Logic and Critical Thinking (Midterm Questions)

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"Not all A are B" is a variation of

"Some A are not B"

Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: All M are P. All M are S. Some S are P.


Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: All M are P. Some M are S. Some S are not P.


Children should be seen and not heard. Therefore, it was wrong for that drowning child to scream for help.


The speed limit in this neighborhood is 25 miles per hour. Therefore, it was illegal for that ambulance to drive through here at 50 miles per hour.


Given the categorical proposition "Some actors are not shy performers." If both the quality and the quantity are changed, the resulting proposition is:

All actors are shy performers.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: Anderson was elected.

All people identical to Anderson are people who were elected.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: None but benefactors are philanthropists.

All philanthropists are benefactors.

Given the categorical proposition "No soccer balls are tetrahedrons." If the quality but not the quantity is changed, the resulting proposition is:

All soccer balls are tetrahedrons.

"All wiretaps that are approved without a warrant are surveillance techniques that are not legal." In this statement, the quantifier is:


Mr. President, I would advise you to go along with our plan to use your country as a base of operations for invading Iran. After all, I'm sure you don't want your country bombed back to the stone age.

Appeal to force.

Can you believe that some parents want to control their kids' access to the Internet? Who are these autocrats who insist on imposing their views on others? This country was born in a spirit of freedom and self determination. Countless patriots have died to preserve our sacred values. We must cherish those values! We must nurture them in our children! End all mind control now and forever!

Appeal to the people.

Practically all the students in Professor Kane's English class copy their term papers from the Internet. Therefore, since you're in that class, you should do this, too.

Appeal to the people.

Practically everyone has driven home at one time or other after having had a few drinks. Therefore, you shouldn't have any problem with driving home now, even though you're a bit tipsy.

Appeal to the people.

Irene will certainly live to a ripe old age because a palm reader told her that earlier today.

Appeal to unqualified authority.

"Some federal budgets that are bloated by war spending are not burdens that are fair to taxpayers." In this statement, the copula is:

Are not.

"Some ID cards that are not easy documents to duplicate are forgeries that are not readily available on the Internet."


Fill in the Venn diagram for the statement below. All S are P. (Boolean standpoint)

Area 1 is shaded, and there are no other marks.

Fill in the Venn diagram for the statement below. No S are P. (Boolean standpoint)

Area 2 is shaded, and there are no other marks.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on this Venn diagram? All M are P. Some M are S. Some S are not P.

Areas 1 and 2 are shaded, and there is an X in area 3.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on the Venn diagram? All M are P. All M are S.term-6 Some S are P.

Areas 1, 2, and 4 are shaded.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on this Venn diagram? No P are M. All M are S. No S are P.

Areas 1, 3, and 4 are shaded.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on the Venn diagram? Some M are not P.term-35 No S are M. Some S are not P.

Areas 2 and 3 are shaded, and there is an X in area 1.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on this Venn diagram? No P are M. Some S are M. Some S are not P.

Areas 3 and 4 are shaded, and there is an X in area 2.

Scientists may be on the verge of creating life in a test tube. Recently, scientists have used computers to synthesize a highly complex loop of DNA. When this loop was inserted into an empty bacterial cell, the cell began to self-replicate. And self-replication is an essential feature of life.

Argument; conclusion: Scientists may be on the verge ... life in a test tube.

To focus on the performance of the stock market is to zero in on an economic indicator that can do well even as the country does poorly. In 2006, for instance, the Dow Jones industrial average hit highs. According to the just released census data, however, median earnings fell one percent, and millions more Americans entered the ranks of the uninsured. Indeed, from 2000 to 2007 the S&P 500 gained more than 500 points. Meanwhile, the median household income fell by more than $900. Ezra Klein, "Stock Split"

Argument; conclusion: To focus on the performance ... the country does poorly.

"Some paintings that are not characteristic of the Byzantine period are works that are not being auctioned by Christie's. In this statement:

Both the subject term and the predicate term are undistributed.

In the categorical proposition "Some art works that are not inflammatory are suitable pieces for large museums":

Both the subject term and the predicate term are undistributed.

