equipment / Service Design to speed up remaining activities (fix the process before considering automation)

What are the Process Flow Improvement Steps:

1. Document and measure the process (D,M) 2. Analyze the process for improvement (A) 3. Apply process flow improvement techniques (I) 4. Standardize Operations (C)

Impact Effort Matrix

2 x 2 grid that helps you assess solutions for their relative benefit given the relative cause required.

six-sigma's room for defect (DPMO)

3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO)

2 standard deviations


3 standard deviations


Gemba (aka Workplace)

A Japanese term that translates to the "real place" or where the work takes place.

What does a scope statement do?

A Scope Statement defines the boundaries of the project.

yellow belt responsibilities

A Yellow Belt typically has a basic knowledge of Six Sigma, but does not lead projects on their own. They are often responsible for the development of process maps


A basic tool for project/process scope definition

Assumption Busting

A brainstorming and questioning technique that does two things: it identifies and challenges conventional thinking and eliminates obstacles to optimal solutions.

Force Field Analysis

A brainstorming method which pits "driving" (positive) and "restraining" (negative) forces that support or oppose an idea.

Process Analysis

A broad concept that entails the study of detailed process maps.

Business Case

A broad statement that helps sell or justify a specific improvement opportunity to the senior leadership or stakeholders in an organization.


A clear statement that defines what is included (and, by exclusion, what is not included) in a Lean Six Sigma process improvement project.

Problem Statement

A clear, concise statement about the symptoms of issues being encountered in a process.

Risk Management

A continual "look-ahead" process for minimizing the uncertainty and negative impacts of risks.

Weighted Criteria Matrix

A decision-making tool that evaluates potential options against a list of weighted factors.

Cost/Benefit Analysis

A decision-making tool to compare costs (negative results) vs. benefits (positive results) of a proposed change to a process.

Monitoring Plan

A detailed data collection plan that supports the Control Plan.

Comparative Analysis

A form of deductive logic that makes an item-by-item comparison using data and facts.


A form of hypothesis testing that determines if there is a significant difference in the means of several different groups.

Alternative Hypothesis

A form of hypothesis that assumes there is a statistically significant difference between two or more data samples.


A free-thinking group method for generating ideas to handle a challenging situation.


A graph of vertical bars representing the frequency distribution of a set of data`

box plot

A graph that displays the highest and lowest quarters of data as whiskers, the middle two quarters of the data as a box, and the median


A workplace organization technique composed of 5 primary phases: Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain

Deployment Map (aka Cross-Functional Flow)

A process map that separates process steps by function, department or individual. This provides a visual that displays not just the steps in a process but also which individuals, group or department performs those steps.

Pareto Chart

A quality chart of discrete data that helps identify the most significant types of defect occurrences.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

A quality control concept that uses statistical methods to monitor processes and uses Control Charts to gather and analyze data, and helps to determine if processes are "out of control."

Pareto Principle

A quality principle that asserts that the majority of effects come from a minority of causes. AKA the 80/20 rule, 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.

What Is a Measure?

A quantified evaluation of characteristics and/or level of performance based on observable data


A ready-to-go project overview. They communicate a success story of process improvement projects and highlight the project as an example of real world application of Lean Six Sigma tools.


A resource (product, service, data, labor, etc.) that is added to a Process by a Supplier.

Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)

A risk management tool that identifies and quantifies the influence of potential failures in a system.

Process Redesign & Reengineering

A significant reworking of a Process that (optimally) yields significant, measurable improvement in Output. Best described as "wiping the slate clean" to allow for more creative, sweeping changes.

Threats & Opportunities Matrix

A simple 2 x 2 grid that captures the downsides of not implementing a proposed solution and, conversely, the potential upsides if the solution is accepted.

5 Whys

A simple but effective method of analyzing and solving problems by asking "why" five times, or as many times as needed in order to move past symptoms and determine root cause.

