LEED AP BD+C Question Set - Version B

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How much does an appeal cost per credit?


How much does is cost to appeal an individual credit after notification of LEED certification?


What information must be submitted on LEED-Online in order to achieve EA C5 Measurement & Verification?

(1) A copy of the M&V plan (2) The chosen compliance path

Name the AP exam tracks offered?

(1) Building Design & Construction (2) Interior Design & Construction (3) Homes (4) Operations & Maintenance (5) Neighborhood Development

You are in the design phase of a project attempting compliance with SS Credit 6.2, Stormwater Design - Quality Control. The civil engineer should do what relative to documenting compliance with the credit?

(1) Calculate the percentage of annual rainfall treated by each practice. (2) For structural controls, list and describe pollutant removal performance of each measure.

According to IEQ C5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control which activities should be contained in separately exhausted spaces with negative pressure?

(1) Copying / printing rooms (2) Janitorial storage rooms

To which 4 prerequisites and/or credits does the ASHRAE 90.1 2004 standard apply?

(1) EA C2, On-Site Renewable Energy (2) EA P2, Minimum Energy Performance (3) SS C8, Light Pollution Reduction (4) EA C1, Optimize Energy Performance

Documentation of compliance with EA Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance, can also contribute to documentation of which credits?

(1) EA Prerequisite 1, Minimum Energy Performance (2) EA Credit 2, On-Site Renewable Energy Systems (3) EA Credit 6, Green Power

Which standards are referenced for IEQ C4.2, Low-Emitting Materials - Paints and Coatings?

(1) GS-11 (2) GC-03 (3) SCAQMD Rule 1113

What are the 5 control measures recommended by SMANCA during the construction phase?

(1) HVAC Equipment protection (2) Source Control (3) Pathway Interruption (4) Housekeeping (5) Scheduling

A project team is discussing synergies in the LEED charrette. Air filtration media with a MERV rating of 13 or higher is needed to earn which two combined IEQ credits?

(1) IAQ C3.2 (2) IAQ C5

For which two credits is ASHRAE 52.2-1999, Method of Testing General Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size a reference standard?

(1) IEQ C5, Indoor Chemical Pollutant Source Control (2) IEQ C3.1, Construction IAQ Management Plan: During Construction

Within the Indoor Environmental Quality category, which credits can only be submitted during the construction phase of the project?

(1) IEQc3, Construction IAQ Management Plan (2) IEQc4, Low-Emitting Materials

Which three sets of data is required to document credit compliance using templates to achieve a point for ID Credit 2, LEED Accredited Professional credit?

(1) Name of LEED AP (2) Name of LEED AP's Company (3) Copy of LEED AP Certificate

What information is needed to complete calculations for WE Credit 2, Innovative Wastewater Technologies?

(1) Number of full-time occupant-hours (2) Number of part-time occupant-hours (3) Flowrate of urinals and water closets

What strategies might contribute toward controlling glare from natural daylight?

(1) Operable draperies & blinds (2) Electronic blackout glazing (3) Fixed exterior shading devices (4) Fritted glazing

Name three activities in the commissioning process that are are only applicable to EAc3, Enhanced Commissioning?

(1) Prepare for a review of building operation within 10 months of substantial completion (2) Create a systems manual for future operating staff (3) Conduct a commissioning design review of the OPR and BOD prior to the mid-construction documents phase.

What factors might affect a project's cost for LEED certification?

(1) Project size (2) USGBC membership (3) LEED rating system (4) Certification level being sought

What are the 4 requirements of IDc1, Innovation in Design?

(1) Proposed intent (2) Proposed requirements (3) Proposed submittals (4) Proposed Design Approach

Commissioning activities should, at a minimum, be completed for which of the following systems in order to fulfill EA P1, Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems?

(1) Renewable energy systems (2) Lighting and daylighting controls (3) Domestic hot water systems (4) HVAC&R systems

Within the Sustainable Sites category, name three credits can be submitted during the design phase of the project?

