lisa Practice
She likes to read
A ella le gusta leer
Que cosas tienes
Are you kidding me?
Which is big, which animal is big?
CuAl es grande, quE animal es grande?
When I was little, 20 years ago, we started to learn English at age 6
Cuando yo era pequeNo, hace veinte aNos, empezabamos a estudiar inglEs con seis aNos.
I am buying a gift on behalf of my father
Compro un regalo por mi padre
El se enamorarA de la proxima linda extranjera que llegue al Pueblo
He will fall in love with the next pretty foreigner who arrives in town (note the de and al—use al when arriving involves movement)
El estA parado sobre la silla
He's standing on the chair
El les estA enseNando Aribe a los niNos
He's teaching Arabic to the boys
Cuanto tiempo llevas buscando a Pedro?
How much time have you spent looking for Pedro?
Como quieres
How you want (you have specified a particular thing/place/activity)
Como quieras
However you want (you haven't specified, just conveying discretion)
Llego a horario al concierto.
I arrive on time for the concert
Vivo en EspaNa desde hace tres aNos
I have lived in Spain for three years and still live there
me he equivocado
I have made a mistake
Hace mucho que hablo espaNol
I have spoken Spanish for a long time
Hace dos semanas quo no como pan
I haven't eaten bread in two weeks
Hace mucho que no te veo
I haven't seen you for a long time
He vivido tres aNos en EspaNa
I lived in Spain for three years, period closed, I don't live there anymore
tengo ganas de volver/helado
I want to return, I want ice cream
Estoy en casa
I'm at home
me muero de vergüenza/hambre
I'm dying from embarrassment/hunger
tiene que ser difIcil
It has to be difficult
Hace mucho que no hablamos
It's been a long time since we've spoken (the negative gives hace mucho the "long time since" meaning)
EstA a cinco minutos en coche
It's five mins away by car (note the "a")
se hace tarde
It's late
asi como asi
Just like that
The intention is what counts
La intenciOn es lo que cuenta
Right hand, left foot
La mano derecha, el pie izquierdo
The girl reads the book to the kids
La muchacha les lee el libro a los ninos
The girl has more oranges then her mom
La niNa tiene mas naranjas que su madre
He doesn't have the strength
Le faltan las fuerzas
He's late for his flight
Llega tarde a su vuelo
Did I say/pronounce it right?
Lo he dicho/pronunciado bien?
I'm washing my hands because they're dirty
Me estoy lavando las manos porque las tengo sucias
I like milk better than juice
Me gusta mAs la leche que el jugo
mientras tanto
Meanwhile, in the meantime
It's afternoon
es de tarde
o sea
es decir (in other words), en otras palabras
My daughter is the youngest
Mi hija es la mAs joven
My teacher is Mr. G
Mi maestro es el SeNor G
My dad has spoken to me in Spanish since I was little
Mi padre me ha hablado en espaNol desde pequeNo
Miguel ha escrito la carta para que tu entiendas lo que piensa
Miguel has written a letter so that you understand what he thinks (two subjects, use subjunctive)
Miguel ha escrito la carta para explicar lo que piensa
Miguel has written a letter to explain what he thinks (one subject, no subjunctive)
I didn't understand you (formal). Can you say it again please?
No le entendI. Puede repetirlo por favor?
ninguno de los niNos estA sentado
None of the kids are seated (singular!)
We (girls) waited for the bus
Nosotras esperabamos el autobus
tener nada que ver con
Nothing to see, nothing to do with (eg no tenIa nada que ver con los platos a los que ella estA acostumbrada)
encima de
On, on top of
Nuestros invitados están a la puerta.
Our guests are at the door
By mail, train, plane, ship, email
Por correo, tren, aviOn, barco, correo electrOnico
At night I work in the dining room
Por la noche, trabajo en el comedor
Why do the sheets smell good?
Por quE huelen bien las sAbanas? (Note order of verb and noun)
Why is mom washing the dog?
Por que estA mamA lavando al perro? (Note the a in there, b/c dog is alive. If car, it would just say el carro)
What are we doing tomorrow morning?
Que hacemos maNana por la maNana?
I want to pay in cash
Quiero pagar en efectivo
para que
So that, in order that
Only if you choose to
Solo lo/la eliges
asi es la vida
Such is life
que poca verguenza
Such nerve
La leche estA fea
The milk is bad
I work on Mondays and Tuesdays
Trabajo los lunes y martes
Le gustarIa a usted it a la playa?
Would you (formal) like to go to the beach?
dar la vuelta
Turn around
relacionado con, asociado con
related to; tiene que ver con
tener cuidado
to be careful; to have caution (-go)
The pants don't fit you. They're too small.
Estos pantalones no te quedan. Son demasiado pequeNas
Mi padre es aun mayor.
My father is even older
Mi padre es el mayor.
