LUOA English 12 Module 1-10 Taken

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In Macbeth, explain how Macbeth views life.

"A walking shadow" "poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more". Those are quotes from Macbeth. He views life as meaningless. He doesn't feel that a human life impacts the world in anyway. Our lives mean nothing and we don't make a difference.

In this sample essay, what is the author's thesis?

"Although companies often have legitimate concerns that lead them to monitor employees' Internet usage—from expensive security breaches to reduced productivity—the benefits of electronic surveillance are outweighed by its costs to employees' privacy and autonomy."

List at least two examples from the text (besides speaking a "Fake French") which illustrate that the Prioress is doing things for show or to be seen. Please include the line numbers for each example.

"At table she had been well taught withal," (Line 127) "Her upper lip was always wiped so clean" (Line 133) "Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce," (Line 129)

List at least two things with line numbers besides speaking a "Fake French" that show that the Prioress is doing things for show or to be seen.

"At table she had been well taught withal," (Line 127) "Her upper lip was always wiped so clean" (Line 133) "Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce," (Line 129)

Before, I asked you to note that the murderer mentioned that Banquo was given twenty gashes to the head. Type out the line(s) that indicate that Banquo's ghost has these gashes.

"Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee! Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with!"

Which line best represents one of the themes of Macbeth?

"Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

Which of the eight lessons presented from Bunyan's life means the most to you? Why?

"God uses ordinary people" is the lesson that means the most to me. It lets me know that I do not have to be in a high power position to be used by God. I can be used by Him anytime and anywhere.

What does the Shining One do to Christian and Hopeful?

-He points them in the right direction. -He frees them -He disciplines them

How many books was Paradise Lost originally divided into?


How many sources do you have to have for your paper?


Which line(s) best shows Beowulf as an epic hero?


How many books was the second edition of Paradise Lost divided into?


The Green Knight allows Gawain to replace King Arthur, but he insists that Gawain must receive the return blow. How long does Gawain have before he receives this?

12 months and 1 day

How long does Grendel terrorize Herot?

12 years

How many years separate Adam's death and Noah's birth?


How many lines does a sonnet have?


There are a couple of allusions in this poem. But, let's look at one specifically. Read Revelation 20:14. Which line best references this allusion?


Explain what each person exchanges on each day of the game the host and Gawain play while at the castle.

1st Day: Lord gave him a venison, Gawain gave him a kiss in return 2nd Day: Lord brought him a bear and a goose, Gawain gave him 2 kisses in return. 3rd Day: The crone gave him the green girdle. At first he didn't accept him, but she insisted so he kept it. He gave nothing in return.

How many lines are in a couplet?


How many of Jonson's other children also died?


According to the Crusades video, how many miles did the knights have to travel to fight the Moors?


How many men is Grendel able to kill in this one night's trip to Herot?


Thinking back to the article about guilds and the reading material for this section, which lines best represent words that refer to a guild?


How many lines are in a quatrain?


How many recorded casualties are there from the Great London Fire?


Which line number best represents supernatural involvement?


What was King James' motto about purifying the Church of England?

"No bishop, no king."

Though Lennox seems to be taking all blame off of Macbeth, he uses one particular phrase that lets us know that is not how he really feels about Macbeth. Type out the word or phrase that contradicts Lennox's absolving of Macbeth's blame.

"Only I say Things have been strangely borne."

*Invocation of the Muse

*I really like how Milton took this very pagan element and made it remarkably Christian. Remember, in the traditional epic the author would ask the muse for wisdom and guidance in creating a beautiful, accurate piece. You may recall that the Muses were ancient Greek gods of creativity, art, literature, and beauty.

*In Medias Res

*Remember, in medias res means that the story starts in the middle.

Explain two things Hopeful says are things that salvation in Jesus have changed in him.

Hopeful says, "It made me see that all the world, notwithstanding all the righteousness thereof, is in a state of condemnation." By this he means that the world, even with all the righteousness of the Lord available, is still evil and he disapproves of it. A second thing he says is "It made me greatly ashamed of the vileness of my former life, and confounded me with the sense of mine own ignorance; for there never came a thought into my heart before now that showed me so the beauty of Jesus Christ." By this he means that he became greatly ashamed of the life he lived before his salvation and that he had been ignorant to the Love of Jesus. He never had a thought about how wonderful Jesus is until that moment.

What does Hrothgar do for Beowulf in preparation for his battle with Grendel?

Hrothgar gives him a feast.

Perhaps the most famous line from this poem is the last, "They also serve who only stand and wait." Taking into consideration Milton's poem and the song by Waller, do you agree or disagree with that statement? Why or why not?

I agree with this statement. Those who stand and wait patiently should be served the best. We are to wait on the Lord before he comes back, but we are to serve Him by spreading the Gospel and telling everybody about Him.

How long must the research paper be, not including the outline and works cited pages?

4-6 pages

If a family member was diagnosed with the plague, how long were all family members quarantined?

40 days

Which line best shows that pagan elements still exist in this predominately Roman Catholic culture?


What is the usual meter for an English sonnet?

5 sets of unaccented and accented syllables

About how long has Vanity Fair been running?

5,000 years

How long has Gendel's mother ruled this hell-like lake?

50 years

How many couplets appear in this poem?


How many lines are in a sestet?


How many other books besides Pilgrim's Progress did Bunyan write?


How many lines are in an octave?


Which line numbers best reference his role as a squire?


Which dates are the best guess that historians have for the writing of Beowulf?

800 - 1,000 B.C.

If I have an __________, I have to have a _________. If I have a _________, I have to have a _________.

A B 1 2

If Sir Francis Bacon were alive today, which of the following would he most likely have written?

A Study of Armadillo Habitats

In Macbeth, what is a foil character?

A character whose actions contrast another character's in order to highlight specific qualities.

Look up the word "allegory," then define it in your own words.

Allegory is a genre of literature where the story is interpreted with a symbolic meaning that reveals a hidden story behind the seen story. These symbolic meanings are usually abstract in form hidden in characters, figures, or events.

Look again at this picture of "The Lord's Prayer" written in Old English. What do you think the last word on this document is?


In Pilgrim's Progress, who attacks Christian in the Valley of Humiliation?


During which month did the pilgrimage take place?


When does this pilgrimage take place?


What do you think is the point being made at the very beginning of this chapter, when Christian tries to catch up with Faithful, is proud of himself for passing him, and then falls?

As Christian ascends and looks forward, he sees another pilgrim ahead of him. The sight of another pilgrim, after enduring the solitary struggles of the valley, is a healer to Christian's soul. He is not alone in his journey. There is a brother walking in the same path and Christian desires to be his companion.

Looking at "The Lord's Prayer" comparison chart, what differences do you most notice between the Old English version and the Middle English version?

At first, it doesn't look like it, but as you read over both of them a few times, there is a big difference in both of these versions. To start off, there are new and different letters in the Middle English version, and it is a little more understandable. If you look at it over and over, you can sort of understand what it is saying in the Middle English one. Words are spelled differently as well.

What line of a popular nursery rhyme is the best description of the sneezing that came right before death?

Attischo, Attischo,

Both Faithful and Christian says that Shame was given the wrong name. What do you think his name should be and why?

I think his name should be Bold. Both Faithful and Christian describe him as being "bold."

Before you read any farther, if the knight had asked you the question, what would you answer?

I would answer that all woman want in life is to be treated like a person. And to be treated equally with men. Just to be respected.

Christian insists that the information he is getting is true because it says so in his book. What book do you think he is reading and why?

I would guess the book he is reading is the Bible. This is the book we are to live by, and I am guessing that this is exactly what Christian is doing. He makes multiple references to Biblical themes.

Would you use this source? Explain why you would, wouldn't, or would under certain conditions. A personal blog

I would not use a personal blog because the author of the blog is most likely writing with bias. The fact that this blog is personal and not affiliated with any other organization makes the blog and the author unable to be credible.

Would you use this source? Explain why you would, wouldn't, or would under certain conditions. Wikipedia

I would not use wikipedia because it is changeable by any person with an account to log on. The information on wikipedia, although may be true, is not credible at all.


INHABITANT; especially : a person, animal, or plant found in a particular region or environment

Explain what a bill of mortality is.

Bills of mortality were the weekly mortality statistics in London, designed to monitor burials.

In Macbeth, where do the English forces converge to start their assault on Macbeth?

Birnam Wood

Where are the English forces gathering?

Birnam Woods

Which flag would have been raised for the play Othello?



Borrows generously from the writer's previous work without citation

In this poem, which line demonstrates the metaphor? Remember, a metaphor is the comparison of two things without using the words "like" or "as."

But my late spring no bud or blossom shew'th.

Of whom is Grendel a descendant?


What religion would Shakespeare's parents most likely have been?


Who did James I expel from Britain?

Catholic priests

During the Restoration and for 150 years after, who was blamed for the Great Fire?


What biblical figure correlates on the timeline with the Celts, Brythons, and Gaels? (Cross with circle around it)



Changing keywords and phrases but retaining the essential content of the source

According to Pepys' diary, who was king during Pepys' writings?

Charles II

When Parliament doesn't succeed in creating its own successful government, who is brought to throne of England?

Charles II

According to "Letter to Lord Chesterfield," what was Johnson upset about?

Chesterfield's lack of support throughout the process of writing the dictionary

How does Christian answer the question?

Christian says that it is unlawful to follow Christ for wealth. He mentions heathens, Pharisees, Judas, and Simon.

During what time of year does the story take place?


Which of the following would be an example of the problems that arise from the mixing of cultures when a new conquering nation takes over an area? Assume "Citizen A" is a person who was from the group that was just conquered.

Citizen A can no longer communicate with the new government officials and seems to find himself in trouble with the law frequently.


Combines perfectly cited sources and copy passages without citation


Contains significant portions of text from a single source without alterations

In lines 6-13 what biblical account is being told?


In 17th century England, who was offered the kingship, but refused it?


What do you think was Cromwell's greatest difficulty during his short-lived term of power? Why?

Cromwell's greatest difficulty during his term of power was during the time when he greatly opposed King Charles when he prompted a Scottish rising. It was during this time that Cromwell was for regicide. I believe that was his greatest difficulty because he had to stand for his beliefs when others did not stand by him.

List three ways in which Bunyan's life was impacted by Elizabeth.

Elizabeth firstly, takes care of their children, including Mary their blind child while he is in prison. Secondly, she went to the court to try to get him out of jail but told them that he would not stop preaching. Lastly, she spoke truth into his life and supported him.

What is considered to be Jonson's first, great play?

Every Man in His Humor

Explain why every citation (direct and indirect) must have a lead-in.

Every citation must have a lead in to indicate where what you are citing begins. They also prevent plagiarism.

How do the murderers know that Banquo and Fleance will come this way?

Everyone going to castle has to go this way.

In Morte d'Arthur, what is the name of King Arthur's sword?


In Pilgrim's Progress, what good companion does Christian find to share his journey with?


Explain what distinction Faithful makes between a "great outcry against sin" and "abhorring sin."

Faithful says that it is not enough just to speak out against sin and decry it. We must hate it and flee from it.

Defoe was both a slave and a slave trader at one point.


Harald Hardrada battled his brother for the English throne at the Battle of Hastings.


Henry VIII honored Thomas Becket for his contributions to the Catholic Church.


John Bunyan wrote more than 100 books besides Pilgrim's Progress.


Plague doctors and nurses were qualified to assess and help those diseased with plague.


The Medieval Era is divided into two sub-eras, the Early and the Late.


The Medieval Era occurred exclusively in England.


The Vikings ultimately eliminated the Anglo-Saxons.


The character of Macbeth accurately portrays the real Macbeth.


The clerk is fat, because all he does is study and does not get enough physical exercise.


The thesis statement should always be the first sentence of the introduction.


You don't have to restate your topic if it is stated close enough to the thesis in the introduction.


You only use in text citations for direct quotes.


The Parson and the Plowman are related; they are cousins.

False; they're brothers

Which of the following would be an example of how the Anglo-Saxons would have referenced Fate?

Fate will decide if he lives or dies

What form of government is established in this era?


Explain how authors reached the middle class with their writing.

First off, the printing press helped to end the medieval era because it made copies of the Bible that people could access. But, it also printed literature, so literature was produced and people gained access to it. It was accessed also by the forming middle class. More possibilities were being founded. Also, people started using the common language, vernacular. English became the common language.

In Pilgrim's Progress, who traps Christian and Hopeful in a net?


According to Lennox, who is Macbeth blaming for Banquo's murder?


Banquo's son


What do the murderers discover has happened when they are able to light the scene again?

Fleance has escaped.

What is the primary language of the higher class during the Medieval Era?


What name is given to the people who had the cheapest tickets in the theater?


What is Gulliver's response to the monarch's plea for help? What is his reason?

Gulliver refuses to be a part of any plan that will make free people slaves.

What does Macbeth mean by this phrase: "Thou hast harp'd my fear aright"

He already had suspicions of Macduff.

In Beowulf, why does Grendel not attack Hrothgar personally?

He and his throne are protected by God.

In The Wife of Bath's Tale, why is the knight condemned to die?

He assaulted a woman.

How was Defoe's novel Robison Crusoe received by the general public?

It was extremely popular.

Explain what the green girdle becomes a symbol of?

It was kind of like a token of love and a reminder of his adventure.

Why does Macbeth say that he can't kill Banquo himself?

It would bother their mutal friends.

In Pilgrim's Progress, what causes Pliable to give up on the journey?

It's too hard.

Who became King of England after Elizabeth had no heirs?

James I

In 17th century England, James I also went by what name in Scotland?

James VI

Explain why James I and Parliament had a rocky relationship.

James believed in the absolute power of monarchy. Parliament is said to be a voice of the interests of the nobility and merchant classes.

Explain why James I of England is called James VI in Scotland.

James was James VI of Scotland from July of 1567 until March 1603 when he became king of England until his death being named James I of England.

Does Jeremiah 17:9 support Christian's position or Ignorance's position on Ignorance's own condition? Why?

Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" This supports Christian's position because he says that God is the only one who can determine whether a man's soul is good or not because he can see sin in us when and where we can see none in ourselves.

Reread this passage: "The Prince of princes himself, when here, went through this town to his own country, and that upon a fair-day too; yea, and, as I think, it was Beelzebub, the chief lord of this fair, that invited him to buy of his vanities, yea, would have made him lord of the fair, would he but have done him reverence as he went through the town. Yea, because he was such a person of honor, Beelzebub had him from street to street, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a little time, that he might, if possible, allure that blessed One to cheapen and buy some of his vanities; but he had no mind to the merchandise, and therefore left the town, without laying out so much as one farthing upon these vanities." Who is being described in this passage?


Who is speaking in Matthew 11:29-30?


Who is the "head" Donne refers to?


Who offers to step in when God foretells the fall of man?


Who rescues Faithful from Moses?


Whom is the shepherd specifically referencing when he says, "the sheep also are his, and he laid down his life for them."


Which sibling provides the only genetic link to William Shakespeare?


According to "Letter to Lord Chesterfield," what conclusion does Johnson draw about Chesterfield's involvement?

Johnson does not owe Chesterfield anything.

Choose one word to explain Swift's early life and explain why you chose this word.

Jonathon Swift's early life could be described as unhealthy. I choose this word because it has a double meaning. Physically, Swift did not have a healthy childhood because he suffered from Meniere's disease, but also emotionally and in the day-to-day life, it was not healthy because of the lack of a father. He was sent away to his uncle's house where he was supported.

How did Macbeth become king?

He became king when he killed the current king in battle.

In Pilgrim's Progress, what is Faithful's fate in Vanity Fair?

He becomes a martyr

What does Macbeth do that infuriates Lady Macbeth and messes up the murder plan?

He brings back the bloody daggers

In Macbeth, after Macbeth has killed Duncan and returned to Lady Macbeth, why is she upset with him?

He brought the daggers back with him.

In Macbeth, which is a physical effect Macbeth has had from killing Duncan?

He cannot sleep

What additional revenge does Beowulf take after killing Grendel's mother?

He chops off Grendel's head.

How did Jonson avoid a harsh punishment for the murder charge?

He claimed benefit of clergy.

In Macbeth, how does Malcolm try to convince Macduff that he is not worthy to be king?

He claims to be just as bad or worse than Macbeth.

What did Macbeth confess to doing and why does he say he did it?

He confesses to murdering the guards who were supposed to be guarding King Duncan. He confessed to this because it would make him look like he was trying to protect King Duncan from the killers, he could now say he saw the guards trying to kill Duncan and he put a stop to it by murdering them (guards). And it looks like the guards did kill Duncan because they have blood all over them and their weapons.

In "Meditation 17," how is Donne's own illness reflected in the text?

He considers that the bell could actually be ringing for him.

What happened to Cromwell in 1630 that altered the direction of his life?

He converted to Puritanism

Explain the knight's decision and provide a line number(s) for your answer.

He decides to let her decide what is the best for both of them.

How did Milton still write though blind?

He dictated.

Explain how the Green Knight responds to being hit with the axe.

He did not flinch, his head was chopped off, he didn't move he just picked his head back up and put it back on.

What was Charles I's ultimate solution to the conflict between the crown and the Parliament?

He dissolved Parliament.

In 17th century England, how does Charles I respond to repeated conflict with the Parliament?

He dissolves Parliament.

In Macbeth, what is Macduff's first offense against Macbeth?

He doesn't go to see Macbeth crowned.

Have you ever had a dream that incorporated things that were actually happening in the real world? Maybe you were dreaming about school and your alarm became the school bell. The porter hears the real world knocking, but he is having a dream and incorporates the knocking into his dream. What does he dream he is doing?

He dreams he is the gatekeeper of hell.

