Lesson 3 flashcards quiz

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In the video about preoperational thought, in the conservation task regarding amount of water, when one short wide glass of water is poured into a tall thin glass, how did the child respond to the question about the water, "Does this one have more?" or "Does this one have more?" or "Are they the same?"

" That has more water because that one's highter than that."

Middle childhood is a time of organized sports in which the best thing parents can tell kids is ___.

"I love watching you play."

What percentage of people under age 65 experience significant brain loss with age?


Sammy, age 22, is making some significant poor decisions. His prefrontal cortex will mature at about what age, improving his ability to plan and prioritize wisely? Group of answer choices


The prefrontal cortex matures at what age?


When mother turns pages on a little plastic book, the baby watches and learns to turn pages. What is the mother doing according to Vygotsky's theory?


When a teen believes there is no risk to him or her when engaging in unprotected sex or abuse of substances, or when driving fast, he or she is showing evidence of ___.


According to Sternberg, Intimacy with Passion but no Commitment produces what type of love?

?not onfatuation

What is true of a DNR?

A DNR provides freedom from being resuscitated by medical workers.

What percentage of adults, age 25 to 65, in the U.S., actually get 30 minutes of exercise a day?


What causes development to progress?

All of the other answer options are true.

What causes development? What driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward?

All of the other answer options are true.

What are the distinct characteristics of persons with Down syndrome?

All of the other answers are distinct characteristics of persons with Down syndrome.

What is true of the stage of cognitive development for adults?

All of the other answers are true.

What tends to be true of children from lower socioeconomic status families?

All of the other answers tend to be true of children from lower SES families.

What are the long-term effects of low birthweight?

All of the other problems are more likely when one was born at Low Birth Weight.

Skin-to-skin holding of a baby produces what?

All of the these outcomes are produced by skin-to-skin holding.

What does stress affect in the brain when spanking is established as a consequence?

All of these are effects found when corporal punishment is a family's pattern

What are the reasons Dr. Wright defined as principles that are the foundation of being honest while taking a college course?

All of these are foundational principles underlying honesty in the course.

What is the zone of proximal development?

All of these are the zone of proximal development.

Why are children highly likely to imitate models?

Children are often uncertain and inexperienced.

The U.S. law named the Education of all Handicapped Children Act required what?

Children be taught in the Least Restrictive Environment

In the Big Five personality test, a person who is outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoys being in social situations scores high on ___.


True or False? Teens tend to pause to consider implications of what they send through technology on impulse.


True or False? Though weight fluctuations are a problem there is no risk of death from bulimia nervosa.


Prevention of drug and alcohol use messages that show how a previous generation is exploiting teens by making money in the drug, cigarette, and alcohol market would never work with teens. True or false?

False, this works.

Act/Discuss Experience paragraphs and Projects can be submitted on Canvas by smartphone or tablet. True or false?

False. Writiing must be typed, excellently edited, and submitted on Canvas by compute

What is often used right after birth, but also continues to be helpful as a way of bringing a baby health and comfort throughout infancy?

Kangaroo care

In the read-aloud video, Debi Gliori's line, "Look at the stars how they shine and glow but some of those stars died a long time ago still they shine in the evening skies because love like starlight never dies. " is said by whom?


The ______ parent is unaware of what the children are doing and seems not to care.


The use of technology for learning has steadily changed the way teens think. Because of technology effects, which of the following has increased in teens? a. rapid shifts of attention b. engaging in multitasking without reflection c. depending on visual learning instead of invisible analysis

a, b, c

Having a sense of purpose in late life with a positive view of aging makes a person do what? a. heal faster b. walk faster c. do better on memory tests d. live longer


According to Dr. Wright and the readings, what predicts longevity with compression of morbidity? a. daily exercise b. being needed in a community, so a vital participant c. eating until about 80% full d. having a meaningful purpose e. eating a mostly plant-based diet


According to Piaget, what is happening? Alan has a lot of tiger toys. He has never seen a jaguar, but now sees one at the zoo. Joseph says, "Mommy, that is not a tiger! What is it?" Mommy says, "That is a jaguar." Alan says, "Oh! A jaguar! Jaguars have circles." He is using _____.


Jaxson, 10 months old, cries when he is handed to Sally, his new babysitter. After a while, Jaxson understands that Sally is comforting and fun to play with. According to Piaget, what has happened when Jaxson shifted his old ideas to make room for the new experience?


Thought advances to new levels in response to confusion. Is this assimilation or accommodation?


When old ideas no longer fit an encounter with something new, we shift our old ideas to make room for the new information. Piaget calls this ____.


When people adapt to a new and confusing situation, we must restructure our old ideas to fit the new experience. What is this called?


When you feel confused by your partner's anger, you listen and realize that you never saw the rudeness of your own behavior. You understand yourself differently because of listening with an open mind in the conversation. What would Piaget say has happened?


What stimulates neural connections in the brain and is promoted by the designers of the program know as SPARK which has shown the ability to increase achievement scores school-wide?

aerobic physical activity

A Social Learning Theorist is hoping we will imitate, so a model is chosen that we might observe and copy the model. What should the model be?

all of the answers

Critical periods in development are found prenatally, when a teratogen will disrupt particular systems necessary to typical development. Which of the following are teratogens pictured in the Lesson? alcohol cigarettes marijuana injections pills

all of these are teratogens shown in the lesson

Who is demonstrating selective optimization with compensation?

an ex-baseball player who becomes an expert coach Next

How do scientists establish what causes what? When we expose one group to a condition and compare this group to a similar unexposed group, we are doing ____.

an experiment

Which type of intelligence involves critical thinking, according to Sternberg?

analytic intelligence

Which thinking is formal, logical, and includes hypothetical-deductive reasoning?

analytic thought

Which form of intelligence involves abstract planning, strategy selection, focused attention, information processes, as well as verbal and logical skills, and looking for single right answers?

analytical intelligence

What do teens fear most regarding risks?

appearing too cautious

What measures the potential to master a specific skill or learn a certain body of knowledge?

aptitude tests.. Aptitude tests measures the potential to master a specific skill or learn a certain body of knowledge, while achievement tests measure mastery of skills and knowledge.

According to Piaget, what is happening? Joseph has a lot of tiger toys. He has never seen a jaguar, but now sees one at the zoo. Joseph says, "Look, mommy, it is a tiger." he is using _____.


According to Piaget, when one meets a new experience, by holding onto old ideas, trying to fit the new experience into existing categories, one is demonstrating ________.


When encountering a new idea, if one cannot change one's current view, one distorts the new information to fit the existing view. What did Piaget call this?


Which word represents what happens during equilibrium?


According to Piaget, when you encounter this difficult question, you move from equilibrium to the challenge of disequilibrium. You adapt by either ___ or ___ to reach a new state of calm equilibrium.

assimilation or accommodation

Paige notices the tiger at the zoo is not orange with black stripes, like all the tigers she has previously seen. Paige's little sister says, "That's not a tiger!" Paige thinks, "This in a new kind of tiger; in fact, tigers can be white with black stripes!" According to Piaget's theory, Paige's little sister is showing ___, while Paige is showing ___.

assimilation; accommodation

Which parenting style produces the following result? — obedient children who tend to feel guilty, depressed and self-blaming and — teens who are more likely than others to rebel and leave home


In the parenting videos, which method is presented as Very good?


Jerome was a successful, articulate child who is now, as an adult, happy with himself and generous with others. Which parenting style was most likely provided to Jerome?


Which parenting style produces the following result? — successful, articulate children who are happy with themselves and generous with others


Betty, age nine, has practiced until without much conscious thought, she can read, recite multiplication tables, and play songs on the piano. What has happened to produce the patterning of sequences of thought that has occurred?


What does "neurons that fire together wire together" explain?


