Lesson 26_Ezra and Nehemiah

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For whom does Nehemiah lament?

Not just for oneself, but for the nation as a whole.

Who was Nehmiah?

Cupbearer to Persian king.

What did Ezra emphasize in his bringing Jews back to the Torah?

He emphasized the cleansing of mixed marriages from Pagan people.

What was Ezra?

He was a famous priest and scribe in Jewish history.

What was Zerubbabel the last of?

He was the last publicly known person of Davidic stock, for hereafter, the Davidic line goes into hiding.

Why do sacrifices make sense if God is truly God?

If God is truly God, then sacrifice is the natural way to symbolically make visible and tangible the inner desire to give oneself to Him.

Where does Matthew reference the notion of spiritual warfare in fasting?

Matthew 9:25-29 as a means of battling the Evil One.

What were the three components of the edict issued by Cyrus, King of Persia that allowed Jews back to Jerusalem?

That Jews be allowed to return to Jerusalem, that the Temple be rebuilt, and that the Jews have the sacred vessels that were stolen by Nebuchadnezzar be restored.

What is another name for the Feast of Tabernacles?

The Feast of Booths.

What is celebrated when Ezra reconvenes the next day to finish reading the Torah to the people?

The Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated.

What two prophets are present during the time of the rebuilding of the Temple?

The prophets Haggai and Zechariah.

How many years did the Samaritans succeed in the delaying of the rebuilding of the Temple?

18 years.

How many years after the destruction of Babylon in 586 B.C. were Jews allowed to return back to Jerusalem?

48 years later in the year 538 B.C.

List the years and the leaders under whom the Jews returned from exile in the three phases.

538 B.C. Jews first returned under Zerubbabel 458 B.C. Jews returned under Ezra 444 B.C. Jews returned under Nehemiah

What is a sacrifice and why is it performed?

A sacrifice is a sense-perceptible gift to the Deity as an outward manifestation of veneration for Him, with the object of attaining communion with Him.

Why does Ezra mention Abraham in his sermon at the time of the ratification of the Covenant?

Abraham was recounted because Jews had just made the same journey from Babylon that Abraham had made. And like Abraham, the people were also entering a new beginning requiring great faith.

What did the enemies of Israel feel after the building of the wall?

All the nations were afraid and fell in their own esteem, for they perceived that the wall was a work of God.

What was the name of the Persian King that the Samaritans convinced to put a hold on the re-building of the Jewish Temple?


What nations predominantly offered sacrifices?

At all times and among all nations, there has always been the offering of sacrifices.

What were the challenges for the exiled Jews and the returning Jews?

Challenge for exiled Jews is to stay faithful, for returning Jews to reestablish identity.

During what political time did Ezra and Nehemiah live?

During the first return of exiled Jews when Cyrus, King of Persia, allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem.

What were the challenges of Zerubbabel in getting the Temple itself built?

Getting the materials as well as the psycho-social disappointment of rebuilding something not as grandiose as the first.

What is the primary message of the prophet Haggai regarding the Temple rebuilding?

Haggai rebukes the Jews for their apathy in not continuing the Temple project.

Where is Zerubbabel mentioned in the New Testament?

He appears in Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1 where the Davidic line is described continuing to Christ.

Upon whom does Nehemiah call the Jews to have mercy?

He calls on them to have pity on the poor and their humble needs.

When Ezra publicly reads the Torah, why does Nehemiah adjourn the assembly?

He does so in the interest of keeping joy, for the people lamented over their covenant transgressions.

Does Nehemiah listen to the threats of Sanballat?

He ignores the empty threats of Sanballat and finishes building the wall 52 days later.

What did Ezra accomplish for the Jews moving forward?

He pivotally shaped the Jewish religion moving forward after bringing them back to the Torah and covenental relationship with YHWH.

When Ezra renews the covenant publicly, what number ratification of the covenant is it?

It is the 6th of 7 Divine Covenants.

What does Ezra's recounting of the Moses narrative remind the Jews of?

It serves as a reminder of God's promises and consequences to disobedience.

What was Ezra's desire for Jerusalem during the second return from exile in 458 B.C. and why?

Jews had grown indifferent and unobservant of the Law, so Ezra desired to return home to restore the Torah, which then led to a covenant renewal.

Where is Leviticus do we see the reason for sacrifice?

