LMS 1 Cert Study Questions

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What is the use of "Available languages" on the General tab of the Course Catalog?

Search purposes. This does not mean the course content is available in those languages, not related to localization.

If the Maximum Number of Test Entries on a test is set to 2 and a user gets bumped out of the test, how many times can he re-enter the test?

1. The first entry counts as the first entry and the re-entry counts as the second entry.

Recurrence may be set on all of the following learning objects EXCEPT:


What cannot be included in a curriculum?


For which learning object type can you NOT select Force Enrollment when creating a proxy enrollment request?

Sessions. An ILT session is a live class that only occurs once; therefore a user cannot be enrolled in the session a second time.

Which of the following cannot be added to a curriculum?

Sessions. Events can be added to a curriculum, which will then allow users to select a specific session to register for, but individual ILT sessions cannot be added to a curriculum. Sessions tied to a specific date so, since Curricula are often in use over multiple years, allowing sessions to be included will cause problems for future learners.

What is the difference between Required Completion Approvals and Required Training Approvals?

Training Approvals are initiated by a user requesting training and Completion Approvals are initiated by the user completing training

Sharon wants to track the various costs for delivering instructor led (classroom) training sessions She has four categories of costs: Instructor Fees, Room & Equipment Rental, Catering, and Participant Travel. Where can she add these cost types to the portal so that they will be available within all ILT sessions for recording actual cost amounts?

Cost types are created when editing ILT Preferences.

Moira created the Dynamic Proxy Enrollment rule that appears in the screen shot. The training assigned by the rule is no longer relevant. There is a newer course to replace it, so Moira wants this rule to stop assigning training to new users. She will be creating a new rule to assign the new course. Click the area of the screen that Moira needs to click to make the rule stop processing.

Currently, the rule keeps processing every night because it is still active. Moira needs to click on the Active link to change it to Inactive. Once inactive, the rule will stop processing each day, so no new users will be assigned the training.

What is a signature message for?

To manage the electronic signature functionality, where the user will electronically sign for his/her participation in the course.

How does training equivalency work for languages?

Training equivalence by language can only be done if the language in question is not selected in available languages.

What kind of tabs will always be visible in Course Catalog although not always functional?

- Skills - Competencies They will only be functional if client has purchased Succession/Performance

What are the changes an admin can make to a topic once it is created?

- Title - Description - Tags - Attachment

What cannot be configured in the Course Catalog?

- Topics - External training - Session - Certifications - Volunteer activities They get configured where they are built.

What are the main Connect preferences and what do they do?

- User profile fields > Fields displayed in the user profile - User profiles > what users can and cannot do in their profile - User profile navigation links > Change the names of the links in the user profile - Additional options > enable or disable specific features

What does it mean that a posting has been made a "sticky"?

- Will appear yellow - Made sticky by topic moderator - Will always appear at the top of the posting list - 3 postings in a topic can be sticky

How many standard reports are availabile for Old Knowledge Bank?


Sally Smith has requested the Fire Safety online course. Based upon the images above for the user record and the course, how many approvals does Sally need?


What is particular about the Transactions tab in Course Catalog?

Transactions actually requires a permission as well as Training Units. Their tabs won't appear on Course Catalog if not enabled.

After an ILT session roster is submitted, later changes can be made to attendance and the roster can be resubmitted to reflect those updates. True or false?


If you are going to replace the course files for a course in Course publisher instead of reversioning the course, the course files structure must be the same in the new set of course files. True or false?


It is strongly recommended to have at least one subject created in the portal, as Subject is a required field when creating some learning objects. True or false?


Using the Recurrence functionality in Proxy Enrollment for an online course will allow the user to "retake" the online course and record multiple completions for that course. True or false?


Which of the following statements about Custom Training Fields is FALSE?

When the field is configured as Response Required, the end user must enter a value into the field

What does the Recommendation tag do in Course Catalog?

Where recommended courses can be added. When a user shops a course, other courses will appear in the shopping card as a recommended list.

The availability field determines...

Which end users and administrators will be able to view the custom field.

Where do the training custom fields display?

While editing a course and will be completed by the administrator. Or directly in the session in the ILT area.

What is the Topics tab in Connect's Live Feed area?

Will displa all topics available to the user

George registered for this session a month ago. George withdraws the day before the session start. What is the total amount that will be charged for this session? (Consider original price, and applicable penalties and refunds)

$200. The total price charged for this session will be $200, the price George paid when he registered. He is not eligible for a refund because he withdrew from the session too late. In order to qualify for a 50% refund he would need to have withdrawn at least three days before the session start date,

Jean Luc registered for this session a month ago but did not attend the training session. His transcript (training record) status on the day of the session was Registered. What is the total amount that will be charged for this session?


Based on the screenshot above, which of the following combination of items could the user complete in order for this curriculum to move to a complete status.

+ Accountability Now! > Center for Creative Leadership > Being an Effective Team Member > Note + Accountability Now! > Center for Creative Leadership > Business Coaching > Company Handbook Acknowledgement

An administrator is configuring the above custom training field for external training. This field needs to allow end users to enter a value for the field when adding external training to their transcript. Which of the check box options are required to ensure the field meets this need?

+ Active trainning type + Visible to End User on Transcript + Editable on Transcript by End User

Once a training custom field is created, where can the field be populated?

+ Course catalog + Transcript Custom training fields are added to the Course Catalog where administrators can populate the fields for each learning object. Custom training fields can also be configured so end users and/or admins can edit the field at the user transcript level for particular learning objects.

What is the difference between deep linking and a relative linking?

+ Deep linking is a way to link to a course or page within the portal from outside the portal. Relative linking is a way to link from within the portal to another page in the portal +Deep links require a Base URL provided by the organization's IT department, relative links do not +Deep linking can only be used if the organization is using SSO functionality. Relative linking can be used regardless of whether or not an organization is using SSO

The View Training Details page for this material contains a graphic. If your client wants a graphic to display for their users who access a particular material, where can they add the graphic?

+ The Image field on the General tab in the Course Catalog. + The Material Image field on the Add Material page.

Which actions can a Topic Moderator/Manager take in Old Knowledge Bank?

+ View posts associated with topics they manage + Delete posts + Approve posts Topic Moderators/Managers cannot create new topics in a portal. Topics must be created by a system administrator.

Which question types can be used in a test? Choose all that apply.

+ Yes/No + Click on Image + Text Only

What are the options for an admin of a session with regards to the pre-requisites?

