Lifespan Psychology Exam 4 (Chapters 13-17)

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go to great lengths to prevent their child from experiencing adversity, stress, or failure.

"Lawn mower parents" are parents who

Parkinson's disease

A chronic, progressive disease characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis.

metobolic syndrome

A condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. ______ _____ often leads to the onset of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

macular degeneration

A disease that involves deterioration of the macula of the retina, which corresponds to the focal center of the visual field.


A family of proteins that have been proposed as having important influences on longevity, mitochondrial functioning in energy, calorie restriction benefits, stress resistance, and a lower incidence of cardiovascular functioning.


A global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning.

working memory

A mental "workbench" where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language.

dual-process model

A model of coping with bereavement that emphasizes oscillation between two dimensions: (1) loss-oriented stressors, and (2) restoration-oriented stressors.

brain death

A neurological definition of death. A person is _______ ______ when all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specified period of time. A flat EEG recording is one criterion of this.

semantic memory

A person's knowledge about the world—including a person's fields of expertise, general academic knowledge of the sort learned in school, and "everyday knowledge."


A program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible. The goals of hospice care contrast with those of a hospital, which are to cure disease and prolong life.

empty nest syndrome

A term used to indicate a decrease in marital satisfaction after children leave home.

free-radical theory

A theory of aging proposing that people age because normal cell metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules known as _______ _______. These molecules ricochet around inside cells, damaging DNA and other cellular structures.

looking forward to death.

Robert Butler states that life review is set in motion by

adolescent pregnancies

Which of the following is one of the main reasons that grandparents are thrust back into the "parenting" role they thought they had shed?

B. Considerable stability occurs in the five personality factors.

Which of the following is the conclusion of the study conducted by Costa and McCrae on approximately 1,000 college-educated men and women aged 20 to 96? A. While extraversion and openness remain stable, agreeableness and conscientiousness vary greatly. B. Considerable stability occurs in the five personality factors. C. Extraversion is the most unstable personality factor. D. The five personality factors are very unstable across different age groups.

cardiovascular disease

Which of the following is the leading cause of death in the 75-to-84 and 85-and-over age groups?

passive euthanasia

Withholding available treatments, such as the use of life-sustaining devices, and allowing a person to die.


_____ is the most common chronic disorder in late adulthood.

Cellular clock

_____ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing.

Alzheimer's disease

a progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and, finally, physical functioning


Prejudice against people because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults.

injecting it with telomerase.

Researchers have extended the life of a human cell by

mTOR pathway

A cellular pathway involving the regulation of growth and metabolism that has been proposed as a key aspect of longevity


A chronic condition that involves an extensive loss of bone tissue and is the main reason many older adults walk with a marked stoop. Women are especially vulnerable to osteoporosis.

biological generativity

Abdiel has three children. According to Erikson, he has achieved

integrity versus despair

According to Erikson, the _____ stage of development involves reflecting on the past and either piecing together a positive review or concluding that one's life has not been well spent.

a transition from dependence to independence

According to Levinson, which of the following should occur at the end of one's teens? an increase in feelings of stagnation an increase in generativity a transition from dependence to independence a transition from conventional to postconventional reasoning

low socioeconomic status

According to a study by Domenech-Abella and others, which of the following is linked to increased risk of earlier death in older adults?


According to socioemotional selectivity theory, individuals are motivated by two types of goals: emotional and

crystallized intelligence

Accumulated information and verbal skills, which increase in middle age.


Adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation; the positive side of Erikson's middle adulthood stage of generativity versus stagnation.

contemporary life-events approach

An approach emphasizing that how a life event influences the individual's development depends not only on the life event itself but also on mediating factors, the individual's adaptation to the life event, the life-stage context, and the sociohistorical context.


Damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eye.


Daniel Levinson's studies suggest that most adults feel that middle age is a time of

active euthanasia

Death induced deliberately, as when a physician or a third party ends the patient's life by administering a lethal dose of a drug.

explicit memory

Memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state.

pallative care

Emphasized in hospice care; involves reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity.

integrity verses despair

Erikson's eighth and final stage of development, which individuals experience in late adulthood. This involves reflecting on the past and either piecing together a positive review or concluding that one's life has not been well spent.

implicit memory

Memory without conscious recollection; involves skills and routine procedures that are automatically performed.


Expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgment about important matters.

complicated grief or prolonged grief disorder

Grief that involves enduring despair and remains unresolved over an extended period of time.

a later cognitive decline.

In older adults, a higher level of social support is related to

In most cases, older adults cohabit for companionship than for love.

In the context of cohabitation among older adults, which of the following statements is true?

Married men are more involved with their wives' kin than with their own.

In the context of intergenerational relationships, which of the following has been revealed by research?

When older adults engage in complex working tasks and challenging daily work activities, their cognitive functioning shows less age-related decline.