According to Erikson, when a two-year-old feels some independence and self-sufficiency, what has she gained?


Parents who give toddlers the freedom to choose what to wear and much of what to do in play and creativity are promoting what developmental success, according to Erikson?


"Can I do things myself or am I reliant on the help of others?" is to ____, as "Am I good or bad?" is to _____.

autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt

Who must be "attuned to ever-shifting abilities and motivation to urge a new competence to the next level"?


When a young child asks why a complex scientific event is occurring, what is in a good child-centered answer?

Offer information about how the situation relates to the child.

What is true of ethnic identity?

One's ethnic identity is a fluid, altering with time and environment.

In the Big Five personality test, a person who is imaginative, curious, artistic, creative, and open to new experience scores high on ___.


Rule-bound play is central to those in middle childhood so games with rules are important. What is the newly powerful consequence of breaking rules at this age?

Rules are enforced by the peer group using social rejection.

Which is the best plan for taking Flashcards Quizzes?

Take Flashcards Quizzes often, repeating these even after earning full points

When a 3-year-old wants things to be the same way as in using the red plate always or wearing the same shirt to bed every night, what is happening?

The child is in a stage that involves normal (age-typical) perseveration so she seeks to keep everything "just right."

Beyond Piaget's lifetime, neo-Piagetians identified a fifth stage of cognitive development. Adding to Piaget's list of four stages, they described a fifth stage as seen emerging in young adulthood, particularly for people who attend college. This final stage of cognitive development involves dialectical thought, problem finding, cognitive flexibility and openness, and improved time management. What is the name of this stage?

post formal operations

What is the term for a mother's mental and emotional distress after giving birth and experiencing her role as a mother?

post partum depression or post partum psychosis

Which type of intelligence involves implementing ideas as intelligence is applied in real-world contexts?

practical intelligence

Which type of intelligence involves the ability to adapt one's behavior to the demands of a given situation, noticing the needs of the people involved, being aware of the skills needed, and grasping the expectations. This intelligence is used in everyday problem solving but often is not obvious on tests.

practical intelligence

Rote item-by item memory is to _______ as chunking is to __________.

pre operations; concrete operations

Simon Says measures the ability to think before acting. This is partly aided by a what brain part that also shows evidence of gains when a child stops herself from having a temper tantrum?

prefrontal cortex

The increasing maturation of which brain area: helps with control of impulses and planning for the future, enables self-control, and promotes analyzing of possible consequences?

prefrontal cortex

Grey hair is an example of ______.

primary aging

Jasmine tries to fit a puzzle piece into its spot, but the piece needs to turn a little. Yesterday, Jasmine's teacher said to Jasmine, "If you wiggle the piece, it will fit." Today, as Jasmine tries the puzzle piece, she says aloud, "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle." What is occurring?

private speech

What two types of language advance thinking?

private speech and social mediation

What is scaffolding?

providing helps, then removing them as mastery progresses

Using shame and guilt to control behavior reduces academic achievement and emotional understanding. This way of parenting is known as _____.


The Stills family uses shame and guilt to control Cecil's behavior. Cecil has underachieved in school and he tends to lack emotional understanding. What is the Stills family's way of parenting known as _____?

psychological control

Research on SIDS has shown that babies should be ___.

put to sleep on their backs

A good mentor provides scaffolding and when the learner achieves, does what?

removes that scaffolding

Providing helps and hints just at the level the learner needs, then removing these as mastery happens is the process of ___.


The mother plays peek-a-boo with the baby, showing him that what disappears will return. Eventually, she will play hide and seek, raising the complexity level of the game of finding what disappears. What is happening as mother raises the level of play in response to the child's successful mastery?


______ attachment is seen in infants who are in a synchronous dyad in which a responsive parent is experienced as soothing at the reunion after separation.


Dr. Berger tells the story of an immigrant child who was teased about the food she brought for lunch. The next day, the child dumped her lunchbox contents into the trash, choosing to be hungry rather than appear different. Her lunch was likely as nutritious as the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches others had toted to school. Why was she teased? What explains that people tend to see differences as problems?

the difference-equals-deficit error

What is the period for which women need to avoid drinking alcohol (beer, wine, and liquor) to eliminate the risk of producing fetal alcohol syndrome in the baby?

the entire pregnancy from conception to birth

When a young child is anxious, aggressive and/or unable to play well with others, ______.

the family needs supports and interventions that help the family learn to guide well and provide a safe haven.

Who is most likely to be in the best position to be the first responder in cases of postpartum depression or anxiety?

the father or partner

In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development which stage is happening for the person from ages 12 to adulthood?

the formal operational stage of thought

Who makes the decision to begin hospice treatment and stop trying to cure a disease if the patient is unable to make her own decisions?

the health care proxy

Believing one is center stage is indicative of the experience of _____.

the imaginary audience

In the video about why humans develop, what image represented Vygotsky's idea of scaffolding?

the man and boy at a desk

Which image in the Lesson reflected the flow of oxytocin?

the mom and dad doing kangaroo care

Older people tend to remember the good, seeing things in an optimistic light. What is this known as?

the positivity effect

In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development which stage is happening for the person from ages two to six?

the preoperational stage of thought

According to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development the child from birth to two years old is in which stage?

the sensorimotor stage of thought

In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development which stage is happening for the person from birth to 2?

the sensorimotor stage of thought

In the audio message about Freud, what did Dr. Wright say was a lasting contribution of the theory?

the unconscious

Given skillfully presented hints, help, and support, the mentee can move into and master what?

the zone of proximal development

Put into words what you are both thinking and feeling when you are with young children. What does this build?

theory of mind, so perspective taking

What happens to older adults' autobiographic memories, that is, the emotional memories about one's own experiences encoded at a point in life?

these remain strong

Longevity is likely in those eating ________.

to 80% of fullness at each meal

Regarding amount eaten, longevity is likely in those eating ________.

to 80% of fullness at each meal

Jim is taller than Sally. Sally is taller than Tom. Who is taller, Jim or Tom? This is an example of ____.

transitive inference

"Neurons that fire together wire together" indicates that a neural chain is built and strengthened as messages are sent repeatedly along that chain. True or false?


A child who has developed autonomy has been focusing on toilet training and has answered the question, "Can I do things myself or do I need to rely on the help of others?" True or false?


A child who has developed autonomy has been focusing on toilet training and has answered the question, "Can I do things myself or do I need to rely on the help of others?" true or false


About one half of adult bone mass is acquired between the ages of 10 and 20, so daily calcium intake is crucial for teenagers. True or false?


Accumulated daily hassles are more devastating than an isolated major stressor. True or false?


Back and forth conversations develop Broca's area of the brain. True or false?


Bathing a developing brain in the stress hormone cortisol has lasting effects, producing the extremes of hypervigilance or flat affect. True or false?


Breastfed babies are less likely to become obese in adulthood.


Breastfed babies have fewer illnesses during infancy and also into adulthood compared with formula-fed babies.


Bullying tends to stop when the child who had been targeted has found a true friend, as the bully then is likely to move on to someone else. True or false?


Children ages 6 to 11 years either learn to produce and accept evaluation of their efforts or they get discouraged and feel inferior or incompetent when under evaluation.


Children ages 6 to 11 years either learn to produce and accept evaluation of their efforts or they get discouraged and feel inferior or incompetent when under evaluation. True or false?


Children with a large knowledge base add even more knowledge easily because there are many hooks on which to link new learning. Cognition is like a snowball rolling downhill, so starting early with many advantages keeps building the advantage. True or false?


Compared to the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system is affected more by hormones triggered the HPG axis, so this grows dramatically in early adolescence. True or False?


Daily book reading to 2-year-olds occurs for 24% of children whose mothers have less than a high school education, but to 70% of children whose mothers have a college degree. True or false?