- Allow the users to register for the session without completing the pre-requisite (hold a seat in the session) but if the pre-requisite is not met by the time the session happens, the system will automatically withraw them from the session. - Not allow the users to register for the session without completing the pre-requisite

What is the impact of recurrence in the Course Catalog for an LO?

- Can allow or not allow for a user to request the course more than once for a new completion to be credited - Makes it possible for the user to be assigned the same course more than once for a new completion to be credited *Not possible when only launching, as this is only a view) *Recurrence at CC level has to be enabled *Not related to proxy enrollment

What are the access levels existing in Connect comunities?

- Public > Anyone can see or join - Request only > Requires assignment or community approval for users to join - Private > Available by assignment only. Not visible to not members

For which LO types is Recurrence not available in Course Catalog?

- Curriculum. Recurrence for a Curriculum needs to be set when creating the curriculum. If not set up at this level, the admin will not be able to use a recurring proxy for this curriculum. - Events and sessions. Given that events and session (one specific LO) are bounded to a date (happen only once).

What are search criteria (for LOs) only available to Admins?

- Date added to catalog - Availability criteria

What is the Updates tab in Connect's Live Feed area?

- Only visible if the Admin allows users to update their profile. - If enabled this will be the default tab - Will display the ten most recent updates from connections

What are the four Email types that exist in the platform?

- Promotional - Confirmation - Notification - Reminder No behavioral difference.

Thomas Ayrhart has requested an online course. Based upon the screen shots above displaying the configuration of the course and the user record, how many approvals will be required?

1. the learning object is set to 1, the user record is not set to 0 and the availability is not set to pre-approved, so the learning object requirement for 1 approval wins.

Jane Thomas has requested the Basic Accounting online course. Based upon the images above for the user record and the course, how many approvals does Jane need?


Adam Ayrhart, an administrator for Flytes of Fancy, Inc., has enabled External Training on the portal. He has set up the approval requirements and wants you to take a look at them. Based upon the images above, how many approvals are the employees going to require to add External Training?

2. With external training, the system compares the user record approval requirement to the external trainnig approval requirement and applies the higher of the two values.

For how long is the Email log preserved?

30 days

Based on the screen shot, how many items in the Week 1 section would have to be completed in order for that section to be complete?


How many items in the Week 1 section would have to be completed in order for that section to be complete?


Based on the screenshot, how much will the total charge for the user be if he withdraws from the session 3 days before the session starts?


What is the difference between a Free Form question and a Text Only question?

A Text Only question is graded by the system based upon a list of acceptable correct answers identified by the administrator. A Free Form question requires identification of a grader who is responsible for reviewing and scoring the question answer

Which of the following statements is TRUE about roles in Knowledge Bank (OLD Knowledge bank)?

A Topic Manager can access items within a topic they manage and edit or delete them

What is a community in Connect?

A collection of information and people surrounding a topic.

Who can see communities?

A community can be public - everyone can see it or join - or private - where users need to be invited or approved to join, won't be visitble to anyone who is not a current member of the community. Postings and topics can be designated for particular communities

Which of the following learning objects will you be able to find when searching the Course Catalog?

A curriculum created for new hires.

What is an email tag?

A feature that automatically substitutes specific information, such as the User's name in email

When editing a learning object via the course catalog, on which tab can an administrator identify the learning object as required?

A learning object can be identified as Required, Suggested, or Featured from the Availability tab.

Which of the following statements about using custom training fields in Global Search is TRUE?

A maximum of five custom training fields can be configured as search filters for conducting Global Searches on user pages

Which statements about Proxy Enrollment requests is FALSE?

A standard proxy enrollment request can be set up to recur.

What is a topic in Connect?

A topic is a category to organize postings.

Where in the Course Catalog can an administrator add a Training Request Form to a learning object?

A training request form can be added to a learning object from the General and Availability tabs.

A portal has the Course Publisher enabled, but a content administrator indicates she is unable to see it. What needs to be checked to ensure the administrator has access to the Course Publisher?

A user must have both a content authoring license and the Course Publisher permission to access the Course Publisher.

Which of the following features is NOT available for administrators when editing learning objects via the course catalog?

Ability to configure session subjects

Based on the screenshot, which of the following choices depicts the sequence in which a user must complete the curriculum items in order to achieve a completed status for the curriculum?

Accountability Now! > Center for Creative Leadership > Being an Effective Team Member > Note

Is it possible to delete an approval workflow template?

Admin generated - Yes, if not in use System generated - No

Based upon the screenshot above, which user(s) will be able to edit the value of this custom training field?

Administrators assigned to the Administration division

Based upon the screenshot, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Administrators must set a value for this field for online courses

Based upon the screenshot, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Administrators must set a value for this field when creating a curriculum

Which ILT features allows users who are on the Interest List for an event to request and register for the session before the session becomes available to other users included in the session availability?

Advance registration.

What are the access levels existing in Connect topics?

After selecting availability per OU... - Read only> View only, can't comment - Read write > View, upload postings, and ask questions - Read only w/ question asking > View and ask questions to the topic questions - Read only w/ commenting > View and comment

Based on the screen shot , in what order would the user have to take the items in the curriculum?

All the items in Week 1 in any order and when those are complete, the items in Week 2 in the order listed.

Based on the screen shot, in what order would the user have to take the items in the curriculum?

All the items in Week 1 in any order and when those are complete, the items in Week 2 in the order listed.

Which of the following actions can a Topic Expert take in Old Knowledge Bank?

Answer questions posted to topics for which they are a designated expert. Topic Experts are only able to do one thing and that is to answer the questions posted to topics where they are designated as an expert.

Based upon the screenshots, when this proxy enrollment occurs, what will the user's transcript status be?


Flytes of Fancy, Inc. is using the administrator defined workflow in the screenshot above. Valerie Ayrhart has requested an online course. Both her manager and HR Partner have selected Approve. Based upon the images above, what is the status of the course?

Approved. There are two approvals required and both have been fulfilled. Since the learning object is not set to Register on Approval it will be in an Approved status.

Acme's administrator is proxy enrolling a group of users into a learning object that has a price of $75. The payment preferences for these users is set to user pays 100%. Study the screen shot which shows the status setting chosen for this proxy enrollment request. When this learning object is assigned to the users, what will the transcript status be?

Approved. Users will be enrolled in an Approved status. Even though Assign, Approve and Register was chosen in the proxy enrollment settings, it cannot register students because payment is required first. As you can see in the screenshot, the administrator did not bypass user payment. Users will see a status of Approved and a link to Register. When they click the Register link, the shopping cart will open so they can pay for the training. After the payment transaction is complete, the learning object will move to a registered status.