Gemba Walk Interview Sheet (aka Process Walk Interview Sheet)

A simple data collection form, designed for transactional processes. It is used to ask pertinent questions during a Gemba or Process Walk.

Process Walk Interview Sheet (aka Gemba Walk Interview Sheet)

A simple data collection form, designed for transactional processes. It is used to ask pertinent questions during a Gemba or Process Walk.


A simple tally sheet used to systematically collect data on the frequency of an occurrence (e.g., the frequency of defects).

Rework Loop

A situation where a step in a process is repeated in order to correct a defect; also known as backtracking.

Correlation Coefficient (aka Pearson Correlation)

A statistical concept expressed as the letter "r" that measures the strength and type of the relationship between two factors ('X' and 'Y').


A statistical concept that describes the variation between values in a data set.

Standard Deviation

A statistical measure that shows the average amount that values vary (aka "Dispersion") from the mean.


A step in the process where your process is limited in the volume it can handle. It is often the result of specialization, task imbalance or other constraints on capacity.

Process Map

A step-by-step diagram that shows the activities needed to complete a process.


A stepwise combination of people, tools, materials, and methods where an Input is converted into an Output.

Cause and Effect Diagram

A structured brainstorming tool designed to assist an improvement team in listing potential causes of a specific effect.

Fishbone Diagram

A structured brainstorming tool designed to assist an improvement team in listing potential causes of a specific effect.

Just-In-Time (aka JIT)

A system for producing and delivering the right items, at the right time, in the right place, and in the right amounts. This concept is integral to the idea of a Pull system.

Kano Model

A technique that categorizes customer requirements into three types:

Customer Value

A term that underlies the fact that the value of any given process step or output is defined by the groups or individuals who receive the the goods and services of the process.

Water Beetle (aka Water Spider)

A term used to describe the person responsible for maintaining correct inventories on the production line so that line employees have no need to stop working.

Tree Diagram

A type of chart where a concept is successively broken down into subconcepts with increasingly higher levels of detail.

Common Cause Variation

A type of variation which is natural and inherent to a process. These causes act randomly and independently of each other, are difficult to eliminate, and often require changes to a process or system.

Rolled Throughout Yield

A type of yield that measures how many units "roll through" a process, first pass, without defects.


A visual display of the spread of variation in a process which shows the frequency of each value in the data set.

Leader Standard Work (aka LSW)

Actions, behaviors and tools that leaders use to build and sustain a Lean Culture.

Value Enabling Activities

Activities that do not directly add value to a customer, but must be performed to allow Value Adding Activities later on.

What is Capacity?

Capacity is the maximum amount of service a process can deliver over a continuous period of time Example: The capacity of our process is 120 supply requests per day

Cp < Pp and Cpk < Ppk

Certain fixed pattern in subgroup

Scatter Plot

Chart that shows the relationship between two variables (if any). Also known as an XY Plot since the variables are plotted on the X and Y axis.


Aligns with the philosophy that process improvement is never finished. The pursuit of constant updating and improving of all processes.

Standardize (aka Seiketsu)

Also known as "Seiketsu", is the fourth step in the 5S method.

Sort (aka Seiri)

Also known as "Seiri", is the first step in the 5S method.

Shine (aka Seiso)

Also known as "Seiso", is the third step in the 5S method.

Set in Order (aka Seiton)

Also known as "Seiton", is the second step in the 5S method.

Sustain (aka Shitsuke)

Also known as "Shitsuke", is the fifth step in the 5S method.


An alert system that can be visual or audible, facilitating quick response to any problems in the process or system.

Hypothesis Statement

An educated guess about the suspected cause (or causes) of defects in a process.

Root Cause Hypothesis

An educated guess as to the cause of a problem in a process.

Customer Focus

An emphasis on understanding the needs of those who receive the goods and services of the process.

Process Walk (aka Gemba Walk)

An informational tour of the area where the work is taking place.

Gemba Walk (aka Process Walk)

An informational tour of the area where the work is taking place. A series of structured, on-site interviews with representative process participants with the goal of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the process.


