Lung Anatomy & Physiology

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B. Anteriorly on the right at the 4th intercostal space

13. The right middle lobe is auscultated with the stethoscope where?* A. Posteriorly on the right at the 4th intercostal space B. Anteriorly on the right at the 4th intercostal space C. Anteriorly between C7 to T3 D. Posteriorly between T3 to T10

C. Between C7 to T3

14. When auscultating the posterior part of the chest the upper lobes are found?* A. Between C9 to T10 B. Between T3 to T10 C. Between C7 to T3 D. Directly over the scapulae

B. Visceral Pleura

2. The inner layer that surrounds the lung itself is called the?* A. Parietal Pleura B. Visceral Pleura C. Pleuracardium D. Lobar Bronchi

C. Bronchovesicular

2. These type of breath sounds are found at the site of the bronchi and are located anteriorly at the 1st and 2nd intercostal space & posteriorly in between the scapulae? A. Crackles B. Wheezes C. Bronchovesicular D. Vesicular

C. Carina, primary bronchi

3. The trachea splits at the _________ to form the ____________.* A. Cricoid cartilage, secondary bronchi B. Thyroid cartilage, primary bronchi C. Carina, primary bronchi D. Hilum, secondary bronchi

B. Vesicular

3. These breath sounds are found anteriorly and posteriorly throughout the peripheral lung fields? A. High-pitched wheezes B. Vesicular C. Discontinuous D. Bronchial

C. Alveolar sacs

4. Gas exchange in the lungs occurs in the?* A. Bronchioles B. Alveolar sinus C. Alveolar sacs D. Segmental Bronchi

A. Slightly above the clavicle

12. When auscultating the anterior part of the chest, specifically the apex of the lungs, it is best to auscultate where with the stethoscope?* A. Slightly above the clavicle B. 2nd intercostal space mid-clavicular C. 4th intercostal space mid-clavicular D. 6th intercostal space mid-axillary line

C. Lung consolidation like with pneumonia

4. While assessing a patient's lung sounds you note bronchial breath sounds in the peripheral lung fields. What could this finding represent? A. This is a normal finding. B. Pulmonary emboli C. Lung consolidation like with pneumonia D. Pleuritis

C. Pleural friction rub D. Fine crackles F. Coarse Crackles

5. Select all of the following that are considered discontinuous breath sounds: A. High-pitched wheeze B. Stridor C. Pleural friction rub D. Fine crackles E. Low-pitched wheeze F. Coarse Crackles

D. Pulmonary artery

5. ______________ delivers unoxygenated blood to the lungs.* A. Pulmonary vein B. Aorta C. Left ventricle D. Pulmonary artery

A. Hilum

6. The right & left bronchus along with the pulmonary artery & vein enter into the lungs at the?* A. Hilum B. Carina C. Alveolar ducts D. Right middle lobe


6. True or False: Low-pitched wheezes are polyphonic sounds that can be cleared when coughing. True False

C. High-pitched wheeze

7. This lung sound is continuous, high-pitched with musical instrument sound that is polyphonic and occurs mainly during expiration but can be present with inspiration as well? A. Stridor B. Fine crackles C. High-pitched wheeze D. High-pitched crackles


7. True or False: During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts upward to create positive pressure in the chest which allows the body to inhale oxygen.* True False

A. Stridor

8. On auscultation of a patient in respiratory distress, you hear a high-pitched, harsh sound that is monophonic and is present only during inspiration. This is known as: A. Stridor B. Vesicular C. Rales D. Rhonchi


8. True or False: During gas exchange, carbon dioxide is transported across the capillary membrane to be exhaled while oxygen is transported across the capillary membrane to attach to the red blood cells.* True False

C. Larynx E. Nasal cavities

9. Everything below is part of the lower respiratory system EXCEPT (select-all-that-apply)?* A. Trachea B. Carina C. Larynx D. Bronchioles E. Nasal cavities

D. Tracheal area

1. Bronchial breath sounds can be auscultated where? A. Peripheral lung fields B. Sternal area C. Mid-scapulae area D. Tracheal area

False The right lung has three lobes, the left lobe has two lobes.

1. True or False: The left lung has three lobes and the right lung has two lobes.* True False


10. True or False: Inhaled oxygen travels down through the trachea, into the right and left bronchus, then into the segmental bronchi which branches even further into the lobar bronchi.* True False


10. True or False: The left lung has 3 lobes: left upper lobe, left middle lobe, and left lower lobe. True False


11. True or False: During auscultation, the anterior part of the chest mainly provides an assessment of the upper lobes of the right and left lungs, while the posterior part of the chest provides mainly provides an assessment of the lower lobes of the right and left lungs. True False

C. Have the patient hold their breath and note if the sound is still present

9. You are auscultating a patient's lung sounds. During your assessment, you note there is a low-pitched harsh, grating sound that sounds like a pleural friction rub. However, you're not sure if this is a pleural friction rub or pericardial friction rub. What do you do next to determine the difference? A. Have the patient cough and see if the sound clears B. Assess the posterior lower lobe only C. Have the patient hold their breath and note if the sound is still present D. Place the patient in supine position and reassess for the sound

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