Linked Lists - Programming Fundamentals III COSC-2336
A method int size( ) in a linked list class returns the number of elements stored in the list by executing the single statement return count; For this to work correctly,
It is not possible for size to just return the count value: the size method must set count to 0 and then increment count once for each element in the list.
A Node class for a linked list that can hold elements of type Object can be declared to have fields
Object element; Node next;
In a typical circular doubly linked list, a node has
a field to store the element, and two references to keep track of successor and predecessor nodes
A list in which each stored element is associated with a reference to its successor is called
a linked list
In a linked list implementation using a reference first to point to the first node of the list, a method isEmpty() can test to see if the list is empty by executing the statement(s)
return first == null;
To allocate storage for its elements, an array-based list such as ArrayList uses
contiguous allocation
A list can be considered a recursive data structure because
if you remove the head of the list, what remains is also a list
In a linked list, the predecessor of a node X
is undefined if X is the first node, otherwise it is the node whose index is one less than the index of X
A linked list is represented by a reference to
the first node in the list, unless the list is empty, in which case the reference is set to null
A list method void add(int index, E x) seeking to add an element x that is an object of a class E to a list, should throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException when
the index is negative, or greater than the size of the list
A systematic procedure for starting at the first node in a list, and visiting all nodes in the list by going from each node to its successor is called
a traversal
The tail of a list
is what you get when take a list and remove its head
A circularly linked list makes it easy to
jump from the last node to the first
To allocate storage for their elements, linked lists use
linked allocation
A doubly linked list makes it easy to
move from any node to its successor, and from any node to its predecessor
To remove the first node in a nonempty linked list,
move the head reference one node forward: head =;
The objects that form the units of memory allocation in a linked lists are called
A linked list class keeps its elements in the order in which they are added, with the index of an element X being greater than the index of any element added to the list before X. Addition of new elements to such a list can be made more efficient
none of the above
A list method E remove(int index) designed to remove and return the element at the given index should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException when
the index is negative, or is greater than, or equal to, the size of the list
When using recursion on linked lists
the recursive method should be made private, and should be called by a public non-recursive method