Where is the power on a gate chip?
Where is the ground on a gate chip?
NAND gate - chip number
NOR gate - chip number
NOT gate - chip number
AND gate - chip number
OR gate - chip number
NOR gate - text description
Output Y is false if input A or B is true, else it is true
NAND gate - text description
Output Y is false if inputs A and B are true, else it is true
NOT gate (inverter) - text description
Output Y is true if input A is false, else it is false
OR gate - text discription
Output Y is true if input A or B is true, else is false
NOT gate (inverter) - Boolean expression
Y = A(with line over a), A¹, or !A
OR gate - Boolean expression
Y = A+B
NOR gate - Boolean expression
Y = A+B (with line over both)
AND gate - Boolean expression
Y = AB
NAND gate - Boolean expression
Y = AB (with line over both)
AND gate - text discription
output Y is true if inputs A and B are true, else is false