Logic quiz#1 study set

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8. I agree that religious institutions exclude women from their hierarchies and rituals, the inevitable implication is that females aren't serious. But it is important to note that when women's voices are silenced, it is not only the message that such discrimination sends that is damaging. The institutions themselves suffer. By disempowering women, religious institutions, and the broader Societies in which they operate, lose the invaluable input a 51% of their constituents.

. Argument (conclusion: When women's voices are silenced, the institutions themselves suffer.)

12. Either classical culture originated in Greece, or it originated in Egypt. Classical culture did not originate in Egypt. Therefore, classical culture originated in Greece.

. Deductive (disjunctive syllogism; also, the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.)

14. Elon Musk is right about artificial intelligence, then artificial intelligence poses a risk to human survival. Elon Musk is right about artificial intelligence. Therefore, artificial intelligence poses a risk to human survival.

. Deductive (hypothetical syllogism; also, the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.)

13. world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking says that the condition of the universe at the instant of the Big Bang was more highly ordered than it is today. And view of Hawkings stature in the scientific Community, we should conclude that this description of the universe is correct.

. Inductive (argument from authority; also, the conclusion follows only probably from the premise.)

7. Paint off terrorists in exchange for hostages is not alive policy, since such action home and lead them to take more hostages in the future.

. Inductive (causal inference; also, the conclusion follows only probably from the premise.)


A group of statements one or more of which (the premises) are claimed to provide support for, or reasons to believe, one of the others (the conclusion).

. Statement:

A sentence that is either true or false.

. Premise:

A statement in an argument that sets forth evidence or reasons.

28. A person never becomes truly self-reliant. Even though he deals effectively with things, he is necessarily dependent upon those who have taught him to do so. They have selected the things he is dependent upon and determine the kinds of degrees of dependencies.

Argument (conclusion: A person never becomes truly self-reliant.)

7. The creation of a third political party - the Independent party - what allows Congressional aspirants who desire to think for themselves to claim a high ground that is currently vacant. The new party would provide a more effective form to discuss the right course for this country in might compel the other two parties to do likewise. The pressure such a movement would put on those now stag mating inkosi sinecures would, at least, prove entertaining for the weary, frustrated public.

Argument (conclusion: Creating a third political party—the independent party—is a good idea.)

8.. Fictional characters behave according to the same psychological probabilities as real people. But the characters of fiction are found in exotic dilemmas that real people hardly encounter. Consequently, fiction provides us with an opportunity need to ponder how people react and uncommon situation and to deduce moral lessons, psychological principles, and philosophical insights from their behavior.

Argument (conclusion: Fiction provides us with the opportunity to ponder how people react in uncommon situations, and to deduce moral lessons, psychological principles, and philosophical insights from their behavior.)

Freedom of the press is the most important of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. without it our other freedoms would be immediately threatened. Furthermore, it provides the fulcrum for the advancement of new freedoms.

Argument (conclusion: Freedom of the press is the most important of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.)

If stem cell research is restricted, then future cures will not materialize. If future cures do not materialize, then people will die prematurely. Therefore, if stem-cell research is restricted, then people will die prematurely.

Argument (conclusion: If stem-cell research is restricted, then people will die prematurely.)

mosquito bites are not always the harmless little irritations most of us take them to be. For example, some mosquitoes carry west nile virus, and people who are infected can become very sick or even die.

Argument (conclusion: Mosquito bites are not always the harmless little irritations most of us take them to be.)

5. Once the basic necessities have been achieved, future income is only lightly connected to well-being. Democrats generally seek to tax future income to finance programs that meet basic needs including food, clothing shelter, retirement security, and Health Care. Republicans, in contrast, seek to protect future income from taxation, often at the expense of meeting the basic needs of the less fortunate. So which of our two main political parties is more concerned with achieving broad happiness in which party is more concerned with fulfilling selfishness?

Argument (conclusion: The Democratic Party is more concerned with achieving broad happiness, while the Republican Party is more concerned with fulfilling selfishness.)

6. animal abusers are cowards who take their issues out on easy victims - and their targets often include their fellow humans. I cannot begin to say how many incidents I've seen involving animal abusers who commit violent acts against humans, and animal neglect has who have neglected their children or other human dependents. Treating cruelty to animals with the seriousness it deserves doesn't only protect animals, it also makes the entire Community safer.

