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[`holsəm] a. 健康的,有益健康的 A good vacation every now and then is important to a wholesome life. 偶而好好度個假對健康的生活很重要。


[`kupɑn] n. 折價券 My mother likes to collect coupons from newspapers so she can save money on food. 媽媽喜歡收集報紙上的折價券,這樣在食物的花費上可以省點錢。


[`mɑdə͵faɪ] vt. 修改 Some of the terms in the contract have to be modified before I sign it. 在我簽名之前,本合同中的若干條款必須修改。


[`kwɪvɚ] vi. 顫抖 n. (因強烈情緒而)顫抖 Nick's bottom lip quivered with fear and then he burst into tears. 尼克的下嘴唇因為恐懼而顫抖著,接著他就哭了出來。


[`drɛsɚ] n. 衣櫥 This dresser has many drawers in which I store clothes and accessories. 這個衣櫥有很多抽屜讓我收納衣服與配件。


[(h)waɪn] vt. vi. 抱怨,發牢騷 n. 抱怨,牢騷 Stop whining about your job! Instead of complaining, you should begin looking for a new one. 別再抱怨工作了!與其在那邊抱怨,你應該去找份新的。 "Can I have a Big Mac instead of spaghetti for lunch?" Johnny whined. 『我午餐可不可以不要吃義大利麵,改吃大麥克呢?』小強抱怨道。 The whine of the dogs in the middle of the night gave me the creeps. 大半夜狗的哀鳴聲讓我毛骨悚然。 *creep [krip] n. 毛骨悚然的感覺 *give sb the creeps 使某人毛骨悚然


[(h)wɔrf] n. 碼頭 Fisherman's Wharf is one of the most famous tourist attractions in San Francisco. 漁人碼頭是舊金山最著名的景點之一。


[(h)wɛr`æz] conj. 而 The wise take advantage of mistakes, whereas the stupid only regret mistakes they have made. 聰明的人從錯誤中學習,而愚者只知後悔犯下的錯。 用法 whereas 為對等連接詞,譯成『而』,用以連接兩個對稱的主要子句,用法與 while 相同。


[(h)wɝl] vi. 旋轉 The blades of the helicopter whirled noisily overhead. 直昇機葉片在頭上大聲旋轉。


[`(h)wil͵tʃɛr] n. 輪椅 片語 be confined to a wheelchair 坐輪椅 After the accident, John had to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 意外過後,約翰下半輩子都得坐輪椅了。


[`(h)wɛrə͵baʊts] n. 下落(恆用複數) Osama bin Laden is thought to be hiding in the mountainous region of Afghanistan, but his exact whereabouts are still unknown. 奧薩瑪‧賓拉登被認為躲在阿富汗的山區,但他確切的下落卻不為人知。


[`aɪvɪ] n. 常春藤 Several pots of ivy were hung on the walls to decorate the house. 房子牆上掛滿了一盆盆的常春藤作裝飾。 延伸 the Ivy League 常春藤聯盟(位於美東地區的八所具頂尖學術傳統的知名學府,包括布朗大學、哥倫比亞大學、康乃爾大學、達特茅斯學院、哈佛大學、賓州大學、普林斯頓大學、耶魯大學。)


[`aɪ͵læʃ] n. 睫毛(也因為有兩組故常用複數,亦可縮寫為 lash) Jane's big eyes and long eyelashes make her look very charming. 阿珍的大眼加上長睫毛使她看來很有魅力。


[`aɪ͵lɪd] n. 眼皮,眼瞼(因為有兩個故常用複數) Cathy was in the habit of closing her eyelids when making important decisions. 凱西做重大決定時習慣闔上眼皮。


[`aʊtwɚd] a. 向外的 Robert managed to hide his anger and showed no outward sign of it. 羅伯特掩藏住了自己的憤怒,沒有表現出任何外表的異樣。


[`aʊtwɚdz] adv. 向外地(- outward) Without proper management, it's dangerous for the city to expand outwards at this rapid rate. 沒有適當的管理,城市以如此快捷的速度向外擴張是很危險的一件事。


[`fɛmənɪn] a. 女性化的 That red dress made Daisy look very feminine. 那件紅洋裝讓黛西看起來很有女人味。


[`aʊt͵goɪŋ] a. 外向的 Jason's good interpersonal skills and outgoing personality qualifies him as a great sales rep. 傑森良好的人際關係技巧以及外向的個性讓他有資格當個優秀的業務員。 *rep [rɛp] n. 代表者(是 representative 的縮寫)


[`aʊt͵saɪdɚ] n. 外人,局外人 William felt like an outsider because he could not get along well with his work team. 威廉覺得自己像個局外人,因為他和他的工作團隊相處不來。


[`aʊt͵skɝts] n. 郊外(在下列片語中恆用複數) 片語 on the outskirts of... 在⋯⋯的郊外 - in the suburbs of... The value of real estate is lower on the outskirts of Taipei than in the central area. 台北郊區的房地產較市中心的便宜。 *real estate [`rɪəlɪs͵tet] n. 房地產(集合名詞,不可數)


[`baʊndlɪs] a. 無限的,無窮的 Little kids are active and seem to have boundless energy. 小朋友都很好動,似乎精力無窮。


[`baʊndərɪ] n. 邊界,界線 With the advance of modern technology, the boundaries of human knowledge are being pushed further. 隨著現代科技的進步,人類的知識範圍也不斷擴大。


[`baʊəlz] n. 大腸(恆用複數) 片語 move/empty one's bowels 排便 a bowel movement 排便 The baby suffers pains when he moves his bowels. 這名嬰兒排便時會痛。 Not having had a bowel movement for a week, Sam went to the doctor. 一星期沒排便之後,山姆去找了醫生。


[`bjutə͵faɪ] vt. 美化 Mom beautified the backyard by planting a lot of flowers. 媽媽種了許多花來美化後院。


[`bjʊro] n. (政府機構的)局,處 Mrs. Jones reported her son's disappearance to the Missing Persons Bureau of the Los Angeles Police Department. 瓊斯太太把她兒子失蹤的事通報給洛城警局失蹤人口處。 延伸 the Tourism Bureau 交通部觀光局 the Federal Bureau of Investigation 美國聯邦調查局(簡稱 FBI) the Central Intelligence Agency 美國中央情報局(簡稱 CIA) an employment bureau 求職介紹所


[`blu͵prɪnt] n. 藍圖 The government has hammered out a blueprint for economic reform. 政府擬定了一套經濟改革計畫。 *hammer out... 擬定⋯⋯


[`blæk͵smɪθ] n. 鐵匠 This famous painting portrays the life of a blacksmith in the middle ages. 這幅知名畫作描繪出中古世紀一名鐵匠的生活。 *portray [pɔr`tre] vt. 描繪 延伸 goldsmith [`gold͵smɪθ] n. 金匠 silversmith [`sɪlvɚ͵smɪθ] n. 銀匠


[`blɪzɚd] n. 暴風雪 We got stuck in a blizzard for 3 hours on our way home. 回家途中,因為暴風雪的關係我們被困在路上長達 3 個小時。


[`bonəs] n. 獎金,紅利 Dick received a bonus of NT$5,000 last month due to his excellent performance. 迪克工作上有良好的表現,上個月收到台幣 5 千元的獎金。 比較 bonus 是指在固定薪水以外的『特別獎 金』,通常是對員工在工作上特殊的表現 給予的獎勵;而 dividend [`dɪvə͵dɛnd] 則是指公司的盈餘發配給股東們的『股息』。


[`brif͵kes] n. 公事包 Passengers on the plane were all terrified when the man claimed that there was a bomb in his briefcase. 當那名男子聲稱公事包內有炸彈時,機上乘客全嚇壞了。


[`brɔdən] vt. 拓寬,擴大(眼界) 片語 broaden one's horizons 開拓某人的眼界(*horizon 作單數時表『地平線』,作複數時表人生經驗或知識等的『範圍』。) To bring more visitors in, the city government decided to broaden the road that led to the seaside resort. 為了吸引更多觀光客前來,市府決定拓寬通往該濱海渡假勝地的道路。 The scholar's informative speech really broadened my horizons. 這位學者資訊豐富的演說真是令我開了眼界。


[`brʌðɚ͵hʊd] n. 手足之情 The staff in this department has a strong sense of brotherhood and excels at working as a team to overcome obstacles. 該部門的員工有著強烈如同手足般的情誼,擅長團隊合作以克服障礙。 *excel [ɪk`sɛl] vi. 擅長(與介詞 at 並用) *obstacle [`ɑbstəkḷ] n. 障礙


[`bulə͵vɑrd] n. 大道,林蔭大道 Our office is located on Sunset Boulevard. 我們的辦公室就座落在日落大道上。


[`bæk͵bon] n. 脊椎骨(- spine),支柱,勇氣,決心 片語 be the backbone of sth 為某物的支柱、棟樑 My backbone hurts from long hours of sitting. I need to stretch my legs. 我坐太久,脊椎好痛。我得活動活動筋骨。 The high-end computer industry is the backbone of this country's economy. 高科技電腦產業是該國的經濟支柱。 You can count on Todd as your leader. He has the backbone to make the right decisions. 陶德做你們領導很可靠。他有勇氣,能做出正確的決定。


[`bælət] n. 選票 片語 cast a ballot for sb 投票給某人 - cast a vote for sb For the upcoming election, make sure to cast a ballot for the candidate of your choice. 關於即將來臨的這場選舉,務必要將選票投給您心目中的候選人。


[`bændɪt] n. 強盜 The bandits attacked the stagecoach and robbed the passengers of all their belongings. 那些強盜攻擊驛馬車,並搶走了乘客所有的隨身物品。 *stagecoach [`stedʒ͵kotʃ] n. 驛馬車


[`bænɚ] n. 旗幟,長布條 There are banners everywhere in the city during the festival. 慶典的時候,城市中到處都插滿了旗幟。


[`bærən] a. 荒蕪的,不孕的(女性) We just drove through a barren desert with no plants in it. 我們剛開車經過一片沒什麼植物的貧脊沙漠。 Judy had learnt early in her marriage that she was barren. 茱蒂結婚後不久便得知她不能生育。


[`bætɚ] n. (棒球)打擊手 vt. 連續猛打 片語 batter sb to death with... 用⋯⋯把某人打死 John wished he could one day become a batter in the Major Leagues. 約翰希望他有一天能成為大聯盟的打擊手。 The mobsters battered the policeman to death. 暴徒們把該警員毆打致死。


[`bætʃəlɚ] n. 單身漢,(大學)學士 片語 a bachelor's degree 學士學位 Kevin remained a bachelor until he was in his 40s. 凱文一直是個光棍,到他四十幾歲才罷休。 Where did you get your bachelor's degree? 你是在那兒獲得你的學士學位的? 比較 spinster [`spɪnstɚ] n. 老處女(此字極為不雅,儘量少用)


[`bæŋkwɪt] n. 盛宴(正式場合的大型宴會) 片語 a state banquet 國宴 A state banquet will be held this evening in honor of the visiting President of the United States. 今晚將爲來訪的美國總統舉辦國宴。 比較 feast [fist] n. 盛宴(私人的小型宴會)④ a wedding feast 婚宴


[`bɑdɪlɪ] a. 身體的 The police charged the man with inflicting serious bodily harm on the vendor. 警方指控該名男子使小販受到嚴重的身體傷害。 *inflict [ɪn`flɪkt] vt. 使遭受(損傷) *inflict A on B 使 B 遭受 A 的打擊 *vendor [`vɛndɚ] n. 小販


[`bɑdɪ͵gɑrd] n. 保鑣 The billionaire is always accompanied by his bodyguards. 這位億萬富翁一直有保鑣陪在身邊。 *accompany [ə`kʌmpənɪ] vt. 陪伴 延伸 lifeguard [`laɪf͵gɑrd] n.(海上、游泳池)救生員 safeguard [`sef͵gɑrd] vt. 保衛 We should enact stricter regulations to safeguard our environment. 我們應該制定更嚴厲的法規保護環境。*enact [ɪn`ækt] vt. 制定


[`bɑksɚ] n. 拳擊手 It is said that this boxer always knocks his opponents out in the first round. 據說這名拳擊手總在第一輪就將對手擊昏。 *knock sb out 把某人擊昏 *knock sb down 把某人擊倒


[`bɑksɪŋ] n. 拳擊 Nick took up boxing as a way to increase his self confidence. 尼克開始從事拳擊運動以作為他增加自信心的方式。 *take up + N/V-ing 開始從事⋯⋯ 延伸 a boxing ring 拳擊台 比較 wrestling [`rɛslɪŋ] n. 摔角


[`bɑtənɪ] n. 植物學 片語 major in botany 主修植物學 Several new botanical lotions hit the market this season and started a new trend. 幾種新的植物性化妝水於本季上市,也帶動新的時尚。 *hit the market 上市 *trend [trɛnd] n. 趨勢 延伸 a botanical garden 植物園


[`bɔrdəm] n. 無聊(不可數) 片語 out of boredom 因為無聊 For Jane, every day is just work, eat and sleep. Life is full of boredom for her. - For Jane, every day is just work, eat and sleep. Life is boring for her. 對阿珍來說,每天就是工作、吃飯和睡覺。對她來說,人生真是無聊。 James sat in front of the TV all day and ate junk food out of boredom. 詹姆士整天因為無聊就坐在電視機前吃零食。 用法 bore 也可作名詞表『無聊的人或事』,為可數名詞。 John always spends his free time watching TV. He has no other hobbies. He is really a bore. 約翰空閒時候只會看電視。他沒有其他的嗜好。他真是個很無聊的人。


[`bɔɪ͵hʊd] n. 少年時代 Nowadays, the transition from boyhood to adulthood takes longer than it used to. 現今,從少年到成年的過渡期時間比以往來得長。 *transition [træn`zɪʃən] n. 過渡時期


[`bɛr͵fʊt] a. 光腳的(- barefooted [`bɛr͵fʊtɪd]) 片語 walk barefoot 光腳走路 - walk barefooted The barefooted boy fell into a pit accidentally. 這光腳的小男孩不小心掉到坑裡去了。


[`bɛr͵hændɪd] a. 徒手 The strong man said he was capable of killing a bear barehanded. - The strong man said he was capable of killing a bear with his bare hands. 這名強壯的男子說他可以徒手殺死一隻熊。 比較 empty-handed [`ɛmptɪ͵hændɪd] a. 空手的 Tom hoped he would win something in the game, but he came home empty-handed. 湯姆希望他可以在遊戲上贏得一些東西,卻空手而回。


[`bʊlɪ] vt. 欺負 n. 惡霸 The recent survey shows that one out of every five students is bullied at school. 最近一項調查顯示,學校裡每 5 名學生中就有 1 人被惡霸欺負。 Jason gave in to the school bully and gave him all his money. 傑森向這名學校惡霸低頭,把所有的錢都給了他。 *give in to sb 向某人屈服


[`bʊtʃɚ] n. 屠夫 vt. 屠宰(動物) My grandfather used to be a butcher who sold meat in the nearby market. 我祖父曾經是屠夫,在附近的市場裡賣肉。 The tribesmen butchered a pig during the ritual. 這些族人在祭典儀式中屠宰了一隻豬。 *ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式


[`bʊzəm] n. 胸 片語 a bosom friend 知心朋友 The mother held her baby to her bosom and sang him a lullaby. 母親把她的小寶寶抱在胸前,對他唱著搖籃曲。 Erica is my bosom friend. We share each other's ups and downs. 艾芮卡是我的知己。我們與對方分享生命的高低潮。


[`bʌlkɪ] a. 笨重的,體型龐大的 I prefer a laptop because a desktop is bulky and difficult to move. 我較喜歡筆記型電腦,因為桌上型電腦既笨重又難搬動。 *laptop [`læp͵tɑp] n. 膝上型電腦,筆記型電腦 My brother is very bulky, while I'm as thin as a stick. 我哥哥體型龐大,但我瘦得跟竹竿似的。


[`daɪə͵lɛkt] n. 方言 The characters in the movie spoke in a Scottish dialect. 這部電影裡的角色講蘇格蘭方言。


[`daʊn͵wɚd(z)] adv. 向下 The road goes downward(s) before going upward(s) again. 這條路會先下坡,然後又會上坡。


[`daʊn͵wɚd] a. 往下的 Farmers are worried that the downward trend of vegetable prices will continue for a long time to come. 農民們很擔心菜價下跌的趨勢未來會持續好一陣子。


[`draɪv͵we] n. 車道 There is a beautiful sports car parked in the driveway. 車道上停了一台漂亮的跑車。 用法 該字指在美國私人住宅與公眾街道間隔的一小段路面,即『車道』。


[`drɑp͵aʊt] 複數形: dropouts [`drɑp͵aʊts] n. 退學生 Most of the people who attended this vocational training course were high school dropouts. 參加這個職業訓練的學生大部分是高中輟學生。 *vocational [vo`keʃənḷ] a. 職業的 延伸 drop out 輟學;退出 Mary dropped out of school after she got pregnant. 瑪麗懷孕後就輟學了。*pregnant [`prɛgnənt] a. 懷孕的


[`drɛsɪŋ] n. 沙拉醬 I always get Thousand Island dressing when I order salads. 我點沙拉時總是會用千島醬。 比較 seasoning [`sizṇɪŋ] n. 調味料(胡椒粉等) condiment [`kɑndəmənt] n. 醬料(蕃茄醬等) sauce [sɔs] n. 醬(拌食物用的)


[`duɪŋ] n. 做的事,行為 片語 be one's (own) doing 某人應得的結果 Don't blame fate because your bankruptcy was your own doing. 不要怪罪命運,因為破產的結果是你自己造成的。 *bankruptcy [`bæŋkrəptsɪ] n. 破產


[`dwɛl] vi. 居住 片語 dwell in... 居住於⋯⋯ - reside in... The people have dwelt in the desert for thousands of years. - The people have resided in the desert for thousands of years. 該支民族已居住在沙漠中數千年之久。 dwell on... 老想著⋯⋯ Stop dwelling on the past and feeling sorry for yourself! You must move on. 別再老想著過去自怨自艾了!你要往前走。 My parents dwelt in a small house before I was born. 我出生之前,父母住在一間小屋子裡。


[`dwɛlɪŋ] n. 住處 Mr. Parker's dwelling was basic and clean. 帕克先生的住處簡單又乾淨。


[`dæzḷɪŋ] a. 令人目眩的 The sun was so dazzling that I had to wear sunglasses while walking on the street. 陽光太強了,我上街得戴太陽眼鏡才行。


[`dɑkjəmənt] n. 文件 vt. 紀錄 These confidential documents must be kept in a safer place instead of just lying on your desk. 這些機密文件應當放在比較隱密的地方,而不是放你桌上。 *confidential [͵kɑnfə`dɛnʃəl] a. 機密的 This movie documented the disaster in detail. 這部電影詳細紀錄了這場災難。


[`dɔrmə͵tɔrɪ] n. 宿舍(常縮寫為 dorm [dɔrm]) I stayed in a dormitory and had three roommates when I was in college. 我大學時住在學校宿舍,有 3 個室友。


[`dɔr͵stɛp] n. 門階 Marcus stood on the doorstep, hesitating over whether or not to knock on the door. 馬可仕站在門階上,猶豫要不要敲門。


[`dɔr͵we] n. 門口 片語 in the doorway 在門口 The policeman stood in the doorway, blocking my way out. 那個警察站在門口,擋住我的去路。


[`dɛləgɪt] n. 代表 The delegates have discussed the problem for days without coming to a consensus. 代表們討論這個問題已持續了幾天,仍未達成共識。 *consensus [kən`sɛnsəs] n. 共識


[`dɛmə͵kræt] n. (大寫)民主黨員 Democrats hold very different political views from Republicans. 民主黨員和共和黨員的政治見解很不同。


[`dɛstənɪ] n. 命運,天命 片語 be the master of one's own destiny 作自己命運的主宰 - control one's own destiny Paul wondered what his destiny would be like after he was sent to the front. 保羅想知道自己被派往前線作戰後的命運會如何。 Without determination and hard work, how can you be the master of your own destiny? 若無決心和努力,你怎能成為自己命運的主宰呢?


[`dɛstɪnd] a. 注定的 片語 be destined to V 注定要⋯⋯ - be bound to V be destined for + 地方 預定開往某地 - be bound for + 地方 The author is young but has published over 10 books. He seems destined to become a great writer. 該作者年紀輕輕但已出版超過10本書了。看來他注定會成為一位偉大作家。 All flights destined for Sydney today are cancelled because of the storm. 因為暴風雨的關係,今天預定前往雪梨的所有班機全被取消了。


[`dʒe͵wɔk] vi. 不守規則穿越馬路 Jaywalking is illegal. You can be fined if police observe you doing that. 穿越馬路是不合法的。如果你被警察看到會被罰款。 延伸 a road hog 路霸,隨意變換車道、胡亂開車的人


[`dʒuvənḷ] a. 青少年的 n. 青少年 片語 juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 delinquency [dɪ`lɪŋkwənsɪ] n. 違法行為 juvenile delinquent 不良少年 delinquent [dɪ`lɪŋkwənt] n. 違法者 Juvenile delinquency is a deep-seated problem in almost every country. 幾乎在每一個國家中,青少年犯罪都是根深蒂固的問題。 In most cases, juvenile delinquents come from troubled families. 少年犯大多來自問題家庭。


[`dʒænətɚ] n. (學校)工友 The school's janitor cleaned and waxed the basketball court before the tournament. 學校工友在錦標賽之前把籃球場清理乾淨並且打了蠟。 *tournament [`tɝnəmənt] n. 聯賽,淘汰賽


[`dʒæsmɪn] n. 茉莉 Jasmine is my favorite flower. 茉莉是我最喜歡的花。


[`dʒɑlɪ] a. 快樂的 Everyone had a jolly time at the banquet. 每個人在宴會上都很盡興。


[`dʒɔɪəs] a. 快樂的 片語 a joyous occasion 令人高興的場合 A wedding is a joyous occasion. 婚禮是個令人開心的場合。


[`dʒɛndɚ] n. 性別 片語 gender difference 性別差異 The young couple were eager to know the gender of their baby. 這對年輕夫妻急著想知道小寶寶的性別。 Gender differences are not as solid as they appear to be. 性別差異並非如表面看來那般牢不可破。 比較 gender 一般專指性別,而 sex 除『性別』 之外,亦可指『性』、『性愛』。


[`dʒɝnəlɪst] n. 新聞從業人員 According to a recent survey, most journalists think they're working under too much pressure. 根據一項最近的調查,大多數的新聞從業人員認為他們的工作壓力過大。 延伸 此字包含 reporter [rɪ`pɔrtɚ](記者)、editor [`ɛdɪtɚ](編輯)、anchorman [`æŋkɚ͵mæn](主播)、newscaster[`njuz͵kæstɚ](新聞廣播員)。


[`dʒɝnḷ͵ɪzəm] n. 新聞學 The position is open to applicants who majored in journalism while in college. 這份職缺供大學主修新聞學的求職者申請。 延伸 the Department of Journalism 新聞系


[`fɝtḷ͵aɪzɚ] n. 肥料 Organic fertilizers are much better than chemical fertilizers for the environment. 有機肥料要比化學肥料對環境更有益。


[`dʒɪpsɪ] 複數形: gypsies [`dʒɪpsɪz] n. 吉普賽人 Gypsies were known for their exotic performances and traveling from place to place. 吉普賽人因為他們充滿異國情調的表演以及周遊各地而出名。 *exotic [ɪg`zɑtɪk] a. 異國情調的


[`dʒɪŋgḷ] vi. 發出叮噹聲 n. 叮噹聲 The jingling sound of bells always reminds me of Christmas. 鈴鐺叮叮噹噹的聲音總是讓我想到聖誕節。 The dog ran to greet his master when he heard the jingle of keys outside the door. 那隻狗聽到門外有鑰匙的叮咚聲時就跑去迎接主人。


[`dʒʌstə͵faɪ] vt. 證明⋯⋯是合理的,使合理化 The ends justify the means. 結果都能使手段合理化/為達目的不擇手段。──諺語 Sorry, I can't justify taking a day off to stand in line for a magic show. 抱歉,請一天假去排隊看魔術表演,我找不出理由認為這樣做是有道理的。 用法 a. justify 是及物動詞,表『證明⋯⋯是合理的』,之後可接名詞或動名詞作受詞。 b. justified 是過去分詞,表『合理的』,有下列片語: be justified in + V-ing(某人)⋯⋯是合理的 The boy was too naughty, so his dad was justified in punishing him. 這孩子太過調皮,因此他老爸處罰他是有道理的。


[`eljən] a. 外國的 n. (住在他國的)僑民,外星人 There are an estimated 50,000 alien residents in this country. 該國估計有 5 萬名外僑。 Before becoming a US citizen, Roy was labeled an alien by the government. 成為美國公民前,羅伊被政府歸類為外國人。 Do you believe in aliens from outer space? 你相信外太空有外星人的存在嗎? 用法 alien 作形容詞時,也可表『奇特的』,有下列用法: be alien to sb 對某人而言很奇特 - be strange to sb That practice is alien to us. 那個習俗對我們而言很奇特。


[`faɪbɚ] n. 纖維 Recent studies show that a high-fiber diet may help prevent cancer. 近來諸多研究顯示,高纖飲食可能有助於預防癌症。


[`faɪnaɪt] a. 有限的 It's worrying that the earth's finite resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. 地球上有限的資源正以驚人的速度被開發利用,這點令人擔憂。 *exploit [ɪk`splɔɪt] vt. 利用,剝削 *alarming [ə`lɑrmɪŋ] a. 驚人的,令人擔憂的 *at an alarming rate 以驚人的速度


[`fibḷ] a. 虛弱的 Bob was too feeble to talk right after the operation. 鮑伯在手術剛完後太過虛弱,無法講話。


[`fluənsɪ] n. 流利,流利度 The fluency of Andrea's English surprised the visiting foreign guests. 安德雅流利的英文使那些來訪的外賓很驚訝。


[`flɔlɪs] a. 完美的,無瑕疵的 Maggie's flawless skin is the envy of every girl at shool. 瑪姬完美無瑕的肌膚讓全校女生羨慕。


[`flɝɪʃ] vi. 茂盛,興旺 The company began to flourish after the new manager took charge. 新的經理接管後,公司的業務蒸蒸日上。


[`fok͵lor] n. 民間傳說(不可數) In folklore, foxes often represent cunning and evil. 民間傳說裡,狐狸通常象徵狡猾與邪惡。 *cunning [`kʌnɪŋ] n. 狡猾 & a. 奸詐狡猾的


[`frem͵wɝk] n. 架構,構造 Every thesis has to be written within a certain framework or it will be too general. 每篇論文必須在某一架構範圍內撰寫,否則內容會太大而化之。


[`frækʃən] n. 小部分,微量 片語 a fraction of... 一小部分的⋯⋯ Vicky spends only a small fraction of her earnings on clothes. 維琪只花一小部分的收入在衣服上。


[`fræntɪk] a. 發狂似的 Mary's mother was becoming frantic because her daughter had been missing for several days. 瑪麗失蹤好幾天了,她的母親焦慮地快抓狂了。


[`fæbrɪk] n. 布料(不可數),結構(- structure) 片語 cotton fabric 棉布料 We will display our new range of fabrics at the exhibition. 我們將在展覽中陳列出我們各式的新款布料。 Our social fabric is being threatened by crime and a bad economy. 我們的社會結構正遭受犯罪和經濟蕭條的嚴重威脅。


[`færən͵haɪt] n. 華氏 The temperature this afternoon will rise to about ninety degrees Fahrenheit. 今天下午的溫度會上升到大約華氏 90 度。


[`fæsṇ͵et] vt. 使著迷(通常作過去分詞當形容詞用) 片語 be fascinated with/by... 對⋯⋯著迷 Tim was fascinated by the girl's sweet and tender voice on the phone. 電話中這位女孩的聲音甜美又溫柔,把提姆給迷住了。


[`fæsṇ͵etɪŋ] a. 迷人的 片語 find...fascinating 覺得⋯⋯非常有趣 The book had a dull name, but after I read it, I found it quite fascinating. 這本書的書名很無趣,可是在我讀過之後,我發現它令我著迷。 *dull [dʌl] a. 乏味的


[`fɔltɚ] vi. 結巴,動搖 Larry's voice faltered when he tried to talk to the beautiful girl. 賴瑞試著跟那美女說話時聲音就變得結結巴巴。 We shall not falter in the face of adversity. 我們面對逆境也不應動搖。


[`fɔrmæt] vt. 格式化,編排 n. 格式 You will have to format your disk to get rid of the virus. 要除掉病毒,妳得要將硬碟格式化才行。 The reference book is easy to use, because its layout is formatted in a reader-friendly manner. 這本工具書很好用,因為它的版面是以便利讀者的方式所編排的。 An updated version of this program enables it to support up to fifteen different music file formats. 該程式的升級版本使它能支援多達 15 種不同的音樂檔案格式。


[`fɛdərəl] a. 聯邦的 片語 federal funding 聯邦政府的支助 This publishing company relies mainly upon federal funding. 這家出版社主要是依賴聯邦政府的支助。 The federal government will donate $1 billion to those states that need money for their economic development. 聯邦政府將捐贈十億美元給有經援需求的幾個州以發展他們的經濟。 延伸 the Federal Government of the United States(美國)聯邦政府(亦可寫成 the federal government of the United States)


[`fɪdḷ] n. 小提琴 片語 play the fiddle 拉小提琴 be as fit as a fiddle 身體很健康 - be very healthy play second fiddle to sb 當某人的副手 Even though my grandma is 80 years old, she is still as fit as a fiddle. 雖然我祖母已經 80 歲了,可是她還是很健康。 I'm tired of always playing second fiddle to Brian. I'm going to quit. 我厭倦老是當布萊恩的副手。我要辭職。


[`fɪltɚ] vi. 過濾 n. 過濾器 片語 filter out... 將⋯⋯過濾掉 The ozone layer filters out harmful UV rays from the sun. 臭氧層過濾掉陽光中有害的紫外線。 *UV rays 紫外線(- ultraviolet rays) Water filters must be replaced regularly. 濾水器要定時更換。


[`fɪʃərɪ] n. 漁場 The fishery has been polluted so seriously that many fish species are endangered. 該漁場受到嚴重汙染致使許多魚類瀕臨絕種。 *endangered [ɪn`dendʒɚd] a. 瀕臨絕種的 延伸 fishery 亦可指『漁業』。


[`fʌsɪ] a. 挑剔的 片語 be fussy about... 對⋯⋯很挑剔 - be picky about... - be particular about... - be choosy about... We all dislike the manager because he is extremely fussy about details. 我們都不喜歡這位經理,因為他對細節太挑剔了。 比較 fuzzy [`fʌzɪ] a.(聲音、圖像等)不清晰的


[`gaɪdlaɪn] n. 行動綱領,指導原則(常用複數) I think we'll need a new set of guidelines for the staff members to improve their work efficiency. 我想公司職員需要一套新的行動綱領,好改善他們的工作效率。


[`gleʃɚ `glæsɪə] n. 冰河 The glacier is moving at a rate of 1 meter a year. 該冰河以每年 1 公尺的速度移動。 比較 iceberg [`aɪs͵bɝg] n. 冰山


[`glifəl] a. 快樂的 A couple of gleeful children were playing hide-and-seek in the park. 幾個快樂的孩子正在公園內玩躲貓貓。


[`glumɪ] a. 陰暗的,不樂觀的,洩氣的 The scholar spent most of his life doing research in this small, gloomy lab. 這位學者花費半生在這間窄小陰暗的實驗室做研究。 The doctor seemed to have a rather gloomy attitude about the patient's chance of recovery. 醫生似乎對病人的康復機率抱持著相當不樂觀的態度。


[`glɪsṇ] vi. 閃耀,發光 Judy's face was red and glistened with sweat after a game of tennis. 打完一場網球賽後,茱蒂的臉紅通通的,汗水在上面閃爍。


[`glɪtɚ] vi. 發光,閃爍 n. 閃耀,光彩 Irene's eyes glittered with joy when she saw her fiancé walking towards her. 看見未婚夫向她走來,艾琳的眼睛閃爍著喜悅。 諺語 All that glitters is not gold. (好看的東西未必中用——喻虛有其表。)


[`grævətɪ] n. 地心引力,嚴重性 片語 the gravity of... ⋯⋯的嚴重性 We are able to walk on the ground because of gravity. 我們因為有地心引力才能在地面上行走。 Apparently our boss did not understand the gravity of the situation. 我們老闆似乎並不了解情況的嚴重性。


[`grʌmbḷ] vt. vi. 抱怨 n. 抱怨,發牢騷(常用複數) 片語 whine about sth 抱怨某事 - complain about sth That old man grumbles about everything. Just ignore him. 那個老頭什麼都可以抱怨。別管他了。 "You never listen to what I say," Maria grumbled. 『你從沒好好聽我說話,』瑪麗亞抱怨。 We'll be in big trouble if the boss hears our grumbles. 要是老闆聽見我們發牢騷,我們的麻煩可大了。


[`gæləp] vi. 奔馳 n. (馬的)奔馳 片語 break into a gallop 突然奔馳起來 The white horse galloped elegantly along the beach. 這匹白馬優雅地奔馳過這片沙灘。 The horse broke into a gallop when it heard the gun shot. 馬匹聽到槍聲時,就開始全力衝刺。


[`gæðərɪŋ] n. 聚會(通常與介詞 at 並用) 片語 a social gathering 社交聚會;聯歡會 There will be a small gathering tonight at John's house to celebrate his retirement. 今晚在約翰家將有一個小型的聚會,慶祝他退休。


[`gɑbḷ] vt. 狼吞虎嚥 片語 gobble sth down 將某物很快吃掉 - wolf sth down John gobbled down his breakfast in two minutes and left quickly for work. 阿強兩分鐘就把早餐大口吃完,然後匆匆趕去上班。


[`gɑrmənt] n. 成衣(可數) This garment must be hand-washed and air dried. 這件衣服一定要手洗並陰乾。


[`gɑspḷ] n. 福音(- good news) 片語 preach the Gospel 傳福音 gospel music 福音歌曲 The Christians sang gospel music to praise God. 這些基督徒唱福音歌曲讚美主。


[`gɔrdʒəs] a. 美麗的,極棒的 Sammy looks gorgeous in that white dress. 山米穿那件白色洋裝看來美極了。


[`haɪtṇ] vt. 提高 A symphony orchestra was used to heighten the dramatic effect of the opera. 該歌劇用交響樂團來增加歌劇的戲劇效果。 *opera [`ɑpərə] n. 歌劇 The result of the election heightened the tension between the two different ethnic groups. 選舉的結果造成這兩個不同族群間的關係更加緊張。 *ethnic [`ɛθnɪk] a. 種族的


[`haɪ͵dʒæk] vt. 劫持 n. 劫持(飛機) Passengers screamed in terror when the terrorists took out their guns in an attempt to hijack the plane. 當恐怖份子掏出槍來企圖劫機時,機上乘客全都尖叫嚇壞了。 The security was tightened because of the recent hijack. 因為最近的劫機事件,安全措施增加了。


[`haɪ͵faɪ] n. 高傳真音響 a. 高傳真的(音響等) A hi-fi set conventionally includes an amplifier, a CD player, and two loudspeakers. 高傳真音響組合傳統上都包括一個擴大器,CD 播放器及兩個音箱。 延伸 hi-fi 為 high fidelity 的縮寫 fidelity [fɪ`dɛlətɪ] n. 保真度 a hi-fi set 音響組合


[`haʊzɪŋ] n. 住屋(總稱) 片語 a housing project 國民住宅 The government will increase the budget for housing projects to benefit poor families. 政府將增加國民住宅的預算以嘉惠貧窮家庭。


[`hol͵sel] n. 批發 a. 批發的 We buy plain T-shirts at wholesale, add some decorations to them, and then sell at retail prices. 我們以批發價買進素色 T 恤,加上一些裝飾後再以零售價賣出。 Wholesale prices of roses increased by 20 percent before Valentine's Day. 情人節之前,玫瑰花的批發價格上漲了百分之 20。


[`hændɪ͵kræft] n. 手工藝,技藝(- craft),手工藝品 Nowadays, few locals are capable of performing this traditional handicraft. 當地人如今幾乎已經不會使這門技藝了。 Vivian learned how to make several kinds of handicrafts from her grandmother. 薇薇安從她祖母那兒學會了做幾樣手工藝品。


[`hændɪ͵kæp] vt. 使有障礙 n. 不利的條件 Our project was handicapped by lack of funding. 我們的企劃因為缺乏資金而有執行的障礙。 Your criminal record will be a handicap when they consider you for the job. 他們在考慮是否給你這份工作時,你的犯罪紀錄將成為一大不利條件。


[`hændɪ͵kæpt] a. 殘障的 片語 the handicapped (泛指)殘障人士(後接複數動詞) It is generally considered impolite to call people with disabilities "handicapped." 稱呼身心障礙同胞為『殘障』通常被視作不禮貌。 *disability [͵dɪsə`bɪlətɪ] n.(身心方面的)殘疾 延伸 由於 handicapped 與 crippled 均帶有歧視意味,現今多用 physically challenged(生理上受到挑戰的)表示『行動不便的』,而以 people with disabilities 表示『行動不便人士』。


[`hɑkɪ] n. 曲棍球 If you want to play ice hockey, the first thing you need to learn is how to ice skate. 你若想要打冰上曲棍球,就要先學習如何溜冰。 比較 ice hockey 冰上曲棍球


[`hɑrdɪ] a. (植物)耐寒的,(人)能吃苦的 This type of tree is very hardy, meaning it can be grown in cold climates. 這種樹能耐得起低溫,意味它能生長在寒冷的氣候中。 Children brought up in poor families are generally hardy and independent. 一般而言,在窮苦家庭長大的孩子能吃苦也能獨立。


[`hɑrnɪs] n. 馬具,登山安全帶(集合名詞,不可數) vt. 利用 Jim fell off the mountain because his harness was broken. 吉姆的登山安全帶斷掉,因此他墜入山崖。 This device can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity for this building. 這個裝置能利用風力為這棟建築物提供電力。


[`hɑrtɪ] a. 衷心的,豐盛的 片語 a hearty welcome 衷心的歡迎 a hearty breakfast 豐盛的早餐 The host gave us a hearty welcome when we arrived. 我們抵達時,主人衷心歡迎我們。 After a hearty breakfast, we set out to climb the mountain. 吃完了豐盛的早餐,我們就出發去登山了。


[`hɑstɪdʒ] n. 人質 All the hostages were released after the police met the demands of the terrorists. 在警方滿足恐怖份子的要求後,所有的人質都被釋放了。 用法 hostage 為可數名詞。 Five hostages are still kept over there. 5 名人仍被留在那兒。 但在下列片語中,hostage 恆為單數: hold/take sb hostage 扣押某人當人質 The bank staff and customers were taken hostage by the robbers. 銀行行員跟顧客都被搶匪挾持做為人質。 The robbers held the two guards hostage in order to ensure their safe escape. 強盜扣留這兩名警衛作人質,以確保他們能安全脫逃。


[`hɑstɪl/`hɑstḷ] a. 有敵意的,(生長條件)惡劣的 片語 be hostile to/towards sb 對某人有敵意 Adolescents are often hostile to their parents. 青少年常對父母抱持敵意。(*adolescent [͵ædḷ`ɛsṇt] n. 青少年 - teenager [`tin͵edʒɚ] n.) The government's project to build a nuclear plant near the beach was met with a hostile reception from locals. 政府於海濱興建核發電廠遭到當地居民惡意回應。 No plants can possibly grow in such a hostile environment. 在如此惡劣的環境中植物很難生長。


[`hɛrəld] vt. 通報 n. 先鋒,預報者 The newspaper heralded the arrival of a violent typhoon. 報紙預先發佈了一個強烈颱風即將來臨的消息。 The swallow is a herald of spring coming. 燕子預示春天就要來了。


[`hɛr͵du] 複數形: hairdos [`hɛr͵duz] n. 髮型 The celebrity showed up at the awards ceremony with an elaborate hairdo. 這位名人以一頭精心設計的髮型出席頒獎典禮。 *elaborate [ɪ`læbərɪt] a. 精心製作的


[`hɛr͵staɪl] n. 髮型 Changing to a short hairstyle in the summertime is comfortable and easy to manage. 夏天時改留一頭短髮的造型既舒服且又容易整理。


[`hɛvənlɪ] a. 天的,天堂的,極好的 片語 the heavenly body 天體 heavenly Father 天父 heavenly melodies 天籟之聲,悅耳的旋律 All the stars you see are heavenly bodies. 你看到的所有星星都是天體。 Oh heavenly Father, please forgive my sins. 天父啊,請原諒我的罪過。 I think your spaghetti is simply heavenly. 我認為妳煮的義大利麵是人間美味。 比較 haven [`hevən] n. 避難所


[`hɝbḷ/`ɝbḷ] a. 藥草的 People in China have been practicing herbal medicine for thousands of years. 中國人使用草藥治病已有千年之久。 延伸 herbal tea 花草茶 herbal medicine 草藥學;草藥


[`hɝmɪt] n. 隱士 The hermit secluded himself and now leads a life of solitude. 這名隱士自我隔離,過著隱居的生活。 *seclude [sɪ`klud] vt. 使隔離 *solitude [`sɑlə͵tjud] n. 隱居,孤獨


[`hʌvɚ] vi. (鳥、直升機)盤旋 片語 hover over... 在⋯⋯上空盤旋 hover overhead 在頭上盤旋 A hawk hovered over the prairie, searching for prey. 一隻隼鷹在大草原上盤旋,尋找獵物。 *prairie [`prɛrɪ] n. 大草原 *prey [pre] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數) When I arrived at school this morning, I noticed a police helicopter hovering overhead. 我今天早上到學校時,看到有架警用直升機在我頭頂上盤旋。


[`krɪstḷ] n. 水晶 a. 水晶般的,清澈的 片語 crystal clear 清晰的,極為清楚的。此為複合形容詞,形容清澈如水晶般,即『非常清楚』之意。 We have no more questions. Your explanation is crystal clear. 我們沒任何問題了。你的解釋很清楚。 Peter has a fine collection of crystal glasses. 彼得珍藏了許多高級水晶酒杯。 延伸 a crystal ball 水晶球 a crystal brook 清澈的小溪


[`igo `ɛgo] n. 自尊心,自我 片語 boost sb's ego 增強某人的信心 bruise one's ego 傷某人的自尊心 Roger is a man of average intelligence, but he does have a strong ego. 羅德才智平庸,但他自尊心奇強。 Kathy is popular among her male colleagues because she really knows how to boost their egos. 凱西很受男同事歡迎,因為她真的懂得如何增強他們的自信心。 My ego was bruised when Lilly called me a loser. 莉莉說我是沒路用 (台語) 的人,讓我自尊心很受傷。


[`jogə] n. 瑜珈 片語 do yoga 做瑜珈 Doing yoga regularly can help you improve your health. 定期做瑜珈可幫助改善健康。 比較 yoghurt [`jogɚt] n. 優格,酸奶


[`kaʊnsḷ] n. 忠告(不可數) vt. 勸告,建議 片語 counsel sb to V 建議某人從事⋯⋯ - advise sb to V We should listen to wise counsel so that we can make proper decisions. 我們應該要聽從明智的忠告,以便能做出適當的決定。 The attorney counseled his client not to accept the settlement. 律師建議他的當事人不要接受和解。 比較 council [`kaʊnsḷ] n. 議會 consul [`kɑnsḷ] n. 領事人員


[`kaʊnsḷɚ] n. 顧問,輔導老師 The school counselor and I talked about which courses I should take. 學校的輔導老師和我談論有關我該修哪些課程的事宜。


[`kaʊnsḷɪŋ] n. 諮商 Marriage counseling can help couples resolve problems in their marriage. 婚姻諮詢可以協助夫妻解決婚姻中遇到的問題。 *resolve [rɪ`zɑlv] vt. 解決(- solve)


[`kaʊnt͵daʊn] n. 倒數 NASA will start the countdown for the launch of the space shuttle at 5 a.m. 美國太空總署將於凌晨 5 點展開太空梭發射的倒數計時。 *NASA 是 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 的縮寫。


[`kaʊɚdlɪ] a. 膽小的 Peter is cowardly because he tends to panic at the sight of a small bug. 彼得看到小蟲就容易驚慌,因此很膽小。 *panic [`pænɪk] vi. 驚恐


[`kaʊɚdɪs] n. 膽小(抽象名詞) It would be an act of cowardice not to stand up and protect your family in the face of danger. 面對危險時如果不站出來保護家人會被視為是膽小的行為。


[`klovɚ] n. 酢漿草,紅花草 片語 a four-leaf clover 有四片葉子的酢漿草(幸運的象徵) A four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck because it's rather hard to come by. 四葉草是幸運的象徵,因為它很難找到。 *come by 得到(- obtain [əb`ten])


[`klɑk͵waɪz] a. 順時針的 adv. 順時針地 Screw in the screw in a clockwise direction to fasten the shelf. 用螺絲起子把螺絲以順時針方向轉入,以鎖緊層版。 Turn the key clockwise to lock the door. 把鑰匙順時針轉以把門鎖上。


[`klʌstɚ] n. 一群 vi. 聚集 片語 a cluster of... 一群⋯⋯ cluster around... 聚在⋯⋯周圍 There was a cluster of fans surrounding the teen idol, asking for his autograph. 這名青少年偶像的身旁圍繞著一群粉絲,向他索取簽名。 *teen [tin] a. 青少年的 *autograph [`ɔtə͵græf] n. 親筆簽名 The old man's grandchildren clustered around him to listen to tales about his childhood. 老先生的孫子們圍繞他身旁,聽他講述童年的故事。 *tale [tel] n. 故事,傳說


[`kost͵laɪn] n. 海岸線 We went for a beautiful scenic drive along the coastline. 我們沿著海岸線開車,欣賞沿途美麗的景色。 *go for a drive 開車兜風


[`kozɪ] a. 舒適的(cosy〔英〕) The big fireplace and the couch make the living room so cozy in winter. 這個大壁爐和沙發讓客廳在冬天時看起來很舒適溫暖。


[`kretɚ] n. 火山口 The scientists are observing the crater for possible volcanic activity. 科學家們在觀察火山口有無可能的火山活動。 *volcanic [vɑl`kænɪk] a. 火山的 *volcano [vɑl`keno] n. 火山


[`krækɚ] n. (鹹)餅乾 Danny likes to eat cheese on crackers. 丹尼喜歡吃上面塗有起司的餅乾。


[`kræk͵daʊn] n. 鎮壓,嚴厲手段 A crackdown on drunk driving was urgently called for after the tragic accident. 這件悲劇意外發生後,政府亟需取締酒後駕車。 *call for... 需要⋯⋯(- require...) 用法 crackdown 表『整飭』或『掃蕩』,與 on 並用。crack 與 down 分開用時,則為片語動詞,亦須與介詞 on 並用,形成下列固定片語: crack down on sth 整頓某物 crack down on pollution 整頓汙染 crack down on the underworld 掃黑 crack down on pornography 掃黃(*pornography [pɔr`nɑgrəfɪ] n. 色情)


[`krɑkə͵daɪl] n. 長吻鱷 片語 shed crocodile tears 假慈悲 Don't shed crocodile tears for the guy who lost the tennis game. I know you're happy he lost. 你不用再貓哭耗子假慈悲,可憐輸了這場網球比賽的人。我知道你很高興他輸了。


[`krɔsɪŋ] n. 行人穿越道 片語 take the crossing 走行人穿越道(過馬路) You should take the crossing to cross the street. It's safer this way. 你應該用行人穿越道過馬路。這樣比較安全。 延伸 sidewalk [`saɪd͵wɔk] n. 人行道〔美〕② pavement [`pevmənt] n.人行道〔英〕③ a zebra crossing 斑馬線〔英〕 - a pedestrian crossing〔英〕 - a crosswalk〔美〕


[`krɔs͵rodz] n. 十字路口,人生轉折點(單複數同形) 片語 at the crossroads 在十字路口 be at a crossroads 在人生重大轉折點上 You can get off the bus at the next crossroads intersection. The hospital is right over there. 你可以在下一個十字路口下公車。醫院就在那兒。 Tracy's life is at a crossroads. She has to decide whether to continue her studies, or start working so she can help support her poor family. 崔西正在人生的轉折點上。她得決定是否繼續唸書,或是開始工作好幫助她貧困的家人。 比較 the turning point 人生轉捩點(通常指因為某事發生而產生好的結果) That party was the turning point in Paul's life. There he met Barbara, his future wife. 那個派對是保羅的人生轉捩點。他在那兒遇見芭芭拉,也就是他將來的太太。


[`kæktəs] 複數形: cacti [`kæktaɪ] cactuses [`kæktəsɪz] n. 仙人掌 Cacti are plants that are extremely adaptable to dry environments. 仙人掌這種植物對乾燥環境的適應力非常強。 *adaptable [ə`dæptəbḷ] a. 能適應的 *be adaptable to sth 能適應某物


[`kænən] n. 大砲 In the past, people used cannons as weapons to fight. 過去,人們用大砲作為打仗時的武器。


[`kætəgə͵raɪz] vt. 將⋯⋯分類 片語 be categorized as sth 被歸類為某物 - be classified as sth be categorized into A and B 被區分為 A 和 B - be classified into A and B The author's latest work cannot be categorized as a novel. 這位作者最新的作品不能被歸類為小說。 The participants in this study are categorized into adult and teenager groups. 這項研究的參與者被區分成成人組和青少年組。


