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Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference in language skills between older adults and younger adults?

Older adults' speech is typically lower in volume, slower, and less fluent than younger adults' speech.

What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress?

Older people keep stress hormones in their system at elevated levels for longer periods than younger people do.

Kelly has just given birth to her first baby at the age of 37; her best friend, Olivia, age 26, also gave birth to her first child. Which of the following is most likely to be true for these new mothers?

Olivia will have fewer medical problems with pregnancy and childbirth.

Mr. Dalton has been complaining of irregular and involuntary movement in the right part of his body. The doctors noticed that Mr. Dalton has been showing signs of slow movement and partial facial paralysis. The chronic and progressive nature of the illness was revealed in the pathological findings. Which of the following conditions does Mr. Dalton most likely suffer from?

Parkinson disease

Which of the following athletes would be most likely to peak the earliest?

a swimmer

Hannah is grieving the death of her mother, so she is experiencing extreme stress. She is likely to engage in

a tend-and-befriend pattern.

Terry is in the final stages of skin cancer, a condition that causes her severe pain and discomfort. At Terry's insistence and her family's approval, her doctor agrees to end her pain by administering a lethal dose of a drug. This is an example of _____ euthanasia.


Olivia believes that the more dynamic and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. Thus, she believes in

activity theory.

After 3 years of being in an intimate relationship with her boyfriend, Susan realizes that although she still feels passion for her boyfriend, she now desires to simply have him close to her. She cares for him a lot and has deep feelings for him. In this scenario, Susan is most likely experiencing

affectionate love

Older adults not being hired for new jobs, being eased out of old ones because they are perceived as too rigid or feeble-minded, and being eased out because they are not considered cost effective are examples of


Derek is a young adult who recently graduated from college. Despite excelling at academics, he is unable to find a meaningful job. Derek has maturity fears, which he has been experiencing since his early adolescent years. He continues to live with his parents and relies on them for financial support. According to Joseph and Claudia Allen, which of the following should Derek's parents have done to launch him adequately into the adult years?

They should have created service learning opportunities for him.

Mike is an American citizen residing in Colorado. He is diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He decides to undergo chemotherapy, but his doctor informs him that there is only a slim chance for an improvement in his condition. The doctor also tells him that he has only a few weeks to live. Suffering from deep pain and discomfort, Mike loses the hope to live. He then requests his doctor to provide a lethal injection that can be self-administered. After consulting his family and completing the paperwork, he self-administers the injection and passes away peacefully. Which of the following statements is true of this scenario?

This is a case of assisted suicide.

According to the Almeida and Horn's study, which of the following is the difference in the experience of stressors between young adults and middle-aged adults?

Unlike young adults, middle-aged adults experienced more "overload" stressors.

Which of the following strategies would be most helpful in improving memory in middle age?

Use an organization strategy to categorize information to be remembered.

Sara is in an intimate love relationship with Ren. She has a strong commitment toward her relationship with Ren. However, the intimacy in her relationship is diffused as she also places strong emphasis on connections with her family members. According to the cross-cultural variations observed in romantic relationships, Sara's relationship is most likely characteristic of a(n)

collectivist country.

Carla and Steve are in a love relationship. Carla has appraised their relationship and fully intends to maintain it even when faced with problems. Carla believes that Steve also loves her and will stand by her through life's ups and downs. According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, which of the following dimensions of love is emphasized in this scenario?


In order to maintain his status as an admired pianist, the late Arthur Rubinstein during his old age used special strategies, such as slowing down before fast segments, thus creating a perception of faster playing. Which factor of Baltes's theory does this reflect?


Nalini is well-adjusted to her single life after her divorce. She is self-sufficient and socially skilled. She has a successful career, has made lots of new friends, and has taken up pottery and gardening. She is satisfied with her lifestyle and is not interested in sharing her life with anyone else. According to E. Mavis Hetherington's research, Nalini would most likely be categorized as a(n)

competent loner.

Erica, who has two children, marries Wayne. Wayne has a daughter from his previous marriage. After the union, their family will be considered a ________ stepfamily.


Carla is described by her coworkers as highly organized and meticulous. She has a strong sense of self-discipline. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Carla is most likely to score high on


Ruth is currently in menopause. This indicates that the production of _____ by her ovaries will decline drastically.