Argument (conclusion: Treating cruelty to animals with the seriousness it deserves doesn't only protect animals, it also makes the entire community safer.)

26. words are slippery customers. The full meaning of the word does not appear until it is placed in its context. And even then the meaning will depend upon the listener, upon the speaker, upon their entire experience of the language, upon their knowledge of one another, and upon the whole situation.

Argument (conclusion: Words are slippery customers.)

11. Cholesterol is endogenous with humans. Therefore, it is manufactured inside the human body.

Deductive (argument from definition)

4. No email messages are eloquent Creations. Some love letters are elegant Creations. Therefore, some letters are not email messages.

Deductive (categorical syllogism; also, the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.)

6. The longer a pendulum is, longer takes to swing. Therefore, when the pendulum of a clock is lengthened, the clock slows down.

Deductive (the conclusion follows necessarily from the premise)

8. The Matterhorn is higher than Mount Whitney, and Mount Whitney is higher than Mount Rainier. the obvious conclusion is that the Matterhorn is higher than Mount Rainier.

Deductive (the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.)

10. The Wall Street Journal has an article on the new banking regulations. The Financial Times, Like The Wall Street Journal, is a highly respected business publication. Therefore, the financial times probably also has an article on the new banking regulations.

Inductive (argument from analogy; also, there is an inductive indicator word and the conclusion follows only probably from the premises.)

9. although both front and rear doors were found open after the burglary, they were primark's around the lock on the rear door and deposits of mine are the threshold. It must be the case that the thief entered through the rear door and left at the front.

Inductive (causal inference)

5. Amoco, Exxon, and Texaco are all listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It must be the case that all major American oil companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Inductive (generalization)

4.After reading your cover story, I find that cable TV has simply flooded our Airwaves with more sex, violence, and teenage Punk junk. Now our children can spend even less time so then and we can spend more time in blank space stairs at the idiot box. Cable would be fine with more educational channels - and fewer Cheap Thrills and that narrow-minded bubble brains.


25. is usually easy to decide whether or not something is alive. This is because living things share many common attributes, such as the capacity to extract energy from nutrients to drive their various functions, the power to actively respond to changes in their environment, and the ability to grow, differentiate, and to produce.

Nonargument (explanation)

The turkey vulture is called by that name because its red featherless head resembles the head of a wild turkey.

Nonargument (explanation)

30. the brain in the nervous system are composed of two types of cells - neurons and glial cells. neurons are responsible for information transmission throughout the nervous system. Glial cells constitute the support system for the neurons. For example, glial cells take away the waste products of the neuron, keep the neurons chemical environment stable, and insulate them, allowing neurons to do their work more efficiently.

Nonargument (expository passage and illustration)

A mammal is a vertebrate animal that nurses its offspring. Thus, cats and dogs are mammals, as are sheep, monkeys, rabbits, and bears.

Nonargument (illustration)

29. There is no doubt that some businessmen conspire to shorten the useful life of their products in order to guarantee replacement sales. There is, similarly, no doubt that many of the annual model changes with which American customers are increasingly familiar are not technologically substantive.

Nonargument (opinion)

It is strongly recommended that you have your house inspected for termite damage at the earliest possible opportunity.

Nonargument (piece of advice)

10. five college students who were accused of sneaking into the Cincinnati Zoo and trying to ride the camels pleaded no contest to Criminal Trespass yesterday. The student scaled the friends to get into the zoo and then climbed another fence to get into the camel pit before security officials caught them, Zoo officials said.

Nonargument (report)

27. Haydn developed the string quartet from the 18th century divertimento, give me more assumptions to the light, popular form and scoring if for two violins, Viola, and a cello. He's 83 quartets, written over the course of his creative lifetime, evolve slowly into sophisticated form. Together they constitute one of the most important bodies of chamber music literature.

Nonargument (report)

9.. I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own Destinies in their own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.

Nonargument (statement of belief)

If public education fails to improve the quality of instruction in both primary and secondary schools, then it is likely that is will lose additional students to the private sector in the years ahead.

Nonargument; conditional statement

An agreement cannot bind unless both parties to the agreement know what they are doing and freely choose to do it. This implies that the seller who intends to enter a contract with a customer has a duty to disclose exactly what the customer is buying and what the terms of the sale are.

