Lecture 16 Beverages

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Smoothies account for blank a year sales in foodservice who serve more than 1 million a year

$5 billion

Non-carbonated fruit beverages

Fruit juices have standards of identity (SOI) so that they cannot call themselves juice without meeting it

Tea plant is

camillia sinensis plant grown in Japan, India, Sri Lanka, China, West Indies. Most real teas come from the same plant and the leaf is processed differently

Average american intake of caffeine

170 mg/day

Smoothies (Introduced as an indulgent treat that morphed into a drink for muscle heads to slam after a workout Viewed as a dessert, post workout snack, on-the-go meal replacement)

A drink that is made of fruit or sometimes vegetables and is blended with juice, milk, or yogurt and often ice until smooth.

Carbonation adds blank to the water which reduces potential for microbial contamination; also influences texture. C02 creates a mouth feel which is more marked when products are cold.


Energy drinks-male consumption

Males between 18-34 y. consume the most with one-third of teens between 12-17 y. drinking them regularly.

Hydration and exercise

One to two hours before your workout, drink 15 to 20 ounces of water 15 minutes before you begin Drink between 8 and 10 ounces of water during your workout Drink another 8 ounces every 15 minutes.

Espresso definition -contains -caffeine content

dark roast coffee blend roasted; forced water and steam are shot through the beans. -Espresso contains a 1 oz. "shot" of that comes with this process, traditionally that 1 oz shot is an espresso drink; Europeans typically served 2-1 oz. shots -Espresso has about 40 mg caffeine per oz. shot but due to serving size it is actually lower in total caffeine than a cup of coffee

Controlling coffee quality Losses of CO2 with aging results in losses of flavors Ground coffee...

loses more than whole coffee, so buying whole beans and grinding it gives the best coffee

Trend comsmoothie bowl, which often contains

superfood ingredients, including chia seeds, flax seeds, goji berries, cacao nibs and hemp protein. Bowls are slightly thicker and heartier than usual smoothies and are ideal for those seeking a fun and more filling meal replacement option

Mild alkaloid stimulant of the methlyxanthines family; Caffeine is


Effects of caffeine

The variable effects of caffeine include: -Mild CNS stimulation reaching max impact after about 45 minutes -Higher motor functioning; alertness, and increased memory and reasoning; visual and auditory acuity -Increased heart rate, respiration, BMR, gastroenteric reflexes and production of stomach acid

Coffees are made from a variety of beans

-Green coffee is roasted to develop flavors -They are classified by the color of the roast •Light, mild, med, dark, bold

Chocolate Americans consume about blank pounds per person Euros consume about blank pounds per cap.

-12 -22

Tea Nutrients -Other tea like beverages are steeped from different plants

-Chai tea (black tea, milk, sugar, spices: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamon, black pepper -Herbal teas (all kinds of plants)

Coffee substitutes Chicory Postum

-Chicory - parched ground cereals with an appearance similar to coffee. Not a stimulant. Root like dandelion roasted and ground, brews quickly. Sometimes used to extend coffee -Postum - Caffeine free powdered coffee substitute created by Post in 1895. Made from wheat and molasses, currently owned by Kraft foods

Coffee comes from coffee beans:

-Coffea arabica (cooler) (75-80% of US beans) -Coffea robusta (warmer) (higher caffeine) (Differences: cultivation, flavor, cost)

Coffee Quality Rules for preparation of good coffee

-Coffee strength based on 2 Tbs grounds/cup -Use of cold fresh water that is not boiled (or cooled) that is neither too hard or too soft -Clean coffee equipment is necessary as flavors cling to dirty equipment -Coffee should never be held upon heat, preferably not held

Decaf coffee-caffeine is removed before its roasted

-FDA regulates the process -Water, COs and methyl chloride solvents are used

Green tea Black tea Oolong White

-Green tea is heated to inactivate enzymes and then rolled and dried -Black tea is (fermented via) withered, held and rolled, heated and then dried. Enzymes are oxidized in this process -Oolong is similar to black but it is fermented less time -White is tea made from an immature leaf that is covered with a fine white fuzz, it is unfermented. It tastes light and sweet. It is rich in-anti oxidants.

