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distribution of slave population Which of the following was the most important cause of the trends depicted on the map above

A southern inability to develop a free labor manufacturing economy

How were the spanish conquistadors, Nathaniel Bacon's frontiersmen, and the Puritans were similar? - All groups saw themselves as God's chosen people. - they believed that they would find great wealth in the New World - All treated the native Americans brutally. -they all tried to chirstianize the native-population.

All treated the

From 1854 to 1865 which of the following was the fundamental principle all Republicans agreed on

Am absolute opposition to the expansion of slavery into any new territories

Which of the following statements characterizes American settlement in California before the mid 1840

Ameican settlement in california was fairly sparse in this period

Most of the people living in West Africa when European trade began in the early fifteenth century were - Yorubas - Jews - Animists - Muslims


"Florentine Codex: GeneralHistory of the Things of new Spain" Which of the following events in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries represents a continuation of the processes described in the excerpt above?

Attempts by the U.S government to gain dominance over the North American continent through military and other means

"The seven years' war in North America" The development in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about that time?

By the mid-1700s, english colonists believed they had access to plentiful supplies of land

"The first two centuries of Slavery in North America" Which of the following types of evidence would best support Berlin's main point in this excerpt?

Colonial probate records documenting the rising standard of living in New England

Which of the following is correctly matched with his area of exploration? -Balboa - rounded the cape of good hope in Africa - Pizarro - explored the Isthmus of Panama and was the first European to see the pacific Ocean - Cortes - conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico - Diaz - conquered the Mayan city-states in the Yuacatan Peninsula

Cortes - conquered the

"The seven years' war in North America" The patterns described in the excerpt are most different from which of the following patterns of the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Demographics patterns of Native Americans on the Atlantic coast

"John wise, A vindication of the Government of new England churches, 1717" The ideas expressed in the excerpt above most clearly show the influence of which of the following

Enlightenment ideas

picture of mainfest destiny The sentiments expressed in the painting led most directly to

Environmental transformation of the western region

The navigation acts of the mid-seventeenth century included which of the following

European goods imported to the colonies had to go through English ports

Society of pewterris at the time of the image's creation, which of the following groups would most likely have supported the views expressed by this banner


"Picture of Indian farm" This image best serves as evidence of which of the following

How native peoples adapted to and transformed their diverse environments

"poem by indentured servant servant James Revel" This source most likely originated in which colonial region

In a colony in the chesapeake

"A short narrative of my proceedings- Indians" The beliefs and concerns depicted in the excerpt above most immediately resulted in which of the following

Increased intensity and destructiveness in European-American Indian warfare

"John wise, A vindication of the Government of new England churches, 1717" which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view of the excerpt?

Indentured servants

William Johnson + governors of penn Which of the following most directly resulted from the issues described in the two passages above

Indian nations shifted their alliances among competing European powers

Which of the following native groups capitalized on its geographic location in central New York and remained a significant political force in North America long after colonization? -Algonquians - Iroquois - Pequots - Wampanoags


"How domestic Animals transformed Early America" The idea in this excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about North America in the last third of the seventeenth century? - English settlers frequently questioned the morality of acquiring the land inhabited by Native Americans. - Native Americans tenaciously resisted Europeans' efforts to encroach on their lands and modify their cultures. - The inability of Native Americans and colonists to understand one another caused frequent conflict. - Many Europeans developed a belief in white superiority to justify their subjugation of Indians

Many Europeans developed

Which of the following New England colonies required church membership in order to vote - Massachusetts Bay - Connecticut - Plymouth - Rhode Island

Massachusetts Bay

Steps of prohibition WHich of the following events of the late 19th century to the early 20th century show continuation of the message depicted in the cartoon

Passage of the 18th amendment in 1920

Which American colony was established in the 1660 as a haven for quakers


Which of the following scenarios unfolded at the Batlle of gettysburg in July 1863

Picket charge at the heart of the Union line was a costly blunder that forced a confederate retreat

Must be a class to do menial duties The excerpt would best support which of the following historical arguments

Racial stereotyping of slavery as a positive good

distribution of slave population The map above best reflects which of the following historical patterns