Reread this statement from Macbeth: MACBETH. Well then, now Have you consider'd of my speeches? Know That it was he, in the times past, which held you So under fortune; which you thought had been Our innocent self: this I made good to you In our last conference, pass'd in probation with you How you were borne in hand, how cross'd, the instruments, Who wrought with them, and all things else that might To half a soul and to a notion craz'd Say, "Thus did Banquo." What is Macbeth using in this passage to convince the murderers to kill Banquo?

He encourages them to blame Banquo for their current troubles.

What happens to Christian?

He escaped prison.

What does the doctor mean that she has more need of the divine than a physician?

He is basically saying that she is most likely going mad because she has done something really terrible. She needs God in her life to save her more than a doctor. If what she is confessing while she's sleeping is true, she needs to seek help and forgiveness from a divine being; God.

What news does Macduff bring about Macbeth?

He is being crowned King.

Which if the following would be an example of The Roman Catholic Church rooting out heresy?

He is born into it.

Which was the most likely way that a person would become a knight?

He is born into it.

Why is the man at the beginning of the story so discouraged?

He is carrying a heavy burden

What eventually happens to Ignorance?

He is cast into Hell.

What is Christian doing when he is described as, "till the springs that were in his head sent the waters down his cheeks."

He is crying

What happens to Mr. By-ends?

He is never see or heard from again.

In Macbeth, what does the new title Malcolm receives mean?

He is next in line to the throne.

What compliment does Macbeth give the murderer for killing Banquo?

He is the best at what he does.

In Macbeth, why does Macbeth insist that Fleance be killed?

He is the one the prophecy is really about.

Why did Swift feel it necessary to use a pen name in publishing Gulliver's Travels?

He knew it was controversial.

What reason does the man give Evangelist for his fear of death?

He knows he cannot bear the judgment after death.

What is Macduff's punishment for not attending Macbeth's feast?

He lives in disgrace

What does Malcolm mean when he says: "The night is long that never finds the day."

He means that this whole situation is horrible. People have been killed and an evil tyrant is the King (Macbeth). But through all the tunnels of darkness, there will soon be light.

Why do you think Christian is given this opportunity to rest and refresh himself?

He might need to rest because what he has yet to encounter could be much worse.

In Macbeth, what is the first thing Macbeth does to cover up Duncan's murder?

He murders the guards.

In The Wife of Bath's Tale, rather than death, what does the queen assign as the knight's punishment?

He must figure out what all women want.

We see again at the end of this section that "the lake itself [is] like a fiery flame" (473-474). We get the hell impression again, here. The purpose of bringing this up is that in the epic, the hero must make a descent into the underworld or something like the underworld. This is Beowulf's descent. According to the characteristics of an epic, why must the hero experience this? If you can't remember, revisit these notes.

He must learn that he can die.

How does the clerk offer to repay the people who have contributed financially to his education?

He offers to pray for them

Read lines 695-704. Discuss what the Pardoner plans to do with the items he mentions.

He planned on selling all the items had had mentioned.

What does Malcolm reveal to Macduff about his plans?

He plans to mount English troops to fight against Macbeth

Why do many scholars believe Ben Jonson received the title "Poet Laureate" from the king?

He received a pension.

Why did John Bunyan stay in prison despite the fact that he had a way to get out?

He refused to stop preaching

What regret does Macbeth seem to have in this section?

He regrets that he doesn't have the things that people who are old usually have, like honor, love friends that are loyal, and obedience.

In Macbeth, when Macbeth says, "Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst!" what does he mean?

He regrets that he killed Duncan.

Macbeth's wife, evil, controlling, but who later regrets her part in the murder

Lady Macbeth

Who is the judge at Christian and Faithful's trial?

Lord Hate-good

Look up the word "lucre" and define it.

Lucre: monetary reward or gain.

The protagonist, a war hero who turns murderer in his ambition to become king.


Who are the witches waiting for?


Is this direct quotation punctuated correctly? The Best Organization suggests, "You really do need to know how to make proper in text citations." (The Best Organization 12)


How does nature react to Grendel's mother's death?

Nature suddenly becomes light and clear.

In Morte d'Arthur, why do some say the King Arthur is coming again?

No one actually saw his dead body.

Do you think the old woman's request of the knight is fair? Why or why not?

No, it is not fair, because marriage is a big promise.

What contrast is between Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 6:9?

Noah's wicked culture and Noah's righteouness

Read Philippians 1:6 and discuss how this verse relates to Milton's poem.

Philippians 1:6 says "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Milton's poem is of a man reflecting back on his 23 years of life so far. He wonders how much he has contributed to society, if he is mature or not, and when he will become a productive and proper individual as God created him. This verse says that God, who began a good work in you, will carry this good work till the completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Therefore, the verse relates to the poem because in the poem the man is wondering about the timing of his productivity in the world, but God will see it through.

Who are Satan's offspring?

Sin and Death

Which of the following events would have taken place during the Renaissance but NOT before Shakespeare was born?

Sir Francis Drake circumnavigates the world

Compare and contrast the friar's "begging" clothing and his "love days" clothing.

The Friar dresses for his audiences. For the poor he dresses in threadbare robes, but around others he dresses in clothing fit for the pope. He has a cape that is full of pins and daggers

School is the best place for me, not some unholy secular job. But, it is kind of expensive. Wanna donate? I'll be sure to pray for you!

The Oxford Cleric

Do you want to buy one of my holy relics? Some people say they are just scraps of old cloth, but don't listen! They are from Mother Mary herself!

The Pardoner

When the English monarchy returns to the throne, what is this era called?

The Restoration

Which contributing factor most impacted the structure of the Elizabethan theater's plays?

The Revival of knowledge and learning

"Walk the plank!" That is what I like to tell all of my enemies. I seem to have a lot of them, so it's a good thing I know all of the safe havens!

The Sailor

I am young, dashing, handsome, and I love a good party, but I still respect my Dad.

The Squire

I love to drink! And, everyone loves me, because I let them slide for a little bribe. Oh, everyone except children.

The Summoner

Where do the pilgrims meet to begin their journey?

The Tabard Inn

Who is referred to as "that most disloyal traitor"?

The Thane of Cawdor

What event most likely begins British history?

The Tower of Babel

What name did Jonson's circle of friends give themselves?

The Tribe of Ben

What did Shakespeare nickname his theater?

The Wooden O

Do you believe what Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank are accusing Christian and Faith of? Why or why not?

The accusations of Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank are all false accusations. These are completely made up, as none of these people have any acquaintance with Christian or Faithful. Their names speak for themselves of their actions. The accusations are false because this is how their sinful natures work.

A foil character is a character whose actions contrast another character's in order to highlight specific qualities. Choose a character that is a foil character for Macbeth and give three ways in which he is a foil. You will be graded on paragraph structure as well as your answer.

The foil character that interest me most is Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the same as Macbeth. She is actually the reason Macbeth turned into what he became at the end of the play. Lady Macbeth is evil. Lady Macbeth si the reason that Macbeth begins to murder. She nudges and nudges Macbeth into turning evil and murdering King Duncan. However, she is a foil because after she helps cause all this disaster, Macbeth continues on without her.

What information does the messenger report that causes Macbeth to lose all hope and threaten the messenger with death if he is lying?

The forest is moving

Why do Formalist and Hypocrisy say they didn't start their journey at the gate?

The gate was too far away.

What is the research paper about?

The goal of this research paper is to choose one of these topics that are commonly found in literature and demonstrate how and why three different British authors addressed the same theme: man's inhumanity to man, profit at the expense of others, government oppression, social inequality, role of the Church, personal versus civic duty, love lost, things are not always as they appear, manliness, good triumphs over evil, power corrupts, or freedom.

I am an honest worker. My brother the Parson is probably the only one holier than me.

The Plowman

Why does Help say that people often miss the steps over the Slough of Despond?

They are too caught up in their own concerns

What happens to Christian and Hopeful when they follow the black man in the light-colored robe?

They are trapped in a net

According to Pepys' diary, which statement best resembles Pepys and his friends' feelings about the King?

They believe he is only concerned with pleasure.

What similarity does Lady Macbeth point out between herself and Macbeth?

They both have blood on their hands.

In Pilgrim's Progress, what is the difficult obstacle that Christian and Hopeful must face while in the Enchanted Grounds?

They cannot sleep.

How is Macbeth described in this scene as compared to his description in Act I Scene 1?

They describe him in Act 4 as something wicked, however way in the beginning, Macbeth was brave and loyal. He has changed because of the prophecies. He became greedy and evil.

In Macbeth, what part of the plan are the murderers Macbeth hired unable to complete?

They do not kill Fleance.

In Macbeth, what excuse does Macbeth use for not killing Banquo himself?

They have mutual friends who will not understand why it had to be done.

In Macbeth, what ultimately convinces the murderers to agree to Macbeth's plan and kill Banquo?

They hold Banquo responsible for their misfortunes.

What are Malcolm and Donalbain's responses to the murder?

They kept quiet and when Malcom asks Donalbain why they are keeping quiet Donalbain's response is that there is danger everywhere and they don't know when someone could come attack them so they should get out of there and cry and be sad when they are away from everyone and safe.

Why do the men say that they need to wait until night to move the treasure?

They know they are stealing it and don't want to get caught.

During the Restoration, how were the wealthy able to more effectively avoid getting the plague.

They left London.

How do the people of Vanity Fair treat the pilgrims?

They mock and imprison them

What does the murderer mean by this statement: "We have lost best half of our affair."

They only did half of their job. They were supposed to kill Banquo and Fleance and they only killed Banquo.

Explain how the two rioters plan to get rid of the youngest rioter and keep the money for themselves. Provide line numbers for your answer.

They plan to stab him when he comes back from getting the food and wine. Line 342 "And it fell on the youngest of them all"

How did Beowulf's men (other than Wiglaf) respond to Beowulf's battle with the dragon?

They ran and hid.

How do Faithful and Christian respond to what happens to them at Vanity Fair?

They return kindness for evil

How does the man's family respond to this information?

They think he is mentally ill.

How were the pilgrim's captured by Giant Despair?

They tried to avoid a difficult path by taking the easy way.

Read the following article about the role of medieval monks and discuss three ways in which this monk through his character reveals the Roman Catholic Church's corruption.

They vowed to poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Read this article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. about the role of Medieval monks Then discuss three ways in which the monk in The Canterbury Tales reveals the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. Click here for link. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site

They vowed to poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Why were Shakespeare's twins given the names they were given?

They were the names of Shakespeare's best friends.

Where does the old man tell the rioters they can find Death?

They will find Death under a tree just up ahead.

Why is submitting someone else's extensive corrections to your research paper considered plagiarism?

This is considered plagiarism because they are the ones writing down the corrections, it is their own work. If you were to use these corrections in your paper you would be citing them as your own.

We defined dramatic irony earlier as a the audience knowing something that the characters do not know. This scene is the perfect example of dramatic irony. Explain why.

This is the perfect example of dramatic irony because the audience knows Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's plan and what is going to happen and no other characters know.

Explain what Christian means by this statement, "You must also own religion in his rags, as well as in his silver slippers; and stand by him, too, when bound in irons, as well as when he walk in the streets with applause."

This means that you must live in religion not only in wealth but in poor. You must be for Him when you are imprisoned or when you are being applauded in praise. This is to show that Christianity is for all at all points of life and in all circumstances.

This is a classic example used often to portray the nonsensical arguments people begin over real or imaginary issues. What is this particular issue about?

This particular issue seems to be about the Emperor wanting to bring more people in to be slaves by conquering other places, and Gulliver decided that that was not right and the wiser of the group agreed with him.

Johnson's ultimate conclusion about his work, "Preface to the Dictionary of the English Language," is that it is imperfect, but he did his best.


Robinson Crusoe was well received by the general public when it was first published.


Some scholars include the Anglo-Saxons in the Medieval Era.


The Battle of Hastings was a one-day battle during which the Anglo-Saxons were defeated.


The King felt guilty after Becket's murder and visited the cathedral nearly every year.


The Wife of Bath has a bad temper.


The majority of the citations in your paper should be indirect citations.


Thomas Becket's murder site almost instantly became a shrine.


William the Conqueror was crowned King on Christmas day.


You only use quotation marks around direct quotes.


List three words that describe the knight.

Truth, justice, and chivalry.

Who is tricked into showing the way to man's home?


How does Banquo describe the witches?

as manly

Which society in history is the Anglo-Saxon government system most like?

ancient Greece

In Pilgrim's Progress, which word best describes the people of Vanity Fair's attitude toward Christian and Faithful?



any of various pointed or narrowed tools or parts; especially : one used for shaping a hole already bored

What is another name for epigram?



appearing or trying to appear more important or more valuable than is the case


armorial bearings; coat of arms

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where is Gawain supposed to find the Green Knight?

at the Green Chapel

When will every book "lie open to one another"?

at the judgment

In "Meditation 17," what metaphor does Donne use for God?


We see another mini-sermon inserted at the end of this section. What is the topic of this mini-sermon?

We need to trust God in the good and the bad times.

Why was John Shakespeare's initial application for a coat of arms turned down?

We really don't know the reason

Describe an incident where you (or someone you know) talked more than you should have.

When I was younger, we were over at one of my mom's co-worker's house. I, for some reason, blurted out how much money my mom made to this co-worker.

Why do you need to write an outline before you write the paper?

You need to write an outline before you write the paper because you need to have a plan to make sure you stay on track. You need to know where you are going before you can write.

Under what circumstances do you put the end punctuation inside the quotation marks?

You only put the end punctuation inside the quotation marks if the quotation already ends with an exclamation mark or a question mark. You would still put a period after the parenthetical citation, however.

Who is the black man with the light-colored robe?

a Flatterer

Which character would the Miller best resemble?

a baker


a ban or curse declared by church authority and accompanied by excommunication

Which if the following is the best definition of a "Robinsonade"?

a book about someone deserted on an island

What was Jonson's first job?

a bricklayer

In Macbeth, as the doctor and nurse observe Lady Macbeth, what does the nurse mention that Lady Macbeth always insist on having with her?

a candle

What is "miasma"?

a colorless cloud of germs thought to spread the disease

metaphysical conceit

a comparison of two strikingly different things- one concrete, one abstract

In Macbeth, what imaginary object does Macbeth see?

a dagger

In Pilgrim's Progress, what is the best description of the Flatterer that Christian and Hopeful meet?

a dark colored man in a light robe


a feeling that something will or is about to happen

In Macbeth, what is a bough?

a tree branch


always eager to complain; showing a complaining attitude


amazement, alarm, or disappointment that makes one feel helpless or confused


an act of violating something; Breaking of a law


an act or instance of beginning


an evil report or false charge


an explanation or warning that should be remembered when you are doing or thinking about something

One of the witnesses against Christian and Faithful is named "Pickthank." Look up the definition of this word, (and any of the words that you don't know in the answer list) and then determine which of the following is the best synonym for the word. Look up the synonyms, too, if you need to.

an obsequious person

Who offers to help the knight answer the question?

an old hag

A story that has been told and retold from generation to generation before being written down is called what?

an oral tradition

If the Yeoman lived during modern times, which occupation would he most likely have?

an owner of a hunting shop

Shakespeare would have included in his plays ______________________ for the benefit of the lower class, ______________________ for the benefit of the middle class, and ______________________ for the benefit of the upper class.

sword play music poetry

What do these words from Lady Macbeth lead us to believe? Naught's had, all's spent, Where our desire is got without content: 'Tis safer to be that which we destroy, Than, by destruction, dwell in doubtful joy.

that she isn't as sure about their choices as she once was.