Ruth is assigning the Communicating Across Cultures course to Letitia, via proxy enrollment. Please see the screen shots above for important information about the availability settings of the course, Letitia's user settings, and the proxy enrollment assignment settings. Given the information you see, what will the transcript status be for Letitia when the learning object is added to her transcript?

Approved. When the "Assign and Approve Training" option is chosen in a proxy enrollment request, normal approval workflow is bypassed. No approval is required, despite the settings at the LO and user level. Because the register upon approval option is not selected at either the LO or proxy enrollment level, the user will receive the learning object in an Approved status and will need to click the Register link to complete the registration process.

Ruth is assigning the Communicating Across Cultures course to Letitia, via proxy enrollment. Please see the screen shots for important information about the availability settings of the course, Letitia's user settings, and the proxy enrollment assignment settings. Given the information you see, what will the transcript status be for Letitia when the learning object is added to her transcript?

Approved. When the "Assign and Approve Training" option is chosen in a proxy enrollment request, normal approval workflow is bypassed. No approval is required, despite the settings at the LO and user level. Because the register upon approval option is not selected at either the LO or proxy enrollment level, the user will receive the learning object in an Approved status and will need to click the Register link to complete the registration process.

What is the correct order for the system default approval workflow?

Approver > Cost Center Approver > Manager

Which of the following Proxy Enrollment options automatically puts a course in a user's transcript in a Registered status?

Assign, Approve & Register employees directly into training

What is an Email best practice for clients that have E-mail triggers in multiple language and want to make sure one user doesn't get more than on Email?

Availability set up.

What cannot be edited in the catalog as a batch?

Available languages

Why is the localization icon appearing in this screenshot?

Because there are language packs enabled in the portal. No language packs, no localization icon.

Which posting types are NOT available in Old Knowledge Bank?


Based upon the screenshot, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Both Managers and Users will be able to view the score of the test, but only Users will be able to review the correct and incorrect responses

What status will the LO for a user have if the LO has post-work (optional), and the user completed the training?


What status will the LO for a user have if the LO has pre-work (optional), and the user completed the training?


Where in the portal are learning objects designated as Featured?

Catalog Management > Course Catalog

Where in the portal are subjects added and maintained?

Catalog Management > Subjects

What does not reversion a curriculum?

Changing the Pay Up Front options

When will child subjects display in the Browse for Training widget?

Child subjects will display if there is a learning object associated with the subject and the learning object is available to the user.

Which question type will allow the administrator to define an area on an image as the correct response and will score the question as correct only if the user clicks the correct area on the image.

Click on image

Which of the following statements about Custom Training fields is FALSE?

Custom training fields cannot be translated. - Custom training fields can be translated into any language the client is using in the portal

Which column on the Browse for Training Preferences page enables you to set the primary sort order for training?

Default. The selection made in the Default column determines the order in which training will be listed when users access the Browse for Training page.

ABC Company is using the administrator defined workflow in the images above. Sandy Alphabet has requested an online course. Her manager has selected Deny. Based upon the images above, what is the status of the course?

Denied. Regardless of the number of approvals required, if one approver denies the request, the approval workflow ends and the learning object is denied.

What is the Communities tab in Connect's Live feed area? What is a community in connect?

Displays all communities, which are online groups of users with similar interests, job classifications or shared projects.

What is the Authors tab in Connect's Live feed area?

Displays posting by author with the most recent posting to the top.

What is the difference between due date and completed mails?

Due date > Can be done before and after Completed > can only be sent after

How can the receipients of Email be set up?

Dynamic or to a specific user (not recommended)

Which actions will NOT cause a curriculum to re-version? (Choose all that apply)

Editing the Pay Upfront or Recurrence settings will not re-version a curriculum. Neither will editing the due dates. However, adding or removing an object, Training, Note, Form, or Section will cause a curriculum to re-version.

Which of the following statements about Materials is FALSE?

Editing the source for the material will cause the material to version

What information is provided in the E-mail log?

Email Address Time Sent Subject

When creating emails by LO, which of the following statements is FALSE:

Emails by LO cannot be created if the same email trigger is not active in the main email administration area

An administrator can only review test answers for the current version of a test. True or false?


Cost Types in ILT session defaults are predefined and cannot be changed by the Admin in Preferences. True or false?


If an administrator wants to create and apply the same custom emails for all of the selected learning objects in the screenshot above, it can be done quickly by clicking the "Edit Selected" button, navigating to the Edit Emails link, creating and activating the desired email(s), and clicking "Submit". True or false?


If an administrator wants to create and apply the same custom emails for all of the selected learning objects in the screenshot, it can be done quickly by clicking the "Edit Selected" button, navigating to the Edit Emails link, creating and activating the desired email(s), and clicking "Submit". True or false?


If you change one of the settings on the Session Default page for an event, the sessions you already created, but that have not taken place yet will be changed to reflect that new setting. True or false?


If you set a minimum registration for an ILT session and the minimum is not met, the session will automatically be cancelled. True or false?


In order to add a subject to multiple learning objects at one time in the course catalog, all of the learning objects must be the same type. True or false?


Inactivating a test question that is currently in use will make it unavailable for users who currently have it on an existing test. True or false?


Marketing emails are used to initially notify users they have access to the system and are triggered when a new user is added to the system. True or false?


Proxy Enrollment custom emails can be edited after submission of the proxy. True or false?


Uploading a course in course publisher automatically makes the course SCORM compliant. True or false?


When creating a topic in Knowledge Bank (OLD Knowledge bank), the administrator can add multiple topics in the "Parent Topic (Optional)" field. True or false?


When creating a topic in Knowledge Bank (OLD Knowledge bank), the administrator can add multiple topics in the "Parent Topic (Optional)" field. true or false?


When creating subjects, it is best practice to create as many subjects as possible and have each division have their own set of subjects. True or false?


When selecting No Emails for a curriculum, the administrator is suppressing all emails for the learning objects within the curriculum. True or false?


If a learning object requires acknowledgement, the end user must acknowledge receipt of the learning object on their transcript before they can launch the training. True or false?

False. A learning object can only be acknowledged once the training has been completed, however until the end user has acknowledged completion of the training, the learning object will not move to a completed status on their transcript.

A material can be a pre-requisite for another LO but materials cannot have pre-requisites. True or false?