(1) SS Credit 2, Development Density & Community Connectivity (2) SS Credit 4.3, Alternative Transportation: Low-emitting & fuel efficient vehicles (3) SS Credit 6.2, Stormwater Management: Quality Control

You are advising a LEED application for an office in LA. Internally generated cooling loads dominate design considerations. Which credits should the project focus on to reduce the cooling load?

(1) SS Credit 7.2, Head Island Effect - Roof (2) IEQ Credit 8.1, Daylighting & Views

Which factors are necessary to make calculations contributing to the achievement of WE Credit 1, Water Efficient Landscaping?

(1) Species Factor (2) Density Factor (3) Microclimate Factor

What are the four specific requirements for ID Credit 1?

(1) The intent of the proposed innovation credit (2) The proposed requirement for compliance (3) The proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance (4) The design approach or strategies used to meet the requirements.

What information is needed to complete the calculations to achieve SS Credit 2, Development Density & Community Connectivity, Option 1?

(1) Total Site area (2) Total square footage of the building (3) Square footage of buildings within density radius

Within the Water Efficiency Category, which credits can be submitted during the design phase of the project?

(1) WE C1, Water Efficient Landscaping (2) WE C2, Innovative Wastewater Technologies (3) WE C3, Water Use Reduction

You are required to provide what data for compliance with WE Credit 3, Water Use Reduction?

(1) Water closet flow rates (2) Lavatory flow rates (3) Mate-to female ratio

How many points are available for MR Credit 3 and what percentage of reused building materials and products is required?

(NC & Schools) 5% = 1 point, 10% = 2 points (Core & Shell) 5% = 1 point

A commercial New Construction project applying for SS C4.2 must provide changing rooms & showers for what percentage of FTE?


A school project uses architectural features, passive solar strategies, and ground-source heat pumps to reduce energy use from its baseline by 5%. How many points can the school earn for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, On-Site Renewable Energy?


Under SS C2 Development Density & Community Connectivity, Option 2 (Community Connectivity) how many basic services must be within a ½ mile radius?

10 basic services of which 8 must be existing and others should become operational within 1 year.

A new surface parking lot is being planned for a shopping center that will be constructed on a Greenfield site. What amount of site disturbance beyond the parking area can earn Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat?

10 feet

Projects qualifying for SS C2 Development Density and Community Connectivity Option 2 must be within ½ mile of a residential area with an average density of ______.

10 units per acre

Under EA C1 Optimize Energy Performance, what is the minimum applicable energy reduction for new buildings?


A residential New Construction project applying for SS C4.2 must provide bicycle racks for what percentage of residents?


A wetland must have vegetated slopes with an average gradient of ______ to qualify for SS C5.2.


What is the threshold for achievement of credit MR C6?


Under SS C5.2 Site Development - Maximize open space, scenario 3 (Sites with Zoning but no Open Space Requirements). How much vegetated open space should be provided?

20% of site area

A college building has a baseline water use of 400,000 gallons. What amount of actual water use will earn an exemplary credit for WE C3?

220,000 gallons

Upon notification of LEED certification, how many days does the project team have to accept or appeal the award?

25 days

For MR C4 Recycled Content, what is the default recycled content of steel?

25% postconsumer

For SS Credit 4.3 (core & shell), what percentage of FTE should have access to a low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicle?


Window with sills _____ above the floor and heights of no more than _____ are within the range of vision glazing.

30", 60"

How many energy simulation runs are required to establish the baseline design for a project attempting to achieve EA C1, Optimize Energy Performance?


What percentage of water usage reduction would be needed to earn exemplary performance on WE C4, Process Water Use Reduction?


What is the default Total Materials Cost, expressed as a percentage of the total estimated construction cost, that LEED allows in the Materials & Resources category if the actual materials cost is not available?


A commercial New Construction project applying for SS C4.2 must provide bicycle racks for what percentage of all peak time building users?


What is the threshold for exemplary performance of credit MR C6?


What is the threshold for achievement of credit MR C7 MR C6 (CS)?

50% of cost

A previously developed project site area is 200,000 sq ft. The building footprint is 100,000 sq. ft. Based on the available answers, how much area needs to be covered with native or adaptive vegetation to earn one point for Sustainable Sites Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat?