Angelique is in the final stage of breast cancer. Her latest reports indicate that the cancer cells have spread to her lungs and other organs. She knows that she does not have a chance to fight this battle and hence accepts the fact that she will die in a couple of weeks. She requests her doctor to end her life painlessly through medication as she is not able to bear the pain. Which of the following acts is Angelique requesting her doctor to perform?


Reggie, a 16-year-old teenager, gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Going by what is generally observed about parent-adolescent conflict, it is likely that most of the arguments center around

everyday events of family life.

Jonas is being tested for decline in cognitive functioning. The test involves assessing his ability to plan actions, allocate attention to goals, detect errors, monitor progress on tasks, and deal with novel or difficult circumstances. The researchers are testing Jonas' ________ attention.


Rhett is looking for the most effective way to lose his excess weight and keep it off. You would tell him that the most effective weight-loss programs invariably include


Diana is fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate with all her friends and acquaintances. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes this aspect of Diana's personality.


Tara is 68 years old. In terms of percentage of total weight, which of following is most likely to increase in her late adulthood?


Adam has been facing work-related stress lately. The stress is negatively affecting his health. Adam is likely to respond in a

fight-or-flight manner.

Karen believes that her qualities and learning abilities cannot change despite all her efforts. Therefore, she has decided not to try at all and let her grades plummet. In the context of Carol Dweck's description of mindsets, which of the following best describes Karen's mindset?

fixed mindset

Ramon's parents have decided that he will enroll in a liberal arts course in the state college near their hometown. Ramon has not really thought much about this decision himself, and he will most likely follow their advice. James Marcia would classify Ramon's identity status as identity


John is 70 years old. He has been a chain smoker throughout his adult years. Consequently, now he is unable to see clearly objects that are in close proximity even though he has a relatively normal peripheral vision. The disease that has marred John's vision is

macular degeneration.

Susan is 72 years old. She has a body mass index (BMI) of 23. Her dietician recommends certain measures that she should follow to remain healthy and reduce the risk of diseases. Which of the following is Susan's dietician likely to recommend?

maintaining a healthy weight

Dylan does his homework in front of the television while listening to music on his iPod and also simultaneously text messaging his friends. These actions are collectively known as

media multitasking.

Miranda is 45 years old. She is a single working mother. According to a study by Kanner in 1981, which of the following is a daily uplift that Miranda is most likely to experience?

meeting her responsibilities

Silas is a man who is in his late 70s. He has a condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. This is otherwise known as

metabolic syndrome.

Ned is an only child and has always enjoyed full attention from his parents and extended family. In college, he tends to speak about himself and his own personal struggles with his friends. He seldom pays attention to others' needs or lets them speak. He expects everyone to agree with his opinions and gets frustrated and upset if they don't. Which of the following terms best describes Ned?


Benjamin, a student, sits at the back of the classroom. Only few children in the class know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is Benjamin's probable peer status?


Jensen is 25 years old, and he will be starting his career as a business analyst. According to Levinson, Jensen is in the _____ phase of adult development.


When he was interviewed at 80 years of age, Arthur Rubinstein said that he spent more time at practice than earlier in his life. This helped maintain his status as an admired concert pianist. Which aspect of Baltes's theory does this reflect?


Selena walks with a marked stoop now that she is old. This is most likely due to


Jacqueline nurtures and guides her children. According to Erik Erikson, she has achieved _____ generativity.


Jenna is reevaluating and recording the facts about her adolescent and adulthood years. According to the Grant Study by George Vaillant, Jenna is most likely in her _____.


Nate and Laura are siblings in their late 60s. Compared with Nate, Laura is less likely to have

hearing problems.

A dropout prevention program functions by "adopting" entire grades from public elementary schools, or corresponding age cohorts from public housing developments. These children are then provided with a program of academic, social, cultural, and recreational activities throughout their elementary, middle school, and high school years. Identify this program.

"I Have a Dream" (IHAD) program

Manny has contracted a virus that is destroying his body's immune system. Manny most likely has


Aaron is a healthy, 65-year-old man. Compared with his 24-year-old son Harry, Aaron has much less brain volume. Which of the following is most likely the reason for this difference?

Aaron is experiencing shrinkage of neurons.

As an orthopedic surgeon, Carla is advising her patient who is in his mid-20s to make some changes to his diet and include exercises in his daily routine as that would ensure his bone density is normal. Which of the following statements, if true, best supports her advice?

By the end of midlife, bones break more easily and heal more slowly.