In the context of work and aging, which of the following statements is true of older adults? >Employment gaps involving unemployment or sickness are associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment in older adults. >Working in a job with a high level of mental demand is linked to lower levels of cognitive functioning before retirement in older adults. >For older adults who work in low-complexity jobs, experiencing novelty in their work is linked with a reduction in processing speed and working memory. >When older adults engage in complex working tasks and challenging daily work activities, their cognitive functioning shows less age-related decline.

It was found to increase longevity.

In the study by Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer (1977), which of the following was found to be the result of older adults having perceived control over their own lives?


Inflammation of the joints that is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems; especially common in older adults.


Involve a thickening of the lens of the eye that causes vision to become cloudy and distorted.

Assisted suicide

Involves a physician supplying the information and/or the means of committing suicide but requiring the patient to self-administer the lethal medication and to decide when and where to do this.


Kübler-Ross' fifth stage of dying, in which the dying person develops a sense of peace, an acceptance of her or his fate, and in many cases, a desire to be left alone.

denial and isolation

Kübler-Ross' first stage of dying, in which the dying person denies that she or he is really going to die.


Kübler-Ross' fourth stage of dying, in which the dying person begins to acknowledge the certainty of her or his death. A period of depression or preparatory grief may appear.


Kübler-Ross' second stage of dying, in which the dying person's denial often gives way to anger, resentment, rage, and envy.


Kübler-Ross' third stage of dying, in which the dying person develops the hope that death can somehow be postponed.

cellular clock theory

Leonard Hayflick's theory that the maximum number of times human cells can divide is about 75 to 80. As we age, our cells become increasingly less capable of dividing.


Life _____ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live.


Maria is 75 years old. She is experiencing severe loss of bone tissue. Maria is most likely to be diagnosed with

early adulthood

Most research studies indicate that the greatest change in personality traits occurs in


Nathan just celebrated his 100th birthday. Nathan is a(n)


Older adults not being hired for new jobs, being eased out of old ones because they are perceived as too rigid or feeble-minded, and being eased out because they are not considered cost effective are examples of


Sometimes called "self-absorption," this state of mind develops when individuals sense that they have done little or nothing for the next generation; this is the negative side of Erikson's middle adulthood stage of generativity versus stagnation.

Older individuals control key family/community resources.

Which of the following factors is most likely to predict high status for older adults in a culture?


Taylor's view that when women experience stress, they are more likely to seek social alliances with others, especially female friends.

stem cell regeneration

Telomeres and telomerase are increasingly thought to be key components of the _____ process, providing a possible avenue to restraining cancer and delaying aging.

fluid intelligence

The ability to reason abstractly, which steadily declines from middle adulthood on.


The act of painlessly ending the lives of persons who are suffering from incurable diseases or severe disabilities; sometimes called "mercy killing."


The activity dimension of _____ is better than other dimensions in predicting longevity (Chapman & others, 2020).


The complete cessation of a woman's menstrual cycles, which usually occurs in the late forties or early fifties.

middle adulthood

The developmental period beginning at approximately 40 years of age and extending to about 60 to 65 years of age.


The emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of someone we love.

life expectancy

The number of years that will probably be lived by the average person born in a particular year.


The pleasant times after work when individuals are free to pursue activities and interests of their own choosing.

cumulative personality model

The principle that with time and age, people become more adept at interacting with their environment in ways that promote stability of personality.

episodic memory

The retention of information about the where and when of life's happenings.

hormonal stress theory

The theory that aging in the body's hormonal system can lower resilience under stress and increase the likelihood of disease.

mitochondrial theory

The theory that aging is caused by the decay of _______, tiny cellular bodies that supply energy for function, growth, and repair.

socioemotional selectivity theory

The theory that motivation changes as a function of time horizons. When time horizons are limited, as they are in late adulthood, there is a shift toward priorities that favor emotional meaning and satisfaction. Older adults become more selective about their social networks.

selective optimization with compensation theory

The theory that successful aging involves three main factors: selection, optimization, and compensation.

life span

The upper boundary of life, which is the maximum number of years an individual can live. The maximum life span of human beings is about 120 to 125 years of age.

evolutionary theory of aging

The view that natural selection has not eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults.

fight or flight

The view that when men experience stress, they are more likely to become aggressive, withdraw from social contact, or drink alcohol.

activity theory

Theory that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

Trevor and Michelle will have increased marital satisfaction.

Trevor and Michelle's last child has just left home to attend college. This will most likely be a time when Michelle will feel depressed, but Trevor will not. Trevor and Michelle will have increased marital satisfaction. Trevor and Michelle will spend less time together as they both pursue outside interests. Trevor and Michelle will grow emotionally distant.

alcohol abuse and smoking.

Vaillant's research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be dead at 75 to 80 years of age were

socioemotional selectivity theory

Voletta believes that older adults become more selective about their social networks as they age. She is a proponent of

Emotional stability (neuroticism), extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

big five factors of personality


midlife transition in which fertility declines

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