During disequilibrium, one is motivated to create new categories, so accommodation occurs and development moves forward, True or false?


Early sex correlates with depression, drug abuse, divorce, and lifelong problems. True or false?


Family closeness includes parental control, communication, support, and connectedness. True or false?


For the child in middle childhood, the stories and events of one's faith are seen as literally and historically accurate in a concrete way. True or false?


Gender identity is one of the four areas Erikson identified as needing to be explored in the teen years. True or false?


Having family religious rituals like praying together increases marital happiness. True or false?


Health differences between people groups can be created by social inequities and discrimination. While race is not a useful biological distinguisher, it is a social category that has resulted in political and health access disparities. True or false?


Holding an entity theory of intelligence reduces learning. True or false?


If under significant adversity, a child, rejected by parents, is taken in by another supportive adult. Positive adaptation, known as resilience, is likely to occur. True or false?


In a family with strong family closeness, years with open paths of communication help teens who are wanting to discuss sexual orientation. True or false?


In the Piagetian test that shows a child to be in the preoperational stage, one flattens a ball of dough. After changing the shape of one of two balls of playdough, the person points to each clump, asking the child, "Does this one have more playdough? Does this one have more playdough? Or are they the same?" This is called a conservation task. True or false?


It is common for children in the stage of concrete operations to be among the most devout rule followers in a religion. True or false?


Jill is great at perceiving and expressing feelings. She is hard-working. John is also skillful at perceiving and expressing feelings and is hardworking. According to research described in the textbook, if John marries Jill, he has a good chance of staying married to her for his lifetime. True or false?


Malnutrition slows the onset of puberty. True or false?


Not all adults actually use even formal operational thought. Some studies have found only about 50% of adults using formal operational thought. Other studies report less than 50%. College courses help promote the use of hypothetical deductive reasoning about abstract ideas. True or false?


Parental control, an element of family closeness, would involve parents monitoring and scaffolding. True or false?


Peers who have the most influence on teens are those nearby in their close circle. True or false?


Percentiles compare a child to age-mates of the same gender. True or false?


Perseveration is a normal part of being three. True or false?


Pornography use creates an addiction that results in erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual interest in one's actual human partner. True or false?


Religious identity is one of the four areas Erikson identified as needing to be explored in the teen years. True or false?


Research shows young adults drink up to the level of a heavy drinker in a group, drinking significantly more than they would if the heavy drinker were absent. True or False?


Shaken baby syndrome can produce lifelong intellectual impairment or death.


Sign language using hands can be produced by babies before their vocalizing ability matures. true or false


Social comparison is ushered in with concrete operational thought when the child can hold self and other in mind and rate the self as better or worse than the other. True or false?


Social isolation, feelings of helplessness, and fear keep a victim of intimate terrorism from seeking independence and a safe place. True or false?


The risks of bulimia nervosa are damage to the gastrointestinal systems and cardiac arrest from electrolyte imbalance. True or false?


The stage of autonomy vs. shame and doubt begins when the child's own self becomes known to the child, so this stage can begin as early as around 18 months. True or false?


The use of "protection" such as by use of condoms has increased. True or false?


Thirty percent of teens report having received sexting. True or false?


This course has two exams, which are the Midterm Exam and the Final Exam, and each can be taken one time only. True or false?


Those who have an entity view of intelligence tend to give up in challenging situations. True or false?


Those who have an incremental view of intelligence tend to give up in challenging situations. True or false?


Those who have an incremental view of intelligence tend to persist in challenging situations. True or false?


True or False? Knowing what you know about teens, would the following be true or false? The adaptive view of adolescence says teens need to break away into a rather hard place (away from the safety and comfort of home into the challenges of a new, independent life), so it is adaptive that they develop the tendency to take some risks at this age.


True or False? Long term affection allows elderly couples to see their conflicts as discussions rather than fights.


True or False? Early sex correlates with depression, drug abuse, divorce, and lifelong problems.


True or False? Family closeness includes parental control, communication, support, and connectedness.


True or False? Peer influence can be positive, facilitating diligence in schoolwork and admirable moral choices.


True or False? Political identity is one of the four areas Erikson identified as needing to be explored in the teen years.


True or False? Teen births and use of abortion have decreased.


True or False? The risks of bulimia nervosa are damage to the gastrointestinal systems and cardiac arrest from electrolyte imbalance.


Two-thirds of first marriages survive, lasting a lifetime. True or false?


Vocational identity is one of the four areas Erikson identified as needing to be explored in the teen years. True or false?


What largely accounts for differences in school achievement is early language exposure. Books and expectations for using books during the preschool years are crucial for giving children optimal opportunity to achieve during the school years. True or false?


While job features such as a high salary and company car are extrinsically motivating to some, the more typical draw of a job in middle adulthood involves intrinsic motivations such as the joy of doing the work. True or false?


Worldwide, about 13% of women say they have been sexually abused as children. True or false?


percentiles compare a child to age-mates of the same gender. True or false?


From birth to one year, what is the infant's developmental crisis?

trust vs mistrust

The infant stage according to Erikson is _____.

trust vs. mistrust

According to Erikson, the infant's main task is to resolve the question of whether or not people in the world are to be ____.


During the first years, one is highly likely to imitate a model. We are most likely to imitate a model when we are _____.

uncertain and inexperienced

Observational learning happens most when one is ___.

uncertain and inexperienced

We are most likely to copy a model when we are ___.

uncertain and inexperienced

Jack is unaware of what the children are doing and seems not to care. What style of parenting is this?


Which parenting style produces the following result? — immature, sad, lonely children at high risk for injury and abuse in childhood and lifelong


Which of the following helps prevent osteoporosis?

weight-bearing exercise

According to Vygotsky, following the baby's curiosity ensures that Mom is engaging with the baby in the _______.

zone of proximal development

Vygotsky offers quite specific explanations of what drives development forward. The learner's curiosity is one key feature. This curiosity is known as self-righting, that is, seeking to master, or right, what is missing and needed next in knowing. When the learner is showing curiosity, the mentor must be sensitive to provide helps and supports for learning. When this matching of curiosity and scaffolding occur, the learner is achieving in the _____.

zone of proximal development

Faith development during middle adulthood involves combining powerful emotional ideas (such as the power of prayer and the love of God) and rational conscious values (such as valuing life over property). Contradictions about faith concepts are accepted. This faith stage is known as ___.

conjunctive faith

Scaffolding involves parents setting up supports, then removing them when a skill is mastered. A decrease in which component of family closeness, as teens mature, correlates with better emotional functioning, according to a longitudinal study of 12- to 14-year-olds.


Selective attention, metacognition, and emotional regulation are known as ________ processes that manage the analysis and flow of information.


Globally, what types of countries have a high percentage of babies born with low birthweight?

countries with famine and poverty that result in undernourishment of the baby in the womb

Which type of intelligence involves going beyond what is given to generate novel and interesting ideas, according to Sternberg?

creative intelligence

Which type of intelligence involves realizing analogies as in seeing a comparison between two things to explain something or solve a problem?

creative intelligence

The time during pregnancy in which a specific teratogen is likely to have a damaging effect on the baby is called the ____.

critical period

What is the name for research that measures groups of different people of different ages to compare them, seeing if a variable (such as self-control) differs depending on age?


Which type of intelligence increases with age?


The impact of beliefs, ways of life, and worldview is known as the ____ impact.


Mya watches others from time she enters a classroom, learning vicariously. Ellen distract herself with a game on her phone until it is clearly time to pay attention. What explains that Ellen tunes in to begin learning when the lesson is directed to her, while Mya watches closely, learning even when others are being instructed? What is transmitted across generations and influences how one gathers information in a class?


What promotes the customs, values, and perceptions that guide life?