My father is the oldest
The girl doesn't like juice
A la niNa no le gusta el jugo (note the a, if it was a boy it's start with al)
The girl doesn't like to play soccer
A la niNa no le gusta jugar al fUtbol (note al)
en cuanto pueda
As soon as I can
En cuanto vuelva
As soon as I return
por causa de
Because of
por eso
Because of that
Will you trade your cd for my book?
Cambias tu cd por mi libro?
To go for a walk
Dar un paseo
Te leIa esto tu madre cuando eras niNa?
Did you read this to your mom when you were little?
En espaNa se celebra Halloween?
Do they celebrate Halloween in Spain?
The car is an antique
El carro es antiguo
The car is new
El carro es nuevo (not estA)
She sells a notebook to the man
Ella le vende un cuaderno al hombre
She has a dirty face
Ella tiene la cara sucia
It's noon
Es mediodia
It's required to learn english
Es obligatorio estudiar el inglES
I hope to arrive on time
Espero llegar a tiempo
I hope you arrive on time
Espero que llegues a tiempo
I hope you like this music
Espero que te guste la mUsica
They're listening to a concert
EstAn escuchando un concierto (no "a")
They're watching a play
EstAn mirando una obra de teatro
They are at work
Estan en el trabajo
These shirts are the same
Estas camisas son iguales
This year she's going to quit smoking
Este aNo va a dejar de fumar
antes de nada
First of all
Thank you for x
Gracias por x
Have you eaten anything unusual?
Ha(s) comido algo diferente de lo normal?
No se diO cuenta de que estaba a punto de destruir el nido de un ratOn
He didn't realize that he was about to destroy the nest of a mouse
Cuanto tiempo llevas aqui
How long have you been here?
Voy a cumplir seis el ano que viene
I'm going to turn six next year
estoy al día, estoy al tanto
I'm up to date (on something)
Llevo dos años trabajando aquí.
I've Been working here for two years
How long have you been feeling this way?
Se siente asI desde hace cuantos dias?
Do you have to study English in your school?
Se tiene que estudiar inglEs en tu colegio?
Ella llama por teléfono a su madre.
She calls her mom on the phone
Ella se reUne con su gerente
She meets with her boss
TendrA que aprender mas para poder hablar con la gente en España
She will have to learn more in order to be able to speak with people in Spain
Ella escribe espaNol
She writes in Spanish
Ella escribiO una carta mientras estaba en el tren
She wrote a card while she was on the train
Algunos de los niNos estAn sentados
Some of the kids are seated
de vez en cuando/a veces
Sometimes, from time to time
They're the same style
Son del mismo tamaNo
They're too big
Son demasiado grandes
dar una vuelta
Take a little trip
We have a car, but we don't have a reservation
Tenemos un carro, pero no tenemos reserva (note you don't use una if you're saying you don't have something)
I have dirty hands, my hands are dirty
Tengo las manos sucias
gracias por preguntar
Thanks for asking
El hombre se encuentra con sus amigos en la playa.
The man meets his friends on the beach
Eso es un buen seNal
That's a good sign
Asi es
That's right, that's it
Los niNos le ayudan al hombre mayor
The boys help the older man
El cafe esta feo
The coffee is gross
La fecha es viernes cinco de mayo.
The date is Friday May 5
La fecha es catorce de julio
The date is July 14
Hace demasiado frio en la habitacion
The room is too cold
Esta sAbana es liviana
The sheet is light
El teatro estA a su derecha/izquierda
The theater is to his right/left
La tortilla era mas sofisticada en el sentido de que tambien lleva otros ingredientes
The tortilla was more sophisticated in the sense that it also had other ingredients
Hoy es el diecinueve de junio de dos mil once
Today is June 19 2011
asi que
Estos sombreros son del mismo color.
These hats are the same color
Estos sombreros son del mismo tamaño.
These hats are the same size
Estos telefonos son del mismo color pero tamaNos diferentes
These phones are the same color but different style
tomaron un taxi desde el aeropuero a la casa
They took a taxi from the airport to the house
Este animal es mAs lento
This animal is slower
Esta casa es la mAs grande
This house is the biggest
Esto es de plAstico
This is made of plastic
Eso si que es la vida/fenomenal/etc
This is the life! This is phenomenal!
tomar el pelo (a alguien)
To pull the leg, joke, not take seriously
Tomarselo en serio
To take it seriously
To walk, to take (transportation)
She's/they're going to get fit
Va a ponerse en forma
I'm going to class to learn spanish
Voy a clase para aprender espaNol
I'm going to the mountains next week
Voy a las montanas la semana que viene
I go on foot
Voy a pie
I'm going to visit my grandma this tuesday
Voy a visitar a mi abuela el martes que viene
I go in car
Voy en coche
We will come (we will sell us venderemos)
Te escribimos esto
We wrote you this
Que hace usted?
What do you do (for a living)?
Que quieres decir
What do you mean?
Ustedes van a tardar quince minutos en el autobus
You're going to spend 15 minutes on the bus; it'll take you 15 minutes on the bus
persona joven/mayor
Younger/older person
I want to thank you for what you have done
te quiero agradecer lo que has hecho