Literature unit 4

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Why do you think the author chose to tell the story using this viewpoint in After The Battlle?

Your Opinion, It would give away the ending of it if it was omniscient

In The Forty Thieves analyze each character's actions, can you say that any of them are really noble? Why or why not?

No. They were all killing and stealing


The person created by the author to tell the story, affecting the way a story is told


a recurring or emerging idea in a work of literature

At what point in The Open Window do you suspect that Vera was making up her story?

When the aunt says something completely different.

Which story in Unit 4 best fits the definition of an autobiographical essay?

"By any other Name"

From what point of view is after the battle told

3rd Person Limited-omniscient

Historical fiction

A fictional story that employs authentic historical characters or settings


A short narrative of a single interesting or amusing incedent

Autobiographical essay

A short selection written by the author about his experience and focused on a particular event or happening

Frame story

A story that contains another story or an introductory story from which another story springs


A type or category of literature

Which story best fits the definition of historical fiction? How does it fit that description?

After the Battle. It takes place in the Civil War, but the specific event didn't actually happen.

Does the author desire you to have more sympathy for Cassim or Ali Baba?

Ali Baba

In The Open Window, identify at least one example of foreshadowing at the beginning of the story that hints at the character of Vera, Mrs. Sappleton's niece.

Asks if he knows people around here to see if he would know the true story.

Why do you think the author of The Open Window chose to alter the story's viewpoint near the ending?

Because it would make more sense to see into the girl's head than the man at the end, because the man ran away.

In By Any Other Name, what is the essay's point of view? How can you tell?

First Person, constant use of Me and I

What does the resolution to the conflict reveal about the character of Dave Joyce in After The Battle?

He cares about others' well being, even enemies in war

In By Any Other Name what would you say is the main theme of Rau's account? How does the essay's point of view strengthen the theme?

Her school's discrimination against Indians. You see all of her own thoughts and feelings in a personalized way.

In The Open Window, the narrator uses the limited-omniscient viewpoint for most of the story, focusing on Nettle's perspective. How does that point of view aid the author in accomplishing the purposes of the genre he is using?

If you could see in any one else's heads, it would give away the ending.

How is the conflict resolved in After The Battle?

Joyce carries Ryder away from the fire

How do Dave Joyce and Bill Ryder differ in After The Battle?

Joyce is compassionate. Ryder only cares about himself

In the last four paragraphs of The Open Window, Saki changes point of view. What is the point of view of these last four paragraphs?

Limited-omniscient from Vera, the daughter's POV.

Most of "The Open Window" is told from which character's perspective?

Mr. Nuttle

Identify the point of view from which The Forty Thieves is written and explain the role of point of view in guiding the readers sympathies

Omniscient. You can see why they do what they do

If Joyce had been the wounded man, how do you think Ryder would have treated him?

Ryder most likely would have killed him, because he would do anything to save himself from possible danger

In By Any Other Name, consider closely the descriptions of the girl's home and the school. How does the atmosphere of each differ? What does this say about Rau's attitude toward each?

She describes the school as brown, boring, and hostile, but home as vibrant and welcoming.

In By Any Other Name, what do Premila's actions on the first day of school and on the day of the test reveal about her? How does this seem to differ from Santha

She paid more attention and asked more questions. She knew about the discrimination and was more aware.

Based of the definition of a frame story, which of the selections in this unit is part of a frame story? Why does this fit into that genre?

The Forty Thieves. It is a part of an Arabian folktale, the Arabian Nights/A Thousand and One Nights

Which of the three selections fits the definition of Anecdote? How does it fulfill those requirements?

The Open Window. It is a short story that focuses on one event and is amusing.

Point of view

The perspective or angle from which a story is told

First-person viewpoint

The point of view in which the author, as one of the characters, refers to himself as I throughout the piece

Limited-omniscient viewpoint

Viewpoint in which the author tells the story in third person and "gets inside" only one of the characters, usually the central character

Omniscient viewpoint

The viewpoint taken by an author who tells his story in third person, a story teller "knows all."

In The Forty Thieves although the resolution of the story is in some ways satisfying, it is not completely acceptable from a moral standpoint. explain why

They are killing, stealing and deceiving each other.

In By Any Other Name, why does the girl with the braids touch Santha's arm?

To show sympathy and compassion.

The Open Window uses the limited omniscient point of view that through most of the story. Which character does Saki use to view the events?

Used the man's point of view in the beginning, then switches to the girl at the very end.

Third person

the point of view in which the author refers to the characters as he, she, or it


the use of language to convey meaning other than what is stated or a contradiction in what is expected to happen and what actually happens

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