An intermediary who helps parties involved in a process improvement project collaborate. Can either be a third party or a team member/leader.

Project Charter

An official, basic document that outlines a process improvement project.

Preventative Action

Any action that reduces the likelihood of a problem occurring in a process.

Value Adding Activities

Any activities that add value to the customer and meet the three criteria:

Process Measures

Any and all measurements of a Process.

Defect Opportunity

Any aspect of a product or service that is critical to the customer. Useful in calculating DPO and DPMO.

External Failure

Any defective item, unit, or output that passes through an entire process and is received by the customer.


Any individual who is affected by or can affect a process improvement project. In other words, anyone who has a "stake" in a project.


Any person or organization that provides an Input to a Process.


Any process output, product, or service that does not meet customer requirements. One of the 8 Wastes.


Any resource (product, service, data, labor, etc.) that is the result of a process.

possible distributions if data is discrete

Binomial (affected by sample size and probability), Poisson (affected by mean)

Continuous Improvement

Broadly describes ongoing, incremental efforts to make products and processes better.

MAJOR Elements of a Project Charter

Business Impact Project Scope Opportunity or Problem Statement Goal Statement Team Selection Project Plan

six sigma hierarchy

CEO, Champion, Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt, Yellow Belt

What is a Constraint?

Constraint: A time trap that is unable to produce at the exit rate required to meet customer demand /internal or external/ constraint can be a time trap but it doesn't mean a constraint is a time trap.

What is Customer Value Add - CVA?

Customer Value Add: A task or activity for which the customer would be willing to pay. Example: Depot maintenance to meet mission readiness

basic six sigma metrics


Huddle Meeting

Daily meeting that is approximately 15 minutes long with direct reports.


Data analysis technique where values are grouped into different layers (i.e., "strata") in order to better understand data.

Baseline Measures

Data that establishes the current or initial conditions in a process improvement project, prior to the application of solutions.

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Data that represents the needs and wants of your customers.

8 Wastes (aka Muda)

Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-Utilized Talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, and Extra-Processing are a list of the most common reasons for excess cycle time in a process.

Operational Definition

Describe the terms used within measures such as "accurate" or "complete" and if it's a time-based measure, they include the stop and start points.


Describes how consistent a process' output is.


Describes how well a process consistently meets customer requirements.

descriptive vs inferential data

Descriptive statistics provide information about the specific data being analyzed, inferential statistics draw conclusions about a population

To-Be Maps

Display the potential future state of a process after it has been analyzed for waste reduction.

Process Performance Boards

Displays that enable leaders to visually track People, Quality, Delivery, Cost and Process Improvement.

deliverables in control phase

Documented and implemented monitoring plan, standardized process, documented procedures, response plan established and deployed, transfer of ownership project closure.

4 ways to handle waste

ESSM: eliminate, simplify, streamline, minimize

Stakeholder Analysis

Enables you to outline and understand who has a vested interest in how a process performs.

Focus Groups

Facilitated discussion sessions comprised of customers that help an organization understand the Voice of the Customer (VOC). Typically 1-3 hour sessions with no more than 20 customers.

Measurement Selection Matrix

Helps validate and choose key measures by assessing the strength of their relationship to customer requirements.

Project Selection Tool

Helps you determine which projects are good Lean Six Sigma projects based on the impact they may have on customers, what the potential time savings are, what the potential cost savings are, and how manageable the projects are.

Hidden Rework Loops

Hidden waste for having to rework processes within the chain


High-level view of a process. It stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers and is ordered from start to finish.

Define - has two major objectives:

Identify Problem - Through the Project Selection process, Organization Leadership identifies an area of opportunity Complete Charter - Project Sponsor leads an effort to complete the Project Charter. A Belt is assigned and a Project Team launched

Kaizen Event (aka Rapid Improvement Event)

In practice, generally spans from 1 to 5 days and involves key process participants focusing on solving a narrowly scoped process improvement opportunity.

