Malcom X

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What was the Black Nationalist movement?

A movement that advocated economic self-sufficiency, race pride for African Americans, and black separatism.


A prison inmate. The most vocal of Malcolm's fellow inmates, makes speeches that gain him the respect of guards and prisoners alike. He demonstrates to Malcolm the power of independent thought and persuasive argument, and thus serves as an inspiration to Malcolm when Malcolm converts to Islam.

Why did Malcolm split with the Nation of Islam?

After orders not to comment on JFK's assassination, Malcolm says it is a case of "the chickens coming home to roost." After this Elijah Muhammad silences him for 90 days. Malcolm realizes it is an excuse for the nation to cast him off and calls it a sudden divorce. He then works on his own projects such as Muslim Mosque Inc and Black Nationalist movement.

Diatribe (n)

An attack, an aggressive speech

West Indian Archie

An older Harlem hustler. He pays Malcolm for helping him run an informal gambling system in Harlem until they break violently over a misunderstanding. His photographic memory and aptitude in math exemplify the wasted potential of the black ghetto.

Master W.D. Fard

Co founder of the Nation of Islam.

Malignant (adj)

Evil, wicked

Superfluous (adj)

Extra, redundant, unecessary

Marcus Garvey

Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.) with the goal of uniting all of African diaspora to "establish a country and absolute government of their own." Advocated for the idea of sending African Americans back to Africa.

Why does Malcolm have to leave Harlem?

He has to leave Harlem after the local narcotics squad, Italian racketeers, a hustler that he punched, and West Indian Archie are all out for his blood. Shorty picks him up and brings him to Boston.

Why was Malcolm X killed? Where was he killed? how old was he?

He was shot by rival black muslims at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights February 21, 1965. He was 40.

How does Malcolm X's view of white people change over the course of his life?

In the beginning of his life Malcolm does everything including scorching his scalp to try and conform to the ways of the white man. During and after his years in prison he starts to loathe the white man and sees them as the devil. After traveling to Mecca he realizes that not all white people are bad and that Americans were mislead at one point.

Uncouth (adj)

Lacking good manners

Emasculate (v)

Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective.

What are four of Malcolm's names that he went by in his life?

Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Satan, Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz.

Explain two reasons that explain why Malcolm was contradictory throughout his life via his actions or speech.

Malcolm is contradictory by conking his hair profusely as a young adult while trying to look more like the white man. Later in life he bashes these "Uncle Tom Negroes for conforming. He also deals and does every drug under the sun when he is young but when he converts to Nation of Islam preaches that it is a sin.

Why is Malcolm sent to prison? Where was Malcolm living when he as arrested? Who was involved?

Malcolm is sent to prison for burglary. He was living in Boston at the time. Malcolm, Shorty, Rudy, "The Fence", Sophia and her sister were involved.

Mr. Ostrowski

Malcolm's English teacher. He tells him that he wants to become a lawyer. Though he supports the professional aspirations of white students who are less intelligent than Malcolm, he tells Malcolm to become a carpenter.


Malcolm's best friend during his Boston years. A musician who at first leads and then follows Malcolm into a life of crime. A foil for Malcolm: while Malcolm converts to an aggressive hustler lifestyle, he leads a comparatively normal life. The differences between the two men is clear in his surprise at Malcolm's foul language and violent tendencies, which he witnesses when Malcolm returns to Boston from New York.

Louise Little

Malcolm's fair-skinned, black mother, who endures the worst of the Great Depression. For Malcolm, she represents the harm that the white government does even when it claims to be acting charitably. Welfare agents separate her from her children and put her in a mental hospital, and Malcolm's insistence on visiting her regularly shows his strong commitment to her.

Earl Little

Malcolm's father. A preacher and political organizer from Georgia, a tall and outspoken authority figure in Malcolm's early years. assassinated by whites for preaching the Black Nationalist ideas of Marcus Garvey makes him a martyr for black nationalism.


Malcolm's first date, a quiet, middle-class black girl from Roxbury Hill. When Malcolm dumps her for Sophia, she becomes involved with drugs and prostitution. She is an innocent victim of the ruthless and self-hating behavior that Malcolm observes in urban black communities.


Malcolm's half-sister on his father's side. When Malcolm is an adolescent, she provides him with a model of female strength and black pride. She represents family unity within the autobiography. She welcomes Malcolm into her home in Boston and always supports him, later lending him money for his pilgrimage to Mecca.


Malcolm's white girlfriend. They do not love each other but rather use each other as status symbols. She represents the tempting allure of white women for black men, and the emptiness of her relationship with Malcolm shapes Malcolm's skepticism about interracial romance.

Sister Betty

Malcolm's wife, a quiet and strong woman. The autobiography does not emphasize her role, though she acts as Malcolm's secretary, housekeeper, and confidante. She endures his busy traveling and work schedule, gives birth to five of his children, and witnesses his assassination.

Reginald Little

Malcolm's younger brother. Malcolm takes him under his wing from an early age and continues to protect him in Harlem. Malcolm's later justification of his eventual insanity as retribution for sinning shows Malcolm's commitment to the principles of Islam.

Does Malcolm become "Icarus" during his tenure working for the nation of Islam?

Malcom does become Icarus while working for the nation of Islam because he is given many freedoms however still has boundaries. He takes the nation for granted and ends up ruining everything by breaking their rules just as Icarus did flying too close to the sun with his wings.


Or Ethics. An appeal to the knowledge or ethical or moral standing of the person presenting the argument. A politician for example might appeal to his credibility, moral character, or past achievements.


Or Logic. Draws on factual statements or logical conclusions. Most scholarly articles are composed primarily of arguments based on logos, since they typically contain a thesis that is supported by research.


Or emotion. Most commonly used in advertising because peoples financial decisions are so often swayed by their emotions. Often given a visual rhetoric. Any type of rhetoric using humor.

Galvanize (v)

Shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action.

Stagnant (adj)

Sluggish, inactive


The art of presenting information in a persuasive manner.

Alex Haley

The author of Malcolm X autobiography. Worked concurrently with Malcolm X in many interviews.

What, from Malcolm's experiences, draws him to a militant activism role versus the nonviolent approach of MLK?

The rape of his grandmother by a white man that lead to his reddish hair started his hate for whites early. Then his house was torched by the Black Legion as a child.

Elijah Muhammad

The spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm treats him with immense respect even before he knows him, writing him letters daily while still in prison. Though he seems like a benevolent father figure, he becomes a jealous and defensive leader as his health fails and as Malcolm becomes more powerful.

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)

The world heavyweight boxing champion. Generous and understanding, provides a place for Malcolm to stay during the first days of Malcolm's split from the Nation of Islam.

Who were Uncle Tom Negroes and why was Malcolm opposed to them?

Uncle Tom negroes are blacks that absorb white culture and cover up their roots to blend with whites. Malcolm is opposed to them because he views the white man as evil and is against conforming to their culture and embraces his instead.

Erroneous (adj)

Wrong, incorrect

belligerent (adj)

hostile and aggressive

menial (adj)

lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity

Polarize (v)

to cause division of opinion

Placate (v)

to make calm; to soothe

Recoil (v)

to shrink back, withdraw, retreat

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