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[kənˌɡratʃʊˈleɪʃən] <釋義>n. congratulating or being congratulated (pl.)祝賀 <詞根>con(共同)+grat(喜好)+ulation→同喜同喜→祝賀 <派生>congratulate v. 祝賀 congratulatory adj. 祝賀的 <例句>Congratulations Mother's Choice! (IELTS5,T1,L2) 祝賀母親的選擇! consequent**[ˈkɒnsɪkwənt] <釋義>adj. following sth. as a result or an effect 作為結果的,隨之發生的 <詞根>con(加強)+sequ(跟隨)+ent(......的)→隨之發生的 <派生>consequence n. 結果,影響,重要意義 consequential adj. 結果的 consequently adv. 因此,因而 <例句>The reduction in bullying—and the consequent improvement in pupil happiness—is surely a worthwhile objective. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 減少欺凌,從而改善小學生的幸福度肯定是非常有意義的目標。


[kəʊˈhiːʒən] <釋義>n. the tendency to stick together; unity 結合;the force that causes molecules to stick together 凝聚力 <詞根>co(共同)+hension(吸引力)→共同的吸引力將人們凝聚在一起→凝聚力;結合 <例句>With their slogan "Deeds not words", and the introduction of the colour scheme, the WSPU soon brought the movement cohesion and focus it had previously lacked. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 隨著「要行動,不要空話」口號的實施,以及色彩搭配的引進,婦女社會政治聯盟很快使她們的活動具有凝聚力,成為焦點,這是以前所欠缺的。


[kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. the act or practice of cooperating 合作,協作,協助,配合 <詞根>co(共同)+oper(工作)+ation(做)→一起做工作→合作,協作 <派生>cooperate v. 合作,協作 cooperative adj. 樂意合作的,合作的,合作性的 n. 合作企業,合作社 <例句>Thank you for your cooperation! (IELTS5,TB,W1) 謝謝你的合作! coordinator**[kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪtə] <釋義>n. a person who co-ordinates 協調人,統籌者 <詞根>co(共同)+ordin(順序)+ator(做的人)→使順序一致的人→協調人 <派生>coordinate v. 協調,調整,配合 coordination n. 調整,協調,整理 <例句>The Institute employs an activities coordinator who can help you organise your free time. (IELTS3,TA,R2) 機構聘請了一位活動協調者,他能夠幫助你安排空餘時間。


[kəˈlabəreɪt] <釋義>v. to work together (with sb.), esp. to create or produce sth. 合作,協作;to help enemy forces occupying one's country 勾結 <詞根>col(共同)+labor(勞動,工作)+ate(動詞後綴)→合作,協作→(合作壞事)勾結 <搭配>collaborate with sb. in/on sth. 在某方面與某人合作 <派生>collaboration n. 合作,協作 collaborative adj. 合作的,協作的 collaborator n. 勾結者,通敵者;合作者,協作者 <例句>Inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The Australian Institute of Sport(AIS) employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 在學術界,科學占首要地位。


[kəˈlatərəl] <釋義>adj. side by side; parallel 並行的;connected but less important; additional 附隨的;descended from the same ancestor, but by a different line 旁系的 <詞根>col(共同的)+lateral(邊)→平行的邊→並行的 <例句>The cost is in the collateral damage of the very methods of food production that have made the food cheaper. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 代價在於對降低食品成本的食品生產方式附帶的破壞。


[kəˈlektɪvlɪ] <釋義>adv. of, by or relating to a group or society as a whole; joint; shared 共同地,集體地 <派生>collect v. 收集,積聚,收藏最愛 collection n. 收集,積聚,收藏最愛(品) collective adj. 共同的,集體的 n. 集體農莊,集體企業 <例句>The next factor to be determined is whether the goals should be assigned by a manager or collectively set in conjunction with the employees. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 下一個需要確定的因素是:目標該由經理制定,還是與員工一起決定。


[kəˈlɪʒən] <釋義>n. one object or person striking against another; (instance of) colliding; crash 碰撞,相撞;a strong disagreement; conflict or clash of opposing aims, ideas, opinions, etc. 衝突,爭吵 <派生>collide v. 碰撞,相撞;出現矛盾,發生衝突 <例句>These fracture zones, where the collisions occur, are where earthquakes happen. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 這些斷裂帶是地質板塊相撞的地方,也是地震發生的地方。


[kəˈmjuːt] <釋義>v. to travel regularly by bus, train or car between one's place of work (usu. in a city) and one's home (usu. at a distance) 上下班往返(於工作地點和住所之間),通勤 <派生>commuter n. 通勤者 <例句>However, public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massive congestion problems which now make commuting times far higher. (IELTS6,T2,R1) 然而,公共基礎設施跟不上城市擴張的速度,引起嚴重的交通堵塞,這使得上下班花費的時間大大增加。


[kəˈmɑːnd] <釋義>v. to tell (sb.) that he must do sth.; to order 命令;to have authority (over sb./sth.); to be in control (of) 把握,支配,管理;to be able to use (sth.); to have at one's disposal 控制,操作 n. an order 命令;control; authority (used esp. with the vs and preps shown) 指揮,控制;a part of an army, air force, etc. organized and controlled separately 部隊,司令部 <詞根>com(強調)+mand(命令)→指揮 <搭配>in command of 指揮,控制 take command of 指揮 <派生>commander n. 指揮官,司令官 commanding adj. 指揮的;宏偉的 <例句>The idea of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. (IELTS8,T3,R1) 按照命令讓暴雨雲釋放閃電的想法不新。

」 capriciousness

[kəˈprɪʃəs] <釋義>n. characterized by sudden changes in attitude or behaviour; unpredictable; impulsive 反覆無常性,善變性,任性 <詞根>capricious(反覆無常的)+ness(n.)→反覆無常,善變 <派生>capricious adj. 反覆無常的,善變的,任性的 capriciously adv. 善變地 caprice n. (意見或行為)突然變化,反覆無常;怪念 <例句>IQ could help to bridge the gap and resolve the tremendous uncertainty about how much of what we're seeing is natural capriciousness and how much is the consequence of human activity. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 智商可以幫助彌補鴻溝和應對巨大的不確定性。


[kəˈvɔːt] <釋義>v. to have lively or boisterous fun; romp 尋歡作樂,縱慾嬉戲 <例句>Playful young animals use around two or three percent of their energy cavorting, and in children that figure can be closer to fifteen percent. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 頑皮的小動物將他們2%到3%精力的用於嬉戲,而小孩會用大約15%的精力玩耍。


[kɜːˈteɪl] <釋義>v. to make (sth.) shorter or less; to reduce 減少,削減,限制 <派生>curtailment n. 減少,削減,限制 <例句>While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on people's health. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 雖然如果氣候變化造成捕獵和誘捕受限,因紐特人不會真的挨餓,但是他們的健康肯定會受影響。

心 heart 肝 liver 脾 spleen 肺 lung 腎 kidney kit

[kɪt] <釋義>n. an equipment needed for a particular (esp. sporting) activity, situation or trade 成套工具 v. to equip sb. 裝備 <例句>Small loans are provided initially for purchasing fixed assets such as bicycles, shoe shine kits and basic building materials for a market stall. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 最初提供的是小額貸款,用來購買固定資產,如自行車、擦鞋工具和建立市場攤位需要的基本建築材料。


[laʃ] <釋義>n. an eyelash 眼睫毛 v. to strike (sb./sth.) with or as with a whip 鞭打;to move (a limb, etc.) like a whip 急速揮動 <例句>Units will include maintaining employment standards, salon management duties, providing facial massage and skin care, instruction on make-up, lash and brow treatments, artificial nail structures and ear piercing. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 內容包括遵守僱傭標準,維持沙龍管理責任,提供臉部按摩和皮膚護理,提供化妝、修理睫毛和眉毛、美甲和打耳洞等方面的指導。


[liːs] <釋義>n. a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent (房屋、土地或設備等)租約,租契 <搭配>a new lease of life 新的生機和活力,更佳的健康狀況;煥然一新 <例句>Cinema has also given a new lease of life to the idea of the story. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 電影也使得故事的想法充滿新的生機。


[ləʊθ] <釋義>adj. unwilling; reluctant 不願意的,勉強的 <搭配>be loath to do sth. 不願意做某事 <派生>loathe v. 厭惡,憎惡 loathing n. 厭惡,憎惡 <例句>I guess they are pretty loath to allow any pretenders to their position to come into it. (IELTS4,T2,R2) 我想他們很不願意讓任何覬覦他們職位的人走上醫生崗位。


[lɪp] <釋義>n. either of the fleshy edges of the opening of the mouth 嘴唇;edge of a hollow container or opening (容器或洞的)邊,口 <派生>lipread v. 唇讀 lipstick n. 口紅 <例句>Then the slightly cooler lava following it begins to flow over the lip of the crater. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 然後,相對冷卻的熔岩開始漫過火山口。


[lɪˈdʒɪtɪmɪt] <釋義>adj. in accordance with the law or rules; lawful 合法的,正當的 <詞根>legit(法律)+im(表示最高級)+ate→最合乎法律的→合法的 <派生>legitimacy n. 合法性,合理性 legitimize v. 使合法,使可接受 <例句>It is legitimate for drug companies to make money. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 藥品公司賺錢是合法的。


[lɪˈeɪz] <釋義>v. to act as a link or go-between 聯繫,聯絡 <同義>unite, link, relate, connect <派生>liaison n. 聯絡,聯繫 <例句>What you can do is phone them up—we will, of course, liaise between you. (IELTS5,T3,L2) 你能做的是跟他們打電話——當然我們會幫你們做好聯絡工作。


[lʌgˈzjʊərɪənt] <釋義>adj. growing thickly and strongly; lush 繁密的,茂盛的 <詞根>luxur(豐富,精美)+iant(adj.)→茂盛的 <派生>luxury n. 豪華品,奢侈品 adj. 奢華的 luxurious adj. 奢侈的 <例句>To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless, unconquerable, a habitat totally hostile to human civilization. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 對於普通的觀察者、著名的自然科學家和區域規劃家來說,亞馬遜茂密的森林似乎永遠那麼年輕、不可征服,是一塊完全不受人類文明影響的自然環境。


[mes] <釋義>n. a difficult or confused state or situation; disorder 混亂,雜亂;a dirty or untidy state 髒亂;困境 v. to put (sth.) into an untidy, etc. state 弄髒,弄亂 <派生>messy adj. 混亂的,雜亂的,髒亂的 <搭配>be in a mess 糟糕成一團,亂成一團 <例句>We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the counter, secondly through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies propping up modern intensive farming, and thirdly to clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 我們以三種方式來付款廉價的食物:首先通過櫃檯,其次通過稅收提供的巨額補貼來維持現代密集型耕作,第三處理現代農業耕作遺留的問題。


[mjuːˈteɪt] <釋義>v. to undergo or cause to undergo mutation (使某物)變化,轉變,突變,變異 <派生>mutation n. 變異,突變 mutant n. 突變體 <例句>In humans, these signals have mutated into smiles and laughs. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 在人類那裡,這些信號都變為微笑和大笑。


[mɒk] <釋義>v. to make fun of (sb./sth.), esp. by mimicking him/it contemptuously; ridicule 愚弄,嘲弄; 使受挫折 adj. not real; substitute 仿製的,模擬的 <同義>laugh at, make fun of, fool; artificial, fake, false <派生>mockery n. 譏笑,嘲笑,笑柄 mocking n. 嘲弄,愚弄 mocker n. 嘲笑者,模仿者 <搭配>make a mock of 使......成為笑柄 mock at 嘲笑,嘲弄 <例句>There's a mock camp site where you can see inside an Antarctic tent and imagine yourself sleeping there. (IELTS7,T2,L3) 有一個仿製的野營地,在裡面你可以看到南極的帳篷,並且想像自己在裡面睡覺。


[mɒˈraːl] <釋義>n. the state of confidence, enthusiasm, determination, etc. of a person or group at a particular time 民心,士氣 <例句>Morale also suffers during decline. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 在蕭條期,士氣也低落。


[məʊˈmentəm] <釋義>n. a force that increases the rate of development of a process; impetus 動力,衝力,勢頭;動量 <詞根>moment(瞬間)+um→衝力在瞬間迸發→衝力,動力 <搭配>gain / gather momentum 發展加快,勢頭增大 <例句>In the following century much of this momentum was lost as German established itself as the leading European language of science. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 在隨後的幾個世紀裡,這種勢頭漸漸消失,因為德語逐漸成為歐洲科學界的主導語言。

同根詞:main=major mainland n. 主路 mainstream n. 主流 majestic

[məˈdʒestɪk] <釋義>adj. having or showing majesty; stately; grand 雄偉的,威嚴的;壯麗的 <派生>majesty n. 陛下;宏偉,莊嚴 <例句>Yet in 826, with only pegs and wedges to keep his wooden structure upright, the master builder Kobodaishi had no hesitation in sending his majestic Toji pagoda soaring fifty-five metres into the sky...(IELTS7,T2,R1) 然而在826年,在那個只能用掛釘和楔子來使木製結構直立的時代,建築大師Kobodaishi毫不猶豫地建立了這座高達55米的莊嚴的東寺塔。


[məˈnɒpəlɪ] <釋義>n. the sole possession or control of sth. 獨佔,壟斷 <詞根>mono(單個)+poly(多)→獨佔某商品絕大多數的市場份額→壟斷,獨佔 <派生>monopolise v. 獨佔,壟斷 monopolistic adj. 獨佔的,壟斷的 monopolist n. 壟斷家 <例句>State ownership of railways and airlines, regulation of freight rates and toleration of anticompetitive practices, such as cargo-handling monopolies, all keep the cost of shipping unnecessarily high. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 鐵路和空運的國有性質、運輸價格的規定以及對反競爭行為的放任,如貨物運輸的壟斷等,這些都使得海運的成本極高。


[məˈnɒtənəs] <釋義>adj. not changing and therefore uninteresting; boring or tedious 無變化的,單調乏味的 <詞根>mono(單個的)+ton(聲音)+ous→單調的 <派生>monotony n. 單調,無變化 <例句>The sperm whale apparently produces a monotonous series of high-energy clicks and little else. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 抹香鯨發出一系列明顯而單調的高強度卡嗒聲,除此之外幾乎沒有其他的。


[mɪsˈfɔːtʃən] <釋義>n. bad luck 不幸,災難,災禍 <詞根>mis(不好的,錯誤的)+fortune(運氣)→不幸,災難 <例句>They think their misfortune is an accident or that its the fault of no-one. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 他們認為自身的不幸是偶然的或者並非人為的錯誤。


[mɪˈkanɪks] <釋義>n. the science of motion and force; science of machinery (用作單數)機械學,力學;processes by which sth. is done or operates (用作複數)技巧,結構 <派生>mechanical adj. 機械的,機械似的;呆板的 mechanism n. 機械裝置;機構;機制 <例句>Another way were using float data is to help us to understand the mechanics of climate change, like global warming and ozone depletion. (IELTS7,T3,L3) 另外一種方法就是使用浮動數據來幫助我們理解氣候變化的原理,比如全球變暖和臭氧層破壞等現象。


[mɪˈleniːəm] <釋義>n. a period of 1000 years 一千年,千年期;the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth prophesied in the Bible 千禧年;the future time of great happiness and prosperity for everyone 全人類未來的幸福時代,太平盛世 <例句>At the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 然而,在新世紀的開端,資源規劃師對水的認識開始改變了。


[mɪˈθɒlədʒɪ] <釋義>n. myths collectively 神話,神話集 <例句>In the mythology of giftedness, it is popularly believed that if people are talented in one area, they must be defective in another. (IELTS8,T3,R2) 在關於天賦的神話集中,人們普遍認為一個人在某一方面有才能,那麼在另一方面肯定有缺陷。


[əˈsɜːt] <釋義>v. to state (sth.) clearly and forcefully as the truth 斷言,宣稱;to make others recognize (sth.) by behaving firmly and confidently 維護,堅持;顯示威力,發揮作用 <聯想>as(加強)+sert(插入)→很強硬地插入一些話語→宣稱 <派生>assertion n. 斷言,聲明,主張 assertive adj. 自信的,果斷的 assertiveness n. 自信,果斷 <例句>If we applied the Russian training model to some of the outstanding runners we have in this country, Yessis asserts, they would be breaking records left and right. (IELTS4,T4,R1) Yessis斷言,如果我們將俄羅斯的訓練模式運用到我們國家一些出色長跑運動員的訓練中,他們將會經常打破紀錄。


[əˈtatʃmənt] <釋義>n. a thing that is or can be attached 附件,附加裝置;affection; devotion 愛慕,喜愛 <詞根>at(加強)+tach(接觸)+ment(n.)→接觸上的東西→附件;如果是感情方面的接觸,那就是愛慕 <派生>attach v. 縛,系;附上 attached adj. 連接的,附加的;非常喜愛的 <例句>Perhaps the most fundamental step in developing a sense of number is not the ability to count, but rather to see that a number is really an abstract idea instead of a simple attachment to a group of particular objects. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 培養數字敏感性最重要的步驟並不是計算的能力,也不是僅僅把其看作是一組特定物體附屬物的能力,而是將數字看作一個抽像的概念的能力。


[əˈtendəns] <釋義>n. the action or time of being present 出席;the number of people present 出席人數 <詞根>at+tend(伸展)+ance(n.)→大家都伸展脖子看的狀態→出席 <派生>attend v. 出席;照料;專心於,致力於 attention n. 注意 attendant n. 服務員,侍者 adj. 伴隨的,隨之產生的;照料的 <例句>She also has a few $1,000 honoraria to offer in exchange for doctors' attendance at her company's next educational lecture. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 為了讓醫生們來參加她公司的下期教育報告,她還準備了幾份價值1000美元的謝禮。


[əˈtʃiːvəbl] <釋義>adj. that can be achieved 可實現的,可獲得成功的 <詞根>achiev(e)(成功)+able(能......的)→可實現的,可獲得成功的 <派生>achieve v. 成功 achiever n. 成功者 achievement n. 成功 <例句>Regardless of whether goals are achievable or well within management's perceptions of the employee's ability, if employees see them as unachievable they will reduce their effort. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 不管目標是否可以實現,或者是否在管理者所預期的員工能力範圍內,如果員工認為這些目標不能實現,他們將減少對此的努力。


[əˈweɪdeɪ] <釋義>n. a trip taken for pleasure, relaxation, etc.; day excursion <例句>Special family awayday fares are available for this service now during the school holidays. (IELTS6,T2,L2) 學校放假期間,這項服務提供家庭歡樂游特價票。


[əˈweɪt] <釋義>v. to wait for (sb./sth.) 等待,期待 <詞根>a(加強)+wait(等待)→等待,期待 <例句>A friendly greeting awaits new members. (IELTS4,TA,R1) 友好地期待新成員。


[əˈɡriːəbəl] <釋義>adj. pleasing; giving pleasure 令人愉快的,愜意的;ready to agree 樂意的 <同義>attractive, enjoyable, pleasing **[反義]disagreeable, offensive <例句>Such associations can be powerful enough so that odours that we would generally label unpleasant become agreeable. (IELTS8,T2, R3) 這些聯想的力量非常強大,那些我們一般認為難聞的氣味也因此變得愜意了。


[əˈʃeɪmd] <釋義>adj. feeling shame, embarrassment, etc. about sth/sb or because of one's own actions 羞愧的,慚愧的,負疚的,害臊的 <詞根>a(表加強)+shamed(羞愧)→羞愧的 <例句>I'm ashamed to say that the significance of this didn't strike me until after I had read 50 or 60 studies. (IELTS5,T3,R2) 很慚愧,我讀了五六十篇相關研究文章以後才認識到它的重要性。

」 affiliation

[əˌfɪlɪˈeɪʃən] <釋義>n. a link or connection made by affiliating 從屬關係,聯繫 <派生>affiliate v. 隸屬於 n. 附屬機構,分會,分公司 <例句>A candidate who has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected. (IELTS6,T3, R2) 須選擇一位極度需要權利和不需要聯營的候選人。


[əˌsɪməˈleɪʃən] <釋義>n. the process of assimilating or being assimilated 吸收,吸取;a change in a speech sound when it becomes similar to another speech sound next to it 同化 <聯想>已知similar以為相同,as-意為加強,-ation為名詞後綴。


[ɡrab] <釋義>n./v. to grasp sth. suddenly or roughly; to snatch sth. selfishly or rudely 強奪,攫取,抓住 <搭配>grab at 抓住 <同義>grasp, seize, snatch, grip <例句>That should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage, maybe grab a coffee. (IELTS7,T1,L1) 那樣應該可以給你足夠的時間來整理包裹,或者喝杯咖啡。


[ɡrand] <釋義>adj. magnificent; splendid; big; of great importance 宏偉的,壯麗的;全部的;主要的,重大的 <同義>main, major, chief, significant, important <派生>grandeur n. 宏偉,壯觀 <例句>Well done to last year's walkers for helping to raise a grand total of £21,000. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 去年的競走運動員幫助籌集了21,000英鎊,做得好! grapple**[ˈgrapəl] <釋義>v. to seize (an opponent) firmly and try to fight 與......搏鬥 <搭配>grapple with 扭打,搏鬥;抓住 <例句>But as the medical world continues to grapple with what's acceptable and what's not, it is clear that companies must continue to be heavily scrutinized for their sales and marketing strategies. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 但是當醫藥界繼續在爭論什麼是可以接受的、什麼是不可以接受的時,很明顯,公司的銷售和市場營銷策略要受到仔細審查。


[ɡreɪs] <釋義>n. a quality of simple elegant beauty 優美,文雅;(pl.) pleasing accomplishment 風度,魅力 <同義>elegance, dignity <派生>graceful adj. 優美的,優雅的 gracious adj. 親切的;客氣的;有禮貌的 <例句>What is known as a grace period through January 15th is given to those employees whose birthdays fall between December 16th and the end of the year. (IELTS7,TA,R2) 生日介於12月16日和年底之間(被稱為優惠期)的員工,可在1月15日之前任選一天休假。


[nɑɪˈiːv] <釋義>adj. showing lack of experience, wisdom or judgement 幼稚的;natural and innocent in speech and behaviour; unaffected 天真的 <聯想>native意為原始的,土著的,再去掉t,本來已經很原始了,現在更幼稚 <派生>naively adv. 幼稚地,天真地 naivety n. 幼稚,天真,缺乏閱歷 <例句>Where is your naive, pure and objective researcher now? (IELTS3,T1,R3) 你天真、純潔和客觀的研究者現在在哪裡呢? narration**[nəˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. the act, process, or an instance of narrating 講述,敘述,解說 <派生>narrative n. 故事,報道,敘述 narrate v. 講(故事),敘述 narrator n. 敘述者,敘事人,解說員 <例句>The magical African story-telling tradition of narration, poetry and proverbs (mainly from Ghana and Nigeria) (IELTS4,TA,R1) 不可思議的非洲故事講述傳統,包括記敘文、詩歌和諺語(主要來自加納和尼日利亞) nasty**[ˈnɑːstɪ] <釋義>adj. unpleasant; disgusting 極令人不快的;morally bad 骯髒的,卑鄙的;painful; severe 嚴重的,激烈的 <例句>Rats produce ultrasonic squeaks to prevent their scuffles turning nasty. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 老鼠發出超聲波一般的尖叫來防止他們的混戰變得過於激烈。


[nəʊˈmadɪk] <釋義>adj. of nomads; wandering 遊牧的;流浪的 <派生>nomad n. 遊牧部落中的一員,流浪者 <例句>Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in the territory's 28 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 在過去40多年來,他們中的大多數已經擺脫了遊牧生活,定居在領土內28個孤立的社區中,但是他們仍然在很大程度上依賴大自然為他們提供食物和衣物。


[nəʊˈteɪʃənəl] <釋義>adj. of or related tonotation 記號的,標記的 <詞根>note(筆記)+ation(做)+al(......的)→記號的,標記的 <派生>notation n. 記號,標記 <例句>When the number 4 can be registered in the mind as a specific word, independent of the object being referenced, the individual is ready to take the first step toward the development of a notational system for numbers and, from there, to arithmetic. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 當數字4能夠被當作特定的詞彙印在腦中,與所指的事物不再有關係時,個人便開始建立數字的標記系統,並由此建立幾何系統。


[nɪˈɡlekt] <釋義>v. to give no or not enough care or attention to 忽視;疏忽,疏漏,忽略 <詞根>neg(不)+lect(選擇)→沒有選擇→忽略 <同義>overlook, ignore,omit <派生>neglectful adj. 怠慢的 negligence n. 怠慢,粗心 negligent adj. 怠慢的,粗心大意的 negligible adj. 可忽視的 <例句>Well, currently teamwork is in fashion in the workplace and in my opinion the importance of the individual is generally neglected. (IELTS7,T1,L3) 目前,小組合作在工作場所是非常流行的,而且在我看來,個人的重要性普遍被忽略了。


[nɪˌgəʊʃiːˈeɪʃən] <釋義>n. discussion aimed at reaching an agreement; negotiating 談判 <詞根>neg(否定)+oti(暇)+ation→沒有空閒→有生意做→談判,交涉 <派生>negotiate v. 談判 negotiable adj. 可談判的,可協商的 <例句>A result of the Uruguay Round of world trade negotiations is likely to be on reduction of 36 percent in the average levels of farm subsidies paid by the rich countries in 1986-1990. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 烏拉圭回合世界貿易談判可能使富裕國家在1986至1990間將農業補貼平均降低36%。


[parəˈkɒnʃəslɪ] <釋義>n. 超意識地 <詞根>para(外;超)+con(一起)+sci(知道)+ous(adj.)+ly(adv.)→超意識地 <例句>The teacher's task is to assist the students to apply what they have learned paraconsciously, and in doing so to make it easily accessible to consciousness. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 教師的任務就是幫助學生運用他們超意識下學到的知識,從而使其變成有意識的活動。


[plaɪt] <釋義>n. a serious and difficult situation or condition 困境,苦境 <同義>difficulty,dilemma <例句>The plight of the rainforests has largely been ignored by the media. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 雨林所處的困境已經完全被媒體忽略了。


[plʌʃ] <釋義>adj. luxuriously smart 豪華的;漂亮的 <例句>They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts, stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside, and plush hotels built at the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue ocean. (IELTS7,T3,L4) 他們調查了商業區中心的所謂的華麗賓館,坐落在美麗郊區的高檔別墅,以及建在熱帶海邊上、有棕櫚樹和藍色海水環繞的豪華酒店。


[ɪ(ː)ˈmerɪtəs] <釋義>adj. retired, but keeping his title as an honour 榮譽退休的 <例句>Identifying genetically talented individuals is only the first step, Michael Yessis, an emeritus professor of Sports Science at California State University at Fullerton, maintains that genetics only determines about one third of what an athlete can do. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 從基因上確定天才運動員只是第一步,位於富爾敦加州州立大學運動科學系的榮譽教授Michael Yessis認為,一個運動員所取得的成就中只有三分之一是由基因決定的。


[pragˈmatɪk] <釋義>adj. treating things in a sensible and realistic way; concerned with practical results 務實的,實事求是的,注重實效的 <派生>pragmatically adv. 務實地,實事求是地 pragmatism n. 實用主義 pragmatist n. 實用主義者 <例句>The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors — immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of "luxury" materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 推動早期塑料發展的因素有很多:化學領域的巨大技術進步,文化的巨大變化,找到取代龜殼和象牙這類日益減少的「奢侈」材料的現實需要。


[priːˈpeɪ] <釋義>v. to pay (sth.) in advance 預付 <詞根>pre(提前,之前)+pay(付款)→預付 <派生>prepayment n. 預付 <例句>Users prepay for Library, Computer Lab or SRC (Student Representative Council) services by adding value to their Prepaid Services Card. (IELTS4,TB,R2) 使用者通過向他們的預支服務卡內儲值來提前付款費用給圖書館、計算機實驗室或是學生代表委員會。


[priːˌɒkjəˈpeɪʃən] <釋義>n. a state of being preoccupied; absent-mindedness 佔據思想;a state of constantly thinking or worrying about sth.; obsession 全神貫注;纏在心頭 <詞根>pre(提前,之前)+oc(at在......地方)+cup(y)(seize逮住,抓住)+ation(n.)→全神貫注 <派生>preoccupy v. 先占,先取;全神貫注於 preoccupied adj. 全神貫注的;心事重重的 <例句>We've seen that the preoccupation in Western society with crime and with lawlessness is part of a long and continuous tradition, rather than something which is new and unique to modern society. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 我們看到西方社會追蹤犯罪和違法現象,這是他們長久以來的傳統的一部分,而不是現代社會新出現的、特有的東西。


[prɒp] <釋義>v./n. a rigid support, esp. a piece of wood, used to prevent sth. from falling or sagging 支柱,支撐 <同義>support,back <例句>A long cylindrical tube was propped up by two sticks and fastened to the top of the launcher, thereby allowing the rockets to be inserted and lit from the other end. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 一個長長的圓柱形的管道由兩根棍子支撐著,並被繫在發射器的頂部,這樣便可以讓火箭從一頭插入並在另一頭被點燃。


[prəʊb] <釋義>n. the act of probing 探索,調查;a tool for examining a place whichcannot be reached otherwise, esp. a thin implement with a blunt end used by a doctor for examining a wound 探針,探測器 v. to investigate or examine (sth.) closely 探索;to explore or examine (sth.) with or as if with a probe 用探針(或探測器等)探查,探測 <例句>This has prompted some researchers to argue that the future lies not in collecting more evidence for telepathy, but in probing possible mechanisms. (IELTS8,T1,R3) 這促使一些研究者們開始爭論未來不在於收集更多的心理感應的證據,而在於探索可能的機制。


[prəˈdɪdʒəs] <釋義>adj. very great in size, amount or degree, so as to cause amazement or admiration; enormous 巨大的,(在體積、數量或程度上)大得令人驚歎 <派生>prodigiously adv. 令人吃驚地 <例句>Prodigious efforts, accelerated during two world wars, were required before the technology of primitive rocketry could be translated into the reality of sophisticated astronauts. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 把火箭技術轉化成訓練有素的宇航員,人們需要付出極大的努力,這種努力在兩次世界大戰中加速了進程。

trude/trus 插入,推: intrude v. 侵略 intrusion n. 侵入 protrude v. 突出,伸出 protrusive adj. 伸出的,突出的 exuberant

[ɪgˈzjuːbərənt] <釋義>adj. overflowing with happiness and excitement; very lively and cheerful 生氣勃勃的,興高采烈的 <詞根>ex(out)+uber(富有成果的)+ant→有成就的→高興的 <派生>exuberance n. 生氣勃勃,充滿生機 exuberantly adv. 充滿生氣地,生氣勃勃地 <例句>Play may look like a carefree and exuberant way to pass the time before the hard work of adulthood comes along, but there's much more to it than that. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 在成年階段辛苦勞作來臨之前,遊戲可能看起來像是以無憂無慮、充滿活力的方式去度過時間,但遊戲的意義遠大於此。


[ɪkˈstravəgəns] <釋義>n. being extravagant 奢侈,鋪張,浪費;an extravagant thing, act, statement, etc. 過分,過度,放肆 <詞根>extra(超過)+vag(遊蕩)+ance→遊蕩到外面→過度,過分,放肆 <派生>extravagant adj. 奢侈的,浪費的 extravagantly adv. 浪費地;放肆地 <例句>Are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing?(IELTS6,T4,R1) 對於醫藥市場不斷升級的揮霍情況,醫生應該受到譴責嗎? extrusion**[ɪkˈstruːʒən] <釋義>n. force or squeeze out sth. under pressure 擠出 <詞根>ex(向外)+trusion(推出)→向外推→擠出 <派生>extrude v. 擠出 **[反義]intrusion <例句>Sometimes it is slow: vast bubbles of magma—molten rock from the mantle-inch towards the surface, cooling slowly, to show through as granite extrusions. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 有時候過程很慢,巨大的岩漿泡——熔融岩石從地幔溢到表面,慢慢冷卻,以花崗岩噴出物的形式顯現出來。


[ɪmˈbarəsmənt] <釋義>n. embarrassing or being embarrassed 尷尬,難堪,窘迫;a person or thing that embarrasses 使人為難的事 <詞根>em(in)+barr(欄)+ass(v.)+ment→被攔住→難堪,窘迫 <派生>embarrass v. 使窘迫,使困擾;妨礙,牽累 embarrassed adj. 困惑的,難堪的 embarrassing adj. 令人難堪的 <例句>Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 螞蟻的確太像人了,這真讓人尷尬。


[ɪmˈbleɪzənd] <釋義>adj. if something is emblazoned with a name, design etc, it has that design on it where it can easily be seen (印刷、繪製、裝飾得)十分顯眼的,醒目的 <例句>Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn't emblazoned with a drug's name. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 病人很少看到醫生會用一支沒有標記某種藥品的名稱的筆寫字。


[ɪmˈpi:d] <釋義>vt. to delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; to hinder 妨礙,阻礙,阻止 <詞根>im(into)+pede(腳)→放進一隻腳→妨礙 <同義>obstruct, block <派生>impediment n. 妨礙,障礙物 <例句>This is where most people are impeded from being an iconoclast. (IELTS9,T2,R3) 這就是為什麼大多數人沒能成為標新立異者的原因。


[ɪmˈpraktɪkəl] <釋義>adj. not sensible, useful or realistic 不現實的,不實用的,不切實際的 <詞根>im(否定)+practical(實際的,現實的)→不現實的,不切實際的 <派生>impracticality n. 不切實際 <例句>Sharp corners proved impractical and were thus avoided, giving rise to the smooth, streamlined style popular in the 1930s. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 鋒利的稜角被證明不實用,應該盡量避免使用,從而使得圓滑的流線型風格在20世紀30年代風靡一時。


[ɪmˈpɑːʃəl] <釋義>adj. not favouring one person or thing more than another; fair or neutral 公平的,不偏不倚的 <詞根>im(否定)+partial(偏袒一方的)→不偏袒的 <派生>impartiality n. 公正,公正性 <例句>Yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as altruistic, even if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest they are doing more harm than good. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 但是,綠色環保組織反駁弱化污染控制的觀點被看成是利他主義,即使對問題公正的分析可能會發現他們的行為是弊大於利的。


[ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt] <釋義>adj. reduced to poverty; poverty-stricken. See Synonyms at poor 貧困的,赤貧的 <詞根>im(in)+pover(貧困)+ish(使)+ed(adj.)→貧困的 <派生>impoverish v. 使窮困 impoverishment n. 貧困 <例句>There is a need to recognise the importance of access to credit for impoverished young people seeking to fulfil economic needs. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 有必要認識到信貸機會對那些試圖滿足經濟需求的貧困年輕人的重要性。


[ɪmˈpɪndʒ] <釋義>v. to have an effect on sth. 對......產生作用,影響 <詞根>im(into)+pinge(撞擊)→撞擊某物→影響 <同義>influence, affect <例句>They can turn down applications from scientists they believe will work against their interests, or research projects that will impinge too much on their daily lives and traditional activities. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 他們不理會那些他們認為與自身利益背道而馳的科學家們的研究申請,也拒絕那些對他們的日常生活和傳統活動產生過多影響的研究項目。


[ɪmˈpɪrɪkəl] <釋義>adj. based on observation or experiment, not on theory 憑經驗(或觀察)的,經驗主義的 <派生>empiricism n. 經驗主義,經驗論 empirically adv. 經驗主義地 <例句>Some of these scholars, including two with interests in language—John Wallis and John Wilkins—helped found the Royal Society in 1660 in order to promote empirical scientific research. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 一些學者,包括兩個對語言感興趣的學者——John Wallis和John Wilkins——於1660幫助建立了皇家學會,以推動經驗科學研究的發展。


[ɪnˈakjərɪt] <釋義>adj. having errors; not correct or accurate 不準確的 <詞根>in(not)+accurate(準確的)→不準確的 <例句>Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 當提到蝙蝠時,雷達是個不準確的術語。


[ɪnˈdevə] <釋義>v. to try very hard to do sth. 努力;盡力;竭力n. an attempt to do sth., especially sth. new or difficult 盡力,竭力 <詞根>en(強調作用)+deavour(職責)→使盡責→盡力 <例句>In addition, the managers, assistant managers, supervisors and assistant supervisors of these two divisions were trained in group methods of leadership, which they endeavoured to use as much as their skill would permit during the experimental year. (IELTS3,T4,R3) 另外,兩個部門的經理、經理助理、督導、督導助理集體接受了領導藝術的培訓。


[ɪnˈedəbəl] <釋義>adj. not suitable to be eaten 不可食用的 <詞根>in(not)+ed(=eat)+ible(能......的)→不可食用的 <派生>inedibility n. 不適於食用 <例句>Without the beetles to dispose of the dung, cow pats would litter pastures making grass inedible to cattle and depriving the soil of sunlight. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 沒有甲蟲來處理糞便,牛糞堆就會堆滿草場,使牛無法吃到草,也使土壤得不到陽光的照射。


[ɪnˈfekt] <釋義>v. to cause sb./sth. to have a disease; contaminate sb./sth. 傳染,感染;to fill (sb's mind) with undesirable ideas 使受影響 <詞根>in(in)+fect(做)→做進去→傳染,感染 <搭配>be infected with 感染上 <同義>contaminate, communicate, affect, catch, get, influence <派生>infection n. 傳染 infectious adj. 傳染的 <例句>Despite your best efforts, unsolicited email or spam can clutter up the most organised inbox and infect your computer system with viruses. (IELTS7,TB,R2) 儘管你努力抵制,不請自來的電郵或垃圾郵件可能會堆滿你井井有條的收件箱,並且通過病毒感染你的電腦系統。


[ɪnˈfleɪʃən] <釋義>n. a persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services 通貨膨脹 <詞根>in(進入)+flation(膨脹)→通貨膨脹 <派生>inflate v. 通貨膨脹 **[反義]deflate v. 通貨緊縮 <例句>In 1965, for instance, Japan used approximately 13 million gallons of water to produce $1 million of commercial output; by 1989 this had dropped to 3.5 million gallons (even accounting for inflation)—almost a quadrupling of water productivity. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 例如在1965年,日本使用1300萬加侖的水來生產100萬美元的商業產品;到1989年,生產100萬美元的商業產品用水降到了350萬加侖(即便考慮到通貨膨脹)——幾乎使水的生產力翻了兩番。


[ɪnˈflɪkt] <釋義>v. to afflict 予以(打擊);to cause (a blow, penalty, etc.) to be suffered (by sb.) 使遭受,強加於;施刑,處罰 <詞根>in(on)+flict(打擊)→在......上打擊→施加打擊 <搭配>inflict...on 使遭受,把......強加於 inflict oneself on sb. 打擾某人 <派生>infliction n. 施加(痛苦、損失、懲罰等) <例句>Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone. (IELTS8,T3,R1) 僅僅在美國,每年有大約500人因受到電擊而死亡或嚴重受傷。


[ɪnˈfrantʃaɪz] <釋義>v. to give (sb.) political rights, esp. the right to vote at parliamentary elections 給......公民權(或選舉權) <詞根>en(使......)+franchise(公民權)→使......有公民權→給......公民權 <派生>enfranchisement n. 釋放,解放 <例句>New Zealand, Australia and parts of the United States had already enfranchised women, and growing numbers of their British counterparts wanted the same opportunity. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 新西蘭、澳大利亞和美國的部分地區已經賦予了女性公民權,越來越多的英國女性也希望得到同樣的機會。


[prəˈhɪbɪtɪv] <釋義>adj. intended to or tending to prevent the use or purchase of sth. 禁止的;so high that one cannot afford to buy (指價格等)高得買不起的 <派生>prohibit v. 禁止,阻止 prohibition n. 禁止,禁令 <例句>This doesn't require a prohibitive amount of energy: a male's tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a dark night...(IELTS7,T1,R1) 這不需要多大的能量:在漆黑的夜晚,一隻雄性螢火蟲身上發出的針尖大小的亮光都可以被一定距離外的雌性看到...... projector**[prəˈdʒektə] <釋義>n. a piece of equipment for PROJECTING photographs or films/movies onto a screen 投影機,幻燈機,放映機 <詞根>pro(向前)+ject(投擲)+or(n.)→向前投→投影機 <派生>project v./n. 投射;設計;方案,計劃 projection n. 投影,發射;設計,計劃 <例句>the film projector (IELTS6,T2,L1) 電影放映機 proliferate**[prəˈlɪfəreɪt] <釋義>v. to increase rapidly in numbers 激增;to produce new growth or offspring rapidly; multiply(迅速)繁殖,增生,擴散 <派生>proliferation n. 擴散 <例句>Temperatures climbed more rapidly in the twentieth century as the use of fossil fuels proliferated and greenhouse gas levels continued to soar. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 由於化石燃料的使用量猛增以及溫室氣體排放量的增加,二十世紀溫度上升得更迅速。


[prəˈpelənt] <釋義>n. a propelling agent, e.g. an explosive that propels a bullet from a weapon, a fuel that provides thrust for a rocket, or compressed gas that forces out the contents of an aerosol container 推進劑;推動者 <詞根>pro(向前)+pell(驅使)+ant(n.)→向前推進的人→推動者 <派生>propel v. 推進,驅使 propulsion n. 推進(力) propulsive adj. 推進的,有推進力的 <例句>A rocket motor's 'bullets' are minute, high-speed particles produced by burning propellants in a suitable chamber. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 火箭的推動子彈是一些微小的高速粒子,這些粒子是由推進劑在某個合適的空間內燃燒建立的。


[ɪnˈfɔːsmənt] <釋義>n. enforcing or being enforced 實施,執行 <詞根>en(使......)+force(強加)+ment→把......強加給→實施,執行 <派生>enforce v. 實施,執行;強制,迫使 <例句>Action is being taken along several fronts: through new legislation, improved enforcement and innovative technology. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 各地已經在好幾個方面採取了措施,主要是通過新立法、改進實施力度以及技術革新等手段。


[ɪnˈfɜːmətɪ] <釋義>n. a bodily ailment or weakness, especially one brought on by old age 體弱,虛弱,衰弱 <詞根>in(not)+firm(堅定的)+ity→不堅定→衰弱 <派生>infirm adj. 體弱的,虛弱的,意志薄弱的 <例句>As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging—the build-up of molecular and cellular damage chat increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. (IELTS6,T3,R3) 正如研究人類衰老問題的研究者最近所指出的那樣,目前市場上任何治療都不能延緩人的衰老,這是因為隨著年齡的增長,身體內的分子和細胞逐漸損壞,從而使我們更易於虛弱無力。


[ɪnˈgrəʊs] <釋義>v. to occupy all the time or attention of (sb.) 使全神貫注,使埋頭於 <詞根>en(in)+gross(全部)→全身心地投入其中 <派生>engrossed adj. 全神貫注的,專心致志的 engrossing adj. 令人全神貫注的,非常有趣的 <例句>Children engrossed in a make-believe world, fox cubs play-fighting or kittens teasing a ball of string aren't just having fun. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 孩子們專注於虛擬世界,小狐狸打架嬉戲,小貓玩線團,這些都不僅僅是找樂子。


[ɪnˈhabɪt] <釋義>v. to live in (sth.); to occupy 居住於,棲息 <詞根>in(在內部)+habit(居住)→住在裡面→居住於 <派生>inhabited adj. 有人居住的 inhabitable adj. 可住的 inhabitant n. 居民,棲息的動物 <例句>For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 例如,與生活在渾濁的河水中和被洪災侵襲的平原上的物種相比,視覺對生活在清水和開闊水域的物種更有用。


[ɪnˈherɪt] <釋義>v. to receive (property, a title, etc.) as a result of the death of the previous owner 繼承;to derive (qualities, etc.) from an ancestor 經遺傳而得(性格或特徵) <詞根>in(in)+her(繼承人)+it(v.)→使成為繼承人→繼承 <搭配>inherit from 繼承,遺傳 <派生>inheritance n. 繼承的遺產;(思想、文化等的)遺產 inheritor n. 繼承人 <例句>Genius is inherited. (IELTS8,T3,R2) 天才是遺傳的。


[ɪnˈheɪl] <釋義>v. to breathe sth. in 吸入,吸氣 <詞根>in(in)+hale(呼吸)→吸入 <派生>inhalation n. 吸入,吸入物 **[反義]exhale v. 呼出 <例句>There is a philosophical question as to whether people should have to inhale others' smoke. (IELTS3,T1,R2) 關於人們是不是非得吸入二手煙涉及到一個哲學上的問題。


[ɪnˈkapsjəleɪt] <釋義>v. to express sth. briefly; to summarize sth. 壓縮,概括 <詞根>已知capsule為膠囊,en(v.進入)+capsul(e)+ate→壓縮為膠囊→壓縮,概括 <派生>encapsulation n.壓縮,概括 <例句>HAL thus encapsulated the optimism of the 1960s that intelligent computers would be widespread by 2001. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 因此HAL是對20世紀60年代認為智能電腦將在2001年廣泛使用這種樂觀主義的概括。


[ɪnˈkləʊz] <釋義>v. to put a wall, fence, etc. round sth. 圍住;to put sth. in an envelope, letter, parcel, etc. 附上,把......裝進信封 <詞根>en(進入)+close(關閉)→關閉在裡面→圍住 <派生>enclosure n. 圍欄,圍幕 enclosed adj. 隨信附上的 <例句>There is not a great deal you can do if you have what we call a street canyon—a whole set of high-rises enclosed in a narrow street. (IELTS4,T1,L4) 即使有我們所謂的街道峽谷——一整套的高樓大廈被封閉在狹窄的街道中,你也沒有什麼可以做的。


[ɪnˈkredəbəl] <釋義>adj. difficult to believe; amazing or fantastic 難以置信的,不可思議的 <詞根>in(not)+credible(可信的)→不可思議的 <派生>incredibly adv. 非常地,極端地,異乎尋常地,難以置信地 <例句>Looking back, it now seems quite incredible that in the national health systems that emerged in many countries in the years immediately after the 1939-45 World War, it was assumed without question that all the basic health needs of any community could be satisfied, at least in principle. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 回顧過去,1939至1945年二戰後,在許多國家建立的國家健康體制裡,人們居然認為所有的基本健康需求至少在理論上是都可以得到滿足的,這種觀點現在看來是多麼的不可思議。


[prəˈspektəs] <釋義>n. a printed document, leaflet, etc. giving details of and advertising sth., e.g. a private school or a new business 企業計劃書,內容說明書;簡介,廣告宣傳手冊 <詞根>pro(向前)+spect(看)+us(n.)→向前看→計劃書 <派生>prospect n. 前途,希望;預料 prospective adj. 預期的,未來的;可能的 <例句>So, Andrew, have you seen our diploma course prospectus yet? (IELTS5,T1,L3) 安德魯,你看見我們的畢業課程計劃書了嗎? proximity**[prɒkˈsɪmɪtɪ] <釋義>n. nearness in space or time; closeness 鄰近,接近 <詞根>proxim(接近)+ity(n.)→鄰近 <搭配>proximity of blood 近親 in (the) proximity to 在......附近,靠近 <例句>Proximity to the city is an issue... (IELTS4,T1,L3) 靠近城市是一個問題...... proxy**[ˈprɒksɪ] <釋義>n. the authority to represent sb. else 代表權,代理權(尤指投票);a person authorized to act on behalf of another 代理人,代表 <例句>For the time before records began, we have only proxy records' reconstructed largely from tree rings and ice cores, supplemented by a few incomplete written accounts. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 在記錄開始之前,我們只有一些「替代記錄」,而這些記錄主要來自年輪和冰芯,再加上一些不完整的手寫記錄構成。


[prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən] <釋義>n. the way in which a language is spoken 發音,讀音;宣告 <詞根>pro(向前)+nunci(報告)+ation(n.)→宣告;發音 <派生>pronounce v. 發音;宣佈 <例句>Often, the researcher wishes to obtain information about just a single variable, in which case a restricted set of questions may be used: a particular feature of pronunciation, for example, can be elicited by asking the informant to say a restricted set of words. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 通常,研究者希望獲得關於某個單音的內容,這時他們可能會使用一套嚴格的問題:如通過讓被調查者說一組固定的詞語來推導其發音特點。


[prɪˈdɒməneɪt] <釋義>v. to have control, power or influence 支配,統治,左右 <詞根>pre(之前)+domin(馴服,統治)+ate(v.)→在前面支配→支配,統治 <派生>predominant adj. 有勢力的;佔優勢的 predominance n. 優勢,支配地位 <例句>The results of this study suggest that certain ideas predominate in the thinking of children about rainforests. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 研究結果顯示,某些觀點在孩子關於雨林的想法中占主導地位。


[ɪnˈkwaɪə] <釋義>v. to ask to be told sth. (by sb.) 詢問;to try to learn the facts about sth.; to investigate sth.調查 <詞根>en+quire(ask,問)→深入詢問,調查 <派生>enquiry n. 詢問,調查 <例句>I've been referred to you because I'm enquiring about the refresher. (IELTS4,T3,L3) 我來找您是因為我想咨詢複習課程的情況。


[prɪˈkeərɪəs] <釋義>adj. depending on chance; uncertain 不確定的;unsteady; unsafe 不穩固的;不安全的 <詞根>prec(祈禱)+arious(adj.)→祈求平安的→不確定的 <派生>precariously adv. 不穩定地 precariousness n. 不穩定,不確定 <同義>insecure <例句>They live in precarious balance with one of the toughest environments on earth. Climate change, whatever its causes, is a direct threat to their way of life. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 他們住在地球上環境最惡劣、最不安全的地方。


[prɪˈtendə] <釋義>n. a person whose claim (to a throne, title, etc.) is disputed 覬覦高位者 <詞根>pre(在......之前)+tend(拉伸,延伸)+er(n.)→把胳膊伸到上級之前→覬覦高位者 <派生>pretend v. 假裝;自稱,自命 pretension n. 自命不凡;虛榮 pretentious adj. 自負的,自命不凡的 <例句>We've had a tradition of doctors being fairly powerful and I guess they are pretty loath to allow any pretenders to their position to come into it. (IELTS4,T2,R2) 我們的一個傳統是醫生很有權利,我猜想他們很不願意讓任何覬覦他們職位的人走上醫生崗位。


[prɪˈventətɪv] <釋義>adj. preventing or intended to prevent sth.; precautionary 預防的 <詞根>pre(在......之前)+vent(來)+ative(adj.)→在來之前的→預防的 <派生>prevent v. 阻止,預防 preventable adj. 可預防的 prevention n. 預防,阻止 <例句>Dr. Patrick Store, President of the Royal College of General Practitioners, concurs that orthodox doctors could learn a lot about bedside manner and advising patients on preventative health from alternative therapists. (IELTS4,T2,R2) 皇家全科醫師學會會長帕瑞克·斯托博士同意這樣的觀點:傳統醫生可以從非傳統醫生那學到很多知識,比如如何對待病人,以及如何在預防疾病方面給予病人一些建議。


[prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən] <釋義>n. separation of a solid substance from the liquid in which it is held 沉澱;fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail 降落 <詞根>pre(之前)+cipit(落下)+ation(n.)→之前落下的→沉澱 <派生>precipitate v. 使......降落;使......陷入;使......沉澱 precipitous adj. 陡峭的;匆忙的 <例句>The knock-on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies, increased precipitation and higher sea levels. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 造成的間接影響很可能包括天氣更熱、天空更陰沉、降雨量的增加和海平面的上升。


[pɒɪzd] <釋義>adj. in a state of physical tension, ready for action (指人、動物等)身體處於緊張狀態;準備行動 <派生>poise n. 姿勢,動作 <例句>After years in the wilderness, the term "artificial intelligence" (AI) seems poised to make a comeback. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 被人們遺忘了幾年之後,「人工智能」這個術語似乎已經準備好要捲土重來了。


[pɔːˈtreɪəl] <釋義>n. the action of portraying 畫像;描述,描寫;description or representation 臨摹 <詞根>por(前面)+tray(畫)+al(n.)→畫像 <派生>portray v. 畫像;描繪 portrait n. 畫像,肖像 <例句>However far from reality such portrayals are, they capture the essential truth that archaeology is an exciting quest — the quest of knowledge about ourselves and our past. (IELTS4,T4,R2) 不論這樣的畫像和現實有多大差別,他們都抓住了最本質的東西,那就是考古學是一種激動人心的探索,它探尋著我們自己和我們的過去。


[pəʊl] <釋義>n. a survey of public opinion by putting questions to a representative selection of people 民意測驗 <例句>Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 然而民意調查顯示,很多人認為環境標準在下降,似乎有四個因素導致了這種觀念和現實之間的差距。


[pəʊl] <釋義>n. either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the Earth, which are the opposite ends of the axis on which it turns 極地 <派生>polar adj. 極地的 <例句>Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 努勒維特面積為190萬平方千米,由石塊、冰塊以及北極附近的一些島嶼組成。


[pəˈruːz] <釋義>v. to read (sth.), esp. carefully or thoroughly 細閱,審閱;to read (sth.) quickly and without concentrating 瀏覽 <例句>While perusing a book on the monuments of Egypt, she noticed a hieroglyph that showed a row of men standing in odd pastures. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 當她在讀一本關於埃及紀念碑的書時,她注意到一個象形字,這個像形字表現的是一排人站在奇怪的牧場上。


[ɪnˈkɒŋgrʊəs] <釋義>adj. strange because not in harmony with the surrounding features; out of place 不合適的,不相稱的,不協調的,不一致的 <派生>incongruity n. 不合適,不相稱,不協調 incongruously adv. 不合適地,不協調地 <例句>If participation and the culture are incongruous, employees are likely to perceive the participation process as manipulative and be negatively affected by it. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 如果職工參與性與企業文化不相容,職員們就會把參與過程看成是被人操縱的,並由此產生負面影響。


[pəˈrɪfərəlɪ] <釋義>adv. of or on a periphery 外圍地,邊緣地 <詞根>peri(周圍)+pher(帶)+al(adj.)+ly(adv.)→周圍地帶的→周邊的 <派生>peripheral adj. 外圍的,邊緣的;次要的,不重要的 periphery n. 外圍,邊緣 <例句>Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 除了來自實驗室的證據,我們根據經驗也可以知道:如果過了很長一段時間,那麼我們往往早已忘記了最開始時要學的東西,但卻記住了當時我們不經意間留意到的東西。


[ɪnˈlaɪtn] <釋義>v. to give more knowledge or information to sb.; to free sb. from false beliefs or ignorance 啟發,開導 <詞根>en(使......)+light(燈光,光明)+en(v.)→使點亮,照亮→啟發,開導 <派生>enlightenment n. 啟發,開導 <例句>In less enlightened countries, and in the European Union, the trend has been to reduce rather than eliminate subsidies. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 在開化程度較低的國家以及歐盟,趨勢是降低而不是消除補助金。


[pəˈsɪstəntlɪ] <釋義>adv. refusing to give up 堅持地,不屈不撓地;continuing without interruption 持續不斷地 <詞根>per(一直,從頭到尾)+sist(站立)+ent(adj.)+ly(adv.)→堅持地 <派生>persistent adj. 堅持的,不屈不撓的;持續不斷的 persist v. 堅持到底,持久 <同義>constantly, incessantly, perpetually, continuously, continually, endlessly <例句>Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 受過傷害的小學生長大後更容易經歷人際交往障礙,而那些長期欺人者長大後則更有可能變得很暴力,甚至因違法而被判刑。


[ɪnˈlɑːdʒ] <釋義>v. (cause sth. to) become larger 擴大,放大 <詞根>en(使......)+large(大的)→使......變化→擴大,放大 <派生>enlargement n. 放大,擴大 <例句>A new headmaster of a school who enlarges his office and puts in expensive carpeting is using the office as a... (IELTS3,T2,R3) 學校的新校長把辦公室擴大並鋪上了昂貴的地毯,把辦公室當作......用。


[pəˈtɜːnl] <釋義>adj. of a father; fatherly 父親的,父親般的 <派生>paternally adv. 父親地,父親般地 paternalism n. 家長式的管理或作風,家長主義 paternity n. 父親的身份,父親的地位 **[反義]maternal 母親的,母親般的 <例句>paternal literacy (IELTS6,T4,R2) 父親的讀寫能力 patriotic**[ˌpatrɪˈɒtɪk] <釋義>adj. having or showing love of one's country 愛國的,有愛國心的 <詞根>patriot(愛國者)+ic(adj.)→愛國的 <派生>patriotically adv. 愛國地 <例句>Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. (IELTS3,T1,W2) 像足球世界盃以及其他國際性體育賽事一樣的重大事件對於緩解緊張的國際關係和適度地表達愛國情感非常重要。


[ɪnˈsjuː] <釋義>v. to happen afterwards or as a result; follow 接著發生,接踵而至 <詞根>en(in)+sue(跟隨)→跟著進來→接踵而至 <派生>ensuing adj. 隨之產生的 <例句>Thinking computers and household robots failed to materialise, and a backlash ensued. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 會思考的電腦和家庭機器人的構想沒有實現,結果產生了不利的情況。


[pəˈvɜːslɪ] <釋義>adv. deliberately continuing to behave in a way that is wrong, unreasonable or unacceptable 任性地,固執地,一意孤行地 <詞根>per(完全,從頭到尾)+verse(轉,轉向,改變)+ly(adv.)→固執地 <派生>perverse adj. 任性的,固執的,一意孤行的 <例句>A second reason for writing in Latin may, perversely, have been a concern for secrecy. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 用拉丁文寫的第二個原因也許偏偏就是出於保密的考慮。