False. A material is like any other LO. Just as online courses, tests, and events can have pre-requisites, a material may also have a pre-requisite.

Browse for Training includes seven standard sort options. Clients can add up to three custom sort options. True or false?

False. New sort options cannot be added. Clients must use the standard sort options.

Browse for Training includes seven standard sort options. Clients can add up to three custom sort options. true or false?

False. New sort options cannot be added. Clients must use the standard sort options.

A Prerequisite is optional unless an administrators marks it required in the Course Catalog. True or false?

False. Prerequisites are always required and must be completed before a user can register for the associated training. Pre-Work and Post-Work can be made optional or required.

System Administrators always have the ability to view postings of every topic created in the portal. True or false?

False. System administrators do not automatically have access to view posts associated with topics in their portal. That permission is reserved for Topic Moderators/Managers. In order for a system administrator to see postings for a given topic, that administrator must be added to the availability for the topic, or be added as a topic manager for the topic.

The price of a curriculum must equal the price of all of the LOs contained within the curriculum.

False. The curriculum price is determined by the administrator. It is possible for the curriculum price to be something other than the sum of all of the LOs within the curriculum, if the Curriculum Pricing option is chosen on the pricing page when creating or editing the curriculum.

If an approval worfklow template has five steps and it is applied to a user who has two required approvals listed on the user record, all five of the steps in the worfklow will be required for the user. True or false?

False. The number of steps that are included in an approval workflow does not determine the number of approvals required for a user. Instead, it is the number of approvals required for a user and whether or not approvers defer or roles/steps are not populated that determines the number of steps in the workflow that will be used. So, this means it is possible for a user with two approvals to only use two steps in a five step workflow. It is also possible for a user with two approvals to use all steps in a five step workflow. It depends upon what occurs during the approval process.

Custom training fields will always display in the Course Catalog in the order that they were created. They cannot be re-ordered. True or false?

False. The training custom field display order can be changed at any time on the Define Custom Field Order and View LO Types page accessible from the Training Custom Fields page.

Users may edit their own posts in Old Knowledge Bank. True or false?

False. There are no configuration options that will allow a user to edit their own posts, however a Topic Manager can edit posts in the topics they manage.

It is not possible to give users the ability to create new discussions in Old Knowledge Bank without giving them the ability to use the Ask Question feature. True or false?

False. There are three levels of access in Old Knowledge Bank. They are Read Only, Read/Write, and Read Only W/ Question Asking. When a user has been given Read/Write access, they can read posts and create new Question, Discussion, Document, and Online Resource posts. When a user has been given Read Only w/ Question Asking access, they can read posts but can only create new Question posts. There is no access level that grants a user access to the Discussion posting type only.

After a course has been re-versioned, it will retain the prior version's catalog settings (subjects, availability, skills, etc.). True or false?

False. While some things are retained, for example recurrence settings, most are not and must be reset in the Course Catalog

Which is the option below that would allow an administrator to review a user's test answers.

Folder with red tick

What is the purpose of Proxy enrollment?

For an administrator to enroll users into a course bypassing availability, approval workflow, payment, pre-requisites, etc.

What type of Connect postings exist?

Forums, blogs, Wii, Q&A, URL, File, Podcast, Webcast, Suggestion

Steven wants to add an Instructor for the session part he is creating, but no instructors appear in the pop-up window. What must he do to populate instructors to be used in this session?

From the Vendors and Instructors screen he must add the instructor to the vendor (provider) used for the event to which the session is being added, and that instructor will be available to add to his session part.

What is the purpose of using custom fields?

Gather additional information nt standard in the system but needs to be known

What happens if Larry requests an ILT session that has a pre-requisite that has not previously been added to his transcript?

He sees a message that informs him of the pre-requisite and offers him the option of an Exception Request if he wishes to proceed.

If the Max. Score for an LO in the Course Catalog is set to 0, does this mean the user will always receive the grade 0?

If Max. Score is 0, it will always display 0 in the LO, in transcript. But if you go into the course details, you can see the actual grade for the course.

Based on the screenshot of the Intro to Finance course above, which of the following statements is TRUE.

If a user completes the Basic Accounting Principles and Framework course, and the Intro to Finance course is later added to their transcript, it will immediately display a Completed Equivalent status.

Based upon the settings for the above proxy enrollment, which of the following is TRUE?

If a user meets the criteria of this proxy enrollment and has the item on their transcript already, the user will receive a new instance of the assignment and all previous progress will be overwritten

Under what circumstances would you want to set Enrollment Restrictions for an ILT session?

If you wanted to restrict the maximum number of people from particular OUs who can register for the session

Where are the approval requirements set for external training and connect postings? How do their rules work?

In Preferences > Default Approval Requirements (by Division)

A session requires a pre-work, as configured in the screen shot. Aimee is registered for Basic Accounting Principles and Framework , but attended the session without completing it.. What will be her transcript status after the roster for this session is submitted?

In Progress. Because the pre-work is required, Aimee's transcript status will not move to Complete until she finishes the pre-work.

Which of the fields of an ILT session is OPTIONAL (not required) when creating the session?

Instructor. It is optional to designate an instructor for session parts when creating a session. This is because instructors may not be identified initially for scheduled sessions (they may be added later), or sometimes not at all.

Which statement about Interest Tracking is FALSE?

Interest lists never expire. People only fall off the list if they register for a session that meets their criteria. Interest lists can expire if configured to do so via ILT preferences. Users can be automatically removed from the interest list after a certain number of months passes without them accepting a session, or after a certain number of sessions that meet their criteria are offered but not accepted

What does the Force Enrollment option do when enabled for a proxy enrollment request?

It assigns a new instance (occurrence) of the training to users included in the availability if they already had the training on their transcript. New instance is reassigned with no progress.

What is the purpose of Acknowledgement in Course Catalog?

It gives the admin the opportunity to ask the user to agree to have completed the course.

What is the LO ID?

It is a system generated number for each LO. Cannot be added or edited by admins. - User for troubleshooting - Reportable - Can be made visible with a GPS ticket if not visible. - Very important for historical data load

What is a course pre-requisite?

It is an LO that the user will need to complete before registering for the LO that requires it. If a user requests an LO with a pre-requisite he/she will receive a message notifying them of the missing pre-requisite and ask if the system will proceed with the request or not. If the user does proceed with the request, the system will add the LO to the transcript on the "Pending Pre-requisite" status.

What is pre-work? What is its purpose?

Its learning users must complete to be ready to take a course. A course may have several elements of pre-work that can be sequenced (or displayed) or done in any order. It can be optional or required.