What news does Macbeth receive shortly after the witches leave?

that the Thane of Cawdor will be executed

In this passage, what does Hrothgar fear?

that the beginning of Grendel's attacks won't be the end

In Macbeth, when Malcolm and Donalbain hear of their father's death what is their immediate suspicion?

that whoever killed their father would kill them next

Which group is primarily responsible for giving England its name?

the Angles

During the Restoration, what was the greatest factor in ending the plague?

the Great Fire

Which two cultures had the greatest impact on the Renaissance?

the Greeks and the Romans

What "muse" does Milton invoke?

the Holy Spirit

Why were theaters closed for part of the time Shakespeare was writing and performing?

the Puritan influence and the plague

In this article, which group is characterized as "a radical Protestant group"?

the Puritans

How are Christian and Hopeful able to make it up the mountain so easily?

the Shining Ones pull them by the arms

In Macbeth, until the very end, what does Macbeth hang all of his hopes upon?

the apparitions

Which of the following best defines verisimilitude?

the appearance of reality

What was predicted in 1559 and 1665?

the complete destruction of London by fire

In Pilgrim's Progress, who founded Vanity Fair?

the devil's demons

In "Preface to the Dictionary of the English Language," which of the following is NOT something Johnson addresses about his work.

the difficulty of receiving funding for his work

In Pilgrim's Progress, what illustration does the interpreter use to demonstrate the need to be prepared for judgment day?

the dream

What kills or maims people at the silver mine?

the faulty ground around the mine

Where is the problem presented in a sonnet?

the first three quatrains

Of what do Christian and Hopeful get a glimpse before they leave the mountains?

the gate of the Celestial City

Macbeth notices his servant's fear. What is the servant afraid of?

the gathering English forces


the granting of pardon (as by a government) to a large number of persons

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, what does Gawain have as a reminder to always do the right thing and never fear?

the green girdle

In Macbeth, while the doctor and the nurse are watching Lady Macbeth, which of the following murders does she NOT admit to?

the guards

Who suggests the game the travelers will play on their trip to Canterbury?

the host

Which of the following best defines a cultural value?

the ideals, issues, and objects that a society holds as most important

What does "A" represent on this feudalism chart?

the king

What kind of relationship do the knight and the squire have?

the knight is the squire's father

What does Evangelist tell the man he needs to keep in his eye?

the light

What must one of my sources be?

the original work

According to A Journal of the Plague Year, what fascinates and horrifies the narrator at the same time?

the pit at the parish used to bury the dead

How did Ben Jonson's son die?

the plague

How did Jonson's eldest son die?

the plague

What made surviving to adulthood unlikely in the Shakespeare home as well as other homes during the Renaissance?

the plague

What was the number one cause of death for infants in the Shakespeare home as well as many other Renaissance homes?

the plague

According to this author, which invention during the time period was the most important?

the printing press

Which of the following would you not likely find in a lead-in?

the publisher


the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal

What is the best definition of "Chivalry"?

the rules by which knights were to abide

In Chapter 4 of Robinson Crusoe, where does Crusoe get most of his supplies?

the shipwrecked boat

When Christian and Hopeful make it to Beulah Land, what makes them sick?

the sight of the Celestial City

What finally removes Christian's burden?

the sight of the cross

From Paradise Lost, what does in medias res mean?

the story starts in the middle

According to Pepys' diary, even when he has a particularly good day, by what is his mood always clouded?

the surrounding plague

In Pilgrim's Progress, what illustration does the interpreter use to demonstrate that temporal riches do not last?

the two children

In Macbeth, the unnatural events that happen in nature (like horses eating each other) are intended to mimic what?

the unnatural death of Duncan

According to Paradise Lost, what information does Uriel give up?

the way to man's home

Ethereal characters who give Macbeth and Banquo predictions about their futures

the witches

Despite the reality of the situation, Macbeth still uses what to make him feel secure?

the witches' apparitions

During the Restoration, why were the poor most impacted by the plague?

their close and unsanitary living conditions

The things a society leaves behind like their art, artifacts, and literature lead us to which of the following?

their cultural values

What did Christian and Hopeful leave behind in the river?

their mortal clothing

In The Pardoner's Tale, how do the rioters decide who will go to town to get food and wine?

they cast lots

According to Angus, why does Macbeth still have people to command?

they feel like they have to

What do the guildsmen's wives hope to get out of their husbands being in the guild?

they hope to get higher social status

In Pilgrim's Progress, what are Hymenaeus and Philetus used as examples for?

those who spread false doctrine

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, how many times does the Green Knight swing his axe?

three times

According to Donne, how are people "translated"?

through death

In Macbeth, where does an imaginary object lead Macbeth?

to Duncan

Where is the imaginary dagger leading Macbeth?

to Duncan's room


to attack as false or not to be trusted

Why did Swift have to leave England and go back to Ireland?

to avoid the end of his political career

What does the man's dream teach Christian?

to be certain he is ready for the judgment


to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do


to cause to spread out to the point of vanishing; DISSOLVE


to change in kind, appearance, or value

Why does Macbeth send a third murderer to join the two he has previously commissioned to kill Banquo and Fleance?

to check up on them to make sure they are really going to do it


to come about as a natural growth or addition <benefits accrue to society from education>


to condemn strongly as unworthy or evil


to direct or demand (an action) by authoritative order (as from a court of law)


to do harm to; to injure by fire; to attack with very harsh accusations

What is the purpose of this mini-story within the Wife of Bath's story?

to show that women cannot keep a secret

Why did Defoe change his name?

to sound more sophisticated


to speak or write in a full or lengthy manner


to speed up the process or progress of


to spread around as if sowing seed


to spread throughout; to pass through something which has pores or small openings or is of loose texture


to stir up


to think of as coming from a specified cause, source, or author


to throw violently


to try to influence by words; To urge strongly


to try to make less serious by partial excuses

A vice that an epic hero has which ultimately leads to his downfall is called what?

tragic flaw

According to the text, what will Beowulf win if he defeats Grendel's mother?


Which of the following is the best definition of satire?

treating people's issues and vices in a humorous or ridiculous way

The best way to avoid plagiarism is to cite your sources.


This is an example of a hanging indent: -EXAMPLE-


In Macbeth, which word best describes the physical appearance of the witches?


In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, how are Arthur and Gawain related?

uncle and nephew

Where do I find the "hanging indent" option?

under paragraph in word

Before Macbeth enters the scene, how does Banquo feel?


In "On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-three," what metaphor does Milton use to demonstrate that he does not outwardly show all of the same things that others show?

buds and blooms

In Beowulf, what does Beowulf insist Wiglaf do upon Beowulf's death?

build a monument for Beowulf

In Macbeth, how does Macbeth inform Lady Macbeth about the witches' prophecies and about Malcolm's new title?

by a letter

How did Hamnet die?


What does the "D" represent on this feudalism



very destructive or harmful


very generous in giving; given generously or in plenty

When sleep doesn't change the man's attitude, how does his family treat him?

very harshly


very sad

What does Macbeth decide to do to ease his paranoia?

visit the witches again

In Macbeth, after Macbeth has killed Duncan and returned to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth becomes obsessed with the blood on his hands. What does Lady Macbeth tell him to do to resolve this?

wash his hands

In Macbeth, while the doctor and nurse are watching Lady Macbeth, what action does she repeatedly do, demonstrating her guilt?

washes her hands

What are the doctor and nurse doing?

watching Lady Macbeth sleepwalk

In Macbeth, which word best describes Lady Macbeth's perception of Macbeth?


Through the conversation Christian and Pliable have, what does it seem Pliable is most concerned with?

what they will receive

If the author's last name is not available, what goes in the parenthetical citation?

whatever I alphabetized by on the Works Cited Page


capable of being physically or emotionally wounded; open to attack or damage


capable of or showing a keen ability to observe and understand

What economic system was just beginning to emerge during the Renaissance?


What new economic system was being established during the Renaissance?


What is Beowulf able to do by himself that it takes four of his men to do?

carry Grendel's head

What was popularly blamed for spreading the plague?

cats and dogs


causing trouble

What addition did Milton add in his revision to make it easier to understand his length, complex poetry?

chapter summaries

In Macbeth, which adjective best describes Macduff's son as he responds to his mother?


Which medieval literary element is displayed by Gawain's accepting the challenge for the king?


On which of the following is defined as: "A short, formal indication of the source of information or quoted material."


According to, finish this statement: When in doubt________________.

cite sources

Which of the following goes on the third line of the four line heading?


What symbol does Banquo refer to again when discussing Macbeth?


In Macbeth, what term is given to scenes like the Porter's scene when placed directly after a very intense scene?

comic relief

On which of the following is defined as: "Information that is readily available from a number of sources or so well-known that its sources do not have to be cited."

common knowledge


containing or using phrases which sound more important than they are

In Macbeth, at the beginning of the play, which word best describes Lady Macbeth?


What is the answer to the question?


In Hopeful's conversion experience, what does God first use to draw Hopeful to Himself?

conviction of sin

Give an example of an active voice word from the sample research paragraph.


What does a deer prefer to jumping into the lake where the monster lives?


Which best describes the real Macbeth's feelings about Christianity?

endorsed it


excessive or slavish admiration or flattery

The literary device used to demonstrate that his son was "lent" to him by God, and Jonson had to "pay" God back is what?

extended metaphor

Although there are often consequences for plagiarism, it is not actually a crime.


The points on my outline correspond to how many paragraphs I will have in my paper.


Though Beowulf is seemingly supposed to be the representation of good, it is interesting that we get insight into his real motives. Re-read the section again carefully. What is Beowulf's real motivation?


Since Jonson and Shakespeare were rivals, what were they primarily rivaling for?

fame and publicity

What does Christian tell Hopeful is the cause for many to go on pilgrimage?


What is the predominant form of government during the Medieval Era?



filled to excess


firmly fixed or decided especially against something

What was actually to blame for spreading the disease?


Although Macbeth promises the doctor his eternal gratefulness if the doctor cures Lady Macbeth, the doctor wishes instead that he could do what?



fond of or showing ostentation

Why was Jonson tried for murder?

for killing a man in a duel

What is the purpose of the harps and crowns that Christian and Hopeful receive?

for praise and honor

Who first received the blame for the Great Fire?


What literary device is used in these lines? "...He had visited Hrothgar's/ Home before, knew the way-/ But never, before nor after that night,/ Found Herot defended so firmly, his reception/ So harsh."


What literary device is used when Hecate says: Meet me i' the morning: thither he Will come to know his destiny. Your vessels and your spells provide, Your charms, and everything beside. I am for the air; this night I'll spend Unto a dismal and a fatal end.


Which of the follow items would not be associated with the monk?


Which best describes Oliver Cromwell's early status?

genteel poverty

Like the last Milton sonnet we studied, there is an example of personification. What is personification?

giving non-living things life-like qualities


giving non-living things life-like qualities

Re-read lines 389-396 again and decide what Anglo-Saxon value Beowulf receives by these poets' songs.


What do you think is the primary conflict of the story based on the hints you have been given so far?

good v. evil

What color is best associated with the Yeoman?


Which color is best associated with the Yeoman?


What is Jonson's primary emotion?


Which group does this describe? sword play, coarse, loud, interactive


In Macbeth, what is sleep a symbol of?


What is the verdict of Faithful's case?





harsh and angry words


harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or disposition


having a charming or pleasing quality <a winsome smile>


having a false look of being fair, just, or right


having no fixed form


having various colors

The cook is notable for his great cooking skills and his ability to tell from which brewery in London an ale comes. What significant flaw does the narrator point out about the cook?

he has an open wound

Which best describes how the real Duncan lost his kingdom?

he ignored wise council

What does the queen require of the knight as penitence?

he must discover what woman really want

What act of violence does the knight commit that lands him in trouble with the King?

he violates a young woman

In Pilgrim's Progress, what emotion does the sight of the Celestial City cause for Christian and Hopeful?


What weather conditions exacerbated the plague?


In "On My First Son," what ultimately gives Jonson resolution to his grief?


List the end rhyme words that have the "e" rhyme.

high (11) eye (14)

What metaphor does Jonson use to describe his son?

his "best piece of poetry"

In "Reflections in Westminster Abbey," what does Addison suggest sums up every person's life?

his birth and death

Which of the following is not part of the subject matter of the poem?

his bitterness about the unfairness of the situation

What is Ignorance missing that does not allow him into the Celestial City?

his certificate

By what does Ignorance claim he knows he is in good standing with God and will be able to get into heaven?

his own heart

What does Macbeth hide from Lady Macbeth?

his plans to murder Banquo and Fleance

Regarding the knight, which of the following characteristics is not addressed?

his relationship with Christ

Which of the following items is not addressed regarding the knight?

his relationship with Christ

Into what genre does Beowulf best fit?

historical fiction


horrible; gruesome

What kind of pilgrims have taken the "byway to hell"?


In a sonnet, what is the name of the usual meter used?

iambic pentameter

What issue does Charity particularly probe Christian about?

if he had done all he could to bring his family

Under what circumstances did Milton support beheading the King?

if the king no longer served the will of the people

What is the exception to putting the author, organization, or title in the parenthetical citation?

if you have it in a close lead-in


imagined for purpose of example

In Pilgrim's Progress, which word is the best synonym for the word "wanton"?


Which of the following is an issue directly or indirectly addressed in Robinson Crusoe?

imperial expansion

How does the young rioter disguise the poison?

in the wine

What seems to be the cause of most of the turmoil during Cromwell's endeavors?

inability of differing parties to get along

In Macbeth, which of the following best describes Macbeth's reaction to Lady Macbeth's death.


Which of the following is the best definition of eurocentrism?

interpreting everything from a European point of view

According to the essay, which of the following is one recorded way that Shakespeare made money?

investing in the theater

What kinds of items does Christian see in the beautiful house?

items used by men of faith in the Bible

What do the three rioters pledge to do?

kill death

We again see a glimpse of this strange relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is characterized as wishy-washy, scared, and aimless. Lady Macbeth is portrayed as quite like a bully. She is fearless, ruthless, and evil. She bullies Macbeth into agreeing to kill the king, even though he has reservations. What does Lady Macbeth claim she would do if she had to in order to keep a promise that she had made?

kill her own child

In Macbeth, what is Macbeth's plan to payback Macduff's insolence?

kill his family

In The Pardoner's Tale, what do the two rioters decide to do while the other goes to town to get food and wine?

kill the other so they can just split the money themselves

In 17th century England, what is regicide?

killing the king

In Pilgrim's Progress, which word best describes Christian and Faithful's response to the townspeople?


What does the "C" represent in this feudalism chart?


What kind of laws did Macbeth enact as king?

laws that encouraged kindness and equality

In Pilgrim's Progress, what sin does Christian commit while climbing the Hill of Difficulty?


What is used to indicate rhyme scheme?


What is a common error in formatting the Works Cited page?

line spacing

Which lines best reference his role as a squire?

lines 80-81

In Pilgrim's Progress, what guards the Lord of Hill's castle?


What imminent threat do Timorous and Mistrust warn Christian about?


What are the witches doing in this scene?

making a spell


marked by displays of rudeness or ill temper

What must the knight do in return for the answer to the question?

marry the woman's daughter

When Donne refers to God as the author, what literary device is he using?


Which group does this describe? seats, music, out of rain

middle class

What occupation did the writer of Beowulf most likely hold?


What distinction does The Pilgrim's Progress have as second only to the Bible?

most published

Which of the following is NOT one of the vices Malcolm claims to have?


Where do I get the three main body points for my outline?

my thesis


needed for reaching a goal or achieving a purpose

Which of the following is a key event which ended The Medieval Era?

none of these

Which of the following is NOT a result of the Battle of Hastings?

none of these; they're all a result of the Battle of Hastings


not easily handled or managed because of size or weight

What difficulty do Christian and Hopeful face at the Enchanted Ground?

not falling asleep


not firm in texture : FLIMSY; made carelessly of poor material : SHODDY


not following a general rule or method : IRREGULAR, UNUSUAL


not influenced by strong feeling


not interesting: too simple


not lasting or staying long


not lasting or staying long


not looking good for future success


not neatly or well dressed or cared for; not stylish


not paying attention; not meant, sought, or intended


not prepared ahead of time


not telling or showing what a person thinks or has decided

What commandment from God does Satan overhear Adam and Eve discussing?

not to eat of the forbidden fruit

What does the man in the iron cage teach Christian?

not to turn away from God



What does Faithful tell Hopeful is the only solution for his sin problem?

obtaining the righteousness of a sinless man


occurring by chance


of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes


of or relating to the burial of the dead


of, relating to, or resembling the bovines and especially the ox or cow

In Macbeth, where are Banquo's wounds?

on his head


outward manner or behavior

Which word would best describe the Squire?


Which word would best describe the squire?



passing from one topic to another

What was the basic assertion of the Petition of Right 1628?

taxes could only be levied with permission from Parliament

In Macbeth, what realization makes Macbeth plot Banquo's murder?

that Banquo's children and not Macbeth's will be king

What truth does Hopeful remind Christian about which helps Christian stand on solid ground?

that God has not forsaken him, but is trying him

As this scene opens, what suspicion does Banquo have?

that Macbeth did something to bring about the prophecy

What does the third apparition seem to be saying?

that Macbeth is safe until forest can get up and move up the hill

Lady Macbeth gives this piece of advice to Macbeth: "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters:--to beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't." This is an interesting point, since Duncan referenced this very thing earlier. What does Lady Macbeth mean?

that Macbeth needs to be sure his face doesn't reveal their plans by looking guilty

What caution does Banquo give Macbeth about the witches' prophecy?

that evil often makes things look good to lure us in

What does Macbeth make Banquo promise?

that he will be back in time for Macbeth's party

What lie does Lady Macduff tell her son?

that his father is dead

In Macbeth, when owls scream and crickets cry as Duncan is murdered, what is this revealing?

that nature is reacting to his death

Which of the following is an issue directly or indirectly addressed in Robinson Crusoe?


What act by a British explorer sparked a war between England and Spain?

piracy of Spanish ships

During the Restoration, what was Londoners' greatest fear?


What was Londoners' greatest fear?


According to the list of English Renaissance authors, which genre of writing had the largest number of authors?


What genre of writing had the largest increase during the time of the Renaissance?


What is the primary reason Swift had to go back and forth between Ireland and England?

political upheaval

What was the biggest difficulty cities faced during the Renaissance?


What was the greatest problem in cities during the Renaissance?


Bunyan was born _______; died _________, but helped people become _______ in Christ.

poor poor rich

In Macbeth, after Macbeth has murdered Duncan and is returning to Lady Macbeth, what is Macbeth unable to do?


Spelling and grammar became standardized by whom?

print editors

Who is responsible for standardized English spelling and grammar?

print editors

Defoe's writing often resulted in what?


In Beowulf, which word best describes Beowulf's attitude as he presents himself to Hrothgar?


In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth at various times use the same tactic to get people to do what they want. What do they do?

question manliness

Which adjective best describes Macbeth in this section?

reckless (He demands things from them disregarding any consequences.)


referring to something without specifically naming it

What Anglo-Saxon belief is evident on line 257?

reliance on fate

Give an example of a present tense word from the sample research paragraph.


According to Paradise Lost, what is Satan's motivation for attacking the humans?


What motive does Satan have for leading man astray?


What is a heroic couplet?

rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter

Which group does this describe? poetry, cushions, patrons, on stage


Which word would Mr. By-ends most likely use to describe Christian and Hopeful?


Which poetic technique is Chaucer said to have invented?

rime royal

According to Donne, what prized job were all of the clergy fighting for?

ringing the morning bell

In Macbeth, which of the following is used as a symbol of something not really belonging to a person?


What is the wall on either side of the pathway called?


How do Christian and Hopeful plan to help Ignorance understand his need to go through the Wicket Gate?

share a little of the truth each time they meet up with him

How does Lady Macbeth ensure that Duncan's guards won't be a problem?

she gets them drunk

When the old woman realizes that he has no intention of treating her like an actual wife, she asks him why he refuses. Which of the following is NOT a reason that the knight gives for his refusal to treat her as his wife?

she is poor


showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age

In Macbeth, what do the doctor and nurse see Lady Macbeth doing?


