Library 160 Final Review

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Youve just read a wonderful book on the Jacobite uprising in 1745 in Scotland and youd like to learn more. Youre not sure whether uprising is the right word, or whether you should use rebellion. As discussed in chapter 3, which example of a nested search would best fit your topic? (jacobite uprising OR 1745) AND scotland (jacobite uprising AND jacobite rebellion) AND scotland (jacobite uprising OR jacobite rebellion) OR scotland (jacobite uprising OR jacobite rebellion) AND scotland (scotland OR great britain) AND jacobite uprising

(Jacobite uprising OR Jacobite rebellion) AND Scotland

Use the Material Type drop down menu in quick search advanced search, which search strategy is the most efficient and effective to find the following: books, all items, maps, and, audio visual Anything & everything possible with search terms marvel entertainment Books on skiing for physical fitness A DVD about the architect Frank Lloyd Wright A map showing ancient sites of the Maya People

-All Items -Books -Audio Visual -Maps

Identify two common features of scholarly information as described in chapter 1. meant for current news purposes includes footnotes and references has gone through peer review published by important publisher author is anonymous to avoid bias

-Includes footnotes and references -Has gone through peer review

Whole sentences can be used Uses pre-defined terms Uses everyday language Most likely to yield relevent results

-Natural Language -Controlled vocabulary -natural language -Controlled vocabulary

chapter 3 discusses searching by specific fields. Click the Advanced Search link under the Quick Search box. In the Advanced search area select the correct field drop down menu option to use for finding items... Subject, any field, author/creator, title That include the word flexagons in the title About the vaccination of animals Written by the National Gallery of Australia Written by Goodall about chimpanzees

-Title -Subject -Author/creator -Any field

Quick Search lets you refine or narrow your search results using links on the right side of the screen. Do a search on textiles marketing. What are some criteria that can refine your search results in Quick Search? True or false By topic By author/creator By subscription date By tags

-True -True -False -False

Youre looking for information on developing effective presentation skills. Match the information sources listed below to the appropriate finding tool - WorldCat, Quick Search, or Google Books Materials in libraries nearest you; libraries nearest you that own copies of your textbook; books owned by any library that you can interlibrary loan for free Ebooks you can download or buy; scanned full text or excerpted books to read online; free ebooks for your android or iPhone.

-World Cat -Google Books

You want to find out about traditional fertilizers used for growing corn before modern agricultural technology was developed. Since this is a complex topic, you want to break it down into its main concepts to help identify keywords that could help you search, as described in Chapter 1. Are the keywords below examples of the essential concepts from this topic? 1. Technology 2. Corn 3. Fertilizer 4. Traditional

1.Non essential 2. essential 3. essential 4. essential

According to Chapter 2, which TWO examples of search topics below would be most likely to have useful results in Wikipedia? a broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on original research information on global marketing trends a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter movement research journal articles on human computer interaction

A broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter Movements

Which of the dates listed below is the indicator of the currency of a web page's content? The date given on a page that now has broken link. The most recent date given in the page's author's credentials The copyright date listed for the web page A date listed after "Page created on..." A date listed after "Last updated on..."

A date listed after "Last updated on..."

Not a finding tool as defined in chapter 1

Books & Journals

Look for background information in

Books and encyclopedias

As an information finding tool, Quick search is the beast tool for finding: US federal and state government websites open access online resources Interlibrary Loan materials quick and easy facts on your research topic books and more that the ISU Library owns

Books and more that the ISU library owns

You're working on a group project and need the book Understanding immigration law, by Kevin R. Johnson. Search for this book by clicking the Books tab in WorldCat (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Which is the nearest library to ISU that owns this book? (You may need to enter 50011 in the zip code box if you are accessing WorldCat from outside of Ames.) ISU Library owns this Ames Public library Drake university law library University of Iowa library University of Minnesota Library

Drake University Law Library

What does the "peer" refer to in "peer reviewed article" as defined in chapter 1? The article is available through a peer-to-peer sharing network. Several authors who are peers of each other co-wrote the article. Experts in the same subject as the author critiqued the article. Your classmates agree you picked a good source to use for a project. The article has been "liked" on social media.

Experts in the same subject as the authors critiqued the article.

For the statements on information "Value" below, indicate which are true or false, as described in Chapter 2: Free information has no value Only paywalled materials have value Value may be contextual depending on what you need Value can mean usefulness

False False True True

You find a peer reviewed article and a blog written by the same person who is an expert on the topic. Using what youve learned in chapter 2, indicate which of the following statements are true or false. Blogs should never be used for academic purposes. Only the article is authoritative because its peer reviewed. Both the article and the blog are authoritative. If you need peer-reviewed material, only article should be used.

