Life Span Development Ch 7-13

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Achievement tests are to aptitude tests as _____ is to _____. A. fruit; apple B. knowledge; potential C. intelligence; creativity D. long; short


Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children _____. A. play hide and seek B. use a play face C. determine a social hierarchy D. look angry


Aggression used to obtain a toy or other object is _____. A. reactive B. bullying C. instrumental D. personal


Holly is taking the PIRLS, which is the main international test of _____. A. IQ B. science and math C. reading D. creative problem solving


In the United States, about ____ percent of children saw a dentist for preventive care in 2013. A. 50 B. 100 C. 75 D. 25


Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky differed over the most important factors in a child's cognitive development. In general, Piaget described _____; Vygotsky noted ______. A. information processing; brain maturation B. brain maturation; universal changes C. universal changes; cultural impact D. cultural impact; social instruction


Jobe told his grandma, "I catched two mouses in a trap." Jobe's speech errors are an example of _____. A. past imperfect tense B. egocentric speech C. overregularization D. literal translation


When Birgitta gave birth, her mother moved in with the young family to help care for the newborn. This sort of caregiving by someone other than the baby's parent is called _____. A. kinship B. kangaroo care C. allocare D. humanism


A child can have autistic symptoms for many reasons. This reflects the developmental principle of _____. A. psychopathology B. comorbidity C. multifinality D. equifinality


After seeing her new haircut for the first time, Tania began crying inconsolably. She cried, "You turned me into a boy!" Tania's statement is an example of "_____." A. egocentrism B. static thinking C. symbolic thinking D. a focus on appearance


Gerald was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age. Throughout school he had extreme academic difficulties, though he excelled at art. When he graduated from high school he started a career as an artist and quickly began to sell his work and achieved critical acclaim. As an adult he was experiencing life success even though he still had symptoms of ADHD. Which of the four general principles of developmental psychopathology does this example best illustrate? A. Diagnosis and treatment reflect the social context. B. Abnormality is normal. C. Disability changes year by year. D. Plasticity and compensation are widespread.


IQ tests _____. A. do not accurately reflect aptitude B. do not accurately reflect achievement C. reflect multicultural understanding D. are influenced by culture


In USA, parents tend to attribute success to A. Good luck B. Follow instructions C. Working hard D. Being smart


Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the results of the NICHD? A. Nonparental care environments almost always provide unique benefits to children. B. Nonparental care environments are never detrimental to child development. C. Nonparental care should never be promoted to parents due to the negative consequences for families. D. Nonparental care environments sometimes pose risks to young children and sometimes provide benefits.


School buses have flashing lights on them as a form of _____ prevention. A. secondary B. primary C. quaternary D. tertiary


Which is NOT one of the types of play identified by Mildred Parten? A. associative play B. parallel play C. onlooker play D. personal play


Distal parenting tends to produce children who are _____. A. self-aware B. compliant C. clingy D. cooperative


Erica is a young girl that has been recently diagnosed with ADHD. Which of the following is NOT likely a symptom of ADHD? A. low intelligence B. inattentiveness C. impulsiveness D. hyperactivity


In 1975 the Education of All Handicapped Children Act stipulated that children with special needs must be educated in the _____. A. least restrictive environment B. inclusion classroom C. resource room D. mainstreamed classroom


In industrialized nations like the United States and Canada, which nutrients are MOST often lacking in a child's diet? A. calcium, iron, and zinc B. magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin D C. B vitamins D. vitamin C and vitamin E


In neuroscience terms, neurons have two types of impulses: _____. A. activate-inhibit B. in-out C. right-left D. myelinate-lateralize


Increased levels of cortisol are associated with an infant experiencing _____. A. sadness B. well-being C. anger D. secure attachment


Jane is in the third grade but reads at the level of a preschooler. Jane's teacher thinks that she reverses letters and may have _____. A. dyslexia B. ADHD C. dyscalculia D. autism spectrum disorder


Jared, who speaks only English, has moved to Spain with his family. He attends a public school. All of his school subjects are taught in Spanish. Jared is learning Spanish through _____. A. immersion B. bilingual education C. an ESL program D. a Spanish-as-a-second-language program


Jaspreet frequently plays the piano whenever her family has guests because she enjoys the praise and attention that she receives. When alone, however, Jaspreet rarely plays the piano. Jaspreet's motivation _____. A. is mostly extrinsic B. will persist through adulthood C. needs to be punished by her parents D. brings her great pleasure