Rapid Improvement Event (aka Kaizen Event)

In practice, generally spans from 1 to 5 days and involves key process participants focusing on solving a narrowly scoped process improvement opportunity.

Return on investment (ROI)

Income divided by cost times 100%

Cross Training

Instructing employees in how to perform different tasks outside of their original roles.

Workload Balancing

Involves adjusting the work rate between sub-processes in order to efficiently match customer demand or takt time.

Value Analysis

Involves assessing each process step through the eyes of the customer and determining whether the step is a Value Adding Activity (VA), a Non-Value Adding Activity (NVA) or a Value Enabling Activity (VE).

Demand Leveling

Involves using external techniques to remove the variation when there are big swings in the volume of customer demand.

Proportion Defective

Is the fraction of units that contain defects and a percentage value.


It happens internally when one colleague is idle because they are unable to proceed with a process step until another colleague or department provides the necessary parts or information in order to continue. One of the 8 Wastes.

Takt Time

It is the average unit production time needed to meet customer demand. This is calculated by dividing the time available (minutes of work/day) by the customer demand (units required/day).

PDCA (aka Plan Do Check Adjust)

It's a method developed by Dr. Deming that favors trial and error over extensive planning and trying for perfection up front with the assumption the each test allows for essential fine tuning.

Muda (aka Waste)

Japanese term for "waste" which refers to anything in a process that does not add value from the customer's perspective.

Poka Yoke (aka Mistake Proofing)

Japanese term that means to mistake-proof a process.

Kanban (aka signboard)

Japanese term that translates to "card" or "board" and indicates some form of signal within a process. Part of Just In Time (JIT) processing where either a physical or electronic device indicates that it's time to order inventory, process a unit or move to the next step in a process.

Seiton (aka Set in Order)

Japanese word for "Set In Order" which is the second step in the 5S method.

Seiso (aka Shine)

Japanese word for "Shine" which is the third step in the 5S method.

Seiri (aka Sort)

Japanese word for "Sort" which is the first step in the 5S method.

Seiketsu (aka Standardize)

Japanese word for "Standardize" which is the fourth step in the 5S method.

Shitsuke (aka Sustain)

Japanese word for "Sustain" which is the fifth step in the 5S method.

How to start a SIPOC (Please Come Out In Spring)

Please Come Out In Spring - Process Customer Output Input Suppliers

Contingent Actions

Pre-planned steps scheduled to go into effect when defects or failures occur. They are designed to minimize damage and cost due to failures.

Six Sigma

Process improvement strategy that improves Output quality by reducing Defects. It is named after a statistical concept where a process only produces 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

Cp > Cpk and Pp > Ppk

Process is off-target but stable

When is Process mapping is done?

Process mapping is done at the beginning and at the end of the project.


Producing something faster or in more abundance than needed. One of the 8 Wastes.

Lean Culture

Refers to the combination of defining customer value, aligning around a common purpose, striving for perfection while at the same time respecting and developing employees. The idea is that there is more to process improvement than using a set of tools and concepts. The idea is that the people who do the work should be the ones who fix the processes. Results when in the quest to provide customer value, the leadership supports and promotes the building of the "problem solving muscle" of the workforce.


Refers to the concept of adding more features or producing a product or service of higher quality than required by the customer. One of the 8 Wastes.

Transportation (aka Touches)

Refers to the concept of the moves or "touches" to a unit or product as it flows through a process. One of the 8 Wastes.

New Procedure Audit

Provides an easy way to check for adaptation to the new way of doing things once a project is successfully completed.

Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)

Quantifies the negative outcomes (costs) due to waste, inefficiencies, and defects in a process.

What does RIE stand for?

Rapid Improvement Event

Non-Value Adding Activities

Refer to process steps that fail to meet one or more of the following criteria:


Refers to a visual stocking system used in tandem with Kanban or reorder signals in a Pull system.

Internal Failure

Refers to any defects in a process that are identified and eliminated before being delivered to the customer.