50,000 sq feet

How many points might a project team earn for producing 11% of its total building energy cost with renewable energy systems?

6 points

How many days does a project team have to submit an appeal?


The requirements of SS C2, Development Density and Community Connectivity, are based on a community with what minimum density per acre net?

60,000 sq feet

Under EA C1 Optimize Energy Performance, what is the minimum applicable energy reduction for existing buildings?


What is the exemplary performance threshold for credit MR C7 MR C6 (CS)?

95% or more of a projects total new wood

IEQ Credit 1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring, references which standard?

ASHRAE 62.1-2007

What standard is referenced when following the prescriptive compliance path for a small warehouse?

ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide

The design team for a 15,000 sq ft office building does not have sufficient funds to complete the energy simulation process, but still hopes to receive points under EA C1, Optimize Energy Performance. Following a compliance path under which standard would maximize the amount of points they could achieve?

ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings, 2004

Which standard is referenced by IEQ P1, Minimum IAQ Performance?

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

You would likely refer to which standard in order to comply with SS Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment?

ASTM E1903-97

What is Option D of the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol?

Calibrated Simulation - Savings are determined at the whole building or system level by measuring energy use at main meters or sub meters, or using whole building simulation calibrated to measured energy use data. (Applicable to EA C5.1 &5.2 option 1)

Is EA c5, Measurement & Verification submitted during the Design or Construction Phase?

Construction Phase Only

Is EA c6, Green Power submitted during the Design or Construction Phase?

Construction Phase Only

Is EA p1, Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems submitted during the Design or Construction Phase?

Construction Phase Only

To comply with EA Credit 5, Measurement & Verification, Option _____ of IPMVP Volume III would be more suitable for buildings with a large number of interactive ECM's while Option _____ would be better for smaller buildings with isolated ECMs.

D, B

According to WE C3, Water Use Reduction, what could lead to ID points for exemplary performance?

Demonstrate 45% reduction in projected potable water use.

During which stage may a project team appeal a LEED rating?

Design Application Review and/or Construction Application Review

For SS C6.1, what course of action must be taken when dealing with sites with existing imperviousness of 50% or less?

Devise a stormwater management plan that prevents post-development peak discharge rate and quantity from exceeding pre-development peak discharge rate and quantity for one & to year 24 hour design storm. Or devise a stormwater management plan that protects stream channels from erosion and aids in quantity control.

For SS C6.1, what course of action must be taken when dealing with sites with existing imperviousness greater than 50%?

Devise a stormwater management plan that results in 25% decrease in stormwater runoff from the two year 24 hour design storm.

In what credit would an absorption chiller contribute to compliance?

EA Credit 4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management

Is IEQ Credit 8.2, Views eligible for Exemplary Performance Credits? If so, what is the required threshold to determine it?

Exemplary performance credit may be earned by meeting 2 of 4 measures. (1) 90% or more of regularly occupied spaces have multiple lines of sight to vision glazing in different directions at least 90 degrees apart (2) 90% or more of regularly occupied spaces have views that include views that include views of at least 2 of the following options - Vegetation, human activity, or objects at least 70 feet from the exterior of the glazing. (3) 90% or more of regularly occupied spaces have access to unobstructed views within the distance of 3 times the head height of the vision glazing (4) 90% or more of regularly occupied spaces have access to views with a view factor of 3 or greater

IEQ C2, Increased Ventilation, relates most directly to which other prerequisite / credit within the IAQ category?

IEQ P1, Minimum IAQ Performance

Which of the standard does MR C4, Recycled Content, reference?

ISO 14021 - 1999 - Environmental Labels and Declarations

For EA C2, what is the Exemplary Performance threshold for NC & Schools?

If on-site renewable energy accounts for 15% or more of annual building energy cost

For EA C2, what is the Exemplary Performance threshold for Core & Shell?

If on-site renewable energy accounts for 5% or more of annual building energy cost.

Documentation for IEQ Credit 1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring is submitted in which application phase?

It is designated as a design submittal but may be submitted during construction

EA Credit 4, Enhanced Refrigerant Management requires that the project team calculate what?