Learning Circle Preschool emphasizes individual pride and achievement while focusing on teaching young children literacy-related tasks. Learning Circle's approach seems to most closely resemble a(n) _____ program. A. Montessori B. bilingual C. Reggio Emilia D. intervention


Metacognition refers to _____. A. thinking about one's thinking processes B. improving one's problem-solving strategies C. considering multiple alternatives D. memorizing detailed information


Mr. and Mrs. Morrow want to instill a sense of intrinsic motivation in their 5-year-old daughter Yin. Yin brings home a drawing of her school and classroom. How should the Morrows respond? A. "You really worked hard on this drawing!" B. "Why didn't you color your picture?" C. "Wow! You are the best artist at school!" D. "You really should have worked harder on this."


Play can be divided into two kinds: ____ play, when a child is alone, and ____ play, which occurs with playmates. A. solitary; social B. parallel; prosocial C. parallel; cooperative D. onlooker; parallel


Poor oral health during childhood can lead to all of the following EXCEPT: A. heart attacks. B. jaw malformation. C. speech problems. D. chewing difficulties.


Regis, a 6-year-old, can correctly name objects, catch a ball and throw it, and write his ABCs in proper sequence. His younger brother Mark is much less speedy and skillful in all of these areas. What is the best explanation for Regis's superior performance? A. Regis's brain has experienced greater myelination than Mark's. B. Regis's frontal cortex is less mature than Mark's. C. Regis has fewer dendrites than Mark. D. Regis most likely eats healthier foods than Mark.


The child in the video example (funniest commercial) has _________ A. externalizing problem B. internalizing problem C. cooperative play D. extrinsic motivation


The coordinated interaction between caregiver and infant is called "_____." A. synchrony B. scaffolding C. interplay D. symbiosis


Which of the following children is illustrating characteristics of a secure attachment? A. Xu is willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver. B. Chad mimics his mother's expressions in a familiar environment. C. Valerie clings to her mother in a new environment. D. Morgan refuses to let other children play with his toys.


Which of the following new hypotheses related to the increased rates of autism has been proven false? A. Unaffectionate or unavailable mothers during infancy may be related to the development of autism. B. The diagnosis of autism has increased, not the actual prevalence of the disorder. C. Environmental agents may be related to autism, such as new chemicals in food, air, or water. D. Prenatal influences may be related to autism, such as maternal drug use or maternal viruses.


Which statement about emotional development in toddlers is true? A. Emotions like pride and humility are dependent on cultural values. B. Toddlers will universally feel proud of themselves. C. Toddlers are naturally humble. D. Toddlers are no longer distressed when separated from their parents.


Which statement about left-handed people is true? A. Their corpus callosa tend to be thicker than those of right-handed people. B. They are less likely to succeed in sports. C. Myelination takes longer for them than it does for right-handed people. D. The language areas of their brains are on the right side of the brain.


Which statement about treatment for autism is TRUE? A. No biochemical treatment has been found to be completely successful for treating autism. B. Some vaccinations can cause autism. C. Risperidone has been found to cure autism. D. Hyperbaric treatments have been found to be harmful to children with autism spectrum disorders.


A parenting style characterized by high parent-to-child communication, low warmth, and high expectations of maturity is _____. A. permissive B. authoritarian C. authoritative D. neglectful


A study of all elementary schools in Illinois found that schools with the least time scheduled for physical activity tend to be those: A. with the highest reading scores. B. with predominately low-SES students. C. with predominately middle-class students. D. with the highest mathematics scores.


According to Erikson, children have _____, and thus believe that they can achieve any goal. A. a sense of self-doubt B. an optimistic self-concept C. a weak self-concept D. strong feelings of guilt


According to Jean Piaget, a child between the ages of 6 and 11 can apply logical principles to _____. A. chemistry and physics B. concrete situations (real, tangible, visible) C. abstractions, such as truth and liberty D. questions of social justice and equality


Allen is 3 years old. He ignores people when they are in the room, and if people speak to him he does not make eye contact. He also will not initiate communication, but rather just repeats what someone has said. Finally, Allen plays with a spinning top for hours. He just spins it, watches it, and when it stops spins it again. Allen may be showing signs of _____. A. ADHD B. autism C. a learning disability D. bipolar disorder


As a father, Aahil rates low on nurturance and communication and high on obedience. He exhibits the _____ style of parenting. A. neglecting B. authoritarian C. permissive D. authoritative


Austin's parents neglected him, and the court determined that he needed to be removed from their care while his parents dealt with the issues that led to his neglect. He was placed with his aunt, who provided _____. A. day care B. kinship care C. adoptive care D. foster care


Children who eat few fast foods are less likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT: A. asthma. B. food allergies. C. watery eyes. D. nasal congestion.