Refers to any processes or activities that occur after a given process.


Refers to any processes or activities that occur before a given process. The opposite of Downstream.

Attribute Data

Refers to categories or counts that can only be described in whole numbers; i.e. you can't have half a defect or half a customer. This type of data is the opposite of continuous or variable data (temperature, weight, distance, etc.).

Discrete Data (aka Attribute Data)

Refers to categories or counts that can only be described in whole numbers; i.e. you can't have half a defect or half a customer. This type of data is the opposite of continuous or variable data (temperature, weight, distance, etc.).

Continuous Data (aka Variable Data)

Refers to data that is measured on a continuum. It is data that is measured on an infinitely divisible scale (e.g., time, weight, and temperature) such that one half a unit still makes sense; half a minute, half a pound, etc.

Non-Utilized Talent

Refers to the concept that employees are not being utilized to their full capability or, conversely that they are engaged in tasks that would be more efficiently done by someone else. One of the 8 Wastes.

Process Improvement

Refers to the continuous, gradual reduction of defects, errors, costs, and wasted time in a process.

Standard Work

Refers to the goal of eliminating the variation in how a process or process step is completed.


Refers to the movement of employees involved in a given task. One of the 8 Wastes.

Special Cause Variation

Refers to variation in a process which is sporadic and non-random.

Leader Huddle Meetings

Regular (often daily) meeting with direct reports. Conducted in front of the Process Performance Boards in order to work from a visual of organizational metrics.

At what points are Resource Managers used?

Resource Managers are used at the Measure and Control where they will have to sign off on them.

risk priority number

Severity x Occurrence x Detection

Green Belt

Six Sigma practitioner trained in DMAIC. They assist Black Belts and Master Black Belts in process improvement projects.

What are the five Ss

Sort Set In Order Shine Standardize Sustain

Cp > Pp and Cpk > Ppk

Special (known) causes present

What does SMART stand for?

Specific • Does it address a real problem? Measurable • Are we able to measure the problem, establish a baseline, and set targets for improvement? Attainable • Is the goal achievable? Is the project completion date realistic? Relevant • Does it relate to a strategic objective? Time Bound • Have we set a date for completion?

What are specifications

Specifications are the boundaries of what the customers wants.

Goal Statement

States the desired results of a process improvement project. It is a fundamental part of any Project Charter.


Systematic method for the elimination of waste from a process with the goal of providing what is of value to the customer. Much of what constitutes this method stems from tools developed at Toyota while creating the Toyota Production System.

what are the 7 elements of waste

TIM WOOD transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over processing, extra-processing, defects


Term applied to any process, product, or service with one or more defects.

Central Tendency

The "center point" of a process distribution.

Project Chartering

The Project Charter does NOT solve the problem and It is a living document, that will change over time.


The concept that products should flow from operation to operation in the smallest increment, with one piece being the ideal.


The deliberate preservation of process improvement work.

What is Changeover Time?

The elapsed time between being productive on consecutive, different jobs/tasks -i.e., completion of the first job/task to the start of the next job/task.

What is Setup Time?

The elapsed time of each of a series of tasks required to prepare for the performance of a job/task -includes preparing machines, collecting paperwork, tools, materials, etc.

Define Phase

The first phase of the DMAIC method which involves defining the problem or opportunity, determining the voice of the customer/customer requirements, and outlining the project purpose/scope.

Improve Phase

The fourth phase of the DMAIC process that focuses on identifying opportunities and implementing solutions.


The groups or individuals who receive the goods and services of of the process.

Master Black Belt

The highest level of training for a Six Sigma practitioner. Not only do they guide improvement teams, but are responsible for identifying improvement projects.


The ideal state of processes such that units and services move through each process step at the rate of customer demand.

Control Phase

The last phase of DMAIC which ensures that improved processes continue to work predictably and meet the customers' expectations. In short, this phase ensures any gains are maintained.

What are the levels of process maps?