[`kætə͵gɔrɪ] n. 種類,範疇 片語 fall into two categories 分成兩個種類 Head injuries fall into two categories: external and internal. 頭部傷害可分成兩個種類:外部和內部傷害。


[`kɑlig] n. 同事 Being ill-tempered, John has difficulty getting along with colleagues. 約翰脾氣不好,跟同事處不來。 *ill-tempered [ɪl`tɛmpɚd] a. 壞脾氣的


[`kɑmbæt]/[kəm`bæt] n. 戰鬥 vt. 打擊 片語 be in combat/battle 戰鬥中 combat sth 打擊某事 The troops of the two countries were exhausted after eight years of fierce combat. 經過八年的激戰,兩國的部隊都已筋疲力竭。 The government took effective measures to combat crimes in the city. 政府採取有效措施打擊城市的犯罪。 *measure [`mɛʒɚ] n. 措施


[`kɑmjʊnɪst] n. 共產主義者 a. 共產的 Communists believe in a classless society and equal distribution of wealth. 共產主義者篤信無階級的社會以及財富的公平分配。 There is a detailed description about how a communist society works in this book. 本書詳細說明共產主義的社會是如何運作的。


[`kɑmjʊ͵nɪzəm] n. 共產主義 The main ideas of communism can be found in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. 共產主義的基本信念可以在卡爾‧馬克思的著作《共產主義宣言》裡找到。 *manifesto [͵mænə`fɛsto] n. 宣言


[`kɑmpaʊnd]/[kɑm`paʊnd] n. 合成物 a. 合成的,複合的 vt. 混合 Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是氫與氧的合成物。 A sentence made up of two or more main clauses is called a compound sentence. 由兩個或兩個以上的主要子句構成的句子稱為複合句。 The pharmacist compounded several medicines according to the prescription. 藥劑師按照處方把好幾種藥混合在一起。 *pharmacist [`fɑrməsɪst] n. 藥劑師


[`kɑmplə͵mɛnt]/[`kɑmpləmənt] vt. 讚美 n. 讚美,恭維 片語 compliment sb on sth 讚美某人 pay sb a compliment 對某人表示讚美 Anthony complimented his date on her elegant red gown. 安東尼讚美他約會對象優雅的紅色禮服。 Guests paid Catherine a compliment on her newly furnished house. 來賓對凱瑟琳新裝潢的房子表示稱讚。


[`kɑmprə͵maɪz] n. 妥協 vi. 妥協 vt. 危害(名譽、原則) 片語 reach a compromise with sb on sth 與某人就某事達成協議 make compromises 妥協 We all have to make compromises in life despite ourselves. 我們在生活中都必須不得不做出妥協。 After several days of negotiations, we finally reached a compromise with our business partners on certain issues. 經過幾天的談判,我們終於就若干事項與我們的生意夥伴達成協議。 Management refused to compromise with the union members. 資方拒絕跟勞方妥協。 If I know John, he would rather be shot than compromise his principles. 如果我瞭解約翰這個人的話,他是寧死也不肯違背自己原則的。


[`kɑmpækt]/[kəm`pækt] a. (空間)小而設備齊全的 vt. 壓縮,擠壓 I just moved into a new apartment that's quite compact and cozy; and most importantly, the rent is pretty cheap. 我剛剛搬進一間小而設備齊全、舒適的公寓;最重要的是,房租很便宜。 *cozy [`kozɪ] a. 舒適的 All the rubbish will have to be compacted and stored for future disposal. 這些垃圾必須被壓縮並儲存留待日後處理。 延伸 a compact disk 一片光碟片(即 CD) a compact car 小巧省油的車


[`kɑmpəs] n. 羅盤 The compass is a very important tool for navigation. 羅盤是很重要的導航工具。 *navigation [͵nævə`geʃən] n. 導航


[`kɑmræd] n. 同志 Many of his comrades were killed during the Soviet- German War. 他的許多戰友在蘇德戰爭期間捐軀了。


[`kɑmən͵ples] a. 普通的 Thanks to the invention of the Internet, buying goods online is now commonplace. 由於網路的發明,現在線上購物已經是很普遍了。


[`kɑmɪt] n. 彗星 片語 Halley's Comet 哈雷彗星 Halley's Comet was named after the astronomer Edmond Halley. 哈雷彗星是以天文學家愛德蒙‧哈雷而命名。 *astronomer [ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家 延伸 a shooting star 流星


[`kɑntəm͵plet] vt. 考慮,仔細思考 Amy is contemplating quitting her job and spending a year travelling in Europe. 愛咪考慮辭掉工作到歐洲旅行一年。 用法 contemplate 與 consider 之後均接動名詞作受詞。


[`kɑpɪ͵raɪt] n. 版權,著作權 When you see this symbol © on something, it means that thing is protected by copyright. 當你看到某樣東西有 ©的符號時就表示某樣東西有受到版權的保護。 延伸 royalties[`rɔɪəltɪz] n. 版稅(恆用複數)


[`kɑrbən] n. 碳 Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen . 植物吸收二氧化碳並且製造氧氣。 延伸 carbon dioxide [`kɑrbəndaɪ͵ɑksaɪd] n. 二氧化碳


[`kɑrd͵bɔrd] n. 硬紙板 Old newspapers can be recycled and made into cardboard boxes. 舊報紙可以回收再做成紙箱。 *recycle [ri`saɪkḷ] vt. 回收 用法 本字可做形容詞,形成下列詞組: a cardboard box 紙箱


[`kɑrnəvḷ] n. 嘉年華會,園遊會 People dressed up in elaborate costumes for the carnival parade. 人們穿著精心設計的服裝參加嘉年華會遊行。 *elaborate [ɪ`læbərɪt] a. 精心製作的 *parade [pə`red] n. 遊行


[`kɑrtən] n. 紙盒,紙箱 片語 a carton of... 一盒⋯⋯ a carton of cigarettes 一條香菸(10 包) a pack of cigarettes 一包香菸 Nutritional information must be labeled on milk cartons. 牛奶盒上必須標明營養成分。 *nutritional [nju`trɪʃənḷ] a. 營養的


[`kɔrpərɪt] a. 企業的 We need some corporate sponsors for our event. 我們的活動需要一些企業的贊助。 *sponsor [`spɑnsɚ] n. 贊助者


[`kɔrt͵jɑrd] n. 庭院,中庭 My grandmother loves to sit on the bench beneath the tree in the courtyard. 我祖母喜歡坐在中庭大樹下面的長椅上。


[`kɔrəl] n. 珊瑚(不可數) I saw some beautiful coral when I was scuba diving. 我潛水的時候看見了一些美麗的珊瑚。


[`kɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊 All candidates were told to wait outside in the corridor before the job interviews. 所有求職者被告知待在走廊等候面試。


[`kɔʃən] n. 小心,謹慎 vt. 警告 片語 with caution 小心謹慎 caution sb to V 警告某人要⋯⋯ All drugs should be used with caution. 所有的藥物都應謹慎使用。 The park rangers cautioned us to avoid entering the park after dark. 公園管理員警告我們天黑後避免進入園區。


[`kɔʃəs] a. 小心的,謹慎的 片語 be cautious about... 謹慎處理⋯⋯ - be careful about... A cautious person thinks twice before making an important decision. 謹慎的人做任何事之前都會三思。 Andy is very cautious about making commitments. 安迪對於做承諾這件事非常謹慎。 *commitment [kə`mɪtmənt] n. 承諾


[`kɔʃəslɪ] adv. 小心地,謹慎地 The diplomat in charge of foreign affairs responded cautiously to the reporters' questions. 該外交官謹慎地回答記者的問題。 *diplomat [`dɪplə͵mæt] n. 外交官員


[`kɛr͵frɪ] a. 無憂無慮的 Many people reminisce about their carefree days as a student. 許多人會憶起他們學生時代無憂無慮的生活。 *reminisce [͵rɛmə`nɪs] vi. 追憶,回想(與 about 並用)


[`kɛr͵tekɚ] n. (私人土地的)管理員,看護 Bill hired a caretaker for his aging mother after she could no longer walk on her own. 老母再也無法靠自己走動時,比爾便為她雇用了一名看護。 The castle's caretakers live in town, so arranging a private tour should not be difficult. 這棟城堡的管理員就住在城裡,所以要安排一趟私人之旅應該不難。


[`kɝnḷ] n. (陸、空)上校(可縮寫成 col.) We all respect Col. Sanders very much because of his great leadership. 山德斯上校領導有方,因此我們都很尊敬他。


[`kɝənsɪ] n. 貨幣 How much foreign currency did you take with you when you went abroad? 你出國時帶了多少外幣? 延伸 foreign currency 外國貨幣 hard currency 強勢貨幣 soft currency 弱勢貨幣


[`kɪndḷ] vt. 點燃 片語 kindle the tinderbox 點燃火藥庫(比喻引爆一觸即發的緊張局勢, *tinderbox [`tɪndɚ͵bɑks] n. 火絨匣;一觸即發的衝突局面) At the campground, we kindled a fire and sat in a circle, chatting about nothing in particular. 我們在營區燃起了火圍成一圈坐下,漫無邊際地閒聊。


[`kʌrɪ] n. 咖哩 vt. 巴結(用於下列片語中) 片語 chicken curry 雞肉咖哩 beef curry 牛肉咖哩 curry favor with sb 巴結某人 Curry dishes are a staple of Indian cuisine. 咖哩料理是印度菜的主食。 *staple [`stepḷ] n. 主食 Gary made attempts to curry favor with the manager, hoping he would get promoted. 蓋瑞試著要巴結經理,希望可以讓他升官。


[`kʌstədɪ] n. 監護(權),拘禁 片語 be held in custody 遭到監禁 Jennifer received custody of her twin daughters after the divorce. 離婚後,珍妮佛取得她那對雙胞胎女兒的監護權。 John is being held in police custody in connection with the theft. 約翰因為與這起失竊案有關聯而遭警察拘禁。


[`laɪf͵lɔŋ] a. 終身的 Through hard work, the boxer finally achieved his lifelong ambition of becoming the heavyweight champion. 經由努力,這名拳擊手終於達到他成為重量級拳王的終身職志。 *ambition [æm`bɪʃən] n. 雄心,抱負 比較 lifetime [`laɪf͵taɪm] n. 一生 I've only known you for two days, but it seems like a lifetime. 我才認識妳兩天,但似乎像已經認識一輩 子了。


[`laɪf͵spæn] n. 預期壽命 片語 have a lifespan of 70 years 有 70 年的預期壽命 People in that remote village have an average lifespan of 80 years. 那座偏遠村莊居民的平均預期壽命有 80 歲。


[`laɪklɪ͵hʊd] n. 可能性 片語 in all likelihood 很有可能地 There is a great strong likelihood + that 子句 很有可能⋯⋯ In all likelihood, the staff meeting will be put off until next Tuesday. 員工會議很有可能會被延遲到下星期二舉辦。 There's a great likelihood that it's going to rain this afternoon. 今天下午很有可能會下雨。


[`laɪvlɪ͵hʊd] n. 生計 片語 earn a/one's livelihood 賺取生計 - earn a/one's living Who is responsible for the livelihood of your family? 你家的生計靠誰來維持? Peter earned his livelihood by teaching. 彼得靠教書為生。


[`laɪv͵stɑk] n. 牲口(集合名詞,不可數) The farmer gave his livestock injections to prevent them from getting infections. 農夫替牲口打針以防感染。 *injection [ɪn`dʒɛkʃən] n. 注射 *infection [ɪn`fɛkʃən] n. 傳染 延伸 livestock 統指馴養的牛、羊、馬等牲口,是不可數名詞,無複數形。


[`mæsɪv] a. 巨大的 片語 masses of... 大量的⋯⋯ - a lot of... the masses 大眾(恆用複數) the mass media 大眾傳媒 The typhoon caused a massive increase in vegetable prices. 颱風造成了蔬菜價格暴漲。


[`lezɚ] n. 雷射 Laser surgery can reduce your need for glasses or contact lenses by reshaping your cornea. 雷射手術能藉由角膜改造而減少你對眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的需求。 *cornea [`kɔrnɪə] n. 角膜 延伸 laser 是 light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 的縮寫。


[`leɚ] n. 層 片語 a layer of... 一層⋯⋯ We found that all the furniture in the house was covered with a fine layer of dust. 我們發現屋子裡的所有家具都覆蓋著一層細灰。 *fine [faɪn] a. 細微的 延伸 the ozone layer 臭氧層


[`logo] n. 商標 The three circles in our company logo symbolize stability, honesty and unity. 我們公司商標的三個圓代表穩定、誠信與團結。 *stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n. 穩定


[`lokəst] n. 蝗蟲(體型較大) Swarms of locusts can destroy entire fields of crops overnight, causing great losses to farmers. 成群的蝗蟲能在一夜之間摧毀整片的農地,這會對農夫造成很大的損害。 *swarm [swɔrm] n.(昆蟲的)一群 比較 grasshopper [`græs͵hɑpɚ] n. 蚱蜢(體型較小)


[`lotəs] n. 蓮花 Lotuses need to grow in water. 蓮花要在水裡才會生長。


[`lænd͵ledɪ] n. 女房東 My landlady comes to collect the rent on the first of every month. 我的女房東每個月 1 號都會來收房租。


[`lænd͵lɔrd] n. 房東 My landlord wouldn't fix the air conditioner for me; instead, he told me to make do with the fan. 我的房東不願修理我的冷氣機;他要我電風扇湊合著用。 *make do with... 將就著⋯⋯,湊合⋯⋯


[`læstɪŋ] a. 長久的,持續的 Critics believe that the policy will bring lasting benefits to the public. 評論家認為該政策將可帶給大眾長久的好處。


[`lætə͵tjud] n. 緯度(與介詞 at 並用) The island is located at 121.7 degrees east longitude and 25 degrees north latitude. 這座島位在東經 121.7 度,北緯 25 度。


[`lɑdʒɪŋ] n. 住宿 片語 board and lodging 食宿 - room and board(*此處的 board 不指『木板』,而指『伙食』) The sign near the school reads, "Board and lodging for students; $500 per month." 學校附近有一則廣告說:『學生膳宿,每月 500 美元。』


[`lɑndʒə͵tjud] n. 經度(與介詞 at 並用) The small town lies at the longitude of 13 degrees west. 這座小鎮位於西經 13 度。


[`lɑtərɪ] n. 樂透,彩券(不可數) 片語 win the lottery 中樂透 I will buy my parents a new house if I win the lottery. 如果我中了樂透,就會買一棟新房子給我的父母。 I've bought lots of lottery tickets, but I've never won any prizes. 我買過許多張彩券,卻從來沒中過獎。 用法 表一張彩券,應說 a lottery ticket,而非 a lottery。


[`lɑvə] n. 岩漿 The river of lava flew slowly from the crater to the ocean, burning down everything in its path. 熔岩流從火山口緩緩流向大海,將擋在路上的一切都燒盡了。 比較 larva [`lɑrvə] n.(蚊蚋等的)幼蟲(複數 為 larvae [`lɑrvi])


[`lɔftɪ] a. 崇高的,高傲的 Many young people have lofty ideals, but they often don't know how to realize them. 許多年輕人有崇高的理想,卻不知道如何將其付諸實現。 The actress is always putting on a lofty air; no wonder she has very few suitors. 這位女星總是擺出高姿態;難怪她乏人追求。 *put on a(n)...air 擺出⋯⋯的姿態 *suitor [`sutɚ] n. 追求者


[`lɔ͵mekɚ] n. 立法者 The Cancer Society joined the lawmakers' efforts to pass the smoking ban. 癌症協會與立法委員共同努力要促成該禁菸法案的通過。


[`lɛdʒɪs͵letɚ] n. 立法委員 In the US Congress, the legislators are either Senators or Representatives. 美國國會裡,立法委員不是參議員就是眾議員。


[`lɛdʒɪs͵letɪv] a. 立法的 Congress is a legislative branch of the US government. 國會是美國政府的立法部門。 *branch [bræntʃ] n. 分公司;分支部門 ② 延伸 the Legislative Yuan 立法院 the Executive Yuan 行政院 the Control Yuan 監察院 the Judicial Yuan 司法院 the Examination Yuan 考試院


[`lɛdʒɪs͵letʃɚ] n. 立法機關 Does the legislature meet only at a certain time of year? 立法機關只在每年固定的時間才會集會嗎?


[`lɛsṇ] vt. vi. 減少 A low-sodium and low-fat diet can lessen the risk of high blood pressure. 低鈉與低脂的飲食可以減少高血壓的危險。 *sodium [`sodɪəm] n. 鈉 The deafening noise lessened as the train got farther away. 火車漸漸遠離時,震耳欲聾的噪音就變小了。


[`lɛzbɪən] n. 女同性戀 a. 女同性戀的 It wouldn't surprise me if Terry was a lesbian. She looks like one. 就算泰瑞真的是女同性戀也沒什麼好驚訝的。她看起來就很像。


[`lɪzɚd] n. 蜥蜴 The scientist discovered a rare species of lizard in the jungle. 這名科學家在叢林裡發現一種稀有品種的蜥蜴。 *species [`spiʃiz] n. 物種(單複數同形)


[`lɪŋgɚ] vi. 徘徊,拖延 After the concert was over, Jessie lingered outside the theater, hoping to catch sight of the singers. 演唱會結束後,潔西在劇院外徘徊,希望可以看到這些歌手。 They lingered over the details and couldn't finish the project on time. 他們拖拖拉拉地處理細節,所以未能及時將計劃完成。


[`lʌmbɚ] n. 木材(不可數) The cost of paper went up because lumber was in short supply. 因為木材來源減少,所以紙價上漲了。


[`maɪlɪdʒ] n. 哩程數 The mileage on this car is low, but there are major problems with the engine. 這輛車子的哩程數雖低,但引擎卻大有問題。 延伸 a used car with a low mileage 表『哩程數不高的二手車』,而 "What's the mileage on your car?" 則是問『你的車子的哩程數是多少?』


[`maɪl͵ston] n. 里程碑 片語 mark an important milestone 記下/表示一個重要的里程碑 The navigator's voyage around the globe marked an important milestone in history. 這名航海探險家環繞地球的航行在歷史上記下重要的里程碑。 *navigator [`nævə͵getɚ] n. 航海家 *voyage [`vɔɪɪdʒ] n. 航海,乘船旅遊


[`maɪzɚ] n. 守財奴 Mr. Presley was an infamous miser—he never gave his wife and children any pocket money. 普力斯力先生是個出了名的守財奴——他從不給他太太及孩子任何零用錢。 *infamous [`ɪnfəməs] a. 聲名狼籍的


[`medən] n. 少女 a. 少女的 片語 a maiden voyage 處女航,首航 one's maiden name 女子婚前姓氏 In the story, the knight woos and wins the heart of a fair maiden. 在故事中,這名騎士追求並贏得了一位美麗少女的芳心。 *woo [wu] vt. 追求 During her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 鐵達尼號在處女航時便沉入大西洋中央。


[`mentənəns] n. 維持,維修 All members of the United Nations share the responsibility for the maintenance of international peace. 所有聯合國的成員國共同分擔維持世界和平的責任。 A thorough maintenance check had been carried out before the plane took off. 該班機起飛前先進行了一次徹底的維修檢查。 *thorough [`θɝo] a. 透徹的 比較 remain 表『保持』、『呈⋯⋯的狀態』, 之後須接名詞或形容詞作補語。maintain 則表『維持』,之後須接名詞作受詞。 The writer's books have remained popular for many years. 這名作家寫的書多年來依舊受到歡迎。


[`men͵lænd] n. 大陸,本土 片語 Mainland China 中國大陸 - the Chinese mainland Young people from the small island surged into the mainland looking for jobs. 從小島過來的年輕人蜂擁而入大陸本土來找工作。 Mainland China is now assuming a more and more important role in the world economy. 中國大陸如今在世界經濟所承擔的地位日趨重要。 *assume [ə`sjum] vt. 承擔 比較 island [`aɪlənd] n. 島嶼 ②


[`men͵strim] n. 主流 Sending text messages has become the mainstream of communication among teenagers. 發送手機簡訊已成為青少年溝通方式的主流。 *text message 手機簡訊


[`mepḷ] n. 楓樹 片語 maple syrup 楓糖漿 (syrup [`sIrFp] n. 糖漿) Maple syrup is a sweetener made from the sap of maple trees. 楓糖漿是一種由楓樹樹汁所製成的糖精。 *sweetener [`switṇɚ] n. 糖精 *sap [sæp] n. 樹汁


[`meənez] n. 美乃滋 片語 apply mayonnaise to... 將美乃滋塗/抹在⋯⋯之上 The toast will taste better if you apply a little mayonnaise to it. 妳若在吐司上面抹一點美乃滋,味道會更好吃。


[`midɪ͵et] vt. vi. 居中調解 片語 mediate between... 替⋯⋯居中調解 A UN delegation was dispatched to mediate the peace talks between the guerilla leaders and the government officials. 聯合國代表被派往居中協調政府官員及游擊隊領導人間的和平會議。 *dispatch [dɪ`spætʃ] vt. 派遣 *guerilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游擊隊員 Police sent a negotiator to the building to mediate between the two sides. 警方派了一位協調員進入大樓內為兩方居中協調。


[`min͵taɪm] n. 其間 adv. 其間 片語 in the meantime 同時 - meanwhile I'll do the cooking. In the meantime, you can help me do the laundry. 我來作飯。在此期間,你可以幫我洗衣服。 *laundry [`lɔndrɪ] n. 送洗的衣服(集合名詞,不可數) 用法 meantime 作名詞用時與 the 並用,置於介詞 in 之後,以作其受詞;meantime 也可作副詞,等於 meanwhile。


[`mizḷz] n. 麻疹(恆用複數形) 片語 German measles 德國麻疹 Measles is a highly contagious disease. 麻疹是傳染性很強的疾病。 *contagious [kən`tedʒəs] a. 傳染性的


[`motɪv] n. 動機 The police are puzzled about the teenager's motive for killing his younger sister. 警方對於該名青少年殺死親妹妹的動機感到十分不解。 延伸 motif [mo`tif] n.(文學、電影中重複出現的)主題 Revenge is a very common motif in action movies. 復仇是動作片常見的主題。


[`mædʒɪstɪ] n. 雄偉,陛下(大寫) Tourists were all impressed by the majesty of this Buddhist temple. 遊客對這座佛教寺廟的雄偉印象深刻。 How do you like your dinner to be served, Your Majesty? 殿下,您晚餐想吃什麼呢? 延伸 Your Majesty/Highness 殿下 His Majesty/Highness 國王殿下 Her Majesty/Highness 皇后殿下


[`mægnə͵faɪ] vt. 放大 片語 a magnifying glass 放大鏡 People often use a loudspeaker to magnify their voices. 人們經常用擴音器來擴大音量。


[`mæmḷ] n. 哺乳動物 The largest mammal is the blue whale. 世上最大的哺乳類動物是藍鯨。 比較 reptile [`rɛptḷ] n. 爬蟲類 ⑤ amphibian [æm`fɪbɪən] n. 兩棲類


[`mænə͵fɛst] vt. 表現 The disease is usually manifested in acute stomachaches at its initial stages. 疾病初期表現為劇烈胃痛。 *acute [ə`kjut] a. 劇烈的;急性的(疾病)


[`mænʃən] n. 豪宅 There's something fishy about this mansion. Local folks have been hearing strange noises coming from it in the middle of the night. 這棟豪宅有點古怪。當地人常在夜半聽見從那兒傳來的怪聲。 *fishy [fɪʃɪ] a. 詭異的,古怪的


[`mæskjəlɪn] a. 男性的,男子氣概的,陽剛的 Peggy looks rather masculine with her new short haircut. 佩姬的短髮新造型讓她看起來很像男人。


[`mæstɚ͵pis] n. 傑作 This masterpiece was written by Charles Dickens, whom I think you've heard of. 這部偉大的作品是由查爾斯‧狄更斯所著,我想你聽過他的名字。


[`mæsəkɚ] vt. 屠殺 n. 屠殺(人類) Hundreds of innocent civilians were massacred during the air raid. 幾百名無辜的百姓在這次空襲中被屠殺了。 *air raid [`ɛr ͵red] n. 空襲 *raid [red] n. 襲擊 & vt. 襲擊 The massacre in the village is reported to have left 20 people dead, including 6 women. 據報這座村莊的大屠殺造成了 20 人死亡,包括 6 名女性。


[`mɑlə͵kjul] n. 分子 A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 一個水分子包含兩個氫原子和一個氧原子。 *atom [`ætəm] n. 原子


[`mɑnstrəs] a. 可怕的 The monstrous fire burned the whole building to the ground. 可怕的大火焚毀了整棟大樓。


[`mɑnɚk] n. 君主 The representative of the monarch had a close relationship with the royal family. 該君主的代表人與皇室有密切的關係。


[`mɑrdʒɪnḷ] a. 些微的 The manager was worried because there was only a marginal increase in sales last month. 上個月的銷售額只有些微的成長,因此經理很擔心。


[`mɑrvḷ] vi. 驚訝(與介詞 at 並用) n. 奇蹟 片語 marvel at... 對⋯⋯感到驚奇 - be amazed at... The tourists marveled at the magnificent architecture of the old buildings in Rome. 觀光客對羅馬古老大樓雄偉的建築大表驚嘆。 The space shuttle is a marvel of modern technology. - The space shuttle is a wonder of modern technology. 太空梭是現代科技的一項奇蹟。


[`mɑrʃəl] a. 戰爭的,尚武的 片語 martial law 戒嚴法(不可數) martial art 武術(武術不只一種,故常恆用複數) After the foreign troops captured the capital, martial law was imposed on the country to prevent rioting. 外國部隊佔領該首都後,就對全國強行戒嚴法以防止暴亂。 *capture [`kæptʃɚ] vt. 佔領 *impose [ɪm`poz] vt. 強加 *impose A on B 將 A 強加於 B Leo is an expert in martial arts and specializes in karate. 里歐是個武術專家,專長是空手道。 *karate [kə`rɑtɪ] n. 空手道


[`mɑrʃəl] n. 統帥,警長(- sheriff) The marshal led his troops in person and defeated the enemy. 統帥親自率領部隊擊敗敵軍。 比較 martial [`mɑrʃəl] a. 軍事的 ⑤ martial art 武術 martial law 戒嚴令


[`mɔrnfḷ] a. 憂傷的,悲觀的 片語 mournful eyes 憂傷的眼神 The girl with those mournful eyes somehow looks familiar, giving me a strange sense of déjà vu. 那有著一雙憂傷眼睛的女孩看來莫名的眼熟,給我一種似曾相似的奇怪感覺。 *déjà vu [͵dɛjɑ`vu] n. 似曾相識感


[`mɔrtḷ] a. 凡人的,嚴重的,致命的,深惡痛絕的 Greek mythology is about the gods living on Mt. Olympus and their interactions with mortal men. 希臘神話是關於居住在奧林帕司山上的神祇與凡人之間的來往互動。 *mythology [mɪ`θɑlədʒɪ] n. 神話(集合名詞,不可數) Losing the contract was a mortal blow to our company. 失去該合約對我們公司是一大打擊。 I didn't mean to step on Joe's foot, but he stared at me as if I were his mortal enemy. 我踩到阿周的腳並非故意,但他瞪著我的樣子就好像我是他不共戴天的仇人。 延伸 a mortal wound 致命傷 a mortal enemy 死敵,不共戴天的仇敵


[`mɛdḷ] vi. 干涉 片語 meddle in/with... 干涉⋯⋯ - interfere in... - intervene in... Don't meddle in our business, or you'll get into trouble. - Don't interfere in our business, or you'll get into trouble. - Don't intervene in our business, or you'll get into trouble. 別干涉我們的事,不然你麻煩可大了。


[`mɛmo] n. 備忘錄(為 memorandum [͵mɛmə`rændəm] 的縮寫) Did you get the memo about the new dress code? 你有收到關於新服裝規定的備忘錄嗎?


[`mɛntɔr] n. 良師,人生導師 Mr. Johnson has been a mentor and a good friend to many of his students. 強森先生一直是他許多學生的良師益友。


[`mɛnɪs] n. 威脅,討厭的人或物 vt. 威脅 片語 pose a menace to sb/sth 對某人/某事物造成威脅 - pose a threat to sb/sth The approaching storm is posing a menace to the small mountain village. 即將來臨的暴風雨將會對這個山中的小村莊造成威脅。 Bob is such a menace. I hate sitting next to him in class. 鮑伯真是個討人厭的傢伙。我很討厭上課坐在他旁邊。 The tropical rain forests are being menaced by human exploitation. 熱帶雨林正受到人為開發的威脅。 *exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪ`teʃən] n. 開發


[`mɝ͵med] n. 美人魚 Thousands of tourists go to Copenhagen, Denmark to see the statue of the Little Mermaid. 數以千計的遊客都會到丹麥的哥本哈根欣賞小美人魚的雕像。 比較 merman [`mɝ͵mæn] n. 雄人魚


[`mɪstrɪs] n. 情婦 There has been speculation that Susan is the billionaire's mistress. 有人一直臆測蘇珊可能就是那億萬富翁的情婦。 *speculation [͵spɛkjə`leʃən] n. 推論,臆測 延伸 concubine [`kɑŋkjʊ͵baɪn] n. 情婦


[`mɪŋgḷ] vi. 混合,融入 vt. 混合 片語 mingle with... 與⋯⋯打成一片 mingle A with B 將 A 與 B 混在一起 At the party, Bill walked around and mingled with other guests. 在派對上,比爾四處走動,與其他來賓打成一片。 A businessperson should never mingle business funds with personal funds. 生意人不應該把生意上的款項和個人款項混用。


[`mʌmbḷ] vt. vi. 含糊地說 片語 mumble to oneself 自言自語 Tom mumbled an insincere apology, which made Mary all the more angry. 阿湯哥含糊其詞地表示了無誠意的道歉,使瑪麗更加生氣。 I saw a strange woman sitting in the corner mumbling to herself. 我看見一名奇怪的婦人坐在角落,喃喃自語。


[`mʌskjəlɚ] a. 肌肉發達的,健壯的 Maria likes men who are tall and muscular. That's why she married Hank. 瑪麗亞喜歡高大肌肉男。所以她嫁了漢克。


[`mʌstɚd] n. 黃芥末 Would you like ketchup, mustard or sauerkraut on your hotdog? 你的熱狗要不要加點番茄醬、芥末醬或是酸黃瓜? *sauerkraut [`saʊr͵kraʊt] n. 酸黃瓜


[`mʌtɚ] vt. vi. 低聲嘀咕 片語 mutter to oneself 喃喃自語 Kim muttered something that none of us could hear. 小金低聲嘀咕著,我們什麼都聽不見。 "This will be the last time I run an errand for Patrick", Joe muttered to himself. 『這將是我最後一次替派翠克跑腿,』阿周嘀咕著。


[`mʌtṇ] n. 羊肉(不可數) Our special today is roast mutton served with your choice of drink and dessert. 我們今日的特餐是烤羊肉,配上你選擇的飲料和點心。 *special [`spɛʃəl] n. 特餐 比較 beef [bif] n. 牛肉(不可數)① pork [pɔrk] n. 豬肉(不可數)①


[`mʌðɚ͵hʊd] n. 母親的身分 Cindy had a hard time combining motherhood and a career as an accountant. 辛蒂很難兼顧母親的身分和會計師的職業。 *combine [kəm`baɪn] vt. 使結合 延伸 fatherhood [`fɑðɚ͵hʊd] n. 父親的身分


[`naɪtɪŋ͵gel] n. 夜鶯 The nightingale is a small brown European bird known especially for singing at night. 夜鶯是一種小型棕色的歐洲鳥類,牠們以在夜間啼叫出名。


[`njuklɪəs] 複數形: nuclei [`njuklɪ͵aɪ] n. 核心 An atomic nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. 原子核是由質子和中子所組成的。 *proton [`protɑn] n. 質子 *neutron [`njutrɑn] n. 中子 Susan and Richard will form the nucleus of the sales team for this project. 蘇珊和瑞奇將為這項計畫銷售組的核心人物。


[`notəblɪ] adv. 特別地,明顯地 The media's stance is notably biased against women. 媒體的立場很明顯地對婦女有偏見。 *stance [stæns] n. 立場,態度 *biased [`baɪəst] a. 偏見的


[`notəbḷ] a. 值得注意的 The Mona Lisa is one of the notable paintings on display at the Louvre musuem. 蒙娜麗莎是羅浮宮展覽中極著名的畫作之一。


[`notə͵faɪ] vt. 通知,告知 片語 notify sb of sth 將某事告知某人 - inform sb of sth notify sb that... 告知某人⋯⋯ - inform sb that... The receptionist will notify you of the arrival of your guests. 有您的客人到達時,櫃檯人員會通知您。 Sarah was notified by mail that she was admitted to Cambridge University. 莎拉被以信件告知她已獲准入劍橋大學就讀。


[`notɪsəbḷ] a. 顯著的 There has been a noticeable increase in sales since we adopted the new strategies. 自從我們採用新策略之後,業績就有了顯著的成長。


[`not͵wɝðɪ] a. 值得注意的 It is noteworthy that the number of people infected with the disease has doubled in the past two weeks. 過去兩個星期,受到這個疾病感染的民眾數目增加兩倍,這點很值得注意。 *infect [ɪn`fɛkt] vt. 使感染(常用被動語態) *be infected with + 疾病 感染某疾病


[`noʃən] n. 想法 片語 have a clear/vague notion of... 對⋯⋯有清楚/模糊的概念(*vague [veg] a. 模糊的) I reject the notion that greed motivates people. 貪婪能給人動力,這種想法我不接受。 I missed a few key points, so I only had a vague notion of what the professor had just said. 我錯過了幾個重點,因此教授剛才說的話我不甚清楚。


[`no͵(h)wɛr] adv. 任何地方都不 pron. 沒有什麼地方 片語 out of nowhere 不知從哪冒出來的 in the middle of nowhere 荒郊野外 The police came out of nowhere and caught the drug dealer red-handed. 警察突然出現將毒販逮捕,人贓俱獲。(*red-handed [͵rɛd`hændɪd] a. 正從事不法勾當的) My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, and I had to walk all the way to the nearest bus stop. 我的車在荒郊野外拋錨了,只好一路走到 最近的公車招呼站。 Nowhere can you find such a beautiful girl like Mary Jane. 你上哪兒去找像瑪麗‧珍這麼漂亮的女孩啊。 After his parents died, Anthony had nowhere to go. 他父母親過世之後,安東尼沒有地方去。 用法 nowhere 若置於句首,因為視為否定副詞,所以之後須採問句式倒裝句構。


[`næstɪ] a. 令人反感的,糟糕的,惡劣的,嚴重的,惡毒的 People don't like Karen because of her nasty character. 大家都不喜歡凱倫,因為她品德很壞。 Stinky tofu smells nasty but tastes great. 臭豆腐聞起來很糟但很好吃。 When Paula saw the news on TV, she was shocked and wondered how some people could be so nasty to their own flesh and blood. 當寶拉看見電視上那則新聞時,她很震驚,不解為何有人能對自己的親骨肉如此惡劣。 *flesh and blood 親骨肉 I had a nasty headache when I woke up, so I took sick leave this morning. 我醒來時頭痛得厲害,所以我早上請病假。 Frank's habit of making nasty remarks about people's appearances made him a pain in the neck to everyone in the office. 法蘭克習慣對別人外貌做惡毒的評論,所以辦公室每個人都覺得他很惹人厭。 *a pain in the neck 令人討厭的人或事 Nobody except Alex himself thought those nasty jokes were funny. 除了艾力克斯自己,沒有人覺得那些惡毒的笑話有趣。


[`nævə͵get] vt. vi. 導航(船、飛機) The captain navigated his ship through the rough waters during the storm. 船長引領船隻駛過暴風雨中驚濤駭浪的海域。 *waters [`wɑtɚz] n. 水域,海域(恆用複數)


[`nævɚ͵getɚ] n. 領航員 After reading the control screen, the navigator realized the ship was off course. 領航員看過儀表板之後,發現船隻偏離航道。


[`nɑlɪdʒəbḷ] a. 博學的 片語 be knowledgeable about sth 對某事懂得很多 James is very knowledgeable about English literature and classical music. 詹姆士對英國文學以及古典音樂很有研究。


[`nɑmə͵net] vt. 提名 片語 nominate sb as... 提名某人擔任⋯⋯ We unanimously nominated Tom as chairman of the committee. 我們一致推舉阿湯哥擔任委員會主席。


[`nɑstrɪl] n. 鼻孔 When a horse is startled, it will have upright ears and flared nostrils. 當馬受到驚嚇時,牠的耳朵會豎起,鼻孔會放大。 *flared [flɛrd] a. 撐開的(鼻孔)


[`nɑvɪs] n. 新手(與介詞 at 並用) I've never surfed before. I'm a complete novice at surfing. 我之前從未衝過浪。我在衝浪上完全是個新手。


[`nɑvḷtɪ] n. 新奇(不可數),新奇的事物(可數) The novelty of a new toy wears out quickly. That's why children want so many. 一個玩具的新奇感很快消失,這就是為什麼小孩子會買很多玩具的原因。 Back in the late 19th century, the camera was a great]novelty. 19 世紀末,相機是一個偉大的新發明。


[`nɪbḷ] vt. vi. 小口咬 n. 一小口 片語 nibble at sth 小口咬某物 I wasn't very hungry, so I took a piece of cake from the tray and nibbled at it. 我當時不是很餓,所以從托盤上拿了一片蛋糕,小口地吃著。 Try a nibble of this biscuit and see if you like how it tastes. 試吃一小口這片餅乾,看你是否喜歡它嚐起來的味道。


[`nɪkḷ] n. 鎳,5 分錢 Two nickels equal ten cents, the same amount as a dime. 兩個 5 分錢等於 10 分錢,也就是 1 角的金額。 比較 cent [sɛnt] n. 1 分錢 ① penny [`pɛnɪ] n. 1 分錢 ③ dime [daɪm] n. 10 分錢(1 角)③ quarter [`kwɔrtɚ] n. 25 分錢,兩毛五 ②


[`odɚ] n. (不好的)氣味 片語 body odor 體味 The pile of garbage in front of the market emitted a pungent odor. 市場前面的那堆垃圾發出刺鼻的臭味。 *pungent [`pʌndʒənt] a. 氣味重的,刺鼻的


[`orɪənt] vt. 使適應 n. 東方(大寫) 片語 orient sb to sth 使某人適應某事物 - accustom sb to sth The school handbook will help you orient yourself to university life. 這本學校手冊能助你適應大學生活。 Marco Polo first set off to explore the Orient in the 13th century. 13 世紀,馬可波羅第一次前往東方探索。 比較 Occidental [͵ɑksə`dɛntḷ] a. 西方的(大寫) - Western [`wɛstɚn] a.(大寫) 用法 過去分詞 oriented 亦可與名詞並用,形成下列複合形容詞: a money-oriented society 以金錢為導向的社會/一個只顧賺錢的社會 an exam-oriented educational system 以升學為導向的教育制度


[`ot͵mil] n. 燕麥片,燕麥粥 Studies show that oatmeal can lower blood cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. 研究指出,燕麥可以降低血中的膽固醇,減少心臟疾病的危險。 *cholesterol [kə`lɛstə͵rol] n. 膽固醇


[`ovɚ͵ɔl] a. 全盤的 adv. 一般說來 The principal thought that the overall result of the exams was quite satisfactory. 校長認為考試總結果是很令人滿意的。 Overall, imports account for half of our economy. - In general, imports account for half of our economy. 大體而言,進口貿易占了我們一半的經濟。


[`ozon] n. 臭氧 片語 the ozone layer 臭氧層 The ozone layer blocks out most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. 臭氧層隔絕大部分太陽有害的紫外線。 *ultraviolet [͵ʌltrə`vaɪəlɪt] n. 紫外線 & a. 紫外線的


[`pestrɪ] n. 糕點 This bakery is famous for its large selection of pastries and cakes. 這家麵包店因其糕點及蛋糕種類選擇豐富而聞名。 比較 pie [paɪ] n. 派餅


[`petrən] n. 顧客,贊助者 Patrons of that restaurant were all dismayed to learn that it was going to be closed. 那家餐廳的老主顧得知該店即將關門大吉,都感到十分失落。 *dismayed [dɪs`med] a. 沮喪的,失望的 That millionaire is the patron of many famous artists. 那位百萬富翁是許多知名藝術家的贊助者。


[`petrɪət] n. 愛國者 The patriots formed a militia to drive away the invading army. 這群愛國的人組成民兵擊退入侵的軍隊。 *militia [mɪ`lɪʃə] n. 民兵 延伸 expatriate [ɛks`petrɪɪt] n. 移居國外者;被流放國外者


[`pi͵kɑk] n. 公孔雀 The peacock has beautiful feathers on its back. 公孔雀背上有美麗的羽毛。


[`ple͵raɪt] n. 劇作家 A: What do you do for a living? B: I'm a playwright. A:你靠什麼維生? (B:我是寫劇本的。)


[`poltrɪ] n. 家禽類(集合名詞,不可數) Experts warned that the recent outbreak of bird 且u could infect the poultry in this area. 專家警告最近禽流感的暴發將會對這個地區的家禽類動物造成影響。 延伸 poultry 指雞、鴨、鵝等飼養的動物,是不可數名詞,無複數形。


[`polɚ] a. 北/南極的 片語 a polar bear 北極熊 Polar bears live in the North Pole whereas penguins live in the South Pole. 北極熊棲息於北極,而企鵝則住在南極。 *penguin [`pɛngwɪn] n. 企鵝 延伸 the North Pole 北極 the South Pole 南極


[`praɪslɪs] a. 無價的 The trip may have been expensive, but the opportunity to behold such a spectacular view was priceless. 這趟旅行或許很貴,但能目睹這片美景的機會是無價的。 比較 valueless [`væljʊlɪs] a. 沒有價值的


[`praɪɚ] a. 在前的,優先的 No prior knowledge of Spanish is required for the course. 修這堂課你不必先具備任何關於西班牙語的知識。 Make sure you have the report ready prior to the meeting. 務必確定你在會議之前要把報告準備好。 用法 本字之後須接介詞 to,形成下列固定用法: prior to... 在⋯⋯之前(- before...)


[`pritʃɚ] n. 傳教者(指牧師、神父、傳教士等) I'm always inspired by the religious talks the preacher gives. 這名傳教者的講道總是給我許多啟示。


[`pri͵vju]/[pri`vju] n. 試映,預習 vt. 試映,預習 The preview of the film has met with great success. 這部電影的試映非常成功。 You need to preview each lesson before class. 上課前你必須把每一課都預習一遍才行。 比較 review [͵rɪ`vju] vt. 評論;複習(功課)& n. 評論 ②


[`profaɪl] n. 簡介,側面像 片語 keep a low profile 保持低調 in profile 側面 Job profiles can be found on the company's website. 你可以在這家公司的網站找到工作簡介。 The lawmaker has kept a low profile since the scandal broke out. 醜聞爆發後,這名立委始終保持低調。 On the wall was a drawing of the former mayor in profile. 牆上掛的是前任市長的側面畫像。


[`prudənt] a. 謹慎的 It would be prudent to keep our conversation today just between you and me. 謹慎起見,我們今天的談話最好只你知我知。


[`prɑdədʒɪ] n. 天才 片語 a child prodigy 神童 The child prodigy attended university at the age of 12. 這名神童 12 歲時就唸大學了。


[`prɑfəsɪ] n. 預言 片語 fulfill a prophecy 預言實現 According to Greek mythology, the prophecy that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother was fulfilled. 根據希臘神話的說法,伊底帕斯會弒父娶母的預言實現了。


[`prɑfɪt] n. 先知,預言家 A prophet warned us of a catastrophe that would occur by the end of the century. 某位預言家警告在世紀末將有一場大災難發生。 *catastrophe [kə`tæstrəfɪ] n. 災難


[`prɑspɛkt] n. 可能性,前途(恆用複數) Ned looks forward to the prospect of being admitted to his favorite college. 奈德期待能獲得錄取就讀他最喜歡的大學。 This four-day course is designed to improve your career prospects. 這個為期 4 天的課程設計的目的就是要讓你在職場更有前途。


[`prɑvɪns] n. 省 The province of Alberta, Canada is magnificent. 加拿大的亞伯達省很美。


[`prɛfərəns] n. 偏愛 片語 have a preference for A over B 喜歡 A 勝於 B Many parents still have a preference for baby boys over baby girls. 許多父母仍然偏好生男寶寶,而不是女寶寶。


[`pædḷ] n. 槳 vt. vi. 用槳划 Paddles are used to control the movement and direction of a canoe. 划槳是用來控制獨木舟的划行與行進方向。 *canoe [kə`nu] n. 獨木舟 Tom and Jerry paddled (their boat) as hard as they could in order not to fall over the waterfall. 湯姆與傑瑞盡全力划船,以免掉下瀑布。


[`pækɪt] n. 包裹,一小包 片語 a packet of... 一小包⋯⋯ Ted tore the sugar packet open and poured it into the coffee. 泰德把糖包撕開,把糖倒進咖啡裡。 Feeling depressed, Ray smoked a packet of cigarettes in just 30 minutes. 小雷因為非常沮喪,半個小時內就抽完了一包菸。


[`pærədɑks] n. 自相矛盾 It's a paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives. 職業喜劇演員私下的生活通常都不快樂,這是件自相矛盾的事。


[`pærə͵lɛl] a. 平行的 n. 相似 片語 be/run parallel to sth 與某物平行 be without parallel 舉世無雙 The road and the canal run parallel to each other for about 40 miles. 這條道路和運河彼此平行約 40 英里。 *canal [kə`næl] n. 運河 The breakthrough is without parallel in medical history. - The breakthrough has no parallel in medical history. 這項突破性進展在醫學史上是舉世無雙的。 *breakthrough [`brek͵θru] n. 突破性進展


[`pæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣 Watching TV seems to have become the most popular pastime these days. 看電視似乎已成為近來最普遍的消遣。 延伸 此字是由片語 pass the time 而來的。 We always sing songs to pass the time on weekends. 我們每週末總是唱歌殺時間。


[`pætṇt] n. 專利 vt. 使有專利 片語 a patent number 專利號碼 apply for a patent 申請專利 obtain a patent 取得專利 Polly applied for a patent for her 3-dimentional puzzle to protect her intellectual property. 玻莉為她的立體拼圖申請了專利以保障她的智慧財產權。 You should patent your new invention as soon as possible to prevent piracy problems. 你應該儘快為你的新發明取得專利以避免盜版問題。 *piracy [`paɪrəsɪ] n. 盜版行為


[`pæʃənɪt] a. 熱情的,激昂的 片語 be passionate about... 對⋯⋯熱愛 Jenny is passionate about dancing and spends most of her free time practicing. 珍妮很喜歡舞蹈,因此大部分的空閒時間都用來練習跳舞。 延伸 compassionate [kəm`pæʃənɪt] a. 有同情心的⑤


[`pɑrlɚ] n. 店 片語 an ice cream parlor 冰淇淋店 a pizza parlor 披薩店 a video game parlor 電動玩具店 I usually order pizza from that pizza parlor because their pizzas are marvelous. 我通常會向那家披薩店訂披薩,因為他們的披薩真的太棒了。


[`pɑrtlɪ] adv. 部分地 I didn't enjoy the trip very much partly because of the bad weather. 我很不喜歡這次的旅行,部分是因為天氣不好。 用法 partly 常與 because of 或 due to 並用。


[`pɑrtɪkḷ] n. 微粒,粒子 The surface of the desk was covered with particles of dust. 書桌的表面佈滿了灰塵微粒。 Electrons and protons are atomic particles. 電子和質子都是原子粒子。


[`pɔn͵ʃɑp] n. 當鋪 Alice found her stolen wedding ring in the pawnshop. 愛麗絲在當舖裡發現那只她被偷的結婚戒指。


[`pɛdḷɚ] n. 小販 John works as a salesperson peddling cloths and brushes door to door. 約翰是位挨家挨戶兜售布料和刷子的業務員。 Through hard work, the peddler became a millionaire in ten years. 這個小販透過努力,10 年後成了百萬富翁。


[`pɛnə͵tret] vt. 穿透 Luckily, the bullet missed the bodyguard's artery by an inch when it penetrated his chest. 很慶幸的,這顆子彈穿透該保鑣的胸膛時,以一英寸之差偏離了動脈。 *artery [`ɑrtərɪ] n. 動脈


[`pɛnə͵tretɪŋ] a. 滲透性的 Dr. Wilson provided a penetrating insight into the global warming issue. 威爾遜博士針對全球暖化的議題提供了深入的見解。


[`pɛrəl] n. 危險 片語 put sb in peril 使某人陷入危險 - put sb in danger at one's own peril 自己要承擔風險 Tom put himself in peril to rescue his dog from the fire. 湯姆不顧自己危險去火場裡救他的狗。 Paul ignored the doctor's warnings at his own peril. 保羅要承擔不聽醫師警告的風險。


[`pɛrɪʃ] vi. 死亡 Hundreds of passengers perished in the plane crash. 有好幾百名乘客在空難中喪生。


[`pɛsə͵mɪst] n. 悲觀主義者 Henry is a pessimist who always expects the worst. 亨利是個悲觀的人,總是預期最壞的情況會發生。


[`pɛsə͵mɪzəm] n. 悲觀主義 A recent survey shows that pessimism about the economy continues to grow. 新近調查指出,對整體經濟抱持的悲觀看法持續蔓延。


[`pɛzṇt] n. (向人家租地耕種,較為貧窮的)農夫 Little did I expect that the millionaire used to be a poor peasant. 我一點都沒想到這位百萬富翁以前曾是個窮農夫。 比較 farmer [`fɑrmɚ] n.(有自己田地,較為有錢的)農夫 ①


[`pɝtʃəs] vt. 購買 n. 購買 片語 make a purchase of sth 購買某物 - purchase sth - buy sth You need proof of purchase to claim a refund. 你需要購買證明才能要求退款。 *refund [`ri͵fʌnd] n. 退款 Many computer components can be purchased online at a low price. 許多電腦組件可以低價在網路上購得。 I made a purchase of a few toys for my children at the department store. 我在百貨公司買了些玩具給我孩子。


[`pɪlgrəmɪdʒ] n. 朝聖 片語 make/go on a pilgrimage 前往朝聖 All adult Muslims are required to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. 所有成年回教徒都被要求一生至少要去麥加朝聖一次。


[`pɪlgrɪm] n. 朝聖者 Upon arriving in Mecca, the pilgrim performed a series of rituals. 這名朝聖者一抵達麥加便進行了一連串的儀式。 *ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式


[`pɪlɚ] n. 柱子 Beams and pillars are used to support this building. 這棟建築物使用樑柱來支撐。


[`pɪmpḷ] n. 面皰(可數,常用複數) Many teenagers are bothered by pimples on their faces. 許多青少年為臉上的青春痘而感困擾。


[`pɪr] n. 碼頭 For passengers taking the bay cruise, please board at Pier 24 at 4 p.m. 搭乘港灣郵輪的旅客請於下午 4 點在第 24 號碼頭登船。


[`pɪrəmɪd] n. 金字塔 I hope one day I can take a trip to Egypt and see the great Pyramids there. 我希望有一天能去埃及旅遊,看看那邊雄偉的金字塔。 延伸 the Pyramids 埃及金字塔(大寫)


[`pɪstən] n. 活塞 You need to replace the pistons in your car's engine. 你必須更換你汽車引擎的活塞。


[`pɪstḷ] n. 手槍 Watch out! The criminal is holding a loaded pistol. 注意!這名罪犯拿的是上膛的手槍。


[`pʌblɪ͵saɪz] vt. 宣傳,廣告 This company is publicizing their new air conditioner on TV. 這家公司正在電視上廣告他們新出的冷氣機。


[`raɪfḷ] n. 來福槍,長槍 Rifles are designed to shoot things at long distances. 來福槍被設計為長距離射殺用。


[`raɪno] 複數形: rhinos [`raɪnoz], rhinoceroses [raɪ`nɑsərəsɪs] n. 犀牛(- rhinoceros [raɪ`nɑsərəs]) Rhinos are endangered mainly because poachers hunt them for their valuable horns. 犀牛面臨絕種,主要是因為盜獵者為犀牛角而獵殺牠們。 *poacher [`potʃɚ] n. 盜獵者


[`raɪtʃəs] a. 正直的 Rev. Robinson was regarded as a righteous man in the neighborhood. 羅賓遜牧師在社區被視為是正直的人。 *reverend [`rɛvərənd] n. ⋯⋯牧師(大寫,冠於姓氏前,對牧師的尊稱,可縮寫成 Rev.)