In normal aging, memory for names _________ while memory for vocabulary _________.

declines; remains strong

Which is the type of reasoning that starts with a generalization and then searches for the details of data that can confirm or disprove that hypothesis?

deductive reasoning

Judy believes the popular teens are drinking heavily. She starts drinking though this is illegal for an adolescent. Her friends show her how to acquire alcohol and encourage her to drink. What is occurring?

deviancy training

Holding in mind one view and it's opposite, Ann awakens to a third idea. She gains this insightful wisdom because she can hold in mind a thesis and its antithesis, considering the evidence for both at once. Ann came to insight by inviting consideration of opposites. Some would say Ann became aware that her one idea or truth bears within itself the opposite idea or truth. A third idea, through synergy, arises. In what is Ann engaging?

dialectical though

Going to another country, Joan is quick to try to bring change to the local culture.

difference-equals-deficit error. In looking at cultures that are different from your own, be careful to avoid the difference-equals-deficit error.

When some are susceptible to an outcome but others are not, this is known as ___.

differential susceptibility

According to Piaget, when Jane is presented with a new idea and this idea does not fit into her known concepts, experiences, and ideas, she enters a cognitive state of _____.


According to Piaget, when a baby encounters a new food, she will be in a state of cognitive confusion called _______.


Resilience is a stable trait in the person once it is established in childhood, so the child rather than the community needs to be the target of intervention. True or false?


Sexual intimacy is no longer important in late adulthood. True or False?


Teens tend to pause to consider implications of what they send through technology on impulse. True or false?


The adaptive view of adolescence says teens need to break away into a rather hard place (away from the safety and comfort of home into the challenges of a new, independent life), so it is adaptive that they develop the tendency to take some risks at this age. True or false?


The peers who are most likely to influence peers are those they view in the media. True or false?


Though weight fluctuations are a problem there is no risk of death from bulimia nervosa. True or false?


True or False? Parental monitoring involves knowing what is going on with teens and setting limits that are flexibly changed when maturity shows readiness.


Two variables are measured and the researcher is excited to see a correlation. Correlation is evidence that the level of one of the variables causes the level of the other. True or false?


When choosing who is popular, traits that are valued by elementary-school-aged children are the same as traits that are valued by adolescents. True or false?


With a body mass index of 18 or lower and loss of more than 10 percent of body weight within a month or two, a teen is practicing self-starvation and has a distorted attitude about his or her body, so bulimia nervosa is present. True or false?


What is the best predictor of a teen remaining a virgin?

family communication, a feature of closeness

In the video on induction, the comment "we are elders we have to calm down first" was made by the ___.


Which parent determines the sex of the baby?


Which is not one of the four areas of identity Erikson said adolescents must explore to create a sense of personal identity?


Piaget notices which of the following in middle childhood?

focus on appearance

When a person avoids struggling to know the self by instead easily adopting the identity of a parent, what has happened?


Algebra reflects __.

formal operational thought

Piaget called the adolescent stage of thinking ___.

formal operational thought

Which theorist introduced the idea of the unconscious, which continues to influence the field of psychology.


Which theorist saw adult personality as formed by age six and rooted in hidden impulses arising from childhood struggles that happened between the ages of birth to six?


Which theorist would say that Joan's personality was set, fully determined by the time she entered first grade.


To be eligible to gain full points, by which day does one answer the prompt, that is, provide a Reflection-Conclusion-Application Paragraph as five sentences in the Act/Discuss Experience?


Mistrust of the older generation and loyalty to one's peers leads to ___.

generational forgetting

Which Eriksonian stage involves mentoring, teaching, and helping younger people, thereby extending the legacy of one's culture through ongoing care, creativity, and sacrifice?

generativity vs. stagnation

Universally, more than in girls, the sociodramatic play themes of boys are likely to involve __.

good and evil

According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, a learner and mentor working toward achievement of a new skill is known as ___.

guided participation

According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, a learner and mentor working toward achievement of a new skill, is known as ___.

guided participation

According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, a learner and mentor working toward achievement of a new skill, is known as ________.

guided participation

Which idea captures Vygotsky's idea of an apprenticeship in thinking, wherein mentors must engage mentees and mentees must engage mentors through the social mediation function of language?

guided participation

Carol's job as a provost inspires her curiosity, pride, and self-fulfillment. Carol's work is ___ motivating.


Which thinking begins with a belief, assumption, or general rule, so feels right quickly and powerfully?

intuitive thought

Three-year-old Jack can count forward but does not understand counting backward, even when his grandmother tells him backward counting is possible. What element of preoperational thought is at work?


One measure of health is morbidity, which ___.

is either acute or chronic

What is the situation in which a baby lies between the mother's breasts in skin-to-skin contact, hearing mother's heartbeat?

kangaroo care

What explains the difference often seen in the school achievement of children of low socioeconomic status (SES) compared to those of high SES?

language exposure

What is a key factor explaining the difference often seen in the school achievement of children of low socioeconomic status (SES) compared to those of high SES?

language exposure

The famous Grant Study followed male Harvard graduates for 75 years, measuring and surveying them on many variables (like how much they drank, and how happy their relationships were) as the men aged. What type of research was this?


What describes the thought patterns of a child ages 2-6 according to Piaget?

magical, poetic thought that is based in egocentrism.

In guided participation, who is the guide and who is the participant? The ____ is the guide. The ____ is the active participant.

mentor; mentee

What is in a baby's brain that ensures she will imitate Mother's actions?

mirror neurons

What measure of health refers to illnesses and impairments, both acute and chronic?

mobidity statistics

According to Bandura, when we copy what we see others do, we are learning through ___.


A zygote splits in two and produces two children. What are these called and what percent of genes do they share?

monozygotic twins; 100% of genes are shared

Eight-year-old Jenna's reaction time when catching a ball has improved. What best explains this?


Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by _________ optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment

myelination and neural

Which parenting style produces the following result? — children who lack self-control, especially in the give-and-take of peer relationships and — adults who are likely to live at home, still dependent on parents Group of answer choices


which parenting style produces the following result? — children who lack self-control, especially in the give-and-take of peer relationships and — adults who are likely to live at home, still dependent on parents


Milly, age 15, believes her experiences, thoughts, and feelings are unique and special. What accounts for this?

personal fable

What Piaget explained development through maturation. Changes he described parallel brain development. Myelination (coating brain cells to speed signals along), neural chaining (linking brain cells) and pruning (getting rid of unused brain cells) mature the brain. What best states Piaget's idea about the cause of development across the life span?

physical maturation of brain parts bringing one through a predictable sequence of cognitive abilities

All processes that drive development forward are contributors to the story of one's development. Which cause of development is highlighted in Steven, a 25 1/2-year-old who quite recently turned his life around for the better. He is finally making great decisions by planning well and considering the future implication of choices.

physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning.

What are the three area of development studied by psychologists interested in development?

physical, cognitive, psychosocial

Traits are both moldable and also have durability; the past is the foundation for the future, while change is possible. What word captures this idea?


Going to a community college is a financially wise and academically sound choice, as these colleges are subsidized by the government. What impact on development provides community colleges?


Julie, age 4, is able to attend a low-cost government subsidized preschool in Abilene. The government's impact on Julie's development through the distribution of power and privileges is known as the ___ impact.


What type of impact did Dr. Wright illustrate through Community College access?

political impact

People who are high in contentment are also high in gratitude. What is present if two variables (like contentment and gratitude) are measured finding that when one is high the other is high?

positive correlation

Another name for the route of the biological sequence of puberty is the ___.

HPA axis

In cognitive disequilibrium, a person feels ____ that leads to cognitive growth.


What percentage of the genetic code is shared by monozygotic twins?


What percentage of people who lose a spouse to death are resilient, functioning normally six months later?


What percentage of the genetic code is shared by dizygotic twins?


In the Big Five personality test, a person who is kind, helpful, easygoing, and generous scores high on ___.