Tina is preparing a presentation on adolescent health in the 21st century. She decides to go through a few research studies and collate the findings in her presentation. Which of the following research findings will Tina most likely include in her presentation?

Fewer adolescents around the world die from malnutrition now than in the past.

Haruto is a 103-year-old centenarian living in Okinawa, Japan. He leads a healthy life. Which of the following factors has most likely contributed to his longevity?

Haruto engages in spiritual practice.

Jeremy is 84 years old. Since the age of 78, Jeremy deliberately reduced contact with his distant relatives and former work colleagues. He now maintains contact only with close family members and friends. In the context of Laura Carstensen's socioemotional selectivity theory, which of the following was most likely the reason for Jeremy's decision to withdraw from social contact?

He placed a high value on emotional satisfaction.

Angeline's husband passes away in a car accident. Her son, who is in high school, is deeply upset and refuses to speak to anyone. Angeline tries her best to console him and also gives him time to overcome his grief. Considering his age and the current situation, which of the following reactions can Angeline most likely expect from her son?

He will develop abstract conceptions of death.

Rahim retired from his job at the age of 67. He and his wife, Fathima, have been maintaining a traditional family structure throughout their marriage. While Rahim went for work, Fathima was a homemaker. After retiring from his job, Rahim was able to maintain marital happiness and led a peaceful life with Fathima. Which of the following was Rahim most likely to have engaged in after retirement?

He would have helped Fathima around the house.

According to research, which of the following is a difference between individuals high in conscientiousness and individuals high in neuroticism?

Individuals high in conscientiousness are more likely to live longer, whereas individuals high in neuroticism are more likely to die at a younger age.

Which of the following is an example of explicit memory?

John summarizes the plot of a novel that he has just read to his friend.

The floods in the Midwest left 40,000 people homeless, and Keith's family is one of the families affected by the disaster. He is trying to help his son, Judd, cope with the tragedy. In this scenario, which of the following is a recommendation that Keith should follow to help Judd cope with the stress?

Keith should allow Judd to retell the details of the event and be patient in listening to him.

During a seminar on suicidal tendencies in adolescents, Dr. Karl says, "Females are more likely to attempt suicide than males, but males are more likely to succeed in committing suicide." Which of the following research findings most likely explains the reasoning for Dr. Karl's statement?

Males use more lethal means in their suicide attempts than do females.

Manfred is the father of a 16-year-old boy. He notices that his son heads over to the other side of town after getting back from school to meet some friends who are older than him. Manfred also notices that the frequency of these meetings has increased over time. Manfred is now worried about his son hanging out with these older individuals. According to research studies, which of the following is most likely to be an outcome of Manfred's son's interactions with the older individuals?

Manfred's son is more likely to engage in delinquency and early sexual behavio

Which of the following individuals would most likely be considered for hospice care?

Monica who suffers from terminal cancer and has only 2-3 months to live

Priscilla is in the eighth grade. Every day after school, she hangs out with her friends from her class who are popular. She is very fond of them and wants to become popular like them. Her friends have recently started shoplifting at departmental stores. According to research studies on the effect of peer pressure on conformity, which of the following is Priscilla most likely to do?

Priscilla will go along with her friends to engage in the antisocial behavior

George wants to ensure that his sons become competent decision makers. Which of the following is a strategy you would suggest for improving their decision making?

Provide more opportunities for them to engage in role playing and peer group problem solving.

Martha's family has recently relocated to Alabama. This relocation means that Martha would have to go to a new school and make new friends. Martha finds it difficult to make friends. She approaches her mother for advice on making friends. Which of the following is a strategy that her mother should recommend to her?

Respect yourself and others.

Sarah and Kent have always had a very traditional family structure. Kent worked outside the home, and Sarah was a homemaker. When Kent retires, which of the following situations is most likely to arise?

Sarah will become uneasy having Kent around the house all day.

Misha is a first-generation immigrant in the United States. In the context of cultural and ethnic identity, which of the following statements is most likely to be true about her identity?

She is unlikely to change her identity much and may or may not develop a new identity.

Sara is 17 years old. After being confused about her sexual orientation for a long time, Sara is finally able to identify herself as bisexual. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, which of the following is most likely to be true of Sara when she reaches old age?

She will appreciate the complexity of life.

Sita is a girl who lives in India; Suki is a girl who lives in Japan. They both have two older brothers. According to research, who is most likely to have better access to education?