Why did Milton feel he needed to write an epic?

so he could be counted among the greatest writers


so short and frank in manner or speech as to be impolite


something hard to understand or explain


speaking to an imaginary character as if it existed

Looking at the poem "When I Consider How My Light is Spent," list the ending rhyme words that fit the "a" in the Italian Sonnet rhyme scheme.

spent (1) bent (4) present (5) prevent (8)

In The Canterbury Tales, when do the travelers leave for Canterbury?


When do these travelers leave for Canterbury?


According to A Journal of the Plague Year, what supposedly cured one man of the plague?

stretching and swimming


submitting another's work, word for word as one's own

What does Donne believe brings us closer to God?

suffering and misery

What is Malcolm's suggestion for handling Macduff's grief?

suggests he use it as a motivating factor for revenge


suitable; timely

Which medieval literary element is evident in the Green Knight's response to Gawain's hit?

supernatural involvement

What size should the margins of your paper be?

1 inch

Who does Macbeth just realize was missing at the party?


Who is first to discover Duncan's murder?



a summary of a written work; a brief statement of the main points or facts

In what order do the works go on the page?


According to, which of the following is considered plagiarism?

-copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit -giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation -turning in someone else's work as your own -failing to put quotation marks around a quotation -citing too much from one source

In "Meditation 17," Donne references the ringing of the church bells. According to the historical context, when were the bells rung?

-evening prayers -weddings -before and after Sunday church -when people were dying -funerals -morning prayers

Which of the following should I check to make sure a source I want to use is credible?

-external support for claims -the edition of the book -author bias -the author's background -what organization publishes it -it editability -reviews -its compatibility with other sources -the publishing date

During the Restoration, what factors contributed to the spreading of the plague?

-fleas -rats -filth -proximity -heat

Which of the following did God use to bring about Bunyan's conversion?

-good books -godly unnamed women -godly spouse -faithful pastor

Which of the following are issues addressed directly or indirectly in the novel Robison Crusoe?

-imperial expansion -religion -philosophy -rise of the middle class

Which of the following are mistakes often made by people completing a Works Cited page?

-including web addresses -indenting -line spacing -punctuation

According to Paradise Lost, what does God reveal to Adam?

-the consequences of his actions -the future redemption plan

During the Restoration, why did people commonly carry flowers in their pockets?

-to combat miasma -to not have to smell the decaying breath of those dying -to not have to smell the dead bodies


1 : a solid structure like a wall built for defense 2 : a strong support or protection 3 : the side of a ship above the upper deck -- usually used in plural

Which shows the date correctly written for MLA format?

1 January 2014

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, how long does Gawain have to find the Green Knight?

1 year and 1 day

What is the name of the hill that Christian must climb?


Who tells Faithful that he has really hurt the feelings of Pride, Arrogance, Self-conceit, and Worldly-glory?


Reword the first two lines of the poem into your own words.

Do not be proud, Death, even though you are seemingly great and horrid, you are not.

Duncan's second son


Explain in your own words how and why the idea of isolation would have been ideal in Renaissance England.

Donne's idea of isolation was very different from the people who wanted isolation. These people actually wanted to separate from everyone. The British Isles are islands, but are very close to Europe. This left them too close to become isolated. People wanted to isolate themselves from the other countries to form a "perfect society."

The king of Scotland whom Macbeth murders to get the throne


Which murder is Lady Macbeth recalling when she says, "Wash your hands, put on your nightgown; look not so pale:"


Who ultimately overthrew Macbeth?

Duncan's son

According to Pepys' diary, what fleet has been defeated giving Pepys a particularly good day?


Which of the following best explains the knight's challenge?

Each will exchange one hit from the axe.

Which of Shakespeare's brothers also tried to have a career in the theater?


Which sibling tried to follow in William's foot steps?


In your own words, define elegy.

Elegy is a poem, typically of lament for the dead.

In Macbeth, in what way is the doctor concerned for Lady Macbeth's safety?

He is afraid she will harm herself.

In Macbeth, what is Macduff's second offense against Macbeth?

Macduff doesn't attend Macbeth's feast.

What news does Ross bring?

Macduff's family is dead.

What does Hecate plan to do to Macbeth?

Make him feel like he has nothing to worry about

In Macbeth, who assumes the throne upon Macbeth's death?


The Prince of Cumberland is a title given to the person who is next in line for the throne. In this passage, who is named as the Prince of Cumberland?


Reread these words from Lennox: LENNOX. Or so much as it needs, To dew the sovereign flower, and drown the weeds. Make we our march towards Birnam. Who is the sovereign flower and who is the weed?

Malcolm and Macbeth

Why does Macduff finally give up on Malcolm and weep for Scotland's fate?

Malcolm's list of sins becomes too bad, and he is no better than Macbeth.

Give two reasons why Malcolm tells Macduff that the meeting seems like a trap.

Malcom tells Macduff that the meeting seems like a trap because Macbeth used to be a man filled with honesty and integrity, and he fooled everyone. He is now evil and Malcom believes also that since nothing bad has happened to Macduff that Macbeth wants Macduff to betray Malcom.

In Macbeth, what title is Malcolm given which greatly disturbs Macbeth?

Prince of Cumberland

In the newly established government system, what was every class required to provide for the class above it?


Edward was ______________________ Mary was ___________________ Elizabeth was _____________________

Protestant Catholic Protestant

Where did the Great Fire start?

Pudding Lane

In 17th century England, what religious affiliation did Oliver Cromwell have?


During the Restoration, which group of people did the Act of Uniformity most impact?


Which phrase best summarizes the main concept of "the island"?

You cannot exist on your own.

Summarize the question Mr. By-ends asks.

Suppose a man has the opportunity to use an advantage that is given before him to reach the blessings of life, should he not use these means to get the blessings and still be honest?

What was Scriblerus?

Swift's literary club

Do a little research and explain what the difference between symbolism and allegory is. Define each and then state why they are different.

Symbolism is using words, objects, or ideas to represent the invisible or intangible truths or states. Allegory is the expression of symbolic figures, truths, or generalizations about existence. Symbolism and allegory are two different words with very similar meanings. Symbolism is the scholarly method or figure of speech that encourages the symbolic layer of a content, while allegory is somewhat the non specific model or the genre of the content.

What does it mean when the narrator says, "[Talkative] was a tall man, and something more comely at a distance than at hand"?

Talkative at a distance was better looking than he was up close. Talkative seems quite remarkable from afar in his knowledge and rhetoric, but once you get to see the real him, there is nothing good.

Explain what happened to Temporary. Why is he not on the pilgrimage with Christian and Hopeful?

Temporary "backslid." This happens when a man loses his fear of damnation, becomes fearful of losing what he has after becoming religious, sees himself above religion, or because they can not fully change the way their minds work.

What news does Macbeth give Lady Macbeth upon his arrival that hatches the murder plan?

That Duncan is coming to Inverness

What is the "mini-sermon" about in this passage?

That God always defeats evil

Of what does Ross try to convince Lady Macduff?

That Macduff is doing it out of wisdom not fear

What purpose does comparing the summoner to a jay bird serve?

That he doesn't know what he is saying, he just copies what he hears.

What lie does Macbeth tell Banquo?

That he hasn't thought about the witches

Macbeth has sent a letter ahead to Lady Macbeth, what is the subject of that letter?

That he received the prophecies from the witches

Which lines end the octave and begin the sestet?

That some more timely-happy spirits indu'th. Yet be it less or more, or soon or slow,

Explain how they all die. Provide line numbers for your answer.

The 2 older men stab the youngest men when he comes back from getting the food and wine. So the youngest man dies. But, the youngest men put poison in the wine before he came back so after the two older men killed the youngest one, they drink the wine and die. Lines 421-426 "Now let us sit and drink and so be merry, 422 And afterward we will his body bury. 423 And as he spoke, one bottle of the three 424 He took wherein the poison chanced to be 425 And drank and gave his comrade drink also, 426 For which, and that anon, lay dead these two."

What theater group is Jonson associated with?

The Admiral's Men

Do a little research about Old English and decide which of the following is written in Old English.

"The Seafarer"

Type out a line that shows Macbeth regrets his decision to kill Duncan.

"To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself." He'd rather not even know who he is than know what he's done.

In Macbeth, which famous lines by the witches are used to heap curses upon Macbeth?

"double, double, toil and trouble"

*Hero is of Importance

*This actually gets a little tricky in Paradise Lost. In fact, many scholars argue over who the epic hero in the poem actually is. Our first reaction is usually that it is Adam, but upon reading further, many argue that it is actually Satan. Some even suggest that it is Jesus, though he has a much smaller part than either Adam or Satan in the epic. For our purposes, we will stick to Adam being the epic hero. So what makes him important? The hero is of nobility Though Adam does hail not from a long line of kings, he is a direct creation of the God of the universe. That's pretty epic. The hero is super-human in ability Well, he is actually human. But, prior to the Fall, he did have some super-human qualities. It is only after he gives in to temptation that some limitations are placed on him. The hero has unique weapons of size and power Well, no, not really. But, he does have a personal relationship with the God of the universe that he should have used as a weapon against the temptation. Unfortunately, he didn't. The hero is a representation of whatever is most valued in the culture Well, there was no culture per-se in Adam's time, but there is a culture in Milton's time, so there are some values that Adam would embody that reflect Milton's era. This is part of where the discrepancy in who the epic hero is comes into play. Satan makes a much better representation of the cultural values Milton was targeting than Adam does. It is much easier to notice that Satan wants the power, acts on revenge and hate, and interferes in God's will and plan and make parallels to 17th century politics. It is much harder to notice that Adam reflects stereotypical gender roles and the fact that he is a pawn in the hand of a much bigger scheme and see those as representations of 17th century politics. The hero has a tragic flaw Adam clearly has a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall. His weakness in temptation leads to his break from fellowship with God, his removal from Paradise, and the downfall of the entire human race.

*Subject is the Struggle is for Something Significant

*This is fairly easy to discern, because it is literally the struggle between good and evil. Though many epics have this as an underlying theme, Paradise Lost has it as its main theme. At the end of this epic, Adam and Eve are expelled from Paradise, thus the title of the poem, which seemingly makes evil win. But, as a brief portion at the end, Adam is given a vision of the future, which includes his consequences, but also the plan of salvation, which makes evil's victory only temporary.

*Supernatural Powers Intervene

*Well, this is very obvious. God, Satan, demons, angels, the personification of Sin and Death, all of those demonstrate how supernatural powers are involved.

King James is the monarch responsible for authorizing the King James version of the Bible, which many still use today. But, those people generally use later versions of it, as the 1611 is still very difficult for the modern reader.


Which of the following are wives of Henry VIII?

- Catherine of Aragon - Katherine Parr - Kathryn Howard - Anne Boleyn - Anne of Cleves - Jane Seymour

In Macbeth, which of the following are reasons Macbeth gives for not wanting to kill Duncan?

- Duncan is well-liked by the people. - Duncan is the king. - Duncan is actually a good king. - Duncan is related to him.

In Macbeth, which are the prophecies given to Macbeth by the witches?

- He will be Thane of Cawdor. - He will be King

The mission the queen sends the knight on is a quest, which is one of the elements of medieval romance. How long does the knight have to complete this quest?

1 year and 1 day

Which of the following are reasons the theater flourished during the Renaissance?

- Pageantry of royalty - Growth in learning - Advances in stage craft - Soaring Patriotism

Which of the following significantly impacted the initiation of the Renaissance?

- The Printing Press - The Bible in English - The Black Death - Oxford University - The Crusades

What two things does Beowulf bring with him from Grendel's mother's lair?

Grendel's head and the hilt of the giant's sword

In Macbeth, when Macbeth goes to see the witches and they reveal the apparitions, what additional answer does Macbeth demand from them?

- Will Banquo's predictions really come true? - Will he live forever?

In Macbeth, which of the following are apparitions Macbeth sees?

- a bloody baby - a child wearing a crown and holding a tree branch - an armored head

Read I Timothy 4:12 and discuss how this verse relates to Milton's poem.

1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." This relates to the poem because the man in the poem is talking about his youth and analyzing it, but the verse says to let know one despise you for your youth.

Which of the following classifies Milton's poem?

-Blank Verse -Iambic Pentameter

Citation Lead-ins: At the beginning of every citation, whether direct or indirect you must have a lead-in. A lead-in is an mini introduction to the information you are citing. It usually includes the author's or organization's name or the name of the book or article. It looks something like this: According to Dr. Knowitall, "Then... Or, like this: Dr. Knowitall contends in his book I'm Really Smart that... You must have a lead-in before every citation, direct and indirect, to indicate where what you are citing begins. DO NOT begin a sentence with quotation marks. Lead-ins also help prevent plagiarism, because you can clearly see who is being given the credit for what parts of your paper. Remember, over citing is a form of plagiarism as well! Punctuating Citations: A common mistake on in text citations is the punctuation. You need to pay special attention to where the end marks go. A direct quote is punctuated like this: Begin with a lead-in followed by a comma. Put quotation marks around the citation. Put the parenthetical citation (we'll talk about these in a minute). Put the period. EXAMPLE: -PICTURE- An indirect quote is punctuated like this: Begin with a lead-in. Put the parenthetical citation (we'll talk about these is minute). Put the period. EXAMPLE: -PICTURE- One last issue with citation punctuation: If the direct quotation already ends in a question mark or an exclamation point, then you put that punctuation in the quotation marks and the period outside the parenthetical citation. Like this: -PICTURE-


Finally, we need to address what goes in the parentheses. There is a standard answer and then a few exceptions. The standard answer is this: the last name of the author and the page number go inside the parenthesis. EXAMPLE: (Smith 7). The fact is, though, that there are circumstances in which this standard citation will have to change. Here are a few exceptions: If there is more than one author (Smith and Johnson 7). If there is a corporate or organizational author (American Heart Association 7). If the citation is on more than one page (Smith 7-8). If there is no author, you start with whatever you alphabetized by on the Works Cited page, usually the title of the article or book. You will use a shortened version of the title. ("Good Books" 7). or (Great Books 7). You must be certain that it is obvious which work you are citing. It must come from what you alphabetized by, not some other part of the citation. Internet sites that were not originally published elsewhere do not have page numbers. In the parenthetical citation, you just put the author's last name. Do not make up page numbers, but also be careful to make sure that it was not originally published with page numbers, because you must use page numbers when present. Students often make the mistake of putting a web address or a portion of a web address as the citation. A web address will not be an in text citation. Notice there is NO comma, pg., # or any other punctuation between the author's name and the page number. Once again, this covers the average parenthetical citations, but if you encounter something unusual, you will need to research it. The best and easiest place to do that is OWL Purdue. (Owl Purdue In Text Citations) One last note on in text citations: When the lead-in contains the author's name and is very close to the citation, it is not necessary to include the author's last name in the parenthesis. You can just put the page number. EXAMPLE: Professor Eric Lewis comments, "Blah, blah, blah" (24). *In this example Eric Lewis, the author, is in the lead-in and is very close to the citation. It's a bit redundant to put his last name again in the citation. The same is true if there is no author and you have used the organization or the title to alphabetize by. If it is clear in the lead-in and is close to the citation, it is not necessary to put it again.


Hopeful's conversion experience is one we must each experience for ourselves. Salvation comes from us recognizing the desperate situation we are in. We are sinners who cannot save ourselves. It is only through the free gift of God's perfect Son that we can be rescued from our sin. It requires faith that we acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior of our lives. We must pray a prayer similar to Hopeful's. A prayer that acknowledges our sin and our need and desire for Jesus as Savior. And, we must experience the change Hopeful experienced! We must see our former lives for the vileness they were, and we must desire the things of God!


Hymenaeus and Philetus spread heresy that the resurrection of the dead had already taken place. They are being used in this text to demonstrate false doctrine that leads others astray.


It is important to understand the historical context of the bell imagery. In late Medieval and 17th Century England, village Church of England bells would ring for morning services (matins) and evening services (vespers). The bells served as an alarm clock and time keeper for the villagers. They rang before and after Sunday services, after a wedding, and most alarmingly frequent, for funerals and when one of the villagers was at death's door. This was so alarmingly frequent because of the Black Plague. It is this bell, the funeral bell or the death bell, that Donne is referring to in Meditation 17.


John Donne led an interesting life. He was born into a devoted Catholic family in a time when Catholicism was not acceptable. But, nearing 40 years old, Donne actually renounced his Catholic faith and turned to Anglicanism. He won favor with the monarchy and eventually became the vicar of a parish, where he became famous for his eloquent sermons. He wrote extensively on religious topics and was known for his detailed metaphors and symbolism. Near the end of his life, the primary subject of his writing turned to death. Some of his most famous works come from this time.


Lastly, I want to address a few last things about writing a research paper. You must write in 3rd person, which means you cannot use words such as I, me, my, mine, myself, you, yours, yourself, us, we, and our. You can use other pronouns like she, he, and they. You need to write in present tense. Write like you are discussing this in the present time. Only use past tense to indicate time shifts from the present. Write in active voice. This means you need to avoid overuse of the being verbs: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, and been. Have clear topic sentences that follow your thesis and sub-points. Use key words and phrases from your outline that show you are on track. Structure your paragraph to make a statement, support with a citation, then explain the citation. No direct or indirect quote should ever stand alone or be assumed to be self explanatory. Restate what the author means or why what he says matters.


Now that you have completed your Works Cited page, we need to understand how that information gets put into the paper. There are two times you will cite in your paper. 1) You cite a direct quotation. 2) You cite an indirect quotation or paraphrase. A direct quotation is when you use the exact words of the author and you put quotation marks around it. The only time you should use a direct quotation is when you can't possibly word it any better or any differently than it has already been worded. Or, you can use it when you want to refer to the exact wording used. Be careful not to overuse the direct quotation. An indirect quotationis when you are paraphrasing or summarizing what the author has said. You are keeping the content, but changing the words. The majority of your citations should be this type. It is simply not necessary to rewrite everything the authors have said. Both citations look the same in the paper, except the presence or absence of quotation marks.