[`raɪvḷ] n. 競爭者,對手 vt. 與⋯⋯匹敵 When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no rival. - When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no match. - When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no equal. 說到談判技巧,沒人比得上羅伯特。 No other sport can rival basketball for excitement. 沒有其他運動能比籃球更刺激。


[`raɪvḷrɪ] n. 競爭 There has always been fierce rivalry between the two companies for larger market shares. 這兩家公司之間對於誰能有較大的市場佔有率競爭總是很激烈。 *fierce [fɪrs] a. 激烈的 *market share 市場佔有率


[`redɪəs] 複數形: radii [`redɪaɪ] n. 半徑 片語 radius 半徑是⋯⋯ The radius of that ball is 15 centimeters. - That ball is 15 centimeters in radius. 那個球的半徑是 15 公分。


[`reʃo] n. 比例 片語 the ratio of A to B A 對 B 的比例 What is the ratio of men to women in your department? 你們部門的男性和女性員工的比例是多少?


[`rædɪʃ] n. 蘿蔔 These radishes and tomatoes are fresh from our garden. 這些蘿蔔和蕃茄都是我們園子裡現採的。


[`rægɪd] a. 破爛的,蓬亂的 The hobo dressed in a ragged coat was asking people for some spare change outside the supermarket. 穿著破外套的這位遊民在超市外向人乞討零錢。 *hobo [`hobo] n. 遊民


[`rælɪ] n. 集會 vi. 集會 片語 hold a rally 舉行集會 attend a rally 參與集會 Nearly 20,000 people attended the rally in front of the city hall last Saturday. 上星期六有超過 2 萬的民眾參與了市政府前的集會。 Unemployed workers rallied in front of the factory, ready to launch a demonstration. 失業的員工聚集在工廠前,準備發動示威。 *launch [lɔntʃ] vt. 發動(示威);發射(火箭、飛彈等)


[`ræntʃɚ] n. 農場主人,農場經營者 The rancher raised 100 cows on his ranch. 這位農場主人在農場上養了 100 頭乳牛。


[`ræskḷ] n. 淘氣鬼,無賴 I caught those little rascals stealing apples from my orchard. 我逮到那些調皮鬼在我的果園偷蘋果。 *orchard [`ɔrtʃɚd] n. 果園 No one likes to deal with John because he is a rascal. 約翰是個無賴,因此誰都不想跟他打交道。


[`rætḷ] vi. 發出咯咯聲 n. 咯咯聲 There is a railroad near my house, so every time a train passes by, my windows rattle. 我家附近有條鐵路,所以每當火車經過,窗戶就被震得咯咯響。 The rattle of chains let me know that my father was in the garage. 鏈條的咯咯聲讓我知道老爸在車庫裡。 延伸 rattlesnake [`rætḷ͵snek] n. 響尾蛇


[`rɑbɪn] n. 知更鳥 Robins can be found all over the US except for Hawaii. 除了夏威夷以外,你能在美國各地發現知更鳥的蹤跡。


[`rɔŋ͵duɪŋ] n. 惡行 The wrongdoing of an adult may become a youngster's excuse to do the same. 成年人的惡行可能會成為年輕人做壞事的藉口。


[`rɛfjudʒ] n. 避難,避難處 片語 take/seek refuge in... 以⋯⋯為避難處 The travelers took refuge from the rain in the deserted hut. 旅人在廢棄的小屋裡躲雨。 *deserted [dɪ`zɝtɪd] a. 廢棄的 This part of the mountain was declared by the government as a site of wildlife refuge. 這塊山地被政府公告為野生動物保護區。


[`rɛklɪs] a. 魯莽的,不負責任的 片語 reckless driving 危險駕駛 The reckless driver was pulled out of the car and arrested. 這位魯莽的駕駛被從車子裡拉出來逮捕。


[`rɛkən] vt. vi. 認為,覺得 vt. 計算 片語 reckon sth up 算出總數 - calculate sth Susan reckoned the bill up and noticed that the cashier had given her the wrong change. 蘇珊把帳單金額加起來後發現收銀員找錯錢了。 be reckoned to be 被認為是⋯⋯ Mike is reckoned to be the best carpenter in town. - Mike is considered to be the best carpenter in town. - Mike is thought to be the best carpenter in town. 麥可被認為是鎮上最棒的木匠。 Paul reckoned that he had been fooled and ripped off by the salesperson. 保羅覺得他被那推銷員愚弄而且狠敲了一筆。 Amanda: Do you reckon she's telling the truth? Steven: I reckon not. 阿曼達:你認為她說的是實話嗎? (史蒂芬:我覺得不是。) The total amount of money you owe, including interest, is reckoned to be 15 grand. 你欠我的錢加上利息經過計算是 15,000 美元。


[`rɛlɪk] n. 古物 The archaeologists dug out a relic from the Greek ruin. 考古學家在一處希臘廢墟中挖掘到一個古物。 *ruin [`rʊɪn] n. 廢墟 *archaeologist [͵ɑrkɪ`ɑlədʒɪst] n. 考古學家 *dig [dɪg] vt. 挖掘(三態為:dig, dug [dʌg] , dug)


[`rɛptaɪl/`rɛptḷ] n. 爬蟲類 Reptiles are the oldest creatures living on earth. 爬蟲類是地球上最早的生物。 比較 amphibian [æm`fɪbɪən] n. 兩棲類 mammal [`mæmḷ] n. 哺乳類 ⑤


[`rɛzədəns] n. 住宅,合法居住資格 The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. 白宮是美國總統的官方住所。 Please write down the address of your current place of residence on the form. 請在此表格上寫下你現行居住地的地址。 延伸 a place of residence 居住地 permanent residence 永久居留權


[`rɛzədənt] n. 居民,住院醫生 Henry is a legal resident of the United States. 亨利是美國的合法居民。 Julia is a first-year resident in pediatrics at Boston Hospital. 茱莉亞是位在波士頓醫院服務第一年的小兒科住院醫生。 *pediatrics [͵pidɪ`ætrɪks] n. 小兒科 延伸 a resident of the United States 美國居民 a foreign resident 僑居國外居民


[`rɪdɪ͵kjul] vt. 嘲弄,揶揄 n. 嘲弄,揶揄 These naughty kids ridiculed their teacher because of the clothes she wore. 這些頑皮的孩子因為老師的穿著而嘲弄她。 Susan told her parents she wanted to transfer to another school because she couldn't stand the ridicule of her peers anymore. 蘇珊告訴父母她想轉學到別間學校,因為她實在受不了同儕的揶揄了。


[`rɪdʒɪd] a. 堅固的,死板的,嚴格的 The shopping mall was constructed out of rigid steel and a lot of concrete. 這個購物中心是由堅固的鋼鐵及大量混凝土所建造而成。 *concrete [`kɑnkrit] n. 混凝土 Congress has asked the President to adopt a rigid position on illegal immigration. 國會要求總統對非法移民的問題採取嚴格的立場。


[`rɪpḷ] n. 漣漪 vt. vi. 使起漣漪 On a boring Sunday afternoon, I skipped stones alone in the park, causing lots of ripples to spread across the pond. 一個無聊的星期天下午,我在公園自個兒玩打水漂,讓池塘起了陣陣漣漪向外擴散。 *skip stones 用石頭打水漂 *skip [skɪp] vt. 使彈跳 A gentle breeze rippled the water. 微風在水上吹出了漣漪。 The water rippled when the wind blew. 風吹時,水面起了陣陣漣漪。


[`rʌgɪd] a. 崎嶇不平的,堅固耐用的 The eastern part of the island is known for its rugged terrain and rocky coastline. 這座島的東部以其崎嶇不平的地形以及岩岸著名。 *terrain [`tɛren/tɛ`ren] n. 地形 *coastline [`kost͵laɪn] n. 海岸線 Justin is purchasing a rugged mountain bike to ride on his journey around the island. 賈斯汀準備要買一台堅固耐用的登山自行車讓他騎去環島旅行。


[`rʌmbḷ] vi. 隆隆響 n. 隆隆聲 The old car rumbled down the street. 這部老舊的汽車沿街發出隆隆聲。 I'm so hungry that my stomach is rumbling. 我好餓,餓到肚子咕嚕咕嚕地叫。 As soon as we heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, we ran back to the farmhouse. 我們一聽到遠處傳來的隆隆雷聲就跑回農舍裡。


[`rʌsḷ] vi. 沙沙作響 n. 沙沙聲 The fallen leaves rustled beneath my feet as I trotted into the woods. 我快步跑過樹林時,落葉在我腳底下沙沙作響。 *trot [trɑt] vt. 快步走,小跑 The sudden rustle of leaves in the wind startled the deer. 樹葉突如其來的沙沙聲驚嚇到了這隻鹿。


[`sekrɪd] a. 神聖的 Cows are considered to be sacred animals in India. 牛在印度被視為是神聖的動物。


[`skræbḷ] vi. 急忙尋找 n. (大寫)拼字遊戲 片語 scrabble for... 匆忙摸索、尋找⋯⋯ When I was scrabbling for the light switch in the bathroom, I heard some strange noise coming from upstairs. 我在浴室匆忙摸索電源開關時,聽到樓上傳來奇怪的聲響。 Playing Scrabble can really help with your English. 玩拼字遊戲真的能夠幫助你學英文。


[`skræmbḷ] vi. 搶奪(之後接 for,再接名詞) vt. 倉促做(之後接不定詞片語作受詞) 片語 scramble for... 搶奪⋯⋯ scramble to V 倉促地做⋯⋯ All the players scrambled for the ball when the game started. 比賽一開始所有球員就拼了命搶球。 They scrambled to put their clothes back on. 他們手忙腳亂地把衣服穿上。 延伸 a scrambled egg 炒蛋 a poached egg 荷包蛋 a boiled egg 水煮蛋 I usually have scrambled eggs, sausages, and bacon for breakfast. 我早餐通常吃炒蛋、香腸跟培根。


[`skændḷ] n. 醜聞 片語 cause/create a scandal 製造醜聞 The love affair between the boss and his secretary caused a scandal in the office. 老闆和他秘書之間的風流韻事製造了辦公室裡的醜聞。 News of the political scandal broke at the beginning of the election campaign. 這樁政治醜聞的新聞在選舉活動一開始時爆發開來。


[`skɛlətən] n. (整具的)骨骼 片語 a skeleton in the closet/cupboard 不為人知的秘密、醜事 We all have one or two skeletons in our closets, things that are too embarrassing to talk about. 我們都有一些不為人知的秘密,也就是那些 太難堪而令人不願提起的事。 Archeologists dug out a few skeletons from the site that were estimated to be more than 3,000 years old. 考古學家挖出了幾具骨骸,推估有超過 3,000 年之久。


[`slɑpɪ] a. 草率的 I can't put up with Mike's sloppy work anymore. I'll have to let him go. 我再也受不了邁可馬虎的工作表現了。我得炒他魷魚。


[`slɔtɚ] vt. 屠宰,屠殺 n. 屠宰(動物),屠殺(人類) The villagers slaughtered a pig in preparation for the summer festival. 村民宰殺一隻豬以籌備夏季的節慶。 Thousands of old men, women and children were slaughtered by rebel soldiers. 上千名的老人、婦女、小孩被叛兵屠殺。 *rebel [`rɛbḷ] a. 反叛的 & n. 反叛者


[`snikɚ] n. (一隻)運動鞋 片語 a pair of sneakers 一雙運動鞋 Wearing a nice pair of running sneakers will help you perform well in the race. 穿上一雙好的慢跑鞋會讓你在比賽時有好表現。


[`snikɪ] a. 鬼鬼祟祟的 He looks sneaky. I wonder what he is up to. 他看起來鬼鬼祟祟的。真不知道他想做什麼。


[`sobɚ] a. 清醒的,沒醉的 片語 stay sober 保持清醒 You should wash your face with cold water if you want to stay sober. 你應該洗把臉,好保持清醒。 Michael has a serious drinking problem. He is seldom sober. 麥可有嚴重的酗酒問題。他很少有清醒的時候。


[`sollɪ] adv. 單獨地 The publisher is solely responsible for the inappropriate content of the magazine. 出版商應為該雜誌中不合宜的內容獨自負起責任。


[`solo] n. 獨唱,獨奏 a. 單獨的 Howard's piano solo was so impressive that he received a standing ovation. 他的鋼琴獨奏非常精采,獲得觀眾起立鼓掌。 *ovation [o`veʃən] n. 鼓掌 *a standing ovation 起立鼓掌 The young artist is having his first solo exhibition at the art museum. 這名年輕的藝術家目前正在美術館舉行第一次個展。


[`spes͵kræft] n. 太空船(單複數同形) The launching of the spacecraft was postponed due to an approaching storm. 太空船的發射因為即將來臨的暴風雨而被延期。 *launching [`lɑntʃɪŋ] n.(火箭、太空船的)發射 用法 spacecraft 單複數同形,即 a spacecraft、 two spacecraft;但 spaceship 複數卻要加 s,即 a spaceship、two spaceships。同理,飛機也有兩種說法(aircraft 以及 airplane),若為 aircraft 則單複數同形,如:an aircraft、two aircraft,分別等於 an airplane、two airplanes。


[`spɑt͵laɪt] n. 聚光燈,焦點 vt. 使醒目 片語 be under the spotlight 處於眾人目光的焦點 The spotlights on the stage suddenly went off in the middle of the play. 戲演到一半時,舞臺上的聚光燈突然熄滅了。 I get nervous whenever I am under the spotlight. 我每次受到眾人注目都會覺得很緊張。 This incident spotlighted the problem of racism. 這個事件使種族歧視的問題受到注意。


[`spɛktetɚ] n. 觀眾(可數),觀賞者(- viewer,可數) Fighting broke out among spectators in the third quarter. 比賽進行到第 3 節時,便爆發了群眾衝突。


[`spɛktəkḷ] n. 奇觀 片語 make a spectacle of oneself 出洋相 Wayne made a spectacle of himself after he got drunk at a dinner party. 韋恩在晚宴上喝醉,出了洋相。 Niagara Falls is a real spectacle. 尼加拉瀑布真是奇景。


[`spɛktəkḷz] n. 眼鏡(因有兩個鏡片,故須用複數形) 片語 a pair of spectacles 一副眼鏡 - a pair of glasses No offense, but the spectacles you're wearing are kind of old-fashioned. 無意冒犯,但你戴的眼鏡有點老氣。


[`spɛsəmən] 複數形: specimens n. 標本,樣本 Rodney has a collection of rare insect specimens. 羅德尼收藏了若干稀有昆蟲的標本。


[`spɛʃəltɪ] n. 專長,名產 Peking duck is the chef's specialty. 北京烤鴨是這位廚師的專長。


[`spɛʃəlɪst] n. 專家(與介詞 in 並用) Dr. Nilson is a specialist in contemporary linguistics. 尼爾森博士是位當代語言學的專家。 *contemporary [kən`tɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] a. 當代的 *linguistics [lɪŋ`gwɪstɪks] n. 語言學


[`spɛʃəl͵aɪz] vi. 專攻 片語 specialize in... 專攻/專門從事⋯⋯ Professor Lee specializes in English sentence structure analysis. 李教授專精於英文句構分析。 *analysis [ə`næləsɪs] n. 分析 That Chinese restaurant specializes in Sichuan cuisine. 那家中國餐廳專賣四川菜。 *cuisine [kwɪ`zin] n. 烹飪法;菜餚


[`staɪlɪʃ] a. 時髦的,流行的 Many celebrities like to dine in this stylish French restaurant. 許多名人喜歡在這間時髦的法國餐廳用餐。 *dine [daɪn] vi. 用餐


[`stetsmən] n. 政治家 Abraham Lincoln was a great statesman. 亞伯拉罕‧林肯是一位偉大的政治家。 比較 politician n. 政客;政治人物 ③


[`stimɚ] n. 蒸氣船,蒸鍋 Riding a steamer down the Mississippi River is a great way to see some local sights. 搭乘蒸氣船順著密西西比河而下是欣賞當地風光的好方式。 Put the fish in the steamer and steam for 15 minutes. 把魚放進蒸氣鍋裡蒸 15 分鐘。


[`tʃɛk͵bʊk] n. 支票簿 John wrote the amount of money and the check number in his checkbook. 約翰在支票簿內寫下金額以及支票號碼。


[`stretṇ] vt. 弄直 片語 straighten...out 將⋯⋯弄清楚;澄清⋯⋯ I fractured my left shoulder bone in a car accident 10 years ago. Even today, I still can't fully straighten my arm. 10 年前的一起車禍中,我左肩骨折。甚至到今天,我還無法把手臂打直。 *fracture [`fræktʃɚ] vt. 使碎裂 I must straighten out the situation before I can tell you what to do. 我先得把情況弄清楚才能告訴你應怎麼做。


[`strʌktʃərəl] a. 結構的 Fortunately, the typhoon only caused minor structural damage to the buildings. 幸運的是,颱風僅造成建築物結構的輕微損害。


[`stægɚ] vi. 蹣跚而行 The drunken man staggered out of the bar and hailed a taxi to take him home. 這名醉漢蹣跚地走出酒吧,攔了輛計程車回家。 *hail a taxi/cab 攔計程車


[`stæmɚ] vi. 結巴 n. 結巴,口吃 Jack tends to stammer when talking to strangers. 傑克與陌生人交談時容易結巴。 When people laugh at Jay's stammer, he always feels embarrassed. 有人嘲笑阿傑會口吃時,他總是感到很尷尬。


[`stænzə] n. 歌曲或詩的一節 Please analyze the use of metaphor in the second stanza of this poem. 請分析這首詩第二節裡隱喻的使用。 *analyze [`ænḷ͵aɪz] vt. 分析 *metaphor [`mɛtəfɚ] n. 隱喻 比較 lyrics [`lɪrɪks] n. 歌詞(恆用複數)


[`stɑk͵holdɚ] n. 股東〔美〕 Stockholders will hold a meeting to vote on the proposed merger with KGM Co. 股東將召開會議投票表決與 KGM 公司的合併案。 比較 shareholder [`ʃɛr͵holdɚ] n. 股東〔英〕


[`stɑrtḷ] vt. 使驚訝 片語 startle sb 嚇某人一大跳 - take sb by surprise - take sb aback - give sb a start Steven startled me when he broke into my room without knocking the door first. - Steven took me by surprise when he broke into my room without knocking the door first. - Steven took me aback when he broke into my room without knocking the door first. - Steven gave me a start when he broke into my room without knocking the door first. 史提芬沒先敲門就闖進我房裡,嚇了我一大跳。 We were all startled to know that Uncle George was still alive after he had been missing for over thirty years. 喬治大叔失蹤 30 多年後,我們很驚訝地得知他竟還活著。


[`stɑrtḷɪŋ] a. 令人驚訝的 It is startling to know that Cindy was involved in some high-profile criminal activities. 得知辛蒂曾涉及某些很招搖的犯罪活動令人感到很驚訝。 *high-profile [haɪ`profaɪl] a. 引人注目的,招搖的


[`stɔrɪdʒ] n. 儲藏(空間) 片語 in (cold) storage 在(冷)儲藏中 storage space 收納空間 have (some more) storage for sth 有(更多)儲藏某物的空間 - have (some more) space for sth Stop buying new clothes! There's no more storage available for them in the closet. 別再買新衣服了!衣櫥內已經沒有空間可放了。 Many of the items Peter bought at the auction are still in storage. 彼得從拍賣會上買來的物品有許多仍然堆著。 Fish and meat have to be kept in cold storage so they don't spoil. 魚肉類應冷藏以免腐敗。 I like this apartment very much because there is a lot of storage space. 我喜歡這間公寓,因為它有很多收納空間。


[`stɛrɪə͵taɪp] n. 刻板印象 片語 conform to the stereotype/fit the stereotype 符合刻板印象 Scott, who is always casually dressed, doesn't conform to the stereotype of a Wall Street banker. 史考特衣著一向很隨便,不符合華爾街銀行家的刻板印象。 *casually [`kæʒʊəlɪ] adv. 隨意地


[`stɝdɪ] a. 堅韌的,耐用的,健壯的 The sturdy brick house here was the only one in the neighborhood that didn't fall in the earthquake. 這邊這棟堅固的磚頭房屋是這一帶唯一一棟沒在地震中倒塌的房子。 My cousin Tony is quite sturdy. He can do 100 push-ups nonstop and doesn't even break a sweat. 我的表哥東尼很健壯。他可以連續不停做一百個伏地挺身,不流一滴汗。


[`stɪŋkɪ] a. 臭的 Many foreigners in Taiwan are afraid to try stinky tofu. 許多在台灣的外國人很害怕嘗試吃臭豆腐。


[`stʌmbḷ] vi. 絆倒,踉蹌,結巴 片語 stumble over sth 被某物絆倒 - trip over sth While running on the beach, I stumbled over a log and sprained my ankle. 在沙灘上跑步時,我被一塊木頭絆倒,扭傷了腳踝。 *sprain [spren] vt. 扭傷 That guy who is stumbling down the street must be drunk. 那個沿街踉蹌而行的傢伙一定是喝醉了。 Mary stumbled over her words a few times, finding it hard to make a speech in front of the class. 瑪麗講話結巴了幾次,她發現要在全班面前演講是件困難的事。


[`stʌnɪŋ] a. 令人吃驚的 I was impressed with the actress' stunning debut performance. 我對這名女演員初次登台的精彩表演印象深刻。 *debut [dɪ`bju] n. 初次登臺


[`stʌtɚ] vi. 結巴 n. 結巴 Nelson was often teased at school because he stuttered. 尼爾森因為講話會結巴,在學校常常被欺負。 The shy young man talked with a slight stutter because of his nervousness. 這名害羞的年輕人因為緊張講話有一點結巴。


[`sut͵kes] n. 皮箱,行李箱 Can you keep an eye on my suitcase while I go to the bathroom? 我去上個廁所,你可以幫我看行李嗎?


[`sædḷ] n. 馬鞍 vt. 裝上馬鞍 片語 saddle up a horse 替馬裝上馬鞍 It's not easy to ride a horse without a saddle. 沒有馬鞍騎馬很困難。 Peter was saddling up his horse in the stable. 彼得在馬廄裡替馬裝上馬鞍。


[`sæmən] n. 鮭魚(單複數同形) After years at sea, adult salmon swim back to the place of their birth to reproduce. 在海裡生活多年後,成年的鮭魚會游回牠們出生的地方產卵。 *reproduce [͵riprə`djus] vi. 繁殖 用法 fish(魚)、salmon(鮭魚)、carp(鯉魚)單複數同形。 one fish/salmon carp 一條魚/鮭魚/鯉魚 two fish/salmon carp 兩條魚/鮭魚/鯉魚


[`sændḷ] n. (一隻)涼鞋 片語 a pair of sandals 一雙涼鞋 These leather sandals became widely popular soon after they hit the market. 這種皮製涼鞋一上市就廣受喜愛。


[`sævɪdʒ] n. 野蠻人 a. 野蠻的,粗俗的 Tom is rude and mean. He is not unlike a savage. 阿湯哥粗魯,心腸也很壞。他與野蠻人沒兩樣。 Cannibalism is considered savage behavior. 食人被視為是野蠻的行為。 *cannibalism [`kænəbḷ͵ɪzəm] n. 食人的行為


[`sɑləm] a. 嚴肅的,莊嚴的 You're not supposed to laugh out loud on such a solemn occasion. One more time, and I'll have to show you the door. 這種嚴肅的場合你不應當笑出聲來。再一次的話,我就必須讓你離開。


[`sɑlə͵tjud] n. 獨處 片語 in solitude 獨處地 The old man is looking for a place where he can live in solitude. 這個老人正在尋找一個可以讓他獨居的地方。


[`sɑlə͵tɛrɪ] a. 單獨的 John has been living a solitary life in the mountains since his wife passed away. 自從老婆去世後,約翰就一直獨自一人在山裡生活。 *pass away 去世


[`sɑrdʒənt] n. 中士,班長 Our sergeant is very strict with us, but in general he is a good man. 我們的班長對我們很嚴厲,但他基本上人還不賴。 延伸 master sergeant 上士;士官長


[`sɛgmənt] n. 部分 片語 a segment of... 一部分的⋯⋯ - a part of... - a portion of... A large segment of the teenage population has Internet access in this country. 該國大部分的青少年人口都有可以上網的管道。 *access [`æksɛs] n. 接近,接觸


[`sɛlərɪ] n. 芹菜 Celery is high in fiber but low in calories, which makes it a good snack for people on a diet. 芹菜富含纖維,卡路里低,對節食的人來說是很好的小菜。 *fiber [`faɪbɚ] n. 纖維 *calorie [`kælərɪ] n. 卡路里 *snack [snæk] n. 點心,小菜 比較 salary [`sælərɪ] n.(按月發放的)薪水


[`sɛlɚ] n. 地窖,酒窖 Many people store wines in cellars because they are dark and provide a constant temperature. 很多人把酒儲藏在地窖裡,因為那裡陰暗且溫度穩定。


[`sɛntəmənt] n. 情緒,意見,觀點 片語 public sentiment 公眾意見 There is little room for sentiment in business. 做生意不能感情用事。 Recent research has shown what public sentiment is on the issue. 最近的研究顯示大眾對於該議題的觀點。


[`sɛntə͵gred] n. 攝氏 The temperature this morning dropped to zero degrees centigrade. - The temperature this morning dropped to zero degrees Celsius. 今天早上的溫度下降至攝氏零度。 *1 度是 one degree,兩度是 two degrees,但是零因為被視為無限大,所以,表零度時要用複數 zero degrees。


[`sɛrə͵monɪ] n. 典禮 片語 stand on ceremony 拘謹 The principal awarded five outstanding students during the ceremony. 校長在典禮上獎勵了 5 位優秀學生。 Don't stand on ceremony; please make yourself at home. 不要拘束,自己來別客氣。 延伸 a wedding ceremony 婚禮 an opening ceremony 開幕典禮 a graduation ceremony 畢業典禮


[`sɛtɪŋ] n. 環境,背景 The company decided a beach resort was an ideal setting for its annual meeting. 該公司決定濱海度假勝地會是他們年度會議的理想環境。 Nancy rewrote a scene from Romeo and Juliet with a contemporary setting. 南西以現代的場景重新編寫了《羅密歐與茱麗葉》其中的一幕。 延伸 此字是由 be set in...(背景設在⋯⋯)此片語延伸而來。 The film is set in New York in 1980. 這部電影的背景設在 1980 年的紐約。


[`sɝkɪt] n. 一圈,電路 片語 a short circuit 短路 A short circuit caused the machine to malfunction. 短路造成這台機器發生故障。(*malfunction [mæl`fʌŋkʃən] vi. 發生故障 & n. 故障) It takes 15 minutes to make a circuit around the lake. 繞湖一圈要 15 分鐘。 20 engineers worked together to design this electrical circuit. 20 名工程師合作設計出了這組電子線路。


[`sɝmən] n. 佈道(可數名詞,通常與介詞 on 並用) 片語 preach/give/deliver a sermon on sth 就某主題佈道 Reverend Lewis preached a sermon on love and compassion. - Rev. Lewis preached a sermon on love and compassion. 路易斯牧師就愛與同情心這個主題佈道。 *reverend [`rɛvərənd] n. 牧師(大寫,冠於姓氏前,對牧師的尊稱,可縮寫成 Rev.) *compassion [kəm`pæʃən] n. 同情


[`sɝtə͵faɪ] vt. 證明 This diploma certifies that you have finished high school. 這份文憑證明你已完成高中學業。 *diploma [dɪ`plomə] n. 畢業文憑 The psychiatrist certified the patient's sanity. 心理醫生證明那位病人心智正常。 *sanity [`sænətɪ] n. 精神正常


[`sɝvɚ] n. 伺服器,侍者 There was a virus in the server, so we had to shut it down. 伺服器中了病毒,所以我們必須將其關機。 Always make sure to tip your server at least 10 percent. 要記得給你的侍者至少百分之十的小費。


[`sɪlk͵wɝm] n. 蠶 Silkworms feed on mulberry leaves. 蠶靠吃桑葉維生。 *feed on sth 以吃某物維生 *mulberry [`mʌl͵bɛrɪ] n. 桑樹


[`sɪmpə͵θaɪz] vi. 同情,體諒 片語 sympathize with... 同情⋯⋯ I can completely sympathize with those who lost their parents in the accident because I myself am an orphan. 我能夠完全了解那些在這起意外中喪失父母的人,因為我自己也是孤兒。 *orphan [`ɔrfən] n. 孤兒


[`sɪmɚ] vt. vi. 用小火煮,內心充滿 片語 simmer with... 內心被⋯⋯充滿 Allow the meat broth to simmer for a few hours to improve its taste. 這鍋燉肉湯要用小火慢煮幾個小時,以讓其味道更好。 *broth [brɔθ] n. 高湯 Jane was still simmering with anger after Tom left her for another woman. 湯姆為了別的女人離開阿珍後,她的內心還是充滿恨意。


[`sɪnɪstɚ] a. 邪惡的 There was something sinister about the man that made me distrust him. 那名男子有種邪惡的感覺,讓我不太相信他。


[`vɝsəs] prep. 對抗(常簡寫成 vs.) The Foreman vs. Ali fight was one of the best in boxing history. 福爾曼對抗阿里之戰是拳擊史上最精采的拳賽之一。


[`sɪrɪz] 複數形: 單複數同形 n. 系列 片語 a series of + 複數名詞 一系列的⋯⋯ TV series 電視影集 There have been a series of burglaries on the east side of the town. 城市的東區發生了一連串的竊盜案件。 *burglary [`bɝglərɪ] n. 竊盜 A new television series called "Charming Betty" will be starting next month. 新的電視連續劇《迷人的貝蒂》將於下個月開始播出。


[`sɪrɪəl] a. 連續的 n. 連續劇的一集,影集的一集 片語 a serial number 序號 a serial killer 連續殺人犯 a TV serial 一集電視連續劇 The serial killer will face trial this Thursday for the murder of 8 teenage girls. 這名連續殺人犯這個星期四將因為謀殺 8 名少女而接受法庭審判。 *trial [`traɪəl] n. 審判 The TV serial "Charming Betty" last night was boring in terms of plot. 就情節而言,昨晚播出的那一集《迷人的貝蒂》很無聊。 *plot [plɑt] n.(小說/電影的)佈局,情節


[`sɪvɪk] a. 市民的 It is your civic duty to claim your taxes honestly according to your pay. 確實按照你的所得報稅是你應盡的公民義務。 延伸 a civic duty 公民義務 the civic center 民眾服務中心


[`sɪvɪks] n. 公民學 Mr. Johnson teaches civics at the local university. 強森先生在本地的大學教公民。


[`sʌbstə͵tjut] vt. vi. 代替 n. 代替品 片語 substitute A for B 用 A 取代 B substitute for... 代替⋯⋯ You can substitute apple sauce for oil when baking a cake. 做蛋糕時,你可以使用蘋果醬替代油。 Who is going to substitute for you while you are on vacation? 你休假時誰來代理你的職位?


[`sʌlfɚ] n. 硫磺(也可拼為 sulphur) The smell of sulfur is frequently associated with Hell. 硫磺的味道常跟地獄聯想在一塊兒。


[`sʌmən] vt. 召集,召喚,鼓起 片語 summon sb to V 召喚某人從事⋯⋯ summon up one's courage 鼓起勇氣 - pluck up one's courage - work up one's courage The minister summoned an emergency meeting to discuss giving aid to the disaster victims. 部長召集了一場緊急會議討論給災民的援助。 *aid [ed] n. 援助 *disaster [dɪ`zæstɚ] n. 災難 The boss summoned Judy to Seattle for a sudden board meeting. 老闆召喚茱蒂到西雅圖參加一個臨時召開的董事會。 Jack summoned up his courage and asked Catherine out. - Jack plucked up some courage and asked Catherine out. 傑克鼓起勇氣約凱瑟琳出去約會。


[`taɪrənt] n. 暴君 After 10 years of dictatorship, the tyrant was finally overthrown. 經過十年的獨裁政權,這名暴君終於被推翻了。 *dictatorship [dɪk`tetɚ͵ʃɪp] n. 獨裁政權 *overthrow [͵ovɚ`θro] vt. 推翻(三態為:overthrow, overthrew [͵ovɚ`θru] , overthrown [͵ovɚ`θron])


[`tjunə] n. 鮪魚(單複數亦同形) Tuna is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and protein. 鮪魚是維他命、礦物質和蛋白質的極佳來源。 *本句中的主詞 tuna 指『鮪魚肉』,是不可數名詞。


[`tokən] n. 代幣,標記 片語 as a token of... 作為⋯⋯的象徵 - as a symbol of... by the same token adv. 同樣地(須置於句首) - likewise [`laɪk͵waɪz] Kevin changed his coins into tokens in order to play air hockey. 為了要玩桌上圓盤的遊戲,凱文把他的錢幣換成代幣。 Please accept this small gift as a token of my appreciation for your help. 請接受這份小小的禮物表示我對你的幫助的感激。 I always respect others' privacy. By the same token, I want no one to invade my own privacy. 我總是很尊重他人的隱私,同樣的道理,我也不希望有人侵犯我的隱私。 *invade [ɪn`ved] vt. 侵犯


[`traɪflɪŋ] a. 不重要的 The thing that bothers me about our manager is that she often loses her temper over trifling matters. 我受不了我們經理的地方是她常因瑣事而發脾氣。 *lose one's temper 發脾氣


[`traɪfḷ] 複數形: trifles [`traɪfḷz] n. 瑣事(可數) Such a trifle is not worth discussing during the meeting. 這種瑣事不值得在會議中討論。


[`tred͵mɑrk] n. 商標 片語 register a trademark 註冊商標 The Coca-cola company registered its trademark to prevent it from being copied by competition. 可口可樂公司註冊該商標以防止同行仿冒。 *此處 competition 是集合名詞,不可數,指『所有競爭對手』。


[`tritɪ] 複數形: treaties [`tritɪz] n. 條約 片語 sign a peace treaty 簽訂和平條約 The government and the leader of the rebel troops finally signed a peace treaty to end the 10-year civil war. 政府與叛軍領袖終於簽署一份和平條約,終止這場持續十年的內戰。 *rebel [`rɛbḷ] a. 反叛的


[`træmpḷ] vt. vi. 踐踏 片語 trample on/over... 踐踏⋯⋯ The sign reads: Don't trample (on) the grass. 告示牌上寫著:不要踐踏草皮。 It looks as though someone trampled all over my flower bed last night. 昨晚好像有人踐踏過我的花床。


[`trɛʒərɪ] n. 寶庫,金庫 This guidebook is a treasury of information. 這本旅遊書是資料的寶典。


[`trɪbjut] n. 敬意 片語 pay tribute to... 向⋯⋯致敬 Thousands of people gathered at the funeral to pay tribute to the late Princess Diana. 成千名的群眾聚集在喪禮上向已故黛安娜王妃致敬。 *late [let] a. 已故的


[`trɪpḷ] vt. vi. (使)成為三倍 a. 三倍的 Mary decided to stay on when the boss tripled her monthly salary. 老闆將瑪麗月薪加到 3 倍時,她就決定繼續待在公司了。 I'll pay triple the market price to purchase that piece of land. 我會付市價 3 倍的價格買下那塊土地。


[`tækḷ] vt. 處理(問題),(橄欖球用語)擒抱 The government is determined to take immediate measures to tackle inflation. 政府決心採取立即的行動處理通貨膨脹的問題。


[`tævɚn] n. 小酒館 I like to have a drink after work at the tavern. 我喜歡下班之後去小酒館喝一杯。


[klæm] n. 蛤蜊 I was as happy as a clam when the team I supported won the baseball game. 當我所支持的球隊贏得棒球比賽時,我樂翻天了。 延伸 be as happy as a clam 樂翻天


[`tæŋgḷ] vt. vi. 糾纏,捲入 n. 糾結,一團 片語 tangle with sb 與某人爭吵,招惹某人 You may get hurt if you tangle with those people. They're extremely dangerous. 你去招惹那些人恐怕會受傷。他們非常危險。 How did that old lady get tangled up in the company's financial fraud? Wasn't she just a cleaner? 那位老太太怎麼會跟該公司金融詐欺案扯上關係?她不就只是個清潔工嗎? *fraud [frɔd] n. 詐欺 My hair is tangled every morning when I wake up. It takes me a long time to untangle it. 每天早上醒來我的頭髮都糾纏在一塊兒。要梳開來需要很長一段時間。 Johnny's brain was filled with a tangle of emotions when he learned that Mr. & Mrs. Wilson were not his biological parents. 當小強知道威爾遜夫婦不是他的親生父母時,他腦子裡滿滿的是各種糾結的情緒。 *biological [͵baɪə`lɑdʒɪkḷ] a. 生物的 *biological parents 親生父母


[`tɑksɪk] a. 有毒的 Toxic wastes must be disposed of with care. 有毒排放物一定要小心棄置。 *dispose [dɪ`spoz] vi. 處理掉(與 of 並用) *dispose of sth 將某物處理掉


[`tɑksɪn] n. 毒素 Scientists found a high level of toxins in the fish caught from the polluted river. 科學家發現,在受到污染的河內抓到的魚體內都有大量的毒素。


[`tɔrtʃɚ] vt. 折磨 n. 折磨 Several prisoners claimed that they had been tortured both physically and mentally. 幾位囚犯聲稱他們身心遭受折磨。 It was torture for me to hear you sing. 聽你唱歌真是一種酷刑。


[`tɔrənt] n. 洪流,傾盆大雨(恆用複數) After the thunder, the rain started to fall come down in torrents. 打雷之後,就開始下起了傾盆大雨。


[`tɛmpo] n. 節奏,步調 When I try to relax, I turn down the lights and listen to music with a slow tempo. 我試著要放鬆時,我會把燈光關小,然後聽慢節奏的音樂。 Jack is still not accustomed to the slow tempo of life in Vancouver. 傑克對於在溫哥華生活的緩慢步調還是不適應。


[`tɛntətɪv] a. 暫時性的 This tentative schedule is for your reference only. The finalized version will be given to you next week. 這份暫定的行程表只是給你們參考用的。確定的版本會在下星期發給大家。 *version [`vɝʒən] n. 版本


[`tɛnənt] n. 房客 Tenants are not allowed to keep pets inside the apartment. 公寓內禁止房客養寵物。


[`tɛrəs] n. 陽臺 After dinner, we stood silently on the terrace, watching the starry sky. 晚飯後,我們不發一語站在陽台上,仰望星空。 延伸 terrace 與 balcony 皆可指『陽臺』,但前者指較寬敞平坦的『露天大陽臺』,後者則為附著在二樓以上公寓外圍的『窄小陽臺』。


[`tɝmənḷ] n. 航空站,總站 a. 末端的,末期的 片語 the bus terminal 巴士總站 the air terminal 航空站 There's a shuttle service between the airport terminal and the city center. 機場航廈跟市中心之間有接駁車往返的服務。 *shuttle [`ʃʌtḷ] n. 接駁車 Charles was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. 查理斯經診斷發現罹患了肺癌末期。 *diagnose [`daɪəg͵noz] vt. 診斷


[`tɝnəmənt] n. 循環賽,錦標賽 The world-class tennis player was eliminated from the tournament in the first round. 這名世界級的網球選手在錦標賽第一輪就遭淘汰。 *eliminate [ɪ`lɪmə͵net] vt.(比賽中)淘汰 延伸 a tennis/golf tournament 網球/高爾夫錦標賽


[`tɝn͵ovɚ] n. 人員流動率,營業額 It's a bad sign when a company has a high turnover. 當一家公司的人員流動率很高的時候,那不是好預兆。 We estimate that the turnover for this year will exceed 1 million dollars. 我們預期今年營業額將超過一百萬美元。 延伸 turn sth over to sb 將某物遺留給某人 My grandpa turned the gold watch over to me when he passed away. 祖父過世時將這只金錶遺留給我。


[`tɪp͵to] vi. 踮起腳尖走 n. 腳尖 片語 on tiptoe(s) 踮起腳走 Victoria tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake up her sleeping parents. 維多利亞踮起腳尖走出房間以避免吵醒她沉睡中的父母。 I had to stand on tiptoe to reach the pill bottle on the top shelf. 我得站著踮起腳尖才能伸手拿到架子頂層的藥罐。


[`tɪrənɪ] n. 暴政 片語 under sb's tyranny 在某人的暴政統治下 Under King William's tyranny, the nation turned into a living hell. 在威廉國王的暴政統治下,該國變成了人間煉獄。 *a living hell 人間煉獄


[`tʃætɚ] vi. 喋喋不休 n. 喋喋不休 Would you please stop chattering and try to get back to work? 請你別再講話了,試著專心工作好嗎? Jody's constant chatter annoyed Steven, who was trying to concentrate on his work. 裘蒂話講個不停,惹惱了想要專心工作的史蒂芬。


[`tʃætɚ͵bɑks] n. 話多的人 Lucy is such a chatterbox. Not a minute goes by when she is not talking. 露西的話真多。她沒有一分鐘不是在講話的。


[`tʃɛk ͵aʊt] n. 結帳離開 This hotel's check-out time is 12:00 p.m. 這家飯店退房時間是中午 12 點。 用法 check out 則為片語動詞。 At some hotels, you get a discount if you check out early in the morning. 某些飯店,你如果一大早辦理退房手續就能得到折扣。 I checked out a book from the library five days ago. 我 5 天前從圖書館借了一本書出來。


[`tʃɛk ͵ɪn] n. (旅館)辦理住房手續,(機場)辦理登機手續 When is the check-in time for the flight? 這班飛機是什麼時候開始受理登機手續? 用法 check in 則為片語動詞。 We arrived at the hotel early but couldn't check in until 2 o'clock. 我們很早就抵達飯店,但直到兩點都沒辦法辦理住房手續。


[`tʃɛkʌp] n. 健康檢查 片語 a physical checkup 定期健康檢查 - a routine checkup - a physical John was diagnosed with liver cancer during a physical checkup. 約翰在做定期健康檢查的時候被診斷出罹患肝癌。 *diagnose [`daɪəgnoz] vt. 診斷 *be diagnosed with + 疾病 被診斷有某疾病


[`tʃɛlo] n. 大提琴 A cello is much larger than a viola, and it can produce a lower tone than a viola. 大提琴比中提琴大很多,而且它發出的聲音比中提琴還低。 比較 violin [͵vaɪə`lɪn] n. 小提琴 ② viola [͵vɪ`olə] n. 中提琴 double bass [͵dʌbḷ `bes] n. 低音提琴


[`tʃɛrmən] n. 主席 Peter was unanimously elected as chairman of the committee. 彼得獲得全體一致的投票通過獲選為委員會主席。 *unanimously [jʊ`nænəməslɪ] adv. 全體一致地


[`tʃɪlɪ] 複數形: chilies n. 辣椒〔美〕(chilli〔英〕) Add some chili to the beef stew to give it a spicy flavor. 在這鍋燉牛肉裡再加些辣椒讓它有辣味。 *stew [stju] n. 燉煮 *spicy [`spaɪsɪ] a. 辛辣的 比較 chilly [`tʃɪlɪ] a. 冷颼颼的 ③ Chile [`tʃɪlɪ] n. 智利(南美洲國家)


[`tʃʌbɪ] a. 圓胖的 This baby boy has rosy cheeks and chubby legs. 這個小寶寶有粉紅色的雙頰和胖嘟嘟的雙腿。


[`tʌtʃ͵ston] n. 檢驗標準,試金石 Personal service and high quality goods are the touchstones of a good business. 個人化的服務以及高品質的產品是檢驗優良企業的標準。


[`vaɪə/vɪə] prep. 經由 You can access our library's database via the Internet. 你可以透過網路進入我們圖書館的資料庫。 *access [`æksɛs] vt. 接觸到,使用,存取 用法 via作為介詞等於 through。


[`veglɪ] adv. 模糊地,依稀地 片語 vaguely remember... 依稀記得⋯⋯ I vaguely remember the girl I met at the party last night. 我不太記得昨晚在派對上認識的那個女孩。


[`vekənsɪ] 複數形: vacancies [`vekənsɪz] n. 空房,空缺 片語 a job vacancy 職缺 - a job opening None of the hotels in downtown New York have any vacancies on New Year's Eve. 除夕夜紐約市中心的飯店都沒有空房了。 There are still some vacancies for the cashier at the supermarket. 超市的收銀員還有一些職缺。 *cashier [kæ`ʃɪr] n. 出納員


[`vepɚ] n. 蒸氣 The doctor used water vapor to treat my sore throat. 醫生使用水蒸氣來治療我的喉嚨痛。


[`vito] vt. 否決 n. 否決權 片語 veto a bill 否決法案 The President of the United States may veto a bill that has been passed by both houses of Congress. 美國總統可以否決參眾兩院均已通過的議案。 The power of veto over this bill is held by the President. 這項法案的否決權握在總統手裡。


[`vizə] n. 簽證 片語 renew one's visa 更換簽證,加簽 I came to Taiwan on a student visa, but it has expired. Therefore, I have to renew it this afternoon. 我拿學生簽證來台灣,但簽證已經過期了。因此,我今天下午得去加簽。 *expire [ɪk`spaɪr] vi.(期限)終止


[`vjuɚ] n. (電視)觀眾(可數)(- spectator) The following program may contain violent scenes that are not suitable for viewers below 12 years old. 以下節目可能包含暴力影像,不適合 12 歲以下的觀眾。


[`vju͵pɔɪnt] n. 觀點,視角 片語 from sb's viewpoint/perspective 從某人的觀點看來 - from sb's point of view From the voter's viewpoint, the state of the economy is far more important than who is elected president. - From the voter's point of view, the state of the economy is far more important than who is elected president. 從選民的觀點來看,經濟情況遠比誰當選總統來得重要。


[`vækjʊəm] n. 真空 vt. 吸塵 This kind of bacterium must be developed in a vacuum. 這種細菌只能在真空環境下培養。 My mother vacuums the carpet with her vacuum cleaner twice a week. 我母親每星期都用吸塵器吸地毯兩次。 用法 a vacuum cleaner [`vækjʊəm͵klinɚ] n. 真空吸塵器 a vacuum tube 真空管


[`vækjʊəm] vt. 吸塵 n. 真空,吸塵器 片語 a vacuum cleaner 吸塵器 in a vacuum 處於真空狀態;與外界隔絕 I vacuum and mop the floor once a week. 我一星期吸地以及拖地一次。 *mop [mɑp] vt. 用拖把拖 The learning of social skills does not take place in a vacuum. 社交技能是不能在與外界隔離的環境下習得的。 This latest model of vacuum cleaner can move automatically by itself, according to the instructions. 根據使用說明書,這台最新型的吸塵器可以自動移動。 *automatic [͵ɔtə`mætɪk] a. 自動的