Instant coffee is dehydrated strong coffee

-Instant and flavored coffee products contain sweeteners, flavors and additives

Coffees contain many compounds that contribute its unique characteristics

-Organic acids give sour or bitter flavors, which are developed with roasting, growing and climate -Sulfur and phenols give aromas and flavors •With heat, they are released and breakdown •And volatilize with holding and boiling temperatures •Breakdown contributes to strong bitter and off flavors

The role of beverages in our diets has become more important due to:

-Popularity of beverages consumed as snacks between meals -Beverages displacement of more nutrient dense foods -Beverage kcal are more "mindless" than food consumption -Physiological differences and perceptions

Continued effects of caffeine

-Relaxes smooth muscles, •notably bronchial vasodialator (theophylline and theobromine)•cardiac stimulator (theophylline) -Doses above 750 mg may produce anxiety, ringing in ears, restlessness, dizziness, headache and sleep disturbance -Metabolized by the liver and is usually gone after 3-4 hrs. (Caffeine content is a function of the tea or coffee variety and growing conditions as well as steeping)

Coffee climate is critical

-Requires elevation (higher elevation higher caffeine in beans), proper soils and climate -Africa and South America are primary coffee growing locations: humidity and not below 70 F.

Many caffeine containing beverages other than coffee• Other methylxanthine alkaloids may occur in tea and cola nuts giving them an additional kick

-Soft drinks, sports drinks, teas, waters and several over the counter medications contain caffeine or related methlyxanthines -theophylline (found in tea, tea also has caffeine) -theobromine (found in cocoa nuts, tea and cola nuts)

Preparing tea-like coffee affects the final product -soft water -glass -temp -steeping -tea

-Soft water is preferred; magnesium salts in hard water thought to produce an inferior product -Glass, ceramic equipment is better avoiding the likelihood of flavors from other foods -Temperatures below boiling will release fewer volatile compounds, giving off flavors -Shorter steeping is better, polyphenols develop with longer steeping; stronger flavors should occur with using more tea rather than longer steeping -Tea (bags or loose) are added to tea pot and near boiling water is poured over it; steeped for 2-4 minutes.

Tea Nutrients -Tea has caffeine and theophylline and folate. Antioxidants in green and white tea that are thought to be beneficial in cancer prevention

-Theophylline (and theobromine relax smoothe muscles) -The caffeine content is also dependent upon brewing; longer brewing more caffeine -Black tea bags brewed to medium strength has 44 mg caffeine/cup; green tea is similar -Tea contains polyphenols and astringents that provide flavors and aromas, and react similarly with heat

Water fluid replacement and water drinks contribute to the functional foods market -Type -Sports drinks -Isotonic mixtures -May contain

-carbonated water type beverages with/without fructose or artificial sweeteners -Sport beverages designed to replace lost electrolytes and fluids lost through excessive perspiration without causing gastric distress. -Isotonic mixtures with lower concentrations of sugars and in easily digestible forms are often used in GI upsets -May contain sodium, potassium, caffeine in forms that are readily absorbed. (Gatorade, Powerade)

Included in the SOI are "beverages that purport to contain juice by way of label statements, by pictures of fruits or vegetables on the label, or by taste and appearance causing the consumer to expect juice in the beverage" -Fruit juice drink, beverage, or cocktails combinations of juices -Real fruit juices

-fail to meet fruit juice minimums. •Contain as little as 1.5% juice •Contain acidulants (citric acid) to prevent microorganisms •Flavorings, sweeteners, colors, and -are 100% juice •Can be frozen and reconstituted •Can be blends of juice and listed by order of predominance •Can have added vitamins if they don't dilute the juice •Pasteurized to prevent contamination as they will ferment

Coffee Quality Rules for fresh coffee

-good quality beans -stored in air tight containers of ceramic. -air and moisture contribute to loss of CO2. -coffee(especially ground) oxidizes upon standing; freeze up to 2 weeks.

