LUOA English Module 9

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During the Restoration, which groups were seen as suspicious?

-Catholics -Republicans

During the Restoration, what factors contributed to the spreading of the plague?

-fleas -rats -filth -proximity -heat

Which of the following are issues addressed directly or indirectly in the novel Robison Crusoe?

-imperial expansion -religion -philosophy -rise of the middle class

How many recorded casualties are there from the Great London Fire?


If a family member was diagnosed with the plague, how long were all family members quarantined?

40 days

According to Pepys, why will fashion possibly change as a result of the plague?

According to Pepys, fashion will change as a result of the plague mostly out of fear of infection. As and example, he says that wigs might have been cut off the heads of people who died from the plague.

Who is, quite possibly, the real-life inspiration for the novel Robinson Crusoe?

Alexander Selkirk

Who is Alexander Selkirk?

Alexander Selkirk is the person that Robinson Crusoe may or may not be based off of. He was a Scottish sailor who got stranded on his own desert island off the coast of Chile for four years. He was rescued in 1709.

What line of a popular nursery rhyme is the best description of the sneezing that came right before death?

Attischo, Attischo,

Explain what a bill of mortality is.

Bills of mortality were the weekly mortality statistics in London, designed to monitor burials.

During the Restoration and for 150 years after, who was blamed for the Great Fire?


According to Pepys' diary, who was king during Pepys' writings?

Charles II

According to "Letter to Lord Chesterfield," what was Johnson upset about?

Chesterfield's lack of support throughout the process of writing the dictionary

According to Pepys' diary, what fleet has been defeated giving Pepys a particularly good day?


Define "eurocentrism."

Eurocentrism is focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as preeminent.

Plague doctors and nurses were qualified to assess and help those diseased with plague.


What is Gulliver's response to the monarch's plea for help? What is his reason?

Gulliver refuses to be a part of any plan that will make free people slaves.

Why did Swift feel it necessary to use a pen name in publishing Gulliver's Travels?

He knew it was controversial.

Explain why, despite his good fortune in other areas, Pepys is still struggling with a positive attitude. Be specific.

He still knows how many people have died from the plague. He lists the people he knows that had the plague or were sick. He mentions Captain Lambert and Cuttle, Mr. Sidney Montague, Mr. Lewes's daughter, and his two servants W. Hewer and Tom Edwards had both lost their fathers.


INHABITANT; especially : a person, animal, or plant found in a particular region or environment

If you were living during this time, who would you have blamed? Why?

If I were living during this time, I would have blamed the baker for the fire since it started at his house.

What is Crusoe's relationship to slavery in the novel?

In the novel, Crusoe is both a slave and a slave owner.

How was Defoe's novel Robison Crusoe received by the general public?

It was extremely popular.

According to "Letter to Lord Chesterfield," what conclusion does Johnson draw about Chesterfield's involvement?

Johnson does not owe Chesterfield anything.

Choose one word to explain Swift's early life and explain why you chose this word.

Jonathon Swift's early life could be described as unhealthy. I choose this word because it has a double meaning. Physically, Swift did not have a healthy childhood because he suffered from Meniere's disease, but also emotionally and in the day-to-day life, it was not healthy because of the lack of a father. He was sent away to his uncle's house where he was supported.

Who received blame for the fires for 150 years before the inscription on the monument was removed?


How do Pepys and his friends feel about the King? Provide a quote that lets you know how they feel.

Pepys and his friends were talking about how they thought the government was bad because nobody set their heart to the business of the kingdom, but to their own profits or pleasures. They said about the king: " the king himself minding nothing but his ease, and so we let things go to wracke." They believe the king is self-centered in his business of running the country.

Explain the moral issue of children during the plague that Pepys discusses.

Pepys discusses the issue of a man and his wife deciding to give up the last living child to another family because they had buried all their other children because of the plague. They only wanted the child to live.

Explain why Pepys had a particularly good day. Be specific.

Pepys received word of Lord Sandwich's fleet of ships. He also receives money in which he buys some things for his wife. For he says, "the finding of my money and plate, and all safe at London, and speeding in my business of money this day."

What irritated Pegg Pen?

Pepys' wife could draw better than she could

First-hand accounts like diaries and letters are called primary sources. Why are primary sources important to read and study?

Primary sources are as close as possible to the actual events. Primary sources are sources that were created during the historical period that you are studying. Just about anything that existed or was created during that time period can count as a primary source — a speech, census records, a newspaper, a letter, a diary entry, a song, a painting, a photograph, a film, an article of clothing, a building, a landscape, etc. Primary sources are documents, objects, and other sources that provide us with a first-hand account of what life was like in the past.

Explain the significance of primary sources in understanding history.

Primary sources are so important to read because of how close they are to the actual event. Primary sources are documents, objects, or other sources that provide first-hand accounts of what the event was like. These could include speeches, newspapers, letters, diaries, songs, paintings, pictures, films, clothes, buildings, and much more.

Where did the Great Fire start?

Pudding Lane

During the Restoration, which group of people did the Act of Uniformity most impact?


What line of a popular nursery rhyme is the best description of the pus-filled boils that came with the disease?

Ring-a-ring of roses,

Who ultimately was convicted and hanged for the fire?

Robert Hubert

It is interesting to note, that Defoe is one of the first to write an English novel. What are his first and last novels?

Robinson Crusoe and Roxana

Look up the definition of satire, and write its meaning in your own words.