If born today in the United States, which of the following persons would have the highest life expectancy?

Susanna who is a Latino female

According to Erikson, who among the following is most likely to face a conflict between identity and confusion?

Teena, a 14-year-old who joins a new school after her family's relocation from California to Texas

Which of the following is a similarity between cellular clock, free-radical, and mitochondrial theories?

They attempt to explain aging at the cellular level.

7-year-old Matthew's mother met with an accident and passed away recently. He has started asking his father about his mother's whereabouts and cries for her all the time. His father is trying his best to pacify him with toys and other gifts, but he knows that sooner or later he must deal with this situation. Which of the following is the best strategy for dealing with Matthew's questions?

The father should be honest about his mother's death.

Brandon is a chain smoker and has been smoking cigarettes since college. He is currently 50 years old and has been recently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. He consults his doctor to know more about his condition. Which of the following would the doctor most likely tell Brandon during the consultation?

The main treatment for men with erectile dysfunction has focused on Viagra and similar drugs.

In the context of bisexuality, which of the following statements is true?

Women are usually more likely than men to identify themselves as bisexuals.

Cindy's mother passes away suddenly because of a heart attack. Cindy now wants to explain the concept of death to her 4-year-old twins as she is sure that they will ask for their grandmother. Considering their age, which of the following statements should Cindy mention when communicating her message to her children?

You are loved and will not be abandoned.

Katie, a 30-year-old woman, is working as a freelance writer. Recently, she decided to move in with her parents. However, both Katie and her parents are facing adjustment issues. According to research, which of the following is most likely a common complaint voiced by both Katie and her parents?

a loss of privacy

The event that comes closest to being a culture-wide rite of passage in the United States is

a school graduation ceremony.

Jason's friends describe him as softhearted, trustworthy, and helpful. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Jason is most likely to score high on


Rueben has been diagnosed with lung cancer and has been told by his doctor that he has only a few more weeks to live. He is shocked as he thought his symptoms were merely because of chest congestion and that they were not too serious. After speaking with the doctor, he comes to know that his death is imminent and there is nothing he can do about it. He thinks that it is unfair because he has never smoked a cigarette all his life. He starts questioning himself and his loved ones "Why me?" In the context of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying, which stage is most likely exemplified in this scenario?


Alex is 70 years old. Which of the following areas of his body will be less sensitive to touch?


Katie weighs less than 85 percent of what is considered normal for her age and height. Yet, she sees herself as too fat and starves to become thinner. Katie most likely suffers from

anorexia nervosa.

Rose's ex-boyfriend, Peter, describes her as clingy and dependent. During their relationship, she always told him that she loved him and wanted to rush into marriage. She also kept tabs on Peter and was jealous of all his female friends and colleagues. Rose seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style.


Michelle's blood test reveals that her level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is very high and that it makes the LDL stick to the sides of the blood vessels, thus causing the arteries to harden. In this scenario, Michelle is most likely to suffer from a condition known as


Mrs. Hernandez has considerable pain and inflammation in her wrists, fingers, and knees. It is becoming quite difficult for her to maintain her usual routines as her stiffness increases. Mrs. Hernandez has


In his meeting with a counsellor, Dalton revealed that he was uncomfortable being close to others. He finds it difficult to trust people completely and doesn't allow himself to depend completely on them. He gets nervous if someone tries to get too intimate with him. It seems likely that Dalton has a(n) _____ attachment style.


Ada knows that she has liver cancer and that she will not live much longer. Based on her mother's advice, she joins a prayer group and begins attending church regularly. In her prayers, she asks God to let her live one more year and promises God that she will set everything right with her family and loved ones. In the context of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying, Ada is most likely in the _____ stage.


Meghan and her group of five girls are all enthusiastic gymnasts. They hang out together after school and go to the mall on weekends. They are all of the same age and have similar tastes in music and food and, as a result, enjoy each other's company. Which of the following terms best describes this type of group?


According to Baltes, in which of the following scenarios is the need for compensation for older adults the most obvious?

being bedridden because of an illness

Irene, a 16-year-old girl, is a first-generation immigrant whose parents came to the United States from Ukraine when she was just a baby. Irene enjoys many of the same things that her American friends do but respects her culture's traditions and speaks to her parents in their native language. Irene seems to have formed a(n) _____ identity.