[`vænətɪ] n. 虛榮 Out of vanity, Paul drives expensive cars and wears designer clothes. 因為愛慕虛榮,保羅開昂貴的名車以及穿名牌服飾。 *designer [dɪ`zaɪnɚ] n. 設計師 *a designer shirt 名牌襯衫 *比較:a brand-name shirt 有牌子的襯衫(未必是名牌)


[`vɛlvɪt] n. 絲絨 You should dry clean this evening gown because it's made of velvet. 你應該把這件晚禮服拿去乾洗,因為它是絲絨製的。 *gown [gaʊn] n. 女性長晚禮服


[`vɛntʃɚ] n. 投機事業 vt. vi. 冒險 片語 a joint venture 合資事業 The Ford company has invested a huge sum of money in a joint venture. 福特公司投資了一大筆金額在合資事業上。 Harry packed his food and gear, ready to venture into the unknown. 哈利打包他的食物和裝備,準備好要往未知的地方探險。 *gear [gɪr] n. 裝備(集合名詞,不可數) 諺語 Nothing ventured, nothing gained. - If nothing is ventured, nothing will be gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。


[`vɝbḷ] a. 語言的,口頭的 片語 verbal abuse 語言上的虐待(不可數, *abuse [ə`bjuz] n. 虐待) a verbal attack 口水戰(可數) Local authorities have given the construction company verbal approval to begin the project. 地方當局口頭上已經准許該建築公司開工。 Though they have no signs of visible harm, some people consider verbal abuse worse than physical abuse. 語言虐待雖然沒有明顯的傷痕,有些人認為這種虐待卻比身體虐待更嚴重。 I'm sick of the politicians' verbal attacks on each other. 我對政客間的口水戰已經覺得很厭煩了。


[`vɝbḷɪ] adv. 語言地 The man accused of verbally harassing the waitress was detained by the police officer. 這名被指控以言語騷擾女服務生的男子被警方拘留。 *harass [hə`ræs] vt. 騷擾 *detain [dɪ`ten] vt. 拘留


[`vɝtɪkḷ] a. 垂直的 Nowadays many firms are seeking vertical integration to increase productivity. 現今有很多公司正在尋求垂直整合,以提昇生產力。 *integration [͵ɪntə`greʃən] n. 整合


[`vɪdɪo͵tep] n. 錄影帶 vt. 錄影 Tom videotaped all the episodes of his favorite TV show. 湯姆把他最喜愛的電視節目全都錄了起來。 *episode [`ɛpə͵sod] n.(電視劇的)一集


[`vɪgərəs] a. 有活力的,強力的 Even at 98, Mr. Johnson walks with vigorous steps. 即使年紀 98 歲了,強森先生走起路來依舊健步如飛。 Sean's suggestion provoked a vigorous debate among the board members. 尚恩的提議引發董事會成員之間的激辯。 *provoke [prə`vok] vt. 煽動;激起


[`vɪgərəslɪ] adv. 有活力地 The lawyer argued vigorously in court, insisting on his client's innocence. 那位律師在法庭上激烈地辯論,堅稱他委託人的清白。


[`vɪgɚ] n. 活力 片語 with vigor 充滿活力地 be full of vigor 充滿活力 After a cup of coffee, Jim began to work with renewed vigor. 喝完一杯咖啡之後,吉姆又恢復活力開始工作。 Grandpa is over eighty but is still healthy and full of vigor. 祖父已年逾 80,但身體仍很硬朗充滿活力。


[`vɪlə] n. 別墅 Whoever owns that villa must be stinking rich. 那棟別墅的主人一定超有錢的。 *be stinking rich 非常有錢 stinking 是形容詞,指『發臭』的,此處作副詞,相當於 extremely(極端地),專用以修飾 rich,相當於『滿身都是銅臭味』之意。


[`vɪlən] n. (戲劇、小說中)反派角色 You won't find out who the real villain is until the end of the movie. 你一直到電影結尾才會知道真正的壞人是誰。


[`vɪnjɚd] n. 葡萄園 Andrew owns a vineyard and makes his own wine. 安德魯擁有一座葡萄園,釀自己的酒。


[`waɪd͵sprɛd] a. 分散的,普遍的 片語 widespread support 廣泛的支持 widespread acceptance 大眾的接受 The new policy has received widespread support. 新的政策受到廣泛支持。 The widespread use of computers has made it more convenient to communicate. 電腦的廣泛使用讓溝通更加方便了。


[`waɪld͵laɪf] n. 野生動物(集合名詞,不可數) 片語 endangered wildlife 瀕臨絕種的野生動物 Some endangered wildlife will become extinct within years if we don't take action. 如果我們再不行動,幾年之內有些瀕臨絕種的動物就要滅絕了。 *extinct [ɪk`stɪŋkt] a. 滅絕的


[`wɔrɪɚ] n. 戰士 The samurai were considered great warriors in traditional Japanese society. 傳統的日本社會認為武士是偉大的戰士。 *samurai [`sæmʊ͵raɪ] n. 日本武士(單複數同形)


[`wɛrɪ] a. 謹防的 片語 be wary of... 對⋯⋯小心提防 When in a pub, you should be wary of strangers who offer to buy you a drink. 在酒吧時,對那些主動請妳喝酒的陌生人要小心提防。


[`wɛr͵haʊs] n. 倉庫 We need to rent an additional warehouse because we have used up all the storage space in the current one. 我們需要再多租一間倉庫,因為目前的儲存空間已經滿了。 *additional [ə`dɪʃənḷ] a. 額外的 *storage [`stɔrɪdʒ] n. 儲存


[`wɝk͵ʃɑp] n. 研討會,工作室 A three-day writing workshop will be hosted by the renowned author Mr. Miller. 為期 3 天的寫作研討會將由知名作家米勒先生主辦。 *renowned [rɪ`naʊnd] a. 知名的 The carpenter transformed the garage into a workshop for hand-made furniture. 這名木匠將車庫改裝成一間製作手工家具的工作室。


[`wɝðɪ] a. 值得的 This article I found in the magazine is worthy of your attention. 我在雜誌上看到的這篇文章值得你留意。 用法 worthy 常與介詞 of 並用,形成下列用法: be worthy of + N/Ving 值得⋯⋯ This question is worthy of our attention. 這個問題值得我們注意。 The book is worthy of reading. 這本書值得一讀。


[`wɝð͵waɪl] a. 值得的 片語 It's worthwhile to... 很值得去做⋯⋯ It's worthwhile to spend your leisure time reading, instead of watching TV. 把閒暇時間用來閱讀而不是看電視,這是很值得的一件事。 You should spend your weekend doing something more worthwhile rather than just lying on the sofa and watching TV. 你週末應該做點更值得的事,而不是光躺在沙發上看電視。


[`wɝʃɪp] vt. 崇拜,禮拜 n. 崇拜,禮拜 片語 worship the ground someone walks on 拜倒在某人腳下 Peter is so madly in love with Mary that he'll do anything for her. He really worships the ground she walks on. 彼得瘋狂愛上瑪麗,因此他願意為她付出一切。他真的是拜倒在她的石榴裙下了。 Julia worships the movie star so much that she's put his posters all over her room. 茱莉亞如此崇拜這位電影明星,所以她房裡貼滿了他的海報。 His whole family is Christian, so morning worship on Sundays is routine for them. 他全家人都是基督徒,所以星期天的晨間禮拜對他們來說是例行公事。 比較 warship [`wɔrʃɪp] n. 戰艦 ⑥


[`wɪdo] n. 寡婦 The poor widow had to raise 3 children all by herself after her husband died of lung cancer. 丈夫肺炎過世後,那個可憐的寡婦必須獨自一人撫養 3 個孩子。


[`wɪdoɚ] n. 鰥夫 After his wife died, the widower moved into the mountains and led a secluded life there. 他的妻子過世之後,那個鰥夫搬到山中,在那兒他過著與世隔絕的生活。 *secluded [sɪ`kludɪd] a. 隔絕的,退隱的


[`wɪldɚnɪs] n. 荒野,野外 片語 in the wilderness 在野外 Wendy got lost in the mountains while hiking and spent three days wandering in the wilderness before she was finally found by the rescue team. 溫蒂登山健行時迷了路,花了 3 天在野外流浪才被救難隊找到。


[`wɪrɪ] a. 疲勞的 片語 be weary of + N/V-ing 對⋯⋯感到厭倦 - be tired of + N/V-ing William is weary of doing the same job day after day, so he is ready to retire. 威廉已厭倦了每天一成不變的工作,所以準備退休了。


[`wɪskɪ] n. 威士忌酒,一杯威士忌(- whisky〔英〕) Mike pulled a bottle of whiskey off the shelf and poured some into a glass. 邁可把一瓶威士忌酒從架子上拿下來,並且倒了一些在玻璃杯裡。


[`wɪðɚ] vi. 枯萎 Plants will wither if not watered. 植物若不澆水會枯萎。


[`wʊd͵pɛkɚ] n. 啄木鳥 Because woodpeckers peck into tree trunks to find food, they are nicknamed tree doctors. 啄木鳥因為啄食樹幹覓食的習性而有樹醫生的封號。


[`ædmərəl] n. 海軍上將 The admiral gave us a pep talk this morning to boost our morale. 將軍在今晨給我們精神訓話以激勵我們的士氣。 *pep talk [`pɛp͵tɔk] n. 精神訓話 *boost [bust] vt. 推動 *morale [mə`ræl] n. 士氣


[`ægrɪ͵kʌltʃɚ] n. 農業 We are developing new technology to improve our agriculture. 我們正在研發新科技來改善農業。


[`ægənɪ] n. 痛苦 片語 in agony 身處痛苦之中 Daniel screamed in agony after the drunken man attacked him with a bat and broke his leg. 丹尼爾被該酒醉男子持球棒攻擊打斷腿後發出痛苦的慘叫聲。


[`æknɪ] n. 粉刺,青春痘(病症,不可數) The doctor prescribed some ointment for my acne problem. 醫師開藥膏給我治療青春痘。 *ointment [`ɔɪntmənt] n. 藥膏


[`ælaɪ]/[ə`laɪ] n. 同盟者 vt. 使結盟 片語 ally oneself with sb 與某人結盟 During World War II, Great Britain and the USA were allies. 二次世界大戰期間,大英帝國和美國是同盟國。 We must ally ourselves with other countries to fight terrorism. 我們必須聯合其他國家對抗恐怖主義。


[`ældʒəbrə] n. 代數 Algebra is a closed book to me. 我對代數一竅不通。


[`æltə͵tjud] n. 高度,海拔(與介詞 at 並用) 片語 at an altitude of... 在⋯⋯的高度 The airplane is now cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet. 這架飛機正在 3 萬英尺高空飛行。 *cruise [kruz] vi. 定速航行 比較 attitude [`ætət͵jud] n. 態度(與介詞 to/towards 並用) Mary holds a very optimistic attitude towards life. 瑪麗對人生的態度很樂觀。


[`ælə͵getɚ] n. 短吻鱷 A: I have to go. See you later, alligator. B: After a while, crocodile. 甲:我得走了,再見囉。 (乙:掰掰。) 延伸 See you later, alligator./After a while, crocodile. 再見。(道別的俏皮話)


[`ælɚdʒɪ] 複數形: allergies [`ælɚdʒɪz] n. 過敏 n. 過敏 片語 have an allergy to... 對⋯⋯過敏 I have a severe allergy to dust and cat hair. 我對灰塵和貓毛有嚴重的過敏。


[`æmpḷ] a. 充分的 There is ample evidence that sea levels around the world are rising. 有充分的證據顯示,全球的海平面正在上升。


[`ænθəm] n. 聖歌,國歌 片語 the national anthem 國歌 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the national anthem. 各位女士先生,請起立唱國歌。


[`æstrə͵nɔt] n. 太空人 Astronauts must complete many years of training before they can actually travel into space. 太空人必須完成多年的訓練,才能進入太空旅行。 比較 astronomer [ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家 ⑤ astrologist [ə`strɑlədʒɪst] n. 占星家 spacecraft [`spes͵kræft] n. 太空船(單複數同形) 用法 多用來指『美國的太空人』,而 cosmonaut 則指『蘇聯的太空人』。


[`æsɛt] n. 資產(常用複數),有用的人/物/特質 片語 be an asset to sb/sth 對某人/某事是個資產 A company's assets consist of buildings, equipment, cash, and specialist knowledge. 公司的資產包含建築物、設備、現金和專業知識。 *specialist [`spɛʃəlɪst] n. 專家,專業人士 *specialist knowledge 專業人士具有的知識 Tina has been a great asset to our company since she started working here. 自從蒂娜開始在這兒工作以來,她就一直是本公司寶貴的資產。


[`æŋkɚ] n. 錨,(電視或廣播新聞節目)主播者,靠山,寄託 vt. 下錨停船 The captain ordered us to drop anchor and prepare to land. 船長命令我們放下錨準備登陸。 Ron and Vicky are the anchors of a nightly news program. 朗恩和薇琪是晚間新聞的兩位主播。 Mary's son has been her anchor since her husband died. 瑪麗的兒子自老公過世後就成了她的精神寄託。 The ship will have to be anchored here due to the coming storm. 因為暴風雨接近,船將得要停泊在這兒。


[`ɑblɔŋ] a. 長方形的 n. 長方形 There is an oblong wooden table located at the back of the chapel. 這間小禮拜堂內的後方有一張長方形的木桌。 *chapel [`tʃæpḷ] n. 小禮拜堂 用法 circle [`sɝkḷ] n. 圓形② square [skwɛr] n. 正方形② diamond [`daɪəmənd] n. 菱形② triangle [`traɪ͵æŋgḷ] n. 三角形② rectangle [rɛk`tæŋgḷ] n. 長方形② oval [`ovḷ] n. 橢圓形④


[`ɑbstənɪt] a. 頑固的 Stop being so obstinate and self-righteous! There's some truth in what Mary said. 別再這麼頑固跟自以為是了!瑪麗說的話的確有幾分道理。


[`ɑktəpəs] 複數形: octopi [`ɑktəpaɪ], octopuses [`ɑktəpə͵sɪz] n. 章魚(單數) An octopus uses its tentacles to grab its prey. 章魚會用牠的觸角捕捉獵物。 *tentacle [`tɛntəkḷ] n. 觸角 *prey [pre] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)


[`ɑlɪv] n. 橄欖 a. 橄欖的 The olive branch represents peace and prosperity. 橄欖樹的樹枝代表著和平和繁榮。


[`ɑptə͵mɪst] n. 樂觀主義者 An optimist by nature, Philip always looks on the bright side of things even in times of trouble. 菲利普本性樂觀,即使處在困境卻總是往好的地方想。


[`ɑptə͵mɪzəm] n. 樂觀主義 In times of economic prosperity, everyone showed great optimism about the future. 經濟欣欣向榮之際,每個人對未來都很樂觀。 *prosperity [prɑs`pɛrətɪ] n. 繁榮


[`ɑptɪkḷ] a. 光學的,視覺的 The tricks magicians perform are often called optical illusions. 魔術師表演的花招常被稱作光學上的幻覺。 *illusion [ɪ`luʒən] n. 幻覺 The doctor informed me that my headaches were being caused by an optical problem. 醫生告知我的頭痛是因為視覺上的問題所造成。


[`ɑrktɪk] a. 北極的 The Arctic is home to four million inhabitants. 有 4 百萬居民住在北極區。 延伸 the Arctic 北極區


[`ɑrkə͵tɛkt] n. 建築師 This building is designed by Timothy Lee, a world renowned architect. 這棟建築是由一位名叫提摩西‧里的世界知名建築師所設計。 *renowned [rɪ`naʊnd] a. 聞名的(- famous)


[`ɑrkə͵tɛktʃɚ] n. 建築物(不可數) Baroque architecture is characterized by grandeur and magnificence. 巴洛克式建築的特色就是雄偉壯麗。 *grandeur [`grændʒɚ] n. 雄偉 *magnificence [məg`nɪfəsṇs] n. 壯麗


[`ɑrmɚ] n. 盔甲(不可數) vt. 為⋯⋯穿盔甲 In the past, knights would wear suits of armor when going into battle. 在過去的年代,騎士去打仗時會穿上盔甲衣。 An armored truck stopped in front of the bank and two armed guards got out. 一輛裝甲卡車停在銀行前,兩名武裝警衛走了出來。 *armed [ɑrmd] a. 武裝的


[`ɑrtərɪ] n. 動脈 Your arteries are responsible for carrying blood from your heart to the rest of your body. 動脈負責將血液從心臟輸送到人體各個部位。


[`ɑrtɪ͵fækt] n. 歷史文物,古物 This ancient Greek artifact is extremely valuable. 這件希臘古物價值連城。 比較 handicraft 指的是一般的『手工藝品』,而 artifact 則指具有考古學或文化上意義的『歷史文物』。


[`ɑstrɪtʃ/`ɔstrɪtʃ] n. 鴕鳥,逃避現實的人 The meat of an ostrich tastes like chicken. 鴕鳥肉吃起來像是雞肉。 Don't be such an ostrich. You need to face your problem. 不要逃避現實。你必須面對你的問題。


[`ɔltɚ] vt. 改變,修改 The Internet has altered the way we seek information. 網際網路已經改變了我們尋找資訊的方式。 I need to have the pants altered to fit me well. 我得把這條褲子拿去修改,好合我的身。 比較 altar [`ɔltɚ] n. 祭壇


[`ɔrfənɪdʒ] n. 孤兒院 Robin's parents died in an accident, so he was raised in an orphanage. 羅賓的父母親死於一場意外,因此他是在孤兒院裡長大的。


[`ɔrnəmənt]/[`ɔrnə͵mɛnt] n. 裝飾品 vt. 裝飾 片語 be ornamented with sth 用⋯⋯做裝飾 - be decorated with sth The department stores are decorated with Christmas ornaments during the holiday season. 聖誕假期期間,百貨公司裝飾著聖誕飾品。 *the holiday season 從感恩節一直到新曆過年這段假期 This seaside café is painted blue and ornamented with shells. 這間海邊的咖啡館被漆成藍色,用了很多貝殼做裝飾。


[`ɔrtʃɚd] n. 果園 I like to pick oranges in the orchard early in the evening. 我喜歡接近傍晚的時候去果園採些橘子。


[`ɔsəm] a. 令人敬畏的,很棒的 The girl in a mini-skirt has an awesome figure. 那位穿著迷你裙的女生身材很棒。 *figure [`fɪgjɚ] n. 身材 比較 awful [`ɔfəl] a. 可怕的 ④ You look awful today. What's the matter with you? 你今天看起來氣色不好。你怎麼了嗎?


[`ɔɪstɚ] n. 牡蠣,蠔 My stomach began to feel funny after I gulped down some oysters. 我大口吞下幾枚生蠔之後胃開始覺得怪怪的。 *gulp [gʌlp] vt. 大口吞嚥(與 down 並用) Mary is young, beautiful, and talented. The world is her oyster. 瑪麗年輕貌美又有才華。世界是她的舞臺,靜待她展翅高飛。 延伸 The world is your oyster. 世界是你的牡蠣。(比喻世界是某人可盡情揮灑的舞台)


[`ədʌlt͵hʊd] n. 成年 Once we reach adulthood, we should take total responsibility for our behavior. 我們一旦成年,就應該對自己的行為負起完全的責任。


[`ɛksaɪl `ɛgzaɪl] n. 流放,流亡,流亡者 vt. 放逐 片語 in exile 遭流放 Due to political reasons, the scholar was forced to flee his own country and live in exile. 由於政治因素,這位學者被迫逃離自己的國家,過著流亡的生活。 *flee [fli] vt. & vi. 逃離(三態為:flee, fled [flɛd] , fled) The famous political activist recently published a book about his life as an exile. 這位著名的政治運動家最近出版了一本關於他流亡生活的書。 The dictator was exiled soon after the military coup. 這位獨裁者在軍事政變後不久就被流放了。 *dictator [`dɪk͵tetɚ] n. 獨裁者 *coup [ku] n. 政變


[`ɛksɪ͵kjut] vt. 執行,處死 片語 execute sb for sth 因某事處死某人 Make sure our plan to reduce costs is executed with great precision. 務必確定我們降低成本的計畫被精確執行。 The soldier was executed on the spot for treason. 這名士兵因為叛國罪而當場被處死。 *treason [`trizṇ] n. 叛國罪


[`ɛlə͵vet] vt. 上升,提升 Captain Carter was elevated to the rank of major due to his outstanding performance on many missions. 卡特上尉由於其在諸多任務上表現傑出,而獲晉任少校官階。


[`ɛntɚ͵praɪz] n. 企業 The tax reduction policy is aimed at helping small and medium-sized enterprises. 這項減稅政策旨在幫助中小型企業。 延伸 a public/private enterprise 公營/私營企業


[`ɛrɪs] n. 女繼承人 The hotel tycoon decided to donate all his money to charity, leaving his heirs and heiresses not a single penny. 那位飯店大亨決定捐出所有錢給慈善機構,不留半毛給他的男女繼承人。


[`ʃɔrtɪdʒ] n. 匱乏 片語 a shortage of ⋯ ⋯⋯的短缺 Years of civil war have led to an acute shortage of labor in this country. 多年的內戰已造成該國當地勞動人口嚴重短缺。(*acute [ə`kjut] a. 劇烈的) There was severe water and food shortage in this area after the earthquake. 地震發生之後,當地的水和食物嚴重短缺。


[`ɛr͵taɪt] a. 氣密的,無懈可擊的 Store the fruit in airtight containers and put them into the fridge, so it doesn't spoil. 把水果放入密閉容器內,再冰到冰箱裡,這樣它們就不會壞掉了。 We have an airtight defense on this military base. With three squads on patrol 24 hours a day, the enemy stands no chance of breaking in by force. 我們基地的防禦滴水不漏。全天候都有 3 個班巡邏,敵人根本沒機會以武力闖入。 *squad [skwɑd] n.(軍語)班 *patrol [pə`trol] n. 巡邏


[`ɛvɚ͵grin] n. 萬年青,常綠灌木 My grandfather told me the tree in his garden was an evergreen. 祖父告訴我他花園裡那棵樹是一株萬年青。


[`ɛθɪks] n. 道德標準 片語 a code of ethics 道德規範 The reporter violated the ethics of his profession by revealing the source's identity. 這名記者因透露消息來源的身份而違反了職業道德。 *violate [`vaɪə͵let] vt. 違反 The progress of science is often restricted by a code of ethics. 科學的發展常被道德規範給限制住。 *restrict [rɪ`strɪkt] vt. 限制 比較 ethnic [`ɛθnɪk] a. 種族的 ⑥ an ethnic group 族群


[`ɛθɪkḷ] a. 道德的 It is not considered ethical to watch pornographic movies even if you're an adult. 一般認為即使是成年人看色情電影也是不道德的。 *pornographic [͵pɔrnə`græfɪk] a. 色情的


[`ɪdɪət] n. 白癡 Get out of my sight, you idiot! 滾開,你這個白痴!


[`ɪmpətəs] n. 動力,衝力 The bill is expected to add a new impetus for economic growth. 該法案預期將帶來經濟成長的新動力。


[`ɪmpʌls] n. 衝動(通常與介詞 on 並用) 片語 act on impulse 衝動行事 You will get into a lot of trouble if you act on impulse. 如果你衝動行事,很容易就會惹上麻煩。 Whenever I step into a department store, I have the impulse to buy things. 每當走進百貨公司,我就有購物的衝動。


[`ɪndɛks] 複數形: indexes [`ɪndɛksɪs] n. 索引 n. 索引,指數,指標 You can search the library database for author and title indexes. 你可以到該圖書館的資料庫裡查詢作者和書名的索引。 The economic indices in this magazine suggest that the economy is recovering. 雜誌裡的幾項經濟指標顯示經濟正在復甦。 延伸 index finger 食指 the Dow Jones index 道瓊指數


[`ɪnfənɪt] a. 無限的 片語 an infinite number/variety of + 複數名詞 無限的⋯⋯ Life is finite, but knowledge is infinite. 生也有涯,知也無涯。——諺語 *finite [`faɪnaɪt] a. 有限的 Little kids seem to have an infinite amount of energy and are curious about everything around them. 小孩子似乎有無窮的精力,對身邊的事物充滿了好奇。


[`ɪnlənd] a. 內陸的,內地的 adv. 內陸地 片語 an inland city 內陸都市 Judy has been living in an inland city for most of her life; she has never seen the ocean. 茱蒂一直都是住在內陸都市;她從未見過海洋。 The troops began to march inland after they had taken several important military posts along the coast. 部隊在佔領了幾個沿海重要軍事據點後,開始向內陸挺進。 *post [post] n. 崗位,要塞


[`ɪnsɛns] n. 香 The smell of burning incense always reminds me of my childhood. 燒香的味道總是會讓我想起我的童年。


[`ɪnwɚd] a. 內在的,私密的 I felt a sudden inward fear when Alice told me the news. 當愛麗斯告訴我這個消息時,我內心突然感到一陣恐懼。


[`ɪnwɚdz] adv. 向內地,私密地(- inward) After her son's death, Mary began to turn inwards in her quest for spiritual peace. 在她的孩子死後,瑪麗開始向內追索,尋求心靈的平靜。


[`ɪn͵saɪdɚ] n. 內部的人 片語 insider trading 內線交易 Martin offered an insider's view of the entertainment business during his last interview. 馬汀在他上一次的訪談中提供了娛樂業概況的第一手資料。 The man was arrested on suspicion of insider trading. 該名男子因涉嫌內線交易而遭逮捕。


[`ɪʃu] n. 重大議題,爭議,期刊 vt. 發行 片語 take issue with sb over sth 與某人爭論某事 - disagree with sb over sth be at issue 在爭論中 - be in disagreement issue sth;;發行某物 The issue of sexual discrimination in the office was widely discussed during the meeting. 會議中辦公室性別歧視的議題被廣泛討論。 Susan took issue with Peter over who should be responsible for the mistake. 誰應對這個錯負責,針對此點蘇珊與彼得有所爭論。 What is at issue now is when is the time to deal with the problem. 現在受爭議的問題是,何時要處理這個問題。 The latest issue of Vogue magazine featured an interview with Brad Pitt. 最新一期的《時尚》雜誌特別刊出布萊德‧彼特的專訪。 *feature [`fitʃɚ] vt. 以⋯⋯為特色 The government has issued a large number of booklets to explain its new policies. 政府發行很多手冊來解釋它的新政策。 用法 政治性問題用 issue,一般學科的問題用 problem。


[`ʃæbɪ] a. 破爛的 The house looks somewhat shabby from the outside, but inside it is quite lovely. 這房子外觀看來有些破爛,但裡頭還挺不錯的。


[`ʃætɚ] vt. vi. 破滅,使粉碎,打碎 片語 shatter into pieces 碎成碎片 - break into pieces shatter sb's dreams/illusions 某人的美夢/幻想破滅 The earthquake shook the building, causing the mirror to fall from the wall and shatter into pieces. 地震搖晃著建築物,牆上的鏡子掉到地上碎成碎片。 An unpleasant meeting shattered Peter's illusions about the joint venture. 一場不歡而散的會議粉碎了彼得對合資案的幻想。 *joint venture 合資企業 *venture [`vɛntʃɚ] n. 冒險;有風險的企業


[`ʃɑrpṇ] vt. 削尖,使敏銳 I enrolled in the class in the hope that it would sharpen my writing ability. 我報名這堂課為了想要加強我的寫作能力。 *enroll [ɪn`rol] vi. 註冊(與介詞 in 並用) The artist sharpened his pencil and then started drawing. 這位藝術家把鉛筆削尖,接著開始畫畫。


[klæn] n. 家族 The Johnson clan is the largest as well as the most powerful one in this city. 強森家族是本市最大也最有權力的家族。


[`ʃɔrt͵kʌmɪŋ] n. (個性上的)缺點 My girlfriend always makes me aware of my own shortcomings. 我女友總能讓我了解到自己的缺點。 比較 defect [dɪ`fɛkt `difɛkt] n.(東西的)缺點,瑕疵 drawback [`drɔ͵bæk] n.(事情的)缺點 Due to a number of defects in our new product, we had to recall them. 由於我們的新產品有一些缺陷,我們得將它們回收。 The drawback to your idea is that it's not practical. 你的想法缺點在於那並不實際。


[`ʃɛrɪf] n. 警長 The sheriff stopped Michael because he ran the red light. 邁可闖紅燈被警長攔了下來。 *run the red light 闖紅燈


[`ʃɪvɚ] vi. 發抖 n. (寒冷、害怕地)發抖 片語 send shivers up/down sb's spine 令某人不寒而慄 Dennis shivered with cold while waiting for the bus in the snow. 丹尼斯在雪裡等公車時冷得發抖。 The strange sound from the basement sent shivers down my spine. 從地下室傳來的奇怪聲響令我不寒而慄。


[`ʃʌdɚ] vi. 發抖 n. (寒冷、害怕地)發抖 The princess shuddered at the thought of kissing the frog. 公主一想到要親吻這隻青蛙就全身發抖。


[`ʃʌtɚ] n. 百葉門窗(恆用複數),相機的快門 片語 open/close the shutters 打開/關上百葉窗 Open the shutters, please. It's so dark in here. 麻煩你把百葉窗打開。這裡面很暗。 Before taking a picture, press the shutter button halfway down to focus. 照相之前,把快門的按鈕往下壓一半以便對焦。 *focus [`fokəs] vi.(相機)對焦


[`ʌmpaɪr] n. (棒球、網球、板球等)裁判 The umpire was struck unconscious by a fastball. 裁判被一顆快速球打到之後便昏迷不醒。 *fastball [`fæst͵bɔl] n.(棒)快速球(不要寫成 fast ball) 比較 judge [dʒʌdʒ] n.(作文、演講比賽等文藝活動的)裁判


[`ʌpwɚd(z)] adv. 向上地 With the economy going strong, property prices are moving upward(s) again. 經濟趨強之後,房地產的價格再度上漲。


[`ʌpwɚd] a. 往上的 The upward movement of food prices is caused mainly by imported inflation. 食品價格的上漲主要是輸入性通膨造成的。 *inflation [ɪn`fleʃən] n. 通貨膨漲


[`ʌp͵raɪt] a. 垂直的,正直的 adv. 垂直地 The plane is landing. Please return your seats to an upright position. 飛機要降落了,請將您的座椅調正。 We like John because he is upright and dependable. 我們喜歡約翰,因為他正直又可靠。 Louise sat upright when she heard a scream coming from the kitchen. 聽到廚房傳來尖叫聲,路易絲整個人坐直了起來。


[`ʌtɚ] a. 完全的 vt. 說(= say) 片語 utter a word 說一句話 utter a sigh 嘆一口氣 - heave a sigh *heave [hiv] vt. 發出(嘆息) Diana thinks the three-hour board meeting was an utter waste of time. 黛安娜覺得這 3 個小時的董事會議完全是浪費時間。 The accused sat through the whole court session without uttering a word. 被告者整個開庭過程不發一語。 *session [sɛʃən] n.(法庭)開庭期間


[`ʌtɚlɪ] adv. 完全地 The driver's explanation of how the accident had happened is utterly unacceptable. 這位駕駛人對造成這次意外的解釋讓人完全無法接受。


[`θrɪlɚ] n. 恐怖電影,恐怖小說 The thriller released on DVD last week sold 2 million copies in its first day on the shelves. 這部驚悚片的 DVD 上星期發行第一天就從架上賣掉了兩百萬片。


[aɪl] n. 小島 No human has ever set foot on the isle, so it is still a tropical paradise. 尚未有人類來過這個小島,因此它依然還是熱帶天堂。


[aɪl] n. (教堂、飛機與火車內座椅間的)走道 片語 walk down the aisle 結婚 - get married The Nobel Prize winner's speech drew so many people that some had to sit in the aisles. 諾貝爾獎得主的演講引來許多人,有人甚至得坐在走道上。


[aʊns] n. 盎司(等於 0.03 公斤) Our 8-ounce specialty steak is grilled to perfection, served with your choice of salad or fries. 本公司的招牌 8 盎司牛排經過主廚精心碳烤,可搭配沙拉或薯條。 *specialty [`spɛʃəltɪ] n. 特製品,招牌菜 *grill [grɪl] vt.(用烤架)烤 諺語 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 預防勝於治療。 比較 pound [paʊnd] n. 磅(等於 0.45 公斤)


[aʊt`dʊ] vt. 勝過 片語 outdo sb in sth 在某方面勝過某人 For me, a handmade Valentine's Day gift outdoes an expensive dinner. 對我而言,親手製作的情人節小禮物勝過一頓昂貴的大餐。 用法 許多有out的動詞皆有『在⋯⋯方面勝過』的意思。 outwit [aʊt`wɪt] vt. 以機智勝過 outwit sb 比某人更有機智 outlive [aʊt`lɪv] vt. 活得比⋯⋯久 outlive sb 比某人活得更久


[baʊnd] a. 注定的,開往的 n. 邊界(恆用複數) 片語 be bound to V 注定要⋯⋯ - be sure to V - be certain to V - be destined to V by leaps and bounds 大幅度 John, who's been working so hard over the past 10 years, is bound to succeed as an outstanding scientist. 約翰過去 10 年來都很勤奮,注定會有所成就,成為傑出的科學家。 I'm afraid you've taken the wrong train. This train is bound for New York, not Chicago. 恐怕你搭錯了火車。這班火車要開往紐約,並非芝加哥。 Human imagination has no bounds. 人類的想像力是無遠弗際的。 Thanks to Mr. Wilson's instruction, Jane's English has improved by leaps and bounds. 由於威爾遜老師的教導,阿珍的英文有了大幅的進步。 延伸 注意:doomed [dumd] 也表『注定』,與表『失敗』、『死亡』等負面的字詞並用。 be doomed to... 注定要⋯⋯(後面可加名詞或原形動詞) Such a lazy man is doomed to fail. - Such a lazy man is doomed to failure. (這樣的懶人注定要失敗。)


[bjʊ`rɑkrəsɪ] n. 官僚,繁文縟節 We should do everything we can to reduce bureaucracy in our company. 我們應竭盡所能減少公司內部的繁文縟節。


[or] n. 槳 Eric didn't know how to control the oars, so the boat was moving in all directions. 艾瑞克不會控制他的槳,因此他的船到處亂飄。


[blez] vi. 燃燒 n. 大火 Tony rushed back into the blazing house to retrieve a portrait of his great grandfather. 湯尼衝回燃燒中的房子裡去拿他曾祖父的畫像。 *retrieve [rɪ`triv] vt. 重新拿回 *portrait [`pɔrtrɪt] n. 畫像,肖像 It took those firefighters about two hours to bring the blaze under control. 這場大火花了那些消防員大約 2 小時的時間才被控制住。


[blitʃ] vt. 漂白 n. 漂白劑 It's a good idea to bleach a shirt after it has been stained with dirt. 襯衫沾到髒污後,漂白是個好方法。 *stain [sten] vt. 沾污 Besides making clothes whiter, bleach can be used to kill harmful bacteria, too. 除了讓衣服更白之外,漂白水也可用來殺菌。


[blu] a. 憂鬱的,藍色的 n. 藍色 片語 feel blue 感到憂慮 the blues 藍調 out of the blue 意外地(- unexpectedly 晴天霹靂地) When winter comes, people easily feel blue because of the gloomy weather. 冬天來臨時,大家容易因為陰沉的天氣而感到憂鬱。 My girlfriend is a Canadian with blonde hair and blue eyes. 我女友是加拿大人,有金黃色的頭髮和湛藍的雙眼。 We were having dinner when Peter appeared out of the blue. 我們正在吃晚餐,此時彼得突然出現了。


[blæst] n. 一陣強風,爆炸 vt. 爆炸 片語 blast off 升空 We watched the spaceship blast off on TV. 我們在電視上看見太空船升空。 A sudden blast of wind blew my hat away and I had to run after it. 突然一陣強風把我的帽子吹走,讓我追著它跑。 It is reported that there were 20 people killed in the blast. 據報導,有 20 名民眾在此爆炸中喪生。 We blasted the door open with a bomb. 我們用炸彈把門炸開了。


[blɑnd] a. 金髮的 n. 金髮女郎(也可作 blond) Heather's long, sleek, blonde hair attracts many men. 海瑟那一頭又長又柔順的金髮吸引很多男人的目光。 *sleek [slik] a. 光滑柔順的 The basic plot of the movie is that a hero saves the blonde. 這部電影的劇情基本上就是一名英雄搭救一名金髮女郎。 延伸 brunette [bru`nɛt] a. 黑髮的 & n. 黑髮女性 redhead[`rɛd͵hɛd] n. 紅髮女性


[blɑt] n. 墨水漬 The inkblot test was developed by the psychiatrist, Dr. Rorschach, to examine a person's personality characteristics. 墨跡測驗是由精神科醫師羅夏克發展出來,用以檢視一個人的人格特質。 *psychiatrist [saɪ`kaɪətrɪst] n. 精神科醫師


[blɝ] vt. 使模糊 片語 blur one's eyes/vision 使某人視線不清 The heavy rain blurred my vision while I was driving on the highway. 大雨使我在高速公路上行駛時,視線一片模糊。


[bolt] n. 門拴,螺絲,一道(閃電) I slid the bolt back and opened the restroom door. 我把門拴推開,打開廁所的門。 *slide [slaɪd] vt. 使滑動三態為:slide, slid, slid。 A bolt came off the bike, causing the wheel to come loose. 螺絲從腳踏車上脫落,造成車輪鬆脫。 A bolt of lightning suddenly 且ashed and lit up the sky. 一道閃電劃過天際點亮了天空。 延伸 a bolt of lightning 一道閃電 a crack of thunder 一聲雷霹


[braɪb] n. 賄賂 vt. 賄賂 片語 bribe sb to V 賄賂某人做某事 bribe sb with sth 用某物賄賂某人 accept/take a bribe 接受賄賂 The candidate bribed those people to vote for him. 候選人向那些人賄賂選票。 The judge will never accept your bribe. 那個法官絕不會接受你的賄賂。


[braʊz] vi. 隨便翻閱(與介詞 through 並用) 片語 browse through... 隨便翻閱⋯⋯ I was browsing through a magazine at the bookstore when I noticed Sarah. 我在書店裡翻閱一本雜誌時看到了莎拉。


[bred] vt. 把頭髮綁成辮子 n. 辮子 片語 wear one's hair in braids 把頭髮綁成辮子 Mary braids her hair in the summer because it helps her stay cool. 瑪麗夏天時會綁辮子,因為那能讓她保持涼爽。 Jenny used to wear her hair in braids, but now she prefers to let it down. 珍妮過去都是綁辮子,但她現在比較喜歡把頭髮放下來。


[bres] vt. 使防備 n. 牙套(恆用複數) 片語 brace oneself for sth 使自己準備好接受(不好的事) The passengers were told to brace themselves for a crash landing. 乘客被告知要準備緊急迫降。 My younger sister has to wear braces on her teeth. 我妹妹得在牙齒上戴牙套。 延伸 bucktooth [`bʌk͵tuθ] n. 暴牙


[brotʃ] n. 女用胸針 I'm wondering whether or not this silver brooch goes with my evening dress. 我在想這只銀色胸針能否搭配我的晚禮服。


[brud] n. 一次產出的鳥或昆蟲 vi. 孵蛋,愁思 片語 brood over/on... 愁思⋯⋯ There is a brood of birds on top of that tree. 那顆樹上有一窩小鳥。 After their mother brooded for two weeks, the young birds finally broke out of the eggs. 經過了 2 個禮拜的孵蛋,小鳥終於從蛋殼中生出來了。 Don't just sit there all day brooding over your ex- girlfriend. There are plenty more fish in the sea. 別只是坐在那兒愁思你前女友。天涯何處無芳草。


[bruz] n. 瘀傷 vt. 造成瘀傷 How did you get that bruise on your arm? - How did you bruise your arm? 你手臂上的瘀傷是怎麼造成的?


[brɑnz] n. 青銅 A bronze statue stands in the middle of the park. 公園中央佇立了一座青銅像。 延伸 brass [bræs] n. 黃銅 copper [`kɑpɚ] n. 紅銅


[brɔθ] n. 湯,湯底 The chef boiled all the ingredients together to make the beef broth. 廚師將所有的材料放進這鍋牛肉湯裡煮。 諺語 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 人多手雜


[brɛdθ] n. 寬度,範圍 What is the breadth of this table? 這張桌子的寬度是多少。 I was surprised at my grandfather's extraordinary breadth of knowledge. 我對祖父知識的淵博感到很驚訝。 比較 breath [brɛθ] n. 呼吸 take a deep breath 深呼吸 catch one's breath 喘口氣,休息一下 can hardly catch one's breath 連喘口氣的時間都沒有,非常忙碌 hold one's breath 閉氣


[bum] n. 好景氣,暴增 vi. 突趨繁榮 片語 the baby boom 嬰兒潮 This year has seen a boom in car sales in India. 今年印度的汽車銷售量大增。 Our business is booming this year because of the rising demand for our products in the market. 我們今年生意興隆,是因為市場對於我們產品的需求量升高。


[buθ] n. 亭子 片語 a ticket booth 售票亭 a telephone booth 電話亭 a voting booth 投票亭 An old lady kept rushing me when I was in the telephone booth making an urgent call. It was so annoying! 當我在電話亭內打一通緊急電話時,一位老太太不斷催促我。真是煩死人了!


[bædʒ] n. 徽章 片語 a badge of honor 榮譽勳章 Captain Walters was awarded a badge of honor for his courageous actions in the war. 華特上尉因為戰爭時的英勇行為獲頒榮譽勳章。


[bæn] vt. 下令禁止 n. 禁令 片語 impose a ban on sth 對某事施以禁令 lift the ban on sth 取消某事的禁令 ban sb from + N/V-ing 禁止某人從事⋯⋯ - prohibit sb from + N/V-ing The law bans motor boats from entering within a 10-mile radius of this island. 法律禁止快艇進入這座島嶼周圍半徑 10 英里的範圍內。 Most students were unhappy when the school decided to impose a ban on their hairdos. 校方決定對學生的髮型實施禁令時,大部份的學生都很不悅。 The government lifted the ban on imported beef from Canada recently. 政府最近取消了來自加拿大的進口牛肉禁令。


[bæs]/[bes] n. 鱸魚(單複數亦同形) n. 低音 Rivers provide excellent habitats for bass because their temperatures are moderate, and they are highly oxygenated. 河流的水溫適中且含氧量又高,提供鱸魚絕佳的棲息環境。 *habitat [`hæbə͵tæt] n.(動物的)棲息地 *oxygenated [`ɑksədʒə͵netɪd] a. 含氧的 Henry likes to play his stereo with the bass turned up. 亨利聽音響時把喜歡低音開大聲。


[bætʃ] n. 一組,一批 片語 a batch of... 一批⋯⋯ - a group of... Please sort these letters into three batches according to date and put them on my desk. 請將這堆信件按日期分成 3 組然後放在我桌上。


[bɑg] vt. 使動彈不得 n. 泥沼 片語 be/get bogged down 動彈不得 The car was bogged down in the mud, so we had to abandon it and walked home. 車子被卡在泥巴裡動彈不得,所以我們得把它丟下,走路回家。 Tom is bogged down with work now, so he can't be joining us. 湯姆工作忙得無法抽身,所以他無法加入我們。


[bɑr`bɛrɪən] n. 野蠻人,未開化的人 A barbarian is one who is rude or uncivilized. 野蠻人就是粗魯或沒有教養的人。


[bə`lɔŋɪŋz] n. 攜帶物品(恆用複數) 片語 personal belongings 個人隨身攜帶物品 When getting off the train, don't forget to take all your personal belongings with you. 下火車時,別忘了將全部的隨身物品帶下車。


[bə`zɑr] n. 市集 I loved to shop at bazaars, looking for antiques and exotic goods. 我很喜歡逛市集,找一些古董或是有異國風味的小東西。 *antique [æn`tik] n. 古董 *exotic [ɛg`zɑtɪk] a. 有異國風味的 比較 bizarre [bɪ`zɑr] a. 奇異的 ⑥


[bɪ`fɔr͵hænd] adv. 預先,提前 A hurricane is coming, so I think we'd better reinforce our house a bit beforehand. 颱風就要來了,我認為我們最好事先把房子補強一下。 *reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] vt. 加強 延伸 本字在使用上通常置於句尾。


[bɪ`hæf] n. 代表 片語 on sb's behalf 代表某人 - on behalf of sb On behalf of our company, I would like to make a toast to the newlyweds. 本人謹代表公司對結婚的新人敬酒。 *toast [tost] n. 敬酒


[bɪ`lʌvɪd/bɪ`lʌvd] a. 心愛的 片語 be beloved of/by all 被大家所愛戴 Our teacher is beloved of all his students. - Our teacher is loved by all his students. 我們的老師受他所有學生愛戴。


[bɪ`wɛr] vi. 當心(與介詞 of 並用) Beware of falling asleep while driving late at night. 深夜開車要小心提防不要睡著。 Beware of the dog; it might attack you. 小心那條狗;牠可能會攻擊你。 用法 beware 以命令句的型態出現,故須置於句首。且之後須與介詞 of 並用,形成下列片語: Beware of + N/V-ing 小心提防⋯⋯


[bɪd] vt. (在拍賣中)出價 vi. 競標 n. 出價 片語 bid $1,000 for sth 出價 1,000 美元買某物 bid against sb for sth 與某人競標爭取某物 A foreign collector bid $5,000 for an antique vase at the auction. 一名外國收藏家在拍賣會上出價 5,000 美元競標一個古董花瓶。 *antique [æn`tik] a. 古董的 & n. 古董 Another company is now bidding against us for the contract. 另一家公司現在正和我們競標取得那份合約。 At the auction, the highest bid for the antique vase was $5,000. 在拍賣會上,這個古董花瓶的最高競標價格是 5,000 美元。


[bʌldʒ] vi. 凸起,膨脹 片語 bulge with... 因有⋯⋯而凸起 The little boy was caught stealing because his pockets were bulging with candy. 這個小男孩偷東西被抓到因為他的口袋因為裝了糖而鼓起來。


[bʌlk] n. 大部分,大量 片語 in bulk 大量地 The bulk of the book is about how to use your money wisely. 這本書大部分內容是關於如何聰明理財。 It's cheaper when you buy food in bulk. 一次買大量的食物會比較便宜。


[daɪ`æmətɚ] n. 直徑 片語 diameter 直徑是⋯⋯ The diameter of this circle is 5 cm. - This circle is 5 cm in diameter. 這個圓的直徑是 5 公分。


[djuk] n. 公爵 Louis inherited the title of duke from his father. 路易斯從父親那裡繼承了公爵的頭銜。


[djʊ`reʃən] n. 期間 片語 for the duration of + 一段時間 為期⋯⋯ The farm was used as a concentration camp for the duration of two years during the war. 戰爭時有兩年的期間這座農場被用來當作集中營。 *concentration camp 集中營 *concentration [͵kɑnsən`treʃən] n. 集中


[do] n. 麵糰,錢(不可數) 片語 be rolling in dough 在錢上打滾,海撈一筆 We'll be rolling in dough by the time the old man finds out we've taken all his money. 當老傢伙發現我們拿走他所有錢時,我們早已在錢上打滾,海撈一筆了。 You can make dough by adding some water to the flour. 加點水進麵粉裡你就能做出麵糰了。 Dude, 5,000 bucks is a lot of dough! I don't have that much money to lend you. 老兄!5 千美元可是一大筆錢耶。我沒那麼多錢借你。


[drep] vt. 垂掛 n. 窗簾(布)(恆用複數) Nick draped his coat over the chair and sat down to order. 尼克把外套掛在椅子上,坐下來點餐。 We picked out thick drapes for our bedroom to block the strong sun light. 我們為房間挑選了厚重的窗簾以阻擋強烈的陽光照射。


[dwɔrf] 複數形: dwarfs/dwarves n. 侏儒 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a household fairy tale. 《白雪公主與七矮人》是家喻戶曉的童話故事。 *household [`haʊs͵hold] a. 家喻戶曉的


[dæzḷ] vt. 使目眩 The neon signs along the shopping street dazzled me. 這條購物街上的霓虹燈廣告牌讓我眼花撩亂。 *neon sign [`ni͵ɑn ͵saɪn] n. 霓虹燈廣告牌


[dɑrt] vi. 狂奔 n. 飛鏢 Realizing a bus was approaching, Benjamin darted into the road and pulled the kid out of danger. 看到公車迎面而來,班傑明衝到路上把小朋友帶離危險。 This pub is hosting a dart competition tonight. 這間酒吧今晚將舉辦射飛鏢比賽。 *host [host] vt. 主辦


[dɪ`ke] vt. 腐爛,侵蝕 片語 a decayed tooth 一顆蛀牙 two decayed teeth 兩顆蛀牙 The dentist said the badly decayed tooth had to be pulled out immediately. 牙醫說要馬上把這顆嚴重的蛀牙拔掉。 Air pollutants have gradually decayed the façade of the cathedral. 空氣中的污染物質逐漸侵蝕這座大教堂的正面。 *façade [fə`sɑd] n. 建築物的正面


[dɪ`naɪəl] n. 否認,拒絕 Despite official denials, rumors about the mayor's death kept spreading. 儘管官方多次否認,有關市長死亡的謠言不斷在散播。