The levels of process maps: SIPOC then Process Flow Map examples swim lanes/top down/spaghetti/ then Value Stream Map process map plus data.


The materials, parts, or units sitting unused in a process.

Lead Time

The measure of the cycle time from the moment a customer places an order to the moment they receive the desired goods or services.

Changeover Time

The measurement of the cycle time from the moment the last good part of the previous process is produced to the moment first good part of the subsequent process is produced.

Cycle Time

The measurement of the time elapsed from the beginning of a process or a step to its end.

Customer Requirements

The needs and expectations of the customer, discovered through a measurable, data-driven ("hard evidence") approach.

Data Analysis

The practice of both determining how to display data and then interpreting the resulting data displays.

Line Balancing

The practice of dividing work in a process in such a way as to produce an equal cycle time for each step or member of a process.

SMED (aka Single Minute Exchange of Die)

The practice of dramatically reducing or eliminating the time to change from one method or unit to another where the goal is to reduce the changeover time to single digits or under 10 minutes.

Changeover Reduction

The practice of dramatically reducing or eliminating the time to change from one method or unit to another.

Setup Reduction

The practice of dramatically reducing or eliminating the time to change from one method or unit to another.

Visual Management

The practice of making it easy to see how a process flows and what to do at each step.


The practice of making large lots of a particular item to gain economic efficiencies.

Sampling Bias

The result of sampling based on some preconceived judgement or convenience.

Black Belt

The second highest level of training for a Six Sigma practitioner. This role devotes 100% of their time to Six Sigma and focuses the execution of specific Six Sigma process improvement projects.

Measure Phase

The second phase of the DMAIC process.


The set of changes to an organization that make any process improvement permanent. These changes not only include procedural ones, but cultural (employee attitude and behavior) changes as well.

Time Analysis

The study of how long each step in a process takes.

Analyze Phase

The third phase of the DMAIC process focuses on identifying the root cause (or causes) of a process problem.

Data Collection Plan

This is a well thought out approach to data collection that includes information around where to collect data, how to collect it, when to collect it and who is responsible.

Response Plan

This type of plan for a process establishes, for each measure being monitored, a threshold or trigger level for that process measure.

What is a Time Trap?

Time Trap: Any process step that inserts delay time into a process. We are concerned with the time trap that injects the MOST delay Example: our warehouse personnel can process 120 supply requests per day; all other process steps can process 145 supply requests per day

Control Chart

Time charts designed to display signals or warnings of special cause variation.

Mistake Proofing (aka Poka Yoke)

To consciously and diligently try to eliminate defects by preventing human errors before they occur or create alarms to warn of potential defects.

What are tollgates?

Tollgates are checkpoints - intent to get an update/approval they are always decision briefs

VOC Translation Matrix

Tool that helps teams take customer comments, determine the underlying issues represented by those comments and use this information to develop measurable customer requirements.

Efficiency & Effectiveness Matrix

Tool used to balance the types of measurement applied to a process. This matrix facilitates the listing of all proposed measurement in order to uncover any imbalances in the Data Collection Plan.

Transportation is considered

Transportation is always considered "waste".


Type of system that refers to processes that rely on forecasting or the practice of creating excess goods and services to maintain a buffer.


Type of system that refers to the goal of having units moved through the process at the rate of customer demand.

Alternative Path

Used in process mapping, this method shows multiple ways of achieving the same result.

Management By Fact

Uses data and measurements in decision-making.

What is Value Stream Mapping?

Value Stream Mapping For Deeper Analysis/Understanding which contains data

Leader Task Boards

Visual check system to review critical workplace items. It's comprised of a list of tasks related to safety, quality, production, cost, Leader Standard Work and daily management.

Task Board

Visual management tool that can help identify if action items have been completed by turning cards from red to green.

Shadow Boards

Visual methods of storing tools or materials which are always placed where the work is being done.

Moment of Truth

When a customer interacts with a process and forms an opinion (positive, negative, or indifferent) about that process.