Ruth and Gerald are a married couple. Both are in their late 60s. It is likely that as they get older, ________.

both Ruth and Gerald will get shorter

Meghan is interning as a neurosurgeon in a children's hospital. During one of her hospital visits, a child is brought into the emergency trauma center. A senior doctor asks Meghan to examine the child and note down the child's vital statistics. Meghan notices that the EEG (electroencephalogram) reading has been showing a flat line for a long time. In this scenario, the flat EEG reading is most likely a criterion of _____.

brain death

Dalia tends to go on eating binges and then purges by self-inducing vomiting or using a laxative. Which of the following conditions does Dalia suffer from?

bulimia nervosa

Mae is 87 years old. She is most likely to have difficulty in understanding a person when he or she

calls her on the phone.

Felicia is a 70-year-old American woman. Her doctor should be most concerned about her developing _____, the leading cause of death in her age group.


Jared graduates from college and starts working as a sales executive in a company. He works extra hours on most days in the hopes of getting a quick promotion. Jared believes that working long hours will earn him financial security and help him lead a happy life. Jared most likely believes in what Phyllis Moen describes as the

career mystique.

Gisela is suffering from a condition that involves thickening of the lenses of her eyes. This causes her vision to become cloudy or distorted. Identify the condition that Gisela is suffering from.


Nathan just celebrated his 100th birthday. It can be said that Nathan is a(n) ________.


Juliana is part of an online science group. Its members meet once every month to discuss the advancements in science and technology. During one of the meetings, she is introduced to several other members of the large online group. She finds these meetings interesting as she gets to meet people of different age groups and backgrounds. However, like the members of the group, she does not intend to spend much time with them or get to know them personally. Which of the following terms best describes this type of group?


Gina's boyfriend forced her to have sexual intercourse with him during their last date. Gina encountered

date or acquaintance rape.

"No, it can't be me. It's not possible," thinks Clara when she hears the news of her terminal illness. In this scenario, Clara is in which of the following Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?

denial and isolation

Irene, a terminally ill cancer patient, has finally accepted the certainty of her death. Now, she refuses to have any visitors in her hospital room and spends most of her time crying and grieving. In this scenario, Irene is most likely in which of the following stages of dying?


Howard, a middle-aged man, is suffering from erectile problems. He consults his doctor to know about the likely causes for his condition. He tells his doctor that he has been suffering from diabetes and low blood pressure. He also tells his doctor that he is a weight lifter and hence spends 2 hours every day at the gym. He also tells his doctor that his recent blood test shows a lower level of natural killer (NK) cells. In this scenario, which of the following would the doctor mention as the most likely cause for Howard's condition?


When Kendall was in college, she discovered that she was pregnant. Since she was not ready to have a baby at that age, she went through a medical abortion. Post the procedure, Kendall felt very low and upset and could not grieve openly as she wanted to keep her pregnancy a secret from everyone. Years later, when she had a miscarriage, she started grieving for the baby she lost and for the baby she had aborted. In this scenario, identify the type of grief Kendall is most likely displaying.

disenfranchised grief

Gregory is undergoing pubertal changes. He has started using addictive drugs and has started taking an increasing number of risks. Which of the following neurotransmitters is most likely responsible for these developments?


Gina is doing her best to help her older aunt take care of herself and stay in her own home. Gina often takes meals to her aunt and helps her clean, go shopping, and make visits to the doctor. Gina is providing _____ for her aunt.


Following a divorce, Mildred goes back to college, renews old acquaintanceships, and takes up ballroom dancing. She starts focusing on her health and begins a fitness routine. A few months later, she meets an interesting person at a friend's party and enters into a romantic relationship with him. According to E. Mavis Hetherington's research, Mildred would be most likely described as a(n)


Belinda breaks up with her boyfriend. Although she is extremely upset and heartbroken, she realizes that when she was with her boyfriend, she had completely ignored her friends. She now understands the importance of her friends and apologizes to them. She also realizes that she has more time now and takes up the dance classes that she was always interested in. In this scenario, Belinda is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ change following the breakup.

environmental positive

Juanita, a Latino girl, is entering adolescence, and her mother wants to keep her from risky sexual behavior. According to research, her mother should

foster a close and supportive relationship with Juanita.

Tamara often tells her daughter that a well-adjusted girl is supposed to be dependent, nurturing, and uninterested in power. She also believes that girls should learn to cook and take care of the household. Tamara's notion reflects

gender stereotypes.