In the categorical proposition "Some body scans that are not invasive are acceptable measures in airports that are not targets of terrorists":

Both the subject term and the predicate term are undistributed.

An instant has no duration. But an hour is composed of instants. Therefore, an hour has no duration.


Every member of the Viking Society was born in Norway. Therefore, the Viking Society was born in Norway.


"Some corporations that are operating in the United States are not enterprises that are earning a profit."term-50 In this statement, the subject term is:

Corporations that are operating in the United States.

Given that x2 + 2x = 15. It follows that x = 3.

Deductive, valid.

This cherry pie is delicious. Therefore, every ingredient in this pie is delicious.


The categorical proposition "No power plants that are coal burners are facilities that fail to impact the environment" is a(n):


Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: No P are M. All M are S. No S are P.


Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: No P are M. Some S are M. Some S are not P.


Astronomers study stars. Nicole Kidman is a star. Therefore, astronomers study Nicole Kidman.


Irving is a wonderful cook. But every cook is a human being. Therefore, Irving is a wonderful human being.


In the expression, "Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it prevents hemoglobin from supplying oxygen to the body," the statement "Carbon monoxide is poisonous" is called the:


United Airlines flight 863 was late arriving in Houston, and flight 722 was late getting into LA—as was flight 429. Apparently all United Airlines flights are late these days.

Hasty generalization.

The statement "Some climatic changes are occurrences caused by interstellar dust" is a(n):


The statement "Some glass buildings are structures hazardous to birds" is a(n):


Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: Some P are M. Some S are M. Some S are P.


A divining rod is a magical device for detecting hidden water, metal, and gemstones. Your friend Roger is using his divining rod on the beach right now. Therefore, he'll likely find some diamonds buried beneath the sand.

Inductive, weak.

After investing in the stock market, Pamela doubled her money in just two years, and Beth and Tiffany did the same thing. However, Greg, Ivan, and Marty all lost money on the stock market during the same time frame. The obvious conclusion is that women do better than men in the stock market.

Inductive, weak.

Which of the following is a sufficient condition for making ice from fresh water?

Lowering the temperature of the water to 20° F.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

No action movies are occasions for relaxation.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: Elms are not evergreens.

No elms are evergreens.

Barbara lost 15 pounds after taking the new InstaThin supplement for 6 weeks. Tiffany has the same metabolism, lifestyle, diet, body type, age, height and former weight as Barbara. Therefore, probably Tiffany could lose about 15 pounds if she takes InstaThin for 6 weeks.

No fallacy.

Connor hasn't a shred of athletic ability, and he does well even to breathe. Therefore, he couldn't have swum across Diamond Lake, as he claims to have done. After all, the lake is 3 miles across.

No fallacy.

Dr. David Sherman of the National Skin Cancer Society reports that tanning salons pose a serious risk for skin cancer. Therefore, we should consider legislation to regulate the tanning industry.

No fallacy.

Dr. Sylvia Newman, the world famous biochemist, says that the widespread use of pesticides poses a serious threat to public health. Therefore, we should take this warning seriously and investigate further the extent of the threat.

No fallacy.

Every component in this table is made of wood. Therefore, the entire table is made of wood.

No fallacy.

If you pay him $200 up front, Freddie promises to paint your garage. But you'd be crazy to pay him anything up front because Freddie lies all the time, and every dime he gets his hands on he uses to feed his methamphetamine habit.

No fallacy.

It's not possible that Jessica prepared this delicious meal all by herself. Jessica is too stupid to read a cookbook, she can't measure anything, she has absolutely no sense of taste, and she doesn't even know how to boil water.

No fallacy.

This cup of coffee contains caffeine. Therefore, every spoonful of it contains caffeine.

No fallacy.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

No harpsichords are things made of aluminum.

Given the categorical proposition "Some mathematicians are not topologists." If the quantity but not the quality is changed, the resulting proposition is:

No mathematicians are topologists.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

No recessions are times of economic expansion.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

No romantic poets are supporters of conventional mores.