[ɪnˈstɔːlmənt] <釋義>n. any one of the parts of a payment spread over a period of time 分期付款;any one of the separate but connected parts in which a story is presented over a period of time(連載或連播的)一集 <搭配>in/by instalments 以分期付款方式 <例句>He was to be paid £1,575 in instalments. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 他將以分期付款的方式收到總計1575美元。


[ɪnˈtakt] <釋義>adj. undamaged; complete 無損傷的,完整的,完好無缺的 <詞根>in(not)+tact(接觸)→未被接觸的→完整無缺的 <例句>And lastly please don't even move rocks or branches to take photographs—you should leave the site intact—I'm sure I can rely on you to do that. (IELTS7,T1,L4) 最後,請不要隨意移動石塊或樹枝來拍照,你們要保證這個地方完好無損,我相信你們可以做到這一點。


[ɪnˈtaɪs] <釋義>v. to try to tempt or persuade sb., usu. by offering sth. pleasant or a reward 引誘;慫恿,教唆 <同義>induce, lure, tempt <派生>enticement n. 誘使,誘惑 enticing adj. 有吸引力的,有誘惑力的 <例句>Management is able to use the growth to entice and encourage employees. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 管理層能夠使用增長的數據去引導和鼓勵員工。


[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to make intense or more intense 使增強,使加劇 <詞根>in+tens(伸展)+ify(使......)→使伸展→使增強 <派生>intense adj. 強烈的;緊張的;認真的 intensity n. 強烈,劇烈,強度 intensely adv. 強烈地;緊張地 intensive adj. 加強的;密集的 intensively adv. 加強地,密集地 <例句>Another problem in built-up areas is that traffic noise is intensified by tall buildings. (IELTS4,T1,L4) 在建築區的另外一個問題就是,交通噪音會因為這些高層建築而加劇。


[ɪnˈtent] <釋義>n. intention; purpose 意圖 adj. full of eager interest and concentration 專注的,集中的;急切的 <聯想>in(towards)+tent(帳篷)→深夜摸進帳篷,意圖不純 <搭配>to all intents and purposes 在任何一方面;實際上 <例句>It contains no glass and is therefore unbreakable to all intents and purposes. (IELTS3,T4,L2) 它不含玻璃,因此無論出於何種意圖和目的都是打不破的。


[ɪnˈtruːʒən] <釋義>n. intruding 侵入,闖入;侵擾,干擾 <詞根>in(in)+trusion(插入)→插進來→侵入 <派生>intrude v. 侵入,闖入;干擾 intruder n. 闖入者 intrusive adj. 入侵的 <例句>We are much more able to tune out chronic background noise, even if it is quite loud, than to work under circumstances with unexpected intrusions of noise. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 與在一些有意外噪音的情況下堅持工作相比,我們更有能力對長期噪音聽而不聞,即便它是很大的噪音。


[pəˈzeʃən] <釋義>n. the state of possessing; ownership 持有,具有;something that is possessed; property 所有物,財產 <詞根>pos(朝向)+sess(坐)+ion(n.)→所有物 <派生>possess v. 擁有,具有 possessor n. 所有人,持有者 possessive adj. 所有的;所有格的 <例句>What kind of possessions show status in your country? (IELTS3,T4,S3) 在你們國家,擁有什麼東西能顯示地位? practicable**[ˈpraktɪkəbəl] <釋義>adj. that can be put into practice; workable 可以實施的,行得通的 <派生>practical adj. 實際的,現實的 practically adv. 實際地,現實地 practice v. 實行,操作 practitioner n. 實習者,實踐者 practicality n. 可實踐性 <例句>The only practicable way to resolve this problem in the longer term are economic pricing in conjunction with conservation measures. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 從長遠來講,能夠解決這個問題的唯一可行性辦法就是把經濟定價和保護手段結合起來。


[pɜːs] <釋義>n. a small bag for money 小錢袋,小錢包;the money available for spending; funds or resources 備用款;資金;a sum of money collected and given as a gift or prize 財源;款項 **[習語]hold the purse-strings 控制開支 <例句>It is also accepted that this right generates an obligation or duty for the state to ensure that adequate health-care resources are provided out of the public purse. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 這項權利使得政府有義務或責任從公用款中撥出足夠的資金來保證民眾的健康醫療,這一點是被認可的。


[pɪkˈtɔːrɪəl] <釋義>adj. represented in a picture or pictures 有圖片、照片等的;having pictures; illustrated 用圖片、照片等說明的 <例句>A Pictorial History of the Dinosaur in Australia (IELTS5,TA,R1) 澳大利亞恐龍圖片史 picturesque**[ˌpɪktʃəˈresk] <釋義>adj. forming a pretty scene; charming or quaint 美麗如畫的,迷人的;奇特的 <詞根>picture(圖片)+sque(adj.)→美麗如畫的 <派生>picturesquely adv. 迷人地;奇特地 picturesqueness n. 迷人,美麗 <例句>The Waikato river, the longest river in New Zealand, flows through the centre of the city, providing a picturesque and park-like setting of riverside walks and gardens. (IELTS3,TA,R2) 懷卡托河是新西蘭最長的河流,它穿過城市的中心,風景如畫,河岸和花園都像公園中的景色一樣。


[pɪˈnɪnsjʊlə] <釋義>n. an area of land almost surrounded by water or projecting far into the sea 半島 <詞根>pen(幾乎)+insula(島)→幾乎成為島→半島 <派生>peninsular adj.(似)半島的 <例句>Geneticist Douglas Wallace has studied mitochondrial DNA in blood samples from three widely separated Native American groups: Pima-Papago Indians in Arizona, Maya Indians on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, and... (IELTS7,T3,R2) 遺傳學家Douglas Wallace研究了血液樣本中的線粒體DNA,這些血液樣本來自三個不同區域的美洲土著群體:亞利桑那州的皮馬族印第安人,墨西哥尤卡坦半島的瑪雅印第安人,和...... perceptual**[pəˈseptjʊəl] <釋義>adj. of, based on, or involving perception 感性的,知覺的 <詞根>per(完全,徹底)+cept(得到)+ual(adj.)→徹底感知的 <派生>perceive v. 意識到,注意到,觀察到 percept n.知覺的對象 perceptive adj. 有理解力的;有洞察力的 perceptible adj. 可感知的,可覺察的 perception n. 感知能力;認識能力 <例句>It's creative, perceptual, analytical and lingual. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 這是創造性的、感性的、分析性的,同時也是語言的。


[pʌf] <釋義>n. a short light blowing of breath or wind 一口氣,一陣風,一陣噴煙;噴氣,喘氣 <派生>puffy adj. 膨脹的;腫脹的 <例句>Passive smoking, the breathing in of the side-stream smoke from the burning of tobacco between puffs or of the smoke exhaled by a smoker, also causes a serious health risk. (IELTS3,T1,R2) 被動吸煙,即吸入正在燃燒著的香煙煙霧或者其他吸煙者吐出的煙霧,同樣也會嚴重危害健康。


[pʌls] <釋義>n. the regular beating of the arteries as blood is pumped through them by the heart, esp. as felt at the wrist 脈搏;a single vibration of sound, light, electric current, etc. 脈衝波 v. to move with strong regular movements; beat or throb 強烈而有規律地跳動,搏動,振動 <例句>So within any one area each species will differ from its neighbours in some way, for example in the colour or pattern of its light, how long the pulses of light last, the interval between pulses and whether it displays in flight or from the ground. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 因此在任何一個區域內每一個物種(螢火蟲)發出的光和它周圍的物種都是不一樣的,例如光的色彩和形式,發光的持續時間,兩次發光之間的間歇時間,以及它是在飛行中發光還是在伏地不動時發光等。


[rap] <釋義>v. to cover or enclose sth. (in soft or flexible material) 裹,包,卷;to fold (a piece of material) round sb./sth. as covering or protection 隱藏,掩飾 <搭配>wrap up 包好,把......包起來 <派生>wrapper n. 包裝紙,封套,封皮 <例句>Inside the case, within styrofoam casing, packed in loose pepper and coffee, wrapped in freezer paper and heat-sealed in plastic, are 18 kilograms of hashish. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 箱子裡有一個聚苯乙烯泡沫塑封的包裝,裡面散放著一些辣椒和咖啡,其中雜帶著一個熱塑封的冷藏紙包裝物,內藏18千克印度大麻。


[raɪe] <釋義>v. (of sb. or sb's body) to twist or roll about, esp. because of great pain(人體)扭動,翻滾(尤指因劇痛) <搭配>writhe at (under, with)sth. 因某事遭受精神痛苦 <例句>The supposed pupil was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 所謂的學生實際上是由Milgram雇來的演員。他們通過發出一系列呻吟、尖叫來假裝受到電擊的痛苦,還罵罵咧咧地譴責試驗與試驗者,同時將身體翻滾、扭動。


[raʃ] <釋義>adj. acting or done without careful consideration of the possible consequences; impetuous 急躁的,魯莽的,輕率的 n. a sudden widespread appearance of sth. unpleasant (a rash of)頻發,連續發生 <例句>Over the following decade the 40-storey Brisbane block suffered a rash of failures. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 在接下來的10年裡,四十層的Brisbane街區連續發生倒塌事件。


[rek] <釋義>n. the act of wrecking or the state of being wrecked; destruction(船隻等)失事;the stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship 遇難,失事的船(或飛機等) v. to cause the destruction of in or as if in a collision(船等)失事,遇難,遭破壞 <派生>wreckage n. 殘骸,殘餘 <例句>This climatic phenomenon was accused of wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the ski-slopes and causing 22 deaths. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 人們責怪這種氣像現象破壞了旅遊業,引起過敏症,使滑雪坡融化,並造成22人死亡。


[relm] <釋義>n. a country ruled by a king or queen 王國,國土;a field/sphere of activity or interest 領域 <例句>It is strange that the rocket was generally ignored by writers of fiction to transport their heroes to mysterious realms beyond the Earth. (IELTS53,T1,R1) 奇怪的是,科幻作家們在書中很少用火箭把他們的英雄送到地球之外的神秘世界。


[reɪˈʒiːm] <釋義>n. a method or system of government 政體,政權 <詞根>reg(統治)+ime(n.)→統治 <同義>government, authorities,system <例句>The Little Ice Age has given way to a new climatic regime, marked by prolonged and steady warming. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 小冰期已經讓步給新型氣候體系,其特點是長期和持續的變暖。


[riːˈkɪndl] <釋義>v. to light again 重新點燃 <例句>In New Zealand, classes for children have slowed the erosion of Maori and rekindled interest in the language. (IELTS4,T2,R1) 在新西蘭,針對兒童開設的課堂減慢了毛利語的消亡,並重新點燃了對該語言的興趣。


[riːˈpatrɪeɪt] <釋義>v. to send or bring sb. back to his own country 把(某人)遣送回國,遣返 <例句>Many of the Arctic tourist destinations have been exploited by outside companies, who employ transient workers and repatriate most of the profits to their home base. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 北極的許多旅遊點被外部的公司開發,他們僱傭臨時工人,並把絕大部分利潤匯回國內總部。


[rəˈbʌst] <釋義>adj. vigorous; healthy and strong 強壯的;健全的 <同義>strong, vigorous <例句>These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 這些誤解並不是孤立的,而是融入到了一個多方面但有組織的概念框架中,形成了新框架。


[rɪft] <釋義>n. a split, crack, break, etc. 裂縫 v. to cause to split open or break 使得裂開 <例句>Eruptions have rifted continents, raised mountain chains, constructed islands and shaped the topography of the earth. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 火山爆發使得大陸裂開,聳起了連綿山脈,建立了島嶼,形成了地球表面的地貌。


[rɪg] <釋義>v. to fit (a ship or boat) with masts, spars, ropes, sails, etc. 給(船、桅桿)裝配帆及索具 <例句>So they rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column, with pulleys suspended from the scaffold's apex. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 所以他們在水平柱的頂端直接搭起帳篷狀的腳手架,滑輪從腳手架的頂點懸掛下來。


[rɪŋ] <釋義>v. to twist and squeeze sth. in order to remove liquid from it 把......擰乾,扭,絞;to extract or obtain sth. from sb. with effort or difficulty 搾取,勒索,逼供 <例句>This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 這個數據是用來改善運動員表現的。


[rɪˈaktɪv] <釋義>adj. characterized by reaction 反應的 <詞根>re(又,再)+act(作用)+ive(adj.)→再次作用的→反應的 <派生>reactant n. 反應物 react v. 對......的反應 reaction n. 反作用力;反應 <例句>High levels of serotonin in certain areas of the nervous system make people more active and reactive and, possibly, more aggressive. (IELTS3,T3,R3) 神經系統中某些區域的覆核胺含量越多,人就會越活躍,反應越快,或者可能越好鬥。


[rɪˈdʌndənt] <釋義>adj. not needed; superfluous; unnecessary 多餘的;豐富的 <詞根>re( again 再,又)+(d)und(→to wave 波動)+ant(形容詞詞尾)→不斷起伏波動→豐富的;多餘的 <派生>redundancy n. 冗長 redundantly adv. 多餘地,過剩地 <例句>People fear they may be the next to be made redundant. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 人們擔心他們將是下一批被辭退的人。


[rɪˈfreɪn] <釋義>v. to stop yourself from doing sth., especially sth. that you want to do 節制,避免,制止 n. a comment or complaint that is often repeated 經常重複的評價(或抱怨);lines of a song or poem which are repeated, esp. at the end of each verse 重複,疊句 <搭配>refrain from doing sth. 制止某人做某事 <例句>"There is no bullying at this school" has been a common refrain. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 「這所學校沒有欺凌弱小的現象」曾經是一句常聽到的話。


[rɪˈkleɪm] <釋義>v. to recover (raw material) from waste products 要求收回;to make (land) suitable for cultivation, e.g. by draining or irrigating it 開拓(荒地),開墾;糾正;to win sb. back or away from sin, error, etc; reform sb. 教化,改造 <詞根>re(back)+claim(喊叫)→喊回來→要求收回 <例句>Several hundred pieces of baggage are rushed from the plane onto a conveyor belt in the baggage reclaim annexe. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 幾百個包裹被從飛機上匆匆地卸下來,並隨後放到包裹回收附屬物的傳送帶上。


[rɪˈnaʊnd] <釋義>adj. famous; celebrated 有名的,享有聲譽的 <同義>famous, well-known <派生>renown n. 名望,聲譽 <例句>The Wollongbar Campus is renowned for its Tropical Fruit Growing program and has introduced modules on macadamias, bushfoods and coffee production. (IELTS4,TB,R2) 伍倫貢校園因為它的熱帶水果種植項目而出名。


[rɪˈstɔː] <釋義>vt. to bring sb./sth. back to a former place or position 恢復,使回覆;to give back (sth. lost, etc.) to its owner 歸還,交還;to rebuild or repair (a ruined building, work of art, etc.) so that it is like the original 修復 <詞根>re(又,再)+store(儲存)→再次儲存滿→恢復 <派生>restoration n. 恢復,使回覆;歸還,交還 <例句>For people interested in working to restore degraded natural forests, the North Coast College offers the Forest Regeneration course. (IELTS4,TB,R2) 北海大學為那些對重建退化的天然森林感興趣的人開設了森林重建課程。


[rɪˈvɒlv] <釋義>v. to go round in a circle; to rotate 旋轉,環繞,轉動 <詞根>re(又,再)+volve(卷)→反覆卷→旋轉 <搭配>revolve around 以......為中心 revolve round/about 圍繞......環繞 <例句>He says that while there is no single format for jokes, many revolve around a sudden and surprising conceptual shift. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 他說,儘管笑話沒有一種固定形式,但是很多笑話都是以突然的、令人驚訝的概念轉換為中心的。


[rɪˈzɪlɪəns] <釋義>n. the quality of being springy 彈回;彈性,恢復力,適應力 <詞根>re(again)+sil(彈,跳)+ience→能彈回來→彈性 <派生>resilient adj. 有彈性的 <例句>But this does not totally explain the great resilience of Japanese pagodas. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 但是這點不能夠完全解釋日本塔極大的適應性。


[sak] <釋義>n. any large bag of strong material used for storing and carrying e.g. cement, coal, flour, potatoes 布袋,麻袋;dismissal from a job 解雇 v. to dismiss (sb.) from a job; to fire 解雇 <例句>During a routine mail screen that can take hours, the dogs stay so focused that not even a postcard lined with 0.5 grams of heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 在持續幾個小時的常規郵件檢查過程中,狗都可以保持很好的注意力,隱藏在一滿袋信中的含有0.5克海洛因的明信片也逃不出它們的法眼。


[seks] <釋義>n. the condition of being male or female; gender 性,性別 <派生>sexism n. 性別偏見,性別歧視 sexist n. 有性別偏見或性別歧視的人 sexual adj. 性行為的,生殖的 sexy adj. 引起性慾的,性感的 <同義>gender <例句>Age, sex, social background and other aspects of identity are important, as these factors are known to influence the kind of language used. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 年齡、性別、社會背景和身份的其他方面都很重要,因為眾所周知,這些因素影響語言的使用。


[seɪl] <釋義>n. the act of selling or being sold 賣,出售;銷售業務;營業;推銷;the amount sold 銷售額;an occasion when goods are sold at lower prices than usual (尤指季節性或存貨的)廉價出售 <派生>salespeople n. 店員,售貨員(無男女性之別);推銷員 sell v. 賣,出售;(以......價格)售出 <例句>Best available seats are on sale for£6 from one hour before the performance for people eligible for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers. (IELTS6,TB,R1) 從演出開始前一小時開始,符合條件的觀眾可以買折扣和超級折扣票,最好的座位僅售6英鎊;從演出前30分鐘開始,其他觀眾可以買6英鎊的折扣票。


[siːs] <釋義>v. to come or bring (sth.) to an end; to stop 中斷,終止,停止 <聯想>c+ease(安逸,安心)→生於憂患,死於安樂→停止,終止 <派生>ceaselessly adv. 無休止地 <例句>As mining ceases in one section of the open-cut, the disturbed area is reshaped. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 在一個露天開採的礦山停止開採後,被挖掘過的地方將被重新整理。


[siːzəˈnalɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the fact that something changes according to the time of the year 季節性 <詞根>season(季節)+al(......的)+ity(性質)→季節性 <派生>seasonal adj. 季節性的,特定季節的 season n. 季節 <例句>An important characteristic is their marked seasonality, with harsh conditions prevailing for many months each year. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 它們(沙漠、高山、北極)一個重要特點是明顯的季節性,一年中的幾個月都是惡劣的氣候條件。


[skratʃ] <釋義>v. to make marks on or in (a surface) with a sharp tool, nails, claws, etc; to make a shallow wound in (the skin) in this way 搔,抓,扒 <例句>The cleverly concealed drugs don't fool super-sniffer Florence, and her persistent scratching at the case alerts her handler. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 被巧妙地隱藏的毒品也瞞不過超級嗅探犬Florence,她不斷地抓咬那個箱子引起主人注意。


[skrʌb] <釋義>n. underdeveloped trees or shrubs 矮樹,矮人,渺小之物;an act of scrubbing 用力擦洗 v. to clean sth. thoroughly by rubbing hard, esp. with a brush and soap and water (用硬刷子等)刷洗,用力刷洗,擦洗(污垢、污跡等) <搭配>scrub away/ off/ out 擦洗掉 <同義>bush n.矮樹叢 buff, massage, polish, rub, scour v. 擦洗 <例句>Australia's native dung beetles are scrub and woodland dwellers, specialising in coarse marsupial droppings and avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and buffalo flies breed. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 澳大利亞當地的屎殼郎居住在矮樹和灌木區中,專攻有袋動物的粗粒糞便,而並不理會那些滋生灌木叢蒼蠅和水牛蒼蠅的鬆軟牛糞。


[skuːp] <釋義>n. a deep shovel-like tool used for picking up and moving grain, flour, sugar, coal, etc. 鏟鬥,勺子;a piece of news made public by a newspaper, radio station, etc. before its rivals 搶先報道的新聞 v. to lift sth. with, or as if with, a scoop 舀出;to act before (a rival, etc.) to get a scoop 搶在(對手等)之前的報道新聞 <例句>Studies carried out by Turner of many thousands of New and Old World specimens, both ancient and modern, suggest that the majority of prehistoric Americans are linked to Northern Asian populations by crown and root traits such as incisor shoveling (a scooping out on one or both surfaces of the tooth), single-rooted upper first premolars and triple-rooted lower first molars. (IELTS7,T3,R2) Turner對古代和現代成千上萬新世界和舊世界標本進行了研究,研究表明史前大多數美國人與北亞洲人的牙冠和牙根相似,如都有門齒鏟(一個或兩個牙齒表面的突出),單根上頜第一前臼齒和三根下顎第一大臼齒。


[skɪm] <釋義>v. to remove cream, scum, etc. from the surface of (a liquid) 從液體表面揭去(漂浮的油脂或固體物質);to read sth. quickly, noting only the main points 瀏覽,略讀 <派生>skimmer n. 網勺,漏勺 <例句>Simple eye exercises to help you skim and scan. (IELTS6,TB,R2) 簡單的眼部練習有助於你跳讀和掃讀。


[slam] <釋義>v. to shut forcefully and loudly(把......)砰地關上,使勁關閉;to put, push, throw or knock (sth.) with great force 猛擊,猛投;to criticize (sb./sth.) harshly(報刊用語)猛烈抨擊 n. noise of sth. being slammed(使勁關門時)砰的一聲 <同義>bang <例句>At the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, a meteorite or comet slammed into events—wiped out roughly three quarters of all species, including all pterosaurs and dinosaurs. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 白堊紀末期,距今6500萬年前,隕石或彗星與地球猛烈相撞,消滅了大約四分之三的物種,包括所有的翼龍和恐龍。


[slaŋ] <釋義>n. very informal words, phrases, etc. commonly used in speech, esp. between people from the same social group or who work together, not considered suitable for formal contexts and often not in use for long 俚語 v. to attack (sb.) using angry, uncontrolled language; abuse (用粗話)辱罵,謾罵 <派生>slangy adj. 使用俚語的,含俚語的 <例句>I think they speak at natural speed, so it forces me to get used to it. And they use a lot of slang. (IELTS5,T2,S3) 我想他們是以正常速度說話,所以迫使我必須去適應。


[slaɪd] <釋義>v. to move smoothly along an even, polished or slippery surface 滑行;to move quietly or so as not to be noticed 偷偷地移動,潛行 n. an act of sliding 滑動,打滑;picture, diagram, etc. on photographic film, usu. held in a small frame and shown on a screen using a projector; transparency 幻燈片 <同義>slip, slew, slither <例句>In the early years, this art form was quite primitive, similar to the original French idea of using a lantern and slides back in the seventeenth century. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 在早年,這種藝術形式是相當原始的,類似於早在17世紀法國運用綵燈和幻燈片的原始想法。


[slɒp] <釋義>v. to spill over the edge, esp. of a container 使(液體)溢出,濺出 n. liquid food (e.g. milk, soup) esp. for sick people 淡而無味的流體食物 <同義>spill, splatter <例句>During quiet periods, volcanoes cap themselves with their own lava by forming a powerful cone from the molten rocks slopping over the rim of the crater. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 在休眠期,火山口邊緣溢出的熔岩形成一個巨大的錐形體,這樣火山就被自己的熔岩覆蓋了。


[slɒt] <釋義>n. a narrow opening through which sth. can be put(尤指機器或工具上)狹孔,狹槽;a position for sb./sth., e.g. in a series of broadcasts, a lecture course, etc. 位置,職位,空位;時間 v. to move in, into, through, etc. a slot 把......插入缺口,把......置於空位中 <例句>Paul Theroux's account of his recent journey from London to Japan and back makes ideal material for this evening's travel slot. (IELTS5,TB,R1) Paul Theroux講述了他最近從倫敦到日本往復的行程,給這一晚的旅行間歇提供了完美的素材。


[slɪt] <釋義>n. a long narrow cut, tear or opening 狹長的切口,撕開的裂口,裂縫 v. to make a slit in (sth.) by cutting; open (sth.) by slitting 在......開叉,切開,撕開 <同義>cleave, cut, sever, split, tear <例句>The Indian susus are blind, their eyes reduced to slits that probably allow them to sense only the direction and intensity of light. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 印度蘇蘇人是盲人,縫隙一般寬度的眼睛只能讓他們感覺到方向和光的強度。


[smaːt] <釋義>adj. bright and new-looking; well-dressed; neat 整潔的,漂亮的,時髦的;having or showing intelligence; clever; ingenious 思維敏捷的,聰明的 v. to cause or feel a sharp stinging pain 感到刺痛,造成短時劇痛 n. sharp physical or mental pain 刺傷,劇痛;(感情或自尊心的)創傷 <派生>smarten v. 使......變得漂亮,整潔 <同義>bright, wise, chic, impudent <例句>Being too smart could have a negative impact on customers. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 太過精明可能會給顧客帶來負面影響。


[snɪf] <釋義>v. to draw air in through the nose so that there is a sound 以鼻吸氣,用力吸入;to draw air in through the nose as one breathes, esp. to discover or enjoy the smell of sth. 嗅,聞 n. an act or sound of sniffing; breath (of air, etc.) 嗅 <搭配>sniff at 聞 <派生>sniffer n. 嗅探器 <例句>Then it needs a strong hunting instinct and the stamina to keep sniffing at the taxing rate of around 300 times per minute. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 它需要很強的捕獵本能,以及每分鐘嗅300次的耐力。


[spaɪ] <釋義>n. a person who tries to get secretinformation about military affairs, etc. esp. one employedby a government to do this in another country 間諜,偵探 v. to keep watch secretly 刺探,發現 <同義>discover, detect, see, find <例句>This area is in a sheltered part of the estuary, that's why the park's viewing shelter is a favourite spot for bird watchers who can use it to spy through binoculars. (IELTS7,T4,L2) 這個地區是河口被保護的部分,這就是為什麼公園的景觀台是看鳥者最喜歡的地方,在那裡他們利用雙筒望遠鏡來觀察鳥。


[ɪnˈtrʌst] <釋義>v. to trust sb. to take charge of sth./sb. 委託;信任 <詞根>en(in)+trust(相信)→相信→信任 <例句>As a hotelier, how do you go about attracting people to give up the security of their own home and entrust themselves to staying in a completely strange place and sleeping in an unfamiliar bed? (IELTS7,T3,L4) 作為旅館從業者,你怎樣吸引人們,使他們放棄自己家的安全感而安心呆在完全陌生的旅館裡,睡在不熟悉的床上呢? entwine**[ɪnˈtwaɪn] <釋義>v. to wind one thing with or round another 盤繞,使盤繞,使交錯 <詞根>en(in)+twine(纏繞)→盤繞 <例句>The history of human civilisation is entwined with the history of the ways we have learned to manipulate water resources. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 人類文明的歷史是和我們學會如何處理水資源的歷史交織在一起的。


[splaʃ] <釋義>v. to fly about and fall in drops (液體發出濺潑聲的)濺落,激濺,飛濺 n. splashing 飛濺,潑灑 <例句>Is that likely to get very dirty? Lots of paint splashes... (IELTS6,T2,L1) 有可能非常髒嗎?很多塗料飛濺...... splendour**[ˈsplendə] <釋義>n. the state or quality of being splendid, magnificent, glorious, or grand 傑出,華麗,壯觀 <詞根>splend(發光)+our→splendour(傑出,華麗) <派生>splendid adj. 堂皇的,壯麗的,輝煌的;極好的 <同義>magnificence, brilliance, grandeur <例句>As audiences grew, so did the places where films were shown, finishing up with the "great picture palaces" of the 1920s, which rivalled, and occasionally superseded, theatres and opera-houses in terms of opulence and splendour. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 隨著觀眾的增多,對放映場地的需求隨之加大,這就導致了二十世紀二十年代大電影院的出現,其豪華和壯觀方面能與劇場和歌劇院相媲美,甚至超過了它們。


[sprɪnt] <釋義>v. to run a short distance at full speed(尤指短距離)全速衝刺 n. run of this type (短距離的)全速奔跑,短跑 <派生>sprinter n. 短跑運動員 <例句>For the so-called power events—that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump—times and distances have improved ten to twenty percent. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 對於力量賽事而言——這需要一個相對短時間的爆發力,如100米短跑和跳遠——時間和距離已提高百分之十至百分之二十。


[spəˈradɪklɪ] <釋義>adv. happening or seen only occasionally or in a few places; occurring irregularly 偶爾發生地;零星地,分散地 <詞根>sporadic(零星的)+ly→零星地 <派生>sporadic adj. 偶爾發生的,零星的 <同義>intermittently, fitfully, irregularly <例句>Despite the fact that rockets had been used sporadically for several hundred years, they remained a relatively minor artifact of civilization until the twentieth century. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 儘管在(過去的)幾百年中火箭已經偶爾被使用,但直到二十世紀它們仍然是一類用途相對較小的社會文明產物。


[spɪl] <釋義>v. to run or fall over the edge of a container (使)溢出,(使)濺出 n. an action of spilling 灑出,溢出(的量) <同義>overflow, shed <例句>Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is overdone, it can spill over and indicate an obsession with power. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 簡潔可以提高效率,但如果做過了頭的話,就可能影響其他方面,同時,它也是迷戀權力的表現。


[spɪn] <釋義>v. to make sth. turn round and round rapidly 旋轉 <例句>Nearly one fifth of all the electricity generated worldwide is produced by turbines spun by the power of falling water. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 全世界大概五分之一的發電量是由水在下落過程中產生的力帶動渦輪產生的。


[spɪt] <釋義>v. to send saliva from the mouth 吐(痰),吐(口水,唾沫等) n. the liquid in the mouth; saliva 唾液,唾沫,口水 <例句>At the end of each race, SWAN spits out data on each swimmer. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 在每場比賽結束時,游泳分析系統就會建立每個游泳者的數據。


[spʌndʒ] <釋義>n. a piece of artificial or natural material that is soft and light and full of holes and can hold water easily, used for washing or cleaning 海綿;a simple sea creature with a light body full of holes, from which natural sponge is obtained 海綿動物 v. to wash sb./yourself/sth. with a wet cloth or SPONGE (用海綿或海綿狀物)擦拭,清除 <聯想>發音記憶:「死胖子」→海綿吸飽水像死胖子 <派生>spongy adj. 海綿似的,鬆軟多孔的 sponger n. (貶)依賴他人生活者,食客 <例句>Grass and other vegetation acts as a sponge which absorbs rainfall both in the plants and in the ground. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 草和其他植物就像海綿一樣吸收落在植物和地面上的雨水。


[ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə] <釋義>n. one who translates orally from one language into another 口譯員,翻譯器 <詞根>inter(between)+pre(價值)+er(人)→在兩種價值之間轉換的人→口譯員 <派生>interpret v. 口譯,翻譯;解釋,說明 interpretation n. 翻譯;解釋 <例句>With a bilingual informant, or through use of an interpreter, it is possible to use translation techniques. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 通過雙語的儀器或者翻譯器的使用,使用翻譯技術是可能的。


[ɪnˈvaljʊəbəl] <釋義>adj. of value too high to be measured; extremely valuable 無價的 <詞根>in(無)+valuable(有價值的)→無價的 <例句>Both were sold throughout the country and proved an invaluable way of informing members of meetings, marches, fundraising events and the latest news and views on the movement. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 兩者都是在全國銷售的,而且被證明是用來告知成員有關會議、遊行、募捐、及時的新聞以及時事評論等的極好的方式。


[ɪnˈvalɪd] <釋義>adj. not usable; not officially acceptable (because of an incorrect detail or details); not legally recognized 無效的;state of being an invalid 殘廢的 <詞根>in(無)+val(價值)+id→無效的 <派生>invalidate v. 使作廢,證明錯誤 invalidity n. 病弱,年老體弱 <例句>The data is sometimes invalid. (IELTS4,T2,L3) 數據有時是無效的。


[ɪnˈvəʊk] <釋義>v. to call upon (God, the power of the law, etc.) for help or protection 求助於,懇求,乞求;to use (sth.) as a reason for one's action 援引 <詞根>in(in)+voke(喊,喊叫)→喊叫→懇求 <例句>The athlete must choose his parents carefully, says Jesus Dapena, a sports scientist at Indiana University, invoking an oft-cited adage. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 印第安納大學的運動學家Jesus Dapena借助格言說到:「運動員必須謹慎地選擇父母。


[ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ] <釋義>v. to picture (an event, action, etc.) in the mind as a future possibility; imagine 展望,想像;面對 <詞根>en(使......)+vis(看)+age(行為)→展望,想像 <同義>envision <例句>It's just a chance for you to say anything about the equipment, and problems you envisage. (IELTS3,T3,L3) 這只是一個陳述你對設備的看法以及你預見到的問題的機會。


[ɪnˌsɪnəˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. destroy (sth.) completely by burning; burn to ashes 焚化,火化,焚燒 <詞根>in(in)+ciner(灰)+ation(n.)→焚燒 <派生>incinerate v. 焚化,火化 <例句>The production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials, and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites and incineration plants. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 對玻璃和紙張的循環利用比用原材料來生產這些東西耗費較少的能量,同時循環利用還減少了溫室氣體的排放。


[ɪɡˈnaɪt] <釋義>v. to catch fire 引燃,點燃 <詞根>ign(火)+ite(v.)→點火 <派生>ignition n. 燃燒,點火 ignitable adj. 可著火的,易燃的 igniter/ignitor n. 點火器,引爆裝置 <例句>This has ignited public debate about AI, but the term is also being used once more within the computer industry. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 這引發了公眾關於人工智能的爭論,但是這個詞語再一次被運用於計算機行業之中。


[ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to be a typical example of (sth.) 作為......的例子 <詞根>example→exemplify 作為......的例子 <派生>exemplification n. 範例,典型 exemplary adj. 優異的,值得效仿的 exemplar n. 典範,榜樣 <例句>The quotations in the box at the beginning of the article exemplify the effects of S.K.I. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 文章開頭方框裡的引文說明了S.K.I的效果。


[staʊt] <釋義>adj. rather fat; solidly built 胖的,粗壯的;strong and thick 粗的,結實的;determined, brave and resolute 堅定的,勇敢的,堅決的 <聯想>聯想記憶:st(=stand 站)+out(出來)→站在那,小肚子都出來了→胖的,粗壯的,結實的 <派生>stoutly adv. 結實地;堅決地 stoutness n. 粗壯,結實;堅決 <同義>chubby, fat, plump, portly, stocky, sturdy, strong <例句>The British rocket differed from the Indian version in that it was completely encased in a stout, iron cylinder, terminating in a conical head, measuring one meter in diameter and having a stick almost five meters long and constructed in such a way that it could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 英國火箭與印度火箭的不同之處在於,它完全隱藏在一個結實的鐵製圓柱體中,終端是一個直徑一米長的圓錐體,有近五米長的桿子,這樣的結構使它可以牢牢地附著在火箭箭體上。


[staːklɪ] <釋義>adv. desolate and bare; grim; cheerless 光禿禿地,荒涼地;complete; utter; downright 完全地,全然地;clearly obvious to the eye or the mind 明顯地 <詞根>stark(光禿禿的)+ly(副詞詞綴)→光禿禿地,荒涼地 <派生>stark adj. 光禿禿的,荒涼的 <同義>baldly, barely, downrightly <例句>A new study makes this point even more starkly. (IELTS6,T2,R1) 一項新的研究更加鮮明地指出了這一點。


[steə] <釋義>v. to look (at sb./sth.) with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze (in astonishment, wonder, fear, etc.) 盯著看,凝視,瞪眼看 n. a long fixed gaze; a staring look 盯視,凝視 **[慣用] stare at 盯著,凝視 <同義>gaze <例句>A different but equally impressive sight is the life-size model of Quetzalcoatlus northropi, which stares down at visitors in the Museum of Flying in Santa Monica, California. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 另一種完全不同、但同樣令人印象深刻的是Quetzalcoatlus northropi真人大小的模型,它俯視著加州聖莫尼卡飛行博物館的遊客。


[ɪˈdɪlɪk] <釋義>adj. of or having the nature of an idyll 田園風光的,質樸宜人的 <例句>They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts, stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside, and plush hotels built at the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue ocean. (IELTS7,T3,L4) 他們調查那些設在城鎮商業中心的所謂的華麗的賓館,那些坐落於風景優美的郊區的高檔別墅,還有那些建在熱帶海邊被棕櫚樹和藍色海水環繞的豪華酒店。


[steɪk] <釋義>n. a strong wood or metal stick, pointed at one end, that can be driven into the ground, e.g. to support a young tree, as a post for a fence, etc. or as a marker 樁,柱;money, etc. invested by sb. in an enterprise so that he has an interest or share in it 股份;利害關係;money, etc. risked or gambled on the unknown result of a future event (e.g. a race, a cardgame) 賭注,(用於賽馬的)賭金 v. to gamble or risk (money, one's hopes, one's life, etc.) on sth. 把(金錢)押下打賭;to support (sth.) with a stake 用樁支撐,把......繫在樁上 <搭配>at stake 在危險中,利害攸關 <例句>With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 由於存在這麼多的利害關係,因紐特人決定要在揭開北極氣候變化秘密方面發揮關鍵作用。


[strand] <釋義>n. any of the threads, wires, etc. twisted together to form a rope or cable (線、繩、發的)股、縷;問題的一部分;the shore of a lake, sea or river 海濱,海灘,湖濱 <同義>cord, string <例句>Yes, but I also did Politics as a major strand. (IELTS3,T1,S3) 是的,但我同樣也把政治作為主要專業方向。


[straɪd] <釋義>n. (distance covered by) one long step 大步,闊步;a step of progress; an advance. often used in the plural 進展,發展,進步 v. to walk with long steps (in the specified direction) 邁開大步走,大踏步走 <搭配>make strides 突飛猛進,進步迅速 <例句>By the age of three, the children in the programme were significantly more advanced in language development than their peers, had made greater strides in problem solving and other intellectual skills, and were further along in social development. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 與同齡人相比,這些參加活動的3歲兒童在語言方面明顯領先,在問題解決能力方面以及其他智力技能和社會發展方面進步更快。


[straɪp] <釋義>n. a long narrow band (usu. of the same width throughout its length) on a surface that is usu. different from it in colour, material or texture(與底色不同的)條紋,條帶;a badge (often in the shape of a V) that is worn on the uniform of a soldier, policeman, etc. as a mark of rank; chevron 軍服袖子上表示軍銜的條紋 <派生>striped adj. 有不同顏色條紋的 <例句>The number of stripes on your arm or pips on your shoulder is a very precise role definition which allows you to do certain very prescribed things in certain situations. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 你制服袖上的條紋數或是肩章上的星星數都有極其確切的角色意義,它們允許你在某些情況下去履行某些明確規定的職責。


[stɔːm] <釋義>n. an occasion of violent weather conditions, with strong winds and usu. rain or snow or thunder, etc. 暴風雨 v. to capture sth. by a violent and sudden attack 猛烈攻擊,突然襲擊 <例句>In addition, huge quantities of water are consumed because used water from sewage pipes, storm drains and factories is merely flushed away and discharged into rivers or the sea. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 另外,大量的水被浪費掉了,因為下水管、暴雨排水道和工廠中使用過的水被直接沖走,然後排放到河或海中。


[stɜː] <釋義>v. to move a spoon, etc. round and round in (a liquid or some other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly 調和,攪拌;to excite or arouse (a person or his feelings, etc.) 激起,使激動 <搭配>stir up 惹起(麻煩),煽動;攪拌 <例句>For foods that cannot be stirred, e.g. pizza, the centre should be cut with a knife to test it is well heated through. (IELTS7,TA,R1) 對於比薩餅那樣不能被攪拌的食物,必須用刀子切開中間部分來檢驗其是否全部受熱。


[ɪˈdɪʃən] <釋義>n. a particular newspaper or magazine, or radio or television programme, especially one in a regular series (報刊,雜誌的)一期;the form in which a book is published 版本,版次 <詞根>edit(編輯)+ion(n.)→編輯的事情→版本 <派生>edit v. 編輯 editor n. 編輯 editorial adj. 編輯的 n. 社論 <例句>Good evening, and in this week's edition of "Focus on the Arts", Jane Hemmington is going to fill us in on what's in store for us at this year's Summer Festival. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 晚上好,在本周的「聚集藝術」專刊中,Jane Hemmington將給我們介紹今夏藝術節的內容。


[stɪtʃ] <釋義>n. a single passing of a needle and thread into and out of cloth, etc. in sewing, or into and out of skin tissue, etc. in surgery(縫紉中的)一針;a particular pattern of stitches or way of stitching (in sewing, knitting or crochet) 針法,織法 v. to sew sth.; to use a needle and thread to mend, join, or decorate pieces of fabric 縫,縫合,縫補 <同義>v. mend, sew <例句>Liz Stuart, Martina Scott and Helen Stranger are available daily by appointment to help you with dressings, ear syringing, children's immunizations, removal of stitches and blood tests. (IELTS6,TA,R1) 莉茲·斯圖爾特、瑪蒂娜·斯科特和海倫·賽特讓爾三位護士每天可接受預約給您敷藥、進行耳朵注射、兒童疫苗接種、拆線和驗血。


[swɒp] <釋義>v. to give sth. in exchange for sth. else; to substitute sth. for sth. else 交換 n. an act of swapping; exchange 交換,交換物 <例句>Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 更加令人驚奇的是,對真菌的DNA分析表明,螞蟻通過定期與相鄰的螞蟻王國交換和分享品系來改進或改變真菌。


[ɪˈdʒekʃən] <釋義>n. to make someone leave a place or building by using force 驅逐,趕出;the act of ejecting or the condition of being ejected 彈出,噴射,噴出物 <詞根>e(出來)+ject(扔,投)+ion(n.)→被扔出來→逐出 <派生>eject v. 射出,彈出;驅逐 <例句>The reaction to the ejection of these small particles causes the rocket to move forwards. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 這些小粒子噴發的反作用力使火箭向前運動。


[swɪft] <釋義>adj. quick or rapid; prompt 快的,迅速的;反應快的,敏捷的 <派生>swiftly adv. 快地,迅速地 <同義>agile, fast, hasty, nimble, quick, rapid <例句>In many countries deregulation has helped to drive the process along, But, behind the scenes, a series of technological innovations known broadly as containe-risation and intermodal transportation has led to swift productivity improvements in cargo-handling. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 在許多國家,管制的解除推動了國際貿易的發展。


[səbˈmɜ:dʒ] <釋義>vt. cause to be under water 浸沒,淹沒 <詞根>sub(在下面)+merge(沉)→沉入水下→沉沒 <派生>submergence n. 沉入水中,潛水 <例句>Another slight concern is submerged debris floating into the blades. (IELTS9,T3,R2) 另一個小問題就是水中的碎屑會捲入葉片。


[səbˈskrɪpʃən] <釋義>n. money donated 捐款,會員費;a sum of money so raised 訂閱費;a purchase made by signed order, as for a periodical for a specified period of time or for a series of performances 訂購,訂閱 <詞根>sub(下面)+scription(寫)→寫下訂單→訂閱 <派生>subscribe v. 訂閱,簽署 subscriber n. 贊助人,捐款人 <例句>subscription fee (IELTS6,T1,L1) 訂閱費 subtitles**[ˈsʌbˌtaɪtlz] <釋義>n. a printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen (外國電影片)對白譯文,字幕 <聯想>「subtitles」是「subtitle」(副標題)的複數形式,把副標題置於屏幕下端,就是字幕。


[səkˈsesɪv] <釋義>adj. coming one after the other in an unbroken series 連續的 <派生>success v. 成功;接著發生 succession n 連續,繼任 <同義>consecutive, continuous, sequent <例句>The teacher-subject was told that whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question, a shock was to be administered, beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 被研究的教師被告知只要學生給出錯誤的答案,他們就按開關電擊學生,其強度從最低級開始,並隨著學生給出連續的錯誤答案而增加。


[səʊ] <釋義>v. to make stitches in cloth, etc. with a needle and thread (sewed, sewn) 縫,縫紉;to make or to attach or fasten (sth.) by stitching 縫合 <搭配>sew up 縫合,把......縫在裡面;控制;成功地完成 <同義>embroider, mend, seam, stitch <派生>sewer n. 縫紉者 <例句>This could have been an imitation of earlier vessels: which were made of leather sewn onto wood. (IELTS6,T3,L4) 這可能是模仿早些時候的容器:把皮革縫製到木材上。


[səˈbatɪkl] <釋義>n. a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher for study or travel, traditionally one year for every seven years' work 高校休假期,高校公休假 <例句>Staff who complete 25 years' service can enjoy paid sabbatical leave of up to six months. (IELTS9,TA,R2) 已工作25年的員工可以享有長達6個月的帶薪休假。


[ɪˈkwɒlɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the state of being equal 同等,平等 <派生>equal adj. 同等的;平等的 equally adv. 同等地,平等地 equation n. 等式,方程式;平衡 equator n. 赤道 <例句>It also conveys a sense of the energy and ability the suffragettes brought to their fight for freedom and equality. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 它也傳遞了婦女參政權論者在爭取自由和平等時的精神和能力。


[ɪˈlaps] <釋義>v. if a period of time elapses, it passes (時間)過去,流逝 <詞根>e(出來)+lapse(溜走)→時光溜走→逝去 <例句>The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 失敗之前流逝的時間不可預測。


[səˈbɔːdɪnət] <釋義>v. to treat sth. as of lesser importance (than sth. else) 使......處於次要位置,使從屬於 n. a person who is subordinate tosb else 下級 adj. lower in rank or position 下級的,下屬的,從屬的 <詞根>sub(在下面)+ordin(「order」順序)+ate→順序在下→使......處於次要位置 <派生>subordination n. 次要,從屬 <同義>inferior, subsidiary, dependent <例句>Indeed, if you wish to change your roles you must find some outward sign that you are doing so or you won't be permitted to change — the subordinate will continue to hear you as his boss no matter how hard you try to be his friend. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 事實上,如果你希望轉換角色,你必須設法顯示出某種跡象,表明你正在身體力行,否則你將很難改變——你的下屬將一如既往地聽命於作為老闆的你,不管你付出多少努力來爭取成為他的朋友。


[səˈfaɪs] <釋義>v. to be enough (for sb./sth.); to be adequate 足夠;足夠......之需,使滿足 <詞根>suf(在下面)+fice(做)→在下面先做好→準備充分→充足 <派生>sufficient adj. 足夠的,充足的 sufficiently adv. 足夠地,充分地 sufficiency n. 足夠,充足 insufficient adj. 不足的 <例句>This basic approach is limited in the range of numbers that it can express, but this range will generally suffice when dealing with the simpler aspects of human existence. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 這種基本的方法受到了它可表示的數字範圍的限制,但在此範圍內處理人類生存方面的更簡單問題通常是足夠的。


[səˈpres] <釋義>v. to put an end to (sth.), esp. by force; to crush 壓制,鎮壓,(用武力)平定;to prevent (esp. one's feelings) from being expressed 忍住,抑制;to prevent (sth.) from being known or seen 查禁(書、報等) <詞根>sup(向下......)+press(壓)→壓在下面→壓制,抑制 <派生>suppression n. 制止,鎮壓,查禁 <同義>restrain, repress, subdue <例句>Furthermore, research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years of life. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 另外,研究還發現,雖然每位兒童都有天生的好奇心,但在他們兩到三歲的時候,這種好奇心會受到極大的壓制。


[səˈrendə] <釋義>v. to give up possession of sth/sb when forced by others or by necessity; to hand sth./sb. over 交出,放棄;to stop resisting an enemy, etc; to yield; to give up 投降,屈服 n. surrendering or being surrendered 投降,認輸 <詞根>sur(在......上)+render(給予)→傳到......手上→交出→投降 <同義>abandon, submit, yield, resign **[反義]resist <例句>Thus, in this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and personal and moral code with that of larger institutional structures, surrendering individual properties like loyalty, self-sacrifice and discipline to the service of malevolent systems of authority. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 因此,在該解釋中,對像將其獨特的人格以及個人和道德的準則融入更大的制度結構中,放棄了個人特點,例如忠誠、忘我和自我約束,來服務於惡意的權威系統。


[səˈvaɪvə] <釋義>n. a person who has survived 倖存者,生還者 <詞根>sur(在......下)+vive(生命)+or(......的人)→在......下活下來的人→倖存者,生還者 <派生>survive adj. 活下來,倖免於 survival n. 倖存,殘存 <例句>This popular half-hour science magazine continues into its twenty-ninth year, proving itself to be a hardy survivor in the television world. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 這部廣受歡迎的半小時科學雜誌進入其第29個發展年頭,這證明它在電視世界的衝擊下堅強地生存了下來。


[sɪˈmantɪk] <釋義>adj. of the meaning of words; of semantics 語義的,語義學的 <派生>semantically adv. 語義上地 semantics n. 語義學 <例句>So even if a punchline sounds silly, the listener can see there is a clever semantic fit. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 因此,即使妙語聽起來很傻,聽眾依然可以發現一個巧妙的語義契合。


[ɪˈlastɪk] <釋義>adj. returning to its normal or previous size or shape after being pulled or pressed 有彈性的,有彈力的;not fixed or unalterable; adaptable; flexible 靈活的,可伸縮的 n. elastic cord or material, usu. made with rubber thread 橡皮帶,鬆緊帶 <詞根>e(出來)+last(延長)+ic→能夠延長的→有彈力的 <派生>elasticity n. 彈力,彈性;靈活性,適應性 <例句>Sharks have a different structure to most fish: instead of a skeleton made of bone, they have a tough elastic skeleton of cartilage. (IELTS4,T4,L4) 鯊魚的骨髓結構與大多數魚都不一樣:它的骨架不是由骨頭構成,而由強韌且富有彈性的軟骨組成。


[ɪˈluːsɪdeɪt] <釋義>v. to make (sth.) clear; to explain 闡明,說明 <詞根>e(出來)+lucid(清晰)+ate→弄清楚→闡明,說明 <派生>elucidation n. 闡明,說明 <例句>Put another way, sociobiology is concerned with elucidating the biological basis of all behavior. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 換言之,社會生物學致力於闡明所有行為的生物學基礎。


[takˈseɪʃən] <釋義>n. raising money by taxes; taxes to be paid 稅收,徵稅 <詞根>tax(稅)+ation(做)→收稅款→徵稅 <派生>tax n. 稅收 v. 納稅 <例句>taxation from small businesses to large corporations... (IELTS4,TB,R1) 從小企業到大公司的稅收 technician**[tekˈnɪʃən] <釋義>n. an expert in the techniques of a particular subject, art or craft 技術員 <詞根>techni(技藝)+cian(人)→技術員 <派生>technique n. 技術,技能 technical adj. 技術的,工藝的 technically adj. 技術上地;嚴格上說 technology n. 技術 technological adj. 技術的 technologically adv. 技術上地 <例句>They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 他們有技術人員支援,技術人員設計出設備來收集運動員的各種數據。


[taʊt] <釋義>v. to try to get people to buy (one's goods or services), esp. in an annoyingly insistent way 招徠,兜售 <例句>Unlike the multitude of elixirs being touted as the latest anti-aging cure, calorie restriction(CR) mimetics would alter fundamental processes that underlie aging. (IELTS6,T3,R3) 和許多宣稱是最新的抗衰老藥不同,能量控制模型將改變衰老的基本過程。


[tekˈtɒnɪk] <釋義>adj. relating to construction or building 構造的,建築的 <例句>Look at maps of volcanoes, earthquakes and island chains like the Philippines and Japan, and you can see the rough outlines of what are called tectonic plates—the plates which make up the earth's crust and mantle. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 看地圖上的火山、地震和群島鏈,如菲律賓和日本,你可以看到被稱作構造板塊的粗略輪廓——構成地殼和地幔的板塊。


[teˈreɪn] <釋義>n. a stretch of land, with regard to its natural features 地形,地勢 <詞根>terr(地)+ain→地形,地勢 <例句>Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 敢於冒險進入這一地帶,你就能瞭解到一些把這裡稱作家園的那些人們所面臨的困難。


[tjuːn] <釋義>n. a melody, esp. a well-marked one 調子;in agreement or emotional harmony 和諧 v. to adjust so that it runs smoothly and efficiently 調整,調整 <例句>Older cars were the worst offenders; though a sizeable number of quite new cars were also identified as gross polluters, they were simply badly tuned. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 較老的汽車違規最嚴重;雖然大量相當新的車也被視為重污染源,但是它們僅僅是沒有調整好。


[transˈfɜːrəbl] <釋義>adj. that can be transferred 可轉移的 <詞根>trans(轉移)+fer(帶來)+able(可......的)→可轉移的 <派生>transfer v. 轉移 transference n. 轉移,轉讓 <例句>Deposits and payments are nonrefundable and non-transferable. (IELTS3,TA,R2) 存款和付款是不退款不轉賬的。


[tranˈsend] <釋義>v. to be or go beyond the range of (human experience, belief, powers of description, etc.) 超出,超越;to be much better or greater than sb./sth.; to surpass 優於 <詞根>trans(over)+scend(爬)→爬過去→超過 <派生>transcendental adj. 超凡的,卓越的;超驗的,先驗的 <例句>This means that a forest policy is vital, that it must transcend national frontiers and generations of people, and that it must allow for the inevitable changes that take place in the forests, in needs, and hence in policy. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 這意味著森林政策是極其重要的,它必須超越國界和時代,必須考慮到森林、需求和政策方面出現的不可避免的變化。


[tranˈskraɪb] <釋義>v. to copy sth. in writing 抄寫,謄寫,打印;to copy recorded sound using a different recording medium 轉錄 <詞根>trans(改變)+scribe(寫)→抄寫,謄寫 <派生>transcript n. 抄本 transcription n. 抄寫 <例句>Individual systems can play chess or transcribe speech, but a general theory of machine intelligence still remains elusive. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 個人系統可以下棋、謄寫演講,但是機器智能的普遍理論仍然難以捉摸。


[traɪˈʌmfənt] <釋義>adj. having triumphed 勝利的,成功的;得意洋洋的 <派生>triumph n. 勝利,成功 v. 獲勝,取勝,成功 <例句>The triumphant reign of pterosaurs ended with this giant flier. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 翼龍目動物輝煌的統治隨著這種巨型飛翔動物的消亡而結束。


[traːns] <釋義>n. a dreamy state in which one concentrates on one's thoughts and does not notice what is happening around one 出神,恍惚;a sleep-like state, caused e.g. by being hypnotized 昏睡狀態 <例句>Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep, hypnosis and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary. (IELTS7,T1,R3) Lozanov在學生睡眠、被催眠和昏睡時通過直接暗示法來嘗試教學,但是發現這些步驟是沒有必要的。


[treɪl] <釋義>n. a mark or sign in the form of a long line left by sth. or sb. passing by 痕跡,足跡;a path, esp. through the countryside 小徑,小路 v. to follow the trail of sb./sth.; to track sb./sth. 跟蹤,追蹤 <同義>footprint, trace, mark; path, lane, track <例句>Much attention has focused on erosion along major trails, but perhaps more important are the deforestation and impacts on water supplies arising from the need to provide tourists with cooked food and hot showers. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 大部分主要道路的水土流失引起了人們的追蹤,但是更應引起重視的應該是森林砍伐,以及為遊客提供煮熟的食物和洗熱水澡所需的水供應產生的影響。


[trɒpəʊˈsferɪk] <釋義>adj. of or related to troposphere 對流層的 <例句>However, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon involving the increase in global surface temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases—water vapour, carbon dioxide, tropospheric ozone, methane and nitrous oxide—in the atmosphere. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 然而,溫室效應是一種自然現象,大氣中的溫室氣體諸如水蒸氣、二氧化碳、對流層中的臭氧和一氧化氮等的存在使得地球表面溫度上升。


[twiːk] <釋義>v. to pinch, pluck, or twist sharply 擰,捏,扭,揪 <例句>The focus is on individuals, tweaking performances to squeeze an extra hundredth of a second here, an extra millimetre there. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 工作的核心是以人為本,其目的在於促進運動員發揮最大潛力,提高百分之一秒的速度或者是一毫米的成績。


[twɪst] <釋義>v. to coil or wind sth. round sth. else 纏繞;to turn or wind threads, etc. together to make sth. longer or thicker 捻 n. a place where a path, etc. turns 彎曲 <例句>Research shows that they often go into spasm, which causes further twisting of the spine. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 研究表明,它們經常轉化成痙攣,這引起了脊柱的進一步扭曲。


[təˈrestrɪəl] <釋義>adj. of or living on land 陸地的,陸棲的;of the planet earth 地球的 <詞根>terr(地)+estrial→陸地的 <例句>Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for granted are either reduced or absent in cetaceans or fail to function well in water. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 一些人類和其他的陸棲哺乳動物認為理所當然的感官在鯨目動物中大大退化或缺失,或者在水中不起作用。


[təˈrɪfɪk] <釋義>adj. excellent; wonderful 極好的,了不起的;very great; extreme 極大的,極度的 <詞根>terri(使驚嚇)+fic(產生......的)→極好的;極端的 <同義>wonderful, superb, remarkable, marvelous <派生>terror n. 恐怖 terrify v. 嚇唬,驚嚇 <例句>The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 木偶表演常規的喜劇,而且有非常棒的編隊舞蹈。


[tɪlt] <釋義>v. to move into a sloping position 使傾斜 n. tilting; sloping position 傾斜,傾側 <例句>Up until recently it had been assumed that the bridge had been built from both banks, with the inner supports tilted across the river. (IELTS7,TB,R3) 直到最近,人們才認為這座橋是從兩岸同時開始修建的,內支架斜跨河流兩岸。