[dɪ`plɔɪ] vt. 派兵,部署(部隊等) The Minister of National Defense agreed to deploy another five hundred troops to guard this region. 國防部部長同意再派遣 500 名軍隊來保衛這個地區。


[dɪ`plɔɪmənt] n. 部署 The police chief ordered the deployment of three thousand troops to stop the riot. 警政署長下令部屬 3 千名軍隊以制止暴動。 *riot [`raɪət] n. 暴動


[dɪ`saɪpḷ] n. 門徒,跟隨者 The 77 famous disciples of Confucius were role models of moral character. 孔子最有名的 77 位弟子們是品德方面的典範。 *role model 模範,楷模


[dɪ`sit] n. 欺騙 The public was shocked by the charges of fraud and deceit against the politician. 民眾對於該政客被因詐欺罪嫌起訴時感到很震驚。 *fraud [frɔd] n. 詐欺行為


[dɪ`siv] vt. 欺騙 The blind woman was deceived by the young man who claimed to be her son. 這名盲眼的婦人被一名自稱是她兒子的年輕男子給欺騙了。


[dɪ`skrɪptɪv] a. 描寫的 Jack London's novels contain many descriptive passages about life in northern counties. 傑克‧倫敦的小說含有許多對於北方幾個郡生活的描寫。 *Jack London 是美國知名作家,生於 1876 年,死於1916年。


[dɪ`spaɪz] vt. 鄙視 片語 despise sb 鄙視某人 - look down upon sb Tim despises everyone around him because he has a superiority complex. 提姆因有優越感而瞧不起周圍的人。 *superiority [sə͵pɪrɪ`ɔrətɪ] n. 優越 *complex [`kɑmplɛks] n. 情結


[dɪ`spoz] vi. 處置(與介詞 of 並用) 片語 dispose of... 處理掉⋯⋯ - get rid of... Most countries have difficulties in disposing of nuclear waste. 大部分的國家都面臨處理核廢料的困境。


[dɪ`spozəbḷ] a. 用完即丟棄的 片語 disposable diapers 紙尿布(*diaper [`daɪəpɚ] n. 尿布) disposable chopsticks 免洗筷 There has been a lot of debate over the impact of disposable diapers on the environment. 現在有許多關於紙尿布對環境所造成影響的爭論。


[dɪ`spozḷ] n. 處理 片語 be at sb's disposal 任由某人支配 The disposal of waste is a serious factor to consider when dealing with pollution. 在處理污染時,廢物處理是一項要考慮的重要因素。 It will be a lot more convenient for you to get around the city if you have a car at your disposal. 如果你隨時有車可以開的話,在城市裡四處逛逛就會方便得多了。


[dɪ`spɛns] vt. 分配,配藥 片語 dispense A to B 將 A 分給 B The hospitable villagers dispensed hot tea to thirsty mountain climbers. 好客的村民提供爬山者熱茶。 Pharmacists can't be too careful when dispensing medicines. 醫師配藥時再謹慎也不為過。


[dɪ`spɛnsəbḷ] a. 用不到的,不必要的 He was worried about his position in the company when he found that his job was dispensable. 在他發現他的工作並非不可或缺時,他開始擔心他在公司裡的職位。


[dɪ`spɛr] n. 絕望 片語 be in despair 陷入絕望 Paula was in despair when her husband left her for another woman. 老公跟別的女人跑了之後,寶拉陷入了絕望。


[dɪ`strɛs] n. 痛苦,危難 vt. 使極痛苦、悲傷 片語 be in distress 身處苦難,萬分痛苦 I can tell from Gina's face that she is in distress and badly in need of help. 我從吉娜臉上看出她萬分痛苦,亟需援助。 Helena was greatly distressed by her boyfriend's indifferent attitude. 海蓮娜因為男友冷淡的態度而十分悲傷。 延伸 a damsel in distress 處於困境,亟需援助的少女 *damsel [`dæmzḷ] n. 少女 Elizabeth played the role of a damsel in distress in the film. 伊莉莎白在該片中扮演一名處於困境,需援助的少女。


[dɪ`strʌktɪv] a. 破壞的 A very destructive typhoon left hundreds of people homeless on the island. 一場極具破壞力的颱風讓島上數百名民眾無家可歸。 The greenhouse effect is destructive to the ecology of the Arctic area. 溫室效應對極地區的生態具有破壞性。 *ecology [ɪ`kɑlədʒɪ] n. 生態,生態學


[dɪ`strʌktɪvlɪ] a. 破壞地 Heroin is an illegal and destructively addictive drug. 海洛因是違藥,對人有害且會讓人上癮。 *heroin [`hɛro͵ɪn] n. 海洛因 *addictive [ə`dɪktɪv] a. 使人上癮的


[dɪ`sɛptɪv] a. 騙人的 Appearances are sometimes deceptive. Charles wears designer suits and drives a luxurious sports car, but in fact, he is seriously in debt. 外表有時可以騙人的。查爾斯身穿名牌服裝,並開高級跑車,但事實上,他嚴重負債。 *designer [dɪ`zaɪnɚ] n. 設計師 *a designer shirt 名牌襯衫 *a brand name shirt 有牌子的襯衫(未必是名牌) 諺語 Appearances are sometimes deceptive. (只看外表有時是靠不住的。)


[dɪ`sɛpʃən] n. 欺騙 The company owner was found guilty of obtaining money using lies and deception. 這名公司老闆因詐欺騙錢而定罪。


[dɪ`vaʊr] vt. 吞食 片語 devour sth 狼吞虎嚥地吃 - gulp sth down - wolf sth down The hungry boy devoured the hamburger in no time. 那個飢餓的男孩一下子就把漢堡吃掉了。 In a short time, the wooden building was devoured by the flames. 短時間之內,這座木造建築就被大火吞噬了。


[dɪ`voʃən] n. 獻身,奉獻(與介詞 to 並用) 片語 one's devotion to sth 某人對某事的奉獻 - one's dedication to sth Col. Dawson's dedication to his country is well worthy of our respect. 道森上校對國家的奉獻很值得我們敬佩。


[dɪs`kɑrd] vt. 丟棄 Please discard your trash in the provided trash cans before you leave the campsite. 離開營地之前,請把垃圾丟到所提供的垃圾桶內。


[dɪs`tɪŋktɪv] a. 特殊的 The policemen of this city wear a distinctive uniform, so they are easily recognized. 該市的警察穿的制服很特別,因此很容易認出來。 比較 distinct [dɪs`tɪŋkt] a. 清晰的;不同的 ④ distinct pronunciation 清晰的發音 distinct groups 不同的團體


[dɪs`tɪŋkʃən] n. 卓越,差異 片語 with distinction 以卓越的表現 John graduated from Harvard with distinction. 約翰以卓越的成績自哈佛畢業。 There is a clear distinction between John and Peter. The former is outspoken, whereas the latter is tactful. 約翰與彼得兩人之間有很大的差異。前者直言不諱,後者則很圓滑。 *outspoken [aʊt`spokən] a. 直言的 *tactful [`tæktfəl] a. 圓滑的


[dʒed] n. 玉(不可數) Linda likes to wear earrings made of jade. 琳達喜歡戴玉製的耳環。


[dʒi`ɑmətrɪ] n. 幾何學 Tina is an outstanding student. She is particularly good at geometry. 蒂娜是個傑出的學生。她的幾何尤其好。 比較 geomancy [`dʒiə͵mænsɪ] n. 風水 *老外亦常說 feng shui [͵fʌŋ`ʃweɪ],即 中文『風水』的音譯。


[dʒiə`græfɪkḷ] a. 地理的 Scientists have spent many years researching the cause of geographical changes in this area. 科學家已花費多年研究該區地理上的改變。 比較 geology [dʒi`ɑlədʒɪ] n. 地質學


[dʒæk] n. 千斤頂 片語 a jack of all trades 對很多事情都了解但卻不精通的人(*此處 jack 指『一般人』、『普通人』。) Matthew had a flat tire, so he took out the spare tire and jack from the trunk to change it. 馬修的車爆胎了,因此他從後車廂拿出備胎和千斤頂準備更換。


[dʒɪr] vt. vi. 嘲笑 n. 嘲笑 片語 jeer (at) sb 嘲笑某人 - laugh at sb A few people in the back of the audience jeered (at) the speaker when he stuttered. 演講人說話結巴時,一些坐在後面的聽眾就嘲笑他。 As soon as the player walked on court, he was greeted with jeers and boos from the crowd. 這名球員一上場就受到群眾報以嘲笑和噓聲。 *boo [bu] n. 噓聲


[dʒʌg] n. 壺,水罐(裝冷水的量杯) 片語 a jug of... 一壺⋯⋯ The water spilled when I poured it into the jug. 我把水倒進壺裡時,水濺了出來。


[es] n. (網球發球中的)愛司球,能手 vt. 在⋯⋯方面表現出色 片語 ace the test 考試考得很好 That's the second ace that Agassi has served this match. 那是阿格西在這場比賽中所發出的第二顆愛司球。 *serve [sɝv] vt.(網球)發球 Josh was a chess ace when he was young, and later went on to train other players. 喬許年輕時是個西洋棋好手,後來開始去訓練其他下棋的人。 John is so smart that he aced the test without even preparing for it. 約翰很聰明,所以他這次考試準備都沒準備也考得很棒。


[faʊl] a. 骯髒的,惡劣的 片語 by fair means or foul 不擇手段(foul 之後省略了 means) - by hook or by crook Garbage dumps emit a foul smell that is revolting. 垃圾堆散發出的臭味真令人噁心。 Peter vowed to attain his goal by fair means or foul. 彼得誓言要不擇手段達到目的。


[faʊl] n. 家禽(可數) The outbreak of bird flu led to the killing of thousands of fowls in this nation. 禽流感的爆發導致上千隻家禽類動物被集體屠殺。 延伸 fowl 亦指雞、鴨、鵝等動物,是可數名詞,亦有人視為不可數名詞。a fowl(一隻家禽)、two fowls(兩隻家禽)。


[fjum] n. 煙(常用複數) vi. 發怒 片語 fume over/about... 對⋯⋯發怒 Car exhaust fumes have become one of the major sources of pollution in this city. 汽車排放的廢氣在該城市已成為污染的主要來源之一。 Judy was still fuming about my being late even after I apologized to her and promised that I'd never do it again. 我為我的遲到向茱蒂道歉並保證絕不再犯,但她還是很氣我遲到。


[fjuz] n. 保險絲,引信 vt. vi. 融合 片語 have a short fuse 易怒的 I have no idea how to fix the fuse, so I'll have to call an electrician. 我不知道怎麼修理保險絲,所以我必須要打電話給電工。 Don't say anything stupid during the meeting, or the boss will eat you alive. He has a really short fuse. 開會的時候不要說錯話,不然老闆會痛宰你。他真的很容易生氣。 The musician successfully fused together two contradictory styles in her music. 該音樂家成功地在她的音樂裡融入兩種相互衝突的風格。 *contradictory [͵kɑntrə`dɪktərɪ] a. 矛盾的


[oθ] n. 誓言 片語 take the oath 發誓句句屬實 The witness was asked to take the oath before giving evidence. 證人在作證前被要求發誓。 *give evidence(就某案件)提供證詞


[flek] vt. vi. 成片剝落 n. 薄片 片語 flake off 剝落 a flake of dandruff 一片頭皮屑 two flakes of dandruff 兩片頭皮屑 You need to apply more paint to the wall; otherwise it will flake off pretty soon. 你必須多塗點油漆塗在牆壁上,要不然漆很快就會剝落。 The snowflakes disappeared right after they fell onto the ground. 雪花一落到地上就消失了。


[flæp] vt. 拍打 n. 蓋口 片語 flap the wings (鳥)拍打翅膀 The bird flapped its wings in panic as it was caught in a trap. 那隻鳥被陷阱夾住時慌張地拍打翅膀。 *panic [`pænɪk] n. 驚慌 These hats come with ear flaps to protect your ears from the cold. 這些帽子都有附耳罩,讓你的耳朵不受寒。


[flɔ] n. 缺陷,缺點 vt. 使有缺陷 Your design is rejected because there is a flaw. - Your design is rejected because it is flawed. 你的設計作品因為有缺陷而被否決了。


[flɪk] vt. vi. 輕彈 n. 輕彈,電影(- movie) 片語 flick a switch 打開/關上開關 flick through... 大概看一下⋯⋯ The nurse called my name when I was flicking through the magazine. - The nurse called my name when I was flipping through the magazine. 我在隨便翻閱雜誌的時候,護士叫了我的名字。 Brandy flicked a switch, and all the lights in the house turned on. 布蘭迪按了開關之後,房子裡所有的燈都亮了起來。 With a flick of the wrist, the magician made the rabbit disappear. 魔術師甩了一下手腕,兔子就不見了。 Would you like to go see a flick with me tonight? 今晚你願意和我去看電影嗎?


[flɪp] vt. 翻轉,擲(硬幣) n. 空翻 片語 flip a coin 擲硬幣 flip through... 快速翻閱⋯⋯ I flipped through the phone book for John's number. 我快速翻閱電話簿找約翰的電話號碼。 He flipped the paper over to read the words on the back. 他把紙翻過來讀後面的字。 We flipped a coin to decide who would go first. 我們擲硬幣來決定先後順序。 The acrobat did 5 backward flips in a row and the audience all applauded. 雜技演員連續後空翻了 5 次,觀眾都鼓起掌來。 *acrobat [`ækrəbæt] n. 賣藝者


[fo] n. 敵人 The leader urged everyone to unite against their common foe. 領導人力勸大家團結起來對抗他們共同的敵人。 *urge [ɝdʒ] vt. 力勸


[fret] n. (運送的)貨物(集合名詞,不可數) Air freight is a lot faster but more expensive than sea freight. - Freight carried by air is a lot faster but more expensive than freight by sea. 空運貨物要比海運快速很多,但較昂貴。 用法 air freight 空運的貨物 sea freight 海運的貨物 rail freight 鐵路運輸的貨物


[frʌn`tɪr] n. 邊疆 片語 on the frontier 在邊境 The government set up a checkpoint on the frontier. 政府在邊疆設立一處檢查哨。 We were stopped and questioned by the guards when we drove through the frontier between Germany and France. 當我們開車經過法德邊境時,衛兵把我們攔下來問問題。


[fæd] n. 一時的流行 Many people think tattoos are nothing but a fad. 許多人認為刺青不過只是一時的流行而已。 *tattoo [tæ`tu] n. 刺青 比較 fashion [`fæʃən] n. 流行


[fɔɪl] n. 箔 In order to keep the food hot, you'd better use aluminum foil to wrap it up. 為了讓食物保溫,你最好用鋁箔紙來包。


[fə`tig] n. 疲勞 John was pale with fatigue after working all night with only one hour of sleep. 約翰工作了一整晚只睡了一個小時,累得臉色發白。


[fɚ`gɛtfəḷ] a. 健忘的 Douglas is so forgetful that he often leaves his briefcase on the bus. 道格拉斯很健忘,以致於他常把公事包留在公車上忘了拿。 *briefcase [`brif͵kes] n. 公事包


[fɚ`tɪlətɪ] n. 肥沃,生育力 The fertility of the land offered the farmer a decent life. 這塊地的肥沃使這名農夫的日子過得不錯。 *decent [`disṇt] a. 不錯的,像樣的 Maria took medicine to increase her fertility. 瑪麗亞吃藥以增進生育能力。


[fɪn] n. 魚鰭 We could see the fins of the sharks sticking out of the water as they swam around the boat. 鯊魚群在船附近游動時,我們可以看到牠們的鰭都露出水面。 *stick [stɪk] vi. 伸出 延伸 shark fin 魚翅


[fʌs] vi. 大驚小怪 n. 小題大作,抱怨 片語 fuss over... 對⋯⋯大驚小怪 - make a fuss about... My mother always fusses over trivial problems. - My mother always makes a fuss about trivial problems. 我媽媽總是對枝微末節大驚小怪。 *trivial [`trɪvɪəl] a. 瑣碎的 There was a fuss among students when the teacher cancelled the field trip. 當老師把遠足取消的時候,學生都在抱怨。


[ge] a. 快樂的,男同性戀的 All the guests were happy and gay at the party. 宴會上,所有的來賓都很盡興。 That movie star is very popular among gay people. 該電影明星在同志群中很受歡迎。 延伸 gay 一字原意為『歡樂的』,但自1970 年以後由於美國舊金山等地的同志運動蓬勃發展,該字被廣泛用來指稱『男同性戀』,此時多做形容詞用,可說 "He is gay./He is a gay man.",不應說 "He is a gay."。現今指『歡樂的』則多用 happy 或 merry 替代。


[gli] n. 快樂 David told me with glee that he was going to be a father. 大衛在電話中快樂地告訴我他要當爸爸了。


[glim] vi. 閃爍 n. 閃光 片語 gleam with... 閃爍著⋯⋯ - glisten with... Cathy's eyes gleamed with love whenever she looked at her baby son. 每當凱西看著她的小男寶寶時,眼中都閃爍著母愛。 A gleam of hope appeared just as they were on the verge of giving up. 當他們就要放棄時,出現了一絲希望。 *verge [vɝdʒ] n. 邊緣 *be on the verge of... 瀕於⋯⋯


[glum] n. 陰暗,沮喪 Mrs. Jones looked up at the gathering gloom in the sky, wondering if her husband had brought an umbrella with him. 瓊斯太太抬頭望著天空逐漸聚攏的陰暗,心想不知道先生身上有無帶傘。 It's been torturous reading this book as it fills me with nothing but gloom and despair. 這本書讀起來痛苦死了,帶給我的只有沮喪跟絕望。


[glɛr] vi. 怒目注視(與 at 並用) n. 刺眼強光 片語 glare at... 瞪著⋯⋯ Sean glared at me angrily, then left the room and slammed the door. 西恩狠狠地瞪著我,然後走出房間,把門猛力關上。 *slam [slæm] vt. 猛地關上 You should wear sunglasses while sailing because the harsh glare of the sun on the water can damage your eyes. 你出海航行時一定要戴上太陽眼鏡,因為水面刺眼的反射光會傷害你的眼睛。 *harsh [hɑrʃ] a. 刺眼的


[graʊl] vi. 低吼,咆哮 n. (狗生氣時的)低吼,(人)咆哮 片語 growl at... 對著⋯⋯低吼 The dog growled at the mailman and then snapped at his ankle. 這隻狗對著郵差發出低吼,接著便朝他的腳踝咬了下去。 *snap [snæp] vi. 猛咬 My boss growled at me for being late. 我遲到了,所以老闆對我怒罵。


[grez] vt. 擦傷 vi. 吃草 片語 graze on the grass 吃草 The little boy tripped over a stone and grazed his knees. 小男孩被石頭絆倒,擦傷了膝蓋。 A herd of cattle were grazing on the grass. 一群牛正在吃著草。


[grid] n. 貪心 That official has paid a dear price for his greed. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for taking bribes. 該位官員因為貪心付出慘痛的代價。他拿了賄款,被判了10 年徒刑。 *dear [dɪr] a. 昂貴的


[gris] n. (機器、食物的)油 片語 elbow grease 費力的工作 Jamison's hands were covered with grease after he fixed the bike. 傑米森修完腳踏車後雙手沾滿了油。 The kitchen floor was filthy, but with a little elbow grease, I made it shine. 廚房地板原本很髒,在我稍微費力打掃之後,就閃閃發亮了。 *filthy [`fɪlθɪ] a. 骯髒的


[gron] vt. vi. 哀嚎,抱怨 n. 哀嚎聲,抱怨聲 We all groaned when Daddy announced he'd do the cooking for tonight. 當老爸宣布今晚要下廚時,我們都哀嚎起來。 "How long are you going to hog the bathroom?" Nicole groaned. 『你還要霸佔廁所多久啊?』妮可抱怨道。 Mark let out a groan when Mom asked him to take care of the piles of dirty dishes. 當媽媽叫馬克負責處理那堆髒碗盤時,馬克發出哀叫的聲音。


[gros] a. 總共的,噁心的 片語 the Gross National Product (GNP) 國民生產毛額 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 國內生展總值 the gross income 總收入 the gross profit 總利潤 The gross profit of the company reached 5 million dollars last year. 該公司去年的毛利達到 500 萬美元。 Oh, gross! The cat threw up all over the place! 噢,好噁心!這隻貓吐得滿地都是。


[grov] n. 小片樹林 They spotted a wild duck hatching in the grove. 他們發現一隻野鴨在樹叢裡孵蛋。


[grænt] vt. 授予,給予,准許 片語 grant sb sth 給予某人某物 be granted sth 被給予某物 take it for granted that... 認為⋯⋯是理所當然的 My father was granted a pension after retirement. 我父親退休後領有退休俸。 *pension [`pɛnʃən] n. 退休金 Larry thought he had been working hard all year round, so he took it for granted that he would get a year-end bonus at work. 賴瑞認為他一年到頭都很努力,因此他認為自己會拿到年終獎金是理所當然的事。


[grɪm] a. 嚴肅的,殘酷的 The manager looked grim. I could tell something was wrong. 經理面色嚴肅。我可感覺出有狀況發生了。 比較 grin [grin] vi. 咧嘴大笑(與介詞 at 並用)


[grɪp] vt. 緊握 n. 緊握 片語 get a grip on sth 理解某事 - understand sth I just couldn't get a grip on what he said. 我真是搞不懂他在講什麼。 Nancy gripped my hand unconsciously when we were watching the horror movie. 我們看恐怖片的時候南西不由自主地抓緊我的手。 *unconsciously [ʌn`kɑnʃəslɪ] adv. 無意識地,不知不覺地 The girl escaped when the kidnapper loosened his grip. 那女孩趁綁架犯手一鬆的時候逃走了。


[gæsp] vi. 喘氣 n. 倒抽一口氣,喘氣 片語 give gasps of astonishment 驚訝地喘氣 The crowd gasped as the building collapsed before them. 當建築物在他們面前倒下時,群眾訝異地倒抽一口氣。 *collapse [kə`læps] vi. 倒塌 The audience gave gasps of astonishment when the magician suddenly appeared on the stage. 當魔術師突然出現在台上時,觀眾驚訝地喘息。


[gɔrdʒ] n. (小而深的)峽谷 The Three Gorges Dam, once completed, will be the largest dam in the world. 長江三峽大壩竣工後將成為世界上最大的水壩。 延伸 the Three Gorges Dam 長江三峽大壩 the Taroko Gorge 太魯閣峽谷 比較 canyon [`kænjən](寬而廣的)峽谷


[gə`rɪlə] n. 大猩猩 Thousands of visitors flooded into the zoo, hoping to see the newborn baby gorilla. 數千名群眾湧入動物園,希望可以看到剛出生的大猩猩寶寶。 *flood [flʌd] vi. 湧進 比較 guerrilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游擊隊


[gʌlp] vt. 大口吃/喝 片語 gulp sth down 大口匆匆吃/喝下某物 Tim gulped down his drink and left the house in haste. 提姆一口氣喝完飲料,匆匆出門去了。


[gʌst] n. 強風 片語 a gust of wind 一陣強風 The mast of the fishing boat was blown down by a strong gust of wind. 漁船的桅桿被一陣強風吹倒了。


[gʌts] n. 膽量(恆用複數) 片語 have the guts to V 有膽量從事⋯⋯ - have the courage to V - have the nerve to V *此處的 guts 要用複數,而 nerve 亦表『勇氣』,但與 courage 一樣,是不可數名詞。 The manager didn't have the guts to admit that he had made a bad decision. 經理沒勇氣承認他做了一個差勁的決定。


[haʊl] vi. 號叫 n. (狗、狼等的)號叫 After hearing the sound of wolves howling last night, I was so scared that I couldn't fall asleep. 昨夜聽到狼嗥後,我害怕得睡不著覺。


[jɑrn] n. 紗,奇談 片語 spin a yarn 紡棉紗線;說故事 We visited the textile museum and saw how people spin wools into yarn. 我們參觀布料博物館,看到人們如何把毛線紡成紗。 The grandfather spun his grandchildren a yarn about his life as a sailor. 祖父對孫子們講述他當水手時的故事。


[haʊnd] n. 獵犬 vt. 不斷煩擾 Foxhounds often hunt in packs and have sharp senses of smell. 獵狐犬通常會成群獵食,牠們有很敏銳的嗅覺。 *pack [pæk] n.(獵犬的)一群 The Hollywood couple was hounded by (the) paparazzi day and night. 這對好萊塢情侶一天到晚被狗仔隊騷擾。 *paparazzi [͵pɑpə`rɑtsɪ] n. 狗仔隊(義大利文,作集合名詞,不可數) 延伸 greyhound [`gre͵haʊnd] n. 灰狗(身體細長且善跑的獵狗) 用法 hound 作動詞時,有『跟蹤』、『追逐』之意,相當於 constantly disturb(不斷煩擾)。


[hid] vt. 注意 n. 注意 片語 take heed of... 注意⋯⋯ - take notice of... - take note of... - pay attention to... You will be sorry if you don't heed my advice warnings. 你若不聽我的勸告/警告,你就會後悔。 You should take heed of his behavior; he seems a little strange today. 你應該留意他的一舉一動;他今天似乎有些怪怪的。


[hors] a. 沙啞的 片語 shout oneself hoarse 某人把嗓子喊啞 The presidential candidate shouted himself hoarse trying to reassure the voters that the bad days were over. 這名總統候選人一再向選民保證苦日子已經過去,把自己的嗓子都喊啞了。


[huf] 複數形: hoofs [hufs]/hooves [huvz] n. 蹄 Cows have hoofs, not paws. 牛有蹄,而不是腳爪。


[hɑs`tɪlətɪ] n. 敵意 片語 have hostility toward sb 對某人懷有敵意 I have no idea why John has so much hostility toward me. 我不明白約翰為何對我有這麼強烈的敵意。


[hɔl] vt. 拖運,拖拉 n. 費力差事 片語 a long haul 艱苦且耗時的差事 The ship was hauled to the beach where the launching ceremony was to take place. 那艘船被拖到海濱,在那裡要舉行下水典禮。 *launching [`lɔntʃɪŋ] n.(船)下水 It was a long haul, but we finally made it to the top of the mountain. 歷經千辛萬苦,我們總算成功地爬上山頂。


[hɔnt] vt. (鬼魂)常出沒於 片語 haunt sb 在某人的腦海中揮之不去 It's said that two ghosts haunt the house. - It's said that the house is haunted by two ghosts. 據說這棟房子有兩隻鬼出沒。 The residents are constantly haunted by the fear of an explosion of a nuclear power plant. 這些居民經常提心吊膽,深怕核能電廠爆炸。 延伸 a haunted house 鬼屋


[hɔŋk] vt. 按喇叭 片語 honk the horn 按喇叭 blow one's own horn 自吹自擂(*horn [hɔrn] n.(車上的)喇叭裝置) Peter honked his horn impatiently during the traffic jam. 彼得塞車的時候很沒耐心地按喇叭。 The endless honking on the street is really getting on my nerves. 街上不停的喇叭聲令我快抓狂。 *get on sb's nerves 使某人生氣 - annoy sb *annoy [ə`nɔɪ] vt. 惹惱 Todd spent the whole afternoon in the office doing nothing but blowing his own horn. 陶德整個下午在辦公室啥都不幹,只是自吹自擂。


[hɛdʒ] n. 樹籬笆,屏障 片語 be a hedge against... 是對抗⋯⋯的屏障 Miranda's investments in overseas funds were a hedge against inflation. 米蘭達投資海外基金是用來防止通貨膨脹的屏障。 比較 fence [fɛns] n. 籬笆(鐵製或木頭製的)


[hɛns] adv. 因此 Charles didn't study hard. Hence, he failed the test. - Charles didn't study hard. Therefore, he failed the test. - Charles didn't study hard. As a result, he failed the test. 查理士沒有用功唸書。因此,他考試不及格。


[hɝb/ɝb] n. 藥草 Some people are skeptical about the medicinal effects of certain herbs. 有些人對某些草藥的醫療效果存疑。 *skeptical [`skɛptɪkḷ] a. 懷疑的 *be skeptical about... 對⋯⋯表示懷疑


[hɝl] vt. 用力投擲 片語 hurl insults/abuse at sb 辱罵某人 The angry mob began to hurl rotten eggs at the riot police. 暴民開始以臭雞蛋攻擊鎮暴警察。 *rotten [`rɑtṇ] a. 腐爛的 *riot [`raɪət] n. 暴亂


[hɪ`roɪk] a. 英雄的,英勇的 片語 a heroic figure 英雄人物 Because of his heroic deeds, Jerry was awarded a medal. 因為傑瑞英勇的行為,他得到一枚獎章。 比較 heroin [`hɛro͵ɪn] n. 海洛因 ⑥


[hɪm] n. 讚美詩,聖歌 Singing hymns always calms my soul and gives me strength. 唱聖歌總能平復我的靈魂並提供我力量。


[hɪs] vi. 發出噓(嘶)聲 片語 hiss at... 對⋯⋯發出嘶聲 As I was poking around in some long grass with a stick, a snake suddenly hissed at me. 我正用竿子在草堆裡翻弄時,一隻蛇突然對我發出嘶嘶的聲音。 *poke [pok] vt. & vi. 戳,撥弄


[hʊd] n. (與衣服相連的)帽子,(汽車)引擎蓋 This coat has a detachable hood and a two-way zip, designed for outdoor use. 這件外套有可拆式的連帽和雙向拉鍊,為戶外活動所設計。 *detachable [dɪ`tætʃəbḷ] a. 可分開的 I think you should check under the hood to find where the strange noise came from. 我認為你應該要打開引擎蓋看看這奇怪的聲音是哪裡傳出來的。


[il] n. 鰻魚 Eels are snake-like fish and are commonly used in Japanese cuisine. 鰻魚是一種像蛇的魚,經常用於日本料理。 *cuisine [kwɪ`zin] n. 烹飪,菜餚


[jild] vt. 生產(之後接受詞),讓 vi. 屈服(與介詞 to 並用) 片語 yield to... 屈服於⋯⋯ - surrender to... - succumb to... - give in to... - give way to... - concede to... - make concessions to... I believe this investment should yield a reasonable return. 我相信這項投資會得到合理的收益。 Please yield your seat to elderly, pregnant, disabled or passengers holding babies. 請把你的座位讓給年老、懷孕、殘障以及抱小孩的乘客。 Carlos is a man of strong character; he never yields to threats. 卡洛士的個性堅強,他從來不會屈服於威脅。


[jist] n. 酵母 The most common type of yeast used to make beer is ale yeast. 最常用來製造啤酒的的酵母種類是麥芽酵母。 *ale [el] n. 麥芽啤酒 延伸 enzyme [`ɛnzaɪm] n. 酵素


[jɑt] n. 遊艇 Since winning the lottery, Fred has bought two yachts which he sails in his spare time. 自從贏了樂透彩,佛萊德就買了兩艘遊艇,供閒暇時駕駛。 *sail [sel] vt. 駕駛(船)


[klæsp] vt. vi. 緊握 n. 緊握 片語 clasp one's hands around sth 緊握某物 The two stunt women clasped their hands around each other's waists to perform the stunt. 這兩位女特技演員緊摟住對方的腰,表演特技。 *stunt [stʌnt] n. 特技 During the concert, our hands were clasped tightly together. 演唱會的時候,我們的雙手十指環扣。 The tight clasp of my grandfather's hand made me feel secure. 我爺爺緊握的手讓我覺得很安全。


[klɔz] n. 條款,子句 The legislator suggested that a clause be added to the bill to ensure immigrants' rights at the workplace. 這名立法委員建議該法案加入一項條款以確保移民者在職場上的權利。 *immigrant [`ɪməgrənt] n. 移民 In English grammar, a clause is part of a sentence that consists of a subject and a verb. 在英文文法中,子句是完整句的一部分,由一個主詞與動詞組成。


[klɪŋ] vi. 緊抓 Whatever I do, I cling to my principles. - Whatever I do, I stick to my principles. 不管做什麼事,我都會緊守原則。 Grandma had to cling onto the railing tightly when she tried to climb the stairs. 奶奶爬樓梯的時候必須緊緊抓著欄杆。 用法 cling 與介詞 to 並用,形成下列片語: cling to... 緊抓住⋯⋯ - cling onto...


[klʌtʃ] vt. 緊抓 n. 緊抓 片語 have sth in sb's clutches 某事物在某人的掌控中 Lisa clutched Paul's arm when she saw an angry-looking policeman walking towards them. 看見一位生氣的警員向他們走來時,麗莎抓緊了保羅的手臂。 The dictator has all the power in his clutches. 那個獨裁者將所有的政權都一手掌握。 *dictator [`dɪk͵tetɚ] n. 獨裁者 延伸 作名詞用亦可表『離合器』,使用時以單數或複數表示均可。


[kraʊtʃ] vi. 蹲下 n. 蹲下 He crouched down behind his classmate in order to hide from the teacher. 他蹲在同學背後躲老師。


[krik] n. 小溪 This creek used to be a large river teeming with fish and aquatic plants. 這條小溪過去曾是一條滿是魚類和水生植物的大河。 *teem [tim] vi. 充滿 *teem with... 充滿著⋯⋯ - be filled with... *aquatic [ə`kwætɪk] a. 水生的


[krik] vi. (開門或踩在木地板)軋軋響起 n. 軋一聲 The door creaked open all by itself, causing the boys to run in fear. 門軋的一聲自動打開,嚇得那群男孩趕緊逃跑。 They heard the creak creaking of the wooden 且oor as they stepped on it. 他們踏在木頭地板上時聽到地板軋的一聲。


[krɪb] n. 嬰兒床 The baby is sound asleep in the crib. 寶寶在小床裡睡得正熟。


[krʌntʃ] vi. 嘎吱地咬/走過 n. (食物或東西碎裂的)嘎吱聲 片語 crunch on sth 嘎吱地咬某物 Jane was crunching noisily on an apple before lunch. 阿珍午餐前正嘎吱嘎吱咬著一粒蘋果。 We could hear the crunch of the snow as we walked over it. 我們在冰上行走時能聽見雪被踩碎的嘎吱嘎吱聲。


[kwaɪr] n. 合唱團 When I was a kid, I used to be a member of the local church choir. 我小時候曾是地方上教堂合唱團的成員。


[kwæk] vi. (鴨子)呱呱叫 n. 鴨叫聲,庸醫,冒牌醫生 The ducks started quacking loudly when we walked near them. 我們走近這些鴨子時,牠們開始呱呱叫。 Obviously the quack should be responsible for the death of that patient. 這名蒙古大夫顯然要為那名病患的死亡負責任。


[kwɛst] n. 探索,尋覓 片語 in one's quest/search for... 尋找⋯⋯的任務(通常為某項艱鉅任務) in quest/search of... 尋找⋯⋯ These scientists worked day and night in their quest for a cure for the disease. 這些科學家日以繼夜地工作以尋求治療該疾病的良方。 Peter set off in quest of adventure. 彼得出發去尋找冒險。 The quest for the Holy Grail is a recurrent theme in many medieval tales. 探索聖杯是許多中世紀故事裡常出現的情節。 *the Holy Grail [grel] 指傳說中耶穌在最後的晚餐所使用的杯子。 *recurrent [rɪ`kɝənt] a. 一再出現的


[kwɪ`zin] n. 菜餚,烹飪法(不可數) 片語 French cuisine 法國菜 Chinese cuisine 中國菜 Chinese cuisine is internationally recognized. 中國菜是全世界出名的。


[kæf] 複數形: calves [kævz] n. 小腿,小牛 片語 calf love 年少初戀 My calf is sore from climbing the mountain. 我的小腿因為爬山感覺很酸。 The calf followed its mother everywhere she went. 那頭小牛一直跟著媽媽。 用法 calf 多指牛、象、長頸鹿等有蹄類大型草食動物的幼獸,而 cub 則指熊、狼、虎、獅等肉食性動物的幼獸。


[kɑr`neʃən] n. 康乃馨 Carnations become very expensive around Mother's Day. 康乃馨在母親節的時候會變得很貴。


[kɑrp] n. 鯉魚(單複數亦同形) Normally, carp grow to about 30 inches and weigh 10 to 15 pounds. 一般說來,鯉魚可以長到 30 英寸長,重達 10 到 15磅。


[kɔrd] n. 和弦 片語 strike/touch a chord with sb 與某人看法一致,令某人贊同 play the B chord 彈 B 和弦 That guitar player played the wrong chord twice, but nobody seemed to notice it. 吉他手彈錯了和弦兩次,但似乎沒有人注意到。 That candidate's speech struck a chord with the voters. 候選人的一席演講令選民深表贊同。


[kɔɪl] n. 捲 vi. 捲起來 片語 coil up... 將⋯⋯捲起來 We were given an assignment to create something out of these coils of rope. 我們的作業是用這幾捲繩子創造出作品來。 Wayne turned off the machine and coiled up the wire. 韋恩將機器的電源關上,並將電線捲起來。


[kə`kun] n. 繭 The cocoon is also known as the larval stage of some insects. 繭又可稱為某些昆蟲的幼蟲時期。 *larval [`lɑrvəl] a. 幼蟲的


[kə`lonɪəl] a. 殖民的 It took the country almost fifty years to rid itself of colonial rule. 該國花了幾乎 50 年才擺脫殖民統治。 *rid [rɪd] vt. 使擺脫(三態同形) *rid A of B:使 A 擺脫 B


[kə`lɪgrəfɪ] n. 書法 There's more to Chinese calligraphy than meets the eye. Without years of practice, you can't master this art. 中國書法並非眼見的那麼簡單。沒有多年的練習就無法精通這門工夫。 *There's more to sth than meets the eye. 某事物要比眼見的更有學問/某事物非外表那麼簡單。 延伸 Chinese calligraphy 中國書法 比較 handwriting 字跡 Peter's handwriting is illegible. 彼得的字跡潦草到無法辨識。 *illegible [ɪ`lɛdʒəbḷ] a.(字跡)難辨識的 legible [`lɛdʒəbḷ] a.(字跡)可辨識的


[kə`midɪən] n. 喜劇演員 Jim Carrey is no doubt one of the greatest comedians of our time. 無庸置疑的,金凱瑞是我們這個時代最偉大的喜劇演員之一。


[kə`mjut] vi. 通勤 片語 commute from A to B 從 A 通勤到 B commute between A and B 在 A 與 B 之間來回通勤 Peter commutes between Taipei and Taoyuan by train every weekday. 彼得每週上班日坐火車在台北與桃園之間來回通勤。


[kə`mjutɚ] n. 通勤者 Over 10,000 commuters were affected by the strike. 超過 10,000 名通勤者受到該起罷工事件的影響。


[kə`mɑdətɪ] 複數形: commodities [kə`mɑdətɪs] n. 商品 片語 daily commodities 日常消費品(常用複數) Our company recently imported a lot of electronic commodities from Germany. 我們公司最近從德國進口許多電子商品。


[kə`mɛnd] vt. vi. 稱讚,表揚 片語 commend sb for sth 因某事讚揚某人 - praise sb for sth - compliment sb on sth The principal commended William for his outstanding academic performance. - The principal complimented William on his outstanding academic performance. 校長表揚威廉傑出的學業表現。 比較 command [kə`mænd] vt. 指揮 comment [`kɑmɛnt] n. 評論 & vi. 評論(名詞或動詞皆與介詞 on 並用) make comments on sth 評論某事 - comment on sth The prosecutor refused to make any comments on the criminal case. - The prosecutor refused to comment on the criminal case. 檢察官拒絕對該起犯罪案件發表評論。(*prosecutor [`prɑsɪ͵kjutɚ] n. 檢察官)


[kə`mɪʃən] n. 回扣 vt. 委任 片語 get a commission on sth 就某事物獲得回扣 You'll get a 15% commission on everything you sell. 你所賣出的東西都可以抽成 15%。 The museum commissioned the artist to make a sculpture in remembrance of the curator. 美術館委任這名藝術家製作一座雕像紀念該館長。 *curator [kjʊ`retɚ] n. 館長 *in remembrance of... 以紀念⋯⋯ - in memory of... - in commemoration of... *commemmoration [kə͵mɛmə`reʃən] n. 紀念 用法 commission 作動詞,表『委任』時,與下列動詞同義: assign [ə`saɪn] vt. 指派 authorize [`ɔθə͵raɪz] vt. 授權


[kə`mɪʃənɚ] n. 委任者,長官 Mike was appointed commissioner of the New York police department. 邁可被任命為紐約警局局長。


[kə`næl] n. 運河 The Panama Canal connects the Caribbean Sea with the Gulf of Panama. 巴拿馬運河連接加勒比海和巴拿馬灣。 延伸 the Panama Canal 巴拿馬運河 比較 strait [stret] n. 海峽


[kə`rɪkjələm] 複數形: curricula [kə`rɪkjələ] curriculums n. 課程計劃 片語 an extracurricular activity 課外活動 Many students have neglected their study as a result of taking part in too many extracurricular activities. 許多學生因參與太多的課外活動而荒廢課業。 The new curriculum will offer students chances to develop their creativity. 新的課程編排將提供學生許多開發創意的機會。


[kə`rʌpt] a. 腐敗的,貪汙的 vt. 使腐敗 The corrupt officer was put in jail for taking bribes. 那位腐敗的官員因為收賄被捕入獄了。 *bribe [braɪb] n. 賄賂 Violence on TV may corrupt the minds of young children. 電視上的暴力可能會殘害幼童的心靈。


[kə`rʌpʃən] n. 腐敗,貪汙 The intellectuals in this country are deeply concerned about the widespread corruption within the government. 該國的知識份子都很憂心政府內部貪腐嚴重。


[kə`θidrəl] n. 大教堂 St. Patrick's Cathedral stands tall on New York City's Fifth Avenue. 聖派崔克大教堂聳立在紐約市第五大道上。


[kəm`pjʊt] vt. (用電腦)計算 Make sure these figures are accurately computed or we could invite trouble. 這些數據務必要精確計算,否則我們可能會招來麻煩。 比較 calculate [`kælkjə͵let] vt. 計算 ④ We should calculate the cost before deciding whether we should set up a new branch. 我們應先計算成本再決定是否要設立一家分公司。 count [kaʊnt] vt. 計算 ① The little boy can count from one to twenty. 這個小男孩能從 1 數到 20。


[kəm`pjʊtə͵raɪz] vt. 使電腦化 The manager insists that the office be fully computerized if we are to increase efficiency. 經理堅持認為我們若想提升效率,辦公室就應全面電腦化。


[kəm`plaɪ] vi. 順從 片語 comply with the law 守法 - conform to the law - abide by the law - obey the law It's important that you comply with the law. 守法很重要。 There will be serious consequences if you don't comply with the regulations in this lab. 若你不遵守這間實驗室的規定,將有嚴重後果。


[kəm`pæʃən] n. 同情心 片語 have compassion for... 對⋯⋯有同情心 You're such a cold fish! You have no compassion for the pain I'm suffering. 你真是冷血動物!你對我經歷的痛苦一點都不感到同情。 *a cold fish 冷血動物


[kəm`pæʃənɪt] a. 有同情心的 The jury's general response to the criminal was compassionate. 陪審團對這名罪犯的普遍反應是富同情心的。 *criminal [`krɪmənḷ] n. 罪犯


[kəm`pɛl] vt. 迫使 片語 compel sb to V 強迫某人從事⋯⋯ - force sb to V Kevin's illness compelled him to drop out of school. 凱文的疾病迫使他輟學。


[kən`dɛm] vt. 譴責 片語 condemn sb for sth 譴責某人某事 The doctor was condemned by many for neglecting his patients' needs. 該名醫師被許多人譴責忽視他病患的需求。


[kən`dʌkt]/[`kɑndʌkt] vt. 處理,指揮(樂團) n. 行為(不可數) Police have conducted an investigation into the case. 警方已就該案件進行調查。 The local orchestra was conducted by my piano teacher, Mr. Evans. 本地的管絃樂團是由我的鋼琴老師艾文斯先生擔任指揮。 Brian was charged with disorderly conduct. 布萊恩因行為不檢的罪名而遭起訴。


[kən`dʌktɚ] n. 指揮者,導體 The conductor raised her baton, indicating to the players to get ready. 指揮者將指揮棒提高,暗示表演者準備好。 *baton [bæ`tɑn/`bætṇ] n. 指揮棒 Copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity. 紅銅是熱與電的良導體。 延伸 a semi-conductor 半導體


[kən`dʒɛstʃən] n. 擁擠 Traffic congestion in this city is getting worse due to the construction of a new subway system. 該城市的交通阻塞現象因為興建一條新的地下鐵而更加惡化。 延伸 traffic congestion 交通阻塞現象(不可數) 比較 a traffic jam 交通阻塞(可數,單數時之前應置不定冠詞 a)


[kən`frʌnt] vt. (使)面對 片語 be confronted with... 面對⋯⋯ - be faced with... What would you do if you were confronted with such a problem? 面對這樣一個難題,你將怎麼做?