Given the categorical proposition "All termites are unwelcome pests." If the quality but not the quantity is changed, the resulting proposition is:

No termites are unwelcome pests.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: All of the tools except the wrenches are rusted.

No wrenches are tools that are rusted, and all tools that are not wrenches are tools that are rusted.

An element is a collection of atoms of the same type. Each atom contains three fundamental particles—aproton, a neutron, and an electron. The protons and neutrons are in the center, or nucleus, of the atom. Protons have a positive charge, while neutrons have no electric charge. The electrons have a negative charge and orbit about the nucleus at a specific distance. Edward F. Albin, Earth Science Made Easy


If an inductive argument has all false premises and a probably false conclusion, then we know:

Nothing, as such, about the argument's strength.

The categorical proposition "Some admirers of Bertolt Brecht are not avid theater-goers" is an:


Choose the mood and figure for the following syllogistic form: Some M are not P. No S are M. Some S are not P.


Which is a type of categorical statement we studied?

Particular Affirmative

Your little Tommy wants a slingshot for his birthday, but you shouldn't give him one. If you do, next he'll want a B-B gun. Then a 22 rifle. After that it will be a high powered rifle, and then an Uzi and an AK-47. Soon he'll want a bazooka and after that an antiaircraft gun. In no time your home will become an armory.

Slippery slope.

Given the categorical proposition "All Emmy winners are celebrities." If both the quality and the quantity are changed, the resulting proposition is:

Some Emmy winners are not celebrities.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: Not all attorneys are successful.

Some attorneys are not successful people.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

Some carwashes are solar powered operations.

Given the categorical proposition "No employees of Walmart are workers paid high wages." If the quantity but not the quality is changed, the resulting proposition is:

Some employees of Walmart are not workers paid high wages.

Which of the following categorical propositions is in standard form?

Some face lifts are less than successful procedures.

Select the best translation for the proposition below: Party animals occupy the next apartment.

Some party animals are people who occupy the next apartment.

Karen argues that it's not right to post the photographs of convicted child molesters on the Internet. Obviously Karen supports child molestation. But these monsters have completely ruined the lives of thousands of children. They can't be allowed to wreak their havoc any longer. Clearly, Karen's argument is misguided.

Straw man.

Fill in the Venn diagram for the statement below. Some S are not P. (Boolean standpoint)

There is an X in Area 1, and there are no other marks.

How do we correctly represent the following syllogistic form on this Venn diagram? Some P are M. Some S are M. Some S are P.

There is an X on the line between areas 2 and 3 and between areas 3 and 4.

If cleaner cars are produced, then there will be fewer greenhouse gasses. There will be fewer greenhouse gasses. Therefore, cleaner cars will be produced.

This argument contains a formal fallacy.

In the modern Square of Opposition, which standard form categorical statements are NOT contradictory pairs?

Universal Affirmative and Universal Negative types

"Every Olympic gold winner is an outstanding athlete" is equivalent to

Universal Affirmative.

"All wiretaps that are approved without a warrant are surveillance techniques that are not legal." In this statement, the subject term is:

Wiretaps that are approved without a warrant.

A premise of an argument is always

a statement intended to provide support for the conclusion

An argument that attacks a mischaracterization of the opponent's position is known as

a straw man fallacy

Fallacies may be

all of these answers are correct

According to Aristotle, if I tell you something true about all unicorns, then

at least one unicorn must exist

Fallacies are

attempts to persuade with misleading or faulty reasoning

Which of the following is NOT an informal fallacy?

denying the antecedent

An argument which asserts some unfairly limited set of alternatives, ignoring or hiding other reasonable possibilities, would be known as

false dichotomy

We classified fallacies into which two main types?

formal and informal

Shading an area of a Venn diagram means

nothing can be in that area none of these answers is correct

An empty area of a Venn Diagram signifies that

nothing is known to be there

An X in an area of a Venn diagram means

that area can't be empty that area has at least one object in it

Empty space in an area of a Venn diagram means

there may or may not be something in that area

How many contradictory pairs of statements are in the modern Square of Opposition?


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