Remember a few lessons ago, I picked a book that I would write my research paper about. Here is what I picked, in case you don't remember. EXAMPLE: I chose the theme of betrayal by those closest to us. I will use Macbeth, Julius Caesar, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. My paper would address things like: What does the theme mean How is this a universal theme Who betrays whom in Macbeth - how and why Who betrays whom in Julius Caesar - how and why Who betrays whom in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - how and why Examples of each instance of betrayal and how it is a theme not just a passing incident Are their consequences for the betrayal in the pieces How does the author present this issue What cultural factors made this a necessary theme in the piece Why is humanity drawn to this theme And much more! Do you remember, now? If I were going to write a thesis sentence for this book and this research paper, it would look something like this: The universal theme of betrayal is evident in Macbeth, Julius Caesar, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Now, lets dissect this thesis sentence. What is the topic? the universal theme of betrayal What is my opinion? that these works demonstrate it What are my supports? the three works that demonstrate it Another key element of writing a good thesis and good writing in general is called parallel structure. Parallel structure means that you keep your three supports in the same wording structure. For example, in the thesis I have, all three of my supports the title of the books. Focus on using parallel structure in your thesis and in all your writing. Your thesis won't look exactly like mine, because it needs to fit the theme and works you are researching, but it should look something like this. Remember, the better job you do at planning, the better your paper will be!


So what does this poem mean? The Octave (lines 1-8) We need to recall Milton's physical limitation here to really understand what this part is about. Remember, even from a young age he was losing his eyesight and eventually went blind. In the first part of this poem, Milton is wondering how he can still use his writing (his "talent" like the allusion) when he is losing his eyesight before half his life is even over. He seems almost panicky because the Lord requires faithfulness in using the talents, but he feels he has not been given the tools to continue doing this. How can he accomplish his life's mission when his "light" (line 1), which references his sight, is gone? He basically asks if God requires the work without giving him the ability to do it, when he says, "Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?" The Sestet (lines 9-14) Patience replies to the speaker's worry and fear. Patience says that God doesn't need your work or your gifts! The ones who serve Him best simply bear his yoke. Remember the allusion here. God has thousands of angels at hand to do whatever He bids on land or sea without needing rest. Those who are called by God to stand and wait are still serving Him, whether it is the angels waiting for His next command or people waiting for God's provision.


So, what does this poem mean? The Octave (lines 1-8) The speaker considers how quickly his life has flown by. He is already at his 23rd year! He feels like his youth has been stolen by time. The discouraging part, as he sees it, is that he doesn't see the evidence of fruit, like bloom or blossom, as others have in the "Spring" of their lives. He goes on to say that he looks like a man on the outside, but inwardly, he sees no evidence of manhood that other people seem to have evidence of. Sestet (lines 9-14) But, the writer realizes that sooner or later, whether quickly or slowly, he will be brought to the place that Time and God's will are leading him to. So, whatever condition he is in, if he has the grace and patience to view it as God's plan, is the same in God's opinion. He is always in God's sight regardless of his appearance, accomplishment, or maturity.


The first aspect of the thesis is the topic. The thesis is best placed at the end of the introductory paragraph, which means at some point you have probably already mentioned your topic; however, you need to make the wording work so that you can mention the topic again in your thesis. You should be able to read your thesis independent of the paper and even the introduction and know exactly what the paper will be about. For this paper your paper is about the universal theme. You also need to state your position on the topic without saying "I like" or "I think." You can do this simply with words like "is" or "is not," "can" or "cannot," or "do" or "do not." Let me give you an example. If I said something like, "Abortion is wrong." Do I have to add "In my opinion" into that sentence for you to know that the statement is my opinion? No, of course not! It is obvious just by me saying it IS wrong. This is how you will insert your opinion into the thesis without saying "I like" or "I think" or a similar statement. For this paper, your position is that this universal theme is evident within the three works you have chosen. Writing a three-pronged thesis means that you will narrow your entire paper down to three main support points. The three main points are narrow for a five-paragraph essay and get broader the longer the paper needs to be. Sometimes coming up with the three main points can be difficult. It can be hard to make the categories big enough to cover a very lengthy paper. However, the three-pronged thesis really can be used in almost every writing project, and it forces you to think about what you are really writing about. Your research paper fits nicely into the three-pronged thesis, because you have three key components already, the three pieces of literature.


The real lesson Evangelist teaches Christian about Worldly Wiseman's deception is that salvation cannot be earned through works. Christian must accept salvation through faith.


Which of the following were steps in Cromwell's rise to power?

-Captain of Horse -Lieutenant General of Horse -Temporary Commander of Cavalry -Permanent Commander of Cavalry -Lord Protector

During the Restoration, which groups were seen as suspicious?

-Catholics -Republicans

There are some additional literary elements we need to address before we can truly understand what this poem is about. Allusions True to Milton's writing style, he relies heavily on allusions in this poem. We have talked about them before, but remember allusions are references to things that the author assumes you know or understand without having to specifically state the connection. There are two allusions you should understand here. The first is found in line three. He references "talents." This allusion comes from Matthew 25:14-30 (Links to an external site.). Reread that passage to understand the context of the talents that Milton is discussing. The second is in line eleven, when it references "His mild yoke." This is an allusion to Matthew 11:29-30 (Links to an external site.). Personification Beginning in line eight, Patience is talking to the speaker. Personification is giving life-like qualities to a non-living thing. Patience having the ability to speak would definitely fit into this device.


This poem, though containing some difficult words, is actually fairly straight forward to understand. Octave (lines 1-8) The speaker tells death that even though some people fear him because they think he is strong and to be dreaded, he really shouldn't be that proud of himself, because death is not as strong as he thinks he is. Death doesn't really kill the ones he thinks he does. In fact, Death can't really kill anyone at all! Rest, naptime, and sleep are all what death is like, and they represent death with something everyone can understand. We get pleasure from resting and napping, so how much more pleasure should we get from death? [This is a rhetorical question, meaning the answer is so obvious it doesn't need to be answered]. From death, much more pleasure will flow. Sooner or later, all of the best men go to death and gain rest for their bones and delivery for their souls. Sestet (lines 9-14) Death is simply a slave, a slave to destiny, bad luck, king's pronouncing execution, and murderous criminals. You live with poison, war, and illness. So, why are you so puffed up with pride? We will fall asleep and quickly wake up in eternity, in heaven! Death will be the one defeated and there will be no more death anymore! Death, YOU are the one who is going to die (hahaha!) We know the end of the story, and Jesus Christ wins!


This probably sounds like a interesting title for a poem, so let's dive into this and see if we can extract what's really going on here. For starters, the poem is also know as "Sonnet VII" and as "How Soon Hath Time," but Milton's original title is the one we are using. Let's read the poem: "On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-three" (Links to an external site.) This is an Italian Sonnet.


We will talk about the format of the outline in a minute, but first let's recall what goes in an outline. You actually already have a good start. Once you have developed your thesis, you have the three main points of your paper! Now, you need to fill in what goes underneath the main points. The better your research, the more detailed your outline will be. Please remember that a point on an outline does NOT equal a paragraph! Under each work I will need to provide several specific example of the theme's presence as well as how the author addresses the theme and the influences that caused the writer to choose that theme.


You only need to read the alphanumeric sample. We will not be using the full sentence outline which is also presented here. Pay special attention to the parallel structure used in the outline. If you need a refresher or further instruction on parallel structure check this out: Parallel Structure in Writing Some final thoughts on outlining: Remember as you are outlining the rule of outlines, which is: If you have an "A," you must have a "B." If you have a "1," you must have a "2." This means you cannot have just one sub-point under a larger point - you must have at least two. The rule doesn't go any farther than that. Meaning, you don't have to have a "D" if you have a "C," or a "4" if you have a "3."


metaphysical conceit - a metaphysical conceit is a comparison between two strikingly different things where one thing is concrete and one is abstract. In this case, Donne is comparing death (abstract) to a powerful tyrant (concrete). paradox - a paradox is something that seems illogical or contradictory In this case, Donne indicating that Death would die, would be an example of a paradox. apostrophe - is talking to an imaginary character or a personified character as if the that actually existed. Donne talks to Death as if it is a real person.


Faithful makes an important note about Talkative, one we would do well to adhere to. He says, "I see that saying and doing are two things, and hereafter I shall better observe this distinction." We need to remember that what we do and what we say need to match!


Which two biblical characters does Mr. Hold-the-World use to support his opinion that it is okay to gain and want the security of worldly riches?

-Abraham -Solomon

Who are the founders of Vanity Fair?

-Apollyon -Beelzebub -Legion

Which of the following events occur before the beginning if this poem?

-Satan starts a rebellion against God -God defeats Satan in Heaven -Satan is an angel in heaven

Which of the following apply to the font you should use for the paper?

-black -size 12 -Times New Roman

Who are Adam the First's daughters?

-The Lust of the Flesh -The Pride of Life -The Lust of the Eyes

Which of the following describe a good thesis?

-Your supporting points -The topic -Declarative -One sentence

Which of the following things does Christian have that Formalist and Hypocrisy do not have?

-a mark on the forehead -a new coat -a scroll

What goes is a standard in test citation?

-author's last name -page number

How many pilgrims are present for the pilgrimage to Canterbury?


How many pilgrims show up to ride the pilgrimage to Canterbury?


How many lines are in a sonnet?


In Morte d'Arthur, what supernatural act happens to King Arthur's sword?

A hand comes out of the lake to grab the sword.

Describe Christian and Hopeful's entrance into heaven.

A heavenly host with trumpets joins them on the last leg of the journey. Christian and Hopeful show their certificates at the gate and gain admittance. The trumpeters sounded ever so joyful.

Look up the word "hedonist." Then, explain and provide at least 3 line numbers for whether or not the Franklin is a hedonist.

A hedonist is a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker. Lines 339-342 seem to provide examples of the Franklin being a hedonist.

Define scene painting.

A painting that forms part of the scenery in a stage production.

Which two events gives us our first time-frame connection between biblical history and British history?

Abraham and Stonehenge

According to Pepys, why will fashion possibly change as a result of the plague?

According to Pepys, fashion will change as a result of the plague mostly out of fear of infection. As and example, he says that wigs might have been cut off the heads of people who died from the plague.

Do you think Adam fits the definition of an epic hero? Why or why not. Be specific.

According to the powerpoint, an epic hero should be introduced in the midst of turmoil and any back story is introduced through flashbacks, he is often a demi-god or possesses weapons of size and power, he is to have what the culture values, is to be from nobility, meets his nemesis towards the end of the epic, and has a tragic downfall. Paradise lost is said to begin the midst of turmoil and introduces flashbacks of the past later. Adam, although not a demi-god, does possess the greatest weapon of all time at his time which is a personal relationship with the Lord. He should have followed what he knew was right via his relationship with the Lord. Adam does not seem to have in excess what the culture values at the time which is power, revenge, and hate. He does however represent being a part of a big scheme and stereotypical gender roles. Adam is from the greatest nobility of all and the is God himself, who made Adam from dust. I am unaware of the entire plot of Paradise Lost in order to know he he meets his nemesis towards the end of the epic, but he definitely has a tragic flaw, being the temptation of eating the from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After reviewing all of these traits, I believe Adam fits enough of the qualities of an epic hero to be considered one for the poem.

What legislation naming the reigning monarch as the head of the Church did Henry VIII initiate that was not passed until Elizabeth I?

Act of Supremacy

How does Paradise Lost end?

Adam and Eve have to leave the Garden.

In Pilgrim's Progress, who is The Lust of the Flesh, The Lust of the Eyes, and The Pride of Life's father?

Adam the First

Explain what happens to Faithful after his sentencing is through, when he leaves vanity Fair.

After Faithful's sentencing, he is whipped, battered, lanced, stoned, pricked, and burned.

Who is, quite possibly, the real-life inspiration for the novel Robinson Crusoe?

Alexander Selkirk

Who is Alexander Selkirk?

Alexander Selkirk is the person that Robinson Crusoe may or may not be based off of. He was a Scottish sailor who got stranded on his own desert island off the coast of Chile for four years. He was rescued in 1709.

When does Gawain leave to go on his quest?

All Hallows

Consider this murder and come up with at least three reasons why this murder differs from all of the other murders.

All of the murders except for this one happened off stage. This murder was in front of the audience.

To what religion did John Donne convert?


Macbeth's war friend who hears the witches predictions for Macbeth and receives predictions of his own


Which murder is Lady Macbeth referring to when she says, "he cannot come out on's grave."


Who are the serpent and the worm?

Banquo and Fleance

In Macbeth, whose ghost does Macbeth see sitting in his seat?


Explain lines 139 - 141.

Basically these lines are describing her. She goes through so much trouble to have good manners around other people. She eats small portions so she doesn't spill, no elbows on the table, etc. She is also very kind hearted and sensitive. She would cry is someone stepped on a bug. She also has dogs and they get to eat the finest meals and have wonderful food and of course she would burst into tears if someone ever hurt them.

Explain why everyone here is only looking for Macbeth. Why aren't they concerned about fighting his men?

Because Macbeth's men aren't fighting with passion. They're only fighting because they feel that they have to. They aren't for Macbeth. If Macbeth dies, no one will fight for him. All they need to do is get rid of Macbeth.

Why does Macduff seem to be willing to forgive Malcolm of all of his faults?

Because Macduff believes that all those feelings (lust, greediness, etc.) can all be fixed and treated for when Malcom is king. He says that there are many woman willing to fill his desires and many jewels and riches that Malcom can have. Malcom's bad feelings and good feelings will balance out.

Why would Shakespeare's parents' wedding ceremony most likely have been a Catholic ceremony?

Because Mary I was a Catholic and ruling during the time of their wedding

Why were bars and theaters allowed in Southwark, but not in London?

Because Southwark was not in the London city limits

Why does Gawain receive a small cut on his neck?

Because he wasn't entirely true

Why does King Arthur initially accept the Green Knight's challenge?

Because no one else offered to accept it

Why does King Arthur initially accept the green knight's challenge?

Because no one else offered to accept it

Explain why Macbeth says: Fleance his son, that keeps him company, Whose absence is no less material to me Than is his father's, must embrace the fate Of that dark hour.

Because of the witches prophecies. The witches said that Banquo won't become king but his son will. Macbeth doesn't want that so he is going to have Fleance killed as well to stop the witches prophecies.

Why does the doctor suggest they "remove the means of all annoyance" from Lady Macbeth?

He is afraid she will kill herself.

Who is in the group The Tribe of Ben?

Ben Jonson's close friends

Which of the following is NOT an allegory?


What characteristic of an epic hero is displayed in line 312-313?

Beowulf displays that he is larger than life.

How has the perspective about winning the treasure changed in lines 795 - 796?

Beowulf had never shared glory before, and now he had to share it.

How does the battle end?

Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and then Grendel runs away.

In Pilgrim's Progress, what is Talkative's real issue?

He is all talk no action.

What biblical figure correlates on the timeline with the Celts, Brythons, and Gaels?


Write your own apostrophe. Decide on a personified character you would write to. Then, write a short letter to it. Your letter must meet the follow requirements: 1. It must be an apostrophe. 2. It must be written as a letter. 3. It must be at least 150 words.

Dear Rain, How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. It seems like just the other day you waddled your way into my life with no intent on staying. You took it all; my life, my sanity, and most importantly you took my heart. You made me trust you; I put faith in you. So why are you returning to my life? Why have you come this time? Have you come to stay or to leave us again in a matter of time. I loved you when you were here, but then you left and my world fell apart. I had to find a new love. I replaced you. I replaced you with something else. It gives me life, while all you do is bring me down. You have no place here. Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. If you choose to come back, do so with the intent of staying. With Love, You least biggest fan.

In 100-125 words, write a letter to Shakespeare as if you were the real Macbeth discussing your feeling about his portrayal of you. Be sure to include at least 3 points from this article

Dear William, I am unsure why you portrayed me the way that you did. You made me out to be such a tragedy. In real life, I wasn't as terrible as you wrote me out to be. You said I was a murderer! When I was crowned king I made good laws to protect woman and orphans and I encouraged Christianity throughout my kingdom. I have kindness in my heart. You make people believe I am a king who thinks he's better than everyone. You make me out to be cruel.

In "Holy Sonnet 10," what is being personified?


Now, let's move on to thinking through what this poem is about. We have already learned about personification. What in this poem is being personified?


What ironic nickname did the Roman Catholic Church give Henry VIII?

Defender of the Faith

Explain who Demus is in the Bible.

Demus was a friend and co-worker of Paul. He worked with Paul while Paul was in Rome between AD 61-63. He is mentioned in the greetings sent by Paul in the book of Colossians and the book of Philemon. In Paul's second letter to Timothy, Demus deserts Paul, as Paul writes, "Try to join me soon, for Demus, enamored of the present world, deserted me and went to Thessalonica..." (2 Timothy 4:9-10)

To where does Beowulf sail to help rescue the people?


Why does the dragon start terrorizing the people?

He is angered by a thief.

In Macbeth, whom does Malcolm have as an ally?


Which reason best explains why Charles II was restored to the throne?

England needed to bring order back to the country.

Define "eurocentrism."

Eurocentrism is focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as preeminent.

In Pilgrim's Progress, who encourages Christian and Faithful to resist the world, just before they reach Vanity Fair?


In Pilgrim's Progress, who guides Christian to the light?


How does Christian feel about the City of Destruction?

He is ashamed of it.

What does Macbeth mean when he says: "The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand."

From now on Macbeth will act on impulse.

In Morte d'Arthur, who comes in a dream to warn King Arthur not to fight Mordred?


Why does the Green Knight intentionally miss and then make fun of Gawain on the first swing?

Gawain flinched

Why does the Green Knight intentionally miss and then make fun of Gawain on the first swing?

Gawain flinched.

Where is Beowulf from?


Where is Beowulf originally from?


What is the biblical text for Paradise Lost?