LCODP (Life Cycle Ozone Depletion Potential), LCGWP (Life Cycle Global Warming Potential), and Pounds of refrigerant and tons of cooling required by the project.

What tool appropriate for assigning project team roles on a LEED project?

LEED - Online Scorecard

What is the exemplary performance threshold for MR C1.1?

Maintain 95% or more of existing walls, floor and roof (Core & Shell only)

In which LEED credit category do construction credits predominate?

Materials & Resources

What items cannot be included in the calculation for MR C3?

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components, & specialty items such as elevators and equipment

What are examples of Process Energy?

Office and general miscellaneous equipment, computers, elevators and escalators, kitchen cooking and refrigeration, laundry washing and drying, lighting exempt form the lighting power allowance (e.g., lighting integral to medical equipment), and other (e.g. waterfall pumps)

For EA C1, what is the Exemplary Performance threshold?

Only for Option 1: Show an improvement of 50% over baseline case in new buildings, and 46% in existing buildings.

Prohibiting smoking in an entire building is not a suggested course of action for which option under IEQ Prerequisite 2?

Option 3 (residential buildings)

What is the minimum indoor air quality performance standard for IEQ Prerequisite 1 for naturally-ventilated buildings?

Paragraph 5.1 of ASHRAE 62.1-2007

EA C1, Optimize Energy Performance refers to which method to determine the increased efficiency of a building project over the baseline?

Performance Rating Method

Projects qualifying for SS C2 Development Density and Community Connectivity must utilize a ______ site.

Previously Developed

Under SS C5.2 Site Development - Maximize open space, scenario 2 (Sites with No Local Zoning Requirements). How much vegetated open space should be provided?

Provide vegetated open space equal to the building footprint

What is required to achieve the first 2 points of WE Credit 1, Water Efficient Irrigation?

Reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% over conventional means.

Under SS C5.2 Site Development - Maximize open space, scenario 1 (Sites with Local Zoning Open Space Requirements). How much vegetated open space should be provided?

Reduce the development footprint, &/or provide 25% more vegetated open space than that required by local zoning.

In order to achieve exemplary performance for SS C5.1, what percentage of the site should be restored or protected?

Restore or protect 75% of site (excluding building footprint) or 30% of total site area (including building footprint), whichever is greater, with native or adapted vegetation.

What is Option B of the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol?

Retrofit Isolation - Savings are determined by full measurement of the energy use and operating parameters of the systems to which and ECM was applied, separate from the rest of the facility. (Applicable to EA C5.1 & 5.2 option 2)

For IEQ C3.2 Option 2 (Air Testing) how do you determine the number of air samples needed to verify compliance?

The number of sampling location will depend on the size of the building and the number of ventilation systems. For each portion of the building served by a separate ventilation system, the number of sampling points must not be less than 1 per 25,000 square feet or for each contiguous floor areas whichever is larger.

What is the exemplary performance threshold for credit MR C5?

The total value of regional materials is 30% or more

Under EA Prerequisite 3, Fundamental Refrigerant Management what size cooling equipment - such as HVAC, water coolers and refrigerators are NOT considered part of the base building system and therefore not subject to the credit requirements?

Those containing less than .5 pounds of refrigerant

What is the threshold for achievement of credit MR C4 (one and two points)

Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of post-consumer recycled content and ½ of the pre-consumer content constitutes at least 10% (for 1 point) or 20% (for 2 points) of the total cost of the materials in the project.

Side-lighting daylight zone values (IEQ Credit 8.1) are a combination of?

Visible light transmittance & window-to-floor area ratio

What dry plumbing fixture uses advanced hydraulic design and a buoyant fluid instead of water to maintain sanitary conditions?

Waterless urinal

What are examples of regulated (non-Process) energy?

lighting (e.g. for the interior, parking garage, surface parking, façade, or building grounds, etc.), heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (e.g., for space heating, space cooling, fans, pumps, toilet exhaust, parking garage ventilation, kitchen hood exhaust, etc.) and service water heating for domestic or space heating purposes.

Under SS C2 Development Density & Community Connectivity, Option 2 (Community Connectivity) what is the key radial measurement from the main entrance of the building?

½ mile

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