Lecture 21: intro to cats
can cats taste sweetness?
benefits to altering cats
stops spraying, obnoxious crying
Flehmen response
A curling of the upper lip in response to estrus detection
what 2 things are cats poor at seeing? in what conditions can they see well?
Poor at seeing color and distance. They can see better in low lighting.
what is a cat body designed to do
be a fast running predator
how is cat smell?
better than humans, worse than dogs
what kind of vision do cat have
binocular vision
where are cat sweat glands
bottom of their feet
what bone does a cat lack
health benefits to altering cats
eliminates uterine and testicular cancers, decreases incidence of mammary tumors, roaming cats more likely to be runover and it decreases the roaming
how is cat hearing?
good, can hear high frequencies
what is the Jacobsons organ for?
sexual scents
Why do cats' eyes glow green when a light shines on them?
their retina has a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum
female cat: male cat: young cat:
tom queen kitten