Satire is the use of literary devices such as irony, exaggeration, and humor to ridicule or criticize someone's stupidity, actions, or beliefs.

What iconic building was destroyed by the Great fire?

St. Paul's Cathedral

Describe the weather conditions that contributed to both the spreading of the plague and fire.

Strong east wind and dry, dusty air was known to be particularly effective in carrying plague. The heat also was effective for the plague.

Which area of England took the worst hit by the plague? Why?

Stuart London took the worst hit by the plague. It was very hot and people threw their trash out on the streets. There were fleas that were carried by rats which populated in the trashy area.

What was Scriblerus?

Swift's literary club

Why were area militias called in to help? (list both reasons)

The Duke of York took control of efforts to stop the fire, with militias summoned from neighboring counties to help the fight, and stop looting.

Explain how Swift satirizes the Whigs and Tories through the Lilliputians.

The Lilliputians are all six inches tall and are not governed according to rational principles. Gulliver is very tall which makes him expensive and dangerous for the Emperor to keep. Gulliver and the Lilliputians secretly have more in common than they realize. The use of the high heels and low heels on the Emperor's son is a stab at the Tories and Whigs saying that they do not know where they stand. The Emperor does not think about actual ability when choosing people for office.

Provide an example (not already provided in the article) of a modern Robinsonade?

The Martian by Andy Weir

Do you think the child should have been rescued? Why or why not?

The child was not for certain going to be infected with the plague, therefore I see little reason to give up the child if the parents were not infected themselves. On the other hand, the child may be further away from the plague and have a small chance of being infected with it if he lives with a friend in Greenwich.

Explain how the Great Fire helped to end the plague.

The fire devastated the filthy city areas where rats had prospered. The rebuilt London was more spacious and open.

Which economic class was worst hit by the plague? Why?

The first victims of the plague were found in the poorer districts of the city. The cramped living conditions these people lived in, and the fact that so many actually lived in the slum areas of London, meant that many people could not avoid contact with either the rats or someone who had the disease.

During the Restoration, what did a red cross painted on the door mean?

The house was infected by the plague

Explain why people would carry pockets full of flowers.

The miasma could only be stopped, so it was believed, if you carried flowers with you as the smell of the flowers would overpower the germs carried by the miasma. There was also another 'benefit' to carrying sweet smelling flowers. A victim's breath started to go off as the disease got worse. The flowers perfume would have covered up this unpleasantness.

During the Restoration, how were the wealthy able to more effectively avoid getting the plague.

They left London.

This is a classic example used often to portray the nonsensical arguments people begin over real or imaginary issues. What is this particular issue about?

This particular issue seems to be about the Emperor wanting to bring more people in to be slaves by conquering other places, and Gulliver decided that that was not right and the wiser of the group agreed with him.

How did the opposite economic class do to avoid the plague? Why wasn't this option available for everyone?

Those who could, the wealthy, left London for the comparative safety of the countryside. No such option existed for those who lived in the slums. In fact, militiamen were paid by the city's council to guard the parish boundaries of the area they lived in and to let no one out unless they had a certificate to leave from their local parish leader. Very few of these certificates were issued.

During the Restoration, Charles II's licentious lifestyle sometimes conflicted with his ability to rule.


According to the article, what political transition did Swift make?

Whig to Tory

Define xenophobia.

Xenophobia is the intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

What is "miasma"?

a colorless cloud of germs thought to spread the disease


a feeling that something will or is about to happen


a job or position in which someone is paid to little or no work


a note added as a comment or explanation

What is a pseudonym?

a pen name

What warning sign was used to indicate that a house had been touched by the plague?

a red cross

Which word best classifies Robison Crusoe?



amazement, alarm, or disappointment that makes one feel helpless or confused


any of various pointed or narrowed tools or parts; especially : one used for shaping a hole already bored

Why would a good word for the beginning of Swift's life be "difficult"?

because his parents were gone and he was chronically ill

What was popularly blamed for spreading the plague?

cats and dogs


causing trouble


firmly fixed or decided especially against something

What was actually to blame for spreading the disease?


Who first received the blame for the Great Fire?



harsh and angry words


having a charming or pleasing quality <a winsome smile>


having a false look of being fair, just, or right

What weather conditions exacerbated the plague?



not looking good for future success

During the Restoration, what was Londoners' greatest fear?


What was Londoners' greatest fear?


What is the primary reason Swift had to go back and forth between Ireland and England?

political upheaval

Defoe's writing often resulted in what?



so short and frank in manner or speech as to be impolite

Which of the following best defines verisimilitude?

the appearance of reality

What was predicted in 1559 and 1665?

the complete destruction of London by fire

According to A Journal of the Plague Year, what fascinates and horrifies the narrator at the same time?

the pit at the parish used to bury the dead

According to Pepys' diary, even when he has a particularly good day, by what is his mood always clouded?

the surrounding plague

During the Restoration, why were the poor most impacted by the plague?

their close and unsanitary living conditions

Why did Swift have to leave England and go back to Ireland?

to avoid the end of his political career


to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do


to change in kind, appearance, or value


to condemn strongly as unworthy or evil


to find fault with; to express formal disapproval of


to gain favor or acceptance for by deliberate effort


to give off sparks; to flash or gleam as if throwing off sparks


to hold by or as if by a spell

Why did Defoe change his name?

to sound more sophisticated


to speed up the process or progress of


to spread around as if sowing seed


to think of as coming from a specified cause, source, or author


very destructive or harmful


wicked in character or morals

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