Which theorist provided wisdom in noting that people often copy or choose not to copy other's behavior, watching what happens as a result of the other's behavior, and learning vicariously?

Albert Bandura

What does the still face experiment teach us about maternal depression?

An unresponsive mother is distressing to an infant within a few seconds of her loosing synchrony.

According to Erikson, after facing Trust vs. Mistrust, the child develops to the next stage, facing ___________.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

According to Erikson, after facing trust vs. mistrust, the child develops to the next stage, facing ___________.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

From about one to three years old, what is the toddler's developmental crisis?

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Which of the following is true about when a baby is highly likely to survive outside the womb with good medical?

Babies born at 28 weeks have about a 96% rate of survival.

Behaviorists say reinforcement has occurred if _____.

Behavior is strengthened

What does the false belief's test measure?

Both of the other answers are correct.

What is worldview?

Both of the other answers explain worldview.

The best and fastest way to contact Dr. Wright during this course is ___.

Canvas Inbox Messaging, available on the left menu at the course on Canvas

In the Big Five personality test, a person who is organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented, dependable, and self-disciplined scores high on ___.


Healthy living throughout life involves exercising daily, eating well-chosen foods, developing meaningful practices, and engaging in community life. When these ways of living are present, people's time of illness before dying is shortened. When these are absent, people tend to have a long period of disease before death. What is the term for a shortened period of illness before death that is due to choosing a healthy lifestyle lifelong?

Compression of morbidity

What would be your advice to help an elderly person concentrate on a cognitive task optimally?

Concentrate on one task at a time

Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Be dutiful. Follow the rules even when no one is watching, because rules are paramount.

Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order

Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Please other people. Gain social approval.

Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy

Regarding creativity, what is true of aging?

Creatives remain creative, and neuroplasticity can enhance creativity in the elderly.

Gottman's research reveals four "horsemen of the apocalypse." These patterns of relating predict divorce so need to be changed early in a committed relationship or the end of the marriage is likely coming. They are contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling, and criticism. Criticism involves what?

Criticism involves finger-pointing that blames the partner.

___ includes accumulated learning, such as vocabulary and general information.

Crystalized Intelligence

___ intelligence increases with age, while ___ intelligence declines with age.

Crystalized; fluid

Maria has immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico City. She is given an IQ test before starting school. What is likely to be true?

Cultural bias will affect the test results.

When a parent plays with his or her child for even five to ten minutes a week using Child Directed Interaction, amazingly the relationship changes. Joyfully, intentionally tuning in with the five specific strategies as the child leads play helps the child to eventually tune in with the parent. The adult who uses Child Directed Interaction regularly will become a welcomed leader to his or her child. In this style of play, the mnemonic PRIDE helps the parent to remember the components that must be present in Child Directed Play. D stands for ___.


What is also known as trisomy 21, a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21?

Down Syndrome

Socioeconomic status (SES) is not solely about income. SES also reflects which of the following?

Education, occupation, and neighborhood are reflected in SES.

In child-directed interaction involving "PRIDE" play, the E stands for ___.

Enjoy P stands for Praise, R stands for Reflect, I stands for Imitate, D stands for Describe, E stands for Enjoy.

Which theorist explained the stages of life as crises to be faced that end in polar opposite options, that is, either successful or detrimental results?

Erik Erikson

Which theorist believes that unresolved relationship issues echo, such that, poorly resolved early stages keep calling out for resolution even in later stages of life?


Which theorist saw the personality form through engaging with natural, predictable struggles in relationships and self-understanding?


Which theory introduced the idea that people act from a place of unawareness, being driven to behave in ways that are coming from unconscious urges and fears?

Freud's psychoanalytic theory

Which cohort values workplace flexibility and is known to be high in adaptability?

Generation X people

Mr. Jennings wants his child to grow to love movement and fitness lifelong. What is the best comment he can make after the child's game to encourage a love of exercise?

I love watching you play.

In child-directed interaction involving "PRIDE" play, the I stands for ___.


When a parent plays with his or her child for even five to ten minutes a week using Child Directed Interaction, amazingly the relationship changes. Joyfully, intentionally tuning in with the five specific strategies as the child leads play helps the child to eventually tune in with the parent. The adult who uses Child Directed Interaction regularly will become a welcomed leader to his or her child. In this style of play, the mnemonic PRIDE helps the parent to remember the components that must be present in Child Directed Play. I stands for ___.


Peers tell Julie she is the worst runner in the elementary school. She feels sad and avoids the next track day, but feels she is missing out. What is likely according to Erikson? Julie is developing a sense of ______.

Industry vs. Inferiority:

What is the likely faith stage of a four-year-old?

Intuitive Projective???

Moral reasoning in which a decision is made because society approves is known as ___.

Level 2, Stage 3

In which type of neurocognitive impairment are vivid hallucinations experienced?

Lewy Body

What does Vygotsky's sociocultural theory say happens in the process of development?

Mentors in the culture finely tune scaffolding that helps a mentee advance within the zone of proximal development.

What is the effect of skipping an Act/Discuss Experience in this course?

Missing one Act/Discuss Experience can drop the final course letter grade by a half of a grade, so this is a risky choice.

Which faith stage emerges in the elementary-school-age years?

Mythic literal faith which is devoutly and concretely based on the stories and symbols of religion.

In the Big Five personality test, a person who is anxious, irritable, moody, self-punishing, and critical scores high on ___.

Negative Mood/Neuroticism

____ indicates environmental impact while ____ indicates genetic heritage.

Nurture, nature

Each time she sits at Grandma's table, Jenny enjoys snacks, like cold green grapes or a delicious fruit juice popsicle. Jenny salivates when she walks up the steps to Grandma's house. Which theorist best explains this conditioning?


Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Values are determined by individual reflection and religious ideas, which may contradict egocentric or social and community values. Right and wrong is determined by principles rather than by individual situations or community practices.

Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles

In child-directed interaction involving "PRIDE" play, the P stands for ___.


Which of the following is the best way to word praise to children to help them persist when challenges come?

Praise the process and strategies.

Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Don't get caught! Maintain the appearance of obedience to authority to avoid punishment.

Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right

Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Be nice to other people so they will be nice to you. Prioritize your own needs.

Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one

Studying genes has advanced to provide much knowledge about comparing people. What does the study of genetics show about race?

Race is a social construct, not a biological reality that defines genetic diversity.

This course is an opportunity for Dr. Wright to watch each learner's progress and design conversations that bring learners to a new level, into each one's zone of proximal development. The learner's behavior and questions and progress will influence the behavior and questions and images used by Dr. Wright. This is what theoretical view of our work together?

Sociocultural Theory

What is true of BMI?

Someone with much muscle mass may score in the obesity range in error.

What if the internet goes down at the house or one's computer breaks?

Stay on course by using public internet access such as sitting in a car outside a place like McDonald's or a library, a friend's house, or the Cisco College library. Learners are responsible to stay on target with the assignments.

What is the term for people's fears about possibly confirming a stereotype?

Stereotype Threat

The economic impact on development is seen when poverty or wealth are influencing life. Which of the following statements about poverty and development are true?

Stressful poverty with the chaos of continual daily hassles is harmful to development.

What is true of the effect of growing up in poverty? Does poverty always cause harm to development?

Stressful poverty with the chaos of continual daily hassles is harmful to development.

According to Fowler, as teens are likely to find themselves in the stage of faith development known as ________.

Synthetic conventional faith which is group oriented and pulls together school and religious teaching.

What is the typical faith stage of a teenager?

Synthetic conventional faith which is group oriented and pulls together school and religious teaching.

How does the reality that teenagers are emotional and egocentric rather than logical and analytical produce cluster suicides?

Teens are emotionally reactive to their circle of awareness because the limbic system and adolescent egocentrism are more powerful than the prefrontal cortex which is still developing.