[tʃiːk] <釋義>adj. elegant and stylish 漂亮的,時髦的,瀟灑的 <例句>They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts. (IELTS7,T3,L4) 他們調查了在商業區中心所謂的時髦的連鎖酒店。


[tʃiːt] <釋義>v. to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to win an advantage or profit 欺騙,作弊n. to dishonest trick 欺騙;a person who cheats, esp. in a game 騙子 <例句>The author advices PHD students not to cheat while carrying out research. (IELTS3,T1,R3) 作者建議博士生在研究中不要作弊。


[tʃɑːnt] <釋義>n. words sung or shouted rhythmically and repeatedly 吟唱,有節奏的一再重複的話語 v. to sing or shout (sth.) rhythmically and repeatedly 吟唱,反覆說 <例句>Such chemical communication can be compared to the human use of visual and auditory channels (as in religious chants, advertising images and jingles, political slogans and martial music) to arouse and propagate moods and attitudes. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 這樣的化學交流類似於人類運用視覺與聽覺(如在宗教吟唱、廣告形象和廣告詞、政治標語和婚禮音樂中)來激起情緒,表明態度的做法。


[tʃɒp] <釋義>v. to cut sth. into pieces with an axe, a knife, etc. 切碎(食物);to make sth., such as a tree, fall by cutting it at the base with a sharp tool 劈開(木頭) n. a thick slice of meat, usu. including a rib 排骨,肋條肉 <例句>The stone axes used to chop down trees to make these dwellings were far superior to any that the Stone Age hunter-gatherers used. (IELTS6,T3, L4) 砍樹來建造這些住所的石斧比石器時代追捕獵物的人們使用的工具要高級許多。


[tʌk] <釋義>v. to push or fold or turn the ends or edges (of cloth, paper, etc.) so that they are hidden or held in place 折起,捲起,疊起 <搭配>tuck away 存放,隱藏 tuck up 捲起 tuck...into 把......塞進 <例句>This patch of brain tucked behind the orbits of the eyes is associated with evaluating information. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 藏在眼窩後面的這部分大腦與內容評價相關。


[vakˈsi:n] <釋義>n. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease 疫苗,菌苗 <派生>vaccinate vt. 給......種痘,給......打預防針 vaccination n. 種痘,疫苗接種 <例句>And, in what would have been particularly pleasing to Perkin, their current use is in the search for a vaccine against malaria. (IELTS9,T1,R1) 尤其讓珀金感到欣慰的是,它們(這些染料)目前正用於瘧疾疫苗的研究中。


[van] <釋義>n. an enclosed boxlike motor vehicle having rear or side doors and side panels especially for transporting people 運貨車;a covered or enclosed truck or wagon often used for transporting goods or livestock 有棚蓋的鐵路貨車 <聯想>運貨車(van)能夠(can)運很多東西 <例句>Think about how vans and lorries will deliver and collect goods from the premises. (IELTS7,TA,R2) 考慮一下運貨車和卡車怎麼樣從建築物中運送和收集貨物。


[vaɪˈbreɪʃn] <釋義>n. a continuous slight shaking movement 震動,顫動,搖動 <派生>vibrate v. 震動,顫動,搖動 <例句>These can cause vibration and damage the blades of the turbines. (IELTS9,T3,R2) 這會引起震動,進而對渦輪機的葉片造成損傷。


[vaɪˈtalɪtɪ] <釋義>n. persistent energy; liveliness or vigour 活力,生機,元氣 <詞根>vit(生命)+ality→事關生命的東西→生機 <派生>vital adj. 生死攸關的,極其重要的 vitalize v. 賦予生命 <例句>When you see the Asiatic lion in India, what you sense is enormous vitality. (IELTS6,T4,L4) 當你看到印度的亞洲獅時,你的感覺是它們有著極強的生命力。


[veiɡ] <釋義>adj. of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning 不明確的,不清楚的;thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way 含糊的,模糊的 <同義>indefinite, unclear, faint, uncertain, obscure <例句>Having identified this fundamental unit, Shannon set about defining otherwise vague ideas about information and how to transmit it from place to place. (IELTS9,T3,R3) 在確定這一基本單位之後,Shannon又轉而致力於明確一些模稜兩可的內容,以及如何進行內容傳遞。


[vend] <釋義>v. to offer(esp. small articles) for sale 賣,售 <搭配>vending machine 自動販賣機 <派生>vender/vendor n. 攤販,小販 <例句>The Save-a-Cup scheme was set up by the vending and plastics industries to recycle as many as possible of the three-and-a-half billion polystyrene cups used each year. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 節省一個杯子的計劃是由商販們和塑料行業出台的,目的是盡可能多地循環利用每年用掉的35億只聚苯乙烯杯子。


[vent] <釋義>n. an opening that allows air, gas, liquid, etc. to pass out of or into a confined space 通風孔,排氣管;排氣;venting 發洩 v. to find or provide an outlet for (an emotion) 發洩 <搭配>give vent to 發洩 <派生>ventilate v. 使通風 ventilation n. 通風 <例句>Over the sound of roaring engines, rushing air vents and grinding generators, a dog barks. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 在機器的轟鳴聲、氣孔的強風聲和巨大的發電機聲中混雜著狗的叫聲。


[vəˈrasəti] <釋義>n. conformity to facts; accuracy 真實;準確;habitual truthfulness 誠實 <派生>veracious adj. 誠實的;真實的 <例句>As one writer observes: "Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real." (IELTS9,T4,R3) 一位作家說道:「儘管現在手工藝品如歷史記錄一般容易作假,但公眾還是堅信它們的真實性,因為一件有形文物本身就是一種真實。


[vɪˈsɪsɪtjuːd] <釋義>n. a change in one's circumstances, esp. for the worse 變化,盛衰,興敗 <例句>After many vicissitudes the Dictionary was finally published on 15 April 1775. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 在經歷了許多波折之後,這本字典最終於1775年4月15日出版了。

water 水: watercolor n. 水彩 watermelon n. 西瓜 waterway n. 水路,航道 waterfall n. 瀑布 water bird 水鳥 waterworks n. 自來水廠 watershed n. 分水嶺 wax

[waks] <釋義>n. a solid substance used, after being bleached and purified, for making candles, modelling, etc. 蠟 v. to polish (sth.) with wax 給......打蠟;to show a large bright area that gradually increases until the moon is full (月亮)漸圓;漸滿 <搭配>wax and wane(月的)盈虧圓缺;〈喻〉盛衰 <例句>For those living near the equator in particular, its waxing and waning was more conspicuous than the passing of the seasons. (IELTS8,T1, R1) 尤其對於那些生活在赤道附近的人來說,月圓月缺比季節交替更明顯。


[wedʒ] <釋義>n. a piece of wood or metal that is thick at one end and narrows at the other to a sharp edge, used e.g. to split wood or rock, to widen an opening or to keep things apart 楔子 v. to firmly or force (sth.) apart using a wedge 用楔子把......固定住 <例句>Yet in 826, with only pegs and wedges to keep his wooden structure upright, the master builder Kobodaishi had no hesitation in sending his majestic Toji pagoda soaring fifty-five metres into the sky... (IELTS7,T2,R1) 然而在826年,在那個只能用掛釘和楔子來使得木結構直立的時代,建築大師Kobodaishi毫不猶豫地建立起高達55米的莊嚴的東寺塔。


[weld] <釋義>v. to join (pieces of metal) by hammering or pressing (usu. when the metal is softened by heat) or fuse them by using an oxy-acetylene flame or an electric arc 焊接,熔接;to unite(people or things) into an effective whole 使成一體 <例句>The bridge wasn't welded or bolted together as metal bridges are these days. (IELTS7,TB,R3) 與現在的鐵橋不同,那時的橋不是焊接或栓在一起的。


[weɪd] <釋義>v. to cross (a stream, etc.) by wading 趟水,跋涉;to walk with an effort (through water, mud or anything that makes walking difficult) 費力地前進,困難地通過 <例句>Statistics indicate that office workers need to wade through an average of more than 30 emails a day. (IELTS7,TB,R2) 統計數據表明,辦公室工作人員平均每天都要費力地處理30多封電郵。


[weɪst] <釋義>n. the part of the body between the ribs and the hips, usu. narrower than the rest of the trunk 腰,腰部 <例句>They're large puppets on long sticks, controlled by puppeteers standing waist deep in the lake. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 這些木偶被固定在長棍子上,操縱木偶的人站在湖水中,水沒過他們的腰部。


[wiːn] <釋義>v. to gradually stop feeding (a baby or young animal) with its mother's milk and start feeding it with solid food(使)斷奶;to cause sb. to stop doing sth., esp. gradually (使)戒掉 <例句>It is not effective for all insomniacs, but many users have weaned themselves off sleeping tablets as a result of its application. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 雖然它並不一定對所有的失眠患者有效,但是許多患者用了它之後,就不再需要安眠藥了。


[wɪm] <釋義>n. a sudden desire or idea, esp. an unusual or unreasonable one; caprice 突然的怪念頭,一時的興致 <派生>whimsical adj. 異想天開的,突發奇想的 <例句>A still picture could only imply the existence of time, while time in a novel passed at the whim of the reader. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 一幅靜止的畫只能暗指時間的存在,而在小說中的時間卻存在於讀者的閃念間。


[wɪəd] <釋義>adj. unnatural, uncanny or strange 不可思議的,古怪的 <同義>strange, eccentric <例句>In any event, whether or not the reason is the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 無論如何,不管原因是否是耗費能量,情況好像是除了一些古怪的深海魚,除了人類之外再也沒有動物通過自己造光來探路。


[ɒnəˈrarɪə] <釋義>n. a voluntary payment made for professional services for which a fee is not normally paid or required by law 謝禮 <例句>And she also has a few $1,000 honoraria to offer in exchange for doctors' attendance at her company's next educational lecture. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 為了醫生們來參加公司的下一次教育報告,她準備了幾份價值1,000美金的謝禮。


[əbˈnɒkʃəs] <釋義>adj. very objectionable; odious. See Synonyms at hateful 令人極不愉快的,討厭的,可憎的 <例句>CIBC successfully used a seed-feeding weevil, native to Mexico, to control the obnoxious parthenium weed. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 聯邦生物控制研究所成功地運用墨西哥當地的食種動物象鼻蟲來控制可憎的銀膠菊屬雜草。


[əbˈseʃən] <釋義>n. a compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety 困擾;著迷 <詞根>ob(against)+sess (sit, 坐)+ion(n.)→盤踞於心→困擾 <派生>obsess v. 使纏繞;使著迷 obsessive adj. 著迷的;纏住不放的 <例句>Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is overdone, it can spill over and indicate an obsession with power. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 簡潔可能提高效率,但是如果做過了頭的話,則可能影響其他方面,同時它也是迷戀權力的表現。


[əbˈskjʊə] <釋義>adj. not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden 模糊的,昏暗的;難解的,晦澀的 <詞根>ob (over)+scure(蓋住的)→全部被蓋住→遮掩 <派生>obscurely adv. 模糊地 obscurity n. 陰暗,不分明;晦澀,難解 <同義>dim, dusky, intricate, difficult <例句>And in the mid-17th century it was common practice for mathematicians to keep their discoveries and proofs secret, by writing them in cipher, in obscure languages, or in private messages deposited in a sealed box with the Royal Society. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 十七世紀中葉,數學家通常對他們的發現和證明保密。


[əkˈsentʃʊeɪt] <釋義>v. to emphasize sth. or make it more noticeable 使突出;強調 <詞根>ac(to)+cent(說,唱)+uate→不斷說→強調 <同義>emphasize, stress <派生>accentuation n. 重讀;強調 <例句>However, their effects are probably accentuated by climatic factors, such as drought and hard winters, or soil imbalances such as soil acidification, which damages the roots. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 但是,它們的影響很可能因氣候因素而加重,如乾旱、嚴寒、土壤不平衡(例如土壤酸化),這些因素都會對根產生危害。


[əʊˈbiːsɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the condition of being obese; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat 肥胖,肥大 <詞根>ob(over超過)+ese(吃)+ity(n.)→吃多了→肥胖 <派生>obese adj. 過度肥胖的,肥大的 <同義>corpulent, stout <例句>Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never before been problems. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 肥胖、心臟病、以及糖尿病已經開始在原先根本沒有這些問題的人群中出現了。


[əˈbaɪd] <釋義>v. to remain; to continue; to stay (古意)在某地停留 <搭配>abide by 遵守,信守 <例句>When children have had a major role in determining procedures, they are more likely to abide by and enforce them. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 當孩子們在制定程序中佔據重要地位時,他們更有可能會遵守並執行程序。


[əˈbeɪt] <釋義>v. (of wind, noise, pain, etc.) to make or become less 緩解,減弱,減輕 <詞根>已知aloud中的a-是對loud的強調,因而a-具有加強的意思。


[əˈbiːdənt] <釋義>adj. doing what one is told to do; willing to obey 服從的,順從的;filial 孝順的 <詞根>ob+edi(聽)+ent (adj.)→服從的 <派生>obediently adv. 順從地,聽話地 obedience n. 順從,聽從 <例句>In repetitions of the experiment in other countries, the percentage of obedient teacher-subjects was even higher, reaching 85 percent in one country. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 同一實驗在其他國家的反覆研究表明,服從的被試教師人數比例甚至更高,在某個國家達到了百分之八十五。


[əˈdɔːnmənt] <釋義>n. a thing that adorns; an ornament 裝飾品,裝飾物 <詞根>ad(to)+orn(裝飾)+ment(n.) <例句>A series of acquisitions might represent a decade's fieldwork documenting social experience as expressed in the developing preferences in personal adornment and dress. (IELTS3,T3,R1) 一系列成就可以代表他10年的實地工作所積累的社會閱歷,這從他對個人裝飾和衣服的喜好中表現出來。


[əˈdʒeɪsənt] <釋義>adj. situated near or next to sth.; close or touching 毗連的,鄰近的 <詞根>ad(to)+jac(=ject 扔,投擲)+ent(......的)→可以扔到的→鄰近的 <派生>adjacence n. 接近,毗連 <例句>Every house built on this site, not just those adjacent to the highway or nearest to the airport, will require high density insulation materials in the roof. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 在這個地方建的每棟房子,不只是臨近高速公路或是靠近機場的房子,都需要在屋頂裝上高密度絕緣物。


[əˈfens] <釋義>n. the act of breaking of a rule or law; an illegal act; a crime 違法行為;冒犯 <詞根>of (against)+fen(d)(打擊)+ce(n.)→對著打→冒犯,得罪 <派生>offend v. 冒犯,犯罪 offensive adj. 令人不快的,冒犯的 offender n. 違反者,冒犯者 <同義>violation, insult <例句>Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonalrelationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 受過傷害的小學生長大後很容易產生人際交往障礙,而那些一直欺人者長大後則更有可能變得很暴力,甚至因違法而被判刑。


[əˈfiːld] <釋義>adv. away, esp. from home; to or at a distance 在遠處 <詞根>a(at)+field(田野)→在田野→遠處 <搭配>far afield 在遠處 further/farther afield 更遠地 <例句>Further afield the mountains of the central North Island, 3 hours' drive away, provide superb ski facilities in winter, and hiking country in summer. (IELTS TA,R2) 離新西蘭北島中央高山稍遠的地方,距此有三小時車程,那裡冬天有極好的滑雪設施,夏天則可以遠足。


[əˈflɪkt] <釋義>v. to cause trouble, pain or distress to sb./sth. (疾病或嚴重問題)折磨,使苦惱 <詞根>af(表加強)+flict(打擊)→一再打擊→使苦惱,折磨 <派生>affliction n. 疾病;折磨;苦惱,苦事 <例句>The results of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that the diseases associated with old age are afflicting fewer and fewer people and when they do strike, it is much later in life. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 一項歷經14年的研究表明得老年病的人越來越少,即便得病,發病年齡也推遲了很多,這個研究結果將在本月晚些時候宣佈。


[əˈfɪʃəlɪ] <釋義>adv. in an official manner; formally 官方地,正式地 <派生>office n. 辦公室 official n. 官員,公務員 adj. 公務的,官方的 officer n. 軍官,高級官員,警官 <例句>Although the exhibition officially charts the years 1906 to 1914, graphic display boards outlining the bills of enfranchisement of 1918 and 1928, which gave the adult female populace of Britain the vote, show what was achieved. (IELTS3, T4, R2) 雖然展覽正式記述的時間是1906年到1914年,但是圖片展板介紹了1918和1928年的自由選舉法案,這個法案讓英國普通成年女性獲得了選舉權,同時圖片展板也展示了所取得的成就。


[əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] <釋義>v. to gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of (sth.); to get (sth.) in this way 積累,積攢,積聚,堆積 <詞根>ac(to)+cumul(=pile,heap 堆積)+ate(v.)→積累,堆積 <派生>accumulation n. 積累,堆積 <例句>Most of the sediment with its natural fertilizer accumulated up above the dam. (IELTS5,T3,R2) 大部分帶有天然肥料的沉澱物在大壩上堆積起來。


[əˈkjuːz] <釋義>v. to say that sb. has done wrong, is guilty (of sth.) or has broken the law 指控,控告,指責 <詞根>已知cause表示原因,可以推出詞根-cuse表示原因,則ac-(to)+cuse表示找原因、找茬,進而推出控告。


[əˈklaɪmətaɪz] <釋義>v. to get (oneself, animals, plants, etc.) used to a new climate or a new environment, new conditions, etc; to become or make accustomed (to sth.) 適應氣候 <詞根>ac(to)+climate(氣候)+ise(......化)→適應氣候 <派生>acclimatisation n. 適應氣候 <例句>After a couple of days to acclimatise yourself, you'll start the trek on Day Three walking through the enormous Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day. (IELTS7,T3,L2) 在經過了數天的適應氣候之後,你會在第三天開始長途跋涉,花一整天的時間穿越廣闊的Katiba森林。


[əˈkleɪm] <釋義>v. to welcome (sb./sth.) with shouts of approval; to applaud loudly 稱讚,為......喝彩 <詞根>ac-含有at,to之意,claim陳述,當面對人的陳述一般是好的。


[əˈkruː] <釋義>v. to come as a natural increase or advantage, esp. financial; accumulate 積累,增加 <派生>accrual n. 自然增長,自然積累,自然增長額 <例句>But some Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves, thereby ensuring that the benefits accrue locally. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 但是一些北極社區現在自己開發旅遊,從而保證在當地積累財富。


[əˈkweərɪəm] <釋義>n. (building containing an) artificial pond or glass tank where live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept 養魚池,玻璃缸;水族館 <詞根>aqua(水)+r+ium(表場所)→水族館 <派生>aquatic adj. 水生的,水棲的 <例句>The internationally acclaimed climbing wall was built on the site of the old aquarium. (IELTS6,T2,L2) 世界聞名的攀牆就建立在舊水族館中。

-y: 有...的 hairy adj. 多毛的 cloudy adj. 多雲的 smoky adj. 煙霧瀰漫的 icy adj. 冰冷的 wordy adj. 冗長的 align

[əˈlaɪn] <釋義>v. to give your support publicly to a group, political party, or country 公開支援;to join sb. as an ally; come into agreement with sb. 使結盟;to adjust (parts of a mechanism, for example) to produce a proper relationship or orientation 校準,調整,調整 <聯想>lign可以想像成line,a+lign→排成直線→結盟;調整,校準 <派生>alignment n. 校準;調整;結盟 <例句>By the late 1980s, the term artificial intelligence was being avoided by many researchers, who opted instead to align themselves with specific sub-disciplines such as neural networks, agent technology, case-based reasoning, and so on. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 到二十世紀80年代晚期,許多研究者就避免使用人工智能這個詞,他們選擇把自己的研究方向歸為具體的分支學科,如神經網絡、代理技術、基於案例的推理等等。


[əˈlaʊəns] <釋義>n. the amount of sth., esp. money, allowed or given regularly 津貼;deserving to be treated differently from others for some reason 體諒;to consider sth. when making a decision, etc.考慮 <聯想>allow(允許)+ance(n.)→允許,容忍→體諒;考慮 <搭配>make allowance/allowances for 考慮到,顧及,為......留有餘地;體諒,原諒 <例句>The lecturers will make little or no allowance for the presence of non-native speakers in the audience. (IELTS5,T3,L2) 演講人極少或者不會考慮非母語人士來聽講座。


[əˈmend] <釋義>v. to correct an error in (sth.); to make minor improvements in; to change slightly 修正,改正(法律、法規等);to become better; to improve 改善,改正(行為等) <詞根>a(表露)+mend(缺點)→表露出缺點→以便改正 <搭配>make amends (to sb.) for 為......賠償某人 <派生>amendment n. 改正,修正 <例句>Since the regulations were amended, with effect from 1 August 2003, the majority of these workers have been entitled to paid holidays. (IELTS8,TA,R2) 自從法規被修正並於2003年8月1日起生效以來,大多數工人已經獲得了帶薪休假的權利。


[əˈmɪdst] <釋義>prep. in the middle of (sth.); among 在......之中 <聯想>該詞來自現代英語中的amid, a(in,at)+mid (middle) <例句>Johnson had worked for nine years, with little assistance of the learned, and without any patronage of the great; not in the soft obscurities of retirement, or under the shelter of academic bowers, but amidst inconvenience and distraction, in sickness and in sorrow. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 約翰遜工作了九年,在此期間,他沒有學者的協助,沒有偉人的關照,沒有退休後的閒適,沒有學術界的庇護,伴隨他的只有不便與干擾,疾病與悲傷。


[əˈnatəmɪst] <釋義>n. a person who studies 解剖學家 <詞根>ana(分開)+tom+ist(n. ......家)→解剖學家 <派生>anatomy n. 解剖學 anatomical adj.解剖的,結構上的 anatomize v. 解剖 <例句>It was not until 1791 that the great French anatomist Georges Cuvier deduced that the animal was in fact a flying reptile. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 直到1791年偉大的法國解剖學家喬治才推斷出那種動物實際上是一種會飛的爬行動物。


[əˈpeɪs] <釋義>adv. at a rapid pace; swiftly 飛快地 <詞根>a(表加強意)+pace(步伐)→加快步伐→飛快地 <例句>While policy makers struggle to define and implement appropriate legislation, development of the most destructive kind has continued apace over vast areas. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 雖然政策制定者們努力制定和實施合適的法律,但是在很多領域最具摧毀力的法律仍然快速發展。


[əˈprentɪsʃɪp] <釋義>n. being an apprentice 學徒身份,徒弟 <詞根>apprentice(徒弟,學徒)+ship(身份) <例句>After serving an apprenticeship in Birming-ham, Darby had started a business in Bristol, but he moved to Coalbrookdale in 1710 with an idea that coke derived from coal could provide a more economical alternative to charcoal as a fuel for ironmaking. (IELTS7,TB,R3) 在伯明翰學完徒之後,Darby來到布里斯托爾創業,但在1710年他又來到Coalbrookdale,因為他認為用煤炭提取焦炭可以為冶金業提供一種比木炭更為經濟的燃料。


[əˈpɔːlɪŋ] <釋義>adj. causing consternation or dismay; frightful 令人震驚的,駭人的;非常低劣的 <派生>appall v. 使震驚 appalled adj. 極度驚恐的 <例句>The vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty, and suffered from appalling sanitary conditions. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 很多人極端貧困,忍受著極其惡劣的衛生條件。


[əˈpɔːʃən] <釋義>v. to give sth. as a share; to allot sth. 分攤,分配,明確責任人 <詞根>ap(加強)+portion(v.分配)→分配 <派生>apportionment n. 分攤 <搭配>apportion sth. among/between 在......之間分攤 <例句>The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned, so that they are distributed in both the most just and most efficient way, is not a new one. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 醫療資源該怎麼分配才能做到最公正和最有效,這個問題存在已久。


[əˈriːnə] <釋義>n. a level area in the centre of an amphitheatre or a sports stadium 競技場;領域;a place or scene of activity or conflict 表演場地,活動舞台 <例句>Environmental education offers an arena in which these skills can be developed, which is essential for these children as future decision-makers. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 環境教育為這些技能的培養提供了舞台,這對於將來要成為決策者的孩子們是非常重要的。


[əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt] <釋義>v. to have sth./sb. as a cause or beginning 起源,發生 <派生>origin n. 起源,起因 original adj. 最初的,原始的 originality n. 新穎,獨創性 <同義>derive <例句>Some large species originating from France excavate tunnels to a depth of approximately 30 cm below the dung pat. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 一些來自法國的大物種可以挖到糞堆以下大約30厘米深的地方。


[əˈsemblɪ] <釋義>n. a part of a government consisting of people who have been elected to make laws 立法機構,議會;coming together of a group of people for a specific purpose 代表大會;the act or process of fitting together the parts of sth. 裝配 <聯想>as(加強)+semble(類似)→物以類聚→集合,assembly→很多人走在一起開會→議會;很多東西集合在一起→裝配 <派生>assemble v. 集合,召集,調集;裝配 assemblage n. (聚合在一起的)一堆東西,一群人;裝配,組合 <例句>Our plans this year include discussion groups, guest speakers and to build a model of the UN General Assembly. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 我們今年的計劃包括小組討論,客座演講和召開聯合國大會模式的會議。


[əˈskraɪb] <釋義>v. to consider sth. to be caused by, written by or belonging to sb./sth. 歸因於 <聯想>已知describe表示描繪,推出scribe意為「書寫」。


[əˈstaʊnd] <釋義>v. to overcome (sb.) with surprise or shock; amaze 使震驚 <聯想>as+tound(看作sound)→像被大聲所嚇倒→震驚 <派生>astounded adj. 驚呆的,驚愕的 astounding adj. 令人震驚的,使人驚愕的 <例句>The fertile land of the Nile delta is being eroded along Egypt's Mediterranean coast at an astounding rate, in some parts estimated at 100 meters per year. (IELTS5,T3,R2) 尼羅河三角洲埃及地中海海岸一帶肥沃的土地正在以驚人的速度被侵蝕,有些地方預計竟達到每年100米。


[əˈstreɪ] <釋義>adv. away from the right path or direction 迷路地,誤入歧途地;搞錯地 <聯想>as(像)+tray(盤子)→像在盤子裡轉圈圈→迷路地 <搭配>go astray 迷路,走失 lead sb. astray 將(某人)引入歧途 <例句>A bit of background would not go astray. (IELTS3,T4, L4) 掌握一點背景知識就不會搞錯。


[əˈsɔːtmənt] <釋義>n. a collection of different things or of different types of the same thing; mixture 混雜物,各類東西的混合 <詞根>as+sort(種類)+ment(n.)→很多種類放在一起→混雜物 <派生>assort v. 把......歸類 assorted adj. 各種各樣的,五花八門的 <例句>The supposed pupil was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 所謂的學生實際上是由Milgram 雇來的。


[abˈnɔːməl] <釋義>adj. different, esp. in an undesirable way, from what is normal, ordinary or expected 反常的,異常的 <詞根>ab(=away, off)+normal(正常)→反常的,異常的 <派生>abnormally adv. 反常地 abnormality n. 異常 <例句>These regions are fragile (i.e. highly vulnerable to abnormal pressures). (IELTS5,T4,R1) 這些地區很脆弱(例如:經受不起非正常的壓力)。


[amˈbasədə] <釋義>n. a diplomat sent from one country to another either as a permanent representative or on a special mission 大使 <詞根>amb-兩邊的,as-sa聯想為去了又回來,兩邊走動,即為大使 <派生>embassy n. 使館 ambassadorial adj. 大使的 <搭配>ambassador to... 駐......的大使 <例句>The people you employ are your ambassadors, says Peter Griffin, managing director of a major retailer in the UK. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 英國一家大型零售商的總經理彼得說,你僱傭的員工是你公司的形象大使。


[amˈbɪɡjʊəs] <釋義>adj. uncertain in meaning or intention 含糊其辭的,不明確的 <詞根>ambi(兩邊)+gu+ous(adj. ......的)→左顧右盼,左思右想→不明確的 <派生>ambiguity n. 含糊不清,模稜兩可,曖昧 <例句>Speech is often unclear and ambiguous. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 演講通常含糊不清,並且模稜兩可。


[amˈbɪʃən] <釋義>n. a strong desire to achieve sth. 抱負,志向,野心 <詞根>ambi(兩邊的)+tion(n.)→兩邊都想要→野心 <派生>ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的,野心勃勃的,要求高的 <例句>The provision of small loans to support the entrepreneurial dreams and ambitions of youth can be an effective means to help them change their lives. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 為有經商理想和抱負的年輕人提供的小額貸款是幫助他們改變命運的有效手段。

-st: 通常把一些詞變為更文學性的詞,如while-whilst, among-amongst amphibious

[amˈfɪbiəs] <釋義>adj. relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water 水陸兩用的;水陸兩棲的 <詞根>amphi(兩邊)+bious(生命的)→兩地都能生存的 <派生>amphibian n. 水陸兩棲動物 <例句>Sure enough, these amphibious species show up on the triangular graph approximately half way between the "wet cluster" of sea turtles and the "dry cluster" of land tortoises. (IELTS9,T1,R3) 毫無疑問,三角形圖表上顯示的這些兩棲類物種大約介於水生龜和陸生龜之間。


[anˈtenə] <釋義>n. one of two long thin parts on an insect's head, that it uses to feel things 觸角,觸鬚;a wire rod etc. used for receiving radio and television signals 天線 <聯想>ant螞蟻熟悉吧?螞蟻是不是有觸角? <例句>The other part of the project is an undirected search which is monitoring all of space with a lower sensitivity, using the smaller antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network. (IELTS9,T1,R2) 項目的另一部分沒有什麼針對性,只是利用美國國家航空航天局深空網較小的天線對整個宇宙空間進行低敏度的監測。


[anˈtiːk] <釋義>n. an object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin 古物,古玩,古董adj. of or dealing in antiques 古董的 <派生>antiquity n. 古物,古建築物 antiquated adj. 陳舊的,老式的 <例句>On one side of that you can see the Engine Room and on the other is the Cafe, which isn't an antique. (IELTS4,T1,L2) 在它的一邊,可看到機房,在另外一邊是咖啡廳,咖啡廳並不是古老建築。


[aɪˈtɪnərərɪ] <釋義>n. a plan for, or record of, a journey, including the route and the places that you visit 旅行計劃或記錄,旅行路線 <例句>I will be distributing leaflets at the end where you can find out more information, but just for the moment I'll outline the itinerary, the main high points of the holiday. (IELTS7,T3,L2) 最後我將發放傳單,你可以找到更多內容。


[aʃ] <釋義>n. the powder that remains after sth. has been destroyed by burning 灰,灰燼;powder that remains after sth. has been destroyed by burning 骨灰,遺骸 <例句>A violent eruption can blow the top few kilometers off a mountain, scatter fine ash practically all over the globe. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 強烈的火山爆發可能把山頂噴出幾千米遠,並把細小的灰燼灑落全球。


[baʊt] <釋義>n. a short period of a specified activity(生病或感到不愉快的)一段,一陣,一場 <例句>Siviy studied how bouts of play affected the brain's levels of a particular chemical associated with the stimulation and growth of nerve cells. (IELTS4,T2, R3) Siviy研究一陣陣玩耍是怎樣影響大腦中某個特定化學物質的水平的,這些化學物質刺激並促進神經細胞的生長。


[beɪl] <釋義>n. a large bundle of paper, straw, goods, etc. pressed together and tied with rope or wire ready to be moved, sold, etc. 大包,大捆 v. to make sth. into or pack sth. in bales 把......打包 <例句>We also discovered that waste that's collected from householders is taken to places called "bring banks", for sorting and baling into loads. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 我們還發現,從住戶處收集的垃圾都被運往了一個叫「bring banks」的地方進行分類打包裝載。


[bleɪd] <釋義>n. a flat narrow leaf of certain plants, esp. grasses and cereals 刀片,葉片,漿葉 <聯想>還記得電影《刀鋒戰士》嗎?英文名為Blade。


[bluːm] <釋義>n. a flower, esp. of plants admired chiefly for their flowers (e.g. roses, tulips, chrysanthemums) 花 v. to produce flowers; to flower; to blossom 開花;to be in a healthy or flourishing condition 繁盛,興旺 <搭配>in full bloom 盛開著花 <例句>If it were not for the dung beetle, chemical fertilizer and dung would be washed by rain into streams and rivers before it could be absorbed into the hard earth, polluting water courses and causing blooms of blue-green algae. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 如果沒有屎殼郎,化學肥料和牛糞就會被雨水沖進小溪和江河,而不會被硬地所吸收,這樣就會污染水道,並使水藻迅速繁衍,生長。


[blɒnd] <釋義>adj. (of hair) pale gold in colour(頭髮)淺黃色的,金黃色的 n. having golden or pale-coloured hair 金髮女郎 <例句>Hence, there is some likelihood that all accountants will be alike or that all blondes are similar—they are forced that way by the expectations of their role. (IELTS3,T2, R3) 因此,很可能所有的會計都很相似,就像所有的金髮女郎都相似一樣——她們的角色期望值迫使她們必須這樣。


[blɪŋk] <釋義>v. to shut and open the eyes quickly 眨眼,閃爍 n. the act of blinking 眨眼睛 <搭配>in the blink of an eye 一眨眼功夫 <例句>Energy and arousal levels may need to be retuned in the blink of an eye. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 能量和清醒水平需在極快的時間內恢復。


[brand] <釋義>n. particular make of goods or their trade mark 商標,品牌 v. to mark sth. with or as if with a brand 銘刻,打烙印於 <派生>branded adj. 名牌的 branding n. 品牌建立 <例句>But translating corporate philosophies into the right mix of colour, style, degree of branding and uniformity can be a fraught process. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 但是將企業理念變成顏色、風格、品牌特色和一致性的有機融合是極有難度的過程。


[braʊz] <釋義>v. to examine books in a casual, leisurely way 瀏覽,翻閱,漫不經心地看;(of cows, goats, etc.) to eat leaves, etc. that are growing high up 牲畜吃草 <搭配>browse through 瀏覽 <例句>Do take time to browse round our shop. (IELTS8,T2,L2) 一定要花時間瀏覽一下我們的商店。


[bruːd] <釋義>v. to think (about sth.) for a long time in a troubled or resentful way 沉思;to sit on eggs to hatch them 孵蛋 n. all the young birds or other animals produced at one hatching or birth (小雞等)一窩 <聯想>一家的孩子(brood)肯定都留著同樣的血(blood) <例句>These beetles make sausage-shaped brood chambers along the tunnels. (IELTS3, T2,R1) 這些甲蟲沿著洞穴建立香腸形狀的卵室。


[bruːt] <釋義>n. an animal, esp. a large or fierce one 野獸,畜生;a brutal and insensitive person 愚蠢、殘忍而粗野的人 adj. of or like a brute 畜生(一般)的,殘忍的 <派生>brutal adj. 野獸般的,殘忍的;無情的,冷酷的 <例句>The evidence for using kites to move large stones is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method, Gharib says. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 用風箏運巨石的證據與用蠻力的方式相差無幾,Gharib如是說。


[brɒnz] <釋義>n. an alloy of copper and tin 青銅 adj. made of or having the colour of bronze 青銅的 <聯想>bronze medal 銅牌 silver medal 銀牌 gold medal 金牌 <例句>The Bronze scheme would probably suit you best. (IELTS6,T1,L1) 青銅計劃可能最適合你了。


[buːe] <釋義>n. a small enclosure or compartment for a specific purpose (隔開的)小房間;公用電話亭;a small, usu. temporary, stall where goods are sold or displayed at a market, a fair or an exhibition 售貨棚 <例句>We've also put those of you who'll be staffing the information booths around the conference centre on the yellow team. (IELTS6,T4,L2) 我們把在會議中心四周的問訊亭服務志願者分在黃隊。


[bɑːdʒ] <釋義>n. a large flat-bottomed boat for carrying goods and people on rivers, canals, etc. 平底載貨船,駁船 v. to rush or bump heavily and clumsily 碰撞 <例句>But the picture clearly shows sections of the bridge being raised from a barge in the river. (IELTS7,TB,R3) 但那張圖片清楚地顯示橋的幾個部分正從河中駁船的位置開始上升。


[bɔmˈbɑ:d] <釋義>vt. to attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles (用炸彈、炮彈、導彈等)連續轟炸,連續攻擊 <詞根>bomb(轟擊)+ard→轟炸 <例句>The best way to see things differently to other people is to bombard the brain with things it has never encountered before. (IELTS9,T2,R3) 要想形成與眾不同的看法,最好的方法就是給大腦灌輸新鮮事物。


[bɔːk] <釋義>v. to deliberately obstruct or prevent (sth.) 阻礙,妨礙(目的、計劃等);to be reluctant to tackle sth. because it is difficult, dangerous, unpleasant, etc. 猶豫不決,舉棋不定 <同義>hesitate <例句>Many of the teacher-subjects baulked at administering the higher levels of punishment, and turned to Milgram with questioning looks and/or complaints about continuing the experiment. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 許多參加實驗的教師都對施加更高級的懲罰感到猶豫,他們向Milgram投以質問的目光,抱怨繼續進行實驗。


[bəʊ] <釋義>v. to bend the head or body as a sign of respect or as a greeting 鞠躬,彎腰 n. bending of the head or body (as a greeting, etc.) 鞠躬;a piece of wood bent into a curve by a tight string joining its ends, used as a weapon for shooting arrows 弓;a knot made with loops; ribbon tied in this way 蝴蝶結 <聯想>rainbow彩虹就是天上色彩多樣的「弓形物」(bow) <例句>Other than bows, arrows and crude digging sticks, the only tools the Siriono seemed to possess were two machetes worn to the size of pocket-knives. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 除了弓、箭和原始的挖掘棍,Siriono擁有的唯一工具是兩個砍刀,它們被磨成口袋刀那樣的尺寸。


[bəʊld] <釋義>adj. confident and brave; daring; enterprising 勇敢的,大膽的;clearly visible; distinct; striking; vivid 鮮明的,醒目的;printed in thick type 粗的,黑體的;dare (to do sth); presume or venture 冒失的 <同義>fearless, dauntless, gallant, audacious; striking, conspicuous, evident; rash, abrupt <派生>boldness n. 大膽,勇敢 boldly adv. 大膽地 <例句>They could decide on a bolder move and offer some new shares if they wanted. (IELTS5,T4,L3) 如果他們想這麼做的話,他們可以決定採取更為大膽的行動並提供一些新的份額。


[bəˈnɑːl] <釋義>adj. commonplace; uninteresting 陳腐的,乏味的;平庸的 <派生>banality n. 陳腐;平庸 <例句>Such objects can include both the extraordinary and the mundane, the beautiful and the banal. (IELTS3,T3, R1) 這些物品包括華麗的和庸俗的,美麗的和平庸的。


[bɪˈsiːdʒ] <釋義>v. to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out 圍攻,包圍 <例句>He was thwarted by the fact that the British were besieging his observation site at Pondicherry in India. (IELTS9,T2,R2) 由於英國人包圍了他在印度本地治裡的觀察台,他不得不中止觀察。


[bɪˈtreɪ] <釋義>v. to hand over or show sb./sth. disloyally (to an enemy) 背叛,出賣;to show what or who one really is 暴露;辜負 <聯想>本詞發音類似「被踹」→被人暗地裡踹了一腳→出賣 <派生>betrayal n. 背叛 <例句>But the human history of Amazonia in the past 11,000 years betrays that view as myth. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 但是亞馬遜流域過去11,000年的人類歷史顯示那種觀念只是神話。


[bɪˈzɑː] <釋義>adj. strange in appearance or effect; grotesque; eccentric 古怪的,奇怪的 <同義>strange, odd, eccentric, grotesque <例句>The most bizarre case was a telephone interview I did with a teacher at a university in France. (IELTS8, T2, L4) 最奇怪的例子是我跟一位法國大學的老師做的電話採訪。


[bʌldʒ] <釋義>n. a rounded swelling; an outward curve 突出,膨脹 v. to form a bulge; to swell outwards 突出,膨脹 <例句>During a routine mail screen that can take hours, the dogs stay so focused that not even a postcard lined with 0.5 grams of heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 在一般持續幾個小時的常規郵件檢查中,狗都可以保持很好的注意力,即使是隱藏在一滿袋信中的含有0.5克海洛因的明信片也逃不出它們的法眼。


[bʌlk] <釋義>n. a large amounts 大量,大批 <聯想>公牛(bull)總是大批(bulk)地行動 <派生>bulky adj. 笨重的,龐大的 <例句>Bulk cargo can be safely and efficiently moved over long distances. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 大大量貨物可以安全高效地長途運輸。


[bʌmp] <釋義>v. to knock or strike sth. with a dull-sounding blow; to collide with sth. 撞傷,(使)撞擊,猛擊 <搭配>bump into 邂逅,不期而遇 <例句>The flow, thought to be in the form of convection currents, is powerful enough to fracture the eggshell of the crust into plates, and keep them bumping and grinding against each other, or even overlapping, at the rate of a few centimeters a year. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 水的流動雖然是對流的形式,但力量也非常大,可以將地殼的薄殼磨成片狀,使它們相互撞擊摩擦,甚至以每年幾厘米的速度疊加在一起。


[daɪv] <釋義>v. to go under water or to a deeper level under water 潛水,跳水 n. the act of diving 潛水,跳水 <派生>diver n. 潛水員 <例句>A lot of their work comes down to measurement—everything from the exact angle of a swimmer's dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 他們的許多工作都與測量有關——從游泳者跳水的精確角度的測量到自行車運動員每秒鐘的力量輸出的測量。


[daɪˈluːt] <釋義>v. to make (a liquid or colour) thinner or weaker (by adding water or another liquid) 稀釋,沖淡;to make (sth.) weaker in force, effect, etc. 削弱,降低 adj. weakened by diluting 沖淡的;減弱的 <詞根>di(分開)+lute(洗)→洗開→稀釋 <例句>It dilutes its product so that it's just a little below the concentration it should be. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 它稀釋了產品,使產品僅僅比應該具有的濃度稍低一點。


[daɪˈvɜːt] <釋義>v. to turn sb./sth. from one course to another 轉移;to entertain or amuse (sb.) 使消遣 <詞根>di(分開)+vert(轉移)→轉移 <派生>diversion n. 轉移注意力的事物,消遣活動 diverting adj. 有趣的,娛樂的 <例句>Most of the Nile water is diverted into more than 10,000 kilometres of irrigation canals and only a small proportion reaches the sea directly through the rivers in the delta. (IELTS5,T3,R2) 大部分尼羅河水都被轉移到了長10,000公里的灌溉運河,只有一小部分直接通過三角洲的河流流入大海。


[dɒt] <釋義>n. a small round mark 點,句號 v. to mark (sth.) with a dot 在......加點;點綴;to place (things or people) here and there; to scatter 佈滿,分佈 <例句>Looking up they discovered that the ceiling was dotted with the lights of thousands of glowworms. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 他們向上看的時候發現天花板上佈滿了成千上萬隻螢火蟲發出的亮光。


[dɔːnt] <釋義>adj. afraid 畏懼的,膽怯的 <派生>daunt v. 使膽怯,使畏縮 dauntless adj. 無所畏懼的,勇敢的 <例句>Now, the Semira Mountains are among the highest in the world but you mustn't be too daunted, we will mainly be trekking in the foothills only, although there will be spectacular views even in the foothills. (IELTS7,T3,L2) Semira 山是世界上最高的山峰之一,但不要害怕,我們主要是在山腳下遊覽,山腳下也有很多壯麗的景觀。


[dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd] <釋義>adj. domesticated animals are able to work for people or live with them as pets, someone who is domesticated enjoys spending time at home and doing work in the home 家庭馴養的,馴服的 <詞根>dom(家)+estic(......的)+ate(v. ......化)+ed→家庭化的→家庭馴養的 <派生>domestic adj. 國內的;家庭的;馴養的 domesticate v. 馴養,教化 <例句>Ted Hunter is a member of the Domesticated Ostrich Farming Association. (IELTS3,T3,L4) Ted Hunter 是鴕鳥馴養協會的成員。


[dɜːθ] <釋義>n. shortage; scarcity 缺乏,不足 <聯想>d+earth→地球資源總有一天會缺乏的→缺乏 <搭配>dearth of 缺乏,不足 <同義>lack,deficiency <例句>Typically, children do not end up on the streets due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: a dearth of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home, family breakdown and violence. (IELTS4,T3,R1) 通常情況下,孩子流浪街頭的原因不止一個,而是許多因素共同作用的結果:學校經費短缺、家庭收入不足、家庭解體和家庭暴力。


[dɪkˈteɪt] <釋義>v. to control or command 影響,控制;to state or order sth. with the force of authority 指定,命令;to say or read aloud (words to be typed, written down or recorded on tape) 口授,口述 <派生>dictation n. 口授,口述;命令,支配 dictator n. 獨裁者,專政者;專橫的人,霸道的人 dictatorial adj. 霸道的,專橫的;獨裁的,專制的 dictatorship n. 獨裁統治,獨裁政府;獨裁國家 <例句>This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology—to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates, or at least strongly biases, the interaction of animals and humans with their environment, that is, their behavior. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 這實際上是一個現代社會生物學的問題——目的是發現天生的基因序列在多大程度上支配或者至少是強烈影響著動物和人與其生存環境的互動關係,也就是說動物和人的行為。


[dɪsˈdeɪn] <釋義>n. the feeling that sb./sth. is not good enough to deserve one's respect; contempt 鄙視,蔑視,輕視 v. to treat (sth./sb.) with disdain; despise 鄙視,蔑視,輕視;to refuse (doing/to do sth) because of one's disdain 不屑做...... <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+dain(價值)→不承認價值→輕視 <派生>disdainful adj. 鄙視的,輕視的,蔑視的 <例句>Baekeland's invention, although treated with disdain in its early years, went on to enjoy an unparalleled popularity which lasted throughout the first half of the twentieth century. (IELTS5,T2,R1) Baekeland的發明雖然在早期不受重視,但後來的受歡迎程度無人能及,這種狀態一直持續了整個20世紀的前半葉。


[dɪsˈdʒʌŋkʃən] <釋義>n. the act of disjoining or the condition of being disjointed 分離,分裂 <詞根>join→junction連接,dis(否定,相反)+junction(連接)→不連接→分裂 <派生>disjunctive adj. 轉折的,反意的 <例句>Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 但是民意調查顯示許多人認為環境標準正在下降。


[dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ] <釋義>adj. causing disgust 令人厭惡的,令人作嘔的;非常壞的 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+gust(風味,口味)+ing(......性的)→沒有風味的→令人厭惡的 <派生>disgust n. 反感,厭惡;噁心;憤慨 v.使生氣,使憤慨;使作嘔,使噁心 disgusted adj. 憤慨的;厭惡的;作嘔的,噁心的 <例句>The fact that jokes tap into our general evaluative machinery explains why the line between funny and disgusting, or funny and frightening, can be so fine. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 玩笑進入總體評價系統這一事實解釋了為什麼有趣和噁心或有趣和嚇人之間的差別會如此細微。


[dɪsˈkləʊz] <釋義>v. to make sth. known 洩露,使公開;to allow sth. to be seen 揭開,揭露 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+close→將合上的東西打開→揭開;洩露 <派生>disclosure n. 透露,公開;被公開的秘密 <同義>unfold, unveil, reveal, discover, expose <例句>Employees' earnings should be disclosed to everyone within the organization. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 員工的收入應該對組織內部的每一個人公開。


[dɪsˈkwɒləfaɪ] <釋義>v. to prevent sb. from doing sth., usu. because he has broken a rule or is not able enough 取消......資格 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+qualify(使有資格)→取消資格 <搭配>disqualify sb. from doing sth. 使某人沒有資格做某事 <派生>disqualification n. 無資格,取消資格 <例句>Will this disqualify me from getting a student loan? (IELTS3,TB,R2) 這會讓我無法得到學生貸款嗎? dissolve**[dɪˈzɒlv] <釋義>v. to make (a solid) become liquid 溶解;to disappear; to fade away 解散,結束 <詞根>dis(分開)+solve(解決)→分開解決→溶解;解散 <派生>dissolution n. 取締,解散,瓦解;消失 <例句>Basically you dissolve lots of salt into the water and watch the crystal's form. (IELTS4,T4,L3) 基本上你在水中溶解大量鹽,然後就可以看到晶體的形式。


[dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ] <釋義>adj. (cause sth. to) come to an end; stop (doing sth) 令人洩氣的,令人沮喪的 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+courag(e)(勇氣)+ing→令人氣餒的 <派生>discourage v. 使洩氣,使失去信心,使沮喪;阻攔,勸阻 discouragement n. 令人沮喪的事 discouraged adj. 沮喪的,灰心喪氣的 <例句>Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity. (IELTS4,T2,R1) 政府經常試圖以禁止在公共場合說少數民族語言或不鼓勵在學校說少數民族語言的方式消滅這些語言,一切為了促進民族統一。


[dɪsˈpaɪz] <釋義>v. to feel contempt for sb./sth.; to consider sb./sth. as worthless 鄙視,藐視,看不起 <詞根>de(向下)+spise(看)→向下看→藐視,看不起 <例句>It then fell from favor again during the 1950s, and was despised and destroyed in vast quantities. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 20世紀50年代它失寵了,受到了鄙視,然後被大量摧毀。


[dɪsˈpleɪs] <釋義>v. to move (sb./sth.) from the usual or correct place 移置,轉移;to take the place of (sb./ sth.) 取代,替換 <詞根>dis(分開,離開)+place→離開原來的位置→移置 <派生>displacement n. 擠出,排出;取代,替代 <例句>The aim of the present study is to start to provide such information, to help teachers design their educational strategies, to build upon correct ideas and to displace misconceptions and to plan programmes in environmental studies in their schools. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 目前研究的目的是開始提供這樣的內容,幫助教師設計他們的教育策略以建立正確思想,擯棄錯誤概念,在學校規劃環境研究項目。


[dɪsˈteɪst] <釋義>n. dislike; aversion 不喜歡,厭惡 <詞根>dis(不)+taste(喜歡)→厭惡 <同義>disfavor <例句>Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a leader in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 耶魯大學的Stanley Milgram對來自各個生活階層的40名被試者進行了測試,以測試他們在被要求做自己討厭的事情的情況下遵守領導指令的意願度。


[dɪsˈtɔːt] <釋義>v. to pull or twist (sth.) out of its usual shape 扭曲,使變形 <詞根>dis(分開)+tort(捲纏,扭)→扭曲 <派生>distortion n. 歪曲,曲解;扭曲,變形,失真 distorted adj. 歪曲的 <例句>As Peter Derks, a psychologist at William and Mary College in Virginia, says: I like to think of humour as the distorted mirror of the mind. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 正如弗吉尼亞威廉與瑪麗學院的心理學家Peter Derks所說:「我想把幽默看成人類思維的變形鏡」。


[dɪsˈɔːgənaɪzd] <釋義>adj. badly organized or planned 雜亂無章的,無計劃的;做事無條理的 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+organise(組織)+ed(adj.)→沒組織的→雜亂無章的 <例句>Similarly, it may help to discuss a topic with other people, especially if you feel that you have insufficient ideas, or too many disorganised ideas. (IELTS6,TB,R2) 同樣地,它可以幫你與其他人討論一個話題,特別是當你覺得沒有足夠的想法或想法太多卻沒有條理的時候。


[dɪsˈɡaɪz] <釋義>n. disguised condition; disguising 假裝,偽裝;a thing worn or used for disguising 偽裝物 v. to make sb./sth. look or sound different from normal; give sb./sth. a false appearance 假裝,扮作;to hide or cover up (e.g. one's real feelings or intentions) 隱瞞,隱蔽,掩飾 <詞根>dis(not)+guise(舉止)→掩蓋舉止→偽裝 <搭配>in disguise 偽裝起來 disguise in/with 用......偽裝 <同義>mask, guise, feign, camouflage, conceal, hide, cover <例句>If you must make a note of it, disguise it as something else — a telephone number, say. (IELTS8,TB,R1) 如果你必須做筆記,把它隱藏為其他東西,比如電話號碼。


[dɪˈdʒenəreɪt] <釋義>v. to pass into a worse physical, mental or moral state than one which is considered normal or desirable 惡化 adj. having lost the physical, mental or moral qualities that are considered normal or desirable 墮落的,頹廢的 n. a degenerate person or animal 墮落的人 <詞根>de(否)+generate(產生)→不產生了→惡化,退化 <派生>degeneration n. 惡化 degenerative adj. 惡化的 <例句>Similarly, although at least some cetaceans have taste buds, the nerves serving these have degenerated or are rudimentary. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 同樣地,雖然至少還有一些鯨目動物具有味蕾,但是它們的味覺神經要麼已經退化,要麼就非常原始。


[dɪˈfens] <釋義>n. defending from attack; fighting against attack 保護,防禦;an argument used to answer an accusation or support an idea 辯護 <派生>defend v. 防禦,保衛,防守;辯護,辯解 defendant n. 被告 defender n. 防守隊員,守衛者 defensible adj. 可辯解的,能辯護的 defensive adj. 防禦性的;自衛的,有戒心的 <例句>Researchers in San Diego deprived a group of men of sleep between 3 am and 7 am on just one night, and found that levels of their bodies' natural defences against viral infections had fallen significantly when measured the following morning. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 聖地亞哥的研究者剝奪了一組男性在凌晨3點到7點之間的睡眠(只一個晚上)。


[dɪˈfɜː] <釋義>v. to delay sth. until a later time; postpone sth. 推遲,延期 <同義>postpone <搭配>defer to(尤因尊敬而)聽從,接受(觀點或決定) <派生>deference n. 尊重,遵從,恭敬 deferential adj. 恭敬的,敬重的 <例句>You can take up this opportunity if you are presently enrolled, or finishing this year, or you have deferred a year of study. (IELTS5,TA,R2) 無論你是現在被錄取,或者今年即將完成學業,還是已經延長了一年的學習,你都可以利用這個機會。


[dɪˈfɪʃənsɪ] <釋義>n. the state of lacking sth. essential 缺乏,缺少;a lack of a necessary quality; fault 缺陷,缺點 <詞根>de(向下)+fic(做)+iency→做事都走下坡路,能力缺乏了→缺乏;缺陷 <派生>deficient adj. 缺乏的,有欠缺的 <例句>Few coaches, for instance, understand how deficiencies in trace minerals can lead to injuries. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 比如,很少有教練理解缺少微量元素是如何導致運動員受傷的。


[dɪˈkeɪ] <釋義>v. (cause sth. to) become bad; to rot; to decompose 腐爛,腐敗 n. (state reached by the process of) decaying 腐爛,腐敗,破損 <聯想>decay—decade,事物在十幾年後肯定都腐爛了→腐爛,腐敗 <例句>Archaeological traces of far more elaborate cultures have been dismissed as the ruins of invaders from outside the region, abandoned to decay in the uncompromising tropical environment. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 更加複雜的文化中的考古學遺跡由於外界侵略者的入侵而變成廢墟,它們被遺棄在惡劣的熱帶環境中自生自滅。


[dɪˈkrepɪt] <釋義>adj. made weak by age or hard use 破舊的,衰老的 <詞根>de+crepit(破裂聲)→破裂掉→破舊的 <例句>The aim is to remove the heaviest-polluting, most decrepit vehicles from the roads. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 目標是清除公路上對環境污染最嚴重和最破舊的車輛。


[dɪˈlaɪtfəl] <釋義>adj. giving delight 令人愉快的;漂亮的 <詞根>delight(快樂)+ful(充滿的)→充滿快樂元素的→令人愉快的 <派生>delight n. 快樂,愉快,高興;讓人愉快的事 v. 使高興,使愉快 delighted adj. 高興的,歡喜的 delightfully adv. 漂亮地 <例句>Starting in Weldown, you and your friends can choose a delightful 10, 20 or 30 kilometre route. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 從Weldown開始,你和你的朋友可以選擇令人愉快的10公里、20公里或30公里線路。


[dɪˈlemə] <釋義>n. a situation in which one has to choose between two undesirable things or courses of action (進退兩難的)窘境,困境 <詞根>di(between)+lemma(假設)→模稜兩可的假設→困境,窘境 <搭配>in dilemma 進退兩難,進退維谷 <同義>difficulty, plight, problem <例句>Whatever the cause, the dilemma is always the same: what happens if these new, external sources of income dry up. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 不論什麼原因,困境都是相同的:如果這些新的外部收入來源枯竭了,那會出現怎樣的情況。


[dɪˈmenʃə] <釋義>n. madness with loss of powers of thinking due to brain disease or injury 癡呆症 <詞根>de(取消)+ment(想,心智)+ia(表示疾病的名詞後綴)→沒有心智的病→癡呆症 <例句>Other diseases of old age—dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis and emphysema—are also troubling fewer and fewer people. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 患其它老年疾病,如癡呆症、中風、動脈硬化(症)和肺氣腫,的人也越來越少。


[dɪˈmɒlɪʃ] <釋義>v. to pull or knock down (a building, etc.) 破壞,拆除 <詞根>demo(人民)+lish→人民創造一切也會破壞一切→破壞 <派生>demolition n. 拆毀,毀壞 <例句>Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 澳大利亞體育代表隊獲得了多項榮譽,他們看起來很容易地就擊敗了很多對手。

ment 想,思考,心智: mental adj. 心理的,精神的,心智的 mention v. 提起,提及 comment v.&n. 評論 demographer

[dɪˈmɒɡrəfə] <釋義>n. an expert in such studies 人口統計學家 <詞根>demo(人民)+grapher(繪畫者)→繪畫人口的人→人口統計學家 <派生>demography n. 人口統計學 demographic adj. 人口統計學的,人口的 <例句>"It really raises the question of what should be considered normal ageing," says Kenneth Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 「這實際上提出了什麼是正常衰老這個問題。