Finn shouts, "Yo dude! Did you see that bad shooting star?" Finn is likely speaking to his _____. A. parent B. friend C. teacher D. grandparent


In Japan, "struggling" at work indicates: A. Underachieving B. Working hard C. Being not smart D. Not learning the material


In the Strange Situation, a sign of insecure attachment might be _____. A. smiling at the mother when she returns to the room B. crying and unable to be comforted when the mother returns C. playing happily as long as the mother is present D. seeking contact with the mother when reunited


In the Strange Situation, a sign of secure attachment is _____. A. ignoring the mother when she returns to the room B. smiling at the mother when she returns to the room C. being reluctant to leave the mother to play with new toys D. crying and not being comforted when the mother comes back


In the United States, about 20 percent of infants are cared for _____ throughout their first year of life. A. by professionals at a day-care center B. exclusively by their mothers C. by a grandparent D. by a professional in a family day care


Jack sees his friends Evan and Liam playing a quiet game of blocks. Jack wants to engage in some rough-and-tumble play, so he grabs one of the blocks and runs a few feet away, looking over his shoulder and displaying a play face. How are Evan and Liam likely to respond? A. They will cry and demand their block back. B. They will chase Jack and play wrestle. C. They will tell an adult that Jack disrupted their game. D. They will ignore Jack and continue playing with their blocks.


Jake's father takes him to the barber for his first real haircut. At first, Jake is excited, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair, he becomes very upset and tells his father to make the barber stop. In spite of his father's efforts to assure Jake that his hair will grow back, Jake is exhibiting the Piagetian characteristic known as "_____." A. animism B. irreversibility C. egocentrism D. centration


Mia and Claire are 3 year olds at free play in their preschool. Mia has a lacy apron tied around her head like a wedding veil, and Claire has a sheer curtain tied over her shoulders like a cape. Each is holding a wand—one is a stick with a star on the end, and the other is a long Tinker Toy stick with one wheel connector at the end. When asked what they're doing, Mia says, "We're playing fairy. We're both fairies." What kind of play are they engaging in? A. parallel play B. sociodramatic play C. rough-and-tumble play D. bullying play


Payton has an IQ score of 135. According to the distribution of IQ scores, Payton's IQ falls into what category? A. average B. gifted C. superior D. slow learner


Piaget believed that until about age 6, it is difficult for children to think _____. A. egocentrically B. logically C. about animism D. subjectively


Which statement about the difference between a 4-year-old and an 11-year-old is true? A. The 11-year-old can apply abstract thought to the classification process, whereas the 4-year-old is unable to do so. B. The 11-year-old can use mental categories more flexibly, inductively, and simultaneously, whereas the 4-year-old is unable to do so. C. The 4-year-old will be able to think logically about concrete situations, whereas the 11-year-old is unable to do so. D. The 4-year-old can separate the relevant from the irrelevant, but the 11-year-old is unable to do so.


A child's achievement seems more influenced by _____ in the United States than in other nations. A. income and parental education B. income and neighborhood C. income and ethnicity D. neighborhood and ethnicity


A recent study has found that the average 3 year old spends more than _____ a day viewing a screen. A. five hours B. four hours C. two hours D. one hour


According to research on Romanian orphanages, children who were adopted after 18 months tended to score ____ points lower on intelligence tests than the statistical norm. A. 5 B. 20 C. 15 D. 10


Andrew has recently begun to display the emotion of anger. Andrew is most likely ____. A. 3 months old B. 9 months old C. 6 months old D. 3 weeks old


Bradley and Cassandra are parents of a 5-year-old girl. If they are typical parents, they are MOST likely to say _____. A. "She has no control over her appetite" B. "She eats too much" C. "She isn't eating enough" D. "She is suffering from malnutrition"


Britney understands that her father is crying because his best friend died. This shows that Britney has developed _____. A. conservation B. a script for crying C. theory of mind D. egocentrism


Children with ADHD likely need _____ to help their brain mature. A. discipline B. additional sleep C. physical activity D. more reading time