What nationality were the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes originally?


Where were the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes originally from?


What does this passage tell you about Grendel's mission? "...the monster relished his savage war/ On the Danes, keeping the bloody feud/ Alive, seeking no peace, offering/ No truce, accepting no settlement, no price/ In gold or land, and paying the living/ For one crime only with another."

Grendel's mission is for no other reason than to inflict as much pain as possible.

In Macbeth, after Lady Macbeth goes back to bed, what does the doctor say is the only thing can help her "illness"?


Explain what God reveals to Adam - the good and the bad.

God reveals to Adam through Michael about future events resulting from his sin. Adam is saddened by ultimately revived by the revelations of the future coming of the Savior of mankind.

What was one of Queen Elizabeth's nicknames?

Good Queen Bess

In Paradise Lost, what is the main struggle?

Good and Evil

As Beowulf is realizing that he will die, we see a new character step up to help him. Wiglaf begins to show signs that he will be the next epic hero. List some qualities that Wiglaf has that indicate he had the character necessary to become an epic hero.

Good soldier, has good armor, willing to be brave and step up and help when no one else would.

In Pilgrim's Progress, who meets Christian at the Wicket Gate?


The authors of Shmoop listed a few popular rivals in modern times. Can you suggest another?

Google vs Bing

In Christian's conversation with the Porter, we discover what his name used to be. What was it?


What reason is ultimately given for John Shakespeare's second coat of arms application being granted?

His great-grandfather's service to Henry VII

What two specific groups of authors does Jonson say Shakespeare is better than?

Greek and British

Which ancient cultures inspired artists, philosophers, and politicians during the Renaissance?

Greek and Roman

The government system of this time was most similar to which ancient civilization?


In Beowulf, who is terrorizing Hrothgar and his men?


Why can't Beowulf's men help Beowulf fight Grendel?

Grendel had cast a spell on their swords and they couldn't stab him.

Lines 355 - 358 tell us that Beowulf has a trophy at the end of this battle which he hangs in Herot. What is it?

Grendel's arm

What two things does Grendel's mother take when she attacks Herot?

Grendel's arm and Hrothgar's best friend

What physical response does Faithful have to Shame's arguments?

He gets a red face.

Which of the following is NOT true of the summoner.

He had a huge scar over half of his body.

Describe the man that challenges King Arthur and his men. You must have at least three descriptions of this man.

He had red eyes, was extremely tall, and very strong.

Describe the man that challenges King Arthur and his men. You must have at least three descriptions.

He had strong arms, red eyes, green beard, his coat, hood, and horse were green as well.

Which of the following is NOT a tactic the merchant uses to hide his debt?

He has an entourage following him around at all times.

Why does the shrieking and crying Macbeth hears not bother him?

He has become accustomed to those types of sounds.

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons Beowulf gives for being able to fight and defeat Grendel?

He has fought Grendel before

What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for Macbeth's behavior?

He has often had delusions and will be fine again soon.

What ultimately lead to Duncan's downfall?

He ignored wise counsel and tried to conquer too much territory.

How does Grendel respond to meeting Beowulf?

He immediately wants to run away.

What does Beowulf do to ensure that he receives the Anglo-Saxon value of being remembered?

He insists that a monument be made for him.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Pardoner?

He is abnormally short.

How does Macduff defy the apparition that Macbeth was still holding on to for security?

He reveals that he was delivered by cesarean section, so his mother didn't actually have to birth him in the traditional sense.

Why does Mr. By-ends not readily admit to his name?

He says it is only an incorrect nickname.

Explain what Donne means by saying that every death diminishes him.

He says this because he says that he is involved in mankind and how mankind is all connected. He says that the bell "tolls for thee."

Explain why Christian was wrong for sleeping at the arbor.

He slept in the daytime, when God have given him light. He slept in the midst of difficulty, when he had not yet reached the high ground. He became careless when he found opportunity for ease. His roll slipped away.

What is the first thing that Grendel does when he reaches Herot?

He snatches up and kills the first person he comes across.

Explain why, despite his good fortune in other areas, Pepys is still struggling with a positive attitude. Be specific.

He still knows how many people have died from the plague. He lists the people he knows that had the plague or were sick. He mentions Captain Lambert and Cuttle, Mr. Sidney Montague, Mr. Lewes's daughter, and his two servants W. Hewer and Tom Edwards had both lost their fathers.

How does Ignorance get across the river?

He takes a ferry.

What lie does the young rioter tell the apothecary about why he needs the poison?

He tells him it is for some vermin in his yard.

Explain what the man tells his family about the future.

He tells his family that the city will be burned with fire from Heaven, and all will die unless you escape.

What is the reason Pliable gives for leaving Christian?

He thinks it is too hard.

In Macbeth, why is Malcolm suspicious of Macduff?

He thinks it might be a trap set by Macbeth.

Why does Beowulf want Wiglaf to bring him the treasure?

He thinks it will make his death easier to handle knowing that they had won.

Talkative has quite a knowledge of spiritual things, so what is the real problem with Talkative?

He walks in the path that is wide and easy. Though he speaks well, his life does not measure up to his talk. Though he appears to look passionate, his life looks better from a distance, than up close. Though he speaks well of his faith, his witness before other is dangerous and deceptive.

Why was Defoe imprisoned often?

He was a controversial author.

Why did the King pay Chaucer's ransom when he was captured during the Hundred Years War?

He was a public servant to a Duke's wife.

Read this short article about the role of medieval friars, then explain why this friar is yet another example of the Roman Catholic Church corruption.

He was bribing young ladies into giving him sexual favors and then finds them husbands.

How did Hopeful come to be on the same path as Christian?

He was converted by Chrisian and Faithful's testimony at the fair.

Why did Donne consider the fact that the bell might actually be tolling for him?

He was deathly ill while writing this.

Which sentence best describes Macbeth's feelings about Christianity?

He was educated in Christian schools and endorsed Christianity in his kingdom.

Explain how the Green Knight responds to being hit with the axe.

He was very calm about it and just picked it head back up and got on his horse

In Macbeth, what does Macduff do that finally convinces Malcolm to trust him?

He weeps for the fate of Scotland.

What is Macbeth's latest plan to secure his throne?

He will kill Macduff's family.

What does Beowulf mean by the following statement: "I have heard, / Too, that the monster's scorn of men/ Is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none./ Nor will I. My Lord Higlac / Might think less of me if I let my sword/ Go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid/ Behind some broad linden shield: my hand/ Alone shall fight for me, struggle for life/ Against the monster."

He will not use any weapons to fight Grendel.

What was Cain's punishment from God for killing Abel?

He would be a wanderer and the ground would not produce for him.

If the Yeoman was around in our time, what occupation would he most likely have?

He would own a hunting shop.

Though Jonson and Shakespeare were rivals, what surprising gesture of friendship does Jonson make?

He writes a poem in tribute to him.

In the 17th Century, how do you know John Milton supported the side of Parliament during the English Civil War?

He wrote about when it was acceptable to behead the King.

In Macbeth, who is the head of the witches?


In Macbeth, where does the Porter dream he is the gatekeeper?


In Pilgrim's Progress, what is Ignorance's ultimate fate?


Which great American author used a line from Donne's poem as the title of one of his novels?


Where does Grendel live during the nighttime while he is terrorizing the Danes?


Describe what Macbeth means by "his fit."

His confusion and fear of not having Fleance and Banquo killed. And the illusion he seees of the ghost.

In Christian's conversation with Worldly Wiseman, what ultimate goal does Christian express?

His desire to get rid of his burden.

Read the following sonnet. What is the problem and what is the resolution? XXVII Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear respose for limbs with travel tir'd; But then begins a journey in my head To work my mind, when body's work's expired: For then my thoughts—from far where I abide— Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee, And keep my drooping eyelids open wide, Looking on darkness which the blind do see: Save that my soul's imaginary sight Presents thy shadow to my sightless view, Which, like a jewel (hung in ghastly night,) Makes black night beauteous, and her old face new. Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind, For thee, and for myself, no quiet find.

His friend is on a journey and he misses him/her. He can't sleep because he is thinking of his friend on this journey. But when he closes his eyes he can see a more clear image of his friend.

When viewing the warning, what aspect of God do Christian and Hopeful contemplate?

His grace

Which line indicates the end of the octave?

I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent

Which lines indicate where the shift in tone takes place?

I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent That murmur, soon replies, "God doth not need

If you were living during this time, who would you have blamed? Why?

If I were living during this time, I would have blamed the baker for the fire since it started at his house.

In Pilgrim's Progress, who takes a ferry to get to the Celestial City faster and more easily?


Discuss the differences and what caused the differences in Cromwell's appearances in Parliament in 1628-1629 and when he comes back in 1640.

In 1628-1629, Cromwell seemed to be the poorest member of Parliament and was just awed by his elevated status that he did not contribute much to the meeting. In 1640, however, he was representing Cambridge and had a lot to say because he was a critic of royal policies and the establishment of the Anglican Church. He wanted increased Parliamentary powers.

Explain what happens to Cromwell's body and why you think it happened.

In 1661 Cromwell's body was exhumed from its grave and hung at Tyburn. His head was cut off and put on display for nearly 20 years outside Westminster Hall. I believe this was done to him because of his support for regicide.

Retell the parable of the talents in your own words.

In the Parable of the Talents, a man entrusted talents to some of his slaves. He gave one of the five, another two, and to the last he gave one. The one who had received five talents traded for five more. The one who had two traded for two more. The one who had one buried the money. The slaves who had five and two brought the money back to there master. He said, "Well done good and faithful servant." The one who had one talent told the master he was afraid and buried it. His master replied that he was wicked and lazy. He took his talent and gave it to the one with ten.

In Macbeth, explain how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's roles seemed to reverse from the beginning of the play to the end.

In the beginning Macbeth was a good man and Lady Macbeth didn't really care about anything she had no guilt no conscience she didn't care. She was the one who convinced Macbeth to kill King Duncan in the first place when Macbeth was uneasy about the whole thing. In the beginning, it was Lady Macbeth who was evil and greedy. However, as the play progressed, Macbeth turned evil and Lady Macbeth began to realize how terrible she's been and started to feel guilty, while Macbeth started to loose his sense of heart. He started not to care. Lady Macbeth felt so bad she sleepwalked and ended up killing herself. She became good and realized how wrong it was to do what her and Macbeth did. Macbeth started out good and knowing it was wrong to kill and be greedy, then ended up greedy and un-mindful of how awful he was being, he didn't care anymore. They reversed.

In Macbeth, compare Lady Macbeth's character in Act I and Act III.

In the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth is very innocent and normal. However, that all changes when Macbeth tells her all about the witches prophecies. She becomes the coldest character in the play. She begins to plot murders and she's even the one who sort of forced Macbeth into doing these murders. She convinced him to go all the way. When she heard what she could gain, she became cold and would do anything to get what she wanted.

What is Crusoe's relationship to slavery in the novel?

In the novel, Crusoe is both a slave and a slave owner.

Besides the Plague, what other reason would mortality rates have been an issue in this era as compared to our own?

In this era there were no modern medicine or medical devices. Today we are so far ahead of where the people living in this time period were, as far as medicine goes.

404 Error

Includes citations to nonexistent or in accurate information about sources


Includes proper citation but relies too closely on the text original wording and/or source


Includes proper citation to sources but the paper contains almost no original work

In Macbeth, where is Macbeth's castle?


Re-read lines 573-575. Which of the following is the best interpretation of these lines?

Isn't it interesting that this uneducated person can keep up with the wise?

Macbeth says that the title "Prince of Cumberland" is a step on which he will either have to fall down or else o'erleap. What does that mean?

Macbeth will have to give up claim to the throne or somehow jump over the person next in line to the throne.

Explain what the green girdle becomes a symbol of.

It becomes a symbol of his pride and how he should be faint hearted.

What happened to the original Globe Theater?

It burned down in 1613 when a special effect went away.

What happens to the treasure?

It is buried with Beowulf in the monument.

Explain why it is ironic that the text says that The Wife of Bath knows the remedies of love, and include a line number for your support.

It is ironic because she has had five husbands, in reference to line 460.

How does Goodwill say Christian will be able to distinguish the way he should go?

It is the one that is straight and narrow.

According to, what is wrong with calling plagiarism "copying" or "borrowing"?

It makes it sound like it's no big deal

In Macbeth, explain what "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" means.

It means that the things that are beautiful (fair) will become ugly (foul) and things that are ugly will become beautiful.

In Macbeth, what does Macbeth mean when he says, "the very firstlings of my heart, shall be the firstlings of my hand"?

It means that whatever he feels in his heart, he will act upon with his own hands.

Why does Siward ask if Young Siward's wounds were on the front of him? "Had he his hurts before?"

It meant he had received them while fighting rather than running away.

In Morte d'Arthur, what command does King Arthur give about his sword?

It must be thrown into the lake

What is Lady Macbeth most afraid of in this passage?

Macbeth's secrets being revealed

In Macbeth, what does the symbol of the ill-fitting robe mean?

It symbolizes the titles that never really belonged to Macbeth.

What makes this poem a narrative?

It tells the story of Adam and Eve.

In Pilgrim's Progress, how does the narrator of the story know the story?

It was a dream

How does the narrator of this story know the story?

It was a dream he had.

Who ruled between Macbeth and Malcolm?

Macbeth's stepson

Who led the opposing sides of this particular battle?

Macdonwald and Macbeth

What is Jonson's resolution?

Jonson's resolution is that he will try not to love too much, because it only leads to pain and loss.

According to the poem, what is Jonson's sin?

Jonson's sin is that he wanted his son too much. He also tells himself off for mourning his son, because by dying he has escaped from all the "rage" of the world and the misery of age.

To which person would Lady Macduff most likely compare Macduff?


The article says that after Charles refused to negotiate, Cromwell became an outspoken supporter of "regicide." What is regicide?

Killing the king

What position did Cromwell repeatedly refuse to take?


What position does Beowulf now hold?

King of the Geats

In Macbeth, which of the following is one aspect that is different about Banquo's murder that Duncan's?

Lady Macbeth didn't know about it.

In Morte d'Arthur, for whom is King Arthur supposed to wait before starting a battle with Mordred?


Explain the what happened to Little-Faith, why it happened, and what the result(s) of the incident were.

Little-Faith, a good man, was going on his pilgrimage. He took an ill-fated nap at the Dead-Man's Lane, so named because of the frequent murders that took place there. He wakes up to three thugs, who beat him and take his money. However, they do not take his jewels, but he would not sell them so he was forced to beg. Apparently if his jewels had been missing at the Celestial Gate, Little-Faith would have been denied an inheritance there.

A noble man who first discovers Duncan's murder


Do you think the lawyer is a good lawyer or a bad lawyer? Why? Provide at least 2 line numbers with your answer.

Line numbers 312 and 313 insinuate that he is wise and discreet in what he does, so yes, I think he is a good lawyer.

Now, read the poem in its entirety. Choose a line or lines that stand out most to you and explain what the lines mean and why they are meaningful to you.

Lines 22-24 state: "Thou art a Monument without a tomb, And art alive still, while thy Book doth live, And we have wits to read, and praise to give." These lines mean that an author's work becomes a living monument. The author will, in a sense, never die because their written work will live forever. We are to give praise to the author for his or her work. This is meaningful because creating something now for the world to see can give you a legacy forever.

Do you think that Chaucer stereotypes the Plowman as a good person or a bad person? Why? Provide your answer and the line number(s). 1 pt answer 1 pt line number(s)

Lines 530 and 531 tell us that he fooled people into buying products that weren't the real thing, I think.

The Reeve is a higher level servant for a land owner, but take a moment to compare and contrast the reeve and his lord in the area of money management. Provide the line number(s) for your answer. 1 pt answer 1 pt line(s)

Lines 601-605 show that the landowner is sneaky and evil, while the servant is humble and reserved.

Explain what Macbeth thinks he hears while returning from murdering Duncan.

Macbeth thought he heard a strange voice cry "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep" He continued on to say he heard this voice crying "sleep no more" to everyone in the house. Also heard the voice saying "Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more."

In Macbeth, who finally kills Macbeth?


List three descriptions of Lady Macbeth from this scene. Provide actual quotes.

Macbeth calls her, "My dearest love," He also says, "my dearest partner of greatness," Macbeth says for her to rejoice and celebrate his greatness with him, "by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee."

Give four of the reasons Macbeth says why he should not go through with murdering king Duncan.

Macbeth figures out that if he kills the king, there will be multiple consequences. His soul will be doomed and he will end up in hell for eternity. Also, is he murders the king it will just produce more violence and that violence could be directed toward Macbeth because he would be the new king. He also knows that king Duncan is actually a good king, and Macbeth isn't being a good subject to his king. King Duncan is trustworthy and good at what he does, Macbeth isn't loyal to his own king.

In Macbeth, explain what "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly" means.

Macbeth means that the responsibility of doing the horrible task of killing Duncan is so horrible that he would rathe rhave it just be over and done with.

Macbeth excuses himself from the conversation with what excuse?

Macbeth must tell his wife that they are coming to their castle.

What is the era in which Queen Elizabeth reigned sometimes referred to because of the happiness of the time?

Merry England

Having reviewed "The Lord's Prayer" comparison chart, list some differences that are apparent between the Middle English version and the Modern English version.

Middle English is much closer to Modern English and only dates back a few hundred years.

Describe how Paradise Lost is a reflection of Milton's time period.

Milton's Paradise Lost came firstly about because he saw his own aspirations for a brand new government had disappeared. Some say he is analogous to Satan in his own poem. Satan was trying to revolt against God but was crushed. The same happened with Milton and the Government.


Mixes copied material from multiple sources


Modification of the social patterns of a group

In Morte d'Arthur, at the end of the battle, who is left?

Mordred versus Arthur, Lucan, and Bedivere

How do Mr. By-ends' friends answer the question?