[dɪˈpliːt] <釋義>v. to reduce greatly the quantity, size, power or value of (sth.) 減少,削減;消耗,使枯竭 <詞根>de(否)+plete(滿)→使不滿→使枯竭 <派生>depletion n. 減少;枯竭 depleted adj. 人員不足的;減少的 <例句>When local resources became depleted, the tribe moved on. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 當一個地方的資源消耗殆盡之後,部落就開始遷徙。


[dɪˈplɒɪ] <釋義>v. to move into the correct position for battle 部署,動員,調動;to use (sth.) effectively 施展,利用 <詞根>de(apart)+ploy(重疊)→把重疊的東西分開→重新部署 <派生>deployment n. 部署 <例句>Matthews found that it was best to be mixed-handed—this is because a hockey stick must be deployed in two directions—it would be a drawback to have hand or eye favouring one side. (IELTS7,T2,L4) 馬修發現雙手都靈活是最好的——這是因為冰球桿必須操控在兩個方向上,手或眼只習慣一邊是不利的。


[dɪˈsepʃən] <釋義>n. deceiving or being deceived 欺騙,欺騙行為 <詞根>已知receive的名詞形式為reception,可以推出deception動詞為deceyive,de(變壞)+ceive(拿,抓)→用不好的手段拿→欺騙 <派生>deceive v. 欺騙 deceptive adj. 騙人的,靠不住的;虛假的 deceptively adv. 造成假象地 <例句>Now small amounts like this may seem insignificant for individual customers —too small to worry about—but for the company this deception might result in massive illegal profit. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 這麼小的數額對單個顧客來講是微不足道的——太小了,以致顧客不會在意——但是對於這麼大的公司來說,這種欺騙可能帶來巨大的非法盈利。


[dɪˈspɪrɪtɪŋ] <釋義>adj. making sb. lose their hope or enthusiasm 令人氣餒的,令人垂頭喪氣的 <詞根>di(not)+spirit(精神)+ing(令人......的)→令人沒有精神的→令人氣餒的 <派生>dispirit v. 使失望,使氣餒 dispirited adj. 氣餒的 <例句>You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably from jet lag, when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting. (IELTS7,T3,L4) 你午夜醒來,在離家很遠的陌生旅館裡,很可能因為時差的關係而迷失方向,這時候即便最昂貴的環境可能看起來也很空洞和令人沮喪。


[dɪˈsɜːn] <釋義>v. to see (sth.) clearly (with the senses or the mind), esp. with an effort 看出,覺察出,瞭解;辨別,辨明,識別 <詞根>di(分開)+scern(辯解)→分辨→辨別 <派生>discernible adj. 依稀可辨的 discernment n. 辨別(力),洞察力,眼力 <例句>We offer guided walking tours to suit the discerning traveller in twelve different centres throughout the whole of Western Europe. (IELTS4,T4,L2) 我們提供帶導遊服務的徒步旅行,以適應整個西歐12個中心有各種不同需求的旅行者。


[dɪˈtatʃ] <釋義>v. to unfasten sth. from sth.; to disconnect sth. 拆下,使分離 <詞根>已知attach意為貼上,附上,推出tach意為附,貼。


[dɪˈtɜː] <釋義>v. to make sb. decide not to do sth. 防止,阻止,制止 <詞根>de+ter(=terr嚇唬)→被嚇唬震懾住了 <派生>deterrence n. 威嚇,威懾 deterrent n. 威懾物 adj. 威懾的,遏止的 <搭配>deter sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 <例句>State ownership of railways and airlines, regulation of freight rates and toleration of anticompetitive practices, such as cargo-handling monopolies, all keep the cost of shipping unnecessarily high and deter international trade. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 鐵路與航空的國有性質、對運輸價格的管制,和對反競爭行為的放任,如貨物裝卸壟斷,這些做法都使得船運的成本極高,也阻礙了國際貿易的發展。


[dɪˈvaʊə] <釋義>v. to eat (sth.) hungrily or greedily 狼吞虎嚥地吃,吞食;揮霍;to destroy (sth.) 吞沒 <詞根>de(down)+vour(吃)→吃下去→吞食 <派生>devouring adj. 吞食的,猛烈的 <例句>A natural predator indigenous to India, Neodumetia sangawani, was found useful in controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect that was devouring forage grass in many parts of the US. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 印度土著的自然捕食者Neodumetia sangawani可以用來控制Rhodes草地上的害蟲。


[dɪˈzɑːstə] <釋義>n. an event that causes great harm or damage, e.g. a fire, a serious defeat, the loss of a large sum of money 災難,災禍,天災 <詞根>dis(away)+aster(星)→星位不正→災難(古羅馬人認為「星位不正」意味著災難的來臨) <同義>misfortune, catastrophe, mishap, tragedy <派生>disastrous adj. 災禍的,災難的 <例句>Between 1940 and 1959, overfishing led to crashes in salmon populations so severe that in 1953 Alaska was declared a federal disaster area. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 1940年到1959年之間,過度捕撈導致鮭魚的數量大幅度下降,情況嚴重以致於1953年阿拉斯加被宣佈為聯邦災區。


[dɪˈzɜːv] <釋義>v. to be sth. or have done sth. for which one should receive (a reward, special treatment, etc); to be entitled to; to merit 應得,值得 <詞根>de(強調)+serve(服務)→應參加的服務→值得 <同義>earn, merit <例句>Giftedness and genius deserve proper scientific research into their true nature so that all talent may be retained for the human race. (IELTS8,T3,R2) 天賦和天才值得適當的科學研究,以發現它們真正的性質,以便所有的才能能夠被人類保留下來。


[dɪˌnɒməˈneɪʃən] <釋義>n. a religious group or sect 教派;a class or unit of measurement or money (硬幣或鈔票的)面額 <例句>These teller machines accept any denomination of coins or notes up to $50. (IELTS4,TB,R2) 這台櫃員機接受任何面額在50美元以上的硬幣和紙幣。


[dʌmp] <釋義>v. to put (sth. unwanted) in a place and leave as rubbish 傾倒(垃圾);傾銷拋售;to leave or abandon (sb.) 丟棄,擺脫 n. a place where rubbish may be unloaded and left; rubbish-heap 垃圾堆;傾倒;傾銷 <例句>And other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 其他文明古國肯定也瞭解風箏。


[dʒuːˈdɪʃəs] <釋義>adj. having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent 明智的,有見識的 <詞根>judic(判斷)+ious→判斷力強的→明智的,有見識的 <派生>judiciously adv. 明智地 judiciousness n. 明智,有見識 <例句>Archaeology makes clear that with judicious management, selected parts of the region could support more people than anyone thought before. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 考古學家指明,有了明智的管理,選定的區域可能會養活比任何人先前想像的都多的人。


[dʒəʊlt] <釋義>v. to move or to make sb./sth. move suddenly and roughly 搖動,晃動 <例句>"With the eaves extending out on all sides like balancing poles,」 says Mr Ishida, "the building responds to even the most powerful jolt of an earthquake with a graceful swaying, never an abrupt shaking.」(IELTS7,T2,R1) Ishida先生說,「四面的屋簷都向外伸出,就像平衡柱,建築物面對地震產生的最有力的搖晃也只是輕微地搖擺,不會突然搖晃。


[enˈdɔ:s] <釋義>vt. to declare one's public approval or support of 公開贊同(或支援),認可 <詞根>en(in)+dorse(背面)→寫在背面 <派生>endorsement n. 贊同,支援,簽名 <例句>We estimated that it was about one fifth, and this was endorsed by looking at large-scale usage maps in the town land survey office—24% to be precise. (IELTS9,T4,L4) 我們估計差不多是五分之一。


[eəˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. the circulation of air for purification 通氣 <詞根>aer(o)(=air, 空氣)+ate(v. 使通氣)→aeration n. 通氣 <派生>aerate v. 使通氣 <例句>The tunnels abandoned by the beetles provide excellent aeration and water channels for root systems. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 被甲蟲遺棄的地下通道為植物的根系提供了絕佳的通風和汲水管道。


[eəˈrəʊbɪks] <釋義>n. energetic physical exercises done in order to increase the amount of oxygen taken into the body 有氧運動,健美操 <詞根>aero(空氣)+b+ics(......活動)→有氧運動→健美操 <例句>This room is used for badminton and aerobics. (IELTS3,T3, L2) 這間屋子用於打羽毛球和跳健身操。


[eɪˈliːtɪst] <釋義>adj. of the elite or elitism 精英主義的 n. a person who believes in elitism 精英主義者 <詞根>e(出來)+lit(挑選)+ist(主義者)→挑選出人才的主義→精英主義 <派生>elite n. 精英,上層人士 adj. 精英的,精銳的 elitism n. 精英統治論,精英主義 <例句>A largish minority were strongly against it, claiming that it is elitist and a waste of funds. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 很大一部分少數派強烈反對,聲稱這是精英主義,是對資金的浪費。


[eθˈnɒɡrəfə] <釋義>n. a person who studies different races and cultures 人種論研究者,人種志研究者 <詞根>ethno(民族的)+graph(描述)+er→人種論研究者 <派生>ethnography n. 人種論,人種志 ethnographic adj. 人種論的 ethnology n. 民族學,人種學 <例句>Archaeologists in recent decades have developed ethnoarchaeology, where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities, but with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture. (IELTS4,T4,R2) 最近幾十年,考古學家發展了人種考古學理論。


[eθˈnɪsɪtɪ] <釋義>n. ethnic character, background, or affiliation 種族,民族 <派生>ethnic adj. 種族的,民族的 <例句>It should be noted that the two groups of children had been carefully matched by the investigators so that they were comparable in age, ethnicity, race, and social class. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 應該注意的是,調查者已經對兩組兒童進行了認真的分配,使他們在年紀、民族、種族和社會階層方面具有可比較性。


[feə] <釋義>n. the money charged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc. 費,票價 v. to progress; get on 進展 <例句>The research suggests that older people fare best when they feel independent but know they can get help when they need it. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 研究表明,當感覺獨立,但是知道在需要幫助時,他們可以得到幫助,在這種情況下,年紀大點的人生活的最好。


[feəˈwel] <釋義>n. saying goodbye 告別,歡送會 <聯想>fare→far,朋友去遠方了,我要祝福他一切順利(well)→歡送,告別 <例句>You know we've been asked to organize something for John's farewell? (IELTS4,T4,L1) 你知不知道已經有人要我們組織約翰的歡送會了? fatal**[ˈfeɪtl] <釋義>adj. causing or ending in death 致命的,重大的 <派生>fate n. 命運 <例句>In recent times, scientific research has been providing evidence that years of ciga-rette smoking vastly increases the risk of developing fatal medical conditions. (IELTS3,T1,R2) 最近,科學研究一直表明數年的抽煙將大大增加患致命疾病的危險。


[feɪd] <釋義>v. to lose colour, freshness or vigour 褪色;凋謝;to become indistinct 逐漸消失 <例句>Indeed, some said that, once this novelty had worn off, cinema would fade away. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 實際上,有些人說,一旦這種新奇感沒有了,電影院也將隨之登出舞台。


[fjuːm] <釋義>v. to be very angry; show this anger 發火;to emit or give off fumes 冒煙 n. smoke, gas or vapour that smells strongly 煙,氣 <例句>It can actually hasten death, as it did in December 1991 when a cloud of exhaust fumes lingered over the city of London for over a week. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 它實際上可以加速死亡。


[fledʒɪŋ] <釋義>n. a young bird that is just able to fly 羽毛初長的雛鳥,剛會飛的幼鳥;an inexperienced person 無經驗的人 <派生>fledge v. 餵養;用羽毛蓋上,裝上羽毛 fledged adj. 羽毛豐滿的,快會飛的 <例句>Before the breeding season begins, food reserves must be built up to support the energy cost of reproduction, and to provide for young birds both when they are in the nest and after fledging. (IELTS5,T4,R3) 在繁殖季開始之前,必須儲存足夠多的食物支援繁殖帶來的精力消耗,並為在巢中和剛會飛的幼鳥們提供食物。


[fleɪm] <釋義>n. a hot glowing portion of burning gas that comes from something on fire 火焰,火苗;intense feeling, esp. love 熱情 v. to burn with a brighter flame 焚燒;to glow or shine like (the colour of) flames; to blaze 發光,閃耀 <搭配>add fuel to the flames 火上加油 fan the flames 煽動情緒,煽風點火 in flames 燃燒著 <派生>flammable adj. 易燃的 <例句>And other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 其他文明古國肯定瞭解風箏。


[fraʊn] <釋義>v. to bring the eyebrows together, so wrinkling the skin on one's forehead (to express anger, thought, worry, etc.) (因煩惱、焦慮或沉思而)皺眉,蹙額 n. a serious, angry, worried, etc. look on the face causing lines on the forehead; expression of displeasure 皺眉,蹙額 <搭配>frown at 對......皺眉 frown upon/on 反對,不喜歡 <例句>These and other perquisites of status are often frowned upon, but they may serve a purpose as a kind of uniform in a democratic society; roles without signs often lead to confused or differing expectations of the role of the focal person. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 這些以及其他一些表示社會地位的特權經常讓人感到反感,但作為民主社會的一種標誌,它們還是有作用的;沒有標記的角色常常導致對焦點人物的期待值趨於混亂或不一致。


[frɒst] <釋義>n. the dew or water vapour frozen into tiny white ice crystals that cover the ground, etc. when the temperature falls below freezing-point 霜,霜凍;a weather condition in which the temperature falls below freezing-point, usu. accompanied by the formation of fros 冰凍,嚴寒 v. to cover (sth.) with frost 使結霜,下霜 <派生>frost-bound adj. 凍結的 frosting n.(撒在蛋糕上的)糖霜 <例句>Thousands starved as the harvests failed, after snow in June and frosts in August. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 6月暴雪和8月霜凍使莊稼歉收,成千上萬的人挨餓。


[frɒθ] <釋義>n. a mass of small bubbles, esp. on the surface of a liquid; foam(液體表面的)泡,泡沫;a light but worthless conversation, ideas, etc. 空談,淺薄的想法 v. to cause (a liquid) to foam 起泡沫,冒泡 <例句>The gases trapped inside the boiling rock expand suddenly, the lava glows with heat, it begins to froth, and it explodes with tremendous force. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 困在沸石中的氣體突然膨脹,岩漿受熱發紅,開始起泡,然後爆炸,釋放出很大的能量。


[frɔːt] <釋義>adj. with sth. filled with sth.; charged with sth. 充滿的;worried or anxious; worrying 煩惱的,擔心的,令人憂慮的;難以應付的 <搭配>be fraught with sth. 充滿某事物 <例句>But translating corporate philosophies into the right mix of colour, style, degree of branding and uniformity can be a fraught process. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 把公司理念轉化為顏色、風格、品牌和一致性的綜合體是一個非常複雜的過程。


[frɪndʒ] <釋義>n. the front hair cut so that it hangs over the forehead 流海,流蘇;a decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band 穗子;a marginal, peripheral, or secondary part 邊緣,外圍 v. to have sth. as a border 飾......的邊,以......為界 <搭配>the lunatic fringe 極端分子 <例句>Further more,they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 另外,他們認為大約千分之一的狂熱分子會施以450伏的電擊。


[frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ] <釋義>adj. annoying; discouraging 令人沮喪的,挫敗的,令人洩氣的 <派生>frustrate v. 破壞,阻撓;使失敗,使洩氣 frustration n. 挫折,失敗,落空,失落 frustrated adj. 感到失望的,不如意的,受挫折的 <例句>I also found it frustrating to have so few teaching resources. (IELTS3,T1,L3) 如此匱乏的教學資源也讓我感到沮喪。


[fɒɪl] <釋義>v. to prevent (sb.) from carrying out a plan; prevent (a plan, etc.) from succeeding; thwart; frustrate 阻撓,使挫敗 <例句>What they had foiled to reckon with was what happened when the kite was opened. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 他們沒能夠認真對待的是,當風箏打開的時候發生的情況。


[fɔːˈgəʊ] <釋義>v. to give up or do without 放棄,拋棄 <詞根>for(away)+go→go away→走開→放棄,拋棄 <例句>Here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional authority figure. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 對於為什麼這麼多作為研究對象的教師願意因為學院權威放棄自己的個人責任感,我們有兩種完全不同的解釋。


[fɔːˈmalɪtɪ] <釋義>n. careful observance of rules, conventions, etc. of language or behaviour 拘泥形式,禮節,禮儀;the action required by convention or law 正規(形式上的)手續 <詞根>form(形式)+ality→形式上→拘泥形式 <派生>form n. 形式 v. 形成 formal adj. 正式的 formally adv. 正式地 format n. 板式,編排 v. 設計 formation n. 形成;隊形;組織;形成物 formative adj. 形成性的 <例句>In social circumstances, dress has often been used as a role sign to indicate the nature and degree of formality of any gathering and occasionally the social status of people present. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 在社會環境中,衣著一直象徵聚會的性質和正式程度,有時候象徵著出席者的社會地位。

-age 表示集合名詞或總稱: wordage n. 文字,詞彙量 percentage n. 百分比 tonnage n. 噸數,噸位 mileage n. 英里數 acreage n. 英畝數 assemblage n. 集合的人群 leafage n. 葉子 foregone conclusion

[fɔːˈɡɒn kənˈkluːʒən] <釋義>phr. result that can be predicted with certainty 必然結局;不出意料的結果 <例句>I think it can but it's not a foregone conclusion unless they manage to attract the right level of investment. (IELTS5,T4,L3) 我認為這有可能但並不是一個必然的結論,除非他們努力吸引恰當程度的投資。

我們怎麼能夠解釋他們之間的巨大差異呢? foe

[fəʊ] <釋義>n. an enemy 敵人 <例句>And other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 其他文明古國肯定也瞭解風箏。


[fəˈmɪlɪəraɪz] <釋義>v. to learn about something so that you understand it, or to teach someone else about something so that they understand it 使熟悉,使通曉 <詞根>famil(家人)+iarise(使......化)→使家人化→使熟悉,使通曉 <搭配>familiarise yourself with sth. 讓你自己熟悉某物 <派生>familiar adj. 熟悉的 familiarisation n. 使熟悉 familiarly adv. 熟悉地 <例句>You'll need to familiarise yourself with both sites to make the most of our resources. (IELTS6,T4,L3) 兩個地點你都需要熟悉,以便最大程度地利用我們的資源。


[fəˈsɪlɪteɪtə] <釋義>n. someone who helps a group of people discuss things with each other or do something effectively 推動者,促進者 <詞根>facil(容易的)+itator→使變得容易的東西→推動者,促進者 <派生>facilitate v. 使(工作、事物等)變得容易,使便利,促進 facility n. 便利條件 facilities n. 設備,設施 <例句>Parent resource centres, located in school buildings, offered learning materials for families and facilitators for child care. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 位於學校內的父母資源中心為家庭和托兒所提供照顧小孩的學習材料。


[fəˈtɒgrəfɪ] <釋義>n. the art or process of taking photographs 攝影術,攝影 <詞根>photo(光)+graph(寫,記錄)+y(n.)→攝影術 <派生>photographic adj. 攝影(術)的,攝影用的,攝制的 photographer n. 攝影師 <例句>Stunning reproductions of paintings, beautiful photography and informative text. (IELTS5,TA,R1) 高仿真的繪畫複製品、美麗的攝影和令人大開眼界的文字。


[fəˈɡɪv] <釋義>v. to stop being angry or bitter towards sb. or about sth.; to stop blaming or wanting to punish sb. 原諒,饒恕,寬恕;to say that sb. need not repay (the money owed); not demand repayment from (sb.) 免除(債務等) <詞根>for(away)+give→give away(就此作罷)→原諒 <搭配>forgive sb. for doing sth. 原諒某人做某事 <派生>forgivable adj. 可寬恕的,可原諒的 forgiveness n. 原諒,饒恕,寬恕 <例句>And you would be forgiven for thinking this, because in fact most lions do come from Africa. (IELTS6,T4,L4) 你這麼想也可以理解,因為實際上大多數獅子確實都來自非洲。


[geɪdʒ] <釋義>n. an instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth. 測量儀表;a standard measure, esp. of width or thickness 規格 v. to measure 測量 <例句>It gauges the pollution from a passing vehicle—more useful than the annual stationary test that is the British standard today—by bouncing a beam through the exhaust and measuring what gets blocked. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 它對行駛中的汽車的尾氣發出光束,並通過測量被阻攔的物質來確定污染程度,這種方法比英國現在標準的每年一次的固定測試的方法更有效。


[glɑːns] <釋義>v. to look quickly at sth./sb. 掃視,匆匆看一下 n. a quick look 匆匆看,一瞥,一眼 <同義>look, glimpse, stare, glare, gaze <搭配>take/give/cast a glance at 對......粗略看一下 <例句>At first glance, playing animals do appear to be practising the complex manoeuvres they will need in adulthood. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 乍一看,玩耍的動物確實好像在練習他們長大後需要用到的複雜動作。


[griːs] <釋義>n. any thick semi-solid oily substance 潤滑油,油脂 <例句>Use warm, soapy water, squeeze the cloth out well and use it to remove any grease or food from the interior. (IELTS7,TA,R1) 用溫熱的肥皂水,將抹布擰乾,並用它把內部的油脂和食物都清洗掉。


[griːt] <釋義>v. to give a conventional sign or word of welcome or pleasure when meeting sb. or receiving a (guest) 致敬;迎接 <同義>welcome, hail, salute, address <派生>greeting n. 致敬;問候,招呼 <例句>2 nights' accommodation on arrival plus meet and greet and airport transfer (IELTS5,TA,R2) 到達後兩個晚上的住宿,加上迎接和機場中轉 grenade**[grəˈneɪd] <釋義>n. a small bomb thrown by hand or fired from a rifle 手榴彈 <例句>The Chinese relied on this type of technological development to produce incendiary projectiles of many sorts, explosive grenades and possibly cannons to repel their enemies. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 中國人依靠這種技術發展生產出了多種燃燒投射物、爆炸性手榴彈、甚至大炮來驅趕敵人。


[grəʊn] <釋義>v. to make a deep sad sound when in pain, or to express despair, disapproval or distress 呻吟;to suffer or be oppressed by sth. 受折磨 n. a deep sound made when in pain, etc. 呻吟 <聯想>與moan(抱怨,呻吟)同記 <例句>The supposed pupil was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 所謂學生實際上是由Milgram雇來的演員,他們通過發出一系列呻吟、尖叫來模仿受到電擊後的反應,還胡亂說話,罵罵咧咧,譴責實驗與實驗者,同時將身體不斷翻滾。


[grəˈtjuːɪtɪ] <釋義>n. money given to a retiring employee 退職金,遣散費,退伍金 <例句>Pay means gross pay and includes any items paid through the payroll such as overtime, bonus payments, commission and tips and gratuities. (IELTS7,TB,R2) 收入意味著薪金總額,它包括公司工資總額中付款的所有項目,如加班補貼、獎金、佣金、小費及退職金。


[grɪm] <釋義>adj. very bad or unpleasant 討厭的,糟糕的;very serious and unsmiling in appearance 嚴肅的,嚴厲的;severe; unrelenting 嚴酷的,無情的 <同義>foul, gloomy, dreadful, cruel, stern, harsh, severe, brutal <派生>grimly adv. 糟糕地;嚴肅地 grimness n. 嚴肅,嚴厲;糟糕 <例句>In broad terms, it is thought that rainfall zones will shift northwards, adding to the water deficit in Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean—a grim prospect indeed. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 從廣義上講,人們認為雨水圈會向北移動,使得非洲、中東和地中海的水資源更加匱乏——前景不容樂觀。


[grɪp] <釋義>v. to take and keep a firm hold of (sth/sb) 握緊;to seize the attention, imagination, etc. of (sb.)吸引......注意力 n. the action of gripping; firm hold 緊握 <聯想>與grasp「掌握」同記 <搭配>come/get to grips with sth. 開始處理,開始應付 <例句>Before they had a chance to get to grips with the effects of that, they were stalled by a strike. (IELTS5,T4,L3) 他們還沒有機會來應對它的影響,一場罷工就阻止了他們。


[gʌst] <釋義>n. a sudden violent rush of wind 陣風,強風 <例句>Trees filter the wind and considerably reduce it, preventing those very large strong gusts that you so often find around tall buildings. (IELTS4,T1,L4) 樹木可以過濾風,並很大程度上降低風速,防止你經常在高樓周圍遇到的強風的出現。


[gʌʃ] <釋義>v. to flow or pour out suddenly in great quantities 噴,湧出;to talk with excessive enthusiasm 滔滔不絕地講 <例句>This prevents rainwater gushing down the walls. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 這可以避免雨水從牆壁噴湧而下。


[haɪp] <釋義>n. misleading and exaggerated publicity 天花亂墜的宣傳報道 v. to publicize sth. in a wildly exaggerated way 言過其實的宣傳 <例句>And it is not always hype. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 這並不一定都是天花亂墜的宣傳報道。


[hjuːˈmanɪtɪ] <釋義>n. human beings collectively; the human race; people **[總稱]人類;人性 <詞根>human+ity→人類;人性 <派生>human n. 人類 humanist n. 人本主義者 humanistic adj. 人本主義的 humankind n. 人類 humanism n. 人文主義者;人道主義,人本主義 humanitarian adj 人道主義的 n.人道主義者 <例句>Anthropology, at its broadest, is the study of humanity—our physical characteristics as animals and our unique non-biological characteristics that we call culture. (IELTS4,T4,R2) 人類學,最廣義的說,是研究人的學問——我們作為動物的自然特徵以及被我們稱做文化的獨特的非生物特徵。


[hɑːv] <釋義>v. to divide (sth.) into two equal parts 二等分;to reduce (sth.) by a half 減半 <派生>half n. 一半 <例句>In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of fortytwo schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 在挪威,干預運動投放於全國後,一項對42所學校的評估表明通過2年的時間欺凌現象減半了。


[hɔːˈməʊnəl] <釋義>adj. of a hormone or hormones 荷爾蒙的,激素的;內分泌的 <派生>hormone n. 荷爾蒙,激素;內分泌 <例句>One theory for the age-related change is that it is due to hormonal changes. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 與年齡相關的變化的一種理論是將衰老歸因於內分泌的變化。


[həˈbɪtʃʊəl] <釋義>adj. regular; usual 通常的;done constantly or as a habit 習慣的,已養成習慣的 <詞根>habit(習慣)+ual(adj.)→習慣的 <派生>habit n. 習慣 <例句>No attempt was made to place a division in the programme that would best fit its habitual methods of supervision used by the manager, assistant managers, supervisors and assistant supervisors. (IELTS3,T4,R3) 公司並沒有刻意去把某個部門放在整體項目中,這種做法讓這個部門最符合經理、經理助理、主管和助理主管通常的管理方法。


[həˈmɒdʒɪnəs] <釋義>adj. formed of parts that are all of the same type 同種類的 <詞根>homo(同類的)+gene(基因)+ous→同種類的 <派生>homogeneity n. 同種,同質 <例句>The last 30 years, however, have seen an increasing emphasis on their role in projecting the image of an organisation and in uniting the workforce into a homogeneous unit—particularly in customer facing industries, and especially in financial services and retailing. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 然而,在過去30年中,制服在表現公司形象和團結員工並使之成為一個同質的整體這兩方面的作用增強了——尤其是在面對顧客的行業中,如金融服務業和零售業。


[hɪpˈnɒtɪk] <釋義>adj. of or producing hypnosis or a similar condition 催眠術的,安眠的 <詞根>hypno(睡眠)+tic(......的)→催眠的 <派生>hypnotism n. 催眠術 hypnosis n. 催眠 <例句>But it is worth trying, for to understand the initial shock of those images is to understand the extraordinary power and magic of cinema, the unique, hypnotic quality that has made film the most dynamic, effective art form of the 20th century. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 但是這值得我們去試一試,因為要瞭解這些圖像帶來的衝擊,就等於瞭解電影非凡的力量和魔力,正是這種獨特的、令人眩暈的品質使電影成為20世紀最具活力、最為有效的藝術形式。


[hɪˈrəʊɪk] <釋義>adj. having the characteristics of a hero; very brave 英雄的,英勇的 <詞根>hero(英雄)+ic(adj.)→英雄的,英勇的 <派生>hero n. 英雄 heroics n. (過分的)豪言壯語 <例句>Working to a deadline, he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries, and to make his work one of heroic synthesis. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 最後期限將至,他必須利用以前所有字典的精華,並把他的作品做成一部創記錄的綜合著作。


[hʌntʃ] <釋義>n. idea based on intuition or instinct and not on evidence 基於直覺的想法,直覺,預感 <例句>On a hunch, he started gradually moving the feeding dish further and further away and noticed as he did so, that the dances of the returning scout bees also started changing. (IELTS4,TB,R3) 憑直覺,他開始逐步將餵養盤放得越來越遠,而後他發現,回來的偵察蜂的舞蹈也開始改變。


[iˈmə:s] <釋義>vt. to dip or submerge in a liquid 浸,泡 <詞根>im(in)+merse(沉)→沉在裡面→浸沒 <搭配>immerse oneself in...=be immersed in... 專心於 <派生>immersion n. 沉浸,浸沒 <例句>As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. (IELTS9,T1,R1) 作為倫敦城市學校的一名學生,珀金沉浸於化學學習之中。


[kap] <釋義>n. a soft head-covering without a brim but often with a peak, worn by men and boys 帽子 v. to put a cap on (sth.); to cover the top or end of 蓋在......上面 <例句>During quiet periods, volcanoes cap themselves with their own lava by forming a powerful cone from the molten rocks slopping over the rim of the crater. (IELTS4,T3, R2) 在休眠期,溢出火山口邊緣的熔岩形成一個強大的錐形,火山就是通過這種方式用岩漿把自己蓋住的。


[kapˈsaɪz] <釋義>v. to overturn or be overturned (使)翻船 <例句>The invention of the container crane made it possible to load and unload containers without capsizing the ship and the adoption of standard container sizes allowed almost any box to be transported on any ship. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 集裝箱起重機的發明使人們能夠裝載與卸載集裝箱而不至於翻船。


[kluː] <釋義>n. a fact or piece of evidence that helps to solve a problem or reveal the truth in an investigation 線索,提示 <聯想>發音記憶:「刻錄」→若要人不知,除非己莫為。


[klɪŋ] <釋義>v. to hold on tightly to sb./sth. (因害怕等)抓住,抱緊 <搭配>cling to 堅持,默守,忠於;粘著,緊貼 <例句>Doctors clung the most keenly to Latin as an insider language. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 醫生堅持將拉丁語作為內部語言。


[kreɪn] <釋義>n. a machine or vehicle with a long movable arm from which heavy weights can be hung in order to lift or move them 起重機,吊車 <例句>The invention of the container crane made it possible to load and unload containers without capsizing the ship and the adoption of standard container sizes allowed almost any box to be transported on any ship. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 集裝箱起重機的發明使人們能夠裝載與卸載集裝箱而不至於翻船。


[kreɪz] <釋義>n. enthusiastic, usu. brief, interest in sth. 風靡一時的事物,狂熱 <派生>crazy adj. 瘋狂的 <例句>Almost overnight movies became a craze, and by 1905 people in America were lining up to see movies in "store theatres", as they were called then. (IELTS6,T2,L4) 幾乎在一夜之間,電影開始盛行。


[kruː] <釋義>n. all personnel operating or serving aboard a ship 全體船員;a group of people working together; a gang 一隊工作的人員 <聯想>crow意為烏鴉,天下烏鴉一般黑→crew全體船員 <例句>This was an explosion of a large oil tanker which caused the loss of more than fifty lives of the crew. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 一個大型油輪爆炸導致50多名船員失去了生命。


[kruːd] <釋義>adj. in the natural state; unrefined 天然的,粗糙的;not well finished; not completely worked out; rough 粗俗的 <詞根>c+rud(天然的,粗糙的)+e→天然的,粗糙的 <例句>Other than bows, arrows and crude digging sticks, the only tools the Siriono seemed to possess were two machetes worn to the size of pocket-knives. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 除了弓、箭和粗糙的挖掘棍,Siriono擁有的唯一工具是兩個砍刀,它們被磨成口袋刀的尺寸。


[kwest] <釋義>v. a long search for sth., especially for some quality such as happiness 尋求,尋找v. to search for sth. that is difficult to find 尋找;探索 <同義>search,pursuit,exploration <搭配>in request of 為了尋求,為了探索 <例句>However far from reality such portrayals are, they capture the essential truth that archaeology is an exciting quest — the quest of knowledge about ourselves and our past. (IELTS4,T4,R2) 不管這些畫像離現實多麼遙遠,他們都抓住了最本質的東西,那就是考古學是一種令人激動的探索,它探尋著我們自己和我們的過去。


[kwɪt] <釋義>v. to go away from (a place); to leave 離開,離去 <同義>depart,leave,abandon <派生>quitter n. 半途而廢的人,不善始善終的人,容易放棄的人 <例句>I don't want to quit my job... (IELTS5,T1,L3) 我不想辭掉我的工作...... quiz**[kwɪz] <釋義>n. a competition, esp. on TV or radio, in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge 競賽,比賽 <派生>quizzical adj. 疑問的,探詢的 <例句>Entertainment is laid on nearly every night with tour leaders on hand to organise lectures, games, quizzes and respond to any special requests from guests. (IELTS4,T4,L2) 幾乎每晚都有娛樂節目,領隊的人會組織一些講座、遊戲、競賽問答等,並回應客人的各種特殊要求。


[kɑːˈtuːn] <釋義>n. an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, esp. one that comments satirically on current events 漫畫;a film made by photographing a series of gradually changing drawings, giving an illusion of movement 動畫片 **[記憶]根據發音推出「卡通」 <派生>cartoonist n. 漫畫家 <例句>The making of cartoons became a separate branch of film-making, generally practiced outside the major studios, and the same was true of serials. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 漫畫製作成為電影製造業的一個分支,一般不在大型演播廳製作,連續劇也是一樣。


[kɒɡˈnɪʃən] <釋義>n. the action or process of acquiring knowledge, by reasoning or by intuition or through the senses 認知,認知力 <詞根>cogni(知道)+tion→認知 <派生>cognitive adj. 認知的,認知力的 cognizant adj. 認識到的 <例句>Among these, the world of the ant has come in for considerable scrutiny lately, and the idea that ants demonstrate sparks of cognition has certainly not been rejected by those involved in these investigations. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 其中,螞蟻世界最近受到了極大追蹤,而這些研究也接受了螞蟻也是能迸發認知火花的觀點。


[kɔː] <釋義>n. a military force made up of two or more divisions 部隊,兵種 <詞根>corp(團體)+s→團隊→部隊 <例句>The leaders had built up a corps of racketeers and used rockets successfully against the British in the late eighteenth century. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 這些領導人組建了火箭部隊,並在18世紀末成功地用火箭打敗了英國人。


[kəmˈpanjən] <釋義>n. a person or animal that goes with, or spends much time with, another 同伴,夥伴;a handbook; a reference book 指南,手冊 <聯想>compani(可以看做company(同伴,陪伴))+on→同伴 <派生>companionable adj. 友好的,友善的;和諧的 companionship n. 友情,友誼 <例句>Supersaver: haft-price seats are available for people with disabilities and one companion. (IELTS6,TB,R1) 超級省錢:殘疾人和他/她的一個同伴可以買到半價票。


[kəmˈpatəbəl] <釋義>adj. (people, ideas, arguments, principles, etc.) suited; that can exist together 可和諧相處的,相容的,兼容的 <詞根>com(together)+pat(等於)+ible→能夠相等的 <派生>compatibility n. 兼容性 <同義>agreeable, consistent <搭配>be compatible with 與......一致 <例句>Unfortunately, these methods are not always compatible. (IELTS8,T4,R3) 不幸的是,這些方法不總是相容的。


[kəmˈpaʃənɪt] <釋義>adj. compassionate 有同情心的,深表同情的 <詞根>com(共同)+passion(強烈感情)+ate(adj.)→產生了共同的感情→深表同情的 <派生>compassion n. 同情,憐憫 compassionately adj. 有同情心地 <例句>Extensions are normally given only for medical or compassionate reasons. (IELTS4,T1,L3) 正常情況下,只有出於健康或同情的原因才允許作業遲交。


[kəmˈplaɪ] <釋義>v. to do as one is requested, commanded, etc; to obey 遵守,服從 <詞根>com+ply(重合)→觀點重合→服從 <搭配>comply with 遵守 <派生>compliance n. 服從,遵守,順從 compliant adj. 過於順從的,百依百順的 <例句>Before the experiement took place, the psychiatrists underestimated the teacher-subjects'willingness to comply with experimental procedure. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 在試驗前,精神病醫生低估了教師研究對像遵守實驗程序的意願。


[kəmˈpleksɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the state of being complex 複雜性 <派生>complex adj. 複雜的,錯綜的,難懂的 <例句>Pupils did not volunteer ideas that suggested that they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 小學生們並沒有主動表明他們領會雨林毀滅原因的複雜性的想法。


[kəmˈpreʃən] <釋義>n. compressing or being compressed 壓緊,壓縮 <詞根>com(加強)+press(壓)+ion(n.)→使勁壓→壓緊,壓縮 <派生>compress v. 壓緊,壓縮 compressive adj. 有壓力的,壓縮的,壓搾的 <例句>When the interior finally solidifies and shrinks, it exerts a pull on the outer layer that leaves it in permanent compression and produces a tensile force inside the glass. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 當內部最終凝固和壓縮後,就會對外層產生了拉力,使其處於永久的壓縮狀態,並在玻璃杯內部產生拉伸力。


[kənˈdem] <釋義>v. to say that one disapproves of sb./sth. 譴責,指責;to say what sb's punishment is to be; to sentence sb. 判刑,宣判 <詞根>con(強調)+demn(判決)→宣判 <派生>condemnation n. 譴責,譴責的理由 <同義>blame, reprove, censure; sentence, convict <例句>Finally, they offer those condemned to spend five days a week in an urban environment, an unrivalled area of freedom to unwind and take part in a range of leisure activities, such as hunting, riding and hiking. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 最後,對於那些一週五天不得不待在城市的人來說,森林是無與倫比的自由廣闊的地區,在這裡可以參加一系列休閒活動,例如打獵、騎馬和遠足。


[kənˈdɪʃənə] <釋義>n. a thing or substance that conditions, esp. a liquid that keeps the hair healthy and shiny 調整器;護髮素 <派生>condition n. 條件;狀況,環境 v. 影響;控制,制約 conditional adj. 有條件的 <例句>One firm, Papersave, currently sells this to farmers as a soil conditioner, though this practice will soon be banned because of transport costs and the smell. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 一個叫Papersave的公司最近將這個作為土壤調整器賣給農民。


[kənˈfɔːm] <釋義>v. to keep to or comply with (generally accepted rules, standards, etc.) 遵守,遵照,服從,順從;to agree or be consistent with sth. 與......相似 <詞根>con(共同)+form(形狀)→有共同的形狀→遵照,遵從 <搭配>conform to/with 遵照,遵守,服從 <派生>conformity n. 遵照,遵從,符和 conformist adj. 墨守陳規的 n. 墨守陳規者 <例句>HOUSE SHARES—this recent initiative is a range of shared houses for 140 students, conforming to standards set by us to meet all legal safety requirements. (IELTS5,TB,R2) 合住房間——這個方案是為140名學生設計的一系列合住房屋,它們符合我們設定的標準,滿足所有法律安全要求。


[kənˈsaɪnmənt] <釋義>n. goods consigned 發送的貨物;consigning 送貨 <聯想>con(加強)+sign(做標記)+ment(n.)→把東西做標記發出去→發送的貨物 <派生>consign v. 把......擱置於;使陷於(窘境);把......交付給,把......委託給 <例句>We're always interested to hear of other places that would benefit from receiving a consignment of bikes, and welcome suggestions from people who've been to developing regions on their travels. (IELTS5,T2,L2) 我們將很有興趣聽到其他收到自行車就能受益的地方,並且歡迎在旅遊中到過發展中地區的人們提出建議。


[kənˈsjuːmərɪzəm] <釋義>n. protection of consumers' interests 消費主義(認為人們購買和使用大量商品與服務有利於國家經濟) <詞根>consumer(消費者)+ism(主義)→消費主義 <派生>consume v. 消費 consumption n. 消費 consumer n. 消費者 <例句>Do you think consumerism is a positive or a negative development? (IELTS3,T4,S3) 你覺得消費主義是好還是不好? containerization**[kənˌteɪnəraɪˈzeɪʃən] <釋義>n. the process of packing (goods) into a container 集裝箱化,貨櫃運輸 <詞根>container(容器,集裝箱)+riz(e)(......化)+ation→集裝箱化 <派生>container n. 容器,集裝箱 <例句>A series of technological innovations known broadly as containerisation and intermodal transportation has led to swift productivity improvements in cargo-handling. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 一系列技術的革新使貨物處理生產力迅速提高,這些技術包括廣為人知的集裝箱技術和聯合運輸技術。


[kənˈspɪkjʊəs] <釋義>adj. easily seen; noticeable; remarkable 顯著的,引人注目的 <詞根>con(強調)+spic(看)+uous→大家都能看到的→顯著的 <派生>conspicuously adv. 顯著地 conspicuousness n. 顯著,引人注目 <同義>well-marked, obvious, visible <例句>For those living near the equator in particular, its waxing and waning was more conspicuous than the passing of the seasons. (IELTS8,T1, R1) 尤其對於那些生活在離赤道很近的人來說,月圓月缺比季節交替更明顯。


[kənˈtend] <釋義>v. to struggle in order to overcome a rival, competitor or difficulty 競爭,鬥爭;to put forward(sth.) as one's opinion; to argue; to assert 堅決主張 <詞根>con(with)+tend(張開,拉)→一起拉→爭奪 <搭配>contend about (over)... 為......爭吵 contend against... 與......搏鬥或爭鬥 contend with... 與某人競爭 <派生>contention n. 競爭,爭執,爭論 <例句>Rather, they contend, it was almost certainly the result of climatic shifts, prompted in part by cumulative effects of the el nino/la nina phenomenon on Pacific Ocean temperatures, culminating in a harsh winter in which huge numbers of salmon eggs were frozen. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 相反,他們認為這幾乎可以肯定是氣候變化的結果,厄爾尼諾和拉尼娜現象對太平洋溫度的累積效應是部分推動力,最後在嚴酷的寒冬達到高峰,大量的鮭魚卵被凍結。


[kənˈtɪndʒənt] <釋義>adj. uncertain; accidental 附帶的,依條件而定的 <派生>contingency n. 可能發生的事,意外事件 <例句>Managers need to make rewards contingent on performance. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 經理根據表現給員工發獎金。


[kənˈvɜːs] <釋義>adj. opposite to sth. 相反的,逆的 n. the opposite 相反的說法 <詞根>con(共同)+vers(轉)+e→別人轉,你也轉,但是方向相反→相反的 <例句>Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness, The converse was also found to be true. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 在比較了15種哺乳動物的測量結果後,他和他的團隊發現大腦越大(根據特定的身體大小),其玩耍能力越強。


[kənˈvɜːʃən] <釋義>n. converting or being converted 轉化,兌換 <詞根>con+vers(轉)+ion→轉化 <派生>convert v. 改變,轉變,改裝 <例句>Clean coal is another avenue for improving fuel conversion efficiency. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 清潔煤的使用是提高燃料轉化效率的又一途徑。


[kənˈvɪkt] <釋義>v. to declare in a lawcourt that sb. is guilty (of a crime) 證明......有罪,宣判......有罪 n. a person who has been convicted of crime and is being punished, esp. by imprisonment 已決犯 <聯想>con(共同)+vict(im)(受害者)→當你犯罪被捕後,你和被害人實際上都為受害者。


[kənˌfɪɡjʊˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. an arrangement of the parts of sth.; shape or outline 結構,構造;配置,組裝;外形 <詞根>con(表加強)+figur(e)(形狀)+tion(n.)→結構,構造 <派生>configure v.(尤指對計算機軟件進行)配置 <例句>The four-year pilot study included 380 families who were about to have their first child and who represented a cross-section of socio-economic status, age and family configurations. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 四年的試點研究包含了380個家庭,這些家庭即將擁有他們的第一個孩子,而且代表了不同的社會經濟地位、年齡和家庭結構。


[kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən] <釋義>n. consolidating or being consolidated 鞏固,加強;聯合,合併 <詞根>con(加強)+solid(固體的)+at(e)(v.)+ion(n.)→鞏固,加強 <派生>consolidate v. 鞏固,加強 <例句>The past two or three years have seen consolidation. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 過去兩三年出現了聯合兼併。


[ɪˈluːʒən] <釋義>n. false idea, belief or impression; delusion 幻覺,幻想;錯誤的信仰或觀念 <詞根>il(against)+lus(玩耍)+ion→(錯認為可以)玩弄某人→錯覺 <搭配>cherish/habor an illusion 存有幻想 create/produce an illusion 產生幻想 dispel an illusion 消除幻想 <同義>vision, delusion, fantasy, misconception <派生>illusive adj. 幻影的,錯覺的;迷惑人的,虛假的,不牢靠的 <例句>the end of an illusion (IELTS4,T4,R3) 幻想的終結 imitation**[ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃən] <釋義>n. imitating 模仿,仿製;the thing produced as a copy of the real thing 仿製品,贗品 <同義>copy, simulation, duplication, reproduction <派生>imitate v. 倣傚,模仿;仿造,偽造 imitator n. 模仿者,偽造者 imitative adj. 模仿的,偽造的 <搭配>by imitation 通過模仿,模仿地 in imitation of...倣傚 <例句>This could have been an imitation of earlier vessels. (IELTS6,T3,L4) 這可能是早期船隻的一種仿製品。


[ɪˈlɪsɪt] <釋義>v. to draw (facts, a response, etc.) from sb., sometimes with difficulty 誘出,探出(事實、反應等) <詞根>e(出來)+licit(引導)→引出→誘出 <派生>elicitation n. 誘導,誘出 <例句>Often, the researcher wishes to obtain information about just a single variable, in which case a restricted set of questions may be used: a particular feature of pronunciation, for example, can be elicited by asking the informant to say a restricted set of words. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 通常研究者希望獲得關於某個單音的內容,在這種情況下可以使用一套嚴格的問題:如通過讓被調查者朗讀一套限定的詞彙的方法來得出其發音的特點。


[ɪˈməʊbɑɪl] <釋義>adj. unable to move or be moved 固定的,不動的,不能動的 <詞根>im(否定)+mobile(移動的)→不能移動的 <派生>immobility n. 不能移動性 <例句>When pain strikes, we attempt to keep the back as immobile as possible, which makes the muscles tense up. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 當疼痛發作時,我們會努力保持背部不動,這使得肌肉緊張起來。


[ɪˈmɜːdʒənt] <釋義>adj. emerging 剛出現的,新興的 <詞根>e(出來)+merge(浸沒)+ent(adj.)→從浸沒中出來的→剛出現的,新興的 <派生>emerge v. 出現,顯露,暴露 emergence n. 出現,被認可 emergency n. 緊急情況,突發事件 emerging adj. 新興的 <例句>The emergent nation states of Europe developed competitive interests in world exploration and the development of trade. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 歐洲新興國家對探索世界和貿易發展競相產生了興趣。


[ɪˈneɪt] <釋義>adj. in one's nature; possessed from birth 天生的,固有的 <例句>A number of pests are now born with an innate immunity to some pesticides. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 現在,許多害蟲從出生開始就對殺蟲劑有內在的免疫力。


[ɪˈnɔːɡjʊreɪt] <釋義>v. to introduce a new public official or leader at a special ceremony 為......舉行就職典禮;to officially open a building or start an organization with a special ceremony 為......舉行儀式,為......舉行落成(開幕)儀式;to introduce a new development or an important change 開創,創始 <詞根>in(in)+augurate(預兆,預示)→預示......的來臨→為......舉行就職典禮 <派生>inauguration n. 就職儀式 inaugural adj. 就職的,就任的;開幕的,創始的 <例句>In 1665 a new scientific journal, Philosophical Transactions, was inaugurated. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 1665年,一本新的科學期刊《哲學會報》正式出版了。


[ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz] <釋義>v. to be an epitome of (sth.) 集中體現,概括 <詞根>epi(on)+tome(cut,剪切)+ise→剪切後剩下的精華部分→概括 <派生>epitome n. 縮影,梗概,摘要 <例句>Indeed, in many respects the Siriono epitomise the popular conception of life in Amazonia. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 事實上,從很多方面來看,西裡奧諾人的生活集中體現了亞馬遜河流域普遍的生活理念。


[ɪˈradɪkeɪt] <釋義>v. to destroy (sth.) completely; put an end to (sth.) 連根拔起;根除,消滅 <詞根>e(out)+radic(根)+ate→拔出根 <同義>exterminate, uproot, destroy <派生>eradication n. 根絕,消滅 <例句>We discovered a few of them in Queensland once and eradicated them. (IELTS8,T2,L3) 我們曾經在昆士蘭州發現了一些(亞洲蜜蜂),並把它們根除了。


[ɪˈreləvənt] <釋義>adj. not connected (with sth.); not relevant (to sth.) 不相關的,離題的 <詞根>ir(not)+relevant(相關的)→不相關的 <派生>irrelevance n. 不相關 <例句>It is in the light of an expectation that some observations are held to be relevant and some irrelevant. (IELTS3,T1,R3) 根據預測,有些觀察被認為是相關的,有些是無關的。

以r 為詞首的形容詞,其反義詞通常在其前加ir: irreconcilable adj. 不能和解的,不能調和的 irreducible adj. 不能減少的,不可簡化的 irreparable adj. 無法修復的,不能挽回的 irrepressible adj. 不能抑制的 irrespective adj. 不考慮的,不顧及的 irresponsible adj. 不負責任的 irretrievable adj. 不能復得的 irreverent adj. 不虔誠的 irreversible adj. 不能反轉的 irrevocable

[ɪˈrevəkəbəl] <釋義>adj. impossible to retract or revoke 無法取消的,不能改變的 <詞根>ir(not)+revocable(可取消的)→無法取消的 <例句>Therefore, it was felt that the Museum should acquire materials representing people whose art or material culture, ritual or political structures were on the point of irrevocable change. (IELTS3,T3,R1) 因此,人們認為博物館要吸收對一個民族具有代表性的物品,因為該民族的藝術或物質文化、儀式或政治結構正面臨著不可逆轉的變革。


[ɪˈrʌpt] <釋義>v. to suddenly throw out lava, etc.(火山等)爆發,迸發,噴出;突然發生 <詞根>e(out)+rupt(break斷裂)→爆發 <派生>eruption n. 爆發,迸發,噴發 <例句>When Mount Pinatubo suddenly erupted on 9 June 1991, the power of volcanoes past and present again hit the headlines. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 當Pinatubo火山於1991年6月9日突然爆發的時候,關於過去和現在火山威力的報道又成了頭條。


[ɪˈθɪərɪəl] <釋義>adj. of unearthly delicacy and lightness; seeming too spiritual or fairy-like for this world 飄渺的;超凡的 <例句>"We can't waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don't help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance," says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 「我們不能浪費時間追蹤那些不能提高運動員訓練水平和改進運動員表現的縹緲的問題。


[ʃeɪm] <釋義>n. a painful feeling caused by wrong, dishonourable, improper or ridiculous behaviour (by oneself, one's family, etc.) 羞愧;a dishonour 恥辱 <派生>shamed adj. 羞愧的,羞怯的 shameful adj. 可恥的,丟臉的 <例句>To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely aesthetic—a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 大多數人甚至認為這完全不是經濟問題,而是審美問題——現狀令人羞恥,但與金錢無關。


[ʃruːd] <釋義>adj. having or showing good judgement and common sense; astute (判斷)敏捷的,機智的,精明的;頗有道理的 <同義>acute, canny, crafty, shifty, clever, smart **[反義]dull, obtuse <例句>It demonstrates how advanced the suffragettes were in their thinking, in the marketing of their campaign, and in their work as shrewd and skillful image-builders. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 展覽展示出女權運動者在思想、活動宣傳和敏銳熟練地樹立形象這些方面有多麼超前。


[ʃʌv] <釋義>n. a rough push 推,推擠 v. to push (sb./sth.) roughly 猛推 <同義>bump, hustle, jostle, push <例句>Bullying can take a variety of forms, from the verbal — being taunted or called hurtful names — to the physical — being kicked or shoved — as well as indirect forms, such as being excluded from social groups. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 欺負可以採取各種形式:從語言上的嘲弄到身體上的踢打或推搡;以及間接形式,如被社會團體所排擠、孤立。


[ʌnˈdjuː] <釋義>adj. more than is right or proper; excessive 過分的,不當的 <詞根>un(not)+due(恰當的)→不當的 <派生>unduly adv. 過分地 <例句>There was undue optimism in the early 1980s, says David Leake, a researcher at Indiana University. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 印第安那大學的研究人員David Leaker 說,在二十世紀八十年代早期人們過於樂觀。


[ʌnˈfəʊld] <釋義>v. to open or spread out from a folded state 展開,攤開,打開;(cause sth. to) be revealed or made known 顯示,說明,表明 <詞根>un(not)+fold(折)→把折的東西打開→展開,打開 <同義>open, display, manifest, demonstrate, show <例句>As the experiment unfolded, the pupil would deliberately give the wrong answers to questions posed by the teacher, thereby bringing on various electrical punishments, even up to the danger level of 300 volts and beyond. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 隨著試驗進行,學生們會故意地對教師提出的問題給出錯誤的答案,從而帶來不同程度的電擊懲罰,甚至達到300伏或者更高。


[ʌnˈfɪt] <釋義>adj. not of the required standard; unsuitable 不合適的;lacking the ability needed; incapable 不能勝任的 <詞根>un(not)+fit(合適的)→不合適的 <同義>inappropriate, unsuitable, incompetent, disqualified <搭配>be unfit for 不合適 be unfit to do 不能勝任 <例句>Because the tropical forest has been depicted as ecologically unfit for large-scale human occupation, some environmentalists have opposed development of any kind. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 由於熱帶森林被描述為生態上不適合人類大規模居住,所以一些環境學家反對對它進行任何形式的開發。


[ʌnˈkanɪ] <釋義>adj. unnatural 異乎尋常的;beyond what is normal or expected; extraordinary 出乎意料的 <詞根>un(not)+canny(安靜的)→異乎尋常的 <派生>uncannily adv. 出乎意料地 <例句>Blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 盲人有時似乎對行進中的障礙有種異乎尋常的感覺。


[ʌnˈkɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ] <釋義>adj. not ready to make any compromise; firm orunyielding 不妥協的,堅定的,不讓步的 <詞根>un(not)+compromising(妥協的)→不妥協的 <例句>Archaeological traces of far more elaborate cultures have been dismissed as the ruins of invaders from outside the region, abandoned to decay in the uncompromising tropical environment. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 更為複雜的文化的考古痕跡由於外界侵略者的入侵變成了廢墟,被遺棄在惡劣的熱帶環境中自生自滅。


[ʌnˈkɒŋkərəbl] <釋義>adj. impossible to overcome or defeat 不可征服的 <例句>To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless, unconquerable, a habitat totally hostile to human civilization. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 對於普通的觀察者、著名的自然科學家和區域規劃者來說,亞馬遜流域茂盛的森林似乎永遠那麼年輕、不可征服,是一塊完全不受人類文明影響的自然環境。


[ʌnˈpredʒʊdɪst] <釋義>adj. free from prejudice; not biased 無偏見的,公正的 <詞根>un(not)+prejudiced(有偏見的)→無偏見的 <例句>The myth of scientific method is that it is inductive: that the formulation of scientific theory starts with the basic, raw evidence of the senses—simple, unbiased, unprejudiced observation. (IELTS3,T1,R3) 科學方法的神秘之處在於它是歸納得出的:科學理論的形成始於基本的、原始的感性認識——簡單、公正、客觀的觀察。


[ʌnˈraɪvəld] <釋義>adj. having no rival; unequalled 無與倫比的 <詞根>un(not)+rival(對手)+ed→沒有對手的→無與倫比的 <例句>Finally, they offer those condemned to spend five days a week in an urban environment an unrivalled area of freedom to unwind and take part in a range of leisure activities, such as hunting, riding and hiking. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 最後,對於那些一週五天不得不待在城市的人來說,他們為其提供無與倫比的自由釋放空間,他們還可以參加一系列休閒活動,例如打獵、騎馬和遠足。


[ʌnˈskeɪed] <釋義>adj. not injured or hurt; unharmed (身心)沒有受損傷的 <例句>Yet it left the magnificent five-storey pagoda at the Toji temple in nearby Kyoto unscathed, though it levelled a number of buildings in the neighbourhood. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 雖然它把附近許多建築物夷為平地,但是它把宏偉的五層寶塔毫無損壞地保留在了京都附近的太極寺中。


[ʌnˈswɜːvɪŋ] <釋義>adj. steady or constant; unchanging 堅定的,不改變的 <詞根>un(not)+swerve(改變方向)+ing→不改變方向的→堅定的 <例句>It turns out that it's not Florence's nose that makes her a top drug dog, but her unswerving concentration, plus a few other essential traits. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 結果表明,Florence成為頂級的緝毒犬並不是靠它的鼻子,而是靠它持久的專注力,還有其他一些基本特徵。