Early intervention programs are expensive, ranging from $6,500 to $20,000 annually per child. Why are these programs considered a "wise investment"? A. Preschoolers who attend these programs show significantly greater achievement in all academic areas when compared to national averages. B. Children who attend these programs score 15 to 30 points higher in IQ than their peers. C. The investment leads to decreased need for special education and other social services later on. D. Most researchers actually disagree with the investment, arguing that the cost is too high


Eight-month-old Sharron's parents often argue, fight, and scream at each other. This has escalated to pushing and shoving a few times. What effect might this environment have on her brain development? A. Her anterior cingulate gyrus will be damaged. B. Her dendrites will likely overdevelop. C. Her hypothalamus may grow more slowly than normal. D. Her prefrontal lobes will be overdeveloped.


For an English-speaking child, which word pair is especially difficult to understand? A. mommy/daddy B. teacher/friend C. here/there D. mine/yours


Geoffrey enjoys spending time with his 1-year-old son. Compared to his wife, Geoffrey's interaction with their son is likely to be _____. A. less noisy and boisterous B. less active and energetic C. more actively playful D. more involved with basic care


Margarita and Roberto are warm, nurturing parents who hold their baby often. They are exhibiting _____ parenting. A. authoritarian B. distal C. proximal D. autonomous


Only after a child has developed theory of mind can he or she _____. A. offer comfort to a crying playmate B. feel anger C. tell a lie D. take turns sharing


Originally, a person's mental age and chronological age were factors used to determine his or her _____. A. achievement on the WAIS B. achievement on the WPPSI C. intelligence quotient D. multiple intelligences


Samantha is learning multiplication and division and understands that if 2 × 3 = 6 then 6 ÷ 2 = 3. This is an example of _____. A. seriation B. conservation C. reversibility D. classification


The amygdala is a brain structure that registers _____. A. speech perception B. body temperature C. emotions D. memories


The development of motor skills is unique and depends on _________. A. preschool quality, age of parents, and ethnic composition of the neighborhood B. parents' athletic skills, socialization, and access to peers C. culture, practice, and maturity D. age, ethnicity, and gender


The most common discipline technique for a child's misbehavior that North American parents use with preschool children is _____. A. blaming themselves B. reasoning and disappointment C. time-outs D. removing children's playthings


The part of the brain that specializes in logical reasoning, detailed analysis, and the basics of language is the ___. A. amygdala B. hypothalamus C. left hemisphere D. right hemisphere


The presence of two or more unrelated disease conditions at the same time in the same person is referred to as "_____." A. multifinality B. equifinality C. comorbidity D. psychopathology


The use of medication to treat ADHD (and many other disorders) in children _____. A. is widely accepted as the best option B. has not increased in the previous decades C. is controversial D. is not considered off-label


Tremal, 20 months, recently started using first-person pronouns. His mother is somewhat concerned that Tremal constantly asserts his rights to objects, shouting, "Mine!" Even when playing with his brother, Tremal doesn't want to share toys, instead insisting that everything is "mine." What does Tremal's behavior show about his emotional development? A. Tremal is trying to establish that he is the "boss" at home. B. Tremal's anxiety has become a source of anger. C. Tremal has developed a sense of self-awareness. D. Tremal is being selfish and his mother needs to discipline him.


When a baby acts upset because a caregiver is leaving, the baby is exhibiting _____. A. fear of isolation B. general anxiety C. separation anxiety D. solitary fear


When children assume that the world is unchanging, they engage in _____. A. centration B. magical thinking C. static reasoning D. a focus on appearance


Which learning disorder is characterized by unusual difficulty with reading? A. autism B. bipolar disorder C. dyslexia D. ADHD


Which statement is true? A. Children in North America who engage in parallel play are developmentally delayed. B. Parents around the world play with their children regularly. C. Children's play reflects their culture's practices and values. D. The ways children play are identical around the world.