[kən`fɛʃən] n. 承認,招供 片語 make a confession to sb 向某人招供 Jim made a confession to his wife that he had lost all his money gambling. 吉姆向老婆承認他把所有的錢都花在賭博上了。


[kən`sil] vt. 隱藏 片語 conceal sth from sb 不讓某人知道某事 I realized from her tone of voice that she was concealing something from me. 從她的語調中,我發現她有事正隱瞞著我。


[kən`sol] vt. 安慰 片語 console sb 安慰某人 We tried to console Andy after his house was destroyed in the earthquake. 安迪的房子被地震摧毀後,我們試著要安慰他。


[kən`sɛnt] n. 同意 vi. 同意 片語 consent to N/V-ing 同意做某事(此處 to 為介詞,故之後須 接名詞或動名詞作受詞) You can't just take other people's stuff without their consent. That's stealing! - You can't just take other people's stuff without their permission. That's stealing! 你不能不經同意就拿走別人東西。那算偷竊! My girlfriend's father finally consented to our marriage. 我女朋友的父親終於同意了我倆的婚事。


[kən`sɪdərɪt] a. 體貼的 片語 It's considerate of sb to V 某人⋯⋯很體貼 It's very considerate of you to lend me a hand in this time of trouble. 你真體貼,在這困難的時候伸出援手。


[kən`tedʒəs] a. 有傳染性的 片語 a contagious disease 傳染病 Patients with SARS should be quarantined because SARS is a contagious disease. 嚴重急性呼吸症候群的患者須被隔離,因為這種疾病具傳染性。 *quarantine [`kwɔrən͵tin] vt. 使隔離,使受檢疫


[kən`tæmə͵net] vt. 污染 The waste water discharged from the factories has contaminated the river. 從工廠排放出的廢水污染了河流。 *discharge [dɪs`tʃɑrdʒ] vt. 排放(液體、氣體) 延伸 contaminated [kən`tæmə͵netɪd] 為過去分詞作形容詞用,表『受到污染的』。 Several villagers were poisoned by the contaminated drinking water. 數位村民因為喝了被污染的飲用水而中毒。*poison [`pɔɪzṇ] vt. 使中毒


[kən`tɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] a. 現代的,同時期的 n. 同時期的人 Although it was built a long time ago, the bridge still has a little contemporary touch. 雖然這座橋是很久以前造的,它還是有一點現代化的風格在裡面。 Nearly all of the contemporary accounts of the battle suggested that the outcome was unavoidable. 幾乎所有關於這場戰役同時期的報導都暗指著這樣的結果是無可避免的。 Clark Gable was viewed by most of his contemporaries as the most handsome man in the world. 克拉克‧蓋博被許多同時代的人公認為世上最帥的美男子。


[kən`tɛnd] vt. 堅稱(接 that 子句作受詞) vi. 競爭 片語 contend for sth 爭奪某物 - compete for sth The lawyer contended that his client was not at the scene when the crime was committed. 這名律師堅稱案發當時他的當事人並沒有在現場。 *commit a crime 犯罪 The two countries are contending for sovereignty over the small island. 這兩個國家正在爭奪這座小島的主權歸屬。 *sovereignty [`sɑvrɪntɪ] n. 主權


[kən`vɝt] vt. vi. 皈依(宗教),轉變 片語 convert to Buddhism/Catholicism Christianity/Islam... 皈依佛教/天主教/基督教/回教⋯⋯ convert A into B 將 A 變成 B - change A into B - transform A into B - turn A into B Paul converted to Buddhism from Christianity five months ago. 保羅五個月前由基督教皈依佛教。 I'd like to convert some dollars into pounds, please. 我想要把一些美金換成英鎊,麻煩你。


[kən`vɝʃən] n. 轉變 The conversion of my old room into an entertainment room is going to take me about one week. 將我的舊房間改建成娛樂室大約要花我一個禮拜的時間。


[kən͵tɪnjʊ`eʃən] n. 延續 The continuation of the dry season has caused a bad harvest for the local farmers. 延續不斷的乾燥季節已造成當地農夫收成不佳。


[kɝb] vt. 抑制 n. 人行道路邊 The government should introduce some new policies to curb inflation. 政府應該制定一些新的政策以抑制通貨膨脹。 The car skidded into the curb, nearly hitting a pedestrian. 這輛車打滑開上人行道路邊,差點撞上一名行人。 *pedestrian [pə`dɛstrɪən] n. 行人


[kɪn] n. 親戚 片語 a next of kin 最近的血親 I wrote my sister's name and number down when the hospital asked for a next of kin. 當院方問到最親的家屬時,我寫下了我妹妹的名字及電話號碼。


[laɪm] n. 萊姆(長得很像檸檬,呈綠色,有人稱之為『酸橙』),石灰 Ryan cut up some limes and made a delicious drink. 萊恩把萊姆切片,做了一杯好喝的飲料。 Lime is a white substance that can be used for making cement. 石灰是一種白色物質,可用來製造水泥。


[lem] a. 跛腳的,沒說服力的 片語 a lame excuse/explanation 一個沒說服力的藉口/理由 a lame duck 跛腳鴨(參選失利,任期即將結束的總統、州長或議員) John always makes up lame excuses when he is late for work. 約翰上班遲到總是時總是會編造一些爛理由。 The governor is pretty much a lame duck now. There's only one month left before the newly elected governor takes office. 這位州長現在真的是跛腳鴨了,距離新當選的州長赴任只剩一個月。


[lig] n. 聯盟 The baseball league is seeking corporate sponsors to help weather its financial difficulties. 棒球聯盟此刻在尋求企業贊助以協助度過財務困難。 *weather [`wɛðɚ] vt. 度過(困難)


[lu`tɛnənt] n. (陸、空)中尉(可縮寫成 Lt.) Lt. Smith is our platoon leader. 史密斯中尉是我們的排長。 *platoon [plə`tun] n. 排 延伸 second lieutenant (陸、空)少尉 軍階對照表 陸軍、空軍 Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Major General Lieutenant General General


[lum] vi. 逼近,若隱若現 片語 loom on the horizon 即將出現(*horizon [hə`raɪzṇ] n. 地平線) loom large (令人憂懼的某事)可能發生 With another wave of lay-offs looming on the horizon, the staff members are all afraid of losing their jobs. 另一波解雇潮可能即將來臨,職員都很怕飯碗不保。 The prospect of the storm loomed large and everyone on the boat was afraid. 可能來臨的風暴令人憂懼,每個在船上的人都很害怕。 *prospect [`prɑspɛkt] n. 前景;可能性


[lup] n. 環 This road is straight except for a loop near the highway. 除了在高速公路附近有個環道之外,這條路是很直的。


[læd] n. 小男孩〔英〕(- young boy) When Martin was just a lad, his greatest wish was to go to sea. 馬丁還是個小男孩時,他最大的願望就是去當水手。 *go to sea 當水手


[lɑdʒ] vt. 安置 vi. 卡住 n. 小屋,旅社 片語 be lodged in... 被安置在⋯⋯ lodge in... 卡在⋯⋯ The little boy was temporarily lodged in the local orphanage. 小男孩被暫時安置在當地的孤兒院中。 The fishbone lodged in my throat and I started to choke. 那根魚刺卡在我的喉嚨裡,讓我開始覺得呼吸困難。 Rescuers spent the night at the hunting lodge and set off early next morning to continue their search for the missing hiker. 搜救人員在小獵屋度過一晚,隔天早上又再度出發尋找失蹤的登山客。 There are several lodges by the lake where you can stay for a reasonable price. 湖附近有幾間旅社價格還挺划算,你可以在那裡過夜。


[lɔft] n. 閣樓 This narrow staircase leads to a loft, where you'll find a comfortable, king-size bed. 這座狹窄的樓梯通往閣樓,在那兒你會發現一張舒服的大床。 *king-size [`kɪŋ͵saɪz] a. 超過標準長度的


[lɛst] conj. 免得,唯恐 You should get up early lest you (should) miss the train. - You should get up early for fear that you may miss the train. 你應該早點起床,以免趕不上火車。 用法 lest 為副詞連接詞表『以免』,引導的副詞子句結構如下: lest + S (should) + V(should 可省略) - for fear + S + may/might + V(may might 不可省略)


[lɪmp] vi. 跛行 n. 跛腳 The basketball player limped off the court. 那名籃球員一跛一跛地走下球場。 Josh has had a slight limp since the car accident. 賈許自從車禍後就略跛。


[lʌmp] vt. 歸併在一起 n. 團,隆起,腫塊 片語 a lump of... 一團⋯⋯ a lump of dough 一團麵糰 a lump in sb's throat 某人喉嚨有一個腫塊(喻某人想哭) You cannot just lump every type of student together. 你不能隨便將每一種學生都歸成同一類。 I grabbed a lump of soil as a souvenir at Yellowstone National Park. 在黃石國家公園內,我抓了一把泥土當作紀念。 *souvenir [͵suvə`nɪr] n. 紀念品 There is a lump on my head because I fell off the bike and hit the curb. 我的頭腫了一塊,因為我從腳踏車上跌下來撞到人行道路緣。 There was a lump in my throat when I saw those skinny children on TV. 我看到電視上那些骨瘦如柴的孩子們時感到一陣鼻酸。


[maʊnd] n. 堆 片語 a mound/heap/pile of sth 一堆某物;大量的某物 I've got mounds of paperwork to do before leaving for lunch. - I've got piles of paperwork to do before leaving for lunch. 我去吃中餐之前有很多的日常文書工作要做。


[maʊnt] vt. 爬上 n. 山 片語 mount the horse 上馬 John mounted his horse and rode off. 約翰騎上馬便飛奔而去。 George has finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of climbing Mount Everest. 喬治終於完成他這一生的心願,攀爬喜馬拉雅山。


[mjuz] vi. 沉思 片語 muse about/on sth 沉思某事 I sat alone on the sofa, musing about the possibility of starting my own business. 我獨自坐在沙發上,沉思著自行創業的可能性。


[mod] n. 模式,方法 Floods damaged the train tracks so travelers had to find alternate modes of transportation. 因為洪水損壞了火車鐵軌,旅客必須找尋其他替代的交通方式。 *alternate [`ɔltɚnɪt] a. 可供替換的


[mold] n. 模子,黴菌(不可數) vt. 用模子做,塑造(- mould〔英〕) 片語 break the mold 打破窠臼,避免重複、陳舊的事物 be in the same mold 出自同一個模子,極相似 The film-maker's latest production broke the mold and won him an Oscar. 該導演的最新作品打破陳規舊俗,替他贏得了奧斯卡獎。 The two writers are in the same mold in terms of style. 從風格方面來說,這兩位作家很接近。 They use the molds to make these star-shaped biscuits. 他們用模子做出了這些星形餅乾。 There is a lot of mold on that piece of cheese. 那塊起司上有很多黴菌。 My mother molded the cookies into heart shapes. 我的母親將餅乾用模子做成心形。


[pen] n. 窗格 Aaron leaned on the window pane and watched passersby. 亞倫靠在窗格上,看著路上的行人。 *lean [lin] vi. 倚,靠 *passerby [`pæsɚ͵baɪ] n. 路過的人


[sol] a. 單獨的,唯一的 Our sole objective is to restore public confidence in our products. 我們唯一的目標就是重拾大眾對本產品的信心。 *restore [rɪ`stɔr] vt. 恢復


[mon] vt. vi. 哀嚎,抱怨 n. 哀嚎聲,抱怨聲 "I hate to work, but I need the money," Lisa moaned. 『我真討厭工作,但我需要錢,』莉莎抱怨道。 Everyone in the office moaned when Frank began to tell the same old jokes. 當法蘭克又重覆講同樣的笑話時,辦公室內每個人都哀哀叫。 The rescuers heard a low moan from beneath the debris of the collapsed building. 搜救人員聽見從倒塌的建築物廢墟中傳來的微弱呻吟聲。 *debris [də`bri] n. 破瓦殘礫(不可數)


[mæʃ] vt. 搗碎 I mashed the peanuts with a hammer. 我用槌子把花生搗碎了。 Brian usually has some sausages and mashed potatoes for breakfast. 布萊恩通常會吃點香腸跟馬鈴薯泥當早餐。 延伸 mashed potato 馬鈴薯泥


[mɑk] vt. (藉由模仿)嘲笑 a. 模擬的 片語 mock sb 取笑某人 - make fun of sb Those students are always mocking their teacher for the way he speaks. 那些學生老是藉模仿嘲笑他們老師講話的方式。 延伸 a mock test 模擬考 - a simulated test


[mɔrn] vt. vi. 哀悼 片語 mourn for sb 為某人哀悼 mourn sb's death 哀悼某人的亡故 So many years have passed, but Carl still mourns his wife's death. 這麼多年過去了,凱爾對妻子的死仍感哀悼。 Today, we come here to mourn for our beloved neighbor Mary. 今日,我們前來悼念親愛的鄰居瑪麗。


[mɔs] n. 青苔 The rocks near the river are slippery because they are covered with moss. 河邊的那些石頭很滑,因為它們上面佈滿青苔。 諺語 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滾石不生苔。——比喻對生命積極、有行動力的人心靈不會染上塵埃。


[mə`dʒɛstɪk] a. 雄偉的 We stood in awe before the majestic Westminster Abbey. 我們敬畏地站在雄偉的西敏寺前。 *awe[ɔ] n. 敬畏 *stand in awe 敬畏地站立


[mə`kænɪks] n. 機器學 I know how to operate that machine, but I don't know the mechanics of it. 我知道怎樣操作那部機器,但卻不知道當中的機械原理。


[mə`sɑʒ] vt. 按摩 n. 按摩 My wife massaged my aching back after a long day at the office. 在辦公一整天後,我太太按摩我疼痛的背部。 *aching [`ekɪŋ] a. 疼痛的 Thanks to your massage, I feel much better. The pain seems to have gone. 由於你幫我按摩,我感覺好多了。疼痛似乎已經消失了。 比較 message [`mɛsɪdʒ] n. 信息


[mɪ`θɑlədʒɪ] n. 神話(不可數) The dragon is a creature that only exists in mythology. 龍是只存在神話中的動物。 延伸 Greek mythology 希臘神話


[mɪdst] n. 中間 片語 in our/your/their midst 在我們/你們/他們之中 - among us/you/them There is probably a spy in our midst. - There is probably a spy among us. 我們之中八成有人是間諜。 in the midst of... 在⋯⋯的中間,在⋯⋯之中 - in the middle of... A lot of students fell asleep in the midst of that boring speech. 許多學生在那場無聊的演講中紛紛睡著了。


[mɪnt] n. 薄荷 片語 be in mint condition 全新的 Mint is often used as a seasoning that adds flavor to food. 薄荷常用來做調味料,增添食物風味。 I can't believe that this record is still in mint condition. It's a real bargain! 我不敢相信這張唱片還是全新的。真是撿到便宜貨了! 延伸 mint 亦指造幣廠,從造幣廠剛剛印好出來的錢完全無缺點,固有上列片語。


[mɪs`kɑndʌkt] n. 行為不良(不可數) The sales manager was fired because of his misconduct at work. 業務經理上班時行為不檢而遭開除。


[mɪθ] n. 神話,迷思,錯誤的想法 片語 Contrary to the general myth,... 與一般傳統想法不同的是,⋯⋯ - Contrary to old wives' tales,... Contrary to the general myth, pigs are actually animals that love to be clean. 與一般傳統想法不同的是,豬其實是愛乾淨的動物。 The story in the magazine is just a myth. There's not a single grain of truth in it. 雜誌的報導不過是無稽之談。毫無事實根據。 *grain [gren] n. 粒狀物 *a grain of... 一點兒⋯⋯


[njud] a. 裸體的 片語 in the nude 裸體地 The movie starts with a nude scene where the leading actor is taking a shower. 這部電影開始時是男主角正在淋浴的裸體場景。 *scene [sin] n.(電視、電影的)一個鏡頭 Research shows that men are twice as likely as women to sleep in the nude. 調查指出男性裸睡的比例是女性的兩倍。 延伸 a nude beach 裸體海灘


[no`bɪlətɪ] n. 貴族,高貴 片語 the nobility 皇家貴族 I was astonished to know that Jack, a man I've known for ages, is actually descended from French nobility. 我很驚訝地發現傑克,一位我認識多年的男子,竟是法國貴族的後裔。 *descendant [dɪ`sɛndənt] n. 子孫,後裔 We shouldn't doubt the nobility of his intentions. This man is trying to help us! 我們不該懷疑他崇高的心意。這人是想幫我們忙哪!


[næg] vt. vi. 嘮叨 片語 nag sb to V 嘮叨地要某人從事 nag sb about sth 就某事對某人嘮叨 nag at sb 對某人喋喋不休 The children have been nagging their parents to take them to Disneyland. 小孩們一直喋喋不休地吵著要爸媽帶他們去迪士尼樂園玩。 Jane kept nagging me about my weight, so I decided to go to the gym and work out a bit. 阿珍一直嘮叨我的體重,所以我決定去健身房運動一下。 Will you stop nagging at me? I'd really appreciate it if you left me in peace for a moment. 你可以別再對我嘮叨了嗎?如果你能讓我清靜一下,我真的會很感激。


[nɑn`vaɪələnt] a. 非暴力的 Gandhi used non-violent protest to persuade British colonial authorities to give India its independence. 甘地使用非暴力抗爭手段說服英國殖民政府讓印度獨立。


[nɔ] vt. vi. 咬 片語 gnaw at sth 咬/啃某物 Duncan discovered that rats had been gnawing at the computer cables. 鄧肯發現老鼠一直來都在咬電腦纜線。 *cable [`kebḷ] n. 電纜線


[o`esɪs] 複數形: oases [o`esɪz] n. 綠洲,樂土 The city of Las Vegas was built upon an oasis. 拉斯維加斯市是蓋在綠洲之上。 The park is an oasis of peace amid the hustle and bustle of the big city. 該座公園是這喧囂城市的一塊寧靜樂土。 *the hustle and bustle 喧鬧


[pik] vi. 偷窺(與介詞 at 並用) 片語 peek at... 偷窺⋯⋯ The actor peeked at the audience from behind the curtain before the play started. 演員在戲劇開始之前從布幕後面偷瞄了觀眾席。 延伸 peek-a-boo [`pikə͵bu] n. 躲貓貓(喊著 "peek-a-boo" 並反覆遮臉又露臉之逗小孩遊戲)


[plaʊ] n. 犁 vt. 耕田(- plough〔英〕) The ox pulled the plow to turn the soil over and thus made it easier for the crops to grow. 那頭牛拖著犁翻土,因此讓穀子更容易生長。 If you want to be a farmer, you have to know how to plow. 你想當農夫的話就得知道怎麼耕田。


[pleg] vt. 使痛苦,使心煩 n. 瘟疫 片語 be plagued with... 因⋯⋯而苦惱 Jerry has been plagued with heart problems since he was a child. 傑瑞從小就為心臟方面毛病所苦。 The idea that his wife may be unfaithful has been plaguing Jimmy. 吉米一直心煩妻子可能出軌。 The Black Plague claimed millions of lives during its several outbreaks in Europe. 黑死病在歐洲的幾次爆發曾奪走數百萬條人命。 *claim a life 奪走一條人命 延伸 the Black Plague 黑死病,鼠疫(- bubonic [bju`bɑnɪk] plague 淋巴腺。鼠疫,曾於中古歐洲流行一時,造成重大死傷的傳染病) 比較 plaque [plæk] n. 獎牌


[pli] n. 懇求,抗辯 片語 make a plea for sth 懇求某事 The farmers made a plea for the government to promote domestic produce. 這些農夫懇請政府加強促銷國內的農產品。 *domestic [də`mɛstɪk] a. 國內的 *produce [`prodjus] n. 農產品(集合名詞,不可數)


[plid] vi. 懇求 vt. 承認,辯稱 片語 plead with sb for sth 懇求某人獲得某物 plead with sb to V 懇求某人從事⋯⋯ plead guilty 認罪 plead not guilty/innocence 辯稱無罪/無罪 The little boy pleaded with his mother not to leave him behind. 這名小男孩懇求母親不要離棄他。 *leave sb behind 離棄某人 The soldier was on his knees, pleading for mercy. 這名士兵雙膝跪地,懇求寬恕。 The man pled guilty to the crime. 這男子對這項罪行俯首認罪。


[plɛdʒ] n. 誓言 vt. 發誓 片語 make a pledge that ... 誓言⋯⋯ - pledge that;;... make a pledge to V 誓言要⋯⋯ - pledge to V The new mayor made a pledge that he would reduce the city's crime rate. - The new mayor pledged to reduce the city's crime rate. 新市長發誓將要降低該市的犯罪率。


[plʌk] vt. 拔(毛) 片語 pluck up one's/the courage to V 鼓起勇氣做某事 Dana plucked her eyebrows before putting make-up on. 戴娜在上妝之前先拔她的眉毛。 *eyebrow [`aɪ͵braʊ] n. 眉毛 After a whole semester, David finally plucked up the courage to talk to Amy. 經過了一學期,大衛終於鼓起勇氣去跟愛咪說話。


[plʌndʒ] vi. 跳入 n. 跳入 片語 plunge into... 跳入⋯⋯;投入⋯⋯ - jump into... take the plunge 冒險一試 The lifeguard plunged into the river and saved the drowning boy. 救生員跳入河中,救起即將溺斃的男孩。 One should not plunge into marriage. Take time to get to know your partner first. 不要貿然結婚。應先花時間了解對方。 Lilly decided to take the plunge and set up a design studio of her own. 莉莉決定放手一搏,成立了自己的設計工作室。


[po`ɛtɪk] a. 詩的 The words the writer used to describe the scenery are beautiful and poetic. 這個作家用來描述這片風景的文字既優美又充滿詩意。


[pok] vt. 戳 n. 戳,突出 片語 poke A with B 用 B 戳 A I poked the bug with a stick to see if it was still alive. 我用一根棒子戳一下這隻蟲,看看牠是否還活著。 Alan gave me a poke with his elbow, reminding me that it was time to leave. 艾倫用手肘頂了我一下,提醒我該是離開的時候了。


[praɪ`ɔrətɪ] n. 優先考慮的事(可數),優先權(不可數) 片語 one's top/first priority 某人最重要的事 A has/takes priority over B. A 比 B 更重要。 You need to get your priorities right/straight so you can get things done on time. 你得搞清楚事情的優先順序,以便能把事情準時完成。 Our top priority is to improve quality control on the assembly line. 我們的首要任務就是提升裝配線上的品質控管。 *assembly [ə`sɛmblɪ] n.(機器的)裝配 Pedestrians at intersections have priority over vehicles. 相較於車輛,行人在十字路口有優先權。 *pedestrian [pə`dɛstrɪən] n. 行人


[pre] vi. 捕食(與介詞 on 並用) n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數) 片語 prey on... 捕食⋯⋯ fall prey to... 成為⋯⋯的受害者 - fall victim to... Ironically, human beings today are falling prey to unrestrained economic development. 諷刺的是,人類如今漸漸成了毫無節制的經濟發展的受害者。 Eagles prey on small animals for food. 老鷹會捕捉小動物當食物。 Rabbits and squirrels are often prey for larger animals. 兔子和松鼠通常是大型動物的獵物。


[pritʃ] vt. 傳教,佈道 片語 preach the Gospel 傳福音 gospel [`gɑspḷ] n. 福音,基督教教義 preach sth to sb 向某人說教 John's father is a pastor who preaches the Gospel at a small church. 約翰的父親是在小教堂傳福音的牧師。 Most Chinese parents like to preach the virtues of filial piety and loyalty to their children. 幾乎所有的中國父母都喜歡教導孩子忠孝的美德。 *filial [`fɪljəl] a. 孝順的 *piety [`paɪətɪ] n. 虔誠 *filial piety 孝道 比較 lecture [`lɛktʃɚ] vt. 演講,講課 ④


[prun] vt. 修剪(花草) The gardener pruned the long branches of the tree. 園丁把這棵樹木的長樹枝修剪掉。


[præk`tɪʃənɚ] n. 執業醫生/律師 As a medical practitioner, Nelson has helped countless people regain their health. - By practicing medicine, Nelson has helped countless people regain their health. 身為一名執業醫生,尼爾森幫助了無數的人重拾健康。 *regain [rɪ`gen] vt. 重新獲得


[prɑp] vt. 支撐,靠 n. 道具 片語 prop sth up 把某物撐起來 Dylan propped himself up against a wall, smoking. 狄倫背倚著牆抽煙。 Some props from that movie are now available for sale on the Internet. 那部電影的部分道具現在可從網路上買到。


[prə`lɔŋ] vt. 延長 Having a good time, we decided to prolong our stay in Los Angeles by another week. 我們玩得很愉快,因此決定要將洛杉磯的停留時間延長一個星期。


[prə`pɔrʃən] n. 比例,部分 片語 the proportion of A to B A 對上 B 的比例 be in proportion to... 與⋯⋯成正比 be out of proportion with... 和⋯⋯不成比例 The proportion of boys to girls at the primary school is about three to one. 這所小學的男生和女生的比例大約是 3 比 1。 In our company, one's salary is in proportion to one's commitment to work. 在本公司,一個人的薪水和他對工作奉獻的程度成正比。 *commitment [kə`mɪtmənt] n. 奉獻(- devotion) In this picture, the head is out of proportion with the body. 在這幅圖畫裡,頭和身體不成比例。 Women and children make up a large proportion of the population in this village. 這個村莊內女人和小孩的數量佔了人口的很大一部份。


[prə`spɛktɪv] a. 預期的 片語 a prospective buyer/client 未來的買家/客戶 The real estate agent showed three prospective buyers around the house. 這位房屋仲介帶領 3 位可能的買家參觀這間房子。 *show sb around 帶領某人參觀


[prə`sɛʃən] n. 行列 片語 march in procession 成排行進 a procession of ... 一連串的⋯⋯ Thousands of people marched in procession toward the square. 數千名群眾成排朝往廣場行進。 A procession of black limousines drove through the city in a farewell to the superstar. 一行黑色禮車開經本市,向這位巨星告別。 *limousine [`lɪmə͵zin] n. 加長型禮車(常縮寫成 limo [`lɪmo])


[prə`vɪnʃəl] a. 省的 片語 the provincial government 省政府 The provincial government is providing help to address the problem of the gap between the rich and the poor. 省政府正提供協助以解決貧富差距的問題。


[prɪ`kɔʃən] n. 預防措施(可數) 片語 take precautions 採取預防措施 - take preventive measures *measure [`mɛʒɚ] n. 措施(可數) When going outdoors, you should take precautions to protect your skin from the sun. 到戶外時,你應該採取預防措施,保護皮膚免受太陽曬。


[prɪ`tɛnʃəs] a. 自命不凡的,矯飾的,做作的 That pretentious man is always trying to sound intelligent. 那個自命不凡的人總是想說出聽起來很有學問的話。 *intelligent [ɪn`tɛlədʒənt] a. 有才智的 I'm sick of her pretentious way of entertaining guests. 我厭倦了她招待賓客的那種矯飾作風。


[prɪ`vel] vi. 勝過,流行 片語 prevail over sth 勝過某物 prevail on sb to V 說服某人從事⋯⋯ - persuade sb to V Our school basketball team prevailed over their rivals in a tough game. 我們的籃球校隊在一場艱困的比賽中勝過了對手。 Those kinds of superstitions still prevail in certain areas. 那種迷信在某些特定的地區還是很普遍。 Tom's mother prevailed on him to finish college before getting a job. 湯姆的母親說服他完成大學學業再找工作。


[prɪ`velɪŋ] a. 普遍的 The officer was vexed by the rumor prevailing in the city concerning his conduct. 全市都在散佈著有關該官員行為不檢的謠言,令他很惱怒。 *vex [vɛks] vt. 使惱怒


[prɪk] vt. 用針扎 n. 刺痛 Mike pricked the balloon with a pin and it burst with a loud bang. 邁可用大頭針刺氣球,氣球發出砰的一聲巨響就破掉了。 The nurse told me she was going to give my finger a little prick with a needle. 護士告訴我她會用針在我的手指上輕輕扎一下。


[pætʃ] n. 一小塊(土地、汙漬等),補釘 vt. 修補 片語 a patch of... 一塊⋯⋯ patch things up with sb 和某人重修舊好 - make up with sb - bury the hatchet with sb(*hatchet [`hætʃɪt] n. 短柄小斧) My mom forced me to patch things up with my brother. 我媽媽強迫我和弟弟合好。 The jacket Tom was wearing had two patches at the elbows. 湯姆穿的這件外套在手肘處有兩處補釘。 There is only one small patch of grass in his front yard. 他的院子裡只有一小塊草皮。 The poor man had to patch his jacket because he couldn't afford a new one. 這位窮人必須修補他的夾克,因為他買不起新的。


[pɑr`tɪsəpənt] n. 參加者 Participants of the convention include congressmen, retired generals, and senior government officials. 大會的參加者包括國會議員、退休將領及政府高階官員。


[pɔn] vt. 典當 Alex pawned his gold watch in order to buy a necklace for his wife. 艾力克斯把他的金錶拿去典當以買條項鍊送給老婆大人。


[pɔrtʃ] n. 門廊,陽台 The old man is sitting on his porch watching the sunset. 那個老人坐在陽台上看著夕陽。 延伸 專指西部片所見到的鄉下西式洋房一樓的陽臺,多有屋簷,陽臺也多舖上木板,可在上面喝咖啡或曬太陽。


[pə`sɪfɪk] a. 愛好和平的 n. (大寫)太平洋 片語 the Pacific (Ocean) 太平洋 If everyone on Earth were pacific, then there wouldn't be any wars. 如果地球上每個人都愛好和平,就不會有戰爭了。 The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's five oceans. 太平洋是全世界 5 大洋中最大的一個。 延伸 the Atlantic (Ocean) 大西洋 the Indian Ocean 印度洋


[pə`trol] n. 巡邏 vt. 巡邏 片語 be on patrol 巡邏中 Five squads are on patrol day and night to keep the enemy at bay. 日夜都有五個小隊巡邏,確保敵軍無法接近。 *keep sb at bay 使某人無法接近 We all feel very safe with the police patrolling the street. 警察在街上巡邏,使我們大家都感覺很安全。 延伸 a patrol car 巡邏車


[pə`tɛnʃəl] n. 潛力(與介詞 for 並用) a. 潛在的 Howard has the potential to become one of the best centers in the basketball league. 霍華德有潛力成為該籃球聯盟裡其中一位頂尖的中鋒。 The earlier you identify potential problems, the sooner you can take action to avoid them. 你越早發現那些潛在的問題,就能越快採取行動去避免它們發生。 延伸 a potential customer 潛在客戶


[pɚ`mɪsəbḷ] a. 可允許的 Hunting wild ducks is not permissible in this protected area. - Hunting wild ducks is not permitted in this protected area. 在這一塊保護區內,獵殺野鴨是不被允許的。


[pɛg] n. 小掛勾,木釘 Just hang your coat on the peg in the hallway and come in to the living room. 把外套掛在走廊上的掛勾,然後進來客廳。


[pɛk] vt. vi. 啄 片語 peck at... 啄⋯⋯ peck sb on the cheek 在某人的臉頰上很快地親一下 The bird pecked at the tree and made a lot of noise. 那隻鳥啄著樹,弄出了很大的聲響。 Amy pecked her father on the cheek before getting out of the car. 愛咪下車前在爸爸的臉頰上親了一下。


[pɝtʃ] vt. vi. (使)棲息,座落 n. 鳥類的棲木 片語 be perched on... 棲息在⋯⋯上面 Little birds are perched on the buffalo's back to eat ticks. 小鳥棲息在水牛背上吃蝨子。 *buffalo [`bʌfḷ͵o] n. 水牛 *tick [tɪk] n. 小蝨子 Every morning the birds would sit on the perch outside my bedroom window and sing. 每天早上都會有一隻小鳥在我房間窗外的棲木上唱歌。


[pɪntʃ] vt. 捏 n. 一小撮 片語 have to pinch oneself 捏自己一下以確保沒有在作夢 a pinch of... 一小撮⋯⋯ When I won the lottery, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 中了樂透時,我捏了自己一下確定自己沒有在做夢。 Before the soup comes to a boil, add a pinch of salt to it. 在湯還未滾開以前,加一小撮的鹽巴進去。


[pɪs] vt. 惹生氣 vi. 小便(粗俗用語) 片語 piss sb off 惹某人生氣(粗俗用語) - anger sb John's rude attitude really pisses me off. 約翰無理的態度真的讓我很生氣。 Is there a toilet around? I really need to piss. 這附近有廁所嗎?我需要小解一下。


[pʌf] vt. vi. 喘氣,抽煙 n. 抽煙,一陣(風或煙),泡芙 片語 puff on a cigarette... 抽煙 - smoke a cigarette take a puff 吸口煙 Jimmy didn't even puff after the intense game. 在那場激烈的比賽過後,吉米甚至沒有喘氣。 If you want to puff on your cigarette, you need to go outside. 如果你想抽煙,就必須去外面。 Rachel slowly took a puff and began to tell us her story. 瑞秋慢慢地吸了一口煙,然後開始告訴我們她的故事。 The magician disappeared in a puff of smoke. 那位魔術師消失在一陣煙之中。 One of Steve's favorite foods is cream puffs. 史提夫最喜歡吃的東西其中之一就是奶油泡芙。


[pʌls] n. 脈搏,脈動 片語 feel/take sb's pulse 量某人的脈搏 The doctor took my pulse and wrote me a prescription. 醫生幫我量脈搏、開立處方。 *prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən] n. 處方 延伸 take one's temperature 量某人體溫


[rel] n. 鐵路,欄杆 片語 be as thin as a rail 像竹竿一樣瘦 We went from London to Paris by rail. 我們從倫敦搭火車前往巴黎。 Please hold onto the handrail when you are going downstairs. 下樓梯的時候請抓住扶手。


[ren] n. 韁繩:權力(通常使用複數) vt. 控制,駕馭 片語 take over the reins 掌權 rein in sth 控制某事物 - control sth Pull the reins if you want the horse to stop. 如果要馬停下來,就把韁繩拉緊。 The prince succeeded his father as king and took over the reins for 30 years. 王子繼承父王當上了國王並掌權達 30 年之久。 You need to rein in your spending or you will go broke. 你必須控制自己的花費,不然你就會破產。


[ren] vi. 統治 n. 統治 片語 reign over... 統治⋯⋯ We feel nostalgic about the days when our last emperor reigned. 我們都很懷念上一位國王統治的日子。 *nostalgic [nɑs`tældʒɪk] a. 懷念的,思鄉的 Many important reforms were carried out during the reign of the last emperor. 許多重要的改革都是上一位國王在位時所實施的。


[rif] n. 礁 There is a huge coral reef not far from the coast. 距離海岸不遠的地方有一大片珊瑚礁。 延伸 a coral reef 珊瑚礁


[ril] n. (漁線)捲筒,(影片、錄音帶)轉盤 The film suddenly fell off the reel and on to the 且oor. 電影膠捲突然從轉盤上掉下來滾到地上去。


[rip] vt. 收割,獲得(好處、利益) It's usually autumn when farmers begin to reap their harvest. 通常秋天是農夫開始收成的季節。 It was Peter again who reaped all the profits while we did all the donkeywork. 又是彼得獲得好處,而我們卻得做所有粗活。 *donkeywork [`dɑŋkɪ͵wɝk] n. 無聊粗重的工作(不可數) 延伸 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. - People who sow in tears will reap in joy. (辛勤工作方能歡樂收成。(白話)/先苦後甘。)


[riθ] n. 花環 The widow laid a wreath on her husband's tomb and said a silent prayer. 那位寡婦在她丈夫的墳墓上放了一個花環,然後默禱一番。


[ro`bʌst] a. 強健的 The once robust young man looks pale and lifeless because of the pressure. 那個以往健壯的年輕人因壓力太大變得臉色蒼白且毫無生氣。


[rom] vi. 漫步 Every afternoon, the philosopher would roam about the lake, contemplating life. 每天下午,這位哲學家會在湖邊散步,思考人生。 *contemplate [`kɑntɛm͵plet] vt. 思考


[ræk] vt. 使受折磨 n. 架子 片語 rack one's brains 絞盡腦汁 - beat one's brains nerve-racking [`nɝv͵rækɪŋ] a. 使人神經緊張的 I've been racking my brains trying to remember the teacher's name. 我一直絞盡腦汁想要憶起這名老師的名字。 Waiting for the exam results to be posted is a nerve- racking experience. 等候考試成績的公佈真是一個令人神經緊張的經驗。 You can put your towels and clothes on this rack. 你可以把浴巾和換洗的衣物掛在這個桿子上。


[ræntʃ] n. 農場,牧場 Due to mad cow disease, many cattle ranches have suffered great losses. 由於狂牛症的緣故,許多牛牧場都蒙受嚴重損失。


[rɑd] n. 棍棒 片語 a fishing rod 魚竿 a lightning rod 避雷針 The prices of fishing rods vary according to the material they are made from. 魚竿的價錢因為材質的不同而有所差別。 延伸 Spare the rod, spoil the child. (孩子不打不成器。)


[rɛlm] n. 領土,(知識、興趣的)範圍(通常與介詞 in 並用) 片語 in the realm/area/field of... 在⋯⋯的範圍之內 John is an expert in the realm of gardening. 在園藝的領域中,阿強是個專家。


[͵vɛdʒə`teʃən] n. 植物(總稱,不可數) There used to be abundant vegetation near the lake. 那座湖邊原本有很多植物。


[rɪ`dɪkjələs] a. 可笑的,荒謬的 The hat Tim wore at the party last night was absolutely ridiculous. 昨晚派對上提姆戴的那頂帽子超可笑的。 I would never do that! That's ridiculous! 我是不會那麼做的!那實在太荒謬了!


[rɪ`dʒɔɪs] vi. 欣喜 If we can learn to rejoice in others' success, our own happiness will increase. 我們若能學習為他人的成功感到開心,自己的快樂也會增加。


[rɪ`fjut] vt. 反駁,駁斥 The idea that human beings evolved from monkeys has not been refuted. 人類是從猴子進化而來的理論從未遭到反駁。 *evolve [ɪ`vɑlv] vt. 進化


[rɪ`fren] vi. 忍耐,抑制 片語 refrain from + N/V-ing 忍住不⋯⋯ Please refrain from eating or speaking loudly in the library. 圖書館內禁止飲食或高聲喧嘩。


[rɪ`maɪndɚ] n. 提醒用的物品 Before Jerry left for Europe, he gave me this watch as a constant reminder of our friendship. 傑瑞出發前往歐洲前給了我這支手錶,做為我們友誼長存的見證。


[rɪ`menz] n. 剩餘物,遺體 The glorious past of the Roman Empire can be seen from its architectural remains. 我們從羅馬帝國留下來的建築物可看出它那光輝的過去。 *glorious [`glɔrɪəs] a. 光輝的 *architectural [͵ɑrkə`tɛktʃərəl] a. 建築的 The remains of the saint are said to be buried in St. Patrick's Cathedral. 這名聖人的遺體據說被埋在聖派翠客大教堂裡。 *cathedral [kə`θidrəl] n. 大教堂


[rɪ`pe] vt. vi. 償還,報答 片語 repay sb the money 償還某人錢 repay sb for sth 為某事報答某人 He promised to repay me the money I lent him as soon as possible. 他答應儘快償還我借他的錢。 I can never repay you for what you have done for me. 你為我做的事我永遠都報答不完。


[rɪ`pʌblɪkən] n. (大寫)共和黨員 As the election drew near, Republicans were worried about the decline in voters' support. 選舉將至,選民支持度的下滑讓共和黨員很憂心。 *decline [dɪ`klaɪn] n. 下降


[rɪ`stren] vt. 抑止 片語 restrain sb/sth from + V-ing 制止某人/某物做⋯⋯ - stop sb/sth from + V-ing The authorities are doing their best to restrain the spread of the disease. 當局正傾全力抑制疾病蔓延。 The shrink advised Peter to restrain himself from overworking. 精神科醫生建議彼得應避免工作過度。 *shrink [ʃrɪŋk] n. 精神科醫生(口語) - psychiatrist [saɪ`kaɪətrɪst] n.(正式)


[rɪ`strent] n. 自制 Alan showed great restraint by not responding to George's insulting remarks about his looks. 喬治對艾倫的長相做出侮辱的言詞,艾倫並未回應,展現極佳的克制力。


[rɪ`tɔrt] vi. 回嘴,反駁 n. 回嘴,反駁 "Where I want to go is none of your business!" Jim retorted angrily. 『我想去哪裡你管不著!』吉姆生氣地回嘴。 Everyone was surprised at Henry's sudden, sharp retort. 大家對亨利突如其來的尖銳反駁話感到很驚訝。


[rɪ`vaɪv] vt. vi. (使)復甦,(使)有精神 You look dead tired. A hot bath might help you revive a bit. 妳看起來累極了。洗個熱水澡可能有助妳提振一下精神。 The government should spare no effort to revive our economy. 政府應不遺餘力振興我們的經濟。


[rɪ`vaɪvḷ] n. 復甦 There has been a revival of interest in impressionist paintings in recent years. 近幾年大家對印象派畫作又重新燃起興趣。


[rɪ`volt] vi. 造反 vt. 厭惡 n. 叛變 片語 revolt against sb 對某人造反 be in revolt against sth 起而反抗某事物 The people revolted against the dictator and established their own government. 人民起義反抗這位獨裁者,並建立了自己的政府。 *dictator [`dɪk͵tetɚ] n. 獨裁者 The dirt and mess in her house revolted me. 她房裡的灰塵和髒亂令我厭惡。 The town's people are in revolt against the raising of taxes. 鎮民們由於增稅起而反抗。


[rɪ`vɑlv] vi. 旋轉,公轉 片語 revolve around... 繞著⋯⋯轉;以⋯⋯為中心 It takes the Earth about 365 days to revolve around the sun. 地球繞太陽公轉一次大約要花 365 天。 Brian's whole life revolves around his family. 布萊恩一生都以家人為中心。 比較 地球自轉是 rotate [`rotet],名詞則是 rotation [ro`teʃən]。


[rɪ`vɝs] vt. 反轉 a. 顛倒的,相反的 n. 相反 片語 in reverse order 順序顛倒 put the car in reverse (gear) 打倒車檔 The manager reversed his own decision the next day. 經理第二天就推翻了自己的決定。 Please sign your name on the reverse side. 請將你的名字簽在背面。 John's version of what happened last night is exactly the reverse of Paul's. 約翰對昨晚發生何事的說法恰恰是保羅的相反。


[rɪ`zaɪd] vi. 居住(與介詞 in 並用) 片語 reside in... 住在⋯⋯ Though he has become a famous artist, John still resides in the poor community where he was brought up. 約翰雖然已成了知名的藝術家,卻仍住在他從小長大的 People who inhabit this area are mostly high-ranking government officials. - People who reside in this area are mostly high- ranking government officials. 住在這個區域的人大都是政府高官。


[rɪ`zum] vt. 重新開始,重返 The speaker paused for a moment to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 講員停頓了一下喝口水,接著就繼續開始發表談話。 The show will continue in just a few minutes, so please resume your seats. 表演將於幾分鐘之後繼續開始,所以請諸位回到位子上。 用法 resume + N/V-ing 重新開始⋯⋯ resume one's seat 重新回到位子上


[skæn] vt. 掃描,粗略地看 n. 掃描 片語 scan sth into the computer 將某物掃描至電腦中 Could you help me scan these old photographs into the computer? 你能不能幫我把這些老照片掃描進電腦裡? Peter scanned the yellow pages looking for the number of a plumber. 彼得概略看過工商電話簿,找尋一家水電行的電話。 *plumber [`plʌmɚ] n. 水電工 The scan showed that the cancer cells had spread and the patient needed an immediate operation. 掃描顯示病患的癌細胞擴散了,需要立即動手術。


[rɪ`zɔrt] n. 度假勝地 vi. 訴諸(與 to 並用) 片語 as a last resort 作為最後的手段 As a last resort, he went to Canada to hide. 作為最後的手段,他跑去加拿大躲了起 來。 a summer resort 避暑勝地 a ski resort 滑雪勝地 The Lake District in Northwest England is a world- famous summer resort. 英格蘭西北邊的湖區是世界知名的避暑勝地。 We'll resort to legal action if you fail to pay the debt by Friday. 如果星期五之前你無法還清債務,我們將採取法律行動。 用法 resort 當動詞表『訴諸於⋯⋯』,為不及物動詞,與介詞 to 並用,形成下列重要片語: resort to N/V-ing 訴諸於⋯⋯


[rɪ`zɛnt] vt. 怨恨 Mary bitterly resented her father for walking away from their family when she was very young. 瑪麗憎恨她的父親,因為他在她小時候就拋棄家庭。 *bitterly [`bɪtɚlɪ] adv. 激烈地 用法 resent 須接名詞或動名詞作受詞。 John resents getting up early. - John hates getting up early. - John hates to get up early. 約翰討厭早起。


[rɪ`zɛntmənt] n. 怨恨,不滿 片語 have resentment towards sb/sth 對某人/某事有怨恨 Many people have resentment towards the new policy. 許多人對新政策感到不滿。


[rɪb] n. 肋骨 vt. 調侃 According to the Bible, Eve was created from Adam's rib. 根據聖經記載,夏娃是由亞當的一根肋骨所化成。 George's classmates ribbed him about the love letter he got from the girl. 喬治班上的同學拿女孩給他情書這檔事調侃他。 用法 rib 作動詞時,與 tease [tiz] 同義,表『揶揄』、『調侃』之意。 rib sb about sth 就某事調侃某人 - tease sb about sth


[rɪdʒ] n. 山脊 Our car broke down shortly after we got to the ridge. 我們開到山脊不久車就拋錨了。 比較 peak [pik] n. 山頂 ③ summit [`sʌmɪt] n. 山頂 ③


[rɪm] n. 邊緣,框邊 vt. 裝邊於 This watch is rimmed with pure gold. 這支錶的邊緣是純金的。 That pair of gold rim glasses makes Tim look very intelligent. I guess that's why so many girls have a crush on him. 那雙金邊眼鏡讓提姆看起來很聰明的樣子。我想那就是那麼多女孩子很迷他的原因。 *have a crush on sb 迷戀某人


[rɪp] vt. 撕 片語 rip up a letter 把信撕掉 - tear up a letter be ripped off 被敲竹槓 Daniel ripped up the letter angrily and threw it into the garbage can. 丹尼爾生氣地把信撕掉,丟進垃圾桶裡。 John knew he was ripped off when he later found the watch he bought was much more expensive than the same one I bought. 約翰後來發現他買的那只錶比我買的同一只錶貴了許多時,他知道他被敲竹槓了。


[rɪr] n. 後部 a. 後部的 vt. 撫養 There are emergency exits at both the front and rear of the movie theater. 這家電影院的前後都有緊急逃生出口。 The career woman reared a family of five on her own. 這名職業婦女靠自己獨立撫養了 5 口人的家庭。 延伸 a rearview mirror(車輛)後視鏡


[rɪŋ] vt. 扭,擰 片語 wring...out 把⋯⋯扭乾 Kelly wrung her bathing suit out and hung it to dry. 凱莉用手把泳衣的水擰掉,然後掛起來晾乾。


[saɪt] vt. 引用 片語 cite A as B 引用 A 為 B 的証明 Marcus cited his heavy workload as the main reason for his resignation. - Marcus referred to his heavy workload as the main reason for his resignation. 馬可仕指出龐大的工作量就是他辭職的主要原因。 The author cited a passage from Lincoln's Gettysburg speech in her new book. 這位作者在她的新書中引用了林肯蓋茨堡演說中的一段。


[sent] n. 聖人 No one is a saint. In other words, no one is perfect. 誰都不是聖人。換言之,誰都不是完美無缺的。 The Irish people drink Irish beer and wear green clothes on March 17th in celebration of St. Patrick. 愛爾蘭人在 3 月 17 日會喝愛爾蘭啤酒,並穿著綠色服飾以慶祝聖者派翠克。 用法 若為大寫 Saint 則表某位聖徒,通常縮寫為 St.。


[skim] n. 詭計,陰謀 vt. 詭計,陰謀 Those terrorists were scheming to blow up the train staiton. 那些恐怖份子陰謀要炸毀火車站。 The company owner was fined for an illegal scheme to avoid paying taxes. 這家公司的老闆因為非法圖謀逃漏稅而被罰款。 *illegal [ɪ`ligḷ] a. 非法的 用法 scheme 及 plot 作及物動詞時,有下列用法: scheme/plot to V 陰謀要⋯⋯


[skrep] vt. 刮,擦傷 n. 輕微擦傷 片語 scrape by 勉強餬口 - make ends meet They earn just enough money to scrape by. - They earn just enough money to make ends meet. 他們所得僅能勉強餬口。 Could you help me scrape the ice off the windshield? 你能不能幫我把擋風玻璃上的冰刮掉? I scraped my elbow while playing basketball. 我打籃球的時候擦傷了我的手肘。 Brandy got some scrapes when she bumped into the car and fell off her bike. 布蘭迪撞上汽車後從腳踏車上摔下來,受了點輕微擦傷。


[skræp] n. 一小片(紙、布) vt. 廢棄 片語 a scrap/strip of... 一點點⋯⋯ Please write your phone number on this scrap of paper. 請把妳的電話寫在這張小紙條上。 There's not a scrap of evidence to suggest that he murdered his wife. 絲毫沒有任何證據可以指出他謀殺了妻子。 We are considering scrapping our plan to set up another branch due to lack of funding. 由於資金不足,我們正考慮放棄設立另一家分公司的計劃。 延伸 scrap 作動詞,表『廢棄』解時,相當於give up(放棄)或 cancel(取消)之意。


[skrɔl] n. 捲軸 Chinese scroll paintings are one of the most distinct art forms in Chinese culture. 中國的捲軸畫是中華文化中最有特色之一的藝術創作形式。 *distinct [dɪ`stɪŋkt] a. 與眾不同的,別樹一格的


[skwɑt] vi. 蹲下 n. 蹲下 The mechanic squatted down and examined the front wheel of the car. 技工蹲下來檢查這輛車子的前輪。


[skɑr] n. 傷疤 vt. 使留下疤痕 Jason has a scar on his left cheek, which is very easy to identify. 傑生的左臉頰有一道刀疤,很容易認出來。 The burns scarred Peter's skin, leaving a permanent mark. 灼傷在彼德的皮膚上留下永久的烙印。 *permanent [`pɝmənənt] a. 永久的 比較 scared [skɛrd] a. 感到害怕的 ① be scared of... 害怕⋯⋯ - be afraid of...


[skɔrn] vt. 不屑 n. 不屑 片語 with scorn 帶著不屑的態度 John was scorned by his friends for speaking ill of them behind their backs. 約翰的同學很不屑他因為他在背後說他們的壞話。 *speak ill of sb behind sb's back 在背後說某人的壞話 Thinking that the question I asked was very stupid, Leo answered me with scorn. 里歐認為我問的問題很白痴,用很不屑的口氣回答我。


[skʌl] n. 頭骨,腦袋 片語 get sth into one's (thick) skull 總算勉強弄懂某事 Police discovered several skulls and bones in Jim's backyard that belonged to the victims. 警方在阿金後院找到幾片被認為是受害者的頭骨跟骨頭。 When will Eddie get it into his thick skull that Mary has a crush on him? He's hopeless! 艾迪幾時才會開竅,知道瑪麗對他有好感呢?他真是沒救了! *crush [krʌʃ] n. 迷戀


[slaɪ] a. 奸詐的 Beware of that man. He can be very sly! 小心那個男子。他可能很狡詐!