[ˈabsəluːt] <釋義>adj. total and complete 絕對的,完全的 <派生>absolutely adv. 絕對地 <聯想>relative/relatively 相對;absolute/absolutely 絕對 <例句>It only lasted 11 minutes but was an absolute sensation, and there were cases of people watching. (IELTS6,T2,L4) 它僅僅持續了11分鐘,但極其轟動,有許多人在觀看。


[ˈadʒʌŋkt] <釋義>n. a thing that is added or attached to sth. else but is less important and not essential 附件,附屬品,輔助物 adj. 附屬的 <詞根>ad(to, at)+junt(同join連接,加入)→連在上面的→附屬物 <例句>Alternative medicine appears to be an adjunct, sought in times of disenchantment when conventional medicine seems not to offer the answer. (IELTS4,T2, R2) 非常規藥物看起來只是附屬品,只有在常規藥物不能治療的情況下才會想起它。


[ˈalpaɪn] <釋義>adj. of or found in high mountains, esp. the Alps 高山的,阿爾卑斯山的 <聯想>你喜歡阿爾卑斯糖嗎?吃個糖鼓勵一下自己吧,順便把這個單詞記住。


[ˈampləˌfaɪə] <釋義>n. a device for amplifying (esp. sounds or radio signals) 擴音器,揚聲器 <派生>amplify v. 擴大,放大;進一步闡明 ample adj. 足夠的,充裕的,豐富的 <聯想>已知sample為樣本,我們在研究時需要ample sample (充足的樣本)才能把實驗做好。


[ˈanəmeɪt] <釋義>v. to give life to (sth/sb); to make lively 使活躍,使生機勃勃,激勵 adj. living; having life 活的 <詞根>anim(animal)+ate (v.使......; adj. 具有......性質)→使活躍;活的 <派生>animation n. 動畫片,動畫片製作 animated adj. 活躍的 <例句>Early cinema programmes were a mixture of items, combining comic sketches, free-standing narratives, serial episodes and the occasional trick or animated film. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 早期的影院節目是個混合體,融合了漫畫、獨立的故事片、連續劇和偶爾出現的搞笑劇或動畫片等藝術形式。

-ship 身份,職位,資格: doctorship n. 博士學位 citizenship n. 公民權或身份 kingship n. 王位 professorship n. 教授職位 heirship n. 繼承權 lordship n. 貴族身份 rulership n. 統治權 studentship n. 學生身份 aptitude

[ˈaptɪtjuːd] <釋義>n. natural ability or skill 才能,天資,悟性 <聯想>attitude(態度)是一種狀態,故-itude表示性質、狀態 <詞根>apt(能力)+itude(狀態)→才能,天資 <例句>Each division was organized in exactly the same way, used the same technology, did exactly the same kind of work, and had employees of comparable aptitudes. (IELTS3,T4,R3) 每個部門都以相同的方式組織,使用同樣的技術,做同樣的活,僱傭能力基本上相同的員工。


[ˈarəbəl] <釋義>adj. (land that is) suitable for ploughing and for growing crops 適於耕種的 <例句>This is equivalent to 8 dollars for every hectare of arable land and permanent pasture, almost as much again as the local government and EU spend on British farming in that year. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 這相當於可耕地和永久牧場每公頃8美元,等於政府和歐盟在英國農業上一年投入的總和。


[ˈatəm] <釋義>n. the smallest part of an element that can exist chemically 原子 <派生>atomic adj. 原子的,原子能的 atomize v. 使粉碎,使成小塊 <例句>As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form tiny crystals of nickel sulphide. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 隨著玻璃受熱,這些原子發生反應並形成微小的鎳硫化物晶體。


[ˈavɪd] <釋義>adj. eager; greedy 熱衷的,渴望的 <派生>avidity n. 熱衷,渴望 avidly adv. 渴望地 <例句>Packed full of information for the avid hiker, this book is a must. (IELTS5,TA,R1) 這本書包含了熱衷於徒步旅行的人應該瞭解的所有內容,因此對他們來說是必備品。


[ˈaɡrəveɪt] <釋義>v. to make (a disease, a situation, an offence, etc.) worse or more serious 加重,(局勢或病情等)惡化,加劇 <詞根>已知grave表示嚴重的,ag(表強調)+grav(重的)+ate(v.)→加重,加劇 <派生>aggravation n. 惡化,加劇 aggravating adj. 惱人的 <例句>In poor countries, governments aggravate other sorts of damage. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 在貧窮國家,政府加劇了其他種類的破壞。

」 irony

[ˈaɪərənɪ] <釋義>n. expression of one's meaning by saying the direct opposite of one's thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc. 反語,諷刺;situation, event, etc. that is desirable in itself but so unexpected or ill-timed that it appears to be deliberately perverse 出人意料的事情 <聯想>iron(鐵)+y→像鐵一樣冷冰冰的話→反語,諷刺 <派生>ironically adv. 諷刺地 ironical adj. 諷刺的 <例句>Researchers, executives and marketing people are now using the expression without irony or inverted commas. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 研究者、公司高管以及營銷人員現在使用這個表達方式已經不含任何諷刺意義了。


[ˈaʊtpʊt] <釋義>n. the quantity of goods, etc. produced 生產;產量;產品 <詞根>out(外面)+put(放)→產出 <例句>Although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 雖然發達國家的人口、工業和經濟生產力一直在迅速增長,但是他們從地下蓄水層、河流和湖泊中抽取水的速度卻在減慢。


[ˈaʊtə] <釋義>adj. of or for the outside 外面的;外部的;遠離中心的 <例句>The weight of the building is supported entirely by twelve outer and four inner columns. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 這座建築完全由12根外部的柱子和4根內部的柱子支撐著。


[ˈaʊtɪŋ] <釋義>n. a trip that you go on for pleasure or education, usually with a group of people and lasting no more than one day 短途旅行,遠足 <例句>But you may have a particular interest you wish to pursue or you may wish to participate in outings or trips if you don't know many people at the moment. (IELTS3,T2,L2) 但是也許你有個自己很想追求的特殊愛好,如果此刻你認識的人不多,你可以參加一些遠足或者短途旅行活動。


[ˈbakdrɒp] <釋義>n. the conditions or situation in which something happens 背景 <例句>It was against this backdrop that Perkin's discovery was made. (IELTS9,T1,R1) 正是在這種背景下,珀金做出了他的發現。


[ˈbaklaʃ] <釋義>n. a strong, negative, and often angry reaction to something that has happened, especially a political or social change (尤指對政治或社會變化的)強烈反應 <聯想>lash意為鞭子,可以想像一條長鞭(lash)把人打成灰燼。


[ˈbaleɪ] <釋義>n. a style of dancing used to tell a story in a dramatic performance with music but without speech or singing 芭蕾舞 <例句>The dance studio provides a smaller, more intimate space, which we use for ballet, modern dance and martial arts. (IELTS3,T3,L2) 舞蹈演播室提供了更小的、更私密的空間,我們用它來做練習芭蕾、現代舞和武術的場地。


[ˈbatə] <釋義>v. to hit (sb./sth.) hard and often 連擊,打碎;連續猛打 <例句>Because of the typhoons that batter Japan in the summer, Japanese builders learned to extend the eaves of buildings further beyond the walls. (IELTS7,T2, R1) 由於夏季颱風猛襲日本,日本的建築師們學會了將建築物的屋簷延長,直至超過牆壁。


[ˈbaɪəs] <釋義>n. an opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudice 偏見,偏心,偏袒 v. to give a bias to sb.; to prejudice sb.; to influence sb., esp. unfairly 使有偏見 <派生>biased adj. 有偏見的,偏袒一方的 <例句>Cinema presents a biased view of other countries. (IELTS6,T3, R1) 電影對其他國家的描述是有偏見的。


[ˈbaʊntɪ] <釋義>n. a generous gift 慷慨的贈予物;a reward or payment offered (usu. by a government) to encourage sb. to do sth. (e.g. to increase production of goods) 獎金,賞金 <派生>bountiful adj. 慷慨的,大方的 <例句>Taking advantage of this rich bounty, Alaskas commercial fisheries have developed into some of the largest in the world. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 阿拉斯加的商業型漁業充分利用這個得天獨厚的優勢,已經發展成為世界上最大規模的漁業產業之一。


[ˈberɪəl] <釋義>n. burying, esp. of a dead body; funeral 埋葬,土葬 <派生>bury v. 掩埋,覆蓋 <例句>For maximum dung burial in spring, summer and autumn, farmers require a variety of species with overlapping periods of activity. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 在春夏秋三季,為掩埋盡可能多的糞便,農民需要多種微生物共同行動。


[ˈbeɪbɪɪʃ] <釋義>adj. of, like or suitable for a baby 適合嬰兒的,適合幼兒的;嬰兒般的,幼稚的 <詞根>baby(嬰兒)+ish(如......的,有......性質的)→嬰兒般的 <例句>Don't you think the activity itself is a bit babyish? (IELTS4,T4, L3) 你不覺得活動本身有點幼稚嗎? bachelor**[ˈbatʃələ] <釋義>n. an unmarried man 未婚男子,單身漢;a person who holds a first university degree 學士學位 <例句>From a soldier in the ranks to officer, from bachelor to married man, the change of role has to have a very obvious sign. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 從士兵到軍官,從單身漢到已婚男人,角色轉換必須有很明顯的跡象。


[ˈbeɪsmənt] <釋義>n. a lowest room or rooms in a building, partly or wholly below ground level 地下室;地下層 <詞根>base(基礎)+ment(n.)→地下層;地下室 <例句>The entire ocean floor has a basement of volcanic basalt. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 整個海底都有火山玄武岩層。


[ˈbliːpə] <釋義>n. a device that emits bleeps 傳呼機,能夠發出短促聲音的電子裝置 <聯想>本詞與beeper意思相同 <派生>bleep n. (電子裝置發出的)短促高音 v. 發出短促高音,發出嘟嘟聲 <例句>You've made the jigsaw for blind children, with the bleeper. (IELTS3,T3,L3) 你用能夠發出短促聲音的電子裝置為盲人兒童製作了拼圖遊戲。


[ˈbraɪb] <釋義>v. to give a bribe (of sth.) to sb.; try to persuade sb. to do sth. with a bribe 向......行賄,收買,賄賂 n. a thing given, offered or promised to sb. to influence or persuade him to do sth. (often dishonest) for the giver 賄賂,賄賂物 <搭配>bribe sb. to do sth. 賄賂某人去做某事 <派生>bribery n. 行賄 <例句>Salespeople are bribing the doctors to prescribe their drugs. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 推銷員賄賂醫生,目的是想讓醫生開他們銷售的藥品。


[ˈbrɪtl] <釋義>adj. hard but easily broken; fragile 脆的,易碎的;easily damaged; insecure (關係)不牢固的,靠不住的 <聯想>break sth. down to little pieces 把某物弄成一小片一小片的→易碎的 <例句>Geologists consider the earth as having a molten core, surrounded by a semi-molten mantle and a brittle, outer skin. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 地質學家認為地球有熔化的地心,外面包著半熔化的地幔,最外面的是不牢固的地表。


[ˈbɑːɡɪn] <釋義>n. an agreement in which both or all sides promise to do sth. for each other 交易,契約,合同;a thing bought or sold for less than its usual price 特價商品,便宜貨 v. to discuss (with sb.) prices, terms of trade, etc. with the aim of buying or selling goods, or changing conditions, on terms that are favourable to oneself 討價還價 <同義>trade, business, transaction, contract, deal <搭配>into the bargain 另外,加之 drive a bargain 討價還價 make a bargain with 與......簽訂合同 bargain for/on 企圖廉價取得 <例句>It sounds like a bargain to me. (IELTS8,T1,L1) 聽起來像是特價商品。


[ˈbɒtənɪst] <釋義>n. an expert in botany 植物學家 <派生>botany n. 植物學 botanical adj. 植物學的 <例句>The grain itself was destroyed by the firing, but it left an impression on the pot which could be studied and identified by botanists. (IELTS6,T3,L4) 谷粒是被火燒掉了,但它在容器上留下了痕跡,植物學家可以對這些痕跡進行研究和辨認。


[ˈbɔːdəm] <釋義>n. the state of being bored 厭煩,厭倦,無聊 <詞根>bore(令人厭煩的人或事)+dom(帶有......性質的事物)→厭煩,厭倦 <派生>bore v. 使厭煩 n. 令人厭煩的人或事 bored adj. 厭煩的,不感興趣的 boring adj. 令人厭煩的 <例句>Pupils are less likely to be led into bullying from boredom or frustration. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 小學生不大可能會因為無聊或受挫而欺負別人。


[ˈbɜːɡlə] <釋義>n. a person who enters a building illegally, esp. by force, in order to steal 竊賊 <聯想>burg(看做bag)+lar→背著大包入室盜竊→竊賊 <派生>burglary n. 入室盜竊(罪) burgle v. 入室盜竊 <例句>This is a fake video camera which you fix to your wall to scare off burglars. (IELTS3,T4,L2) 這是你裝在牆上用來嚇跑竊賊的假攝像機。


[ˈbʌmpə] <釋義>n. a bar fixed to the front and back of a motor vehicle to lessen the effect of a collision (汽車車身前後的)保險槓 <例句>Pacrite recycles all sorts of things, from bottles to car bumpers, and one of its most successful activities is recycling plastic bottles to make containers which are used all over the country to collect waste. (IELTS5,T3,L4) Pacrite循環利用很多東西,包括瓶子和汽車保險槓等。


[ˈdaʊnsaɪd] <釋義>n. a disadvantageous aspect 不利面,消極面 <詞根>down(低的)+side→低的一面→消極面 **[反義]upside, advantage <例句>On the downside, the data also reveals failures in public health that have caused surges in some illnesses. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 在消極面,數據還顯示了公共衛生方面的失敗,這已經引起了某些疾病患病率的猛增。


[ˈdedlɪ] <釋義>adj. causing, or likely to cause, death 致死的,致命的;extreme 徹底的,十足的;very boring 非常令人厭煩的;extremely effective, so that no defence is possible 極有效的 <例句>But Salikoko Mufwene, who chairs the Linguistics Department at the University of Chicago, argues that the deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalization. (IELTS4,T2,R1) 但是芝加哥大學語言學院的系主任Salikoko Mufwene認為,最致命的武器不是政府的政策,而是經濟全球化。


[ˈdedɪkeɪt] <釋義>v. to give or devote (oneself, time, effort, etc.) to (a noble cause or purpose) 把(時間和精力)用在......上,把......獻給 <詞根>de+dic(宣稱)+ate→宣稱貢獻時間精力→把(時間和精力)用在......上 <派生>dedicated adj. 獻身的,一心一意的 dedication n. 奉獻,獻身 <例句>Recently, however, it has been experiencing something of a renaissance, with renewed demand for original Bakelite objects in the collectors' marketplace, and museums, societies and dedicated individuals once again appreciating the style and originality of this innovative material. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 然而最近膠木藏品一直在經歷某種復興:收藏最愛市場上重新出現了對原膠木藏品的需求;博物館、社團和有興趣的個人又開始欣賞這種創新材料的風格和獨特性。


[ˈdelɪɡɪt] <釋義>n. a person chosen or elected by others to express their views (e.g. at a meeting or conference) 代表 v. to choose sb. to carry out (duties, a task, etc.) 委任,授權,委託,choose or send sb. as a representative 委派......為代表 <例句>We do have a few rooms available for delegates at the conference centre, if you'd like. (IELTS6,T4,L1) 我們在會議中心為代表們準備了一些房間,如果您想使用,我們可做安排。


[ˈderəlɪkt] <釋義>adj. deserted and allowed to fall into ruins; dilapidated 被遺棄的,破敗的 <派生>dereliction n. 遺棄,廢棄 <例句>Creating the park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site, so most of the exciting park space all around you was originally warehouses and storehouses. (IELTS7,T4,L2) 為建造公園人們拆除了許多廢棄的建築物,所以你周圍大多數令人激動的公園空間以前都是大型倉庫和庫房。


[ˈdesələt] <釋義>adj. (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak and dismal emptiness 無人煙的;荒涼的;淒涼的 <詞根>de(fully)+sol(孤獨)+ate→使孤獨 <派生>desolation n. 荒蕪,荒涼,孤寂,淒涼 <例句>In November 1677, Halley observed a transit of the innermost planet, Mercury, from the desolate island of St Helena in the South Pacific. (IELTS9,T2,R2) 1677年的11月,哈雷在南太平洋荒無人煙的聖海倫娜島觀察到了距離太陽最近的水星「凌日」。


[ˈdjʊ(ː)əl] <釋義>adj. having two parts or aspects; double 雙的;二重的;二元的;二體的,二聯的;孿生的;複式的;加倍的 <詞根>du(雙)+al→雙重的 <同義>double, two-fold <例句>By 1967, dual-purpose ships, carrying loose cargo in the hold and containers on the deck, were giving way to all-container vessels that moved thousands of boxes at a time. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 到1967年止,雙功能船,也就是在底層艙裝散貨,在甲板上裝集裝箱的船,逐漸被能夠一次性運輸成千上萬個箱子的全集裝箱船所取代。


[ˈdjʊərəbəl] <釋義>adj. lasting for a long time 可持續的 <派生>duration n. 持續時間 <例句>Lozanov's instructional technique is based on the evidence that the connections made in the brain through unconscious processing (which he calls non-specific mental reactivity) are more durable than those made through conscious processing. (IELTS7,T1,R3) Lozanov的指令技術基於這樣的證據,即:通過潛意識過程(被稱為非特徵性頭腦反應)在腦中建立起來的聯繫比通過意識過程建立起來的聯繫持續的時間更長久。


[ˈdrastɪk] <釋義>adj. having a strong or violent effect 激烈的,猛烈的 <派生>drastically adv. 猛烈地 <例句>Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to be done about such a costly problem, economic analyses clearly show it will be far more expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs of adaptation to the increased temperatures. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 儘管直覺是需要採取強勢措施處理這個高代價的問題,但經濟分析清楚地表明:大量削減二氧化碳的排放量的代價比適應氣候變暖付出的代價要大得多。


[ˈdwelə] <釋義>n. a person or animal living in the place specified 居民 <詞根>dwell(居住)+er(n. 人)→居民 <派生>dwell v. 居住,住宿 dwelling n. 寓所,住宅 <例句>Australia's native dung beetles are scrub and woodland dwellers, specialising in coarse marsupial droppings and avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and buffalo flies breed. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 澳大利亞當地的屎殼郎居住在矮樹和灌木區,它們專攻有袋動物的粗粒糞便,而並不理會那些滋生灌木叢蒼蠅和水牛蒼蠅的軟牛糞。


[ˈdwɪndl] <釋義>v. to become gradually less or smaller 縮減,減少 <同義>decrease, diminish <例句>The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors—immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of luxury materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 推動早期塑料發展的因素有很多:化學領域內的巨大進步;文化的巨大變化;找到取代龜殼和象牙這類日益減少的奢侈材料的現實需要。


[ˈdɪlɪdʒənt] <釋義>adj. showing care and effort (in what one does); hard-working 勤勉的,勤奮的,用功的 <詞根>di(apart)+lig(選擇)+ent→仔細選擇的→認真的 <派生>diligence n. 勤奮,用功 <例句>Diligent preparation is also necessary to effectively answer any interview question. (IELTS8,TB, R2) 人們也需要做積極的準備來有效地回答任何面試問題。


[ˈdɪspərɪt] <釋義>adj. so different in kind or degree that they cannot be compared 迥然不同的,不相干的 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+par(相等)+ate→不相等的→迥然不同的 <派生>disparity n. 差異,差別 <例句>The expression provided an attractive but informative name for a research programme that encompassed such previously disparate fields as operations research, cybernetics, logic and computer science. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 這個表達給研究項目提供了引人注目並傳遞內容的名字。


[ˈdɪzɪnɪs] <釋義>n. feeling as if everything is spinning around; unable to balance; confused 眩暈,頭暈目眩 <詞根>dizz(y)(眩暈的)+ness(n.)→頭暈目眩 <派生>dizzy adj. 頭暈目眩的 dizzying adj. 使人糊塗的 <例句>If any of the following occur, discontinue taking the medicine and contact your doctor: dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision. (IELTS3,TB,R1) 如果發生頭暈、嘔吐、視線模糊等情況,請停止服藥並與醫生聯繫。


[ˈdʒeləslɪ] <釋義>adv. if you do something jealously, you are feeling jealous when you do it 妒忌地,猜疑地 <派生>jealous adj. 妒忌的,猜疑的 jealousy n. 妒忌,猜疑 <例句>In Canada, where the Inuit people are jealously guarding their hard-won autonomy in the country's newest territory, Nunavut, they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best of modern science. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 在加拿大,因紐特人小心地捍衛著他們來之不易的、令人羨慕的新確立的自治區——努納武特地區。


[ˈdʒepədaɪz] <釋義>v. to cause (sth.) to be harmed, lost or destroyed; to put in danger 危及,危害 <同義>endanger, injure <派生>jeopardy n. 危害 <例句>The consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 我們的水資源政策產生的後果不僅是危害人類健康這麼簡單。


[ˈdʒuːdəʊ] <釋義>n. a sport and method of physical training similar to wrestling, developed in Japan in the late 19th century and using principles of balance and leverage adapted from jujitsu 柔道 <例句>Do you have judo classes? (IELTS6,T1,L1) 你上柔道課嗎? junction**[ˈdʒʌŋkʃən] <釋義>n. the act or process of joining or the condition of being joined 連接,接合;a place where two things join or meet, especially a place where two roads or railway routes come together and one terminates 交叉點,接合處,樞紐站 <詞根>junct(連接)+ion(n.)→連接 <搭配>at the junction of 在......的匯合處 <同義>joint, connection, intersection <例句>A 'keep clear' sign will be erected at the junction. (IELTS8,T4,L2) 在連接處會立著一個「遠離」的標語。


[ˈdʒɜːkɪ] <釋義>adj. characterized by jerks or jerking 忽動忽停的;結結巴巴的;顛簸不穩的 <派生>jerk v. 猛地搖晃,急拉,急抽 <例句>jerky movement (IELTS4,T1,R3) 顛簸的運動 jet lag**[ˈdʒetˌlag] <釋義>n. a temporary disruption of bodily rhythms caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft 時差,飛行時差反應 <例句>Melatonin pills contain a synthetic version of the hormone and are commonly used for jet lag as well as for sleep disturbance. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 褪黑激素藥片含有一種人工合成的褪黑激素,通常用於治療時差反應和其他睡眠問題。


[ˈdʒɜːməneɪt] <釋義>v. to start growing(使)發芽,發育;培養 <詞根>germ(種子,幼芽)+inate(使)→發芽 <派生>germination n. 萌芽,發芽;發生;成長 <例句>For example, desert annuals germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length. (IELTS5,T4,R3) 例如,不管日長多少,只要有適當的雨水時,沙漠一年生植物就發芽、開花和結果。


[ˈdʒʊərɪ] <釋義>n. a group of people in a lawcourt who have been chosen to listen to the facts in a case and to decide whether the accused person is guilty or not guilty 陪審團 <例句>Essentially the jury is out on that. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 重要的是,陪審團會把那件事公開化。


[ˈdʒʌstɪs] <釋義>n. right and fair behaviour or treatment 正義,公正;the law and its administration 司法 <詞根>just(正義的)+ice(n.)→正義,公正 <搭配>bring sb. to justice 將......繩之以法 do sb./sth. justice 展示某人或某物的優良品質 <例句>In the past, the case for public transport has been made on the basis of environmental and social justice considerations rather than economics. (IELTS6,T2,R1) 過去,這個公共交通方案是在考慮環境和社會公正性的基礎上做出的,而不是建立在經濟基礎上。


[ˈedɪbəl] <釋義>adj. fit to be eaten 可以吃的,適合吃的 <詞根>ed(吃)+ible(可......的)→可吃的 <派生>edibility n. 可食用性 <例句>The ants cultivate a large number of different species of edible fungi. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 那些螞蟻培育了大量不同種類的食用菌。


[ˈedʒɪŋ] <釋義>n. a thing that forms the border or edge of sth. 邊緣;邊飾,花邊 <派生>edge n. 邊線,邊緣;優勢 v. 緩慢小心地移動;形成......的邊 <例句>You should ensure your cot has only rounded or smooth edging without any sharp edges. (IELTS5,T1,L2) 必須確保你的小床只有圓滑而光滑的邊,沒有銳利的稜角。


[ˈekskəveɪt] <釋義>v. wrongdoing or wickedness 挖洞,開鑿,挖掘,使......出土 <詞根>ex(out)+cav(洞)+ate→挖出洞 <派生>excavation n. 挖洞,開鑿,挖掘 <例句>Some large species originating from France excavate tunnels to a depth of approximately 30cm below the dung pat. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 一些源於法國的大的物種能將隧道挖掘到屎堆以下約30厘米的深度。


[ˈelɪdʒəbɪlɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the state of being eligible 合格,適宜;資格 <詞根>e(出來)+lig(=lect選擇)+ibility→能夠被選擇出來的→合格,適宜 <派生>eligible adj. 符合條件的,合適的 <例句>Although the loan is intended to supplement the grant for living costs, eligibi-lity for a student loan is not restricted to those who receive a maintenance grant. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 雖然貸款的目的是為了補貼生活開支,但是學生貸款的資格不僅限於那些接受生活補助金的學生。


[ˈelɪveɪt] <釋義>v. to move (something) to a higher place or position from a lower one; lift 抬起,升高;to increase the amplitude, intensity, or volume of 提高(嗓門),振奮(情緒);to increase the amplitude, intensity, or volume of 提升職位 <詞根>e(out)+lev(舉)+ate→舉起 <派生>elevation n. 提高,提升 elevator n. 升降梯 <例句>The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways, flattened office blocks and devastated the port area of Kobe. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 1995年,阪神災難性的地震致使6,400人喪生、多處高架路倒塌、許多辦公樓被夷為平地、神戶港口被摧毀。


[ˈembəsɪ] <釋義>n. an ambassador and his staff 大使館,使館工作人員 <例句>Why don't we call the embassy? (IELTS7,T4,L3) 為什麼我們不打電話給使館工作人員? embezzlement**[ɪmˈbezəlmənt] <釋義>n. embezzling 盜用,挪用(公款),侵吞 <詞根>em(出來)+bezzle(破壞)+ment→實施破壞→盜用,侵吞 <派生>embezzle v. 盜用,挪用(公款),侵吞 <例句>So crimes like theft by employees — things like embezzlement or fraud against one's actual employer are excluded according to this definition. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 所以根據這一定義,員工的盜竊行為——如挪用公款或欺詐實際僱主等行為被排除在外。


[ˈemɪnənt] <釋義>adj. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession(在某領域或專業中)卓越的,出眾的;著名的,有聲望的 <詞根>e(out)+min(突出)+ent→突出來→著名的 <同義>famous, distinguished <派生>eminence n. 卓越,傑出 <例句>His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. (IELTS9,T1,R1) 珀金的老師托馬斯·霍爾發覺了他在化學方面的天賦以及對這一學科的熱衷,於是就鼓勵他去聽著名科學家邁克爾·法拉第在英國皇家研究所的一系列講座。


[ˈepɪk] <釋義>n. a long film, story, etc. dealing with heroic deeds and exciting adventures(描寫神、偉人事跡的)長詩或電影 adj. of or like an epic; heroic; grand 史詩般的,壯麗的,英勇的 <例句>In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 在斯堪的納維亞,瑞典電影有過短暫的輝煌,最著名的就是史詩大片和喜劇片。


[ˈeərɪ] <釋義>adj. having plenty of fresh air moving about; well-ventilated 通風的 <詞根>air+y(adj. 有......的) <例句>The small dark dressing rooms we used to have, have been converted into two large airy rooms. (IELTS6,T1,L2) 我們過去擁有的又小又黑的換衣間已經被換成兩間寬敞又通風的房間。


[ˈfabrɪk] <釋義>n. a type of cloth, esp. one that is woven 編織物,紡織品;structure (of sth.) 結構,質地,構造 <同義>textile, material, cloth; structure, framework <例句>The once outrageous shapes and colours of an artist like Paul Klee so soon appeared on the fabrics we wear. (IELTS8,T3,R2) 這些出格的形狀和色彩很快出現在我們穿的紡織品上,它們以前只屬於像Paul klee 這樣的藝術家。


[ˈfaɪnɪtjuːd] <釋義>n. the quality or condition of being finite 有限,界限 <詞根>fin(範圍)+itude(n.)→範圍,界限 <派生>finite adj. 有限的,限定的 <例句>What is new is that, from the 1950s onwards, there have been certain general changes in outlook about the finitude of resources as a whole and of health-care resources in particular. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 新的情況是:從20世紀50年代以來,整體的資源、特別是健康資源有限性的狀況一直進行著某種總體上的變化。


[ˈfemɪnɪzəm] <釋義>n. the belief in the principle that women should have the same rights and opportunities (legal, political, social, economic, etc.) as men 男女平等主義,爭取女權運動 <詞根>femin(女)+ism→爭取女權運動 <派生>feminine adj. 女性的,陰性的 femininity n. 女人氣質 feminist n. 男女平等主義者 adj. 主張男女平等的 <例句>Whether for fun or debating experience, we discuss everything from personal experience, future society or feminism. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 無論是為了好玩,還是為了積累辯論經驗,我們什麼都討論,從個人經歷到未來社會,到女性主義等諸多問題。


[ˈfleɪvə] <釋義>n. a taste and smell, esp. of food 味道,風味;a special quality, characteristic or atmosphere 特色 v. to give flavour to sth. by adding herbs, spices, etc. 給......調味 <同義>savor, taste, seasoning <派生>flavouring n. 調味品,調味香料 <例句>You can better enjoy the full flavour of the local life. (IELTS4,T4,L2) 你可以更好地參加當地原汁原味的生活。


[ˈfluːənt] <釋義>adj. able to speak or write a language or perform an action smoothly, accurately and with ease 流利的,流暢的 <詞根>flu(流)+ent(adj.)→流動的→流利的 <派生>fluency n. 流利度,流暢 fluently adv. 流暢地,流利地 <例句>After about 300 hours of training, they are generally sufficiently fluent to transmit the language to the next generation. (IELTS4,T2,R1) 在大約300小時的訓練之後,他們基本上可以很順暢地將語言傳給下一代。


[ˈflɪmzɪ] <釋義>adj. light and thin 輕而薄的;not strong or solid enough for the purpose for which it is used 脆弱的,易損壞的 <例句>In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings—500 or so wooden pagodas—remained standing for centuries? (IELTS7,T2,R1) 在日本這個遭受颱風和地震襲擊的地方,那些最高的、看似最脆弱的老建築物——500多個木製塔——如何能夠矗立幾個世紀? flip**[flɪp] <釋義>v. to throw or toss with a light, brisk motion 擲,彈,輕擊;to turn a somersault in the air 空翻 n. the act of flipping, especially 拋,彈;a somersault 觔斗 <搭配>flip through 草草翻閱,瀏覽 flip side 事物不太重要的方面 <例句>Florence could help neurobiologists to understand both what they call attention processing, the brain mechanisms that determine what a person pays attention to and for how long, and its flip side, problems such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ( IELTS7,TA,R3) Florence可以幫助神經學家理解他們所謂的注意力處理,也就是決定一個人所注意的東西以及注意時長的大腦機制,以及不太重要的方面,如注意力缺乏症和多動症的問題。


[ˈflʌstəd] <釋義>adj. confused and nervous 不知所措的,難堪的,緊張的 <派生>fluster v. 使人不知所措,使難堪,使緊張 <例句>How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative teachers actually do in the laboratory of real life? (IELTS5,T1,R2) 一方面是平靜、理性、知識豐富的人在舒服的書房裡做出的預測,一方面有壓力的、不知所措但可以合作的老師在真實的實驗室裡的情況。


[ˈfrakʃən] <釋義>n. a small part, bit, amount, or proportion (of sth) 小部分,片斷,碎片;very small; trivial or unimportant 一點兒,一些;a precise division of a number 分數 <詞根>fract(打破)+ion→打破的東西→碎片 <同義>portion, paticle <派生>fractional adj. 部分的;分數的;輕微的,無足輕重的 <例句>However, using light to find one's own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 但是,在燈光幫助下找路需要更多精力,因為眼睛必須分辨由景象的每一部分反射的微弱亮光。


[ˈfriːweɪ] <釋義>n. a highway without tolls. 免費高速公路 <詞根>free(免費的,自由的)+way→免費自由的公路→免費高速公路 <例句>However, the average number of people in a car on the freeway in Los Angeles, which is 1.3, has been falling steadily. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 洛杉磯免費高速公路上每輛車的平均載人量一直在穩步下降,現在是1.3人。


[ˈfruːtfəl] <釋義>adj. having many good results; productive or profitable; successful 多產的;富有成效的 <詞根>fruit(果實)+ful→碩果纍纍的→多產的 <派生>fruition n.(希望、計劃等)實現,完成 fruit n. 水果 <例句>The assumption that the tropical ecosystem of Amazonia has been created solely by natural forces has led to some fruitful discoveries. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 亞馬遜河流域的亞熱帶生態系統完全是由自然力量形成的這一假設引發了一系列富有成果的發現。


[ˈfrɪkʃən] <釋義>n. the rubbing of one object or surface against another 摩擦,摩擦力;conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash 矛盾 <聯想>潤滑油的作用(function)是減少摩擦力(friction) <派生>frictive adj. 摩擦性的 <例句>Goods, once they have been made, are assumed to move instantly and at no cost from place to place. The real world, however, is full of frictions. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 貨物一旦被製造出來,人們就假設它無成本地從一個地方流通到另一個地方。


[ˈfɒsəlaɪz] <釋義>v. to become a fossil 使成化石,變成化石;(使)僵化 <詞根>fossil(化石)+ise(......化)→使成石化 <派生>fossil n. 化石 fossilisation n. 成化石,化石化 <例句>Fireflies very similar to those we see today have been found fossilised in rocks which were formed about 30 million years ago, and their ancestors were probably glowing long before then. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 螢火蟲與那些我們今天在化石裡看到的、形成於3000萬年前的東西非常相似。


[ˈfɔːfəʊld] <釋義>adj. four times as much or as many 四倍的,四重的 <詞根>four+fold(折,翻)→四倍 <例句>In the USA, industrial production has risen fourfold since 1950, while water consumption has fallen by more than a third. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 在美國,工業生產總值自1950年以來已經上升到4倍,而水的消耗量下降了超過1/3。


[ˈfɔːfɪt] <釋義>v. to subject to seizure as a forfeit 被罰,沒收 n. something (to be) paid or given up as a penalty or punishment 罰款 <詞根>for(out)+feit(做) <派生>forfeiture n. 沒收,喪失 <例句>Students forfeit tuition if they arrive late, are absent or leave before the course ends. (IELTS3,TA,R2) 學生如果遲到、缺課或者早退的話就會被罰學費。


[ˈfɔːtnaɪt] <釋義>n. two weeks 兩周,十四天 <聯想>fort(看做fourteen)+night→十四個日夜 <例句>I seem to remember when we did it at high school we had to wait up to a fortnight before we saw any halfway decent results. (IELTS4,T4,L3) 我似乎記得我們上中學的時候,必須等待2周才能看到並不怎麼體面的結果。


[ˈfəʊklɔː] <釋義>n. a body of widely accepted but usually specious notions about a place, a group, or an institution 民間傳說,民俗學 <詞根>folk(民間的)+lore(口頭傳說)→民間傳說 <例句>From then on, he was to become the Johnson of folklore. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 從那時起他變成了傳說中的Johnson。


[ˈfɪkəl] <釋義>adj. often changing; not constant 易變的,無常的,不專的 <同義>changeable, capricious <例句>This attitude altered with the realisation that marginal communities can survive and adapt in spite of partial integration into a notoriously fickle world economy. (IELTS3,T3,R1) 意識到邊緣社區雖然要部分融入到多變的世界經濟體系,但他們是可以生存和適應的,這種態度也隨之改變了。


[ˈfɪlə] <釋義>n. an object or material used to fill a hole in sth. or to increase the size of sth. 填充物 <詞根>fill(填充)+er→填充物 <派生>fill v. 填充,填滿,塞滿 <例句>Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton, which increase strength and moisture resistance. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 然後引進了一些其他物質:包括填充物,如木屑、石棉或棉花,增加了強度和防潮性能。


[ˈfʊtɪdʒ] <釋義>n. length of film made for the cinema or TV(某一主題或事件的)影片;length or distance measured in feet(尤指店舖等以平方英尺表示的)面積 <詞根>foot+age(表示集合名詞或總稱) <例句>Original newsreel footage shows the suffragette Emily Wilding Davison throwing herself under King George V's horse at a famous racecourse. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 原始的新聞片顯示,女性參政論者Emily Wilding Davison在一個著名的賽馬場突然撲倒在喬治五世的馬下。


[ˈgɪmɪk] <釋義>n. an unusual, amusing, etc. thing whose only purpose is to attract attention, and which has little or no value or importance of its own 引人注意的把戲,花招 <例句>It was no more than a passing gimmick, a fairground attraction. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 它不過是一瞬而過、賺人眼球的把戲,不過是露天遊樂園的一個娛樂項目。


[ˈhandɪ] <釋義>adj. convenient to handle or use; useful 方便的,手邊的;clever with one's hands 手巧的 <同義>at hand, available, accessible <搭配>come in handy 有用,派上用場 <例句>Coffee break's always the best time, cos people have got their money handy. (IELTS4,T4,L1) 喝咖啡的時間是最好的時間,因為人們可以把自己的錢派上用場。


[ˈharɪdən] <釋義>n. a bad-tempered old woman 衰老而脾氣壞的女人,惡婦,醜婆 <例句>The programme begins with a short film devised by the antis—those opposed to women having the vote—depicting a suffragette as a fierce harridan bullying her poor, abused husband. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 這個節目以反對黨——也就是那些反對婦女擁有選舉權的人們——設計的一個短片為開端,短片中參政婦女被描繪成虐待自己可憐的丈夫的惡婦。


[ˈhavək] <釋義>n. widespread destruction; devastation 大破壞,大毀壞 <搭配>play havoc with/ wreak havoc with 造成洗劫/大破壞 <例句>The havoc that the 'treadmill syndrome' can bring about is well illustrated by what happened to cotton farmers in Central America. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 「枯燥工作綜合征」能夠帶來危害,美國中部的棉花農就是最好的例子。


[ˈhaɪdrəʊpaʊə] <釋義>n. hydroelectric power 水力發電,水電站 <詞根>hydro(水)+power(力)→水力發電 <例句>Unprecedented construction of tens of thousands of monumental engineering projects designed to control floods, protect clean water supplies, and provide water for irrigation and hydropower brought great benefits to hundreds of millions of people. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 為了控制洪水、保護乾淨的水供應、提供灌溉用水和發電用水,成千上萬史無前例的巨型工程項目被建立起來,它們給千千萬萬的人帶來了利益。


[ˈhaɪkə] <釋義>n. a person who hikes 徒步旅行者 <聯想>穿著耐克(Nike)運動鞋的人(er)去徒步旅行(hike)了 <派生>hike v. 徒步旅行;提高(價格等) n. 猛增 <例句>Packed full of information for the avid hiker, this book is a must. (IELTS5,TA,R1) 這本書涵蓋了狂熱的徒步旅行者需要的內容,是他們的必備之物。


[ˈhaɪndˌkwɔːtəz] <釋義>n. the back part of an animal with four legs 後腿;後半部 <詞根>hind(後面)+quarters(部分)→後腿,後半部 <例句>And one ostrich produces a lot of meat—from around 30 to 50 kg, mostly from the hindquarters of the bird. (IELTS3,T3,L4) 一隻鴕鳥能提供大量的肉——約從30千克到50千克不等,主要從鴕鳥的後腿上獲得。


[ˈhaɪtn] <釋義>v. if a feeling or an effect heightens, or sth. heightens it, it becomes stronger or increases (使)提高,加強 <詞根>height(高度)+en(使......)→(使)提高,加強 <派生>height n. 高度,身高 <例句>The result is therefore to give the individual an uncomfortable feeling that there are things left unsaid, i.e. to heighten the sense of role ambiguity. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 因此,結果就是讓個人有不舒服的感覺,好像有東西沒有被言明,也就是說加強了角色模糊的感覺。


[ˈhedlaɪn] <釋義>n. the title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type 大字標題;**[pl.] an important or sensational piece of news 頭版頭條新聞 <聯想>head(頭部)+line(行)→寫在文章第一行的內容→大字標題 <例句>What sort of national events make headlines in your country? (IELTS3,T3,S3) 在貴國,什麼類型的國內事件會成為頭條新聞呢? headquarters**[ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz] <釋義>n. a center of operations or administration 總部,總店;the offices of a commander, as of a military unit, from which orders are issued 指揮部 <詞根>head(頭)+quarters(部分)→總部,總店 <例句>By 1906 the WSPU headquarters, called the Women's Press Shop, had been established in Chafing Cross Road and in spite of limited communications (no radio or television, and minimal use of the telephone) the message had spread around the country, with members and branch officers stretching to as far away as Scotland. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 到1906年,WSPU在Chafing Cross路建立了總部,命名為「婦女印刷社」。


[ˈhedɪ] <釋義>adj. likely to make people drunk quickly; potent 易使人醉的,烈性的;having a quick effect on the senses; very exciting 使人興奮的 <例句>Notable exceptions are the heady song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 明顯的例外是北極露背鯨在夏天高亢的吟唱和駝背鯨複雜的、縈繞於心的竊竊私語。


[ˈhevən] <釋義>n. a place believed to be the home of God and the angels and of good people after death 天堂,天國;the sky, as seen from the earth 蒼天 <例句>Water, which was once regarded as a free gift from heaven, is becoming a commodity which must be bought and sold on the open market just like oil. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 水曾經被看作是上天給人類的免費禮物,現在卻變成了一種商品,像油一樣在開放市場中買賣。


[ˈheɪdeɪ] <釋義>n. the time of greatest success, prosperity, power, etc. (人、思想或物的)全盛時期,鼎盛時期 <例句>It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class. (IELTS5,T1,R1) Samuel Johnson博士是18世紀文人的楷模,不僅在他那個時代出名,而且在我們這個時代也一樣出名。


[ˈheɪsən] <釋義>v. to cause (sth.) to be done or to happen earlier 催促,加快 <詞根>haste(快,匆忙)+en(使......)→使加快 <派生>hasty adj. 匆忙的 <例句>It can actually hasten death, as it did in December 1991 when a cloud of exhaust fumes lingered over the city of London for over a week. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 實際上它會加速死亡。


[ˈhɑːdɪ] <釋義>adj. able to endure cold or difficult conditions; tough, robust 能吃苦耐勞的,強壯的 <詞根>hard(堅韌的)+y→能吃苦耐勞的 <派生>hardihood n. 大膽;剛毅;健壯 hardily adv. 大膽地,狂妄自大地 hardiness n. 強壯,結實;耐性;大膽 <例句>This popular half-hour science magazine continues into its twenty-ninth year, proving itself to be a hardy survivor in the television world. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 這種流行的半小時科學雜誌進入其第29個發展年頭,證明了它在電視的重圍中堅強地生存了下來。


[ˈhɑːmənaɪz] <釋義>v. to be or make (sth.) harmonious (使)協調,使一致,融洽 <詞根>harmo(結合)+nise(動詞)→結合在一起→使一致 <派生>harmony n. 和諧,協調 harmonious adj. 和諧的,協調的 disharmony n. 不和諧 <例句>This would also involve harmonising activities in individual countries as well as identifying a number of priority research topics relating to the protection of forests. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 這包括協調各個國家的活動,同時確定一些與保護森林有關的最重要的研究話題。


[ˈhɑːnɪs] <釋義>v. to put a harness on (a horse, etc.); to attach (a horse, etc.) by a harness 給......上套;to control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc. 治理,利用 n. an equipment consisting of leather straps and saddle and metal fittings by which a horse is controlled and fastened to the cart, plough, etc. that it pulls 馬具,挽具 <例句>Harnessing the wind would not have been a problem for accomplished sailors like the Egyptians. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 對於像埃及人那樣嫻熟的水手來說,利用風力不是問題。


[ˈhɒvə] <釋義>v. to remain in the air in one place 飛翔,盤旋;to wait in a timid and uncertain manner 徘徊 <派生>hovercraft n. 氣墊船 <例句>The main purpose is to show how hovercrafts work, and how things hover around on just a cushion of air. (IELTS4,T4,L3) 主要目的是展示飛翔機是怎樣工作的,以及物體是怎樣在氣墊上飛翔。


[ˈhɔːntɪŋ] <釋義>adj. continually recurring to the mind; unforgettable 難以忘懷的,縈繞的 <派生>haunt n. 常去的地方 v.(鬼魂等)常出沒於......;(思想、回憶等)縈繞在心頭,纏繞 <例句>Notable exceptions are the heady song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 明顯的例外是北極露背鯨在夏天高亢的吟唱和駝背鯨複雜的、縈繞於心的竊竊私語。


[ˈhɪkʌp] <釋義>n. a small problem or temporary delay 暫時性的小問題;短暫的停頓;a sharp, usually repeated, sound made in the throat, that is caused by a sudden movement of the DIAPHRAGM and that you cannot control 打嗝 <例句>But if play is not simply a developmental hiccup, as biologists once thought, why did it evolve? (IELTS4,T2,R3) 但是,如果像生物學家曾經認為的那樣,玩耍不是簡單的發育暫停,那麼它為什麼會演變呢? hierarchy**[ˈhaɪrɑːkɪ] <釋義>n. a body of persons having authority 領導層;a system with grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highest 層次,等級 <詞根>hier(神聖)+archy(統治)→統治→領導層 <派生>hierarchical adj. 等級的,層次的 hierarchically adv. 等級地,層次地 <例句>Other uniforms denoted a hierarchy—chefs wore white because they worked with flour, but the main chef wore a black hat to show he supervised. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 其他制服體現等級——廚師穿白色衣服,因為他們和麵粉打交道,主廚戴黑色的帽子來顯示他們的主管地位。


[ˈhɪndrəns] <釋義>n. a thing or person that hinders 障礙物;障礙,妨礙 <同義>barrier, obstruction, impediment <派生>hinder v. 阻礙,妨礙 <例句>Associating a number as one of the qualities of a specific object is a great hindrance to the development of a true number sense. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 將數字與某個特定物體的性質聯繫在一起是建立真正的數字意識的嚴重障礙。


[ˈiːgəlɪ] <釋義>adv. full of interest or desire; keen 熱切地,渴望地 <派生>eager adj. 熱切的,渴望的 eagerness n. 熱切,渴望 <例句>Von Frisch knew from experiments by an earlier researcher that if he put out a bowl of sweet sugar syrup, bees might at first take some time to find it but, once they had done so, within the hour, hundreds of other bees would be eagerly taking the syrup. (IELTS4,TB,R3) Von Frisch從之前一位研究者的試驗中得知如果他把一碗甜糖漿放在外面,那麼蜜蜂一開始可能會花些時間找到它,但一旦找到,一個小時之內其它數百個蜜蜂就會飛來大快朵頤。


[ˈiːvəl] <釋義>adj. morally bad; wicked 兇惡的,邪惡的;very unpleasant or harmful 道德敗壞的,危害社會的;令人厭惡的 n. a wrongdoing or wickedness 邪惡,惡行 <同義>bad, sinful, ill, wicked, vicious, harmful <例句>An action such as shocking a victim, which in isolation appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when placed in this setting. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 孤立地看,恐嚇受害者是邪惡的行為,在這種情況下會,它會有完全不同的含義。


[ˈjuːnɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to form (sth.) into a single unit or make uniform 統一,使一致 <詞根>uni(one)+fy(做)→做成一個→統一,使一致 <派生>unification n. 統一,單一化 <例句>That said, different groups of researchers attacked different problems, from speech recognition to chess playing, in different ways; AI unified the field in name only. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 說到此,不同小組的研究者們用不同的方法攻克不同的問題,從理解言語到下棋,人工智能只是這些領域一個統一的名字罷了。


[ˈjʌŋstə] <釋義>n. a young person; a child or youth 年輕人,小伙子,小孩 <詞根>young(年輕的)+ster(表示人)→年輕人 <例句>At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundreds of youngsters and pros live and train under the eyes of coaches. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 在澳大利亞體育學院,成百上千的年輕人和體育專業人士在教練的眼皮底下生活和訓練。 -ster 表示人: songster n. 歌手,歌唱家 teenster n. 十幾歲的少年 oldster n. 老人 spinster n. 紡織女 minister n. 部長,大臣 speedster n. 超速駕駛者 gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒 mobster n. 暴徒


[ˈkafeɪ] <釋義>n. a small inexpensive restaurant serving light meals and (in Britain usu. non-alcoholic) drinks 咖啡館,小餐館 <例句>There are two cafes in the museum, with seating for 80 people. (IELTS8,T1,L2) 博物館裡有兩個咖啡館,能坐80人。


[ˈkaməflɑːʒ] <釋義>n. a way of hiding or disguising soldiers, military equipment, etc, e.g. with paint, netting or leaves, so that they look like part of their surroundings 偽裝,掩飾;迷彩服 v. to hide (sb./ sth.) by camouflage 把......偽裝起來,掩蓋 <例句>HNC claim that their system, based on a cluster of 30 processors, could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or extract a voice signal from a noisy background—tasks humans can do well, but computers cannot. (IELTS5,T3,R3) HNC宣稱,他們的系統建立在30個處理器的集合體之上,可以用來識別戰場上經過偽裝的車輛,或者在喧鬧的背景中分離出聲音信號——這些事情人類能做好,但是電腦卻不能。


[ˈkanvəs] <釋義>n. a strong coarse cloth used for making tents, sails, etc. and by artists for painting on 帆布,油畫布 <例句>As this is a travelling circus, it follows a long tradition by performing in a marquee—which is really like a canvas portable building, usually put up in a green space or car park, rather than in a theatre or stadium. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 由於是流動馬戲團,它遵循一個長期的傳統,那就是在大帳篷中表演——這種大帳篷猶如一個便攜式帆布建築物,通常搭建在一個綠色空間或停車場內,而不是在劇院或講堂裡。


[ˈkaptɪn] <釋義>n. an officer in the British Army between the ranks of lieutenant and 上尉;a person given authority over a group or team; a leader (運動隊)隊長;a person in charge of a ship or civil aircraft 船長,艦長 v. to be captain of (a football team, etc.) 當......隊長,率領 <例句>The Indian rockets used against the British were described by a British Captain serving in India as "an iron envelope about 2,000 millimeters long and 40 millimeters in diameter". (IELTS3,T1,R1) 駐印度的英國上尉描述用來攻打英國的印度火箭時說,「它是一個長兩米,直徑40毫米的鐵皮筒。


[ˈkapɪtlɪzəm] <釋義>n. economicsystem in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the State 資本主義 <詞根>capital(資本)+ism(主義)→資本主義 <派生>capital n. 資本;首都;大寫 capitalist n. 資本家 adj. 資本主義的 <例句>Back in 1928, the British writer George Bernard Shaw wrote in his Intelligent Women's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism that "A man is supposed to understand politics, economics and finance and is therefore unwilling to accept essential instruction." (IELTS5,T1,L4) 早在1928年,英國作家喬治·肖伯納就在他的《智慧女人的社會主義與資本主義指南》一書中指出「男人應該懂得政治、經濟和金融,因此他們不願意接受這方面的基礎教育。


[ˈkavən] <釋義>n. a cave, esp. a large or dark one 大洞穴 <派生>cavernous adj. 像大洞穴的,大而幽暗的 <例句>This is where they make scenes with fishes, underground caverns and so on. (IELTS6,T2,L1) 這就是他們拍攝魚和地下大洞穴等場景的地方。


[ˈkaʊntəprəˌdʌktɪv] <釋義>adj. tending to hinder rather than serve one's purpose 適得其反的 <詞根>counter(against)+productive(多產的)→適得其反的 <例句>This phenomenon can be partly attributed to the common counterproductive approach to study (making extreme efforts to memorise, tensing muscles, inducing fatigue), but it also simply reflects the way the brain functions. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 這種現象可以部分歸因於經常起相反作用的學習方式(極度努力記憶、肌肉緊張、導致疲勞),但這也簡單地表明了大腦的工作方式。


[ˈkeəfriː] <釋義>adj. free of worries and responsibilities 無憂無慮的 <詞根>care(憂慮)+free(免除的)→免除憂慮的→無憂無慮的 <例句>Play may look like a carefree and exuberant way to pass the time before the hard work of adulthood comes along. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 在成年階段辛苦勞作來臨之前,遊戲可能看起來像是以無憂無慮、充滿活力的方式去度過時間的。


[ˈkreɪdl] <釋義>n. a small bed for a baby, usu. shaped like a box with curved parts underneath so that it can move from side to side 搖籃,發源地 <例句>Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 攝影人員爬到搖籃裡用演播廳的攝像機給每塊窗玻璃照相。


[ˈkruːəl] <釋義>adj. making others suffer, esp. intentionally 殘忍的,殘酷的,殘暴的 <聯想>發音記憶:「刻肉」→殘忍的 <派生>cruelty n. 殘忍,殘酷;暴行,虐待 <例句>The anthropologist concluded that the tribesmen were unusually aggressive and cruel. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 人類學家得出結論,這個部落的人無比凶殘、侵略成性。


[ˈkrɪstəlaɪn] <釋義>adj. made of or resembling crystals 含水晶的,晶狀的 <派生>crystal n. 水晶,結晶體 crystallize v. 使結晶,使晶化;使明確化 <例句>Are the rocks heavy, with huge crystalline basalt shapes, like the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland? (IELTS4,T3,R2) 那些重的、有巨大的結晶質的玄武岩和北愛爾蘭的巨人之路上的石頭一樣嗎? cube**[kjuːb] <釋義>n. a solid body with six equal square sides 立方體,立方 <派生>cubic adj. 立方的 <例句>This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shards. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 這種玻璃的強度是標準玻璃的5倍。


[ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to have or give (sb.) the qualities, training, etc. that are necessary or suitable 使具有資格;使合格 <詞根>quail(某類)+fy(使得)→使得符合某類→使合格 <派生>quality n. 質量 adj. 高質的 qualified adj. 合格的,有資格的,有能力的 qualification n. 資格;合格證 qualitative adj. 質的 <同義>entitle, authorize <搭配>be qualified for 有資格做某事 <例句>In fact, to qualify as a witness in a court of law a man had to be able to count to nine!(IELTS6,T2,R3) 事實上,要想有資格在法庭上作證,這個人必須能夠數到九。


[ˈkwəʊtə] <釋義>n. a fixed share that must be done or contributed or received 定額,限額,配額 <搭配>meet the sales quotas 完成銷售定額 <例句>The general worldwide decline in trade barriers, such as customs duties and import quotas, is surely one explanation. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 全球範圍內的貿易壁壘,例如進口稅和進口配額等的減少,當然是一個解釋。


[ˈkwəʊtɪd] <釋義>adj. repeat in speech or writing 引用的,引述的 <派生>quote v. 引用,引述,引證 quotation n. 引用,引述,引證 <同義>cite, mention <搭配>quote from 引用,引證 <例句>Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted? (IELTS3,T1,L1) 那一列柱形圖代表被引用的數字? radiation**[ˌreɪdɪˈeɪʃən] <釋義>n. rays and atomic particles from radioactive substances 放射,輻射;the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats 散佈,傳播;流露,顯示 <詞根>radi(→ray光線)+ate(動詞詞綴)+ion(n.)→放射,輻射;散佈,傳播;流露,顯示 <派生>radiant adj. 發光的;輻射的;容光煥發的 radiate v. 放射,輻射加大間距 radiator n. 輻射器,輻射體 <例句>Antarctica is an indicator of global ultra-violet radiation levels. (IELTS5,T2,L4) 南極是地球紫外線輻射強度的指示物。


[ˈkɑːtn] <釋義>n. any of various containers made from cardboard or coated paper (盛液體的)硬紙盒 <例句>Millions of people may be paying a small amount extra for their carton of orange juice. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 數以百萬計的人買盒裝橙汁時會額外花一點錢。


[ˈkɒfə] <釋義>n. a store of money; treasury; funds (常用複數)資金;a large strong box for holding money or other valuables; a chest 保險箱 <聯想>c聯想成capital資金,offer指商務中的報價→資金 <例句>But the paper and merchandising activities alone did not provide sufficient funds for the WSPU to meet organisational costs, so numerous other fundraising activities combined to fill the coffers of the war chest. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 但是僅僅靠報紙業和商業活動不能滿足婦女社會政治聯盟組織各種活動的開銷。


[ˈkɒlənɪst] <釋義>n. a person who settles in an area and colonizes it 殖民地開拓者,移居殖民地者 <聯想>col(共同)+on(在......上)+ist(人)→在某個地方合作共同把一塊地方變成殖民地的人→殖民地開拓者 <派生>colonization n. 殖民化 colonizer n. 殖民者 colony n. 殖民地 colonial adj. 殖民制度的,殖民時期的 colonialism n. 殖民主義 colonialist n. 殖民主義者 colonize v. 將某地變成殖民地 <例句>The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the colonists were successful, sometimes they failed and vanished. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 環境對殖民者的考驗到了極限:他們有時成功,有時失敗甚至消亡。


[ˈkɒmplɪmənt] <釋義>v. to combine well (and often contrastingly) with (sth.) to form a whole 與......相配,與......互補;補充 n. a thing that goes well or suitably with sth. else, or makes it complete 補充物 <派生>complementary adj. 互補的,相配的 <例句>Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changed appreciably, but with increasing global participation in athletics—and greater rewards to tempt athletes—it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 過去一個世紀以來,人類基因庫沒有發生太大變化,但是隨著世界上更多人參與體育運動——並且更多的回報吸引著運動員——個人適於體育運動的獨特基因可能被發現得更早。


