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Who highlighted the importance of observational learning?


Extinction occurs when a ________ is no longer paired with a ________.


The boy who jokingly "cried wolf" warned townspeople of the presence of a wolf when none was in fact present. Later, a wolf did appear, but the boy's cries of warnings were ignored. What process explains why no one came to his aid?


During a storm, Mohammed experienced lightning flashes followed a few seconds later by very loud thunder. Now he cringes every time he sees a flash of lightning. Mohammed experienced what kind of conditioning?


Lenny can't reach the bathroom shelf the bathroom shelf where his father keeps the razor, but he continues trying, day after day. Eventually he becomes tall enough to reach the shelf and does so. How would Lenny's behavior be classified by learning theorists?

Lenny's new behavior is the result of maturation, not learning.

Both classical and operant conditioning are forms of:

associative learning.

Children learn to fear spiders more easily than they learn to fear flowers. This best illustrates the impact of _________________ on learning.

biological predispositions

A skinner box is a(n):

chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.

After a week at college, Su-Chuan has formed a mental representation of the layout of the campus and no longer gets lost. Su-Chuan has developed a:

cognitive map.

Nikki has learned to expect the sound of thunder whenever she sees a flash of lightning. This suggests that associative learning involves:

cognitive processes.

A child's fear at the sight of a hypodermic needle is a(n):

conditioned response.

Shamir reflexively kicked his leg when the doctor tapped him on the knee. Later, the doctor began saying the word "Help" and then tapping Shamir on the knee. After 45 trails of first saying "Help", followed by an immediate tapping of the knee, on the 46th trial Shamir kicked his leg after hearing the word "Help". In this example, the word "help" is the ___________________ and Shamir kicking his leg in response to the word help is the________________.

conditioned stimulus; conditioned response

Extinction will be most rapid after a history of ______________ reinforcement.


Whenever your English teacher is giving a quiz, he carries the copies of the quiz into the room in a black box, and you react with anticipation. If he walks into the room with any other color box, you know that it is not a quiz and feel no anticipation. This illustrates the concept of stimulus


A pigeon is consistently reinforced with food for pecking a key after seeing an image of a human face, but not reinforced for pecking after seeing other images. By signaling that a pecking response will be reinforced, the image of a human face is a(n):

discriminative stimulus.

Whenever Calvin threw his sister's doll in the toilet, his mother would lock Calvin in his room. As soon as Calvin apologized, his mother would let him out. Eventually, Calvin learned to apologize immediately, so that he could get out of his room sooner. Calvin is demonstrating

escape conditioning.

Makayla developed an intense fear of lying five years ago when she was in a plane crash. The fact that today she can again fly without distress indicates that her fear has undergone:


Baby Abbey was playing with her favorite toy rattle when her mom dropped an armful of pots and pans behind her. The loud noise made her startle and cry. Subsequently, upon seeing her rattle, she cries. However, Mom continues to give Baby Abbey her favorite rattle and doesn't drop any more pots and pans. We would expect that Baby Abbey's crying when seeing the rattle would now


Blake is a carpet installer who wants to be paid for each square foot of carpet he lays rather than an hourly wage. Blake prefers working on a _________________ schedule for reinforcement.


Hugo has learned to fear the bell on his phone because every time the phone rings a prank caller starts shouting at him. He now finds himself fearful of other bells, like bicycle bells and doorbells. Hugo is affected by stimulus


Dogs conditioned to salivate to stimulation of the thigh also begin to salivate when stimulated on other body parts. This best illustrates:


Theresa discovers that reading her text the night before a sociology test is an effective study strategy. She decides to try the same thing in studying for psychology quizzes. Her study behavior has


In an experiment, a flash of light is paired with a mild electric shock to a subject's finger. After several trials, the subject begins to pull the finger away after seeing the flash of light. The experimenter then begins to present just the flash, but no shock. After several trials the subject will

gradually cease pulling his finger away after the flash of light

In order to quickly teach a dog to roll over on command, you would be best advised to use:

immediate reinforcers rather than delayed reinforcers

Positive reinforcers ________ the rate of operant responding and negative reinforcers ________ the rate of operant responding

increase; increase

Resistance to extinction is most strongly encouraged by _______________ reinforcement.