Regional economic specialization

"The rise and Fall of the plantation complex" The development described by the Curtin in this excerpt most strongly suggest which of the following about the fifteenth century - West African leaders were eager to engage in trade with Europeans, who provided a welcome alternative to Arab merchants and new markets for African Commodities - Coerced labor was the norm in most societies, and, as Portuguese traders gained dominance in the slave trade, slavery became widespread in Afirca. - The reconquista established the dominance of Christianity on the European mainland and justified Portuguese merchants' enslavement of black Africans. - Religious wars spurred Europe's overseas expansion and fueled Europeans' increasing reliance on African slaves as laborers

Religious wars spurred

Pictures of ships and shit Which of the following events or trends in the 19th century most closely parallel the contents depicted in the image above

Resistance to the assertion of federal authority by state government

Which of the following was a consequence of the Bacon Rebellion of the 1670

Slavery began to replace indentured servitute

Colored masquerade Which of the following ideas or trends of the 20th century would compare most closely with those depicted in the artwork above

Society assumptions about gender in the 1950

The waggoner's curse Which of the following groups in the 20th century shared most closely the sentiments of the author of the lyrics above

The American federation of labor

The 1854 Kansas Nebraska Act led to which of the following outcomes

The Missouri compromise of 1820 was repealed

The relationships described in this exceprt are most similar to which of the following examples from sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? - Interactions between masters and slaves on Caribbean plantations. - The New England Puritans' relationships with native peoples - The English settlers' realtionship with Powhatan's people around Jamestown - Interactions between native peoples in New France

The New England

Martin Luther advocated which of the following ideas? - The Catholic Church was corrupt and i need of reform - People would have the right to change their government if it oppressed them - Most people required the clergy's help to read and understand the Bible - People could be saved only by grace, which was a gift from God

The catholic church

What did 19th century American expansionists mean by the term Manifest Destiny

The citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the pacific ocean

"poem by indentured servant servant James Revel" The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuites in U.s history

The conomic and class tensions resulting after migration to the Western Hemisphere

"Niles weekly: war of 1812" Which of the following debates or movements in the nineteenth century and early 20th century represents a parallel to the issues described in the excerpt above

The considerable home front opposition faced by both the Union and the confederacy as they mobilized to wage the Civil war

Which of the following statements describes the election of 1876

The democratic canidate won the popular vote, but the republican officials in three southern states certified reupbilcan victories, sending two sets of electoral votes to congress

"Florentine Codex: GeneralHistory of the Things of new Spain" Which of the following resulted most directly from events such as those described in the passage above?

The development of the encomienda system as a means of resource extraction.

"The first two centuries of Slavery in North America" Which of the following was the most direct consequence of the developments described in the excerpt

The dramatic growth of the african slave trade

"poem by indentured servant servant James Revel" The agricultural needs of the crop described in this passage most directly contributed to which of the following

The emergence of the Atlantic salve trade

"Land division in the Northwest Territory" The map above reflects most directly which of the following continuities in U.S history

The failure to define precisely the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

"Florentine Codex: GeneralHistory of the Things of new Spain" This passage best serves as evidence of which of the following

The forces that fueled European exploration and conquest

William Johnson + governors of penn which of the following changes over time between the writing of the first and second passages was the most contextually significant?

The french withdrawal from North America and subsequent attemps of native american groups to reassert their power

Which of the following describes the first people who migrated to the Americas? - The group consisted of bands of hunter-gatherers - The first Americans built large, permanent villages. - They did little hunting and mostly gathered edible plants - They lived on large, permanent farms.

The group consisted

"The seven years' war in North America" Which of the following developments best supports or illustrates the ideas described in this excerpt

The growing market for British manufactured goods in America

"The first two centuries of Slavery in North America" The pattern described in the excerpt was most directly associated with which of the following historical developments

The growth of the south atlantic system

How did the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incans by 1535? -He had a large force of 1,000 men and 500 horses and easily overwhelmed the Incans. - The incans were already weakened militarily and divided because of rival claimants to the throne. - The Incans were frightened by the Spaniards and did not resist his forces. - The Spanish forced Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, to surrender to the Spanish.

The incans were already

Map of Missouri Compromise Which of the following actions or events from the middle of the 19th century compares most closely to the events that this map describes

The kansas-nebraksa act

The eerie canal which of the following was the major cause of the developments described in the exerpt

The market revolution

The worldview of devout puritans, such as Cotton AMther, was based on which of the following?