[ˈkɒmɪk] <釋義>adj. causing people to laugh; funny 滑稽的,好笑的;of, containing or using comedy 喜劇的 n. children's magazine containing stories told mainly through pictures 連環漫畫;comedian 喜劇演員 <例句>Early cinema programmes were a mixture of items, combining comic sketches, free-standing narratives, serial episodes and the occasional trick or animated film. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 早期的電影節目是多種節目的混合體,結合了詼諧喜劇、獨立的敘述故事、電視劇等形式、偶爾還有搞笑或動畫影片。


[ˈkɔːnəstəʊn] <釋義>n. a stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin. 牆角石;such a stone, often inscribed, laid at a ceremony marking the origin of a building 奠基石 <詞根>corner+stone→牆角的石頭→奠基石 <例句>It is the cornerstone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell's words, conferred stability on the language of his country. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 這一成就是標準英語的奠基石。


[ˈkɔːrəs] <釋義>n. a group of singers; choir 合唱隊,合唱 v. to sing or say (sth.) all together 齊聲說 <派生>choral adj. 合唱的,合唱隊的 <例句>Notable exceptions are the heady song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 明顯的例外是夏天北極露背鯨高亢的吟唱聲和駝背鯨複雜的、縈繞於心的竊竊私語。


[ˈkɔːtɪkəl] <釋義>adj. of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex (大腦)皮質的,皮層的 <派生>cortex n. (大腦)皮層 <例句>In laboratory simulations of challenging activities such as driving, those who felt in control of their lives pumped out lower levels of stress hormones such as cortical. (IELTS6,T2,R2) 在實驗室模擬富有挑戰性的活動時,如開車,那些認為能夠控制自己生活的人產生較低水平的壓力荷爾蒙,如皮層荷爾蒙。


[ˈkɔːtʃɪp] <釋義>n. the act, process, or period of courting 求愛期,戀愛期;(動物的)求偶 <派生>court v. 討好,向......獻慇勤;和......談戀愛 courtesy n. 禮貌,謙恭有禮 courteous adj. 謙恭的,有禮貌的 <例句>This contact may help to maintain order within a group, and stroking or touching are part of the courtship ritual in most species. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 這種接觸可以幫助維持群內秩序,撫摩和接觸對很多物種來說是求偶儀式的一部分。


[ˈkəʊtʃləʊd] <釋義>n. a group of people travelling in a coach, especially when it is full 長途汽車的全體乘客 <詞根>coach(公共汽車,客車)+load(擔子,載重)→長途汽車的全體乘客 <例句>We like to keep those tours small and personal so we don't take a whole coachload of people. (IELTS5,T1,L1) 我們將保持旅遊團的小巧規模,使其更加人性化,所以我們不載滿車的人。


[ˈkɜːlɪ] <釋義>adj. curling; full of curls 捲曲的,波浪式的 <派生>curl v. 使捲曲 <例句>He'll grow up to be with masses of curly black hair. (IELTS3,T4,L1) 他長大後會長出很多捲曲的黑頭髮。


[ˈkɜːtn] <釋義>n. a piece of material hung to cover a window, and usu. movable sideways 窗簾,門簾;a similar piece of material hung up as a screen 帷幕 <例句>We're experimenting a bit with the time the curtain goes up. (IELTS6,T1,L2) 我們排練一下劇幕拉起來的場景。


[ˈkɪdnɪ] <釋義>n. either of a pair of organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine 腎,腎臟 <例句>In addition to being responsible for more than 85 percent of lung cancers, smoking is associated with cancers of, amongst others, the mouth, stomach and kidneys, and is thought to cause about 14 percent of leukemia and cervical cancers. (IELTS3,T1,R2) 除了造成85%的肺癌,吸煙還與嘴部、胃部和腎部的癌症相關,並且14%的白血病和宮頸癌都是由吸煙引起的。


[ˈkʊkərɪ] <釋義>n. the art and practice of cooking 烹調法 <詞根>cook+ery(法)→烹調法 <派生>cooker n. 做飯的器具 cook n. 廚師 <例句>I'm taking a month's cookery course at a local college. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 我在當地的大學學習了一個月的烹飪課程。


[ˈkʌləfɑːst] <釋義>adj. cloth that is colourfast will not lose its colour when it is washed (衣料)不褪色的 <詞根>colour(顏色)+fast(緊的)→不掉顏色的 <例句>Blue jeans MW—non-shrink, colourfast, small sizes only (IELTS5,TA,R1) 藍色牛仔褲MW—不縮水,不掉色,只有小號的 combat**[ˈkɒmbat] <釋義>v. to fight or struggle against sb./sth. 跟......戰鬥,搏鬥;反對 n. fight or fighting between two people, armies, etc. 戰鬥,鬥爭,搏鬥;競爭 <詞根>com(with)+bat(打鬥)→跟......搏鬥 <同義>battle, struggle, conflict, fight, contest <派生>combatant n. 參加戰鬥者 <例句>The topics discussed included the co-ordinated study of the destruction of forests, as well as how to combat forest fires and the extension of European research programs on the forest ecosystem. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 討論的主題包括關於森林破壞的協作研究、如何防止森林火災以及歐洲森林生態系統研究項目的增加。


[ˈkʌrənsɪ] <釋義>n. the money system in use in a country 通貨,貨幣;common or general use 通行,通用,流行 <派生>current adj. 現存的,目前的 n.水流,氣流 currently adv. 目前地 <例句>And poor governments in these isolated areas have welcomed the new breed of adventure tourist, grateful for the hard currency they bring. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 這些偏遠地區的貧困政府歡迎新來的探險旅遊者,感激他們帶來的硬通貨。


[ˈlantən] <釋義>n. a light for use outdoors in a transparent case that protects it fromthe wind, etc. 燈籠;信號燈 <例句>In the early years, this art form was quite primitive, similar to the original French idea of using a lantern and slides back in the seventeenth century. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 在早年,這種藝術形式是相當原始的,類似於法國在17世紀時使用燈籠和幻燈片的想法。


[ˈlaɪkən] <釋義>v. to show the resemblance between one thing and another 將......比作...... <詞根>like(像)+en(v.)→使......像→將......比作...... <例句>Bekoff likens it to a behavioural kaleidoscope, with animals at play jumping rapidly between activities. (IELTS4,T2,R3) Bekoff將之比喻為行為萬花筒,玩耍的動物會在各種活動之間快速地跳來跳去。


[ˈlaɪtˌweɪt] <釋義>adj. one that weighs relatively little or less than average 輕量的,輕質的;輕鬆的;a person of little ability, intelligence, influence, or importance 不重要的,無足輕重的 <詞根>light(輕的)+weight(重量)→輕質的 <例句>Thanks to technological advances such as lightweight components, manufactured goods themselves have tended to become lighter and less bulky. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 由於技術的進步,比如輕型零件的出現,製成品本身變得更加輕便,不再那麼笨重了。


[ˈlesə] <釋義>adj. not as great as the other 較小的,較少的;次要的 <詞根>less(更少的)+er(比較級)→比少更少的→較小的;次要的 <派生>lessen v. 減少 <例句>The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: ... and Japan, where a cinema developed based primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other art forms and only gradually adapted to western influence. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 電影改變很大的其他國家有......和日本,在那裡,電影主要是在傳統的戲劇或者其他不太重要的藝術形式的基礎上發展起來的,並逐漸地接受了西方的影響。


[ˈleɡəsɪ] <釋義>n. money or property bequeathed to another by will 遺產,遺贈 <詞根>leg(送)+acy→送的東西→遺產,遺贈 <例句>The star as magnified human self is one of cinema's most strange and enduring legacies. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 明星,作為被放大的人類本身,是電影最奇特和最持久的產物。

我們怎麼能夠解釋他們之間的巨大差異呢? laden

[ˈleɪdn] <釋義>adj. loaded or weighted 裝滿的,滿載的;飽含,充溢著(某種味道的) <搭配>be laden with 裝滿,飽含 <例句>But by the time the sediment has come to rest in the fields and lagoons, it is laden with municipal, industrial and agricultural waste from the Cairo region, which is home to more than 40 million people. (IELTS5,T3,R2) 但是,當沉積物在田地和瀉湖中沉澱下來時,它就被有4,000萬人居住的開羅地區的城市、工業和農業的廢物所充斥。


[ˈliːdʒən] <釋義>adj. very many; numerous 眾多的,大批的,無數的 <例句>Stories about the problems of tourism have become legion in the last few years. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 關於旅遊業問題的故事在過去幾年內數不勝數。


[ˈluːnətɪk] <釋義>n. an insane person 瘋子,精神失常者;a wildly foolish person 極其愚蠢的人adj. insane 精神失常的,瘋的;wildly foolish 極其愚蠢的 <派生>lunar adj. 月的,月球的 <例句>Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 此外,他們認為只有千分之一的極端主義者會施以最高的450伏特的電擊。


[ˈlɑːdʒɪʃ] <釋義>adj. fairly large 相當大的 <詞根>large+ish(有......傾向的)→傾向於大的→相當大的 <例句>Forty percent of the respondents were in favour, but a largish minority were strongly against. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 40%的被調查者表示贊成,但是相當多的少數派強烈反對。


[ˈlɒpˈsaɪdɪdnɪs] <釋義>n. 傾向一邊,不平衡 <派生>lopsided adj. 傾向一邊的,不平衡的 <例句>One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 其中一個是堅定地進行科學研究的傾向。


[ˈlɒɪəl] <釋義>adj. true and faithful 忠誠的,忠實的,效忠的,忠貞的 <派生>loyalty n. 忠誠,忠實 loyally adv. 忠誠地 <例句>Free samples of new and expensive drugs might be the single most effective way of getting doctors and patients to become loyal to a product. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 新研製的昂貴藥品的免費試用品可能是讓醫生和病人忠誠於一種產品的最有效的方法。


[ˈlɔːlɪsnɪs] <釋義>n. unrestrained by law; unruly 不守法,不遵守紀律 <詞根>law(法律)+less(沒有......的)+ness(n.)→不守法,不遵守紀律 <派生>law n. 法律 lawful adj. 依法的,合法的 lawyer n. 律師 <例句>We've seen that the preoccupation in Western society with crime and with lawlessness is part of a long and continuous tradition. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 我們發現,西方社會對犯罪和不法行為的追蹤有著長期、持續的傳統。

-ish: 加在形容詞之後,表示含有某種程度的、略...的、稍...的: coldish adj. 略寒的 greenish adj. 略帶綠色的 warmish adj. 稍暖的 yellowish adj. 微黃的 oldish adj. 略老的 reddish adj. 略紅的 wettish adj. 略濕的 laundry

[ˈlɔːndrɪ] <釋義>n. a business where clothes, sheets, etc. are laundered 洗衣房;clothes, sheets, etc. that have been or need to be laundered 待洗衣服 <詞根>laun(看做lau洗)+dry(干)→乾洗店→洗衣房 <例句>Those rooms constructed at the front of the houses should be garages, laundries, kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 這些建在房子前面的屋子應該是車庫、洗衣房、廚房、洗手間和餐廳。


[ˈlɪbərəl] <釋義>adj. giving or given generously 慷慨的,大方的;generous in amount; ample 豐富的,充足的;not strict, literal or exact 自由的,思想開放的 <詞根>liber(自由的)+al(具有......性質)→自由的 <派生>liberty n. 自由 liberalism n. 寬容,自由主義,開明的思想或見解 liberation n. 解放 <例句>As has just been remarked, in a liberal society basic health is seen as one of the indispensable conditions for the exercise of personal autonomy. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 如上文所述,在自由社會裡,基本的健康被看作是實現個人自主不可或缺的條件。


[ˈlɪtərəl] <釋義>adj. concerned with the basic or usual meaning of a word or phrase 照字面的,逐字的 <詞根>liter(文字)+al(......的)→照字面的 <派生>literally adv. 逐字的;實際上 <例句>But pictures are more than literal representations. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 但是圖片的作用要超越文字說明。


[ˈlɪtərərɪ] <釋義>adj. of or concerned with literature 文學上的;精通文學的,從事寫作的 <詞根>liter(文字)+ary(與......有關的)→與文字有關的→文學的 <派生>literate adj. 有文化的,識字的 literacy n. 識字,會讀會寫 literature n. 文學 literati n. 文人 <例句>It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class. (IELTS5,T1,R1) Samuel Johnson博士是18世紀文人的楷模,不僅在他那個時代出名,而且在我們這個時代也一樣出名。


[ˈlɪŋgwəl] <釋義>adj. of languages; linguistic 語言的;pronounced with the tongue in conjunction with other organs of speech 舌音的 <詞根>lingu(語言)+al→語言的 <派生>linguistics n. 語言學 linguistic adj. 語言學的 linguist n. 語言學家 linguistically adv. 語言學地 <例句>It's creative, perceptual, analytical and lingual. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 它是有創造性的、永恆的、分析性的和關於語言的。


[ˈlɪŋɡə] <釋義>v. to stay for a long time; to be unwilling to leave 繼續逗留,緩慢消失 <搭配>linger on 繼續逗留,遲遲不消逝 linger over 磨蹭,拖延 <例句>It can actually hasten death, as it did in December 1991 when a cloud of exhaust fumes lingered over the city of London for over a week. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 它實際上可以加速死亡。


[ˈmagnɪfaɪ] <釋義>vt. to make (sth.) appear larger, as a lens or microscope does 放大,擴大 <詞根>magn(大)+ify(動詞後綴)→放大,擴大 <派生>magnificent adj. 宏偉的,壯麗的 magnifier n. 放大鏡 magnitude n. 大小,數量,幅度 <例句>The star as magnified human self is one of cinema's most strange and enduring legacies. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 明星,作為放大了的人類本身,是電影最奇特和最持久的產物。


[ˈmandeɪt] <釋義>n. the authority given to a party, trade union, etc. by the people who support it (選民對選出的代表、議會等的)授權v. give (sb.) the power (to do sth.) by mandate 授權(某人)根據委託統治權(做某事) <詞根>mand(命令)+ate(表示行為) <派生>mandatory adj. 強制性的,義務性的 <例句>With the onset of statehood, however, the State of Alaska took over management of its own fisheries, guided by a state constitution which mandates that Alaska's natural resources be managed on a sustainable basis. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 然而,阿拉斯加州成立後就馬上接手了本地漁業的管理權,按照州立法律的規定,阿拉斯加的自然資源開發必須遵循可持續發展的道路。


[ˈmanɪfest] <釋義>adj. clear and obvious 明白的,明瞭的v. to show (sth.) clearly; demonstrate 表明,證明,顯示 <詞根>mani(手)+fest(打)→用手公開打開→公開的,明瞭的 <派生>manifestation n. 顯示,表現 <例句>The results suggest that noise produces fatigue but that this manifests itself later. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 結果表明噪音會使人疲倦,但是這種情況經過一段時間後才會顯現出來。


[ˈmanʃən] <釋義>n. a large and stately house 大廈,宅第,公館 <詞根>mans(居住)+ion(n.)→住所→大樓 <例句>They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts, stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside, and... (IELTS7,T3,L4) 他們調查了設在商業區中心的、所謂的華麗的賓館,還有那些座落於風景優美的郊區的高檔別墅...... manufacturable**[ˌmanjʊˈfaktʃərəbl] <釋義>adj. able to manufacture 可製造的,可加工的 <詞根>manu(手)+ fact(製作)+ ure(n.)+able(adj.)→用手製作→可製造的,可加工的 <派生>manufacture v. 加工,製造 manufacturer n. 製造者,製造商,製造廠 <例句>After careful consideration, the project chose the promotion of donkeys — a donkey costs less than a bicycle—and the introduction of a locally manufacturable wheelbarrow. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 在經過仔細考慮後,這個工程選擇推廣驢子的使用,因為一頭驢的成本比一輛自行車少,同時還引進了可以當地製造的手推車。


[ˈmaɪnəs] <釋義>n. the mathematical symbol 減號,負號;disadvantage or drawback 不利,不足,缺點 adj. negative 負的,不利的 <詞根>min(小)+us→減少的 <例句>On the minus side, our testers did not like the fact that the side of the cot did not drop down, making it difficult to pick up newborn babies. (IELTS5,T1,L2) 不利的一面是,試驗者不喜歡嬰兒床的一邊不能放下這一點,因為這樣使得抱起嬰兒較為困難。

同根詞:magn→large magnitude n. 大小;數量;巨大,龐大;重要性 mainline

[ˈmeɪnlaɪn] <釋義>n. an important railway that connects two cities 主線,主幹道 <詞根>main(主要的)+line(線)→主線,主幹道 <例句>Mainline trains also offer direct services to Bristol, where you can visit the docks or spend a great day out with the children in the zoo. (IELTS6,T2,L2) 主幹道的火車可直達Bristol,在那裡你可以去碼頭遊玩或者跟孩子們去動物園度過愉快的一天。


[ˈmuːdɪ] <釋義>adj. given to frequent changes of mood; temperamental 喜怒無常的,易怒的;expressive of a mood, especially a sullen or gloomy mood 情緒不好的 <派生>mood n. 心情,情緒;(動詞的)語氣 <搭配>be (not) in the mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有/沒有做某事的心情 be in a good mood 情緒好 be in a bad mood 情緒不好 <例句>When there is a thunderstorm brewing, some people complain of the air being heavy and of feeling irritable, moody and on edge. (IELTS3,T3,R3) 當雷雨在醞釀時,一些人就抱怨空氣凝重,感覺易怒、傷感、處於崩潰的邊緣。


[ˈmɪnɪtʃə] <釋義>n. a very small copy or model of sth. 縮小的模型,縮圖 adj. very small scale 微型的,縮小的 <同義>tiny, small, diminutive <搭配>in miniature 小規模,小型 <派生>miniaturize v. 使微型化 <例句>The Dynamic figures are painted in miniature. (IELTS8,T4,L4) 活躍的人物被塗成微型人物。


[ˈmɪrɪəd] <釋義>n. an extremely large number of sth.無數,極大數量 adj. 無數的 <例句>As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they saw myriad lights reflecting off the water. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 隨著他們的眼睛適應了黑暗,他們看到了水面反射出無數光亮。


[ˈmɪstəfaɪ] <釋義>v. to make (sb.) confused through lack of understanding; to puzzle; to bewilder 使迷惑 <詞根>myst(謎)+ify(動詞後綴)→使困惑不解,使迷惑 <搭配>be mystified at sth. 對......感到迷惑 <例句>Japanese scholars have been mystified for ages about why these tall, slender buildings are so stable. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 幾十年來日本的學者們都對這些高聳的、纖細的建築物為什麼能夠平穩矗立而感到迷惑不解。


[ˈmɪstɪkəl] <釋義>adj. unintelligible; cryptic 神秘的,奧秘的 <詞根>myst(謎)+ical(形容詞後綴)→神秘的,奧秘的 <例句>They meet a strange old lady who tells them of the mystical powers of the house and how previous owners have been able to travel back through the centuries to meet their ancestors. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 他們遇見了一個奇怪的老婦人,這個老婦人告訴了他們這個房子的神秘力量,以及這個房子先前的主人如何穿越好幾個世紀去見他們的祖先。


[ˈmɪzərəbəl] <釋義>adj. very unhappy or uncomfortable; wretched 痛苦的,悲慘的,令人難受(痛苦)的 <詞根>mis(壞)+ery(表狀態)+able(adj.)→痛苦的 <派生>misery n. 悲慘,痛苦 <例句>They completely give up exercise because the pain makes them so miserable. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 因為疼痛難忍,他們完全放棄了練習。

同根詞:mis- →bad,wrong mislead v. 誤導 mishandle v. 錯誤處理,虐待 mismanagement v. 錯誤管理,錯誤經營 misunderstand v. 誤解 mission

[ˈmɪʃən] <釋義>n. a particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group 任務,使命;a group of people sent abroad, esp. on political or commercial business 使團,代表團 <詞根>miss(送)+ion→派送使團→使命,任務 <例句>We can advise the navy on search and rescue missions. (IELTS7,T3,L3) 我們可以建議海軍部隊繼續執行搜查和營救任務。


[ˈmʌltɪpəl] <釋義>adj. having or involving many individuals, items or types 復合的,多重的;多樣的 n. quantity which contains another quantity an exact number of times 倍數 <詞根>multi(多)+ ple→復合的 <派生>multiply v. 乘;繁殖 <例句>Such acquisitions have multiple purposes. (IELTS3,T3,R1) 這些收穫有著多重目的。


[ˈnatɪ] <釋義>adj. smart and tidy; neat (外貌、衣著)整潔的,整飾的,乾淨的;瀟灑的;well thought out; clever 靈巧的,敏捷的 <例句>moving on to a natty little device... (IELTS3,T4,L2) 現在來看靈巧的小型設備...... naturalistic**[ˌnatʃərəˈlɪstɪk] <釋義>adj. imitating or producing the effect or appearance of nature 模仿自然的,近似自然的;of, relating to, or being in accordance with the doctrines of naturalism 寫真主義的 <詞根>natural(自然的)+istic(......性的)→近似自然的 <派生>nature n. 自然 natural adj. 自然的 naturally adv. 自然地 <例句>But obtaining naturalistic, good-quality data is never easy. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 但是得到自然的、高質量的數據並不容易。


[ˈniːdɪ] <釋義>adj. lacking the necessities of life; very poor 貧困的 <例句>But the poor and needy were attracted by the possibility of work, and they had to be housed. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 但是窮人會被工作機會吸引,並且他們必須有地方可住。


[ˈniːtnɪs] <釋義>n. tidy and carefully arranged 整潔,整齊,利落 <詞根>neat(整潔的,整齊的)+ness→整潔,利落 <例句>Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is overdone, it can spill over and indicate an obsession with power. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 簡潔可以提高效率,但是如果做過了頭的話,可能會影響其他方面,同時也是迷戀權力的表現。


[ˈnjuːmərɪt] <釋義>v. to count, calculate 計數,計算 <詞根>numer(數)+ate(做)→計數,計算 <派生>numeracy n. 數學能力 numeration n. 計算 numerous adj. 不計其數的 innumerable adj. 無數的 <例句>The numeration system of the Tsimshian language in British Columbia contains seven distinct sets of words for numbers according to the class of the item being counted: for counting flat objects and animals, for round objects and time, for people, for long objects and trees, for canoes, for measures, and for counting when no particular object is being numerated. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 在英屬哥倫比亞的欽西安語中,根據要數的東西的類型,可以用7組不同的單詞來表示數目:用來數扁平的物體和動物,用來數圓形的物體和時間,用來數人,用來數長的物體和樹,用來數船,用來數測量的東西,用來數不具體的事物。


[ˈnjuːɪsəns] <釋義>n. a thing, person or behaviour that is troublesome or annoying 討厭的東西(人或行為) <同義>annoyance <例句>Another dangerous weed has become a nuisance in many parts of the world. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 另外一種危險的雜草已經在世界上很多地方成為令人討厭的東西了。


[ˈnjʊərˌɒn] <釋義>n. any of the impulse-conducting cells that constitute the brain, spinal column, and nerves, consisting of a nucleated cell body with one or more dendrites and a single axon.Also called nerve cell 神經元,神經細胞 <派生>neurosis n. 神經機能症,神經官能症 neurotic adj. 神經機能病的 neuroscientist n. 神經科學家 neurotrophic adj. 神經營養的 neural adj. 神經的 neurobiologist n. 神經生物學家 neurobiology n. 神經生物學 <例句>Cotman believes this hormone, which keeps neurons functioning, may prevent the brains of active humans from deteriorating. (IELTS6,T2,R2) Cotman認為這種維持神經元運轉的激素也許可以避免活體大腦老化。


[ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəl] <釋義>adj. well-informed 有豐富知識的,消息靈通的 <派生>knowledge n. 知識 <例句>How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative teachers actually do in the laboratory of real life? (IELTS5,T1,R2) 一方面是平靜、理性、知識豐富的人在舒適的書房裡做出的預測,一方面是有壓力的、不知所措但可以合作的老師在真實的實驗室裡的情況。


[ˈnɒmɪnəl] <釋義>adj. existing, etc. in name only; not real or actual 名義上的,有名無實的;very small, but paid because some payment is necessary(費用等)很少的,象徵性的 <詞根>nomi(name)+nal→名義上的 <派生>nominate v. 提名 nomination n. 提名 <例句>For external members like yourself, the first hour is free and then we make a nominal charge of £1 per hour thereafter. (IELTS5,T2,L1) 對於像你這樣的外部成員,第一個小時是免費的,之後我們象徵性地收取每小時一英鎊的費用。


[ˈnɒnsəns] <釋義>n. foolish talk,ideas, etc. 胡鬧,胡說 <詞根>non(非,沒)+sense(意義)→沒有意義的話→胡說,胡鬧 <派生>nonsensical adj. 胡說的 <例句>But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle's belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 但是大多數幽默理論家承襲了亞里士多德的某種觀點:幽默是建立在人們對不協調的反應或解決的基礎上的,當妙語表面上看起來是胡鬧或者很愚蠢,它卻有很聰明的第二個層面上的意思。


[ˈnɒvəltɪ] <釋義>n. the quality of being novel; newness; strangeness 新奇,新穎 <詞根>novel(新奇的)+ty→新奇,新穎 <派生>novel adj. 新奇的 n. 小說 <例句>Indeed, some said that, once this novelty had worn off, cinema would fade away. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 實際上,一些人說,一旦這種新奇感過去,電影院將會逐漸消失。


[ˈnəʊtɪsəblɪ] <釋義>adv. evident; observable 明顯地,顯著地,引人注目地,值得注意地 <詞根>notice(注意)+ably(能......地)→值得注意地 <派生>noticeable adj. 明顯的,顯著的 notice n. 通知 v. 發現 <例句>The Asiatic lion's mane is noticeably shorter than the African lion's. (IELTS6,T4,L4) 亞洲獅的鬃毛很明顯要比非洲獅的短。


[ˈnɪgəl] <釋義>n. give too much time and attention to unimportant details; criticize in a petty way 雞毛蒜皮的操心事 v. to irritate (sb.) in a minor way; annoy (使)煩惱,煩擾 <例句>The only niggle everyone had was the fact that it has no wheels. (IELTS5,T1,L2) 所有人唯一煩心的事就是它沒有輪子。


[ˈpampə] <釋義>v. to treat (a person or an animal) with too much kindness or indulgence; to spoil 縱容(某人或動物),寵,嬌養 <同義>spoil <例句>Secondly, there is something very powerful in our need to be pampered and looked after, it's almost as if ... (IELTS7,T3,L4) 第二,我們有某種非常強烈的需要,希望被嬌寵、被照顧,彷彿...... pamphlet**[ˈpamflɪt] <釋義>n. a small book with a paper cover, usu. containing information on a subject of public interest or expressing a political opinion 小冊子 <派生>pamphleteer n. 小冊子作者 <同義>brochure,booklet <搭配>circulate/distribute pamphlet 分發、散發小冊子 <例句>The flashy brochures and pamphlets left by the sales reps are often followed up with meals at expensive restaurants, meetings in warm and sunny places, and an inundation of promotional gadgets. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 銷售代表們發放完花哨的宣傳單和宣傳冊後,接著便去高級餐廳裡消費,去溫暖而又陽光明媚的地方開會,促銷小物品也開始氾濫。


[ˈpantɪŋ] <釋義>adj. breathe with short quick breaths 喘氣的 <派生>pant v. 喘息,氣喘 <例句>Chimpanzees have a "play-face" —a gaping expression accompanied by a panting "ah, ah" noise. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 黑猩猩有一張「鬼臉」:面無表情,伴隨著「啊啊」的喘氣聲。


[ˈparəlaɪzd] <釋義>adj. unable to move part or all of your body or feel it 癱瘓的,麻痺的 <詞根>para(beside 旁邊)+lyse(loosen 鬆動)+(e)d(adj.)→鬆動在一邊→癱瘓的 <派生>paralyse v. 使癱瘓或麻痺 paralysis n. 麻痺,癱瘓,中風 <例句>During this stage, the body is almost paralysed. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 在這個階段,身體幾乎麻痺了。


[ˈparəmaʊnt] <釋義>adj. having the greatest importance or significance; supreme 最重要的,最重大的,至上的 <詞根>para(經過,超過)+mount(山峰)→超越山峰的→最高的 <派生>paramountcy n. 至關重要,至關重大,至上 <例句>As they began to settle, grow plants and herd animals, the need for a sophisticated number system became paramount. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 當他們定居下來並種植植物、飼養動物以後,一種複雜精細的計數系統就變得至關重要了。


[ˈpatrənɪdʒ] <釋義>n. the support and encouragement given by a patron 資助,贊助;支援 <詞根>patr(像父親的)+on(表示人)+age(n.)→像父親一樣的資助 <派生>patron n. 贊助人 patronize v. 贊助;惠顧 <例句>Johnson had worked for nine years, with little assistance of the learned, and without any patronage of the great; ... (IELTS5,T1,R1) 約翰遜已經工作了九年,沒有學者的幫助,沒有重要人物的贊助;...... paycheck**[ˈpeɪtʃek] <釋義>n. salary or wages 工資 <例句>If an employee gives up employment, his/her I.D. card must be returned prior to release of final paycheck. (IELTS7,TA,R2) 如果一個職員辭職了,那麼他(她)的員工卡必須在最後一次領薪水前歸還。


[ˈpaʃənɪt] <釋義>adj. caused by or showing strong feelings 表現強烈感情的 <詞根>passion(強烈的情感)+ate(adj.)→熱情的,熱烈的 <派生>passionately adv. 強烈地,極度地 passion n. 強烈的情感 passionless adj. 不動情的 <同義>fond, enthusiastic, attached, zealous <搭配>be passionate for 對......熱衷,熱愛 <例句>It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans, who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin America and Russia. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 首先是法國,其次是美國,這些新發明最狂熱的推廣者們幫助中國、日本、拉丁美洲和俄國開創了電影業。


[ˈperɪl] <釋義>n. serious danger 極大危險;a dangerous thing or circumstance 危險的事(或環境) <派生>perilous adj. 危險的 <例句>In the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control is fast gaining popularity. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 面對濫用殺蟲劑而產生的不斷升級的危險,一種有效並對生態有益的生物控制策略很快流行起來。


[ˈperɪʃ] <釋義>v. to be destroyed; die 喪生,消亡,死亡;(cause sth. to) rot; (cause rubber to) lose its elasticity 損壞,腐爛 <詞根>per(away)+ish(走)→走開→消失 <搭配>perish from/with... 因......而喪生 perish in 在......中喪生 <派生>perishable adj. 可消亡的;會腐敗的 perishing adj. 非常冷的 <例句>Colder, much wetter weather descended on Europe between 1315 and 1319, when thousands perished in a continent-wide famine. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 1315年到1319年期間,更冷更濕的天氣降臨歐洲,許多人喪生於遍及整個歐洲的饑荒。


[ˈpeɪnzˌteɪkɪŋ] <釋義>adj. marked by or requiring great pains; very careful and diligent. See Synonyms at meticulous 辛勤的;辛苦的;費力的 <派生>painstakingly adv. 辛勤地;辛苦地;費力地 <例句>But it is also the painstaking task of interpretation, so that we come to understand what these things mean for the human story. (IELTS4,T4,R2) 但是這也是一項費力的解釋工作,因此我們開始理解這些事物對人類歷史來說意味著什麼。


[ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz] <釋義>v. to take (sb. else's ideas, words, etc.) and use them as if they were one's own 剽竊,抄襲 <派生>plagiarism n. 剽竊,抄襲 plagiarist n. 剽竊者,抄襲者 <例句>How to incorporate it into your own work in an acceptable way. How not to plagiarise other people's articles, books etc. (IELTS6,TB,R2) 怎樣以可接受的方式將它運用到你自己的作品中,怎樣不抄襲他人的文章、書籍等。


[ˈpleɪmeɪt] <釋義>n. a companion in play or recreation 玩伴 <詞根>play(玩耍)+mate(同伴)→玩伴 <例句>He points out that play often involves complex assessments of playmates, ideas of reciprocity and the use of specialised signals and rules. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 他指出這個遊戲經常涉及到複雜的同伴評價、互惠想法,以及特殊記號和規則的使用。


[ˈpleʒərəbəl] <釋義>adj. agreeable; gratifying 令人愉快的,使人快樂的 <派生>pleasant adj. 使人愉快的,合意的,可喜的 pleasure n. 愉快,快樂,高興 <例句>Creative discovery being pleasurable, humans have learned to find way of milking this natural response. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 有創意的發現讓人愉快,人類已經知道如何引導這種自然反應的方法了。


[ˈpraɪməl] <釋義>adj. first or original; primeval 最初的,原始的;chief or most important; fundamental; primary 主要的,首要的 <詞根>prim(e)(第一,首要)+al(adj.)→首要的 <派生>prime n. 最初;第一,首要 <同義>primary,fundamental,main,primitive,principal <例句>One's first inclination might be to argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct that was activated by the experiment, and that Milgram's teacher-subjects were just following a genetic need to discharge this pent-up primal urge onto the pupil by administering the electrical shock. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 有人一開始也許會傾向於這樣的論點:某種動物內在的攻擊本能通過實驗會被激發出來,Milgram實驗中的被試教師群體只是出於某種本能通過電擊的方式向學生釋放出這種被壓抑的原始動力。


[ˈpredɪkɪt] <釋義>v. to declare or to assert that (sth.) is the case 宣稱,斷言 <詞根>pre(之前)+ dic(說,聲言)+ate(v.)→宣稱 <派生>predictable adj. 可預言的 <例句>The "Missouri" programme was predicated on research showing that working with the family, rather than bypassing the parents, is the most effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start in life. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 「密蘇里」項目斷言,對孩子最好最有效的早期教育是與家庭合作,而不是繞開父母。


[ˈprefərəblɪ] <釋義>adv. rather than anything, anywhere, etc. else 更好地,更合適地,更可取地 <詞根>pre(之前)+fer(拿)+abl(e)(adj.)+(l)y(adv.)→更可取地 <派生>prefer v. 更喜歡 preferable adj. 更可取的,更稱心的 preference n. 喜愛,偏愛;優惠,優待 <例句>If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. (IELTS4,TB,R2) 如果你總是在一個地方學習,尤其是在你自己的房間裡,你會發現進入那個環境後,你能更快調整好心態來學習。


[ˈpresɪdənt] <釋義>n. existing precedents 先例,前例 <詞根>pre(在之前)+cede(走)+ent(n.)→走在前面的→先例 <派生>precede v. 在(某事物)之前,先於 precedented adj.有先例的,有前例可援的 preceding adj. 在前的,在先的 precedence n.優先權 <例句>He adopted his definitions on the principle of English common law—according to precedent. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 根據先例,他在遵循英語習慣法的原則上給出了自己的定義。


[ˈprezəntlɪ] <釋義>adv. after a short time; soon 不久,立刻;at the present time; now 現在,目前 <詞根>pre(在......前面)+sent(存在)+ly(adv.)→現在,目前 <例句>You can take up this opportunity if you are:... presently enrolled, or finishing this year, or you have deferred a year of study. (IELTS5,TA,R2) 以下情況你可以獲得這個機會:目前註冊在校,或即將畢業,或延期一年。


[ˈprɒfɪtəblɪ] <釋義>adv. bringing profit or advantage; beneficial 可獲利潤或好處地,有利可圖地,有益地 <詞根>pro(往前)+fit(做)+able(能夠)+ly(adv.)→能夠繼續做下去的→有益的 <派生>profit n. 利益,利潤,好處 profitable adj. 有利可圖的,有益的 <同義>advantage,benefit,gain,bonus <搭配>make profit 獲利 profit by/from 從......中獲利 <例句>profitably moved from road to light rail transport system (IELTS6,T2,R1) 從公路運輸轉向輕軌運輸可以獲利 progressively**[prəˈgresɪvlɪ] <釋義>adv. increasingly; by degrees 逐漸地,逐步地 <詞根>pro(向前)+gress(走)+ive(adj.)+ly(adv.)→前進性地→逐漸的 <派生>progress v. 前進,進展 progressive adj. 前進的,進步的,有進展的 progression n. 進展,進程,進步 <例句>In the next two stages, sleep gets progressively deeper. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 在之後的兩個階段裡,睡眠逐漸變得越來越沉。


[ˈprɒmptlɪ] <釋義>adv. done without delay; punctual 立即,立刻;acting without delay 敏捷地,迅速地 <派生>prompt adj. 立刻的;敏捷的,迅速的 <同義>quickly,immediately,instantly,timely <例句>Your application will be processed promptly and you can begin making purchases immediately after your application is approved. (IELTS3,TB,R1) 你的申請會被迅速處理,申請通過之後你就可以開始購物了。


[ˈprɒmənəns] <釋義>n. the state of being prominent 突出,明顯;卓越;重要 <詞根>pro(向前)+min(突出)+ence(n.)→向前突出→卓越 <派生>prominent adj. 突出的,顯著的;重要的 <例句>Given the prominence of scientific English today, it may seem surprising that no one really knew how to write science in English before the 17th century. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 鑒於科學英語在今天的重要性,可能人們會很驚訝,在17世紀以前,居然沒有人知道怎樣用英語來記述科學。


[ˈprəʊsesə] <釋義>n. one that processes, especially an apparatus for preparing, treating, or converting material 加工者,處理器 <詞根>pro(向前)+ cess(go走)+or(n.)→處理器 <派生>process n./v. 進程,過程;處理,加工 <例句>HNC claim that their system, based on a cluster of 30 processors, could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or extract a voice signal from a noisy background...(IELTS5,T3,R3) HNC聲稱他們的系統建立在由30個處理器組成的集群上,可以用來識別戰場上經過偽裝的車輛,或從一個嘈雜的背景中識別某個聲音信號...... procrastination**[prəˌkrastəˈneɪʃən] <釋義>n. procrastinating 拖延,耽擱;因循 <派生>procrastinate v. 拖延,耽擱;因循 <同義>delay, postponement **[習語]Procrastination is the thief of time. 拖延就是浪費時間。


[ˈprɪvəsɪ] <釋義>n. the freedom from interference or public attention 私人權利;個人自由,隱私 <詞根>priv(私有的)+acy(n.)→隱私 <派生>private adj. 私人的,私有的 privately adv. 私下地,悄悄地 <搭配>achieve privacy 擁有隱私,得以獨處 disturb privacy 打擾某人的清淨 infringe on one's privacy 侵犯某人的隱私 in / with privacy 私下地,秘密地 <例句>The house and its grounds became the family haven and their escape to privacy and quiet. (IELTS6,T3,L2) 這間房子和它的院子成了這一家人的憩息處,是他們遠離喧擾、參加私人空間和寧靜的處所。


[ˈpɑːləmənt] <釋義>n. a assembly that makes the laws of a country 議會,國會 <同義>congress, house <派生>parliamentary adj. 議會的,國會的 <例句>The Woman's Exhibition in 1909 met with great opposition from Parliament. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 1909年的女性展覽遭到了國會的強烈反對。


[ˈpɒləneɪt] <釋義>v. to make (sth.) fertile with pollen 給......傳授花粉 <派生>pollination n. 授粉 <例句>They were also too big to pollinate many of our native flowers. (IELTS8,T2,L3) 同時它們太大了,不能為我們本土的花授粉。


[ˈpɒpjələs] <釋義>n. the general public; ordinary people 民眾,平民,百姓 <詞根>popul(人)+ace(n.)→平民,百姓 <派生>populous adj. 人口眾多的 popular adj. 受人們歡迎的,流行的 popularize v. 使受歡迎 <例句>Although the exhibition officially charts the years 1906 to 1914, graphic display boards outlining the bills of enfranchisement of 1918 and 1928, which gave the adult female populace of Britain the vote, show what was achieved. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 雖然展覽記述的正式時間是1906年到1914年,但是圖片展示板介紹了1918至1928年的自由選舉法案,這個法案讓英國普通成年女性獲得了選舉權,圖片展板同時也展示了所取得的成就。


[ˈpɒɪzənɪŋ] <釋義>n. giving or taking poison 中毒 <派生>poison n. 毒藥 poisonous adj. 有毒的 <例句>One cost is to human health, every year some 10,000 people die from pesticide poisoning, almost all of them in the developing countries, and another 400,000 become seriously ill. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 使用殺蟲劑的一個代價就是危害人類的健康,每年大概有一萬人死於殺蟲劑中毒,而這幾乎都發生在發展中國家,另外還有四十萬人嚴重中毒。


[ˈpɔːrəs] <釋義>adj. allowing liquid or air to pass through, esp. slowly 能使液體或氣體(尤指緩慢地)穿透的,能滲透的 <派生>pore n. 毛孔,氣孔,小孔 <例句>Some processed meats, such as sausages, have non-porous casings. (IELTS7,TA,R1) 一些加工過的肉類,例如香腸,是無孔密封包裝的。


[ˈpɜːkwɪzɪt] <釋義>n. money or goods given or regarded as a right in addition to one's pay (工資以外的)補貼,津貼,獎金;special advantage or right enjoyed as a result of one's position (隨職位而得到的)好處,利益,特權,優待 <詞根>per(完全,徹底)+quisite(求得,要求)→完全得到的東西→特權 <例句>These and other perquisites of status are often frowned upon, but... (IELTS3, T2, R3) 這些以及其他一些代表社會地位的特權經常讓人感到反感,但是...... persevere**[ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə] <釋義>v. to continue trying to do sth., esp. in spite of difficulty 堅持不懈,不屈不撓 <詞根>per(徹底)+severe(嚴格)→徹底地嚴格→堅持不懈 <派生>perseverance n. 堅持不懈,不屈不撓 <例句>And finally, with potentially tens of thousands of hiding places for drugs, the dog must persevere and maintain focus for hours at a time. (IELTS7,TA,R3) 最後,毒品的窩藏處可能有成千上萬個,警犬必須毫不鬆懈,持續保持警覺長達好幾個小時。


[ˈpɜːmənəntlɪ] <釋義>adv. lasting or expected to last for a long time or for ever 永久地,永恆地 <詞根>per(完全,徹底)+man(保持)+ent(adj.)+ly(adv.)→永久地 <派生>permanent adj. 永久的,永恆的 <同義>persistently, constantly **[反義]temporarily, momentarily <例句>Many students do most of their research on the internet and the library computers are permanently online. (IELTS5,T4,L4) 許多學生大多數的實驗是在網上進行的,所以圖書館的電腦永遠是在線的。


[ˈpɜːsənəlaɪz] <釋義>v. to cause (sth.) to become concerned with personal matters or feelings 使(某事物)針對個人,帶有個人感情或個人化 <派生>personal adj. 個人的,私人的 personally adv. 個人地,私人地 personality n. 人格,個性 <例句>Managers could use their knowledge of each employee to personalise the rewards over which they have control. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 經理們控制獎金,他們可以根據對每一位員工的瞭解,針對個人給予不同的獎金。


[ˈpɪkɪŋz] <釋義>n. profits or gains that are easily or dishonestly earned or obtained 輕易掙得的或來路不正的財物、好處、利益等;收集,收穫 <例句>Farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 耕作根本不可能,大自然給予的是非常貧瘠的收穫。


[ˈpɪnˌprɪk] <釋義>n. a minor annoyance 令人煩惱的小事或不重要的事 <例句>This doesn't require a prohibitive amount of energy: a male's tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a dark night...(IELTS7,T1,R1) 這不需要多大的能量:在漆黑的夜晚,一隻雄性螢火蟲身上發出的針尖大小的亮光都可以被一定距離外的雌性看到。


[ˈpɪəsɪŋ] <釋義>adj. of or related to pierce 穿透的,尖銳的 n. the action of pierce 穿洞,穿孔 <詞根>pierce(刺穿,穿透)+ing(adj.)→穿透的 <派生>pierce v. 刺穿,穿透 <例句>Units will include maintaining employment standards, salon management duties, providing facial massage and skin care, instruction on make-up, lash and brow treatments, artificial nail structures and ear piercing. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 內容包括遵守僱傭標準,沙龍管理責任,提供面部按摩和皮膚護理,指導化妝、修理眉毛和睫毛、安裝假指甲和穿耳洞。


[ˈpʌlvəˌraɪzd] <釋義>adj. grind or smash (sth.) to powder or dust 被粉碎的,被摧毀的 <詞根>pulver(粉末)+ise(v.)+(e)d(adj.)→被摧毀的 <派生>pulverise v. 將(某物)磨成粉或搗成末;粉碎,摧毀 <例句>Superclean coal has the potential to enhance the combustion efficiency of conventional pulverised fuel power plants. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 超淨煤有可能會提高傳統電廠粉末燃料的燃燒效率。


[ˈpʌpɪtrɪ] <釋義>n. the art of making and handling puppets 製作木偶或演木偶劇的技藝 <派生>puppet n. 玩偶,木偶 puppeteer n. 演木偶劇的人,操縱木偶的人 <例句>Now, water puppetry is amazing! (IELTS4,T3,L2) 現在,水中木偶技藝令人驚歎! purist**[ˈpjʊərɪst] <釋義>n. a person who pays great attention to correctness, esp. in the use of language or in the arts 純粹主義者,力求純正的人 <詞根>pure(純淨的)+ist(n.)→純粹主義者 <派生>purify v. 使純淨,淨化 purity n. 純淨 <例句>The purists are suggesting that this isn't a circus at all. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 純粹主義者表示這根本就不是馬戲表演。


[ˈpʌŋktʃʊəl] <釋義>adj. happening or doing sth. at the agreed or proper time 按時的,準時的,守時的 <詞根>punct(點)+ual(adj.)→准點的 <派生>punctually adv. 準時地 punctuality n. 及時;準時,守時 <例句>We try hard to keep our appointments running to time, and ask you to be punctual to help us achieve this... (IELTS6,TA,R1) 我們努力讓我們的約定按時進行,希望你準時來,幫助我們實現這個目標...... puncture**[ˈpʌŋktʃə] <釋義>v. to make a puncture in 在(某物)上穿孔;刺穿;n. a small hole made by a sharp point, esp. one made accidentally in a tyre 孔,洞 <同義>pierce <例句>Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousness of the punchline. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 康德和弗洛伊德感到講笑話依賴於建立一種精神緊張狀態,而這又被笑話的荒誕結尾給打破。


[ˈrekləs] <釋義>adj. not thinking of the consequences or of danger; rash or impulsive 魯莽的 <詞根>reck(謹慎)+less(表示否定)→魯莽的 <搭配>be reckless of 對......滿不在乎,不顧後果的 <同義>foolhardy, heady, rash, regardless <例句>The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for tile control of pests which pose a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 持續地大肆使用合成化學品來控制危害農業和人類健康的害蟲正在被證明是無益的。


[ˈrektɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to put (sth.) right; to correct 改正,矯正 <詞根>rect(直的)+ify(使)→使......直→糾正 <例句>It is a mistake that can take decades to rectify — and even threaten the future of a promising business. (IELTS7,TA,R2) 錯誤需要幾十年的時間來糾正,甚至威脅到本來很有前途的生意。


[ˈrelɪʃ] <釋義>n. great enjoyment of food, etc; zest 滋味,美味;樂趣,(大量的)參加,快樂 v. to enjoy or get pleasure out of 欣賞,參加,愛好 <同義>enjoyment, fondness, inclination <搭配>with a relish 津津有味地,有趣地 <例句>Electrical manufacturers seized on its insulating properties, and consumers everywhere relished its dazzling array of shades. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 電器生產商利用了它的絕緣特性,而各地的消費者則喜歡它眩目的色彩。


[ˈrepjətəbəl] <釋義>adj. having a good reputation; respected or trustworthy 著名的,出名的 <派生>reputation n. 名聲,聲望 reputed adj. 號稱的;公認的 <搭配>be reputable for 因......而出名 <例句>All students complete vocational assignments which are integrated with work experience with reputable companies. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 所有的學生都完成了假期作業,而且都在著名公司收穫了工作經驗。


[ˈrezənəns] <釋義>n. the quality of being resonant 反響,共鳴 <派生>resonant adj. 引起共鳴的,響徹的 <例句>Psychologist Vinod Goel investigated humour using the new technique of single event functional magnetic resonance imaging. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 心理學家Vinod Goel運用具有單一事件功能的磁共振成像這一新技術來研究幽默。


[ˈruːmə] <釋義>n. a piece of information spread by being talked about but not certainly true 留言,謠言,傳聞 **[記憶]諧音記憶rumour可諧音為「辱沒」,被謠言所辱沒。


[ˈrɪdʒɪd] <釋義>adj. stiff; not bending or yielding 剛硬的,僵硬的,不彎曲的;strict; firm; unchanging 嚴格的,死板的,不變的 <派生>rigidity n. 僵硬,死板 <同義>hard, stiff, firm; strict, hardy, hard, stern <例句>They may have rigid rules about increasing density of development. (IELTS7,TA,R2) 他們可能會有針對發展速度的嚴格規定。


[ˈrɪəlɪzəm] <釋義>n. a portrayal of familiar things as they really are without idealizing them 現實主義 <詞根>real(現實的,真實的)+ism(......主義)→現實主義 <派生>realist n. 現實主義者 realistic adj. 現實主義的 realize v. 實現 realization n. 實現 <例句>One effect of this realism was to educate the world about itself. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 現實主義的影響之一就是讓世人明白世界。

-claim: claim v. 要求,聲稱 exclaim v. 呼喊,驚叫,大聲說 proclaim v. 宣告,宣佈,聲明 disclaim v. 放棄(權力),否認(責任) acclaim v. 歡呼,喝彩 recourse

[ˈrɪˈkɔːs] <釋義>n. the possible source of help, e.g. in an emergency 求助的對象 <詞根>re(back)+course(流)→流回→求助 <搭配>have recourse to 依靠,求助於 <例句>But a linguist's personal judgements are often uncertain, or disagree with the judgements of other linguists, at which point recourse is needed to more objective methods of enquiry, using non-linguists as informants. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 但是語言學家的個人判斷通常是不確定的,或者與其他語言學家的判斷有差別。


[ˈsakrɪfaɪs] <釋義>n. the act of offering of sth. valuable, often a slaughtered animal, to a god (供奉神的)祭牲,祭品;something given up in this way 犧牲,犧牲的行為 v. to give up sth. as a sacrifice 犧牲,獻出 <詞根>sacri(神聖的)+fice(成為)→成為神聖的東西→祭品 <派生>sacrificial adj. 供奉的,祭祀的,犧牲的 <搭配>make sacrifices for 為......作出犧牲 <例句>It has been speculated that, as the blowholes evolved and migrated to the top of the head, the neural pathways serving sense of smell may have been nearly all sacrificed. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 據推測,當(鯨類)呼吸孔進化並移至頭頂時,為嗅覺服務的神經感官系統幾乎都退化了。


[ˈsalɒn] <釋義>n. a large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests 客廳,會客室;(輪船上的)交誼廳;a regular gathering of notable guests at the house of a lady of high society; a room used for this 名流社交聚會,沙龍 <聯想>漢語中的英譯詞,沙龍 <例句>Units will include maintaining employment standards, salon management duties, providing facial massage and skin care, instruction on make-up, lash and brow treatments, artificial nail structures and ear piercing. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 內容包括遵守僱傭標準,沙龍管理職責,提供如何進行面部按摩和皮膚護理,指導化妝、修理睫毛和眉毛、指甲美容和穿耳洞。


[ˈsamplɪŋ] <釋義>n. the act, process, or technique of selecting an appropriate sample 取樣,抽樣(檢驗);a small portion, piece, or segment selected as a sample 樣品 <聯想>簡單的(simple)的樣品(sample) <派生>sample n. 樣品,貨樣;標本;實例;榜樣 v. 抽樣;嘗試 <例句>For larger studies, scrupulous attention has been paid to the sampling theory employed, and in all cases, decisions have to be made about the best investigative techniques to use. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 對於更大型的研究而言,選用的抽樣理論得到了極大的重視,在任何情況下,都要對所使用的調查技術做出最好的選擇。


[ˈsanɪtərɪ] <釋義>adj. free from dirt or substances that may cause disease (有關)衛生的,關於(環境)衛生的;(保持)清潔的,乾淨的,消過毒的 <詞根>sanit(健康)+ary(......的,與......有關的)→與健康有關的→衛生的,乾淨的 <派生>sanitation n. 公共衛生(設施) sanitize v. 使衛生,減少......的有害成分 <同義>clean, healthful, hygienic <例句>Those who could afford to live in more pleasant surroundings moved out, the area became one where the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty, and suffered from appalling sanitary conditions. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 那些能夠承擔起更好居住環境費用的人搬走了,生活在這個地區的大多數人都極端貧窮,忍受著極度糟糕的衛生條件。

cipher / cypher

[ˈsaɪfə] <釋義>n. a secret writing in which a set of letters or symbols is used to represent others; code 密碼;a person or thing of no importance 無足輕重的人 <例句>And in the mid-17th century it was common practice for mathematicians to keep their discoveries and proofs secret, by writing them in cipher, in obscure languages, or in private messages deposited in a sealed box with the Royal Society. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 十七世紀中葉,數學家通常對他們的發現和證明保密。


[ˈsaɪklɪst] <釋義>n. a person who rides a bicycle 騎自行車的人 <詞根>cycl(e)(自行車)+ist(人)→騎自行車的人 <例句>A lot of their work comes down to measurement—everything from the exact angle of a swimmer's dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 他們的很多工作歸根到底就是測量——從游泳者跳水的準確角度到自行車手每秒鐘的力量輸出的測量。


[ˈsaɪnpəʊst] <釋義>n. a post supporting a sign that has information or directions 路標 v. to be clearly or unclearly shown by signposts 在......設路標 <詞根>sign (n. 標誌)+post(放置)→在......設定路標 <例句>This isn't on the map but it is all clearly signposted. (IELTS6,T3,S2) 雖然地圖上沒有標明,但路標卻清楚明白地標示出來了。


[ˈselfləs] <釋義>adj. thinking more of others' needs and welfare than of one's own; unselfish 忘我的,無私的,大公無私的 <詞根>self(自己)+less(表形容詞,「無......的,不......的」)→selfless(無私心的)→忘我的,無私的 <派生>selflessness n. 無私,忘我 **[反義]selfish adj. 自私的 <例句>Though these groups are run overwhelmingly by selfless folk, they nevertheless share many of the characteristics of other lobby groups. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 雖然這些集團絕大多數由無私的民間團體所管理,但它們跟其他遊說團體有很多共同特徵。


[ˈseljʊlə] <釋義>adj. of or consisting of cells 細胞的 <派生>cell n. 細胞 <例句>As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging—the build-up of molecular and cellular damage chat increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. (IELTS6,T3,R3) 研究者們在最近關於衰老的研究中發現,現在市場上任何治療方法都不能夠減緩衰老——隨著我們變老,分子和細胞的累積損壞使我們更容易虛弱。


[ˈsensə] <釋義>n. a device, such as a photoelectric cell, that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus 傳感器,感應器(如光電管) <詞根>sens(感覺)+or(人或物器)→傳感器,感應器 <派生>sensory adj. 知覺的,感覺的,感覺中樞的 <例句>With the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athlete's clothes or running shoes to monitor heart rate, sweating, heat production or any other factor that might have an impact on an athlete's ability to run. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 他們與位於墨爾本的微技術公司合作研究中心合作,共同開發可嵌入運動員衣服或跑鞋裡的微型傳感器,用以監控心率、排汗情況、產生的熱量以及其他可能對運動員賽跑能力造成影響的因素。


[ˈsensə] <釋義>v. to examine or remove parts from (sth.), as a censor 審查 <詞根>cens(評估)+or→審查,檢查(書、報、電影) <派生>censorship n.(對書、電影、信件等的)審查 censorious adj. 好挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 <例句>Should films and television be censored or should we be free to choose what we see? (IELTS3,T2,S3)電影和電視節目需要經過審查還是我們可以隨意選擇想看的節目? ceramic**[sɪˈramɪk] <釋義>adj. of or relating to pottery 陶瓷的;n. (pl.) objects made of clay, porcelain, etc. 陶瓷器 <同義>chinaware, pottery, porcelain <例句>Rather than supplying disposable plastic cups in your workplace, get ceramic mugs that can be re-used. (IELTS8,TB,R2) 不要在你的工作場所提供一次性塑料杯子,應該用能重複使用的陶瓷杯子。


[ˈsensəbəl] <釋義>adj. having or showing good sense; reasonable 明理的,明智的;that can be perceived by the senses; perceptible 可察覺的,明顯的 <詞根>sense(感覺)+ible(能......的)→可察覺的 <例句>So whether they were actually used to build the pyramids or not, it seems that kites may make sensible construction tools in the 21st century. (IELTS7,T4,R1) 因此,不管古埃及人修建金字塔時是否利用了風箏,在21世紀的今天,風箏似乎可以成為實用的建築工具。


[ˈsiːnɪk] <釋義>adj. having or showing beautiful natural scenery 風景優美的,天然景色的 <詞根>scen(風景、景色)+ic(......的,具有......特性的)→scenic(風景優美的) <派生>scene n. 景色,景象;佈景,場景 scenery n. (總稱)風景,景色 <同義>picturesque, spectacular <例句>Detailed guides to 15 scenic car tours that will take you onto fascinating wilderness tracks and along routes that you could otherwise have missed. (IELTS5,TA,R1) 15個汽車旅遊景區的詳細指南將帶您到迷人的原野,並為您提供沿途路線,否則你可能迷路。