False False True True

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is an important service offered by research libraries. For each of the following, indicate whether the statement about Interlibrary Loan in true or false: ILL allows you to borrow items from other libraries for a fee ILL is an example of libraries working together to keep costs down The ILL service can be used by ISU undergrad students ILL material are open access for use worldwide

False True True False

To find information on the effects of the French revolution on Europe's economy, which one of the choices below could best be used as search terms for finding information on the topic? French Revolution and Europe Revolution and development and economy French Revolution and Europe and economy French Revolution and development Effects of revolution on Europe's economy

French Revolution and Europe and economy

Its important to know where to find a book in the library. You heard about a book called The Human, the orchid, and octopus. Search for that book now in Quick Search to answer the following questions: What is the call number of this book? Now click on the call number to view the book's location within the library. On which floor or Tier is this book located?

GC30 C68 A3 2007 Floor 2

Use quick search to search for the book Greek: A history of the language and its speakers. Where is this book located? General Collection Media Center Reference Center Leisure Collection Design Reading Room Stacks

General Collection

For the topics listed belowm indicate which finding tool would be the best choice: Google or Google Scholar? A weather forecast for Ames, Iowa for the next four days. A report on the effects of past years weather on the iowa soybean harvest. A list of past and future host cities for the Olympic Games. In depth analysis on the economic impact of past Olympic Games on their host cities.

Google Google scholar Google Google Scholar

What is the difference between Google and Google Scholar? Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials. Google Scholar is for professors doing research and should not be used by students. Google Scholar only searches .edu websites. There is no significant difference between Google and Google Scholar. Google searches the whole web, while Google Scholar searches all the library's journal articles.

Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials.

Look for statistical info in

Government sources

Chapter 1 discusses how to get started with research and the information-seeking process. According to the chapter, which of the following is important to consider when getting started?

How much information do you need for your project.

The top row of books is arranged in the correct order. Now, in which space (A,B,C,or D) would each of the books in the second row be shelved? You need to get all four call numbers correct to get credit on this question. Book 1 goes - Book 2 goes - Book 3 goes - Book 4 goes -

In space c In space B In space A In space D

1. Best choice for finding scholarly journals


May not include full text


As described in Chapter 1, which ONE of the following best characterizes what is meant by "scholarly information"? Publications that are owned by more than one library Information content produced in and for academic settings All materials owned by libraries are scholarly in essence Academic textbooks for college courses and scholars like you Information that is neither primary nor secondary source material

Information produced in and for academic settings

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use primary sources for a project or paper? "primary source" means the first and most relevant materials you should use it's a good idea to include peer-reviewed material in scholarly projects it may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time primary sources are considered to be more authoritative than secondary sources primary sources are one of the best sources for statistics and data

It may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time.

Look for subject focused information in

Journal articles

2. Hard to focus your search

Library Discovery Tools

What is the main reason a sponsored link website gets placed at the top of search engine results? Credibility - websites are ranked by the search engine, with the best at the top. Money - the search engine company is paid to place it at the top. Good website design - the search engine sponsors them as innovative examples. Popularity - these are the most visited websites. Relevance - search engines have algorithms to rank relevancy, so websites most relevant to your search get placed at the top.

Money-The search engine company is paid to place it at the top.

Look for news and general info in

Newspaper articles

According to these book number ranges, this book should he located: On shelf 4 On shelf 2 On shelf 3 On shelf 1 None of these - keep looking

On shelf 1

Boolean operators (AND OR NOT) affect your search results. If you do a seach in Quick Search for books using the search phrase graffiti AND Los Angeles, youll retrieve about 10 records for books. If you re-do that search as graffiti OR Los Angeles, you will broaden your search results (retrieve more records). Why is this so? Booleans give you more control over your keyword search results. OR is useful when you need to search synonyms or variant forms of a word. Because using AND always narrows search results. Using Booleans narrows your search results. OR will show results containing either one or all of the search terms.

Or will show results containing either one or all of the search terms.

This chapter discusses the difference between open web material and paywalled resources. For each item below, idicate if it describes Open, Paywalled, or both types of resource. The resource requires you to login The resource is scholarly You can view the resource regardless of your affiliation Your access to the resource depends on being enrolled at Iowa State University

Paywalled Could be both Open Paywalled

You are researching the history of Iowa just after becoming a state in 1846. One of the information sources you have found on this is a transcript of an 1846 speech given by an Iowa politician. Is this source primary or secondary, and why? Primary because you want to use it as your main source of information. Secondary because the source is based on earlier sources and analyzes the speech. Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given. Secondary because it is not a very important source. Primary because a single person created the transcript.

Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given

Looking for current stock market prices

Quick information seeking

Reading the local newspaper for this week's weather.

Quick information seeking

You need to read a copy of 2003 edition of America's Priceless heritage: Cultural and fossil resources on public lands, but all copies are checked out from ISU Library. What are your choices in Google Books For this title? you need first to have an Android, iPhone, iPad, or Nook in order to read the ebook buy it from since Google Books doesn't have it find it in other libraries & use ILL since Google Books doesn't have free full-text of the whole book read scanned full-text online or download the free mobile ebook get the free mobile ebook since Google Books doesn't have scanned full-text for this title

Read scanned full text online or download the free mobile ebook

If you discover the Library does not own the book you need, which of the following is the best option for you to access the book? Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan service Petition your professor to give you an alternate assignment You would need to change your topic to find something the Library owns Check Document Delivery to see if another library will buy it for you Check with staff at Circulation to see if they can order it for the ISU Library

Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan Service

Scenario: You're writing a paper on how to quit smoking. You know some things, but need specific information about the use of yoga to help quit smoking. According to chapter 1, which one of the following is your best option for finding subject-focused information on your specified topic? Books, encyclopedia articles, and authoritative websites Newspaper articles, magazines, and websites Popular publications such as magazines Sources from governmental organizations and agencies Research journal articles

Research journal articles

Requesting a journal article from interlibrary loan.


Using Advanced Search in Google Scholar would allow you to: Search only case law Find only peer reviewed articles Return results from ISU Library Search for an exact phrase

Search for an exact phrase

You see a news article on Facebook that seems unbelievable and youve never heard of the news organization this article came from. Indicate below the most effective step for verifying the quality of the news source. Search Media Bias/Fact Check for information on the news organization Assume all their facts are wrong if you don't like the source's perspectives Check how many Facebook likes & comments the article has received Use WorldCat's Advanced search to look for books by the article's author Use Facebook's Advanced search to look for article's author

Search media bias/Fact check for information on the news organization

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use secondary sources for a project or paper? Secondary sources are considered to be more authoritative than primary sources It's a good idea to include sources with two authors in your paper Secondary sources should be included only if you need to be comprehensive Secondary sources are one of your best choices for eyewitness perspectives Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic

Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic.

scenario: You and your roommate both need to find scholarly materials for a paper on the topic of using Twitter's daily trending topics to market lifestyle products to young adults. You've been told to use a scholarly article index. Your roommate uses the following search terms: using Twitter's daily trending topics to market lifestyle products to young adults but gets poor results, including some items that don't look relevant. According to Chapter 1, what would be the best next step to ensure that you both get more relevant results? -Use Google instead since it has more scholarly articles on this topic - Add more words to your original search terms to get more results - Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts Look for open web resources because they will be free to access -Change your topic because there is obviously little written in this area

Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts.

Google Scholar results often list older articles first. Which TWO of the following choices help you easily find recent articles in your results? Sort results by date instead of relevance. Uncheck the "include citation" option. Use the facets to select a year. Skip to a later page of search results.

Sort results by date instead of relevance. Use the facets to select a year

During a class lecture, your professor mentions a book about leadership and corporate culture by authors named Avery and Bergsteiner. Which of the following advanced strategies in Quick Search is the most effective way to find this book, and why? Strategy 1 because using the Boolean AND will greatly expand your search results. Strategy 2 because you have expanded your search strategy by using three rows. Strategy 1 because the search settings match what you know about the subject and authors. Strategy 3 because it will match Avery and Bergsteiner as the authors. Strategy 3 because it will find the exact phrase "leadership and corporate culture" as a subject.

Strategy 1 because the search settings match what you know about the subject and authors

Using the Evaluation criteria in Chapter 2, go to this website and evaluate it: What are the credentials for the author(s) of the website? An author is listed but not credentials. The author has a PhD in Mesoamerican Civilization. The author works at University of Minnesota's Anthropology Department. There is no author listed. The author works at Angelfire for Automatic Language Translator.

The author works at University of Minnesota's Anthropology Department.

Which of the following are points that can demonstrate the accuracy of a website? Whether the site is written for beginners or experts with the topic The site was carefully edited and does not include grammatical errors. Whether the site is open or requires you to set up an account and login A statement of the purpose of the website is clearly stated The top-level domain (such as .edu, .com, .us...) of the website

The site was carefully edited and does not include grammatical errors.