James, an American, will be most likely considered as an adult by his peers and community when he _____, whereas Nirmal, who lives in Bangladesh, will be most likely considered as an adult by his community when he _____.

gets a full-time job; gets married

Carol, a mid-level manager at Pegasus Incorporated, has not received a promotion in the last three years despite good performance and good ratings at performance appraisals. If she were to be promoted, she would be the only female employee at the top management level. Carol seems to have hit the

glass ceiling.

Jake has been diagnosed with a condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve due to a buildup of fluid in the eye. Jake is suffering from


Your elderly aunt Marie was recently admitted to a nursing home where there is a "residents' advisory board," consisting of the people who live in the home. The board consults with the staff on changes that affect the residents' lives and help plan the monthly activities. Based on a study by Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer, you would expect Marie to be

happier than she was when she did not have any input into decisions affecting her life.

Sandra's mother is concerned about Sandra's lack of interest in marrying and having children. She told Sandra, "When I was your age, I had already found a good husband and settled down." Sandra and her mother

have different social clocks.

Bill wants to know how he can prevent his adolescent son from becoming a drug addict. You would suggest that Bill

have family dinners most nights of the week.

Karen, aged 21, is a senior in college, but her mother calls her five or six times a day to "check in" and to ask her what she is doing, what she had for lunch, and so on. This type of parenting is called _____ parenting.


Maria recently got married. In the context of adult attachment styles, she is more likely to engage in infidelity if she or her partner has a

highly anxious attachment style.

Lorenzo was born during the Great Depression in the U.S. He and others who were born during the same era show greater cognitive decline than people born at a later time. This illustrates that cohort effects are differences based on

historical contexts.

An adult in middle age will most likely do poorly on which of the following tasks?

hitting the brakes of a car when the light suddenly turns red

James is suffering from liver cancer and has been informed by his doctor that he has only a few weeks left to live. He is not able to cope with the pain and is also aware that there is no medication to treat his condition at this stage. Which of the following options will James most likely choose if he wishes to make the end of his life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible?


Diana is 50 years old and has recently started experiencing a few symptoms of menopause. Which of the following symptoms is Diana most likely to experience?

hot flashes

Nancy was not able to decide whether she should major in music or take up an undergraduate program in engineering. After significant exploration of both options, she finally chose the latter, with a minor in music. Identify Nancy's status of identity.

identity achievement

Ms. Chang is trying to prepare her health class students for the onset of puberty. What should she tell the boys that they are likely to experience first?

increased penis and testicle size

Gary and Nina, who are colleagues, are attracted to each other and have an affair with each other. However, they do not have feelings for each other and do not intend to maintain or appraise the relationship. According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, Gary and Nina's love relationship is mostly likely categorized as


Julio, a 12-year-old, cannot get his science project to work. In fact, it seems to him that nothing he makes ever works properly. In the context of Erik Erikson's eight stages of human development, Julio is at risk for developing a sense of


Unlike the constructivist approach to instruction, the direct instruction approach

is a structured, teacher-centered approach that is characterized by high teacher expectations for students' progress

Jackie, a 15-year-old girl, has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. It is most likely that Jackie

is competitive and high-achieving.

Fourteen-year-old Kent recently received his blood test results. The test results indicate an eighteenfold increase in testosterone levels and a twofold increase in estradiol levels over the past few years. It appears that Kent

is experiencing normal changes during puberty.

Latrell is very intelligent but only of average physical attractiveness. The matching hypothesis states that he will choose a partner who

is of average physical attraction

James is in his mid-40s and has little time to exercise as he runs a business. However, he knows that he should focus more on his health, eat healthy meals at regular intervals, and exercise as often as he can. One of the age-related conditions that James is most likely to face at his age is

joint stiffness.

Mark is a 15-year-old boy who lives with his foster parents. He regularly gets into fights and arguments with his friends and family and is usually ignored by them. He starts to take drugs to cope with his loneliness and starts abusing drugs. He breaks into an elderly couple's house and steals money to buy drugs. In this scenario, Mark will most likely be labeled as a(n)

juvenile delinquent.

Stuart is 67 years old, widowed, and lives alone. Recently, he has started drinking too much and frequently engages in binge drinking. Stuart's example presents a case of

late-onset alcoholism.