Mr. Money-Love answers the question with an affirmative that the man should take use of the advantage. He says it is lawful, makes him more studious, makes him better,

What is your first reaction to the poem?

My first reaction to this poem is sad, because he is lamenting his son's death after seven years.

What position do most scholars believe Jonson held because he received a pension from the king?


In Macbeth, who is funding the rebel Scottish forces as they oppose King Duncan?


With whom are the Scottish traitors aligned?


Explain who Obstinate and Pliable are and what they represent.

Obstinate and Pliable are neighbors. These two men were in a crowd of neighbors and began running to catch Christian. Obstinate represents stubbornness and the unwillingness to change his mind. Pliable represents being easily influenced.

What is another name for Anglo-Saxon Literature?

Old English Literature

Having reviewed "The Lord's Prayer" comparison chart, list some differences that are apparent between the Old English version and the Middle English version.

Old English seems to be a completely different language, while some words in Middle English seem closer to the English we know today.

Choose one evidence of salvation that Faithful gives to Talkative and talk about how it is true in your own life.

One evidence Faithful gives to Talkative is that a person feels the weight of his sin. The Spirit works in his heart convicting him of his sin. He grieves over his sin and is convinced of the certainty of impended judgement due his sin. This is, to me, the most apparent evidence one can ask themselves about if they question if they have been saved. When I sin, I feel the weight of that sin on me and I feel greatly guilty of it. This assures me of my relationship with the Lord, but also keeps me accountable of my own sin.

In Pilgrim's Progress, what does Faithful say is the difference between having a "great outcry against sin" and "abhorring sin"?

One is talk; one is action

This ale is too bitter. It must be from the cranky old tavern keeper's place. But, at least I can cover up the taste with the amazing victuals I have prepared.

The Cook

What is the contrast of lines 174 and 189?

Pagan versus Christian

What is the name of Satan's palace in Hell?


Who received blame for the fires for 150 years before the inscription on the monument was removed?


What is another name for the Garden of Eden?



Paraphrases from multiple sources, made to fit together

Which side of the English Civil War did Milton support?


Who was the English Civil War between?

Parliament and the crown

What was supposed to happen during the Gunpowder Plot?

Parliament was supposed to blow up.

Interpret Passion and Patience.

Passion and Patience represent the two kinds of men in the world. Passionate men need everything good right away, but they are left with nothing. Patience, however, knows how to wait contentedly for the good things in life. As a result, Christian learns an important lesson: that the good things in life are the eternal gifts, not the material possessions that man can often covet.

According to the anonymous Lord to whom Lennox is speaking, how do people perceive Macbeth's reign?

People are a little uneasy about it because Malcom was the true heir to the throne but it was given to Macbeth. It was kind of taken from Malcom.

What lesson should we learn by studying the amount of time between Adam and Noah and Noah and the Tower of Babel?

People choose not to follow God even though they have every opportunity to do so.

How do Pepys and his friends feel about the King? Provide a quote that lets you know how they feel.

Pepys and his friends were talking about how they thought the government was bad because nobody set their heart to the business of the kingdom, but to their own profits or pleasures. They said about the king: " the king himself minding nothing but his ease, and so we let things go to wracke." They believe the king is self-centered in his business of running the country.

Explain the moral issue of children during the plague that Pepys discusses.

Pepys discusses the issue of a man and his wife deciding to give up the last living child to another family because they had buried all their other children because of the plague. They only wanted the child to live.

Explain why Pepys had a particularly good day. Be specific.

Pepys received word of Lord Sandwich's fleet of ships. He also receives money in which he buys some things for his wife. For he says, "the finding of my money and plate, and all safe at London, and speeding in my business of money this day."

What irritated Pegg Pen?

Pepys' wife could draw better than she could

Which event revived an interest in ancient philosophy and practice?

The Crusades

Which of the following would be an example of The Roman Catholic Church rooting out heresy?

The Crusades

Is this a primary source or a secondary source? A Map


Is this a primary source or a secondary source? An autobiography


First-hand accounts like diaries and letters are called primary sources. Why are primary sources important to read and study?

Primary sources are as close as possible to the actual events. Primary sources are sources that were created during the historical period that you are studying. Just about anything that existed or was created during that time period can count as a primary source — a speech, census records, a newspaper, a letter, a diary entry, a song, a painting, a photograph, a film, an article of clothing, a building, a landscape, etc. Primary sources are documents, objects, and other sources that provide us with a first-hand account of what life was like in the past.

Explain the significance of primary sources in understanding history.

Primary sources are so important to read because of how close they are to the actual event. Primary sources are documents, objects, or other sources that provide first-hand accounts of what the event was like. These could include speeches, newspapers, letters, diaries, songs, paintings, pictures, films, clothes, buildings, and much more.

What color flag would have been flown at a historical Renaissance play?


What is it that Shame objects to more than anything else?


What does the strange handwriting say?

Remember Lot's wife.

This does follow the Italian Sonnet shift in tone. Which lines indicate the shift in tone?

Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery. Thou'rt slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,

What poetic technique is Chaucer said to have invented?

Rime Royal

What line of a popular nursery rhyme is the best description of the pus-filled boils that came with the disease?

Ring-a-ring of roses,

Who ultimately was convicted and hanged for the fire?

Robert Hubert

It is interesting to note, that Defoe is one of the first to write an English novel. What are his first and last novels?

Robinson Crusoe and Roxana

Which of these goes first for the points in an alphanumeric outline?

Roman Numerals

What were Elizabethan plays modeled after?

Roman Plays

Who brought Christianity to England?


Which kingdom's wares seem most popular at Vanity Fair?


Macbeth uses the phrase, "why do you dress me in borrowed robes?" This is a recurring symbol throughout the play. Explain what Macbeth means by this phrase.5

Ross and Angus deliver the news to Macbeth. During that Macbeth had the title Thane of Glamis. Macbeth fought really well in the battle, the last Thane of Cawdor turned out to be a traitor, so the king had him executed. So when they came up to Macbeth he said the borrowed robes quote because the title was new to Macbeth it's never belonged to him. So in Macbeth's perspective, he was borrowing it from someone else because it used to be someone else's.

Who or what does Christian warn Simple, Sloth, and Presumption about by citing I Peter 5:8?


Look up the definition of satire, and write its meaning in your own words.

Satire is the use of literary devices such as irony, exaggeration, and humor to ridicule or criticize someone's stupidity, actions, or beliefs.

In Macbeth, after Duncan is murdered, Malcolm flees to _______________________ while Donalbain flees to

Scotland Ireland

What was the name of Swift's literary club?


Is this a primary source or a secondary source? Book Review


Who is the most famous English Renaissance writer?


What indications do we have that Susanna was literate?

She could sign her own name.

Aries and Taurus are my best friends, letting me know when to heal and to mend. Otherwise, you'll need a potion from my friend, the apothecary.

The Doctor

What happened to John Bunyan's first wife?

She died

How does Grendel's mother respond to Beowulf's visit?

She immediately attacks him and drags him back to her lair.

Why were area militias called in to help? (list both reasons)

The Duke of York took control of efforts to stop the fire, with militias summoned from neighboring counties to help the fight, and stop looting.

Why is Hecate angry?

She is mad at the witches for plotting against Macbeth without her.

Why is Lady Macduff upset?

She is upset because Macduff has fled to England without his family.

What is the most likely way Lady Macbeth died?

She killed herself.

Why is the nurse reluctant to tell the doctor what she has heard Lady Macbeth say?

She knows that what she has heard is incriminating and doesn't want to be called a liar.

List the three murders that Lady Macbeth acknowledges in this section.

She mentions the murder of Duncan, and the preparation for it as well. She also mentions the two soldiers that had to be murdered and that's when she got all the blood on her hand and she's now trying to wash it out. So the three murders are Duncan, and the two soldiers.

I want to be happy and enjoy pleasure no matter the cost. Eat, drink, and be merry, right? At least I have a large estate to do that!

The Franklin

In Macbeth, what excuse does Lady Macbeth give for Macbeth's behavior at the banquet when he sees the ghost?

She says he has had fits since he was young.

List three ways Lady Macbeth describes Macbeth in this scene. Provide actual quotes.

She says that Macbeth is going to king, "Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised." She is scared that he is too kind, "Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness" She says that he has to be powerful and not lack ambition, "To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition,"

In Macbeth, which word best describes Lady Macduff's feelings about her husband?

She thinks he is a traitor.

In Macbeth, why doesn't Lady Macbeth just kill Duncan herself?

She thinks he looks too much like her own father.

Explain and provide a line number(s) for your answer: What does the Queen use to pressure the knight into returning after his quest?

She would behead him. Line 36: "By course of law, and should have lost his head,"

In Gulliver's Travels, what common object are the Big-Endians and the Little-Endians warring about?


Which of the following is a correctly formatted running head?

Smith 2

I don't see why I should have to associate myself with those slum-and-gutter dwellers. I know it's my job, but I would much rather make money and dress like the pope!

The Friar

Where is the Tabard Inn located?


What iconic building was destroyed by the Great fire?

St. Paul's Cathedral

Describe the weather conditions that contributed to both the spreading of the plague and fire.

Strong east wind and dry, dusty air was known to be particularly effective in carrying plague. The heat also was effective for the plague.

Which area of England took the worst hit by the plague? Why?

Stuart London took the worst hit by the plague. It was very hot and people threw their trash out on the streets. There were fleas that were carried by rats which populated in the trashy area.

Explain what each person exchanges on each day of the game the host and Gawain play while at the castle.

The Lady of the Castle gives Gawain one kiss one day, two the next, and three the next. Gawain gives the host all of those kisses. She gave him a magic green girdle that would protect whoever was wearing it.

Explain how Swift satirizes the Whigs and Tories through the Lilliputians.

The Lilliputians are all six inches tall and are not governed according to rational principles. Gulliver is very tall which makes him expensive and dangerous for the Emperor to keep. Gulliver and the Lilliputians secretly have more in common than they realize. The use of the high heels and low heels on the Emperor's son is a stab at the Tories and Whigs saying that they do not know where they stand. The Emperor does not think about actual ability when choosing people for office.

Provide an example (not already provided in the article) of a modern Robinsonade?

The Martian by Andy Weir

Which of the following is NOT an example of Church corruption?

The Martyrs

Which of the following is another name for the Medieval Era?

The Middle Ages

I enjoy a drink or two and occasionally like to bash down a door with my head! I have a fiery temper, you know.

The Miller

Who is most likely responsible for Anglo-Saxon written literature?

The Monks

What event begins the Medieval Era?

The Norman Invasion

My motto is, "Love Conquers All." I like things orderly and clean. And, get rid of those mouse traps!

The Nun

Which two forces are primarily responsible for the fall of the Anglo-Saxons?

The Vikings and The Normans

Do you think the child should have been rescued? Why or why not?

The child was not for certain going to be infected with the plague, therefore I see little reason to give up the child if the parents were not infected themselves. On the other hand, the child may be further away from the plague and have a small chance of being infected with it if he lives with a friend in Greenwich.

Notice Lennox's description of the events of the night. These unnatural events occurring in nature are symbolic of the unnatural events taking place within the castle. Nature is revolting against Duncan's murder. Name at least three things that occur that night.

The chimney's were blown down, there were strange screams of death, the earth shook.

When she finishes her explanation of her character, she offers the knight a choice. What are his options? Explain them and provide line numbers.

The choices are to be old and ugly until the day she dies and be faithful, or be beautiful and young forever and have all the chances of her cheating on him.

What news report does the doctor give Macbeth about Lady Macbeth?

The doctor can't help her.

Explain why Macbeth believes that the first and second apparition contradict each other.

The first apparition they tell him to fear Macduff. The second apparition tells him that no one that has ever been birthed from a woman shall bring harm to Macbeth. Well... Macduff was birthed from a woman so he shouldn't have any reason to fear him then.

Write out the witches' prophecies to Banquo.

The first prophecy is "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater." The second one is "Not so happy, yet much happier." The third witch finishes the prophecy by saying "Though shalt get kings, though thou be none: so hail Macbeth and Banquo!"

Which economic class was worst hit by the plague? Why?

The first victims of the plague were found in the poorer districts of the city. The cramped living conditions these people lived in, and the fact that so many actually lived in the slum areas of London, meant that many people could not avoid contact with either the rats or someone who had the disease.

What emotion do you think is best demonstrated by this poem? Which line best supports your answer?

The emotion of love is best demonstrated by this poem. Line 2 says, "My sin was too much hope of thee, lov'd boy." The "lov'd" points to the fact that he truly loved his son.

Though the apparitions give Macbeth hope, the final vision dashes his spirits. Explain what the final vision means and what the mirror represents.

The final vision is a vision of eight men. One of them holds a mirror and there is the ghost of Banquo. All of these men are the descendants of Banquo and they are all Kings. So that means that Banquo's prophecy will come true and Banquo's descendants do become king.

Explain how the Great Fire helped to end the plague.

The fire devastated the filthy city areas where rats had prospered. The rebuilt London was more spacious and open.

Interpret the fire, water, and oil analogy.

The fire is the work of grace, the man tossing the water on it is the devil, and the man behind it secretly putting more oil on it is Christ. The oil maintains the heart's grace, even if the devil is trying to put it out.

Why does Christian not make it to the hill and the town of Morality?

The hill is too high and difficult.

During the Restoration, what did a red cross painted on the door mean?

The house was infected by the plague

Re-read lines 613-622. What is ironic about Beowulf's statement here?

The irony is that in the beginning of his statement, he says that he will fight with just his bare hands, no weapon or anything he will fight him but then a few sentences later, he says he will have a shield and armor and a sword.

This site suggests two images that reflect Donne's major themes, the bell and the island. What theme do each of these images represent?

The island represents isolation, and the bell represents mortality.

Why is Macduff at Macbeth's castle?

The king asked him to come get him early.

What kind of relationship do the knight and the squire have?

The knight is the squire's father.

Explain why people would carry pockets full of flowers.

The miasma could only be stopped, so it was believed, if you carried flowers with you as the smell of the flowers would overpower the germs carried by the miasma. There was also another 'benefit' to carrying sweet smelling flowers. A victim's breath started to go off as the disease got worse. The flowers perfume would have covered up this unpleasantness.

In your own words, describe the reason the characters are traveling to Canterbury.

The people are traveling to Canterbury for a pilgrimage. They are going to see a tomb of Saint Thomas. These people believe it would make them look better in the eyes of God. They also believed it would give them a greater chance at making it into heaven for eternal life.

In your own words, describe the reason the people are going to Canterbury.

The people are traveling to Canterbury for a pilgrimage. They are going to see a tomb of Saint Thomas. These people believe it would make them look better in the eyes of God. They also believed it would give them a greater chance at making it into heaven for eternal life.

After reading Hebrews 11:1-3, what "person of old" most inspires you and why?

The person of old that most inspires me is one of the pastors at my church. He is a great leader and a excellent pastor. He shows me that no matter what the situation is, God will help you to get through it in time.

Now it's your turn. Craft your thesis sentence including the topic, opinion, and supports for your research paper. Then, type the finished product here.

The universal theme of good triumphing over evil is apparent in Beowulf, Macbeth, and Frankenstein.

Read the following sonnet. What is the problem and what is the resolution? XXIX When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself, and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd, Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, Haply I think on thee,— and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

The problem is the narrator is depressed and he has been having bad luck lately. When he has bad luck he cries alone. No one hears his prayers and he is feeling pity for himself. He wants to be someone with more hope and more popularity. When he thinks about other man's things or dreams and desire's that usually is supposed to make him happy and it just makes him even more sad. Even though he hates himself, he thinks of this person he's talking too. And he goes on to say that the love that this other person brings to him brings him so much happiness that he wouldn't trade his life with anyone, not even a king.

Interpret the parable of the dust and the water.

The purpose of the parable of dust and water was to show how grace, represented by the water, can easily clean away the sin, represented by dust, in a man's life.

Explain how and why Christian and Hopeful should have known where they were going.

The shepherds had warned them earlier about the this man. They gave Christian and Hopeful a note of directions that they did not read.

If the main theme is good versus evil, what is the struggle over? It has to be something of value, something significant.

The struggle seems to be Adam and Eve choosing good or evil. They know what is right, but end up choosing what is wrong. This led to a worldwide struggle for good and evil. This sin has cause everyone on earth to have a sin nature which gives us a constant struggle each and every day. There is a massive struggle between choosing what we know is the right thing to do or choosing the other path. This one sin has caused everyone to bear it, but Jesus bore everything for us. We just have to choose Him.

Predict how Malcom's command about cutting down boughs will fulfill one of the witches' apparitions.

The third apparition is a baby boy holding a tree and this boy has a mark of royalty on him. These soldiers are cutting down boughs and holding them (they are holding tree branches) And the boy who was holding the tree has a mark of royalty, foreshadowing the ones holding the boughs will win.

Explain what the purpose of the flags were in Elizabethan Theaters and how they were used.

The three flags helped let the people know what genre of play they were going to be seeing that night. If there was a red flag, that would mean a historic play would be on. If it was a white flag, that meant a comedic play would be on. If it was a black flag, a tragedy would be the play the audience would be seeing.

List, in your own words, what Evangelist says are the three things from Worldly Wiseman's counsel that Christian must abhor.

The three things that Evangelist said Christian should abhor are his ability to lead you out of the way, his zealous effort to portray the Cross as abhorrent to you, and his directing of your feet toward that way which leads to the administration of death.

In Pilgrim's Progress, how do Formalist and Hypocrisy get into the path with Christian?

The tumbled in over the walls

To whom is Macbeth referring when he says this: "And be these juggling fiends no more believ'd, That palter with us in a double sense; That keep the word of promise to our ear, And break it to our hope!"

The witches

In Macbeth, which of the following is the best example of dramatic irony?

The witches pronounce Macbeth with a title the audience already knows he will receive

Where are the English forces led by Malcolm and Siward meeting, and why is this significant?