Which theoretical approach would focus on individual differences, parenting practices, school lunches, fast-food restaurants, advertisements, and community norms when combating obesity rates in middle childhood? A. behaviorist B. biopsychosocial C. dynamic-systems D. epigenetic


Which type of early childhood education was developed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany in 1919? A. Head Start B. Montessori schools C. Waldorf schools D. Reggio Emilia


Which type of parenting style is considered to be the best everywhere? A. permissive B. authoritarian C. authoritative D. neglectful


William was doing a class report on asthma and learned that several factors may contribute to its development, including all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. carpets B. airtight windows C. sunlight D. alleles


With respect to asthma, the hygiene hypothesis is supported by data showing all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. farm children have less asthma and other allergies B. children born by cesarean delivery (very sterile) have a greater incidence of asthma C. city children have less asthma and fewer allergies D. first-born children develop asthma more often than later-born children


____ developed the now-classic laboratory procedure called the Strange Situation. A. Erikson B. Skinner C. Ainsworth D. Freud


____ is the understanding of other people's feelings and concerns. A. Effortful control B. Prosocial behavior C. Empathy D. Introspection


Annalise is an adult who requires predictability and regularity in all aspects of her life. She eats the same breakfast every day, organizes her clothes by color in her closet, and gets distressed when the milk is put on the wrong shelf in the refrigerator. Annalise appears to be fixated at the _____ stage. A. phallic B. oral C. sensorimotor D. anal


As the number of home educated students appears to have now leveled off, approximately ____ percent of all U.S. children were homeschooled in 2007. A. 25 B. 10 C. 1 D. 3


Children between the ages of 6 and 11 are within the developmental stage referred to as "_____." A. infancy B. early childhood C. adolescence D. middle childhood


Chronic stress can NOT __________. A. increase connection and activity in amygdala B. deteriorate activities in hippocampus C. shrink the size of the brain D. increase the size of hippocampus. E. lower people's ability to control stress


Deedra is a teenager who began attending a day care facility when she was an infant. She now has high academic achievement and does not generally get into trouble. She is rarely impulsive and is well mannered. Which of the following is true regarding Deedra? A. She likely attended a day care facility that provided low-quality care. B. The day care facility she attended likely had a high child-caregiver ratio. C. She likely experienced neglectful parenting when she was an infant. D. She likely experienced sensitive parenting when she was in middle childhood.


Eduardo is in the fourth grade. Part of the instruction in his classroom is conducted in English and part is conducted in Spanish. His classroom uses _____. A. mainstreaming B. heritage language education C. immersion D. bilingual education


Freud's term for the formation of a conscience that internalizes parental morals is _____. A. the ego B. schema C. identification D. the superego


Jim has struggled with reading throughout his school experience, and has fallen far behind his peers. Based on this, his teacher recommends that Jim be evaluated for _____. A. ADHD B. autism spectrum disorder C. bipolar disorder D. a specific learning disorder


Mastery of pragmatics allows children to change styles of speech, or "codes," depending on the audience. What code are children likely to use with their teachers? A. informal code B. extreme code C. moderate code D. formal code


Research has found that a person's temperament is _____. A. determined almost entirely by parenting B. created during early social interactions C. highly variable from one country to the next D. linked to biological patterns that appear in infancy


Ten-year-old Billy loves baseball and has studied baseball statistics since he was 5 years old. Billy is currently reading this year's statistics for some of his favorite players. He will easily remember the new statistics because of the knowledge _____ he has for baseball statistics. A. automatization B. start C. immersion D. base


Which characteristic must be present before an infant can experience pride, shame, or guilt? A. embarrassment B. social skills C. stranger anxiety D. social awareness


Which child is demonstrating characteristics of secure attachment? A. Jennifer, who ignores her father while sitting in a corner B. Jaron, who expresses fear at the sight of his mother C. Emily, who refuses to let go of her father when he attempts to place her on the floor D. Chase, who hugs his mother after she re-enters the room


Which of the following is NOT a fine motor skill? A. playing a musical instrument B. writing in cursive C. cutting in a straight line D. participating in a relay race


Which of the following is an example of an externalizing problem? A. Sophia, who has frequent headaches or stomachaches B. Elise, who refuses to talk to new people C. Britton, who is fearful and withdrawn D. Christopher, who lashes out uncontrollably


Which of the following statements about prosocial and antisocial behavior is true? A. Prosocial behavior is innate, while antisocial behavior is socially constructed. B. Antisocial behavior is innate, while prosocial behavior is socially constructed. C. Neither prosocial nor antisocial behavior is innate. D. Both prosocial and antisocial behavior are innate and universal.