Lev 11:45 "For I am the LORD who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy."

When Ezra ratifies the covenant with the people, what do the people pledge?

The community pledges to observance of Law, abstention from intermarriage with heathens, careful keeping of the Sabbath and feasts and various regulations agreed to for care of the Temple, its services and the payment of tithes.

What would happen with those Jews who do not repent and cast away their foreign, idolatrous wives?

The disobedient will be cast away themselves.

Who seeks to terrify Nehemiah after Nehemiah refuses to make league with him?

The local ruler Sanballat.

When we fast from food, what is this meant to also be accompanied by?

The more important "fasting" from sin.

What is usury?

The unjust interest charged on a monetary loan.

Why did Israel's neighbors oppose the building of the walls around Jerusalem?

They opposed the building of the wall, because they do not hold the Jews in high regard.

What do Christians offer as a sacrifice instead of animals?

We now have sacrifice of the heart, not of animals as in the day of early biblical Judaism.

Who led the second wave of exilic return from Babylon and what did he do and what did this signify?

Ezra led the second wave and gives public teaching of the Torah, renewing the purity of Jewish marriage, indicating that the Law of God and covenantal marriages are the second step.

After the completion of the building of the wall, what does Ezra do?

Ezra publicly reads the Torah.

What is the second step in the restoration of the Jewish identity spearheaded by Ezra?

Ezra returns to Jerusalem in 458 B.C. with others in exile to continue the restoration process of the Jews by restoring the Torah.

What vocation did we see rise as a consequence of Ezra return to Jerusalem and the restoration of the Torah?

The rise of the scribe. Before the exile scribes were officials in the administration of the monarchy, but after the return from exile, they become teachers of the Law for the people.

Who wrote the books of Ezra and Nehemiah and when?

These books were written by these two men in the 5th century B.C.

What is one of the first things that happens as far as the Jewish population upon their return to Jerusalem via Cyrus' edict?

They conducted a census of returning Jews so that they could know who they were in the past in order to know who they were today.

Where were the materials obtained to rebuild the Temple after the Jews' return to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile?

They obtained the materials by giving provisions to Phoenicians for cedars of Lebanon, and these were the same trees used by Solomon.

What are the purposes of the books of Ezra and Nehemia?

They record the history of the return and restoration of the Jewish people and Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.

What did the Samaritans do to try and stop the rebuilding of the Temple started by Zerubbabel?

They tried to infiltrate the project by convincing the Persian King to halt the project.

Why is a sacrifice performed?

We offer sacrifices to God in sign of our subjection to and the honor due Him.

What were the psycho-social points of disappointment for the Jews in rebuilding the Temple?

While there was joy that the Temple was being rebuilt, there was also sorrow in knowing that it was not comparable to Solomon's Temple and especially worse knowing that the Ark of the Covenant was long gone.

In simple terms, summarize the thoughts behind what Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah did for the returning Jews out of exile from Babylon to Jerusalem?

You have to get God right first, then know His law for living the covenant, then marriage, then protect yourself from falling away.

What did Zerubbabel take charge of building on the first return to exile and what did this signify?

Zerubbabel leads the first wave of Jewish return and rebuilds the Temple, indicating that correct worship of YHWH is the starting point for reestablishing Jewish identity.

Who led the three major waves of Jewish return from exile?

Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah.

Who leads the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple after return from exile in 538 B.C.?


What are the 3 things that the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles celebrates?

It commemorates 40 years in wilderness when Israel lived amongst YHWH in tents. It commemorates Israel's sojourn in wilderness, so feast is tied to Exodus. The feast is associated with the Temple itself, as Solomon dedicated the 1st Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles.

When we practice fasting, what must this be accompanied by?

It must be accompanied by contrition for sin as well as a sorrow and desire to sin no more. Otherwise, it is just an abuse of the body.

What is the problem with Jews marrying outside the covenant?

Marriage outside the covenant generally leads to idolatry which was the principle cause for the Jews' exile in the first place.

Why was Moses recounted at the time of Ezra's ratification of the Covenant?

Moses was recounted to remind the Jews of Exodus, the last time they entered the Promised Land from enslavement in a foreign nation.

Who signed the Covenant ratified by Ezra?

Nehemiah and chosen representatives of priests, Levites and people.