A session requires a prerequisite, as configured in the above screen shot. Joe is registered for Business Coaching: Conducting Coaching Sessions, but did not complete it prior to the session start date. How will this impact Joe?

Joe will be automatically withdrawn from the session.

What icon would an admin use to set/change the layout of a community?

Layout icon

Where can I configure the standard fields that need to be filled when setting up External Trainning?

Learning Preferenes > Configure External Training (by Division). Where I can also change the title visible of the fields in the form but cannot be made active or inactive

You receive a call from Sally Cobbler at The Feet Fixers company. The company is currently using the system-generated approval workflow with one approval required. They recently developed an online leadership training course and they would like to add an additional level of approval requirement -- making the requirement 2 approvals -- but only on this course. What do you tell her?

Let her know that she can add an approval requirement in the catalog to the specific LO

Where do evaluations get set up in Course Catalog?

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Required, optional. Active/Inactive. Pre-training or not. Availability of pre-training. Preview and changes of default at an LO level.

Lisa wants to take the Project Management course. This course uses the system generated approval workflow and requires one approval. Lisa does not have a Cost Center Approver and her assigned Approver deferred the request. What will happen?

Lisa's manager will receive the approval request.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

London, Washington D.C. and None of the above will always be among the answer options available for users who receive this question on the test

Maggie is trying to add a new discussion to a Knowledge Bank topic but can only see the Ask a Question icon. Why?

Maggie's access level is set to Read Only w/ Question Asking. There are three levels of access in Old Knowledge Bank. They are Read Only, Read/Write, and Read Only W/ Question Asking. When a user has been given Read Only access, they can read posts but do not have any posting option. When a user has been given Read/Write access, they can read posts and create new Question, Discussion, Document, and Online Resource posts. When a user has been given Read Only w/ Question Asking access, they can read posts but can only create new Question posts.

Which of the actions will cause a curriculum to re-version?

Making a change in the sequence of any LOs on the Structure page of the curriculum will cause the curriculum to re-version. The other actions listed can be taken without the curriculum re-versioning.

How can materials be used?

Materials can be used in curricula, they can be pre- or post-work for another LO, and they can require a completion approval. However, the Material Source field may only include one selection, either a URL or a single document. The Material Source field cannot include both a URL and a document.

What is the difference between a moderator and a topic manager?

Moderator is the security permission. Topic manager is the Connect role.

Can any Email trigger be used as a reminder?

No, only Reminder E-mail triggers behave that way even if users usually expect they could.

Can I use an E-mail tag if it is not listed available for the mail I am sending?

No, they also need to be written ECACTLY as they appear.

Can an administration resend any Email once it has been sent?

No. It can only fire once, if a user won't receive a mail the only option is to check the Email log.

Can the provider of an LO be changed in Course Catalog?

No. LO type, version and provider cannot be changed. Once pubished provider cannot be changed by the administration. If necessary can only be done by a work order.

Please review the session registration settings in the above screen shot to answer this question. When the registration deadline for this session passed, seven users were registered. Will the session be automatically canceled?

No. No. The session will not be automatically canceled, even though minimum registration was not met. Often, if a minimum registration target is not met, organizations choose to deliver the training anyway.

Please refer to the above screen shot to answer this question. The registration deadline for this ILT session is May 15. Jane is on the waitlist for the session. On May 14, Jane is granted a waitlist opening, but is out of the office and doesn't take action until May 16. Will Jane be registered into the session?

No. Notice that in the waitlist configuration, the waitlist expires at the same time as the registration deadline. Jane has three days to respond to the waitlist grant before it is offered to the next person on the list. However, the opening was granted just one day before the registration deadline. So if she waits two days to respond, it is too late; registration has closed, and the open seat will not be filled.

Can an administrator change the provider (vendor) of an ILT event after it has been created?

No. Once an event has been saved, the provider is not editable. Changing an event provider can only be accomplished from the back end. It is advisable to inactivate the original event and create a new one.

Joe was assigned the online course Engineering Standards via a dynamic proxy enrollment rule because he was assigned to the Engineering division. Joe was later dynamically removed from the training because he was moved to another division. He has now been moved back to the Engineering division. Will he be reassigned the training since he again meets the assignment criteria?

No. the training will not be restored to Joe's transcript based on this dynamic proxy rule. A dynamic proxy rule will only assign the training once. If the assigned training is removed but the user later again meets the assignment criteria, it will not be added back to his transcript.

In the Browse for Training widget, training can be sorted by Popularity. What information is used to determine a learning object's popularity?

Number of users who have registered for the learning object in the last 14 days

If an Email trigger is set to English US, which users will receive an Email?

Only those users that have English US as their language in the user record. Unless the "Include users not using this language" box is ticked.

ABC Company is using the administrator defined workflow in the screenshot above. Martha Alphabet has requested an online course. Her manager has selected Approve. Based upon the images above, what is the status of the course?

Pending approval. There are two approvals required and the manager has fulfilled one approval. Since the next and final step in the workflow is the HR Manager and the HR Manager has not yet responded, the status of the course is Pending Approval.

Mark is assigning the Communicating Across Cultures course to Letitia, via proxy enrollment. Please see the screen shots above for important information about the availability settings of the course, Letitia's user settings, and the proxy enrollment assignment settings. Given the information you see, what will the transcript status be for Letitia when the learning object is added to her transcript?

Pending approval. When the "Assign Training" option is chosen in a proxy enrollment request, normal approval workflow applies, so the system will look to the learning object and user record settings to determine whether approval is required. In this example, approval will be required because the course requires one approval.

What is the purpose of post-work?

Post-work is learning the user is to complete after completing a course. A course may have several elements of post-work that can be sequenced (or displayed) or done in any order. It can be optional or required.

Which field in an ILT session must be used if you want the user's cost center charged for the amount of the ILT session upon registration?


What is the purpose of Pricing, Training Units and Transactions in Course Catalog?

Pricing > Where the price for the course is established. Trainin Units > Will users be user to pay with training units or not and how many. Transactions > Records every transaction in the course.

Which statement about proxy enrollments is FALSE?

Proxy enrollment requests can be reversed if a mistake is made. Once submitted, a proxy enrollment cannot be reversed or edited. If it is a dynamic proxy rule, you can make it inactive so that it stops firing in the future, but you cannot reverse assignments that it previously made. At best you can use the batch removal tool to "hide" the assigned learning object from the users. If removed, the LO appears on a special "removed" tab of the user transcript that only administrators can see.