The notion that supernatural forces caused unusual events

Which of the following describes the Crittenden Compromise

The plan was a failed attempt to prevent secession

"A short narrative of my proceedings- Indians" The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United states history

The racial stereotyping of American Indian groups

Why did plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown sturggled for many years

The religious discipline of the Plymouth settlers encouraged their stronger work ethic

The eerie canal The developments described in the excerpt were most directly associated with which of the following occurring in the United Sates at the time

The rise of the middle class

Six sermons on the Nature, sin of land Which of the following led most directly to the setiments expressed in thie excerpt

The second great awakening

"The rise and Fall of the plantation complex" Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support Curtin's argument in this exerpt? - Portuguese ship captains' diaries describing their impressions of Africa and its people - Cartographers' maps depcting the Mediterranean region and West Africa in the fifteenth century - Plantation records documenting the growth of sugar production and profits during the fifteenth century - The ships manifests of trade goods on Portuguese merchant ships between 1400 and 1500

The ships manifests

Colored masquerade Which of the groups was likely the intended audience

Working- class whites

Must be a class to do menial duties The excerpt above serves as evidence to

a broadscale debate about states' rights

picture of mainfest destiny the ideas expressed shows what continuity

a sense of unique national mission and a superior cultural identity.

"The records of the federal convention" Which of the following resulted most directly from the debate described in the passage above?

a solution to the slave issue was postponed setting the stage for recurring conflicts

Map of Missouri Compromise The issue highlighted in the map above led most directly to

a truce over the issue of slavery

Jourdan Anderson escaped slave the passage above best serves as evidence of

african americans challenging their prescribed place

"The records of the federal convention" The passage above best serves as evidence of

an increased awareness of the inequalities in society

On October 12, 1492, Columbus, his men, and his ships reached - an island in the Bahamas - Brazil - Mexico - Florida

an island in

2 excerpt about manifest destiny The two excerpts above are best understood in the context of

assertion of the U.s power and expansionism in the Western hemisphere

Painting of sermon shit The painting above best serves as evidence of

colonial religious fervor and diversity

"The growing power of the American Merchant 1750 Triangle trade" The process of transaction depicted on the map above most directly led to controversies over

colonial resistance to perceive corruption in the imperial system

Which issue caused a split in the democratic part during the election of 1864

continuing the war

Which of the following features characterized the Middle Atlantic colonies of New york, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century

cultural diversity

Henry Clay debate over judiciary The passage above evidence

debates over the authority of different branches of the federal government

King Henry VIII started the English Reformation by - encouraging the English clergy to preach John Calvin's ideas of salvation - declaring himself supreme head of the new Church of England - getting divorce approved by the pope in Rome - completely embracing Martin Luther's teachings.

declaring himself supreme

President Buchanan responded to the secession crisis by

declaring secession illegal but claiming that the federal government had no power to reverse it

"Niles weekly: war of 1812" During the period of 1800 to 1820, the arguments in the excerpt above created the strongest divisions between the

democrats and the whigs

Six sermons on the Nature, sin of land Which of the following oppose the ideas expressed

ethic communities of immigrants

"Picture of Indian farm" As a primary source, the image above is best understood as

evidence that some native societies developed permanent villages

cartoon of 1812 the controversy highlighted showed

expansion efforts and a sequence of wars.

Typically, when an English woman of the fifteenth century married, she - lost any claim to all of the family's property on her husband's death. - received full control of the family's property on her husband's death. - owned property jointly with her husband - gave up ownership of her property to her husband

gave up ownership

Map of expansion railroads which of the following was a major cause of the hsitorical process depicted on the map above

government policies promoting economic development

Painting of sermon shit Movements similar to those depicted in the painting above the most directly led to

growth of a religious faith that led colonials to see themselves as a chosen people blessed with liberty

cartoon of black man voting the controversy depicted in the cartoon above led most directly to

increasingly prominent racist and nativist theories being used to justify discrimination and segregation

The Encomiendas granted by the Spanish crown in the sixteenth century consisted of - farming tools and haerds of livestock. - large quantities of gold and silver. - building supplies for New World churches. - legal control over American land and Indian labor

legal control over

photograph of black soldiers in union army the photograph above was most directly a result of

lincoln's decision to issue the emancipation proclamation

By the mid-1500s, Spain's main goal i north America was to - establish colonies of settlement along the Atlantic coast. - control the fur trade of the North American interior. - discover new Indian kingdoms that could be conquered and exploited - maintain its dominance and power in the region.