Using rewards to bribe people to engage in an activity they already enjoy is most likely to inhibit:

intrinsic motivation.

Because Yuri was curious about human behavior, he enrolled in an introductory psychology course. George registered because he heard it was an easy course that would boost his grade point average. In this instance, Yuri's behavior was a reflection of ________, whereas George's behavior was a reflection of ________.

intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

If rats are allowed to wander through a complicated maze, they will subsequently run the maze with few errors when a food reward is placed at the end. Their good performance demonstrates:

latent learning.

Hailey thinks that it doesn't matter how hard she studies for her classes. Sometimes she studies and other times she doesn't, but her grades are always the same. Soon, Hailey never studies because she doesn't see any reason to do so. Hailey is experiencing

learned helplessness.

Jeremy wears his baseball cap backward because he noticed his older brother does so. This illustrates the importance of:


Mason, a stockbroker, runs two miles every day after work because it reduces his level of stress. Mason's running habit is maintained by a ________________ reinforcer.


Lavonne hates to listen to new age music. So, when Lavonne refuses to clean her room, her mother makes her stay in her room and plays new age music through the intercom. Her mother tells Lavonne that as soon as she finishes cleaning her room the music will be stopped. This is an example of

negative reinforcement.

Mirror neurons provide a biological basis for:

observational learning

Pookie, the dog, quickly learns that when she scratches at the door, her owner will allow her to go outside to play. This is an example of __________________ conditioning.


In which form of learning is behavior said to be influenced by its consequences?

operant conditioning

Children often learn to associate pushing a vending machine button with the delivery of a candy bar. This best illustrates the process underlying:

operant conditioning.

Learning associations between one's own behavior and resulting events is to ________ as learning associations between events one doesn't control is to ________.

operant conditioning; classical conditioning

After Nadia spills water all over her painting, her first grade art teacher gives her some M&M's to make her feel better. The next time art class meets, Nadia promptly and purposefully spills water. The M&M's acted as

positive reinforcers.

To introduction of a pleasant stimulus is to __________________ as the withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus is to __________________.

reinforcement; punishment

You would be most likely to use operant conditioning to teach a dog to:

retrieve sticks and balls.

What kind of reinforcer is money?


Alex learned how to make 3-point basketball shots by successfully making every short shots before shooting from increasing longer distances from the hoop. This learning strategy best illustrates the process of:


Jia is a bear trainer at the circus. She wants to teach Barney the bear to ride a unicycle. To do this, Jia first rewards Barney for sitting up. Then she rewards Barney only if he sits on the unicycle seat. Next she rewards him only for sitting on the unicycle seat and raising his paws towards the pedals and so on. By show time, Barney can ride the unicycle. This method is called


Bertha became conditioned to cry every time she saw an onion chopper because she associated it with cutting onions, which always made her eyes water. For weeks, the onion cutter sat on the counter with no onions. Eventually she never cried when she saw the cutter. Then the onion cutter disappeared for 2 months, and when Bertha saw it again for the first time she began to cry, which is a response known

spontaneous recovery.

Keren decides to try cotton candy for the first time. She enjoys it, but unfortunately, later that day Keren comes down with the stomach flu. Now the smell or thought of cotton candy makes her shudder and feel slightly nauseous. This is an example of

taste aversion.

The occurrence of spontaneous recovery suggests that during extinction:

the CR is suppressed.

In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the US was:

the presentation of food in the dog's mouth.

If a tone is sounded each time a puff of air is delivered to the eye, the tone alone will eventually produce eye blinks. In this example the _______________ is the conditioned stimulus and the __________________ is the conditioned response.

tone; eye blink response to the tone

Purchasing state lottery tickets is reinforced with monetary winnings on a ________ schedule.


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