Allen can be described as an average American. He is currently 65 years old. He is likely to live 18.4 more years. Hence, it can be said that Allen has a ________ of 83.4 years.

life expectancy

Damon met with a car accident 4 years ago and has been terminally ill since then. He suffered multiple fractures to his skull that caused him to slip into a coma. He has been in a vegetative state for over 3 years now. His family finally agrees to end his suffering by turning off his respirator. In this scenario, the withholding of the respirator is an example of _____ euthanasia.


Which of the following scenarios will most likely aid an inhibited child in being outgoing, sociable, and emotionally stable as an adult?

peer groups with other inhibited children with common interests, so the child feels accepted

Leila, a 14-year-old girl, feels that nobody understands her, especially her parents and teachers. Leila's feelings reflect the ________ aspect of an adolescent's egocentrism.

personal fable

Holly is quiet and introverted. She feels stressed whenever she has to interact with a lot of people. She keeps mostly to herself and seldom speaks up in class. She never socializes or attends parties. Which of the following terms best describes this aspect of Holly's identity?


Delilah lost her husband Hendricks in a highway accident. Being just 3 years into marriage, she was devastated. 4 months later, she was hassled by problems such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbance, and problems in concentrating. Delilah is probably experiencing

post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

A person who is arrested for stealing company documents says, "Yes, I did steal the documents, and I am willing to go to jail for it. These documents prove that the company was engaging in a cover-up of the unsafe properties of its chemical. I think the public has a right to know about it." Lawrence Kohlberg would classify this person as using ________ reasoning.


Tapi believes that all human beings have certain inalienable rights that need to be protected. She believes that the current law in her country that prohibits interracial marriage is unfair and should be changed. In the context of Kohlberg's levels of moral thinking, which of the following describes Tapi's level of moral reasoning?


Kendra has a few shots of vodka before going out to attend her annual college party. Kendra has engaged in


Jamie lost his wife many years ago. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. According to Prigerson and Maciejewski, this type of grief reaction would be labeled as _____ grief.


Michael's mother always forgets to take her heart medication. So, every night Michael calls her after dinner to remind her about her medicines. This demonstrates that Michael's mother is experiencing a decline in ________ memory.


Vanessa was never prescribed glasses as a child as she did not have any vision problem. Now, at the age of 45 years, which of the following tasks is most likely to cause her difficulty?

reading a newspaper

Anthony is rarely nominated as someone's best friend. He is actively disliked by many children in his class. In the context of peer statuses, Anthony would be classified as a(n) ________ child.


Most of Blanca's classmates call her a "bully," and many say that they "don't like her at all." Only few children consider her to be a friend. Which of the following is Blanca's probable peer status?


Ramya is an 80-year-old woman who suffers from dementia. She attends therapy sessions in which the clinician uses photographs and video recordings to encourage discussions about Ramya's past activities and experiences. The therapy sessions help reduce Ramya's depressive symptoms and improve her self-acceptance. Based on this information, it can be inferred that the clinician uses _____ therapy.


After her husband's death, Lorna had to start dealing with her finances. She has had to learn to balance a checkbook and pay the bills—things that her husband always did when he was alive. According to the dual-process model of coping with bereavement, Lorna is experiencing

restoration-oriented stressors.

Shifu belongs to a tribe in which all the boys must swim across a particular river to mark their transition to adult status. A grand and elaborate ceremony is held in the tribe's village to signal the achievement of adult status. Which of the following terms best describes the ceremony?

rite of passage

Mildred is in her 20s. Her doctor tells her that she is gradually losing muscle mass and strength especially in her back and legs. Her doctor has advised her to exercise regularly and focus on her diet as a strategy to slow down the decline of muscle mass and strength. Which of the following terms best describes Mildred's condition?


On an assessment of attachment styles modeled on Hazan and Shaver's questionnaire, Alicia described herself thus: "I find it relatively easy to get close to others and I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me." Alicia seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style.


Don and Ellie have been married for over 30 years. Which of the following is likely to be MOST important in their relationship?


As soon as Davis's divorce was final, he was out looking for a new romantic relationship. Davis is a(n)


The late Arthur Rubinstein, during his old age, maintained his status as an admired pianist by a few simple strategies. One of those was reducing the scope of his performances and playing fewer pieces. Which aspect of Baltes's theory does this reflect?


Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of ________ attention.


When Robert says, "I have brown eyes and black hair," it reflects Robert's


Mary thinks that she is a good person. This observation reflects Mary's


Frank, aged 67, recites a poem that he learned in grade school, much to the amazement of his grandchildren. This is an example of Frank's ________ memory.