[sle] vt. 殺害 Two passengers were slain by the highjacker because they tried to stop him. 兩名乘客因為試圖阻止劫機客而被殺了。


[slæm] vt. vi. 猛地關上 n. 砰的一聲 片語 slam the door closed shut 猛地把門關上/門猛然關上 After our argument, my wife stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. 我們爭吵之後,我老婆便氣沖沖地走進房間並用力把門關上。 As soon as I walked into the big house, I heard the door slam shut behind me. 我一走進這棟大房子內,就聽到後面的門猛然關上。 延伸 a slam dunk 灌籃 make a beautiful slam dunk 一次漂亮的灌籃


[slæp] vt. 打耳光 n. 打耳光 片語 slap sb across the face 賞某人一個耳光 give sb a slap 賞某人一巴掌 Mary slapped her son across the face when he said something insulting to her. 瑪麗賞了他兒子一巴掌,因為他說了汙辱她的話。 *insulting [ɪn`sʌltɪŋ] a. 侮辱的 Olivia gave her brother a slap because he had snuck out gambling again. 奧立維亞打了她弟弟一巴掌因為他又偷跑出去賭博。 *sneak [snik] vi. 溜走。三態為:sneak, snuck [snʌk] /sneaked, snuck/sneaked。


[slʌmp] vi. (經濟)衰落 n. 不景氣(與介詞 in 並用) Sales slumped by 40% in the second quarter of the year. 今年第 2 季的業績暴跌了百分之 40。 There's been a slump in the demand for new cars due to rising oil prices. 由於油價上漲,市場上對於新車的需求就衰退了。


[smæʃ] vt. vi. 打碎 n. 轟動的事物 片語 smash to pieces 裂成碎片 a smash record 暢銷的唱片 a smash hit 轟動的歌曲或電影 Out of rage, Jack threw the vase against the wall, and it smashed into pieces. 在憤怒之下,傑克把花瓶往牆壁丟,整個花瓶裂成碎片。 The singer's new single quickly became a smash hit and stayed in the top 5 on the billboard for weeks. 這名歌手的最新單曲馬上成為熱門歌曲,好幾週都蟬聯排行榜前 5 名。


[snik] vi. 偷偷地躲避 vt. 偷偷挾帶 片語 sneak into... 偷偷溜進⋯⋯ sneak sth into... 將某物挾帶進⋯⋯ Tom sneaked into the classroom in the middle of a lecture without being noticed. 湯姆在課上到一半時偷偷溜進教室沒被發現。 We sneaked some beer and snacks into the movie theater. 我們把啤酒和一些餅乾偷偷帶進電影院。


[snætʃ] vt. 奪取,抓住 n. 奪取,抓住 片語 snatch sth away 將某物奪走 Mary burst into tears when her brother Johnny snatched her toy away. 瑪麗被哥哥強尼搶走玩具後嚎啕大哭起來。 So far the police have had no clue as to how the snatch of the painting occurred. 截至目前警方對於那幅畫如何被奪走毫無線索。 *clue [klu] n. 線索


[snɑrl] vi. 低吼,咆哮 n. (狗呲牙裂嘴地發出)低吼,(人)咆哮 片語 snarl at... 對著⋯⋯低吼/咆哮 My neighbor's dog started to snarl at me, so I quickly drew my hand back. 我鄰居的狗開始對我呲牙裂嘴低吼,所以我很快把手縮回來。 Mr. Wilson snarled at me for failing to meet his requirements. 我未達到魏爾遜先生的期望,他因此對我怒罵。


[snɔr] n. 打呼聲 vi. 打呼 I tossed and turned last night because of my friend's loud snores. 我昨晚翻來覆去睡不著,因為我朋友的打呼聲很大。 *toss and turn 輾轉反側 I don't usually snore except after an exhausting day. 除非一整天下來很累,否則我通常不會打呼。 *exhausting [ɪg`zɔstɪŋ] a. 令人精疲力盡的


[snɔrt] n. 鼻息 vi. 噴鼻息(表輕蔑) 片語 snort at... 對⋯⋯表示輕蔑 There were loud snorts that came from the audience after David's funny act. 大衛滑稽的表演讓觀眾噗哧大笑。 Tim snorted at the ridiculous idea his colleague proposed. 提姆對他同事提出的荒謬意見嗤之以鼻。 *ridiculous [rɪ`dɪkjələs] a. 荒謬的


[snɪf] n. 聞,吸氣 vi. 聞,大聲吸氣 片語 sniff at... 聞⋯⋯ Peter cleared his throat and gave a loud sniff before he began talking. 彼得清了清喉嚨,用力吸了口氣,然後才開始說話。 The dog first sniffed at the food and then devoured everything in less than a minute. 小狗先是聞了聞食物的味道,然後不到一分鐘之內就把東西吃個精光。 *devour [dɪ`vaʊr] vt. 大口吃,狼吞虎嚥


[so] vt. vi. 播種 Farmers started sowing their seeds in the spring. 農人春天開始播種。 諺語 As you sow, so shall you reap. 一分耕耘,一分收穫。 比較 本字讀法同sew [so] vt. 縫衣服(三態為sew, sewed, sewed/sewn)


[sok] vt. vi. 浸泡 片語 soak A in B 將 A 泡在 B 裡 soak up sth 吸乾某物/吸收某事 Beans should be soaked in cold water overnight before being boiled. 豆子在煮之前應該要在冷水中浸泡一夜。 In order to relax, I soaked in the tub for a while. 為了放鬆,我在浴缸裡泡了一會兒。 Janet tried to soak up the spilled milk with a cloth. 珍妮想用抹布吸乾灑出來的牛奶。 Young children are like sponges because they can soak up information incredibly quickly. 幼童就像海綿,吸收資訊的速度快得驚人。 延伸 be soaking wet 全身溼透的(soaking 在此處為副詞,修飾 wet) I was caught in a heavy rain without an umbrella and ended up (being) soaking wet. 我被困在大雨中又沒帶傘,結果全身溼透了。


[spaɪn] n. 脊椎骨 Bad posture can cause spine injury or back problems when you age. 不良的姿勢在你上了年紀時會造成脊椎受傷或背部問題。 *posture [`pɑstʃɚ] n. 姿勢


[sprɪnt] vi. 衝刺 n. 短跑,衝刺 All the runners sprinted as fast as they could during the track and field event. 所有短跑者在田徑賽時都盡全力地衝刺。 Kate made a desperate sprint for the train and almost tripped over a suitcase. 凱特衝去趕火車,差點被一個行李箱絆倒。 *desperate [`dɛspərɪt] a. 拚命的


[spɝ] n. 馬刺 vt. 鼓勵 片語 on the spur of the moment 心血來潮 spur sb (on) to do sth 鼓勵某人⋯⋯ After the cocktail party, we took a walk to the beach on the spur of the moment. 雞尾酒會後,我們一時興起散步到海濱。 Kevin's comments spurred Rick to ask the beautiful girl out. 凱文的評語激勵了瑞克前去與那個漂亮的女孩外出約會。


[spɝm] n. 精子 In human reproduction, one egg is fertilized by only onesperm. 人類的繁殖中,一粒卵子只會由一隻精子受精。 *reproduction [͵riprə`dʌkʃən] n. 繁殖 *fertilize [`fɝtḷ͵aɪz] vt. 使受精 延伸 a sperm whale 抹香鯨


[spʌndʒ] vt. 吸取 n. 海綿 Bob sponged the spilled juice off the table. 鮑伯把桌上濺出來的果汁用海綿吸乾了。 I always keep a clean sponge by the sink. 我總是會在水槽旁邊擺一塊乾淨的海綿。


[staʊt] a. 結實的(尤指身材短小精幹),堅固耐用的 When I was a child, I was very afraid of the stout old lady next door who always gave me the evil eye. 我小時候很怕隔壁那位健壯的老太太,她總是帶著不懷好意的眼光瞧我。 I suggest you buy a pair of stout shoes for mountain climbing. 要登山的話,我建議你買雙堅固耐用點的鞋子。


[stek] n. 風險,利害關係 片語 be at stake 在危險關頭 We cannot afford to take risks when somebody's life is at stake. 當某人的生命有危險時,我們承擔不起風險。 *take risks 冒險 Many a government official has a stake in private enterprises. 許多政府官員均與私人企業有利害關係。


[sten] vt. 沾污 n. 污點 Several businesses have had their reputation stained by this report. 好幾間企業因為這則報導而信譽大損。 Do you know how to get a coffee stain out of a shirt? 你知道怎麼把襯衫上的咖啡污漬弄掉嗎? 延伸 bloodstain 血漬 stainless steel 不鏽鋼 stain glass 彩繪玻璃


[stju] vt. 燉 n. 燉的食物 Mother was busy stewing some tomatoes in the kitchen. 媽媽正在廚房忙著燉蕃茄。 My favorite food is my granny's beef stew. 我最喜歡吃的就是我祖母的燉牛肉。


[straɪd] vi. 跨大步走 n. 步伐 片語 make great/giant strides in... 在⋯⋯有極大的進步 The superstar strode across the hallway, got into a limousine, and rode off. 這名巨星大步往大廳的另一端走去,進了一台加長型禮車,然後就離開了。 *limousine [`lɪmə͵zin] n. 加長型禮車 Scientists have made great strides in genetic engineering. 科學家在基因工程方面已有極大的進步。 *genetic [dʒə`nɛtɪk] a. 基因上的


[straɪp] n. 條紋 Zebras have distinctive black and white stripes. 斑馬黑白相間的條紋很醒目。


[stre] vi. 走失,入歧途 a. 走失的 n. 走失的家畜 We strayed off the path and got lost in the mountains. 我們偏離了小徑,迷失在山中。 Helen's daughter has strayed from the good path she was on; she dropped out of school and started taking drugs. 海倫的女兒誤入歧途;她輟學並開始吸毒。 延伸 a stray dog 流浪狗 a stray cat 流浪貓


[stren] n. 拉緊,(身心)緊張狀態 vt. 盡力,使拉傷 片語 be under strain 在拉力/緊張狀態下 strain to V 盡力去從事⋯⋯ Although strong, bones will break if under enough strain. 骨頭雖然硬,但若拉力夠大骨頭還是會斷掉的。 The editors are under great strain because the deadline is approaching. 編輯們因為截稿期限快到了,所以現在很緊張。 I strained my eyes to read those tiny words on the blackboard. 我竭盡眼力想把黑板上的小字唸出來。 Jason strained a muscle in his back carrying those heavy boxes. 傑森因為搬了那些很重的箱子而拉傷某塊背肌。 延伸 strain 表『盡力』解時,有下列重要片語: strain one's ears/eyes 某人費力聽/費力看 比較 sprain [spren] n. & vt. 扭傷(手腕、腳踝)③ Grant sprained his ankles while playing basketball. 葛藍特打籃球的時候扭傷了腳踝。


[strik] n. 條紋 vt. 形成條紋 The rain left dirty streaks on the car window. 雨水在汽車玻璃上留下一條條髒污的痕跡。 The morning sky was streaked with red, orange, and purple. 早晨的天空是一道道紅色、橘色以及紫色的條紋。


[strol] vt. 散步 n. 散步 片語 take a stroll 散步 - take a walk Jessica strolled around the old town and came to a church that was over a hundred years old. 潔西卡散步到舊城裡,來到一座有百年以上歷史的教堂。 We took a stroll around the picturesque city of Prague and enjoyed its relaxing atmosphere. 我們在有如風景畫美景般的布拉格城裡散步,享受它悠閒的氣氛。 *picturesque [͵pɪktʃə`rɛsk] a. 如畫般的


[strænd] n. 一股(線、頭髮) vt. 使擱淺 Peter brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, cleared his throat, and began to speak. 彼得撥開前額上的一撮頭髮,清了清喉嚨,開始演講。 The ship was stranded by a typhoon; fortunately, all the crew members were rescued. 這艘船因颱風而擱淺,所幸所有船員都獲救了。


[stræp] n. 帶子 vt. vi. 捆住,綁上 片語 be strapped in 繫上安全帶 Fasten the straps on your suitcases before they go in for X-ray inspection. 在接受 X 光檢查前請把你們的皮箱上的帶子綑緊。 Make sure everyone is strapped in before we hit the road. 我們上路前請先確定大家都繫上了安全帶。


[stup] vi. 彎腰,駝背 Howard is so tall that he has to stoop down to get through the doorway. 霍華德太高了,所以他得彎腰才能通過門口。 Kenny tends to stoop because he is much taller than other children of his age. 肯尼容易會駝背,因為他比同年齡的小孩還要高很多。


[stæk] n. (整齊的)一疊 vt. 把⋯⋯疊起來 片語 a stack of sth (整齊的)一疊某物 There is a tall stack of newspapers next to the back door that needs to be recycled. 後門旁有很高的一疊報紙,必須被回收。 Ted is responsible for pricing the items and stacking them on the shelves. 泰德負責為商品貼上標價,並堆到架上。


[stɑk] n. 股票,存貨 vt. 儲存 片語 stock 有⋯⋯的存貨 the stock market 股市 Stock prices fell due to rumors of a company merge. 因為公司合併的傳聞甚囂塵上,股市價格便下跌了。 We have a huge stock of quality sportswear on sale. 我們庫存了許多質料不錯的運動休閒服來拍賣。 *此處 quality 為形容詞,表『有品質的』。 I'm sorry, but we no longer have that book in stock. 很抱歉,那本書我們現在沒有貨。 This shop stocks a wide range of outdoor equipment. 這家店備有多種的戶外用品。


[stɔk] vt. 跟蹤 n. 莖,枝節 Tina rushed into the police station and reported that someone had been stalking her. 蒂娜衝進警局,檢舉有人在跟蹤她。 Remember to trim the stalks before you put the 且owers into the vase. 把花放進花瓶之前,記得先修剪枝節。


[stɔl] n. (尤指露天的)小攤位 vi. 引擎熄火,拋錨 We saw a few stalls selling exotic food in the outdoor market. 我們在那露天市集上看見有幾個攤位販賣異國食品。 My car stalled this morning, and I had no money with me, so I had to walk all the way to work. - My car broke down this morning, and I had no money with me, so I had to walk all the way to work. 今天早上我的車子拋錨了,同時身邊有沒錢,因此我只好一路步行去上班。 延伸 a hotdog stall/stand 熱狗攤 a bathroom stall 廁所隔間 Scott hides in a bathroom stall whenever he doesn't feel like working. 每當史考特不想工作時他就躲在廁所隔間內。


[stə`tɪstɪks] n. 統計學(恆用複數,但為不可數) Statistics is a complicated science that may take years to master. 統計學是門複雜的學問,要花好幾年的時間才能學通。 The latest statistics show that the amount of crime in this city is going down. 最新的統計數字顯示本市的犯罪量正在下跌中。 用法 本字亦可表『統計字數』,視為可數名詞。此時可說:one statistic(一項統計數字)、two statistics(兩項統計數字)、many statistics(許多統計數字)。


[stə`tɪstɪkḷ] a. 統計的,統計學的 A wide range of statistical analysis software will help us shape our marketing strategy. 各類型的統計分析軟體將有助於我們制定行銷策略。


[stɝn] a. 嚴格的 The government gave a stern warning against traveling to that region. 政府嚴格警告不要到該區旅遊。


[stɪr] vt. 駕駛,帶領 片語 the steering wheel 方向盤 When driving, always be sure to keep both hands on the steering wheel. 開車時,沿路要將雙手放在方向盤的底端。 Mr. Howard steered the company through the recession. - Mr. Howard guided the company through the recession. 霍華先生帶領這間公司度過了不景氣。 *recession [rɪ`sɛʃən] n. 不景氣


[stɪŋk] vi. 發臭 片語 stink of sth 散發出某種惡臭 You stink! You need to take a bath right away. 你好臭!你得馬上去洗澡。 After the party last night, the whole room stank of beer and cigarettes. 昨晚的派對過後,整個房間散發出啤酒和香煙的惡臭。


[stʌmp] n. 樹樁 vt. (被問題)困擾 After the lumberjack sawed down the tree, nothing was left but the stump. 伐木工人把樹木鋸掉後,就只剩下一塊樹樁。 *lumberjack [`lʌmbɚ͵dʒæk] n. 伐木工人 *saw [sɔ] vt. 砍 The mysterious case of the serial killer has stumped the police for years. 這起神秘的連續殺人案已經困擾警方很多年了。 用法 stump 作及物動詞時,表『困擾』,與 puzzle [`pʌzḷ] 或 baffle [`bæfḷ] 同義。


[stʌn] vt. 使吃驚(常用被動語態) My aunt was stunned by the death of her husband. 我阿姨被姨丈的死訊嚇呆了。


[swɑmp] vt. 使忙碌 n. (多樹木植被的)沼澤 片語 be swamped with sth 忙著做某事 - be occupied with sth I'm so swamped with work at the moment that I can't discuss the matter with you. 我此刻忙死了,所以沒空跟你討論這件事。 A swamp is filled with many species of plants and animals. 林沼是個充滿許多植物和動物物種的地方。


[swɔrm] vt. 擠滿 n. 一群 片語 a swarm of... 一群⋯⋯ be swarmed with... 擠滿了⋯⋯ - be crowded with... Tourists swarmed the scenic spot looking for photo opportunities. 遊客擠滿了該觀光景點,在這兒四處尋找拍照的好地方。 The rock concert was swarmed by/with teenagers. 那場搖滾演唱會擠滿了青少年。 A swarm of locusts ate all the crops in the area. 一大群蝗蟲把這地區所有的農作物都吃光了。 *locust [`lokəst] n. 蝗蟲


[swɝl] vt. vi. (使)旋轉 The strong wind swirled the fallen leaves on the ground. - The strong wind caused the fallen leaves on the ground to swirl around. 強風讓地上的落葉旋轉。 延伸 swirl 也可作名詞用,表『漩渦』。 I don't swim in the river because there might be powerful swirls there. 我不到河裡游泳,因為那兒可能有強勁的旋渦。


[sɑm] n. 讚美詩,聖歌 The preacher read a psalm and then explained it through his sermon. 這名牧師閱讀了一篇聖歌並在他的講道裡解釋。 *preacher [`pritʃɚ] n. 傳教士,佈道的牧師 *sermon [`sɝmən] n. 佈道


[sə`lun] n. (19 世紀美國西部的)酒吧 The cowboy tied up his horse outside the saloon and went in to get a drink. 那個牛仔把他的馬兒綁在酒吧外面後,走進裡頭喝杯酒。 比較 salon [sə`lɑn] n. 藝文沙龍(法語『客 廳』之意,18 世紀法國文壇人士常於顯貴 家中客廳談論時事,因而得名) a beauty salon 美容沙龍 a hair/hairdressing salon 美髮沙龍


[ædḷ`ɛsṇs] n. 青春期 片語 in/during one's adolescence 當某人青春期的時候 I left home during my adolescence. 我青少年的時候就離開家自己生活了。 比較 puberty [`pjubɚtɪ] n. 生理上性徵的)發育成熟期


[sə`lut] vt. 行禮,致敬 n. 敬禮 A line of soldiers stood at attention and saluted the officer as he walked past. 一排士兵立正站好,並在官員經過他們時向他敬禮。 Our commanding officer gave us a salute for courage in action. 因為我們在這次行動中表現英勇,指揮官向我們致敬。 延伸 a 21-gim salute(21 響禮炮) 用法 salute 是將右手指尖觸碰眉毛末端的『敬禮』,尤用於軍中軍官行禮時;bow([baʊ]可作動詞或名詞)則為『鞠躬敬禮』。動詞和名詞的用法分別為:bow to sb(向某人鞠躬)、take a bow(鞠躬)。


[sə`lɛbrətɪ] n. 名人 The writer's best-selling book made him an instant celebrity. 那位作家的暢銷書使他一時間成了名人。


[sə`prim] a. 至高無上的,最大程度的 The Constitution endows the President with supreme authority. 憲法賦予總統至高無上的權威。 *endow [ɪn`daʊ] vt. 賦予 *endow sb with sth 賦予某人某物 Joe made a supreme effort to lose weight, but in vain. 阿周盡了最大的努力去減肥,卻仍徒勞無功。 *in vain 白費功夫 延伸 the supreme court 最高法院 the district court 地方法院


[sə`prɛs] vt. 鎮壓 The army was called in to suppress the prison riots. 軍隊被調來鎮壓監獄暴動。 *riot [`raɪət] n. 暴動 比較 depress [dɪ`prɛs] vt. 使沮喪;使蕭條 ④ oppress [ə`prɛs] vt. 壓迫 ⑥ The defeat of the Giants depressed a lot of baseball fans. 巨人隊戰敗令大批棒球迷感到沮喪。 Several factors depressed the economy of that country. 若干因素使那個國家的經濟蕭條。 Women complain that they're often oppressed by men. 女人抱怨常受男人的壓迫。


[sə`spɛnd] vt. 中斷,中止,吊銷(執照) Toby was suspended from school because he got caught cheating on a test. 托比因為考試作弊被抓到,所以被停學了。 The meeting was suspended because of the blackout. 因為停電,會議被中斷了。 Peter's license was suspended for drunk-driving. 彼得因為酒醉駕車,駕照被吊銷了。 用法 suspend 亦可表為『垂掛』,與 hang 同義。 A kite is suspended from the ceiling. 天花板垂掛了一只風箏。 *kite [kaɪt] n. 風箏


[sə`spɛns] n. 懸疑 片語 keep sth in suspense 隱瞞某事 There were elements of suspense and mystery in the novel. 這本小說裡有些許懸疑和神秘的情節。 The ending of the book was kept in suspense by the author. 作者隱瞞了書的結局。 延伸 a suspense story 懸疑故事 a suspense ending 懸疑結局


[sə`spɛnʃən] n. 中止,懸吊 The government ordered an immediate suspension of all beef imports from that country after the outbreak of the disease. 那個國家爆發疫情之後,政府立刻下令中止從該國進口的任何牛肉。 延伸 a suspension bridge 吊橋 the suspension system(汽車的)懸吊系統


[sə`sten] vt. 維持(生命等),遭受(損害、損失) Thomas has to work very hard in order to sustain his family. 為了維持家計,湯瑪斯得非常努力工作。 The company sustained a great loss due to the bad investment. 公司由於該項失敗的投資案蒙受很大損失。


[sə`sɛptəbḷ] a. 易受影響的,易感染的 片語 be susceptible to + 疾病 易感染某疾病 Older people and little kids are susceptible to the flu. 老年人以及小朋友很容易得到流感。


[səb`mɪt] vt. 遞交,(使)屈服 片語 submit sth to sb 遞交某物給某人 submit to... 順從⋯⋯ - yield to... - surrender to... - give in to... It's a requirement that all applicants submit their resumes to the personnel manager no later than October 1st. 依規定,所有求職者最晚在 10 月 1 號以前要向人事經理遞交履歷表。 John refused to submit to the school bully. 約翰拒絕向那名學校惡霸低頭。 *bully [`bʊlɪ] n. 惡霸,小太保


[səb`stænʃəl] a. 大量的,堅固的 片語 a substantial meal 令人飽餐的一頓飯 a substantial house 一棟堅固的房子 Nowadays, you can earn a substantial amount of income by selling goods online. 現在,你可以藉由在網路上賣東西賺取大筆的收入。 The building is substantial enough to withstand a direct hit from a tornado. 這棟建築物夠堅固,足以抵擋龍捲風的直接侵襲。 *withstand [wɪð`stænd] vt. 抵擋 *tornado [tɔr`nedo] n. 龍捲風


[səb`stænʃəlɪ] adv. 相當多地 These new rules will substantially change our standard way of operating. 這些新規則將會大大改變我們標準的運作方式。


[sɛn`seʃən] n. 轟動 片語 cause a sensation 引起轟動 Rita's sexy red dress caused a sensation among the men at the office. 芮塔的性感紅色洋裝在辦公室的男人堆中造成轟動。


[sɛn`seʃənəl] a. 轟動的 The sensational discovery of oil stimulated economic growth in this area. 石油的驚人發現帶動該區的經濟發展。


[sɛnt] n. 氣味 片語 the scent of... ⋯⋯的氣味 The shampoo has a light scent of herb extracts. 這種洗髮精有一股淡淡的藥草精氣味。 *extract [`ɛkstrækt] n. 抽取物,精


[sɝ`tɪfəkɪt] n. 證明,證書 片語 a birth certificate 出生證明 Doris received a certificate after she completed the course. 桃樂絲上完這堂課後獲得了一份證書。


[sɝdʒ] vi. 激增,上揚 n. 激增,上揚,急衝,湧入 片語 feel a surge of excitement 突然興奮起來 feel a surge of fury 突然狂怒起來 Angelina felt a surge of fury and hung up on Frank. 安潔莉娜突然一陣怒火上來,掛了法蘭克電話。 Adrenalin surges when one feels one's life is in great danger. 當人們覺得生命受到很大威脅時,腎上腺素便會激增。 *adrenalin [æd`rɛnḷin] n. 腎上腺素 Many families are affected by the recent surge of food prices. 最近食物價格大漲,許多家庭都受到影響。 Protesters attempted to surge through the gates but were stopped by the police. 抗議群眾試圖湧進大門內,但被警察擋下了。 Now that summer is coming, local folks are expecting a surge of visitors from all over the world. 夏天就要來臨,當地人都引頸期待即將由世界各地湧入的觀光客。


[sɪ`kjʊr] vt. 獲得,弄牢 a. 安全的 片語 secure a contract/job 取得一份合約/工作 be secure against/from... 安全免於⋯⋯的 After beating France, Germany secured a place in the World Cup Finals. 打敗法國隊之後,德國隊取得了進入世界盃決賽的席位。 The tables at this restaurant are all secured firmly to the floor. 這家餐廳的桌子都被緊緊地固定在地板上。 Endangered species should be secure against poachers. 瀕臨絕種的物種應該要避免受到盜獵者所危害。 *poacher [`potʃɚ] n. 盜獵者


[sʌb`mɪsɪv] a. 服從的 片語 be submissive to sb 服從某人 - be obedient to sb James does everything that his wife asks of him; he is quite submissive to her. 老婆向他要求什麼詹姆士都照辦;他對她言聽計從。


[sʌb`mɪʃən] n. 屈服 片語 starve/force sb into submission 讓某人餓到投降/迫使某人屈服 The strategy of siege warfare is to starve your enemy into submission. 包圍戰的策略就是讓敵軍餓到投降。 *strategy [`strætədʒɪ] n. 戰略 *siege [sidʒ] n. 包圍


[taɪl] n. 磁磚,瓦片 The tiles on the roof are at least 100 years old, many of which need to be replaced. 這座屋頂上的瓦片至少有 100 年以上的歷史,其中有許多片必須要更換了。


[tju`ɪʃən] n. 學費(不可數) 片語 tuition fees 學費(複數) The tuition of private colleges is much higher than that of public colleges. 私立大學的學費要比公立大學的學費貴得多。


[tod] n. 癩蛤蟆,蟾蜍 Toads spend more time on land than frogs do. 蟾蜍在陸地上活動的時間比青蛙長。 比較 frog [frɑg] n. 青蛙 ①


[traʊt] n. 鱒魚(單複數亦同形) The fishermen are excited about the approaching trout season. 漁夫們對於即將來臨的鱒魚季感到很興奮。


[træmp] vi. 沉重地走 n. 沉重腳步聲 They tramped through the desert in order to find an oasis. 他們拖著沉重的腳步穿越沙漠為的就是要尋找綠洲。 *oasis [o`esɪs] n. 綠洲 The streets echoed with the tramp of soldiers' marching feet. 街道上迴盪著士兵行進時的走路聲。


[træns`pɛrənt] a. 透明的 We used transparent packaging so that customers can see what is inside the box. 我們使用透明材質包裝,因此顧客看得見盒子裡面的東西。


[trɑt] vi. 小跑 n. 小跑 The dog trotted down the stairs to greet its master when it heard the door open. 當小狗狗聽到門打開的聲音,就跑下樓梯迎接牠的主人。 The horse slowed to a trot as the road became slippery and rough. 馬兒感覺到路面又滑又不平時,腳步便慢了下來。 比較 trek [trɛk] n. 吃力地緩慢行進


[trɛntʃ] n. 壕溝 The soldiers dug a trench to protect themselves from being attacked by the enemy. 士兵們挖了一條壕溝來保護自己不受敵軍攻擊。


[trɪm] vt. 修剪 n. 修剪(頭髮或植物) It took me about four hours to mow the lawn and trim the hedges. 鋤草和修剪籬笆花了我大約 4 個小時的時間。 *mow [mo] vt. 鋤(草) *hedge [hɛdʒ] n. 籬笆 My hair is not too long, so just give it a trim, please. 我的頭髮並不會太長,因此請稍加修剪就行了。


[tæn] vi. 曬黑,曬成古銅色 a. 古銅膚色的(- tanned) n. 古銅膚色(- suntan) Some people do not tan easily. 有些人不容易曬黑。 I'm very envious of Jane because she tans easily. 我很羨慕阿珍,因為她的皮膚很快就會曬成古銅色。 Vincent's face was tan and radiant after he returned from summer vacation. 放完暑假回來後,文生的臉曬成了古銅色,容光煥發。 *radiant [`redjənt] a. 容光煥發的 Mary got a nice tan by spending a whole day lying on the beach. 瑪麗花了一整天躺在沙灘上,曬得一身漂亮的古銅色。 比較 sunburn [`sʌn͵bɝn] n. 曬傷 sunburned [`sʌn͵bɝnd] a. 曬傷的


[tɑr] n. 柏油,瀝青 After citizens kept complaining for years, new tar was finally applied on the road. 市民持續抱怨幾年後,這條路上終於鋪上新柏油了。 *apply [ə`plaɪ] vt. 塗,鋪


[tɑrt] n. 塔(點心) The strawberry tart with cream looks delicious. 這塊有鮮奶油的草莓塔看起來很美味。


[tɔnt] vt. 嘲笑辱罵 n. 嘲笑辱罵 The new student felt sad when his classmates taunted him because of his strange accent. 當同學因他怪異的口音而笑罵他時,這名新來的學生感到很難過。 At the protest, the demonstrators shouted taunts at the police. 抗爭過程中,示威運動者對警方叫囂辱罵。


[tɔr`mɛnt]/[`tɔrmɛnt] vt. 使痛苦,折磨 n. 痛苦,折磨 片語 in torment 身在痛苦之中 I've been tormented by a sense of guilt ever since I broke Peter's precious digital camera. 自從我把彼得的高價數位相機弄壞後就一直深受罪惡感折磨。 It's been a torment to travel around with Alice, who literally lacks any concern for other people's feelings. 跟愛麗斯旅行真是一大折磨,她對別人的感受一點也不在意。 *literally [`lɪtərəlɪ] adv. 實在地,簡直


[tɔrtʃ] n. 火把 片語 carry a torch for sb 單戀某人 The athlete carried the torch into the Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony. 這名運動員在開幕典禮時帶著聖火跑進奧林匹克體育場。 Mary has carried a torch for Peter for many years, but he hasn't seemed to notice. 瑪麗單戀彼得多年,但他卻似乎還沒注意到。


[tɔɪl] vi. 勞動 n. 辛勞 片語 toil away 辛勤工作 Having toiled away in the garage all afternoon, I took a bath and listened to some relaxing music. 整個下午在車庫辛勤工作後,我泡個澡並聽些輕鬆的音樂。 It's a shame that Dennis has achieved nothing after years of toil. 很遺憾丹尼斯經過幾年的勞苦後卻沒有什麼成就。


[tɛmpt] vt. 引誘 片語 tempt sb to V 引誘某人做某事 - tempt sb into + V-ing be tempted to V 很想做某事 For the first time, I was tempted into betting money on racing horses. 我生平第一次被引誘玩賽馬賭錢。


[tɪk] vi. 發出滴答聲 n. 勾 片語 tick away (時間)漸漸消逝 When everyone became silent, the ticking of my watch sounded loud and clear. 大家靜下來時,我手錶的滴答聲顯得特別的大聲與清楚。 The last minutes ticked away and I still couldn't think of a good way to solve the problem. 最後幾分鐘漸漸消逝,而我卻仍想不出什麼解決問題的好方法。 Put a tick in the box next to the items you want to order. 請在您欲購買物品旁的方框裡打勾。


[tɪlt] vt. vi. (使)傾斜 片語 tilt toward... 傾向⋯⋯ The girl tilted the mirror on the wall so she could comb her hair. 這女孩頃斜牆上鏡子的角度,這樣她就可以梳頭了。 Government spending has tilted toward social welfare. 政府支出已朝向社會福利為主。


[tɪn] n. 錫 How should we dispose of these empty tin cans? 我們該如何處置這些空的錫罐頭? 延伸 a tin can 錫罐頭


[tʃænt] vt. 吟詠 片語 chant sutras 唸經,誦經(*sutra [`sutrə] n. 佛經) The monks chant sutras every morning. 這些和尚每天早上都會唸經。


[tʌk] vt. 塞入 片語 tuck sb into bed 幫某人蓋好棉被 Mrs. Smith tucked Johnny into bed and said good night. 史密斯太太幫小強強蓋好被子,並道晚安。 The teacher told Frank to tuck his shirt in, or he would suffer the consequences. 老師叫法蘭克把襯衫紮好,不然他麻煩就大了。


[vaɪn] n. 藤蔓 The vines crept over the old mansion, making it all the more creepy at night. 那棟老豪宅因為有藤蔓攀爬,讓它在晚上看起來更嚇人。 *mansion [`mænʃən] n. 豪宅


[vaʊ] vt. 發誓 n. 誓言 片語 vow to V 發誓⋯⋯ vow that + 子句 發誓⋯⋯ make a vow to V 發誓要⋯⋯ make a vow that... 發誓⋯⋯ Gary vowed on his wife's deathbed to take good care of the children. 蓋瑞在太太臨終前發誓要好好照顧孩子們。 *deathbed [`dɛθ͵bɛd] n. 臨終所臥的床 *on sb's deathbed 在某人臨終之際 The police inspector vowed that he would track down the killer and put him in jail. 該巡官發誓要找出兇手下落並送他去吃牢飯。 Helen made a vow to take revenge on whoever had caused her pet rabbit's untimely death. 海倫發誓,不管是誰害她的寵物兔子夭折,她都一定會向這人復仇。 *take revenge on sb 向某人復仇 *untimely [ʌn`taɪmlɪ] a. 過早的 Billy made a vow to Natalie that he'd stay by her side no matter what. 比利向娜塔莉發誓,不管發生什麼事,他都會在她身邊支持她。 *no matter what 不管發生什麼事


[veg] a. 模糊的 片語 have a vague idea about... 對⋯⋯有模糊的概念 I have only a vague idea about modern Chinese history. 我對現代中國歷史只有模糊的概念。 The mayor gave only a vague outline of the anti-corruption campaign. 市長對於於肅貪運動的大綱只是含糊帶過。


[vel] n. 面紗 vt. 掩蓋 The bridegroom carefully lifted the veil and kissed his bride. 新郎小心翼翼地掀起面紗,吻了他的新娘。 The mountaintop was veiled with the morning fog. 山頂被早晨的濃霧掩蓋住。


[ven] n. 靜脈 Amanda's fever was gone shortly after the nurse injected some medicine into her veins. 護士把一些藥注射到阿曼達的靜脈裡沒多久,她就退燒了。 延伸 a blood vessel 血管


[wed] vi. 涉水 片語 wade through... 辛苦地讀完⋯⋯ The river was so deep that we couldn't wade across it. 這條河太深了,以致我們無法涉水而過。 Henry spent an entire week wading through the dull novel. 亨利花了整整一星期好不容易才將這本沉悶的小說看完。


[wel] vi. 嚎啕大哭 n. 嚎啕大哭 The little girl was wailing miserably because she got lost in the department store. 那位小女孩因為在百貨公司裡迷路而嚎啕大哭。 *miserably [`mɪzərəblɪ] adv. 悲慘地 延伸 cry 與 weep 同表『哭泣』,但強調『流淚』時用 weep;強調『哭出聲音』 時用 cry;sob 為『哽咽地哭』;wail 則為『放聲大哭』。 the Wailing Wall(耶路撒冷的)哭牆


[wo] n. 悲痛 The story Ken told me about his marriage was a real tale of woe. - The story Ken told me about his marriage was really woeful. 阿肯告訴我關於他婚姻生活的事,那真是個充滿悲痛的故事。 *tale [tel] n. 故事


[wɔrd] vt. 避開 n. 病房 片語 ward off... 避開⋯⋯ - get rid of;;... I need to drink some wine to ward off the cold. 我得喝點酒驅寒。 Hannah is a nurse working in the maternity ward. 漢娜是在產科病房工作的護士。 *maternity [mə`tɝnətɪ] n. 母性,母愛;產科 延伸 the maternity ward 產科病房


[wɛr] n. 器皿(集合名詞,不可數,通常用在複合字裡) Mother would take out her good silverware when guests come for dinner. 只要家裡有客人來用餐,媽媽就會拿出好的銀器來使用。


[wɪg] n. (女用)假髮 The leading actress wore a blonde wig over her naturally brown hair for the role. 這名女主角為了這個角色戴上金色的假髮,以蓋過她天生的棕髮。 *blonde [blɑnd] a. 金黃色的


[wɪrd] a. 奇怪的 Did you hear any weird noises coming from the basement? 你有沒有聽到地下室傳來的奇怪聲音?


[wɪsk] vt. 攪(蛋,麵粉等) n. 攪拌器 Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until they're very stiff. 把碗裡的蛋黃攪拌到黏稠為止。 *stiff [stɪf] a. 黏稠的 延伸 an electric whisk 電動攪拌器


[zo`ɑlədʒɪ] n. 動物學 James studied zoology in college before he became a veterinarian. 詹姆士在大學唸動物學,後來成為一名獸醫。 *veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n. 獸醫


[zum] vi. (鏡頭)拉近/遠 片語 zoom in on... 對⋯⋯做鏡頭特寫 zoom out 將鏡頭拉遠 The camera zoomed in on the mayor's face during the speech. 市長演講的時候攝影機拉近,對他的臉部做了特寫。


[zɪŋk] n. 鋅 You might be surprised to know there's a small amount of zinc in the food we eat daily. 你知道了也許會訝異,我們每天吃的食物當中都含有微量的鋅。


[ædḷ`ɛsṇt] a. 青少年的 n. 青少年 Tommy is over thirty but he still acts like an adolescent. 湯米已年過 30,但行為還是像個青少年。 Adolescent stress is an issue parents and school authorities shouldn't ignore. 青春期壓力是個父母及校方應該正視的議題。


[æn`tik] n. 古董 a. 古董的 That valuable piece of artwork is an antique. 那件值錢的藝術品是件古董。 This store deals in antique furniture. 這家商店從事古董家具的買賣。 *deal in... 從事⋯⋯的買賣


[æn`tɑrktɪk] a. 南極的 The ice of the Antarctic has been melting at an alarming rate over the years. 這些年來,南極區的冰一直以驚人的速度在融化。 *alarming [ə`lɑrmɪŋ] a. 驚人的 延伸 the Antarctic 南極區


[æpt] a. 有⋯⋯傾向的 片語 be apt to V 易於/愛⋯⋯ - be prone to V - be inclined to V - be liable to V - tend to V Dave is apt to tell lies, so nobody likes him. - Dave is prone to tell lies, so nobody likes him. - Dave is inclined to tell lies, so nobody likes him. - Dave is liable to tell lies, so nobody likes him. - Dave tends to tell lies, so nobody likes him. 戴夫老愛說謊,所以沒人喜歡他。 Fred is apt to talk ceaselessly when he gets nervous. 佛瑞德一緊張話就容易講個不停。


[æs] n. 驢子 片語 make an ass of oneself 使自己出洋相 When Hank drinks too much, he makes an ass of himself. 漢克酒喝多時,會使自己出洋相。 用法 ass 也可表『白痴』或『屁股』,而 ******* 則表『混蛋』或『屁眼』,這些都是粗話,宜避免使用。故現代英語中,若指『驢子』,多使用 donkey 一字。


[ɑds] n. 機率,不合 片語 be at odds with sb over sth 與某人在某事上意見不合 odds and ends 雜七雜八的東西 My grandmother left me some odds and ends when she passed away. 我的奶奶過世之後留給我一些雜七雜八的小東西。 The odds are that Frank will mess it up again. - Chances are that Frank will mess it up again. 法蘭克很可能又會搞砸。 Paul is always at odds with his wife over how to educate their children. 有關如何教育孩子方面,保羅總是和他的妻子意見不合。


[ɔ] n. 敬畏 片語 hold sb in awe 令某人敬畏 be in awe of... 對⋯⋯感到敬畏 I was often in awe of my grandmother when I was little. 我還小的時候常對祖母感到敬畏。 The spectacular view of the valley really held me in awe. 山谷的壯麗景色實在令我震懾。 *spectacular [spɛk`tækjəlɚ] a. 壯觀的


[ə`(h)waɪl] adv. 片刻 Stay awhile if you can. I have something important to tell you. 可以的話,請暫留片刻。我有要事向你報告。


[ə`baɪd] vi. 遵守 片語 abide by... 遵守⋯⋯ Those who do not abide by the captain's orders will be thrown into the sea. 凡不聽從船長號令的人將被丟到海裡。


[ə`brʌpt] a. 突然的,唐突的 Many employees in that company felt confused about the abrupt change in policy. 那間公司許多員工對於政策的突然轉向都感到很混亂。


[ə`brʌptlɪ] adv. 突然地 We were all taken by surprise when Michael abruptly announced his early retirement. 麥可突然宣布提早退休,我們都大大吃了一驚。 *take sb by surprise 使某人吃驚


[ə`bɔrt] vt. 流產,(計畫)中止 Even today, the woman can't help crying thinking of the baby that was aborted two years ago. 這個婦女兩年前小寶寶流產了,即使在今天想到此事她還是會忍不住哭泣。 The rescue mission had to be aborted due to severe weather conditions. 因為惡劣氣候的原因,這項救援計劃必須被迫中止。


[ə`bɔrʃən] n. 流產 The legislators are discussing whether they should make abortion legal. 立法委員正在討論是否應該將墮胎合法化。


[ə`dɔr] vt. 喜歡,崇拜 Jane has 10 grandchildren and she adores all of them very much. 阿珍有 10 個孫子,每一個她都很疼愛。 We adore John for his integrity and brilliant academic accomplishments. 我們敬重約翰的正直和輝煌的學術成就。 *integrity [ɪn`tɛgrətɪ] n. 正直 用法 adore 是及物動詞,可表『喜歡』,等於 love;亦可表『崇拜』,等於 admire(崇拜)或 think highly of(尊敬)之意。


[ə`dɔrəbḷ] a. 可愛的 Mary keeps an adorable little puppy as a pet. 瑪麗養了一隻可愛的小狗當寵物。


[ə`dʒɛndə] n. 議程,工作事項 片語 be on the agenda 排入議程/工作事項內 What's on the agenda this morning? 今早的議程為何? My boss always has a full agenda. 我的老闆的行程總是滿檔。


[ə`fɛkʃən] n. 感情(與介詞 for 並用) 片語 have (an) affection for... 對⋯⋯有情感 Mrs. Smith has a great affection for her family, including the stray dog she has kept for almost ten years. 史密斯太太深愛她的家人,包括那隻她養了 10 年的流浪狗。


[ə`fɛkʃənɪt] a. 充滿深情的 Frank is very affectionate towards his children. He reads them bedtime stories every night. 法蘭克對他的孩子充滿愛心。他每天晚上都唸床邊故事給他們聽。 *bedtime stories/bedside stories 床邊故事


[ə`kædəmɪ] n. 軍校,(專門培養專才的)學院(如藝術學院、攝影學院等) 片語 a military academy 軍事院校 the Royal Academy of Music 皇家音樂學院 It's my dream to get admitted to West Point Military Academy. 獲得西點軍校的入學許可是我的夢想。 延伸 cadet [kə`dɛt] n. 軍校學生


[ə`kɝəns] n. 發生(不可數),發生的事件(可數) 片語 a frequent/rare/common occurrence 經常/罕見/普通的事情 The occurrence of stomachaches is often linked with pressure. 胃痛的發生往往與壓力有關。 An unexpected occurrence threw John into despair. 一件意外事件使約翰陷入絕望。 *despair [dɪ`spɛr] n. 絕望


[əb`zɝvɚ] n. 觀察員 The United Nations sent a team of observers to monitor the progress of the peace talks. 聯合國派遣了一組觀察員前往監控和談的進展。 *monitor [`mɑnətɚ] vt. 監控


[ə`kʌstəm] vt. 使習慣 片語 accustom oneself to... 使某人習慣於⋯⋯ - adjust oneself to... - adapt oneself to... It took Sophie a while to accustom herself to the hustle and bustle of the city life. 蘇菲花了一段時間讓自己習慣城市的喧囂與忙碌。 *the hustle and bustle 熙來攘往,忙忙碌碌 It isn't easy for a foreigner to get accustomed to the local lifestyle. 對外來者而言,逐漸習慣本地的生活方式並不容易。 用法 accustom 以過去分詞形態時,可當形容詞用表『習慣的』。 get accustomed to + N/V-ing 對⋯⋯漸漸習慣 - get used to + N/V-ing


[ə`laɪəns] n. 結盟 片語 form/make an alliance with... 與⋯⋯結盟 Small countries usually protect themselves by forming an alliance with their stronger neighbors. 小國常以跟鄰近強國結盟的方式來自保。


[ə`lɚdʒɪk] a. 過敏的 My son is allergic to pollen. 我的兒子對花粉過敏。 *pollen [`pɑlən] n. 花粉 用法 allergic 亦與介詞 to 並用,形成下列固定用法: be allergic to... 對⋯⋯過敏


[ə`plɔd] vt. vi. 鼓掌 片語 applaud sb for... 因⋯⋯而為某人鼓掌 The audience all stood up and applauded when the show was over. 表演結束時,所有觀眾都起身鼓掌。 John's classmates applauded him for doing very well in the speech contest. 約翰在演講比賽中表現優異,獲得同學的掌聲。


[ə`plɔz] n. 鼓掌(不可數) 片語 a round of applause 一陣掌聲 The speaker received a big round of applause when she finished her speech. 當這位講員演講結束時,她獲得一陣熱烈掌聲。 延伸 give sb a big hand 給某人熱烈的掌聲


[ə`rinə] n. (古羅馬)競技場 Kevin entered the political arena as an aide to the mayor. 凱文因擔任市長的助手而進入了政界。 *aide [ed] n. 助手 延伸 the political arena 政界


[ə`stim] n. 尊敬 片語 hold sb in high esteem/regard 很尊敬某人 Film critics hold the director in high esteem/regard. 影評人都很敬重這位導演。 My father has absolutely no esteem for gangsters. He considers them to be society's parasites. 我父親對幫派份子一點敬意也沒有。他覺得他們是社會的寄生蟲。 *parasite [`pærə͵saɪt] n. 寄生蟲 延伸 self-esteem [͵sɛlfə`stim] n. 自尊 Getting that job really boosted Michael's self-esteem. 得到那份工作大大提升了麥可的自尊。*boost [bust] vt. 提升


[ə`stre] adv. 偏離正途地 片語 go astray 誤入歧途 lead sb astray 使某人誤入歧途 Tom's younger brother went astray and became a gangster. 湯姆的弟弟誤入歧途而變成了幫派份子。 Adolescents are easily led astray by bad companions. 青少年很容易被壞朋友帶壞。 *adolescent [͵ædḷ`ɛsṇt] n. 青少年


[ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家 I was too fat to be an astronaut, so I decided to be an astronomer instead. 我太胖了當不了太空人,所以我下決心當天文學家。 比較 astronaut [`æstrə͵nɔt] n. 太空人 - cosmonaut [`kɑzmə͵nɔt] n.(尤指前蘇聯的)太空人


[ə`strɑnəmɪ] n. 天文學 Martin was deeply interested in astronomy and wanted to be an astronaut one day. 馬丁對天文學很感興趣,而且夢想有朝一日當上太空人。 比較 astrology [ə`strɑlədʒɪ] n. 占星學 astrologist [ə`strɑlədʒɪst] n. 占星術士


[ə`stɑnɪʃ] vt. 使驚訝 It astonished me to hear that Mr. Wilson's daughter was kidnapped and killed. 聽到魏爾遜先生的女兒遭綁架撕票的消息令我感到驚訝。 *kidnap [`kɪdnæp] vt. 綁票 What astonishes me is that the little girl can sing so beautifully at such a young age. 令我驚訝的是,這名小女孩年紀輕輕就能把歌唱得這麼好。


[ə`stɑnɪʃmənt] n. 驚訝 片語 To one's astonishment,... 令某人驚訝的是,⋯⋯ - To one's amazement,... in astonishment 訝異地 Much to everyone's astonishment, the diamond on display was stolen. 令大家大吃一驚的是,展示中的鑽石被偷了。 We all watched Danny's amazing performance in astonishment. 我們都驚訝地看著丹尼精采的表演。


[ə`stɑnɪʃt] a. 感到驚訝的 片語 be astonished at/by... 對⋯⋯感到驚訝 - be surprised at/by... - be amazed at/by... The doctor was astonished at the speed of the patient's recovery. 醫生對那位病患復原的速度感到驚訝。 The candidate was astonished to learn he'd won the election. 候選人得知他已贏得選戰感到很驚訝。


[ə`stɑnɪʃɪŋ] a. 令人驚訝的 It's astonishing how much the city has changed. 令人驚訝的是這個城市已改變許多。


[ə`sɔlt] n. 襲擊 vt. 襲擊 片語 make/launch an assault on... 對⋯⋯發動攻勢 The assault was considered premeditated, because there was not a single fingerprint left at the crime scene. 該攻擊案被認為是事先預謀好的,因為犯罪現場沒留下任何指紋。 *premeditate [prɪ`mɛdə͵tet] vt. 預先考慮,預先設想 The man was caught on the spot by police when he tried to assault the woman. 該男子企圖攻擊該女子時,被警方當場逮捕。 *on the spot 當場,立刻


[ə`sɛnd] vi. 上升 vt. 登上 片語 ascend the throne 登上王位 The prince ascended the throne after the death of his father. *throne [θron] n. 王位 There is a long 且ight of stairs ascending to the main gate of the cathedral. 有條很長的階梯向上通往大教堂的正門。 The air became thinner as we ascended the mountain. 我們登上山時,空氣變得稀薄起來。


[ə`tɛndəns] n. 出席 片語 be in attendance (at sth) 出席(某場合) attract/draw full attendance 引來滿場觀眾 The speech last night was quite successful. It attracted full attendance even though there had not been much advertisement for it. 昨晚的演講相當成功。雖然之前沒做什麼廣告宣傳,還是吸引滿場觀眾前來。 We are honored to have the mayor in attendance. 我們很榮幸能請到市長先生出席。


[əb`sɝd] a. 不合理的,荒謬的 The idea that the number 13 brings bad luck seems absurd to me. 認為 13 這個數字會帶來噩運的想法在我看來似乎頗荒謬。


[ək`nɑlɪdʒ] vt. 公認,承認 片語 acknowledge sb as... 公認某人為⋯⋯ Mozart was acknowledged as a musical prodigy in his early childhood. 莫札特在很小的時候就被公認為音樂神童。 *prodigy [`prɑdədʒɪ] n. 奇才,天才 David acknowledged that his mistake had led to the failure of the mission. 大衛承認他的疏失導致這次任務的失敗。


[ək`nɑlɪdʒmənt] n. 公認,承認 片語 in acknowledgement of... 表彰⋯⋯ The army gave Ryan a medal in acknowledgement of his brave deed. 為表彰萊恩的英勇行徑,軍方頒給了他一面獎牌。


[ə͵velə`bɪlətɪ] n. 可使用性 The availability of cheap labor has given Asia an economic edge over the West. 亞洲擁有廉價勞工,使其亞洲在經濟上較西方佔優勢。 *edge [ɛdʒ] n. 優勢(- advantage [əd`væntɪdʒ])


[ɛr] n. 繼承人 To everyone's surprise, the heir to the throne turned out to be the king's illegitimate son. 大出眾人意料,王位的繼承人結果是國王的私生子。 *illegitimate [͵ɪlɪ`dʒɪtəmɪt] a. 非法的,非婚生的 用法 本字 h 不發音,之後須與介詞 to 並用,形成下列用法: the heir to... 為⋯⋯的繼承人 - the successor to...