Which can be randomized on tests?

Questions, sections, and answer options

A learning object can only be acknowledged once the training has been completed, however until the end user has acknowledged completion of the training, the learning object will not move to a completed status on their transcript.

Recurrence can be set for Online Class, Quick Course, Material, or Test LOs from the Course Catalog.

All of the following settings can be batch edited for selected learning objects within the catalog EXCEPT:

Recurrence. The General tab is not accessible when batch editing learning objects.

Based upon the screenshots, when this proxy enrollment occurs, what will the user's transcript status be?


Flytes of Fancy, Inc. has implemented the administrator defined workflow in the images above for online courses. There are 2 approvals required. Amelia Ayrhart requested an online course and her manager approved. Based upon the images above, what will the status of Amelia's transcript be?


ABC Company is using the administrator defined workflow in the screenshot above. Tony Alphabet has requested an online course. His manager has selected Approve. Based upon the images above, what is the status of the course?

Registered. There are two approvals required and the manager has fulfilled one approval. However, since the next and final step in the workflow is the HR Manager and the HR Manager is not populated on Tony's user record, there is nowhere for the final approval to go so it is automatically approved. Additionally, the learning object is set to Register on Approval so the learning object will be in a Registered status.

What happens to an LO with required post-work. Can the user complete it without having done the post-work?

Required prework does not prevent the user from registering for a course. The user is able to take the course, but if the pre-work is not completed, the status of the LO will go to "Pending Post-work" status instead of "Completed".

What happens to an LO with required pre-work. Can the user complete it without having done the pre-work?

Required prework does not prevent the user from registering for a course. The user is able to take the course, but if the pre-work is not completed, the status of the LO will go to "Pending Pre-work" status instead of "Completed".

Where does skills/competencies for Course Catalog get pulled?

Resume and Succession/Performance, if the module is not available, skills/competencies will not be available.

There are several types of proxy enrollments which can occur for training. Which of the below is NOT a valid proxy enrollment request type?

Reverse dynamic. Standard proxy enrollment requests are one-time assignments. Dynamic proxy rules keep on assigning new users who meet the assignment criteria once per day as long as the rule remains active. Dynamic with Recurrence works like dynamic but also reassigns the training according to a schedule designated in the setup of the rule. There is no such thing as a reverse dynamic proxy enrollment.

Why is Russian not configurable in Course Catalog of this portal?

Russian language pack has not been purchased. Localization can only be done for purchased language packs.

What type of courses can be uploaded using Course Publisher?

SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 and AICC courses

Sam wants to take the Basic Accounting course. This course uses the system generated approval workflow and requires one approval. Sam does not have an assigned Approver or Cost Center approver. Once Sam submits his request what will happen?

Sam's manager will receive the approval request

No approval is required when requesting this session and users are registered upon approval. The maximum registration for this session is 12. There are currently 6 registered students from the Acme division and 5 from the Austen Enterprises division. What will happen if Lorene, from the Austen Enterprises division requests this session? See the screenshot.

She will be added to the waitlist for the session. (If a waitlist is enabled). The screen shot indicates an enrollment restriction of five is in place for Austen Enterprise division. Since five users from that division have already registered, no more may register unless someone from that division is withdrawn. Therefore, when requesting the session, Lorene would see a message telling her that no seats are available and would be placed on the waitlist if she continues with her request. Enrollment restrictions do not generate exception requests nor do they lead to placement on an interest list.

What can be edited as a batch in Course Catalog?

Skills Competencies Subjects Aknowledgement Evaluations Availability Pricing (Recurrence, available languages, custom fields, training units cannot be editted as batch)

Which fields REQUIRES a value when creating or editing an ILT session?


What is availability type in Course Catalog?

Suggested > Course will appear in the suggested widget in welcome page of the users for which is was made available this way. Required > Does not automatically assign to users in te availabiity, but it will desplay in the welcome page and the above the users transcript where they will be able to register for it. Featured > Will make it appear on Browse for trainning as featured.

How do E-mails get set up in Course Catalog?

System Default > As in Email administration Custom mails> All general mails will be copied, and have the option to be activated/inactivated and editted. No Emails > No mails will be sent

You receive a call from Sally Cobbler at The Feet Fixers company. She has decided to start using approvals and wants your guidance. She doesn't want to implement anything complicated -- just one approval for training. The approval will be the responsibility of the employee's manager and managers will need the ability to defer approval requests to their manager. You already know that the company doesn't populate the Cost Center Approver or Approver roles. How would you advise Sally?

Tell her the system defined workflow will meet her company's needs

What type of test question is displayed in the View Question image above?

Text only.

When enabled, the Competency search filter includes a list of competencies. Where in the portal are the competencies added and managed?

The Competency Bank in the Performance module. Clients who have not purchased the Performance module should not use the Competency search filter.

How do languages around LOs work?

The Default Language is the language the learning object information will display in unless the information has been localized. The Default Language automatically populates to the LO creator's display language and it cannot be changed.

Which of the following statements about Global Search Preferences is FALSE?

The Global Search box can be disabled for the entire portal but not for individual divisions. - Global Search Preferences are configurable by division. At a division level, the Global Search box can be disabled, the LO types included in search results can be limited, end user and admin page search filters can be configured, and the order of the LO types listed in the menu on the search page can be selected.

Abigail has requested the Leadership - Motivating your Team course. This course uses the system generated approval workflow and requires two approvals. Abigail does not have an assigned Cost Center Approver or Manager and her assigned Approver deferred. What will happen?

The LO will be approved

How does the system recognize completion for a Material?

The user clicks the "Mark Complete" link for the item on the transcript

Which of the following statements about the Learning Object ID are TRUE?

The Learning Object ID is a unique identifier--no two learning objects will ever have the same ID--that is generated by the system when a new learning object is created. The Learning Object ID cannot be edited. The LO ID must be unique, as it is used for adding historical training records to the portal via data load.

Flytes of Fancy, Inc., is using the system-generated approval workflow with two approvals required. Only the Approver and the Manager roles are populated. Adam wants to know what will happen to an approval request if someone in the Approver role sets the Out of Office status? What do you tell him?

The Manager will receive the approval request. When the Out of Office status is set on approver's profile, the approval will move to the next step in the workflow. So in this scenario, the manager would receive the approval request.

When enabled, the Skills search filter includes a list of skills. Where in the portal are the skills added and managed?

The Skills section of the resume in the Succession module. Clients who have not purchased Succession should not use the Skills search filter.