maintain its dominance

The waggoner's curse Which of the following groups would be most likely to agree with the tehme of this song

members of the nativist movement

"The growing power of the American Merchant 1750 Triangle trade" This map would be most useful to historians analyzing

mercantilist aims and priorities of Britain in the Atlantic world

"How domestic Animals transformed Early America" The patterns described in this excerpt led most directly to which of the following historical developments? - Native American efforts to expel the English colonists from New England - European colonists' increasing dependence on African slaves as agricultural workers - The development of a rigid racial hierarchy - Increased conflict between Native Americans

native American efforts

The English philosopher John Locke believed which of the following ideas?

people had natural rights such as life, liberty, and poverty

Picture of ships and shit The activites undertaken in the image above had their most direct origins in

perceived constraints on the colonial economy

Six sermons on the Nature, sin of land The ideas expessed in the excerpt above most directly reflect which of the following continuities

periodic burst of religious reform and revivalism

Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts Bay for - teaching that believers did not need to obey church rules - claiming that women were the full equals of men - questioning the idea that good works led to salvation -engaging in adultery and sexual promiscuity

questioning the idea

Colored masquerade The poster above is best understood in the context of

racist stereotyping and the notion of slavery as a positive good

Must be a class to do menial duties The excerpt most likely written as a result of

regional identity asserted through southern pride in the institution of slavery

"Niles weekly: war of 1812" The passage above best serves as evidence of

resistance from state governments in response to federal attempts to assert authority

Jourdan Anderson escaped slave the passage above was most likely written in reaction to

temporary changes in the relationships between white and black people in the South

map of indian country the map above is best understood in the context of

the US government hoping to end american indian tribal indentities through assimilation

photograph of black soldiers in union army The photograph above best serves as evidence of

the changing purpose of the civil war

Society of pewterris The ideas expressed in the image above most clearly show the influence of

the development of a culture reflecting the interest of an emerging urban middle class

army breaking shit and stealing Unknown women The pair of excerpts above is best understood in the context of the

the effectiveness of the Union wartime strategies

Map of expansion railroads the map above best serves as evidence of

the emergence of an industrial culture in the united states

"Land division in the Northwest Territory" This map best serves as evidence of

the enactment of policies that began to encourage orderly incorporation of new territories into the nation

Map of expansion railroads the process depicted int he map above reflects

the environmental transformation of regions

"The rise and Fall of the plantation complex" The patterns described in this expert most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments? - Europeans' insistence on the need to Christianize the native inhabitnats of the Caribbeans - The establishment and growth of the sugar plantations in the tropical regions of the Ameicas - Ferdinand and isabella's decison to subsidize chirstopger columbus' votages of exploration - Spanish conquistador's brutal subjugation of the native populations of Mexicao and Peru

the establishment and

2 excerpt about manifest destiny The 2 excerpts quoted abvoe would be most useful to the historians analyzing

the heated controversy generated by the acquisition of new territory in the west

army breaking shit and stealing Unknown women the two excerpts quoted most useful to people analyzing

the mobilization of both Union and confederate cultures, economies, and societies to wage the war

The waggoner's curse the ideas expressed by the lyrics above most clearly show the influence of

the philosophy and ideals of the emerging working classes

"John wise, A vindication of the Government of new England churches, 1717" The belief expressed in the excerpt above has the most in common with which of the following

the second great awakening

"The records of the federal convention" The excerpt quoted above would be most useful to historians analyzing

the series of compromises worked through to form a national government

Henry Clay debate over judiciary The central context for the opinion expressed in this passage is

the transformation to a more participatory democracy

Picture of ships and shit The image above best serves as evidence of

the uniting of the British colonies by colonial elites

map of indian country the changes depcited on the map above were most directly the result of

the use of military force in response to american indian resistance

in 1845, Texasn claimed that their boundary extended

to the Rio Grande on the south and west

Steps of prohibition Which of the following groups would most likely support the perspective of this cartoonist

urban entrepreneurs

cartoon of black man voting which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon

women activists

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