When a product or item passes between individuals or departments.

Leader Process Walks

When leaders go to where the work actually occurs to observe the process.


When the same steps are done more than once in a process.

Process Mappping is done with?

When you do process mapping you have to do it with the TEAM! theory vs practice

correlation (quality function deployment)

analytical chart identifying the relation between customer perception and design specifications

variable vs attribute data

attribute data shows go/no-go information (non-statistical) whereas variable data shows measurement information

ways to sustain (step in 5s)

auditing and enforcement

important data analysis values

average, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, sample size

ways to create flow

batch size reduction, cross training, parallel processing and standard work

visual management

being able to look at any process and know the status of the operation

What does Multi-Generation Project Plan(MGPP) do?

breaks large projects into smaller projects e.g. solving world hunger

capability measure for discrete and attribute data

capability measured in Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

process performance (Pp)

capability of a process during its initial set-up, before it has been brought into a state of statistical control


capacity of a measurement system to produce the same values over time when measuring the same sample

importance in the voice of the employee

carries out the message and mission of the company

how to classify data

categorize data into continuous data which is quantitative or discrete which is qualitative

linearity (best fit line)

consistency of bias over a range of measurements (example, if a bathroom scale is under by 1.0 pound when measuring a 150 pound person, but is off by 5.0 pounds when measuring a 200 pound person, the scale Bias is non-linear in the sense that the degree of Bias changes over the range of use)

what does standard work consist of?

consists of creating common procedures by using checklists, visual aids, templates, etc

what is a project charter?

contract between organizations leadership and project team that outlines the problem/objectives, emphasizes senior management expectations, and establishes timeline and team member roles

different types of graphs to represent data

control chart, pareto chart, pie chart, histogram, scatter plot, box plot, matrix

elements of the response plan

damage control, process adjustment, effectiveness assessment, continuous improvement

trapezoid symbol on the process map means

data collection point

diamond symbol on the process map means

decision point


defects per million opportunities or DPU*million


defects per opportunity or (DPU)/(total defect opportunities)


defects per unit or (total number of defects)/(total number of units)

5 principles of lean

define value, map the value system, create flow, establish pull, pursuit of perfection

DMAIC stands for

define, measure, analyze, improve, control

phases included in yellow belt exam

define, measure, control

what are bottlenecks?

design flawed places where the process is limited in the volume it can handle (shaped like a bottle neck)

hard mistake proofing (poka yoke)

design process for error free execution

purpose of the analyze phase

determine the root causes of the problem and sources of waste

papercut symbol on the process map means

document point

champion black belt responsibilities

ensure that whatever projects are undertaken mesh well with the goals and intentions of the business or corporation overall

master black belt responsibilities

identification of project deployment opportunities, highly skilled in communication, coaching, project management and statistical analysis

The Problem Solving Strategy Y = f(x)

illustrates the idea that the important process outcomes Ys are a result of the drivers x's within processes

importance in the voice of the customer

important in guiding where to focus improvement efforts

4 crucial benefits of lean six-sigma for organizations

increase revenue, decrease cost, increase efficiency, develop effective people and teams

circle symbol on the process map means

inspection point

What is Acceptable Performance

is that which is acceptable to the customer

red tag questions for sorting

is the item needed? if it is needed, is it needed in the quantity? if it is needed, does it need to be located here?

origin of lean six-sigma

lean came from ford but perfected by Toyota. six-sigma came from Motorola

importance of process control plan

maintains long term success

3 methods for assuring standardization

make check sheets, daily logs and work instructions

Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility

method for evaluating the variation in the measurement process. Allows for comparison, graphically and analytically, of process to measurement and specification to measurement variation

FPY (first pass yield)

number of units coming out of a process divided by the number of units going into that process over a specified period of time. Rework or scrap are not counted as coming out of an individual process.

