Level F Unit 4

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(adj.) able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly SYNONYMS: springy, elastic ANTONYMS: rigid, stiff, inflexable


(adj.) coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language), foul-mouthed SYNONYMS: obscene, filthy, abusive, vituperative ANTONYMS: decorous, seemly, tasteful, dignified


(adj.) courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to SYNONYMS: genial, amicable, cordial ANTONYMS: surly, cantankerous, dour, inhospitable


(adj.) incapable of being changed or called back SYNONYMS: unrecallable, unalterable ANTONYMS: reversible, changeable


(adj.) incapable of being understood; impossible to see through physically SYNONYMS: impenetrable, incomprehensible, enigmatic ANTONYMS: comprehensible, intelligible, penetrable


(adj.) peevish, complaining, fretful SYNONYMS: petulant, irritable ANTONYMS: uncomplaining, stoical


(adj.) persistent, showing industry and determination SYNONYMS: assiduous, indefatigable ANTONYMS: indolent, listless


(adj.) relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience SYNONYMS: narrow-minded, parochial, provincial ANTONYMS: catholic, cosmopolitan, liberal


(adj.) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic SYNONYMS: profoundly educated, well-read ANTONYMS: ignorant, uneducated, illiterate


(adj.) shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity, or cohesion SYNONYMS: formless, unstructured, inchoate ANTONYMS:


(adj.) thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; shoddy or inferior in quality or character; ethically low, mean, or disreputable SYNONYMS: inferior, cheezy ANTONYMS: superior, first-rate


(adj.) thin, light, delicate, insubstantial; (n.) a very thin, light cloth SYNONYMS: (adj.) filmy, diaphanous, sheer, airy, feathery, gauzy ANTONYMS: (adj.) dense, solid, massive


(n.) a natural inclination or predilection toward The young boy has a propensity for tantrums. Whenever something doesn't go his way, he has a major meltdown. SYNONYMS: natural bent, proclivity, penchant ANTONYMS: natural incapacity or inability


(n.) an original model on which something was patterned or replicated; the ideal example of a particular type of person or thing SYNONYMS: model, prototype, epitome


(n.) illegal traffic, smuggled goods; (adj.) illegal, prohibited SYNONYMS: (adj.) bootleg, unlawful ANTONYMS: (adj.) legal, lawful, licit


(n.) that which surrounds (as an atmosphere); a distinctive air or personal quality SYNONYMS: ambience, atmosphere


(v.) to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to SYNONYMS: reason against, expostulate


(v.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of SYNONYMS: disavow, renounce ANTONYMS: avow, affirm, aver


(v.) to increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater SYNONYMS: augment, amplify, enhance, exalt ANTONYMS: reduce, decrease, diminish


(v.) to re-echo, resound; to reflect or be reflected repeatedly SYNONYMS: rumble, thunder, boom, echo

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