Which is true of adolescent risk taking?

Teens take more risks when others are watching because they fear looking afraid.

Timothy thinks logically about tangible things. What is his stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget?

concrete operational thought

What is the effect of not turning in a Project?

The final grade for the course is reduced by an entire letter grade.

____ is the imposed treatment or condition, the variable manipulated to see if this produces an effect.

The independent variable

What is happening when mentees ask questions, show interest, and demonstrate progress?

The mentee is participating with the guide.

In the Jones family, how was the sex determined for the last offsprings, twins, Jacob and Rebecca?

The mother's X contributed to both children and the father's X contributed to Rebecca and his Y contributed to Jacob.

What are the long-term effects, socially, psychologically, and intellectually, of sensory loss that one does not face with compensation?

The person is perceived as having intellectual deficits.

Why does a preschooler not understand the metaphors, puns, and figures of speech that are understood by the child between ages six to eleven?

The preschooler shows centration.

True or False?Your words inspire change in the world. People need your message. To have an impact, write clearly. Edit well. Organize your ideas. What happens in the topic sentence?

The reader learns the main point of the paragraph; the point is told with such clarity that the reader could even skip the rest of paragraph and still know the major idea. This is like the headline, but stated as a full sentence that communicates the main point. Example -- Hopkins and Smith (2020) tested the language levels of 35 four-year-olds, finding that children who have advanced language ability have parents who finely tuned their speech to the child's level.

Your words inspire change in the world. People need your message. To have an impact, write clearly. Edit well. Organize your ideas. What happens in the topic sentence?

The reader learns the main point of the paragraph; the point is told with such clarity that the reader could even skip the rest of paragraph and still know the major idea. This is like the headline, but stated as a full sentence that communicates the main point. Example -- Hopkins and Smith (2020) tested the language levels of 35 four-year-olds, finding that children who have advanced language ability have parents who finely tuned their speech to the child's level.

Research shows that screens, such as television and electronic toys, are poor language teachers. Why?

The screen displaces socially embedded mentor-mentee scaffolding.

One's in-group includes the people with whom one identifies and to whom one tends of offer preferential evaluations and treatment. Those with whom one does not feel similar to and may dislike are in one's out-group. What is true of in-groups and out-groups for the few people who reach the faith stage of universalizing faith?

The universalizing stage involves seeing the self as one with all others so there is no out-group for people in this stage of faith. All people are embraced as part of the ingroup, being equally valued.

According to Erikson, which of the following psychosocial crisis to age match is accurate?

Trust vs. Mistrust = From birth to 1 year

After the course opens, each new module will be opening on a _________.


What is true of the following? self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment

These cause the furthering of development across the life span.

Understanding puns, metaphors, and jokes wherein a word has two meanings emerges in what stage of cognitive development?

concrete operational thought

People who take Flashcards Quizzes a few minutes most days of the week tend to do much better on the Midterm Exam and Final Exam than learners who take Flashcards Quizzes only one or two times. True or false?


True or False? The "exceedingly positive portrayal" is often found in elderly partners who see their spouse's personality as better than their own.


True or False? In a family with strong family closeness, years with open paths of communication help teens who are wanting to discuss sexual orientation.


Uncle Joe, age 50, married 25-years, is suddenly asking his wife for a divorce, dating a woman he met last month, and buying a red sports car. If a midlife crisis occurs, the period of unusual anxiety, radical self-reexamination, and sudden transformation is best explained by one's personal upheavals and historical experiences rather than age. True of false?


Tracie is leaning to make a block tower. Her mother watches as Tracie builds, noticing what next bit of assistance is needed, but refraining from helping when letting Tracie struggle a bit or experience the toppling of her tower might actually help Tracie learn. While Piaget saw development as largely an unfolding of genetically preprogrammed stages, ______ saw development as driven by an interaction between a person and the family or culture. This theorist saw development as as happening not because of others OR the self but because of interaction BETWEEN others AND the self, because of relationship.


According to behaviorism's operant conditioning, what explains that a child repeats an offense, such as classroom disruption?

What followed the offense was reinforcing.

When in a state of disequilibrium, one must move to equilibrium by either accommodating or assimilating. Which of these two ways of adapting is occurring when one interprets what is happening by keeping one's old categories, understandings, and thoughts about the situation, rather than changing them to fit new information?


What is an eclectic perspective?

combining features of multiple theories to explain development

When a time period is essential to an outcome, what is this?

a critical period

What provides a look at how neurons are firing in real time as a thought or behavior is being enacted?

a functional MRI

Critical race theory sees race as ___.

a social construct

____ is research done by gathering self-report through a questionnaire or an interview and is best with honest responding.

a survery

A child's peer group does NOT usually provide ___.

a zone of proximal development

Hospice offers palliative care which means ____________.

comfort and pain control

Pregnancy is a natural process to be protected. Drugs, viruses, pollutants, malnutrition, stress, and more can increase prenatal abnormalities and birth complications. What is the term for agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning?

behavioral teratogens

At about what age do children develop theory of mind, recognizing that something can be hidden from another person's knowledge or awareness?

between 4 and 5 for most kids

"Guided participation" is a Vygotskian phrase. Guiding is the mentor's part. Participation is the learner's part. If learning is a "joint construction," the mentor and learner are working together. For success, what two things must be avoided in the learner?

boredom and failure

In the learner, what two things must be avoided by a mentor according to Vygotsky?

boredom and failure

An Alzheimer's-resistant brain involves intellectual stimulation, that is, learning new things. What else helps to prevent Alzheimer's Disease? a. Aerobic (cardio) exercise b. Eating a diet which is mostly plant-based and includes healthy fish and olive oil.


The combination of insecure attachment, stressful home life, parents who are ineffective at discipline, and hostile siblings produces what?


Mom asks four-year-old Joy to pick out all of the big green buttons from the button box. Joy picks out all of the big buttons. Mom explains that she wanted all of the big green buttons. This time Joy picks out all of the green buttons including large and small ones. Joy cannot focus on two elements at one time. What cognitive limitation best explains that Joy could not pick out all of the big green buttons?


Teacher Jim asks Betty, "Are there more daisies or are there more flowers?" What task is being presented to Betty?


Faith development research shows that seventy one percent of teens feel what?

close to god

When thinking advances as one confronts new experiences, what is happening, according to Piaget?

cognitive adaptation

According to Piaget, development moves forward because one feel what state that compels one to adapt?

cognitive disequilibrium

What is Piaget's term for mental balance, wherein experiences are calmly understood by viewing the world through one's existing ideas?

cognitive equilibrium

Which of the following is NOT part of post-formal thinking?

cognitive rigidity

The Seattle Longitudinal Study gains information that is not known through cross-sectional or longitudinal alone. These researchers follow people across the life span, but also begin again with new cohorts to study these also across the life span. This is what type of research?

cohort/cross-sequential research:

Recent research shows differences in workers who grew up in different historical times. Millennials are highly tech-savvy compared to Generation X people and Baby Boomers. Millennials, compared to the other two groups are the most enthusiastic about their jobs. Gen-X-ers value workplace flexibility more than do the other two groups, and are known as high in adaptability. Baby Boomers rank high in productivity, being extremely hard working as a generation. If a group shares age, they also share living through cultural changes and historical events at the same times in life. What is the term for these groupings?

cohorts... A cohort is a group that shares age; they also share living through cultural changes and historical events at the same times in life.

What did Dr. Wright explain as the origin of the construct of race?

colonization with slavery

Parental monitoring involves overprotecting teens as happens with "helicopter parents" who hover nearby and land when rescue is needed. True or false?


Peer influence is most likely to be negative, leading teens to deviancy. True or false


Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing _________ that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment


Piaget believed that development is driven forward by a state of discomfort that occurs when encountering something new. What did Piaget call this state of imbalance or confusion?