P1 : An agreement cannot bind unless both parties to the agreement know what they are doing and freely choose to do it. C: The seller who intends to enter a contract with a customer has a duty to disclose exactly what the customer is buying and what the terms of the sale are.

Artists and poets look at the world and seek relationships and order. But they translate their ideas to canvas, or to marble, or into poetic images. Scientists try to find relationships between different objects and events. To express the order they find, they create hypotheses and theories. Thus the great scientific theories are easily compared to great art and great literature.

P1 : Artists and poets look at the world and seek relationships and order. P2 : But they translate their ideas to canvas, or to marble, or into poetic images. P3 Scientists try to find relationships between different objects and events. P4 : To express the order they find, they create hypotheses and theories. C: The great scientific theories are easily compared to great art and great literature.

Corn is an annual crop. Butcher's meat, a crop which requires four or five years to grow. As an acre of land, therefore, will produce . a much smaller quantity of the one species of food than the other, the inferiority of the quantity must be compensated by the superiority of the price

P1 : Corn is an annual crop. P2 : Butchers meat is a crop which requires four or five years to grow. P3 : An acre of land will produce a much smaller quantity of the one species of food (meat) than the other. C: The inferiority of the quantity (of meat) must be compensated by the superiority of the price.

If a piece of information is not job relevant, then the employer is not entitled qua employer to know it. Consequently; since sexual practices, political beliefs, associational activities, etc., are one's job performance, they are not legitimate information for an employer to know in the determination of the hiring of a job applicant.

P1 : If a piece of information is not "job relevant," then the employer is not entitled qua employer to know it. P2 : Sexual practices, political beliefs, associational activities, etc., are not part of the description of most jobs P3 : They do not directly affect one's job performance. C: They are not legitimate information for an employer to know in the determination of the hiring of a job applicant.

Contrary to the tales of some scuba divers, the toothy, gaping grin on the mouth of an approaching shark is not necessarily anticipatory. It is generally accepted that by constantly swimming with its mouth open the shark is simply avoiding suffocation. This assures a continuous flow of oxygen-laden water into their mouths, over their gills, and out through the gill slits.

P1 : It is generally accepted that by constantly swimming with its mouth open, the shark is simply avoiding suffocation. P2 : This assures a continuous flow of oxygen-laden water into their mouths, over their gills, and out through the gill slits. C: Contrary to the tales of some scuba divers, the toothsome, gaping grin on the mouth of an approaching shark is not necessarily anticipatory.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be: For loan oft loses both itself and friend." And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry

P1 : Loan oft loses both itself and friend. P2 : Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. C: Neither a borrower nor lender be.

many people believe that a dark tan is attractive and a sign of good health, but mounting evidence indicates that too much sun can lead to health problems. One of the most noticeable effects is premature aging of the skin. The sun also contributes to certain types of cataracts, and, what is the most worrisome, it plays a role in skin cancer.

P1 : One of the most noticeable effects of a dark tan is premature aging of the skin. P2 : The sun also contributes to certain types of cataracts, and, what is most worrisome, it plays a role in skin cancer. C: Too much sun can lead to health problems.

Punishment, when speedy and specific, may suppress undesirable behavior, but it cannot teach or encourage desirable alternatives. Therefore, it is crucial to use positive technique to model and reinforce appropriate behavior.

P1 : Punishment, when speedy and specific, may suppress undesirable behavior. P2 : Punishment cannot teach or encourage desirable alternatives. C: It is crucial to use positive techniques to model and reinforce appropriate behavior that the person can use in place of the unacceptable response that has to be suppressed.

The stakes in whistleblowing are high. Take the nurse who alleges that physicians enrich themselves in her hospital through unnecessary surgery; the engineer who disclose safety defects in the braking systems of a fleet of new rapid-transit vehicles; the defense department official who alerts Congress to military graft and over-speeding: all know that they pose a threat to those whom they denounce and that their own careers may be at risk.

P1 : Take the nurse who alleges that physicians enrich themselves in her hospital through unnecessary surgery. P2 : Take the engineer who discloses safety defects in the braking systems of a fleet of new rapid-transit vehicles. P3 : Take the Defense Department official who alerts Congress to military graft and overspending. P4 : All know that they pose a threat to those whom they denounce and that their own careers may be at risk. C: The stakes in whistleblowing are high.