ABC Company has implemented the administrator defined workflow in the image above for all LO's. There are 2 approvals required. Lilly Alphabet has requested an online course and her manager defers the request? What will happen?

The approval request will remain in the step until the Indirect Manager responds. Here, the Indirect Manager has not yet responded, so the approval request will remain in the step until he/she responds.

Where in the portal does an administrator set the availability for a material?

The availability is set in the Course Catalog after the material is added to the portal.

In the Course Publisher screenshot above, why is the Event and Session Enhancements Select Session and Withdraw - Sept 2014 Release grayed out?

The course has been inactivated in the Course Catalog. When a course is inactivated in the Course Catalog, the publication is grayed out in Course Publisher.

Elinor is viewing the transcript of her direct report George. George can no longer attend the Company Orientation session for which he is scheduled. Elinor wants to substitute another of her direct reports in place of George so that her department doesn't lose the seat. Where on the below screen would Elinor click to begin the Substitution process?

The drop down selector to the right of the View Training Details buttons reveals actions the managers can take for the session, one of which is Substitute, if Enrollment Substitutions are enabled via ILT Preferences.

ABC Company's administrator would like to disable the global search field in the upper right hand corner of the portal. Which is TRUE?

The field can be disabled in Search Preferences.

ABC Company's administrator would like to disable the global search field in the upper right hand corner of the portal. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

The field can be disabled in Search Preferences.

In order for an administrator to be able to add an instructor to a session, what is required?

The instructor must be added to the vendor/provider that is associated with the session

In order for an administrator to be able to add an instructor to a session, which is required.

The instructor must be added to the vendor/provider that is associated with the session

Notice the highlighted option in the screen shot. This option appears for some ILT sessions but not all. Why?

The option to enroll a user as completed appears only if the session end date is in the past. Administrators can only proxy enroll users into a session as completed if the session took place in the past (i.e., the start/end dates for the session are in the past). This is very logical when you think about it. If the session is scheduled for a future date, how can the user possibly have completed it already? If proxy enrolled as completed, normal roster workflow is bypassed. It will not show that the user attended the individual parts of the session, but will simply show a completed status for the session overall

In the screenshot above of a Knowledge Bank topic (OLD Knowledge bank), why doesn't the user have access to any posting types?

The user has view only access to the topic

What can be inferred from the screenshot?

The questions in this test have been weighted so some questions are worth more points and some are worth less.

Janice created a dynamic proxy enrollment rule today, and assigned it to all users in the group, Team Leaders. The above screen shot shows some of options she chose for the assignment. When will the rule process again after today?

The rule will process again each day, 24 hours after it's initial process time today. Because it is a dynamic proxy enrollment, the rule will process again once each day and assign the training to new users who meet the assignment criteria. It will process 24 hours after the rule initially processed. So if the rule processed initially at 4:45 pm, it will process again each day at approximately that same time. While the time of day for a dynamic proxy rule can be configured, that option is not available if "immediately" is chosen for "When would you like the training to be assigned and appear on the user's transcript (Assignment Date)?"

Based on the above pre-requisite setting for an ILT session, what will happen if a user registers for this session but does not complete the prerequisite by the session start date?

The system will automatically withdraw the user from the session at the start date/time of the class

Based on the pre-requisite setting for an ILT session, what will happen if a user registers for this session but does not complete the prerequisite by the session start date?

The system will automatically withdraw the user from the session at the start date/time of the class

Study the screen shot which shows the email option chosen by an administrator in a proxy enrollment request. Based on this selection, which of the below statements is TRUE?

The system will check the email settings at the learning object level. If custom emails are set at the LO level, those emails will fire for this proxy enrollment request. If standard emails are selected for the LO, the standard emails from the main email administration area will fire for this proxy enrollment. When LO specific and Standard emails are selected for a proxy enrollment request, the system checks the most granular level first. In this case, LO custom emails would be specific to the LO rather than the general emails that would fire from the main email administration page. So if emails are customized at the LO level, those emails are the ones that fire. The standard emails would only fire if custom emails are not specified at the LO level.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about a test question if it is edited after it has been answered on a test.

The test question will be changed on every test for every user (registered, in progress, completed, etc.)

What is the Original Title on Course Catalog?

The title that was used when the course was uploaded. Will only appear in Online classes. If a course has no original title it was likely uploaded on the backend. If the Title is never changed, it will always match the Original Title. Title is the one that will be used in search.

. Monique registered for this session a month ago. She withdraws four days before the session start. What is the total amount that will be charged for this session? (Consider original price, and applicable penalties and refunds)

The total price charged for this session will be $100, the price Monica paid when she registered minus a 50% refund.

Sandra registered for this session a month ago. She withdraws 1 day before the session start. What is the total amount that will be charged for this session? (Consider original price, and applicable penalties and refunds)

The total price charged for this session will be $300, because Sandra didn't withdraw until the day before the session start date. The $300 penalty applies for users who withdraw two days or less before the session start date. It's important to note that a penalty can only be applied if the user's cost center is charged for the training. The system cannot bill the user's credit card, etc., because the user has not authorized the charge.

On the below screen shot, click the feature that will allow the user to add himself to an Interest List for this event.

The user must click on the Notify me of new sessions link that appears near the bottom. This opens up a popup window where the user can enter optional comments and also choose a specific location where he'd like to attend training.

Based on the screenshot, which of the following is TRUE?

The user must complete all items in the curriculum

Based on the screen shot, which of the following is TRUE?

The user will not have the Activate link for each item in the curriculum

In the image above of the Browse for Training LO Type filters, why are the Library and Quick Course icons missing?

There are no Library or Quick Course learning objects available to the user.

What is the purpose of "equivalence"?

They are used for taking courses that have the same content. Eg. In Classroom vs. Online - In one languge vs. another

How does availability work in Course Catalog?

This defines who can see and find a course in search or end user. Without availability no user will find it or request it. Can be done by OU. Also one can define the request form by avaiability.

What is the purpose of "Default Language" in Course Catalog? Why would a course have it?

This is the admins language at the time the LO was created. It will be shown to the user if it is not localized.

Based on the waitlist configuration shown in the above screen shot, the first person on the waitlist will automatically be registered into the ILT session if a seat becomes available.

This is true. The option to auto manage the waitlist is chosen, which means administrators do not need to grant seats manually.

Please reference the two screen shots to answer this question. The first screen shot shows the availability settings for the Being an Effective Team Member online course. The second shows the status option chosen by an administrator when assigning this course via proxy enrollment. Based on the settings shown in these two screen shots, which of the below statements is TRUE?