Although Alicia has a great memory for trivia, she has difficulty remembering important events in her life. Alicia has good ________ memory but poor ________ memory.

semantic; episodic

Richard believes he is gay. This orientation is part of Richard's _____ identity.


Ten-year-old Jose finds that he needs to talk to Richard, his friend, in order to know whether his feelings about his own brothers and sisters are normal. Which friendship function does Richard provide in this case?

social comparison

Fernando does not cut in line, raises his hand in class before talking, and stops his car at stop signs on the road. He focuses on rules that have been established by social consensus in order to control behavior and maintain the social system. Which of the following best describes Fernando's reasoning?

social conventional reasoning

Voletta believes that older adults become more selective about their social networks as they age. She is a proponent of

socioemotional selectivity theory.

Toby is a computer programmer who has a passion for creating 3D games. He has the ability to visualize three-dimensional objects and mentally rotate them, which helps him put his ideas and drawings into virtual reality. In the context of the Seattle Longitudinal Study, Toby's mental ability is referred to as

spatial orientation.

Jared is 50 years old. He has been working in a corporate law firm since the past 25 years. Even though he has been successful in his career, he realizes that he has done nothing for his children. According to Erikson's theory, Jared's realization indicates _____.


3-month-old Marco has died unexpectedly while sleeping in his crib during the night. He seemed healthy at birth, and his doctor did not detect any major health issues during his regular checkup 2 weeks ago. The doctor concludes that Marco had stopped breathing during the night and died with no apparent cause. Which of the following is mostly likely the reason for Marco's death?

sudden infant death syndrome

Dylan was recently diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. The infection led to sores developing on his anus. Eventually, a skin rash broke out on the bottom of his feet. Given this information, it can be said that Dylan was diagnosed with


Donna is concerned about her adolescent daughter's tendency to flare-up at the mildest provocations. Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason sometimes and is unable to exercise much self-control. As a specialist in the development of adolescents, you would tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason that

the amygdala—the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex in adolescents.

Alice, Jane, Lois, and Sandra have been friends since grade school. Over the years, they have supported each other and shared in each other's joys and sadness. Which model of social relations does this scenario represent?

the convoy model

Angelo and his wife just had their last child move out of the house. He and his wife had lived vicariously through their children, letting their sports activities and various achievements dominate their lives. Now, they may experience _____, which includes a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home.

the empty nest syndrome

Fifteen-year-old Juanita wants to skip school because she is having a bad hair day and is convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Juanita experiencing?

the imaginary audience

Caroline, a 25-year-old professional, has been dating Mike, her colleague, for the past 6 years. She wants to get married to him by the age of 30 and have kids with him before she turns 35. She feels that getting married to Mike and raising a family with him are her main goals in life and that these goals will show her the meaning of life. In the context of the four main needs for meaning proposed by Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs, which of the following needs is highlighted in this scenario?

the need for purpose

Wilma is considering hospice care for her elderly father. She reaches out to a few hospice care agencies to know more about this program. She is aware that the idea behind this program is to make the end of life for a patient as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible and not to find a cure for an illness. The agencies inform her about another important purpose of this program. In this scenario, which of the following is most likely a purpose of hospice care?

to aid dying patients to face death with dignity

When Diana transitioned from elementary school to middle school, she moved from being one of the oldest, biggest, and most powerful students in the elementary school to being one of the youngest, smallest, and least powerful students in the middle school. This phenomenon is known as the

top-dog phenomenon.

Which of the following is an example of implicit memory?

typing on a computer while talking to a friend

Thirteen-year-old Grace's blood tests indicate that her levels of testosterone are about twice as high as they were a few years ago and that her estradiol levels are about eight times higher than earlier. This indicates that Grace is most likely to

undergo normal pubertal changes.

Jeanette, a 60-year-old woman, participates in a competition in which the participants are asked to memorize a list of words and then recall them in the same order in less than 2 minutes. In this competition, the participant who recalls the maximum number of words in the right order will be the winner. Unfortunately, Jeanette is not able to recall more than 10 words. In the context of the Seattle Longitudinal Study, Jeanette is most likely showing a decline in the mental ability referred to as

verbal memory.

Guillermo has taught his apprentices all the specialized techniques he has developed over the years as a carpenter. According to Erikson, he has achieved _____ generativity.


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