The classroom teacher is crucial to the development and academic success of the average student, and administrators simply are ancillary to this effort. For this reason, classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels, including the superintendent.

P1 : The classroom teacher is crucial to the development and academic success of the average student. P2 : Administrators simply are ancillary to this effort. C: Classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels, including the superintendent.

It really does matter if you get enough sleep. We need sleep to think clearly, react quickly, and create memories. Studies show that people who are taught mentally challenging tasks do better after a good night's sleep. Other research suggests that sleep is needed for creative problem solving.

P1 : We need sleep to think clearly, react quickly, and create memories. P2 : Studies show that people who are taught mentally challenging tasks do better after a good night's sleep. P3: Other research suggests that sleep is needed for creative problem solving. C: It really does matter if you get enough sleep.

the fact that there was never a land bridge between Australia and mainland Asia is evidenced by the fact that the anima; species in the two areas are very different. Asian placental mammals and Australian marsupial mammals have not been in contact in the last several million years.

P1: The animal species in Australia are very different from those on the mainland. P2: Asian placental mammals and Australian marsupial mammals have not been in contact in the last several million years. C: There was never a land bridge between Australia and the mainland

Carbon mOnoxide molecules happen to be just the right size and shape and happen to have just the right chemical properties, to fit neatly into cavities within hemoglobin molecules in blood that are normally reserved fro oxygen molecules. Consequently, carbon monoxide diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood

P: Carbon monoxide molecules happen to be just the right size and shape, and happen to have just the right chemical properties, to fit neatly into cavities within hemoglobin molecules in blood that are normally reserved for oxygen molecules. C: Carbon monoxide diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.

As the denial or perversions of justice by the sentence of courts, as well as in any other manner, is with reason classed among the just causes of war, it will follow that the federal judiciary ought to have cognizance of all causes in which the citizens of other countries are concerned.

P: The denial or perversion of justice by the sentences of courts, as well as in any other manner, is with reason classed among the just causes of war. C: The federal judiciary ought to have cognizance of all causes in which the citizens of other countries are concerned.

Since the good, according to Plato, is that which furthers a person's real interests, it follows that in any given case when the good is known, men will seek it.

P: The good, according to Plato, is that which furthers a person's real interests. C: In any given case when the good is known, men will seek it.

When individuals voluntarily abandon property, they forfeit any expectation of privacy in it that they might have had. Therefore, a warrantless search or seizure of abandoned property is not unreasonable under the Fourth amendment.

P: When individuals voluntarily abandon property, they forfeit any expectation of privacy in it that they might have had. C: A warrantless search and seizure of abandoned property is not unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment.

Truth value:

The attribute by which a statement is either true or false.


The information content of a statement.


The organized body of knowledge, or science, that evaluates arguments


The reasoning process used to produce an argument.


The statement in an argument that the premises are claimed to support or imply.

Which are the premises and conclusions in these arguments?


a geometrical proof is an example of an inductive argument


an argument that draws a conclusion that something is true because someone has said that it is is a deductive argument


an argument that draws conclusion about a thing based on that thing similarity to something else is a deductive argument


an argument that presents two Alternatives and eliminates one even the other at the conclusion is an inductive argument


if an argument contains the phrase it definitely follows that, then we know for certain that the argument is deductive


inductive arguments always proceed from the particular to the general


most arguments based on statistical reasoning are deductive


True or false


1.2 which of the following passages are arguments


1.3 are these arguments inductive or deductive


Decide if these are arguments


In an inductive argument, it is intended that the conclusion contain more information than the premises


an argument that proceeds from knowledge of a cause to knowledge of an effect is an inductive argument


arguments that predict what will happen in the future, based on what has happened in the past, is an inductive argument


deductive arguments always proceed from the general to the particular


if the conclusion of an argument follows merely from the definition of a word used in a promise the argument is deductive


in a deductive argument, the conclusion is not supposed to contain more information on the premises


the actual strength of the link between premises and conclusion may allow one to determine whether an argument is inductive or deductive


the form of argumentation the artery uses may allow one to determine whether an argument is inductive or deductive


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