This training will be added to user transcripts in a Registered status. In this example, the settings at the course level are irrelevant because the administrator has chosen Assign, Approve and Register for the proxy request. This choice overrides the settings at the course level. The user doesn't need approval and doesn't need to click the Register link. This is true even if user would normally pay for the course, because the admin also chose to bypass user payment. This means users will not have to pay for the course even if they normally would. Users will be assigned the course in a Registered status

The above screen shot shows the divisional hierarchy for a portal and the enrollment restriction settings for a particular ILT session. The maximum registration for the session is Ten. Two users from the Austen Enterprises division have registered for this training, and 1 user from the Pemberley Properties division has registered. How many users from Norland Group division may register for this session?

Three. The enrollment for this session is restricted by OU Type. Three seats are allowed from each division.

What is the purpose of proxy enrollment?

To allow administrators to assign training to one or more users.

What is the purpose of subjects?

To categorize training and makeit searchable and easy to find. Subjects get added in Course Catalog.

Why do we use trainning custom fields?

To gather specific information related to LOs, credits, level, attire, meals, etc.

When an administrator adds a new Facility via the Facilities and Resources screen of ILT, she is actually adding a Location OU value. True or false?

True, a facility is essentially the same thing as a location. The location constraint will control to what audience an ILT session can be made available, while the facility constraint can limit the training locations at which a given administrator can schedule training. So while the location/facility difference may be a bit confusing at first, it's actually a valuable distinction that provides needed flexibility to organizations who have a decentralized learning administration organization.

Users can limit their search results to a specific LO type. For example, a user may run a search and limit the results to just Online Courses or just Events. True or false?


It is not possible to give users the ability to create new discussions in Old Knowledge Bank without giving them the ability to use the Ask Question feature. True or false?

True. There are three levels of access in Old Knowledge Bank. They are Read Only, Read/Write, and Read Only W/ Question Asking. When a user has been given Read/Write access, they can read posts and create new Question, Discussion, Document, and Online Resource posts. When a user has been given Read Only w/ Question Asking access, they can read posts but can only create new Question posts. There is no access level that grants a user access to the Discussion posting type only.

Once a course has been published it cannot be deleted. True or false?

True. They can only be inactivated.

Administrators must use caution when editing a test question because the changes will appear in all tests that include that question, even completed tests. True or false.

True. When a test question is changed, the changes apply to every test that question is a part of, even if the test has already been completed by a user.

What happens if there is a 0 on the approval required field in the user record?

Trumping all other approval requirement settings, LOs would be auto-approved.

Which of the below user actions will generate an Exception Request for an ILT session?

User requests a session that is not available to her. This happens when the Event is available to the user, but the session is not (often due to geography ).

Based upon the a screenshot of prework set for an online course, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Users must complete both of the prework items in any order in order to complete the course

Based upon the settings for the above proxy enrollment, which of the following is TRUE?

Users will be re-assigned 6 months from registration as long as they have completed the previous instance

Based upon the settings for the above proxy enrollment, which of the following is TRUE?

Users will have 30 days from the date of the assignment to complete the learning object before becoming past due

Based upon the settings for the proxy enrollment, which of the following is TRUE?

Users will have 30 days from the date of the assignment to complete the learning object before becoming past due

What cannot be changed in the course catalog?

Version Number

What is an Exception Request?

What the system generates when an end user requests a session that is not available to them or that has prerequisites they have not completed

What is bi-directionality in training equivalences?

When one training is equivalent to each other, and viceversa.

When does the "Allow subsequent instances of training to be approved based on original approval" box become active? (Recurrence - Course Catalog)?

When the admin has allowed for the user to request or be assigned the same LO more than once. If it is checked will be pre-approved, unchecked will go through the same approval workflow.

Can one attach files or copy paste from Word when creating Emails?


Is a provider required when creating an ILT Event?


Your client doesn't want end users to see the price of learning objects when searching for and requesting training. Is this possible, and if so, where should you direct the client to make this configuration?

Yes it's possible. The client can make the configuration in Content Launching Preferences. An administrator should make sure the Price Visible field in Content Requesting Preferences is not selected.

Your client wants all users to see a statement regarding the appropriate use of training content every time an online course is launched. Is this possible, and if so, where should you direct the client to make this configuration?

Yes it's possible. The client can make the configuration in Content Launching Preferences. Using the Launch Message fields in Content Launching Preferences.

Can a topic be used in multiple communities?

Yes, can be set up in the topic itself.

Can I always delete a traning custom field?

Yes, even if they are in use, and all data in them would be lost.

Is it possible to edit a training custom field once it has been created?

Yes, except for the custom field type. To change the custom field type it would have to be deleted and created from scratch.

Can users see custom training fields?

Yes, if the field is set up to be visible to them. They could also edit the content of the custom field if they are allowed to do it in the transcript (also if the field is set up this way).

The system administrator is viewing the waitlist of a session (see screen shot). She needs to grant a seat to Edward even though he is not first on the list and a seat is not currently available. Is it possible for her to do so from this screen?

Yes, it is possible. When a user has permission to manage waitlist (and a system administrator always does), they also have the ability to increase the number of available seats if necessary to process a particular user's waitlist request. They can also ignore the priority order of the waitlist to grant the seat to a particular user when the need arises. When the admin chooses to grant the waitlist request, she is notified that it will be necessary to increase the maximum seats in order to process the request

ABC Company would like to know if it is possible to configure courses to automatically deactivate on a specified future date. What is your response?

Yes, this can be configured by the administrator in the Catalog

Is it possible to change the order of the approvals in the system generated workflow?

Yes, through a workorder

Is it possible to use user custom fields inside a mail?

Yes, training and user when utilizing the correct Email tag,

Is it possible to do batch editting of courses in course Catalog?


Seymour wants to proxy enroll students into an ILT session that actually occurred in the past. The training session was conducted prior to setting the session up in the Cornerstone portal, so he needs to add the students in after the fact. Is this possible?

Yes. Administrators can create a proxy enrollment request for both future and past ILT sessions.

Can screen resolution for an online course be set up over the Course Catalog?

Yes. Although ideally that should be built into the course, but could be useful for pre-packaged courses.

Is the Description field on Course Catalog (General Tab) HTML friendly?

Yes. Even if there is not HTML editor is not available.

Can training request forms be set up by availability?

Yes. Multiple training request forms can be available to the admin, but the end user will only see one.

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