Which of the following teachers is the least well paid? A. Ms. Gui, who is a first grade teacher B. Mr. Thompson, who teaches high school science C. Mr. Smith, who teaches music to middle schoolers D. Ms. Potts, who teaches preschool


While working on a coloring worksheet, 5-year-old Aaliyah can be heard whispering, "Color this one blue. Stay in the lines. Oh, yellow would be pretty." According to Vygotsky, Aaliyah's utterances are _____. A. undermining her learning B. egocentric C. indicative of emotional problems D. called private speech


Cry variations in early infancy correlate with later _____. A. temperament B. attachment C. intelligence D. language skills


A baby searches the faces of her parents to see how to respond in unfamiliar situations. The baby is illustrating the concept of " _____." A. social referencing B. stranger anxiety C. uncertainty checking D. separation anxiety


According to research on Romanian orphanages, children who were adopted before ____ months of age fared best. A. 6 B. 36 C. 30 D. 41


Children who have peers to actively play with tend to _____. A. develop social skills B. tattle on their playmates C. fight with them D. get overwhelmed


Which theorist stated, "Failure to bring up a happy child, a well-adjusted child—assuming bodily health—falls squarely upon the parents' shoulders"? A. Watson B. Erikson C. Freud D. Skinner


William is at the toy store and sees a construction set. He asks his dad if he can have it for his birthday. His dad asks him if he thinks he would be able to use it. William reminds his dad that he is good at building with blocks. What does this example demonstrate? A. William's positive self-concept B. William's dad is undermining his initiative. C. William's need to prove himself worthy to his father D. William's sense of shame and doubt


Preoperational intelligence ____. A. is characterized by reversibility of thought B. allows children to think in symbols C. includes logical reasoning D. relies primarily on children's motor skills and senses


Sociodramatic play helps children to develop _____ when they act out fear, bravery, and fury. A. self-control B. emotional regulation C. private speech D. gender roles


A child's cognitive understanding of sex differences would be his or her _____. A. Oedipal complex B. gender schema C. Electra complex D. superego


A lack of social responsiveness is related to A. decreased social anxiety. B. brain shrinkage. C. increased intelligence. D. improved academic performance.


According to Freud, boys in the third psychoanalytic stage of development _____. A. are openly angry with their fathers B. secretly want to replace their fathers C. disrespect their mothers D. believe their fathers are perfect


Which of the following is NOT a concern regarding mothers not providing exclusive care for their infants? A. Infants will be insecurely attached. B. Children will be dependent on their parents. C. All of these are concerns. D. Children will develop behavioral problems.


Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Effortful control emphasizes cognition and intelligence. B. Effortful control, executive function, and emotional regulation are related constructs. C. Executive function emphasizes temperament. D. Emotional regulation and effortful control undergird executive function.


Abida is a nurturing parent and has good communication with her children, whom she never disciplines. Her parenting style is _____. A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. permissive D. neglectful


According to Erikson's theory, which factor(s) help(s) young children to demonstrate initiative? A. a child's sense of guilt and shame B. a decrease in the child's emotional regulation C. neurological maturity and a longer attention span D. apprenticeship opportunities offered by a child's parents


Carlos and Juan are playing at the park and Juan wants to play with the ball that Carlos has. Carlos decides to share his ball with Juan. This is associated with which aspect of executive functioning? A. inhibition B. adaptability C. flexibility D. memory


Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are _____. A. authoritarian B. abusive C. permissive D. overcontrolling


A new method intended to aid mother-infant attachment, although not based on research by Bowlby or Ainsworth, is referred to as: A. secure attachment. B. nonparental care. C. allocare. D. attachment parenting.


According to Vygotsky, within the context of cognition, language is a tool _____. A. of self-expression B. to make oneself understood C. to regulate behavior D. to advance thought


During a long car trip, Anna and Robert asked "Are we there yet?" so many times that their mother began covering her ears. Her children were exhibiting _____. A. impulsiveness B. habituation C. emotional regulation D. perseveration


Many children have cavities and decaying teeth before age ____. A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6


_____ differences are physiological and _____ differences are both social and cultural. A. Sibling; parental B. Parental; sibling C. Sex; gender D. Gender; sex


The most common child maltreatment is_____ A. physical abuse B. emotional abuse C. sexual abuse D. neglect


Toxic stress results in ______ of neurons in the brain of children. A. more connections B. more complicated connections C. no influence D. fewer connections


When children hear a new word in a familiar context, they can simply add the word to the general category without fully understanding the word. This is called "_____." A. categorical embellishment B. lexical addition C. vocabulary expansion D. fast-mapping