types of project metrics

operational - turnaround time, production time, number of defects and financial - profitability ratios, sales figures

main focus of define phase

outline the issue and process to address

value stream map

page documenting all the process used to produce and ship a product to the customer, both value-adding and nonvalue-adding processes


parts per million or quantity of defective parts per million parts produced

external customers

people outside the organization that receive products and services

the five why's

practice of asking why repeatedly in order to work the causal chain

precision vs accuracy

precision is consistency of output whereas accuracy is alignment with the targeted value or goal

primary vs secondary metrics

primary metrics are usually the most important critical to quality characteristic that measures what is desired, and secondary metrics are required to measure what is not desired or errors

cost benefit analysis helps to

prioritize a project over others, frame appropriate project objectives, develop before and after measures of project success, prepare estimates of the resources required to perform the project work. Also considers potential costs of not doing the project, if the project fails, and opportunity costs

modules included in analyze stage

process analysis, brainstorm root causes, pareto charts, develop hypothesis

Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)

qualitative and systematic tool to help anticipate what might go wrong with a product or process. In addition to identifying how a product or process might fail and the effects of that failure, FMEA also helps find the possible causes of failures and the likelihood of failures being detected before occurrence.

cost of poor quality (COPQ)

quantifies the negative outcomes -costs- due to waste, inefficiencies, and defects in a process; does not include detection and prevention cost.

purpose of six-sigma

reducing defects by conducting root cause analysis

mistake proofing or poka-yoke

reducing the likelihood of defect by eliminating the opportunity of error to occur in the first place

shine step in 5s

regular cleaning/shining of workplace during intervals

sort step

remove all items from the workplace that aren't needed or rarely used for current production operations

Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture

revenue, costs, market share, net present value -NPV-, Return on investment (ROI)

opportunities to look for root cause in the process analysis

rework loops, redundancies, bottlenecks, inspections and decisions, handoffs

modules included in measure stage

select measures, data collection planning, operational definitions, baseline data

FMEA key measures

severity, frequency of occurrence and ease of detection

set in order techniques

shadow boards, visual management with tape, process flow for items

process stability vs process capability

stability refers to consistency of the process with respect to important process characteristics whereas capability refers to the ability of the process to meet specifications

eclipse symbol on the process map means

start/end point

traingle symbol on the process map means

storage point

SIPOC stands for

supplier, input, process, output, customer

process control plan

system to monitor a process with detailed measurement instructions

red tag tool (used for sorting)

temporarily tag confusing items to sort later by answering 3 questions

process capability

the ability to meet design specifications, based on a sample of data taken from a process

A larger Cpk indicates

the less likely it is that any item will be outside the specs

FTY (first time yield)

total number of acceptable product leaves the process when rework/scrap are counted, but only if the rework performed corrects the defects.

homeplate symbol on the process map means

transport point

how to optimize flow? (river analogy)

trying to remove parts where customer or subject is stuck in the process due to inefficiencies and bottlenecks

importance of data collection

understand how the process is performing and what parts of the process are contributing to the problem

possible distributions if data is continuous

uniform, normal, exponential, chi sq (left skewed normal dist)

process map

using flowcharts to visualize and analyze the as-is process

Special Cause

variation is not random and changes over time. It is a local workforce issue and can be handled by the workers involved in the process if they have the proper tools and operating environment. Is also called Assignable Cause "because you can assign it".

Common Cause

variation is random, stable, and consistent over time. It is a system issue and is the responsibility of management. Management owns and creates the system, and only management can intervene to change the system.

fishbone diagrams (cause and effect diagram)

visual tool used to logically organize possible causes to specific problems by graphically displaying them in increasing detail

importance of graphical analysis

visualize and understand data in a graphical form to study significant relations among variables

a good problem statement should address these issues

what, when, where, magnitude, impact

a good goal statement should address these issues

when, what, how, relevance

green belt responsibilities

work on small, carefully defined Six Sigma projects, requiring less than a Black Belt's full-time commitment.

which belts are part time and which are full time?

yellow and green belts are part time whereas black belts are full time

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