Two eggs become fertilized in the womb and produce two children. What percent of genes do they share?

dizygotic twins; 50% of genes are shared

\Universally, more than in boys, the sociodramatic play themes of girls are likely to involve ___.

domestic life.

Neural pathways that involve ______ are degenerating in Parkinson's Disease.


What are the four likely causes if severe brain loss occurs during middle adulthood?

drug abuse, poor circulation, viruses, genes,

Recently someone asked me how it is to be a grandmother. I said, "Every woman my age should have a grandchild." I was thinking of how much joy and love enters life when a little one comes. As I was going to pick up my granddaughter, a man said, "Don't spoil her too much." I answered, "It is she who is spoiling me." I am different in many ways since she was born. What is the name of the view that change keeps happening across the lifespan with every aspect of development affecting every other aspect?

dynamic-systems approach

Development happens through the interaction of one's body, mind, and environment (the ecological system); consider all aspects of development, taking a social, cultural, multidirectional, multi-contextual, multicultural view. What perspective is this?

dynamic-systems model

Development happens through the interaction of one's body, mind, and environment (the ecological system); consider all aspects of development, taking a social, cultural, multidirectional, multi-contextual, multicultural view. What perspective is this?

dynamic-systems model.... Dynamic-systems model views development as happening through the interaction of one's body, mind, and environment (the ecological system); this perspective considers all aspects of development, taking a social, cultural, multi-directional, multi-contextual, multicultural view.

Joe Campos said he saw what as the royal road to studying infant development?


Regarding death, are people's brains activated for more logical thinking or emotion-influenced thinking?

emotion-influenced thinking

What is it called when Jerome chooses to breath deeply and slowly instead of having a tantrum?

emotional regulation

Mommy scaffolds four-year-old Dana with the following questions? "How do you feel when someone takes your doll away from you? Do you think Mandy feels that way when you take away her doll?" What is increasing in Dana due to Mommy's use of induction as a parenting strategy?


Peers who have the most influence on teens are those seen in media. True or false?


People who are elderly normally lose interest in sexual activity. True or false?


The interaction of nature and nurture is known as ____.


According to Piaget, what is happening? Sally is riding her bike down a familiar road, using skills she already knows and is responding to nothing new.


When one feels confused, according to Piaget, one seeks to regain a sense of balance whereby everything is in order cognitively, that is regarding the intellect. What did Piaget call this state of mental balance?


Which theorist found eight psychosocial crises, unfolding across the life span, determine the outcome of personality development.


People who share ancestral heritage, national origin, religion, and language are said to be of the same ____.


People who share ancestral heritage, national origin, religion, and language are said to be of the same _____.


High achievement is NOT explained by _______?

ethnicity and cohort

As is typical of their age groups, Jill, age 21 is motivated by the ___ rewards from work, while Alice, age 55 is motivated by the ___ rewards of work.

extrinsic; intrinsic

ADHD, Specific Learning Disorders, and Autism Spectrum Disorders require a child to be placed in a contained special-needs classroom with children who also have these disorders. True or false?


According to Dr. John Gottman's research, if demanding increases, withdrawing decreases. True or false?


Amelia Bedelia books, based on puns, are especially fun for preschool children because preschoolers understand that one word could have two meanings. True or false?


Each time one comes to the course on Canvas, the best place to begin is by clicking on the reminders menu about what is due that day. True or False?


Erikson explicitly mentioned ethnic identity as one of the four areas needing to be explored in the teen years.


Holding an incremental theory of intelligence increases attention, participation, studying, and completing homework, so learning. True or false?


In a word, what accounts for differences in school achievement is wealth. True or false?


In research using the still-face research technique, the researcher asks the caregiver to provide no facial feedback to the child. Most children respond to still-face by becoming calm and mirroring the still face. True or false?


Intimate terrorism is not likely to lead to serious harm. True or false?


Parental monitoring involves knowing what is going on with teens and setting limits that are flexibly changed when maturity shows readiness. True or false?


What guided the moral decisions of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Theresa, and Jesus?

high ethical principles

Adapting to stress, the body responds, then comes back to equilibrium. This adjustment of the body's systems to be in equilibrium is known as ____.


Paul believes he should be respectfully quiet and watch while his brother learns. He is taking in the lesson, learning, though not interacting. Jordan believes he should ignore a lesson given to his brother and pay attention when the teacher is directly addressing him. This demonstrates ____.

how culture influences learning

What does the science of human development study?

how people change or remain the same over time. Yes. The science of human development studies how people change or remain the same over time.

If-then propositions are known as ___.

hypothetical thought

When a teen considers if-then propositions, what is occurring?

hypothetical thought

While concrete thought is tied to tangible realities, abstract thought (formal reasoning) is tied to ____.

imagined possibilities

The zygote is formed _____.

immediately when the sperm fertilizes the egg

What is the effect of media messages communicating the need to match unrealizable definitions of beauty?

increased dissatisfaction and emotional distress during adolescence

The teen years are the time of Erickson's stage known as ___.

indentity vs. role confusion

Experiments are the testing ground of psychology. Experiments allow a researcher to see if manipulating a condition (such as giving a treatment or changing a teaching method) will result in an important change (like the level of distress, or amount learned). In an experiment, the _______ variable is that which the investigator identifies might possibly be the cause. The ______ variable is the result, the measure of change.

independent; dependent

Name the young adulthood stage of faith development.

individual-reflective faith

Jordan disciplines Zuri by listening and scaffolding, inviting Zuri to explain her emotions and some better choices she could make next time. Jordan's parenting strategy is known as ____.


Melissa is in elementary school. She has better peer relationships than most children her age. Her parents used ____ as their primary method of training Melissa during her preschool years.


Erikson describes the child in elementary school as being in which stage?

industry vs. inferiority

Mrs. Lutz, the second grade teacher makes sure that each child is offered a book at their reading level. This is because Mrs. Lutz wants her learners to develop a sense of _____ instead of _____.

industry, inferiority

According to Erikson, what is encouraged when a child is free to orchestrate her own play?


Mistakes are inevitable in life. What is it called when a preschooler gets that mistakes happen so just tries again when they make one?


Between the ages of 3 and 5, children assert their power and control over the world as they direct play and other people. This is the stage of _____.

initiative vs. guilt

The preschooler stage according to Erikson is _____.

initiative vs. guilt

Which type of attachment is seen in someone who feels distant from others and not soothed by caregivers?

insecure avoidant attachment

Which type of attachment is seen in people who want very much to be in the presence of the caregiver, but then usually feel angry or anxious, being not soothed at the reunion with the desired person?

insecure resistant ambivalent

What is the word for self-reflective honesty and being whole when elderly?


Which parenting style produces the following result? — children who lack self-control, especially in the give-and-take of peer relationships and — adults who are likely to live at home, still dependent on parents


Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by _________ optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment

myelination and neural chaining and pruning

The stage of faith likely in middle childhood is _____.

mythic-literal faith

For this course, the Canvas profile picture ____.

needs to be a professional-looking photo of the face only.

Which trait on the Big Five is seen in one's anxiety?


Facing death adds what to living?

new meaning

Intimacy with Passion and Commitment produces what type of love?

not Romantic Love

In the audio lesson, what stage does Dr. Wright describe as she tells of the scenario in which a person struggles with leaving a mom emotionally somewhat?

not intimacy vs isolation

Concrete thought is tied to _________.

observable, tangible realities

All prejudice relies on _____.


College students tend to ____ how much the average student drinks; and ____ how negatively their peers feel about the annoying behaviors of drunk students.

overestimate; underestimate

During the birth process and during breast feeding, what substance produces and enhances bonding in the mother and baby?

oxytocin... Oxytocin produces and enhances bonding in the mother and baby during the birth process and during breast feeding.