As described in Chapter 2, what is a potential benefit for researchers in using social media in addition to traditional scholarly publishing. They can get stress relief by socializing online. It allows them to observe what their students are doing online. Social media is widely used by journal peer reviewers There is no reason for them to use social media tools They may reach different audiences through social media

They may reach different audiences through social media

You are attempting to access an article. Which TWO choices below are reasons you might be prompted with the following screen? This article is open access and requires you to pay a fee. This article is being provided for free on a trial basis. This article is part of a subscription journal. ISU owns a copy of this article and you are on campus. You are off-campus and not logged into your ISU account.

This article is part of a subscription journal

Using the criteria in Chapter 2, click on the link and evaluate this website: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. What is the main purpose of this website? To compare and contrast the American and the French revolutions To identify the main cities where the American revolution was fought. To promote ideals of democracy and liberty to the public at large To give a timeline on the american revolution.

To identify the main cities where the American Revolution was fought.

Knowing when the event you are researching happened is important because it helps you: to come up with useful search terms for finding information on your topic from relying too much on using only websites for your assignments to know how much information and what types of information may be available to understand that many research tools are organized by subject to find primary and secondary sources on your topic

To know how much information and what types of information may be available.

What is the main purpose of subject headings? To access items that library does not own To organize resources according to subject areas To access online resources to subject databases To organize library subjects by their formats To index scholarly articles by head authors

To organize resources according to subject areas

Indicate whether the statements below about Google Scholar are true or false. An ISU student, you can access paywalled articles the Library owns in your Google Scholar search results. Google Scholar equally covers all subject areas. You will need to login to Google Scholar to use it on campus You can find a variety of scholarly materials with Google Scholar.

True False False True

1. Misses most subscription-based scholarly info.

Web Based search engines

Use Quick Search to search for the book Balanced website design: Optimising aesthetics, usability and purpose by Dave Lawrence and Soheyla Tavakol. Click on the title of the book you just found to see the full display with more details. If you wanted to find more books that address effective web design strategies, which link in the full display should you click? Link to TOC Table of Contents Dave Lawrence - 1958 Web sites -- Design Media Design

Web Sites -- Design

2. best choice for finding up to date information

Web search engines

Using what you know about Wikipedia contributors from this chapter, give TWO reasons why you might want to use an additional source. Wikipedia articles are not traditionally peer reviewed. Wikipedia contributors are all from the US. Wikipedia contributors tend to be from the life sciences only. Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees.

Wikipedia articles are traditionally not peer reviewed Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees

You are researching the most recent space exploration news from the last three days. Based on what you have learned about the flow of information, which of these types of information sources can you expect to find about this? Photos or films from the event Books describing the impact of the event Scholarly articles analyzing the event News reports made about the event

Yes No No Yes

Now, click on the relevant subject heading that you identified in the previous question and analyze your search results. Which of the following best describes your new results: You saved your search results to your Library account You discovered the table of contents for this book You retrieved more books by this author on this topic You used Library of Congress call numbers to find the book You focused your results to be on this exact subject

You focused your results to be on this exact subject

Youre using quick search to look for the film the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. An item in your search results indicates that "2 versions of this record exist." According to chapter 3, which choice below best explains what this means? You have found 2 items of any format (book, video, etc) that have this same title There happen to be three different films in the Library with this exact title You have found three music CDs (music records) with this exact title The Library owns three duplicate copies of the popular film with this title Librarians do not agree on the cataloging of this item, thus 2 different versions exist

You have found 2 items of any format (book, video, etc) that have this same title

Truncation is a keyword search technique that helps you find useful variations of a term or terms. You want to find books on the topic of adaptation or adaptability in relation to biology. Where should you best truncate in this example? adapt* and biology ad* and biology ada* and biology adaptab* and biology adaptation* and biology

adapt* and biology

4. Not a finding tool as defined in chapter 1

books and journals

4. not a finding tool as defined in chapter 1

books and journals

3. May not include full-text


Hard to focus your search

library discovery tool

3. Best choice for finding what a specific library owns

library discovery tools

You have examined a website in order to evaluate it and have found that the site includes many links that no longer work. According to Chapter 2, this suggests that the website... Has credible authors May lack currency may lack accuracy has a biased point of view has a purpose of informing its readers

may lack currency

using three different article indexes to find articles


Misses most subscription based scholarly resources

web search engines

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