The bilingual brain may provide some resistance to _____. A. neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease B. depression and anxiety C. autism spectrum disorders D. learning disabilities like dyslexia


The individual most likely to have grown up with authoritative parents is _____. A. Raquel, who is happy and successful B. Kelly, who is obedient but not very happy C. Mary, who is unhappy and lacks self-control D. Lacey, who is homeless and a drug user


The rate of asthma tends to _____ in children as income _____. A. increases; decreases B. decreases; increases C. decreases; decreases D. increases; increases


The rates of left-handedness in the United States and Great Britain have ____ since 1900. A. increased B. decreased C. become equal to rates of right-handedness D. remained the same


To understand a child's development of gender attitudes and roles, behaviorists stress _____. A. reinforcement and punishment B. unconscious motivations C. reasoning ability D. biological mechanisms


What is the hallmark of prosocial behavior? A. It is done to help another without any benefit for oneself. B. It is done to promote one's social standing within a group. C. It is a neutral action that does not hurt or benefit anyone. D. It is done to hurt another in order to benefit oneself.


When Chinese parents use open pants to take care of the potty needs of their children, they are use ______ A. proximal parenting B. distal parenting


Which are of the brain is involved in both procrastination and impulsivity? A. left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex B. hippocampus C. right hemisphere D. amygdala


Scientists agree that brain development _____. A. reflects typical patterns in children with various disorders B. depends on experience C. is the same in all children, gifted and not gifted D. is complete by age 6


With respect to Gardner's multiple intelligences, a successful farmer is likely to excel in _____ intelligence. A. linguistic B. interpersonal C. naturalistic D. bodily-kinesthetic


With respect to Gardner's multiple intelligences, a successful professional athlete is likely to excel in _____ intelligence. A. linguistic B. interpersonal C. bodily-kinesthetic D. naturalistic


Ruby does not notice when her mother leaves the day-care center and ignores her mother when she returns. Ruby's behavior is characteristic of _____ attachment. A. insecure-resistant/ambivalent B. disorganized C. secure D. insecure-avoidant


When shown a novel object and told that it is called a "wug," preschoolers know that two of those objects would be two "wugs." This ability to correctly add an -s when pluralizing is evidence of their proper use of _____. A. inflections B. theory-theory C. logical extensions D. grammar


Which area of the brain has been found to signal safety? A. the frontal lobes B. the limbic system C. the amygdala D. the anterior cingulate cortex


Severe neglect hurts children by failing to provide stimulation and _________ A. activating stress reaction. B. getting children physically injured. C. getting children hurt emotionally D. making children bored.


Shifting in the context of executive function is another term for _____. A. flexibility B. inhibition C. adaptability D. memory


Speech serves a _____ function, as mentors guide mentees in their zone of proximal development, learning numbers, recalling memories, and following routines. A. social mediation B. preoperational C. bidirectional D. sociobiological


Ten-year-old Wilson experiences extreme mood swings that do not seem to be influenced by life circumstances. At times he cannot sit still, and is constantly fidgeting. Wilson may be diagnosed with _____. A. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder B. autism spectrum disorder C. childhood schizophrenia D. learning disorder


The Western value of independence is clearly exhibited in _____. A. Erikson's stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt B. Piaget's sensorimotor stage C. Freud's oral stage D. Bandura's social-learning theory


A document for children with special needs that specifies their educational goals is known as a(n) _____. A. IEP B. IFSP C. LRE D. RTI


A study of 16,000 11-year-olds in England found that language proficiency was influenced by A. how much their parents read to them. B. socioeconomic status. C. social exposure to varying cultures. D. exposure to a second language.


All of the following have been identified as problems with diagnosing ADHD EXCEPT _____. A. it has symptoms that are only apparent in severe cases B. it can be comorbid with other psychological disorders C. it has no biological marker D. it can be comorbid with other biological problems


Children from low-SES families usually have all of the following compared to children from higher-SES families EXCEPT _____. A. fewer ELL classifications B. shorter sentences C. smaller vocabularies D. simpler grammar


David is excitable, impulsive, and very active. He also has great difficulty concentrating. He MOST likely has _____. A. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder B. a sensory deficit C. mental retardation D. childhood schizophrenia


Children are considered overweight when they have BMIs above the _____ percentile. A. 95th B. 85th C. 75th D. 65th


In Japan, children are proud of going through struggles. True False


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