[ˈsjuːɪdʒ] <釋義>n. waste matter from human bodies, factories, towns, etc. that flows away in sewers (下水道的)污物,垃圾,污水 <派生>sewer n. 下水道,排水道 sewerage n. 下水道設備,污水處理;下水道裡的(污物) <同義>drainage <例句>In addition, huge quantities of water are consumed because used water from sewage pipes, storm drains and factories is merely flushed away and discharged into rivers or the sea. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 另外,大量的水被浪費掉了,因為下水管、暴雨排水道和工廠中使用過的水被直接沖走,排放到河中或海中。


[ˈskampə] <釋義>v. to run quickly and often playfully as children and some small animals do (孩子等)蹦蹦跳跳;(受驚的動物)奔逃;匆忙遊覽;瀏覽;涉獵 <搭配>scamper about; scamper off, scamper away <同義>dash, hasten, hustle <例句>In the first type, a returning scout scampered in circles, alternating to right and left, stopping occasionally to regurgitate food samples to the excited bees chasing after her. (IELTS4,TB,R3) 在第一種類型(的舞蹈)中,偵查回來的蜜蜂會跳起圓圈形舞,身體輪流向左或向右旋轉,而且時不時停下來把食物樣本噴射到追隨她左右的興奮的同伴身上。


[ˈskavəndʒ] <釋義>v. to search for decaying flesh as food; to use decaying flesh for food(動物)食腐肉;清除污物(或垃圾);to search through waste for items that one can use 從......中搜尋有用之物 <派生>scavenger n. 食腐肉的動物;撿垃圾的人 <例句>Mostly, they swim at the bottom of the ocean, scavenging and picking up food that's lying on the ocean floor. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 大部分時間,它們(指鯊魚)都潛入海底,以那些沉入海底的腐物為食。


[ˈskeptɪsɪzəm] <釋義>n. an attitude of doubting that particular claims or statements are true or that something will happen 懷疑態度,懷疑論,懷疑主義(對宗教信條的懷疑) <詞根>sceptical(懷疑的)+ism(......的主義)→scepticism(懷疑主義) <派生>sceptical adj. 懷疑論的,懷疑的 sceptic n. 抱懷疑態度者,懷疑基督教的人;無神論者 <例句>That would matter less if people applied the same degree of scepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 問題是民眾對環境遊說活動的懷疑程度往往低於對其他領域遊說團體的懷疑程度。


[ˈskruːpjələs] <釋義>adj. careful not to do wrong; absolutely honest 小心謹慎的;extremely careful and thorough; paying great attention to details 一絲不苟的,嚴格認真的 <派生>scrupulosity n. 多顧慮,審慎 scrupulousness n. 小心,認真 scrupulously adv. 小心謹慎地 <同義>careful, exacting, fastidious, fussy, meticulous **[反義]unscrupulous <例句>For larger studies, scrupulous attention has been paid to the sampling theory employed, and in all cases, decisions have to be made about the best investigative techniques to use. (IELTS4,T3,R3) 對於更大型的研究而言,所選用的抽樣理論得到極為認真的重視,在任何情況下,都要對所使用的調查技術做出最好的選擇。


[ˈskruːtnaɪz] <釋義>v. to look at or examine (sth.) carefully or thoroughly 詳細地檢查,細察,詳審 <詞根>scrutiny(細察)+ise(動詞詞根)→詳細地檢查 <派生>scrutiny n. 細察,監視 scrutineer n. (英)選票檢查或點算人 <同義>contemplate, examine, inspect <例句>It is clear that companies must continue to be heavily scrutinised for their sales and marketing strategies. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 很顯然,必須繼續嚴格審查企業的銷售和市場營銷戰略。


[ˈskɪlfʊlɪ] <釋義>adv. possessing or exercising skill; expert. See Synonyms at proficient 熟練地,巧妙地,技術熟練地 <詞根>skill(技巧,技能)+ful(構成形容詞,充滿......的,有......性質的)+ly(構成副詞,......地)→skillfully(熟練地,巧妙地,技術熟練地) <派生>skill n. 技能,技巧 skillful adj. 靈巧的,熟練的 skilled adj. 有技巧的;需要技能的 <例句>Suspense is skillfully built up in this clever, small-scale supernatural story. (IELTS5,TB,R1) 懸念巧妙地設定在這個短小精悍的超自然故事中。


[ˈskʌfəl] <釋義>v. to take part in a scuffle 扭打,混戰;to shuffle 拖腳行走;敷衍了事 n. a confused struggle between people who are close together 扭打,混戰;拖著腳走 <同義>fight, melee, struggle, tussle <例句>Rats produce ultrasonic squeaks to prevent their scuffles turning nasty. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 老鼠發出超聲波一般的尖叫,來避免其混戰變得過於激烈。


[ˈskʌlptʃə] <釋義>n. the art of making figures, objects, etc. by carving wood or stone, shaping clay, making metal casts, etc. 雕刻,雕塑;a work or works made in this way 雕刻品 v. to represent (sb./ sth.) in sculpture; to make (a sculpture) 雕刻,雕塑 <派生>sculptor n. 雕塑家,雕刻師 <例句>It has some really fascinating paintings and sculptures by leading artists from all over the world. (IELTS8,T3,L2) 它有引人入勝的繪畫和雕塑,這些作品來自全世界的頂級藝術家。


[ˈslɪeə] <釋義>v. to slide or slip unsteadily 搖晃不穩地滑動或滑行 <例句>What those early craftsmen had found by trial and error was that under pressure a pagoda's loose stack of floors could be made to slither to and fro independent of one another. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 在反覆嘗試中,早期的工匠發現在壓力下,塔鬆散的樓層可以相互獨立地來回滑動。


[ˈslɪpərɪ] <釋義>adj. difficult to hold, stand on or move on without slipping because it is smooth, wet, polished, etc. 滑的;not to be trusted; unreliable 狡猾的;不可靠的 <例句>People relied primarily on the paths, which were slippery and dangerous during the rains. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 人們主要依賴道路,而道路在雨天變得濕滑、危險。


[ˈslʌmbə] <釋義>v. to sleep, esp. peacefully and comfortably 睡眠,安睡 <派生>slumberous adj. 昏昏欲睡的,瞌睡的 <例句>In stage four, usually reached after an hour, the slumber is so deep that, if awoken, the sleeper would be confused and disorientated. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 在第四階段,通常是在入睡一個小時後,睡眠者進入深度睡眠狀態,如果這時被吵醒,睡眠者就會頭腦不清,迷失方向。


[ˈsmʌeə] <釋義>v. to cover sth/sb thickly or to too great an extent 厚厚地覆蓋,籠罩;(cause sb. to) die from lack of air, or from not being able to breathe; suffocate 使窒息,把......悶死;to prevent sth. from developing or being expressed 壓抑,壓制,抑制 <同義>suffocate, repress, muffle <例句>This amounts to 1.7 billion tons a year, enough to smother about 110,000 sq km of pasture, half the area of Victoria. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 這相當於每年17億噸(牛糞),足以壓壞約為11平方公里的草原,這相當於維多利亞面積的一半。


[ˈspaɪnl] <釋義>adj. of or relating to the spine 脊柱的 <詞根>spine(脊柱)+al(......的)→脊柱的 <派生>spine n. (人或動物的)脊柱,脊椎 <例句>If your bed doesn't give enough support, back muscles and ligaments work all night trying to correct spinal alignment, so you wake up with a tired aching back. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 如果您的床沒有給予足夠的支援,那麼背部的肌肉和韌帶整晚都試圖糾正脊柱的姿勢,所以你醒來時就會背部疲憊酸痛。


[ˈspaɪərəl] <釋義>n. a shape or design, consisting of a continuous curved line that winds around a central point, with each curve further away from the centre(圍繞中心點的)螺旋形 adj. advancing or ascending in a continuous curve that winds round a central point 螺旋形的 v. to move in a spiral course 盤旋移動,螺旋形地上升或下降 <同義>gyrate, coil <例句>The others would then troop out of the hive and fly in spiraling circles sniffing in the wind for the promised food. (IELTS4,TB,R3) 然後其他蜜蜂成群飛出蜂窩,以螺旋狀飛行,並在風中聞嗅,以便尋找那些探明的食品。


[ˈspekjʊleɪt] <釋義>v. to form opinions without having definite or complete knowledge or evidence; to guess 思索,沉思,猜測;to buy and sell goods or stocks and shares in the hope of making a profit through changes in their value, but with the risk of losing money 投機倒把,做投機生意 <派生>speculation n. 思索,沉思,猜測;投機買賣 speculative adj.投機的,冒風險的;推理的,推測的 <同義>contemplate, conjecture, reflect, suppose, ponder <例句>It has been speculated that, as the blowholes evolved and migrated to the top of the head, the neural pathways serving sense of smell may have been nearly all sacrificed. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 據推測,當呼吸孔進化並轉移到頭頂時,為嗅覺服務的神經感官系統都退化了。


[ˈstagnənt] <釋義>adj. not flowing and therefore dirty and smelling unpleasant; still and stale (尤指水)不流動的,停滯的,有臭味的;showing no activity (and therefore not developing or progressing); sluggish 不發展的,不景氣的 <派生>stagnate v. 停滯,不流動 stagnation n. 停滯 <同義>dull, stationary, still, stale, sluggish <例句>The old and ill, however, are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 最容易受到嚴重污濁的、不暢通的空氣影響的是老人和病人。


[ˈstagərɪŋ] <釋義>adj. hesitating 猶豫的;astonishing; shocking 驚人的 <例句>But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to staggering sums. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 社會付出的代價實際上是可以量化的,而且把它們加在一起時,可以達到驚人的數目。


[ˈstatɪk] <釋義>adj. not moving or changing; stationary 不變化的,不發展的,靜態的 n. the atmospheric conditions causing poor radio or television reception, marked by loud crackling noises; atmospherics 大氣靜態干擾,靜電 <詞根>st(站立,樹立)+atic(屬於......的,有......性質的)→static(靜止的) <同義>stagnant, dormant, inactive, inert **[反義]dynamic <例句>In this scenario, ever-rising health costs were matched against static or declining resources. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 在這個方案中,他們把不斷攀升的醫療費用與不變的或不斷減少的資源進行了對比。


[ˈsterɪlaɪzəbl] <釋義>adj. free from germs, bacteria, etc. 可殺菌的,消毒的 <詞根>sterile(無菌的,消過毒的)+able(可......的)→sterilisable(可殺菌的)→消毒的 <派生>sterile adj. 不生殖的,不能生育的;無菌的,消過毒的 sterilizer v. 使失去生育能力的,使無菌 sterilization n. 絕育;消毒 sterility n. 無生育能力;無菌 <例句>Being both non-porous and heat-resistant, bakelike kitchen goods were promoted as being germ-free and sterilisable. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 既無孔又耐熱,酚醛樹脂廚房產品作為無菌的、可消毒的產品而被推廣。


[ˈsteɪnləs] <釋義>adj. free from stains or blemishes; spotless 不易沾污的,不銹的;無瑕疵的,清白的 <詞根>stain(污點)+less(否定意義的形容詞詞綴)→stainless(沒有污點的) <派生>stain n. 污點,瑕疵 v. 著色,染色;生銹;被污染,被玷污 <同義>unspotted, untarnished, unvarnished **[反義]blemished <例句>It's made of stainless steel which is guaranteed for 20 years. (IELTS3,T4,L2) 它由不銹鋼製成,保修20年。


[ˈsteɪpəl] <釋義>n. the main product that a country or district trades in 主要產物;the main or principal item or element (esp. of a diet) 主要要素;原料 adj. main or principal; standard 主要的,重要的 v. sort 分類,選擇 <例句>Dried cod and herring were already the staples of the European fish trade, but changes in water temperatures forced fishing fleets to work further offshore. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 鱈魚乾和鯡魚乾已經成為歐洲魚類貿易的主要貨物,但是水溫的變化使得漁船要開往離海岸更遠的地方。


[ˈstreɪtəˈweɪ] <釋義>adv. at once; immediately 立刻,立即,馬上 <詞根>straight(直接地,立即地)+away(遠離,離去)→立即遠離,立刻去→立刻,立即,馬上 <例句>That's brilliant. Thanks very much, Mrs. Collins, I'll send it off... straightaway. (IELTS3,T3,S3) 太好了,非常感謝,柯林斯太太,我馬上把它寄出去。


[ˈstriːmlaɪn] <釋義>v. to give a streamlined form to (sth.) 把......做成流線型;to make (sth.) more efficient and effective, e.g. by improving or simplifying working methods 簡化(工商企業、組織等)使效率更高,精簡 <例句>...as the business of moving freight around the world becomes increasingly streamlined. (IELTS6,T1,R2) ......當世界各地的貨物運輸日益精簡。


[ˈstrɪkən] <釋義>adj. affected or overcome (by sth. unpleasant, e.g. illness, grief) 受災的,患病的,受困擾的,遭損害的 <派生>poverty-stricken adj. 貧窮不堪的 drought-stricken adj. 遭受旱災的 <例句>The second mistake we often make when stricken with extreme back pain is to go to bed and stay there. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 背部十分疼痛時,我們常犯的第二個錯誤是上床休息,並且在床上躺很長時間。


[ˈstrɪndʒənt] <釋義>adj. that must be obeyed; strict or severe(規定、限制等)嚴格的,嚴厲的;difficult because there is not enough money(貨幣)短缺的,緊縮的 <詞根>string(拉緊、拉直)+en→stringent(拉緊的,拉直的)→嚴格的 <派生>stringently adv. 嚴格地,嚴厲地 stringency n. 嚴格,嚴厲;貨幣緊縮 <例句>In all cases, mining is subject to stringent controls and approval's processes. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 在任何情況下,採礦都需要有嚴格的控制以及審核過程。


[ˈstɪkɪ] <釋義>adj. that sticks or tends to stick to anything which touches it 黏性,黏性的;unpleasant; difficult (狀況)為難的,尷尬的 <詞根>stick(粘貼,粘住)+y(表示行為的結果,狀態,性質)→sticky 黏性的 <派生>stick v. 粘貼,粘住;把......插入,戳 n. 棍,棒 sticker n. (有圖或者文字的)粘貼標籤,貼紙 <同義>adhesive, gluey, glutinous, gummy, tacky <例句>Baekelands interest in plastics began in 1885 when, as a young chemistry student in Belgium, he embarked on research into phenolic resins, the group of sticky substances produced when phenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluid similar to alcohol). (IELTS5,T2,R1) 1885年,Baekelands開始對塑料感興趣。


[ˈswɪvəl] <釋義>v. to link or pivot between two parts enabling one part to revolve without turning the other 使......旋轉 n. a link or pivot between two parts enabling one part to revolve without turning the other(機械的)轉節,旋軸,旋轉接頭 <例句>Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine swivels. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 從側面看,梅森測量了每一次划動之間的距離。


[ˈsɒljʊbəl] <釋義>adj. that can be dissolved 可溶的,易溶解的;that can be solved or explained; solvable 可解決的,可解釋的 <詞根>solu(te)(溶解)+ble(可......的)→soluble(可溶解的) <派生>solution n. 溶液,溶劑;解決,解答 solve v. 解決,解答 **[反義]insoluble adj. 無法解決的;不能溶解的 <例句>The result was a resin known as Novalak, which became soluble and malleable when heated. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 其結果是得到一種Novalak樹脂,它在加熱條件下可溶、可塑。


[ˈsɒləmlɪ] <釋義>adv. very serious and not happy 莊嚴地,嚴肅地 <派生>solemn adj. 莊嚴的,嚴肅的 solemnity n. 莊嚴,嚴肅 <例句>In the first part, the music is classical (Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms) and the teacher reads the text slowly and solemnly, with attention to the dynamics of the music. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 第一部分是經典音樂(莫扎特、貝多芬、勃拉姆斯),教師緩慢莊嚴地念著文字,並注意著音樂節奏。


[ˈsəʊlə] <釋義>adj. of, concerning or related to the sun 太陽的,太陽能的 <例句>The first is to act as a green lung for our planet; by means of photosynthesis, forests produce oxygen through the transformation of solar energy, thus fulfilling what for humans is the essential role of an immense, non-polluting power plant. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 首先作為我們星球的綠色的肺,森林通過光合作用和對太陽能的轉化產生氧氣,它們對於人類來講是巨大的、無污染的動力工廠。


[ˈsəʊʃəlɪzəm] <釋義>n. a set of political and economic theories advocating that a country's land, transport, natural resources and chief industries should be owned and controlled by the whole community or by the State, and that wealth should be equally distributed 社會主義 <詞根>social(社會的)+ism(......的主義)→socialism(社會主義) <派生>social adj. 社會的,有關社會的;有利於交際的,合群的 socialize v. 與......交往,聯誼 society n. 社會 sociology n. 社會學 sociological adj. 社會學(上)的;針對社會問題的 sociable adj. 合群的 <例句>Back in 1928 the British writer George Bernard Shaw wrote in his Intelligent Women's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism that "A man is supposed to understand politics, economics and finance and is therefore unwilling to accept essential instruction." (IELTS5,T1,S4) 早在1928年英國作家蕭伯納在《智慧女人的社會主義與資本主義指南》中寫道,「人類自認為懂政治、經濟和金融,因此不願意接受這方面的基本教育」。


[ˈsɜːkəmskraɪb] <釋義>v. to draw a line round 在周圍劃線;to restrict (sth.) within limits; to confine 限制,約束 <詞根>circum(周圍)+scibe(書寫)→在周圍劃線→限制,約束 <派生>circumscription n. 在周圍畫的線;限制,約束 <例句>Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer—lexical as well as social and commercial. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 除了使混亂的語言恢復秩序這一需要,字典的興起與英國中層階級的興起也是相關的。


[ˈsɜːkɪt] <釋義>n. an area covered by such a journey 定期前往的一系列場所;a complete path along which an electric current flows 電路;a line, route or journey round a place 環形路線 <詞根>已知circle意為圓,推出circ(圓圈),circ+uit在一個圓圈走動→環形路線 <派生>circuitous adj. 迂迴的,繞行的,曲折的;拐彎抹角的 <例句>Both social and cognitive types of laughter tap into the same expressive machinery in our brains, the emotion and motor circuits that produce smiles and excited vocalizations. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 社會類型和認知類型的笑都刺激我們大腦中相同的表達機制——產生笑容和激發言語的情感和動力回路。


[ˈsɜːtɪfaɪ] <釋義>v. to formally declare (sth.), esp. in writing or on a printed document 證明,證實 <詞根>certi(確實,確信)+fy(使)→證明 <同義>testify, verify <派生>certificate n. 證書 certification n. 證明 <例句>The Council, which was founded in 1996, certifies fisheries that meet high environmental standards, enabling them to use a label that recognises their environmental responsibility. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 委員會成立於1996年,它為符合高環境標準的漁業頒發證書,使其從業者能夠使用這個標籤,以此證明他們是對環境負責的。


[ˈsɜːvənt] <釋義>n. a person who works in sb. else's household for wages, and often for food and lodging 僕人,傭人,工役;服務者;an employee, esp. a faithful and devoted one 雇工;勤務員 <詞根>serve(奴隸,使......成為奴隸)+ant(......人或物器)→服務員,僕人 <派生>serve v. 服務,伺候,招待;適用,適合 service n. 服務;公共設施;維修保養;服務機構 <例句>Apparently they (personality questionnaires) were used by the ancient Chinese for picking out clerks and civil servants, and then later they were used by the military to put people in appropriate areas of work. (IELTS3,T2,L1) 顯然,它們(性格問卷)很早就被古代中國人用來挑選官員和公務員,後來軍隊又利用這種方法把人們分配到適當的工作領域中。


[ˈsɪmjʊleɪt] <釋義>v. to pretend to have or feel (esp. an emotion) (正式或術語)假裝,偽裝;to take on the appearance of 模仿;to reproduce (certain conditions) by means of a model, etc, e.g. for study or training purposes 模擬 <詞根>simul(類似)+ate(使......)→使類似→模仿 <派生>simulation n. 假裝;模仿,模擬;模擬研究,模擬操作 simulated adj. 假裝的;模擬的 simulator n. 模擬裝置,模擬器 <例句>The supposed pupil was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 所謂的學生實際上是由Milgram雇來的演員,他們通過發出一系列呻吟、尖叫和掙扎來模仿受到電擊後的反應,還胡亂說話、罵罵咧咧,譴責實驗和實驗者,同時身體痛苦地翻滾。


[ˈsɪmptəm] <釋義>n. a change in the body that indicates an illness 症狀;a sign of the existence of sth. bad 症候,徵兆 <詞根>sym(一起)+ptom(降臨)→一起降臨到身上的東西→生病後出現的東西→症狀 <例句>They may request brief details of your symptoms or illness — this enables the doctors to assess the degree of urgency. (IELTS6,TA,R2) 他們會簡單詢問您的症狀或疾病情況,這能幫助醫生判斷病情的緊急程度。


[ˈsɪvɪk] <釋義>adj. of a town or city; municipal 城鎮的,城市的;of citizens or citizenship 公民的,市民的 <聯想>與civil一起記 <例句>What was necessary in order to fulfill a civic role? (IELTS6,T2,R3) 要履行市民責任,什麼是必須的? clash**[klaʃ] <釋義>n. come together and fight 衝突;not match or harmonize 不協調 <聯想>想像事物相撞發出的聲音 <例句>In the clash between environmentalists and developers, the Indians, whose presence is in fact crucial to the survival of the forest, have suffered the most. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 在環境學家和發展學家的衝突中,印第安人受害最深。


[ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz] <釋義>v. to operate, move, turn, etc. at the same time, speed, etc. 同步,同時發生 <詞根>syn(together)+chron(時間)+ise→同時間發生的 <例句>There's an indoor arena for gymnastics, a stadium for track and field and a swimming pool for races and synchronised swimming and also diving. (IELTS7,T4,L2) 這裡有室內體操場、田徑運動場、游泳比賽場、花樣游泳比賽場和跳水比賽場。


[ˈsɪɡnɪtʃə] <釋義>n. a person's name written by himself(書信、支票、官方檔案等結尾處的)簽字,簽名 <詞根>sign(符號,簽字)+ature(表示行為)→署名 <派生>sign n. 符號,姿勢 v. 簽名 signal n. 信號,暗號 <同義>subscription <例句>Some services are not covered by the Center: private certificates, insurance, driving and sports medicals, passport signatures, school medicals and prescriptions for foreign travel. (IELTS6,TA,R1) 中心不提供的服務是:私人證明、保險、駕車和運動醫療、護照簽發、學校醫療和和出國旅行必備的藥方。


[ˈsʌbməriːn] <釋義>n. a naval vessel that can operate underwater as well as onthe surface 潛水艇 adj. under the surface of the sea 海底的,海中的 <詞根>sub(在下面)+marine(海)→海底的 <例句>After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 在這項技術被發明後,武器設計者們改進它來探測潛水艇僅僅是時間問題了。


[ˈsʌkəl] <釋義>v. to feed (a baby or young animal) with milk from the breast or udder 給......餵奶,給......哺乳 <派生>suckling n. 乳兒,仍在吃奶的嬰兒,乳畜,乳獸 <例句>Across species, play tends to peak about halfway through the suckling stage and then decline. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 在所有動物中,玩耍的高峰期大約在哺乳期的中間,之後就會下降。


[ˈsʌkʃən] <釋義>n. the removal of air to create a partial vacuum, used for making two surfaces stick together or for sucking in liquid, dust, etc. by means of air pressure 吸,吸入,抽吸 <例句>I've just got a couple of suctions for some additional work. (IELTS6,T2,L3) 為了額外的工作,我又吸了幾口。


[ˈsʌstənəns] <釋義>n. the act of sustaining (食物對身體的)支援,維持;food and drink; nourishment 營養,糧食 <派生>sustain v. 維持(體力、精神、決心等) sustainable adj. (政策、過程等)能持續的,可持續的 <例句>as a means of sustenance (IELTS6,T1,R3) 作為取得食物的手段 swamp**[swɒmp] <釋義>n. soft wet land; marsh 沼澤,濕地 v. to flood or soak (sth.) with water 淹沒,陷於沼澤 <例句>Telepathy might involve 'signals' passing between people that were so faint that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity. (IELTS8,T1,R3) 心靈感應術可能會包含在人們之間傳遞的「信號」中,這些信號過於模糊,以至於經常被正常的大腦活動所覆蓋。


[ˈsʌtltɪ] <釋義>n. cute 敏銳,機敏;agility 巧妙,狡猾;the quality or state of being subtle 微妙,(常用複數)微妙的思想,細微之處 <派生>subtle adj. 微妙的,難以捉摸的;狡猾的;敏感的,敏銳的 <例句>It took into account subtleties of meaning. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 它考慮到了意思的微妙之處。


[ˈtaktɪks] <釋義>n. means of achieving sth.; expedient 戰術,策略 <詞根>tact(機智)+ics→機智的東西→戰術 <派生>tactical adj. 戰術上的,兵法上的 <例句>aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game (IELTS6,T1,R1) 在運動員為每次比賽規劃戰術時幫助他們 taunt**[tɔːnt] <釋義>v. to try to provoke sb. with scornful or critical remarks; to jeer at sb. 諷刺,奚落 <同義>ridicule, mock, deride <例句>Bullying can take a variety of forms, from the verbal—being taunted or called hurtful names—to the physical—being kicked or shoved—as well as indirect forms, such as being excluded from social groups. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 欺凌可以有很多形式:語言上的嘲弄,身體上的踢打或推搡;還有間接形式,如被社會團體所排擠。


[ˈtempə] <釋義>n. a state of the mind as regards anger or calmness 情緒,脾氣 v. to moderate or soften the effects of sth.; mitigate sth. 使緩和 <聯想>情緒(temper)會影響體溫(temperature) <派生>temperament n. 性情,性格,氣質 <例句>It is generally believed that tempers grow shorter in hot, muggy weather. (IELTS3,T3,R3) 一般認為,人在悶熱潮濕的天氣中,脾氣會變得更加暴躁。


[ˈtenjuəs] <釋義>adj. very weak or slight 微弱的;脆弱的,不堅固的 <同義>thin, flimsy <例句>For example, we have had civilisation on Earth for perhaps only a few thousand years, and the threats of nuclear war and pollution over the last few decades have told us that our survival may be tenuous. (IELTS9,T1,R2) 例如,人類文明或許只有幾千年的歷史,而近幾十年的核戰爭和環境污染表明我們的生存是很脆弱的。


[ˈtenəbəl] <釋義>adj. that can be defended successfully against opposition or attack 站得住腳的,無懈可擊的 <詞根>ten(拿住)+able→能夠拿住的→站得住腳的 <例句>But as the University of Florida ecologist, Peter Feinsinger, has noted, an approach that leaves people out of the equation is no longer tenable. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 但是作為佛羅里達大學的生態學家,Peter Feinsinger發現這種把人類的因素排除在大自然的均衡關係之外的方法已經站不住腳了。


[ˈtenɪt] <釋義>n. one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based 信條;宗旨;原則 <同義>principle, dogma, doctrine <例句>And this view has become the tenet of the modern linguistic approach to grammatical analysis. (IELTS9,T3,R1) 這一觀點已成為現代語言學語法分析的原則。


[ˈterəs] <釋義>n. a raised level area of ground or a series of these into which a hillside is shaped so that it can be cultivated 梯田;a continuous row of similarly designed houses in one block 一排並列的房子,陽台 <詞根>terr(地)+ace→像地一樣平整的地方→陽台 <例句>In some hill-regions, this has led to a serious decline in farm output and a change in the local diet, because there is insufficient labour to maintain terraces and irrigation systems and tend to crops. (IELTS5,T4,R1) 在一些山區,這導致了農業產量的嚴重下降和當地飲食的改變,因為沒有足夠的勞動力維護梯田和灌溉系統,沒有足夠的人手照看莊稼。


[ˈtestəmənt] <釋義>n. a person's will, especially the part relating to personal property 遺囑,遺言;something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality 證明,證據 <例句>The family and the room stewards were visibly moved when returning to their old haunts, perhaps the best testament that the spirit of Uppark had not died. (IELTS9,TA,R3)(米德)家族和管家重返故居時,顯然被打動了,(重建後的房屋使)他們感受到了阿普科斯精神並未消失。


[ˈtestɪməni] <釋義>n. a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law 證據;證明;證詞 <詞根>test(證據)+mony(表狀態或物品)→證據 <例句>The conviction that historical relics provide infallible testimony about the past is rooted in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when science was regarded as objective and value free. (IELTS9,T4,R3) 歷史文物為過去提供絕對可靠的證明,這種看法扎根於十九世紀和二十世紀早期。


[ˈtraŋkwəlaɪzə] <釋義>n. a drug for making an anxious person feel calm; a sedative 鎮定劑 <詞根>tran+quil(寧靜)+lise(使得)+er→使寧靜的東西→鎮定劑 <派生>tranquil adj. 寧靜的,安靜的 tranquility n. 寧靜 tranquilize v. 使寧靜 <例句>Medication is regarded by many as a last resort and often takes the form of sleeping pills, normally benzodiazepines, which are minor tranquillisers. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 許多人最後依靠吃藥,來幫助睡眠,一般是安眠藥,催眠藥通常是苯二氮等藥性不強的鎮定劑。


[ˈtrɒpɪks] <釋義>n. a region between these two latitudes, with a hot climate 熱帶 <派生>tropical adj. 熱帶的 <例句>The highest concentrations of firefly species today are to be found in the tropics of South America, which may mean either that this is where they first evolved, or simply that they prefer the conditions there. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 現在螢火蟲物種高度集中的地方在南美洲的熱帶地區,這可能意味著,要麼這是他們第一次進化的地方,要麼只是因為他們喜歡那裡的氣候條件。


[ˈtrɪkɪ] <釋義>adj. requiring skill or tact 不易處理的,需要技巧的 <派生>trick n. 詭計,花招 v. 欺詐,哄騙 <例句>For example, change in the workplace can be quite tricky, especially if there's a need to increase profit. (IELTS7,T1,L3) 例如,工作場所的改變可能會是極其不易處理的,特別是有增加利潤的需求時。

大氣(atmosphere)的排序: 對流層(troposphere) 平流層(stratosphere) 中間層(mesosphere) 電離層(ionosphere) 熱層(thermosphere) 外層(exosphere) troublesome

[ˈtrʌbəlsəm] <釋義>adj. causing trouble or anxiety; worrisome 令人煩惱的,討厭的 <例句>But there are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 但是適應力是有限的,如果一個人被要求同時專注於多項任務時,那麼,高分貝噪音會變得更加討厭。


[ˈtɒləreɪt] <釋義>v. to endure (sb./sth.) without protesting 忍受,默許;to allow (sth. that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interfering 容忍 <同義>bear, endure, stand, suffer, permit <派生>tolerable adj. 可容忍的;尚好的 tolerant adj. 忍受的,容忍的,寬容的 tolerance n. 忍耐,忍受 intolerance n. 不寬容 toleration n. 忍受,容忍;信仰自由 <例句>Disorderly behaviour will not be tolerated. (IELTS7,TB,R1) 妨礙治安的行為是不能容忍的。


[ˈtɒpəl] <釋義>v. to be unsteady and fall (使)不穩而倒下,搖搖欲墜;to cause (sth.) to do this 倒塌 <例句>The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways, flattened office blocks and devastated the port area of Kobe. (IELTS7,T2,R1) 1995年,毀滅性的阪神大地震使得6,400人喪生,它推翻了高架高速路,推平了辦公樓,摧毀了神戶的港口地區。


[ˈtɜːbɪd] <釋義>adj. opaque or muddy; not clear 渾濁的;disordered or confused 紊亂的,混亂的 <例句>For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 例如,與生活在渾濁的河水中和被洪災侵襲過的平原上的物種相比,視覺顯然對生存在清澈的開闊水域中的物種更有用。


[ˈtɜːmɪneɪt] <釋義>v. to come to an end or bring (sth.) to an end 停止,結束 <詞根>termin(界限)+ate→定出界限→停止 <派生>termination n. 結束,終了;結果,結局 terminus n. (火車、公共汽車的)終點 terminal n. 終點,終端 <例句>The British rocket differed from the Indian version in that it was completely encased in a stout, iron cylinder, terminating in a conical head, measuring one metre in diameter and having a stick almost five metres long and constructed in such a way that it could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 英國火箭與印度火箭的不同在於,前者完全密封在一個結實的鐵製圓柱體中,其終端呈圓錐體,還配置了一根近五米長的桿子,這樣的結構使它可以牢牢地附著在火箭箭體上。


[ˈtɜːnˌəʊvə] <釋義>n. the amount of business transacted during a given period of time 營業額,成交量;the number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time 人事變動率 <例句>In Germany, plant remedies account for 10% of the national turnover of pharmaceuticals. (IELTS4,T2,R2) 在德國,植物治療法佔全國藥物銷售量的10%。


[ˈtɪkəl] <釋義>v. to touch or stroke (sb.) lightly, esp. at sensitive parts, so as to cause a slight tingling sensation, often with twitching movements and laughter 使發癢;to please 使高興,逗樂 <例句>People laugh on fairground rides or when tickled to flag a play situation, whether they feel amused or not. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 人們在遊樂場中騎馬時或被抓癢到直喊投降時,不管快樂與否,都會大笑。


[ˈtʃampɪən] <釋義>n. a person, team, animal or plant that has defeated or excelled all others in a competition 冠軍,優勝者;a person who fights, argues or speaks in support of another or of a cause 支援者,擁護者 v. to support the cause of (sb./sth.); to defend vigorously 支援,擁護,捍衛 <聯想>發音記憶:「全拼」→冠軍「全靠拼出來的」 <派生>championship n. 錦標賽 <例句>A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water; her arms moving in slow motion. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 線框模型的游泳冠軍在水中穿梭,她的手臂緩慢運動。


[ˈtʃaplɪn] <釋義>n. a clergyman attached to the chapel of a school, prison, etc, or serving in the armed forces (學校、醫院、部隊等的)教士,牧師 <派生>chaplaincy n. 教士職位;牧師工作處 <例句>Our resident chaplain can offer you spiritual guidance. (IELTS4,T2,L2) 我們當地的牧師會給你精神方面的指導。


[ˈtʃekˌlɪst] <釋義>n. a list of items to be noted, checked, or remembered 名單,清單 <詞根>check(核對)+list(名單)→清單 <例句>The second target was to draw up a survey checklist. (IELTS6,T2,L3) 第二項任務是起草調查清單。


[ˈvandlɪzəm] <釋義>n. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property 故意破壞他人(或公共)財產行為;塗鴉行為 <例句>After the fire it had become apparent just how much remained of the structure with its splendidly decorated interiors; to have pulled the house down, as one commentator suggested, would have been vandalism. (IELTS9,TA,R3) 大火之後,內飾豪華的建築遺留部分顯而易見。


[ˈveksɪŋlɪ] <釋義>adv. annoying 令人煩惱地,令人苦惱地 <派生>vex v. 使苦惱,使困擾 vexation n. 煩惱,憂慮 vexatious adj. 使人惱怒的 <例句>Once you study athletics, you learn that it's a vexingly complex issue, says John Smith. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 約翰·史密斯說,一旦研究競技運動,你就會發現它是極其複雜的問題。


[ˈvestɪd] <釋義>adj. law settled, fixed, or absolute; being without contingency 法律規定的,既定的 <例句>Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to confront the vested interest that subsidies create. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 經濟增長和環境保護實際上是可以同時進行的,前提是政治家們有勇氣去面對補貼帶來的既得利益。


[ˈvɒlətaɪl] <釋義>adj. changing rapidly into vapour (液體)易揮發的;changing quickly from one mood or interest to another; fickle (人)情緒多變的;likely to change suddenly or sharply; unstable (商情)急劇波動的 <派生>volatility n. 易揮發;輕浮,多變;急劇波動 <例句>Baekeland's interest in plastics began in 1885 when, as a young chemistry student in Belgium, he embarked on research into phenolic resins, the group of sticky substances produced when phenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluid similar to alcohol). (IELTS5,T2,R1) Baekeland對塑料的興趣始於1885年,當時他還是比利時化學專業一名年輕的學生,正開始研究酚醛樹脂。


[ˈvɒɪdʒ] <釋義>v. to travel, especially in a ship and over a long distance 航行;遠行;(尤指)遠航 n. a long journey, especially by sea or in space 航行,航海;航天 <例句>As the Arctic ice pack spread southward, Norse voyages to the west were rerouted into the open Atlantic, then ended altogether. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 隨著北極冰群向南部增加,挪威人向西方的航行被迫轉向開闊的大西洋,然後完全停止了。


[ˈvɜːdʒɪn] <釋義>n. a person, esp. a girl or woman, who has never had sexual intercourse 處女 adj. of a virgin 貞潔的;in an original or natural condition; untouched 未經使用的,未經開發的 <例句>The production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 對玻璃和紙張的循環利用要比使用原材料生產它們節約很多能源。

」 versatile

[ˈvɜːsətaɪl] <釋義>adj. turning easily or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another 多才多藝的,多種技能的;having various uses 有多種用途的 <詞根>vers(轉)+atile→各方都轉得動→多才多藝的 <派生>versatility n. 多才多藝 <例句>Bakelite was immediately welcomed as a practical and versatile material. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 酚醛塑料是實用的、有多種用途的材料,它很快就受到了人們的歡迎。


[ˈvɜːtjuː] <釋義>n. an attractive or useful quality 優點,長處,用處;behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards 美德,優秀品質,良好習慣 <同義>goodness, excellence, morality; advantage, merit <派生>virtual adj. 實際的 virtually adv. 實際上,事實上 <例句>The virtue of job descriptions is that they lessen this role ambiguity. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 職位描述的優點是他們可以明確角色。


[ˈvɪktəmaɪz] <釋義>v. to harm sb. or make sb. suffer unfairly; to bully sb. 不正當地使某人受損害 <派生>victim n. 犧牲者,受害者 <例句>Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relation. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 受害的小學生更可能經歷人際交往障礙。


[ˈvɪɡərəs] <釋義>adj. strong, active or energetic 朝氣蓬勃的,有力的 <詞根>vigor(活力)+ous→有活力的→朝氣蓬勃的 <派生>vigor n. 活力 <例句>By protecting their own market and pursuing a vigorous export policy, the Americans achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 通過保護國內市場並執行嚴格的出口政策,美國在一戰開始時就獲得了世界市場的主導權。


[ˈwelˈbiːɪŋ] <釋義>n. the state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous; welfare 安寧,福利 <例句>As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. (IELTS7,T3,W2) 由於大多數人成年後的時間都花在工作中,因此工作中的滿足感是個人幸福的重要因素。


[ˈwɒndə] <釋義>v. to move around in an area or go from place to place without any special purpose or destination; roam 閒逛,漫遊;to be inattentive, confused or delirious 走神,恍惚;to leave the right place or way; to stray from one's group 迷路 <聯想>人們經常在十字路口閒逛(wander),想知道(wonder)該如何選擇下一步 <派生>wanderer n. 徘徊者,流浪者 wandering adj. 徘徊的,流浪的 <例句>I suggest you spend a good hour wandering around this lovely building. (IELTS6,T3,L2) 我建議你花一個小時逛一逛這個可愛的建築物。


[ˈwɒrənt] <釋義>n. a written order giving authority to do sth. 授權,許可證 v. to be a warrant for (sth.); justify or deserve 保證,證明......正當 <派生>warranty n. (商品的)保證書 <例句>And even in regions where new projects seem warranted, we must find ways to meet demands with fewer resources, respecting ecological criteria and to a smaller budget. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 即便在新項目受許可的地區,我們也需要找到辦法來節約資源、尊重生態標準、減少預算。


[ˈwɔːdrəʊb] <釋義>n. a place where clothes are stored, usu. a large cupboard with shelves and a rail for hanging things on 衣櫃,藏衣室 <詞根>ward(存放)+robe(衣服)→存放衣服的地方→衣櫃 <例句>And many employees now welcome a company wardrobe. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 公司儲衣櫃很受員工的歡迎。


[ˈwɔːtətaɪt] <釋義>adj. so tightly made that water cannot enter or escape 不透水的,防水的 <詞根>water+tight(不漏的)→不漏水的 <例句>The outside of the pots was often polished to make them watertight. (IELTS6,T3,L4) 罐的外圍常常被塗上東西,使其能夠防水。


[ˈwɪldənɪs] <釋義>n. an area of wild uncultivated land; desert 荒野,沙漠 <搭配>be in the wilderness(政治家)在野,不再當政(或掌權) <例句>a unique wilderness retreat on the edge of the World Heritage-listed National Park(IELTS8,T1,R1)一個獨具特色的荒野,位於世界遺產名錄上的國家公園的邊緣 withstand**[wɪeˈstand] <釋義>v. to endure (sth.) without giving in, collapsing, wearing out, etc; to resist 經受,承受 <詞根>with (against)+stand(站立)→面對著站著→承受 <同義>resist, endure <例句>Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 由於它們巨大的繁殖潛力和基因多樣性,許多害蟲都能經受住合成化學藥品,並產下天生就對殺蟲劑免疫的後代。


[ˈzɪpə] <釋義>n. a fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab 拉鏈,拉鎖 <派生>zip v. 用拉鎖扣上 <例句>Jacket W—waterproof with zipper front, all sizes (IELTS5,TA,R1) 夾克W——防水,前側有拉鏈,尺寸齊全


[ˈɑːdjʊəs] <釋義>adj. needing much effort or energy; laborious 困難的,艱巨的 <同義>difficult, hard <派生>arduousness n. 艱巨性 arduously adv. 艱巨地 <例句>Most goods were transported along the paths that provide short-cuts up and down the hillsides, but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 大多數貨物都是沿著這些道路運輸的,這些道路提供上下山的捷徑,但是卻存在極大的安全隱患,使步行更加艱難。


[ˈɑːkaɪv] <釋義>n. a collection historical documents or records of a government, town, etc. 檔案 v. to put or store a document or other material in an archive 把......存入檔案 <例句>The Museum of London has drawn on its archive collection to convey a fresh picture with its exhibition. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 倫敦博物館用它的展品來傳達新鮮的畫面。


[ˈɒbstəkəl] <釋義>n. one that opposes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress 障礙,妨礙 <詞根>ob(aginst)+stacle(站立)→站在反對的立場→障礙,妨礙 <同義>barrier, block, hindrance <例句>Distance therefore poses no obstacle to the globalisation of the disk-drive industry. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 因此距離沒有阻礙驅動磁盤產業的全球化。


[ˈɒdlɪ] <釋義>adv. in a strange or unusual way 奇妙地,奇怪地 <派生>odd adj. 奇特的,古怪的 <同義>strange, queer, eccentric, peculiar **[反義]normal, usual, ordinary <例句>Oddly enough, half the glass that's collected is green, and a lot of that is imported, so more green glass is recycled than the UK needs. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 奇怪的是,回收的玻璃一半都是綠色的,而且其中很多是進口而來,於是回收的綠色玻璃遠多於英國所需要的。


[ˈɒfsaɪtɪd] <釋義>adj. that is often cited 經常被引用的 <詞根>oft(經常)+cite(引用)+(e)d(adj.)→經常被引用的 <例句>"The athlete must choose his parents carefully," says Jesus Dapena, a sports scientist at Indiana University, invoking an oftcited adage. (IELTS4,T4,R1) 傑色斯·達普諾是印第安納大學的一位體育研究專家,他說了一句經常被人們引用的箴言,「運動員一定要慎重選擇自己的父母」。


[ˈɒnset] <釋義>n. the beginning of sth., especially sth. unpleasant 開始 <同義>beginning,start,outset <例句>With the onset of statehood, however, the State of Alaska took over management of its own fisheries, guided by a state constitution which mandates that Alaska's natural resources be managed on a sustainable basis. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 阿拉斯加政府一成立,就接管了自己的漁業,按照州立法律的規定,阿拉斯加的自然資源開發要遵循可持續發展的道路。


[ˈɒnslɔːt] <釋義>n. a fierce attack 突擊,猛擊,猛攻 <詞根>on(在......上)+slaught(打擊)→猛擊 <同義>assault <例句>There are still huge gaps in our environmental knowledge, and despite the scientific onslaught, many predictions are no more than best guesses. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 我們對環境還知之甚少,雖然在不停地進行科學研究,但是很多預測只不過是一些比較合理的猜想而已。


[ˈɒpjʊləns] <釋義>n. having or showing signs of great wealth 富裕,富饒 <派生>opulent adj. 富饒的,富足的 <同義>abundance <例句>As audiences grew, so did the places where films were shown, finishing up with the "great picture palaces" of the 1920s, which rivalled, and occasionally superseded, theatres and opera-houses in terms of opulence and splendour. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 隨著觀眾人數的增加,放映電影的場所也增加了,最終呈現出20世紀20年代的「商店影院」景象。


[ˈɒɪlɪ] <釋義>adj. of or like oil 油的,油滑的 <派生>oil n. 油 <例句>Discovered in the early 1800s and named nicotianine, the oily essence now called nicotine is the main active ingredient of tobacco. (IELTS5,T2,L1) 這種油性物質發現於19世紀早期,當時被命名為煙草香素,現在被稱為尼古丁,是煙草主要的活躍成分。


[ˈɔːfəl] <釋義>adj. very bad; dreadful 糟糕的 <例句>Everybody says that the food is awful. (IELTS5,T3,L2) 大家都說食物很糟糕。


[ˈɔːkwəd] <釋義>adj. causing difficulty, embarrassment or inconvenience 難處理的,棘手的,令人尷尬的 <例句>This would have made flying awkward, as they would have lacked the endurance to power their muscles for long periods of time. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 這可能使飛行很艱難,因為他們沒有足夠的耐力長時間為肌肉提供動力。


[ˈɔːkɪstrə] <釋義>n. a group of people playing various musical instruments together 交響樂隊,管絃樂隊 <派生>orchestrate v. 為管絃樂團譜寫音樂;籌劃 <例句>Orchestra and National Theatre Company were involved in the planning of the project. (IELTS8,T3, L2) 交響樂隊和國家戲劇公司參與規劃該項目。


[ˈɔːrɪənt] <釋義>n. the place on the horizon where the sun rises; the east 東方 v. to locate or place in a particular relation to the points of the compass 定......的方位,確定方位 <派生>oriental adj. 東方的,東方人的 orientation n. 方向,方位 orientate v. 確定方向 <例句>Following Anne's talk you'll hear from Peter Chen, our Conference Manager, and he will be going over a plan of the conference centre with you, which will help you to orient yourselves. (IELTS6,T4,L2) 在安妮的講話之後,大會經理皮特·陳會給大家介紹一下會議中心的安排,這將幫助你們明確自己的位置。


[ˈɔːtəməbiːl] <釋義>n. a car 汽車 <詞根>auto(自己)+mobile(移動的)→自己能夠移動的→汽車 <例句>When Britain's Royal Automobile Club monitored the exhausts of 60,000 vehicles, it found that 12 percent of them produced more than half the total pollution. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 英國皇家汽車俱樂部監測了60,000輛汽車的尾氣,發現其中12%的車輛造成的污染占所有污染的一半還多。


[ˈəʊnəʃɪp] <釋義>n. the state or fact of being an owner 物主的身份;the legal right to the possession of a thing 所有權 <詞根>own(擁有)+er(人)+ship (n. 表示關係)→所有權 <例句>State ownership of railways and airlines, regulation of freight rates and toleration of anticompetitive practices, such as cargo-handling monopolies, all keep the cost of shipping unnecessarily high and deter international trade. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 鐵路和航空的國有性質、運費的規定以及對反競爭行為的放任,如貨物裝卸的壟斷等,所有這些都導致水運費用極高,並且阻礙了國際貿易的發展。


[ˈəʊvəlɪ] <釋義>adv. too; excessively 太,過度 <例句>It may be costly to be overly optimistic — but more costly still to be too pessimistic. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 過度的樂觀可能要付出很大的代價,但是過度悲觀付出的代價更大。


[ˈəʊvəˈdʌn] <釋義>adj. do, perform or express (sth.) too fully or for too long; exaggerate 做過頭了的,做過火的 <詞根>over(過多,過於)+done(被做)→做過頭的 <派生>overdo v. 做過頭,做過火,做過分 <例句>Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is overdone, it can spill over and indicate an obsession with power. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 簡潔可以提高效率,但是如果做過頭了的話,就可能影響其他方面,同時它也是癡迷於權利的表現。


[ˈɜːdʒənsɪ] <釋義>n. the quality or condition of being urgent; pressing importance 緊急,緊急性 <派生>urgent adj. 緊急的 urgently adv. 緊急地 <例句>They may request brief details of your symptoms or illness—this enables the doctors to assess the degree of urgency. (IELTS6,TA,R1) 他們可能要求你講一下你的症狀或者不適——這就能讓醫生知道病情的緊急程度。


[ˈɜːnɪst] <釋義>adj. serious; determined; not light-hearted 認真的,鄭重的;堅決的 <搭配>in earnest 嚴肅的,一本正經的;誠摯的 <派生>earnestness n. 認真,鄭重;堅決 earnestly adv. 認真地,鄭重地;堅決地 <例句>Animals at play often use unique signs—tail-wagging in dogs, for example—to indicate that activity superficially resembling adult behaviour is not really in earnest. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 玩耍中的動物常常使用獨特的信號——如狗搖尾巴——表明表面上很像成人行為的動作實際上並沒有那麼正經。


[ˈɡleɪʃəl] <釋義>adj. of the Ice Age 冰的,冰川(期)的;very cold; like ice 冷冰冰的 <派生>glacier n. 冰川 <例句>We tend to think of climate as something unchanging, yet humanity has been at the mercy of climate change for its entire existence, with at least eight glacial episodes in the past 730,000 years. (IELTS8,T2,R2) 我們往往把氣候想像成不變的東西,但是人類在整個歷史進程中都受到了氣候變化的控制,在過去的730,000年中至少經歷了8個冰川時代。


[ˈɡluːmɪ] <釋義>adj. sad and depressed 憂鬱的,沮喪的;令人沮喪的,令人失望的;dark or unlighted, esp. in a way that is depressing or frightening 昏暗的,陰暗的 <同義>sad, depressing, pessimistic, miserable <派生>gloomily adv. 陰暗地;令人沮喪地;憂鬱地 gloominess n. 陰暗;憂鬱 <例句>Gloomy weather can cause depression, but sunshine appears to raise the spirits. (IELTS3,T3,R3) 陰暗的天氣可以造成抑鬱,而陽光明媚似乎可以使人精神煥發。


[ˈɡɒsɪp] <釋義>n. casual talk about the affairs of other people, typically including rumour and critical comments 流言蜚語,閒話;a conversation including gossip 閒談 v. to talk about other people's private lives, often in an unkind way 傳播流言蜚語,說長道短 <例句>The WSPU's newspapers were mainly devoted to society news and gossip. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 婦女社會政治聯盟的報紙主要是關於社會新聞和內幕新聞的。


[ˈɡɔːdʒəs] <釋義>adj. giving pleasure and satisfaction; wonderful 令人十分愉快的,極好的;richly coloured; magnificent 華麗的,極有吸引力的 <同義>pleasant, excellent; attractive,beautiful, magnificent <例句>Day Nine is much easier, with part of the day spent in a village where they make some of the gorgeous red blankets. (IELTS7,T3,L2) 第九天很輕鬆,這天的部分時間我們要去一個製作漂亮的紅毯的山村。


[ˈɡɪltɪ] <釋義>adj. suffering from or prompted by a sense of guilt 內疚的;being responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; deserving of blame; being culpable 有罪的 <派生>guilt n. 罪行,過失;內疚,羞愧 <例句>Fancy Foods will pay a reward of $10,000 to $50,000 for information which leads to the conviction of any person found guilty of placing metal pieces in its products. (IELTS3,TB,R1) 如果有誰能提供線索幫助抓獲把鐵片放進他們產品的罪犯,Fancy Foods將對其提供10,000到50,000萬美元的獎勵。


[ˈɪdɪəm] <釋義>n. a speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as inkeep tabs on.慣用語,成語,習語 <同義>tongue, language, expression <例句>Another difference from conventional teaching is the evidence that students can regularly learn 1000 new words of a foreign language during a suggestopedic session, as well as grammar and idiom. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 與傳統教學相比,另外一個不同點就是學生可以在一個暗示法學習期間學會1000個外語單詞以及語法和習語。


[ˈɪmplɪkeɪt] <釋義>v. to show that sb. is involved in sth., esp. a crime 使牽連其中,涉嫌,涉及;to have as a consequence or an inference; imply 暗示 <詞根>im(in)+plic(折)+ate(v.)→折在裡面→暗含在裡面→暗示 <派生>implication n. 暗示,暗指,言外之意;牽連 <例句>PM10, a sub-category of particulate matter measuring ten-millionths of a metre across, has been implicated in thousands of deaths a year in Britain alone. (IELTS3,T4,R1) 千萬分之一米長的PM10是一種顆粒物質,僅在英國一年就會引起幾千人的死亡事件。


[ˈɪmprəvaɪz] <釋義>v. to compose or play (music), speak or act without previous preparation (即興、即席地)創作(演奏、講話) <詞根>im(not)+pro(前)+vise(看)→沒有提前看過→即興發揮 <例句>The students do not focus their attention on trying to remember the vocabulary, but focus on using the language to communicate (e.g. through games or improvised dramatisations). (IELTS7,T1,R3) 學生們沒有把注意力放在記憶單詞上,而是放在用語言進行交流上(比如通過遊戲或者即興創作的劇本等方式)。


[ˈɪmpɪtəs] <釋義>n. a thing that encourages a process to develop more quickly 動力,推力 <詞根>im(on)+pet(尋求)+us→為尋求而激起的動力→推動 <搭配>gain (an) impetus to do sth. 獲得做某事的動力 under sb's impetus 在某人的推動下 <例句>The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 早期塑料的發展背後的動力是由很多因素構成的。


[ˈɪnfənsɪ] <釋義>n. the state or period of being an infant; early childhood 幼年期,孩提時期;the early stage of development or growth 初期 <派生>infant n. 嬰兒,幼兒 <例句>The women were asked how many children they had given birth to and how many of them had died in infancy. (IELTS6,T4,R2) 這些女性被問到她們生了了幾個孩子,以及有幾個孩子在嬰兒期夭折了。


[ˈɪnkrəmənt] <釋義>n. increase, esp. in money paid as a salary; added amount 增加物,增長物;增值 <派生>incremental adj. 增加的 <例句>Billing increments are in 30-second units. (IELTS7,TB,R1) 收費是以30秒為單位的。


[ˈɪntrɪkɪtlɪ] <釋義>adv. containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together 細節繁多地,錯綜複雜地 <詞根>in(in)+tricate(糾纏)+ly→糾纏在一起地→細節繁多地 <派生>intricate adj. 細節繁多的 intricacy n. 錯綜複雜 <例句>Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 如此持久的和複雜的技術成就遠遠超過了我們的祖先所達到的高度。


[ˈɪnvɒɪs] <釋義>n. a list of goods sold or services provided with the price(s) charged, esp. sent as a bill 發票v. make a list of (such goods) 給......開發票 <聯想>in+voice→ask for 「發票」 in big voice <例句>The work entailed the processing of accounts and generating of invoices. (IELTS3,T4,R3) 工作包括算賬和開發票。


[ˈɪnvəntrɪ] <釋義>n. a detailed list, e.g. of goods, furniture, jobs to be done 目錄,存貨 <詞根>in(進來)+vent(來)+ory(物)→關於進來的貨物的登記→目錄 <例句>Increasingly, the big suppliers are becoming managing agents, which means they offer a total service to put together the whole complex operation of a company's corporate clothing package—which includes reliable sourcing, managing the inventory, budget control and distribution to either central locations or to each staff member individually. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 漸漸地,大供應商就變成運營代理商,這意味著他們要提供整套服務來把公司整體運作打包統籌起來,包括可靠的供貨、存貨的管理,財務控制及出貨到中心位置或單獨的每個員工。


[ˈɪnəsənt] <釋義>adj. knowing nothing of evil or wrong 天真的,幼稚的;not guilty (of wrongdoing) 清白的 <詞根>in(否,不)+noc(傷害)+ent(......的)→不曾受過傷的心靈→天真的 <派生>innocence n. 天真,清白,單純,簡單 <例句>It's not just a matter of companies making bigger profits than they should do, but of events which may affect the lives of innocent people. (IELTS4,T2,L4) 這不僅僅是公司賺取了更多利潤的問題,而是它可能影響很多無辜的人的生活。


[ˈɪrɪgeɪt] <釋義>v. to supply (land or crops) with water (by means of streams, reservoirs, channels, pipes, etc.) 灌溉 <詞根>ir(進入)+rig(水)+ate→把水引進→灌溉 <派生>irrigation n. 灌溉 <例句>At present, average efficiency in the use of irrigated water in agriculture may be as low as 50%. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 目前,農業中灌溉用水的平均效率低至50%。


[ˈɪrɪtəbəl] <釋義>adj. easily annoyed or made angry; touchy 易怒的,急躁的 <詞根>irritate(使煩躁)+able→易怒的 <派生>irritate v. 使煩躁,使疼痛 irritation n. 激怒,刺激;刺激物,惱人事 irritability n. 易怒性 irritant adj. 刺激性的 <例句>When there is a thunderstorm brewing, some people complain of the air being heavy and of feeling irritable, moody and on edge. (IELTS3,T3,R3) 當暴風雨在醞釀時,一些人抱怨空氣凝重,覺得易怒、傷感、處在崩潰的邊緣。