They are going to come together and rebel against Macbeth because they now realize that he is going crazy. This is significant because Macbeth now has two armies against him to make Malcolm king. Their plan is to get rid of Macbeth.

In this poem, what is being personified, and how do you know?

Time is being personified. He says that time has stolen his life on "wings" (line 1). Time again is personified in line 12 as his leader that will together with Heaven's will bring him to his fate.

Part of the purpose of this scene is to reinforce the symbol of unnatural events in nature mimicking the unnatural event of Duncan's murder. Two specific events are particularly frightening. Explain them.

There are two sets of two strange things that are frightening to me. The first two being that a falcon was in the sky, and it was caught and killed by a regular owl's usually go for mice. And the second thing being two beautiful obedient horses broke out of their stalls and ran like crazy and refused to be obedient and then ate each other afterwards. Then, the next set of two things that are very strange to Ross and Macduff is that Donalbain and Malcom had already left the scene and are gone and they might have paid the guards to kill Duncan and the next thing is that Macbeth is now being crowned king right away. But, I think the two strangest things would be the first two I explained.

Looking at "The Lord's Prayer" comparison chart, what differences do you most notice between the Middle English version and the Modern English version?

There is huge leap from Middle English to early Modern English then in Late English it's super easy because it is how we speak. First off, the spelling is different between the Middle English and Early Modern English and then From early to late a few of the words change.

Before Macbeth walks in, Duncan makes this comment: "There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust.--" What does he mean by this statement?

There is no way to tell on the outside what a person is like on the inside.

In The Pardoner's Tale, how did the old man's prediction come true?

They all find Death

What does Chaucer have in common with Robert Browning and Charles Dickens?

They are all buried in Poet's Corner.

In Macbeth, what do all three of these instances have in common? 1. Macbeth being named Thane of Cawdor 2. Duncan thinking Macbeth's castle looks pleasant 3. Macduff being informed of his family's murder

They are all instances of dramatic irony.

Reread these statements from the murderers: SECOND MURDERER. I am one, my liege, Whom the vile blows and buffets of the world Have so incens'd that I am reckless what I do to spite the world. FIRST MURDERER. And I another, So weary with disasters, tugg'd with fortune, That I would set my life on any chance, To mend it or be rid on't. What reason ultimately convinces the murderers to kill Banquo?

They are angry about how their lives have turned out.

Why are the pilgrims stumbling around on Caution Mountain?

They are blind

Read the following sonnet. What is the problem and what is the resolution? XVIII Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm'd: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

This sonnet is comparing someone to a summer's day. Because that person is so bright and beautiful. They are their own sun. And nature sometimes looses it's beauty, the clouds cover the sun and flowers die. However, this person's beauty and light will never die. They will always be beautiful.

Judkins says this in the essay: " In his plays, Shakespeare has little to say about religion, but this in itself is notable. Had he been writing 100 years earlier, it is barely conceivable that his work would not have strong traditional Christian overtones" (paragraph 2). Explain why this would be true.

This would be true because he was writing things that would be perceived as religious and Christian in the future. It was just ahead of its time.

In line 17, to whom is the author referring?

Thomas Becket

Who is "The Holy Blissful Martyr"?

Thomas Beckett

How did the opposite economic class do to avoid the plague? Why wasn't this option available for everyone?

Those who could, the wealthy, left London for the comparative safety of the countryside. No such option existed for those who lived in the slums. In fact, militiamen were paid by the city's council to guard the parish boundaries of the area they lived in and to let no one out unless they had a certificate to leave from their local parish leader. Very few of these certificates were issued.

Which of the following is not included in Robinson Crusoe's adventures?


Which of the following is the best example of humanism?

We investigate the real value and capabilities of humans.

Explain why it is believed that Shakespeare depicted different historical figures differently in his plays about them.

To make his plays more interesting. He writes drama and over exaggeration is expecting when writing a dramatic play.

Why did Malcolm pretend to have all of these flaws?

To see how Macduff would react. if he was a good person or a bad person. And when Macduff had an outburst saying how horrible it is that Malcom has all those terrible flaws and how he misses world peace made Malcom trust Macduff and see that he really truly is a good person.

A three-pronged thesis can be used for any length of paper.


Adolescent boys really did play the parts of women on the stage. So, Juliet would have been played by a boy.


Another name for William the Duke of Normandy is William the Conqueror.


Another name for the Medieval Era is the Middle Ages.


During the Restoration, Charles II's licentious lifestyle sometimes conflicted with his ability to rule.


I can state my opinion without saying the word "I."


In "Preface to the Dictionary of the English Language," Johnson included both the pronunciation and the etymology of each word.


John Bunyan was born poor and died poor.


In the hierarchy of the new government system established, which class was the lowest class?


On the sample alphanumeric outline, what part of speech starts out each of the three main points?


Faithful meets a woman on his journey named Wanton. Look up the word "wanton." Find the most relevant definition and define it here.

Wanton: a sexually immodest or promiscuous woman.

What does Romans 1:28 teach us about humanity?

We always have a choice

After understanding what this sonnet is about, listen to this song by John Waller called, "While I'm Waiting." (Links to an external site.) What are some things God requires while we are waiting for His next mission. Name at least three and provide a Bible verse for each.

We are to believe that the God who saved you hears your cries (Micah 7:7). We are to watch with expectancy, but be prepared for unexpected answers (Psalm 5:3). We are to put hope in His Word (Psalm 130: 5-6). We are to trust in the Lord, not in your own understandings (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Explain why, according to this video, Christians should study history.

We have a long line of people behind us who have lived the Christian life courageously.

Contrast Susanna and Judith's lives. Give at least three distinct contrasts.

Well for starters Susanna lived an amazing life, married a doctor, John Hall, who found a treatment for scurvy, Judith had a tragic sad life and marries a vintner named Thomas Quiney. Thomas didn't have a license to marry. They were excommunicated soon after their wedding. Shakespeare was very proud of Susanna's marriage, he loved John, so much so he let them become executors of his will. Judith and Thomas were not apart of his will at all. Susanna and John's daughter Elizabeth, grew up to be very successful and Susanna and John were so proud. However one of Thomas and Judith's son's, Shakespeare Quiney, dies when he was an infant. Their other two kids, Thomas and Richard dies almost at the same time (just a couple weeks apart) at the age of nineteen and twenty-one.

Re-read lines 747 - 755. Discuss the mixing of Christian and pagan principles here.

Well it talks about how he hasn't sworn any unholy oaths and he is waiting on his own fate.

In Macbeth, explain the apparition of the king holding the mirrors.

Well there is a line of 8 kings and the last king holds a mirror to show the line of descendants of Kings and they all look like Banquo because they are descendants from Banquo.

In what way did Mary help to support Catholicism in England?

Well, Mary I was a devoted Catholic so when she ruled, she made sure people followed all rules of Catholicism, if they didn't, they were executed. People nicknamed her Bloody Mary.

Explain why Thomas Becket was murdered.

Well, four knights had thought that the king wanted to get rid of Thomas and get him out of the way, so, in Canterbury, they all approached him and killed him in 1170.

Where is Jonson buried?

Westminster Abbey

The text says that an apostate is being dragged back to the wooden door that is the byway to hell. What is an apostate?

a person who leaves a particular religion

In what way did Elizabeth help to usher Protestantism into England?

When she was first crowned queen, it was said that people believed she would bring back the Protestant faith back to England. Elizabeth had the Act of Supremacy initiated. Also, Elizabeth changed and took away all of Mary's rules and laws. "There is only one Christ, Jesus, one faith" - Elizabeth. Elizabeth's biggest importance to her was to enact peace and stability throughout her reign. Her hope was that if she restored the Church, people would get used to it again.

According to the article, what political transition did Swift make?

Whig to Tory

Who is Swift satirizing when he talks about the Lilliputians?

Whigs and Tories


a person who revolts

What is an amanuensis?

a person who transcribes a dictation

Which of the following identities is this sailor most like?

a pirate

What color flag would have been flown at a comedic Renaissance play?


Which flag would have been raised for the play Measure for Measure?


Which flag would have been raised for the play The Tempest?


In lines 820 - 823, Beowulf gives Wiglaf his necklace and his armor. What does this act symbolize?

Wiglaf is the next King and epic hero.

Define xenophobia.

Xenophobia is the intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

Is this indirect citation punctuated correctly? The Best Organization suggests that everyone should know how to do in text citations (The Best Organization 12).


Is this a correctly formatted alphanumeric outline? I. A. 1. a.


What do many historians and anthropologists believe Stonehenge was used for?

a place for season and spirit worship

Which character was sometimes the butt of Shakespeare's jokes in his plays?

a police man


a person qualified to act as a judge in matters of taste and appreciation


a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and advance his or her own political purposes

What is the prize for the winner of the game they are playing?

a free meal at the tavern

What is a good alternate name for an elegy?

a funeral poem

What does Beowulf use to finally kill Grendel's mother?

a giant's sword

If Shakespeare had followed in his father's business like many expected their sons to do, what profession would Shakespeare have had?

a glove maker

What do the offspring of Satan build when they perceive that Satan has had some measure of success?

a highway from Hell to Earth


a job or position in which someone is paid to little or no work


a lack of spirit, enthusiasm, or satisfaction

What major obstacle stands between the pilgrims and the Celestial City?

a large river

Which of the following best defines historical fiction?

a made up story that takes place in an actual historical time period

Who do historians believe is mostly likely responsible for writing down the story of Beowulf?

a monk


a new member of a religious order who is preparing to take the vows of religion; a person who has no previous experience with something


a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something.


a note added as a comment or explanation

What is a pseudonym?

a pen name

Why did the King pay Chaucer's ransom when he was captured during the Hundred Years War?

a public servant to a Duke's wife

What does it take to bribe the summoner to allow a person to continue in his sin?

a quart of wine

What warning sign was used to indicate that a house had been touched by the plague?

a red cross


a seeming contradiction

What is the best definition of "epigram"?

a short, witty saying that states a general truth


a slight suggestion or hint; especially : a suggestion that hurts someone's reputation

What form does Satan take to deceive Eve?

a snake


a special right or privilege given because of one's rank or position

What iconic symbol does Shakespeare become in Jonson's poem "To the Memory of My Beloved Master, William Shakespeare"?

a star

What symbolic element does Shakespeare become at the end of the poem?

a star

In Chapter 4 of Robinson Crusoe, what does Crusoe find on his last day aboard the ship that he now realizes has no value to him?

a stash of gold and silver

You should notice that this is an Italian Sonnet, but has some variation to it. One of those variations is the rhyme scheme. What is the rhyme scheme of this sonnet?

abbaabba cddcef

Which of the following is the correct rhyme scheme for an Italian Sonnet?

abbaabba cdecde

What does meter indicate?

accented and unaccented syllables

In poetry, what do accent marks indicate?

accented syllables

When writing a resume, what is the best way to format your work experience?

action verb statements

According to this overview, what reason does Jonson ultimately give for his elegy of Shakespeare?


Which word best classifies Robison Crusoe?



ailment; disease

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which of the following does NOT happen during Gawain's stay in the host's castle?

all of these things happen

When the word "catholic" is used with a lower case letter, what does it mean?


What genre of writing is Pilgrim's Progress?


Why can't Christian and Hopeful look directly on the city?

because the sun reflecting on the gold is too much for them

Why does Goodwill quickly pull Christian into the gate?

because Beelzebub will try to shoot arrows at Christian

Why does Macbeth grow more confident when he easily kills Young Siward?

because another apparition's prophecy is still holding true

Though Donne often wrote on the topic of death and mortality, why is he not considered a morbid writer?

because he always discussed it in light of heaven

Though not directly involved, why was Milton a wanted man?

because he had openly opposed the monarchy

In Beowulf, why does Beowulf go to fight Grendel?

because he is the only one who can stop Grendel

Why does Atheist laugh at Christian and Hopeful?

because he knows that there isn't really a Celestial City

Why does Lady Macbeth claim she didn't just kill Duncan herself?

because he looked too much like her own father

Why does Talkative finally leave Faithful and Christian?

because he realizes Faithful is pointing out his errors

In Beowulf, why does Beowulf continue to fight the dragon even though he knows he cannot win?

because he wants to die being brave and earning glory

Why did Macduff not attend Macbeth's feast?

because he went to get help to fight against Macbeth

Beowulf asks Hrothgar to grant him a "single request." He requests that only he and his men be the ones to fight Grendel. Why does he request this?

because he will receive more glory if he and his men fight alone

Why would a good word for the beginning of Swift's life be "difficult"?

because his parents were gone and he was chronically ill

According to the overview, why does Britain have bragging rights?

because it produced Shakespeare

Why did Swift think it necessary to use a pen name when publishing Gulliver's Travels?

because it was so critical of current politics

Ex officio

because of an office <the Vice President serves ex officio as president of the Senate>

Why has Macbeth been avoiding Macduff?

because the apparitions told him to watch out for Macduff

Lines 116-117 says that the people of Geatland didn't regret that Beowulf left. Why didn't they regret him leaving Geatland?

because they knew that Beowulf would gain glory by fighting this battle

Why did epigrams and periodicals become popular during The Restoration?

because writing, printing, and distributing became much easier and faster


being dull or uninteresting


being in a swollen state


being in contact : ADJOINING


being such in name or form only: very small

In "Meditation 17," what metaphor does Donne use for dying?

being translated

What kind of reputation does the town of Fair-speech have?

being wealthy

Where does the shift in tone take place?

between lines 8 and 9

Describe the place where the tracks lead the people who follow Grendel.

bloody, steaming, boiling, pounding waves, swirling surf


boastful speech or writing

Which is the correct progression for becoming a knight?

born to a knight, page, squire, knight

In Macbeth, which adjective best describes Macbeth at the beginning of the play?


How does Worldly Wiseman try to convince Christian not to keep going the direction he is going?

by telling him it will be too hard

Some scholars break up the Medieval Era into three subcategories. What are these categories?

early, high, and late


easily made angry : hot tempered


easily made sick : QUEASY : affected with nausea : NAUSEATED : easily shocked or disgusted

Look at line 341, again. What Anglo-Saxon cultural value does Beowulf receive?

desire for glory

Which adjective best describes Macduff and Malcolm's perception of Scotland's leader?


What does the MLA do?

determines the format for papers written in English classes


disagreement in opinion : DISCORD

What is Malcolm's plan for surprising Macbeth?

disguising their numbers with boughs for each soldier

Which adjective best describes Macduff and Malcolm's perception of Scotland's situation?



done or provided freely with nothing expected in return


to pass off (something false) as genuine


to fail to obey or act in agreement with; violate


to feel or express sorrow or sympathy

Re-read lines 665-671. What is Beowulf's fatal decision?

to fight when he knows fate is against him


to find fault with; to express formal disapproval of


to form or make in a skillful or clever way


to gain favor or acceptance for by deliberate effort


to get (someone) to think or act a certain way by flattering or coaxing

In Pilgrim's Progress, what is Christian's ultimate desire for leaving his home?

to get rid of his burden


to give off sparks; to flash or gleam as if throwing off sparks


to give the appearance or effect of


to go beyond limits set by : VIOLATE <transgress divine law>

Why are the travelers going to Canterbury?

to go on a pilgrimage

Why did people of the upper class sometimes wear masks to the Renaissance plays?

to hide their identities because they were embarrassed to be seen in the same place as the lower class


to hold by or as if by a spell


to keep putting off something supposed to be done

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, what is Gawain's plan so that the Green Knight can never repay him with the axe?

to kill the Green Knight

Though the witches caution him to not ask any more questions, what is Macbeth's final demand?

to know if Banquo's predictions will come true

According to Pepys' diary, what was the standard practice for children in homes inflicted with plague?

to leave them there to die


to make up for : ATONE

What is the mission of the witches?

to meet Macbeth


to prepare by combining various ingredients


to present and urge reasons in opposition

Ultimately, why was Charles I beheaded?

to prevent the country from dissolving in anarchy


to punish, scold, or criticize harshly

In 17th century England, what was the primary goal of the Puritans?

to purify the Church of England

According to the Crusades video, why did the Church and the Pope assign the Crusades to the knights?

to redeem the Holy Land


to reduce in amount by using up : exhaust especially of strength or resources


to reduce the harshness or violence of


to refuse to have anything to do with


to release from the guilt or penalty of ; PARDON


to remove objectionable parts from (as a book)


to remove or dismiss to a less important place <relegate some old books to the attic>

According to Paradise Lost, why was man created?

to replace the fallen angels

What is the primary topic of Evangelist's talk with Christian and Faithful?

to resist the world


to scold or correct usually in a gentle way

Why does Christian pretend to believe Atheist?

to see if Hopeful is really true to the journey

In Chapter 4 of Robinson Crusoe, what is the purpose of the chart he writes?

to see the good in what seems evil

Why do the men draw straws?

to see who will have to go back to town to get food and wine while they wait

In Pilgrim's Progress, we learned the term allusions. Which of the following is the best definition of allusion?

when the author indirectly refers to something and assumes you know what is meant

What choice does Romans 1:28 discuss?

whether or not the people retained God in their knowledge


whip lash; someone or something that is an instrument of punishment or criticism

Over what issue did Henry VIII first conflict with the Roman Catholic Church?

who held supreme power


wicked in character or morals

According to Pepys' diary, what was he unsure would remain in fashion after the plague?


In Beowulf, how does Beowulf defeat Grendel's mother?

with a giant's sword

In Beowulf, how does Beowulf defeat Grendel?

with his bare hands

In Pilgrim's Progress, what does it seem Ignorance is relying on to get into heaven?


What does Ignorance seem to base his entrance into heaven upon?


When the theaters in London were closed due to an outbreak of the plague, what do most scholars believe Shakespeare was doing?

writing sonnets

List the end rhyme words that have the "b" rhyme.

year (2) career (3) near (6) appear (7)

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