Life of Pi Notecards

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Once again in Ch. 6 the point of view shifts from first person to third person. Who do you think is speaking in this chapter?


At the end of the chapter, he begins talking about doctors, nurses, and his medical health. What do you think the author is trying to convey here?

Author foreshadowing narrator has some sort of medical trauma.

Who is the first speaker in the book? What kind of person does he seem to be? How can you tell?

Author. On a whim goes to India. Romantic

What can we infer about the narrator so far?

Came from India and he was in the hospital for a medical problem.

Do you believe everything the narrator says in the "Author's Note"? How reliable do you think he is? Why?

Can't believe everything. "Fiction is the selective transforming reality." "We sacrifice our imagination."

How are atheists like believers, according to Pi?

Follow their reason and take a "leap of faith."

What can we determine about Mr. Patel from his tone?

Gently and intensely emotional. Interested in animals.

What language and imagery does Pi use to describe Mr. Kumar?

Geometric, triangular, parallel lines. Represents abstracts reasoning and associated with theoretical concepts.

Why does Mr. Kumar love the zoo?

He likes that it's orderly. People with their emotions and irrationality cause the problems.

How did Pi get his name and why is it significant?

He's named after a swimming pool. It was Mama's favorite pool.

What detail does the author note in ch. 6?

Kitchen is jam full. Looks like is stocking for disaster.

Who first tells the author about Mr. Patel's story? How many storytellers does this make in the book so far?

Mr. Adirubasamy. 3

Explain what animals represent to Mr. Kumar and how his views on animals differ from Pi's.

Mr. Kumar- fine illustrations of science. Pi- representative of order in the world and spiritual harmony.

What distinction does Mr. Patel make between the ocean and the swimming pool?

Ocean-proper Pool-formal

What signifiant trait did the narrator and Mamaji share?

Old man taught him to swim.

Whom is the narrator in ch. 6 describing?


What might be significant about the name Pi?

Pi stood for pool. Diameter of circle (3.14)

Describe the relationship between Pi and Mr. Kumar.

Pi's mentor and Pi disagrees on religious issues but majors in zoology because of Mr. Kumar.

Why does Mr. Kumar not believe in God?

Prayed to God to cure his polio but medicine did.

What were Mr. Patel's two majors in college? What connection does he make between the two?

Religious studies and zoology.

Why does Mr. Kumar call the zoo his "temple"?

Sees animals as models for human behavior.

What qualities does Pi show in choosing his own name? What kind of person is Pi Patel?

Shows will to survive and that he can take control.

What is most significant about the story that the author hears?

The story will make you believe in God.

What problem does Pi have with agnostics?

They dwell in doubt.

What animal does Pi's father believe is "even more dangerous than us"?

Tiger. When we give animals human emotions.

According to Pi, why do zoologists "commonly say...that the most dangerous animal in a zoo is man"?

Torment animals and humans bring in dangerous things.

Ch. 2 is very short. Why do you think the author included this chapter. What is hinted at this chapter?

Transition between Pi's life in Canada and in India. Young but gray hair.

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