Who led the third wave of exilic return from Babylon and what was the significance of what he built?

Nehemiah led the third wave of Jewish return and rebuild the city walls, providing the means for the first two points of Jewish identity to be sustained by protecting the Jews from the pagans.

Did all the Jews return to Jerusalem with the edict from Cyrus, king of Persia in 536 B.C.?

No, many stayed on in Caldea because of the comfort of staying versus the task of rebuilding Jerusalem.

What can be the consequences of the Jews' oppression of the poor as rebuked by Nehemiah?

Oppression of the poor, the cruel, tyrannical, unjust dealing with inferiors are sins that cry out to Heaven, sins so grave that they cry to Heaven for vengeance.

What are the three reasons that Nehemiah rebukes his people?

Oppression of the poor, usury, and lack of mercy.

What was the evolution of the scribe from the time of Ezra to the time of Christ?

Over the course of approximately 450 years, many scribes went from teachers of the Law for the people to being corrupt and misinterpreting the Law for the people.

Who formally recited the Covenant in public at the time of Ezra's ratification of the Covenant?

Princes, Levites and priests.

What was the first major rebuilding act in Jerusalem upon the Jews' return in 548 B.C. with the first return in order to start restoring Jewish identity?

Rebuilding the Temple under Zerubbabel.

What are five reasons to practice fasting?

Satisfaction for sin. Mortification to bridle lusts of the flesh. That the mind may arise more freely to contemplation of heavenly things. Spiritual warfare. Personal intentions.

What legal action do the Jews take in trying to re-establish their ability to resume the Temple building after it is halted at the request of the Samaritans and King Artaxerxes?

The Jews write to the Persian King Darius to check the records for King Cyrus's permission to do so.

During what years was the Temple rebuilt and what did the Jews celebrate upon its completion?

The Temple rebuilding project began in 538 B.C. and concluded in 516 B.C. (22 years). Upon its completion, Passover was celebrated.

After the Jews were exiled again by the Babylonians, what identity crises began to emerge upon their return to Jerusalem?

The exile was a radical threat to Jewish identity that provoked many questions such as,"Has God withdrawn Himself?", "Has God rejected us?", "Has God's promise come to an end?"

Why was it important strategically for Nehemiah to want to rebuild the city walls around Jerusalem?

The neighbors were warring tribes (like the Moabites) that would take over Israel if given the opportunity.

What is the consequence of Ezra's mourning for the people regarding their non-covenantal marriages?

The people are contrite and repentant upon seeing Ezra's mourning and promise to put away their foreign wives.

When Ezra publicly reads the Torah after the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall, what does this evoke in the people?

The reading causes the people to lament for their covenant transgressions.

After the Jews were exiled again by the Babylonians, what crisis of faith began to revolve around their identity crises?

"Who is God?", "Who are we?", "How are we supposed to live in covenant union with God, when everything around us seems to point to that no longer existing?"

Who allowed for the first wave of returning Jews from exile back into Jerusalem in 538 B.C.?

Cyrus, King of Persia, conquered the Babylonian Kingdom in 538 B.C. and reversed the policy of exile followed by the Babylonians and thus let people return to their lands.

What does King Darius determine about the legality of the Jews' rebuilding of the Temple?

Darius determines the Jews free to rebuild the Temple, he contributes to its cause and future opposition will be punished.

Who was Zerubbabel?

Davidic heir appointed governor by Cyrus.

How many days in total was the Torah read publicly after the building of the Jerusalem wall?

Eight days.

Where else in the OT do we hear of the oppression of the poor?

Exodus 22:21 and Isaiah 10:1-2.

What is the book of Nehemiah also known as in some biblical translations?

Ezra 2.

What reformation of abuses marked a new era for the Jews returning to Jerusalem?

Fellowship with pagans ended, improper tithing was called out, failure to properly observe the Sabbath was rebuked, and men were condemned for illicit marriages to idolatrous women.

Upon Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem in 444 B.C. as part of the third wave of post-exilic return, what does he exhort the people to do in order to re-establish their identity?

He exhorts them to rebuild the city walls.

What is it that causes Ezra to mourn for his people?

He is horrified by the illicit Jewish marriages to idolatrous women that has occurred during his exile from Jerusalem.

What did Nehemiah accomplish in leading the 3rd return from exile in 444 B.C.?

He led the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

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