Carbonated drinks -Ingredients must be... -Fountain mixes typically contain more...

-listed and color and other additives must be FDA approved -caffeine than bottled and store brands less than national brands

Carbonated drinks are one of the most consumed beverages in the US; this many times more popular than water, milk, and coffee

3 times

Consumption of gourmet coffee trends

Consumption of gourmet coffees is up -Daily consumption of espresso-based beverages has nearly tripled since 2008, according to the latest data from the 2016 National Coffee Data Trends. -Between 2008 and 2016, past-day consumption of gourmet coffee beverages soared: •13% to 36% among 18-24 year olds •19% to 41% for those 25-39. -Espresso-based beverages alone jumped•9% to 22% for the 18-24 group•8% to 29% for those 25-39

Coffee consumption trends

Consumption of plain coffee is down -50% of Americans consume it daily -Another 30% consume it occasionally -For the past several years, the consumption of gourmet (e.g., flavored and sugared) coffees exceeds that of plain drip coffee

Energy drinks

Highly caffeinated popular beverages and are the most popular dietary supplement consumed by American teens and young adults (Promoted as products that increase alertness and enhance physical and mental performance)

Prep of coffee Roasts Grinds Methods (drip, vacuum, percolator, press)

Roasts involve application of heat and influence development of flavors Grinds -Varying beans and fineness of grind influences strength of coffee. -A fine pulverized grind is very strong, can lead to bitterness Methods -Drip extracts the least amount of bitter compounds -Vacuum is an older filtration method, problem with it is it gets cold or if heated will boil. -Percolator are other older methods that continually filter coffee through grounds and contributes to flavor loss -Press is useful method for small amounts of coffee, but difficult to hold for long periods


Worldwide beverage, water is the only beverage more widely consumed than tea

Primary ingredient is caffeine

a 24-oz energy drink may have as much as 500 mg of caffeine (~ to 5 cups of coffee). May also contain guarana, (25-50 grams of)sugars, taurine, ginseng, B vitamins, yohimbe, carnitine, and bitter orange.

Most carbonated drinks are made of

a syrup (often HFCS) to which the C02 is infused into a sterile container and the product is sealed

The most common artificial sweetener on market used heavily in soft drinks (splenda in diet rite, which is sucralose)


Cocoa solids come from

cacao tree seed which like coffee beans is bitter and full of phenolic compounds; dark chocolate exceeds blueberries in anti-oxidants


cocoa solids + sugar + milk; color of chocolate is a function of the amount of milk

Caffeine is in

coffee, tea, cocoa beans, kola nuts, mate and guarana

Cocoa powder has the blank removed (pressing) for longer storage; also contains the most flavenols


cocoa beans are

high in fat (53% fat; 30% complex carbo; 13% protein); many minerals; theobromine and other phytochemicals

Cappuccino -Latte -Mocha -Blended -Frappuccino

is a shot of espresso with 50% mixture of steamed milk and foam. -Latte is espresso with only steamed milk -Mocha is espresso with steamed milk and chocolate -Blended drinks are flavored syrups added to lattes, and other coffee drinks -Frappuccino (Starbucks trademark) are ice cream drinks

Caffeine use may be associated with

palpitations, anxiety, sleep problems, digestive problems, elevated blood pressure, and dehydration, it may disrupt sleep and cause greater risk taking behavior in youth.

Cocoa beans are fermented with blank which develops flavor and reduces bitterness


-Physiological differences and perceptions

•Liquids are not perceived like solid foods •Rheology (viscosity) and chewing seem to work with hormonal signals to trigger satiety •Length of time to eat, palatability and other orosensory responses •Carbohydrate beverages and alcohol might be worse

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