What is the goal of hospice?

palliative care

According to Erikson's theory, what might cause a preschool-aged child to grow up feeling doubtful of her own abilities, carrying this doubt with her across the lifespan?

parents and teachers who are too critical when she makes youthful mistakes

People who live long lives tend to ___________.

participate actively in multigenerational families

What do all religions and cultures consider to be true regarding death? It is not an endpoint, but a ______________.


Throughout this course, we will consider ways that development is furthered. Which of the following advances development according to Erikson?

passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges

As parents, Cindy and Curt have low expectations for their children's maturity. They are nurturing, accepting, wanting to be helpful, and a friend, but they do not feeling responsible to shape the children. Discipline is lax. Curt and Cindy hide any impatience they feel. What style of parenting is this?


Elida, age 30, was a child who lacked self-control, especially in the give-and-take of peer relationships. As an adult, she lives at home, still dependent on parents. Which parenting style was likely happening in Elida's home?


The _____ parent has low expectations for the children's maturity. The parent is nurturing, accepting, wanting to be helpful and a friend, but is not feeling responsible to shape the children. Discipline is lax. The parent hides any impatience she feels.


Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning optimally, a ___________ from which to freely explore the environment

secure attachment base

Loss of many friends to death, loss of appearance, and loss of respect from an ageist community make many people who are elderly likely to _________.

seek to maintain a strong continual sense of self amidst much change

Maria's brain chooses what is important, focuses on that, ignoring distractions. This is known as what?

selective attention

Molly can pay heed to the most important elements of the environment and ignore distractions. What best explains this?

selective attention

Often adults specialize in an area that is personally meaningful, becoming notably more accomplished, proficient, and knowledgeable in a particular skill, topic, or task than the average person. These adults are known as ___.

selective experts

Eighty-year-old Adam sleeps when sleepy even if that is not at a usual bedtime. If he is in bed and finds himself to be not sleepy, he gets out of bed. Adam exercises vigorously during the day to tire out as a way of increasing sleep. Sleep is different than when he was younger, but with these adaptations, Adam's is sleeping enough and is well rested. What is happening?

selective optimization with compensation

People look for the best way to offset losses in ability and become more proficient in activities they can already do well. This is known as ___.

selective optimization with compensation

People thrive in late adulthood due to a process by which they selectively choose activities that provide them with the most life satisfaction. This entails letting go of other activities and/or finding adaptations that work in light of changes in the body or lifestyle as one ages. What is this process called?

selective optimization with compensation

Use the key term of social learning theory. If a parent feels accomplished and capable of meeting his child's needs, choosing skillful methods of soothing and training the child, the parent has a sense of ______ regarding parenting.

self efficacy

According to Erikson, when a two-year-old feels she cannot rely on herself to dress or choose, what has she internalized?


Selective attention is a cognitive capacity important to school success. Which of the following is NOT a component of selective attention?


Jasmine tries to stop herself from having a temper tantrum. Yesterday, Mother said to Jasmine, "If you count to four, you will be calm." Today, as Jasmine tries to be calm, she says aloud, "Count to four; one, two, three, four." What is occurring?

self-regulation. Self-regulation includes intentionally calming the self.

Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. ___________, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development social mediation: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment


The process of aging, whereby the body becomes less strong begins in late adolescence and is known as ____.


Which is the term for the body's aging?


Which part of memory accounts for some normal memory changes with age?

senescence impacting working memory

Between ages 1 and 3, children who have much experience with language establish a foundation on which school success will later build. Children who lack sufficient language stimulation at this age will have weaker verbal abilities. This specific time in language development is the best time for influences to come, and is known as a ________ in development.

sensitive period

When an outcome is most likely to be optimal during a particular time frame, what is this?

sensitive period

According to Piaget, cognitively, the infant's stage is __________________


What is the stage Piaget identified in which a baby seeks to know by touching and feeling and hearing and tasting? At this age, one loves to play in sand and water.


Piaget studied the errors in thinking that naturally occur at each stage of life. He found four stages of thought. What is the order of these stages of thought?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Grace can put straws of differing sizes in order. What type of task is she doing?


What produces happier babies with stable heart and breathing rates, oxytocin release (so more milk in mom's breasts), and healthier outcomes?

skin-to-skin holding known as kangaroo care

Families that blame children for their problems have different developmental outcomes in their children than families that have adults taking responsibility for solving problems. This is an example of what impact on development?


Relationships, such as families and groups deliver privileges or fail to deliver these. Opportunities open as a result of relationships. This impact on development is known as the ___ impact.


What is the psychological term for comparing two items at once when the two items are one's own abilities and someone else's?

social comparison

Kohlberg defined three levels, each with two stages of moral reasoning. Preconventional Level, Stage One: Might makes right Preconventional Level, Stage Two: Look out for number one Conventional Level, Stage Three: Good girl and nice boy Conventional Level, Stage Four: Law and order Postconventional Level, Stage Five: Social contracts Postconventional Level, Stage Six: Universal ethical principles Which stage of moral reasoning fits the following? Disobeying the law could be moral in certain circumstances such as when rules become destructive or one party does not live up to an agreement. Good rules are established to benefit everyone and by mutual agreement.

social contracts

Children learn to cooperate because if they do not, and break rules of games, they experience ____.

social exclusion

Fill in the blank. The following driving forces, intrinsic to the design of humans, push development forward. self-righting, that is, curiosity for the next step needing to be mastered in the zone of proximal development __________: the looking toward, asking, engaging social behaviors that place one in guiding relationships as one becomes an apprentice in learning under a mentor who provides scaffolding passing through the predictable sequences of life's psychosocial challenges experiencing disequilibrium that compels one toward cognitive adaptation in moving to accommodation physical maturation of brain parts, brought about by myelination and neural chaining and pruning optimally, a secure attachment base from which to freely explore the environment

social mediation

Words "are crucial for the social interaction that leads to brain maturation." This captures the meaning of what function of words?

social mediation

When a baby coos, engaging the mom who then talks to the baby, what is happening, according to Vygotsky?

social mediation of cognitive development

On the visual cliff, what will be seen in a baby deciding whether or not to crawl across the plexiglass top that seems to indicate a drop-off?

social referencing

The image of people standing on coins illustrated the meaning of ____.

socioeconomic status

When replying to someone in an Act/Discuss conversation, _______.

start with typing the person's name, such are in "Tonya, I see that your ideas are based on the theory of ...."

At Grandma's house, four-year-old Jessica pointed to a framed photo of a little boy, asking, "Who is that?" Grandma said, "That is your Daddy." Jessica answered, "Daddy is a man. Daddy is not a boy." What element of preoperational thought keeps Jessica from seeing that Daddy has not always been a man?

static reasoning

Tuesday night, Jill becomes anxious when her nephew says she is fading and may not do well at the game they have chosen. Jill does terribly at the game. The next night, Wednesday, Jill plays the same game quite well with her friends who know her to be sharp and capable. What happened to Jill the first night when playing the game with her nephew?

stereotype threat

Jimmy engages in much rough and tumble play with his father. What is the likely effect on Jimmy?

strong emotional modulation wherein Jimmy chooses self-control in life interactions

The woman who was advising parents in the parenting video on two-year-olds said her best suggestion is to ___.

talk with the child as language is developing

Who is more likely to drop out of school? Teens who were breastfed as infants or teens who were not breastfed as infants?

teens who were not breastfed as infants

What percentage of people experience impaired aging?

ten percent

The researcher in the attachment video emphasized that the mother's absence had upset which baby but was not the solution to his problem?

the avoidant baby

What must father follow to scaffold a the baby well?

the baby's curiosity

What must a parent, as a mentor, follow to scaffold a child, and even a baby, well?

the child's curiosity

In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development which stage is happening for the person from ages six to eleven?

the concrete operational stage of thought

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