[ɝ] vi. 犯錯 Mary admitted that she had erred in calling Mr. Anderson a hypocrite after he threatened to take her to court for it. 安德森先生為了瑪麗稱他為偽君子一事揚言鬧上法院,於是瑪麗便承認她那麼說的確犯了錯誤。 *hypocrite [`hɪpəkrɪt] n. 偽君子 延伸 To err is human, to forgive divine. (犯錯是人之常情, 寬恕是神聖之舉。*divine [də`vaɪn] a. 神聖的)


[ɝl] n. 伯爵 The benevolent earl has been a long-time supporter of this charity. 那位善心的伯爵長期以來一直是這間慈善機構的贊助人。 *benevolent [bə`nɛvələnt] a. 仁慈的,善良的 延伸 baron [`bærən] n. 男爵 marquis [`mɑrkwɪs] n. 侯爵


[ɪ`klɪps] n. (日或月)蝕 片語 the solar eclipse 日蝕 the lunar eclipse 月蝕 the total eclipse 全蝕 Millions of people around the globe waited to witness the rare occurrence of the total solar eclipse. 全球數以百萬的人等待觀看罕見的日全蝕。 *occurrence [ə`kɝəns] n. 事件,發生的事


[ɪ`læbərɪt] a. 精緻的 vi. [ɪ`læbə͵ret] 詳細說明 片語 elaborate on... 詳細說明⋯⋯ Mary was dressed in a blue suit with elaborate embroidery on the shoulder. 瑪麗穿著一襲肩上飾有精緻刺繡的套裝。 *embroidery [ɪm`brɔɪdərɪ] n. 刺繡 Just tell us the result. You don't have to elaborate on the process. 只要把結果告訴我們就好了,過程你就不必詳述了。


[ɪ`lɛdʒəbḷ] a. 難讀的 Mike holds his pencil so poorly that his handwriting is almost illegible. 邁可很不會握筆,所以字跡很難看得懂。


[ɪ`mɛns] a. 巨大的 片語 be of immense value 非常有價值 Your hard work has been of immense value to this company. I hereby promote you to general manager. 你的辛勤工作對本公司極有價值。所以我在此拔擢你為總經理。


[ɪ`mɛnslɪ] adv. 巨大地 In just a few years, computers became immensely important in the workplace. 不過幾年之內,電腦在職場就變得極其重要。


[ɪ`njumərəbḷ] a. 無數的 The stars in the galaxy are innumerable. 銀河系中的星星數也數不清。 比較 numerous 表『數量眾多的』,而 numeral 則為『數字』。譬如 the Arabic numerals(阿拉伯數字)。


[ɪ`rɛkt] vt. 豎立 We erected a monument to honor the martyrs. - We set up a monument to honor the martyrs. - We established a monument to honor the martyrs. 我們豎立一座紀念碑,以紀念這些烈士。 *martyr [`mɑrtɚ] n. 列士


[ɪ`rɛkʃən] n. 豎立,建立 The erection of the building took longer than expected. 這棟大樓的建造花的時間比預期的久。


[ɪ`skɔrt]/[`ɛskɔrt] vt. 護送 n. 護送 片語 under police escort 在警方護送下 Guards escorted the prisoner back to his cell. 幾名警衛護送囚犯回到他的牢房。 *cell [sɛl] n. 單人牢房 After the verdict was announced, the members of the jury left the courthouse under police escort. 判決宣佈後,陪審團成員在警方護送下離開了法院大樓。 *verdict [`vɝdɪkt] n. 判決


[ɪ`tɝnətɪ] n. 永恆 片語 for all eternity 永遠(- forever) - for good I promise I'll love you for all eternity. 我答應我會愛妳直到永遠。


[ɪ`tɝnḷ] a. 永恆的 This wedding ring is a symbol of my eternal love for you. 這只戒指象徵我對妳永恆的愛。


[ɪg`zɛkjʊtɪv] a. 執行的,行政的 n. 主管,行政官 Mary is working as senior executive in a computer firm now. 瑪麗現在正在一家電腦公司擔任資深主管。 延伸 CEO 首席執行長(- chief executive officer) the executive power 行政權


[ɪg͵zædʒɪ`reʃən] n. 誇大 It's no exaggeration to say Patrick is a real giant. He is 240 centimeters tall. 說派崔克真的是巨人一點也不誇張。他身高有 240 公分。


[ɪk`sid] vt. 超過 Don't exceed the speed limit when driving. 開車時千萬不要超速。


[ɪk`sklem] vi. 驚嘆 "Oh, no!" Jane exclaimed in shock as she heard about the death of her husband. 『噢,不!』阿珍在聽到她先生死亡的消息時,驚叫出聲。


[ɪk`sklud] vt. 排除,不包括 片語 exclude A from B 從 B 中排除 A exclude sb from + N/V-ing 在某活動中排擠某人 All those under twenty years of age are excluded from bar activities. 所有年齡在 20 歲以下的人不得參加和酒吧有關的活動。 John felt left out because Peter deliberately excluded him from the group. 約翰感到被冷落,因為彼得故意不讓他參加這個團體。


[͵kaʊntɚ`ækt] vt. 起反作用,抵銷,中和 Tea and milk will counteract the effects of alcohol. 茶和牛奶會抵銷酒精的作用。 *alcohol [`ælkə͵hɔl] n. 酒精


[ɪk`skludɪŋ] prep. 不包括⋯⋯在內 My living expenses, excluding rent and utilities, are around 500 dollars. - My living expenses, exclusive of rent and utilities, are around 500 dollars. 生活開銷,不包含房租跟水電瓦斯費,約在 500 美元左右。 *utilities [ju`tɪlətɪz] n. 水電瓦斯費(恆用複數)


[ɪk`strɔrdṇ͵ɛrɪ] a. 非凡的 In Jason's eyes, Diane is a girl of extraordinary beauty. 在傑生的眼中,黛安是個非常美的女孩。


[ɪk`stɛnsɪv] a. 廣泛的,大量的 片語 have extensive knowledge about... 擁有關於⋯⋯的廣泛知識 Professor Johnson possessed extensive knowledge in the field of natural science. 強森教授在自然科學的領域擁有廣泛的知識。 The typhoon has caused extensive damage to the city. 這次的颱風對這座城市造成了極大的損害。


[ɪk`stɛnʃən] n. 延期,分機 Can I request an extension on the deadline to submit my thesis paper? 我可否要求延長繳交論文報告的截稿期限? Call our main number at 2331-7600, and ask for my office extension, 245. 打我們的主機號碼 2331-7600,並要求轉接我辦公室的分機號碼 245。


[ɪk`stɪrɪɚ] a. 外部的 n. 外部 The exterior walls of the building are made of glass and steel. 這棟建築物的外牆是由玻璃和鐵搭蓋成的。 The exterior of the house needs painting. - The exterior of the house needs to be painted. 這間房子的外部需要油漆粉刷了。


[ɪk`stɪŋkt] a. 絕種的 片語 become extinct 滅絕,絕種 an extinct volcano 死火山(已無爆發可能的火山) an active volcano 活火山(隨時可能爆發的火山) a dormant volcano 休火山(目前無爆發跡象的火山) dormant [`dɔrmənt] a. 休眠的 Scientists warn that several species of whales are going to become extinct if illegal whaling continues. 科學家警告,若是不法獵捕鯨魚的情況持續下去,數種鯨魚將面臨絕種。


[ɪk`stɪŋkʃən] n. 絕種 片語 be on the verge/edge/brink of extinction 瀕臨絕種,即將消逝 Many languages in this world are on the verge of extinction. 世界上有許多語言即將消逝。


[ɪk`sɛl] vi. 表現優異(與 in/at 並用) 片語 excel in/at... 在⋯⋯方面很突出 John excels in math. 約翰在數學方面很拿手。 David excels at photography, but when it comes to painting, he is all thumbs. 大衛的攝影很行,不過說到畫畫時,他就笨手笨腳了。 *be all thumbs 笨手笨腳


[ɪk`sɛpʃənḷ] a. 卓越的 Alex showed an exceptional talent in art at a very young age. 艾立克斯很小的時候就展露出他非凡的藝術天份。


[ɪk`sɛs] n. 過量 片語 in excess of... 超過⋯⋯ an excess of... 過量的⋯⋯ to excess 過度 It is unwise to do a job that is in excess of one's ability. 做自己能力所不及的工作是不智的。 An excess of vitamins can be harmful to your health. 過量的維他命可能對健康有害。 Roger loves drinking beer at his leisure, but he never does it to excess. 羅傑閒暇時喜歡喝啤酒,但他從不過度。


[ɪk`sɛsɪv] a. 過量的 Crops were damaged by the excessive rainfall last week. 上週降雨過多,農作物都遭到破壞。 延伸 excessive drinking/eating 暴飲/暴食


[ɪm`bres] vt. 擁抱 n. 擁抱 片語 embrace sb 擁抱某人 - hug sb - give sb an embrace - give sb a hug The mother embraced her baby, tenderly coaxing it to sleep. 母親溫柔地擁抱著寶寶,哄他入睡。 *coax [koks] vt. 哄 The young couple held each other in a long embrace, apparently losing all track of time. 這對年輕情侶久久地摟抱著彼此,似乎全然忘了時間流逝。


[ɪm`bɑdɪ] vt. 代表 The Statue of Liberty embodies the freedom and democratic spirit of the United States. 自由女神像代表著美國自由和民主的精神。


[ɪm`poz] vt. 強加於 片語 impose sth on sb 將某事強加於某人 Cindy was a harsh mother and imposed severe discipline on her children. 辛蒂是位嚴厲的母親,對小孩強加嚴格的紀律。 *harsh [hɑrʃ] a. 嚴厲的


[ɪm`pozɪŋ] a. 壯觀的,印象深刻的 I was held in awe by the imposing view of the Grand Canyon. 我被大峽谷壯觀的景色給震懾住了。 *awe [ɔ] n. 敬畏 *hold sb in awe 使某人敬畏,使某人震懾


[ɪm`pɪrɪəl] a. 帝國的 The Forbidden City is a reminder of China's imperial past. 紫禁城是中國帝制時期的見證。 *reminder [rɪ`maɪndɚ] n. 提醒物


[ɪm`pʌlsɪv] a. 衝動的 An impulsive person tends to do things he or she will regret later. 衝動的人很容易做出將來會後悔的事。 延伸 impulsive buying/shopping 衝動型購物


[ɪn`bɔrn] a. 天生的 Steve seems to have an inborn talent for mastering foreign languages. 史帝夫似乎天生就有精通外語的才能。 *master [`mæstɚ] vt. 精通


[ɪn`djus] vt. 唆使 片語 induce sb to V 誘使/說服某人做某事 The salesperson induced me to buy this second-hand car, which he claimed to be in perfect condition. 該業務員誘使我買下這輛車,宣稱該車的車況極好。


[ɪn`dɛvɚ] n. 努力 vt. 努力 片語 endeavor to V 努力去從事⋯⋯ - make an endeavor to V - make an attempt to V - make an effort to V The manager endeavored to get to the bottom of their poor sales performance. - The manager made an endeavor to get to the bottom of their poor sales performance. 經理費心追究業績表現不佳的原因。


[ɪn`dɪfərəns] n. 漠不關心,冷漠 片語 indifference to sth 對某事物漠不關心 The boy's indifference to his schoolwork worried his parents. 這男孩對學業漠不關心,這點令他的父母很擔憂。


[ɪn`dɪfərənt] a. 冷漠的 片語 be indifferent to sth 對某事物漠不關心 - be callous to sth *callous [`kæləs] a. 無感覺的 Mary was very angry because her husband is indifferent to her complaints. 瑪麗很生氣,因為她先生對她的抱怨漠不關心。


[ɪn`dʌldʒ] vt. vi. (使)沉迷,縱容 片語 indulge (oneself) in... 沉迷於⋯⋯ Shortly after his wife left him, Tom began to indulge in drinking. 阿湯哥的太太離他而去之後不久,他便開始酗酒了。


[ɪn`dʌldʒəns] n. 放縱 Mr. Wilson's indulgence towards his only son will only spoil him and make him go astray. 威爾遜先生對他獨生子的放縱只會寵壞他,讓他步入歧途。


[ɪn`fɛkʃəs] a. 傳染的 This disease is dangerous because it is highly infectious. 這種疾病很危險,因為它的傳染力很強。


[ɪn`rol] vi. 註冊(與介詞 in 並用) 片語 enroll in... 註冊/登記上(學校、課 程) About 100 students enrolled in Professor Johnson's writing course this semester. 這學期約有 100 名學生報名參加強森教授的寫作課程。


[ɪn`taɪtḷ] vt. 給予權利(資格) 片語 entitle sb to V 使某人有資格⋯⋯ His good academic performance in college entitled John to study at that famous graduate school. 大學時期優異的成績使約翰得以在那個知名的研究所深造。 You're not entitled to check out any books from the library unless you're a student of our school. 除非你是本校的學生,否則沒有資格從圖書館借書。 Jack is entitled to a pension when he reaches sixty- five. 傑克 65 歲時,便有資格支領退休俸。 用法 entitle 以過去分詞出現時,可作形容詞用,表『有資格的』。 be entitled to V 有資格從事⋯⋯ be entitled to sth 有資格獲得某物(此處 to 為介詞)


[ɪn`tɛnt] n. 意圖 a. 決心要做的 片語 be intent on + N/V-ing 專心致志於⋯⋯ - be determined to V It was not my intent to spend half of the morning on the phone. - It was not my intention to spend half of the morning on the phone. 我不是有意要花半個早上在講電話。 Henry is intent on going abroad to further his studies. 亨利已下定決心要出國深造。


[ɪn`tɝprɪtɚ] n. 口譯人員 Nicole acted as an interpreter at the international conference. 妮可在這次國際會議中擔任口譯。


[ɪn`tɪrɪɚ] a. 內部的 n. 內部 The interior walls of the building were painted white. 這棟建築物的內牆被漆成白色的。 The car's interior is very comfortable. It's equipped with leather seats. 這輛車的內部很舒適。它配備有皮製的座椅。 延伸 interior design 室內設計


[ɪn`tʃænt] vt. 使著迷 片語 be enchanted by/with... 著迷於⋯⋯ - be fascinated by/with - be attracted by/to Miranda was deeply enchanted by the handsome guy's smile. 瑪蘭達深深被這名帥氣男孩的笑容所著迷。


[ɪn`væljʊəbḷ] a. 無價的 片語 be invaluable to sb/sth 對某人/某物是無價的 Your internship at this top advertising company will be invaluable to your career. 你在這家頂尖廣告公司的實習經驗將對你的生涯發展很有價值。 *internship [`ɪntɝn͵ʃɪp] n. 實習


[ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 確保 The airline took precautions to ensure flight safety. 航空公司採取預防措施以確保飛航安全。 *precaution [prɪ`kɔʃən] n. 預防措施 Hard work does not necessarily ensure success. Sometimes good luck counts. 努力工作並不確保成功。有時候運氣蠻重要的。 *count [kaʊnt] vi. 很重要 比較 insure [ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 投保 ④ insure sth against... 為某物保⋯⋯的險 Have you insured your house against fire? 你有為你的房子投保火險了嗎? assure [ə`ʃʊr] vt. 向⋯⋯保證(使用本字時,主詞為人,受詞也為人) assure sb of sth 向某人擔保某事 I can assure you of John's ability as a designer. 我可以向你擔保約翰作為設計師的能 力。 則表『確保某結果』(參考EXAMPLE第 2 例)


[ɪn͵tɝprɪ`teʃən] n. 詮釋,口譯 Mary said this dance was an interpretation of a poem by Frost. 瑪麗說這支舞蹈是對佛洛斯特一首詩的詮釋。 Simultaneous interpretation is an art that takes years of practice. 同步口譯是需要多年的練習才能成就的一門本領。 *simultaneous [͵saɪməl`tenɪəs] a. 同時發生的


[ɪn͵θjuzɪ`æstɪk] a. 熱心的,熱情的 片語 be enthusiastic about... 對⋯⋯很熱心 Nowadays many people are enthusiastic about charitable work. 現今許多人對慈善工作都很熱心。 *charitable [`tʃærətəbḷ] a. 為善的


[ɪn͵θjuzɪ`æstɪkḷɪ] adv. 熱心地,熱情地 The waitress enthusiastically introduced the dishes they offered. 女服務生很熱心地幫我們介紹菜色。


[ɪs`tet] n. 地產 By investing in real estate, Tom made a huge fortune. 阿湯哥投資房地產賺了好多錢。 用法 本字常與 real 並用,形成下列詞組: real estate 房地產(不可數) a real estate agent 房屋仲介


[ʃild] n. 盾牌 vt. 保護 片語 shield A from B 保護 A 免受 B 所害 - protect A from B The police officers carried shields to protect themselves from the bottles and rocks being thrown. 這些警察手持盾牌,以免被擲過來的瓶罐和石塊擊傷。 The ozone layer shields the Earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. 臭氧層保護地球免受太陽的紫外線所害。 *ozone [`ozon] n. 臭氧 *ultraviolet [͵ʌltrə`vaɪəlɪt] a. 紫外線的 *ray [re] n. 輻射線;光線


[ʃraɪn] n. 聖壇 Every year high-ranking government officials go to the Martyrs' Shrine to pay tribute to the late heroes. 政府高階官員每年都會前往忠烈祠向已故的英雄致敬。 *pay tribute to... 向⋯⋯致敬 *tribute [`trɪbjut] n. 敬意 延伸 the Martyrs' Shrine 忠烈祠 *martyr [`mɑrtɚ] n. 烈士


[ʃrik] vi. 尖叫 n. 尖叫 Betty shrieked when she saw a shadow move behind her bedroom door. 貝蒂看到一個影子從她臥房門後移動時,尖叫出聲。 Wendy let out a shriek when her little brother tapped her on the back. 溫蒂的弟弟從背後拍她時,她嚇得尖叫了一聲。 *tap [tæp] vt. 輕拍


[ʃrud] a. 精明的 A shrewd man like David is not going to buy it. Let's try our tricks on Peter! He is much more gullible. 像大衛那樣精明的人是不會上當的。咱們來騙騙彼得吧!他好騙多了。 *gullible [`gʌləbḷ] a. 易受騙的


[ʃrɛd] n. 碎片 vt. 切成碎片 片語 a shred of... 一絲⋯⋯ The police could not find a shred of evidence to support Mr. Lee's accusation. 警方找不到一絲證據證實李先生的指控。 *accusation [͵ækjə`zeʃən] n. 指控


[ʃrʌb] n. 灌木叢 We planted some roses and some shrubs in our backyard. 我們在後院種了一些玫瑰花和小樹叢。


[ʃɛf] n. 廚師 片語 the head chef 主廚 Rebecca's husband is the head chef in charge of preparing the state banquet. 瑞蓓卡的老公就是負責國宴的主廚。 *banquet [`bæŋkwɪt] n. 宴會 比較 cook [kʊk] n. 做菜的人 ① My children say I'm a terrible cook. 我孩子都說我是個不會做菜的人。


[ʃʌv] vt. 推擠 The rude young man shoved the old man aside in order to get on the bus. 這位粗魯的年輕人為了要上公車而把老先生推開。


[ʌn`daʊtɪdlɪ] adv. 無庸置疑地 Edger is undoubtedly the most dedicated worker in our company. 愛德格毫無疑問是我們公司最忠於職守的員工。 *dedicated [`dɛdə͵ketɪd] a. 忠於職守的,很投入的 - devoted [dɪ`votɪd] a. 用法 doubtless 原為形容詞,但如今常作為副詞使用,意思等同 undoubtedly。 Mr. Anderson is doubtless a nice man. - Mr. Anderson is without doubt a nice man. - Mr. Anderson is beyond doubt a nice man. 安德森先生無疑是個好人。


[ʌp`det]/[`ʌpdet] vt. 使更新,為⋯⋯提供最新消息 n. 更新 片語 update sb on sth 告知某人某事的最新消息 We're going to update our computer software next month. 我們將於下個月更新我們的電腦軟體。 We'll update you on the latest development of the murder trial. 我們會把這起謀殺審判發展的最新消息隨時讓你知道。 Coming up next on this station is our news update. 本台接下來進行的是即時新聞。


[͵bɛnə`fɪʃəl] a. 有益的 片語 be beneficial to... 對⋯⋯有益 Exercising on a daily basis is beneficial to your health. 每天運動對你的健康有好處。


[͵dɑkjə`mɛntərɪ] a. 紀錄的 n. 紀錄片(- documentary film) A documentary film is worthless if it is not based on the truth. 紀錄片若無事實根據就沒有價值了。 This documentary was shot in the small town where the story happened. 這部紀錄片就在故事發生的那個小鎮拍攝的。


[͵dɛklə`reʃən] n. 宣告 The US Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. 美國獨立宣言是在 1776年7月4 日簽訂的。


[͵dɛlə`geʃən] n. 代表團 The president sent a delegation to the conference. 總統派遣代表團出席該會議。


[͵dɛstə`neʃən] n. 目的地 片語 a holiday/tourist destination 觀光勝地 Bali has remained a hot-spot tourist destination over the past 20 years. 過去20年來,峇里島一直是個熱門的觀光勝地。 The train was delayed, so we were 10 hours late when we got to our destination. 火車延誤了,因此我們到達目的地時晚了 10 個小時。


[͵dɪsbə`lif] n. 不相信 片語 in disbelief 以不可置信的態度 The audience stared at the magician in disbelief. 觀眾不可置信地盯著魔術師看。


[͵dɪsbə`lɪv] vt. 不信,懷疑 Willy has always been an honest man. Why should I disbelieve his words? 威利一直都是很誠實的人。為什麼我不相信他說的話呢?


[͵dʒʌstəfə`keʃən] n. 正當的理由(與介詞 for 並用) There is no justification at all for harming animals to make fur coats. 為了做毛外套而傷害動物,這種做法根本沒有道理。


[͵fiən`se] n. 未婚夫/未婚妻 Alice was brokenhearted when she saw her fiancé kissing another woman. 愛麗斯看見她的未婚夫親吻別的女人時,心整個碎了。 用法 兩字發音完全相同,差別在『未婚妻』字尾需多加一個 e,而『未婚夫』則不必。


[͵fæsṇ`eʃən] n. 迷戀,著迷 片語 in fascination 著迷地 The children watched the magic show in fascination. 孩子們著迷地看著這場魔術表演。


[͵fɛdə`reʃən] n. 聯盟 The football federation is planning to hold more friendly matches this year to promote football development in this country. 足球聯盟計劃在今年主辦更多場的友誼賽以促進該國的足球發展。


[͵homə`sɛkʃʊəl] a. 同性戀的 n. 同性戀者 This famous actor finally admitted his homosexual preference to the public. 這位著名演員最後終於向大家承認他的同性戀傾向。 Bob was very surprised to find out his best buddy Frank was a homosexual. 鮑伯很驚訝地發現自己最好的朋友法蘭克竟是同性戀。


[͵hɑrə`zɑntḷ] a. 水平的 Draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the page and sign your name above it. 在這一頁的底部畫一條橫線,並在線上簽署你的名字。


[͵hɛtəro`sɛkʃʊəl] a. 異性戀的 n. 異性戀者 Adam insisted that he was heterosexual, but nobody seemed to believe him. 亞當堅持說自己是異性戀,但似乎沒人相信他。 Even though David looks gay, he is a total heterosexual. 雖然大衛看起來像同性戀,他其實是個徹頭徹尾的異性戀者。


[͵kaʊntərə`tæk] n. 反擊 vi. 反擊 The general deployed 5,000 troops in order to launch a counterattack. 這名軍官部署了 5,000 名士兵,準備要展開反擊 *deploy [dɪ`plɔɪ] vt. 部署(軍隊) *launch [lɔntʃ] vt. 發動 The government troops counterattacked at dawn and defeated the rebels. 政府軍於黎明發動反攻,擊敗了叛軍。


[͵kaʊntɚ`klɑk͵waɪz] a. 逆時針的 adv. 逆時針地 The drunk driver lost control of his steering wheel, and the car rotated in a counterclockwise direction. 這名酒醉駕駛人的方向盤失去控制,汽車以逆時針的方向打轉。 *rotate [`rotet] vi. 旋轉 Press down and then turn the lid counterclockwise to open the bottle. 往下壓並把蓋子逆時針轉就可以打開瓶子。


[͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnd] vt. 了解 It's difficult for such a young student to comprehend the underlying meaning of this novel. 要年紀這麼輕的學生了解這部小說隱含的意義是有困難的。 *underlying [͵ʌndɚ`laɪɪŋ] a. 隱含的


[͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsəbḷ] a. 可理解的 The novel is adapted into a shorter version, using clear and comprehensible English. 這本小說被改編為較短的版本,以清楚易懂的英文寫作。 *adapt [ə`dæpt] vt. 改編 比較 comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsɪv] a. 全面性的 ⑥


[͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnʃən] n. 了解 片語 reading comprehension 閱讀理解力 listening comprehension 聽的理解力 a reading comprehension test 閱讀測驗 a listening comprehension test 聽力測驗 My comprehension of our environment greatly changed after I saw the documentary. 看過這部紀錄片後,我對我們環境的了解大大的改變了。 *documentary [͵dɑkjə`mentərɪ] n. 紀錄片 I think the reading comprehension is the most difficult part of the test. 我認為這次考試閱讀測驗是最難的部分。 比較 reading ability 用嘴巴閱讀的能力 listening ability 聽的能力 writing ability 寫作的能力


[͵kɑnfrən`teʃən] n. 爭論,對抗 Mike wanted to avoid confrontation with the bully atschool. 邁可想要避免與這惡霸在學校對決。


[͵kɑnstə`tjuʃənḷ] a. 憲法的 片語 a constitutional amendment 憲法修正案(*amendment [ə`mɛndmənt] n. 修正案) - an amendment to the constitution Freedom of speech is a constitutional protection in a truly democratic country. 在真正的民主國家中,言論自由會受到憲法的保護。


[͵kɑnsə`leʃən] n. 安慰 The only consolation for Andy is that none of his family was hurt in the earthquake. 安迪唯一的安慰就是他的家人在這次地震裡全都平安無事。


[͵kɑntə`njuətɪ] n. 連貫性(不可數) There is no continuity between the start of this story and the end of it. 這則故事的開頭和結尾沒什麼連貫性。


[͵kɑntə`nɛntḷ] a. 洲的,大陸的 A continental breakfast is a light breakfast that usually contains no meat but bread and butter. 歐陸式早餐通常指一頓輕量的早餐,沒有包含肉,只有麵包跟奶油。


[͵kɑntəm`pleʃən] n. 仔細思考,考慮 片語 be in contemplation 思考中 Mr. Wilson spends half an hour every morning in contemplation before he begins to work. 威爾遜先生每天早上上班前會用半個小時的時間做思考。


[͵kɔrpə`reʃən] n. 企業(- company) Mr. Smith runs a major corporation. 史密斯先生經營一家大公司。 比較 cooperation [ko͵ɑpə`reʃən] n. 合作 in cooperation with... 與⋯⋯合作 We made a film in cooperation with that big company. 我們和那家大公司合作拍一部電影。


[͵kɔrə`spɑndəns] n. 通信聯繫,一致 片語 be in correspondence with sb 與某人通信聯繫 A is in correspondence with B A 與 B 一致。 I have been in correspondence with my pen pal for years. 我和我的筆友通信聯繫已經有好幾年了。 I respect John because what he does is in correspondence with what he says. - I respect John because what he does is in accord with what he says. 我尊敬約翰,因為他言行一致。


[͵kɔrə`spɑndənt] n. (報社、通訊社)特派員 Our war correspondent sent this story from Iraq. 我們的特派戰地記者從伊拉克傳回這則報導。


[͵kɔrə`spɑndɪŋ] a. 相應的 Company sales are up 20% from the corresponding period last year. 公司的營業額和去年同期相較上漲了 20%。


[͵kən`tɛmpt] n. 輕視 片語 with contempt 輕視 When the impressionist painters first exhibited their work, many people treated the artists with contempt. 當印象派畫家第一次展覽他們的畫作時,許多人都很輕視他們。


[͵lokə`motɪv] a. 活動的 n. 火車頭 The cruise lost its locomotive power due to some mechanical problems. 該艘郵輪由於某些機械問題失去了動力。 A locomotive provides power for the train. 火車頭帶給火車動力。


[͵lɛdʒɪs`leʃən] n. 立法程序,法規 Legislation of a new trade agreement will be difficult and will take time. 新貿易協定的立法程序將很困難且耗時。 The new legislation on abortion will be enacted next year. 有關墮胎的新法規將於明年頒佈。


[͵mænəfɛs`teʃən] n. 表示,顯示 片語 be a manifestation of... 是⋯⋯的表現 Elena's painful shyness might be a manifestation of her lack of confidence. 愛蓮娜這麼怕生可能是缺乏自信的顯示。 The doctor said my insomnia could be a manifestation of a strong sense of insecurity. 醫生說我的失眠可能是強烈缺乏安全感的表現。


[͵mɑdəfə`keʃən] n. 修改 We made a few modifications to the original plan to make it more effective. 我們對原先計畫做了些修改,讓它更為可行。


[͵nævə`geʃən] n. 導航 Mechanics discovered that there were some problems with the plane's navigation system. 技工發現這架飛機的導航系統發生了一些問題。


[͵nɑmə`neʃən] n. 提名 片語 win the nomination as... 贏得⋯⋯的提名 After a fierce competition, John won the nomination as candidate for mayor. 經過激烈的競爭後,約翰贏得了市長候選人的提名。 *fierce [fɪrs] a. 激烈的


[͵nɑmə`ni] n. 被提名者 Nominees for the 2008 Academy Award's Best Director were announced this morning. 2008 年奧斯卡最佳導演的被提名人名單於今早宣佈。


[͵nɑn`vɝbḷ] a. 非語言的 Bart misinterpreted Sally's nonverbal cues and thought she had a crush on him. 巴特誤解了莎莉非語言性的暗示,以為她對他有好感。 *misinterpret [͵mɪsɪn`tɝprɪt] vt. 誤解 *cue [kju] n. 暗示 *have a crush on sb 迷戀某人


[͵nʌnðə`lɛs] adv. 然而 The final exams are coming; nonetheless, Frank is still fooling around as usual. 期末考將至,然而法蘭克仍如往常到處瞎混。 用法 以上這幾個副詞帶有連接詞 but 的意味,在文法中稱為連接性副詞,然而由於其畢竟為副詞,在句中出現時,之前仍須加上分號,用以連接兩個對等主要子句。例: John is nice; nevertheless, I don't like him. - John is nice, but I don't like him.(but 是連接詞,故之前置逗點) 約翰人很不錯,但我不喜歡他。


[͵orɪ`ɛntḷ] a. 東方的,亞洲的(大寫) The Chinese restaurant was decorated in an Oriental style. 這家中餐廳的裝潢有東方風味。


[͵orɪɛn`teʃən] n. 走向,目標,新生訓練 William was disappointed to find the non-profit organization has a commercial orientation. 威廉發現這間非營利組織有往商業走的趨勢時感到很失望。 The orientation ceremony will be held a week before school officially starts. 新生訓練將於正式開學前一個星期舉行。


[͵ovɚ`(h)wɛlm] vt. 戰勝,擊潰,使不知所措,淹沒(文) 片語 be overwhelmed by... 對⋯⋯招架不住 I was overwhelmed by their warm reception. 他們盛情款待讓我招架不住。 We overwhelmed the enemy with superior weapons. 我們用精良的武器大敗敵軍。 Helena was overwhelmed by grief when her puppy died in an accident. 海蓮娜的小狗狗意外喪生之後,她傷心極了。 The small village was soon overwhelmed by the 且ood; fortunately, all the local people were evacuated in advance. 小村子很快就被洪水淹沒;幸運的是當地民眾已事先被撤離。 *evacuate [ɪ`vækjʊ͵et] vt. 撤退


[͵ovɚ`(h)wɛlmɪŋ] a. 壓倒性的 片語 score an overwhelming victory 壓倒性的勝利 an overwhelming majority 壓倒性的多數,絕大多數 The opposition party scored an overwhelming victory in this election. 在野黨在這次的選舉中獲得壓倒性的勝利。 An overwhelming majority of the staff members were opposed to the new regulation. 絕大多數的職員都反對這項新規定。


[͵ovɚ`du] vt. 超過 片語 overdo it 做某事做得太過分 Adding imaginative illustrations will help liven this book up, but don't overdo it. 在這本書裡加入富想像力的插畫可以讓書活潑起來,但不要加過頭。 *illustration [͵ɪləs`treʃən] n. 插圖 *liven [`laɪvən] vt. 使活潑 *liven sth up 使某物活潑起來


[͵ovɚ`flo] vi. 溢出,洋溢 n. 溢出 片語 overflow with... 滿溢著⋯⋯ - brim with...;; - be filled with...;; - be full of...;; The river overflowed because of the heavy rainfall all week. 因為整星期的大雨,這條河的河水溢出來了。 When Amy heard of the death of her father, her eyes overflowed with tears. 當艾美得知父親過世時,她的眼中充滿了淚水。 I put a bucket underneath the water tank to catch the overflow. 我在水槽底下擺了一個水桶裝溢出來的水。


[͵ovɚ`hɪr] vt. vi. 無意中聽到 I overheard a couple next to me saying that they didn't like the meal. 我無意間聽到坐我隔壁的那對情侶說他們不喜歡這裡的食物。 比較 eavesdrop [`ivz͵drɑp] vi. 竊聽(與介詞 on 並用) We caught him eavesdropping on our conversation. 他在竊聽我們的對話時被我們逮個正著。


[͵ovɚ`it] vt. vi. 吃太多 Jessie tends to overeat and smoke too much when she is under stress. 處於壓力下時,潔西很容易過量飲食及抽菸。


[͵ovɚ`slip] vi. 睡過頭 Tim called in to take 2 hours off because he overslept. 提姆打電話來請 2 個小時的假,因為他睡過頭。


[͵ovɚ`wɝk] n. 工作過度 vi. 工作過度 Overwork will decrease work efficiency. 工作過度會降低工作效率。 *efficiency [ɪ`fɪʃənsɪ] n. 效率 Jimmy has been overworking for a while since one of his colleagues left. 因為一名同事離職的關係,吉米已經加班好一陣子了。 *colleague [`kɑlig] n. 同事 延伸 overtime [`ovɚtaɪm] n. 加班;加班時數 & adv. 加班 work overtime 加班工作


[͵petrɪ`ɑtɪk] a. 愛國的 Singing the national anthem proudly is a great way to be patriotic. 驕傲地唱著國歌是表現愛國的好方式。


[͵plæn`teʃən] n. (熱帶地區種植橡膠、咖啡、甘蔗等)一大片林地 The banana plantation is in ruins because of the fire last night. 經過了昨晚的火災,整片香蕉園全毀了。 *ruins [`rʊɪnz] n. 廢墟(恆用複數) 比較 plant [plænt] n. 植物;盆栽


[͵prihɪs`tɔrɪk] a. 史前的 片語 prehistoric times 史前時代 We can tell by these fossils what human life was like in prehistoric times. 從這些化石我們就可看出史前時代人類生活是什麼模樣。


[͵pærə`dɑksɪkḷɪ] adv. 矛盾地 Paradoxically, the more water I drink, the thirstier I get. 矛盾的是,我水喝得越多,口就越渴。


[͵pæsɚ`baɪ] 複數形: passersby [͵pæsɚz`baɪ] n. 路過的人 No passersby paid any attention to the poor beggar. 路過的人們都沒注意到那個可憐的乞丐。


[͵pɛnə`treʃən] n. 穿透力 Plastic materials resist water penetration. 塑膠材質可以抗拒水的穿透力。


[͵pɝsṇ`ɛl] n. 人員,員工(集合名詞),人事處(- human resources) All sales personnel are to be strictly trained to increase sales. 所有業務人員均應受到嚴格訓練以增加銷售業績。 用法 personnel 是集合名詞,表『人員』或『員工』,指所有的 workers(員工)或 employees(受雇者),視為複數名詞。作主詞時,動詞亦應為複數。 personal [`pɝsṇḷ] 則為形容詞,表『個人的』或『私人的』。 the personnel manager 人事經理 personal letters 私人信函


[͵pɪrɪ`ɑdɪk] a. 週期性的,定期的 Periodic checkups can help you spot diseases in their early stages. 定期健康檢查可幫助你早期發現疾病。


[͵pɪrɪ`ɑdɪkḷ] n. 期刊 Dr. Stevenson has been contributing articles to several prestigious management periodicals. 史帝文森博士持續在幫好幾本權威的管理學期刊撰寫文章。 *prestigious [prɛs`tɪdʒɪəs] a. 有名望的


[͵pʌnktʃjʊ`eʃən] n. 標點符號(集合名詞,不可數) Editors have to check punctuation and spelling before books are sent to printing. 編輯在書送去印刷之前要確認標點符號與拼字的問題。 延伸 period [`pɪrɪəd] n. 句點② comma [`kɑmə] n. 逗點③ semicolon [`sɛmɪ͵kolən] n. 分號 colon [`kolən] n. 冒號 question mark [`kwɛstʃən͵mɑrk] n. 問號 exclamation mark [͵ɛksklə`meʃən͵mɑrk] n. 驚嘆號


[͵riprə`djus] vi. 生殖,繁殖 vt. 複製,翻拍 Rabbits are known to reproduce at an extraordinary rate. 兔子以繁殖迅速著稱。 Many of the painter's major works were exquisitely reproduced in this reference book. 該畫家的許多作品都被精緻地翻拍在該工具書裡。 *exquisitely [ɪk`skwɪzɪtlɪ/ɛk`skwɪzɪtlɪ] adv. 精緻地


[͵riprə`dʌkʃən] n. 生殖,繁殖,複製品 The reproduction method of this newly discovered species of beetle is not yet clear to scientists. 科學家仍不清楚該新發現的甲蟲類以什麼方式繁殖。 The connoisseur told me that the painting I bought wasn't an original work of Picasso but merely a reproduction. 行家告訴我我買的畫不是畢卡索的真跡,而只是複製品。 *connisseur [͵kɑnə`sɝ] n.(藝術、美食或音樂等的)行家


[͵rɛfə`ri] n. (足球、籃球、拳擊等)裁判 Both teams were happy with the referee's decision. 兩支隊伍對裁判的決定都很滿意。


[͵rɛkə`lɛkt] vt. 回憶 That man's face looks familiar, but I can't recollect where I saw him before. 那人的臉看上去很面熟,但我想不起來在哪裡曾見過那個人。


[͵rɛkə`mɛnd] vt. 建議,推薦 片語 recommend sb to V 建議某人做某事 The teacher recommends us to read the questions twice before answering them. 老師建議我們在回答問題前要把問題先看兩遍。 The manager recommended that the meeting (should) be put off. 經理建議將會議時間延期。 用法 recommend 表『建議』時屬意志動詞,其後 that 子句中要使用助動詞 should,而 should 往往予以省略。意志動詞為表示建議、要求、命令、規定等的動詞,例如:recommend、advise、urge(呼籲)、 propose(提議)、move(提議)、ask、desire、demand、require、request、insist(堅持要求)、order、command(命令)、rule、regulate(規定)等。 recommend that + S + (should) + V 建議⋯⋯


[͵rɛkəmɛn`deʃən] n. 建議 I'm not sure what to do. What's your recommendation? 我不知道該怎麼做,你有什麼建議嗎?


[͵rɛzə`dɛnʃəl] a. 居住的,住宅的 Changing a section of the national park into a residential area is irresponsible. 將國家公園某一區改建為住宅區是不負責任的想法。 *irresponsible [͵ɪrɪ`spɑnsəbḷ] a. 不負責任的 延伸 a residential area 住宅區


[͵stret`fɔrwɚd] a. 直接的,易懂的 Don't beat around the bush. Mr. Lin is a very straightforward man. You can talk openly with him. 不要拐彎抹角的。林先生是很直接的人。你可以很坦率地跟他說話。 *beat around the bush 拐彎抹角 The installation of this software is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is follow the instructions step by step. 安裝這套軟體很容易。你只要一步步跟著指示就行了。 *installation [͵ɪnstə`leʃən] n. 安裝


[͵supɚ`fɪʃəl] a. 表面的,膚淺的 The book shows only a superficial understanding of Einstein's theory of relativity. 這本書對於愛因斯坦相對論的了解只是皮毛而已。 Mary is so superficial that she only cares about a person's looks. 瑪麗很膚淺,她只在乎人的外表。


[͵supɚ`stɪʃən] n. 迷信 An Irish superstition says that you will have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror. 古老的愛爾蘭迷信有此說法:你若打破了鏡子就會有 7 年的壞運。


[͵supɚ`stɪʃəs] a. 迷信的 片語 be superstitious about sth 迷信某事 A large number of Westerners are superstitious about Friday the thirteenth. 很多西方人很迷信十三號星期五這個日子。


[͵supɚ`vaɪz/`supɚ͵vaɪz] vt. 監督,管理 The UN is supervising the distribution of relief supplies to refugees. 聯合國正在監督救濟物資發放給難民的工作。


[͵supɚ`vaɪzɚ/`supɚ͵vaɪzɚ] n. 監督者,主管 My dad has a full-time job as a supervisor at that factory. 我父親在那間工廠擔任全職主管的工作。


[͵supɚ`vɪʒən] n. 監督,管理 片語 under sb's supervision 在某人的監督管理之下 These orphans are under the supervision of qualified social workers. 這些孤兒由合格的社工人員監護。


[͵sɛnsə`tɪvətɪ] n. 敏感性 Adam's tenderness and sensitivity won Eve's heart. 亞當的溫柔與心思細膩贏得夏娃的芳心。


[͵sɛntə`mɛntḷ] a. 感情的,感傷的 片語 be sentimental about... 對⋯⋯有所感傷 for sentimental reasons 出於感情的緣故 Laurence is too sentimental to be a good leader. 勞倫斯太多愁善感了,無法成為一個好領導者。 Juliet kept all the movie tickets for sentimental reasons. 茱莉葉保存這些電影票是出自感情的緣故。


[͵sʌbstə`tjuʃən] n. 代替品 片語 the substitution of A for B 以 A 代替 B The substitution of honey for sugar made the cake more healthy. 用蜂蜜代替糖使這個蛋糕吃起來更健康。


[͵tɛmp`teʃən] n. 誘惑 Scott resisted the temptation of the beautiful girl's invitation and was faithful to his girlfriend. 史考特對女友忠貞,拒絕了這名美女邀約的誘惑。


[͵tʃɪmpæn`zi] n. 黑猩猩(可縮寫成 chimp [tʃɪmp]) Genetically, chimpanzees are very similar to human beings. 就基因上來說,黑猩猩跟人類非常相似。 *genetically [dʒə`nɛtɪkḷɪ] adv. 從基因學/遺傳學而言 比較 orangutan [o`ræŋu͵tæn] n. 紅毛猩猩


[͵vaɪə`lɪnɪst] n. 小提琴手 It's my understanding that Joshua Bell is one of the world's greatest violinists. 就我所知,約書亞‧貝爾是世上最棒的小提琴手之一。


[͵ægrɪ`kʌtʃərəl] adj. 農業的 片語 an agricultural society 農業社會 The scholars discussed agricultural issues in the Third World at the conference. 學者們在會議上討論第三世界的農業問題。


[͵ɑntrəprə`nɝ] n. 企業家 The entrepreneur started his own business selling beauty products. 這名企業家開創自己的事業販賣美容產品。


[͵ɔdə`tɔrɪəm] n. 禮堂 Our high school auditorium has a seating capacity of 2,000. 我們高中的禮堂可容納兩千名座位。 *capacity [kə`pæsətɪ] n. 容量


[͵ɔltə`reʃən] n. 變更,修改 片語 make alterations to sth 修改某物 The pants didn't fit, so I took them to the tailor for alterations. 這條長褲不合身,所以我把它拿去裁縫師那兒修改。 The secretary made some alterations to the document to make it better. 秘書把這份文件做了些修改讓它變得更好。


[͵ɛksɪ`kjuʃən] n. 執行,處決 The execution of this plan requires a large amount of time and money. 這項計劃的執行需要大量的時間和金錢。 The execution of the murderer will be carried out tomorrow morning. 這位殺人犯的處決將於明天早上完成。


[͵ɛvɚ`læstɪŋ] a. 永遠的 Legend has it that vampires achieve everlasting life and eternal youth by sucking people's blood. 傳說吸血鬼靠著吸人血獲得永生與青春永駐。 *vampire [`væmpaɪr] n. 吸血鬼


[͵ɪndɪ`spɛnsəbḷ] a. 不可或缺的 片語 be indispensable to sb/sth 對某人/某物是不可或缺的 - be essential to sb/sth A good dictionary is indispensable to anyone who wants to have a good command of English. 若你想要把英文學好,一本好的字典是不可或缺的。


[͵ɪnsɪ`kjʊr] a. 不安全的,沒自信的 片語 be/feel insecure about... 對⋯⋯感到沒自信的 Though well trained, Kevin still felt insecure about his ability to handle the job. 雖然受過良好訓練,凱文還是對他處理該工作的能力感到沒自信。


[͵ɪntjʊ`ɪʃən] n. 直覺 Intuition told Sophia that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. 蘇菲亞的直覺告訴她,她的男友一直對她不忠。 *cheat on sb 對某人感情不忠


[͵ʌndɚ`grædʒʊɪt] n. 大學生 a. 大學部的 片語 an undergraduate student 大學部學生 The loan is available for undergraduates who qualify for financial aid. 凡合乎獎助金資格的大學部學生皆可申請這筆貸款。


[͵ʌndɚ`laɪn] vt. 在⋯⋯下面劃線,強調 All the underlined words are the most important ones in the article. 所有畫底線的字都是本篇文章中最重要的。 The increasing crime rate underlines the importance of recruiting more police officers. 犯罪率的升高凸顯了徵募更多警員的重要性。 *recruit [rɪ`krut] vt. 徵募新成員


[͵ʌndɚ`niθ] prep. 在⋯⋯之下 Police sent a bomb squad to defuse the bomb underneath the ambassador's car. 警方派遣了一支防爆小組去拆除大使座車底下的一枚炸彈。 *bomb squad [`bɑm ͵skwɑd] n. 防爆小組 *defuse [dɪ`fjuz] vt. 拆除⋯⋯的雷管 *ambassador [æm`bæsədɚ] n. 大使


[͵ʌndɚ`stændəbḷ] a. 可理解的 As Dick was insulted in public, his rude reaction was understandable. 因為迪克當眾受到侮辱,他的粗暴反應是可以理解的。


[͵ʌnfɚ`gɛtəbḷ] a. 難忘的 I had a whale of a time during my stay in Paris. It was really an unforgettable experience. 我在巴黎時玩得很愉快。那真是個難忘的經歷。 *have a whale of a time - have a good time 玩得很愉快


[θaɪ] n. 大腿 Many women are concerned about the ratio of muscle to fat on their thighs. 許多女性很關心她們大腿上脂肪和肌肉的比例。 *ratio [`reʃo] n. 比例


[θron] n. 王位,王座 片語 succeed sb to the throne 繼承某人的王位 come to the throne 登上王位 The throne of England commands respect but does not command armies. 英王的王權只享有尊榮但無兵權。 *command [kə`mænd] vt. 指揮,控制 Anne will succeed her father to the throne after she turns 18. 安妮 18 歲的時候就會繼承她父親的王位。


[θrɔŋ] vt. vi. 擠滿 n. 群眾 片語 a throng of... 一群⋯⋯ be throng with... 擠滿了⋯⋯ - be crowded with... People thronged the supermarket to buy food after the weather forecast warned a typhoon was approaching. 氣象預報說颱風要來之後,超市擠滿了購買食物的民眾。 The streets are thronged with tourists at this time of the year. 每年這個時候街道上都會擠滿了觀光客。 In the square, a throng of protesters were gathering around the speaker. 廣場上,示威者開始慢慢聚集在該演講者四周。


[θrɪl] vt. 使興奮 n. 興奮 I was thrilled to meet my favorite singer in person. 能見到我最喜歡的歌手本人令我很興奮。 *in person 親自 Riding in an airplane for the first time really gave Tommy a big thrill. 第一次搭乘飛機真的令湯米非常興奮。


[θrʌst] vt. 猛刺,猛推 n. 猛刺(三態同形) 片語 thrust A into B 將 A 刺入/推入 B The hunter thrust the spear into the wolf's body and killed it on the spot. 獵人將長矛刺進了狼的身體,當場殺了牠。 The robber thrust the girl into her bathroom and locked her in. 搶匪把這女孩推到她臥房,把她關起來。 I ducked my head just in time to dodge my opponent's thrust. 我及時低下頭來,躲過了對手的擊刺。 *duck [dʌk] vt. 突然低下(頭) *dodge [dɑdʒ] vt. 閃躲


[θɔrn] n. 刺 Most cacti are filled with thorns. 大多數的仙人掌都佈滿了刺。 *cacti [`kæktaɪ] n. 仙人掌(複數) *cactus [`kæktəs] n. 仙人掌(單數) 比較 bony [`bonɪ] a.(魚)多骨/刺的 Be careful. This fish is bony. 小心!這條魚有很多刺。


resumé [͵rɛzjʊ`me] n. 履歷表 To apply for this job, please send your resume to our personnel department. 要應徵這份工作,請你將履歷表寄到本公司人事部門。

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