[ˈʃaɪnɪ] <釋義>adj. radiating light; bright (尤指光滑之表面)發光的,閃光的 <詞根>shine(v. 發光,照耀)+y(形容詞後綴,......的)→發光的,閃光的 <派生>shine v. 發光,發亮,照耀 <同義>beaming, dazzling, gleaming, glistening, glittering, shimmering <例句>But if you could search out some silver paper to bring along to use in the sessions, you know, it's shiny — it looks like water, that'd be great. (IELTS6,T2,L1) 如果你能找來些銀色的紙,並把它運用其中,正如你所知道的那樣,它就會泛出光芒,就像水波一樣,那就棒極了。


[ˈʃeɪdɪ] <釋義>adj. giving shade from sunlight; situated in the shade 遮陽的,樹蔭的;not entirely honest; disreputable 可疑的,靠不住的 <詞根>shad(樹蔭)+y(......的(形容詞後綴))→樹蔭的 <派生>shade n. 陰涼處,陰影,遮光物 <同義>shadowy, dim, dusky, treacherous, dubious <例句>On the local scale—that is, in particular areas within the city, trees can make the local area more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy. (IELTS4,T1,S4) 就當地來說,即在城市的特定領域內,樹木可以使當地更陰涼、更涼爽、更濕潤、風更小。


[ˈʃɑːpən] <釋義>v. to make or become sharp or sharper 使變得鋒利(尖銳、敏銳、劇烈、明顯等) <詞根>sharp(adj. 銳利的,尖的)+en(動詞後綴,加在形容詞後)→使變得尖銳 <派生>sharp adj. 銳利的,尖的;敏銳的,聰明的 sharpener n. 磨削的工具 **[反義]blunt, moderate <例句>In the top left corner is the Grinding Shop, where the tools were sharpened and finished. (IELTS4,T1,L2) 左上角是研磨店,工具在那裡打磨鋒利、製成成品。


[ˈʃəʊldə] <釋義>n. either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck 肩,肩部 v. to put (sth.) on one's shoulder 肩負,承擔 <搭配>shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩地,齊心協力地 <同義>carry, bear, take on <例句>The number of stripes on your arm or pips on your shoulder is a very precise role definition which allows you to do certain very prescribed things in certain situations. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 你制服袖上的條紋數或是肩章上星星數都有極其確切的角色意義,它們允許你在某些情況下去履行某些明確規定的職責。


[ˈʃʌdə] <釋義>v. to shiver violently with cold, fear, etc; tremble 抽動,戰慄,因恐懼或厭惡而發抖 n. a shuddering movement 戰慄,發抖 <同義>shake, tremble, shiver <例句>Whenever a sought-for answer snaps into place, there is a shudder of pleased recognition. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 當一個久久思索的問題迎刃而解的時候,人們往往會高興得戰慄。


[ˈʃʌvəl] <釋義>n. a tool like a spade with curved edges, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc. 鏟子 v. to lift or move (sth.) with a shovel 剷起 <例句>Studies carried out by Turner of many thousands of New and Old World specimens, both ancient and modern, suggest that the majority of prehistoric Americans are linked to Northern Asian populations by crown and root traits such as incisor shoveling (a scooping out on one or both surfaces of the tooth), single-rooted upper first premolars and triple-rooted lower first molars. (IELTS7,T3,R2) Turner對古代和現代成千上萬新世界和舊世界標本進行了研究。


[ˈʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd] <釋義>adj. given or sent voluntarily; not asked for 未經請求的,主動提供的,自發的;無緣無故的;多事的,多餘的 <詞根>un(not)+solicit(引發)+ed→未經請求的 <例句>Despite your best efforts, unsolicited email or spam can clutter up the most organised inbox and infect your computer system with viruses. (IELTS7,TB,R2) 儘管你努力抵制,不請自來的電郵或垃圾郵件可能會堆滿你井井有條的收件箱,並且通過病毒感染電腦系統。


[ˈʌpraɪt] <釋義>adj. in a vertical position; erect 垂直的,直立的;strictly honest or honourable 正直的,誠實的 <詞根>up(向上)+right(筆直)→筆直向上的→垂直的 <例句>Yet in 826, with only pegs and wedges to keep his wooden structure upright, the master builder Kobodaishi had no hesitation in sending his majestic Toji pagoda soaring fifty-five metres into the sky... (IELTS7,T2,R1) 然而在826年,在那個只能用掛釘和楔子來使得木結構直立的時代,建築大師Kobodaishi毫不猶豫地建立了這座高達55米的莊嚴的東寺塔。


[ˈʒɒnrə] <釋義>n. a particular style or kind, esp. of works of art or literature grouped according to their form or subject matter 類型,體裁,種屬 <派生>generic adj. 種類的,種屬的 <例句>Perhaps the first international English-language scientific journal, it encouraged a new genre of scientific writing, that of short, focused accounts of particular experiments. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 它可能是第一份國際性的英語語言的科學雜誌,它鼓勵一種新的科學文章體裁,即對特定的實驗進行簡單扼要的描述。


[ˈθreʃhəʊld] <釋義>n. the point of entering or beginning sth. 入門;a point separating conditions that will produce a given effect from conditions of a higher or lower degree that will not produce the effect, as the intensity below which a stimulus is of sufficient strength to produce sensation or elicit a response 極限 <例句>The normal noise threshold for private housing is 55 decibels. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 私人住宅的正常的噪音應低於55分貝。


[ˈθrɪld] <釋義>adj. very excited, happy, and pleased 非常激動的 <例句>Before the eyes of the stunned, thrilled audience, photographs came to life and moved across a flat screen. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 圖片動起來,在平面的屏幕上平移,觀眾們都非常吃驚,並且極度興奮。


[ˌadəˈlesəns] <釋義>n. the time in a person's life between childhood and mature adulthood 青春期 <聯想>adol(看做是adult)escence看做essence精髓。


[ˌakrəˈbatɪk] <釋義>adj. of or like an acrobat 雜技的,雜技表演的 <詞根>acro(高)+bat(走)+ic(adj.)→在高空走的→雜技的 <派生>acrobatics n. 雜技 acrobat n. 雜技演員 <例句>There are no animals—just very talented clowning and acrobatic routines. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 沒有動物——只有極具天賦的小丑表演和常規的雜技表演。


[ˌalfəˈbetɪkəl] <釋義>adj. in the order of the alphabet 按照字母順序的 <聯想>中學我們學過α(alpha)和β(beta)這兩個希臘字母,它們是希臘的第一、二個字母,正如英文字母中的ABC,因此可以引申出「按照字母順序的」意思。


[ˌaltrʊˈɪstɪk] <釋義>adj. principle of considering the welfare and happiness of others before one's own; unselfishness 利他的,利他主義的 <派生>altruism n. 利他主義 <例句>Yet a green organization opposing such a weakening is seen as altruistic, even if an impartial view might suggest they are doing more harm than good. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 然而一個反對這種弱化的綠色組織被看做是無私的,即便公正的觀點認為他們的行為是弊大於利的。


[ˌanɪˈvɜːsərɪ] <釋義>n. yearly return of the date of an event; celebration of this 週年紀念,紀念日 <詞根>已知annual每年的→ann-年;universe宇宙→vers=turn旋轉;那麼anniversary = ann(i)(一年)+vers(turn)+-ary→時間整整又轉了一年→週年紀念 <例句>business lunches、anniversaries and weddings、all special occasions (IELTS4,TA,R1) 商務午餐、週年紀念與婚禮、所有特殊場合 annoying**[əˈnɒɪŋ] <釋義>adj. causing vexation or irritation; troublesome: 使人煩惱的,惱人的,討厭的 <詞根>an(in)+noy(恨)+ing(adj.)→惱人的 <派生>annoy v. 使惱怒,使生氣;打攪 annoyance n. 煩惱,煩惱事 annoyed adj. 惱火的 <例句>Subjects reported finding the predictable and unpredictable noise equally annoying, and all subjects performed at about the same level during the noise portion of the experiment. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 實驗對像說可預見的噪音和不可預見的噪音同樣令人惱火,所有的研究對像在試驗中對噪音的反應程度都一樣。


[ˌaprɪˈhensɪv] <釋義>adj. feeling anxiety; fearful; uneasy 憂慮的,擔心的 <聯想>大家對comprehension/comprehend肯定熟悉,意為理解,理解了就抓住了大意,那麼其詞根prehend則意為抓住。


[ˌapəˈreɪtəs] <釋義>n. a set of instruments, etc. used esp. in scientific experiments 器械,設備,裝置 <詞根>ap(加強)+para(輔助)+tus→起輔助作用的東西→器械 <例句>The orbital cortex seems the best candidate for the site that feeds such feelings into higherlevel thought processes, with its close connections to the brain's sub-cortical arousal apparatus and centers of metabolic control. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 額眶部皮質是將這些感情植入更高層次思維過程的最佳場所,因為它與大腦的次皮層覺醒系統和控制新陳代謝的中心區域有密切聯繫。


[ˌaspəˈreɪʃən] <釋義>n. a strong desire or ambition 志向,抱負 <詞根>a(無)+spir(呼吸)+ation(n.)→(渴望地就要)窒息了→強烈的願望 <派生>aspire (to) v. 渴望,有志於...... aspiring adj. 有志向的,有抱負的 <例句>Instead, communities in fragile environments must achieve greater control over tourism ventures in their regions, in order to balance their needs and aspirations with the demands of tourism. (IELTS5,T4, R1) 地處脆弱的環境中的社區必須對他們地區內的旅遊業加強監管,這樣才能使他們自身的需要和追求與環境的要求相平衡。


[ˌasəˈteɪn] <釋義>v. to discover (sth.) so that one is certain; to get to know 弄清,查明 <詞根>as(表加強)+certain(確定)→弄清,查明 <例句>For all its faults and eccentricities, his two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark, in his own words, setting the orthography, displaying the analogy, regulating the structures, and ascertaining the significations of English words. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 儘管有缺陷和怪異,他的兩卷作品仍是一部具有劃時代意義的傑作,用他自己的話說,它界定了拼寫法,展示了類比,調整了結構,確保了英語詞彙的重要性。


[ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd] <釋義>adj. old-fashioned 老式的,過時的 <詞根>out(向外的,出外的,超出的)+date(日期,時代)+(e)d(adj.)→過期的 <例句>But they are suffering from having to work with outdated production machinery and that could cost a lot to put right. (IELTS5,T4,L3) 但是他們忍受著必須使用過時的生產機器進行工作的痛苦,這也花費了他們很多時間和精力去糾正錯誤。


[ˌbenəˈfɪʃərɪ] <釋義>n. a person who receives sth., esp. one who receives money, property, etc. when sb. dies 受益人,受惠者 <詞根>bene(善,好)+fici(做)+ary(表示人)從善行中行到好處的人→受益人,受惠者 <派生>benefit n. 益處,好處 v. 受益,得到好處 beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的 <例句>We appreciate that some of our ideas may not be feasible in the circumstances, but we do feel that it is important that the ultimate beneficiaries of the facilities should have some say in its design. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 我們知道我們的一些想法可能在某些情況下不可行,但是我們覺得作為這些設備的最終受益者,我們對它的設計應該有一定的發言權。


[ˌbjʊərəˈkratɪk] <釋義>adj. involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes 官僚的,官僚主義的;繁瑣的 <詞根>bureau(政府的部,司,局,處,署)+cratic(adj. 統治的)→官僚主義的 <派生>bureaucracy n. 官僚作風 bureaucrat n. 官僚,官僚主義者 <例句>However, if the job to be filled is a managerial pest in a large bureaucratic organization, a candidate who has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected. (IELTS6,T3,R2) 然而,如果空缺的職位是大型官僚組織中的一個管理人員的話,那麼就應該選擇一個有極高的權力慾望和不需要聯營的人。


[ˌdaʊnˈwɪnd] <釋義>adj. in the direction in which the wind blows 順風的 adv. 順風地 <詞根>down(下)+wind(風)→下風向→順風的 <例句>If bees were responding only to the scent, how could they also "sniff down" food hundreds of metres away from the hive, food which was sometimes downwind? (IELTS4,TB,R3) 如果蜜蜂只對香味有反應,那它們怎麼也能從蜂巢飛行數百米尋找那些有時候是處於逆風方向的食物呢? drab**[drab] <釋義>adj. of a dull light brown 淡褐色的,灰黃色的;dull; uninteresting 單調的 <例句>Electrical manufacturers seized on its insulating properties, and consumers every-where relished its dazzling array of shades, delighted that they were now, at last, no longer restricted to the wood tones and drab browns of the pre-plastic era. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 電器製造商看中的是它的絕緣特性,各地的消費者喜歡的是它各種炫目的色調。


[ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz] <釋義>v. to become bad or rotten; decay 腐爛,腐敗;to separate (a substance, light, etc.) into its parts 分解 <詞根>de(否定,非,相反)+compose(組合)→跟組合相反→分解;腐敗 <派生>decomposition n. 分解;腐爛,腐敗 <例句>The digested dung in these burrows is an excellent food supply for the earthworms, which decompose it further to provide essential soil nutrients. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 在洞穴中被消化的動物糞便是蚯蚓極佳的食物來源,它們將這些糞便進一步分解,為土壤提供重要的肥料。


[ˌdiːˈreɡjʊleɪt] <釋義>v. to remove the regulations from (sth.) 撤銷對......的管制規定 <詞根>已知regular意為規則的,推出其動詞為regulate,管制。


[ˌdɪfəˈrenʃɪeɪt] <釋義>v. to see or show (two things) to be different; show sth. to be different (from sth. else) 區分,區別;to be a mark of difference between (people or things); distinguish 使不同,是......間的差別 <詞根>different(不同)+iate(v.)→使不同 <派生>differ v. 不同於,有別於 differentiation n. 區別,不同 <搭配>differentiate sth. from sth. 使某事有別於某事 <例句>Another factor that may boost the prospects for artificial intelligence in the near future is that investors are now looking for firms using clever technology, rather than just a clever business model, to differentiate themselves. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 在不久的將來。


[ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː] <釋義>v. (cause sth. to) come to an end; stop (doing sth) 停止,中斷;終止提供 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+continue→停止,中斷 <例句>If any of the following occur, discontinue taking the medicine and contact your doctor: dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision. (IELTS3,TB,R1) 如果發生頭暈、嘔吐和視線模糊等現象,請停止用藥,並與醫生聯繫。


[ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃənɪtlɪ] <釋義>adv. relatively too large or small, etc; out of proportion 不成比例地 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+proportion(比例)+ate(adj.)+ly(adv.)→不成比例地 <派生>disproportion n.不成比例,不相稱 disproportionate adj. 不成比例的 <例句>Countries still trade disproportionately with their geographic neighbours. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 各國與其在地理位置上的鄰國之間的貿易依然是不成比例的。


[ˌdɪsəˈpruːv] <釋義>v. to consider (sb./sth.) to be bad, immoral, foolish, etc. 不贊成,反對,不喜歡 <詞根>dis(否定)+approve(贊成)→不贊成 <搭配>disapprove of 不贊成 <同義>disfavor, oppose **[反義]approve, support, favor <派生>disapproval n. 不贊成,反對 disapproving adj. 不贊成的,反對的 <例句>They disapprove of paying farmers for not cultivating the land. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 他們不贊成不種田就給農民補貼的做法。


[ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənd] <釋義>adj. disappointed in sb./sth. that one had admired or believed in 不再抱幻想的,失望的;醒悟的 <詞根>dis(否定,相反)+illusion(幻想)+ed→沒有幻想的→失望的;醒悟的 <派生>disillusion v. 使醒悟;使幻想破滅 n. 醒悟;幻滅 disillusionment n. 不抱幻想,失望 <例句>A better educated and less accepting public has become disillusioned with the experts in general, and increasingly sceptical about science and empirically based knowledge, they said. (IELTS4,T2,R2) 受過更好教育、更為挑剔的公眾已經對專家感到失望了,他們說,對科學及以經驗為基礎的知識,他們越來越懷疑。


[ˌdʒenərəlɑɪˈzeɪʃən] <釋義>n. generalizing 概括,歸納;推廣 <詞根>general(概括的)+isation→概括 <派生>general adj. 概括的 generally adv. 概括地,大概地 generalise v. 概括,歸納;推廣 <例句>Out of these sensory data—commonly referred to as facts—generalisations will form. (IELTS3,T1,R3) 從這些通常被認為是事實的感官數據中,我們會得到一般性結論。


[ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] <釋義>n. an acceptable reason (for doing sth.) 正當理由;as a defence (of sb./sth.) 辯白,辯護 <詞根>justi(正當的)+fic(做)+ation→要做得公平→正當理由,辯護 <派生>justify v. 證明......是正當的,為......辯護 justified adj. 正當的,有正當理由的 <例句>The term is being applied, with some justification, to products that depend on technology that was originally developed by AI researchers. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 該詞被很正當地用在了最初由人工智能研究者們研發的技術產品上。


[ˌeksenˈtrɪsɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the quality of being eccentric; the strangeness of behaviour, etc. 古怪,怪癖,異常 <詞根>ec(out脫離)+cent(e)r+icity→脫離中心→古怪,怪癖 <派生>eccentric adj. 古怪的,異常的 n. 行為古怪的人 <例句>For all its faults and eccentricities his two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark, in his own words, setting the orthography, displaying the analogy, regulating the structures, and ascertaining the significations of English words. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 雖然有缺陷和怪異之處,他的兩卷作品依然是傑作,具有劃時代的意義,用他自己的話來說就是:界定了拼字法,展示了類比,調整了結構,確保了英語詞彙的重要性。


[ˌekspɜːˈtiːz] <釋義>n. expert knowledge or skill, esp. in a particular field 專門知識,專長 <詞根>ex(fully)+pert(通過)+ise(n.)→完全通過→專長 <同義>knowledge, craft <例句>a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports (IELTS6,T1,R1) 參考了不同體育項目之間的專業知識的交流 expiry**[ɪkˈspaɪərɪ] <釋義>n. an ending, esp. of the period when a contract or agreement is in force 終止,期滿 <詞根>ex(out)+pire(呼吸)+y→吐出氣體→呼出最後一口氣→終止,期滿 <派生>expire v. 期滿,失效;死亡,斷氣 <例句>Expiry date: 16 February, 2004. (IELTS3,TB,R1) 截止日期:2004年2月16日。


[ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə] <釋義>adj. outside the regular course of work or studies at a school or college 課外的 <詞根>extra(額外的)+curricular(課程的)→課外的 <例句>What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education? (IELTS3,T1,S3) 你認為課外活動在教育中起什麼作用? extrapolation**[ɪksˌtrapəˈleɪʃən] <釋義>n. calculate (an unknown quantity) approximately from known values or measurements 推測,推斷,推知 <詞根>extra(外面)+pol(放)+ation→預先放在外面→推測 <派生>extrapolate v. 推測,推斷,推知 <例句>As a consequence, during the 1980s a kind of doomsday scenario (analogous to similar doomsday extrapolations about energy needs and fossil fuels or about population increases) was projected by health administrators, economists and politicians. (IELTS4,T4,R3) 因此,在20世紀80年代期間,健康管理者、經濟學家和政治家設想了一種世界末日的情況(與關於能源需要、礦物燃料或關於人口增長的末日推測類似)。


[ˌenəˈveɪʃən] <釋義>n. cause (sb.) to lose strength or energy 削弱,衰弱 <例句>The cost is in the collateral damage of the very methods of food production that have made the food cheaper: in the pollution of water, the enervation of soil, the destruction of wildlife, the harm to animal welfare and the threat to human health caused by modern industrial agriculture. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 所付出的代價是降低食品價格的食品生產方式附帶的損害:現代農業工業化引起的水污染、土壤弱化、野生動植物破壞、損壞動物健康、威脅人類健康。

aero- 空氣: aeroplane n. 飛機 aeronautics n. 航空學 aerospace n. 航空與航天空間 aerobics n. 有氧健身法 aerodynamic adj. 空氣動力學的,流線型的 aeronautical

[ˌeərəˈnɔːtɪkl] <釋義>adj. aeronautical engineering, skills 航天學的 <派生>aeronautics n. 航空學 <詞根>aero(空氣)+naut(航行)+ical(ics學→adj.)→航天學的 <例句>"Unlike smaller pterosaurs, it could use natural currents—its wings continuously," said Paul MacCready, an aeronautical engineer. (IELTS6,TB, R3) 航天工程師Paul MacCready說過:「與小的翼龍不同,它可以不斷利用自然的氣流——它的雙翼。


[ˌfɔːmjʊˈleɪʃən] <釋義>n. the action of formulating 系統的闡述,明確的表達 <詞根>form(形成)+ulation→構想出的東西→系統的闡述 <派生>formulate v. 系統地闡述,明確地表達 formula n. 公式 <例句>The myth of scientific method is that it is inductive: that the formulation of scientific theory starts with the basic, raw evidence of the senses—simple, unbiased, unprejudiced observation. (IELTS3,T1,R3) 科學方法的神奇之處在於它是歸納式的:科學理論的系統闡述開始於基本的、原始的感官證據——簡單、客觀、公正的觀察。


[ˌfɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ] <釋義>adj. about to happen or appear in the near future 即將到來的 <詞根>forth(往前)+coming→即將到來的 <例句>Photographs depict vivid scenes of a suffragette's life: WSPU members on a self-proclaimed monster march, wearing their official uniforms of a white frock decorated with purple, white and green accessories; women selling The Suffragette at street corners, or chalking up pavements with details of a forthcoming meeting. (IELTS3,T4,R2) 照片生動地描述了女性參政論者生活的景象:婦女社會政治聯盟成員走在自發形成的龐大隊伍中,穿著她們正式的白色連衣裙制服,上面有紫色、白色和綠色的配飾;婦女在街角銷售《婦女解放報》,或者在路面上用粉筆寫下下次會議的詳細內容。


[ˌfɪzɪˈɒlədʒɪ] <釋義>n. the scientific study of the normal functions of living things 生理學 <派生>physiological adj. 生理的 physiologist n. 生理學家 <例句>The fifth resolution relaunched the European research network on the physiology of trees, called Eurosilva. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 第五個解決方案使歐洲研究網絡重新回到對樹木的生理研究上來,這就是Eurosilva研究項目。


[ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkəl] <釋義>adj. of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis 假設的,假定的 <詞根>hypo(在......下面)+thesis(論點)→thetical→非真實論點的→假設的,假定的 <派生>hypothesis (pl. hypotheses ) n. 假設,假定,假說 hypothetic adj. 假設的,假定的 <例句>Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to represent the world in an objective and impersonal way, and to discuss the relations, such as cause and effect, that might hold between complex and hypothetical entities. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 第二,它缺乏一種客觀的、非個人的方式描述世界的語法結構功能,因此在討論複雜和假設的實體之間的關係時,例如因果關係,顯得不足。


[ˌhɒspɪˈtalɪtɪ] <釋義>n. friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests or strangers, esp. in one's own home 好客,盛情,招待禮節 <詞根>hospi(客人)+tal+ity→好客,盛情 <派生>hospitable adj. 好客的,慇勤的,招待周到的 <例句>Hospitality and Kitchen Staff (IELTS6,TB,R1) 好客與廚房人員 hostile**[ˈhɒstaɪl] <釋義>adj. showing strong dislike or enmity; very unfriendly 不友好的,敵對的,懷有敵意的 <聯想>host(主人)+ile→主人設下鴻門宴→不友好的 <派生>hostility n. 敵意,敵對;**[pl.]戰鬥,戰爭行動 <例句>To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless, unconquerable, a habitat totally hostile to human civilization. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 對於普通的觀察者、著名的自然科學家和區域規劃者來說,亞馬遜茂盛的森林似乎永遠那麼年輕、不可征服,是一塊完全不受人類文明影響的自然環境。


[ˌiːkwəˈlɪbrɪəm] <釋義>n. the state of being balanced 平衡,均勢 <詞根>equi(平等)+libr(平衡)+ium→平衡 <例句>An organism is an open, dynamic system through which new material continuously flows, destruction of old material and formation of new material are thus in permanent dynamic equilibrium. (IELTS8,T3,R3) 有機體是一個開放、動態的系統。


[ˌkatəˈstrɒfɪk] <釋義>adj. of, relating to, or involving a catastrophe 悲慘的,災難性的 <詞根>cat(看做cad落下)+astro(星星)+phic→落下的流星常常代表不幸→悲慘的,災難性的 <派生>catastrophe n. 大災難 <例句>The writer says that global warming will not have a catastrophic impact on our future. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 作者說全球變暖對我們未來的影響並不是災難性的。


[ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪtɪ] <釋義>n. being curious; inquisitiveness 好奇心,好奇 <聯想>cur(關心)+iosity→「家事,國事,天下事,事事關心」→好奇心 <派生>curious adj. 好奇的 <例句>Furthermore, research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years of life. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 另外,研究發現雖然每個孩子天生就有好奇心,但是,兩到三歲時,他們的這種好奇心可能就會被突然壓制。


[ˌkredəˈbɪlɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the quality, capability, or power to elicit belief 可靠性,可信性,可信度 <詞根>cred(相信)+ibility(可能性)→可信性 <派生>credit n. 信任;信用,信貸 v.記入貸方,把......歸於 credible adj. 可信的,可靠的 creditable adj. 值得表揚的,令人欽佩的 credence n. 信用;信任;憑證 <例句>But in recent years IQ has had much more credibility and weight. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 但是近些年,智商擁有更多的可信性和重要性。


[ˌkɒmpjʊ(ː)ˈteɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l] <釋義>adj. using computers 使用計算機的,計算的 <詞根>computer計算機→compute計算→computation計算→computational計算的 <派生>compute v. 計算 computerize v. 計算機化 computation n. 計算 <例句>Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humour but language understanding and reasoning in machines. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 愛丁堡計算機語言學家Ritchie研究了笑話的語言結構不僅是為了瞭解幽默,也是為了瞭解機器語言理解和推理的原理。


[ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃən] <釋義>n. contradicting 矛盾,不一致 <詞根>已知dictionary為詞典,推出diction為詞,話語之意。


[ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃən] <釋義>n. a causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship, especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two comparable entities 相關,相關性 <詞根>cor(共同)+relation(關係)→共同的關係→相關 <例句>One interesting correlation Manton uncovered is that better-educated people are likely to live longer. (IELTS6,T2,R2) Manton發現了一個有趣的關聯現象,那就是:受到良好教育的人可能活得更長。


[ˌmalˈnʌrɪʃt] <釋義>adj. suffering from malnutrition 營養不良的,營養失調的 <詞根>mal(不好的)+ nourish(營養)+ed(形容詞後綴)→營養不良的 <派生>malnutrition n. 營養不良,營養失調 <例句>The children of the women who remained illiterate were found to be severely malnourished. (IELTS6,T4,R2) 研究發現,那些沒有讀寫能力的婦女們養育的孩子營養不良現象嚴重。


[ˌnɒnpəˈlɪtɪkəl] <釋義>adj. not political 非政治的 <詞根>non(非)+political→非政治的 <例句>The association has many opportunities to debate and we are a nonpolitical unbiased international organisation which aims to promote international awareness on campus. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 協會有很多辯論的機會,我們是非政治性無偏見的國際組織,目的是為了提高校園裡的國際意識。


[ˌnɒnrɪˈfʌndəbl] <釋義>adj. not refundable 不能歸還的 <詞根>non(非)+refund(歸還)+able(能......的)→不能歸還的 <例句>Deposits and payments are nonrefundable and non-transferable. (IELTS3,TA,R2) 存款和付款是不能歸還和轉賬的。


[ˌnəʊtəfɪˈkeɪʃən] <釋義>n. the act or an instance of notifying 通知,告示,通知書 <詞根>not(注意)+ification(使)→使注意→宣告 <派生>notify v. 通告,通知,告知 <例句>Requests for information, notification of personal details and enclosures will be looked at. (IELTS6,TB,R2) 對內容的要求、個人細節闡述和備註這些將會被查看。


[ˌpaɪrəʊˈteknɪks] <釋義>n. the art of making fireworks 煙火製造術;a public display of fireworks as an entertainment 放煙火,放煙花 <詞根>pyro(火)+technics(技術)→煙火製造技術 <例句>Prior to this, rockets were used only in pyrotechnic displays. (IELTS3,T1,R1) 在這之前,火箭只是用於燃放煙火的表演中。


[ˌpreməˈtjʊə] <釋義>adj. happening before the proper or expected time 提前的;過早的;未到期的;acting or done too soon; hasty 倉促的 <詞根>pre(提前,之前)+mature(成熟)→提前成熟的 <派生>prematurely adv. 過早地;草率地 <搭配>be premature in doing sth. 倉促做某事 <例句>premature implementation (IELTS5,T3,R3) 倉促執行 premium**[ˈpriːmɪəm] <釋義>n. an additional payment, e.g. one added to wages or interest payments; bonus 獎金;額外費用;an amount or instalment (to be) regularly paid for an insurance policy 保險費 <詞根>pre(事先)+mium(拿)→事先收取的費用→保險費 <同義>bonus,reward <搭配>put/place a premium on sth. 獎勵/鼓勵/助長某事 <例句>Furthermore, the price premium would put the produce out of reach of many poorer consumers. (IELTS7,T2,R2) 而且,額外費用導致很多不富裕的消費者根本買不起這個產品。


[ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪk] <釋義>adj. occurring or appearing at (esp. regular) intervals 定期的;週期的 <詞根>peri(一周,周圍)+od(way道路)+ic(adj.)→定期的 <派生>periodical adj. / n. / adv. 定期出版的;期刊;定期地,週期地 <同義>recurrent,intermittent,regular <例句>Periodic check-ups of the child's educational and sensory development (hearing and vision) were made to detect possible handicaps that interfere with growth and development. (IELTS5,T3,R1) 他們對兒童的教育發展和感官發展(聽覺和視覺)進行定期檢查,以此來檢測兒童成長和發展過程中可能出現的障礙。


[ˌraʃəˈnaːl] <釋義>n. the fundamental reason for or logical basis of sth. 基本原理,理論基礎的說明,原理的闡述 <例句>I want to talk about the rationale behind what I decided to do. (IELTS8,T2,L4) 我想講一下我決定要做事情的基本原理。


[ˌrefəˈrendəm] <釋義>n. referring of a political issue to a general vote by all the people of a country for a decision; vote thus taken 公民投票,(外交使節)請示書 <例句>Local pressure groups forced a referendum over whether to spend the money on light rail instead. (IELTS6,T2,R1) 當地的施壓組織強行舉行公投來決定是否要花錢建輕軌。


[ˌresəˈprɒsɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the principle or practice of mutual exchange, esp. of making concessions or granting privileges, etc. in return for concessions or privileges received 相互作用,相互性;互給,互惠 <派生>reciprocal adj. 相互的,往復的 reciprocate v. 互換,互給 <例句>He points out that play often involves complex assessments of playmates, ideas of reciprocity and the use of specialised signals and rules. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 他指出,玩耍通常包括對玩伴複雜的評價、互惠的想法和專門的信號和規則的運用。


[ˌriːəˈʃʊə] <釋義>v. to remove sb's fears or doubts; to make sb. confident again 使......安心,再保證,使......恢復信心 <詞根>re(→again再)+as(→to朝向)+sur(安全的)→使......安心,再保證 <例句>What should I do in this period, keep in touch with you and reassure you? (IELTS5,T3,L2) 在這個時候我應該做些什麼來跟你保持聯繫並且使你放心呢? rebound**[rɪˈbaʊnd] <釋義>v. to bounce back after hitting sth. 彈回;反彈n. a ball that hits sth. and bounces back 反彈球;回彈球 <詞根>re(又,再)+bound(彈跳,跳躍)→反彈 <例句>It's a mass extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from the loss is difficult to know. (IELTS4,T2,L1) 我們的損失慘重,至於能否挽回損失還很難說。


[ˌsatɪsˈfaktərɪ] <釋義>adj. good enough for a purpose 令人滿意的;圓滿的;符合要求的 <詞根>satisfac(滿意)+ory(......的)→滿意的→圓滿的;符合要求的 <派生>satisfy v. 使滿足,使滿意 satisfaction n. 滿意,滿足;令人滿意的事物 satisfied adj. 滿意的,滿足的 satisfying adj. 令人滿意的 **[反義]unsatisfactory <例句>Saving languages from extinction is not in itself a satisfactory goal. (IELTS4,T2,R1) 拯救瀕臨滅絕的語言本身並不是一個令人滿意的目標。


[ˌsekrəˈteərɪəl] <釋義>adj. relating to the work of a secretary 秘書的,書記的;部長的;大臣的 <詞根>secretary(秘書,書記)+ial(......的)→秘書的,書記的 <派生>secretary n. 秘書,書記;部長,大臣 secretariat n. 秘書處,書記處 <例句>secretarial tasks (IELTS4,TA,R2) 秘書工作 seize**[siːz] <釋義>v. to take hold of (sth.), suddenly and violently; grab 抓獲,抓住;to capture (sth.); take 奪取,攻佔;to grasp with the mind; apprehend 明白,理解;**[常用被動語態](疾病)侵襲;to affect (sb.) suddenly and overwhelmingly (情緒)支配 <搭配>seize on/upon 抓住;利用,採用 seize up(機器的某個部件)卡住,咬住,紮住 <同義>clasp, clutch, grab, grasp, grip, snatch **[反義]loose, relinquish, escape <例句>Electrical manufacturers seized on its insulating properties, and consumers everywhere relished its dazzling array of shades, delighted that they were now, at last, no longer restricted to the wood tones and drab browns of the pre-plastic era. (IELTS5,T2,R1) 電器製造商利用其絕緣性能,各地的消費者則喜歡它炫目的色調,他們很高興終於不用再局限於前塑料時代的原木色和土褐色了。


[ˌspeʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃən] <釋義>n. to develop so as to become adapted to a specific function or environment 專門化,專業化,分工 <詞根>special(特殊的,專門的)+ise(使......化)+ation(行為,過程,結果)→specialisation(特殊化,專門化)→分工 <派生>special adj. 特殊的,特別的 n. 特別的東西;特價 specialise v. 專門研究,專門從事,專攻 specialist n. 專家,行家 specially adv. 特別地 <例句>There will be an increasing specialisation in the marketplace, predicts Mr. Blyth, Customer Services Manager of a large UK bank. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 布萊斯先生是英國一家大銀行的客戶服務經理,他預測市場將會進一步的分工。


[ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd] <釋義>adj. honest and frank, without evasion (人或態度)正直的,坦率的,老實的;明確的,直截了當的 <詞根>straight(直的;誠實的,坦率的)+forward(向前)→(人或態度)正直的,坦率的,老實的 <同義>direct, genuine, honest, sincere, truthful; clear-cut **[反義]deceitful; complicated <例句>Dates...well. That's straightforward. (IELTS3,T3,S1) 日期......恩,這是明確的。


[ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃəlɪ] <釋義>adv. of or on the surface only 表面地,表層地;not thorough or profound 膚淺地,缺乏深度地 <詞根>super(在......之上)+facial(外形的,外貌的)+ly→在表層之上地→膚淺地 <派生>superficial adj. 表面的,表層的,膚淺的 superficiality n. 膚淺 <例句>Animals at play often use unique signs — tail-wagging in dogs, for example — to indicate that activity superficially resembling adult behaviour is not really in earnest. (IELTS4,T2,R3) 動物玩耍時經常使用些獨特的動作——比如狗搖尾巴——說明表面上像成年動物的活動其實並不是認真的。


[ˌsɪnɪˈmatɪk] <釋義>adj. of or relating to cinema 電影的,影片的 <詞根>cinema(電影)+tic(adj.)→電影的 <例句>Then, in 1912, an Italian 2-hour film was hugely successful, and Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today. (IELTS6,T3,R1) 1912年,一部時長2小時的意大利電影取得極大成功,而好萊塢確定了小說長度的記敘片,這到今天還是占主導地位的電影傳統。


[ˌsɪɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] <釋義>n. the meaning of a word, etc. (字詞的)含義,意義 <詞根>signify(v. 表示,代表,象徵)+tion(表示名詞)→含義,意義 <派生>signify v. 表示,代表,象徵 significant adj. 重要的,重大的,有意義的 significantly adv. 有意義地,重大地 <同義>meaning, connotation <例句>His two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark, in his own words, setting the orthography, displaying the analogy, regulating the structures, and ascertaining the significations of English words. (IELTS5,T1,R1) 他的兩卷本詞典是一項具有里程碑意義的傑作,用他自己的話說就是:它界定了正字,展示了類比,調整了結構,確保了英語詞彙的重要性。


[ˌsʌbˈtrɒpɪkəl] <釋義>adj. of regions bordering on the tropics 亞熱帶的 <詞根>sub(在下面)+tropical(熱帶的)→在熱帶下面的→亞熱帶的 <例句>The South African ball-rolling species, being a subtropical beetle, prefers the climate of northern and coastal New South Wales where it commonly works with the South African tunneling species. (IELTS3,T2,R1) 作為亞熱帶甲殼蟲的南非滾球一族,它們偏愛澳洲北部和沿海的新南威爾士的氣候,並經常與那裡的挖掘地道一族一起工作。


[ˌveərɪəˈbɪlɪtɪ] <釋義>n. the quality, state, or degree of being variable or changeable. 可變性,易變性 <派生>vary v. 改變,變動 variable adj. 易變的 n. 變量 variant n. 變體,變型 variation n. 變化,變動 variety n. 多樣化 various adj. 各種各樣的 <例句>That's part of an ongoing variability study but the results are still a long way off. (IELTS7,T3,L3) 雖然這只是正在進行的可變性研究的一部分,但是結果還需要很長時間才能出來。


[ˌɒkjəˈpeɪʃənəlɪ] <釋義>adv. of, relating to, or caused by engagement in a particular occupation 職業地 <派生>occupation n. 職業 occupational adj. 職業的 occupier n. 佔有者 occupant n. (房屋的)居住者;(職位的)佔據者 occupancy n. 佔用 <同義>professionally <例句>These expectations are often occupationally defined, sometimes even legally so. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 這些期望通常是職業守則,有時候甚至是法律規定。


[ˌɒksɪdʒəˈneɪtɪd] <釋義>adj. infused with oxygen 充滿氧氣的 <詞根>oxygen(氧氣)+ate(v.)+ed(adj.)→充滿氧氣的 <派生>oxygenate v. 供(某物)氧;用氧處理(某物) oxygen n. 氧氣 <例句>An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner uses magnetic fields and radio waves to track the changes in oxygenated blood that accompany mental activity. (IELTS5,T2,R2) 核磁共振成像掃瞄器利用磁場和無線電波來跟蹤伴隨著心理活動的含氧血液的變化情況。


[ˌɒnˈʃɔː] <釋義>adj./adv. blowing from the sea towards the land(指風)向岸(的),向陸(的);on or near the shore 在岸上(的);近岸(的) <詞根>on(在......上)+shore(濱,岸)→在岸上的 <例句>Well the information is transferred direct to onshore meteorological stations. (IELTS7,T3,L3) 內容直接被傳到岸邊的氣象台。


[ˌɔːdɪəʊˈvɪʒʊəl] <釋義>adj. using both sight and sound 音像的,視聽的 <詞根>已知audience推出audi-表示聽,已知visible推出vis-表示看 <派生>audio adj. 聽覺的;聲音的 auditory adj. 聽覺的,聽力的 visual adj. 視覺的 <例句>The Carey Learning Resources Centre provides easy access to a wide range of printed and audiovisual learning materials which can help students with coursework. (IELTS4,TA,R2) 凱裡學習資源中心提供大量的書面材料和視聽材料,可以幫助學生學習課程。


[ˌɔːnəˈmentl] <釋義>adj. of or for ornament 裝飾的;為裝飾的 <詞根>orna(裝飾)+ment(n.)+al(adj.)→裝飾的 <派生>ornament v. 美化,裝飾 ornamentation n. 裝飾,點綴 <同義>decoration <例句>If you look out here to the south, you can see a circular ornamental pond. (IELTS7,T4,L2) 如果你從這兒向南看,你會看見一個圓形的、裝飾精美的小池塘。


[ˌɔːtəˈkratɪk] <釋義>adj. an autocratic leadership style 獨裁的,專制的 <詞根>auto(自己的)+crat(統治者)+ic→自己統治的→專制的 <派生>autocrat n. 獨裁者,專制者 autocracy n. 獨裁政治,獨裁權 <例句>Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that the patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that the suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in the manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 就像醫生堅持讓病人必須每天三次在飯前服用這種白色膠囊一樣,Lozanov堅持認為暗示法教學會議必須由受過良好培訓、經過認證的暗示法教學老師主持,這一點沒有任何迴旋的餘地。


[ˌəʊvəˈjuːz] <釋義>n. 過多使用v. to use sth. too much or too often 使用過度 <詞根>over (超過的,過多的)+use(使用)→過多使用 <例句>Overuse of fertilisers may cause farmers to stop rotating crops or leaving their land fallow. (IELTS3,T2,R2) 過度使用化肥可能導致農民停止輪作或者休耕。


[ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd] <釋義>adj. crowded too much 過度擁擠的 <詞根>over(過多,過於)+crowd(人群)+ed(adj.)→過度擁擠的 <例句>Avoiding an overcrowded centre. (IELTS6,T2,R1) 不要到一個過度擁擠的中心去。


[ˌəʊvəˈlaɪɪŋ] <釋義>adj. lied over 上覆的 <詞根>over(上面)+ly(lie: 躺在,位於)+ing(adj.)→上面覆蓋的 <派生>overlie v. 放上面(覆蓋在......上面,疊加) <例句>Even though the mantle rocks are kept solid by overlying pressure, they can still slowly "flow" like thick treacle. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 即使上面的壓力會使地幔岩石保持堅固,但它們還是會像粘稠的糖漿一般緩慢流動。


[ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] <釋義>v. to put too great a load on or into (sth.) 使(某物)裝載過重 <詞根>over(超過)+load(裝載,負載)→超載 <例句>In particular, the problem of information overload, exacerbated by the growth of e-mail and the explosion in the number of web pages, means there are plenty of opportunities for new technologies to help filter and categorise information— classic AI (artificial intelligence) problems. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 尤其重要的是,內容負載過量的問題隨著電子郵件和網頁的增多而加劇,這也就意味著,它為幫助過濾和分類內容的新技術提供了大量的機會,這就是典型的人工智能問題。


[ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt] <釋義>adj. during or for the night 晚上的;夜裡的;suddenly or very quickly 突然 <詞根>over(超過)+night(晚上)→超過一個晚上 <例句>Almost overnight movies became a craze, and by 1905 people in America were lining up to see movies in "store theatres", as they were called then. (IELTS6,T2,L4) 幾乎一夜之間電影開始風靡,到1905年,美國人排隊買票去他們所謂的「商店劇院」裡看電影。


[ˌəʊvəˈsteɪt] <釋義>v. to express or state (sth.) too strongly; exaggerate 誇大(某事);言過其實 <詞根>over(超過)+state(陳述)→過多地陳述→誇大 <派生>overstatement n. 誇大,言過其實 <例句>Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. (IELTS5,T1,R3) 可以理解的是,也許有時候他們誇大了論據。


[ˌəʊvəˈstɑːft] <釋義>adj. having more members of staff than are needed for the work to be done(指辦公室等)超編的,人浮於事的 <詞根>over(超過)+staff(全體僱員)+ed(adj.)→人員過多的 <例句>This showed that these divisions were overstaffed by about 30%. (IELTS3,T4,R3) 這表明這些部門的人員編制都超標30%。


[ˌəʊvəˈʃadəʊ] <釋義>v. to cause (sth.) to be shaded or to have little light 使(某物)被遮暗,使陰暗;to cause (sb.) to seem less important or noticeable 使相形見絀或黯然失色 <詞根>over(上面)+shadow(陰影)→上面籠罩著一塊陰影→使黯然失色 <例句>Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets after the 1917 Revolution. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 然而與1917年革命之後的蘇聯相比,他們甚至都顯得黯然失色。


[ˌɪdɪəsɪnˈkratɪk] <釋義>adj. a person's particular way of thinking, behaving, etc. that is clearly different from that of others 獨特的,怪癖的 <派生>idiosyncracy n.(個人特有的)習性,癖好 <例句>I decided to test whether various lines of motion were apt ways of showing movement or if they were merely idiosyncratic marks. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 我決定測試各種運動線條是適合展示各種動作,還是它們只是風格獨特的符號。


[ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃən] <釋義>n. put (sth.) into effect; carry out 實施,運用 <詞根>im(使......)+ple(滿)+ment+ation→使圓滿,使生效→實施 <派生>implement v. 使生效,實施 <例句>In Dr Leake's opinion, the reputation of AI suffered as a result of premature implementation. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 從Leake博士的觀點來看,因為不成熟的運用,人工智能的名聲受損。


[ˌɪmpɔːˈteɪʃən] <釋義>n. the act or business of importing 進口,輸入 <詞根>im(in)+port(運送)+ation(n.)→運送進來→進口,輸入 <派生>import v. 引進,進口 n. 進口,輸入;(pl.)進口商品 importer n. 從事進口的公司或人 <例句>Since the seventeenth century, with the advent of trading companies exporting manufactured textiles to North America and Asia, the importation of cheap goods has often contributed to the destruction of local skills and indigenous markets. (IELTS3,T3,R1) 自17世紀以來,隨著貿易公司將機械製造的紡織品出口到北美以及亞洲,廉價商品的進口便對本土技術和本土市場造成了衝擊。


[ˌɪmɪˈgreɪʃən] <釋義>n. moving of people from one country to come to live in another country permanently 移居;外來的移民,移民總稱 <詞根>im(在......內)+migr(遷移)+ation(n.)→外面遷徙而來的人→移民 <派生>immigrate v. 移民 immigrant n. 移民,僑民 <例句>Information sessions: including such topics as accommodation, health, religious matters, welfare, immigration, study skills, careers and other essential information. (IELTS5,TB,R2) 內容板塊包括諸如食宿、健康、宗教、福利、移民、學習技巧、職業以及其他的生活必要內容。


[ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmənɪt] <釋義>adj. acting without careful judgement 不加區別的,不加選擇的,不加鑒別的,不分好壞的 <例句>In the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control is fast gaining popularity. (IELTS8,T4,R2) 面對濫用殺蟲劑而產生的不斷升級的危險,一種有效並對生態有益的生物控制策略很快流行起來。


[ˌɪnflʊˈenzə] <釋義>n. infectious virus disease causing fever, muscular pain and catarrh 流行性感冒(flu) <例句>In 1990, smoking caused more than 84,000 deaths, mainly resulting from such problems as pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. (IELTS3,T1,R2) 1990年,吸煙導致了84,000多人死亡,其中主要是由肺炎、支氣管炎及流行性感冒等疾病引發的。


[ˌɪnkləˈneɪʃən] <釋義>n. the degree of sloping; slant 傾斜,點頭;bending or bowing movement 彎腰;a tendency to do sth. 趨向,趨勢,傾向;a feeling that makes sb. want to behave in a particular way; disposition 愛好,癖好 <詞根>in(towards)+clin(e)(傾斜)+ation→傾向 <派生>incline v. 使傾斜,使傾向 <例句>One's first inclination might be to argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct that was activated by the experiment. (IELTS5,T1,R2) 一開始,大家可能都傾向於認為這個實驗激發了動物內在的富於攻擊性的天性。


[ˌɪnkəmˈpatəbəl] <釋義>adj. not able to live or work happily with sb. 合不來的,不能和睦相處的;not consistent or in logical agreement with sth. 不相符的,不相配的,不相容的 <詞根>in(否定)+compatible(相容的)→不相容的 <派生>incompatibility n. 不兼容性 <例句>While two fifths of the students provided the information that the rain forests provide oxygen, in some cases this response also embraced the misconception that rainforest destruction would reduce atmospheric oxygen, making the atmosphere incompatible with human life on Earth. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 雖然有五分之二的學生認為熱帶雨林能給人類提供氧氣,但是在某些情況下,這種反應也導致了人們的誤解,誤認為熱帶雨林的破壞會減少大氣中的氧氣,從而使得大氣不適合地球上人類的生活。


[ˌɪnkəˈpasɪteɪtɪd] <釋義>v. to make sb. unable (to do sth.); to weaken or disable sb. 使無能力,使失去能力 <詞根>in(not)+capacitate(具有能力)→使失去能力 <派生>incapable adj. 無能力的,不能勝任的 <例句>The most recent available figures show that about a quarter of a million people are incapacitated with back pain every day. (IELTS3,T1,L4) 最新得到的數據表明,約25萬人對背痛無能為力。


[ˌɪntə(ː)ˈməʊdl] <釋義>adj. relating to transportation by more than one means of conveyance, as by truck and rail 聯合運輸的 <詞根>inter(between)+mode(模式,形式)+al(adj.)→在不同的交通工具間傳送→聯合運輸的 <例句>But, behind the scenes, a series of technological innovations known broadly as containerisation and intermodal transportation has led to swift productivity improvements in cargohandling. (IELTS6,T1,R2) 但是在這些背景之下,一系列的技術革新已經迅速提高了貨物的運輸效率,這些革新包括廣為人知的集裝箱運輸和聯合運輸等。


[ˌɪntədɪˈpendəns] <釋義>n. a situation in which people or things depend on each other 互相依賴,互助 <詞根>inter(互相)+dependence(依賴)→互相依賴 <派生>interdependent adj. 互相依賴的 <例句>interdependence of natural resources (IELTS6,TA,R3) 自然資源的相互依賴 interface**[ˈɪntəfeɪs] <釋義>n. a surface common to two areas 界面,分界面;a place where two subjects, etc. meet and affect each other 結合部位,交接處;邊緣區域 <詞根>inter(互相)+face(臉,面)→互相接觸的面→界面,分界面 <例句>Judging from the way it watches and tracks airborne flying fish, it can apparently see fairly well through the air-water interface as well. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 從它觀察和跟蹤飛魚的方式來看,很顯然它也可以看透空氣和水的交界面。


[ˌɪntəvjuːˈiː] <釋義>n. the person who answers the questions in an interview 被採訪人;面試者 <詞根>interview+ee(被......的人)→被採訪人 <派生>interview n. 面試 interviewer n. 採訪人 <例句>The other requirement is the number of interviewees. (IELTS6,T3,L3) 另外一個要求就是面試者的數量。


[ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns] <釋義>n. an act of interfering 干涉,干預;the act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding 妨礙,打擾 <詞根>inter(between)+fere(打)+ence→打入中間→干擾,干預 <派生>interfere v. 干涉,干預;妨礙,打擾 <例句>Interference with the ecosystem can have a severe effect on both local rainfall patterns and water run-off. (IELTS6,TA,R3) 對生態系統的干預會對當地的降雨模式和水流帶來嚴重的影響。


[ˌɪntəˈmɪks] <釋義>v. to mix together; intermingle 混雜,混合 <詞根>inter(between)+mix→混雜,混合 <例句>Intermixed with the development of a number sense is the development of an ability to count. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 與人的數字意識一同發展的是人的計算能力。


[ˌɪntəˈnaʃənəlɪst] <釋義>n. the belief that nations should work together and help each other 國際主義者adj.國際主義的 <派生>international adj. 國際的 <例句>We establish links and access to the organization's agencies and other inter-nationalist organisations and their resources. (IELTS3,TB,R2) 我們與機構的代理中心和其他國際主義組織合作,並有權使用他們的資源。


[ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən] <釋義>n. to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by suddenly speaking to them, making a noise etc. 打斷,中斷,暫停 <詞根>inter(between)+rup(斷)+ion(n.)→打斷 <派生>interrupt v. 打斷,中斷;打擾 <例句>Researchers have proposed several explanations for why interruption of glucose processing and ATP production might retard aging. (IELTS6,T3,R3) 研究者已經提出了幾種說法來解釋為什麼打斷葡萄糖合成和ATP產生過程可以延緩衰老。


[ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbəl] <釋義>adj. things that are interchangeable can be used instead of each other 可以互相交換的 <詞根>inter(相互)+change+able→可以互相交換的 <派生>interchangeability n. 可以相互交換性 <例句>By the seventh century, the word teon had become interchangeable with the tachund or hund of the Anglo-Saxon language, and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig, or ten times ten. (IELTS6,T2,R3) 到7世紀的時候,teon這個詞跟盎格魯·撒克遜語言中的tachund和hund是可以互換的,因而100就描述為hund teontig或者10乘以10。


[ˌɪntəˈviːn] <釋義>v. to interfere so as to prevent sth. happening or to change the result 干涉,干預;to come or be between 介入 <詞根>inter(between)+ven(來)+e→來到中間→干涉 <派生>intervention n. 干涉,干預,介入 <例句>Although the lives of the Siriono have changed in the intervening decades, the image of them as Stone Age relics has endured. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 儘管Siriono人的生活在這些年發生了改變,但是他們作為石器時代遺跡的形象卻沒變。


[ˌɪnəkˈsesəbəl] <釋義>adj. very difficult or impossible to reach, approach, or be contacted (by sb.); not accessible 達不到的,難得到的;不可進入的,不易接近的 <詞根>in(not)+accessible(可得到的)→達不到的 <例句>Prior to the start of MIRTP the Makete district was almost inaccessible during the rainy season. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 在MIRTP開始之前,Makete地區在雨季幾乎不能進入。


[ˌɪnənˈdeɪʃən] <釋義>n. the state of receiving so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all 淹沒,氾濫 <派生>inundate v. 湧來,充滿;淹沒,氾濫 <例句>The flashy brochures and pamphlets left by the sales reps are often followed up with meals at expensive restaurants, meetings in warm and sunny places, and an inundation of promotional gadgets. (IELTS6,T4,R1) 推銷員在發放完花哨的宣傳單和宣傳冊之後,就是在價格不菲的飯店進餐,或是在一個溫暖而充滿陽光的地方開會,然後促銷的小物品也開始氾濫。


[ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbəl] <釋義>adj. too strong to be resisted 不可抗拒的;too delightful or attractive to be resisted 無法抑制的,富有誘惑力的 <詞根>ir(not)+resistible(可抗拒的)→不可抗拒的 <例句>During quiet periods, volcanoes cap themselves with their own lava by forming a powerful cone from the molten rocks slopping over the rim of the crater; later the lava cools slowly into a huge, hard, stable plug which blocks any further eruption until the pressure below becomes irresistible. (IELTS4,T3,R2) 在火山休眠期,火山溢出的熔岩堆積成一個強大的錐體,把火山用自身的熔岩蓋了起來;隨後,這些熔岩慢慢冷卻,之後形成一個巨大的、堅硬的、穩定的石塊來阻止火山的進一步爆發,除非下面的壓力大到不可抗拒。


[ˌʌndəˈlaɪ] <釋義>v. to form the basis of (sb's actions, a theory, etc); account for 構成......的基礎 <詞根>under(下面)+lie(位於)→位於下面的→構成......的基礎 <例句>Unlike the multitude of elixirs being touted as the latest anti-aging cure, calorie restriction(CR) mimetics would alter fundamental processes that underlie aging. (IELTS6,T3,R3) 和許多宣稱是最新的抗衰老藥不同,能量控制模型將改變衰老的基本過程。


[ˌʌndəˈɡəʊ] <釋義>v. to experience or endure (sth. unpleasant or painful) 遭受,經歷;to be subjected to (a process, etc.) 忍受 <詞根>under(在下面)+go→走在下面→經歷,遭受 <例句>Recognising the potential benefits of being identified as environmentally responsible, fisheries approach the Council requesting to undergo the certification process. (IELTS7,T4,R2) 如果被標注為對環境負責,漁業從業者將會有潛在的利益,認識到這一點,他們紛紛要求委員會給予認證。


[ˌʌnɪmˈpiːdɪd] <釋義>adj. happening or moving without being stopped or having difficulty 不受阻礙的 <詞根>un(not)+impeded(阻礙的)→不受阻礙的 <例句>This would have allowed river traffic to continue unimpeded during construction. (IELTS7,TB,R3) 這使得江河交通在建設過程中繼續暢通。


[ˌʌnˈliːʃ] <釋義>v. to set sth. free from a leash or restraint 把(情緒、力量等)宣洩出來,釋放 <搭配>unleash sth. (against/on/upon sb./sth.) 宣洩,釋放 <例句>And if they are within the central, tensile region of the pane, the stresses this unleashes can shatter the whole sheet. (IELTS5,T4,R2) 如果它們處於玻璃中間可拉伸的區域,那麼,釋放出來的壓力會粉碎整塊玻璃。


[ˌʌnˈveɪl] <釋義>v. to remove one's veil; to remove a veil from (sth./sb.) 除去......的覆蓋,取下面紗;to remove a cloth, etc. from (sth.), esp. as part of a public ceremony 舉行......的揭牌典禮;to show or announce (sth.) publicly for the first time 揭露,吐露 <詞根>un(not)+veil(面紗,遮蓋)→除去......的覆蓋 <例句>Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes. (IELTS6,T1,R1) 幾年前,澳大利亞體育學院展示了他們為耐力運動員設計的冷凝縫合運動衣。


[θatʃ] <釋義>n. dried straw, reeds, etc. 茅草,蘆葦 v. to cover (a roof) or roof (a house, etc.) with thatch 用茅草蓋 <例句>Their villages were little more than clusters of thatched huts. (IELTS3,T3,R2) 他們的村莊只不過是一間間茅草屋。


[θɔː] <釋義>v. to change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming. See Synonyms at melt 解凍,融化 n. the process of thawing 解凍期,融雪期 <例句>Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws. (IELTS6,T1,R3) 因紐特家庭坐著雪橇外出準備他們夏天的獵營,但是由於冰雪提前融化,他們發現自己被一大片泥擋住了回家的路。

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